ff li Ki" *3* fS®i©f mi 74 /l,So TERMS #0.OO PER ANNUM: vrr.-,-^ VOLUME 9. i v i RIAL ••TATE O I A N E E N O I JOUN L. SWITS & CO* am. swm,t.i.nu.tr.r.tmn, fMrlc ola' Blocks (np it air*,) MSCO^DNT. laprored 4 filnproTed Farm* CITY LOTS VW*WHK IfUMHf i HtMPHI Bought* Sold and Leased House Lots for Sale. A 4«r*(if WnrffaJw. No 49. Tli»-e '""Winn lota^r* Twelfth and lt-* '»r-t*. ,nK trust on viith l" ""(1 Ktl 1 Til. HIH^PMU VERV INE ww* n l,f itV'uTv'str-r! ,"l 1'iri fmnt by ir." fp^t d«*P fenced Pi IC flit |..T ir.-l.t fool. No. is. «n I'lord sii-f-i. lot My 1 l"ai k.-»'sad dition,'scorinT l"!.1 No. i'i. K »nr ln#utc lotx llavi.on A rrtie a a i i o n 1 i- 1 -r t- a s i Nw "1, 8:i. Thirty leu.* inn in Mavma kp'r'H addition to i-n-h. T-ue-t easy. Klore l.ol« »'«r Mir. "tfo ir On" on 4t:. s». jnst. ^t Hmdr St. No 49. Four on 4th St., new Kailroad bridge. No! 0.V Also, fiirviihed -l n»jmi tor •ton'1' g^ntlew-n. V|'ir«l i luMi Ibr Rf«(. r-K„ -J W. are —adv to enipi|:ct»:"i't«irto«ell l.uiWIni :.,'to I.:- I ••••Ciipal.cy ia May J.in- li- -t- l tetrt our -Iti***?. Mtorr Ibr Kent* Ko 84 Ti» w--« »tor- wii'-! Me 1)1- K, now Of-ruj i-d by Muck. Co., 1»M t-l 'l—:' •Ioihm fcr ... No 1' In Volnir, tll ,»t*o-.i.Ty hrictdTel iaK h.,UM-, *U. lot to I'VI l-.UI.l-HtHl Ann Sw Tl»»* i-* in N*. Sf 8 valuable Mores, well rented otwjrtwias Hi'lMorr'* jldililioHa \n BOfr laid ",r rri"--"" ,1. jr lU-tin Vf»i«, IMSV !•'-Pins attd Ht !o«r JricU "House l.oH, St ok- l.ot«. WarehoMoLot.i, 5'netorv Lot". rum* WbbIH. We want to purchase improved far»a from 80 to ltW aeres e«-li. I'urm* for Snip. nn B,I Horei, all improved and under fpnee a from the tv. with excellent home, roooi* and cellar, wood l-ou-e WUNII house, barn |,v ,• feet, i ?irin*. two well*. Cistern, i rchard of "ov tree*, apph s. ptai-. p-ache* andcherrics Fricc t.'. o'"' cash, bahnice ou a t-rm o! "To"'l7 r-n aere*, fenced, a part improve.! h in it apart "f Margaret Noi-fiUnd. adjoimtujMr. Ol'ter'H place. Ini* pla-e i* adapted tor a K«»r- A%L:\«r"Ci-^!'^l Humored and onder f-ne- wiih h.nise, »t Hickory Oronj. Tnee #l.BW 'NO 'li 1"" N-res unimproved land near Dtt uit. at •'J'-f »cr S cat!:, bah-uc- ill liva one-therd cash. N rant, year* at t, fr(| n UtP citv on No. Dubiiuu- road, all impy.ned and under tencc. Uourc AN slabl,. I'. icc *1.- two-tlurd. i,y XaMn for term of Tew s to suit the p«i '^ooacreain l-inn Oonty. improved «id Ws!,r r'^'l'-acn- n-ar"'i^roved Aim. U-CT in lowu count* AT per air*. TRIO ICU S.-OX COUNT* at *1 PER acre. 1M0 *R« in Clay cotint) at KT IN *1 P, *OR'- Hancock county at SEN*.' IOEXI acre* #1 PER acre* at at acre, ILW acre* in WINM BAKO Co. at *1 per AERO. I"'1 :IRR'\_ .• e-nt*per MET*., J-JFI acrct in Tama county. LIE ACRRT id .Story OOA acrc in Winnesln. k 1 Aixi acr«.t in t»I undv county at PET acre. ££, 7TA iu liutlet county at PR acre. I E I N S U A N E Pteii* Fire iMirwwe €#•, Attoatic Fire lasaraace |.«a«r fire lasaraaec Cim OF NEW VOHK. CUT Fire lasaraarc Ct., OF UAKTIr'OHP. ClNM S UaiH^f1* liiiiwaafc Ch Eiitaa BJWFCP®*® or W* JU MmUHnnmiMI John*.. •wM** y 1"'n' low term* onCo'inr1"'1 -aM- a HMI.II ""''''''I of cad. dowu ba' intf -u Ionic terra ytai* nt Ion iat- Mrwt, WMt-idr, *,Z fwt front h» 'hi:. 1-w V" T''rV"W', iMt'lit l.'.r tin- lot y T,,JW n-11ii-il, |««-.-^i..i. n Jt. con I'I kc -I li'inv »'i"l I'''. ',,»• third cunti tmlMiir- on loim tini- nt li'» inUT'^f No. *'•. A trii k il«-llili/ l-iii"- K -'l »t. $1 cnsli, rest on innv «t_ s jwr cent. JIMI* *. OO CIMII, rest on Hl'iv *t s Ua. isj. Til" v-Iat- now ouiieil »ml occiipicil hv iit'O. S. l»ow, i:ti|..ljfiiii,' tin- iiu-llinx intiif» and tbrec full lot-. IKHHHII v»utli "i""' till corurr of Kuruuni stiv-t. I'M* ln»u»« III l«T le uiir, li'AioiC In ,'ii li(!c! u| In lh- owner forlimiwll i'1' -'itir- iirr«nsciin nt ol llic liou* is tasutiil HI1.1 ».iiiijiletr. In- vi-w from tint place i« utisui p*"*—'. Term* eaf.v. No. Kram- cottntfn li"iiw on Third-Street, in Uif"n'» ndituion. hrice, fit,'". #. ns. Hi irk ln)ii«- nnd lot*. WI'IIMII cor •I 4tli and Main Mi, known_«•» Thoi in({tou ei •, 150 ft. trout on -:ii-li St. I'rife *y luay for It term ol years nt a I w rate ol mt-rst No. W. Kruine dw-lliii|{ l:oti-ie, *out!i sid- 3d Street, owt ol \S «irr-ii Si., nud l^*t. I i i—, No'ft lioul.l- liou"»- w-Ht -ide of IVny St.. corner of 1-tli »ireet. 1'ru-, Two-tliird* lua\ remain on at f-r —nt. No U. Ktaiin- lion— souili id" -'I street, on«* mile went ol Itriuly -.ti-i price, Two third* luav reiiuiii "ii mortgage ul six per cent. Vo. 1. "New Ii-Biu- iioiK.- o:i Urady street i.ii •roll'—I reiid-uiv. I'I ice, & .'.'I' N,. 11 Valuable lioute w itii 4 tier"* of lund well .locked «i li iruit ol all kin.U, w.lli atai-le, raiTi.nr- '"NV ","1,1: v 1,-",i ulie.l "iii-rn, two WI IN, palter-, oi'-lmrit and Tonnif Krov- tin' whole well Irncid and :n |H»rlVet order n:id r-p"ir i l'ri lor Mule. ssssss DAILY DEMO CHAT. Pt iTKQiL'.ICo N«. XT Park Ko», N«« Tort *BJ S(*t- -t r-i, Ii ,r» our ifti' HI tHo«* ntlM •»id »r» »k» *ilr-r-.«"u-3lf «r.J ilnrr'p lion* for nt i. »'.«««• rat***. V II. Pcurvr^.V^ ft ®r Vr.«-j t. r~-v B4frt mwrt*n Wf IV: *#.- r*-,p*r. 1n«» »r NMb*«'rlpil«i far A I Y k u a OK AND AFTKK JUI.T 4, l«»y. LOCAL ITEMS. ChOAKS eircttlar® and laee goods rfwap N Wii:«!'T".s. In ?i!lv, ir-. 'loth, in mozamhiquc, kce points, rU". :^awtt" Gf xri.FKFN will fin it i't their »(.i\antnge to get their Hue lwots turidc at John Haley*.-, eorner oi' Fifth and Brady. He vtr ftiiN to givf the higher? SH»isfi»ction. THE 4TH AT ffrn LIHKUTT.—A grand -elt-'-iation i«s t« He giTen at VC- I,ilerty on the 4th. Prominent Kpeakerf will he present. Lt Mr.ER CnT«ACTs. Metsrt. Plaint & Schrifker are running their mill on html« for the t*. S. Arsenal ot» the Island, and Mes^r®. French a Iavle«t are running on lumber for thr Railroad Bridge. Fine Wor.Ki. Metsrs. Heupkc & Son have ii tine lot of Hre works, whioh iht y of t'er very low lor celebrating purpone^ The Fourth should he v. ell illuminated. Give th-in a rail. Ti!F. Indir-s eintiRn»to flo,-k to the poptihu* dry gofnis hou.tc if Keiirie & Carhart"- and are purchasingly hr^-ly. Thf renson why is lef»use they get IK tier goods and better bargains:. Call opposite the LcClaire Hotw. SAXITARV FAIR .—The receipts of the .Sanitary fair, just closed, amount to about $7'i.ootl—over #.j0,0"U in cash on hand nt time of closing. It has been a sucess, and much good, it is hoped, will lie demed by th.* siek soldiers from the movement. Now i-» the time to go to Krause'i* atwl tfrt a suit his elegant summer clothing. He h:i$ all the styles, and will sell very low. lie keeps a tine assortment, of Shields' pop ular goods, also Gents' furnishing goods, ready ma le clothing, etc. Store opposite the National llank. KVKBYIIODY can be supplied with fire works of even- description at Starr's, at 'hirntjo print. He has every variety known in the trade, and will take pleasure in lilling nil orders with dispatch. Get your Are works at Sturr's. GAS.—There seems to be another ftorm brewing on the gas qne«tion. Whether it will amount anything remains to be seen, hut the appcanmcrs are not favorable just now. The matter will bo more fully devel oped at the regular meeting on Wednesday evening next. I.'.VEBY.—We call the attention of otir readers to the advertisement of the Second Street 1 .ivory Stable, in another column of this paper. Messrs. Thompson A- Hi tl al ways keep the best of horse* and finest carriages and buggies, and everybody that wi.-hes to take, a ride and have a good turn out should be sure and call on them. pfur frri."B I,orK«.—Wc understand that Postmaster ltus^ell is exercising due diligence to procure looks and keys tor the Post Office, and the proliabiiity is that they will t»c received in a week .or two at the far thest and box-holders will a-ain be provid ed with facilities tor taking out th-ir own nytil ai: in days of yore, l.ntilthen, wait with christian pafien-c. C*Vt Srr, thi: Por\T.—The (i" BOOTS v" Anrlns&cld Fire Ittsnran«t#W oF.SPia.NUFlU.U.MASS. I N S U A N E I E c#-f KIC*9 an ir AKT..I ft went hunting after the |wint of a sliver this morn ing, but couldn't "see it." Vnder the cir cumstance wc shall be und"r the necessity of referring the Oatettt to our worthy Judge of the County Court. He can fur nish evidence that will prove satisfactory Should our neighbor fail there, he will be c-.trc to find out all about it by inquiring of Hall! ATTEMPTED Esr\rE.—We team that the rebel prisoners iu one of the barracks on the Island here recently made another at tempt to dig out. They sunk a hole in the ground and dug un^er the twelve foot ditch that runs inside of the fence, nnd had near ly completed their arrangements to take an excursion on their own itook when their plans were discovered and interfered with 4by the authorities. A to Snots. The ladies should always call at Child A- Co's when thejr Want anything neat, dnrable and perfect iu the shoe and gaiter line. They have the neat est styles ever opened in Davenport. Gents will also find everything to their mind in !oots, shoes, gaiters, etc. Call and exam ine, on Brady street, below Second. Per fect satisfaction guaranteed, or no sale. P. iccs lower than the market warrants New $«od4 constantly received. Si si'F.satox of STRCKT WORK.—Until r.f- •loth re*«n» an eicoellent. :ny ro-»-. wa.t or»len «i pa: On moti'in of Al^. Andr: n, the Clerk wa in«trt:ete«l to rhnrpe t'ne amount ex- pt-nui'd to tiie .hrt iron, thesjtoneqnar-V the r-jirrt 'tr idin^- -id—vilk? a« shown in ill- report of the eomtiiitt«?c «»n sidewalks Aid. Andrefien oftV»r th- Pdlowin" aiaend- Thai in such pla* wltT-1 the City t'oii :ci! ha- oi'lerd s.de'-valks t» be jaiti or lelfliJ, an 1 where tin- tnaiority of tie: ••roperty.hoMers of a biock p-titic n for hav ing she -r.nir laid on ^Tao-. the Mayor and Street Committee, after rcrviiing such peti tion, without furiiiuwt'on of this Council, arc authorial to ovdt'r the Street Commis sioner and. if necessary, fllso to employ tho City Fnginoerl to do Mich grading, provid ing the same ta« be done by workii'g out poil tax. exctfd the n.vet-sry teaming Ad4-ted. Aid. Hungc moved to lay the balance of the report on the table till soma oth«r moot- i ing. Adopted. in popular estimation. Centuries hence some of the great theatrical minds of the present day may, and probably will be lec tured upon from consecrated desks, evenns Will Shakspeare is to-cay. REMOVAL.—J. C. C^nklin has removed his stock of Wines and Liquors to No. V) Kast 2d streets, opposite R. M. Prcttyman's Boat office, where he can be found prepared to supply his customers and the trade on the best terms, with goods warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Coll and see his store ami stock. 4t Fin..—Mr. Ackley'9 boarding house has about as many regular patrons as he has room to accommodate. He has twenty-five board rsat the present lime, which is about as many as th^ law allows. Notwithstand ing the high price of groceries, Mr. A. has made but ft very slight advance in his terms. PnoTor.n irus, ETC.—The place to procure a really splendid photograph or ambrotype is at Olmstcad & Co.'s, on Brady street, be low the Auction store, east side, and also in Hill's new block, on Brady, between Rd and 4th streets. Thcv arc masters of their profession and warrant perfect satisfaction. Oive them a call. jn 2'Hl2w Sent TO «?AH..-—'The ttto little bfys *ho were arrested yesterday for stealing money tcr har\c»l, at least, the work ou our streets, f.-om the store of Juliu Sehrcihor. cn-Jtcot under the ilirection of the City Council and Street Commissioner, has been virtually sa-pended. One reason for this is that thi to jail by 'Nju're Wheekr. Mr. 8. has re covered about $7" of the stolen uiom v. LaWB wiU lind Road Fund ts growing too small to warrant parasols, hoscry, and Hire toilet goods at many more heavy drafts. Another L, that Streepcr s. Also Stress tri nmings, l»ccs, our city authorities nave a disposition to whit^ goods nnfl notions genemllf. aid the farmers in securing their crops, con .sequently will employ no men who might' b, emphiyad 1^ fannm for h*rv£3ting- We do not understand that thia action is intended to intrrfare with the work on the v i T"r a very select atoek of W tFrora th,s last 1 p*!" ih'-t'dL i )u**i If* COI .^Cll' PKOi'KCUI.^IUII, PriMOTf r.- "iir vruriK fii'iii. ricorp^ %m 7r*„ r-„ Forre-rt, has a« i ep4c4_ Serruu M*ETi?ta Corxcu CHAVBCB,) His fT'jnrtr the Mayor rmlled the Council now gow, at the haodsom- salarv of il,2i*0 to order. p« rear. Gcrjre ^rafliiau-'l in .'•.•!». Da* Pi. -x-ni, Akls. Aiwir sen, CoiiIUiart, Hir .-"hi, H'ltnhv Jone«, Vo?, Matt hep, Parks atui Kung-." most competent and eftiwnt clerk. M«y l!i« Honor the Mayor (Hated lliat his good fortune never ffoastmr. meeting «ra« railed for the purpose: 1-t. Ot ~mm ItMriri! mri of ilif refwrt °f the »otir«.—We, t4*# aort* r^iicwf, Iljrreiar'.a tf .te trfx-t L'.'tj.r.ii-.-i'nK'r- n i i a i On motion the gas Cjjuesuon was taken up i and th* Cotniiiitu-ij on Gas reported and on Fencing k"- molio'i. Mr. Th'^.'-ts Uermody was i!o\ve'i to explain to th- C"Uneil the •.•icttim in ri ktion to the lamps on llnj ri?oti street, above Fourth atri'Ot. Aid. I oulthart oll'ered the following: i eiiiiiiiK, Ilm-'h tJ, That the Council instruct tke I ^'"pif'e*. ,,. Gas Committee to light the following: Inrnp-'v'd' iToiVt posts, to be included in the 72 lampslocatel |i On motion Council adjourned. y e o i o i n i e e i n .- v t- -r i posts is as Miows: on- on jjmdy street, i To-Oays' Advertisements. between Front and Second on Hradv, be tv. eon Third and 1'ourth .-treets c:» Second street, between Harrison and Kiplev. in 'notion of Aid. We, the runttcr was laid on the table until th- ne\t meeting. His Honor, the Mayor, called a special meeting, for th? purpose of receiving the copy of the city a—:es-.ment books. Aldermen present: Andresen. Coulthart, I)«venport, Hirs-hl, Hornby, done*, Xoe, Ma'thcs, 1'arks, Runpe. Om motion oi Aid. |ia-»enport, the copy of the assessment, as returned by the City L'lerk, w :s r-eeived and delivered to the City Ma*thai, for collection. Aid. Davenport Oi' -ed to pa/ the bill i $ i for the copy of the assessment book. Adopted. Ou motion. Council adjourned. Attest: CUKIS. KAVFFMANX, City «erk. •4^+ LK' TijaE. -The Lecture of the Rev. m. Salter, of llurling on. at tin 2d Baptist Church, las:, evening, on the ''Life, and Tiim s of Shak-'pare," though very mca gerly attended, on account of the storm, w.s an able and highly commendable prodnc -.ii'jwinir ittorouph «f tUh ^. °f P,ncc St 1 The ERSKTNE 5th street, whtcb being done under con- *t cost, for few days only. Now V*""^ Second Street Liirry Slahlr, .*•*• b-t M..i» Mitl llu*-rio»'. WISH 7" iNI-'i!M public that t! ay have b- 'i tiiakitig i-ijorta»»t a«lditk-i- i«. t!i- St k. and now liuvi. tie largest and inotj coinpj-t# in llad Shakspeare, with all his talent, bern HORSES BOl (lilT l\D SOLD* of us of the nineteenth century, we hardly 1). t-. -ii--1 o i-e..M»i,.u J'iti ti»- I.tr-n p:i:'! cm!U i»t tiitu ruU. .. Ik u'ljcct of a 1.1'lure, Int he li*ed a long. while ago, and that makes a vast uilf.-rence* think the clcrgv would have made him the. .• «rhi**li «H,cu*n*n»* rhui'yr- u i l« w. jnia 1 N THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST JffTMBCll. DAVENPORT, IOWA, FRIDAY, Jt IA'1,*1864.' L. tbi», M» rt-. ainc it for Htr'.vt work—»lp to til's date, i The ii.-waaa« pa«.-r.^-rpr.^ket i i K i i i i a a o i s o n w i i e a Jh'2 wi* nf'fnfJ*iiTit-i hh\* f,»r |*0?-t ait'1 v*.»v ixunt* to.inorr'rtw Wen Il-vde by Mr. Charies KldfUearid Bleik of ?c-ou ri»| r, »iW The ip.*t I ..n.miUM- pr-«euted a rer.» 115 .M A of the City F.njrineer tw^ard to th» Toetiibii- v* ir»i to ait-nd. amount vf i »i.s \p' U.lcd on ii(V'.*rerit F. Jrpn W. P, ].!.v-v in whir-h v.-a? r' ^-i- cd imd 0, B. 1. R. 8 ordered tiled. Th'' Street Committee rf*i«or£ed th«. Sn„ a) Peter, ha» vt«-k- r-d ».y the ity ,0 Coii'i- i! has not I wen done. j,' On u otion of. Ald. Horn.'", Uifc.®tr^ »aH and r^n^r paAet Bill ft-iwler Commlt-i'-ner «'a« aitow» t« »-tp!nfn tin.-1 I'- l-^v 1--, n i! ft-. !, att«T. atid he -tated that the W'-rk was) Xfiueupoit tlacLi 1-. .—Sli-lh.'i, No. l.«oiiini. [I'.iron nnd #1 do. No. 1, -iiniiit' M, ITi in -nr. No. 1, si {•lump and dr\. s4 e.o. N'.j. shrunk-u, «o. OATS. —Xo. "l, cltfun agd itund, 7^ do. .No. d-. in i a-.d not cl' iiii, Os. Hvu—MS. W:HTK BTAN'S.—$2.WJGS.RO. Fi •. »*arr.- #8.""^2.?S, Timoti:-. 1.1ft. i a 7 o I'OT '-TUSS. !v i« .'•. Bt'TTER l»c. Koos i2 -, •timbcr .ltarltrt. g. .Vo/frr. THK!i-SUIloftin A.WI II, .M1.17IINU 01 Tlii: lir»etor« tie- On* f.iirMt /t 1. eke I 'e.nipaiiy V. il! I"• Id at ntliee of ('c :ip!i:i\ e Mo-i'Ii'v, .lo!v 11 tii. ls*4. at o'elo'k p. in. .1 Ti!. I••'.!:M*-i*V. .- -'y Gcrniaii-Auici lean lu«1it ite ClM-uerFrou| & ICIplc Mill. I k Tporalt'd 1-','.. •f Sri ret School for swtemitiecoiir.r- of sl mi plir»ical i duci.t'teih. iv 1 -11*.v \V a I KlKi'K. Nwimailn{( A Ualiiiuci '|_1KPK'S Swimirrtiiif t"-' Hiplej J. V rn-«,ia -pen ex-ry dry frot.i a. in. to p. in., .Suodnv from f. to:- a. i,j. Sr.ii mer termcotij li.t-I'-et Jufv Tuit:u forJiily e.T.d Au^vj t.in clu.lie,^ Swimming I—»yns and uina-tic tier Ctf V '. s! K W O K K S At Wlioleaale nnd K«*luil by ltfr:t'PKK A H«\, No. 21 LcC laire Row, if IHH.iini 1'iJH ES. Xhry liiiv« an Cttea»ivr Mark •I' Kvery drsn'rljitioa. I all and examine bctor«- piirchaaing i vaii: roB tt to wukkh. LOWKNTHAI.. factur—t of Pl«# w 1*11 f.*«'«,C 1 tfar.t wtioIe«»le dealer* in L-af. F:n- Cut, riiiioking. and Tobacco uud 4 South Water Street Chica« gu. mLii Auction Male. 25 Head of Horses and Mares ril.l. »E SOU* AT I'L'UI.IC AUCTION ON TharMluy, Jal) ?lla, at 1 o'clock o. n -n e.ecoitiil -t wio-ra it mr.y conoern, of variou.-i aji«-•, sirt-i :uid Colors. Terms ca«h. .-sal- to take pine at the 'tar.!- ot tip? Wil liam Tf!l Mo use. »'«"»t 2d itre-t, llave-np«rt i'AitKKK &. VAN Tl' 1 L. jeSO- w A net i oneer*. Day Bonrilem. A..of FEW OMNTKI'l. I' :KSINS CAN HEAR an exc-'Untoppfirtiviity ta (jbtain kind lion applyiui to ihis "Hi'—. jt!i 1 Craad Steamkoat Eitmioi ON THK OLORiOJS FOURTH. rpHE RAl n».« PACKET LINK HAS MADE urran-vMiiculS to Jfive a (ijiiirl Steatni/Oid Kxcii' tion on thecoma^ fourth, to wi*ick»Te(7 bodv is limited. Tiie Kicurtioaidt s will leave on the Steamer Jennie hippie "nil the morning of the Fourth, and proe* to NEW iiOSiON, where I'lty v.nl gt ou board lit* new aad c) gai.ta'.eauiur V^.^'c.!»i!, and PreS°°U for sU«C3 10 '"^played o«t. offers his stock of summer cloth* w u po^jtlnn in Gen. ... Jun- "O, 1SG4. liatrli s pffl/*, Mt. Lows, wmtorr no n»* JF, .} *. -tr tt II*'?-'1! •»'T.-fr :"'«ree, wiil ilils Ha'i A m. aci^ at^lk Bill of .lame® Miniter a: t». onam-m" ., il,Wla®WA13fK «L KhVAII/Iv roek. l«K: .",v.as order-1 paid. IOW H- »•«.*. til. U-. ,jiefwL SIVERITKHI, „Vl....k For* 'r.-v' -r «, F: TIW :nt f.t'. a! delayed by order of tie- Street *VHiimitt'H*. i ^mmmmm^M I'hc Stre-t fominitt'-e r-jtort-d in regard (o tit fiti* h"«i work. To th i)i-t item ot'i 's '-V "f a^.r.suj .-- COMMERCIAL. FOURTH.UF mr»* IS6l. S A 8 Torpfdors OfFICX or IKK I(»VK.VP0«»T DsilOCK lT, I IVMIII.V WBifljf, .LLLW M, ISAfe I TTiiii *T.- V.. I, well CLEMI'ML, roundaud PHMIP. t'liib. Ten Mid Ualein, No. li. «11 souiel, Il'il c!«nd enough for No. i, $!.:!' rejected, :i v and dii!i i" i- riK. i f'onv.—Sli-lle.i, No. 1. «nnnd. p'.iron nnd dn fotS Iii vExroRf, May 9. Ham Ito'.ird* 2 Frarnini Timber A Joi*»4iindor ji ft tu.-t and ov^r FI-" rintf ." !?.• r. lM|....! ij'j", Roman ('(indie's Mky-rorketSf 4 .4 Wheels, Bengali Lights, Flying Piscon*, Scrawls, Pin Wheels, Kt &c.. &e.. ,. AT CH1CA8Q fft&if. a s o e v e y k i n o e o a n i e a k e U -N"S^ J'.- K:t-. Voni\ rtionirii H. 4V.. fnllepj, Mlrrcowropir Flewii| And tho.'jifn,^ •/"i 'Irr /,"«! *V» j:i- til U tl. \ft,l.t:\ ^rfhilttl. tiulrador i, Stiiirilor at-l'w^nfi Spt'ifix 'ioi,s t- Bitiiiwit# h'frn W '»f FOrtiee. .ANS I'KOM MfiUKI.S FOH TCK I'ATCN ami i-liii" of cv-r" ditc ripliou iu l-io:i.-!ri"i! i«. I d' inn trie:it p-i sp- -«J" o.lic^' -*l o.' H.-idv -i i*:l -III- S. It:,rrc* o o w n K e ti t: s.n,«o.f UFO. n riTiu:*, HAC'reittii HOTHSl illl.II A CO.. MAN (it-ry nc VClTlttBIISUI Jft-» e^ ma,le ,0 ,UC furuulK'd. Far* at ordinary Ef««rilto* fates. For tickets aoply to S rirrKit I i' a ICOOIH f- tSCUr' 1 K.A. riiXHwn, Art. API**' VIjMTtNO 444 -»-MV i*k 0 i sV FIRE! rtTPPi'I' .V 1A& 1*» i »lot-S.-*II A N A -I n i K I U K I i l ili" "tt. \_ lies m.d i:.,.l! a:,d awa... a „I1 tV-f, FRANZ MMVKH, os Is. ar I Ii.- publi- A A AAA j»,. }»rrr.i.j will h«* v*-ti wat4i iu«i tw^tt dvik'Kt^ JHK4 *^50^4 n-ct .u-^t •!«».. 0.11* K?e.. that can V pn.-hu-d. am" »ait»d '".'t'JikVL „n..u kind*"st atlt*n»iou. Rati pry tttf:! I'nnficfiortirif. I -I' V 1,1.1. i V ill, til" tii'-ii' a'wli.i fac! «-v« «-vth«ng pcrtsiiainj to bukei v ,rof--.ioi,,t lundo floi.'i l!ie he-1 tteu.'. I' ll ti's euppli-d ::5 Uie -hor fc notice. Also 'in. t«e«t iis^oHnieiit of ('"iift-ciiowrie*iji thecltv. Call and v inc. All WHnuuied. jn-i'o-dtf C.KO MATTHIX C. TKOFILER, Importer and Manufacturer OF (HOICK 6 E A 8 1 Aid Craler in tli kiiitii Tobaccos, Pipes Fanej Arllcles AO., Wa. 8 Bn«t Wtf—t, DAVKNPORT, 10. C. TEGELER, Importer, Dealer A Rectiler la Foreign A* HomenHe I U O S A N RECTIFIED WHiSKY. N o 3 4 a a S e e 2d door below the Nntima! Bnnlt, Davenport, Iowa. rjii-.'" __ j.~i,OR ENKEN, SI llarrtMM Uet, St Sal atffcls* LlKAI.KR IN CliiiMiWnre, fcartlien^ Ware, WL:I.ivc Photographic Ammi v i 1 1 w i i n o w o PHOTOOUAI'Hna AMUHOTYPKO arriving in Da\ennoi on :he morning of the f.th. •, Taken in the hiirheat «•. le -»f t' e art. «oF A A A V A U i y JIA AA N-N' i .•d k t. The Largest Stark erer brons:ht Ut lowa.fonprhiig T. v Ptrf racker#, i 1 O I S S I O N Pk PFA», K O i I I N a 1 JOHN BCRVftY. Cilnm Wmfi Cutlery, &-c., U«taraate*» to sell good# ft an Ik.i.w west of Chicago. Call and eaainine iu »wick l.t- for- pnTh««i:ircl*f"'''"rr. w Particular attention K- n to' enlarginr fnm, our «.nan agr cat«li .1. Dainirreotvpes rnd Ami-retype* utdeceuacd pe» AccommoHatiou!) for OAXCi.VQ wilt be ton* and hildrcn. mylT-dAw Writing Papers and Envelopes A W O U S A E riCD AT TUB bOWKttT CASii tUlCUL.- «t*j HAVES*mn4 a I-, :.\^MINt. it'lOllH, JlOi I fi.fiT'flNt! ''l-iiTllf. CA«-'Si Mt Ul- S sil'T'T.t, Sl'tifK 1N1.S, which 1 wd f?ll a't 1 ei -1 r. or ice*. C'ltMtoiii Work lonff Hi a:l -d*'! v.-irrantM tbc m*^t lnr»l#tr fctti* AH w!i'» tli* beat I 0i«.) f'|..•«*«• •.» it: to i v K 1 i K N i w s o u i i John Bartemeier H•o T. W. U CIMLLAXb SMNIT a *frt.ELLt!II, U I I i S MAJfLFAfTlKEWS OF Contractors for CuMdings Vf I.ifT) h'*~7 'Tit S#H OP & FA mylC-d-.ui V O Y A E A I V A S i A *ftO CFA'TS PER WEEK WALL *^14 «T N O W O E E A i.% V V PLUMMER'S No. 50 Bradv Street, Above the Post Office, •Vl.f«?f.HOT It STOCK or A E A V S •f tno.kff II flifti If 'Ht hi Fit Mini O W N A N K S W 1 I I K A N K S S A I N S BRON7,i:i SATINS, STAMPED WOLD..* A E S i i i K S i A K S HJ7I.V NiMDEM* fifftT J* A e A i v e a v e o w e e 11. 11 KIN7.* 7. Produee & (oianiN«iioii .Merrlmnty i.. !.. i. A V*? flU'SITsT A.-H PWH'Ti FW All. o! "l»re i r-"d'!''e. uo-r, »jr*, *'n. Heat'lore# I'lwnyt ,.i| I a«o1. Itm«::|ni i-r "t, ewpfciii*'"'.. R7|1. PARKS o i i e o k e Sdl TFIAVATFS ST.. llH'Ai^O. 1,1. i II"a .•••••. (. .••:» .»".«— a lt "\!iL'»rr"' ',,r"} .. Vtlf '.M M. C/OM.Ml-li t.MH'Hoiil i Wit ANT. Ag h* i-»i ii r, iiijf'.t .o. i 1 ,i i)imk-' Stji!e-,llydr:i"'i- I'I l'«i i U Hi.: '. .N'l, Pavrnfwirf, to* 't .!:• E A N A I O S a o v A I v E 2 v mmrn.. HP-'Oh !IH" v* ::i '•pr* dSTOVES and TIN WARS. Sforr*! M/orra I n n s W VSMBTTRS No* ft# llen«1 Street *-0. v,\\ n.sT-*F''ONi»-Ti.r'.ET.bttweei^ iroi itair» Ili'i'.di h:i-i Mwl". *tn or.tei'iind i:i |ji-tt sfvi», MKN AMI K'lVs i.l.THivt ot *n.J f«v" ''r «*t be o«a.a e-.eiy ifete Tj»l U'li, V futl-.. -r A, HII.I.I R, i: :u» --Tjii.KT, bki.OW SKC 2 *.»|x eottii'n'!v o',7 Ii.-.1 rn" m. A". iirntv% an* hildrelk'a t'l.OTH I.NO oi ti»e heat r,i*" r.i.'and in n manner that raniiot fail to L*ii »atiA(iM'tion. l,ib-ral piiironage r-*[-fttiill v luiliciiil. i niy2 i iy ViJ.i -'.ii- Pen! oflhe, I T*AVK IN STO» i: AM» AUfc HW KlVLVtf r.J.W'': U-g." and #t aci-'ftfent of PARLOR. COOK 8 HEATING STOVES, that ran lie nttrc'iaacd in the eastern marlMl 11. k W. have the ••acliieive aulc loi SANFORD'S 1/fMralci1j A'S KKMOVF.n IIISSrO' K Oi-' OneOS er«-. i mosi or. nicv. Vriivkli:. Hlock, «n N*«ni l»l. •*utl .naeuc: 4Mi wuifoi •§, kiiiu and Hi.i —1 -ll'i', W ••I'el.i* !ia« «ij"il-il eftn.. a .NKiV CLO'i'iilNi. STdUI.. »ii! k«-p e. wartratfod ala ».:v on U* ia a i nrfaii-tji.pn'01 (•entn* Furnishing («nod*, TriJBiph| Clotiict in::.'.- to or'-» '-ri rl» 4 ti«ti*. and Wairaii."! u.-. llNi) join Jonit. *1 r. Cha!!en^r^H«itfr! ll,IU K 1 1 k 1 Imr*.'"'1 r-Kter i'v»r rr»rr»», "f 4 yii •». rm4. ,r" •ntivd. i t«,hi i: 'fr'Huiny o't^«a«ni-r«i':»ircon- 1 atov- (ruarantjprf to a'r* aatl^aHW^ tiuuanee of pulronn^c. l. order*. my'.'i or Uii irmn-y r-:ende«l. ... Thev atgo Uie '"t 17* OFFlci:. I'lMNti-ltOOM. Ill p.p.OOll M:KM:RV. IIAI.I.. AND tkTTiiM* iioo.'i sTov»:s conno, he aurpaaaed. \V, invite iaa-TC»ia defy eor.i*tu:»M. Alto on hand etec* V gaff!. Doors, Blinds intliel^. a k e i e Tinware, Jaj paned and Porrelain Vflk CltambtT Sitta, Planiithed Ware, "f Brkania •ooda. Coal llaria, Jf Tonga, Shovels, Polt*i% i Tia, Copper, A Sfceet-lroa Ware, MHnfartured to order on aliorl notice. O I K of all kind* pr- mptl v attended In. Gall 1 le '»r. Main A 3*1 ulrerta, amine good* and )r»rn ahe prim infte II: -. enno't. Iowa dwtl oe:7dv»I.^ .t I E N S E A A 0 S S K E W I I A W A E S O E I M. Uerzberi At C'o.,jlealeria liardirait, iroa AMIJtailtHm No. 5 »S*., M'tropr.liUm iiotk, ill llllltafllliaf ill kllJa. RECEIVED AND AUK RECEIVING every day, by Express, tut meat detirable Fashionable Spring Goods Of Varieu* Falrit* and I\ittrrui. A lac a full atock of bleaclied and unbleached Mna lina, Flaatteb, t» which we invite the attenlioa v buyer*. Uaring our eaUUiahaeiit ia f'hlladel •Uaaatf aaMaM% ««i mm «h* ai«fca ^.awawMMI •pa»NiHrt li MMpiilf A 1% DAVE.IPORT, 8 W fi'Mf unit /lan/rart, /tooM M# TaU* CvtUr, .2 Brady Street, betweet Frsrft a TilABMEAH Or SCOTf COrStfJ aaa generally, are parttcttlarhtjj aad ttaniUK my itiah at mU aJfsSrr.rW*