Newspaper Page Text
VOLU: JgilL 11. i !1 REAL i .*, N... 10! nrwi am UU\ffc fcfHK* ANNUM: ^1.", IVCl •«•-:. I' )|«un."« N„ Ii. 1 .-m..-, ill..* inu b..u-', l,,t ill nrmmeE ABCIT6T. JOHN iu 8WIT8 & JMTL SUITS, R. B. BILL, W. t. UfDER, 5Mclt«l«' BImIm (ap Mia,) aur**- i ft£« 0D*T. 4- lapmri lilirrn(4 rarna, «r «fc cm Mrr% 0# I J|f, (. DwelllMK llon»«» 4 WifH Bought, Sold and Loased. House LoH f«i Sulc. Ureal llarjinln. x# 4) Tl,.,v «i.«.».! leuidnu? lol* corner ot Twchii. and »..* 'Vm fr«Hrtou».u...M.l. i: to «ir.-.-l and i«« eit^Uw' lowsf ill'- (,,1 :ii' 0U\ 1 NOTH k ^1rt:'r^.i..n: ,*« v,ry l-a*j -a *m*'1 of eUl. uown tliilum* ot. Ion* term ot yean al ti !«iw tic \„. a. i. -i.... u—lv prT^' d,'v'."!?"»• St TO wvftMd*jl^, tv from IK •*, left d. op pt-t'-f* vei low lu-ul I,". II* lot thf /.,/• V "•e /"r f" x* O,. Ili !»l. IVI 1-1 front by U U-it .l.-|, I. I.• "I- J"'' ","1U 1""1.'Bad- A O" 'I "'I-.' I'' arker i:oru-r U»t,J r.. ir not.-*' tu ft«i"«nn A True s H.IU*1.«U t..yv^/1' W :W .It, I-. Tti»rt.v 4* •f:4#iri Jttoi 'i I It Mtore l.ol* I'or Mir. Nn 41 •»b.' t'ii .~i Bt« S«" 4o l-iiiir.m HUf*i '((Jlv Nt.. «S A1-", Iu-.bikI'- 4 »iutv. "t rooms tot |'lr»t Hoii-r-. firltrnl. Ni 4. W r. «.!• o n'..r 1.1^11 hu\tt"f i* i„ Miy«- .l.ui.- iiMV—viaut •i-vii '1"'' (tilorc A»r Br«» «, oft n \t ,-m Dioi't itiiU l/» ptent, iii V|e trojj.i'ln ui I- v *1 M« The I1..1M- In III, I* I'll* «lavs. i I it- U'jusf. r." J'». I'm 1..1UM- u 1,111 til II-U i*!i. bnluiK .• on -t Na ii'» A J»ru'k awflluu 0,1 i'"1' »wlL" '-",l bv ii.-.i S. l-" l..l" intf '1* ilwe.llUK liu.isf aii.l tiu't'v lull l.'l--, »..ulli U|.oii i-tU ci.riK ut't ariuim HUtfU '"M "ouH1 Kfll.-liair, 1II4MUK E 1,1 l"'r Ih'.II li'I'.l "1' "A VW"VI' ***«.-'• '.il.r.M.i iau, -.u. Ml i* la»U-lul uud tuiinix i-.'- 1'IU 1,,,,u ,'"s plaw- I* uu»ai U-mis ru-y. .Nu. ii''.' huniw on fair a atreet, III ItlCCll'H U'i^itlOII. I'noo, Sit. 89. Brick li«m«e and l«M. wn'-bawt «ur li'-wh a»,J lu*a uud they -lU l|U vut-v **.v 10I MIS mi it lu* f.-v XV,,. k'avt.'i v Lots. I'urnM W auU'd. W*.- want to i'urcu«».! im|.rovf.t tar«» from «w |o am-* own. f-*arinw for Wale* ai SO ui'if*. »li ii!!| mi iind^r fenrj- V.t». Oi. .-iU-ut houw. I' aint »|«"I lion*.'. WUMU tKitif.', harii liv i. tfi't, f,'i niK. l«" "oil*. c,»t n. .iriliai.l u»ii. oniaa.-u »u torm ot u\ Vrwv •VtCu S" Her-.*. IVn«l, u part impr.ivp.1: h. in i'Art of Mms?i"'ot .Soil iaii'1. a.l.iuiuiiiftMr. U v u e e i 1 Willi 't.'U-f, i' lli w irlmV'^vcdanduadjirft'r.rP 1 rue V'-i'1 T-1''.Vicrf* unimproT^d l»od near i raui. a" *l"Vr ''v s WltU '."Ill may i-oaintn cliiwr. v,"u- !il,",uc'' l,V1' .4*'••'• a'-r'Sv. *ui'i's f""11 t!,c ri'.v. "'I n,r,^'o"|.* 10a I. Ull I1I11'V..X.''1 and 1 1.1,1 1'r #1.^"^•.•iwo-ibn l, arilll ...IIII".' Ill"' ,nu'- j, ..... a f«:Mi uf y• .!•« *0 I" 11 U,u I' Linn 0.«a»T, 1VI improved and 1'nw htrt- Jin acres in under fen*.' No. 1-'. 4 li.i iicre- n.'»r SVri«u*, linrovcd 1 ..-.l.- iVin• wit'i Ii""-": iri.v#I,i'"'. n I e e i 1 .U ... -ax cnnitv *l I-' ^e. v.u.i ...r«»« i" «'i*"v i'.!»iii? P' "tr ,-kcount* »t*l per «cri Co. at per ae**. •A m-r.**' in Hiin.'o,-kcHinty ut$l per t»cr«. Hi...' •.•re* ui Wlnneba^o to. at per an.. 1 m-rcs ut ^1.-5 .. !».•.. a,*|-.*s a* TR e.mis per «**.: 82.. t.,-i-w ui.*9 1., w.«M ill P'ttnt v- I,-,.. u n s 0. Wnu.eehl.-k Co. Ot !5 »cr^ i.i |if't"dy ei'Uiity at l' -r acre. K.. I u-res in Uuti. i eov.nt at aer». M.-wer Mum. at V' acre «4 -teruf in ilouston m'y »i P*r Flllfi INSURANCE Phffuix Fire Insuraucf AtUntir Fire losuranec ©., Lamar Fire luMirauee fc* OFNKW^OItK. ... Clljr Fire OK llARfFURU. t:UNKJ_,. SuriuefieM Firf lB8Urtltf» i,FSrRlSUVlEl.t.**SS- 11 Ft Ctuneeiicut Cetna Ufr 6t UAJtiU'oiiu. lew Ttrk Mf« Ireirlli Uft laMraw* Of t* 9 «IU *3 MJLY DEMOCRAT. M. Prrnaaru. A C. Ko. C*rtt Row, N. w rt aa! 4 Stair «t, H'xlnn r» our mfi" In tho«* ritin •ijJ *r-: author •.! I tak. arfrrrtls' nienu and «utMcrlp ifM« f. iM m,r 5 II-jiS'to CKieiffo. U »a t» redre a-l ncott f-•». in. p.ptr. 1r«» ef N«b»cripltm for JLAI U Y I I- OC RA T. OS A*U APTKK .Tf7LY 4, LVXllL: 0e Ti*ir ni'Xilh* T' I M.otllll" p..' 45" 1 IXYMiUBi.1 l\ .till 4M B. 99^l|i«r nC»i luiifte. Uian paid 1-tr. €4TV MiHXfUlilKllS •ifl b»- fnii.i'h'- 1 :rn il wett. LOCAL ITKIN8. .SI b*» RtiffiJW-Mo'iiiiiy next fejinjr the: 4th of July, ihu ritatiivcrnary ol our Nati'innl iTKlcp'Midi'iKT. ^"i-Vn {tic :it lUi. lif. of thU in with tin* piHijilf «if ^hk! tastes in p»*n-voL |.rojK)so t' ci'lehrate, cr,njc(^a*«lly thpri*J*ill Keno pa per i-Mi '1 from thi. f-tnMKli ii.rit 00 that »la_v. \7Trri»«m^t ^|,|»*t:r on Tue— •lay cv. 'ilrTy."' Titr S. fljjp^ii'ri!rh r.-m«?!k'S an«l Dr. Hificklari'l-^•iiiLiitirv .'iirrUj^'- lldllor.l »'lls tJicm TOII.KT.—(irablje k j. t.• stock of toikt jr"'o|,t itiiitl, tvali'-!/F|rfaiuiifv. hoaj»,, 1 Euski:... oiici. Li., al. c.k of ,uiiu.»rr clotli ing at coat, fur a fctv day- only. 2ft»v ia the i hance to invcHt your greenbacks. OpE?fBB.—If'u mwP I i*. 'I another cl" .stock i -VmrTfi hu lit! si quality—als«!, straw j».x»T^i:i u^ii varitt,.. Hi- sells lower tl.un ii.' ^arkot. won cTery NUltll L-i. 11 SlIAV. I lj' Majk meat at Whisk'r's, Mowrmbique Shawls, ('i:illie Shawls. Kreneh Merino Shawls, i'a«fimctf Shawls, 1 Urocha Shawls, Tin: Pt \rv Fire \V..rksji^i«ice ia ut HiU|ikc .v .s? 1 u u i e a i i e K v i li.-fa'.,. a ^|.lei di.l as'Ortftient. Al.-o, balooni o'liife.-tio.lories, fruits, ete. A tine lot pile apples just receitdil, LOST.—In the I'.mt Ollice in tht e!t\v medicine ear** belonging to Mrs. L. K^V»w. C'inirvoynnt Physician. Tlo tin^r wiil confer a favor by lcaun^ itafuMf re-ideiiee «f the owner, n w. Fi!t. i*nth and H.a lv. or at t| MM:V ii'irii'Ht.m.-s taU' I'«. lr"in •'".•i.ciiM. l'ri--»* -s r. am HI for i. i.-.i" »l •.•»'» "i" '•"t-1,1 3v». Krani.* .U*. linig l.ou-«-, mmtli nUe iu «tr.-.-i. W.iu-.-ii "H'1 I'li'''. ... Hi—- W. 51*1.'I l'«rrv coni.'r onJlliMM-l. Vru-v. Twu-rnvd* tu.iv ruiiwin on ui'.rlgnge at |,. i vnt. .» |*i iiuit*- tpjiiM tiviUtii mUo «tl otic «!*•.. o I .H.I.IV Hiivci priw. fi.XW. i'»vo tbn.l.A tii.t* u-aiaiii .'U "ll"SV ut s,i N.i I ,v it'4iifK- i.ou.-"- UraJy atrerl ,,',.1. .1 rt«ia. uce.: 1'rict, .o:•. No II. liou«- mill '1^ .i' ips ol land *4-11 alo -ki'il l.U Iruil \»|U» itubli-. .. ...II,,,.,-.. luK Sta»l.'. »4U"H Iiuoa". »4C"II ..ixiiaiU -uiu IU.V SlU'.l -"Tio»* motn lor Haltv So. :.V 2 a!n«bu- "tor^, w-l! r.-nJ.-l wr t..m« %V"l mure'* Aililil ion. i Im.*I t»it mi,. is a good l»t^Si:am P'-rr\ h:tf .^oiuuthing better and more thai he will v. hanire for it. Sam IV tb« oldest iiiuiehant in nis iin«s in Davet^jWt. and, like good ninu, ii improves with a V His stock of sitiiitner clothing, and i.taui,a\ for maknijr it is uimuipassed, and his fi^ 1110 arc always low. Calloj»|Ki.-ito the i'o? atiit* Musi XAVBB, NO. li West 2d have the largest stuck ot ready-maile iim tary and Htnnnier clothing in the cU erything warranted to give .-alisla Fuiitnu.'* iioib-olnld, tiRir popiua still behind tne counter and Jltim take tue l^rcatesi pain- to inake^^^^ bargaxw l#r w {I:mi.N \TI n A|ci.i-rKp. -At a meeting of the Senool lioarJ. held last evening, the resignation of ,\.l Kissell, Supei intL^iJeiu ol tlie City Sciifols, which was handed in about two ycmkUI -nice, was aloepted by a va e of lour to/hree, to take p»ci- the lstol Augu-t. w/o will he In.s In -.-ssor in oiiiee is ti"i jfl determine i up-.*, and proba bly Will iii'/H• until tlie coinniin. eiiient of the sciiou* in the f*11. Wc enteitain no doubt bdt that the situation can be Well tilled, Hyi/EII SMAI.!..—After the ifirrum.' of tlie iti id JT. the Chicago (a llok iJand Kailroad Coij/iany asked permission n| I'. I.. Cable, F1, ol Rjck Inland, to Back V^W^nie horTTcrs at tlie^lLirfis 11o^^vere liighly gvatllied yesterday At a Mange of the order of afr.irs inljlc culi irv department. Th *rr*w^^cTi a sud den change in th^afcrt^tTooking that iito .juiry was atOTS^TTrTTWtwkt^scerlain the cause. The Investigation result^l^i briag» iug ont the fact, that the old and [bpul* Hurt is llouae Cook —Wiliimn CoulterVwas hack at his post again. Mr. Couitc il one of the le*t cooks in tbe country. II# was with the Burtis House from its ope^ig un til last hpring^ when he lyft for ajMilv- lie commands in IWe- kit»»hen (tn^^ne public will hail t'ne return ol i^iju^ulputiU^, dip- in plain (k.4i« M.-n who Ho tra- Sim Mi e lfV bo.iv 'Sl'liere rB... IHTOJ3 wmm s TWK ha\ ing siori. arid rer'-inoii I.-j tli »:.• ~l po.i'l it 1 lat' well a- to private welfare. ban#(-rs of -k IUK nnection in the Coal Valley road ail nni the pas lengcr trains down to the lewe. so that per sons traveling West might mi ha\e so far to walk get to the fji^^t|4it««i^fcCable fully iiniiTfTV 11 t|p: city au'li ties im-Tiered and refused t© let the C. I. cars run any further fian tin Such an act is unbecoming to our sister.-i Tiu: troubles of the railrojl should awak Its sympathies, end a heljng hand shoull have h'*en extended at ..n OHEATE8T PrrMntilloa Crrrnaonlrw. the of the cuintnenceiueut v% rrciw-s of ihm lliph School of thi* citj*. D. L. Shori-j*. f-.j.. Pri-sMerit of thv h.'hool j«i: he ii|»!'aia* a.ldrKSf*} th« f'flo^-inir neat njiproj: Mt nhmejtiv Training Llatki y. ti now i. vot'*'l ofiE" ^rtSW,49 tfl® theory af ii pra'tirc of a ™rnr. that you tnijrlii xfii- more ruinpliu! .' fcrvpare your the duties of tiiu vocation you Jl. i II Mr_l. B'.fir.l, firc- eMt jii: he ii|»!'i th* uwlimAi^ in •arid nii!tpji#iat r-markA: From the besir-nin^ of niMzation on thi conliiunt to the prcs-nt h«ir, all wise an.l jr',0.1 men have agrei*d a.- t*ati axiom never to In- railed in .pi' -'ion, thai tile niili.sjH.iua hle jjnsranly f.-r the p.-rp tft'tv of our free iiwlitntioiis i*! to be found jnl v in the publi.* i'lii of all the chiM jfc the peoph.. i'Ut the s|)iiit of mr iinniortal aiKt-tors -,11 1 vives—that all the youth should beinstrn t' dat the jniMi'' e\ ).*n.M', in an Enirli-! in a ri:i--ieal edii' ation. With lar itiu wisdom wot. it then ordained that th*e Tnr. BKIIo children whi. y.u in^frnet to day. »i is making tine mi.-h a-, the.-v, ail ovt-r the laud, u :d ii^p« v- the draw pier o ery neration. should be us a myriad^ hridjre. F"itv rloi :"U5_ -f ihe •I'ttitU* upholding! In IJejulhlie forever. I stop not to i grace, the -.i|:i.-c, tin- inti ditln- thro homes of the people in prirat" In your 'j^' Mij' 11 xv''' It r'eniuiu- lor in.- in J.e iianu ui mv\ 1 y il- autii'irity of the S 'tool Hoar! t^r. --i. 1 voii, i a- h, a e*rti,i'*n*. w'i f*Hff is Ih-cm 1. pared for all w Ii-» h'-o •\^0y ompletc ^urie i.f netioUpil* 1 he i i.iinius Dep-ifTlhpi^et'^jyktiW^^ip.iri Hi-h fell's.1. Mr. \i A have the hoiMir of lc* in 1 u i'uiu/:i. Lie eouj.sC pre-.-,'ib««l the /lizh .'seliool. And it Is not t- {e ',i!rp»iy "i nl'e c.-roruony tliat we mark i'.i TJ, \.f,:tny of pillillo It is a 111 r/i*ju-t priij th*t."tir lli^ii School is i*.11 .'r• to it -iv.-.t an I'itia^f iist*. iic« updn lteH|p|i!'i'-ati-6il c,: in ou /. :i~ in every 1 .m i.u|/ic eilucation. inatiii u/at. ii e.\c_ .. iif u mi the few "Wiuiaining 1 v -.e '.-nnting tt «u,pl^.' his li" he does not fc-ti|*.*n—fr from that jL'hf -".rife any mr ncy i?,g us hat shail pierce our hearts as with tii, #tiai ry that our very brothers lie dy iof—his line sitall be in-ld in perpetual hoj^r in tlie 1 when* hcyxa- inn lured I1TV1 ib itinifttnii-.ii' I'lhU^trintry in tbe h-ur. ot iier peril, 1 i th jia triot'c a: lor ihat glows "ii .cry omge of that classic, literature he has studiiA with you ill the school. As when tin *S^I np%)u.g chasin throinrh the Forntn at Koine seAied about to enc'uif the "Kternal City," and^jie soothsayers declnn-d that !f the wi-htd the Koin-in Commonwealth to everi.t-tin(^W*y must devote to the «*hn» what ^fstit'it^il the frln itwl strength the X-V.\:\n |*\fc pie. .'itid Curtius, he *.-: y.'Jri tlijnkinl iw»thi ig mote raluahl i« i his vn" af«i his arms, threw hims.-l jpto tlx chasm filay. Uiiight by iat heroic literature, whi i ,vo years has instructeil at: d- liL'hted th w ild throw themselves it^n the chasm vhie. horrid treas ui i-: T'cil that thLs our H» mblic may endure {f.* i/.| i Ipro j,,rtn,i nt'iil Ami i ov. by (he nut.ionty of th^Fcbool, I -V n vanMiiif *eri li«j|fr which perjjQtif i-.qiK iu^ pro Orlniri' Ililfji' Old Orim\ h.- had^i •"ii'-i iat hat— lie couldnH^.-fa K\t^r. llnl'ickilv .1 i ••v iiv/1 II HtPr.' it i'.ietXisno doiito 'H li»4«iriz"-! a 4-jfw Iltffict yTle.'t he'd ,-.lie auyg.,,':.t S^iith out. Tat?'tiL' froia n-hajy- ti read f»i o* et|#^*E 1 -i o u «l?in il ih:*.t*y»ui n e.l u^weur ui.i Tiif. ('III^ rnows lio iv to place nio n us will spread its teuUd^hiscity orMl lo.idny. an^ a^Kj/d njr^iff{et .i gal».W ofV^actionj^rfy l4(MaMh4^iiy W tern St.ite. i'fcw jjmUlic will ahooV duced to the yriting but mei«8tro*V H|up potiTiti^, the only aii af of the kind V*ver I introdu-'cd into tlds, The t| is nf rare WQ fc fA1* roiffus wild blasts i^Rrili ttnee ofla.hnis-ion. l-n't fap i RhUoyaT^TT- Conklin luu resioved y:« ...bin stoi lt uf Winey and Liquors to o. 'ith: East 2d «tn e'.s, «j^-0-.:te R. M. Pietiyumn's •ju gm ®OBt offi.-c. where he nan be uiid prepmeil aiptly aupplji his ci^it.iiuen^fM«i-«l»»~tr»de on the st lerBM. ftHSTgondd **«r»*l »»fc itrt /^miOw^atinfciuiit. «u aauat aurel/ go to doutb." iumI stock. DAVENPORT, IOWA, SA JULY 2, 1SG4» Ai V*nk*a came t- %va, it^ard an iwfnl c!a«te»» Wbcre ar^Voii goin^ koyn V Howe •iter. Sodntrti where lll« b*lt«4 «'ini n.*al ii adv Yank.** do«dl in diaictiarg tbi nut ui^ij'propr ,.d to momyit j^ntioT'., THE re**«6 why Ac fftj^Marahi! di! not itt'.esTfl,?W-trcad the riot act «i«l «iiper-e the t-x.-itod 'rilftc:n»oii, 1" Mafn ftM SeroWi tyb was i lit-.-i1 ilif i,.. tha-in^ t'utir great Hat a Ki ll as !:i :ij sati»faci'«-y take -ur anii and stnv by the v e •.etc svfrtem v*f i:l LI i. v. !ioe.--' .i. t".^'liiM nl which h-t'-e pin ..lie. 1 "i# sluuie.- **%|ld I I'-iubt not y.,11 wiH -li.ol winch von i: so pie s.intly Had tli 1 of the affect' on ftinuu to regard the passed tiie- evears ably ith s:,Jiie 1 loan AUii.i Mater. ut pcfioOi conanue to May this most e'. nd out. yeir afiej ar, an m.*re«»wjg ii unhi'f or pupils •i.nll !i .*.••• coin^ilet.-.l !he classical e.-ur-'-. liiat Bi HIT beaUtillll city increase,.^!! w.-J.u. iy iiu:ubej ». tw.«|in iniluencc, ii fclmll tWt ^*hfeff belter than any or l-i iiiese—a people re tiiesl with '_'en -I'ouf ciil.ure. Your el.1—m-iie,?M Squires, h.'.'l nearly completed wnh you h's clu-sieal course, wlun, with patri.iie impulse, he took arms and ii!'.-.-i !i.-1 t9 the f.o it of tin :'etdpf v, w tnld.-r tlie ^loriuUk ail pur- ui Siaith's Etnporii^n. uiiere they the in igt n-h dntinae you, boy5, Von i-atr4*i^*Brate with 2 any better than you can take yo|r beefsteak and oni« ns through a .straw. 1G0 straight "Smith, the Hatter," and get into a coiidi tian to enjoy y ur.s4v ^v. -Mr. K. P.Reynold with ur work 0:1 1 u'of ?i'! 8 S turn ta'^le pui^va w-.-hI placed with fYA i stone. 1 been ri :i. nd is being re- :k ot the On Tinjmrr. t..«- .'»» u. putting up the t. ri pea\ the nurioe. the timbers of whi :ii aro procured in'v 1 i.-siu^Kf. torVir history. Votiwiih and framed in Chicago 1'. /. Ar*f*§. exhil^ni.' 1 •.. a: 1 \xecuU ilie' of u^anctstor-j l.y !.iKhiti i thewyluth h* t-. :i• jiK ijoy and to tran|i::it .:t5ful in *i 'jy-'i' that hav«. to us from tii-*(m^ iu:.Jlons STCASBOAT Exruasio's. For real comfort •roCltCtff a party can 'he e. i VVlltcN. cnrsi. n provid^l br th:»ii i{i ary (tli^Vjiy woj^w 4f. ut I' l'"*'''' I'olS^ .•U- Oild of the .b rmie-VTlippK v.ilh yo.jr ||e„,ra|| wives and HWei'thearts. go /own to New Boston, have* a iLince, a^KSnic. and tfae.i lylnff I'lSTCOli^f take tli, K, iritshtn^jirfT ..nie back, orri» S'i'a%Vls, in hot^it «is 15*^7Til#-..I.*v morning. It I a si.h n.mNiL:i:n. u/.n- friends who want '!l t- celebrate. PiioT»i:inpns, to procure a really splendid piiuto^rnj.h ur am'-rol pe Ls at Olmstcad JL C'O.'m, on Ur.itly street, bv 1 1 1 The i.h tHiitly eiini-1 and 4th streets. They ar* masters of thek 4'!ij«rrifesi»n and s./okr-1fiji tV Ip .¥ Jselpjnlf. it OMjfi.i^diiy tlie tu.* 01 i!i i ojal!* :,ii£ricfli Fl'l/l iiiit^'??:. u.i....t," ae-iri..«iu*.n ..I .lie eh -ic estiuu•! •.\r---^WK,.-dtm*. -t!|i »hm* iHorft Ibi pWt-'Ht reqniJiK'Xj eU-autine»s. «tlw»ey «n.t cn vt'iiem* V-ih^ pr.-,-.ent iti tin* liishe«t po»si§i? de t!i*e* ol pel lection. Il reuwwe* tlj( Satio-.ittV evi amg. July 2. J-«4. Fi.ofR.- ileliiil *17 ia bl.1. s.i in pr.pcr wliok'sal in Ii'-l it'.1.*" in paper. WuiiA*.—1. w*ll etertWfil. ronml and plump. t'lliT., T.-a aa'l I a!e! u. £1.7.* 'So. all*. .V«r. 1. clean iu.d Hound, 7-1 do. So. 2, .lamp »nd not cit-an, 7 2. WlIKK 1!UAN» -?1{.''-,^2.S0. l. W^Kht". *l' -ja. TI'lOt 111-. |l*j.*.'a(a. ... UlHVKK.—^7.oO(^ .25. PoTAT0*.«.--S,'(ri 8. Jfi , -,-,*. v'i -i •#r'j feitmbcr Market. tf Srtect for a aystprnatie roi r.-e ef mental -i uhryiral e'tuealiti.j. j.M-dliv W. A !.. RtKi*K. KvTbiMUlig A Huth(n^. RiEFi-.'S lesliTf luril/tldj day. On LU'.M* ttJ» ^FQUBTH OP JULT, 1S64. FIRE Works! AT WHOLESALE* RETAIL S A S !'rjThp Largest Stwk eter brought U I«wa, fOHii»ri*ii»f Fin- Crackers, Torpt Iot-, Koman Candles Jtc.. \.t'„ &.C (liAagroe .Nle.. oilura. *etirf And-tartweii5 aslliesnuis uisiii i! 4 peailhkc w-ii:. ik-s.-S to »lje t»*v»'» toi|c u lla* I.y*ef0i I'.vf a Lj oi'i.iti^/r toth* ni.iiilb, whieli makes it r** :Uv atwi -t-lmiW ry. S.ililln -Ji» evclywlicre, at tS'cent-. per boltle. ttivi:ie rri:?i!«. The pip:ri :r mail 1111.1 paeket Joints Hcmih,iia'ilain Jerry W.w J.' will fur.llu tjaqti unl way pdn'u Monday a! 7 o'clock. It. M. I'rettvman, iijr^nt. The favorite ma u-1 passenger packet Jennie tpp!?, Cantaia t*aiu|ib«lL ujllilcfuu for Fori Ma li on neat v,,v points 'i..h.!,iy iiiuinuiir at 7 oYI,•! I,cniui«l Parktiui"-' biuie nlfioc. K. A. TtU-beiii, n^l-nt. "^nCOIWMERCIAL. Itoreaport 3inrket». Or IK K OK THE !i.Oi.-v-|Olll l)KVOl^J.4«p, I AT CHICAGO PRICES. o i a n a n I Hili'w new block, on Brady, between :j-i t' Ol ,C\ ^1*3^ ami wanant peiiwet satisfartinn. 7ive tiu,n,' a .f oui ecinea xact incies iix s we mnke in IS Ml l.-j ViiC v, lit-! 0:1 i/sources, and it is tl al ail /u- i itell. etual pr our tfiii- often observed f. lea&ant r.-Ia tioij have tiijjted bi »neo you ami the :|.'(yi'.:I-h.-«I t« n.-hci*s J!-.-. iiistriK'tion i.-J'-Miw like PearNnnd llrcittli of •oreelntv 1 Torpwio and Fire Crarkpr jt UiSTB** Fruit*. CoHfertionrrieH. 4V., ftOLD PF.XS, fnllerv, Slcreoscoiiii* Tlewa# And tiwU'-.nah tf othtr aribhr f-» numcr t» tnci'tii'n. jiiyi*' Ui*.* ». w 1. Arrliktl, 1'outrwftor'& Soiirilor of I'atesti SraifU'atifn.j, AMh/U'fr* F'rrniiA'd f*r J/-!-*: P.\ N"S FROM MOiii-.bS t'ut 111c I'A'i'KN Oi^i.-e. and -lii!!. of I'vui di«4*r.ptio in Isoiiieti'icul an It n ical pi -1 Olfiee e-.Tn of Hradv and Sd u. Knr-n p»»l t, 1 :'-•-. a. i'l'-l i..'kl».°» l»4Iik. i• I1 dif MCE tiK.S.n S.iLOO.Y ji o. II VTTIII:*, K-\ io A l« SOIIIKI. not l- iid.-noii-rli for No. I, rejeeted, mu« tv and diirnp. l2 '*t*nt-. i.'OSN Ssnelied, No. l.soflnd. ph'mpl^l drv. IIUS Un. N». 1, shrunken, I in .-nr. XoH. «.nmi j.l 1 :.{ and dty, «l Uo. So. *brnnki.*nf t: '. iA*.ESroBt. Fttu-ia/ .....$2*.w •i .lis it! li, s, i:i:e« ii isriv JtaiB iioards so do our noblest youth t'f Hindoos Tiinl.i'r* JoiHt*under 11 L'J.'.*" Latb, I'lpar :ovt i'lankiw .... lit -aia.i! gimd- Stock a H^ljt. *"\vr.i.:-au'^ Seii"*l. tie. Riplf^ n:i ej.t. c, di.j I !n a. ru. lo to p. in., -.AiiB-iav h-'mi 5 to" a. th. Seaimer Itruiee-u "uicn Joli J. Tnition Ter July mid Ai^-u t,in clitding Swi!iii!itngf^- -i« an I i.r., na»iic ts-.r ciie, i j«»K i Grand Steamboat Exrnrsioa ON THE i *J QL0RI3I1S FOURTH*. :ir flrice Ins gn*at jJfat flfll* UaPilift I'ACKBT U.VK !I.\S maw I ij{ .III ITS t«» a ti.-n-l ^tealnbo)it ii.\k-ii! .-iju j.i i-oBrtti, tu wiitcli every Wuih is ilivrte.l. The fcjtcurs.c.iiat# will leareon the steamer Jennie IV /tipple •ii the nil. nta^ o, ti.« roiii-*®. ami jm- vt*tf«i Evil itoiivjtl UM4'*!1' hs:--. NivW i^U.--J'.jN, \\!,e:e t. i.y \ull ^o on iiu..i'ti i^ie Wi J)S n«w and ii^'aut s r, 1 photographic Rooms CUYOf KEITHLBUE1 arr.ving in i»iM4id.'t n ti£«PU &th. PHO'l'i »i i A I* re*Nt 11 As FIT»'!•:I» U' AN KLE'JANT lee JIA 4'roam lt»OUl !V.|- tlivai on "i l.a'le-s nr-l n*'« m-n. ::d aTHit^ a eaM fros.-i l.i« trieij I.'. u::-S t. i.' i•: tg ve viih*. Itin-n will be s,-ri** 1 flrith th« most oelicioo* CRKAMS' Ktc., thi« can bp prod«"« J, «ui waited upon with kindest atu-at'ia. tlakrry and loHfertianrry. I .in 1'.ct v. th tli.* fn-iiicst CiiW«*s. ISr4.*a«l« ua-1 in la -i cvprvt'onij p. rtnlniriv'fo huk'-rr prof.'««i.m. tmde I'eiuthe t" -1 tlour. Pi-rti"* I A. 0.itaond, Floorinu1 tie.'*.- ipe of Sidinir .i ........... S-I.oo Fimaiiiug «».*«!.*... Wh»^«i'i.' (.me Slnii_!i-- 'i..i*''i^.i^Xe| H.Wi Sfrt'**! '.'-if C«t'rinnii«ii!i( iicitn ln«lit.ila rn*r I'i-OKI A. It'pify Sl». i 1 ifMKM°por»ted June 1, il. -*0 T^E^ORKATEST SO CENTS PER WEEK. rppprpp pi'pppppp ii'i* pp ppi i-i'ppp ppppppi* 1 1 "i i***i I PIT AA «.ij4'!it-fj AA A tl AA AA A A AAA AA AA A AAAAA A •A A PAPKE at the s|iorte»t notif-e. Ah lh* 1 ic si 'jcrtin(?nf of CcmfrHinncric* in th#i-iiv. Call a:i.l me. Al! ^o^« r^trfii**'..*! utcu so peputnr tor. OVER A QT ARTER OF A CF.KTI John Bartciiiclcr OVER A (jlAllTER OP A CESTI„ac .„ to restore the menatnral flow in a natural ,,,,, that ladw» who are pregnim' must not u*e la aaotbe? way.. ARE THE ONLY MEDICINE C. TKC i*fLftttr Importer, Dealer & Rectifier la roreign A" tfonnnlir LI U O S AND RECTIFIED WHISKY. St. 24 Main Street, 2d door below the National P...nV. Oarenport, Iowa. J. LOKKN'ZEN* 81 Klarri*ou -d A !M^|eet« i Oitna Wnrc, •ion »u *..jji*e.:i Vvi Particular att'• ntion giren to eular^ing from o«r f*riAwiKa tUt uimm^L •^Jr'ljSr iwt» W1,1 at ordinary Eiteorsioa ratwJB* ,-?? Fap#ri III .4% ..^.*4 Mil*? A UgSrlr- V^v.'-a' EL 2t store AlllkS' V MilM CAUDS— "~A I, Mir" UkdiMlAKMHCl WALL C0MW3JGS50M. H. IILIN'Z, Produce & (oiinuisKioii M**rf hant^ KO. Br»nn-.V|' 'ir* '..K-.IK. Pt.i S H1CI1FST «'A- It PKM K FOR Al.b nl« of tYnnir** pr-nbici*. bmt»r. "gus. l^,at s*ju».s cinay on ban 1. Bnv.« and aeiliTon couiUiisst' ii. 1.. I4dti pARKS o u e I I o k e \"o. so: fll AT! U ST.. i HK AOO. I' U«.X .'V. •':-!i an i, en I i"fi'*iv i.i»ter". '•.•••-. dl^» .»i »n M. *«0MMI.--I«IN VjL) PKut'L 'II KCHANT. i.-\en' i..r li«-ifiiijj'» S...^s .*•• i i.ii-b tiik* .• S.,u!e-, lJvura liul Vioent. Flakier Pari* and Huir. i b. t-no.Nl SIUKET, I t» ,.-*lnrt, ia. io"! V-dll MERCHANT TAILOIIft. u i ai V-? I.OT I I I JST Gr ,^Tco-T rtM' TO U no FRANZ MKVKH, Sce#»nd f-.rB* 'l-mr ircst .4 V iiionnl A 'I ll-Art tT!"tl I GKST!*' Urit.MSlUNi- tOOKS, HOYS' I bOIill.C'i, fbO'l'HS. ASbi MJEKl'S. -"!M-S, ST0CK1V0S, which I w.l tefl a* i i.i.-t r- -.-nnW# prices. Custom Work Hons ttn.l tisn.-y I urran tie Lest. •'timlde and ch a, .Mi utio mot* Uio blst a .d '"fiT0'?d« Mil*' cir*-' »s -v nt.vNZ 'i: vFit. i NKXV KTOLiKI IM'PPPPP fnhlKKEEKE unnuHRi:ni Pi'PPPPPP JuiFKtJKGt: UKItK .KKIIH PPP pp pre atf.k ru 1'iP FPP AA m_io, K (|f., nt,.,... ,, M,W tla-7 will iprariat,!/ produce a ittarvriag.., a^orttr-ent of SQUS F.artlieiilW are# 4 lass Ware, Cutlery, &e., tliiimlllfl to tell gooda as en- ap aa aor Louae l-aii.e. iari 1 «4m,ne ~±rr, fore piu-ciiasitijei«''wl.ei ta-oani I IS AAI1"'l°1 #r- Taken in t'iie loglK.-" St o. art. 1 W U o HAVE J. E A II i.K RHR FCSlMKRgl! RHW KBFFKEuB ftBH AA PPP NOW OPENED AT JVo. 50 Brnilv Street, Above the Post Office, ST01 ft or VJA!)i: I TTt'. Vranlilin Block, on Second s4re*t, bet. tor conyrnornv and vmlmri u|,.., HI.OTIHSO STOUK. :ci.| nil! k4-.p eon I THEY CANMOT DO HARM l*: ,I'I..iiiif!.. to er.ii .ii -ii.Ttect rio'ir.., un'l I THEY CANNOT lK» BARM vi.rro.t. N'0.1'i DIL| C. L. COEESEMAN'S ri^ Wi ST--t«'OM»-I UKKT. BOTWEKf Itiadv ami Mall', iimk'**. t» ol-l(*ribi'I oi tin* »UBUuflnk i j^yr. a cm.tA.ND noUNBT *1M-f.CLl»TO,* MAXUFACTLREBA OF &a*lwDaortf, Biiads, MotMlngs,' a k e Contractors for Bn^kltngs 1, h'.rr-l SHOP & FACTORY, RECEIVED .JW4U XT TItE l/ltffeST AStf I'RICKH.— .4.,,,,# ^kaSe. Wu A CW fHY UW Lake at., CbMMgo |k AMI nmM Mm0w •V NUMBKH '21:J. sj* i ^Air w JT tfuiAMf IVYtir/i IHW be Fnifitft BUOWBJ BLANKS, WHITE BLANKS, JffA'Vt9l% BRONZED SATIN'S, ST AM I* IIII H)J41 PAPEItS, FILTTI1ED J4IIAOEH, #.iTi.v GUT mosTED^ All tlie Above at ver- Low Price*. iTcvrs and TINWARE. Shn i'H Htorm MIL.1^ A WASHBtXFltf 56 llrady Street Jf'.-irly opn^ln Podt r.ft'ro, UK RK .i'.i *me!it of Htlif. AVK IX STORK AXD ARK RKCEtViNCI l.ii _'---t and ji iiiioi'ineiit of PARLOR. COOK & HEATING STOVES, that can I* niirdiaiiMl in tli» fwttn oiarkM. li. W. bave tbe ejctnai*•• tor SANFOIlirS |]€*lf%ratfdjCliallengc/tfcater! j,e ha* oj^ned e'P»A .. Th».mrirattrda-lr,TaH", lM Stilts' Futni-ltinif Good*, Triumph, II re srptdly JWU JOMOt\. ui v un unv and e.her fnrcrt^ pattern* cat OVI.V I" obtain "t *m!*, MI-.N A.M bo\ e.l at Hilln and«* •ViM l..«e»-lt.t!oll, lie- tilllesl si'.tisla' t.oli K allied. I folici'from my "!d en toiiu rstheire.. i- S&T A. MII.I.SCK, W«AD' Slitlir.T, HFXOW HKC twp« eOn«tiintiy on hnn-1 and nmUoa tl'.r. .0? b" I '*•, 1 SSSf Ml s«."fs83 rtH rss III n RRR RRR RHR Ml* n* x* Wlf e SBJiH «4|»« 4 i i mm Mki ft*. 1"- Irei tnite, ijar- .... ... .J,. %'"t s nf|w'rti:ni:i'. thi iftuovv KE ATI fit! PIMP ui w!ii,L walnr r.p^-er ft err***. (jicnt*', Beya' *a»# ('hildrfii'a l.ili lliNf: "fthu tievt mater al and ui alimuiier t.iK* ..-uni" fii! 1. IHI! -II': -.••.ion. Literal i oFTH't KTiir.IJ, lilNINtj-ROO)!. HED-K0QJ4 m. i'.V «.-Vo ,) my-J -tiy .Vflt-llffV, t!Aj.!„ AMiS'-:ni\ KOOM sro*.' wrpii*,ed. W* i k n i I w ., v Cvr. Mala 3d alreela. I aiuult! g'*d» 4tid toarn aWf pWct 4. '. SlfiE E 1TTRA T10 M. I'fiW HABDW A»¥ StJrTi LATE ARRIVALS. He rzlerg & C«., A.o. 5 S -uliI .s ., iujjmUa.H Ulv*k\ «l. A, VAVKirOBT, ARE RECEiVlfttt g^Mf and /far iri+t,1 faM **d .-ver dav, by 4.xpi M», the most dt»uable 'MJa rasiilonabie Spring G^muI '3." 1 Of »V,ov* FaOrf* o. ./ I\ ^*1 fto a full »toek ofbleaehed .m-l unbleacbed Mna bus. Flannel*. t» which wemvito ia n,r n^ o id I i.t^l to out. All goods wai i ante jnrt aa t«yraiipiHu|^ buvera. Harinj([ our e»tabli«!iinent in "iilla.lel :nA -ad one „f«Hr Ur n conatan. I* in tbe market, we are enabled to oiler miiwe- tn« plata aaa ipre a ealL aeata to all wfe* call. nwhlo^Uwly ti yi- i.,jv.i.:n 'l to ^ve »ai.«facflo, i v ^WShjr TUey al»« k ep ihe r*khr».ted j_ 6. i If ni hl4 invite inaneetimi and i fti*Ke, Japj iinii'd Mid Porcolnin I 1, I i I) 1 Chambi .i«tts, I'Utrfatiied Ware, A VJ AV Djl-ania Cu.1 iiorfa, tl i f' J, v.- .Xoiitfs, ^hov«l% J'okei*. -fV" *i i wjti H.. Tin, Capper/ k Sheet-lrn Wift» "V*, i^a^ufact -rrd 'o urfl^r nn «Ml n«'r». JOUBIXCi I 4 f§ t1 «a': al n»*ea -4 WW? vi "J jot iJ. it» """I* S Vt?ii .1 atrfro'H io. Call and t*^, V.*» -3*v*! otsirdatf. ... -. i«« WW Dealer ii llirnlwure. troa suH-Mlit FaM* iut Inpitmrtsflrftil.Mi*. •Ay j' rl.-..f |V.. I i 4 i JjSJ-. '-j#-'.