Newspaper Page Text
km-*' ^mSi I N S I I A I A I E I JOHNL.SWiTSfcCO- mx i. win, 1.i nu, w. t. mn, Btoclt, (ep MM,) V MITIH ftKCO*DMT. jflL VAHfeifi MfTvTVI llHRpVTVV ^ericci order and repoir price Factory I-ots. if a«.' V. Hd mmmmmf CITY LOTS# r- Ihrrtltag *«MM MMPM Boyghtt Sold and Htnie Lots fbr Sale* A CI real BmrftlB. JV« 4ft. Those eligible building lots C«r twelfth and Hock Island stre.-ts, Oeing Wl Wl front on south side 12th street, and 150 feet on •Ml side of llock Hand street. Tbo sbvvf i* i vrrjr lio« locstioa: PHW V€iy low terms uncommonly easy—» small of cash DOWN balance UD lung term of year# at low rate of int«-re*t. Mo. 41. l.ot on Hradv street, went side, S« reet front bv K.:. bet deep—price very low. Wpv* Brut lor tli* lot Nos th* lorn*** fur a trrm ot yirt nt *r l*r Ho yi tin hrady stre«t, )'f teit front by 160 feet dci fenced. I'riee *1'J l*i trout foot. •No. S. On Third street. lot No. Parker's ad- ditiou'corncr loi,) pr.. No Four house l"t« in Davison A Tfuc'a addition firm each. Terms ewy. «1 'A'i, Thirty bouse luU in SUflilr ke*rs addition *1'-' to firm each. Teriue easy. (More for wale. Jfo 47. One on 4th St ju-t. a«t of Brady St. fio. 4-i. Four oil 4tli St., mirUmlroad bridge. 5o i .-,. i Also, furnished suite* ol room* for tingle gentlemen. rirstclMM Bonsr* for No 4. Heat We arc ready engage to rent or to home* now building)*to be ready for ID Mil occupancy Ms. ur June next-plans ol which may be KM at our ollit Nlorc ftr Rent. No. M. Tbe nest store mid bavineal, in Me tropolitan tym k, now ooeupi-d by Mack A Co., (150 I'eet deep.) Iloasrs tor Hale. No l' 111 Molmc. tit., a 'wo-Story Brick «Wel IAK house, with lot by .No. t. et,eor Lyndeand Ann St*. The house it In ifoo.l condition, now fenif»d iciveu in ^dHvi (Tbelivvie. cost V« I'riee ol house nnd lot, fl.fc** one Uird cash balance on long tune ul low interest So. A hrii'k dwelling lionsc mi h-Sd St. gl Mi f60ii eaah, rest on tun.- at per cent. J,-,, ti„. ,-itiiti' now owiu-d and occupied by Ui'o. S C. I low, Kaq..being the dwelling bouse nnd threw lull lots, Iroiiimx «oiith upon «tli Ht., corner ol Knrniiiu Hti.-ct. Thin house is in per fect rrtmir, havint{ been titled up l.v tho owner fcr hirnselt Th' I'ntiri! arriiii(jtiii«ut of the house is tastiiul »ml foiniilete. Tlie view from this t»lsr is iinsur|ii-is«'l. Trrm« easy. 0". Friuiu' ruitat:' on S^. Brick krr Third atreet, la Green's addition. I'rico, |4»y. No. hoiwe and lots, southeast No. llouble bouw west side of corner cor- of 4th mid Main St*., known a*Thorlngtones tate. l.'.o It. front on -ach St. I'rice f.,'*Hi, No. may remain for a term of vein s at a low rate of interst 3'.'. Frame dwelling house, south l^ffiit, side 8d enst of Warren St., and lot. I'rice, l'erry St., of l'-'th street. I'rice. BBV Two-third* remain on mortgage at |«-r cent. No. 'J. Frmiic IIOHS4* sule »trc®t, one Bile west of llriulv street juice, l,oW. Two thirds inav remain on inorlgu^e at six per cent. No. 1. "New frame house on Ilrady street (a •enteel residence. I'riee, No 11 Valuable hou:»e with acres of land well stocked with fruit of all kinds, with stable, carriage luuiH«\ ci»\v htabii*, wn^on fthmi cisurn, two wrlls, jmftture, orchard ind young GR«»V"' -the whole J»1 K U well leiicea anu in $5,0011. Ntor«*is for H«lr. 5. o valuable stores, well ruuted easy tCTBW Wetmore'i Addition. row laid "IT into lots (of nil prices) and they •re readv for sale on very easy terins and at low Mires. House l.ots, Store Lots, archouscI4& Fmrmn Waated. We want to purchase improved farm I 190 acrea each. 9 miles lvom room', and cellar.) 0 bv feet,) spriug, MI80 Farm* for Hade* n iTf 25. aores, all improved and undar the citv, with excellent house, (9 wood house, w^sh house, barn two wells, cistern, orchard trees, apples, pesws, peaches and ice f-J.'W cash, |*rii years. No. 17. No. 5!4 12" cherries) balance trn a tern of apart 1 80 acres, fenced, a part improved _##• ie e Inga part of Margaret Noel's land, Vnver's jj'are. Tliis place is aduptei cd for a gar- dan or grapery, price $ 1,500c No. is. ho "acres, all nuprtiredandnnaer Knee with house, at Hickory Urotro. Price $1JW One-therd cash. ... «*_ acres nnimproyed lan« 200 near W- rnnt, at #1'.' per aer--. V» cash, balance in fire •ears at ton pejr cent. a1- 4o «cre«, I mile? from the coy, aijcremainand Aniuup road, aft irtiftyoypd and UMOOT th hourc stable. I rice $1,800, two nav for a term of years to suit too pur- acres in I.inn County, (60 improved and •Bder lenee.» I'rice ^'h No. 12. 12^ acre" near Walcott, (CO UlVfU under fence 1 with house price $1,300. acres in Poweshiek t.o* at acrfi 40i acres in Iowa county at $" per Wilf- f040acres jfiu icres in *lous county nt $1 per afcr* icres in Clay county at $1 per acre.* in Hancock county at$i per aoro, looo acres in Winnebago Lo. at $1 per aor*. KHK.1acres at $1 L"'R acre. ftRNj acres at cents per BCTtJ il. Kit* acres in Tanta countf. ItH.' acres id Story county. fiA acres in Winneshiek Co. at per acre. *r.i j0 acr.» in Urundy county at $2 per a£e, acres In BntWconnty nt $2.*o per acre. ®o-0 acres in Mower «., Minn, at ISO per acra $4a acres in Houston County at t'-' W per acre, FIRE INSURANCE. ftoili lire lararaicf Itlutlc Fire Imruw iiair Fir* Iuwimc €4^ OP NEW YORK. ... City Fire iBMraiec C#4 OF HARTFORD, CONN.| ipriiffteM lire hflvuee €*,% OFSPRIXOFIELD, MASS. IIFE INSURANCE. CMBMtbat life Isssraae* (•, Xstas Lift IssaraaM C* OF HARLFORD, COJfR IswTsrkUfe •sNritf lift OfWtW TOM fHALtSwltiA" hn »t ||AILY DEMOCRAT. 0O^ HO ST Part Kow, NewTnk lilt I a, »ra mm saian InthsaeeWo —lj" take atfverUseaeotsaaf istisrlp- "yjr.* at o«r lowest rales, www, ta ^artuiu street, Chlraco. Is *aa recetto (4NMHMSU Ibr tfalu paper. IOOAL VTIMS. BUT yotar hair prcpantions and toilet Ipod* at Onbbe'i, u«4«r the Le Claire 1 Tas Evi AND £AH.—We shook! advise fennma afflicted with defective sight atid hearing to consult Dr. Gardner, the akilful Oculist and Aurist, at the Burtis llonse. Moat of thoae elegant annuner hata just opened at Farrand's. Hats, caps and straw goods at wholesale, a» cheap a* can be bought in Chicago. SIVMEB ooato, MI miner Teat* and sunnier goods generally can nd in erery variety at Sam Perrr'a oppo ill the Post Office. CoxtKG.—Madata Anna BLihop ia on her way here, in company with Mis* Lftuial Biahop and Mr. Sedgwick, and proposes giv ing our people another grand vocal and in* atrumental concert in the course of a IW days. .She will be heartily welcomod. TIIK Rev. Geo. F. Magoun, formezly Pas the Congregational Church of this will deliver a lecture before the Train- School Convention in this town, on the 28th inst., in compliance with ifltitatiun. It will doubtless be deeply in teresting and instructive, and wc hope to see a good attendance. OOTID BrsiNEaa.—We counted twenty teams coming off from the ferry boat this morning at one trip, and a large crowd of passengers.- The boat is piling the greenbacks by the cord. Well, Capt. Rob inson is a good fellow and we advise those going Ift Rock Island to go on his boat. Ot'R DCTY.—It is the duty of every citi of Scofe county to encourage Joseph Shields in his woolen factory enterprise, lie mamiliictures cloth that no one need to be ashamed to wear, and to neglect to pat ronize him operates against the best interest of our city. Let it not be said that such an improvement lacks for patronage suffi cient! to sustain it handsomely. SENT L'r.—James Vrootnatis, for stealing a horse from a neighbor, was bound over yesterday, by Squire Wheeler, in the sum of $5tX), to appear at the November term of the District Court, to answer for thus disre garding the laws of the State of Iowa. Not being able to raise that amount, he wa ad mitted to the county boarding house, where he ii now permanently located. THE ETE AND EAR. Persons suffering from diseases of these delicate organs should avail themselves of the opportunity now offered for obtaining relief, by consulting Dr. Gardner at the Burtis House. We can safely recommend the Doctor as a success ful practitioner, who will fulfill all he under takes to perform. SUBSIDED.—For the matter of five straight days we have had a sample of weather that would tlo honor to the tropics—the thermo meter ranging up to 94 and tf in the shide. Fortunately, however, a check has been put upon tho clerk's enthusiasm, and this after noon the parched and dusty face of nature rejoices in a good washing. Tin banner still hangs upon the outer waH." The cry is still they come." The masses of the people come and daily fill the atorc of Maas Jb Ifyer to the extent of its accommodations. The stock on hand is of such rare excellence that we invite special attenton. \jow so much can be given for so little, is more than anybody excepting this firm can tell. There is no humbug about them—they give you good goods at low prices. Store, No, 11 W. Second st. PnoTooRAPBBBa' DEPOT.—Our friend and fellow citicen, I. N. Cook, has established a Photographers' Depot, on Brady street, be tween Second-and Third, where he proposes to supply the profession with every article ceqi^te ta the photographic art, at Chicago prices. He will also keep a food variety of Albums, and declares his intention of sell ing them twenty-five per cent, cheaper than any other hawse in the city. We hope he will receive a liberal share of patron$g^. To* HASTES .—Wheat is now ripening fast, and immediately after the 4th of July, the harveat season will commence and the largest crop ever harvested in Scott county be gathered. The prospect is that wheat will not bring less than $1.50 per bushel this fall, which will be equal to about 05c in specie. Farmers who are in debt have (be beat chance they will ever see to get out. No matter if wheat goes up to three dollars per bushel, and greenbacks down to twenty cents on the dollar—every dollar ia legal tender for a hundred cents, and debts can be easily wiped out that way. RATHn Rica.—In one of oar churches last Sabbath morning, before service had [omaa—aed, the worthy parson waa the eub ject of hearty coagratalatico among his parishenen, on account of the ffcet that the (lay previous he had bucome the lather, for the first time, of a "precious baby." These friendly greetings were moat heartily ac kaawlodged, and as a matter of course, in Tiew of the happy event, the audience ex jMcted a aermon aboondiaf in joyftilneaa ihi mafcilhfrg, bfct hgr anoniahment imagined flpn diisi 111m J, upon ilfbk ih. wikk ,nd an' il Ax ficnvm Isnomor.-Thi rush of travel by the Ferry boat since the bunt' ing of the Bridge, and the .dauger to ped estrians from the rnsh and hurry of teams, has induced our worthy Mayor to make some very important improvements at the landing. It coming to his notice that eome children had barely escaped being run over ait that plaee a day ar [two ago he eaufced a a low guard fence to be put up outside of the foot-walk, on both sides, extending from the landing nearly up to Front Street, which prevents teams from departing from their proper line of travel, thus keeping the foot walka dear. Furthermore at his suggestion the Ferry company has employed a police man to stay at the landing and whose duty it is made to have teams as they arrive to go on the bant, take position in single file, and the order in which they arrive, so there is no running by nor collision of any kind,but everything is kept in perfect order. Mayor Lowry deserves credit for thia providing against seriout calamities of which the pub lic was constantly in danger at that place. A DODGE THAT DON'T WI*.—One of those patriotic gentlemen known as substitute brokers, all the way from New York, made his appcarancc in our town a short time smcc and commenced operating on the members of the Veteran Reserve Corps, with a view of making a good tiling. The authorities became acquainted with the fact, and Mr. Broker was informed that his filia tion was not meeting with universal ap proval—in fact, there was nobody about the country who favors the plan of sending men out 6f this State to fill up the delinquencies of any other State. We have all we can at tend to to fill our'Dwn quotas* and are not helping Eastern States out of the draft ae troch tut we were. Cirwhtrlfo. 33k DEAFNESS, 1" ,]r '-i [COPT.J WAR PEPAliTMEtT, ADJUTANT GKNEKAI.'S OrrirE, Washington, April H, 1 HV4.) I. So much of War Department General Orders, No. 105, of 1803, as forbids the discharge of any man upon surgeon's cer tificate of disability, who may be fit for ser vice in the "Vet. Res. Corps,'' is so far modified as liot to include enlisted men tfho have less jtten six (f 1 mouths to serve. II. Enlisted tnen tuanyferred to the Vc apran Reserve Corps, who may Itave served more than two years, and who desire to re enlist in that Corps for three years, may do so, and will be paid ttt& bounty for former service, a provided by existing orders of the War Department. Fnrlougha not exceeding thirty days may be granted to men re-«niisting in the Veter an Reserve Corps, at the discretion of the proper Commanding Officers. Men who rercniist in the Vet. Res. Corps will bo credited the same as other troops, but are not entitled to any bounty or premium from the United States for such re-enlistment. By Order of the Secretary of ar [Signed] E. I). TOWNS FD Assistant Adjutant General, MS* WEEK MORE.—The Army of the PE toiuao is not yet inside of the walls of Rich mond. There were several bets made among some of our citizens that Geu, Grant would eat his4th of July dinner and smoke his 4th of July pipe in the rebel capital.— He may do so yet, but it is hardly probable and those who have been foolish enough to take risks better compromise or get an ex tension. noises in the head, difubargd^ from the ear, and all operations in aural and opthalmic surgery performed by Dr. Gard ner, Oculist and Aurist, of New York, at the Burtis House. PHOTOGRAPHS, ETC.—The place to procure a really splendid pltfrtftgrllph or ambrotypc is at Ohnstead & Co.'s, on Brady street, be low the Auction store, east udo, and also in Hill's new block, on Brady, between 3d and 4th streets. They are masters of their profession and warrant perfect satisfaction. Give them a call. jnc20d2w AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE FOB SAI,B.—The subscriber offer* for sale, on reasonable terms, his former res\cleaUe, corner of Ele venth and fcnvdy streets. If not sold the above property will be for rent on the first of July next. Also for sale cheap 4 Lots in Mackin tosh's Addition to Davenporik For further particulars enquire of jnelS CtfAa. K. Purw*. SGA^LS I SOAWLS!—A splendid assort ment at Whiaicr's. Mozambique Shawls, Challie Shawls, French Merino Shawls, Cashmere Shawls, Silk Shawls, Brocha Shawls. c. aavrKfi son, Oaeeesaers to A. F. Maat.j NoF S4 UCliire R*#, Whvlcailc K ftetsil CNfteflMNi ii4 News Inlen* IV. 7"KBP COMSTAlllliT OX HAND A LARGE nnd well selected assortment of ferelg* *jfr« DMBMIIC Fralta, CANNED FKUITS JtateiMty C«M»M, FigS, JTMlf, OitngM, Lemons, $.?, Also every variety of MiUlwyi, taWfwn Pearib, Perfaafepleai MOTTHAPHIC ALNMS, Bttiktfy Jte. Pa- .Kafasiaea, Cfctca«o ft P«*w alwayt aa Call aad ev—iac ow roods, undersold thia aide at Ohi&go. We won't w. F. HQSS, A|«i|* HOM* MMUXOI co., OF NEWTH|I Cqdtal, 9t,Oee,OW Asaatu over |S,000,009. BA«^PfpDFiBBlH8.C«^ ABMMI D. Mio. •QiJiTAau hum «It. v. V4JM4*i V'' nBumAJOft aociifr, fMar Muifcaa. CIRCULAR ADJUTANT (MINERAL S OFFICE, i tin# r.i Jli'wroitT, lows, June 2.5,18M. The following ia published for the information of tbe public, and all persona aA hereby aotiCed that recruiting in thia for the aredit of another State, under any pretense whatever, ia eipresaly forUidden bjr the War Department, and thisHRee. A«r a .23? K. B. BAKER, iJ Adjutant General of Iowa. *M ui ill Ini i •an Wh ipplc. Captain I'.unplK'll, K .R iflBCUkAR No. IS.] TV.VR DEVARTMEtV, i Pitoroffr MAMIII. Omt.a'i Omcs, i Washington, April 27th. 1861. [•atrset.] 6. Men who enlist or rc-enlwt in the Veteran Be serve Corps will be credited to the quota of the district from which they enlist, the sanie as other troops but are not entitled to any bounty or pre MWH (fin lt»iisitil States for such enlistment* JAMKS B. FRY, I'rorost Marshal Oepera!. %AR DEPARTMENT, raevos* MAK-HM, GKMRIIAL'S omck, »•". Washimfton, 1. -C., June 81,1W4. CIKCCLAR No. S3. fUxtract. I if It. Circular jfa. 1#, dated May Nth. MM, waa ssued to accommodate persons actually absent from their rt «iIeii-e, and who, being themaelves liable to mUltarj duty, might desire substitute, without being to furnish put to the inconven- ience of returuiag to their Stales or homes to do so.. Il i* not to be eunntrm-J, or vttd, at authort- ting rorvitimg fur tin Army, Sar/ i,r Mm-un' Corps in io iitaU for the credit of another tkr*j.igh broljr* pr other nine, lit HM lTKMS. The popular tmiii and jiussengpr packet James Mean*, Captain Jerry Wood, will d'-part for iMKjiic nnd way points Monday ut 7 o'clock. K. M. I'rettyman, ngcut Tlie fav.n ltc mail and passenger packet Jennie will depart for Fori way jioiuts Monday morning •/, Duren|Mirt Markets, at Mndion ami 7 o'clock. Lemuel 1 ai khurst In the office. Tilcbein, agent. E. A. The Northern Line packet! Canada, Captain Parker. «ill depart IVr St. louix and way points to-tnorrow mornSnr. Lcn. W. Kldred in the olliee. R. M. Pr ttvman, a^ent. COMMERCIAL. '•mCl! OF TBK I AVKVI'URT DEXOGBAT, I Friday eveniujr, June S-t, Wheat—N'. I, well cleaned, round mid plump, Club, Tea and lialt'na, $1.45 No. 'J, all sound, not dead enomrli for \. I, 1.^.1 riy'.'Cted, mus ty and damp, 110 cunt*. Baatiflf.—tlo. COIIN.—Shelled, Ko. 1, sound, plumji aad drv, 95c do. tNn. 1, shrutikeuJB5 in ear. No. sound, plump and dry. do Jfo. 2 shrunken, U\ts.—No. 1, clean uad ^uuud, «T do. No. 3, damp and not clean, 6-, VK— M'HITK HSATS.—t2.i'"Q9.50. I'i AXaKen.- 'v.- Timotht.—ia.5dr(it CUTVER.—17.""@7.^5, I'OV ATOSS.—5 L@75. llt'TTKR—ISC. jNWia-121^0, *14 1* Lntabrr Market. DAVENPORT,May 9. Fencing $^2.00 Barn llnards S8.K) Framingfiiulier A Jaistn under 20 ft 2'2 'X) 8^-frot and OWSf23.IH»(^S0-00 Flooring Sidinir Fini*!niig,M 35.00$50.OQ Shinprles,.. 50 Lath &.<' Clear Hoards and l'lanlia... 85.|XJ54I|.'X) FIRE WORKS! AM, Wholesale aad BetaH by IEI PKE A ato^, Ko, AT ('lill'AUO PRICES, Tli«jr have aa Ksteasive Stock of Every- Uescrlptloa. Call and examine Ix foreperchasinj je50-2w NEW JEWELRY STORES latfl: .1 «J# M9% w¥ rtjnst rAJIJ^IUN KSPECTFULLY people of Davenport, and vicinity, that be ANNOUNCES TO TOT nit baa opened at his new store, on rady Ot., first deer ahave M» careAiUy selected, and very choice assortment of "WATCHES, ftKKt 1 W E E in "A 'If.Ti Jpi 5!" ^tdoaM u m* mm iNi in- embracing every modern sty!e «td pat em, which he oBera ut rnaatfcably low figure. Also Plated and Hitver IVmret warranted to be of superior quality. By offering the best quality of (toads, selling at reasonable prices, and prompt attention to tne wants of the public ho hopes to merit a liberal patronage. Call aal Kee way gtach. S. B.—Particular ntteution given to repairing Watchcs. iacll-dtf ."hftr *irmy Wmteht*. ARRANDALE k CO., Importers, 107 Broadway New York, want Agents in everyeounty and everj regiment, for the sale of their n^w styles of Watdies. Unusually liberal terms are offered to ageata. Send for a circular. mygl-dm I S A O O N 6& We*Vid StKMti g.twja B«l jfrattT IfbBKIKa Keeps tho Wines amd M*iqmor« TQulum W'»i Clgara,ltc. Guests Waited u o with Wmy aad attention Give me a *pr16 dtf «I. OA*TWli« Manufactures aadSepora FalrrWi BlrartliOMee, aad on the Old or damaged Umhraliaa aad as goo as new. il) lw bi"'S FOURTH OP JULY. IW. ii w' Ar FIRE V At^ WHOLESALE 9c RETAIL S A S The Lirgtat SUck «w brought It Uwi,eiR|ri§iM Fire Crackers, Torpedoes, Roman Candles* Hkjr-roekett, Wheels, Flower Po% Bengali nor for any other tlisn the one herein explained. JAMES B. FRY, Provoat Marshal Qencral. Ltfhts, Uu- Flying PLRCONSF Scrawls, Pin Wheels, &c., &e., Ai.0*, AT CHICAtO PRICES. Flags of every kind! T«rp«4« sal Fire Crarktr OUN8, M»m EtUnsite Stotkof Fruits, CoHtfectuHierifH, IMMEDIATEIT AT Smiths Mirer# fifablr For 34LcC'lalre ROTTF*' wlilcli TBE DAVEVPOUT, •I PPPPIfO*. I'l'i'i'i'Pri* ppi» pp PPl'PITPP PPl'PPPP PPP PPP PPP 4V.. GOLD PENS, fatlery, Htercoscopic View a, And thouMwdt of out to mchtion. CJtVMMT MOMSKS LIOOO CAYALRf HORSES WANTED highest mar ket prlee will be paid. JACOB WASHBURN. May 28tli, 1^64. Foreign mySO-dlm C. TEGELER, Importer and Manufacturer OF CHOICE 6 E A S 1 lid teller il all kinds of Tefeaects, Pipe*, Faiejr Articles, AC., *C., Ne^SBant HeeendMreet, DAVENPORT, 10. C. TEGELER, Ittptrter, Dealer 4 Rectifler la 4* Mfrnmentir I U O S I AND FIECTFLEB WHISKY. N o 24 a i n S e e 2d door below the National Bank, Davenport, Iowa. aprA' J. LORENZEN, SI aarrlseabet. td dfc etreets, DEALER IN Clilna Ware, Earthen War^ Glan Ware, Cutlery, &e., Ouafaalees to wll goods aa cheap as any honae west of Chicago. Call and examine my stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. «ayl5-d3m WELD'S I Photographic Rooms Oor. Maim and Sfond st*. PHOTOGUAPHSA AMBKOTYIT8 Taken in tbe highest Style of the art. Particular attention fiwa to enlarging from onr Dagurreotypea aad AaihfStypes ol ''cased per sona and children. mvii(14w Wrllia| Paper* aa4 Earelepes A W O E S A E NO AT LOWEST CASH PRICES*** i if daaired. U nam (brtl'1 ,..i a. a Aft AAA AAAA A,AVr' A AAAAAA AA* «AA A.V PAYS nu WALL rfflfff PPPIWPP PPP PP PPI XL ppf" I PPP MERCHANT TAILORS. READY-MADE O I N COST PRICE TO BE HAD OF- FRANZ MEYER, Second street—first eafTTH' FCUNISH1NO OOOUS. BOYS' CLOTH I NO. CLOTHS, ASS1 MEKES. SHIRTS, STOCKINGS, which Wtl sell at the most reaaonable prices. Custom Work Done at nil times nn] warrentid the best, most durable and chenpest. All who want the best and Cheupest gooth must come to novHdly FKAXZMEYER^ NEW STORE 1 John Bartemeler Hto AS REMOVED HIS STOCK OF GOODS Franklin lllock, on Second atreet, bet. Kaiu and Harrison streets, where he lias opened a NEW CLOTHING STORE, aad will keep con •tantly on hand a good assortment of Cent*' Famishing Goods', Clothes made (IRIRnR EEEELEEE 'EEE rr IT WF to order on shortest notice, and warranted to suik Call and aee me. aeplaly. JOR^i joaoAM, NO.vie," 1^ WEST-SECOND STREET. BETWEKN Itradv and Main, makeato order and in tbe best st MEN AND BOYS' CLOTH1NO ol every dciitTiption, The fullest satisfaction guar antied. 1 solicit from my old customers their con tinuance of patronage. Leave orders. ay£t A. MILLBB, BRADY STREET, BELOW keeps constantly ea hand aad der. Qeati', Bejrs' wmA ChUdrea's CLOTHING of tbe best material and in a manner that cannot fail to give aatisfisctioa. Liberal patronage respeetfnllv aolicited. [my21-dly ion •ORNST. t. w. a'auiut a«CLELUND, I0KNBT 4 U I E S MANUFACTURERS OP SaAf Dmn, Iliads, MiahHifa, Braekets^ SFt* Contractors for BuMdlngs Of Leery IkttrifttOK. S O & A O Y Car. ytmimJk Sd atraels, my!5 Darennort. lows. dwtl Ko. 5 DXBKE A CO., alflrl MSl#ima.. Cbteago WL KB CAN l« «ftKmiiiiH RBRRKRKRRk RRR RR RRKBRRRRR KKUHHItR KKH HRft RRR RRR KKH 1UIB EEKREE EEEKEE |ER£ EEEBEEEE !Eeeeei:ef NOW OPENED, AT PLUMMER'S No. 5(1 Brady Street, Abovetho'^ootOffice, it MMtjmoTM Jimiv STOCK BRONZED SATINS, STAMPED GOLD Papers, fkJBTIJV SHADES, Git,* All the Abore COMMISSION. B. HEINZ, Prolnce & Connl§si«tt AYS niOHKST CASH PRICE FOR ALL ?hand. kinds of Ci.untry figured shades, roduce, butter, egg*, ete. Buys and sella on llil l+titf lioat stores alwavs ou comninisiou. artich* too numer- jndr.-tjy4 R. H. PARKS. roduce Broker, VTO. 1..I SOl'TH-WATER property COMMISSION .f.TJT ST., CHICAGO, 111. I'. O. Ii»x 2t0». Ciab advances mad* on in store. 'och7-dly J.tMEN M. DALXELL, AND PRODUCE MERCHANT. A^nit lur lien iug's Safe* aud Fairbanka' Scales,' llydi aulic Cement, Plaster Paris uutl llatr. NO. 3 VRON'L STREET, Davenport, Iowa. myl4-dtf !!1I1 tm bSSSS-i #r PAPER HAJKILFTGS, Wkieh Witt be Found BROWN BLANKS, WHITE BLANKS, SATlVly FROSTED, at very Low Merekaaty 4 111 nitows' BLOCK LCVIt. Prlccs. STOVRS and TINWARB. Htwren Stove* HIIA^S WASHHURK No. 56 Brady Street Nearly opposite Post offae, Htbe door west of National Bank. A good assortment of AVE IN STORE AND ARE RECEIVING largest and best assortment of PARLOR. COOK 4 HEATING BTQVES, that can be purrha*ed in the eastern rrailwi. U. have tlie -xclusive side for S A N O S IjCelebrated ihalleuge Healer! one of the most economical inventions ever pro duced, aud for convenience and comfort aa no equal. The unrivalled mm They also keep the .eelc^rvted sec- ^m »-i Trhwpk, L-.. R«RMT|0*K,^ fiist I Iru date, and ether htwll* pstUena «at WiLY L-. rLt«in ed at Hills and A nshturn s. (JT very stove K auras tied to give sttiifa'tioj or tlii money rounded.' K K K I I I E N S E A A I O N S LATE ARRIVALS. 3. A. davbxmrt, M. Hertberf St., Mkrepoliimm M-t, HAVE8m»d RECEIVED AND ARE IECBIVINO every dsy, by lapraee, tbe asoal issirahle atyleeef ia which water sever freezes, .rjf OFFICE, STORE, DINING-ROOM, IiFI UOOM I NURSERV, HALL, AM) .-.KTTI V(. ROOM STOVES esaaot be aurpaased. We invite ias*«eetioB ard defy competition. Also oa band stock of Tinware, Jappaned and Porcelain Ware, Chamber .Setts, Planished Ware, Britanta Goods, Coal IUde£ Tongs, Shovels, Peksva, la short everything, in tbe line. 11% Cepper, Aeel-lrn^Wirt, mannfhetared to order oa short notice. if W O I N of all kind* pTcmptly attended to. Call and ea saline mods and learn ahe prices. oclTdwtf. N BW|H AUD WARE STORE SL O ., 1 Bealer ia Hardwirr, Ires AN flails FAM fig ImplmCBtS of all 8Mf *md iBtii SMf *nd TtdU If Brady Street, betweet VW*t aaa&eawd* t. TTUBMEB80FSCOn'COtr|*r*w,iBBILp. "rt aa« generally, w wlii^Silj ffipltoeall Mi^.aaainSae my oT «»eds heM*e paftfcaa ng eu^where. ^jhli-jk aaMI Ms4l aawssll jW^O^ata tuf motto, nay|laiiiiil to ei w jt^.^, '4 -1 'r v a i tj *VF •/d »!e ga -asrt 4*5^ -JW .*?!»• .*% iw» i ^r|¥| II iA Jf*1' '1 xr..t. y nit'-'i m,p! TSgi *:lt aj t* .hsii* m* iwtmuted )akt astaprewh* a- .e, ^eai r,-J» 't