Newspaper Page Text
W JA1IC3 !.?£'' m: i' ,j'q, 1 TERMS #9,00 PER ANNUM: VOLUME 9. L-. n tnn CITY LOTS, flHrelllnic IIORM* Sought, Sold and Leased. IjXouse Lots for Sale* A ttreat flarirnlM. Tfn Those eliyible building loia PflrnW Of llw.-lftli and Hue's Inland *tr"ets, heiiiK 1»J*» feet iron! mi ivnitli ljlii street and 1!0 feet od Hide of Rock Inland street. fI..' above is u tery line location: price very |i: terms uncommonly cany-a small amount |f ciutli down balance on term of rears at tow rate of iuli rcHt. 1. Lot on ISiady street, west side, ft5 feet from by 1OT feet deep---price verv low. On pay Incrit for the lot tff moh'y to rU j/r No, Farm of OS acres on River road be twee II l'rinceton and Led a ire large orchard, awt llinj barn and out bouses. I'rice 92,5U" U cash, baleiici- on time to suit. No. 7". One K'» acrc farm in CleontrTownship MHiut .r» miles north of Fulton and Dtirant sta tions on the M. A M- Railroad, all improved and jnder fence aud with good house unit barn |aft per aci e. No. 7U. One other 1 G'" acre farm situated near tilt' ubove, with like improvements. #23 per ad'e. No. 24 I-" acrrs unimproved land nenr Du raiit, at |lo per iter". cash, balance in five fatirs at n per cont. lion acres in Linn County. (50 tmpro^ed and Jttlder feuce. i I'rice %cush. No. I J. l'Jo acres near \V tde••it, ilO imroved tad under fencei with house price acres in I'oweshiek ("o ut f.lper acre. 4'o acres in Iowa county at "i per in re, li'.K'.o acre- ill Sioux comity at $ i p'-r aera, I040 ncres in Clay county at fl per acrU ,{ ftrt'i acres t» Hancock cotintv at 1 per uctra. Jooii acres in Wiunebai o Co. at jparMMh •.KIM acres at #1 per acre. acres at# a."" per jcre. #'jn acres in Tama county. 1'Jo acres id Story county. Jo, 1 acres in Wiuueshitk Co. fit S per acre. 4"" acres in (irundy county at #2 per :icre. lino acres iu llutlcr comity at #2..rm per irn. 1(0.'O acres in Mower co„ Minn, at •^.."•n per acre |t4o acres in Houston County at .f».• per acre, fcoo arret qf '-aud in tkm min. rsal^TATS DAILY DEMOCRAT. JOHN L. ^W 11(St, CO.I afeni. In U»o* cities JOIN L. KWITH, R. B. HILL, HlckoU* Block lapr*T(4 I'alBprwtl Fanu, will tt/r a I Tin of yum at u,.t. Nn. 2-v On lirudy street. 1 feet front by 150 «et deep fenced. I'rirc J! i i. ftynl toot. No On Tliinl strcvt, lot No. Im''r'naft 4 «ion,VrornT lot,)i»ricr, fi'i'i. No. v. Four lioune lot-. in Davison h, True'i fttl'lition fl.V'racL. Terms easy. No*. 1. T!iii v U-mjuc lots in Slayma i^r's a'I'lilion $1'h. to $1.V euch. Terms i-usy. Cfo.'17. A\ lualile city lot H. K. corni if III Hill iiml t'ollegc Avenue 2'» feet on Main Jr Ifr I foot on''ollfj -Aveinii" hmH i:„ §eaatiful rinr vh w. I'ri«:e |l,fiw. W«(Morr's Additioaj .Toinmonly known u-i "l.e Clair.-"* §m now luld oil* lato EOIm, ol nil nnil lh«\v are rrady ftp •nl«- on very cany tcrn»» aad lovr frlcrw. Lots, Store Lots, Warehouse LoU, Factory Lots. Nlorc lol* Tor naif. Ho. HT. One oil ttli St., jnit eu*t of Ur*4y St. No 4 J. Knur on 4th St., near lUitron'l bri'l^i, I'lral class llvuacs lor Kent, No 4 Wo !»r" to i t. to s.-lf h« u 11'i\v 'i i .111ii11 to !i" i .nli- oci -i11.mi-y Mav or Jon* next—plans ol'which may Liu Men at our office. No. 6!. Also, furnished inites of rooms for •iug'e geutl'-iin• i. Houses for Hale, No. V. fn nine, III., a two -tory brick dwel ts^ bouse, iv1111 lot v" by ISo fee', cor Lynilennd Ann St«. The limine is in lcoo'I condition, is uovr retit.'il possef lion ^iven in3'1 'lays. 'Tlic house. «0St I'l l' I Ol lions' i.nd lot, on# Ihir.l citsli bi!-nic- on louif time at low Interest N,». :}i A brit k .l.v.'llin^ house on K-Jiil St. |H'H) casls, rest on time at per cent. No. :7. Tin- i vttite now owned mill occupied by (leo, S. t". Dow, Ks.j ,Im-iuk the d.vellint,' house SB'l three toll lot-., ft out in .-outh upon i.ili St., earner of Kurnuui street. This IIOHS« is in per feet repair, bavin/ been titled up by the owner for The entile urrjiiguiicnt of the hou« is ta-it' ful nnd complete. Tiie view from this jluce is iinsurpas.Hetl. Terms easy. No. t'.o. Ki ami- •ottiiK-' house ou Third street, Ii Green's addition. l'i ice, ifl'.m. No. 3-t. Itriek house nnd (ots, southeast tor Mr of 4th and Main Sts l.tiov ti asThoriiigton e- iate |.vi ft. trout otl each St. I'rice, nmy Main in for u term olyoai» at l«w rntr ofinteisV S'o. V. Fi atr.e bouse south side :t.l street, oner Mil" went of Itrady street pi ii-e, ^l,ti'"i. Two Uilrds may remain on iiiort:«i{c tit six per cent. No. 1. New frame bouse on Krady street (a genteel residence, i I'rice, #4,'«". I'arn* Wanted. •tye want to purchase improved fur ma from 80 liin acres each. 1'arniM for Sale, Js'o. 7". Kuli'.y ii'-ri. funn, I mile from the rtly limits, on the west Allen's (trove road, nil Wider tine cultivation and leiicc, with good dwell ing and out buildings well watered, fruit orch ard, etc. .1 rt dtsirnhi, y./io. I'rice f"/oii |2,olio cash, balance on time to suit. No. "ii. 7^ acre farm on the Iowa City (Locust Btleet i road, mile-i troin the city, all under new fence, half tinder cultivntiuii, balance busture and timber lan.l. Good Iam story tiame tlwell injf. »itii nocossary out buildings, etc. I'rice cash. (Scott) county at |5 iter', A Rare Dnslness i'hnnre. |U,I' "I or (1k!»*IIM. MKKI iixNntsu, consisting jf Dry (, tiroeones. Hardware, llats anu Daps. Hoots and Slio.-f tor sale or exchange tor reiu property. This sti-k tvas selected in De jeinher last at low prices t«vm Johln i s, aud is altered for sale on account ol ||IC tailing health •f its owner. It can be bougt* at a FIRE INSURANCE. 4«#reKiilc Capital Ilartford Fire liserance U., OF ART FORI), CONN. Ptoiii Fire Insuraice C^4 Ol NKW YOIik. tl'l* 1 ItltBtie Fire Insurance Ce., Lan«r OF NKW YORK. ^}i Fire Insurance Kew York, lose luiruce €•*, New Haven. ,1 ^riagfteMfire InsarMet 6n* OF 8PRISOFIELD, MASS. i ."I LIFE INSURANCE. tmcregate Capital #19,H9,Mt. Connecticat Life Insnrance Cot, Hartford, Conn., •._ Cetaa Life lmraiee OF HARLFORD, CONN. ^ew York Life ImmeeCi^j New York. taarltj Life Ininraiee New Tort, JMwL. Rwita Co., KICKOLLS' BLOCK, SECOND 8T 'r«Moar (Mnuiof Adver se EaibraelBi other r« la CtaaiMe* ". ii tir n iiinn *!'•u,,,'',»a**«o tsk. aiW.rttoeiB.ut.eod intaerip. LL, W. F. KIDBKK, u*i?\I"r""" V"" I I a i s U n n e e i a o I, up Stair*,) UMri.-i-d to r»r:«ir«r »|,ert MKCOHIINT. -."7""" I 'IVrma of tlibicrlplloa for wn.ruu lur tint u.ii.rr. A I I Y I U O A OJf AJTO AFTER ULT 4, Itift. Ode Vear 8i* Moths Three Mouths One Mouth Sl HMM $8.00 .... 4 CO ..... i.iti »VARIA«.T 1* trTA*ns. Wo paper sent nge. thuu punl f#. CITY Si nscitlHKttS •111 b« farui«l"-d bv the Carrirr a '»c j„.r weet. LOCAL ITEMS. Wul»»tltates Waaled. o will pay tlio following iiountics \oex cmpts from lraft, Uo uia/ aolial ttitute*, hnib! For tiiroe rears' Htrtrico,........ *400 t' tv"y do ono do ............ 200 Tin Dollars wilt fcc to any person bringing us an excepted Substitute. JOHN L. SU ITS & CO,, Jio. 1 Kick oils' Block, up stain. Y O O S O O S SELLING OFF o Mhori i e is positively ©losing out liis stock of Dry Goods, and will sell AT NEW YORK RATES, fop 11 short time, after which the balance of the goods will be shipped to the J\ew York Market, where they are selling at a large percentage over our present prk&s. September Gth, 18fi4. d&vrtf Kotlee. All persona indebted to the nnderalenad are requested to call at the old STAB News Depot, and settle their accounts without delay. Those baring claims against me will please preseul them for liquidation immediately. 8. H. agent Co., '. v, FOR STABK, A'gt. Davenport, Sept. S, 1IT64. A Card* Having disposed of his Neva Depot and fruit etoro to Mr. J. S. Surby, the undersigned desires to return his sincere thanks to the citi zens of Davenport for the liberal pa' ronage they have ex'ended to him daring the nine years of his business career in this city sad to recommend his successor to their most fa vorable consideration as a gentleman in every respect worthy of their confidence and sup port. 8. H. STAaa, Ag't Uivennnit, tep(. 5, 18ti4. yrtat bar• 1'I.AIN and ornamental stitching done on the shortest notice at the vtrover and Baker Sewing Machine Rooms, over Wadsworth's Also infants' and childrens' clothes made to oHcr, Sept. 5-f-i2t mirEiirrK5ts. Foa MPSCATTSE, AM ST. Buui.isnTOif, KEOKUK LOUS.—'flicnew and elegant North cm Line Packet, Muscatine, Capt. J. J. Rubinson, v. ill depart for Montrose and way paints, at 7 o'clock to-morrow morning, making sure connections with packcts for St. Louis, Geo. W. Jcnks in the office.— freight or passage, apply toK. M. Pret tyma. |1L(}rg AJO gT PXRL.—The popu lar Mail am Express packet, James Means, will depart fo» Tui,uque? an( a ]j intermedi ate landings, to-«.orrow morning. Passen gera should be at tu Northern Line Packet office as earlf as o'clu^ Jj. pmt*. man, agent. v ST. Lons, CAIKO SOCTH.— Passengers Uking the S:0U tnh, this eren itig, over the Chicago A Roe* Railroad, will arrive at St Louis to-h^wr noon (15 hours). Passengers taking the 8:90 A. M. traiu or the 8:50 P. M. train will arrive In Cairo in 20 hour s. Luxurious sleeping cart on night trains. Hows no Ch— YOU Do?—The ladies have been humbugged long enough by poor, cheap made, unserrujable sewing machines, there for* we advise them to call at Cone's and seo a machine worth looking at—worth buying—and worth using. It is positively the best machine for all kinds of work, ever made or used. It is none othef thaw the ":TC* A DR. ERHARD, the ctlebrtt ed Spanish Phy sician, in at hia offlce, r, on venport. Kajn street, Da sp'j-difcwtf Two to ono there is not another such a stock of goods for gent's appar i in Iowa as is kcjj£ by Krausc, oppostbe the National BatA. He units every body, as to style •and j»riee. He has some excellent ready ma''e w nt oflioe ht g!t^. tlothing, hats, cape, pants, vesta, etc. COCXTV JAIL.—This popular establish ment seems to he very liberally patronized by those who have come in contact wit li the laws. There arc at present twenty-five in mates for various oil'enccs. Many of tlrc.-c are awaiting the November session of the I)istrirt Court. Owing to the greatly in creased rate of provisions it is thought tliat the price of board will have to be in creased. DEAD FCKDS.—This county has now otr hand the sum of §15,000 of the School Fund which cannot be loaned under tl|c present laws and restrictions, consequently the schools are not receivin the benefit they usually do in the way of interest, therefrom. At present it is so much dead ci pi till. Would it not be well for the Hoard t-j take some steps to have this sum invest e 1 iu funds some way so that something .maybe gained from that fund'/ Wo be lieve there is a law providing for the invest ment of such funds in U. S. Bond.-?. "THE Dnv Goons I C.S.WHISIuER TKAD or DAVENPORT," AS IT IS.—A day or two ago the Gaeettc In a very few words, for We have not time to do such a bundle of stupid errors justice In this issue, wc propose to set the matter right. It would be an outrage to let such so article go forth uncontradicted, as it places our ity in a most despicable light, anl ic.s great injury to our commercial in terest The gist of the article is: there ere 21 dealers in dry goods—which sell "at least over $2'tO,OOU annually." Of this the "job bing trade amounted to over f")0,00U."— W underfill! With a population of over lo,000 people, it is a very huge business Thes« stores have a "capital of #126,000!" also "43 vlerks, at an expense of Our observation is different. We have only had time this afternoon to canvass eleven of tha twenty one dry goods stores, and we find that the annual sales of these amount to the very respectable sum of l§V0.000 We also lind that the jobbing is confined principally to three or four houses, and that for the past ear that branch of trade amounts to about $275,. OOO! These stores, wc find, employ a force of about sixty clerks, at an expense of about Some of these stores do about as much business as the Gazette gives the entire "twenty-one" that it "canvassed" credit for and we can point out a single one that in the past car can show by its books a job bing trade of nearly three times as much as that p..per concedes to ail! One of these firms assures us that it will give a million of dollars for the leading dry goods trade of the city and that by proper effort—employing coiumerckil travellers, etc., it can easily do a business of one-half a million of dollars ai nually with no decrease in the present number of dealers. ThiB answers the main features of the Gazette'* story, llow it should have fallen into such an egregious error, after "can vassing the city," as it declares it has done, is more than men of ordinary judgment can determine. A thorough cauvass must show figures considerably heavier than we have made above, but as before stated, our limit ed time would not permit us to give the matter that thorough investigation that the subject demands. The minor dotails of the article such *s the advance in price of certain styles of goods, etc., are nearly as absurd a s the rest, but it is not worth our while to follow them through and make corrections, Any lady or gentleman can g"in information of a practical kind, upon this head, if, indeed, they have not already tried the experiment, by taking a hundred dollar greenback, and going into any one of our stores to purchase a few dresses, some muslins, trimmings, etc. Ordinary prints haue gone up 700 per cent so have muslins—and more too, and other kinds range up close upon those high igures. In justice to the commerce of our city and particularly to our Dry Goods Mer- cKnts, we hope our cotemporary will make a prompt correction of its errors. Such an article »ing forth among the people as a reflex of b^ness here, cannot be but hurt ful to the invests of our growing city. Any little village ~an sell as many goods as our neighbor gives nr dry goods men cred it for selling. Davenport sold more dry goods than that lo yean ago, and ten years hence we look to see her million* where now she sells tier hundreds of thou mmh v -,MOTi ft-wrF" Of iaEf Turn.—wing to the humidity of the atmosjihere t'lis afternoon, commu nication 'ujr telcgra iit& been cut otf—con W)Ut ntlj wc ar» without any reports this evening. THE GRHATE8T' G'OOD TO' THE OIlh ATEST NUMBER. .^•'* Tr' DA-VEX PORT. IOWA. TUBS DAY,' SEPTEMBER 6, 1864. .MmioaeM th' of tS» for thf •S*pt.frt*+n* thi ynr iossue Asylum..., J.i:! .!. il Sp'-cia! tux to be rfed Hunks nd Stationery.....'...... ASi'exsor•* Iirrill and L'onstuble Mi.-- cil:ineoiis exm'nses ... Priiiti-.-^.... ..... Int. on Poor House Bond**.... Co. Superintendent Physicians Clerk's OiBee Co. Surveyor 1 iifjt.'t th Jtisti'.-cs of PfB.,e.. ... 'J'p. (.'ierk snd Trustees.. Fupej,-visors Coal, ete Jurola.. Total an nounced, with a flourish of trumpets, that in a f-hort time it would spread before the public some very important and valuable Utatist cs concerning the I)ry Goods Trade of ur city. Knowing that the editor of that paper had tak«n plenty of time to ex plore this important branch of business in •Ibavenport, the public very naturally1 ex pected something elaborately accurate— some statistics that would do honor to our city and to the acknowledged enterprise of her merchants. What, then, must have bcin the surprise of the youth of our ritr, to say nothing of our business men, at read ing the column ofstulf that paper contained this morning concerning the dry goois trade. Mr. C.irpenter moved to adopt Report. Mr. Koss moved to lay on the tabic, for th.' present. Adopted. On motion Board took a recess of li.irty minutes for the purpose ol considering mat ters pertaining to the Soldiers Relief Fund for the ensuing year. Mr. Mead from Con. on Relief funds re ported the following resolution That a tax of mills on the dollar be levied under Chap. 8!) of the Acts of the Ninth General Assembly, to be known as the "Relief FMnd" for Soldiirs' Families. And that the same be c.tpeuded by the Supervisors or each Township according to the necessities of these families. ifHKnaaKNH yrnr /A..... Wold it Si,|ij)lv Committee ii.iok.s an*: Stationery Assen-vjr.* ..t.. Sliwrtf and Constables .Vfisci'liana- .us Kxpeusea...... Prin ::it' Int. on llousv Itondn.,^.. -t o. Supprinu-nileut E. MEAI, Chairman. Mr. Ross moved to adjourn till 14 o'clock p. m. Lost. Coin, on Claims asked for further time to mature report. Granted. Adjourned until 2 o'clock, p. m. Ota COUSTV WARRANTS.—The following siatemer.t of Ira M. GifTord, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, exhibits the p«eacnt current indebtedness of the con nty: June 1st, lNi',4, balance of county warrants outstanding .$3,160.35 Sept. 1st, 18(14, orders issued sin ce June, 18G1 6,580.84 Sept., 1864, orders issued jurors, 1364..... a So.50 Total orders $9,782.1511 Orders cancelled gince June 1st, 1804 6,458.97 Sept. 1st, 1S&4, balance outsta nd ing.... $3,323.72 This suindoee not include the appropria tion for raising recruits for the 44th Iowa Infantry (100-days' men.) of about flu,000, consequently the floating debt of the coun ty is now about |13,500. It is ur. derstood that the levy to be made at the present ses sion of the tdloard of Supervisors will be sufficient to provide fcr^hc paymen of this debt, together with the estimated current expenses. GENTS vs LADIES DRESSES.—Looks queer, don't it, to sec an "old bach"—he for in stance, who localizes the Gazette, who never owned a piece of dimity—nevwr had the sat isfaction of carrying home a "love of a bon net" or a "perfectly splendid" dress pat ter to a delighted wife—to see figur ing up ftio cost of femin me raiment, and then scolding th*: bill foots up into (he eighitieg. Then he tikes his slate and figures OB gent's dress—cheats in the fig ures—then berates the 'adies for being so much more expensive in dress—says it costs #21 more to dress a lady than it does to dress a gent. We eny it, ladies. Your outfit on the dress, hr foots up at $85,50. That will do Now th« gents dress wrong. risht. Black or fancy co:it,...»?*| 8\uo.......$ so,o. Vest and ptiit.«, 30,"o ...». oiy.i Un1ercloaUu\g.,..'.- ,W Ai.j ^araata i« A. endithj fritmstid cxpentn u'. *n* jor BApen*e*o(tbeCoiu|tv fretn Sen. 1,1663, to Sep. 1. 1'imr and Poor IIDUS?... H,SILT.61 Criminal, witness, clc................. 1,401.05 Recorder's Office. t,"*'.'. V, .. 1.1*1.1" 1,2«7.6* i,7iy.i -J til.'.34 1«2.V» re-..75 1? 11. C5 12i}.60 11 '1.7 I'liy iciiin--...,... G'UTI.'S (itlice.... Co. s.irveyior ..i.J Inquests .Iii.sticfg of Pesre.... Tp. Clci k and TriutWea.... ... Sii «-r. Mors i C. 11. Stoves aud «•*)........ urors '.J. CT 3 b^4,7'» .C.". J*...... £. J17. 2O Total fil' Fvtimuti-1 exp'-nses for the year ending Septem ber 1st, lMjj Poor i'nd Poor Ilo'tsc........ Criminal Recorder's Ottice........... 1,01 HI 1,80" l,fl«0 l/'"' 7("0 idA 7ort vm 123 l.v 760 900 •JuO 8,«H» *-'7,-^7 Valuation of the County for the yenr 1 s. t! s #«, 1 GO,923.00 A count v Tax of 4 m.lis on the dollar wotld be 2t,C4".r,7 M. 1. Swi'im, Deputy Clerk. In addition to the above footing of the estimated expenses, it is thought that a further sum of full $30,000 will have to be levied for the support of the families of sol diers now in the field. This is a tax that cam.ot be ignored, although it will be a v.rv heavy one upon the taxpayers of the county. The destitute condi.'-ion of our soldierfamilies must, be considered in the most iKtievoK nt light. •tout 10 OF Ml PEKTISORS. *:on.NIXi SESSION. lUwd met at!' o'clock quorum present procrodings read nnd approved. Petition of Wm. I'latts with reference to erroneous assessment pTesented antl refer red. J}y ronscnt of the Board Mr. Hall made a stateui ent conccrning erroneous assessment, which Wi rcferiTj«1 to Com. on Equaliza tion. Mr. Gaix-s, ftotn Com. on liqualiiuilion recoimrien. 'ed the following tax for the en suing year: Poll ta.Y ol* 50 cents on each poll. Tax of 2 mill. 3 on the dollar for State purposes 4 It «f I'M 1 i i Count}' (k-neial school Bridge purpose Bounty Relief fund Total 16i on the dollar, bfcl on the ag gregate assessment in the County of *0, 100,00'). «*ard lolbe Uiceas «rihc 4th Ward. You are hereby informed that your liber ality in subscribing, aud the payment thereof, together with your active co-oper ation in procuring enlistments has placed the Ward l*vond the reach of the draft tin der the last call, with three men to spare. JOHN M.DAY. Chairman 4th Ward Com. CONGRESSIONAL Forum W.utn .. .f.ri,K0 .. 1. ... 2,'2fK ... •2,0"0 QUOTA ward is out of the draft! Her quota is filled and more too. ITcr citizens bestirred themselves in season, and now rest In peac. No vi.-io is of drafting tune'iincs, ar my clothes, muskets, unwelcome bullet holes etc., disturb their quiet slumbers. Bully for the Fourth. The best way to avoid the draft is to purchasey our clothing at Sam Perry's op posite the Post Office. He makes up the best suits and charges the most reasonable prices. Go and seo Sam. GET vorn CI.OTIIKS CI.KAXED.—Lclander & Freberg advertise to do up clothes re pairing nnd cleaning in the nicest style.— They also manufacture men nnd boys' gar ments. Shojj 134 Brady street, in Wuper tuann's block. To WHOM IT MAT lliirenport .UnrkelMi 0mc« of me DAVFXPORT FLRNOCAAT, I Monday evening, Sept. 6, IHtH. FLOCB.—Wholesale Jl'.10 iu bbl. Retail lo 10..J". WHKAT.— No. 1, well eleaned, round and plump, pub, Ten ii!,o (inline, ^l."6: No. 2, all sound, adt dead eiioujfli for 'o. r, *i .66 rejected, musty and dionp, 17o cents. COKN.—Shelled, No. 1, sound, plump and drv. 102 lo. No. 1, shrunken, 1 in nr. No. 1, sound plump and dry, U7 do. No. 'J. shrunken, OATS. NO. i, cloan and sound, RC do. N'o. 2. damp and not clean, 50. HAIU.I v.—#i.$1.90. ONIIISS.—F l--"(!i l.uO. POTATOES. WHIT* UKANS.—J2,'V)@2.60. FI.AXSKKO.- 4-^.•I.HI. TIMOTIIV.- ~T). CLOVTII.—f7 ". 25. POTATOES.—#1. PPPPPPl* PPPPPPPf PPP I# PPPPPPPP ITPIPPP PPP CONVENTION.—The Dem ocracy of the 2d Congressional District as semble as th ir delegate*, in convention to-morrow, at De Witt, to nominate a can didate for Congress. Kvcry delegate should be present. The convcn.ion will undoubt edly be large and earnest. As far as we know there are about a half dozen aspirants for the nomination. May the best man We the succcssful one. COXCEB* If you want the t.eatest and best hats or caps in the market, you must go to Farrand's. His styles are no plus ultra. SUBSTITUTES WANTED! BUBoTITUi KS FURNISHED HY JO::V I.. SWJTS & Co., No. 1 Nickoll's Block (up stairs.) WASTED IsnnmtATET.V.—Six good wagon Makers to whom constant employment and highest wages will be givt'n. B. H. KrwiiM?, Septodlw Rock Island, 111. STBS TIT CTE3 WANTKT) SUBSTITUTES FL'TtNlSIIKD 1 by J.-CN L. SWJTS I Co., No. 1 V. "*s fup stairs.) I:i this city yc-.t'i diiy evening at 8 o'chx k. FftAN'K WAUNKIt, son of JULIA and JOSEPH W. ROBIVSOX. ns cd IS months. Kunernl at 3 o'clock tc-morrow afternoon fr tne residence of K. W. Watson, 8d, between Rock islnud nnd lows sts. Pdldcti they 1 ii hand? of whiteness, O'er the liiSi-ble lifeless breast. While nveet -.trains frum harps of brightness Weleome I hitn tn !i'.' tvnlv u-t. COMMERCIAL. mil Chlcacn HMkM. By TeieKraph 1 Caioiso, Bept. 5. Pttilnfis irennrslly Ftors—M«»dy an) flr-n a*. |1t.00312 t6 for whits "Wlntrr $10.60 red wlnttr |10.S7^ choice Ht.rlng ritrt. WssAT-Strsdy No. 1 Bed 19.009 2.07 No. 1 fciprinf, |1.93(i$2.00 Jio. S Spriagi eloslng •lesdy. Co**—Active II 31(31.82 STo.. 1 |l.9XOMl So S, e!o«li,| *te«d ''AT*—Active at 6«i(gC7o NO, I, and S4®Ms No. S. UTS Qoiet. at II.£1 BAILKV- (inlet |2 10 Wo. 2. |1 iiiS*T—i all »t 11.78. TIMOTHV HCID®5 SO. FLAI Mto-Firm 3 10. HAT—cite»dy at HC5t26 GOLD Hull at 'l 40 To-Days' Advertisements. CRAS. LSLAMlEK. MIMiKBO. LliLtV»ER*FKEBi:R«i, \tl Hra!:/ 'Iri't, a/«r. (LEAN AND REPAIR CL0T0E8 Sil kinks, and on the shortest asUSs. lEvery liiscriptiori of M\ k BUYS CLBTU!\G made in the nii-t fashioiiRhle and ferviceable manner. A libera! share ol patrouuge is sohcit ed. spC-dtf SUBSTITUTES! -4t tin: Do '•""•"k you N»|HC i A SUBSTITUTE A!*' i 12, Boots, ... f,IX) lZ,on list 8,on.,foo Gloves, Ildkfseut^..,. 4,0o...,i,.» 4k) Overcoat ......omitted #88,00 ^13d,00 fiArther comment is Ortnecesrtrf. The ladies will understand bow far an "Old wvrdiito ttnIM ft#/ J* iV*: -j-'" »"-,n Call "V on V ./* ft v t' J- .¥/. t- '.'i JOHN 9W1T9 1^9 and you will be furn ished at, once on REASONABLE TERMS. ..MMRL fc=*3 i,: AA" AAA A AA A A A AAA AA AA AAAAAAA AA* *AA PI* i Fn.i.—The 4th 111. I'. (. liox 20 'V. C-isli •-I:i:!ces m:i(ie on property in store. »ucli7-dly .i tnKM yt. COMMi.-.-iuN AMI N:ON! K MI- KCHA5T. Agent Jot lIcttiiiK's and 1 uirbanks' Scales, llydraulicCetneiit, 1'laster i'aris and llair. NO. 3 KttOM (S i HiifcT, Darcnport, Iowa. myl4-dtf MERCHANT TAILORS. READY-MADE O I 1 i S Gr COST 1'KICK TO I'.y. li.\L 01'- PRAJfZ MEYER, Seeond street—'irst door west of National Bank. A ^.K.'l asHortnit ut of OH.NTS" iriC.i.SillNti BO VS' CLOTHIN(}, Ci.OTIIS, (,'ASSl hit liS, Sli lill'.S, STOCKlMi,| wfaiAtwd S'-ll at til- nw-Mt rea-.inahlc priosa. Custom Work Done at all times and ««»l the b"St, most lurable and cin tpest. All who want tha best and CI:enpiT.t JJUIUS uiuat come tu novlvlly Kit A NZ KYKR. N^W~8TOUEI John Bartcuicier Hto AS Ri..Movi n ui.-, K OI GOODS Frat^clin 111" k, on S -cor.d stre«-t, Ui Lain and Harri-win streets, wbere be ha« opened a NLW CLOTHINti STORK, and will keep con stantly on hand :t ood Csortment of Gents9 Furnishing Goods, Clotliejk.lnsdr to ord'-r on notice, and warrnnted to suit. Call and see inc. aepldly JOMK JOHDA1, 0. IS WJJriT SKCONDSTRliJiT, HKTWERN N' Xth. Hrad v mi Main, mak' io order and in the best style, MKN AND f!OVS' CLOTH I NO of every description. The fullest satisfaction guar antied. 1 solicit from my old cu.tomcrs their con tinuance of patronage, 'l.eare orders. my22 A. niLM:n, 1 HRADV STRKKT, RKLOW PKO nnd Veep* coiutaaWy on hand, sad makes to order. €ent»% Boy*' aad ChlMnii^s CLOTHING of tiie be«t material and in a manner that cannot fail to j^ive haiisfai-tion. Liberal patronage respectfttllv solicited. fmy21-dly MCE S.1LOOJT N. MA I TIII K, lirudy IS Sc 18 HAS want® 5 JM*" KTI« I ««T DU^1' VW TA«:ioicnaTjT/ 30 CENTS PER WALL Jl^pppppp fPPPI'PPP .PPP PP ivtiidKf .1 ECERKRF.E RRRUHRRS? PPPPPPPP PPPPPPP PI'P PPP PW» Ulttt iUiA aaa PLUMMER'S No. 50 Brady Street, Above the Post Offlo^ «f Jtmong Wklrh BROtTX BLANKS, WHITE BLANKS, BRONZED SATINS, STAMPED GOLD F- Hlovex Hthe Srtonti, St., I ft tloor Mnv FITTLD LI' AN KLKliANT Ice Cream Boom for tS" •leeowi.e.oiiaiioa of Lndi'-s aild (rentlemen, and awnitf a call from hm friends, and the publi- L"-fuTally. (iu est will be served with th* most. Oelicioua ORKAMS Etc., that csn be produced, and waited upon with kindest attention. Bakery and .# Confectioners. 1 am also prepared to supplv the mnrket with the li-esliest Cakes, lireaii, aad in fact everything pertaining to hakerv rofes«ion, made from tiie oi st ftoar. I'urties supplied at the shortest Also tiie best assortment of Confectioneries in thacitv. ('all aa i see me. All goods warranted. ue'^djf S. MATTllKd. WALL PAPER! WALLPAPER! N E W S Y E S For the Season of 1864. L. W, PETERSEN'S, SO. 'ii WBST -. *a*vtc:"£rrs*3s i'-'id !/•»'ifc* fc jS *1©'' NUMBSM66, :id ./a# ttrt EEEEKKEC RILLTITHRRRRR MI KKr2 RRS RR SS UL EKKEEB RRRRRRRRR usss EK I E KKIt'tlt'tit KK i liJt-'t ICitll KELF.CLIX *EEBKI:LB URR NOW OPENED AT 84 9 or stock PAPER HANGINGS, Ulill be Found PAPERS, FIGURED SHADES, ISATW.V SMi.lDES, mMLT 11. IIKIN/, Prvdoce & Commission Merchaut, NO. 4 II I'll I!' l\» V III.OCK I.IVEB Pkind AVK HIKHUST CAHU PR1« K FOR ALL Country product nh\ u s on liuud. stoi coinuussion. heller, ejf){s, etc, Lay. Mid »elis on n:Tl4dtf "r7 ilTT'ARKS, o n e e o k e 151 SOUTH-WATfiR ST.. 'M!CA(JO, N't. SATTNS* .f.VD All the Above at very Low Price*. COMMISSION. 8TOVE3 and TINWARE FKOSTRM) Store* I HIL.L3 & WASHBUBJL No. 56 Brady Street Nearly opposite Post office, AVE IN* STORK AND ARK RKCKIVIA# largest and best assortment of PARLOR. COOK I HEATING STOVliiS, that can be purchased in th* eastern market. H. A W. have the Exclusive sate for SAN FORD'S |§efeferated Challeage Heater! one of the ni'st economical inventions ever doced, sod for canvenieMM and eomlurt as e|iial. The narivalletQ Trivmph) Ftrc«fflak, and other frorte (atterns cat OXLY ba obtaif ed at Hill*and Washburns. ... tW~ very store jfnnrsntied t« girt aattsfWrtil^ or thi money rt-fundeiLf ifo They also keep the celebr»fed ROOM STOVKS Tinware, Jappsned and Porcelain War*). UhatfiWr Setts, Planished Wjfi,. am f'i liritania fiooda, Coal Hods| m^afactured to order on shoi.aotiee. jar JOBBING JBI NEW HARDWARE 8TSRI1 i. A. DiTEireat, r0uler So ST., TJFlVlNG H4JE LARGE FURCHAM8 OF XX stock trtm New terk Maaefacteieer*o» Tore the rise, am prepaVed to offer Snperler tadneemcnts. IS W. FBTRIMSN ii Haiiwara, Irea ing Implrmrulnf ill lOityt and Ihrildm /fanAw, Table -'•sJ E -ttW- IrM Cit| 'iJ i ,tt I «0 I KEST0CK|I POMP ,» .• u -at .• lUvis itt ... ii'J u.1 ia which water ceverA'eesas. OFFICE, ST.tRt' mXIXO ROOH, mnstRV, HALL. A^!» SETTllfQ i !-•,? 1 '-•-itaiW •+*. 7 m$ We invite iaaectioa cannot be mrrnaased. We invite ias^ectioa s^' defy cornpetitio*!. Also on bsad stock nO il !m- :t:*Z uAatii Tonga. Shovels, Fokera^ in short everything in the line. Tta, Copper, ft Sheet-Irts Wsw6^.a: "S :rtA tltnfmiautB "f*} r. Cvttai, 12 Brsdy Street, betweetl nMft aad 1 "rpARMKRHOF IWO«V COtJWTT aMl I J? sas generally areaartiiigj^.laiili aad eaaaiht a^ sWek gOo8 liWors i iaf elsewhere, ttatlclt ••l»a. I yrelts is my motto, oadl talel nt All gooda warraaladlaat ast ifU *s(!i bo* of all kiatf*- |/rcmptlv attended to. Call aad Sf|, --iit* amine jood, andjewt, .he prices. ...w ^=rr--:-: .•. fil 1 To 'i t-r i) •»r.