Newspaper Page Text
tiftlo TEBMS 80,66 ^ER ANNUM: VOLUME 10 RIAL imn AKD ISSUANCE All NOT JOIIN L. 8WITS ft CO., in iwiti, 1.1. nu, T. RC€«^IB MT. ^laprtv«4 4 Oiiapmd Fi«» *. CITY LOTS, SbeWiff Braw« BttN* Boughti Sold anl Leased* i, House Lots for Sale* ,Jjrsi A »arjc*lM. Those eligible bnildinti lota eome* of A llwlt Ulaml street*. being l«o feet n Twelfth and Hirk Island streets front on south side r.'tli street, and l&o feet on ••SM side of Rock Nland »»r: t. lie above 1- v- r.v line location: price very 1 term* niiron.n.otdy euy-i small amount cash down- balance on lung U'Bi of years at I low rate oT inter.'-t. Ko. 41. hot on Itradv street, west side, 65 feet ant bv 145 feel 'price very low. On pay ment for tit* I'd tU» IWU.'H trtbuUdttiH ht loutud s "or a I'riit of u&l/n it tlx ptr cut. No. 2-. On Br«dy street, l*i" feet front by 160 deep—fenced. I'rite It it per fro at )wi. Mo. I. On Third street, lot Ko. 10l'»rer'eaa 4. tion, fcorner lot, (price, |2"". No. M. Four house lota in Davison A Trua'a Addition $1.V*caeli. Terms »a«r. Koa. 81, M, 88. Thirty house Iota in 81 ay ma tter's addition $l"o to $1-V «a!i. TorniB easy. Ko. fit. A T«IU»I»IO city lut H. E. cornt-r of 4lain'»ni t'ollego Ati'ime" '2'K» foot on Main by Ji19 feet on Coll'j{'' AVPIHIC and comtnumlin^ feet on L^llfg!' Aveiiuo ana cm aatifiil rivet v««. rrke$lJMt I WETVORE'S IDilTIoiii (Commonly known aa "1* Claire'a Patch,' Is ROW HID OFF IITO LOTS .OF an PDICES. MO THEY HE REMN SALE W VERT EAST TERRS fun LOW PRICES* ileaae Lota, Store Lota, Wareliouae Lota, Faatorjr Lota. Store Let* for aale. Ho. 47. One on 4th St., juatiant of Mrady St. Ko. 48. Four on 4th Si., near Railroad bridge. Homm fter Male. Ko. 10. In Mnliiic. 111., a two-story brick dwel illK house, M'itli lot b\ 1 -V» lvi t,cor. Lvnd. uud mnn Stv. Tito house is in poul condition, in nt»w '•-'Jilted |"^»."-tiin given in A" day*. (Theliousa. loat fU.l'H'. i 1'rice of house anil lot, ou« jEril caah balance on long time at low intercut No. JW. A brick dwelling house on E-iJd St. 60: fs^i cash, rest on tinv at S [f-r cent. ilo 87. The estate now owned and occupied ty Oeo. S. C. low, Es|.,b. in) tlie dwelling hoime lad tbree full lots, ft outiu(( itouih upon litU St., forner of Farnuin street. llti»hou*e is in per Ect repair, having been litteii up br the owner jar himself. The entire arrangement of the house •fli tasteful and comolcte. The view from thia WIM ia unsurpassed. Terms caay. Ko 38. Brick bonne and lota, aoutheaat cor- tateof*"forand er 4th Main Su., knowu aaThorington es 1 ft. front on cucb St. Friee t'i.1 may Jleamin n term of year* at a low rate of interst No. 2. Frame house south side !Jd street, ona fcll. west of lJrady street price, |1,8*W. Two •fiirda n»av remuiii ou mortgage at sn per eent. '•Il Fana* Waatei. ience Ml) IpWP w.». *5 |Wlih»l* Block, (up 80 We want to purchase improved fai-ms 140 acres each. foraii fbr Hale, Ko 75. Kigh'.r acre farm, 1 mile from the fcity limits, on the wo-t Al)i aa lirovo road, all iindar tine cultivation and leiice, with gooduwell jiur and out buildings well wutercd, truit orch Jffd, etc. A r*ri/ilrfiral'lt/•hie*. I'rice $5,(X«' Kl (hill Cilbll, lilllallC" n time to suit. So. 7«'i. 7S aere farm on the Iowa City i Locust treet road, 5 miles from the city, nil under new 'half under cultivation, balance bastuie And timber land. Good t*o atory fi ante dwell ing, with necessary out builtiings, etc. Price cash. No 6i'.. i'arni of acres on Kiver road be Iweeu Princeton anil Leelaire huge orchard, welling, barn and ut bouses. Price $2,a0" fc cash, bJcnce on time to suit. No. 70. One 1»V» acre farm in ClconaTownship Iboui 5 miles north ol Fulton and l)ui ant ata 4ions on the M. A M. Railroad, all improved and feuder fence and with good house and baru AK'T Acre. No. 72. One other l'W acre farm situatod near .he above, with like improvements. per jlftcrc* No. 21 120 acres unimproved land near Du t»nt, at per acr cash, balance in five trears at tan per cent. S'X) acres in Linn County, (oO improved and jpwder fence.) Price *1 .'W». cash. 40 acres in Iowa county at per acre. 29'W acres in Sioux county at #1 per acre. 1040 acres in Clay county at 1 per acre. 940 acres in Hancock county at^l per acre. j§3 1000 acres in Winnebago Co. at 1 per acre. k. JBWOO acres at $1.j» acrc. 4000 acres ail '.I.'V per acre. ISO acres in Tama county. 180 acres id Story county. 1^400 acres in (iruudy county at $2 per acre. 600 acres in llutler county at 50 per acre. 1 looo acres in Mower co., Minn, at per acre $40 acres in Hou»ton County at $2.50 per acre, v* 500 acrtt of '•auJ in this {ScvU) county at Mrmcr«, $S I E I N S U A N E mate Capital ]||artftr4 Ffart Iiwrtiee €«e» OF HAWTFOHD, C0XK. Mi rirt lanuraaee I OFKEWTOBK. Itfantk VlMlmraMe C«g OFKIWTOK. Ik* New York. Imvimc Hew Uavea. Inliilill or SFKUaFIELO, MASS. FILE INSURANCE. IdNgaiaCaylial lid KannMc C«a, Hartlbrd, Cass., Maa |JH ImaraBM C*^ •r iuliou,con*, it* Tat Ufclsmiwfi, Hew York: lnwMf Ufc lay saw C*«, Hrw TCMtp -OTJ Aivw* DAILY DEMOCBAT. I M. Pamaaoa. A C«., K». 7 rut lit, HawTark aa4 State ati act, laalaa, are aar afaota la Ikaaa eitin an aw aalborlaaa to mm, lafca adrwll—anuUa»4 lafcmly- llaa* for aa at oar lawaal nM. O.I.Manal,N Paartaw atraat, Ofclaafa. la aa thoriaed to raaaira adreetiaeawete lar thlayayar. E I W K I -rV i 71, tJ ,'1 AM Pl'MmillMI •ULES FOR GOVERNMENT SERVICE. CaU V'.- SMITH'S IalTcrjr ISMIe, In the Alter in front of the Poet OflUa. Darenport, Oct. il.—dim I'm ailting, aadly dreaming Rr •lfi ii wiixAM light Hut v'«t«T-ijiglit, 1 saw so brightly beaming. 1 JACOB WASHBURW TO THE WEBS SISTERS. [Copied from one of tbe Washington papers.] While midnight stars are beamiiiK, A And through my fancy ringing 1 hear sweet voices singing. And a melody That will not'die, To my ruptured sense is clingi)|f. And in my dream romances, *v Knshrined in love-lit fancies, With a'i imiiert face 1 A*i-i a fairy s graee, A brown-eyed beauty dances. And in tbe rotate vista. Soft smiles ablne-eved sister, With a deeper glow On clieek nnd brow, Where tbe lot ing suns hare kisaed lief. Tlieeveof one "lenning With the diamond'* fiery sepmk^ An! its light give's birth, To the blaze of mirth, -s In-quenchless lustre treaminijfc The othei'seye in sliininir,— Two willing hearts entwining-•* Like a tranquil star That lieains afar, The holy midni rlit Mirining. i Their matchless charms confessing, Kouud both these eliug caressing. The grace of youth, *«i The light of truth. And git luood's stainless blessmf, They have gone, bu' left behirifltt(n, The frii iiils who've fondly shrined them, In the soul's il'-cp cell. Forever to dwell. With love's soft elaitn to bind them. Faoy the Fairest Flowers of France is e*tract ed the perfume of Lubin's new toilet requisite, Floriline." This peerless lleautifier and Re storer of tile hair ia founded on new and impor tant discoveries in tonsorial science, and cannot fail to give aatisfaction. It gives the hair a rich, luxuriant gloss, causes it to curl, and affixes it in any desired position it is. moreover, the most delicate purfumc ever axTRACTBn vaoa Flowbss. Go TO TUB BUST.—Go to Bryant A Strat ton's Chicago Commercial College, to get a thorough practical business education, or to Iecome a good sound telegraph operator.— For circnlars address (enclosing stamps) Bryant & St rat ton, Chicago, Illinois, dwly. BrsiNcss EDUCATION.—To procure a thor ough knowledge of book keeping and get a thorough practical business education, at tend Pratt's Commercial. College, corncr of 5th and Brady. Every facility a Honied at reasonable rates. Reduced rates to disa bled soldiers. nvTdAwly "THE difTercncc between a fool and a wise man." The wise begins where the fool lcave9 off. The wise insure their Life and Health before disease overtakes them. The tcite require no argument to prove that a few thousand dollar-? left to a helpless family will sare them from vice and misery. The true know that ilvc or ten dollars per week is not only a relief but a support to a family visited by sickness. Become wise lefore it is too late, and examine a subject that interests the human family in the high est degree, at the office of WX. ALLEN Ixoalls, Room No. 2, over Macklot's Bank, Corner of Brady and 2d streets. fct 10-dtf. WHITE'# Daxciko ACADEMY, corner of Sd and Brady streets. Class always open for beginners. Class for ladies, masters and misses every .Saturday at 2 P. M. Gents' class the same evening at half past seven.— Spectators will not be admitted except by special invitation. nov2-dlm. STOVES.—The place to buy the Stewart and Challenge Cooking Stoves is at Geo. W. Smiley's, 2d st., between Main and Harrison. WHEBETOBct Dbt GOODS.—Henry C. Potter Co., corner of Brady and Second streets, have opened the choicest stock of ladies' wearing apparel yet. They offer them at reduced prices, and warrant every thing all right. Save ten or fifteen per ccnt. by purchasing yoor dty foods at this popu lar eoneem. Da. FiUAab, tin celebn$s4 Spanish Physician, is at his office, on Main street, Davenport spMftwt All READY.—To*mm tell UM nala pop* oktionof thia eomtjr and those atyoining, tkattfthay wast Mat, aabstafltfal and cheap sttHatlNttfcey can save money by calling Sam Perry, apposite the Post OSes. He has a faulty of making perfect fits, and mating very little disturbance among your Omfjli, ?e t|m man yon all vaQt to aaa. Vwranr.-^batman, ar—ia,—dChildren r^|ol^||V iHfMBdtMaraarfnd thalargial oi» THE LOCAL ITKMa. BX! Kaaffrn Expresa CIOMS at We.*tern EzpreMctons at No calls made after NorNl* 6:15 P. V. :S0 A. M. -.M P. M. Lt, Agtnt. Bkbibd.—Lincoln, Pric* and Tborington ran behind their ticket in thia city at tbe late election, but not quite enough to ensure their defeat. RBAL ESTATE AKD Inscrakcb.—Attention is directed to the card of L. T. Ead*, Esq., in another column. At his office in the National Bank building he may be consult ed to advantage by thoae wishing to buy, sell, or lease land, obtain insurance, etc. Foa RE*T.—-A frame dwelling boose two stories high—0 rooms, located on 2d street, next to French k Dairies' saw mill, for rent. Apply on the premises, or to Mrs. Tichenor, No. 182 Main street. STEAM rp.—French ft Pavies having re ceived a'raft of about 906,000 feet will steam up in a day or two at their saw mill on 2d street, and run as 1 ng as practicable. POST DHICK.- V^e notice in some of onr exchahge8 that the scramble for Post Office emoluments has begun, rotation in office is the cry. We have heard it here already —to the extent of canvassing for a succes sor to the present incumbent. Tbcro will bo a sharp fight over spoils, and the resul1 will be more sore heads that satisfied ones. Wo believe that a petition is soon to be cir culated here touching the future occupancy of tho Davenport Post Office. Our advice to democrats in to let the abs. fight it out among themselves. fit TABLEAUX.—The prospect of a deci dedly rich and interesting time at LeClaire Hall on Friday evening, is improving every day. TIN* labor of producing the most in teresting tableaux ever witnessed in this city, is in competent hands, and the public may rest assured that there will be no dis appointment to those who attend. Besides the pleasure of spending a pleasant evening will be aided the gratifying assurance that the proceeds are to be applied to a most worthy object—that qf providing a home for the friendless. I,et the public bear this in mind, and the fair sons and daughters of our city fail not to make up a handsome sum on Friday evening. JAB. REPOET.—The Report of Jailor Ack lcy embracing the time from Mav 2d, 1864, to Nov. 0th 1664, shows that 78 commit ments have been made in that time, and for the fo. lowing crimes: tirand Larceny, 28 Petit Lnrceitftt Robbety, 2 Vagrancy, Horse stealing, 4 Burglary, Insane Attempted Rape, Malicious Mischief, 1 Rape, False Pretenses 1 AdulttJTf Abandoning Child, 1 The most prevalent crime (tttl1fi|^fl^ist summer seems to be the desire to appropri ate others, goods, and chatties. Assaults have been comparatively few, where the party has not been able to pay up and keep out of jail. This argues a plentiful supply of money. The County Boarding House has been crowded all summer, and the worthy jailor is at a loss to know whether to build a more commodious house or retire and let some one else make a fortune out of the catering business. Mr. Ackley is spoken of in praise by his numerous boarders. Notwithstand ing the high price of all kinds of food, they nil concur in stating the remarkable fact, that he don't charge them a cent, more for board than he used to when Greenbacks were at par. This is not the usual custom, but Mr. Ackley is a man that thinks well enough ought to be let alone. The present session of Court will proba bly reduce his family considerably* THE VOICE of the Peotlr.—IFFBTTLJF is one of the dearest blessings which our fore fathers have handed down to us. It was purchased by the blood of many a valiant revolutionary hero has been guarded by a Washington, a Jefferson, a Clay and Web ater. But dearer still to the hcarta of a people is that world renowned remedy known as Coe's Cough Balsam. It aires like magic tha most violent attacks of croup, and is indispensable in every family of children. Colds, sudden oughs, sere throat, hoarsness, and inflamed lungs are instantly ani surely cured by its timely use. No cough mixture baa ever been known that equals it, whiob aceounta far its great popularity with all classes The young and old—the rich at.4* poor—physi cians druggists—and all who have ever tested It speak in the highest terns of its merita. Wa say to our readers buy it and try It. II coata but 40c. the bottle, contains twice as much SNdicina is you can' obtain in any other way at the same oost, sad all our drug stores keep it Tnc LEE Semimart.—The second term of the Lee Seminary for young ladies, at Du buque, will cammence on tha 29th sf No vember. Excellent facilities for the acqni aition of a thorough education are offered ia tfcie iaetitetien. Tcnus brheir^»ndtiri fthm in dl English bmnches, $80 lens ftW tirma in the year. Tha usual extra changes for music, French, drawing, paint ing, etc. OolW gists Uploads MrtiJsd to those who ilnB •iai|ilsti thsconrssaf li Uch (Mr. AddNM. Ibr fMhtf naiflrn lan, Un. DAVENPORT, IOWA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1864. lUrtmllaiili lssi|i 11 IMCIaU—.. Imm L. ARH. •OftarlM M. r-—w ,, IkrAnssie^lMs. WUbm Ium— •J. B.UAH Casslsr V mi •m •*. O. •—dstahott ....... fVlWiir mm hm* Jasiah A. Imi|w. p. a»i*oca IWA^ntawii Q»ml. C«TO. fftfis IL Hanro*. 1IM fr*—....... *0m. I farter.........._ fto JWff* HA ilMrM. /. BooU msfc—a fW Hsilni. Robert Lo«r]r__~~»~.. A. M. Utlasr,.. 'AM P. Haiuoa •K. autaklllMr...M— #W M—ordtr. Jmm— Thortagtoa.^M....... •4M«ar.ii*sL IV CJsrA Dt*trim Onti. Maht'.a D. Baydar ............ •Btram WbMtor VhoM aurktd tkua t*) wmPianwtli amidldstea. both times tbe work has been given to an other officc through enmity to this office or something else. But we are of the perse vering sort of animals and we propose to try again. In making the proposal we shall be governed by the requirements of the Secretary, and not do as the favored party did last year—twe an inferior quality of paper and take our own time to do the work. Let us see if we are to have fair play this time. ONNSBF.n FORWARD.—From the following dispttch to Maj. Duncan, it will be seen that the powers that be, have ordered all soldiers absent on furlough, to report for duly at their respfctive military positions. They received leave of absence for the purpose of coming home to vote, and having voted should return at once. Read the letter: WASHINGTON-, NOV. 11, 18#4. To Mtjor Thom t* I'"nan The Secretary of War has ordered that all officers nnd enlisted men absent from their commands shall return to tbe same immedi atei v, and all furloughs and leaves of absence are revoked, except as to commissioned offi cers absent on sick have, in order, or by virtue of certificate of disability duly filed as required by the regulation of the War De partment. All officers and employees of this Bureau arc ordered to make spccial ef forts ta secure prompt and thorough com pliance with the Secretary's order. Men who arc absent from General Ilopitals will be returned to the Hospital from which they were furloaghed. All others will be sent by Provost Marshals to their respective posts, companies or regiments if the same are with in convenient reach. If not they will be sent to the nearest general rendezvous, to be for warded thence an soon ss possible. The in tention is to put every man belonging in the military service on his properduty, or at his post at once. Officers of the Bureau will af ford every facilily for the prompt and con venient return of all, in compliance with tbe order. All who make themselves deserters, by failing to report, will be arrested and re turned witii charges. as. B. Far, Provost Marshal General. TNE RESULT.—The official vote of this county we give elsewhere. Again the de mocracy of old Scott are beaten -outnum bered—out-voted, two to one, but they are not conquered. Those who have stood gal lantly by their colors through all these past four years and borne them aloft through the most adverse and trying circumstances are not going to flinch now. That same spirit of determination burns as brightly now that wc are defeated as before. It is not with us to fight and then surrender, but fight and then prepare to fight again. Wc are whipped but we are not conquered —we are outnumbered but not dismayed we arc compelled to fall back but it is only to our cntrenchmenls where we will recu perate our energies and prepare onr forces for another, another and if need be still an other struggle, but wc will rescue the land fiom the hand of its enemies and carry'out the plan originally made by our honored 'revolutionary fathers. Let no democrat falter in defeat but plant himself more firm ly upon his principles and be ready for the next contest There are fourteen hundred and twenty-five lion-hearted democrats in Scott county. They will not swerve a hair, Your cause is right—stand by it COMMKItCIAL. frsw —part Marfccut. or *m .5 JuliaJL tjfa,Prinrinl,ar Bt BsV. fl. W• .OlMMpfWt, At Aaan.—JPattt# Alsisssaid S*naroa» ftsaamr,! Friday e*m*ff, K*r. it f. *1^ *4/ GREATEST NUMBER. JMlVM 9f UMll NfflNk Sift* 1M4. in If ft INI tat U M4 n IN S4 41 MM MSI «S 144 41 14» 44 in Ml lH 41 144 ts 41 111 SB 44 ITM SM4 1UT MB MS ITS 41 144 TS 44 111 44 SIM MSI |IMS BM MS IM 41 MS IS 41 111 rn MM 141 14* 41 141 111 14 44 SI -M 44 Mrt ns 14* Ml u •1 ST MM 14U Ml 1ST 1T4 44 MS TS 44 ST MM Mil 1 144 B* 1411 ST U ST 44 M4T UM IM 1T4 41 MS TS 44 ssj •4 XM tast 1 ml 144 84 141 sd fl 14 14 srl 14 44 M14 DYSPEPSIA, NKKVOIS:ESS AND DEBILITY.— Dr. Strickland'* Tonic..—We For sale by Druggists generally at fl per bottle. Prepared by Dr. A. Strickland, 6 East Fourth street, Cincinnati, Ohio. july20-d&wtf. Metropolitan Theatre I 2d Street, between Urady and I'erty. F. J. W] LDM AN,.... Lessee A Manager, 0. B. liaACa Stage Director. J. Straaser, U usical Director. Ureal Atlraclioaa. He-engagement for six uiglita only, of the talca ted Star Sisters, MISS EXXl AD1 WEBB. Ji~tJn»Jay is. 1444. Fixiea.—Retail g»,20 hbl. paper sacks SWanAT.—No.1, bulk Wholesale bbl.j paper sacks .40 |s.00 bulk. well oleaaed, round and plump. Club, Tfca and Oalea* fl.S4h all sound, net clean monzh for So. 1, $1,150. Coax.—No. 1, sonad, plasta sad dry, Its. OATS.-No. 1, clean and souaa, 52c. Vabuv.—tl.S4#1.40, s vi iff PoVAtesa.—4&<GS IF .(«-• 4* Omoxs.— *"*r y.-flfWi Warn BEARS.—#2.00$FTDFC •. FfcAUBBD.- #S.00$a.X4, Ttaannr.—#4.40. Cwvia.—gfcifOi torn lath Haw Torn. )U«r*i4 Ftoca-10®15e better. 10.14 extra Mate 11.10«11.80 ft. H. Q. WaaAT 'llarketltiS eeata better. tS.MCU }#40.4« Bfnafi%aiet. 4^eer^e HiTkn Mksad flBstM. Bissas liaiPi Bsia spaaal at MHi Evening, Xov. tr 4& -3 Mil MM MSI IM fM IM 114 •1 MS IS 44 111 ai ins MM Hi 144 Ml 44 u 44 ST 1 44 MM IMS «$ MS 1W M4 44 Mil 44 BTM MM 1M Ml 44 ST MM Ml M4 IM 41 MS IS 44 111 STM ISM Ml 11 41 SI 44 MM I4M 14 MS 114 144 It 111 44 am ma Nil 144 i Ml U 44 SI 44 14M 1147 IM IM 144 44 111 SIM UM MB MS 44 Ml 14 4S ST 44 MM UN M4 MS IM at M4 TS 41 111 44 (IM 14M 18 IM 141 u 11 VI 44 MM MS Mt MS IN 61 IM IS 44 MS SS 44 tier un IM SI Ml IS 44 ar 14 44 MM UM un l'i, 1SC4, Will be pi eseuted tlie Grandest Drama of the TICKET OF LEAVE A. IN" I'ronouuceJ by upward* of eighty thousand peo ple who have w:tnj.?jJ it, to be the uioat thrilling Dramatic lVrformanca ever produced. SCAL« or Patces —Hress ('irele, 50 cts J'ar qnette, 25 cts Reserved Seats 75 els, to be had at the bos-ollice of the 'I'heatie during the day, Doors open at i —remmenve at u cloek. No iu ]iri|er characieis admitted Good order will be ti.foiccii To-day'» Advertisements. I„7 T. E ADS, REIL ESTATE INSURANCE AGENT, l»AVtXI'OKT, »U\VA. Oiitc? ia National liank building. W iI.I. atti ii to the purchase and sa'e of Bell IMate. payment of tuxes, renting houses, making Collections, Ac. Nor. 15, dlnio NEW AND VALUABLE iUSIC BOORS. Tea Croat's WBEATB.—A Collection of Sacred and Secular Ciioruses from Oratorios, Operas, and Popular Rice and Chorus Hooks, doiwi as a Standard Rook for Choirs, Musical S»ri- tit s, Conventions and Schools, and containing the Most Desirable I'ieces for Private Practice and Public Performance.—$1,50. Tan «M U. or TnoBoi oii BASS, by Edward B. Oliver, I'riiicioal of the Mendelssohn Mesies' In stitute. It. ston. Tl*!s volume embodies the prin cipal ideas n!ained in the elubonue w .rks of French, Ueiuian and Italian Masiers d' Music, disencumbered of obscurities of expression, and tiiii-Je pliiinto tli- understanding of'all grades «,f ?tud'.'iits. For beginners, and even for advanc ed scholars, as a book of reference, it will be found invaluable. Cloth, *17 Boards, 50. Yorv LADIM' VOCAL At AM.—A collection of Choruses. Trios and Duets, originally written for Fema'e roiecs. Selecte1 and adapted for the n-ie of Academies, Seminaries and Sineinjj Clas- By Charles D. 1. Adam, teacher of music at the fluffalo Female Academy. Including a course of Vocal Exercises and Solfeggios by Rossini. $1,60. Thk OpcnA or FAt sr, bv Qonnod. Italian and English Text. Prefaceo by a Sketch of the com poser and the principal incidents of the plot.— (Complete,) $4. Mailed, poet-paid, on receipt of price, by Publishers, Old VER D1THON ington street, Bostoa, Nov. 15. df. mm IKiUl IIIIlTilllUI, AT Lfi CLA1RK HALL, FrUa| Ireiiig) HeteeNMStl, VOR TBS BENEFTl? OF TBS ItlE IT TIB rilENiLESS. AKUMBKft OF LADIM AKD OBKTLS- HK.1 have eaamlai to appear ia a series •f Tableaux to aid the above benevolent nbjet. M1S0 ALICE HUMCML, the aewmpfislied yotithful Violinist, has kiadhr eon seated to play. gTRAgSEft'S BAKD w«nhcaiah masic dw iaa MM eveafag. CfMula Oaa Dollar eaeb fer children, hMf price! Caa be obtained of Messra. Plw BMr. iaeoby aad Wdiaea. As theeatfrw anesaas ate take derated ta aberttv, ftwt will he uo/rm WHOLESALE P. BRTAlHkl ios, tast can recom mend those suffering with Loss of Appe tite, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Nervousness and Nervous DebilLy, to use Strickland's Tonic. It is a vegetable preparation, free from alcoholic liquors it strengthens the whole nervous system it creates a good appetite, and is warranted to cure Dyspep sia and Nervous Debility. __ adwissfsai. aadgea- ttoaMn and ladies amnriu ia the taMeaax wfM he reowkwd to uaiBaasstWmta gov. 11-dtd •OOIAL BALL. rjlHI DAVEKPWr QVApttLLKBAirD will OHlLOtOa hAtn Llath Chmtna, BraceUtm. Gold the Co., J*rncffa, 277 W •ah- TABLEAUX AK0 ti BOOTS & SHOES* TXTS AM KOW RKCIITIMI A &AMM AKD 1»IL& STLLDLB v v aad|Bboaa^ te *kM we invite attention of .. ,(fl COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Otar Oooda are all fresh aad bought direct from mannfacturess. 0«w facilities fer bvytag an I T« eaable tta te eompcte with any Rotate In tile tfict 91 arvkaata Tlslllag ilir Cltjr Are requested to call aad examine onr stock before making.thelr p«rcbafjj|r IK R. SIMPSoJi spl9-dly Books. Bookd JNII Ko. 50 Brady Street, Bancroft's History of the United Sttbet Complete Works of Thoman JHTenMlt Pr iscott's Complete Works Kirk's Clisrles The Hold Addison's Works Complete Goldsmith's Animated Nature Illustrated Complete Wot Us of Thomas Hood Cooper's Works beautifully lllustraMtt Hugh Miller's Works Complete Macauley's History of Knplnttd JUallaiu's History ofthcMidtTc Agp^ T)'Itraeli'« Amenitle? r,T 1 .It rat are Halliiiu's .jiHtitntional Mi-itoi v o! Kn glaadj D'lsraeli's Curiosities of Literature Burto S Anatomy of Melancholy Charhs l.iunb'a works v D'Toe.niille's Democracy in Auteriea| Uibbou's History of Rome 1.. Peas*, Specuulem, Me, Baremeters, a very useful Inairaasat for Farmera aud others. WMeh Jtepmtriugf Deaeby experienced Workmen in the best man ner, aad Warranted to (live I\rftrt tiiUUfaetion at OURRT'S on Brady Street, 3d door above £d. scpS-tf HEW JEWELSY 8T0RE! D. W1LLSOI AKX0UKCBS TO TBR "D18P1CTFCLLT JLV people of Darenport, and vicinity, that he haejaat apsardat his new store, oa St, Srst deer aheve $d, a earefblly seleeted, aad va aasortment of WATOKS, IL0CKS i i* .ti. lb E W1TL n emieasiag amy aiedera style aad patera, beeewaatreaaefkably kwlgwre. Also Y VMB arises, aftii'isill aMistiis ta tha waata of tta paMishehepsataiaseSa nMtfN aiii.iii m&M** AO CENTS PBR I ..-.* f" /»•c'u -a *L tot**4! .••/•' .-: ..• "T -A NUMBER-S7. BXCLVIITBLT. i-fuh -*i l* SETH P. BRYANT. il '1 'ft'"* P. BRYANTS COn rl atrnat liulwa«it Baa w Ko. 25 Second street between Bradr and PetnrT* r* bsveuport, Um. /'i n i v i t- Mteetired ml PLUMMER'S H» Butler^Bell Kerlen of Pods, elegantly illmtralN if Vols. Turkey Morocco aiitlqnr. Sabbath Bells, Pfeetnr of the Fields PeetrV of the Year, l'oetiy of tlie Woods, Ilcroufi's Song't of the A0*4flthNM| Mooie's Irish Melodies, Memory »ud ilrpe. Butler's small quarto Editions of the following Works bound in turkey AMtPfW an* of I tha work*** tiquc and gilt, the richest and most gorgeous volumes that the hand and the pencil of the Artist have yet produced Macauley's Lays of Ancient Rome, Cambcll's complete political works, Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, Keble's Christian Year, Thompson's SeaadM.' Burn's complete Poetical Works, Adam's Sacred Alcg'jries, I ichor's Poetical Works, Roger'a complete Poetical Works, Goldsmith's Foctiial Works, Head's Female Poets of America, Harts Female Prose Writers of America, Stevens' Parables of the New Testament. The Stock of Photographic Albniiu and Boolfii .'!•Z* in fine binding cannot be exn-lhd in variety of style or beauty of finish by anything^ The Juvenile Toy llook department is very complete And parties looking for liO^ sents for the Young People cannot fail to be phased. Also a great variety of Stationery, Blank Book*, Gold Pens, Pocket Cutlery, Purses and Pocket Books, Portfolios, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Indies' Baskets Scotch Fancy Goods, &c.,&c. Call and examine go ids and prices before makinjr bur' chases. AMERICAN HATCHES, In Sttrling Silvtr Cut* Dottbh and Pain at OUREY'S, On Brmdy Sirtet. LADIEN' SETTS, of Solid Gold Set with Peai-I, 0)dx, Coral, Ac. |VORT SETTS' SoTtil Gtdd Rings, Wedding Rings, sometliTng entirely New. GENT§f SCARF PINS. €?lorlca of th? newett styles and of the best manufacture, just received and sold at old priecs. rj -3,i' K? 0 •«?M '".i .n i I it (%i vj I. 4 -i .d -itS" to »,! jJt -H-- -..mrtiiW i o\ 1 *T fiKii/idrti'i Imagination and linsqr, lirowniug's Intellect and Affeetieas, Wotxhvoi th's Nature aad Bentlaseat, •Grav's Political Works, 'i-al.ntub's !\'lit:ral Works, ERC HA NT TAILORS. READV.JfADE LOTHINfl AT COST PRICE TO UK IIAI) OK- I I A N Z E Y E .Seeond st.—fiirst door west of Nbtivnal Bt# „„w„, A good assortment of i L, f« ?IS,1,yo BOTtr CLOTHIXi, CLOTHS, CASSI- STOCK IKos, Hf Rbwr I w$l Boll At the most rcMoubli •^*1 .Custom Work Done at all times and warranted the beat, moat dural.le and cheapest. All who want the heal and Cheapest goods must come to aovlidly FBAHZ MITER. ciA. LKI. «TTiia. LKU1DRR 4 FRi:BRa«7 A'o 1S4 Bradf ttrnt, mkott MA. CLEAN AND REPAIR riJWW ef all kicks, aad oa the^h«rteat notiaa. Rvery diaeriptloa «f w n a i i i i made ia the moat faatitoaable aad servieetttl •Maaer. A liberal share of patroaage is art art apt -dtf NEW STORE! l0ki Rarte^eltr rtantly oa head a goed MSartaaeai Gemu9 fRnUaURf Clofheaaadataardareashaelssl Ma aad warraatedtasait OsUs^aeama. UJWITT IMIBill, .k