LATE room. Mmliir* flft ra«»M CfMr»i ivoa ike (Htkrft fetrwe rMenkuf. IW(I «ip«r #1 J^r. TakrBa THE JAMES MlV** "WKADEDBl UtM.MMUHir* »LUt* BY OUR Hd u t«Ira' iMideat Illliflkrt iid iifiea inn. :t»al«| »f h« tiMMtr Pr«|N* IiilU|fJT ol j/lliwinll. Tba Jaaea HMr is Mackadad a faw miles balo# Drarj'a Bluff to prevent a aarpriaa from tba rebel rams. liuNMiiTiii ARMY or POTOMAC, K0. i iaonm. Mia loaa la reported at about The 5th oorpa did not loaa heavily la tkalr advance in tba morning, but tbair loaa waa considerable in liw afternoon in their attack on tba left. Oar losses darlog Che past two dajs will reach 8,000 killea Md wounded. Tbe loss of the enemy at aome pointa waa greater than ours, being generally behind their outronebmenta were not so mucb exposed and ol courso suffered loaa on tbe wuole. All tbo prisoDers taken •0 far, suuie 1200, rf whom about 20 c»me la yesterday, represent themselves being In Beanregaitl'a army. It is not believed that snob a reeiatanoe ooald be made with oat his prasaaoo and that of hta troopa. There ia no reliable newa from Qen. But lor ap to tbe preaeat time. Ueu. Ingalls has been designated chief quartermaster ol the combined artntes in bis vicinity, to be atationeo at Ouy Point with Qen. Qrant. For particulars eaquire of CHAS. E. PtTTXAM. 0IME1VSB ATTRACTIONS. LATE ARRIVALS. e i e i & o Ao. 6 Second £/., Mttropolitan Motk, HAVE RECEIVED AND ARK RECEIVING every dsy, by Express, the most desirable Styles of Fashionable Sprint Goods Of Varum* Fabri** and PatUrn*. Aha a full atock afbleaehed and unbleached Moa waa, nwatU, to whkh we invite the attention of 5,7"-, ertabli»huient in Phiiadel JJj* M' of our Arm constant enabled to at^r indnee •sata to all wha eaU. mcfalO-dAwly Establiahed in 1865. CIICAC6 TYPE mmT FrlAUra*W^re|kovie} Ho. to fmawwi Sraaar, That tl»a Marshal ia hereby ordered to re pair the attewalka hereinafter described, fey •abati toting aound pianka and joico in mo place of broken and decayed onea, the aame to be Idd and apiked in a good, workman like manner aaid aidewalka to bo laid twelve feet wide, excepting tboee hereinaf ter ordered to be of difTevent width-—the plank to be two inches th ck the joice to be three by four inches, to-wit: OSttr or agoat. Bleak. IIINI. j— uowuug at mat apsnser. aoblnaea aad JoUrautualdt katie Jaa Bowling BOIlBIOIW MB allMkl do inu Mass tf Aifcluaoa uwiror a|Mt. Black. Bussti Job. Uua|iiHi)r *1 4a u«»tu do ui* as lo juu ao mm tfce Kiiawii ft' V llmiot uvkiwui), June 18 VI. BALTIM .AA, JUUC 'JO to •riUNMJP beeu csptuied fioui t-e oimy Mi our oettlta oil »b« a..ihsat Pcieiaburg, Oe.idi* Wut-D ibi eurui) (duuar« w Lit (ureas ii (rout ol (it o. Botier, Co reiulorcc Peters bar*, UeD- Butler lutaxd ateiy itot out i Ivice uu'ltr (ieiitiili icirj mil Turner Whicb-eucctn d«d la daetrujing so important bridge kudiuttf iftUvt vl itiUoid trick, near Waltheui Junction. E.rly'*, late Lung.uect'a corps, crossed th« JBIDM bi««r BEAR Drurj'E Bluff, iu atrong iue iuu was w«o cotiiiDg duwu ibe Pater.buig turupiko aa Oeti. Bmtt'i lorcaa ao tared iiitir wotha. I LMI eveniug lbs dispatch ittioer Anaoda Wtuaua, wliila paaaiog Wilc.x's IV bar I, wu Bred iitu fruui tie uurlti aide •f the Jauioa K.fer, by a rebel batter Tao aboia wan llred ac bar, oua of which paaeed through tar of bull, near the titer Una. Ma uoa waa Injured. do O Oban- 9i do II otuU» do U jiu.r do Uaiu u »Mh0lS*00Se OIUi .IM A'MVt A i U M« *ll UM a U»Mftrl HUM VLA.O Mliy l/» .. UatbOB/Olt Billy D.veopcrt Vtuty u. Uotimtu, Jane 18. y Gen. Pieroa «M «««aM tbila gallant ly loading a obarge. Geo. Martindale, OD the right, attacked tba enemy and aucoaeded in taking a tew W ASUINOTON, Jane 20. Jioott.—A bill waa introduced and re frffed to the judiciary committeo to pro hibit inter-State slave trade. Mr. Wilsooof Iowa, moved tba appoint •ant of two additional committee* on in* ternal revenue and on banka and banking. Mr. Price moved that tbe judiciary com mittee report the bill to repeal tbe act compelling street cars to run on Sunday. Tba speaker said thu House had not yet acted on tbe bill. On motion of Mr. Go* the subject was laid on the table, 60 to 36. Tbe committco on elections reported that John (i. Scott was entitled to retain bis aaat from tbe 3.1 district of Missouri. Laid over for the present. Tbe bill providing that in granting lands to aid in constructing railroads and lor Other purposes mineral lacdsare to be ex cluded and reaerved to tbo United States Waa passed. Ou motion of Mr. Kinney, delegate from Utah, tbe committee or post offices and roaoa waa inatrncied to euquire into tbe expediency of repealing so much of citstiug law as prohibits carrying newspapers auu Other printed matter in the overland mail. 44 Uo do du 44 'I dea Aliau, ti du do li 0. O. B. MlUbelt «4 au du da do 46 Mary Tueka, 46 Jolid KurtNl, 66 til. Autbuny Clianh Block Jul farcer. tf LUbt/ai4, uj «a 11 llutflU], 44 'i' Alaa, trnatHk a4 KvcL, '.Ill K K Brian, -%4 It n.y u^vuport, U J.i.jru:xao. as i-oiior iUtblnaona OraauO 1 a:D0i, 4u mephuii L'ind!y, 40 Alitlaiy, ft Clias Wrilto, 42 1' A Btrihoid, 4'2 Auatla Corb.B, 4^ 1. a Mackioi, 4 liaruby a MoUlxlttt, i4 daauu Oold.uilih, 46 Jm Harder. 4« Adlar, 44 UOldaiuHh Ktlll«, 4* 0 U Aivord, 41 du do 14 Morton, ti do do W CLn.-tiantiharobDUep 16 Auu U liat, 06 K a Biiinrd, 66 JT. rreai, 66 1 Hall, 67 O Uliwell, 46 Ttioa Allan, uaataa, 45 6'urreal, 48 tie A liavanport nH 69 Geo A Davenport aXU U*o D.veaport 41 Wm buck. Oca i *. uoatea Naw Yuii, June 20. The Commercial says that a private dis patch from Washington states that tb» eoemy yesterday captured an eotire divia loa from Burnaide. Nkw UATKN, June 20. The New York express train lor Boston ?ia Springfield, this noon, when a mile north ol Berlin, met with an accidem. The two rear cars ol tbe train wcro thrown from the track down an embankment and badly broken op. Some 25 persona are re ported to be injured, moatly by bruiaee. CAIRO, June 20. The [steamer Mollio Able has arrived. The steamer Progrcas burned to the water'a edge at Daadman's Bend, on the Miaaiaalppi River, on the evening of the 9th. Bhe came out of Red River with a •ergo of cotton, comprising 1.359 bales, 500 of which may be saved. The eotton waa marked Wm. Batler A Co., Cairo. Tbo boat took fire from a.lamp in tho encine Mo livee lost. Thrao buildings were blown down in Oairo, this afternoon, during a aevere rain and wind atom. One man waa killed boiag crushed ia tho ruina. •ffM EUgmnt MfHenre rom SMM. The subscriber oflfrra for sale, oa reasonable tailiis, hit former residence, i i s w y s e e s If not sold the above property will be for rent CO the tint of July next. •bo for sale chcsp 4 Lota in Mackintosh's Ad dition to Davenport. CBICAOO. BCHOflKLD A CO., PROPRIETOR.— ft nil, and Printiaa Material oa han4 order. Ile«atatypia Star alapSrisraofc^ ead P^e'a LATEST IK 411 sitsaa Uui .*IBI a U«u iav.upurfc al i W »a do, 9^10 'tHaa A|DMil Mitokslk^. Lht* V..1. »3 Ji,h* jtmit aS U u A UavkOpart vf Aitrcd JU «r« Sv a Uriffs fd •iMar l«ayardent Ik. Jw K Miein.r 0 11 Ka.flmanB Cli.a U) iiiui *jrr t* llit HdLuki)'iMt*M t» a. K )lcL.»'i MUM, luu. ^n.ii, n uiiM, J. MLt ttraai, bt its ruttwi. ct bl timm aii.o, traatea, as V. jr. Ka***, «A Mary B. •iteb.l, a6 flUian uoldudlth, U tlorubjf A McUioUao, 44 do au 4 JoLa Parker, 44 11. iJ8» nix U liiil 61 O U Alvord at Beo:t a Uuatea %'i 11 V Ue.V«U «9 II nl riili a i nmhaa to JjinOaiilgin (j D.tU, Utiu^aOo. Ctt Ueo A Davenport 60 Kirrcat 69 W*ea, cab'ott a Co. 68 Yountf 6» Oeo a Parker 68 Ttio* Orr, [cet wlda, t( Haoiplar, tt iebola ft Co. SO (6 fool wide) O Au«r 62 do 100 6 Usury Balby 12 do 160 6 a.«o Bu it turtiier ordarad that th« tfarshal .nail la a Lew punk udcstlk, l«al?« lect In Widlli, (al oepi aa h«i«lD*iter o n.rwlw oidarad,) of auu-d, two luotiea ihlek.aod tib.lald In agoud Wutkm.uliKe m.DDtr, opt.uaite ihe folluWiug d»- Uwu. ur ayoiit. Illaeii. Da.. Mouio S3 fwnili'i Katate do O U Parry V UiHmnt Hireet. Feet. Lot Viuut e2« 8 do eSS Witt s Perry tN 1 do •ao 1 do lu do 12 111 do tee 1 do HO lo island n 40 a do s l.o a v iiarlea U dbealP Ueurge uveup rt a A Carmich.o. 6ilW'd60 W Uolliua 6ft aid*, 64 And the Marshal is hereby required to report to this Council the expense of repair ing and laying said sidewalks opposite each of said lots in separate iteui. Daily Davenport Gatette June, 1804. Davenport, June 15,1864. M. K. pAltKS, A. KIMBALL, Ass't Sup't mv 16 '64 [Michigan leiiril Railrud. Great Central Rovft to y&r Turk, A'etr England and the Canada*. ON15th, tral l.'nion Depot, foot of Lake street, as follows 6:8» a. m., Sundays excepted. Arrive in Detroit 6:3'! p. m. Toronto, 4:45 p. in. Suspension Itridge, 4:05 a. m. Uutt'alo, 5:i"» p. m. Albany 8:45 p.m. New York, 30 p. m. Boa ton, 12.0& a. m. 6:0» p. m. Saturday's excepted. Arrive in De troit, 6:00a. m. Toronto,4:45p. m. Suspension Bridge. 4:45 p. m. Buffalo, 5:0 p. m. Albanv 4:45 New York, 11:50 a. m. Boston, 4:N P.M. 10:00 p. m., Saturdays and Sundays excepted. Ar. rive in Detroit, 10*00 p. m. Toronto, 9:05p. m. Suspension Bridge, 9:10 p. m. Albany, 8:40 a. m. New York, 3:45 p. m. Boston, 5:00 p. m. I N I N N A I A I N S (via. Miehigan Central R. R.) Leave Chicago at 6:80 a. m., Mail Train 6:00 Fast Express. The 6/0 p. m. train leaving Chicago runa through to Cincinnati without change of cars or baggage. Tuttan's Patent Ventilating and Warming Ap aratas oAll Can of thia Company. Aa elegant Smoker*' Car, with Eaehre Tabiea, haa lately bsea added to day trains. Patent sleapiag cars ea niaht trains. B^gage Checked Throagh. I Throagh Tieketa far sale at all priaenal Bail road OKes in tbe West, at the GeaeraT0«ce, e*aeroT Lake and Oearbon streets, (aader the ionae,) Chicago, aad at the i" H. aWlNTWO&H. SMNI i mggibiHi. tl Tlic Rebels Re-tmke IHelrWotlM. A The and port Democrat, H. II. ANDBESER, Cain. SAM'L Hir.scIIL. Approved: K. LuWRY, Mayor. AtteeiCaaia. Kavrmaas, City Cltrk. Mississippi & Hisstiri Bailrtad« Trains run hv Chicajjo time which is twelve rain faster than Duvennort time. Oandlilt's N AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 16th,«1864 until ifurthcr notice, trains will leave Davenport us follows: 5 45 A. M. for Orinnell and Washington. k 3'i A. si. freight accommodation for Orinnell 215 p. a ao do Iowa City and Muscatine. Train* arrive at Davenport as follows ft 0" A. a. freight and accommodation froth Iowa City. 44ip. m. freight and accommodation front vnnnell oinl V aihinKton. S 15 p. w. express from Orinnell and Muscatine. The 5 4 a. m. train out of Davenport, makes dircct conneaion at Orinnell, Iowa Citv, and at5 Washington, with the Western Stage •^ht-Tx5 *, ?#ur hmm Hearfa The Rebels ill 11 hold their position In Cieoi fit. XEW The YORK, H*rald.'$ Uerald's I'rvcideU, tliat the owner of said lot or lota do not lay or cause to be laid the said sidewalks oppo site their respective lots on or before the luth day of July, 18G4, which time is here by allowed for finishing the same by the owners of lots or parcels of land fronting their lots. This order shall be published one week in the following daily papers Daily Daven­ commencing the 17th day of d.'n ata- ges for all points West, South-West, and North West. Train s from the west connect at Davenport with trains* of the Chicago A Rock laland RR. for all points East, North, and South. Passengers are reminded of the necesnity of giving distinct directiona as to the destination of baggage, also to procure ticket* before taking their seats in the cars. J. F. TRACY, Supt June 21. special says Hancock's old wound haa been so troublesome that he was obliged to ask to be relieved. Request was granted. Birney has command of his corps. He did not command in Saturday's fight. He expects to be in the field again in a week. It is said there are 80,000 rebel troopa in Petersburg, and they are continually rein forced. An attack at 4 A. V. Saturday, by the 2d corps, met with but little opposition, our troops passing over formidable works occu pied by the enemy the day previous, and captured 50 or CO prisoners. Casualties on both sides few. We moved on and developed another line of works about S00 yards beyond. Here the rebels made a stubborn resis tance. At noon, a general advance of the 2d corps was ordered. The assaulting force consisted of the 4th Brigade. The line rushed forward gallantly but could not withstand the deadly tire of mus ketry, grape and canister, though they got within 75 yards of their earthworks. They fell back leaving the dead and wounded. Another attack was ordered at another point. The storming party consisted of several brigades in columns of regiments. They moved about 4 o'clock in columns. They were inetwith such murderous fire and were cut down so rapidly that they were withdrawn. Another Herald correspondent says of the Oth corps' fighting on Friday The days work commenced at daylight, when they found the rebels fallen back to second line in right. The works were attacked with great gal lantly. There was severe struggle for possession of the K. K. leading to Norfork which final ly was taken. This appears to have been the only ad vantage gained, though the rebels' position was also fought for. Another correspondent with the 9th Corps says the rebels made an attack at 10 p. in., coining up in 2 columns. On reach ing our line, whether intentionally or the result of a blunder, our columns shouted surrender, and 240 were thus taken pri soners. Another column came up to our works, bravely and under cover of a battery, drove our men into their entrenchments. They jumped over the works and a hand to hand tight ensued muskets had been discharged and bayonets were only used by both parties. 125 of the 1st Michigan Sharp Shooters were captured. The rebels held the position till daylight when they retired. The Times' special of the 18th says the rebels on Friday night made a furious at tack on Burnside's front, and after a severe contest reoccupied the fort he had taken the previous morning. This changc in the line has conccntratcd Deaurugard's forces, while it enables our troops to cover important approaches to the left and right, and places the city within range of our guns—about 400 yards. About 4 p. M., an advance was made on the rebel lines, to develop their situation, which was accomplished with considerable loss. Birney's division suffered most. Prisoners state that Beauregard commands in the city with his army and portions of the forces of Longstreet, Wilcox and Ewcll. There is no decisive evidence of the pres ence of more than a small portion of Lee's army. dispatch says that General Brooks has been relieved of the command of his division and assigned to the command of the 10th corps as the successor of Gil more. See'y Stanton in a dispatch last night says up to 10 p. in. Sunday night no later operations on the James river. Our losses on Saturday arc reported as very heavy. No official returns arc yet made. Stanton further announces that Sherman was premature in proclaiming that the re bels had left their position. The enemy still holds Kenesaw mountain, with flanks belli ml Moondy and Moos creeks. Gen. Foster reports that he has been in formed by the rebel Gen. Jones at Charles ton, that five of our general officers, in the hands of the enemy, are kept under our fire as retaliation. He asks permission to place a like number of rebel officers of the same grade under rebel fire. Stanton has given his permission accordingly. BERMVRAS HI NOREOS, June 19. There was fighting in front of Petersburg up to 2 o clock yesterday, without decisive result, but we constantly gain ground. We captured another piece of artillery yester day. Decisive results expected soon. Every thing is satisfactory with the army. Grant and Butler went up the James river yesterday, and had an interview with Admiral Lee. Graal Traak A Vk C«atralB.fc, BOSTON, Fare $4.75 BUFFALO A NEW YORK, Fare $1.00, Less than via any other route. Passengers get the full benefit of the aboxe bv purchasing tickets at the Mrand Trunk Tiokot of fice only, 5S Ik arbon street, Chicago, 46 Clark sreet, Chicago, ^41 Main street, Milwaukee S. T. WEBSTER, Ar (J S. F. IIIIIBARD, West'n Ag Vt. Cent! C. J. BR\ DUES. Managing Director. HaaalWI A AND AND AFTER SUNDAY, MAY 1"64, trains will leave the Great Cen­ St. Joseph RailruA STEAM PACKET LINES OK THE Missouri River. The most practicable route to the bold Mines of Idano, Bannock Citv Vir ginia City, Oallatin, Denver Washoe, Bofsee and California. Daily Overland Stages from Atchi son to above poiuts. All rail to St. Joseph At chison, Latan and Weston. The Dailv Packet Emilie, runs from Weston to Leavenworth, (seven miles,) and Kansas City, (fortv miles.) Staae connections from Leavenworth and Kansas City to Lawrence, Topeka, Ft. Riley, Ft. Scott, SunU Fee. Tri-Weekly Packets —The elegant packets Col orado, Denver, J. H. Lacy, West Wind and A Majors form a Tri-Weekly Line from St. Joseph to Nebraska City, Council Bluffs and Omaha.— Also Daily Stages from St. Joseph to above points. Miners with teams and luggage carried on the same train and packet to the above starting points and arrive fresh for the Plains. Connections made by rail and by packets on the Mississippi River with the Hannibal A St. Joe R. R. at Quincv and Hannibal. For through Tickets or Freight, applv to R. M. Prettyman, agent, at Davenport, or on'board tbe Packets. I T. K. HAY WARD, Oen'l Sap't B- OROAt Gen. ticket Agent. W. P. ROBINSON. Gen. Fr't Agent. J. n. DV2M, Taper MM| KkaHSi.kiMithnT. MieH' Ht#BHgktr«attfftC rpHE riTIZENSCf DATWJgr Pe- 8TRA8SERS BRASS BAND Will be there, and everv efTort will be made to provide for an extraordinary time The rooms of the College, the Librarv, Cabinet and Apparatus Kooms. will be lighted up aad visitor*. X|,e Supper Tables will be spread in the large Schoolroom, which will be decorated for the oc- C'lAi'i"admission defr.iv expenses of beautifying the College Ground-. Tickets will le sold at the entrauce to the Ground on Mainjand Harrison street*. Entrance into the building through the north "''owssing rooms for Ladies and Gentlemen on the west side of the hall. These Bitters are prepared,, in pur# bourbon wliisky, from a combination of over 20 different kinds of roots, barks and herbs which act in per fect concert one with the other, prepared from the original formula given by the great chief, R««d Jacket, to Dr.Chapin.who used tin-in successfully in his practice for many years, and by their use gained so great a popularity in the'eure of|lvspep aia. Liver Complaint, Constipation, Sick and S'er vous headache, Fever and Ague, and ell ttiscascs arising from torpid liver or indigestion. Persons suffering from either of these loathsome diseases will ttuu a sure cure by the n e jf :ese Bitters, which are perfectly purr and tree from all those drugs and poisons usually put up in such prepar ations, and palmed off on an unsuspecting public. One trial will convince the most skentical that in Red Jacket is virture which none other possess. Thev strengthen and invigorate the system. Tliev are unequnled for general debility. They are a sure cure for dyspepsia. Thev give a good and healthy appetite. Thev assist digestion. They are the best stitnulent in existence, They are a preventive of fever and ague. They relieve constipation. They cure nervous headache. They are perfectly pure anil alatablf. Aged persons ana delicate females will find they can save large doctor bills Bitters. Beware of counterfeits. Ked Jacket Bitters are ouly told iu bottles, vvitli our name blown on the side. "fit sa&Twin For Medical and Table uses, which are perfectly pure, and need only be tried to be appreciated.-— None genuine unlesathey have our •.'old laM on each bottle, and our initials pressed in wax over the cork. Sold by all druggists and dealera throughout the country. (lull for our good* und take uo other. Circulars to the trade supplied on application to BENNETT PIETEIIS IC f: y. HAS Also the best assortment of Confectioneries in the city. Call and see me. All goods warranted, jnciio-dtf GEO. MATTHES N E W E W E Y S O E 1. D. WII.LJSOV RESPECTFULLY E wis Y embracing every modern style and patera, which he oilers at remarkably low tigurc. Also Plated, and, Silver Ware! warrsnted to be of superior quality. Bv offering the best quality of Goods, selling at reasonable prices, and prompt attention to the wants of the public he hopes to merit a liberal patronage. Call aad See wmj (Stork. N. B.—Particular attention given to repairing Watches. jnell-dtf WM. ALLKX 1.WALLS, Architect, Contractor k Solicitor of Patents* Sperijiealion* rf: Trains leave the W est Side Union Depot, cor ner Madison and Cauul streets, Chicago, on ar rival of trains from the West, as follows: MAILS, every morning, except Sundays. cv, rv ev, n'"Jt TOemesec Are I invited to co-oMi'«tC !•i Pf^jetton and enVsjrasent of a FesfivJoa ttoe GtvoadsGrtwoLd C«®ge. on We«aes4ar *mmm SM. The College b-lldings wifl be tbe spacious and etegant greuiwiigniee with Cslsni I asisfsai RcfrPuJiment stand will be able luxuries of all ki««U lew, WCwM^tia. onade. Strawberries aad Cream, V'akes, rinila, Flowers, Ac. .4^ VBWSLL. newRi.i.4*MAni' BRADY AND Kourth over farts A Bo«. mera Orrery stor.. Al aeraoos sppreciat- a .u,H rior styj, of DeM.try do wpil lo call. 1 ricea iMNler^ *|I warranted. Kutrauce IMIMII nil. ia. w. ^iribui, TKKTH jlral aad Mechanical l»eataat MOUNTED ON UOI.D, SILVER I lst»is or Ruber Plate, either plain, in blucki WWltii COXTIM OL s LI N*. All who want a supe nw style of work, at the lowest luu,g pi icr wil ••Well to call on Dr. N. Satisfaction guarantied TiMh extracted at nil hours iu the da* or night O^s-Corner 2d and Main St... opposite L« yaire House aud National Bauk. uih^-dAwly J. J. NtVKR UCG. Honrs. fee of l* cents will be charged to DENTIST. ROOM NO. 1, OYER Pus! Ollice, DAVK:PORT, Iowa. ar-vB •—Teeth extracted at ail decl4-dtf PHYSICIANS. PJ. A. BEID, M. IIYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE residence No. *8, corner Main and Third Streets, Davenport, Iowa. jyl-C2-d 1K- HYSICIAN. SUHGEON, OCULIST AND Aurist. Office and residenee lufl Bradv St.. between 4th and .Mb, Davenport. sp-4-dtf OB. U4»D, OFFICE IN FAHRAND'S BLOCK. CORNER of Bradv und Second streets, upstairs, Da venport, lown. Sjwvinl attention given to treat ment of Chronic diseases and Female eomplaintv of every variety, and treats Cancers and all dis eases pertaining thereto without using the knife, by a new process -safe and effectual in all curable eases. Office hours from a. m. to 4 p. m. Address Box 3'«». apl4-dAwly »a. a. w. NTCARX, Proom IIYICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE IN over Post Office. Residence east side of Brsdy—ad door from Vth at July Idwtf THOU, M. 1). DR. ILKS NOW OFFERS HIS SERVIBES in the various brunches of medicine and surgery, «Uilh/ in those troublesome chronic disense.s so perplexing both to patient and phy sician. Otliee on Third street, between ltialv and Main, opposite Dr. Adler'a office. nySlif J. W. H. HAKEa, Pbasement AYSICIAN AND SL'RGEON. OFFCE IN of htiite Ituiik Itiiildiiji Kesidenpe •th St., bet. Bardy and I'erry aireeis. nolttdw ATTORNEYS. JOII.1 CBAWFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PENSION AND Boutity Agent, Farraud's Block, Davenport, Iowa. mhsv IAMBS T. LANS. JOHN M. DAT IA3IE St DAY, ATTORSEYTI AT LAW. OFFICE IN SAM. Perry's new block, opp. Post Office. agi!8 Iaw Partaernlilp. i*o. p. COOK. J. WTLSOI- DRcar OOK 4c Dni'RY, Sucrftsors to Coot, IHlhn AOffice cf- ATTORNEYS k CO., Sold bv No. 21 Kiver St., Chicago. E. S. Ballord, at wholesale by Beiderbecke k Miller. juiicJo-dAivly H.tLOOJr i GEO. MATTIIKH, 10 A 1 fe Brady St., 1 ft door Mow Stt'ond, FITTED UP AN ELEGANT Ire Cream Hoona for the accommodation of Ladiea and (•entlemen, and awaits a call from his friends, and the public generally. Quests will be served with the most delicious CRLA Jl.V Etc., that can be produced, and waited upon with kindest attention. Bakery ami Confectioner#, I am also prepared tosnpplv the market with the freshest l»ie*« Cnkesi Hrcad, and in fact everything pertaining to bukery profession, made from the best flour. Parties supplied at the shortest notice. HAVING ANNOUNCES TO TIIK people of Davenport, and vicinitv, that he has just opened at his new store, on Brady St., first deer above Sd, a carefully selected, and very choice assortment of WATCHEMLOCKS h'ttimafe* Furntxhtd for Jiuildiinj* and Mtichim-rtf, PLANS FROM MODDLES roa TH« PATENT Office, and uchinery of every discription in Isonietrical and (iemetrical perspective. Office corner of Brady and 2d streets, Daven ort, Iowa, over Mack lot's bank. jneltj-dtf FlMsharg, Ft. W. A Chi. R. R. The shortest line from Chicago to New York, I'liiUriclpliia, Baltimore, \Vat|iin^K)n l.'itv, Hv* risburg, and I'ittsburg. Also the direct route to Boston, [Albany, Buffalo Dunkirk, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Wheeling, Dayton. And sll cities and towns between Chicago aud those points above named. except Saturdays. Both Trains connecting at Fort Wayne with the trftina of th? To cdo and \Vabash Kuilwuv. it noon nd miduight. THERM 18 NO CHANGS OF CASS. MTwaax. Chicago and Pittburg And but ONL CHANGE between CHICAGO AXD PHILAPRLPHIA, oa TO XXW YOBK VIA ALLHRTOX. Woodruffs State Room Sleepiig Can. Are run on Night Trains, and baggage is checked through to all Eastern Cities and handled free. To secure the Shortest Route, Greatest Com iort, ana the SAVING OF TWO HOURS TIMK, ASK FOR TICKETS VIA THF FOST WA VXE ROAD. wlit *'lt princiP"1 Offices ia the the Co.t.panT's offices in Cfaicaao. eor- Unio^St We^Sir|^rn ,treeU- ",d lh* For further W.C.CLELLANSTS? RSAV, CbR^ WM. P. BRISK, "aa. *tw«k ityyiMHirtf Lindtef. TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS IT LAW corner of Main and id Sts. jygi*dwt(L C'IIAP HIIITTAKKR, ATTORNEYTAND COUNSELOR AT LAW. OmtK—on Maiu street, iu rant's Block, apstaim. iny30-dtf a K. BIIOWV. AL'RKU SCLLT BROM.K 4t SI LLY, AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office corner 2d and Brady Sts. Davenport, nielilo Iowa FRAXK PI.I IIKR, TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, r-^-and Notary Public. Office in LcClaire Block, [aveuporl, I on-a. jne'2-dtf K. I», C0N«ID01«, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. and^Notary Public. Otliee, N. W. cor. Bra dy A 2d Sts, up stairs. Entrance ou Brady. jy2fi VAMBS GAAVT. G. r. SMITH" «RAW St N^IITII. A TTORNEQS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ^ujLsnd Notaries Public. Office, Main St., west Side, between Front and 2d sts. »ep 1-dawtf CHAS. a. PI'Tb'AM. JOHN* X. ROflEIU. I»IfT."*Al»f Jr. ROOKBli. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office in Davenport's lilock, 2d floor. je7 "WAR CLAIM, BOCNTT A PENSION OEOnOE H. PARKER. Main Street, between Second aud Third, DAVENPORT, IOWA, Collects Back Pay, Bounties, and Pensions. BEEN ENGAGED FOR OVER A year in prosecuting Claims for Pensions, Arrears, and Bounties, iiarties can rely upon hav ing their mailers attended to as promptly us the business of the various Departments ut \Va»Uiug ton will permit. jv29-dtf HOTELS. RI RTIH HOI NR. CORNER OK IOWA AND FIFTH STREETS, Davenport, Iowa. 0« 11. VIKIIOINE, PJ. GILLETT, PROPRIETOR, FRONTING Levee and Passenger Station, Muscatine. I» V V A IA HOIMI:, CDAVIS ORNER OF 4TII AND IOWA STREETS,— a Soss, 1'aorniKToas. Free omnibus to and from the cars and boats. Proprietors of the LcClairc, Princeton and Lyons, and the De Witt and Maquokcta Stage Lines. Stages leave tkc House for the above iianed and contiguous points every day. dwtf nETROPOLITA.^ HOTKIi, CORNER RANDOLPH k WELLS STREETS, CUcage, 111. nliS8-d3m] 8. H. SKINNER. BUTCHER8. Family Meat Market. F. RA1M1I, o 2 0 K Second Street. KEEPT HIS MARKET CON ST AXTLT supplied with the best qual ity of Beet, Pork, Veal, Mutton, which he lulls cheaper than any othrr batcher in the citv. Corned Beef, Pickled Pork, Cured Hamo aud t)ried Beef constantly on hand. Call aud try m.i. my*"-dtf «•:«. TIIIRI.R, Fa aall y Ratclacr. BRADY STREET, BE. 4TH 4 STH. Suppiies families with the very best Meats of all kinds, at the low­ est market prices. Very particular attention paid to the wants of customers. my lo-dly MISCELLANEOUS. JIIMCH KOCH. MANUFACTURER DEast AND DKALER IN Hats, Cans, Gloves, Furs, Ac. Store on td St. between Main and Harrison. apl.*-6m HG.1R1 NKLHY, EALER IN FURNITURE, CARPCTS, Mats, Oil Cloth Matting, Window Shades, Ac., Second St., neat door to Perry. jjill JACOB L1TIEN, Ptaxriox RACTICAL DYER.—PARTICULAR AT paid to (lyeing Cloths, Silks, V civets If Garment* of any kind—to (pve my color w* awed. Third street, two doors west of Iowa— aorth aide. mylS-dly «aos. o'coxxoa. THOS. MoaaAX (TCOitma MORGAN. I BLACKRMITHS AND HORSE SHOERS Shop on Commercial Alley, nest Eoor to Saiith'a Livery stable. Work neatly aad prompt ly 4oae. Charges ressonsble. may80dtf JARLT ANTHONY. BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER AT THE litortis House, respectfully iatbnna the pub lie that be ia prepared for Shaving, hair cnttiag, and dreasing the wort approved at*l«- DEBOLT EICHASGE1 M. RlLKT, ..Pwprietor. Choice Wum, Litfnort and Sefmrt Warm Meat* at aU Hour*. fTable BAYK JITST PUT OP A JBKKT IU® i- .jd#s.i« HAVFT JUBT RUI WR A of the latest improved psdteia. aa« await atrial from W. W. KIMBALL, 149 l«ke Pll.. ffcleage, IWaAi, Wholesale and Retail l»ealer in S. D. k II. W. SMITH'S aMurnc.t.r o*tt4jrn, With Tremolo Attachment, in rtrrain nirrmxt STTLBS, Ekgaallr Flalsked Reseweel^ For Parlor asc. Blmrk HIHINMI mn* Oak, F»r Cbarches. Schools, Ixidgea, Ac., ke. Every Instrument warrauted for FIVE YEARS. Prices Awa $»0 to »IM. I E A E A N 0 1 1 V is an entirely new instrament. It contains botk the Patent Tremolo and Forte Stop, Knee Swell, Double Bellows and two Blow Pedals. The American Organs are pronounced by more than a hundred of the best Organists to be superior to any other yet produced, having received the tir»t premium whenever exhibited. The following are among the many received [From George Washhnrne Morgan. Organist o Grace Church and the Middle Dutch Reformed Church: 1 UNIVERSITY BUILDING, New York. The near approach to the Pipe or Organ tone attained bv Messrs. S. I). A H. W. Smith, in the voicing of their American Organs, united with their prompt and reliable action, entitles them to the lir.-t rank among that class of instrument*.— I cheerfully recommend them to purchase, either for parlor, ball, or chapel use. GEO. WASllUURNE MORGAN. [From B. F. Baker, Professor in the Boston Musi cal Institute, Author. Ac., and Director of Mu sic iu the South Congregational Church :1 BOSTON, Mass. GBXTLBMSK -I confess to having entertained a prejudice against reed instrument.', liefore having heard your American Organ. Ilut by your new method of voicing tbe monotonous, droiiing, hut ling sound has been entirely cured, and in place of it a pure organ-like tone substituted. The ac tion is prompt and the tuning is really perfect.— If your Organs receive the patronage they merit they must come into very general use. With regard, trulv VI.UK, it. F. BAKER. [From H. M. Sanborn, Teacher of Music and President of Handel Society in Dartmouth Col lege: DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. G*VTL*utx The American Organ I purchased of you, though very pleasing in tone from th= first, has become more and more a favorite instru ment with my UUI-MCMI ucmiai iiaiiee« as well us with iii »el|. Thu ea«e pf lite itnlion and the ra pidity with which light music can he executed upon it surprised me, while for sacred or solemn harmony its fitness is uni|Uestioned. I take ijreiit pleasure iu adding my testimony to its real worth. Very truly, yours, H.'M. SANBORN. [From George F. Willev, Organist and Director of Mus icat John StreetClim-ch. Lowell, Mass:] LOWELL. Mass. GBKTLBMSY—Having thoroughly examined vonr American Organs, 1 am of the ojiinioti that titer are not equaled by thu»e of »iiy loiter. r|iiey are djstiii^uisljed from all I liqvp #ei:n by their extreme fullness, ye mclliwi{e*s of tone, and their quick reirjionses to the tuiicli of |hc perfor mer. I am vours, Ac. GEO. F. WILLEY. [From Thos. Chnhbuck, Organist and Pirectorof Music of the First Hmitui Cb|irch, Mpriiiglield, llaisij THOS. CHUBBUCK. [From Thomas Baker, Musical Director of I.aura Keerie's Theatre, formerly Leader of Julien's Band:j KING STREET, NEW YORK, llnvinir examined the American Orgui)*, nauiif*Miii.i M'-s^i*. ti. I). A II. W. Smith, I cheerfully cei titv to their superiority in every desirable quality of the instrument. Their voicing is of the most approved order, rendering the tone clear and reliable, enabling the perform er to execute rapid passages with ea«e and accu racy. T. BAKER. ROXRURY, Mass. To alia its lo In Nil Mounts which bear the name of S. D. k II. W. Smith, would be useless. They have stood the test for years and when we say «t4t tl|i-r phravs reflect upon the reputation of Itoston men, ue Hiyard i.iul. In quality ol tene and finish they justly claim the first rank and. having so much at stalcc, their name of Ame rican Organs may be considered a good indorse •sent of a&f. Respectfully, PROF. L. G. A. SECnE. BLACK STONE, Mass. Gfii iXB«BK~The three American Organs pur chased ol you for (he of our clnmUes, here, in L'xbridge, and iu Mulbnrv, have been in u«e one year. It gives me iuucii pleasure *o sav that they have fully met onr expectations, mitl 'given the gruuteat aatisl'action. I i. ru tin v.nirs. E. J. SHERIDAN, Prstm Mr. UEORliE A. ilKUKN. Org« James T^IUI". II, Clii. a^I III "Tliev I'm surpass all otia'i- last Hiie ui. kind that bare conn ndi :y oltfxv i tullness, riehness and biiliis.iicv of tutc, promptness and delicacy of actiou." u*o~. ft I. a in: tt. i •», In every i- ty. tvnh pri"is ran^iii'/ from (45 to Kvevy one s eordially inviiel to call and examine oiir instruments, whether they wish to buy ur not. Orders IVnni a IHslaare prompt* Ijr At leaded to. Address all letters W. W. KIMBALL, del? 1*2 Lake Street, Chicago. PATENTS. THE NATIONAL PATENT OFFICE. MlOERJc WALTE.1, 229 Broadway, New Yorlc. Patent Soliciting tt***e and fMtmt Commit fit'll Hnvtr Cvinfiiited. SOLM'lTlNfl.--'This Company will act as At­ torneys for securing Patents for new Inven tions in this Country aud Europe, on the must reasonable term conduct Infringement cases, aud procure renewals for Patents. Our Kthiiuti"" litottnt ami Selling I department. "We rvsiMictfu'ly submit to the public that ours is the only responsible Soliciting House in the World that ha* an Exhibition Riytm, and an effi cient and successful Selling Department attached. On Patents taken out by us we require no ad vance fee for selling. We are in regular communication with upwards of 1*0 Patent Sellers throughout the country who dc|K-nd wholly for their supply upon us.* Our Exhibition Rooms I corner Broadway and Barclay streets, in the very heart and center of the city, I are daily visited by numbers of Capitalists and me'i of Enterprise, seeking investments in valua ble Patents, for the purpose of re-selling in sub divisions, while others and heavier capitalists are always ready lo purchase a useful Patent and en gage in its manufacture, and thus secure a lucra tive monopoly. These sources of demand that are daily augmenting are fully sufficient to ab sorh the entire supply of Pateuta now beiag is ned. and st fair prices. Consignments of Patents for sale are respect fully solicited. Any information free. Respon hibl'e Agents wanted in every county and town who have Used places of business—to such we will pay per quarter, and per cent, nn all sales, to act aa our agents, for the explanation (one hour or more per dayj of the models of such patents as may be placeaan their hsnda for sale. To good salesmen, who will give their wboletinie to business, will pay a month. Also travel ing Agents are wanted at a fair salary. Agents will be required to give some satisfac tory accnrity or ileposit the cost price of models, which will be refunded when returned. AiMreaa enclosing stamp SNYDER WALTERS No. *29 Broadway. Rnrsaaacn:—We, the undersigned, doing bu siness in New York City, do authorise Joseph S. Walters and G. H. Snyder, comprising the firm of he National Patent Office, to refer to us, and wet believe they will conduct tlieir business npon •trictlv honorable principles. [Signed] Wk, Feb. 2!ith. —Mctewaiy Esq_. Importer, K, Maiden i-ane N. Y Citv: W. L. Taylor, bq., Banker, .6 all St. N." Y. City Clias. H. Voorhees, Esq., Bank er 'tt! Pine St., N. Y. City Shepherdj SewarJA 'British Eso aOd American Excoan^e Hankinj Coiporation, WaU Si.. N. Smith, Esq wav and ppaprietor, uambers ALIXMAMD-S U<fepkspEC!FlG a. *evf" rA,u*G JNO. H. BliOOD, AGBNT OFFICE, 34 FIFTH STaCET. ffntffA. V. ofOhSMUtst. BT. lOCURa ROI MI iv ILL OWAAISTS. phm. a.v umitsm p*r m*tto This Medleiae will aet care al tseasea. It will eare Mlaeaaaallaaa, (laat aad Hearalfla. It it no a €i«aek Mcdleine' Tlie receipt Inr makiac it was procured uf the celebrated Dr. Lallasaaad, of Kraoee, by Alex. Ieitch, the well known Chemist aud Drugist of St. Ijouis, Mo. It was introduced to the public the 1st of June, IsOJ. Hundreds have been curc4 by its use after trying all other remrdi. na have given their cei titicaUs to that eHeci wit :a the past twelve months. It is highly re«otnmeiidd by the DIO VL FACULTV. All good Physicians who are ac quainted with the medicine do not he .tat .• to prescribe it. See what Da. PBILMFS, one of the ol cat aad best l'h\*iciaus of St. louis suvs ST. 1^im, June lsr 1§ j. Ma. Jam n. Bi.oon, Agent of Laliv.n.nd'* Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia Speeiae uave prescribed the above mentioned Speeitir.aod must say that I have never found an* remedy that carrie* ao much certainty of a quicL and sal utarr cure a* that haa ifi all cases where I have used it. DR. G. W. PHILLIIS. Iiuttvr from Csptaln Malin, nrevioua to' Jtka U. Blood's Agency foj the medicide: ST. I.oi'is, March 3lst, ISO. ALCX. I.aiTcn, Kmj. Like mantr of my i fj. fession I have suffered severely with rhoumati-•, and could get no peimaney'. rrllef till I tiled vour Specific. 1 am hapay to ssy that its ase, ia a few days, restored me to qealth. ISignJdj tAlt. MALIN. Of the steamer Warsaw. LASALI.k, rou HPRINUFIELD, Mass. 0"!!tH«*W—Having had op|Hirtunitiea for Mr ing the qualitlea of your different styles of Ame rican Organs in contrast with those of other mil kers, I 'lo not hesitate to wiv thai 1 find in them a superiority, both in exquisite purity, smoothness and volume of tone, iu delicate und pleasant touch and prompt response iu rapid placing. I can cheerfully recommend them to any person who may wish to own or play upon such'an instrument nearest perfection. Respectfully yours, III., July 16, IstMt. JOHN II. BLOOD, KWJ- Dear Sir: I have Ie• a sufferer for si a years with Clirouie Rheumatu a, aud 1 take great pleosure in recommending i cor Lallemand, Oout and Neuralgia Specific to be ino oest medicine for that diseiue that I evor heard of. Whcu 1 commenced takiug it, I could hardly walk or sit atill, ao great waa the psin, and in three days I was flee from it. and my legs are for the first time In five years, free fiotn pain, sn4 I feel so nimble that I think I wuuld tie dancing all the while if it did Mkt (HMI so much for aiusie But, sir, it U a a|tiMqid medirine. and I would ruvol|.M«eiHi all those aiHictcd tliose diseases tu try t. 1 have just foijnd Capt. Raymond, iq friend 1 niiue) on riis back with' iuflan'imatory rheuma tism, and I told liiiu what your medicine did for me. He will send to you fur some of it, Enclosed pleaae find two dollars, ami jte-wd me two bottles •jf Ihe S|iecific. If thtmid Mot need it myself, 1 a ill give it iti sun«e auu that dues, for there are plenty that are suffering with those disease* that are unacquainted with your Specilic, and I thirk ought to publish it iit every city in the Uaioa. Vn .' resiiectfallv vouts, CA1T. JAilfiS W. BROWN. Residence: Chicago, III. P. 8.—Send rocdirine to cure of B. K. W. Whit man Chicago. J. VV". B. Froat lloa. Jadge l^rd, 0k« aad »art. ST. L'.k IS, Feb. 25th, ISM. J. H. BLOOD, ESQ—Denr Sir: 1 have tried your Rheumatism, Neuralgia aud Gout Specific, and have to and great relief from it when other remedies have failed. 1 think it a very safe and reliable medicine. Very respectfully your friend, C. II. LORD. Itallenaaad'a Mpeciac seldom fails to enre the worst cases of MheMiaatlwaa, Uoat and .^leiaral|tln. A sutticient num ber of certificates to Ml a newspaper could fje procured frori pcr^eiis v,c|l kiiywn fo the public, if necessary. To all tit use ufl'ected, a trial id tltt medicine is the best evirence they can have. Persons going to the Mines, where they will be exposed to Rheumatism aud Neuralgia, and where medicines are scarce, should supply themselvea with Lulleinand'a Specific. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. .. 1 d*w1r IWAINV BOURBON HTTERt 9wm mam vrm tWADK BOUMON BITTEM A healthy leak, geatlesllaielaat and aaeiaal* led aoralag appetiser. Prepared In ripe oM Bourtna. Bctag ao* to tbe esdasloe sf all sther Blltrrs In more Uian tfty UaUed •tales 4rmp and millions uf privalt failles, and Is Ihe safe popular aisdlem Wblck lias been especially tftmym f*m mm* tm* bjr tli« Unlir4 Ptatrs goTtraasat ea the groand at Its having been adopted as a Standard imMtfy by the medical profeidoa •MAIN'S BOOON BITfMS 1 rare auric it InrrtdirMi will kaowa aad approved bjr tlir having prmftmMnn, SI powrfml tunic pnprrtut, ma, Jlanfai, art both palatable aad ptrasant.wlth mfllri«-et «afof prapmtu* lo corrsct thr U|loai 1^nga HMt of Ihe tystcpi, sad set like a charm W M£ ••ken aecerdlng to direction, as a remedy the falloelnc diseases -/wMf/fitlN, Oftptft Uttr A^sciioas, l*muf Sgpi. M, faama vf %»ii, Mat CbaipbaMMS, BUTOS tWAim BounoN Kiadsili, ftmwsai, aad Madrcd arWag tram a disordered condition ef Ma llcaaek, Liver, or Buveli. Ui every ea* hp these agreeable Qltters once tried «q| wad, they «W eooomnead thsai «|ik soa% dsaes ia all aha *he are In need of s *heM» asae, agreeable aad ifculaal tonle. The ra# Idly itcmSnf trawl for these Bitters Ml ladoeed aw to ft re Ihrta pubtlclty, so tM Ihnnaads who have aot ased thsa, say Uf tfcea aad be convinced of their tBcaiy.- tWAINt BONBON BITTEM IV1 rutin, Who laM Med aad fhaad a^a MN« aad toe Ugklg maiitmitH for their tasle, please give thess a trial, and yea ast be wtthont dan. They will give toae te ths Stsaash, aad strength to the whole syslea. The lasiaiia af tr. •wale's »sa. hastag s e a S 4 S a w s e a a e n Jearaals, aad havlae IMI adopted as a rtaedard na* sdy bv the liedtoalrroCrtrtoiiTsre by the nUarSRVaUV DR. 0. H. SWAIN, H. City ., b^nk, Chemical corncr ol I ., N. Ci^y. mhtS eod*l. St im 01*1!?] ^a»M«i«a wly KuiDi TOH.ICCO StlUll* LOWENIIl.Vi- R01lS«»UW .v c. A'tfct. 1 tactartn Wlivleaale A*!"rs IO anw a A. 000K, (WdAgaa't fee thaW^ OAaa, Market gr Mold at wholesale in i .i.c^go ut k raller, Bnahmaa k ria A Co., and C. P. Smith, drnig|lita. In Dav hv Heiderlt»vk A Mil'-.. inel.tdt'- Ckieagt fttek Mart Kailrmii, SUMMER ARRANGSMKNT. ONaad AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY l«th, 1M4. aatU Aarther na*ipe, train* wtf leaf* Davenport daily, 'Hnndays eaospted) aa rollowa I 1st Mail train at ft at', A, A. id Night expres So. a. Arrive at Davenport daily, (.Sunday s excepted) aa follows 1st Night etpress at i ftO, a a. id .Tlv express ai| i itMii '6. r. a. nr*- tn All tlN!ll^ rer t!n« r.Mtf Crncftifo with tion nt imim "it ?f tihW-t^4 fs -.1w»P»isl ffT Yaa Schaa'ah, W. II. 11 nr- [tifixl-l lit ovi i i«a •Michi.. UlUKH"1, 'H ^njri :cf AldnjFi pH-c V»r :i« --t« bf-i-o ttLl' .". C*'"". '"t »»»Hi«t«t.Hpa s ". i« ..1 lt^0 tnsiwirt Af Jbpa I't'daal^ if w*a Jbttjt ,-s-a*a|«» a ,vVr. ijr?!T