Newspaper Page Text
13tHiS! Jitftt! *.T?lI SE Si lft.tfi-.-t ii Ul-ri TERMS J&9,00 PER ANNUM: REAL ESTATK INSURANCE A8EM0Y. JOHN I/. SWITS & CO., U U S W I S I I i W k U E K ^lekol*' Hlock, "J' stair*,) MKCOIIMT. Improve* & Inlmpwe* Firw, CITV LOTS, Hwrlll»K Mohim* 4t NtUPHi Bought, Sold and Leased. Mou»e Lots for Hale* A Urrat ttarffnln. N'r •9. Those eligible building lota comer of iein^ lrto feet ami 150 feet on r«. mil and i.und «tr front on south »idc l'-'lh st'e a-* t'o! Rock Ihland street i lit- above is a very tine location: price Tory I- term* uncommonly ea«v -ti winall amount Of cash dowH-bulm-ce on long t- rni of years at A ..w rite of interest. J, ii. !.'•» I'.iuily M:eet, west side, 63 feet front bv 1«5 fret deep-"pri«» r0r 1 rrr) N». 3. On Third slr««-1, •. loi'arit'r'nea mm. coriu-r lot,) prir-f, So ,v. Four hoiisf lot-, in lUviMn a True a ftdditioti ^ir."-ucfc. 'IVnin .-asy. No* si, i'i, 3'f- Thirir liousw Iota in Nmrma ker'« i'MtVioii *1"' to i ,-.•»!». Term* rasjr. Ni. A ViUuuhld w»y lot S. K. form-r of M«m inid ("olli n1' Avt'iitie -/'H) fret on M«in hy mi, I'..i!-p- Avi-im*- miiIv t-orm »H'l i .. ,:icl«ndlog beautiful i •»•. l'rar W«*lmorc*M Al«liiioii. irointnoiily kno«:i a* "l. ri nn-'. I'ui'li,"i Im now lni«l iut» I.OIm. ol' nil prl« «, ud ll«y rrady lor on tor) ca»j ««»rm» nud low .store I.ot«, Wur. hi.use LotH, Fuctorj Htore I'OtM Tor Male. 41 OIK- II •-. ol Ufady Bt. Nu I'l.ur on ti!i St., t.' "i Kiiili nail U: nl'/e. I'ii-Ml rltiNN Hon** lor Nn 4 W'- urr u-u'lv In n ut or to wtH ho-isi (now l,..:lli..K u, Isc rpmty for .x-citpunev in May or .lnu« next-pUn* ol which may be in-i'ii at otir ollirc. No, 66. A No. fnrntsli.-d Kinto^ of room* for Hin^iv gt-iitl'-iiK-ii. llonwrM for Sale. No 10. In Mo'iiuf, 111., a fvo-story lirlek dwel n« h.iu-C, with lot xo hv U,o f, i-t.ror. I.ymk' und Ann St*. Tin- hons" is ill j/oimI cii(lition, is now rcntc-'l noftn"-'ii'ii -riven inSoday*. iThi-house. i:o*t I'" 'i" Iioum- lot, #I,.V»' one l|,il,| caih on lonft time ut low iuteri'st N.» :i. 'A tirii-k (hv.-llini^ house on E-'.'1 !St. tlVio'i "l oil at 3 per c-t-nt. No. 7. Tin- i -itiiti- now owned nnd oi--npii by'tii'o. S. f" Ko-.v, i:s.|.,h"in^ the dwelling house und tun e tuil lot-, fioutmuf N.-uth upon .th St., ot Kai ninu stri-i t. 'I hit "iiuum- is in per feet repair, having heen iilied up by the owner for himself. The entire arraniji iiieiit of the hotiiic is tM«ti till end i• .niph-ti-. The view IVain this plaee is unsiirpasseii. Ti' easy. No. ii". l-'ranie cottH^'e hoiiso on Third street, IU Ci /.-n's nddition. I'lic-, ^l"o. No. :'-H. Mrii k house uikI lots, foutheast cor ner of Ith and Main Sts., I.umvu asThorin^ton es tate l.V ft. front on each St. I'riee #'i,, »it may reamin lora term of ye„rs at a low rate of liiterst No. Frame house smith Mil.- I'-d street, «iie inite Wi st of I'll aih sti i pri.w, *1,H'»». TWO thirils inriv l-eint iii on mortj »j e at »i* per cent. No. 1. New frame on Hrady street (a genteel residence.i l'lice, ft,'"". Farm* Hniited. We want purchase improved farmB fiNHB 6'J to ICO liei each. l-'ttriMN lor Male. |l»No. "5. Kiirh-.v ui-re farm. 1 mile from the oity limits. 0:1 tin'- wet Alien's (iiniv road, all Under line cullJTutnm an 1 -iice, «itli ooddwell ini und'out blinding* well watered, fruit orch a e -1 i I i e e 5 K f-J,ooo i-.isli, balance on time to suit. No. T-'-. T-t ai re fat-in mi th-.- lo\ta City 'I.oeuxt •treet'road, r. miles trom tiie city, all under in-w fenw, h-ilt under cultivation, balance basture and timber land, (ioo t.vo story ftame dwell ing. with nece.-sary out buildings, etc. 1'rice |3,^o-. easli. No, lit'.. Farm of ncr.-s on River rns.! he tweei'i I'rineeton and l.eelmre lf.rje orchard, :lwelli!iic, bum and it liouses. 1'rice $2,50" U rush, balence on time to suit. No. 70. One K.oacre farm in CleonaTownship »bout -i miles north of Fulton and Durant sta lions 011 the M. .'i M. liailroad, all improved and inder fence and «'tl» Koul1 ul"» peraeie. No. 7:!. One other 10'' nere funn situated near the uboTc, with like improvements. f-.a per 1 mtp. No. S4 12" acres uniniprored land near I»u I rant, at #1" per acr^. )4 cash, bnlance in live ,'ears at .m per cent. 'Jon u, res in Linn County, (50 improred and I jnder fence.» I'riee ^1.J^easli. No. 1-1. 1/ unes near VYuleott. (t'.O tmroved |»nd un.ler fence 1 with house price$1,'JO". aorcs in I'owesiiiek l.'o at $."per acre. 400 acres ill Iowa county at $.'1 per acre. 2'.ii." ai^ es in Sioux county at .f I per acre. l"4o -teres in Clav county at £1 per acre. 9«o acres in Hancock county at $ 1 per acre. loon acres in Winnebago Co. Hfl per Acre" (i in acres at per acre. acr.-s at per acre. #-jo acre: in Tama eo.inly. 12" acres id Story county. goo acres in Winneshiek Co. at per acre. 4"i acres 111 (Jrumly county at per acre. 6 111 s in It 1 it I. county at per acre. $IIOO acres ill Mower co.."Mmii, at 2..o per arre 64" acrcs ill Houston Comity at per acre. 5"0 ih'i'ti 'iiv iiii t/ni) ^S'vUt covntyat ^. i(' •. A Rare lliisiitesw 4'liaucf. |i14... hi .. Ukvkkm. consisting ^f l»t V i 1 mils, tiroccrics, Uardwai c, Hats and laps.'Moots utulShoes, for sale or exchange for eal pi jierty. This stock was selected in lie etiibei last at low prices frisji Jobbers, and is kH'ereil tor sale on account ol \tu* failing health If its ovtrner. It can lie bought lain. I E I N S U A 5 0 E kggrPK*tc Capital #I.I50,0h, llartford Fire lnsurauce C#., OK HAUTFOKI), CONN. Mx Fire lasurance €o^ OK NEW YOUK. Itlaniic Fire Insurance C% OK NKW YOKK. iar Fire lnsnrance Co.j New 01 k. [••e Insnranee €o*t New Haven. Ipringfleld Fire Insurance Co., OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS. IFE INSURANCE. (gresitte Capital #10,0©0,00». necticut Life Iisurauce fly Hart lord. Conn.. itai Life Insnranee OF HARLFOUD, CONN. Ytrk Life lasBriace New York. It Life Iasuraace New York, Jeha I.. SwltN 4c CeM Agtot NICKOLLS' BLOCK, 8EC0SU 8T [fleeovr Column of Adrer snta, Embracl n ^otlier r« la Uaietle* jPAILY DEMOCRAT. ».M Pttisbiu.k Co No 8T l'«rVr.o«, York and fi Stair «t tet, B»t«n.»r- tboricil tu ur in lliose ok''» lv«rti*:uicauaat kulmcrii.." 1'ir u« our lowe-t rate*. II Cciitu, i»S IMiriH-.rn «*r*et, Cliic»gn. |g and are autli- DAILY aa- atlver! ii Mnt, tor tlil, i|kt. IVrniN of HaWrlptioa Tor I) I-: MOCRATi ON AKD AFTER JULY 4,1M*. •r mail Om vear Wnb*tllnl*N Pav win for the I"' «••'"'.'/ tob-tibl wi't Vi.W term uf "tr* ill ms ]nf out. No 2^. On Hri»-lv I'. 'fn,V f«*«t hy K/) let r. iirr.l. "I'rirr 12 I»rr front loot. an Si Mot 4 Thre" Mouths One Month wumMtr t* *nr*rrrn. t.2$ :s Xo paper sent lonce.-t han pan] tor. I Y U S U I K S Will He furnished brthi- Carrier .t 2r»- per week. LOCAL ITEMS. Wanted. V e will piv (ho folhjwin^ 1ountit's toex ftnpls frotn draft, who majr enlist u Sub Kitnta, at our ofKcc For three years' serrico, do two d» :ioo do one do 20ft Ton Dollars will be pail to any person bringing us anexct pled Substitute. J01IN L. SWITS & CO,, Ho. 1 Nifkolls' Block, np stairs. WANTED IMMEDIATELY 1 1 E I U I S AT $ 2 0 0 E A To fill the balance of the Fourth Ward quota. Gall upon «lolm M. Day, At the office of Lane A Day, directly opposite the Post Office. aui{30 (Jrabbo keeps the beat stock of hair prep anuions to lie fouml in the city. Also toi let goods of all kinds. Tub Draft.—It In view of the roinin co!l winter and the probable increase in the price of cloth ing, call at Krauscs now and order your suits, lie has a complete stock—sells low ard warrants satisfaction. His new goods ive arrived. Lost—$5 Rkward.—This morning a sil vertobacco box, with the initials "T. M. A." engraved on the lid. The above reward will be paid, if left at this olRce. Sept. •'}—dtC RaBE at yrtU bar- Sronr.—The lovers of KB* sport will be delighted to learn (Iiat tWo fast horses, owned by citizens of Davenport, hare been ttcheil, and will trot mile lu-ats to wagons, best two in three, this evening at the Fair Ground track. This is the first sport of the kind of the season, and will doubtless be extensively attended. Raii-koad Improvemlnts.—The work or macadamizing the road bed of the M. & M. railroad through our city has been com menced, a ul will probably be completed this Fall. The unfinished pier that was burned last June, is being built up in a tnnst substantial manner and will be com P^ed before wiuter comes. It will be fire prooi this time. y°t»want a suit of good clothes the placc to g«Mhem is at Sam Perry's, oppo site the Post Office, lie has a large stock of ready made clt*hing on hand, and also makes to order. ye keeps an immense stock of everything pertaining to gents' furnishing goods, a-.,d when yeu cannot suit yourself by looking ov,r his extensive as sortment, there is no imp ^oing to any fur ther trouble—it is not in Ok Tbyino city. to A -£i—JA "ifTiiSI ,fj i rite: S. tt Cor.vrv Democratic Convention. —The Democracy of the county of Scott met at the Court House in Davenport, for the |,'ir[i'ise of sending delegates to the Congress inn#! and .Judicial Conventions to held at DeWitt on the 7th inst. The Convention wu called ta order ly John Madden, Chairman of the Democratic ".iunty Committee, who called L. S. Viele, Ks.j., to the chair. D. N. Jlichardson was appointed Secretary. On motion a committee of five was ap pointed to sc!ert delegates to the Conven tion. The commit tec consisted of W. L. Clark, Isaac H. Sears, John Madden, ico. Ilendcrsm. and the committee reported th . following list of delegates: W. L. Clark. fleo. Henderson, II. Leonard, C. C. McCah. (ieo. II. pavker, tuo. Murray, D. C. Kelly, J. E. Bttrnfides, John Madden, 'J ii'is. Kohcson, Ii. M. Wt-liicditef «T. Friday. L. (Summers, John M' Manus, 1. If. Scars. On motion, delegates unable to attend the Convention wire empowered to fill the vacancy. On motion, a majority of the delegation was empowered to east the entire vote Of th delegation. On motion, adjourned. The Draft is thought in high quar ters-that there is no shadow of doubt but that the draft will take place in this city in the di-liriijuc-nt wards on Monday next. Fenians.—You are requested to meet at your Hall on Monday evening, at 7£ o'clock for important business. Let the attendance be full. By order of the Centre. Fai.ii Stock.—Farnind's new stock of hits mml caps are now arriving, and gentle men will find the stock entirely suited to their tastes. Call in and examine the new styles. Mimtart Item.—Military clothing and furnishing goods of every description, are k pt and s ild very low by Maas & Mayer. Also ready made clothing and furnishing goods very cheap at wholesale or retail. on On and after this, the 1st day of Septem ber, all friction or lueifer matche,cigar lights and wax tapers, sold, are required to be stamped as follows: Friction or lueifer matches—On each par cel or package containing 100 matches or less, 1 cent when parcels or packages con tain more than one hundred and not more than 200, 2 cents and for every aditional on hundred matdches or fractional part there of, 1 cent. (»n all cigar lights or wax tapers, double the above rates. Any person neglecting to comply with these requirmcnts is liable lo a fine of $10 for each omission. We arc authorized to state that ihc law in regard io all articles named in Schedule C, See. 170 of the excise law, will be re quired to make affidavit, at the end of cach month, that he has sold none of the said ar ticles without having the stamp aliixed. Hot.—For Autumn weather we arc havj ing it a little hotter than the "law allows." Thermometer comes up pretty close to 0" degrees, and the slightest kind of clothing is as comfortable 6:5 in the hottest July weather. But the corn crop is ripening rapidly, and be ready for an early harvest. This suits the farmers, and their interests are ours. Ward Organizations.—We recommend that the democracy of the several wards in the city call meetings at once and organize clubs for the campaign. This is the true way in which to secure the entire strength of the democratic vote. Let action be ta ken at once. r-" Lie Out.—The&o«tufeels bad because we exposed a few vf the falsities it has been circulating fcgfagt Capt. Dawley, and censures us for not pub lishing a communication fromMr. Remis,that' would also prvoe him a liar. The Oautte man is well aware of his guilt, but its con science has became so hardened that he won't own up. Notwithstanding the base charges preferred against Capt. Dawley for the past few days, he has the brass to say there is no truth in one statement charging him with spitefulness towards the officers of the Northern Line, thus contradicting in one paragraph what it says in another. When the editor of the Gaaette collides with a well-directed boot-toe, he will understand •tww 1* ie Wd in their estimetiB SUBSTITUTES W ANTED I Substitutes furnisiihiN by Jcgn L. Foe Monday.—Inasmuch as no order has been received for the postpone ment of the dralt which was ordered forth ith inst., it is fair lo presume that for the benefit of delinquent district*, the wheel will be put in motion on Ilia', day. Kvery thiug has been arranged f» the occasion, and if the show does not come off, as od vertiscd, the public will be much disappoint ed. For the benefit of tlm-e who are inter ested, it is well to remark that the I•"•hy ones will draw a good substantial suit of clothing each, for which no charge will be made also some other articles that will be found very useful oil certain important o casiotis. No one need call at he oflice 01 the Provost Marshal to ascertain whether or not he has drawn a prize, for notices of lu will be delivered in all parts of the city free of charge. P. S.—Since writing the above we are in formed by Major Duncan, Provost Marshal t.enoral of Iowa, that owing to souie :iltera tions in the papers, made necessary by in struct ions from Washington, the draft can not possibly take place before the last of next week. The CorsTY Fair.—Farmers may rely upon il that the arrangements for the exhi bition of their stock, dairy and field pro ductions, at the Annual Kxhihition of the Scott. County Agricultural Society, com mencing in this city on the 19th of Septem ber, are ample anil complete, and such its no man can find fault with. It now only remains for those interested and the num ber ought to inciudc every farmer and man ufacturer in the county—to come forward with their productions and enter them for exhib tion. The various committees are at woik "posting" and preparing themselves for the discharge of their duties. As usual, the trotting matches will take place on each day of the Fair, and promise to be even far more attractive than hereto fore. Mr. Ifaight, 'he Secretary, has re ceived letters from the owners of several fast horses who live at a distance, desiring him to enter their animrls. Two celebrated Kansas hordes and as many fume from cadi of the cities of Chicago and Springfield will be here to compete for the stakes. Swits Mi DWft. JW- THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE OBEATEST NUMBER. VOLUME 9. DAVENPORT, IOWA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1864. NUMBER 264., BUKKlTKnf). Mineatine, and,ton, Keokik St. Lous.—The new and elegant North erti Line Packet, Muscatine, Capt. J. J. Robinson, will depart for Montrose and way points, at 7 o'clock Monday morning, making sure connections with packets for St. Louis, Geo. W. Jcnks in the oflice.— For freight or passage, apply to R. H. Pret ty an, agent. For DritfotT. .\Nr St. Pai i..—The On motion adjourned. Otto & Co., No. 1 Nicko .'s Block (up stairs.) Davenport' Carriage Repertory A'o. 11*.' Rrurfy Strfft, (a/ioit t\fth, DAVENPORT, IOWA. J. HOY PROPRIETOR KF.KI'S CONSTANTLY ox HAND Narj»e stock of the uiost thorough •J" "ude and most modern styles of CARRIAGES. BlGli-f.s AND HARNESSES, Of Kaatern MaBKacmw, and most durable ijuality. ll18 goot, were ht contracted for before the gre,, riM in ^.tter°, and labor, which enables him to«Ucrthe (iUk-at EST INDUCEMENTS to pureh^r V"M,I fore purchasing elsewhere. fWll-diwly Dining Room Girls Wa*ted Fera, ive ousix ttutLs WAirasu as wait in the dining room at the Uurtia House Augaat M, l«M. .. si."1 ur:.- popu lar Mail and Express packet, James Mean?, will depart for Dubuque, and all intermedi ate landings, Monday morning. Passen gers should be at the Northern Line Packct oflice as early as ft o'clock. R. M. Pretty man, agent. For St. Lons, Cairo and to* PROCEEDINGS Oil' SCHOOL BOARD. Hoard met Auauft ]lst, 7j p. m. Present Meesra. Bhorey, Dalzell, Davison, 01s bause-ii ar.d Hinith. Minutes of las', meeting read and approved. Mr, Dalzell nude the following report, to wit: Your committe liaive, aa per instructions of June 17th, purchased nix lots of ground, situ ated in North Diveaport, on corncr of Locust and Main streets, tor the futii Shite, Recriits Earnest efforts are South.— Passengers taking the S-.50 train this even ing, over the Chicago & Hock Island Railroad, will arrive at St. Louis to-morrow noon (15 hours). Passengers taking the 8:20 A. M. train or the 8:50 P. M. timin will arrive to Cairo in 20 hour s. Luxurious sleeping cars on night trains. The Northwestern and LaCrosse Packet Companies are prosecuting the work of re ducing the bars above the lake lo less troub lesome propoilions, in a manner which proves success. A force is employed build ing wing datns on the bars, so as to make a deeper channel. The St. Paul /Visa says tJio plan is to drive a row of poles down for ths wings, and by means of a sort ol'dain of brush, logs, dirt, etc., turn all the waler now spread out over a shallow, wide bar, into one narrow channel, so as to deepen it, and pcrhmis wash out a canal through the bar. The work wiil cost many hundred dollars. of «800 lor the itc of new school house of said district. J. M. Dalzkll, (Jhm'u Com. Wh ieh report was, on ti.-o".ton, adopted, llr. Davison wa«, on motion, requested to examine the title of the eo purchased fix lots. IIif3 Dennett whs, on motion, elected to fill position in No. 2, in place of Mrs. Curry. Mr. Da'zell submitted a plan, according to which a temporary frame addition to school house in North Davenport, is recommended to be built on account of the cruwdcd condi tion of siid school house. On motion of Mr. Darigon, Mr. Dalzell was authorised to rcceivo bids for eu«»b nddition, and cause its erection, provided the costs do not exceed (1,800. Tiie President was, on motion of Dr. 01s haue'rt, requested to investigate the propriety of introducing the art of drawing into the Ili„!i cchool and the Grammar School of his district, and report. And the President was further quested to examine into and re [ort upm the expediency of establishing a Gra'ulnar School at district No. 4. Mr. French, chairman of committee on fuel, was, on moti n, authorized to ascertain the i rice i luel for school houses during the ia?on. The Sccrctiry was, on mn 'on, ordered to ive notice that the echo ds will be opened on Monday nert, Sjept. i, at 9 a. m. Tiie election ol a City Superintendent was, n mouon, laid over till Saturday next at P- ni. Miss Cede Thompson was, on motion, ap omted ptincipal pro tem at No. 6, until the nival of Mr. Kran, the principal elect for the nsuing school year. Tue following bills were presented, ex ..mined and ordered to be paid: Claui Dr.fs, for whttewagtiitg the rcoma and ha la of ail Um tch joi huute*, and ena dr miiOD work .... |1T2 92 ti. LiM-h.-r, tor 3U0 r-u.»r W) Otto dumb, fur »uuar.e..................... 4 40 Eecretary. YVantlk.—The Sixth Ward will pay $150 each lor a number of men fur the ai my, the money to he paid on being sworn into the service. Apply to either ol the undersigned, committee lor Sixth ward. AiiMin Davimin, Mn.o K. Parks, Aug29-dC* Jas. E. Linhsay. SUBSTITUTES WANTED SUBSTITUTES FURNISHED by John L. Swtts & Co., 1 Xirl.oil's Block i up stairsn To-Day's Advertisements. FALL SLASON, l»64 i Card to tbe Laaies of Daren pori and Viciuitj. Jti. UERZttERG TUiaLksbeo CO., NO. 5. E&sr BBCOND BTBK&T. hey leave to tender their to th* ladle*,andj rablie in sener-1 the kind an -tb-rai pmironuve bfatuwcd uiou thtm an ini{ i! teMOU. bolicitliga conucuaiice of the name, ihey take pleasure la auLunn. that they aro jW cporilng a n. luiidid a»»ji tm«nl of Fall and Winter Goods, Wliilh bc'Dg bosgbt before the Ornt Bite, will eomi are in ptieea with any other la this o.ty or elecwcere. Wi have on hand a tpeldld asaormeat ot DfiESS GOODS COMPRISING OB LAIN S3, ALPACAS, PABAMETTAB, COBUBOS, FBBNuH MXB1N0, XTO. XV EHAWLP, Ci.0AK8, BALMORALS Wlkm i great vailety Beildea we keep eoa atuDtly ob hand a large ato«k of BLBAOHBD A"D UNBLBaCBBO BU3LIS8, FLAM*Ld, MB£ WKaB UaNKHaLT. MUKuZBidU i CO. Ho B. B»eoid Bt,, lietropo itan block. Aog t. each taUat-d wim Riding Pony. A HANDSOME RIDING POST, YEARS old for sale. Applj «tthe J.wcltj jrJuT aag26 Brady at. FRESH OYSTERS, •v. KMLEY, bj Um oa. Qira kiss stall. ^aagtO Ala* «fcl •own 4'hri«fian Home. Davenport, Iowa, Aug. 24, l«i»4. An arrangeaienf has been concludcd with the officers of the Scott County Agriculture Society, by which all profits frotn the sale of edibles and refreshments on the fair grounds this season, shall be appropriated to the benfit of the Iowa Ciiristi.vx Home. A committee will also be appointed to re ceive donations of curiosities and other ar ticles for sale on the grounds, and of articles suitable for furnishing the Home. Ik:ng Home W. F. PPPPPPp WITl'i'l'P 1*1*1* 1'P Pl'PPPl'Pf PPPPPPP PPP PPP PPP i mafic to have the in working order the coming winter. There is no doubt tlrnt it will be needed. The different Benevolent Societies will, it is hoped, unite their elfurts on this occasion to provide an asylum for their destitute All readers of this who are susceptible of sympathy for want and suffering, and es pecially those who arc baptized in his name "who went about doing good/' are invited to make contributions for the benefit of this Home for the homeless, where all who need temporary care and attention, whatever their stations in life, may find friendly aid, and the comforts ol'a home. Donors of edibles or refreshments to be sold during the lair are requested to address Rev. F. E. Jinn, S. W. Cor. Main and Sixth Streets, advising as early as practicable what contributions may be expected from them. ROSS. Secretary. In«unrancc jlgninsi the OriilL All persons of the Second Ward who are i"t' iiding to insure against the draft, are hereby noti.ied that the money or subscrip lions mu^t be paid to the Trustees on or before Saturday evening, September "ni.— (Inly those that j»n/ will be considered members. '1 he Dialt conies on Monday, Sept. 5th. Remember the meeting Satur day evening, at the house ofMr. Yoss, cor ner 4th street and Western Avenue. By order of the Trustees. A. H. Andrews, ArorsT Wauneboub, E. S. Moore. Last Call. Every citizkn in the first ward, Mi'-ject fo a tii-uit, is hereby requested to meet ut P. Littig'i Brewery, ut 7 o'clock Satur day evening, for the purpose- of joining tin In surance Company formed in said ward to provide again-t thv coining draft. K ich person sosubscribi gis expected to bring wiili tiiem certificates of deyosit calling for the aim lint he is willing to subscribe. Subscriptions limited to £2', £50 and $100. By order of the Company. sdj-djt Am, the WoRi.n's a S't*oe.—And all the peopoie nierelv piaycrs, and we surmise that a large portion of the players thereon, must In-using that justly popular preperfttion for the teeth, "Fragrant Sozodont" from the im mense demand there is for th it arti.-ie V» ell it only proves that we are becoming wiser and wisar every day,for it truly nierith all that is said in it« favor, the most'delight full, convenient, and cflienious beautifier and prescver of teeth the world ever produced. All Druggists and Perfuinists sell it. Price, 75 cents per bottle. To-Days' Advertisements. SLLLING OUT. TOBACCO STORE. !^o. SOast Second Ktreet, A VINO SOLD MY STORE, 1 UAVE TO sell stock ol* PkindsUKiHESi Pipes, &. Tobaccos, Ciffars, i o n by the I1 iii ot this month, -md them to the public t'NDEIt COST. Cidl and m-c. S-'iuc* Show Case lor Sale. _sp3 dst C. TKf!FiLER. orbat discovkr?: Useful and Valuable Discovery I ini.To.vs Insoluble Cement! :T* --f more g'-!ier:.l j.t--i tical jutibty thiiii anv inveiitin i now Ibefore tiie (iiiblic. It Inn jbeen thorouglily te-atcd 'luring .... ,. .» .. tthe the lant two years by iirae Appucable to theitical men, and n'ronouncedbv ase&l arts U}] t„ »K- A h* thlBff I9"'1 °.' ',rs stui'i It i* A'lapUA E*prciaUy tu Ltatu- r, and we claim a* an especial merit, that it sticks Patches and to Uootn and »i:lli -ientiy strong with I:HnoesLinings out stitching. IT IS TUE It it a Liquid. hOOPEKERTB Jkrnilure. Croc/rery, Jiont, Itory, 'ftetnemlMlri iieFwp?^®W^p! "BP ,*. AA1 AAA A AAA A A A A A AA AA A AAAAA A AA* *AA PPPPPPP PPPPPPPP PPP PP PPPPPPl'P PPPPPPP PPP PPP WWW LOT HI 1ST Or A FRANZ 31EYER, COST PRICE TO 4IE HAD 01- Second street—lii st door we- of Nntional Rank. A K'»oil assoriment of GBNTS' Kl UNISIIIMi (.OODS, BOYS' CLOTHINt CLOTHS, CAS..SI JIERES, SMI UTS, SToCKIN(.S,| whidi Wit Sf.-ll at the inot ren-onable prices. Custom Work Done at all times and warranted tin- best, most durable and clv-apest. All who want the beat and Cheapest jroods must come to nnvl-v!ly FRANZ MEYER. JSiKAV STO RE! John Bartemcier Hto I SUPERIOR TO ANY ladhcsire preparatioii known. Utllvn't IhtobMi CtitKtiU jis a new thing, and the re- c°m- jbinution i.-, on .SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES, 'and ruder no circumstances lor chaiiL'e oftenijierntur'-,« 111 Combination, it becoiuu corrupt or emit asf joil'eii»ive smell. jBOOT &, SHOE jMaiiufact'irers, using Ma jChinesi will Imd it the best ar ticle known for cementing the Channels, i:s it work" with out deiny, is not etfected by any change ot temperature. Boot and Shoe Ai anafacturiira. E W E E S jwill find it liufliciently adhe sive for their use, as has been 'proved. IWiiIbw. AS REMOVED HIS .-TUCK Or GOODS FmiiKiiu Block, mi S.-eoud street, bet. Earn :md Hal i i.- oi Mnets. wli- i e he has opened a NEW Cl.O i IIING STORE, and will keep con Stamiy on hun-l a -. oo.| a-'ornn. at of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Clothes made to order on short"»t notice, and warranted to suit. Call and sec me. sepldly 'HEEFEEEC KEEEKKEE EEE EEKKEE EBl-.KKK KEK EELEKEEE M8SBKEEE NOW OPENED AT PLUMMER'S No. SO Brady Street, Above the Post OfflMf •t li.ltOTH STOCK 6T PAPER HAMDOS, Iflfff Amimg Whieh JOIIDO, NO.13v.-EST-S A. MILI.EH, iond" A Y S E E E O W 8 E ke. pg couf:aiitly on hand and makes to order. Cientw', Boys' and C'hildrea'* CLOTHING of the best material and in a manner that cannot fail to jfive sati.sfaf.-tion. Liberal patronage respectfnllv solicited. (mv21-dly MCE ONLY Xuquid Cement .Extaat that i» a sure thing for liieudiug Toyi, Ii article\of ilouaehold age. REMEMBER Jiiitnn't Int'JMt Cement II in a liquid form and as ea sily apjilied as paste. HILTON S lasoiuble lement is insoluble in water and oil. Hilton'* Intolubk Cement adheres oily substance*. I Hill Supplied in Family or Maau vlacturera' packages from ounces to 1'"' lba. nan. HILTON BROS Proprietors, Providence, R. I. For sale St Wholesale and Retail by I. Wells, Brady St, and retail by all draggia**^ apMftwif rnr^un fkiw.oojr H. nATTIIDN, No. 10 St IS lir/id'j St., 1 ft htlom Snnnmd, Has FITTED UP AN KLEOANT Ice Cream Koona for the aef-omn.oiation of Ladi'-s arnt Oentlemen, and awaits a call from his friend*, mid tbe public gencrallv. »u est will be served with the mmt delicinuVCREAMS Etc., tk.itean be produced, and waited upon with kindest attention. Bakery ami ConfeetUmeru. 1 am also prepared to supply the market with the freshest Pte», Cake*, Bread, and in fact every thing pertaining to bakery profession, made from the st tlour. P«rtic» aupplied at ih«- shortest no'ice. Also the best assortment of Confectioneries in tiie citv. Call aadUeee me. Ali inods warranted, ne^-dtf M. MATTHES. HALL PAPER? WALL PAPER! N E W S Y E S For the Season of 1864* The largest aad best stock in the city L. W. PETERSEN'S, so. Sit wasr 2d st., Having made lauge purchasbs or stock front New York Manufacturers be CMre the rise, 1 am prepared tH oiler Superior Indveenaents* aku w. BTBaaaa. I .-fAiiiSS '•stsife. m.. 4 wij iWmieapwi se6wmwmwieew^|. »0 CENTS PER WfcigK. WALL RRRRRRRRE Rr.RKKKRKRtt Itl'.R RR KKKRRRIIRR KUKUltllK RltR Rltll 1 flmwif be BROWN BLANKS, WHITE BLANKS, SATINS, BRONZED SATINS, STAMPED GOLD PAPERS, FIGURED SHADES, (MII.V fffLT .§JYi9 FROMTKn All the Above at very Low Priced* COMMISSION* ii. I Z Produce & Commission Merchant, NO. 1 neni'o-.l m.O'-i I.KVS'B. AYS CASH i'HICE FOR ALI, of Country produce, butter, i*(fgs, etc. Boat stores always on hand. Bin sum) sella on commission. m'vKdtf R. II. PARKS. o u e o k e TVTO. 1 "it SOUTH-WATER ST., CHICAGO, _L\ flI. P. O. Boa 20"V. Ossli advnncrsnimit oii property in-tore. ue-hr dly COMMISSION AN!» PRODUCE MERCHANT. Agi-nt for Hen im s'es and fairbankH* Scales, ily lii aiilie Cc-iiieiil, iasiei ul ls and Hair. NO. 3 ntON'l STREET, Davenport, Iowa. mylt-dtf MERCHANT TAILORS. READY-MADE STOVES and TINWARE« Stores Stores I, HILLS & WASHBURN No. 56 Brady Street Nearly opposite Post offiott Have \r' «w J?«wjwe~ ,' ^r%, «. rs aser SSS.S.iS sl B-WS s a I- "a ltllR KRM gwasar in* store and arf. receivI*# the largest and best assortment of PARLOR. COOK I HEATING STOVES that can be pnrchs*''d in„thc eastern market. H. A W. have the excluiiive sale for SANFORD'S ^Celebrated Challenge Heater! one of the most economical inventions ever in duced, and for convetueaoe aad comfort as equal. The unrivalled) Trinmpb, ECOND STREET, BETWEEN Brad.- and Mam. iriati-. to ordernnd ie the be.-t style, MEN AND IJOVS' LOTHING of every ifescription, The fullest satisfaction «uar autied. 1 solicit from my old customers their con tiiiunnce of patronage. "Leave order#. wy22 Iran Gat^ and other farorite patterns rat OWLY be obtsfel ed at ililla and Washburn a. J-Sr* very store if'iarnnticd to givs aatlaflM#*# or thi money rel'inded.l They also keep the icelebrated tENTDcri rmr in which water never feeses. OFFICE STORE, DINIXO-ROOll. BED-BOQ|| NUR,SER\ HALL, AND SETT1XO BOOM STOVES cannot be surpassed. We invite defy competition. Afco on hand Tinwsi*. Jappan«-d and PortsdajrWaWi Tin, Ct^fcr, k Sheet-farts Wall} ma&ufaetared to order on shoi ootiee. tw O I N of all kinds prcmptly attended to. Call aad ff amine goods :.nd learn abe praii. ool7d#ff. A-EW HARDWARE STORE 1 J. A. DATENPOBT, Staler in Hardwire, lira aai laU» iif inpieneiU all Hai% Shdf and JbviitUn iferrfea.,, Aafi TaUt CuiUrp, 19 Brady Strtet, betweat I re^t-eaiSwHS" fT^ARMERS OF K.rt'i 4i' OTPBW- wi 1 Chamber Setts. Planished WfffS ., ,„ Britania Gooda, Coal Hod^ Tonus. Shovels, Pokers,f„, in stiort everytbing io the iiae. 7 i iH-.i* vthew"".i:f ••I j* -31 :i rt -j vt'^aiA rms'4't SW 'i* I"*1 i-'* •t -.hi'si* Fulj SCOT COOllTTaW MWL0- I? aaa generaUj, area 11 Ik ell HIMIi W eedaSneBway stock or goods before parakaa ing elsewhere. Qalck sales su»d MMrfl preSte is my motto, oad 1 iatend to wt All goods warranted jaat as rea i. .Jis m&m** •:A