is HiiiJil UJD.ui'' MAI w^n. up (nwr*" atnMo^f, wiiiw. fllXSHAV E^RNIX'* MTliftXL DE H, i RiTir TitpET. 1 •j* J* FOB -it'r.vr. GEN. GEORliE B. MrCLELLIV rmt v k president. H«1. UEOKUE II. PEXDLEfffv For v -^'1 Ihvri 'l. C1IM»KUK HL P.4BKKB. #emoerati* State Tlckbi* For Secretary of State, At WALLACE, of Mi »cstinecantfi For State Treasurer, JoBSB. LASH, «'f llt-nry county. For Attorney '«n*r*Uie. M. DUN'U IR, Jackson rotiiitjr. For Auditor of State, me. HENrjKKSIIOTT, «r Iowa count*. For (if St if- Land Office, 0. D. HOIjBROOK, .f Monona county. Far Judge of the .Supreme Court, TITOH M. MLNKOi., ol oninunic connty. .fOI*T BBtivrkv Oeo. II. Puke-. I)m' erntir ess 1'!' date lot Conges-, and il 'i. Il!r..:.i I ri Itean candidate in the 2d Congressional Distrii at til. f-.ll owir.'» liui-« ami places. Wo ivo ild n ^e upon our demo- ratic frier, to make all ne .-^sarv preparation. li.r these m« Ings in tiicir respective counties.. I.t the Ji t., nera'-v n.rii out »n such mint tiers as will corao, our op un-ut* that ,*e are fully csirt.i'-t in t! political struggle. SR. iS1 MSTKSCT. Vwatinp, Mu-fdtine co, Moai!»,v, 0"t. 10. T'ptiu, C-daiseo., Tuesday, O 1. II. Marion, Linn «:»., Wednesday, Ort. tt Animosa, Jones •.».. Thursday, O.f. 18. Maouoket.i. Jnekieju eo., I ri.iav, t, Ms. DeWttt, Ciiutou Hatu'day, Ott. 15. 0av a.pmt, .iool ••«»., .eadav tM t®. I,i Cl-ure. O'citri *-':ty, 19. Fro the N' V Evening Post Rep. 'Ihr Partfef lli^li We wii.h ilut i'vitv in-m who depenJs wages or worV for his living might loi.k little int'i thi* history «f his .iwii dinner Ml,' I 1 i- lie. IV !lk, vv' J~ i. in* i Jy linn l.ut twelve cents a po ind.- ia now twit ty-five eiitif. The present prtci ,1 potato iafo'tv rent* hnf pi 'k ?h* o.d pi ice w. ton rent-, Hmu T,tiniil a few dny-- a(u'i w mxlv cei tit 4 pn i'kI tli. a a^c pri e I many years Uu* not been over twenty cent L'ofl'te, now Hcventy-livt cents a pound, u. fill reci'iiilx was l.ut twenty -twr yiita. ii pri'Henl jTrne of s ijjar is tliirty c«-rits. '11. old price was jrri. e wa* eight rent*. 'I mnk.' the 'itse it. ire plain to the eye, we pw it iiii.« li^uru.: Oi«l price. I'r. Jierit pric IWcfllt a'i UcrlJt* celllit. Putat en ...Invtrni^ 1' cent a. ttuUer 8'1 t«*!iw cows Br.ud .... 3cuts l"c.iitfc 0»tl«'«.... SIS .-fiita VS r. nt-.. Kiijjar I ivbu eeuli^ Fn: ill. irh.ile i.f these artlckM tile regu lar price of former years Ins linn wvtniy flcven eenU it is mw .wi. doilara tind lorly cents On ilii-Kame Mttle. il ol liv ing «f !i sin^i" jii-i sdii lor one yen" ttv hundred dollars the Iwas, l,^o old iuk- it would lie now til wen huudied nnd entity dollars. This is something to be looked in to. Yes indeed, this /. something he 1- W- 1 into. Hy loi.kiu^ into it "every i. an who depends on wages or work for lii.s I• v ing ri»n retulil, figure to a fraction just what an interminable war for the "nbaiidotiuitt. of slavery" is co-ting hi:u. So long as tl War is prosecuted on the policy of su'.ju gallon and abolition, so long will the wa oontinue. We uiay be more successful ii the field than there is the slightest reason to hope—we may lake Richmond, nit. Charleston, and Savannah, and Mobile, und every city of the Smith—we may diper?e Lee's army, and Hood's army, nnd I'ricc's army, and ail tiiat, but the rebellion will he no nearer its end than it ia now. There \vi.! be no peace. The same military sfrengtL the same scale of expenditure, will be re quired to hold tho Southern pe ple doffn, that has been found necessary throu^'u years of.bloodslud and waste lo overrun their country. Remove the feileial troops from a single rood or the .South* ground, and rebels will immediately spring up in the vacated space. Louisiana is u luir spociiri ii Of "subjugated" rebellion. We have h..d complete possession of Vew Orleans and the surr. muling country for over two year-. Now tinrk the evidence of Thomas l)u- ranl, chairman of tho Louisiana Free State (Committee, as published in a letter for the Tribune a 8'iovt time ago. Speaking of the "elect on" un.i.r liahit was niuiii Governor, Mr. linrant pay s, alter describing the territory embraced: i'his waMibsolult ly all that wepossissed' b'it the i.o-sesi'i.i \us not all undisturbed, fo HI ail tlii1 iinrt-hes above St. Jol.ri the Baptis frinitiiig tho river there wei guer rilla Icin o HI trhfrk rend, rui the Ufe nf rt-rry iu 'in* ij\ ic'io tens i/fWii to tiiir the outh of all-i/ia.iee tu ttu I'mted Here is "reconstruction" on lSr. Liwrfhi s policy at the end of two years* possession »f Lotlisiana. So it^ will be under his poli cy everywhero and at all time. Thus the nbettion becomes a "permanent institution" and tfcifc high prices which take all that a i can earn to ft I himself and his r'AriU continue, inci asiog as the pub- ^folia mpA paper oirwu^ depre. "~T" 1* & M« lae .tiHrpei er |Fr,rj »he itomcii i'oui Ui IkiluriiitMl A' publican, ia a jMper. '»t»r n tMiei s and aM friends "I lbriilKfM4 Jipul OCT. '»t»r n wleiK th soldier read and remember whit thai Lincoln |taper *ayi» of Mr. Lincoln "on duct in refusing to exi haitge pr^jnaro. i#re it i: "Wit mitht re-"ver all ogr wbi e «oldie i'iW .ii rknei Jiar.iN by tfi'" prujK^ed e* -liatt^J, and jrel hold a Urg» l»l*nce i»tribes lor the cn'ornl so'di. rs while ibei tafuc i1* in controversy, if, uiider th«.r I'-iimst^nces, the 'eaviriK of thirty-tiT oo*-wid while men to oufltr nnd die at lie j.-of hiiii'lr"(f per day is n"t pia,ii. ally i •he ejen of both fiol and man—nturd. ,tra?r, hi'hdur. Ml KliKK, what is it'! That the iicp'iNir'in I H. Are you in favor of an armistice with ic rebels, and of negotiating terms of pea e ii the isis ol the Union 4. Iti the e\ent ol I he Confederacy refus Mg to iay down their anus and return .if 1'nion, woiiciyou then renew the wai id Iigl.l unlii the rebellion snah be xitj •rensed and the authority of the National overnnient be restored lioio sea lo frca'c Suppose the candidate, in answer to th» -t .pte -li .r, sh iul.1 i].- r.ow a belief in my right of secession suppose, in atiswe the second qu 'siion, he .should say hede under tand i, very much as the O it.-ell, thiA j..ptr neeoruiiiK n.ih.i, idsoni'.' time ago, when siioiiar ju« stn n »as raised ad when, as we uniiv .'stand nal paper and ourseives agreed that tMs ar #!is Stales at ali, and did •it involve any such ahsuidity suppose, ii answer to ihe ttiiid (jue.siion, he shoue. iy that with or without an annV'i'i.-, he ould be in favor of try ing lo brii.g about ace on the t.asis ol the I uion and slip '»se he 'houi'i inswir the last question u, e ultii luative, would the kff. avis, in his speech nt Macon, mndc a begging appeal to Georgians to fill up the army, saying that two thirds of the rebel armies were ab.-eiit without leave that is, deserters.-'[Telegraph Dispatch. Two-thirds of Hood's army are deserters, and yet Hood is to-day strong enough to so operate as to create the strongest possible anxiety he may force Sherman from his position at Atlanta. The confederacy is a queer thing some what like a certain mythical character that arose from the ground stronger after each blow that sent hun to earth. The rebels have robbed the cradle nnd the grave to fill their armies, and with these babes and dead men, they hold Sheridan at bay in the Shenandoah valley, arid have repulsed two tremendous attacks made by Grant on both sides of the James river. Two-thirds of iheir armies are deserters, and \et they have for f.,ur months successf-iily resis id before Richmond one of the largest armies of modem day.-. They aie just on the point of giving up, and yet Price, at tho head of a formidable army, has invaded Mi-souri. guerrillas overrun Kenluekv, and rebel cavalry opernt" will in Tenmsse They are tnakn ir Ins ffort, and y today they liolu slum, rnl^, with the e.v ception of a few fort il led places, almost ev ry inch of territory that they had when tho] war begun, *hen w3innfhe^J^fM.1h*S^ and or Tills 1 !UVT PFrt^OFAL NOW! F.''"E The Kreo Ma e General Committee, cf *hicn I wan and am Pivs dent has ha ^h»rg- of the woik i civil ortian ".nion, nu| ported by lien .Me-piy, tho Military In Connecticut large gains arc shown in nearly aH the towns, and Derby is carried by the Democracy for the first time in fif teen years! fn Delaware last fall the Democrats n-cordeil ,|le Hoing !otrs 18«8. Kent ReP- n'aj. ^castle Total. .0.60* W,d frC* electioi,» bir, J" fk ou A vol mi should support mii wh an it. ehaiges with mur ,cr fo "rmidetit of the f'nited States. i« someihn 1 niut«» answer to its own conscience Ii. t-in the people support nin-h a man? Wlm t'ic Milfei of many of these prisoners ate iay he guesited from the following lett printed in th I't- la-ieiphia ]ttqiiirer% send by Capt. ho is going Nor*h upon a special exchang We have just Onishecl reading Oen. Butler's letter upon tie exchange 'juesiion. The Andirsonviile prisoners have bee. mssiiig through the city. Thiir sufTenng ne and have been terrible. You canno magine them. Eight thousand out of zi. •OU died ofdistase at Anders..nville dur.i., he months of July and August. On. thousand nine hundred of the six thoiisaie ieie arc totally incapable of helping thein selves. Most of them are insane. Fifty ol our regiment went to Andersonville \pril, and in duly, when I last heard from a corporal of my company, there were but welve alive probably they are ull dead by ibis time. I know ail this to bo a 'fact from iiillcers litre who were confined in hospital •vith the men. J. E." Did we not say truth when we told our readers eighteen months ago that such would be among the consequences of the negr policy of conducting the war V l*ropo«n«liii|r lnterroKntori«M. '1 ho ineint.ati Ut puts the following iuestion», hoping that the Democratic can hdate for the Vice Presidency will answer netn 1. Do you believe that a State has a right 0 withdraw from the 1'nion V 2. Are you in favor of coerc ing a sover ign State'( C'azctti ma anotli adtiiitiistration paper. This lett«T is 'i i Charleston, fcept. 5J2d, 1 ••»*, and is a llo*s eah Cornis:— suppoit .nil? V»e think not. It (]oe- tint-uppnr. le princijial tan.lidate. Met. I llan, who, it iay be a.-sumed, wiihoui shooting wide ue mark, occupies the ground we have in icnted. '"i n McCl'Kan oes not ''elieve thvi any a'e has a right to aecfle frmn the Union I.- Itehi'v.""s in coen ing rebels in mis, 1 liciher thev may or may not have usurped K Jslaie insi .nia and tiled seek shelter o.ler il. He is in favoi of peace on llie ba ds of the Union, the Constitution, and the nlorceihi 'i.t of the laws and he i.s in lax or continuing the war until the rebels ac knowledge their obedience io the Constilu oii aim iheir willingness o live iu the nion. 1- this not satisfactory to the Gozcltef It ught to be, ii that paper has -any sii cere noli e or any practical purpose in resorting o the interrogations in the ca«e of the in .'trior candidate.—Mo. I'lpuhfunn. Ilia:. J/,( »uu Iim been in iim arut) a ye ii. and witose rrlatives are mostly Re .bli wis, thus wrtUw to hia mother: The mHntnation t»f }. n. M.-f 'lellanl y Ot« Democrat* ha.« caused a world ol ioy in camp. I'h« buys are greatly attached to niin, and if the vote was taken to day, I »eriiy believe that he would receive nine out of every ten votes cast. 1 confess that I fifl something of an enthuniasin for Mc tiellun myself, which may surprise you, as 0 is not ii acenrdan: e with my bringing up. Uut I tell you, mother, i have seen enough since I entered the army to satisfy me unless a derided change takes place in the 11 a 11 age me nt of affairs al Washington, this billion w ill not be supyresst d, and every nan of us will be "std Whatever you •my ad of the enthusiasm of |he soldiers, you may believe that their hope of success is often diiiiine i and they de-tit e a change. This is not confined to soldii-is w ho are -Minerals, it to others, and nutafuH. 1 -hall cast my vote for M-Clcllan, if I am -pared till the day when I a to permitted to do no, unless i Hue something to ive me diif'erant impressions of my outy. You may tell father how I ieel, ai though a w 11 not meet ins approval, I am sure he Will believe 1 am sincere in wlutl I say and a i from a sense ol diuy. led lorn io win. me how politics look at. huiiie." In a letter to button Cainemn, Oamrai Butler says We bare been ing^in fr.Ktlof Lee's army now tor lour months That this is liter dly tiue may be infurc from another extract lrAm the same letter The rank and ftte of their armies are in the confident expectation ami belief in the promise ol their leaders, that mis will be their last campaign, tiiat the nominees ol the Chicj-go convention will be elected ii November, and that the independence ol the Conf'.-de.i.ite States wiil lie acknowledged ilii.l a treaty ol pea'-e coneiii ed U.S. 7-30 LOAN Tlie Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that subscriptions will be received fl»r Coupon Treaa- iity Notes, payable thtee years frotn Aiigust ISth ls.ri, with semi-annual interest at the rate of sev­ en and three tenths per eent. per t-nnum,—prin cipal aim interest both tu be paid in iawtul ri'.ney These notes wiil be convertible at the iiplio» the holder nt maturity, into six per ceftt. goi ueaiing bonds, pay\ble not less than five nor mere limn twenty years from their date, as tl uoverun.ent inny fleet. They r.ili be iswied in tei.oaiinetions |5o, ?:•»", 1,0"."»Wio ^0 and all sut.-n-.-riplions must b( far tttty dollur, -,r some multiple uf inly Uollars. I'hese notes will he transmitted to the owners tee of ttuDsportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of Deposits as iliey can be pi |i..ied. A.-, ihe uotesiliaw liiterc-t from August 15, per ns making deposits subsequent mst par ihe .merest accrued l'roui dattyJl note io ihue et' Jcposit. I aities (iepusiliog twenty--live thousaiid dollars aiict upwards lor these noies at any one time wiil o* allowed a couimissioti of one-quarter of one ,i- eent. npeciul Advantiiges of this loaa, II is X.njoN.tL iViMis iANK, oileri(lit u lnj li ci ralcoi interest liiuii itny other, auu tliu otoi turug. Any savings bunk wlueli pays its depos- tors in L. ». Notes, eoustilers thai i is paying iu lite oesi eiidiluting medium of the country and it p»y in anything better, for Its own .i.-seis are eiilu-r in government securities or in limes utid bonds payable in govet'niuuut j.M£.c Jt is equally convenient tut a teiuporiiry or per maiient luvestmeiit. The notes can always be Mtl.l fornituin a traction ol lliur face and uecu Hiui.iieii int tet.t, uaU ure the best stjcuriiy witij banks as collaterals lot Umeounis. outcrlihle iniu a irnl. i-K) iiuld bond. In addition to the very liuerul inn lest on tlie notes lor three years, this privilege ol Convei siun is now worth about three pei eent. per annum, lor the uurient rate lor iM" bonus is not le»a I'tr war as c-onductcd by the party in power is firsi Aatimial making no progress, and that its onlv re-1 '*"1 suit is to plunge us deeper in debt add to the frightful ai_'i\' ,itc of kill,d increase widowhood and orphana-c, and 'hiing'm "f OSlent, 3:4»p. m. t,r„ which form the whole State The mu now contrasts With that of laat fall P„I f.^S •"•""j Si^tkws' ci^w-"''plh,r 62 oad Ollict Tcmoiit •v*Twhets Jq Norem- k -4: •V i Will be tore the «ai i he premium on six per eeiil. C. 8. sitttka was over twenty percent. It will be seeli that in actual prou. cti tliis, at tn j,ie-ent niiu kei rate, is not less than ten per cent, per annum. Its Kxt'inpiiM fruin ^uk or ^amfipitl i'li.XiUIUUw 1 hit aside tromal! the advantages n, have enu­ merated, n special Act of Congress Up to the 'i-itli of .September, the sitbscripti n to ttuj l'niti amounted tf o~-r SJB 4 «,000,0 00. How long will the people be misled by "r"J,' Z S-Tnv'!trUre,S br every Lour neat er the ubytw o.r Miionai throughout the country will give further infor nation nnd A KI-'OHD F.VEBT FACILITY TO ProgrefiB in subduing the rcbcHinn, nn.l In !Mire8 to the country to peace and Ihe union, can only b- 'overn- or, who was actinp ut. of or! sol the War Depai uneat to ihateifeet. WIi-.i' pari of the is now capable of Inking «'a'v oi' ii elftnnl its wn popul.itior if thv i nited States troops be alidi iwn Tilr.ivh 15» NOT A KUOl ul'LiU 1MANA Witieii OOIJLI» 1,1,1) lr IUK S 1 Jit Ii) I '.S W. KK WI il 1) K A N y 'j'iie wnoie pUjiOlution w.thin tin* L':iion lines has been ord« i^d to be dis.o Mi.. the loyal men Oiieyed iiie orde -, but tlie uis!uyal .a-.Ied it therefore, as even in Mew Ui leans, the dis loyal party are a', knst (t it' i'ao !ui:iti !, at Hi in the eounivy p.ui.-ius a pro^oiton still greater, if no United nates force exist ed, the disloj al |iersons wou .i Imve the ao va-.tage, even if no aid were received bv them from the r.bel forvesomsideofour tx Istiiig lines which aid, however they wou immediately receive. tU aJc wlu-.i there shall be radical change in tint ininistruion and the pnliclc un.h-r »h cii the war is coa'iuct?.'il.—*Ohicago 1 "To Wliom it mav Concent onuei licut un«i Uelan.ue! lb-- returns fioia the clecti'ing in Con uei.tii.ut »ii'l laware show most glorious gains for the Detirjcrary AVts Jiem a. ra. Snaland and ht Cuiuuliit. AJfll AFTER SIM,AY. MAY I sf I. trains will leave the (ireat Cen- ral Liiioii foot Luke plreet, »s It-ilturu :«l' a. m., .Suitdays excepted. Arrive in Uc-tro i i. iu. iuioitio 4:4C. p. m. Suspension Bridge, 4:05 a. Buffalo, 5:(m. p. ni. Albanv, ork, «:8o p. m.: Bo- on !-»i'5 0:VJ a. m. Saturday's excepted. Arrive in lie troit. 6:0 1 a. tn. Tore :ito. 4:46 n m. .Suspension i Chicago at «:S0 a. m., Mai! Tifei «:•. l'xi"',s- Ttu' fi. SS'ofTsrl e' haK^'e? ISfii. Tattan'sPatent Veotllatin!:and Warming 4n-1 *Ii" fUlpirillClltH uf flii A" #n3 t, Engirt- Tables, has lateiv ieen v "hlel t". day trains. Patent sleeping wfrs 4o0 Bacgag. Checked Thro.^h Through Tickets mr sale at *11 vri.w.i„ ad ti.-. v'j. ,..» j,. U -'-:3i -•if*-/ OROGBIIIIS. Fttfft* FAHHV THE PLACE tT ITT rusa TEAS, C0ITEE8, SPICES* rpotiETHEK WITH KTERT OTIIKR AKTI Cli incloded ia the stix k of a first-clasa FmmMff Ghroerry MM/% Can always be fonnd at CtMMLEH F. Xorth West cor. rAPoartli HtreMfc Bis stock of Teas, COrem, Nugnrs, Bymp*. k ,Uriru m*tl i itnuril rait. Co*» ferlionrriek, ktuller, I'ltsfc* IniHreK, i-UM"** 'triisbe*, IIvI1wm are, tie., 4tc., is the purest and freshest kind.— Hm sekeepers will find it to their advantage to nil tuid see the goods. Goo-ls delivered ib ail pari* of ihc city free ol charge. Uverjr Article Warranted! deci i-dtl XLH' GUOdlli I Jomtph Itut a si. Cornfi Front & Cindy iluN'M'.-- U". 11'• Ut!! !.• a i: CHOICE FAMILY JOSHUA Bl'fill, Brady Street* Betwcn ire«t iwt SeeMd. Ihiiit'jinrl, I RsspECTrcia.* RSO leave Io state to the 1VALTEU fiLEJLLV, uu fond* and Trttwuy not**from ioctto huntuj,,. Oi, the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent, per auiium, according the r.ite ot'tiix t'.i" ii in varioss piu-ts ol the country, It is believed that no securities otl'cr so great indueements to lenders as those issued by the government. In r.ll other forms oi indebtedr.e.-s, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate communities, only, is pledged for payment, while tho whole property of the country is held to ssenre the discharge of all the obligations of the UmUd States. Whih? the Government otters the most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the verv strongest appeal will be to t!ie .loyalty and patri otism of the people. Fauiilj (.rocer & Provision Dealer Catid ou.nku of -j.i ami low a sts.. tt: -. it fre-.l:est Groceries of all kinds for family use. f'roVi.Mun-, liatus, Woodi.-n Waie, Votdiige ke it iu tii nt class Ke'ail Store all and c:..iil ,ne my 1mk, hip sore 1 can pleas, v-nt. 15:'. I 1 v. .rormes, Flour & Feed Store. r\Vlrd LMii.kSlUNED KESPKc fKUMA IA 1. forms the eitt/i-iis ol .-tott and ad|.»iniuj. Counties, that he will const.n.iv keep in l'.: .New Store, corner of Sir«n-d and i "tt Sti et-ts, go. assort incut ot, Flour and i ed, iv^icli he will ainays sell at the lowest market price. Ifi^hest price paid for farm produce. Goods e of charge in city limits. delivered tri Oct. lit—dAwly SAAI'L C. YOUNG. MKS. ISEBELLA YOUNG, iVi'. hi, Coi mr Jiork ]tlai. 4 1- td Sit., Fresh ,4 D'* 0 "aTenPor*. ^st'0"*'1tanks which are depositaries n,,-v an'1 orplmna-c, and bung us ALL Uliiti'KCtAllhli BAXKSAXD BANKERS JstasuKiB aug-J.j-ii&wam Central Railroad. liehigaa Or*at Centra/ HmiU tn York, Groceries, Earthcu Hare, It* ure iiics 1 mi S. iij it Ot-s, t. HOICK CltiARS A.VO TOii,\l v HMUHt 1 JIMMEMB KXCITEMlSJfT liUOCEttlE ProvlsiMg, Sail, fTobaccos A' l'igar9* ALSO Choice Whips and Liquors, D-ith F'i'ij I ilwtruaiee to gin- Ihc Seat ol' tiiovdi* Vl Sthl. THK.M O.N THE LOWhS'l 1,1 V l.ut urins I iill ,i.d exaiiiine the stn k •mil l-'rtrn t!,e pi K cs I '.li e i,iiroll.tsi 11K elsevt I,• :jS? ,r,i citizens of l»ar.-T! fBLbii port, and the com, 5Ac.' I'''k' ',l alcr-- Miron.: f# I. ovt this jiart of lie: :a, I »t '«have on hand, ana am constantly rectiving, li-rge ami well st-l. tied sto- k of OKOCEH1E8 At Wholesale and Retail, Comprising Coffees, Sugars, Teas. Nitifa, tto that date 'obaeeos, I'owder, White liead, i/ii-d Trnit, (ilin(':ips. Candies, apices, Utnum Twine, Bag Twine, Pint Flasks, Partic-itur ntt'-ntion paid to the HlwU'sate itHsiMcns. 1 buy on tic- mo-t advaiitageons terms and sell low. ill and examine. Al! orders promptly hi' i inleii l-i. tin -1111' A DOOl .hY I'umily iirecer, Keeps »'o\sfamly on hand, at his oid siaml, corner of Filth olid Brady sit, .-is, tt lar^e and most complete slock ot the b. st Oroceries, comprising i i.AS 01' UNION Cordage, Soap, Fish, Soda, Cotton A i t-fi, Candle Wieking, Tubs, Dead, Shot Bobs innestg half Bushels, Half Bushel•. in nets, Wrapping Twine, US, Af AC. hich shf is felling at very low prices. Call ami •iaminethe Roods. mhil-dlv A Caiso th the HrFrcmxw.—Swallow two ot thiic hogslo ads of "huchu," 11 Tctuic bitters,'* '".ar»a|«rilia." "Nerv-.ttis :l:d.irs," Ac., Ac. a,111 atiei y(Jit nr. satisi:e-l witn the re-oli 'tn -ii trv one box of Ol li lOt TOK BUCIIA.N'.S E GL1SH TILLS—anil be restored to health and vigor in less than thijtv davs. Tfiev art» pure ly vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and saluta ry in their elferts on the broken down and shat tered constitution. Old at-dyoungcan take them with advantage import. .1 midst,!,! in tiie Unit ed Mtates by JAf. S. BUTLER, No. 427 Broailw.iv, Vork. |H^".ljreuts I. '.he I nitei', S ates. P. f.—A box of Hill-*, securely packed, will he mailed to any address on receipt of jric«, which is one foliar, post jmid—money n funded j,y the agent if entire saiisiaction is riot given. Editor op Dkhocbat—Iftar Sir -With ronr permission I wish to say to the readers of your I taper that I will send them, by return mail, to dl who wish it, free,) it '*W/ and Receipe, with full direc- ions for making and usin^ a stmpie Vegetable Dalm that will etTeetually remove, in ten days, limples, blotches, tan, freckle*, nnd ail impuri ies of the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful, I will also mail free tn thoke having bald heads bare, simple r\ etions and information hat will enable them to start a full growth of luxuriant ilair, Whisker* or a Moustache in less han thirty flays. All applications answered by eturn mail without charge. Respectfully. THUS fc. CHAPMAN, C'uemist, Sii' Broadway, New York. J.,'° II HARDWIRE STORG l- m. iratn leaving!- EXPORT, W,'thout Deal AW4rJLt .. I''r Vutit-ry, oi 112 Brady Street,betweet. rort wtdSMnad. ou 12 Uf CLOTHING. OHICAOO. (MptlUci ia kTvapdi •aredwaM'AH'BantalMat HESS & STERN'S Hew 4 Wlitcmle Retail CLOTHING HOUSE! 9 Irtrapolitan BUck* i'annporl, luma. The proprietors of this ehtab LtstiSBXT leave to inform the citizrns of limvenport, and sot ronnding country, that they have just opened the large*! and most complete stcck of" CLOTH IN ". Or AMI fitt»#*' Furiii*Mn0 *vod» Ever bmn^ht to ires city. Hav ing cir n i. ui i'a-t'irv can d.dy com, I ..tb iii ass .riRs.-nt a'id pt i.«. W e wxll tat please to see call and ex-.t*ni ie iiir stock, an kliey vdl t!'id that w •how our it.'-s with will and pleasure. tAtle ut io o lli a I We cit!' a.e o our large an't stuck To Country .Herchant*. Vouwill lind it to yoai advent, »o e\nie-.t i-ur slo'.k before laying in your supply, us we wiil sell them Goods at New Vork prices. We shall eon stunt iy leenv.- al! the ii.-w irrades ot' llyuih liian i.t'itcturi ..! Oi i nc to. shall Lc la^bion, 4 First iu re. Wholesale (k-aleis will liiid it to their udvant tjit togivemea call, (roods delivered within th. cur limit free of char^p. Theodore Tobias is niv dulv authorized Agent JOSKJ'H !«»THAN. TWtojieri. An-, f..', -}. dAn1v (irire* in vri^ijx, in a Mammoth Clothing Hall, So. 9 Seci •nd k-i. -i, Meiroj.obMi! Huiltling. Formerly oe-.tipied by Ki k l!r,i--., my30-dtf liai, aport, Iowa. BAKERIES. Bread, Cftkkes an§ ft*leti AT THE BAKKKY, On the mnih of Sicuad Strett,, bi» tween Brady and Pt rry, Made of the best flour, by the most expel iencd Baker prepared Hieeoii'inciids Buckets. ALL KIKDS Coll'ees and Sugars, Byrnps, Molasses, Candles, Soaps, Starch, Wooden Ware, Dl •ie 1 l-'ni-ii. Spices, i-oda, Salt, Kerosene, Tobttcco ftttrt i&arH) uml, in si. rt. everything that ean be in a ftrsi class reiml l.roeerv. tie c.- :!es the altcutiei. ot oid '.-us'omers i-.iei new to hisc!. n-e .mil is cinigileiu thni he can give complete satisfaction, h'.iii in goods and prieei. If yon wntti. th» lies' Uroct-ric-call ai iinv.-itii'* OOOLl-.Y'M. and especially For Family U*e. tar I'lirti-.-r supi' H-rfltl s_up^lied on the shortest notice. }"ih I '/•,• rv antl th. v will be promptly !:!k'd br dec2«-d1y JO'COP A H.N. PIONEER BAKERY* l)A\. JiOOKE, Proprietor. The proprietor of this bakery having received reinforcements, is now pre pared to furnish his old and new customers with BREAD, CAKES, CRACKERS, AC., in any ipianti: v on the shortest notice. Orders L-owi the country filled with di.-pr.tcli and deliv ered at the depot, steamboat landing and in a 1 pari.-i of he city free of charge. Bakery No. 25 East-Front Street) near Burrow s Mill, Davenport. ncta dAwtf HOTELS AND BOARDING. "MISSISSIPPI HOUSE.- l.VllY IU TT, I'ROPHIETOIt. IIK lis conveniently'arranged ho tel io all travelers and also to city boarders, as suring them thai nothing will be wantir^ to promote the Welfare of his guests and to make their stay With him pleasant and agreeable. He al-'o ren»mimer?d- his well stoek-d bar which is^supn ,, ,i .hi ihc i ,i licr-st liyio-s and w'nes. ..:v-1 .tug at 1" o clock, jel tf Lu..- FAMILY GK0CEIU£S! FRENf Jirs HOTEL ./ /Ml JU, k, Of. Fxinkioit A- Vork'. spacious Refccto-y, Bath Ro uns and Barber •ti'-p, Bed-rooms varnicd gratis, and only one Jed 111 ii room. not b:.-lievc rumors or hack men who say wc a. e full. ,S"rv& are not al lowed to receive pt -(jtiisiles. apl5-dly SIGEL HOTEL, Fron* f'fu (/t llntiih ut*l Aftfin. JOHN MEVKU l'rcj.rietor. Tj"V\ fl.HI'.t. SAir.NT PltOVIDED FOii THE JCi trav 'it., pub.ic end cily hoiti-ders at ill ni"-. in 11. i.i- -t s. iistactorv siiiiier. The i bi. ad .-U|pbe.| U tiil th" bet the mm kt-l af t•'' el :t'i' beds ami (e Lrpt ii, mi-.-t C"U lut tal,,--sly le. Warm Meals at ull Iiours. W i n e s a n i u o s of tlie best c'l'ih y eon it ,ti on iiend. jyl4 CARKiAiSES. Daveuport Carriage ii»|ysilor A„. /,'• v DAVKNPOUT, IOWA. j. nc\ i MM^FTOh v, hl.l.i'.- i'l.V o. I! AM tt Intrfi' ft'oslv of tho n. Ui krutitfli XWVTCJ?* maJe ami .Jtrn c.\i!i!i 1'it.s. urccirs a'.a iiisxesmis, Of liiislei-n nar.ufticture, ind n durable -pialisv. His ^oods *r,-re hi.ti^-hl and contracted lor before the eat rn n nihterial and labor, which enables hi. i to (jltl.AT. EST INDUCEMENTS to purchasL'« Call be I oi o purchasing elsewhere. fbl I-d&wlr HkOTiiUiM, M.VNA.iLlii (it Tl,!-, Diiiiiijiiirl Cniriiist- ,": :n-! ftutory. COiiNKR THIRD A IIAUiliSON STUKKTJ Davenport, Iowa, mrnsi'actstre all kindsit Carriages, Buggies and Wat'ons from the beg material, and perfect .^atisfaetian warr..n!e !, lie pairing done on short notice. Rates moderate.— itincoiiraij'' home mei-hanics. d-cl dti I'/w&t-i For JUls. Mice, -floaches, Aals, •ed Rues, Moths la I'ars, *"S. Ac. IMSCCISOH Floats, Fowls, lalaals. Ac. Put J5c .:-c. and #1, Boxes. Boilhs and i-hisks. t" and siies for Hotels, PubKc'Insti tutions, etc. "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from poinons." "Nr.t. in the Human Fan.ilr." ''Rats come out of th-dr holes to die.1' «sold V holesale in dl the lar^e cities, sarcoid by Dr:igj.o.fs and Retailers ev erywh^H cST" 1 Beware 1 'of nil worthless imitations. gySc- lhat ''Costsa s name i on each Box. Bottle ana Flask before eon bnv. Address HKN'R V it. COSTAi, Priaci] lial Depot 432 Crodivuv, V. \, I^TSold by— K. S. BAI.l.ORD. Wholesale and Retail A^ent, •Iu 9 dwtf Davenport, Iowa. For 'f IrOtl itli.l ilif* Ptf* thirty vearhhak rhcei vkdthb favorable recommendation of the PUBLIC and been used and prescribed bv ihe FIRST PliVSVt lA.\S \'THE LAND, £kik B(0trot v I:xxilt k n u |Tprru«'' Hea l.icbE, a fN.pep.5s. ft.,,,, .-t.-mrrH Billions tl-ndacli", ]of.AppeiitF IM2Z1N1 S. COSTIVEFES. -E.^TIOH e Rheumatic Al" Wpnti ffleKn Oo,,i' Ur r"" Fth*"m»tic ,'7"r AlfcctiouS. torincity 0 'M,.5^..Wtorr*,u.'!a.j,l« as epieseutei HAHiyeJi#.*'00^ Mm*, •ember tbe dIi ttl give a call. A AAYiiHFQBX ri i^jrer, pitfjt Uekness H. arthorn, FevtMl Billions \ris. kH A C. "X National Motet, Watbiiiffton Utrert, corner of Welles, I (lilrata, III. uptendid Hotel i* pleasnatly 'eK.ated near a» bu.ine-is iHtnionofth citr, and Is kept in •togant style. H. 11. GILL, Proprietor. atrtJ.'. d3m ft twm JV* n«#9 8. Elliot i Co., Prop'n, CaMar of State end .Washington fkletto, til. This house is newly furnished. c-iii rally locat:- f, within u 1,-hn k ar two of all the public piactsa iu tuo city, and cuulauut the lar s reoni-. ofanr hotel iti hicngo. t•# "•Thi« house w ill he kejit in a first-class stile, i.t ol I puees, regardless of advances of other rhit'i*o h»te!«, ng25 'If WKBER, WILLIAMS k FITCH, is. in, i 11Lhke Ms., (liinigo. HITS, CAPS, Iffrf. FILL A.\» WIXTKR TKADE. 4^f. We are notv (-%•*-, to wile: th• IVaile from all setti' sis oi tl...- -4.-si, a 1 arfc. icry At tract ir sl.ek af Caps Furs* Robes Rai Spuria! .1 fitm* We beg to »in ...nt our Meek is net vur pB.-e* iu v.'ii t», niy! «. tt.t:ilUie» or Cat i-M a.'y u. be i-i«J i ,».«t in vv- si, nnd ijr.'ii as Ii •••a- a"', .Mi-..- k w St rtKli. ,n HI-i rtC a, i I _»!( «.r r" itcdviat s, v»i,tiit» st a i i.alih ii to ..l». i r"-iiiV,'_ ,,s I,.« tl, n Al »\ct- i ps' Pm i.e •*, wi.ivh we will do ttiruo^hi u.the Mi lenhoit, v, \i Wiiir n:iv is kegu 1 .»n.v ed i iiitl legiti \tn itclv '|uslilietl, tt.d has eape* n. e in ull fm ins df disi ase, a '•+u'. /kiK.wli-dg,- qttiie inde.-pensable ill ihe proper lrei-1 mei.t of the renerial diseases iu nil us «antl and comrdic,tied forms, und "lias i .- the tiea'.m -iii et ni-ivnte di eases hin biiniuus.-i and tudv. Exp'Tienoe. the best of tcneln-rs, has nabled htm lo per! -ei remedies at at oii'-c sutticit nt, «af?, petn n ni in in ine.,t cases eau l.e used without I i lo bu-siitess Particular ut. ntioi. eiv. a i olo Klai dm./ c.t es, such as were considered iecnrn'-le Svphilis in all turns C.mhii rho-a, Ch-« t, Stl ictiire.--, Orciiites, iliahetes, Blatiiiei and rinarv iiis. u::i-s. A No. the effects of Military hai-it-, both ruinoits to body and mind, and which produce some ol the following effects Blotchcs, B.idilv Weakness, Constipation. Aversion and Uneasiness in Fe male Society, Cnmanliness, Dread of Future Events, finally :i complete prostration of the vi tal iiovver-, he-s of i, t'loiy, linking in llie eat-, ia,i be ,'i.lU i.-sluiL-d lo health. )»r. W. i the publish' rot"an -wwork, entitled "Ntp the Evil ia the Bud," which will be scut lo all on receipt of 1" cents to picpny postage. All letters with stamp answered. Consultation free. Charges moth-rate and cure guaranteed. Dr. Whitter cures the very worst kind of rup ture in a lev. w.-i k". Po-i olfic" Box S&'.i-t, Olfie.- and Consultation Rom,- liit South Clark Street, Chicagi, You can er the Doctor evcrv dsv frorn A. M. to 3 P. a.l .:it :!\m v These Bilters arc prepared, in pure botubon vvhi -ky, from ii eoin'oiiiHtion of over 20 different kinds of roots. I .iti s nnd hcrb« whi'di nef in p«r fect conrert o-n with llie other, prepared from the original formula given by the e-r"ut chief, Red Ja( et, to Dr.Ciiapin.who Unfit l- in suf-cersftdly gai.c St.i, I. arising lc S'tfh r*' i Will Olci a wlm ii nr ijrtu ,•! i'i..n«' 1 R,- I -It" tl:- tal. i-ill u i u for Mt dif-al and Table uses, vvic ure, and need onlv he tried to the I ':. Sold hy all .'r.|.,-g sls and i!e tiers application to BI'N NKTT I'll I KKS A ro ,, THIS SPLEND!ii.f.EMEBY CORES 1 TOOTH AIM: ''{W NI fn Thrr* Stinut, lr, 1««, vl',..i,. HEAIIAIHK -"~v* Sick HeadachS, *. BASs. UF If a In Fire Mtrattii. BASs. UF If a Bll'iiVn. v" CEA.VIH COI.IC In T»u M'l.ato. 1 MKOICAL. CHEROKEE CURS TUB OK8AT INDIAN MCDICINE BOOTS, BABES^AIVD LEA An anfulltng tare ft.r .V,- H* ••-. 1".-•»», FIRS, I*" dl pion ,.e lh"!i it it-rests by ej- a'mninj. i -I k bifoi-e letving. %t iter, Williuius HII', Ss, k 111 U ud 0%U9. lie •ti ,i,t1!--i 1 II. eon ..vadtielje Tite") t.'-,, .tietly pi*c und , A!-.--. d-Iieut. ,... dl p.n I hey cut.i ,1 n bil'is he i.. ..• l?e^t* r-*, l. tu.-' ill I.n.i -1,1-if-. !m-i, ,»kc». Bit i'*iSare V,,.d 11 l.'.i ... ,11111 .111 I: ,,!i' lout, on the stik*. ortt druggist enport by Ueiderbeck A Miller WIZARD OTLf :, SOKE F. LA a 'rmirt rrlci, &mtrUt X' I'irf T" th, t.u. Butlskil nnd i!i*'ii•»,! into i l! »s L&tttf. iey::y I CH:»Jren»' Hats, Skating Capsf Furs, «o. CH£HOK£S INJ^CriON, Ooinpoanded from Boots, Barks and Leavw iMKIt.lKKK IIi:\iKDV. Ill" «r. :it lielinri Iiiiii41e ci\r«"* :il| dlM-am-* th»* frlnufy Ori-Hft". M^'iW l5i"nr»t5nt iH'- c.( th« f.'nnt\ of Fttfi.tmm »f' -.I "/'hft h'iw *. tf i/./w, Co. tfsiwt Sola such prepar- t'1,1 ... a ,11-n pe-' j.nbil.-. 1yT •olivine, tlx i!iost sfceptii al that i.i a': Mint ol tImm They stretuft'ien and invig.irate the system. They are iineipiulpd lor iri iu-t ul debility. They ate a sure en- lor d.vspep'l.i. They i vc it jr'vod and hea'thv appetite. Tn. v assi»i (ii./estioii. The v are !lie best sljmnl-'Dt in existence. Tli"-, i.-e a plweiUui- of !.»«•• tl' nr. Bll 'iiVn. v" 1 :, tl' nr llfli lAT Kew l!'iar» Kill.1 UASieH. la ff- Osjr» Kill. 1 UASieH. la ff- Osjr»^? LAME PACK. Pft .sl^? CUTS AMI liltt 1PF1P HI KV- f«: A1 1.- COItN^. 1 .. ril'.l.i!i M.tid 3 Thl» Ib»«'u trial n. i .| pf t(i.0 ,n Win 1111 wilt lif- if v-rt tu,, aili,'- l»t.,l Ts» one- Ivjll|. 4i. i y v li| H*s it It Js NEW rOKfc. ':%ad' (risa thff llan- of n ru. Frtee86c'ti'« and .1 e-n'» per I.. :••«.. oon'^ei ... n-»» :tir-« iim,-- ottlf". (M, Mv jifir"! k I A M-VV.V* V ns.'ui.ittuu m% '."liM-ia-i, s»i fm i^k I S. Bflsllf. kAiJa mii •W .f ,n ,«*,• cm .1 I .Si/^./V,ii, «urli ni If Jlfrmiiy, /..i «'/'. I' 'at I'l 'M-tl'irf n'*l Jr. Il'n* Amtt-'.thif, r.tstVi'wd, t. Srri/Jii f" IU T,-& f'.fr »»lt.V. t:), n„ mnl ail tl.e ilir.f miplslntu cru«i iu- fre:u thr inth ef iu.lur». nr- Tti!» a «i,n»»e nfi t»W» "iln.iSL mnler,, on wMrtt s.11 i-n:» rely, as It ts«n ulM ii. our |,r i-^iee fi.r nimir mol iih ttmuMUtf)* ir .t, Il .n ie I '.til.-J hi tt-. its earn'te.' )f-*.i- luiv.- 1- ,-n ».|!!Irietr. to jj»h, vlr. l,-rv nvr t'tr innKt-H«ttl.'Hi» sase. tbf'.t «iitik,tlie.t' tW-ik ttHluevl\i4 l-rtnl -tie r*«"li *,f ::i,tll^*1 -iM. we w- oM «iy. K r.rf tintilKKK ft RK -ill re •!.»«• -«t .iljh !ii,lv-f« at. I I.ft it! .plait. i!»i-ter '. ir 1, .41 C9T »Vt"f Tv.ti l-er I I III.. if,. -A. ..ct'iir n-llits. ami rwar-te.l Itv ffspreMIV' ullp "f the"i. l.l. |„":|,iil fr-n! t«r n .i't fr.,- a? tr.»t*jit', *'7 OR. W. n. McRWIN a CO., bit I t1 ," Ve-'-.-f I»vf-vr» «%. •itii SEWS FM tie nrmTiniTH. Tbc Lonjsiii'tl[or Dim'rci at CURE* I'Helii All Pii\ul« Oisottsit'H Cured Without Merctiry. U( in frmu our W1 in three, lit*.?, rititl i- rfip-i^HM.v r*romnif nU in ii h-v* mI I cr f«'»ii .!• s.) wlwrc ail *M luiWlIn •.!! !i»T" fulifl. U \s pt in a hl^1y »nrjii .1 rt i, X) oli.v t»fin fro u miv Wlm? f«1- tlir.-- tin)p dav. rr it 'hnrrti'' «nd ln!'« n if ifsh.j jtt. I 4.1 thf li'in!, It to INiw i»i ali «if if^ ^iint! v ntiij irt/v»r r»ftmv I n s i i y i i i s i liaif- iri«lu". -I .ii (II HOKM |\.lF, no\ i-ir.t.vM mii tt. v i M»- «'••«**•»Itr* IC "III* r|ahti hht.ui.l In- iiat'1 in in)iini ii(iti ill. thai Il'*i(i«- l'i till kii-. #'f !•••••. Uorwi U :i, I- turf A:iu«. or Util'i f. ItSffffOln arr li«*a)iii|(, itri«l demulo nt rnnovintf nil MaMlng, at atl4 pain, in-t-nd of the imrnlngiind tlni it un«*ndi.: |»ain tiiat in **x|Hrirnced with nearly nil thf rh«Cp •|iiack lii]-« lions. ISvtl:.. ON* of the rimtoKPT RKMF.HT, :.f.M JlHtoKKK I N.I n' |'|o\ il.- itVn iti ji.inHI i.t til CIIm frtit Y 1. liaru«-Mnre :iml 11«« IV.Hkih' i! .1/Hl» HTt r* H- torH to fnii i/..i :u,.i u-n.M IVi. -t lii-rok v jH»r btiitl «.r tine luMl 4-'. {fr* Pri- iHjeelloiM At |Wr lotil or itirc* Iwittl^ fi.r *"». ly %v at» addri'tnoii lj»t of 'T rii- fh^rjlire It'tvirdr* k«*t' Inji riltMi n i li^roitPi iiip, ar? •ol !»y I fi' jirU'-t,,' f)iu Ii: Viv «i liltcil Hfi 'ti. t* :ik «t iIvhI' r-t, J. .xi-vm, 'rylo «.r »iir|Mvin!• in iilaci llt.s, thom which thy viti |ior1i iA" ula ch- tt|» |»ii- -t nsnI mall# more l»y tli ni ihe can tin MtiuhI* ICIVICI*. As you viilue jrour health, ut olfit -, n\th- ^mty. Hint*' I by tii'-i' nsi .i e.ii'a, !ty ie itj. ,|t.,( .j,( j,. 1 'ii., i ij atimi, Sick leu! »'ei l'i-. i ai-il A ..-in and a!H -e.i--s I..-. !ivi liL-. -titin. I'i-imibs ilti'jri.f tin -a -ome l'«p ken •lire bv Uu o... of these B,iters, uly pur' aivl tree from all those lc. i ni u i in such prepar- h' Jtlth you** future on-jinhK, not «l» c. iv# hy iht mch unprincipled Dru/^iatd, "tt /or th*** »i'//'i,j.1v« tind tiikf i "/If th- lru»f"l»t* will riot l»u thafll for you, ciicl.t'c ruoii*»v in a tt* r, aikI wc «1|| i» fwl th. ro t.» you hy #-curi*ly au4 packfl fr-- fr»»m ol»i*rv«tifii. liti'lii'H or fili 't.ifri tn aMr^itii lii ii rfrct ci.nft-l-itc-, f:tlh aii'l plainly t!i* ir flV naf« ami ."Vr-jt'-'rui, w- tr nt ull tlUcait* a rhtonl« Datur- in himI iin' I'.i'i it* n--il not luailiite twc uis- of tht-ir Innhitity to vUit u#, a« wt liairt* treated paMctitx micci HKiuMy in nil jM«rU^hi« o th. clr llii* 1 t'l I1*-.-, hy or- jioml- ii»*«, Pa»i' ntn atl'ittrill |»J"jn*i» |»lnjt»ljr all the ry 1 i»v ir .•• inpj .lot*, nml n rit|*cigt» nu*\n:-.m of uritcr, |»ialn, aal incl*ininp fur r« j»i v. W': ne/ft 'tt .'M i»4j- t*.i THjihht ft-"' to nii.v A ai! it: 14 ft.r JVtmiifiMf oradvlccil U*e propii-1 i's Dr. W. R. MERWfN &CO., Nt,. IJ!. 1 v t, N' *v V -rt. A* COOK. 4 No, Maiki-l hti t, fJ. n^n.i Ay nt for th»r of lilinM ', I W|«. 'tistti, Mh til Mnl ho Ulii l',U|rgii«.4 f-' i r'-.ii'u! *-S at Who! side- iti rhka# hjr trusft. A frt.tWH r. ii. A ClntTti A V^ ii.A.K: \X. Il, IIII k ict M. M.'ovtti.. RF.NWICK 4 CO., A ,t. 1 K1,'I{W AJTD DLAlffiKM l* UM I: li r-'liPie IMA Framing inihcr, Clear stutr. VncIng, Stdiii?, Idtlli, p'l'.'e. I-am. e to lie u a Lauiber V .tt Rridge, nnd 14th. Da. n'-r. W'i I'it'kf Is, all of witich IS sehl at the vm-v lowest inarkst Will i!t,d it grt atij, rs nn i 1 11 !-:/e I pi'if |u.'i c- i t, ale i:..t -t, b. It i1:" Baiiroud it 18th tuid '|f mut umKit.^ BRK\U Jf,L1VKH ei The I'l-oiirit'tiir!) IN I'A v EM'OltT Ok tf Roek Island, their Criau and Amber lies and Porter -J'.".'1" ,!1- are pet! pure, and need only he tried fob. ippteeiate^.-'- CHR fi STOPII f:R C'l'l I tfff' Kone ge-tmne unless thev have utir f/r-V '//..' on I //, rin *-.1^ I'lilttMy ea- li 1,-c i Ie, at,'! our iuitia!-i pn n i( III nas ei s"'"r t'!r Present use Ale snd jJ.J 1^-2-5 quarter, H\ A'c ««d Porter i/y Uie bbl., halt O. A li .-'! FR!». l'' tlirou- tu ut liu-couiitn Ua'l tor our good* aim SSjrand Rork Island s-.m i., take no other. Circular* to the tntflf- ino,,,ii^| U" Sold by No. 81 River St...Chicago. I h-. 1:!''"'*«"?'•»»». Ihat "Of»!t V.'FS I' 01 CORN| |t j, JW i -hei to inform tli« cilir-r* i rm 9 a intendence ol the best eti mui tans Eut mte ha wntneti to nay ilmt he w»U iftvc naiiafaci *u|»er« pe, ba ion to all which he U'at rants s perfect cut e if curable— The greater p..n -I ti.. „ie Mow l-o»l Mow Mesiarrd /uut fcaUd Knntiopt. I'rir, li -g||a Alecteke »••*«*. ox the nature, Mfc.Nl and Radicsl Curt uf hp. i mi t.,n litea, e-r ,-scij"i,a| Invoiuatarv Ku.tssiuna! ii ''"Pediments to Ac l«presr«ial*ie ifa-nUa» ara a uiai^eiii i/ehutiiicd by th- jof. /&t Christadoro's Hair Dye, which, wttuo'it the slightest »roi.l.|„ ,',,,u,-|*.4fc l1'6 'he head, a, Jne W' shade of brown or the most p.-t i.-t Mock l.adiea cuii use it without soiling tiietr tto^ef- Ii it,, most e\tK-diiimig hitiruye tn tiie w uId ,|l# iromcvety p«,i 'bat ..Msir-s a nourishutj.- and ™em«im*5 v ge«.,!,| -ti, 4,1,1 .Th* iff, lp culwwi shoeing or wan: i pj i, «tnu nt. jMj' manhood: '"I el iiuningi K*"€^"y Nervousness, Consumption, Kibmsr and_t,u M-mal and Phvsieal Inca^atul rf. .Urm, v UoitsaT *"*w«ll, M. author of the "A JJoou to ThifU»uttd« oj tiutiervri* rent under se al, in a piuin env, lopi, io am i Orens,/**//ad. oil receipt ol R,x .cltls or r^stio^e SI. r:t.:ps. by DP *. hl.tNE !.• py. stew Ol k ij.i,,,,., e:n!,Llt Kt •f 1'^ :-1' lu^ieilielti w *m«.iu«B» hrinlatior'* Uuir Pre»rrrnii a valuable adjunct to tjie Dyt, ia dr,.„:,„# j. stf-V au i u i e o w a n e e k e a i a wnen n-td a |Mua proie'is the Ulw* tron, decay- iy,tlcr Mllufc. ttftu-fauces tuia under ail climate*, if ,,lu,.rtZL} a ^.V. J1 |M "W**