Newspaper Page Text
&%M i O i- r. v* -»a SiUW: *S BD I TERMS S9,00 PER ANNUM: VOLUME- 10. RIAL 1ST ATIi AMD INtllANCE AIENOW. JOHN L. 8WITS & CO., in nrm, 1.1. ink w. r. mm, pkMt* Stock, («p autraf: err. faprtrdl A Vatepmei Turn*, CITY LOTS, louvht, Soldjftnd LtRMd* Hsise Lots for Sale* A OraM •Mb. «t Those eligible building lotsesnerer hralfth and Rock Island etreets, ^tog 1«0 fee* front on couth side I'.'th street, sad 1 W feet en •Ml aide of Rock Island street. ("he above in a rrrr tine location one# very term* uncommonly w»f—a small amount Of 8Mb down -balance on long term of years at low rate of interest. Ho 41 Lot on Bradv street, weataide, 65 feet front by ICS feet deep -price Terr low. On pay ment for the lot thr monty to build will bt loaned %r a trrm of y*tr» at tir ]rr fnt. P*o. 88. On Brady atreet, 1W feet front by 160 deep—fenced. Price $1* per from toot, o. I. On Third street, lot No. I'M .. Parker'eaS ition, (corner lot,) price, Ho. 10. Four houae lou in lHrison True'a addition #150 each. Terms cany. |foa. $i m, M. Thirty house lota in Slayaa ker'a addition $1« to #160 esch. Terma eaay. Mo 67. A valuable citr l»t S. E. corner of Main and Culle^e A»en«e 2W feet on Main by UP feet on College A tenue and wuimandiug a Hiilifiil rim tw Mm |1M WETIMtE'S ABB1T10.1, (Commonly known at "I* Claire a Patch,") It NOW LAID Off INTO LOTS .OF ILL PRICES. MO THEY IRE REMIT sale or veri easy terms LOW PRICES. Lota, Store LoU, Warehouse Lota, Factory Lots.' Mare I.ota Ibr oale». Ho. 47. One on 4th St., No. 8. Frame house south side 3d street, one Mile west of llrady strict price, fl.SO'J. Two Ifcirda may remain on mortgage at six per cent. Farms Wa*ted. We want to purchase improved farms from 90 |R1«0 acrca each. Fams lar Sale. tfo. 75. Eighty acre farm, 1 mile from the •My limits, on the west Allen's Grove road, all ander Mne cultivation and fence, with good dwell ing and oat buildings well watered, fruit orch ard, ete. A trry cUnrmbU floe*. RAtsin cash, balance on time to snit. No. 7i. 7# acre farm on the Iowa City (Locust Street) road, 6 miles from the city, all uuder new fence, half under cultivation, balance busture and timber land. Wood t.vo story Itaine dwell ing. with necessary out buildings, etc. Price iioii cash. No, tiii. Farm of «S acres on River road be tweeu Princeton and Leclaire Urge orchard, dwelling, barn and out houses. Price $2,600 U cash, balance on time to suit. No. "0. One 10 acre farm in CleonaTownship tbout 5 tnilcs north of Fulton and liurant sta tions on the M. M. Railroad, all improved and in ler feuce and with good housa and barn $26 ^o. 7a. One other acre farm situated near ,tw above, with like improvements. $M per "So. |4 iso seres unimproved land near On flat, at $10 per acrs. caah, balance in five -ears at tan per cent. $00 acres in Linn County, (60 improved and M~r fenee.) Price $, Xcash. i in Iowa county at #5 per acre. js in Sioux county at #i per acre. es in Clav county at $1 per acre. ___ i in Hancock county at $1 per acre. JB jain Winnebago Co. at $f par aara. •)000 acrea at $1.26 per acre. •000 acrea at$ 2.00 per acre. i in Tama county. i id Story county. i in Grundy county at ft per MM. acres in Butler county at $2.60 per acre. I acres in Mower co.. Minn, at 2.60 per acre i in Houston County at $2.60 per acre, i nf '-aud in tkU (.Scott) eonntf at *cn, $6 FIRE INSURANCE. Capital Hartford Fire OF HARTFORD, CONN. rirt iMraaee €*, .OVIWWYOML Irt lnrniiC^ or MEW TOML #'r New York, f, i# ft I 4 r/zm New Haven. nana**** OV WBtKOFlKLD, MA88. FILE INSURANCE. Hi ifli Caplnl •|l$,$$t»MI. SZLmUciI li—niiftt fiiw Hartford, Conn., ttMn life iMMMt COs^ or BAfttrou). com. Ik* Tsrk Uk IsmsM fa« KwVnafc' I K 'I 'f tr? •A ?. DAILY DEMOCRAT. •.M.tamkilO^R*.RM d.s. jnat east of Brady St. llo. 48. Four ou 4tli St., near Railroad bridge. Haaae* ftr Hale. Ho. 10. Moliue, III.. a two-story brick dwel- »nhouse,In with lot s«.» by 1 •"'1 feet, em Lynde »ind Sts. The house is in good condition, is uow ranted possession given ill«"day*. (Thehouse. Cost $*,!ww.) Price of house aud lot, §1,6"" oue third cash balance on long tune at low interest Ko. 3t». A brick dwelling house on E-Sd St. S1,«'K) iS'A) cash, rest on time at 3 per cent. fio 37. The estate now owned and occupied by Geo. S. C. l»ow, Kiq.b-in^ the dwelling house and three full lots, fronting south upon tith St., oomcr of Farnum street. This house is in per fect repair, having hem fitted up by the owner for himself. The entire arrangement of the house U tasteful and couiulcte. The view from this, place is unsurpassed. Terms easy. No. 3S. Urii k house and lots, southeast cor oar of 4th and Main 5Jts., knowii usTliorington es tate 150 ft. frout on each St. I'rice m»_v raamin for a term of years at u low rute of iuterst Raw, KewTerk m4•luu it set. Mm, irtew afsnts' and are anaertesi le take ads*' Maes ler as as ear lewsst roles. G. H.fcaivaa,W Psaf^arn Stiss*, Ckteaga. Is at- tfcartasa te isiSts adwiMiimnn tm UUs pspsa. DR V «04» D8! Y O O S (-.• .. ••(. .tt? .--1 '. j- V tii SELLING OFF r»e Mhmjrt^ Time "l i whisler is positively closing out his stock of Dry Goods, and will sell AT NEW YORK HATES, for a short time, after which the balance of th$ goods will be shipped to the New York Market, where they are selling at a large percentage over our present prices. September 8th, 1864. d&wtf U E S W A S E JM riacHisiia RULES FOR SOVERNMERT SERVICE. fs»" .. Oall ai Davenport, Oct. 91.—dim Price $6,000 v SMITHS Lftrcff Stable, In the Alley iu front of the Post Olea. JACOB WASHBURN "The difference between a fool and a wise man." The wise begins where the fool leaves off. The wise insure their Life and Health before disease overtakes them. The w*M require no argument to prove that a few thousand dollars left to a helpless family will sare them from vice and misery. Ths wise know that five or ten dollara per week is not only relief but support to a family visited by sickncss. Become wise before it is too late, and examine a subject that interests the human family in the high est degree, at the office of WM. A LI.EX Imulu, Room No. B, over Macklot's Bank, Corner of Brady and 2d street*. Oct 10-dtf. A Hootbd QrssTto*.—The Spunksrllle Dni" versa! Inquiry Society, at a recent meeting, de bated the question, "la Art auperior to Natur?" The learned gentleman who opened for tbe affir mative declared the proposition susceptible of the clearest proof, and produced as evidence the effects of Lubin's Floriline upon the human bair. He had known numerous instances whete Isdies, whose hair waa proverbially short and uncomely, had by ita use become the fortunate possessor of most bewitching curls and more than this, he had heard it asserted that, applied to tbe head of a darkey, the Ethiopic wool would at once become straight and sh'ning as the locka of an Indian. No argument coald over le this last ifrotia aaaertion, and the affirma tive enrried the queation bv acclamation Good lor "Floriline!" At A Disconrr.—Two splendid Graver Baker sewing machines- one tbe chain* stitch, a splendid fanily machine- one the shuttle or loch stitch, for heavy manufac turing or light work, as may be desired— both entirely new and warranted in perfect order, are offered at a bargain. Alan on* Wilcox k Gibba, noisieM, dkain stitch, fam ily sewing. Machines in perfect order and entirely new, at n great bargain. Inquire at this Dvsrvsta, Naavocama ut Dmurr.— Dr. AridfawTi fbnfc.—We can neon* mend those arihnng with Lass of Appe tite, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, NervovsneM am! Nervosa Detnlity, to nas Strickland's ft i* A MiaiaU *^«ssir Auintii if VC^VWM pnpsmioii| nvo ^IcohoHe liquors it strengthens ttie nervons systna it creates a good VHHsaBy at $1 per Dft A. Strkkfauid, $ Tm reason wy Jw |%er ssil local itims. Ixprsss dosM at 5:15 P.M. Express closes at 7:ff A. M. No calls made after 4:80 P. M. NovSdlw i. F. HILL, Agent Da. hauw, the celebrated Spanish Physicisn, is at his office, on Main street, Davenport sp6-dftwt Go TO tm Basr.—Go to Bryant A Strat um's Chicago Commercial College, to get a thorough practical business education, or to bccoii e a good soand telegraph operator.— For circulars address (enclosing stamps) Bryant 4 Stratton, Chicago, IUinoia. dwly. Business Educatio!*.—To procure a thor ough knowledge of book keeping and get a thorough practical business education, at tend Pratt's Commercial College, corner of 5th and Brady. Every facility afforded at reasonable rates. Reduced rates to disa bled poldiers. nv7-d&wly Ex Gov. Fairbanks of Vermont is at tbe point of death. Tukbk were eight deaths among the rebel prisoners at the barracks oil the Island last week. Asothbb Dbaft.—The supplementary draft made two weeka ago to fill up dsfl-, ciencies in some of the sub-districts, fails' to till the qjotas, and another pull will have to be taken at those places. Homb fob tbe Friendless.—The oppor tunity presented to our fellow citizens on Friday evening next, to raise a handsome sum to be applied to making a home for the friendless, should not be disregarded. Let every one who can, attend the tableaux giv cn at LeClaire Hall on that evening. Superior.—The best as well as the cheap est table cutlery is kept at Webb's—Le Clacre Row. He has every style, and he sells them at low prices. Th^rc, too, you should go for your silver plated ware for tlie table, and you will be sure of getting a superior article—either plated or in solid silver. They deal with the manufacturers —buy large quantities for cash and get a discount that small buyers cannot hope for. Hcnce they can afford to sell, and do sell cheaper than any other conccrn. Mirror's Kerosene Lamps and fixtures—the only complete stock in the city, at Webb's. Festival fob tiik Soldiers' Aid Socjett. —It is contemplated by the Soldiers' Aid Society to give a festival, to be- held on the evening of November 23d, the proceeds to be applied in enabling the Society to con tinuc their work oi relieving our sick and suffering soldiers. A meeting wi'l there fore be held at the residence of Mr. T. D. Newcomb for (lie purpose of making neces sary arrangements, to which the attention of the ladies of the Society, and all others interested in the cause, is earnestly solicited at 2 p. m. to day. Donations will, in a few days be solicited for this object. Sec. Sol. Aid SociWT. Thb Khickbbbockeb fob Novbmbbb.— This sterling magazine for the present month is on hand with its burden of excellent read ing. This old and popular periodical is now edited by J. Ilolmcs Agnew, Esq., a wiiter of unquestionable skill and great popularity. In his hands the Knit&trbofker has become one of the most readable magazines of the day—none stand before it. Its political ar ticles have the sound ring in them, and its literary productions are alrays very reada ble and interesting. The Knirttrbocker can be had at the News Depots, or of the pro prietor, J. Holmes Agnew, 37 Park Row, New York. Terms $3.00 per yea^ *We recommend it cordially to the publics New Hall.—The Rock Island Anjui siys the new and elegant hall in that city, just completed by Geo. Babcock, Esq., will ac commodate 300 more persons than Metro politan Hall,of this city, "and when the wails and ccilings are frescoed, as they will be in the spring, it will be the most beautiful hall any wheae west of Chicago. He has just re ceived a most magnificent drop scene for the stage, and side scenes and moveable scenes are progressing rapidly. The halt ia now ready for use, and ia the most complete theatre establishment west of Chicago. The stage, the green room, the scenery, the gas lights, and everything con nected with it are ample, and there ia no longer any excuse for second rate perform ances in Rock Island." TBAassonmro Dar.—While tbe nwner ts famittss of this aitjr Jm preparing for the «snal sumptuous Xhanksgiving feast, one week firam to-morrow, let it not be for gotten that the poor are always with as— that they have not tbe msans to provide a Thanksgiving dinner on that day. There are many soldiers' families whose proeoetsrs are struggling upon the Held for their conn try's salvation, or who have given up their Uvea that we might live in the enjoyment of a rulwii and rpstaated Union, who can provide no Thanksgiving dinner. Let as look to it in thns, and see that these desti tute ones sss swida happy en that day. Will not oar own ei\)oymeot ha mare complete if we know that wa have been the msaaa of thsrs happy? 8Mb khowled good than the moot snaptooM repast Lot poor ant tbtftaedy, fether on that 4aj. THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER. DAVENPORT, IOWA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1864. I can, theiefera, cordially and confidently recommend him to ail who are in like man- J. J. HILL, Minister of ths QoapsL Ths above certificate is bat anather leaf to the already voluminous testimonials in proof of the permanent care of Cancer es pecially when treated by our worthy citicen and profesaor Dr. Gadd. No Physician or Surgeon either in this or any other country, Hospital or private practice can produce as great a percentwn of cores as can Dr. Gadd, of our flourishing dty. dftwlt NKTBOPOUTA5I TMKATBB. Thb Tickbt or Leavb Mas.—This, tbe masterpiece of Tom Taylor, and perhaps the best drama of the age was presented last night to a crowded house. The part of Robert Briariy waa «My sus tained by Miss. Emma Webb, and that of Sam Willoaghhy, by Mise. Ada Webb was infinitely superior to sny rendition of the ehaiacter we ever ssw. Mr. Wildmsn has been pronounced by tbe press of Chicago, Detroit and Milwaukee, and by the New York Clipper and Sunday Mtrcury as one of the best, if not the best Hawkshaw on the American stage, and well did he sustain his reputation. Mr. Beaumont as Dalton, Mr. Brace as Melter Moss, and Mr. Clinton Green Jones sustained their parts in a manner highly creditable, and the part o' Mr. Gtbson, as played by Mr. D. S. Nash, was the best rendition of character this young acter has yet favored us with. Mr. Sullivan acted with his usual correctness and spirit, and made as much of the liarac tor of Maltby as possible. The parts of May Edwards and Emily St. Evcnnond wero ably sustained by Mrs. Wild man and ile Aubrey, and that of Mrs. Willoughby was played in a manner bordering on perfection by a new candidate for popular Ptvor, Mia*. Ella Wilmott. The scenery throughout was appropriate and good, and a piece was never produced in Davenport that reflects more credit on the management and performers. It is repeated to-night Scott County Agriraltam 8o clcty. The following figures which we find in the report of the Secretary of the Scott Coun'y Agricultural Society to the State Agricultural Society in 1863, shows at a glance the increasing proeperity of our county fair under its improved management for the last four or five years. To the fig ures given to the report we add footings for the year 1864: Gross Receipts. $*#27,38 8,615,70 4,582,50 ft,as4,fis 18flO 18«li 48«2! 1 186% 6,348,30 ills 3,163,00 Totato* $22,608,53 $11,121,50 After paying off a largo amount of out standingindebtness, meeting heavy expense necessarly incurred by orscting new build i igs and fences and otherwise improving ths grounds now oocupied and after pur chasing and nearly paying for thirty-three acres of land in this city for new Fair Grounds, this society has more than enough funds on hand to pay off all its liabilities, and has a property the value of which cannot be estimated under eleven thousand dollars. We make thia statement in snswer to dec larations that we frequently hear from the lips of disaffected persons that the society is running down, and that its present stylo of management will utterly ruin it From the report above alluded tows gain the following figures which, when brought it/ comparison with those of the Scott County Society will show how far Nothing further need be added. Let the managers of the Scott County Agricultural Society pursue ths oven tenor of its war, and it will soon become one of the leading attractions of tho country. The liberal pol icy wins. Stimdato competition with hsavy premiums and mko it for the intereot of exhibitors to attend and the result will take care of itaslfc PAOTIAL Immmi or A $mar.—£o?* oral daya since, a Mr. Babcock, an Insur ance agent, came from Cedftr Rapids to this place, via Clinton and Port Byroft. At Port HjTrOB NOMIQ Ml |9I DM CMCIBS to Davenport+bal iMisarsil Oiill eaawi through aU right—thro* trunks and abas. Two of tho trunks sad the box ea buiths oas containing attof hia tars, aai mm oalaablo doth lag fcflad la te hand, aad tfcsro SMMd tobiion- Whan behold a UN. With Xtot&tt tit 'flNHMft JfWMt' ln%'a Party) F.J.M^Mi'kslna WILDMAII,....Leasee O. 1. Bbass Stage Disaster. oo e IW WWHre groat Aura Bo-engagsnsent toe ai« rtjjtrtsooly, of the talea- uis nu 4 wen. Thmi* Jfrmlaf,Mm. IT, 1$M» Will be presented tbe Oraadaat Doors opea a 7—commence a Ry order of the Governor. tahead ia thia county in her feirs. We sdect ths re ports of fairs held on ths leading agricultu ral counties in 1863: Dubuque no Fair. Central Iowa Fair held at Re'cpts. Prem's paid Des Moines, $ 195,28 $ 98,15 Clinton 2800,00 600,00 Des Moines ...»*».! ,607,00 M0,00 Jackson.. ......451,00 premiums awar ded 700,00 Jefferson,... .w.... 181,00 premiums awar ded 255,00 Jones I. ..840,00 284,00 Muscatine.. .»«•*..1,775,55 1,000 Washingtoh ... 297,00 premiums awar ded .370,00 31 Drama ef tbe TICKET OF LEAVE A N PrMwoaced by upwards of eighty Ihnunsail peo pie who bsve witaeaaed it, to be the moat thrilling Dramatic Performaaee ever produced. hut or Perns —Dreas Oircta, ete Par qnctte, 15 cts Reserved Seats ete, to be bed' at the box-office of the Theatre daring the dev. srra p. o'floek. No improper charactera admitted Oood order To-day's AdvertlMm«ntSa NTATK OV IOWA. AlJt TAKT UdtlMl'S OnR% Davenport, Nov. le, IMl. CIRCULAR. Psrtkular attention i« again called te the fol lowing paragraphs of General Orders Wo. 41, current serie* of this Department: II. All Companies re'^iviag arms from the State, must meet for drill as oft?u onee a tuoutli, or their arm* will be transferred to com panies that will atteud to their duties. IV. Bond* for arm* inu*t be liirnished in all cases. The r.eirlect in tliin particular has pro duced nnuoMMSarv delay in delivery of srms. V. The Oriyaniiins Coramitt»es of the ecreral counties are enjoined ii attend immediately to the mar tor of rolls bonds, ammunition, etc., and to report on the action of Companies on article of these Genera! Orders. VI. Commissions tc officers will be issued as rapidly as possible, hut the eonnty committees and officers of companies must be careful iu their returns of rolls, and iu to turning rolls to inclose certificate "l el-'ctiua. County committees are requested to deliver commi.ssitins in tlu-ir htuids to nllicets of lompa »ie« in their respect ire counties, orto notify said oiiicers that Ihe cotumi'.iun can be had u-nn s^) plication to said committee. Hy order of the Governor. «.? Item's, paid 082,50 1,29«,00 2,338,00 3,342,00 R. RAtsa, At^ulant General of Iowa. •ITATE OF IOWA. A i41*va\ tirAKRAi/s Or#Mk, I Datcnp»rt, Nov. 14, I3G4. GENERAL OKUKRS NO. 4".. WaaaaAs, No saiisiactory re|orts from re cruiting officers for the new regiment to have been raised under General Orders of this De partment, No*. 3*. and 40, (current seres' lia»e been received, and in order to save cxpi use to tbe Htste and Nations! (rovcrnnieuls, and in or der that all volunteers may aid in Oiling up the regiments in the field, it is hereby ordered that all recruiting commissions for said nr« regiment under said General Ordure 1m and are hereby revoked. X. B. tlAKETt, Adjutant General of Iowa. T. EAD8, REM.ESTITEt MSUMKE MSERT, DAVENPORT, IOWA. Office in National Bank Building. *TT7 ILL attend to the purchase and sa'e of VV Real Estate, payment of taxi «, renting houses, making collections, Ac. Nor. 15, dlmo NEW1WP imUHBlE iUStC MOKS. Tea Cnoat s WacAra—A Collection of Sacred and Secular Choruses from Oratorios, Operas, end I'opulsr Glee and Cboms Books, designed as aStauilard Book for Choirs, Musical Societies, Conventions and Schools, and containing the Most Denirable Pieces for Private Practice and Public Performance.—#1,V. Tub Mah al or Tnoaot sn Basb, by Bdward B. Oliver, Principal of the Mendelssohn Musical In stitute, BckIub, Thin volume embodies tbe prin cipal ideas contsined in the elaborate works ef French, Geimsn and Ituliun Masters of Music, disencumbered of obscurities of expression, and made plain to the understanding of all grades of students. For beginners, and even for advanc ed scholars, as a book of reference, it will be found invaluable. Cloth, 07 Boarda, 50. Toem Laoum' Vocal Albcu —A collection of Choruses. Trios and Dnets. originally written for Female voices. Selected and adapted for the aae ef Academies, Semiaariea and Siagiag Clas ses. By Charles D. O. Adam, teacher or masic at the ffafhlo Female Academv. Iadudiag a course of Vocal Exercises aad Solfeggios oy Rossini. |1,M. Tar OreaA or Fsrst, br Gounod. Italian aad English Text. Prefacea by a Sketch of the com poser and the principel incidents of the plot.— ^Complete,) $4. Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price, by the Publisher*, OLIVER DITS05 A Co., ST7 Weak ington street, Boston. Nov. IS, df. MAM TAKEAK nam ABO IITIITIIIIIII AT LE CLAfftl rot TBI Of «u MB tr mmuiie a Bumnm or labibb abd Man* X* MKB have eeaeealed te eaaeae la rrtamLi JOHN SIMPSOlCf lleman'a Songs of the ishM Moore's Irish Melodies, «4 aaen Me HILL, Tnenss W.IMOsse, Aeetatant Aistaat r. WHOLKALE TTTI AM SOW UOKITIItO A LABOR AKD WILL HIJOTID STOCK QtjJWj| YV *a wUeh we iavtte attantien ef COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Oar OeedseresHfteeb aadbeagbt direct from smaalbetarere. Oar MRtteetoekoy^ atoaa*H Tt enable u to eMpeto wltM Are reqneeted teeall aaderaailai ear stech befare maklan tbetr pwfcaea •t*l«rseli'« Amenities of Literature ilalUm's Const it titiunttl lli«tory of Cnglaad li'Israeli's Curiosities of Literature tiiirton n Anatomy of Melancholy Charles Lamb's works p'Tocquille's Democracy ia America fiibbon's History of Rome Sabbath Bells, Poetry of tbe Fields,^ Poetry of the Year, Poetry of the Woods, Butler's small quarto Editions of the following Works bound in turkey morocco ier tique and gilt, tbe richest and most gorgeous volumes that the hand of the workonflk and the pencil of the artist have yet produced IP Macauley's Lays of Ancient Rome, Cambcll's complete political Tupper's Proverbial Philosophr, Keble's Christian Year, Thompson's Bum's complete Poctical Works, Adam's Hacred Alegories, Ilcber's roetiral Works, Roger's complete Poctical Works, Goldsmith's Poetical Works, Read's Femala Poets of America, Harts Female Prose Writers of America, Stevens' Parables of ths New Testament. The -Stock of Pkotoyraphie Albitma mn4 in fine binding cannot be excelled in variety of style or beauty of finish by anything. The Ju venue Toy Book department ia eery complete and parties looking fbrprP sents for the Young People cannot fkil to be pleased. Also a great variety of Stationery, Blank Books, Gold Pens, Pocket Cutler^ Purses and Pocket Books, Portfolios, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Ladlea' ftwikeSJ. Scotch Fancy Goods, Ac., Ac. Call and examine goods and prices bsforo making chases. STArSO* IO'4'A. AMD TAIVT oKirsa A s nm m,t Difssriat, Ho*. It.k, Mt C1RLULAS Ths Mlcwtagordare of the War D. pert mm are psbtlshel far the beseSl of all eun«»rn»d. V. B. BAKBR, AjO-a.oflewa. WAR DXrARTMBXT. Adimlmtt! Gtntrmt* Ctflse. Waeaissroa, Get. litl, iSi4 asaaaiL Ossaas Ko. ill. irsafter ao details ki the Veieateer Bseralt lng8.r»iea wlli he a.a4e, istspt by the Wae D» partasDl details mtd* othsrwaa will not he te eogstaed by BeperialeodaaU Reeratilrg Bsrvtsa. Uewral Orders Wo. a, Series of IW, tia t..t UOae, le herehf aeeads* eseord egly. By order ef ths erearyoTWar. D. Towaaaa S AaMul Acjetaat toeNt Otisie). la suV Viseasv, Aadataat Adjsiant Oraer»l. WARDBt*AHTMB«r. J4jmtant setea so Seeertata IL MereslUr a* dsialla for Us Vetastaee Re eraltia« aoielee wtU ha made eaaeyt hy tbe Wav By Qeaaaad ef Lisa'. tNneral O.-aat. U. Teaaeaas, Aaalalant Bsasaal. WABn«rA»TMBBT. i W« BiM'oa.jSov. Mdk, ML coaeud aaaa St aw Bo* art* tetalaateoa the MA teslost,snd tBey wMlsepsMH Mo teesssl r*adsO aifatatsl lit ties, «la no •CO. NUMBER 28^ aXCLtTSIVBLT. BOOTS & SHOES Xe. 25 Seeead street, betweea Brady and Pirn!" Davenport, fowa.1*^ Books, Books «IM Iffcivnl mi PLUMMER'S JVoe 50 Brady Street, Bancroft's History of the United Stat|R Complete Works of Thoman JrffenMNhk Prescott'R Complete Works: Kirk's Charles The -Bold Addison's Works Complete Goldsmith's Animated Nature Illustrated Complete Works of Thomss Hood Cooper's Wnrk« beautifully Illustratotf Hugh Miller'* Works Complete Marauley's History of England iWlam's History of the Middle Ageft} fSntler^B Bell Serlen of Poets, elegantly HJaatratod 1 Vols. Turkey Morocco antique. i s&m r- *f-f* *ui 80 CENTS PER WEEK, v A •4 A1 5 MW '4:0^ W la Um WmK mj ••mm Msribsalnfloltlagtbs City .--I *. i(iV ^ETH P. BRYANT^ OO^ y '•tflt t~ t"' Tennyson's Imagination and FT Browning's Intellect aad Aflbct WomIwui tli'T Nature and Orav's Political Works, Lamb's IVIiticsl Works, Memory and lltpe. -i. u ••tt: .it.if* 'M m0 mot 2h Ocstrili OJIef. I os,Om. M.n. 1S«4 •aasaALOsnara Be. Ut I. All officers iod esllstet aea ef Vellaleere who are ea Rceinttlac Orrsleeta iheeeveral Otatoa, ift thaae detailed hy rrSeMftea the ASJataat OeasmTa Office, wtii r.tara to their reesca'tee ivaaSs hy the IS'.h day of Isnnher, HH AU whs IMl te pteeset *hai—Ives at their pre|er poau oa that day, wl.l MTrepoefed hy vhetr tam» dt.te coaxes dart, thrragh the proper aiUltary chsaaete, to tue AdfeteatOeaeealor ths Aray— the effissra for maatsr-oat ef aervieea.tho eallat* sit & w MCIVCHANT TAILORS. Ir RBADTsMADB O LOTHINd! COST PRICK TO BE RAD OF- FRANZ MEYBR, v.t, ^Beeoad »t.—fiirst door west of National A good aasortneat of OBBTS'FURNI8UINO GOOIML BOTT 4* STOCK UKMJ,|T which I wil sell at the most reaaeoaUe prises. Costoin Work Doae a all tiates and warranted tbe best, "5a AU who went ths basl aad Cheapeot goods meet aaaa to aevlfaly FRANX MBTRB. AWy ttrmt, cuuims setub msMncuiam *a NEW BTOB^l Clotbasmsds te WiiiN wMWL S aawns se usatsiasa aaeisasa asnnos. TkaeffieteaapedtfesasaB tbe SaM ao«als that the Ibrlasgte tf alt feataaatal aOaap a the f«4 li eass 4 ftgism mm flMMiML flMw OsBsndseoma ssjidtw •MAOT 1 tuim ef all Make, aad oa the shortest aetise. Kvery ffieailpllan ef 1 *. wr