Newspaper Page Text
TERMS 87.00 PER ANNUM: VOLUME 9. RIAL BBTAW A N NSIIRANCE AIENCT. JOHN' L. SWITS & CO., jam L. 8W1TS, I. B. HILL, W. P. UDDER. Mck»t»' WMk, mm,) •Bco^insT. fcprm4 Uaia#me4 CITY lOT* elUag Hoiw* ntorm •ou«ht, Sold and Leased. House Lot* for Sale* of A Ureal Mar*al«. We 4» Those rliir t,l«* lot" OfBtt V front o,i b-.iti. aide 1, and leet tut ,.f Rock Maud alreet. The above i* a rv line location: price very x?r,n* Z- i'"lv r.,y am«H low •f'cMli down balance "n l"»K terl" of Hl V, 1: Lot nr. ItriMlv street, wentstdv,^ f» ct .f iitice Ti*rv l«*w. Ou pay S U, j"'"lit, i'lrulv '.'trt-.-I.V." -^i front b. I'M f«t Jeep I. n.M 1 "Price *12 front foot. Ko. a On Third street. l"t V. 1" Parker aad 4ition,'corner b't.) pric, So jo I'our house lot- in Davison Trues addition- tir,o ••ark. Term* ea-y. »i Tliiriv house lots in Slayma far'i addition |f-to II.V each. Tern., easy. Nlure l«ot» fin* «nlr. v„ 47. On till ..jM.t ,•»•(» ot Itrady Kt. 4* hour on Itli si in Railroad bridge, r?" AK". lurnnheil .-»uiie, 1 rooms lor tinl f«r R«l. 0 4 Woup' n i'i locii|jai t'l"r,-"l|irl0«,'ll now buildinict'to bo ready fur occupancy ioM»vot June n«'*t- plans of which may be Been at cur ollice. Kiorr for Itrat. Od Tee west store and basement# in Mc »«. Mack Co., Ofiy lei-t J" I' ••ouar* Tor «i»le. *I„ irt 11, M. 'in'.lll .nivvo -tory brick nwpl Jkiw. 1 1 Aui, St* Til-' looiv is III K ,-tntUl possesion br oo.t condition, w now Kiv«-l» in. '.lays, il In- house. 1'rii-,- ol lioii«i' and lot. ^t,«•'** one 'SwnUanh' bainnc- tlnu. at lo« iut^eat Ko T.fHIHII' *'r ,, I A brick dwelling ho»se on h-'_d ht i. cnsli, rest on trio- at •v v per cent, a" Tin* '»l»te now owned and occupic'l br We.. S. l»ow. K-l "ii« '^velliiiK lioose •nu threi- full lots, ft outing soiuli npon tli comer Of I'arnuri Mveet Ho- l.o,i,e I«i iu ,». Act repair, l.mi.iir b-n Htt.-.l up by the owner for liinisclt. Tli- arrau^ciuent ot the house tasi"lnl and coniplct-. 1 be vi-w I rum this Third street. Ifctirccn'a additiou. l'lice, |t"". Ko 8" lirick house and lots, sputheaat cor JttW of 4th nnd Main Sts known asThorinjiton es 15'1 ft- front uu each St I'nce S llia.v rciu'ain for a term of years at a low rate ol mterst \o Frame dwelling, south sole -I Btreet. east ol Wan en St.. and lot. iV'-'''. No 5 Double house west side of Jerry lit.. corner of l^ihs,ree«. l'r.'-, lwo-th.rd9 mav i eina'" on morlfjane at per cen KMH1*** IX'iiv soiitlt ••••I stroct, one mile west of Ura.lV street price. |1Two thirds mav remain on mortice ai six per rent. Ko 1. New iranic house on Itrady street i a Btnrtel re.idence, i Tri'-c. *•!.•. \o 11 Valuable house with acres «f land we'll .locked fruit of all kinds, with .table, earn..*" house, wood house, cow .table. waKon I I two we'N liasture. orchard and Toii'ii'^Krove -the whole'place well fenced and in perfect order and repoir price Niorr* ior Sale. Ho. 85. 2 va'ufble store-, we!', r-iitcd PUftNiN elinore'. IddllioB. Utiow laid off into tots of all prices) and they llTreadv for s:de on very easy terms and at low urioes. tiou»e Lots, Store Lots, V arehousi- I.ot., jftttorv Lois- Fnraaw Waatefl. We want to purchase improved farm. frtWi 80 f« 160 awes cacti. Wale• oe f.i itores, all imprcv-.1 and under ftBCC miles ifrotn the city, with excellent house, iv S nines ,v,„.(l house, wash house, burn rCb'H "toi!I^in*. two wells, cistern, orchard Of trees, .apples, pears, peaches and cherries Price |u :,•.••• jlv W, balance ou a term ot yeNoS 17 acres, fenced, a improred be art cf Margaret Noel's laud. adjoinm« Mr. Olfve's place. T&.s» »dai"fd deNo'risrU|? licr lur aloes'! alf unproved and under fence ^Hth house, at Hickory Urovj. i'rice II--"1-1 *®v j-'.. acre, unimproved land near Du tant'.Vt |l.'"peraerv cash, balance in five years arieg, 5 mile, from the city, on the tlubiiune road, all impyoved and under fence, Sh houre and si aid-, i'rice |i.*"" two thirds m,v remain for a terra of years to suit the pur- ^joo acres in I.inn County, (^improved and I?'1'1-'" acres f.'ar Welcott, imrored Htl und' fence, wilb house price|I. "sIh". a «s iu l'oweshiek Co" at per acr.. 4...-'aeres i" I«*a county at •.• per acre. J...- L-res i-« SIO:ii eom.t» at a.I per acWfc i'i. tres in f.ay cun.y at Ur" are V'. a^e. in Hancock county at |1 j-er agfc acres iu Winnebago o. at |1 PW m..o i acres at per acre. s at 7-'. nts per acre.] »cres in Tamil county. 1 -rea id Storv county. 12" a. Winii'. ^iiirk Co. at per aeffc »cres „in(lv cul,„tv at |2 per acl«. 4.,-. .teres in -.unty at I'i.-V' per «f*. |oo acres in IT jj,,,,,. at- per acre Ifitl'it ill Wt ".i| ttrf». 44. acres in Houston touutj FIRE INSURANCE. fhtiii Fire Usurtwe €•., Itliitlc Fir® Uamnmn €•., Uaar Fire Usurtice OF NEW YOUK. IU Fire l»s«rtie« Com of UVHTFORI), CONV.l SfrtagleM iV-'« OF SPBISOt LP' MAS!?- LIFE INSURANCE. HWW* CraMctiMt Life Setaa Ufo Iwaraw* C*^ OF HARLFOED. COS*. 'Hew Itrk Life rflMwitv life IsMTMce Ce^ OF SEW YORK. John L. Swtti A Co* »w ... ntatv ae DAILY DEMOCRAT. H. l'BTT «ML!. k Nu. 87 Park Ko«, New V-.rk »o-1 ?t*l» «t «»t, U are "ur ajtrti in tlc*e nrirt and are »Mtlijri*e! v take alr»rtt»»n:»::'." and «')li*crip tlorn f'»r u* *i "«»r low** rat»*«. i C. frcai «».'.'• D-arliom i'r~v Cl.icafo. It a n n i a a o i v e a i f- LOCAL ITEMS. SHAWI.!" SHAWI.S!—A Hpl'-n'Jid assort ment at Whisler'a. Moiainljiqtie Shawln, 'Jhallie Shawls, F'rcnch Merino Shawls, f"ahmere Shawls, Silk Shawls. Brocha Shawls. 8taw?f Arcuo*—Ten eotd Rejp»:8 and Moaert to b« «o!d at aoit'on to 8i:urd.r, Jane !8ib, IHCi jait ttn cf the I)-pT, io tLeci y 1 Davenport. R«l« to coiL'tneLcr at cue o'clock Ral 1 toactibet mn»l be old, alibccjli tbr* bring only JO) esch. j» IG-alt- iCi H. V Tcrt, AacV. SWAIN'S HOIBBOS ]$IT.KKS.—Theattention of our ror.tJc-rs is ilirertc*! to the advertise ment of Swain's Bourbon Bitters in another roltmin. From fxperience wc can recom inciitl this beverage as one of the most bene ficial and nutritions extant. Our frieud, C. A. Cook, of Lhicago, has the agency for them. 1'II TCM I*AINTIWO.—i. B. McQrar, late of Haltiuiore, has established a gallery on Brady street, twojloor.s below 4th, west side, and is prepared to paint photographs in the |.er,t style in oil, water, Indian ink, winro and ivory type. Also, copies taken from old ainbrotypes, daguerreotypes, Jfcc. fall and examine his specimens. MILITARY men, as well as those in civil life, should remember that the largest stock of clothing and gents' furnishing goods in iMvvnport, is kept at Maas Mayer's, N". 11 West .Second str»-et. Country merchants can get goods there at less expense than they can go to ('hieago and purchase them. AGAIN we ahiso everybody, especially our tnarriel friends, to call at Webb's and see the choice stock of silver-plated goods he has on hand. Also his fine assortment of table-ww generally. There is nothing in the line that he cannot sell you cheaper than any other dealer dare do besides the stock is large, and gives you a larger lield to select from. Country dealers should call when in town. ...— 0x1.11,irr Exci Rfiov.—The officers and trustees of the Methodist Surulnv Scho .! have made arrangements for a moonlight excursion on Thursday night this week, on the ferry-biat Rock Island, in charge of C.ipt. Robinson. Strawberries in cream, lainonade, and other refreshments, will he on the in abundance. The excursion will go down as far as Buffalo and return. A band of music will be in attendance. The fare will be 50c for adults, and 'Joe for chil dren. Everybody is invited to attend. BACK A«AIN.—After an absence of a few w eks we notice our old friend lr. W. W I'arker on the streets, as usual, with his hands in his breeches po kets, the same old six-jiencc. We understand he Ins been ave'.ing through the interior of Minneso ta. and lie reports the prospects for the crops through that State as very favorable, considering the extreme dry weather which they have had dtiring the season. They liav- had 110 rain for the last three mouths, yet the wheat he says looks very well. FINK DWFM.IJIO Hot SE BVRXFP.—At about half ten o'clock this morning the beau tiful residence of Mr. D.illam, in Dav enport. was discovered to be on fire, and in a le« moments was burned to the ground. The entire family, excepting a servant, were absent at the tiiue, and as the location of the residence was somewhat secluded, the flames had got under such headway before the arrival of assistance that it was impos sible to save nnn of its contents. The In-s is estimated at from $2,000 to $2,o"i.i, and is partially insured. LOCATION OF I,AMP POSTS THAT ARE TO BE LIGHTED.—The following named locations have been selected by the Gas Committee to be lighted: There are seventy-five in all: 1 on the corner of Harrison and Front. 1 corner of Front and Main, 1 corner Front and Brady, 1 corner Front and Perry, 1 corner Front and Rock Island, 1 corner Rock Island and 2d, 1 corner Perry and 2d, 1 on 2d between Brady and Perry, 2 corner Brady and 2d, 1 on 2d between Brady and Main, 1 corner Main and 2d. 1 between Main and Harrison, 1 corner 2d and Harrison, 1 on 2d between Harrison and Riple}*, 1 cor ner Ripley and 2d. 1 corner Scott and 2d. 1 comer Western avenue and Second st.B 1 corner Gaines and 2d. 1 corner fld and Western Avenue, 1 corner Ripley and 3d, 1 corner Harrison nnd 3d. 1 corner Main and ld, 1 corner Brady and id, 1 corner Perrv and :*d, 1 corner Rock Island and 3d, 1 cor ner Iowa andod, 1 corner LeClaire and 4th. 1 corner Iowa and 4th. 1 corner Rock Isl and and 4th, 1 corner Perry and 4th, 2 cor ner Brady and 4th, 1 corner Main and 4th, 1 corner Harrison and 4th, 1 comer Ripley and 4tli, 1 opposite Court House, 1 corner Scott and 4th, 1 corner Western Avenue and 4th, 1 cor Harrison and 5th, 1 corner Main and 5th, 2 corner Brady and 5th, 1 corner Rock Island and 5th, 1 corner Iowa and 5th, 1 corner LeClaire and 5th, 1 corner Harris on and lith, 1 corner Main and tth, 1 corner Brady and tith, 1 corner Perry and 5th, 1 corner Harrison and 7th, 1 corner ady and 7th. 1 corner Harrison and 8th, 1 corner Harrison and !»th, 1 corner Harrison arid 10th, 1 corner Harrison »!id lltli, 1 corner Harris"}*! and 12th. 1 corner Harrison and 13th, 1 on Brady, between 5th and Oth, 1 corner Brady and 8th, 1 corner Brady and 9th. 1 corncr Brady and 10th, 1 corner Brady and 11th, 1 corner Brady and 12th, 1 corner Brady and 18th, 1 comer 12th and Perry, 1 comer Perry and 9th, 1 on Brady between Front and 2d, 1 on Brady between ii! 5Qd 8d, 1 on Brady between 3d and 4th, and on Brady, tolnrwn 4tb aad Mb, MCI ISLIND BKIMiE ON HBR THEBKAW DESTROYED At about three o'clock this afternoon the usual |iiieUiess of our city was thrown into the utmost confusion at the instance of the !i-,covery that the west end of the draw pier of the Rock Inland Railroad Bridge was on lire. When flr«t discovered, the finmes had carcely kindled to a blaze, but owing tothe dry and iguitable condition of the timbers, and there being a considerable flow of wind, the entire pier wa? soon enveloped in flames, and beyond the power of rescue. The ut most endeavors on the part of the Bridge Master and his force of watclimen were ex erted to stay the flames, but without avail. Nothing could be done to impede the pro gress of the fire, and in about thirty minutes from its discovery, the portion of the bridge spanning this pier had fallen to the water's edge. portions cf it floating down the .stream. The fire-engines were promptly at the nearest accessible point of the eonflagr.ition. Of course they could get no nearer than the i v e s e e o w i a e e w a s run up through the ties and along the btidge to within scorching distance of the Haines, whence thev played on the span adjoining. It was probably through their sironuoits exertions that the north end was saved.- The south end of the bridge, owing to the direction of the wind, was not in as great danger, and only required a few men to throw water upon the most exposed por tions to save it. The ferry boat at'emtcd to render assis tance, but Wiis not successful, owing to the low stage of water where she had to go. As to the origination of the fire therein no -finit" conclusion. Some think that it caught fp'in the sparks of the steamer Dav enport, which had just pa-cd through, while others that it caught in the small shanty situated on the west end of the draw pier, in which, it i-, said, matches, shavings, and other ignitnbles were kept. The laUnyjiii of hour prevents further re mark!!. PRESBVTF.RIAN Cm II FESTIVAI .--There was a grand rush to Metropolitan Hall last evening. The splendid entertainment pro vided by the enterprihing ladies of that So ciety was worthy of the most extensive pat ronage. The hall was most elaborately decorated, and the tables were provided with the most delicious strawberries, the richest cream and sweetest sugar, together with all the other delicacies too numerous to enumerate. The bab\-«-how was an elabor ate feature, which alone was worth the small price of admission," and more too. Those who could not attend last evening, should not fa:! to go to night. The induce ments w ill be none the less, and the profits may be more extensive. io, by a'.ljineans. for if you have any taste for the beautiful and the delie ous, you cannot afford to stay away. THE Daily Milwaukee IFRTT* sayn: Dr. Gardner's treatment of the eye and ear is wonderful."' The Doctor can be consulted daily at the Burtis House. ARE you deaf or blind Have you any disease of the eyes or ears, call on Dr. Fe: rard, the celebrated Spanish physician, on Main street, below the National Bank. Dr. Fcrranl has cured more diseases of the eye and ear in the last three months, and has more patients under treatment than all ti e doctors in Iowa. He cures all old chronic diseases. Remember the place, Dr. Geo. Ferrard. Main street, between Front and Second streets. On Tuesday, June 2Sth, and every Tues day during the summer and fall. Dr. F. will be in Muscatine. junel5dlw4W4t THE Milwaukee Sentinel says Dr. !ardner is one of the most success ful Oculists and Aurists in the country." He can be consulted in this city at the Burt is House. JILT.—Friend Foi RTH or ing a tremendeons stock of Fire Works o e v e y v a i i e y o i e a o a i n I n dependence day, and which he sells at Eas tern prices. Retail dealers need not send to Chicago or other markets for a supply, as Mr. Starr can furnish them with every thing they may want in the line, and at remarkable low figures, (.y and examine his stock and make your selections. See advertisement in another column. TUE delegates to the Democratic State Convention, which will be held at Des Moines to-morrow, from this county, left on the M. &. M. Railroad this morning. READ the advertisement of Hamlin's Wiz ard Oil inanothea column. It will cure just what it proposes to. Try a bottle. THE EVE AND EAR.—Persons suflWfag from diseases of the Eye and Ear, should? avail themselves of the opportunity of con sulting Dr. Gardner, the eminent and skill ful Oculist and Aurist, who can be consult ed daily at the Burtis llouse. Send for one of hi.s circulars. Fainter* U anted. TWO GOol) HOl"SE PAINTERS. Win Onkes, Ste. Marguerite'. Chu i*9-dl- Dajr Boarders. A FEW UENTKKL PERSONS ("A* HEAR of an excellent opportunity to obtain board *f «pon applying to Uua egea, jMl 8 PAVfiNPOiir, IOWA, WKDESDAY, JUNE 15, iMi. F0U RTH OF JULY. 18«4. FIRE Works! AT WHOLESALE & RETAIL S A S The Largest Stock ever brought It lovra, eeBprisiHf Fire Crockets* Torpedoes, Roman Candles* fcky-rocketSf Wheels, Flower Pot% Bengali Light*, Flying l'igeon*, Scrawls, Pin Wheels* &e &C«f AT CHICA88 PRTTU. THE W^-on*in, of Milwaukee, say "We advise those suffering from dis- EMrtryc nf HVPCV Icillfl ise of the eve and ear to consult Dr. Hard- '"ft The Dr. can be consulted daily until Thursday July 7th, after which time he will visit this city one week in each month.— Office at the Burtis ll' Use. S Ul tJVt 1 Torpedo and Fire racker Gr »S. ALot-r ].. uutiiC ,••••i. fruit*, I'oufctUmneriett, *f., OLl PENS, Cutlery-, Siei*eo»c«i»ic Vlewst And tk»UM(uI» «f i'ther arliclt* too nn per- ouh to mention. jnel5-yy4 I S E A S E S OF TUB DU. OAlinNF.n. KORMKIM.Y OF LONDON. KIIJ-IHIHI. that helms ak et. the BVRTts nor nm. wber" lie will remain until Thursday, July 7th, nnd after that time will visit this city one week in aeli month, ni"! ti be consulted rlnily from From A, M. to 1 P. Jl. ua«l from to n. u Deafness, Noise in the llecd, Catarrh Impair ed Sl^ht, and all the diseases of the EYE AND EAR. Artil'd .! Kyc- in-er1 «.vi'!o.u:t pr.hi, and per fectly r-'-i'Tiibhiuj tiie eye. Operations for Cmar iici, Stmh-i-ieus or t/ioss Kye, Artilieial Pupil, etc., skillfullv performed. De.ifne-«. Voices ii: lii" Kar, from the Kar. Scale.* in the Ear, Accun.uhttioT of Wax in the Eur, tact, eu-rv disease of lie- E1K A^D EAR treated, oj,..rations in Starr is receiv Aural or Opthaimic Surgery performed by Dr. Gardner. Dr. frardncr refers by permission t« ng medical gentlemen Dr. J. Mott ari.l Dr. Levr tt, New York City Prof. Haii born an 1 Dr. J. Hlake, Boston !»r. Moor. Rochester Dr. Woodward, Providence Hon. Neheiniali Pierce, \. Y. In Milwaukee to F. II. Smith and f. Hutchinson, Dr. Gardner's residence is at 271 Writ !7!h stirrt, I car Broadway, 5. T. iunel —diw5»- N E W E W E Y S O K J. D. W1LLSON RESPECTHDiivenpnrt, DAVENPORT DEMOCRAT. THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER. 15 CENTS PER WEEIC SWAIN'S BOURBON BITTERS SWAIN'S BOURBON BITTERS SWAIN'S BOUHBON BITTERS A healthy toole. fentli-r'muUr.'. an.] on-qsai led m.-rning appv',!jcr. Prrparrd In ripe oM Buurb'.n. Being n .* cud ti the pii-la«en of all otbtrr Bitters in mere flit L'cll*d Atmy ll-tfiUil*, and million* cf privau fan.illef, end ii the OH!v Jamui:ct. Liirr Afc i iut, Lur" tit', Isiirwtt- sri".'. 0»ric»»—-J "T" •''dlN-v •''dlN-v but who hsis be.-n practicing tor the last \ear with jrrest SIIC/HHH in Wisconsin, re -pectfully informs eit.te is of Davenport and Vicinity, LLY ANNOUNCE* TO THK people of nnd viciuity, that he l:a* just opened at his new -tore, on Urudy Nr., flrnt door above M, a carefully selected, m.d ery choke a-sortiuetit ef WATCHES, CLOCKS —axd E W E Y embracing every modern f-tyle and patera, which he cfl'er?. at remarkably low figure. Also Plated and Stiver Ware! warranted to lie of «tiperior quality. Dy offering the bent quality of Gooda, Belling at reasonable price*, aud prompt attention to the want* «,i the public he hopes to merit a liberal patronage. Call niSee^Maek. H. B.—Particular attention given to ret ai ins WMtaaa. jMU4lf ppipppp I'pppppip PPP I'P PPPPPPPP ppppppp i PPP ppp pop'jl.w mfdlriaa which !h- ti np«-.isliy txtmptrd tlUL.L!.• \JI :-5: JL-.- .VTRR.C.««BK U.e un cf hfc'. .ug Lrta aA Mandard rtmtiu U» U.t cic'i -al profr-Vj« SWAIN'S B9UXB0N BITTERS ^^They art made of ln*rf Her!? »r!l known *r.d apj -o".«-d tj it.e vtf1wtl i 'ftumon, a* 111Virift I-.-r.ic' jurcpf-'t^f, arc both p»Ja'a!!» anil pleasant,with rtOeicnt strength propylrnrre-.' e I !!1 en derange ment f' t»- »y«teta, :'.nd eel I'.ke aehrru «b«B taken a-"_Td'.rg '. di: "ti. E, af a rptr.C-LY AR the fallnwir.j A\teatn ".-"c-r r? yw'ft, SWAIN'S BOURBON BITTERS TOR Hfatheit, OftilttKtu, and kindred «Hnm% arlaipif from a diaui-.Icred cuu.!ttkn cf f!»a 8'om»ch, I.!-ir, cr li.•*.-!«. Let t-rry mu toy these i^ri-:it-: II!:-..- er-t- and naed, they w:il :-c^-:3in»nrt ficin wlih cnn§* derc« In all others who are in n?) -.f a rhola rme, agreeal-!e i-.d effectual Tbe ra^ Idly in«-»fcf'ii!. d. "ia-.i for 'tr*? Waters bat Induced nse to them i-uhi'.'-ltT, so that thousao who have :.-t u» t'.eit n.ajr trf tbem ai'.d b« convinced of liivir SWAIN'S B0U3B0N BITTERS or L/irtiet, who have f-l an.l found moB other "Sto »ieh Bi'-tui" Ur trUter, vnpul* tal'f loe it 'fJ.'j v.'-'rw! for tveir iel -ala 'ante ve ll striiil, a-»d y will not IK.- witU -ut iheoi. Thev »:II GIVE fine t« the stomach, and sltrr «.ii t- t-,-e system. IS^lf ,V"U" drtisfgH cr trademr.aa ha? sat got tktx Bil'.rrt, liav i.!w eerwl fur lle ui.— fy tteiumi'x tb buae, and take uc other, SWAIN'S BOURBON BITTERS -•iS.u.r, .. .ie twer. .-.?!.• i •..!- tNe at. v .» u:-jcti-* cf M- eal 4.urii..:. rt". i a •••.:,it..-! i edj l-y Mrd .-9l I'r -n «, h- hy il«r «... .-i•-• of e I o a o i e e I n e n a I I K I I FBO I K I .4mi mn. DK. C. II. SWAIN, Pr.oriUBTO* 2:r ?'\T**r' Nw V'!'k' C. A. COOK, General A^nnt ftr the We«t, Office, 2''. Market Street., Chicago Sold Bt wholesale in li cujro by Fuller, l-'inch A Fuller, Hu*h iiiui Ai Y::n ftr-banck. |\V. II. Har risA Co.. an-i C. E. Si iilh. tlroiraints. In D.iv eiiport I il T-U-r•Ijeek A Mill' r. d- WIZARD OIL!" aw THIS SPLBeiiiD liESiiDi COIlES r.K i 11 A 11 I- i! r.-e *!:-. 2? M- i: \l.I A lis: M'A 1!. I:. Mi- '•ii l- Vi -!e. i !r. T-e. Vi-M'.i, VIII.-'AI 7: -. 1' U AIR. KIIK1 MATFSM. 1M Y DR.RR,. i »'ll H«. ('it/ XS-. (1 i's -1. w:r: -Ai.*'--' (1 i's -1. ii T!»:i *1 r»-v]y •«»i ',ri'to i v i U i n i- i i a V u wi.i alw.50 k?»pi!oD Imn-J apnirMt t! time «f I'ric.' rut ."»0 jM-r 1*ottie. TJH* Iiut? ntnrly Xlw iinK» mwh u tl»« "h hy J. /. ItAMUN & Kfttv, l.)2 WjtfMnirtt n ?tr?r*, ami for cute by pr* ral'v. IVjir,* A v A TaiWr ifEW GROCERV HOUSE. Juliti* Stht'eihtf^ Corner Front & BRARTY *tt., \Vi..-:--»le i u. t. CHOICE FAMILl GROCERIES, Pro ision^. Sail, Vobacros A' 1'igarn* ALSO Cholee Wine* and Liquor*, ji-ih UK foMow- Cinarnnlee to K«V* Ihe Best (aalily ol' tioodt AND SELL THEM ON THI: LOWEST I.IV I NO term*. Call and emminc the .sl"ek mid learn the priee* in-fore pereb:i«iiiK clseu here. Wholesale dealers will lind it to their edviintajfe to n.e a call. O.M-'ds ddiverei! wi'iiiti the cit\ lit! it t'r* cliars*-. i i i i i i I CtgVMBY HORSES I ltOOO CIViiUV HORSES WAITED IMMKDUTKfcf Af HmithH Liter* StaUe I Y^EMOVAL.- AA AAA AAA A AA VA V A A A.I A AAAAA A AA* PPP mar For which the highest ket price will he paftri. JACOB WASHBURN. May jt-atli.T A E Has removed hi* ei'ensive MOT aaiSBdB MAMTiCTOBI to bis new and commodious (tore Opposite LeClaire Row, Where lie will be to meet hia nuni. oiis customers, llis facrtine^ for turning out THE BEST CUSTOM \VOiK.ate uneurpaswted. He ha«the BEST WOKBMRX tt THK 'iTT, and fill* all order* promptly and «Hiisfactorily. Custom Made Goods tr Ladies' Oeata' and Children's wear alwaya kmi. S74wtf WALL PI PPPI'P PL'PPPPPP PPP N* PII'PPSMV ppp rpp #AA AA PPP R. IITPARKS. o 1 II e o k e VO. l't SOl'TH WATER ST., CHICAGO, i I". P- lt"\ '_''*ol». ish ath im-e- innde i. pmperl v iu store 'u*li7-dlv .t \ni:s ir«» ii./i i r, i '"^OMMis.-lu.v ami I'i'.oit! E Ml Ur 11 ANT. Ai"-.:- «..r S i' i. PKii-Os.nka' Scales, I! wiraiiiic I- IHCIIT. Pi..*« i'.tiUaud iiair. NO 3 VRON1 8TKKF.T, Davenport, Iowa. »njl-dtf E RCH AN TT A IIJORS E A i V-1 A IE O I (1ST PKICE TO lii. HAD Ol FRANZ 3IEVER, Seoond--'reet-'ir .'..oi ..«t ,,f N E W O I N i S U i a n w i k w o n s:.B!nly on f.,n, a good a-s -rtiiient of Gents* Furnishing t»'oods, t'lothe* r,i ni» to order oi ... amJ wa I .Olt-d lo ... I-,!- v-e I .. ». --'d:v4 •loinjoititw, V'o. 18 wr..-| -i OM. -I'i-'EE'l1.1JETWEES O.N ilradv I m^e,.,. ..l.raitd in Ur be»t ttyle, MEN AND »Uiv^* CI.OTIIINU ol every Ul se ipl ion. 'I'lie lull.-st Mlti.-if.iclioii hum :L I .--iieit lion., snv old c.:»toii'. .- -leirewii ticuract: Ot fird'-ri. lliv^^ A. .HII.IK:K. & NO. HiiA S'lK-.lEr, IJKLOW SEC Wll, keeps o. l.allUllM on il.'ai el'J uiakt oidtr. «rat»*, •»OJ•»•, aail C'hlldrr***. CLOTHING "I the It* «t uia! rial and in a lnr.une' rii cannot fail L'iie s»li-la« tioil. 1/1 -ral patrouatfc re»i«*eiluliv aoliuted. |myii-tly J0H5 II'. LIM-A5U nOBMY I XcfLELLtND, BUILDERS. MASL'I ACTLULKS OF Sash, Iters, Bliads, MtiWiags, Bracket*,, Contractors for Buildings nt' J-r rij'ft-. S O A O Y Car, Main A atrtele, U Darfafert, Iowa. 4wH EES EKiEK KK'tita.'UtUli aw Mil EKKKKKFE UltU'i 7 FEE uiti: IC Ai 7 E E :"S* K- iimn'iit Hi.44 1 i .'i i .2 r'j K :t S.S4i4- 1 K.iB i i Bit'l F.EK ZZZF.F. RIM RUB Si *4 1?!! 1 E^E RK:V NOW OPENED, AT PLUMMER'S No. 50 Bradv Street, 1 Above the Post Office, iff STQVK ot PAPER IIA.\«l.\tiS, #fmong ifftirh Witt be found BROWN BLANKS* WHITE BLANKS, ftlTLYft, BRONZED SATLVN, STAMPED .)LD PAPERS* FK.I KF.D suaoen, GtlsT FUOSTfti) All tlie Above it very Low Price* COMMISSION. HAS. If. K! DKIIHiK, Real Estate & Conituisticii Agcut, DUKNPORT. m\. Wtue'i-' J'-rtot'-j.-y ti- I'r-mnttyt* Btlrliff A Welling Real' Kitiitc, i yiirrlf''lis uf |i|! kiiidii. I'AY.M I-..N I 01' TAXES, «-'.riiliilliii2 L"iins, ^Itikliiu: -%hitr:i«'t 'I'ltlfMi, RENTING HOUSES ANO FARMS, A i". i A Iu r. Yi-v, H' K Second door a', i ti 1'-..- jr., »•. r.pr1,| V 2 Produce & omini^ion j)lerchant,' I Pkito'.s AY. ih .iii sT CASH i it E EOR all "I I' -rotrv produce, butter, ejj-jr., etc. L.jii! -tore* c.iti iys u l.auU. Utiys and lis on i •oi'U:ii»»i.n. iivI idtf Mo it orla: Hwil:. A ij... ,! a"'.ttm' ni of ©FNTS" It N s I! IV' I'ooiis, BOYS' CLOTtllM. CLOTHS, i ASsI .MKiJES. s HIKTS, STOCKINGS, which 1 w»l ti..- i. ,.,t i ,t*or.:.ble «('us torn Work Don*- at nil timei and v.armn'' the hest, m' -t durnble tnd uheri|H'-t. All who want the best und Cheapest jji.o.Js riiUst come to no*. I-dN- PRANZ MTYrB. NEW STORE! •Foilii Barteineier A S i E o f- i I s- i K o O O S 1 1 Franklin iek, or: .-"r- i street, bet.. Ivijn and Harrison streets, whi-f" Ii' hes otwtie»i i't NUMBER 198. 1?!! 1 U!S' U!S' STOVES and TINWARE. Storm Stores HILTJS & WASHBUBN 5G Brady Street Nearly opposite Poit ofljee, AVE IX STOHF. AND ABE RECKIVINO T-e largest and bi it r.isortu'eu- -,f PARLOR, COOK i HEATING STOV1CS, thtt car V" j.'.iaacd in ihe (.»tfru A W b.-.e )i'- -ib'-l ii si vfr sale ft»f SANFORII'H Celebrated Challenge Heater on» of the moat econnniieril inrf »ver pro duecl, and for convenience end comfort ai ne ei ual. TL- unri"e1led Trianph, Forest Oak, Iroi Catl) and other favor.te patteran cat ON V )j* ob'*'-a» ed at Hill* and Wa.bburn*. jar erry Move guarantied to aatlafactie^ or thi r.- oeev ref'it .jed. The ri«*rs-»"d K K 1 i in which water m-ff freetee. OFFICE, si.»nr, DirTff j.nntrtf.wftitonfjr ACBSEKY, HALL, A N s S O P.OOM STUYES fltttttrrf hf Mirpafaed. We in* It# fau^ettion aa defy conrpetiswa. AluoonbanU Mock Tinvrarr, Jnppfincd and Porcelain Ware, €h: n.i. S. tis, Ph ni'.lie'l \Yare, I', on! Ilorls, twigii, bbutdi, I'olten, in ikon everything in the line. 9"OH Ha, Ceppcr, & Sfaeei-IrtB Ware^ U I N tr o of »ll kin-!« pr. ne«'v mm tided to. Call and eft aiu UC K-iod- nr-I leal u :!ie pueeB. I «-17dwrr. N EW.HARD WARE STolli •T. A. DIN^RORT, Dealer iu HnrdWiirf. Iron AID F«n»"T Xiili X^ AKMEHS OK SCOTT COL JFTT «EN BPILI^' fll tli ironoealit- .._^^ 2 ti ... ..i..,. ur -df I inslinplnnrnhof all Kiada. st *5 6Mf a r* i'oeM rnrf 'J'.il.'. i il*2 Brady Street, lie tweet Front aod SeroodL v. n ot.ui 4t« i JL KBH generally, are particularly invitedleena* and examine mv ^tock of »ood* before pgr -hai I fi« eUewhere. tl rf prvfltB i« my ne.1 to, ond I intend to cari'i i I out. All poods warr*"'™' I Remember the place in-ito, I ond I intend to cari'i a warranted ju.t aa repreeenlea.— •law and give a ealL J. A. DATCtrVM.J mf i