Newspaper Page Text
i V -lAlt-qm winmiplt^l- i i^lil% ijl fy N S V A N E A I E K Y JOHN L. SW ITS & CO., Slckala* Slock, '.ay ttain.) NM'O^IUI Jierlec More* l'»r Hak. No. S3. vuluabb stores, well rented MBJ t#fBia Weimore'* AtlUilioa. u now lilit off into lots ..rail price,, and they are read for s.ih verv easy terms and at low prices. 'House l,ots. Store l,ot!«, Warel.onseLots, f'actorv I.uts. Farm* Wanted. We want to purchase iuiproted fat mil ft****) to 1W acres each. I'arn* lor flair. a\ 05 uores, all improved and under fence •'miles from the city, with excellent house, y f...and ccllar, 1 wood hoose w is'i ^oiwe, Ur* io feev,! spt mit. t»« i lis, ci'ferh, rirxlihrfT b\ trees, apple*, pears, pcaclios and cherries 1 l'rice »5.5v" cash, balance on a term of Tear No. IT. 8" acres, fenced, a part improved be- inv i,art or Marijuret Noel s land, adjouiing Mr. No Ch"1MIacres M** 'T •v lr£RMS CRMS 87,00 PER ANNUM: VOLUME RIAL BtTATI AVD jnn.i»m,i.i.iiu,ji.r mm,! CfiN«T iino.\ Water, (•proved A UlB^rirri FirM, .SrxMtii clothing, CITY LOTH* •WCIIIMK Mm*** •outfit, told MMI IIoiiMf! Lotfl for Mull* A Urrai Marnali*. \,j 4 i-.,*e v i.inl.liu.4 |..i« rorn« of 1..illt!. ami Ko' Ma.i'l stn-ts, Viii# 1*' l"oel lr»ut iju •milli side um .stre«t, ami J!W fftt on •a«t sole ot lloek I-Wil I «tre-t. Tb« above is a n-rv Inn- location: |in(f very low IOIIIIH ..uironimoiilv easy i-nuM amount uf tu»li ilon:i Imlaiiee oil lung term of y»ri al low I Mir ot interest. So.41. Lot »n I'.rady ttreet, we,1 side, C. fret front bv* It -'. feet dc-p l'l yi ivjow. On pay (Drill lor tin* li.t th iwfji bund itt'l l-Hti," ft,, a t.rm "-r P*r No 0" liru'ly siri'ft. Hi" foct front nv 15" ffit lii'i-ii fi'iH'cl. I'riw ^1- I'^r tliint I No. 8. On Third Mr.-.-t, lot So. lnl'ark. i sa«l- ditiou. curiii-r I'Jt.) 1" N K'Mir hiiuM- l"t i».»vi«on A Inn- 8 ailihtiou tl.Vi i-act. T.nni easy. No* 31. Thirty lioiwe lots in Slaynia ker'a addition $!-' ,,w|i. IVnns easy. Mlorr l.ol«t i'or wale. Xo. 47. One on 4th Si jn«t«Hit of Brady Bt. No! t-i. Four on iiliM iii-hi'Kuilroad bridge. No. •»."•. Alio, tiirnii-ln-'l .uti I1 ID.MIH lor airglr ^ni'l'Mii-n. I'imifluM Howin ibr No 4. w.- «re ri-adv to I'nirnjp" tnrent or to vll hoiMi" now hmhliiiKi'to hi- i. iuly lor in Mav or .Int. n"it plain «l winch nniy he Been at our nfl! Wtorc for Kent. No. 2#. T'"' «''s' -torc HMCI biivincBt, in lle tropolii.m li.rT-k. now on-tipi-d hy Muck Co., ff.-t i for No 1" III M'lhiii-, III., 1« twii olory hriok dwel inK h.uin.-, with lot 1.." f-et.cor. Ann St. Tin* Iti'Usi'is in n«md coiuliti'«», n now ront»**i p*!*ju.'3^it,n i*n in Hi'itiiv*. 11*** liuu*v. coV l't'"'« of hollar nnd Int. 1'" on. third iisli hiihuirc on l»!i« time Hi ilil.TcM No. !». A h: irk dwelling hoiim- oti K-rfd St. 81,1"" i*»!«h, re-it »ii IIIIM- at p-r cent. No. K7. The e^iute now owned and occupied hv Geo. S. How. K("|.,hein({ the dwi-Him horse wild tlireu lull lol-, iiikT "it'i nooii '»th ^t., toriK i ol biii iiiiiii ,-in. t. I his hoi'«r in p* f..( n uuir, huvin^ hi i n lilt'd up bv t!ie owner for himself. Tin- entire arriiticeinem ol the liouse l* tast. ful mill onipl' te. The view from tin place IK iinsurpa-si'it. 'Fi rms easy. No. li". 1'i .une eottajje lioiHe »n Tbirtt «reet, iu Ureeu's addition. I'ricc, fl'.K). No. "•-. ih iik house uinl lots, snn'lipast ror .toer of 1th ami Mmu Sti„ known iisThoriii{toii es a e i i- i o i i S i a y ftiu.i u tor a term of veurs at a l.iw rate No. 8'.' Frame iw\lliii« houf, soul', -nle :jj Street east of Warren M.. and hn. I'ru-e, No. V l»onhle lious west ile of I'erry St.. corner of 12th street. I'rwe, Iwo third* uav remain immortgaue at 0 per cent. So Flame hoase s.Mitli Side od street, one mile west of llraily street tice. Two lliird* mav remain" on inortjjajfi- at six JHT ceut. No 1. New liai'ie house Itrady utreet la fl residi nre. i l'rice. t'-K 11. Valmilile lietue with acres of (and well stocked wi fruit "f all kinds, with Htable, run i ige house, wood h.mse, eo«- stable, wagon abed, Clitt-rn. two we!ls, pa-.ture, Vouiii: i^rove the whole plui riier and repoir pnee Renter orchard n:id II I'-nced and 11 l-r.i roved and tinker fcny« kiHi house, at Hickory Urova. Pnc£ I1-'-"-1 i une-therd cash. No "-if 1^" acres uuiniprored land near IJ|i ifant, at $1" per acf. cash, balance in lire 'Tl'MlS lj| IH'I COllti I E I N S U A N E Phirnii Fire Insurtace AiUitie Plre Co* InwirMft i'% Unar ire Iwuranee Co.* OF NEW YORK. 1 CUT Fire Insurance OF ARTFORD, CORN. Springleld Fire UsBltBreW*» OF SriUNliFIKLH, MASS. i e i n s u a n e €ra«ectle«t Life lisirMee JgtimM Life Iseearitjr LiTe tosartaee §!i'« II John L. Ct., liwriiM C#^ OF HAHLFOHii, CONS. __ (few Itrk Life lisaraweCtej Ct., Of JtEW YORK NICK See our Adreo «r-». A I Y E O A 8.M. PrTTTSGiLLftCn.. No. 37Park Row, Vt Y rk flPd ft Stat* i, H-,*t /n, *rc our asem# in those Tit:*1# Arthur lard to uk« »iv»r'isef«»*'ii*« atd #uh*cr?p tlom »r *w at our .ow»t r.i V II F"MV x. f*i ra Citi^a j'*. Is *m. Uiori*-! r». h4v«n lor this jitjier. LOCAL ITEMS. \S lord' izaid Oil and Lain beraon's Nerrp and Bon'- Liniment, at Bnl- Shawm .SHAWLS !—A ppleivlid afsort •Hit at WliisW*. Mo/aniii(]ue Shawls, t'hallie Shawl**, French Merino Shawls, «Ja-hun re Shasta,•• Silk Shawl*. Bi oclia Shawls. ..t n\ 11 rt fwly made or made MiLn-A«v.— HoldiiTs of to order in tin? very hest .style, at kratine's, op|Mi.-itcUie Nutionn! iiiiak. (Jents lurnish inp t'lHwls in print -.ark-ty. AU». trunks. Fnlis' s nnd «rari»vt-".a*-k.s. cterp rank suid jffndc will find a complete -tor V of rf*adv niade militury -l«tliii»^ adnfited to their want-, and |ur sail' very low, at Maas & Mayer's, No. 11 West Second street, luve th iu a c.ill. fv TNr —Kelioe .V C^rhnrt have riTvivrd •nother !"t of choice Miinuier ilrt'S i f^wd.s, sha.vl.s, clonks, rnpfs, irciilarH, inantli«. etc., just 1:1 lime for the c.\ci'«sivel}' hoi Hiimoier wegther. tWl opjosite the f.c (,'laire House. MORK VETERAXS.—About :it)0 of the 10th Infantry boys arrivd here on Saturday evening Tin-y have i-a furnished with tniMsp'jrtaiion, and tie greater jiortinn of thutn left for their various places of abodo this tnorning, on n days' furlough. TIIANK-.—The iAtmln rs of the Pilot F.n gino C'otiipany return their sincere# thanks to the citizen^ of, Davenport, for liberal do nations made and especially to our worthy Mayor, K. Lowry, fur many favors sliowti the (tomioittee mi collections iu In-half cf the C'OMPASV. ('Kownen.—The ftnrj* feriliti"^, «ine.' the burning of the bridge, are iiiadeijiiatc t' supply tlie demands of travel and comiuerce. C'apt. Robinson has started up the river to pi'W.'ure, if possible, another boat to run in the ferry line, until the bridsre is n-paired, which will be five or six weeks hence. AI.I \HI.E.—The late rain has b"en worth a hundred thousand dollars to Scott ('musty and to other counties in the State iu proportion. Nothing could have been more opportune. Vegetation is dashing ah.nd with unusual rapidity, and all nature look* as gaj' as a girl at her own wedding. Pti Tt RE P.wxnsi..—.1. B. McCirew, late of Baltimore, has established a gallery on Bi..dy street, two doors below It h, west.-iile, and is prepared to paint photographs in the beat style in oil, water, Indian ink, winro and ivorv type. Also, copies taken from old anibrotypes, daguerreotypes, tcC. fall and examine his specimens. W HEN ?—The Gtuttte says the salary of ths City Attorney has been raised from to $*00, and from (hat argues that Mr. Kis.scll should meet with the same treatment. The City Attorney wculd bo pleased to know that the premises above stated were good, byt in the present light, he can't sec &" ill the ti'tzttU let him know nAifi.hi.s salary WHS SO increased. 'IIANOJ: US BASK.—Our friend, ("harlev Kldridge has eluscd his land ofli.'eatnl wound up the alftvrs thereof, to take the position of Deputy Provost Marshal, made vacant by the resignation of Capt. Egbert, who has gone into th^- Jt'O days' service, as Lt. (HI. of the 44th. In this new capacity Mr. K! dridge will undoubtedly make an efficient officer. NEW FIR*.—See advertisement of Reupke A Son, successors to *. F. ya«i in the frait, WM^ecuooery and News business. They will continue to keep up a choi.-e stock and supply the public at the lowest terms. They keep a splendid stock of stationery, gold pens, photographic albums, fire-w.^ks, etc. Give them a full share of patronage, as tucy will spare no pains to please. ICE 5 from ihc Clt^» on Ituliiiuue road, all impyoved and under fence, will. Uoure and stable. 1' #l.b«. remain for a term ot vc»rs to suit the pur- in Linn County, Co improved and uiider t'ouce i V: ice •I.""". cash. ilo i"' la" acres ... ar Walcou. m,.J itnrnfed aid under fence, with lions.' pnoe•l.VJO. X."' acres I'onvsh.ek o at per acre. 4,1,1 acres in Iowa county at •j per acre. fiMO.. acres .1. Sioux at *1 per acre. U40 icres 111 i t\ coiiui at rof •»cre. Wrt" aires 111 H#i.n'« k coi.ii!.' iu|fl per aora. 101 acres 111 W'Ki.u l.a^. Co. at per acre. Si.i»t acres at fl.-. per acre. Jihhi acres at V. cents per acre.] 8-J0 acres iu Tama county. jjii acres id Story .untv Soil acres in Winneshiek (. o. at 6 per CREAM SALOON. Tne public wi|J always find tjeo M&ttho*' Ice l'ream Saloon, No. 10 and 1H Brady street, the place to get the best, accommodations in the ice-cream and confectionery line. He also makes bread and cakes of the best quality, and supplies families and hotels at low r^tas (•ive jijia c*ll. Sec adtcrttsttueQt. ABE you deaf or Mind Have you any disease of the eyes or ears, eall on Dr. Fer rtrd, the ceUhrutetl Spn.ii-i. pliysician. on Main street, below the National Bank. Dr. Ferrard has cured more diseases of the eye and ear in the last three months, and has more patients under treatment than all the doctors in Iowa. He enj i^.J chronic «iisi-48fa. Itemember the place. Dr. Geo. Ferrard, Main strict, between Front and Sccond streets. On Tuesday, June 28th, and every Tucs day during the summer and fall, Dr" F. will be in Muscatine. junel54l waw'it i-OUCE OQI-BT.—Squire Wheeler had hib hands full this morning. Win. Brunton. C. Icheinan, un^ MiKe Ft:igar., all got out side of to mu whisky, which played thunder with their reason and caused their arrest. They were assessed $ 10 and costs each, which they discounted on the spot, -Wap-kis-ko, a big, fat. lazy, drunken, Jfowquaka Indian, w^« aUs arretted for too much drunk. Mr. Davenport paid the costs, officer Severance smashed his whisky bot tle, and Mr. Indian gathered up Uia blanket and made tracks. Julia and Harriet Haveling were fined 4t0'and costs each, fur VfcgrtttCy, which thev liquidated. Mary McDogan, for keeping an immoral house, and Jennie Lancaster, for being an inmate thereof, were find $10 and costs, and committed to jail in deflinlt thereof. Lucy Miller, an old offender, lame and The BrMge Pier. M«. Koi'ioit:—The late fire ^t the Kail road Bridg. has so nearly •.•••iisuinvd the long pier, tliat the extra co-t of changing Its position »o as to Ijettcr conform with the di-' r. etjnn of th- channel, would be hut tririing. A- the pier is now locatcd, I hold it to be. uigerous to navigation, aud trust the com p:tn% will counsel vj.«lom and make the im provement that the river interest.* NO much Tlie Board "expects jiut this:: that Mr. Ki -.-ell w:l! go on at the .salary he is now re csiving, providel he can't get any more: or that he will go where he can be better suited. We are glad to see that this exclu sive system is receiving: the attention of the Iinard. Year after year Mr. Kis«ell has b. en paid a large '.nlm y fur mtv ice not more arduous or beneficial than has been ren dered by the principals of our 1 inline scho«Ut DESTRUCTIVE DAYENPDRT 00 o| any i^linary .seine and judgtneut ti|»n tu.bul :1, isle, fefoi^ no Kr »e the ri'.er, \t ho "ilot s not In id litis opinion. That the piw «t»n be MI constructed as to ^octiyui.t'iy demcw.»r .-vi "ii.« remler it tmu'h ie.«.s hariule their* can be no doubt nece.r ity ill not be overlooked, liut sliould the trouble not be runtdieJ in recoii-truet in. the pi*.r, it i» obvious that the Meant- lulcf-s to liuvi^iitioii, »»oat interests all along the river v/ouki feel Miln. -*, naiit 'iiiatiy ag^i ieved, and I predict that the warfare between the bridge and river inter ests would loose none of its biUenieSE. I trust, therefore, that this :.U"v".-.tio i Mil! be treated with due eon-ideration, to the end that »th rail and water interests may flour ish in harmony. Tfwrc is no «ound reason wiiy they should not, if both parties are willing premises. jf. liu simple ijutstion is whether the I School Board has a right t« expect the con tinuution ol Mr. Kissell's services at the .«ame -nl iry he received four years ago while the cost of lising has so greatly jn* created and the rate of compensation in every other department of labor has been so much advanced.— mid in order that he might get all he asked, Ihe teachers liave been starved. et these ieaehers have no champion. In their baud- the -chools prosper—but Mr. Kiss,.j] gets all tln» praise, and it seems h wants to get the lion's share of the money. If lie is not contented let him go. If he thinks he can do better in ('itrcinnati at $!,.V»Q or $l.xoi pet annum, than hv can in Da\ .npoit at *l.^tio, )e| l,im try it. He is .1 rrrr good Superintendent, but Ihe idea that the people of Davenport will fall into a state of barbarism, or be left to grope about in the ' of ignorance, if he should happen to leave, is preposterous, We trusi the Board will adhere to it* present pur pose t'l give Mr. Kis ell £1 .'ion pc vosu\ and raise the .salaries of the teachers to cor respond. If he wishes to leave let him go. There will be no particular trouble about getting somebody to fill |. s FIBE. During the screce thunder storm 011 Saturday evening, light ning struck Warren A Kggleston's cU-tiikry, located about a mile belo^y the city of Islahd, s' it ott fire and consuming the o»»tire property. The loss is estimated at about $tiu,ijtK, which we presume includes prospective profits, as the property itself! was not valued at over $4M.OOU, We regret to state that there was no insurance. The probability is that steps will be taken imme diately to rebuild the concern the present season. The ewuy^rcial interests of that pl*ce w«ukl suffer too much Were it aot re placed. 4 HORSE TntEr ARRESTED,— This morning, a man named Tim Kotnan was arrested in this city on a charge of horse-stealing. The property was »loR-n, some time ago, frotn a man in Jackson comity, who followed up th« thief and found his horse at the Six-Mile House, where it had just been sold. The thief, however, escaped detection, until the i i tffes aiRiin-fcafctt •^ag Lr* THE GREATEST GOOD TjD^THE GRFATKST NTTMBm. avenport, iowa, oxdat, i xk to. tjf I I i a :.- 'I 1r P, 1KM. MR. I!:'»n5Will JO-! fi' ffir ii*! of linking a tew t,::-f teit«iiiir ou t' e a o v e u u i i i u i .- i a s o o o i i u ture let'. i» to JJI»V the t'4U»c atei tA .ett ol' th« v«tioui *e»»e ot the ar at th« jfeiierjl #v-»en». ll^aiing i* oi.e e .„eicu., iuu a v.ikfl, «i.U i.,u.i me 5 "-"V0"1 *i*'.Jui as titu u^li tl„»t |ir ne$, a Jj«t atiiib l!,e and I hope that th "fV".W oisa i i ppeaj once to the l«?Hit, »i.,i ,ht*uSu" .. ,l 'i ur Frf|iiescurricuuiuifonian« arrived in tow11 this morning, and_ gave a show this afternoon. Thev are a -strange set of ani mals. Everybody .should see them. They alL*ct ntti-altitudenegation, aiid hvppogym most in oinpensibly, wlnle the bovovossocurrieiil its astonish the inmates ol the Ivjuescnrwaravansary. They will uo it some more this evening. Ox a SritiK::,—The journeymen cigar makers of this city are on a strike for high er wages, which they claim they mitst have in order to support their families. We ki.o.v nothing alwmt ci^.ir-making, hui v.e know all the manufacturers, we believe, and are of th" opinion tb" they will do the fair thing by their em] lov. es at least they should «io so, F.\iiti.u:s should know that the pla~e to timl a stock of fresh and well selected gro ecries is at Eldridgc'-, corner of ::d r.n 1 Per ry. He has just made large add:tk»ns to his stock, -Jells very low, and delivers goods loall parts of the city. sotnely paMoni/'-d. place. I 'oiuniunieatcd. My confidence is in the rising gencra tioa. Those who are grown tip have gone, so far from the position they should occu py that I have lost all couliderice in tfcwn, therefore lt is to you little children that I look,'' gaid a venerable Sabbath School tea her to a large audience of children.— The great teacher accused the JewUhte.ul** crs of taking away the Key of Knowledge and the wise mnn said train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. How much of the wrongs of manhood are chargeable to the seeds of error and superstition sown in the youthful mind by those who irr teemed- orthodox," «ri«» c.niy he known in thjit uiguw condition whore "we shall s»^e as we are seen and know as weare known." Much of the instruction oli'ered to children might be safely dispensed with, and \vlui» we see the avidity with TvhitOt the sects endeavor t(o iioh»rt their d&gmas to chil dren before they arc able to judge what truth is. we are reminded of the words of Jesus to the PharUees, Ye compass sea and land to make ono proselyte, and when he is made ye make him ten-fold more the child of hell than yourselves." To all such we would say reverse your present method, and go to the little childicn before they learn the follies and vices of the wcvrlij, and iutm from 'honi t*se le,sov«s olr love which worketh 110 ill to his neighbor and is therefore the fulfilling of the law," HVRI.KV. vl). Stew York Marketa. NBW YO«8, June 20. COTTO*—Quiet at FLOI R—5 cents belter. $s ^"^s.2:, tor e*tr«: s.,', ()r suji-rtine. W IIKAT— e e i a o Spring ?i .s74gi. io Milwaukee Club •l.ySjgl.i-s WID'.T red. Co'iS—4'.fri QAIK—. '.'!. Pons—m--si. fSSaM tneaa. a i Wmsar—|i.8S. mew York Ktovk Uarkat. Cold r-. •i New York, Jnne 2^. JTo-Days'Advertisements. FIRE WORKsi At H'kolrHnlr »n«l ItftaJI by ItllPkDASOy No. 24 LeClnlrc HP^!?!!^PpPWPipiW*P' tic uftrate CB mo*'. i«'[i"r atit uf our •iiirc*. 0ju*i«.i:iug ii as a mnus of oh rfiu iug it'u!nutieti, in iufany cs. Miaii«, is mere inifioitti.i even than si^H, for ill out ?»H-ecii. the pern iar n'triMi*.* ot tnir, r*t IN TE ILI-TCLO[^I.. 1 S LA. I E 1 /I RIXIT! iiitire U FEI iiit. |'ec"nl i»i»ioveni n', a* (01 ot be •le naiid. The loss of life and property caused in part by the pier is, to most minds, o®mm'iuk »iion with ib o .rei aorf conclusive pi-jof that its pObitiun is danger- ^, .. 1 1 ,• 1.1 a Libit sc *»ii»i« ivwiii ii aie O !,. and I leel that there ts not a unvi-Uw rinoee ":#ee. lie u. .'.urf -ti IU.k ti iiniti.ii ui itij ii imidts cjuk^s unit Oitsv.iy. nni ii ll.c grcs': iJ 1«. u .del i's .-o.l itepinoa iu'liunx-. The wouin.'-il k'. ui kol :. move .,ui liniil. i« and ie.lSjnt JU'lS'.i. 1 a bill loom orIICJS ri jiiVt! AA»Y 1 are, cheer# our fj.iiit, .(l inUuc -u. to idiutai u. mi!^ 1 inovuiueuts, wliicli, it :OII I *»Iji,u. iu i* fl 1 eut«, noulU cijej.-c as lo ext.cine :iiieuk*. Thb ius*JW, tUo sot.g ol birds, tut 1 ^y.iiLfoi liK Itav-e, lua j.u.g'iii^ of ihe oroi k. the ioar of th-* o'.v.ui, ^ad ttie I n :i oj the liu.-y w.rl'l &rouua u e da ever pleasant and 1 i'M!it.ti-o lai^jy to oni happi ties». 1 .t Ur ns i ju! slii "nig all! iu i i li on than NIL T.'IOB 1 etiiaicrmi'-d, is the hn uun to wluit is right ant« proper iu il'.e voice, wh en n cjpnbte ot givn u:.ieiii:ee to f-wecu-r rounds Ulan any thing r.i** in ceatiou. To be iueapable #f benrt tiiat ve'e.* Is au •fll- tion jgr^at iu .tee. .itegpe.llully, J. A ^U.NCll, i|, D. Dr. Gaiduer c»n lie consulted d*iiy on all di«eng.*3 ol the y and h*r. Fire* Crackers, Torpedoes. Roman Candles, Sky-roc kcts. Wheels, Flower Pots, Bengali Lights, Flying PifeoBs, Sprawls, Pin Wheels &£•* \-C., &.?,) har.fl- COMIWEWQIAt. Hatvnparl Vlnrkrtn. Omccjor THK l'\vt:spoi!T DKUOVIIAT, I Mondii evening, Joie- iO, 1 v* -4. pLOt n.--U.-taii fT.4" in hnl. $7.^0 in paper whoSt-r- ile *7 in hi.I in paper. WIIKAT. N". 1, -.veil cl.-aiie.i. 1 oimd and plump, 'luh, T*M a.iiH.ali 11a, *i.-I No. nil sound, not cl'-ad eiiou^ii tor V. 1. *1.1-"- rejected, U1IU ty and liamp. !'s cents. t'. iiv, Sl-.v'U-d. ,v«». I, souud. pluiup and dry, s.-c no. ,\o. 1. -.lirttnken, sat in ear, H*v WI'itk Utva.—1^.0 ^2.66. Fi -,\«K^n. Tin cth v.- 'J ~(a ir. CMIVBR.— PflTATOKS.—50 lll'TTEa -lSl'. Euu* Row, AT rnicAiio prires. They have an Ihleantve Stark •r Utmi ilpiloii. Cail and examine b'*fkrc nnrrhasing je'Je--.w C* HEUPKE & S0N7"~ (Sii.'eeisors to A. F. Mt-1,1 New 24 LeClaire Row, Wholesale &. Retail Cufrttioiers aad News Dealers, KKi:P COXSTAVri.Y OV H.WI) A ti::d well ncleetcd usso tnu nt of I'oreiKi aad Vameslic Fruit,, CANNED FHI*IT« Ulttsiut, Can flic*, FtffH, .Piif*. Oranges, Lemons, Ac. A'.-i i very v.irie v .f Stationer}', Wold Pen* A Peucfli, Perfumcrl en, PH0T09RAPHIC ALBUMS, Ladle*' Banket®, Jfc. Hag»lae*« t'lilc-njfo & Xew Pa* per* nl tray* on liund. fall and examine onr uoiU, under«d.l tins sid? of iica-»o. We ir.m't be j.ii-tf ICE MLOO.V G'KO. MA'rrilKH, .Ye. IS A 1* /Wy HAM nre,i.ta „,o ll„ _. *i 14 »t l.atlie* and tii-ntlenwn. and awaits .1 cail from He Was sent to jwl, to await |,js*. and the ptilific j{!v. t» i *ts examination on Friday next. I will be wrveil wiUi th«* r.Kst «i, Iiciou-" CUE.VMS. ut I'i ?otr S roifi, FITTKl) UP AX ELEGANT lcc Creaau Kwom for the n.j.-..,oi,„„h»t,..n Etc that can be produced, aad waited upon with PHOTOORAPIW, rrc.—The place to procure kindest attention. a reall}- splendid photograph or ambrotype is at Olmstead A C'o.'s, on Bradv street, be low tko a .. I am prepared to supply the Biartet with low tne Auction store, east side, and also the freshest Ytes, Cake*, Bread, aad in in Hill's new block, on Bradr, between 8d ftct everything pertaining Jato y profe^ion, ..,.1 ... ... made from the best flour. Fartiea Maputiml at and 4th streets. They are masters of their the aiwrtest notice. nr™ Bakery aim Confeetlmutru. !*».«'»-J" 1. %, 20. 1S(J4. FOURTH OF Jl'LY, 1H4. FIRE Works! AT WHOLESALE A HCf All S A U K S The Larg«it Stack ever brought U Im,r«aprl9iig AT CHICAGO PBlCEt. Flags \«him lp of evorv kind! farpedo and Fire Craeker c^u^srs. ,4 ft ii fruits. tonferHotter^*r., 0OLI PEXX, faih-ry. Miereonropie l'leww, *hr nrd'h:: ,ind thov*t)nh '. U ft. 7f,t (.ir.llilfl* Sn. 1, sound, plump and dry, *7 do. No. -I shrunken. SC, OATS. —No. 1, ch-uii and sound, 00 dg. No. A, imp i:nd not clean, 1-j. :oo au in ft- -'j.v4 HORSKS L.OOO CAVALRY HORSES «A\TED MMRDIITII.V AT Smith'H Ms i very SHibte For which tlic JACOB WASHBURN. DAT*VIV.-.-, And Dealer in all kiodt of Tobaccos, Pipes, Fancy Articled, AC., AC., ho, ft Ea*t Secoad Ntrrct, r»AVF\ronT, 10. C, TEGELER,. laiptrter, Dealer A Rectifier in Foreign St Domett if I O S AND RECTIFIED WHISKY. No. 3 4 Main Street, Sd door below tile National Hank, Davenport, Iowa. apr^.' J. LORENZEN, SI Harrlmia b«-t. 4*1 Ac S«1 «tr*«t*, Or! A I.Ki' IN China Ware, Earthen Ware, Glass Ware, W PIUI. JLLL^ "'ifCF-y™* .v-*wrf- w,^ pi'i'i'i'i'i* PI'I'PPPW* PP i KPI'PPPI' rpFpppp PFF irp ppp A.i AA AA A A .i V A A A A A A A.V* 'AA AA ii AYS Mat TH, ".Sh4. ry3'-!"m C. TECELER, Importer and Manufacturer OF CHOICE 8 E A 8 1 of «'i. N~0. highest mar* ket price will lie paid. Cutlery, Ac., Guaranteed tn *11 eoofls a*cheap as any house wrest HI t:hieaifi. Call and examineny toek be r«- pio coasina els.-v. here. my iS-d-3ni v y y tPhotoy, raphit Kootns Jliin and Sttond St PHOT HJItA 1'IISA AM I iKOT YPK8 Taken in the higUest style of the art. Particular attention ven to Margin# from OUT l)a iin eotvpes aiiJ AIII.JI utypen ol liuci-aaed per* nous an I einl-lri n. myii-d*** Uritiag Papers aai Eivtlapes Af W II O I.K S A I, K, AND AT Tin, CASH PKICES.— saniplcp-ekngeaif d*^. .t 7 |V I |*M» l.nke Hi.. t:inaim» llliji Day Boarders. (iKMEtl UK VS CAN I1EAR ncellent opport onty to obtaili ta ard tipM tidying to this olhe* 1.-4 SOl'TH WATi.H 111. P. »». liox 'jo.-1. i n property in «»ore. tneix 1 JI-K1.1 U,**,.H4*!«JPM tm PITPI'I'P Pt'PP.Vi'P PP.' PP PPPPPPPP PlVr'l'i'p PPl' Pi'f PPP AAA A AAA W ., ciii('AtK». iiilvan. 1 «made ...rK- .".If uTi»AI.xi:I.I.. COAjfeat-SIO.V MM I A Mi !'kt I. l'CF Kit'"HAN'T. !or Herring', Sat.- utid Fiiiibatik-' rk-a1^*, siuiie I'enieiit. I'la«t.*r I'uri# mid Hui-. NO. HiOV: STUKKT. l)«T. npcirt, |i.-m, nn !4-.jtf MERCHANT TAILORS. READV-MADE Jj COST PRICK TO I! VII Oi A N Z E Y E Second *tn*vt—dnor t»l V:it i• »eiii| Bank. A iLsse* flieuT e PEXTS' n u.MsiiiMi ou.s, uors' CLOTHlN'l. f'.MTlIS, ASSI KICKS. SillKTS, STOCKINGS, wllieh W.I sell at t!.. Iie.-t ri-uvjiiaWe ptiee*. .Custom W ork Done at ail times ar:1 warranted th» be*t, rnn*t durable and clie.spent. All wiio want the b"«t and I'heiipe.t good* 11111*1 coo.i- lo "!!'•'i:,n v __KRA VZ MKVER. NKW STORE! John Bartemeler RKMOVKD HISsTOi-K OF GOOliS -.kJin Block, on St-eoni! street, bet haiti Hie! Marnson stre. i«, wlwre be has ep.-ii.-d a NF.W CI.Ol illNti S'l'ilKI., i" -1 will k -p c«u stantly en *,ta jfiM.J ii-'oi im* ot of JOB* aoa-tar. HORNBY A McCLELLASQb U I K i MAN'U. ACi Ki-US OK Sa«li, Dears, Biiatfs, MouWiags, a k e i 15 CENTS PER WEEK. WALL Above the Post Oftloef »f atJt*n.noru stock CllAK. klimudok, Real Estate & roriit, u« i^nt. DU'tXPliUT, IflWA. Will •tfittfi I "I.1' It ••fnily t9 Buyiaf At Kelliug ICcal lliitat^ 1 I'ollrrlioii* of nil Mntk A Y K O A E S .N'-sotiiilin? I.tiiii's. Unking .4b»lrn-« RENTING HOUSES ANO FARMS, ••Iiiwinjj A l. Sce-.i N I U E K 2 0 2 ::KR^ RtlCiU.tRiai K!"" it tK fit 11,1 144 ItJt'i B*t £RK F:E k.UitK.tlt'ltt K-: it i J: It.ft KitH Et K E CEASF. J'EF'-:-' Riii Kita RRR NOW OPENED, AT PLUMMER'S NO. 50 Brady Street, •up "!tf fl Si 1!!! I or PAPER HMOIA6S, .tmoti* Which IIVII be Found BROW\ BUNKS, WHITE BLANKS, SATIXS, BRONZED SATINS, STAMPED C.'OLD PAPERS. FIG FRED SHADES, MW.r MiMDE*. UitsT FMtOMTMB, All the Above at very Low Price*. COMMISSION. STOVES and TINWARK. Hpl I fo-- »1?S Produce & CommisNiou Merrhaut, *o. 4 acna iT.-s' ni.'K T. LKVKK. CASH PRICK FOR ALL 1111Srv pr iflnee, boMer. et ^, etc. Iloat .stores III A:I'. s on liiimi. limsitii'i vlls on romini«sion. niyiidtf 1*7 H7p^\H K S o u e I I o k Pkimi-iHUHHKST Htoren 1 StovPH MILI4S & WASHBURM No. 56 Brady Street Nearly oppimte l'o»t office, AVI: IN sToni: AND ARI: RKCEIVINO the lurg.-.t i.nd lw,t a««oitnctit of II PARLOR. COOK 8 HEATING STOVI'JS, that can b» purchased in ihe #a«tern market. M. 4 VV have the exrlu«ir* ,al» fcir i SANFORD'S OT 11 ^sTO ^Celebrated thallcage Dealer I one of th«* mo«t "coBomkal i iv»ntion, »v«-r pen dui-ed, and tor couTenk-itcv aad couifort tiu •Ijlial. The nnrifalled Triampk, Parts! Mi, ih fSitli Hnttor nev*r a*»W F«rnl»hl..* (Mfe, t'lotbe* miele t'l ..rI'-r --r: ,1.i. l««t lietiee, Midi ROOM JSTOVKJJ Wa riiitefl t. sill'. Call nn ..••• »i». sepMlr 1 lS Mra«lv and .'dain. mukes to .tillerand in the best style, MKN ANO HOYS' I'I .OT HI NO c-l every «ie»« ri|iU"ii, Til" fullest Siitiflaeiion j»'iar- anti- d. I-o!i*. it frciii my olil u-t -mer,tbeireon- Britani* fi«0la, f.'orl Hodl^ tinuta^-e ofputronaxe. 'I,eUve ilera. uiy^x Totip", Shovels, Pvkers, A. niLi.i:R, liUAll I S'i'KEKT, 1JKLOW SEC- V evp» conatautly on hand and make* d* r. Cicala', Beys' aad fklldreaV Li.Ol'ltiNl ol lie: llw!' -i ibat cit.i.w i-iil t*. sni!s I.ii.. r..l ^atro-ja^e rei*|M*tiriili ».ika»il. |n.y2t-dly n, *C. Var. Maia a UnrMkpoet, Ioinh iwtt'l Iroa Gal«» a:id ether favorite patterns rat OXLV b* obtaHl el at 11:11s iuel WuililMrn •. r?r very xtore ^uarantii'd to give Mti»fnlW or.liii money rctuude'i. Tliey alao keep the eeflfcriW# E S a ITITIN, ttt Ifedft e-. ery tiiii-rf in l"** I e a n n o I M- surpasxerf. tV e invite !n«-ertion aad .IOII1 JOItD lf. defy r»mp*-Wtiin. Atv.nbaod stork «i O. IS WKST ^ STfii'KT. HKTWEEN i kes to cider and in the Timr^rc, Jnppancd and Porcelain War% Chamle-r S^ts, !rntsh-d Watt, 4 ::n. ¥t Jgr*, Tla, Capper, & Sbcct-lren War% mar.ufaetni ed to r-ler on kliorl noti**, O I N a of ail k4a.l1* pr .iijifl v attended to, Sail awl tC atniie o.».il,. ..otl :. 1 aj e prioefl. 0c!7dntJ. K E W A W A E S O K S .1. A. I VI^POBT, ff altf in li»'ilvi=rr. Iron a»:4 .NiiU Faii^ I in? Ijr.plrsnents of nli ainds, tJ4i Shtlf and Jti'i./.» 11,'nhrt.r*, /'i.cttl tfd TuUt Cutt *'*'1- 12 Brntfy Street, hetweet Fitrf had SreofMF tjlAR.Maeuiiuliy, LKS OF Sl'OTT COtrfrTT *xl» SUILD 1 fAr BuildinM -*-. »rt (Mirticnlarijr in,Hwlt«Mll Contractors Tor BUIKIingS and examine Ciy stock of gooda be bee 0/ Etrrf //.», /7 /1 ir.|f el«*wbere. S O A A O 4|a«ek hOm aataMll ••lotto, ondtfatm te^NRfh oat. AUignatfawamaladjNAaar^praaMaai,— Itmwuber UM. place and «w a eafc, .T. w- .if Ui JJ1. OAVMMna^