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V&K' YX i »s».l *, «nKJ I E 8' I I: WKBUBBDAT Kri 'i* HMER. i:%3liii taovar, and all lh« excite •«u»liiiie#lly5*Ati*d. Qui* is Mcr W»mMI$ and our people having let Z&j&mjrjz&z Obr people are well aware, that, owing to the abstraction of the great manned of their fellow citizens frotn the various branches of labor, by reason of the War, the production of the country has been lessened, or, at least, haa not kept pace with the demat.d, or with tha Meemiities of the public. By the same «MMa—Hw war—the eootitty lias been ob liged to incur enormous expenses, ar.d to contract a gigantic debt, iuvolvingao almost univanal taxation. Bo'h these causes— ninMly tho lessening of the production of the anuntry br the divergence of labor into other and unproductive channels, and the universality and extentof ourtavation, have conspired to apprec iate the prioaa of every necessary, every comfort, and every luxury. Prices have advanced and nre sull advanc ing, and the question Which arises, and which ia of profound importance to all ®f us is, whethor thte advancc of prices may not be staved and possibly made to recede We belie vi. it is in the people of thecourr tiy to brinjj about this desirable result. W" are convinced they can either cheek the ad vance of prices, or, better still, cause them to recede to nu approximation of the prices in the cheap times before the War. How mav this result be fleeted V We answer, by i ./• body9iri,„j f,i» rntrgin of hit mind n,(l body to the ineremed Jet element of the n mur*e» and product inn of the country. If they are fewer men to engage in this devel opment, they must redouble their industry, their inventive ingenuity, fhir ^v«trrnntij efforts, their trained and systematic labor. And if this effort is honestly ti"d earnestly made, though one man mny fail to do all tw men have done hitherto, he will, at least ac cornphsh more than he ever has before, mid will approximate closely to the task he un dertakes. ^Qne mode of increasing the production of tile country is by th'e exercise of more un wearied iuduttry. Tim* K fr- Not only should every man work more assiduously at his calling during the customary honrs of labor, but lie ahould give, at least, another hour daily to Otericork, by this means he will earn more for himself while he prodveet wcw»t 12M mora for the whole nation. Another mode is bjr the Pxefcfsc of a more rigid economy. Men must content them aelves with more frugal fare. They must Idpoffafl bad, or useless, or expensive hab its, they must be satisfied withlepg mere display—with coarse clothes and fewer them—with loss ostentatious houses and furniture and must dispense with every thing that makes, inroads upon their time. now, is literally money nay it is bread —buttci and whataoever ho*U» that should be sternly denied. 'Another mode is by putting forth more Extraordinary efforts for the t*jiisition of \nUUigfh?e—xii\. inertly book kar. ing, but tlHtt oriWiiVZandsJ a-i labor, which win blea one man to accomplish more work than another, and to bring it to greater pei fee? Ion in the mme less time. T'ie farmers and n**at fes shoul 1 not be content with yi ply doing the routine w«pk which ia set be fore the*. any***. Vat to do ft in the they *hcu strive T1 koit pr^iblo time, and in the begt ,ssibl- manner. liy this means they will certainly contiibute V the public welfare by increasing the production tf the counfry. And if thij is efl^c ted there must be a re itj-tion in the price of the various Commodities in propor i xj to the increased production. For instance, if onr farmers in cretse tlieir crops the en y,-ar by the rtwrfse of.greater industry.^Bomy ,„ i ach-ntiflc i-kill so tha: then is twice as much «r eUierstaples prodncadaid tor sale as there was in the present year, While the demand grt or the number of romum- jH ^°t increased—if this can be accom pKabed, re *ay it stands to reason and com mon sense that the farmer can afford to sell fy/Xfp/of less than at iM-osent, and will, iadbM, batofced to do fioby the law of sup. Pjy and demand, ife will thus bo belt. ne^ hit larger money return labor, and the -country will be butter *™c P^pla will be supplied with the iadppuuible acwaaaria* nf liH at redueod prices. And as wuh Agriculture, so with •ve*y othw branch of industry. Let, theq,-m .jr pae^e themaelves "WWMiy to the task of increasing the pro tho country by the eaerelse of all the energies at the command—of mind and •Tbody. This done, gold will fall, and pa pw m3t»«y recover its depreciation, •W Pn*,Witt alao ineviUbly fall. Let WOO mada one blade of wheat grow last WOMie two to grow next year, andHt ZtrT1**1* becArripd outl.y every branch industry. Thia will prava tke tha dfseiMd currency- 1 "fl^caa updpt ^hlch wp l*w" I'5- iMrtilk if a 'lm* OHNPMW •^Taf'• ,T.„ aqr: Tha employment ofaUw fcraervioe with the army 'AkJtfMtMlHliNt'fiM-M'ILMI part OFC fHRhK/'^ WYJCID 8 1 JMHIMWI., those woo arc the iwt saiii/ disappointed bj the result. The excitements of the election having thaa subsided,, and an unusual calmness having bean reat»rfl9, we aaaj tiojr address agraelVeiw «titb aome proapcot of securing attention to the consideration ofto|is touch ing tlie welfare whi'h would have fallen up on deaf ears while we w ere in the midat of tile whirl of passi mai 'l agitation enjrender ad by the political struggle. The lime* arc proportions for the txaniOwtion of aUch topics, #n 1 the public good dtmatidg that titay be diecusswl dispassionately, though corneal!/. as teamnters, or cooks or in the Kay of work upon fortifications, or in the government work-shops, or in hospitals, and other similar duties, was authorised by the act of the 17th of February last, and p/ovuj ion was made for their i i prcsstnMt to w it TtsnoSln be font.'! rn^nrtfratJc to obtain beilby oontr«ri Wttll 1!ie om 'ii rs. I law ronteniplaied the hirinjr *-nly of the la bor of tjiese slave.-, ani implied r.pcn the irovcnuuent the liability to pay for the value of tU' as loatlo tbi0«Beratrim cflmtahi^H fesultirif from thaft* tiufA -jtnent fn the svrvirt". Tiiis a lias pr- duc.-d less result thin was anticipated, :u»d further provision i.s re 'juircd to render it efficacious. But my present purpf se is to invite your considers tion to the propriety of a radical modifica tion jo the theory of the law. Viewed merely as property, and therefore as the subject of imprisonment, the service or labor of the slave haa been frequently claimed for short periods, in the construc tion of defensive works. Tha slave, how •ver. 'ors another relntion to the Slate, J»at of a person. The law of las? February contemplates the relation of the slave to his master, und limits the impressment to a certain term of service. But for the purpos es ei»uh)"i ited in the act, instructing in the manlier of encamping and parking trains i needful, so that, even in this limited em ployment, length of service adds greatly to the vjdiift of the negro's labor. Tfaznrd is also encouutered in ail the positions to which negroes can be assigned for service with the army, and the duties required of them detur.nd loyuity and zeal. In this aspect the relation of person pre dominate-- so far as to render it doubtful wlK-iiicv the private right of prop*, i ly can eorsi-ten'ly and Ijentticially be continued, and it would rein proper to acquire for ti e pnhtic service the entire property in the la bor of the Live, and to pay therefor due ompn ation, rather than to impiess his 'abor for s*jort terms aad this the inoi'c neciaily us the ''{feet of the present law would vest this entire property in all cases where the s-lave might be re-oaptuied after c'nn K'ii-ation for his lo- s hud been paid n ill" private owner. Whenever the entire prop'-rty in the s-rvice ofa slave is thus uc qairi by the (rovirnintnt, the question is present'd, by what tenure he should be held. Should hu be retained in servitude, or should his emancipation h» held out to him as a reward for faiihlu'. service, or should it be grintcdat unco on the prumise ofsiich service and if emancipated, wlmt action should he taken tosccurc tor the freid men the pennission of the Slate from which he was drawn to reside within its limits af ter the close of his public service. The per mission would doubtless be more readily ac corded as a reward tor past faithful set vice and a double motive for zealous discharge of duly would thus be oiie eti to those em ployed by the government, their freedom, and the gratification of the local attachment which i.s si marked a characteristic of the negro, and forms so powerful an incentive to his action. Th- policy of ngiging to liberate the negro on his discharge sifter sei vice faithfully rendered, seems to me prefer able to that of granting immediate manu mission, or that of re'ainiiig hiin in servi tude. If this policy should rtwnincnd it self to the judgment Of '(digress, it is sug gested that, in addiiionto the duties hereto fore performed by the slave, he mi^ht be ndvantageously tmpl"Ved as a pioneer and mgineer laborer and in that event, that the numher should bo augmented to forty thousand. Beyond this limit and these employments it (iocs not seem to me desirable, under ex isting circumstances, to go. A broa I moral distinction exists between the use of slaves as soldiers in the defense of our homes and the incitement of the same persons toinsur nction nysinst their masters. The one is justifiable if necessary, the other is iniqui tous and unworthy of a civilized people and such is the .judgment of all writers on public law as well as that expressed and in sisted on by our enemies in all wars prior to that now waged against us. By none have the practices of which they aie now guilty, been denounced with greater severity than by themselves in the two wars with Great Britain in the last and in the present centu ry ar.d in the Declaration of Independence of 17Tf'. when enumera ion was made of thn wrongs which justified the revolt from (Jreat Ikilaiu, tho cliiuax of atroeity was deemed to be reached only when the English uion arch was denounced as having "excited do nic-vic insurrection among us." The subject is to be viewed by us. there fore, solely in the lipht of policy and our social cc.,romy. When so regarded I must dissent from the*' who advise a general levy and arm!HIT of tne slaves for the duty of soldiers. Tntil our white population shiiil provo in'tiflident for the armies we r» quire and can idlord to keep in the field, to employ as n soldier the negro who has me. fly qeen trained to l«i «r, and as a la borer he the white man accoskmif 1'rom his youth to the use of firc-arnut, would scarcely deem wise or advantageous by any. and this is the question now before us. But phouhl the alternative ever be presented of subjugation or of the cinploy ment of the^lave as a soldier, then he our deci ion. Whether our view embraces w h-it would, in so cxti. inc case, he the sum of entaih by the dominion of the enemy, or be restricted sohiy to tho effect upon the welfare and happiness of the negro pop ulation themselves, the resulL would be tho same. The appalling demoralization, suf fering se-jsc and death, which have been caused by partinlly substituting the inva dois' system of policy, for the kind relation previously subsisting between the master and slave, have been a s'lflit^ent demonstra tion that external interference with our in stitution of domestic 8lavery is productive of evil only. If the subject involved no other consider ation than the mere right of property, the sacrifices heretofore made by" our people have been such as to permit no doubt of their readiness to surrender every posses sion in order to si euro the independence. But tho social and political question wbiqh is exclusively under the coutiol of the eev eral States, has a far wider and more endur ing importance than that of pecuniary in terest. In ita muuifold phnsis it embraces he stability of republican institutions, rest ing on tlie actual political equality of all its cit aens, and liichldetf the Ailfilment of the task which has been to happily begun—that of Christianizing and Improving the condi tion of the Africans who have by the will of Providence, been placed in our charge. Comparing tbr result of our experience with thqse of tlie cxparime»u of othcra whi^ hav»barnesiiuularrejauoo* to the African race, the. people of the several states of tha CoaMarMj bavo abundaatu reaaon to be aatiafiod with, the paat, and to uaa thc graat ert eircoaapeetMb i» dttemtadu their These eoondMatfam* bow«ver, aw rather afpHaablo to tha teapwibaUla oan tingoncy ofotfr M«l Of vCMMhtg emMM sjf tadatftiee than to our present uuMMlH. If NUIMiii udationa above mUe, fcr 4he it|6»rtbe LL. BOOTS, BAfi^ An unfailing cor* for f^nwfcrrtM. gmtnd WkatnrJt, JT» tumtl uf h4 sit itlwm mmm* *r n i y U+ -.r P*ii*nalLatri'tutr. m« th Hart:, of Titkm, Prtrntif trc Oht Ay, M*•\rrrj, bitficultf of Breathing, TrnttUhtf, IMj/ E. uj.ttont th4 l'i' /\tlr i,uh'MW, intinnty, fimiump Hem, and all 1.- aircful etiiaplaiiiU ciut^ bjr patting tron, t' \th t—oy jMrt, tory m* over the tmiion, tiiuiMMt* treated, haa not failed In a »infl« l!if)»ncr. It* •nratlre powrra tiare been auilioie.-it to gain vie- m»*i ttmhhorn ea*«. n^T*tkoi» who have triflMmHk thMr comtti- until ihejr Ihluk tlHimrltn brjond tha reach of medical H, *e wouli er.spAia wot! theCHKROKKi: I RI: will r."!«r« you lo liratth aad rtyr. and nfw-r :U qua k luctnr IM»T« fail*d §gT" Pri' Two Dollarn |k-r liatlle, nr tlirpe Ixit UM (or Fire IHIlan, and lir»«rwl fry Kxptm t* all p»rt tie worlj. tar Pam|fflik-t aafit hjr mall fr»c of post ape, by DR. W. R. MERWIN A CO., 68 Liberty «t., New York, Sclc Propria tan. till HEWS Ml TIE CIFOITtllTE. The Lou unKbt to Dlscorerel at Lad Cures in from one to three flays. CHEROKEE REMEDY AND CHEROKEE INJECTION, Compounded from Boots, Barks and Leavoa CIIEUOKKK KKMI DV, th- gr.-at Ii .Han Diuretic Cured nil «!rv-flv« of tic I'riiiarv Or/nns, ruch at Inoofftinvnco of the A Whs, Vrtn*% of the Bind'irr, ln& •.*mnit'tn of iht K*htr, •, Fiortr in BkttiUr, .Stricturr, ir»\tr*ly it'-northe (, anl Ii effpeclftllv in thft* Whites in fiiualtfl,) tvhrre all tlie old nauseous !?it'til*«i'»*3 »mve Mic'l. mr It is |»r In n form, the dose .i!y IHID^ from one to two t'-aapoou ful* t!\r per day. If It N unl rr'/rr t?i H« ftctt»n CurifyltiK'nn»l «*|finsinif the bloo l, cauii»^ it to Hyvr I all of ii.« ..ri/iiiril purify H?irl vljrur thm rrtirir* Inff from th«' \vst*m alt p'.rniciuus caa.^ef vittlcb a v I n i v a s e CHKIIOKKK l\JK riO\ I*int.m!ol #«analiy (»r t! f'hrrokce llrtU* rid Dm(] in c»ujin tlun with that minilciri*: i:i all ta"s nf tior:-h« Khior Alhtt«, or WhiU'9. Its nro lit nihijr, and (lomutc.nt rcttiu\»n^ 21II h* at nnd pain, In^t' ad «»fth-* l-uriiln^ itid silm st un- niluiaUIc pain tha' Is •*p- rlrncvd *ith tit wrly nil tli«? cheap quack Inj'.i'iiona. TIL? LUC. I?I" rnKnoKi:t: RI:MFI»V, and tin noKKH INJKl'TION—tl.e !«o I!, .|i,in.-» al tli-- ps'.iiil- tiriM all Improper dlnvlinritra ue rpmovr'l. Hi. w. ili n il r- nre "jii'tillly rc» iore t" full vipor :iul ?tn n^tli. 0T* I'ritt, 4'liri-okrr HeiUcdr, |S per bottle, or tlirvr l-i't|.-» f„r •". nr* Prlo, «:iirokre Ilijpctloii, per bottle, or t'ir,-i' 1.11for $.1. Bi'iit I y Express t: any :v.i•!r CM i[it of price. rar Tlie rii*i*okoc» Kcmpily, hero kee Inject ton lirroUro urr, are •old by nil enter•prNintf Druc.istf i!» th«- tivlizctf" World. u'ipritvip-' 0*.-il--r-, li v r, try to •el! worthless coiMpouiids* in |da»*v of tli: tlmse Which they can pur«:!'iiii«» at A cheap pric-, and make more money |.y than they vtn on ?h-«w m«-4l lcines. As you value your t**a!th, ne, th- lu-ulth of y«»jr future ntr-prin^, du n«»! d»o i .- hy such anprifftiplcd Druir^ist*, •'. imt.rhfH 'tni tnkf no tj'ier*. If the Dni.rp*t9 will not buy for you, nc!o"» th»' mon y in a 1« ttt r, and wo wUI •end tli- ni to yon by Kxprea*, s».*careiy aeaLd and packed fre- oh^rvat! n. Lad^-« nr OeiithMiien enn ««ilrr« u* In pnrfect eonfldmcr, stating fully and plainly Ih ir dit^apea and «yriijitnn 3, as wo ti- it all di«ea».'«» «f a rhrni« nature fn male orf'-vrtal**. PationHiieed not hesitate becau».* of their inability to vUH un, we hare treat* pafient!» Buccef^fully in all portions of the cW* tilled iflob'-. by r^rrc«pon:b i»Cv. PatitnU aidte5oiin( u« will ph-fise slate plainly all th.- inpt^TiH of t'j» '.y rrrtpluinl*, and w rlt^ Po*t- office, County, Pta'e ami of writer, plain, and lactase postage stamp fur rt*piy. Wt tcwl our'M i"g* Pnuphtrt frft to any ad- 4re*s. Address all bdt rsf«r I'e.mphletior&dvicaW WITH mtT 4 Ike proprietor*, Dr. W. R. MERWIN A CO., No. fa Mb*»rty Btr»f t, Ni*w V^rlCi C. A. COOK, rmcir.o, No. Market Sir-rt, Oeoeral Avert f.,i i' e Si.ilesi.f lllir.i is, ln'.va, Wl» eonslu, Michl^'ui imH Iniltima, vho will Bupply Drafrgtitx :it our r-^-ular canl jrieei. Bull at Whiilesale In Cliictifrn hy VSLLta, Fist* A Fui.LCK C. G. SMITH I.OUD K flUXHi ilGJIKHAX i VA.h fcilAAOL \V. p. JIAJ^U Oo.j SfiT* li bjfii, a&<Ui. lounu.v •Mii' :""vh\ i mi' natl Uiar. ni wn^tlli Tli s- 1 Ji11arc iii ojim pd, in pure bourbon wli*-:':v, Ooiii noo:!'iinri1iou if ovor J'1 tlifl'-rent V.inn« (if rnul*. barks un I herbs wlii'li aci in pcr- fT? c.inrpi mc wiili t!u rt!: 'r, jirppitroJ from the oriiriiiiil ['orinv'a 'nou by lli urn ut cliicf, Uert J.u I .el, to lr.l'lia|-iii,«ho n«:J tin-n« suecossi'tilly in U:-i prri'-ticf for innny vrars, nnd bv their wse ^iiiiiL-d jrrviit it jiopuiurlty in tlie our» of ilrsiiop- 'sia, l.ivi'r r.mipl.' u-, Constipation, !»ick and S'er vous lieadauiie, 1-Vvor and Astuo, uiul ulUl iseasea arijsinu lictin torpid liver nr indiifvsiion. iVrsnna HuUti intf I'liini i lll:or of th?j" lo.itlinoir.o diaeusM wilj Uiul u rt'i' O cure by tliuse of these Hitter wliiidi arc peiTcotiy pur 1 and free from all those dnius i nd piiin-ins nsif.illy put i'p in such prepar ations,_mid I'liliiicd olt'on au tiu,su*:or! in( public, line trial irill convince tlie moat itki'iitical that in Red J«ck is virture which none otner possets. Tiiev streiiv'tlirn ur.d ijivi^oratu the ay.-tem. They are ui)ci|iir'icd fur general iebUitj. They re a gure cirre for drsjiepsia. Tb\v g\r" a tro"'J and healthy appettei Tbi y«t di^rc-tioii. Tlii'V an- Ihe be stimnlottt in cxnleile#. Thpy are n preventive of f.jTer aud agn«. Th'-v relie,ve.Bou»Ui4iUo». #».-•# They rure hntofB kMdt'iie. •. 8 They are perFeitlv pure nnd pulnlrtlAe, Aged perKoin IIIHI delieate tctnulcs will find theT can save lur^'e d'K'tor iil!s by i,se ot'lhese Iiitter*. untvriipiM. itefl tetter* i,ii#n tUI' For Mi Ileal and Table noes, which are perfectly to be a if genuine vnli-M tlwpf bafbnni pni*, and need only bis tried to be Sold br ireciat-ed. Odd labH oaeb boillf, and onr iaitull trti the oork. Hold bv all .. Jnittisti tbr»«(iKM||Diecomitrr. Uallfort* taks MtdOwr. 'timi, oa«9»|Hc«tioato No. 21 River B. 8.- Ballord, at wboltssak kf .. ,4afec20fd*tflr Hold at wholesale in CkiaagoXy.FtiliW. Fipeh 4 Boaknaa jk *a» Schaaokv.W. .1 :.r ii. 3 wHI ffbctMaicric ^UaUcr.Fkh, mtkmcen, m- »t nature. This ra •f'-fne 1» a »in:p!e r»j rtal!e e*traet, aad«M which ail «aa tvljr, a* K h» la oar pcaetfCe for AM1- in the itAck of IrivdMS y Grocery $Umrt^ i, OM^hr»7S^«|fonMd«i ttaAntus jp. ^Torlh Wert ooc. p«ij AFwwl iiy fits stock of Kkkm, Brulti. a«ll*V YfBTC, Etc., Ate.,. Is the }iurest and freshest kind.— Hrwrkeepers will hud it to tbeir adracrta^e to call and see the pjudi. Goods delivered il all pfcrts of the Pity free of charge. Every Article Warranted! dcclJ-dtf mf JOSHUA BURR? Brady Street, Bctwera Frost isd Seeond, Davenpnri, Itwn, I Uanr-coTFTLLT BBO lesro to state to the RTJVRIT c,tize,,s ,t,f Daren- it,- i'port, «nd the conn sj TEAS. lUry dealers through ,?! 'Jfj I fit ihi» p»rt of tlie State that 1 •mtsiihareon hand, and am constantly receiving, large and well selected stock of GROCERIES At Wholesale and Retail, itanprising Fnca", ColJces, ... Teas, TobuetoS, pried Froit, "'OunCaps, Candles, .Spiceg, 4 Tnba, vhm-9 of Vh,ut highly concentrated CklMM i 1"J!" .. ,Jiywd«r, White I/cad, Cordage, lioap, Soap, Boda, Cotton Yarn Candle Wickinif, Dead, t-i, *.'• Subs in nests half l'uslie!% Ilulf liuihcln in n*.st«^ Wrapping Twine, 1 •f HAND, AT ii is old si and, Oi iu of Fifth and Itrady streets, a large nnd nrist complete stock of the best Groceries, comprising TEAS OF ALL KLNDS CoflVes and Siifjai'?, Syru^v ilolassfs. Candle*, aphps, Starch, Wooden Ware, Dried I' ruit, Spiccs, Soda, Salt, Kerosene, Tobacco mul Cigar*, and, in almrt, everything thit enn be in a first CIUSH retail («rucery. lie INVITES the attention of ill 1 e!ito:ner* j-nd new to bis choice stoek. and conirdent that he can jrive romjilete sutistUnion, bmh i:i .iods »:id piKi..s. If you want tlie let Groceries call hi nnvfi-dtfi IlOOLUY'S. MEDICAL* OCBBELi SSi WW b. HESS & STERN'S ten 1toktfiftort, a e n i o n S o I i e $ We call attention to onr large ntyl completettock of Military Clothing, which we offer at very re duced rales. Call and [oM yourselves in prices. To Country Jticrehants. Yon will And it to your advantage to examine our stork before laying in your supply, n* we will sell them (!ood. at York prices. We shall con Mantly receive aii rise nev. grades of 'Jood.1 man ufactured. Our motto nhall be, First tn lfesMon, Cheapest la price* HESS St ISbol, MADE Iroom Twine, Bdjr Tu ine. Pint Flasks, .. Bru Buckets. PartSenlor attention paid to the 1 \*holc*ate Hnninenn. buy on the most advantageous ternii and sell low. Call und exauiiie. All orders promptly attended t». mv£l-dtf FRESH FAMILV tiKOCERIES! JAMS.S I (1.! ,Y' I^anifly Carocer, KEEPS in any quantity on the shortest notice. Orders from the country tilied with dispatch and deiir* red at the depot, steamboat landing and in al' parts of the city free of charge. Bakery '-.v 4 WlnieielB ft ftatatt OfcOfllflfO HOUBB1 1 •tuVpniiu HvCEf Aim." PaOPRIBTOBfl or TUMi 4MTAB- jM- liaHUKT beg leare to inform Um citixens of Davenport, and surrounding country, that they have JtMtofyvned th^ I argent aad moot coMplet* stuck of CLOTHING. AND fiMtla' Fuminhing Ommdt Erer brought to tins city. Having our nu n manufactory we caa defy com poUtiS •. both in aMortfaent aiid pri«N We ri!i 1* plcanedto oterybody call and examiiK iur •lock, and they will find that we ibow our Goods with will and pleaanre. No. 25 East-Front Street, near Burrow's Mill, UaveiiDort. oct'i-dAwtf HCTELSAND BOARDING. MISSISSIPPI I I Sezion,'' nr:. sO* 1 .* A __ -j Sit- f. •.*« i- .nri ure seems t^ have iinplatt|ad ipx nankind tha desire for a daily Mimulant, the nerve*, and excite the bTood after the exhaustions ennsed by the days' labors, and not only has ihe ^iven the esire, but experience has skown that it is an abaolutc necessity, that this desire should be gratified, for the preservation of the Saw I/valth. natnre'fc requirements being founded upon (Kisitivs laws, must produce benefits wb^ti tlxev ,y •"Wi» fttraTKattaa^ Har n« fefla.«aftd C. fl SoiiUii 4h^iat of Dav «apert kackAMiiUr* MMmmhSBIU ltilJ»riw«Mh« Hh -j Gottien MiU4r9t ^c Cure's requirement* may be grsti/Spd/"ll W* JKiU&h a pvrtfp VtgUtbU Tonic. 4n ia'wax ovet and daatera omrfftHifo aad IavigoraHaf and Stiai^Mwaiag, FortiSea tha ^JRST«A ITFAIART «NI^*A#TFCIRF«B»WBOLEAP*E i»t {.•fi'J'jrf njr'w I A STERN, Mammoth Clothing Hall, No. 9 Second street. Metropolitan liuilding, Formerly occupied by Mack UroB., Ciy8Q-dli* llavenport, low*. BAKERIES. Bread, Cakes and Plea AT THE tmiON BAKERY, OF THE BEST FLOUR, BY THE uiost experienced Bakers, and especially prepared For Family Use. er Parties supplied on tl.e shortest AVft'i 'onr and they wiH be promptly tilled br dc"'.V -dly JOCOB HAHN. PIONl^Kli BAKJER^ DAV. MOORK, Proprietor. THE o.v C(IN.SI'AN /LY PROI'KIKTOR OF THIS BAliEftY having reeeivyd reinforrements, is now pre pared to foriiisli his old and new customers with BREAD, (IKES, CRACKERS, &C. HOUSE. •N'HV IIA "1'T, PKOI'WKTOn. HE inmetidr, lis eonvetiiently arranged ho ti'l to all tiavtlera, and also to ci:y boarders, as suring thcai that nothing will be wanting to proniut*1 tho welfare of hid guests nnd to make their stay with him tilc:isant and agreeable. He ulfi rei (iliilileuus his well slocked bar which isjsupplied with the choicest liquors and wines. Lunch every morning al 10 o'clock, jel tf PREN^I'SHOTEL, On tht fi'irnp. i.i /'iiiii, opjiiisitf tho Citf Hall l\rk, Co.'. of t'rti L/ort utritt, iV. I 'uric. tpaciona tlefectoi v, Bath Rooms nnd Barber jLop, Bed rooms vanned gratis, and only one ted in a room. I) not believe rumors or" hack men who say we a full. Serv* are not al lowed to reoeive pe rquisilrs. apl5-dly S1GEL HOTEL, Front bttwitn MraJu und Main, JOHN MK1 KU Proprietor. ENTKUTAIX.MEXTnnd 1 PIIOV1DKH FOR THK travehng public eitv boarders at all times in the tnost satisfactory manner. The ta ble wi'S be supplied with the best the market af fords. iin the beds and rooms kept in the most comfort style. Jjjjf" Warm Meals at all hours. W i n e s a n u o of the best quality constantly on hand. jyl4 II MtSTEMUV HOTEL, Noa. 9, II, IS A 15 COUTLANDT tfTBBET, NEW YORK CITY/ D. D. WlSCKESTBR A T. D. WlKCHBSTRR fltOP's. MIE CENTRAL BUSINESS. LOCATION OF this-Hotel, our Iowa friends will find especi ally adapted to their convenience, bring contigu ous to all the.western Bail Road and Steamboat londing*. dly I S I E E W FOR THE COMPLEXION. i This delightful preparation is the inont efBcucious A valuable article known for benuti fying thecompiez ion, »nd imparling to the skin that clearness and w it r.ess so much eov eh'd. L'ulike most pre parations offered to tha public as"beau titiers of Uto com it contains no mineral fngred'ents.lmJ perfectly innocent, delicious and refreshing. It is most delightfully ol and aoothing, re moves TAN, FRECKLES rnd DlSCOLOItA TiQiVCH, prevents Wrinkles, Rough and Hallow Cheeks, improves and preserves the beauty of the Complexion, and renders the skin white,soft, smooth and clear. Gfiitl inen, after shaving, will find ita nse agreeable and beneficial. Sold bv druggists and perfumers generally.— Pvincijtai depot 111 Liberty St., JK, Y. (ni-41j puwroRTtmurtcniRCRs. 4 9 9 i a 4 v iK3W VOIMK. The attention (f tbe :'e aad Ua trade is in vited to our New Scale 7 Ortare Boftfcftfaod Piano Fortes, which lor mtviM imdywi^ tf tone are unrivaled by any bit'o i io offered in this market. They contain alt the mod*n» iaiprovements, French, Grand Af tion. Harp Pedal, Iroa Fraate, Over Strung li»f.-, ic., and each instrument being made under the personal MperrMon tif Mr. J.W. OaovrtiWt who haa bad a praetieal efcsNliMB of over 90 years iu their manufacture, la /W/y ieu*r«f*td iu tvtry ptrliatimt. Th* "Ommiem Pirnt* fltrt/' rr*t/mldb .1'al —i npnimrwt fiwn v# tow all citlma^, ml Mraatly located ne_. This splendid Hotel li pleaaaatly located near tfca buaiaess portion of tl •tegaat style. ag25-dm the city, and is kept in 8. H. UiLL, Proprietor. e w o u EUivt »C Co., Prop'r» •f State and .Washington timts, 4 i'lika«a, HTTkU liodse will be kept in a first-class *5™' «T, Ppcea. regardless or advances of other Chicago hotels, ag-25-dtf WEWCR, WILLUHg riTCI, Hot. 10,12 k It Like St«.,Cblngo. IIATS, CAPS, FURS, JU., Hatg, Caps, Fars, Robes Baekskla tiloFM ia4 MiUeas, Haibrellas, ladieaf Misses' & Children** Hats, Skating Caps, «, Furs,jfcca Special wVotice. We beg to sta'e that our Stock ia not mr* passed in extent, variety, styles, qnalWes or ('UKAPXKSS by any to be found Vast or west, nnd ha#iug at all sea.ons a very Larck STUCK or STA PLK OPS, oi hand, we ai:e fortified nijainst sud den and great advances, whereby we are enabled to oiler mr.nvB^oods at Ie»- than MAX^'^'ACT^^Rns, pKKSKJir I'UICLS, which we will d» throughout the seusnn. Merchants will promote their inferrsU br ei amiuiug our -tin k bulntr buvmg. W«^p.William**Fitch. auir2.i-d"m All Private Oincases^iirei Without 3Iercury. DR. .ST.' Oa the north-side of Second Street, fc#* tween Urudy an:l IVi ry, I)r. A\ is the puLli«herof a new work, entitled "Nip the Evil in the Bud." which will be sent to all on receipt "f lo cents to prepay postage. All letters with stump answered. Consultation free. Charges moderate and cure guaranteed. Dr. Whitler onres flic very worst kind of rup ture in a f-wr weeks. P.i«t ofi'ce Box 404, Office nnd Consvltafion Rooms lt'-4 Seuth Clark Street, Chicago. Y-m can see the Doctor e\ cry day from 3 Al M. to $ P. M. aagfti dAwly Gttormt *. m\KWm Hlgbfil Preoiim Elaslie JMitrli SEWING MACHINES! 4S5 Brondwav, N. Y., and il" Lake St. Chicago. o s a e y to *#. 111. *O0#E IS. NEWLY FURNISHED, OBlrally located, within a block or two of all tha public places in the ciiv. and contains the laraeat tnoms of any bote) in Chicago. m. 1664. FALL AND WIJSTEI TRADE, We are now ready to ortVr to tha Trade fro a tfl •ectiens of th^ fN at, I^nr^eand T#fy Attractive atork *)f WHITHER IS REfir LAti edncated and iogiti- ^nnitelv qualiiied, r.ud has e*pej j.rieiK.e in all forms of diseuse, a -^knowledge quite iiidi.-,penxable i, in the or. per trrMmtnt of the •s.-war—- .j" venerial di.oea.-'es in nil its varied and complicati-d forms, and Inw for year* i' the treatment of private di cascs his bo*ln»-j-s i nd study. Espej ieiue, the Uxt uf teachers, has enabled him to perfect remedies at at once suliicint, sr.fe, permanent, and in most c.i«"s can be u-ed without himk-.-unciS to busiiie-w Particular attention given to old striding 11.« es, such as were considered incurable. Svphilis in all formt-- tionorrhr:i, (ih i t, Strictures, Orchites, Diabetes, Itiadderatid Urinarv di.-»ases. A No, the eth"'tsoi soliiaiy haiits, hntli ruinous to body and mind, and which produce some of the following eiV cts Blotclica, i!«dHy Weakness, Constipation. Aver-i in and I neu.-iiie.'s in Fr itode Siei"ty, I. iimai'iim s. Dread of Future Kvmts, finally a complete prostration of the vi tid powers, los of memory, rinifini in the ears, can be I'.iliy restored to health. n. J. Agent. Oflice over Wadsworth'a store, cor. Brady and td Hts., Davenport, lowa. octe-dAwflmo. The Singer Sewing Machines Our LETTER A FAMILY SEWING MACHINE is fast gaining a world-wide reputation. Itisbe rond doubt the best and cheapest and most beau tiful of all Fautily tic-wing Miicbines yet ofTercd to tbe public. No other Family Si wing Machine has so many useful appliances for Hemming, Rinding, Fcltng, Tucking, (lathering, Guaging, Braiding, Embroidering, Cording, and so forth. No other Family Sewing Machine basso much copacity for a great variety of work. Great and recent iaiprov emerta make our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and mu«t durable, and most certain in action at all rates of speed. It makes the interlocked stitch, which is the best stitcb known. Any one, even of the mott ordinary ca pacity, con see, uta glance, how to use the letter A Family Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewing Machines arc finished in chaste aud exquisite stile. The Folding Caseof the Family Sewing IIachin is a piece of cunning workmanship of tha moot nsefal kind. It protects the machine when not in nse, and wheir about to be operated may ha ripened as a spacious and sabstantial table to ana tain tbe work. While some of the Cases, made otit of the choicest woods, are finished in the sim plest aad chastest manner possible, others are adorned aad embellished in tbe most costly and sunerb manner. It is absolutely necessary to see the Family Machine In Operation, so as to judge af its great capacity sad wanty. U ia ISM besiaiing popular for family aewingm gur manufacturing machines are for asanulisctar- f^t^ancb Offices are weTY supplied with silk, taist, thread, needlea, oil, Ac., of the vefy best quality. TM^fNara'lSN^AcTtmiNo COMPANY, Ml Broadway, New York. Chicago OfBoe, 50 Clark street. I a KKAUSB A co., JMW Agents in Untaptii •r aoWAia adiaiNMlittaria A4r~.^* biil- LUT HOUOHTOX, Howard R(| taM qwMi Counnptivc aaflbrara will raaaiva a valaaUa prt»iripfi.-n for the cure of Conaaaiption, Aatb ma, IVouchitit, and all t^rftd tmt KVWAW L«« affoe- tions, ifrae*of charge,) bv sending Uisir addraaa *. mtum, liogs Co., N. Y. A CABS TO 13TALIM. A Clergyman, while reaidiogin Month Aflin* a laisslonaiy, di«cov«red a*ft aad siMla remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Ksr ly Deg^ Diseases «r the Ut inarv and gsatinal Organ*, and the whote train of disorders bronght nn by baneful habits. Great nuaibars hava km already cured by this noble reined v. ProMipted by a desirs to benefit the afliictcd and unfortu nate, I will send the receipe for preparing and using this medidna. li s#aMalivtlope, to any one whnneeda it, Fru of Ckerg,. Pleoae Inrfbae a stamped envelope— to youiaelf^ Address* yr7 JOHEPH T. INMA!^ Station D, Bible lloiMk •Tfr-'flt New York Oity. cnmnoKm^crmmr~ WISEtoKNOW. air WEAK TO Do.- -Tliere is no more pit iable sight thaa that of a voting i:i stricken by weakness of will, yet poaaeased of sufli cient kuowrleuge to feel the loaa. Wishing to do. but too enervated in will and in body to acl. Heavy eyed when he should possess the eve of un eagle, listless when every nerve should tingle with en erifv, dreaming in lieu of do ing. t.'uniijt tniu-riaire instead of seeking it, an4 fsst ssnUinir into a driveller and a warning la others, and all through seminal weakness, duo to over-indulgence, natural or unnaiural, dis placed in loathsome emin*ima that humiliate and disgust him. To such we say, take the CHKRO.KE CI nr, observe the directions that ac company it faithfully, and it will infailiblv be stow what nature meant vou to possess: streligth, energy, heart, and, in lien of mipctencv, manly power Read the advertisement. Sold by all drnircrists. L' E. S. BaLLORI), Ag't. Nov. 14.—dAwlm. A I O N I A i LADIES AND I I:NTLEMEN IFYOI: WISH in raarrj, address the uiidnrsigm-d, who will send you without moiiev nn(l without price, valu able information tiialwiil enabh' you to marrv, hnppy and speedily, irrespective of age, weabh or beauty. This in formal ion will cost you noth ing. and if jou wish to »arrv, I will cheerfully assist yon. All letters strictly confidential. Th# desired information sent by return mail, and no quest ions asked Address LAMBERT, Ortenpoint. Kings fln., dAwffm llow FOR NPANT.T A QUARTER OK A CENTURY Miithcws' VMi'tinn Hair Dye has been exten sively used, mid in uo case has it fallen to give entire sr.iMiitcfioii. The VENETIAN DVE is the best and elinapest in l!i" vvoi Id. li.s pi .!• i.i oiuv liliv tints, and ea'h bottle contain^ the quantity of dve in tins-!) kMdouble Tor $|. THIS IIAIU Dk is manufactured bv a pecn liur pitici's whieh lenders it iimiieasnrablv su pcr'orto anything in the shape of n Dye now or ever before (lii-p-ople. Bcini complete in one bottle, no propitiation js 1B'* U CO*, AMtJVAOViraSBS AND DEALlWl ail kind* af U E ooillHMa •M'.'l" IP I -K ouuTiramM nnu required, which greatly sinijililii"' ili" rpidieaiion. IN I'SIXtl THIS DYE von avoid that nrsrr, bllrrr appearance by whicb dyed hair and wiiia! kers are so readily reco.»nircd, when an inferior arliele h-s been used besides, it produces n per fed I v naturnl cohr nn any shade thatnmy le do sired—one that will not fade, crock or wash not —one that is its peiinancnt ns ihe hair itself. For sale by diuggiyti. Pi ice So cents. A. 1. MATHEWS, t'eeernl Agi'nf, li Cold street, New York. Also Wanufncfurer of JlATncN s- AIIMICA Haia &oss, the best hair dreeing in use. In large t*" tiles price oo cent*. oct!»l-dly -1 Stove* SUotmm I- v^ WILLS & WASHBURN l' lo. 50 Brady Street' ,t Nearly opposite Postofica, Hthe AVE IN STORE AND ARE RACSIVIW largest and best assortment of PARLOR. COOK 4 HEATING STOAES, that ean be purchased in the esstern •afkat, H. A W. have tbe exclusive sale HANFORira Celebrated Cfcalieag* laalart -j one of the most economical Inventions em pto duccd, and for convenience nd eomfcrt kM JS tn u ffi ••'n'fdl a y m%L-fti|' Trisnsfc. J'.?, .*£*.'' Vsrsst tak, i HQ irM and otiler fWrorite patW* mA- ONLY he ed at Hills and Waahbnrn a. |9 vary ataya jmciiii I or thtanoney refunaad. They alao keep thefralakrrtsrt nwjrf*! I A I Dwhidinh»aM*MMl -.'if T•: •"K Britni* OoodL Cwt Mi, Tongs, Nwrw, Pokan, r% i •i vhji n,- fa #C- J* $11 Jivf -ft?}