Newspaper Page Text
•bft.1 as •is=s |li E* li i- tvumra |r5 ie *1 aafiffM^AA* flail, upon 1»U wttb4ra* tha pfMMtthhe from public life, the dWI»tl| 1M^P« wtekh ao recently chose U* ft* iWlltMptarfl benrrr, »ho IJ UM.fv ^•iUiilMi appHmtiM W hi* Mni«i had «f his worth-u a patriot. Hi# military (wr»r haa been the chief thwneof ccmmcr lot tog the brief and exciting pi evidential #ontaet through whyj» me lure ao lately Jwaaed, tafl teii1t#roWbte tint its eontin tot£ ditensbko k tnls #tn« would obtain for trim the justice whicli hitter partisanship has ilenied him among hi* political opponents. iWs shall not here attempt a rcriew of Uis fcampaigns or their result. lie m»y safely tljKt his reputation its a soldier and patriot to the facts which authentic and iirtpartial Itistorj will b«, compelled to record. In jua lltt to himself and the brave army which he iDOmnMnded, he has so grouped and Hubslan |tatsd them in hin nicmuinltle report that |hej will amply vindicate his fame when the fided iettJT piasion* of the present shall hare sub and permitted a candid judgment Up ton their merits. It is simple justice, however, that eminent {public service should be recognized when jpwffirmed, and if dHnetion has attempted to decry their value and belittle the impor tance of their results that it should be ex |MMidMiil denounced. With this view, we Isha^aivert to the character of those who lian been most forward in assailing Tien. IfcClellan, and the clearly apparent motives prompting the assault. The secretary of war and Senators Wade hnd Chandler have given official sanction to the misrepresentations which hive prejudic fed ths mDtds of a majority of the adminis tration party agalnat IfcClellan. When the tsttle,"wa* snefil engaged in the "Seven Days Secretnry S (an toil was industrious In maligning him and in endeavors to weak *n the confidencc of the leading members of Congress in his generalship and the sin cor Sty of his attachment to the union. The let Iter of Gen. Nngloc to Judge Kelly,lately pub lished, in which wan reproduced the letter *of Stanton to McClellan, places this fact be yond denial. We append the letter of the ^Secretary: **WAB Dcpnt-mur, WASHINOTOS, D. C.J July 5, 1862. "DKAS GENERAL.—I had a talk with Gen. Marry, and meant to havo written you bv him but am called to the country, where Mrs. Stanton is with her children, to see one of them die. I can, therefore, only say, my dear general, in this brief moment, tlint there is no cause in my heart or conduct for 'the cloud that wicked n have raised l»e tween us for their own and selfish pur poses. N» man had ever a truir friend than I have been to you. and shall continue to be You arc seldom absent from my thoughts land I am ready to make any sacrifice to aid you. lime allows me to say no more than that I pray Almighty God to deliver you and your ariny from all peril, and lead you on to victory. "Yours truly. Gen. Nagle states that immediately pre ceding the date of this letter Mr. Stanton "had everywhere denounced Gen. MClellan as a traitor, and as incapable of command ing a rcgiineut." II the statement of Gen. Nagleo be disputed, it c-in be ••orroloiatcd by the testimony of members of the admin istration party in coni r«s so fully as todis pel all doubt of its absolute truth. This man Stanton, thus convicted nsa liar and a hypocrite, was the an conspirator guiding the invesrigaliiigroiniiiiltt'e of which Senators Wade and Chandler were the luad atul he it was who prompted these, his will ing instruments, in their (Torts to Id i ken the reputation of McClellan. The spirit ac tuating him he infused into them, and found but little dillicu ly in the task, for w tli but a tithe of his intellect, the work he appoint *1 thetti to do was i»s rnwjrcnial t» ih irtin tuna as to his own. Tlie trio made what they termed an investigation, and published sucli portioii of their vi I. n .e sou-lit for tmd.-r uneh a feeling of ina'evolen. e,\.!,ta'i ei frooi Weil who hop«l by the dismissnl ol McClellan lo pru'iirc the own a lv in"u nn-nt, is was adverse to ilie g»rip.l. wlnle bm vviii u vnuii an lii entire conduct SB an tiUi or w i» w.h'Jd iiom piib'i? :iim, !mr i in tv» war di piitiiient. where it 'cumin.-, to t'i'S day, uoil .\||, e it ,v,ij reiuaio until tile cu^»o«ly of ih u d-p trtment i-sus trot huh WHO wmt to t'lellan tin l.-ttcr w»» have (ju ted. while dt:»'niue im him in tlie ial cap.tal as an imbecile and traitor. The facts we have cited will suggest to every h••tn.-t an«l intelligent uun the de gree of credence to be placed or. evidence thus manipulated and manuf.icturtd by wen whost characters were in perfect har mony with the work in which they were en gaged. What Stanton is, his leuVr and his action immediately preceding disclose. The most vi\id imagination may safely be dtliued to conceive blocker tr-acherv or more revolting hyopcri-y. What \Vade and Chaadlsi are, their disgraceful exhibi tions of drunken license in the senate chamber, their garbled report, and their reckless unscrupulous partisanship, will testify. The three have furnished the and speakers of their party wita the weapons of assault against General McClel- rtl-r-r-|tie%» i f. Iti station, and directly prof- lUngbjtMr wagk, was tlw president of »e rapubhc, whoee letters to Uen. McUlei professions of gratitudS ih h®hau Ol hiBHelf and of the country in con hjaafc with hia dnnMn of hitn a few days Mtor those letters Were written, should trtl hlifc. ha I tliMMubkV but little below Ml^lBfa, the President wrote: "Bo as ioKd the heroisaB «od«kUl of yourself, of ia, and forever will he, is. Ifliuhltd. indowam^ht by President Lln so fkr as his opinion is COQ PtQM, tha charges of Stanton, Wade and vBandler aa false and slanderous, and ti WUcb the su^aaqMDt tweue of the Iiation preservation of the annmf Sf.thA?lcto,3r of AntiatMh, rurtnar and momentuous reasons-lor «Ma gratatada oath»t»H #hWipaljMhly refhteall hlaauh- Iflpsf THB of Oaaaral MoCtallaii has t)M president. Itlsnfttar- GovMunumr Daor Bunxo Inrnw IN GOLD.—TheGovernmentdebt a gold interest is now promised amounts to $961,170,701, the annual interest upon which $50,646,604, or nearly fifty-seven millions dollar?. The main resources of the government to meet this consists U« re ceipts fur customs. "T BAD rather be right than be Presi lent," was the saying of a distinguished statesman oft?) qvo*d. It n» %u|t pftfcies tba honest sentfmeMt of 0h)i Ite •Cl«ftan's heart' ss he resathes htt place in private life among his fellow ci* iscns. This is not the time to cite the history of current events or eall in the testimony of cotcmpo raries to vindicate the wisdom of his views and peiicy, or the rectitude of his course.— W hat is to transpire in the immediate fu ire, no less than what has transpired in t'le pnst, will b* required to fill the measure off Gso. MoClelkn's ?indie»tion. Mean while, with the vote he received under ex isting circumstances and surroundings on Tuesda 8 Ji inut, he may well and sincerely retire from the military service of his coun try, Where his usefulness has been destroy ed by the intriguas of base and corrupt po litical factions, without envying the lot of liitn who ia to till the es dential chair for __ the coming four years. In a trying ordeal such as no man ever before passed Courting is like strawberries and cream— wants to be did slow, then you get t! e 11a vor. I liavc saw folks git acquainted, fal in luv, git married, settle down and git to i way i EDWIN M. STANTON." for Che great number of almitey mean m:ik aniks we hav and the pour job tha turnout. Perhaps it iz best if I should state some good advise tew courting iucn who are about w .urt with a final view to matrimony, as it w:is. In the fust place, young ma:\ yu want tew git our sysuni all right, and then find a young woman who is willing to be court ed on the sq iare. The next thing ir. to find out how old she iz, which you can do by asking her, and she will sn thai she is 16 years old, and thiayoa will lind wont be far from out of the wa. The next best 'hing is to begin moderate say once every night in the wet k for the first six months, increasing the doce as the patient seems to require. Uon't court for muny, ror buty, norrcla sliuns! These things are just about as the kerosene ile re ning business, liable to git ut of repair and bust at any minute court the gal for fun, for the luv you bear her, for the vartue and bizsiness there is in her court her for a wife and mother court her as yu would court a farm, for the strength ov the site and the perfeekshun ov the title court her as thn she want a fule and yu nulher court her in the kitchen and in the parlor, over the wash tub and at the Plan ner court this wa, young man, and if you don't git a good wife, the lauit won't he in the courting. Young man, you can rely upon Josh Bil lings, nnd if you kant niake these rules work, jist send for him, and he will show yu how the thing is did^-4t»shait mat you a cent.—Jotk Millingi. WjtBtMmmm iff FAIRBANKS' I^WW^NHIV W BOAXkHS tin! ta or iU IHfL FAlMi WHWMiiw Trwrtas fT4 iwmtL.kt, fiirkaakfl) (ireeilMfA^ 172 Lake- Street, Chicago. i««r OMiMyd ooia «rMeh hMreocedtdedten to complete, i+r iwtsmryraaei u nWib «r, wko ariU faniiab AbatraeU or Title to aav Real KMata ia 8oot» Uoaall a^, abort notice aad on reaaoaahle Urms. rr*yr A] o: v '-A* Om- OP— Whkh L1H HOUOHTOIT, Bowwd AwolsHsa, ffe. Soatk Kiath Stnet, PhHsdslfMs, Pa. apldwlj Te Coasnmptjve i«| t4««Ua prescription for tbe ewe of CoMWBption, Asth ma, Broncbitii, and all threat and Long afec ttcfta, f|ee of dMHfe.) br »4nli|i* '1 ir a&hctt to Iter EUWABD A. Miagn-Qu., X. Gen. McOleilan has pursued the even tiaor ing, foaringniarriage'instead of seeking it, and ... „f fast sinkinir into a driveller and a warning to of his way, unmindful of ths fangs of enry others, and all through seminal weakness, dne and inalicc wliich darted at him from every to on-i -indul^i uee, nat'.ii al or uiaisttuisd, dis ., played iu loathsome enii«MHn.s that huiiiiliute quarter. AV ith sovereign and silent con-: £n([ WtllOr, Wi!HUMbttrg, V. sspfeMUkirias A CAM L1TAU A Clerjryinan, while reiidingio South Amen ci aa a mitaiunaiy, diacoveved a aafe Snd ahnple rsnwdy fur tiae Care of Xerrcas Weakaeaa, Bar* Ijr Decay, Diaaaaea of the Cmaiy.snd Se«ni*«l Orgam, and the whole train uf diaerdera breught on by baneful habits. Great numbers bare been already cured by liiia noble ramedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit tha afflicted and unfortu nate, will send the receipe fur preparing and timing thi* medicine, in a sealed envelope, te any one who needs it, fret of Chnrgt. Please iuclote a stamped envelope—addressed to youi self. Address, JOSEPH T. IN .MAN, •... Station 0, Bible House, .. .,*»5-dly York City. mUEttOXEE cvur. WISE TO KNOW, art WEAK TO Liu.—There ia no mora pit iable sikflit than that of a young man stricken by weakness J! will, yet possessed of suffi cient knowledge to feel the loss. Wishing to do, but too enervated iu will nitd ia body to aet. Heavy-eyed when ho slio-.i!d |i«so£s the eve of au a^le, iis'less when every 'nerve about'* tingle with en* ergy, dreaming iu lien of do (lis),,lst hlin To tempt he has smiled upon the slanderous OHEBOKEK Ocas, observe (lie chrcetions that ae company it faithl'uily, nnd it will infallibly e stow wiiat nature meant run to posse**: strength, energy, heart, aud, iti lieu of irnpotencv. manly power Head, the odvei tisemeut S tl by all drn^gists. U. 8. BaLI.OUD, Ag't. outp urings of his cneir.ius. Hu has pre served his honor and his self-respect, a'd befjrc the world to-day lib occupies, as he will occupy in history and fur all time, a prouder position than the man who through jealousy and ambitionaongbt his destruc- I tion that he mi« ht continue to occupy the ADIF.S AND firSTLEMEX IF YOU WISH Pipsicfontinl ehmr LXl to many, address tlie mub rsifrneil, who will I lesiaenual cnair. y.m without money and without price, valu inble uif irination Ttmtwill enable viu to inarrv, ,uc!l Conrliisv. Ihap y :uid snetililv. irrespective of ii^p, weulib Courting \t. a luxury, it iz sattatf, it iz ise or i i •»./. s,i.» o.^.n *1. «»run ate!, il the I'la spell the soul, he vv NOT. 14,—dAwlm. IN USING THIS It VI! you avoid that nrsrT, bv wliich lvcd huir and whia- DIRTV appearanc kers are so readily rpcornizi" 1, wlien an inferior" article h3 bei-ii usei hecides, it produces a per- work in '6 weeks from date. This if just i f(-,c,,.v n"111' "l eolor on any shade that may be de .he way souie folks learn a trade—. kounts «ired-one that will nnt t«dc. croc* or w^sh out ~one that us pcrinnucnt us the hair itself. For sale by dr.igeist*. l'riee 5" cents. A. I. HATHEWS. C.enernl Agent. 12 tfold street. New York. Also WiAinfacturer of MATHEWS* It is a filtrate way to court the girl's mother a little oil the sUrt, lor there ia one thing a woman nevci disp zes, and that iz a little good courting, if it is done on the These Bitter* are prepared, pure bourbon square. Alter lu -tyuiv you will gin to whisky, irom ncnnhi tuition of over 20 iliilVreiit be Well acquainted and WIH bc 'in to like thtf ':'n^s routs, hm-Us imdli-rba which n''t in per bli-iiiesd. f'C concert o-ie with th(Mti!i.-r, prepared from the 'I'l....... .u: i i oti/iiial formnlu given bv the t'rent chief, Red thing I alwars adviso, and Jacket, to Ur.Chopin,who used tiiem succe«st'iil1y that, iz, not to swap fotographs oficm-r ilian in his prscticc for iminy yurs, and by tiu.-ir use ••n"e In tert ij 8, Unless yu forget how the gained i ro..t ii'!..pi:V*rity tri'th.: cute of .lvsiiep gal looks. sin. I.irer Comprint, Co:»*iipation. Hick aud Ner vous Uea'hiuhe, Fever ami Ague, and r.lid iseasea OUast^nally you want tew k»k soity and from toVp.-l liver or bastion. IVrso in 3 wl«? Wina ag tho 30U lial pain thiK •utrenti^lr -ni cither of th&ie Umthsomr diseai rt'iil set III': girl to tc*2«|}£ lu to find out a «i« fr .. ,V _..a All.. nivil IVi.,.. all ftL. Wiataii\oih Lvcti:.'ig meetings are a coo thing to tend, it will keep your leiigion i:i tune and then, if the gal happens to be there, i nk-tdent, she can ask you to iru home with her. As a thing wouldn't brag on other pals muth when I was eotuting. It mite !«HH1 as tbo you knu t«-w much. If you ni! cwrt three y.ars iit thin wa, all the time on the square, il you don't sait is a li-etlo till* slickest time in yur life, you can git measured for a hat at my expense, and pay for it. ARNICA rx k „v ,:i .e ,,IC A I O N I A b'"*a«ty. This information will cost you notb- |n?. J,lid vv,s*1 to tnaii ho has neycr ccui ted lia.s lived in vain desired information sn»nt by let urn mail, and no he has been n blind man among landskapcs and waterskapes lie has been a deft" man in the land ov hand organs, and by the side of wurmurin canals. Courting iz like 2 lit tle springs ov water^that steal out from un der a rock at the fo''t of a mountain and runs down the hill side by side, singing and dancingjtnd spatering each other, eddying and frothing and kaskading, now hiding under the b:ink, now full of shadder, till himeby tha jine and then go slow. I am in fuvor of long it gives thepartiesa tbaiice liiul out each other's trump cards, it is good exercise, and is just as inncrsent as 2 merino lambs. d&w2m i-wrv. I will clireiiiiilv V()U A k ,tt„r.,strif.tlv confiJon.i,.!. The questions asked Address (5ARAI1 B. BAMBKRT, Ureeupoiut, Kines Co., 'ew rork. FOR NEARLY A QUARTER OF A CEXTCItY Muthews' Venetian Iluir l)ye has been exten sively used, mid in uo case hut it faitea t(T give entires:.'is iuLliou. The VEXETI AN DYE is the best and cheapest in the world. Its price is oniy Fitly Cents, and each bo'tie contains duiiblu the quuntity of d}"e in those nsually soM for $1. THIS HAM! Di li is manufactured bv a pecu liar process whieli reuders it itunieiisiirubly su perior to anything in the shape of a Dye now or ever before the people. Keinic complete in one bottle, no prepwution is required, which greatly simplifies the application. HAIB GLUSS, the best hair dreasiug in nse. In large bottles price 50 cents. oct81-dly I'epsoni diseases cure by the of tlic9« JJilte WI 'liih are perfectly pure and lVee tV.nn all those i:ud puisoaa usually put up iu^uch prepnr a»it,.i?, «n ^hucd oll'ou n i .uiiLispect in public. One liiul will coiivaiee 1'ie most s!(i:' ihutiu TJ .Ir.clv't i vii tisi e wMch none otuer possess. Tlii-y »tren^t':^it id Invt-'nrat? the ovolaak Tbej are uneqiinled for (funeral deblfttjr. They «r« a sure cure for dyspepsia. They ^ive a good and heultlir appetite, Thev a«ist di^pstum. Ai^ed p:rKons nnd delie.ite tema'oa will find they n save lanre doctor bills bv ti*eot'tlie«p llitlm. jm id di tor bills by Ucware of counterfeits, lied Jacket Hitters nre nly sold in bottles, with our name blown ou tlje de rn& For M«6fl aadTWbleti»«s, WtiMb hdb perfectly pure, and need only be tried to be appreciated.— None genuine unless tbey bare our JUd laM on each lottle, and our initials pressed in wax over the cork,, ifcltl bf all iarnl dealers thrciifjhout the country. GallTor our goods and take uo other. Cirqufsrs.to_thc. tra4e vinnlied on apAifcation to BESiKlttPIElEB«tTiOH So™ b.V Jfo. 21 Elver St., Chicago. E. S. Qallord, at wholesale by Jleiderbecu A Milled. foneSO-d^wly Sold at wholesale in Chicago by Sailer, Finch k Fuller, liushman 1 ^"Be cartful to oalttbe genniBft, augM-dfcwly -l'"! "I, i off Van Hchaack, W. D. Har w* *-v wnm KTBRT orats ARTI- iatke sttd tf a i st alses Can ahr^s be ftaat at CMMMMJSM TTWS, tSaMk Weatasfe His Meek of ffMHk C!tfUa, Ragsra, gjraas, MeAaaACMkSi IMII.ON& fketlaaerlea, Matter, Flsb« Baaees, CggatBraafces. Hellotr ware, Etc., Ate., ia the purest and flreabest kind.— Housekeeper! will tind it to their B'lrentage to call and see" the guuds. Good it delivered in all parts of the city free of charge. Every Article frt. Warranted! deell-dtf JOSMUA BURR, Bntdf Itmt. ictweea Froal and Davtnpnrt, Ji/uy, I RcsracTrrLLrvM leave to state to the citizens of Daven port, and the coun try dealers through out this part of the Stute that I have on hnud, and ata constantly receiving large and well selected stoek of OROCER1ES At WludeMle and Retail, Comprising Mwcars, Coffees, Teas, Kails, C!sndles^/ Spicei m: lvob&ccos, Powder, White Leapl •Cordage, Dried Fro it/ ••in Caps, s- Cotton Tarn, Candle Wickirlft Tubs, "A. ijodij. ..... ,-j Bahs jttttwts half ttulliell v. flulf ltusb.ds in nests, Pint Flasks, Buckets. Particular atteation paid to tha Wlwlesalc Business, I buy on the most, advnntageocs terms and sell low.* Call and examine. All orders promptly attended to. mv21-dtf FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES! JAMES DOOLEY1 Family Grocer, KEEPS CONSTANTLY OX HAND, AT his old stand, corner of Fifth and Brady street*, u liu^e mid most complete stock of the best Uroceries, comprising TEAS OF ALL KINDS Coll'ees and Sugars, Syrups, 31 olasses, Cr.ndlcs, ,it Soaps, Starch, Wooden Wa«| Dried Fruit, Spices, Soda, Halt, Kerosene, Tobacco and Cigars, and, in short, everything thnt can be in a first class retail Grocery. He invites the attention oi old customers r.ud new to his choice stock, and is congdent that he can give complete satisfaction, both in goods and prices. If you want the best Groceries call at (myG-dtf) DOOLEY'S. MEDICAL. iqs jz j:i mm i r, Tiiev nre the best stimuleut in ezistef^Nk T'icy nre a prevevive or fever and ajpMb They relieve CJII.-.: ijiution. Tlsev cure nervoita hesdacbe. Thev e pr fictlv run e und pidtittble, '••iim: njr.9~m EvdK2?£5iE Dr. 8trkkl«if# -L thef f||« JUvMy. ssy who have ased it: tiaHMty. .of Loaisvilla. aad WIV iif"Bt i 1 .'••i'l'iny .iwiMiM «». Nature seema to here implanted'ia mahkiiid the desire for a daily atimalant, to re-lnvlgorate tlie nerves, and excite the blood after the exhaustions caused by the days' laberf, and not ooljr ha she gjvea the desire^ but experience haa shewn that ills an absolute necessity, that this desire should he gratified, for tlie preservation of the Be-iltk. How nature's requirements being founded upon positive laws, mnst produce benefits whwthey are gratified by the, use of HUBBE*.'» •st MM i'lMo'Ji Muter*. t.Lll yg* •"W'-J"f*!fiprJ *JFS*fTTrW HESS & STERN'S JIwin^l*uleM«aii btOTHlWo HOXfSE IJbtffftliui Hack, RPUE PBOPRICTOR8 OV THIS TSTAB* JL usamm beg Itm to infer* the eitiaens «C Darenport, and surrounding oountry, that they have jukt opeaed the largest sad most cofl^tete stoek tf fk* Nature's reqnirements m* v be gratified* 4oldm FcytoMs 71mi* lM|Maiig ad 8treegihe*ing Fortifies tha ^-tflp of unwheleaoaa wafer fiissKss.-^ Oeaenl DeWil^r, ilglpiH—xitg O I N AND Cfmh* fWnUUitf MMb Ever brought to tmseity. Having our own maaufiwtoiy we eaa d^r com petition, ooth in assortment and price. We will be pleased to see everybody eall aad examine our stock, and they wul tind that we •bow our Uooda with will and pleasure. A e n i o n S o i e We cnll attention to our large and complete stock of Military Clothing, which we offer at very re duced rates. Call and post jreurselv(es in pri#es. To CoutUry First ii fashion, Cheapest la prices IIESS St STERN, Ifamawth Clothing Hall, Mo. 9 8econd street, Metropolitan Building, Formerly occupied by Mack Bros., mytO-dtf Davenport, Iowa. "mmn«7 Bread, Cakes and Pies AT THE UNION BAKERY, On the north-side of Second Street, be tween Brady and Perry, MADE h:,\ •. Wrapping Twine, i Broom Twine, Bag Twine, OF THE BEST FLOUR, BY THE most experienced Makers, and especially prepared For Family Use* BT Parties supplied on the shortest netiee. H»td i'«ur Ord*r» •nd thev will be promptly filled by deci-'ft-dly JOCOB HAHW. PIONEEIt BAKERY. DAN. MOORE, Proprietor. TNE PROPRIETOR OF THIS BAKERY having received reinforcements, is now pre pared to furnish his old and new customers with BREAD, CAKES, CRACKERS* &C., in any quantity on the shortest notice. Orders from the country filled with dispatch and deliv ered at the dejwt. steamboat landing and in al' parts uf the cny free of charge. Bakery No* 25 East-Freat Street, near Burrow'a Mill, bavennort. octfi-diwtf HOTELS AND BOARDINC. MISSISSIPPI HOUSE. HENRY HAJPT, PROPRIETOR, HE recommends lis conveniently artynged ho tel to all travelers^ and also to city boarders, as suring them that nothing will 'be wunting to promote the welfare of his guests and to make their stay with him pleasant and agreeable. He also recommend* his well stocked bar which i*2*upplied with the choieest liquors and wines. Lunch every moruiug at 10 o'clock, jel tf FRENCH'S HOTEL, Ort i.ii IAs Muroptan Plan, oppatitt the Uit£ Hall Parle, (&.•. of Frankfort tlrut, Nt*p York. Ipacious Refectoty, Bath Rooms and Barber Juop, Bcd-roouis varmed gratis, and only one ed in a room. U not believe rumors or hack men who say we a.* full. Servn $ are not al lowed to receive pt rq nisi tea. apl&-d!y SIGEL HOTEL, Front StrcU, bttwttn Brady and Main, JOHN MEVER Proprietor. ENTERTAINMENTand nleiiM," it eontaina no mineral lngred'ents,and ia perfectly innocent, delidous and refreshing. It is most delightfully cool and sootbinir, re. ntoves IAN, FRECKLES and DliCOLOKA TIONS, prevents Wrinklaa. Bough aad Hallow Cheeks, improves and preserve* the besuty of the C'dmplexion, fend renders the akin white.eeft, smooth and eleu*. Oeatl6men. alter shaving, sfill find IU use egretfeble ana beneficial. Sold by druggists and perfumers generally.— Principal depot Til Liberty St.. N. Y. [nvl-dly oaoivssxbwv A .'.. (4M0 FOftTE aAWFACTWEIIS. 419 Bret i a nnriviLad bfaaiy hitfaerte eSbreAiaiAb ariMi They contain all the modern '~rrr~rriinf Preneh. Grand Action, Harp Pedal, MaWaeS OVerAtrungBaaa, Ac., «ai«wfc iMfriMeatbeteg made under the peraonal superriaion of Mr,,OT Oaovaaraajr, who hui lud a praaUed axperfiafee ofoverSOyears In ttfefP(hannbetare, WfmUv JUoLlI lia-n**. ^.^5,, WI^WEWEASSSDIITSIRAMIRFIA BLM'AIAB^T g.^rg^-ya SB OW w«Vf*TOOSe -i KM. •IfcreflMMtf* To* will find it to yoar advantage to azanitne our stock before loyiog in your supply, as we will sell them Good-. ct'N'ev York prices. We shall con stantly receive ail the new grades of Uoods maa ufactdred. Our motto shall be. *n i»in l*iTWssptodMBeteTfiifleaaamyliNNWtl GROVER PROVIDED FOR THIS trav liug public city boarders at all time* in the most satisfactory "inuuner. The ta ble will be supplied with the'best the market af fords, and the beds and rooms kept ia the most Comfortable style, jag* ff arm Meals at all hours. W i n e s a n i u o s of the beet quality constantly on bend. jyl4 ESTJEWT nOTEL, Nos. 9, 11, 13 ft 15 COItTLANDT STREET, NEW YORK CITY. D. 0. Wnumaetsa A T, D. Wuromwa THEACENTRAL PBOP'S. RRSRVEB^ LOCATION' OF tlii lloiel, our Iowa friends will iind especi ally adapted to their convenience, being coutigu otis to all tta western Rail Road and Steamboat landings. dly I S I E E W FOR THE COMPLEXION. Tliis delightful preparation ia the mo^t efficacious A v a u a e a i e known for beuutl lyiug the complex* ion, und imparting to the akiu that clearness and whit tics* so much cov eted. tiulike most pre parations ottered lo the ptkblic »s"beau tUiera ot the ium mm thebasasss aartlea of Uw ettv, and Is keot ia slegaat s^la. B. B. QILL, Proprietor. e w i 18. ElUtt 4 0PHfrt, 4 Corner of State and |WashiagtoB ML. maw wura u KKWLY manisHEa A centrally Itohted.whhia a block or two ofaH ft* pOhllt places in raw eity, and eontaina the hsgest moms of any hotel la Chicago. tapThie home will be kept in a flrst-claas style, at old prices, regardless *W Cfateagohotela, Mecliants Will promote their interests by es amining oW stock Ix-fore buvtnff. Weber, Wllllaias 4c Fitch. aag2.r-dtU)i All Private Diseases Cured Without Mercury. DR. Sc ntis 7, w«w'*•*».: TbeaUentiosbfttie^nlfBe art tin Iradabta* BOOTS, of advenesa ag^dtf WE1EE, WIUUUM a riTd IV, LI & 14 Like Sts., Cliragt. CAPS, FURS, PATS, ISM. FALL iXD WINTER TRIBE. 4864. We are now ready to offer to the Trade from all sections of the west, a Large and very A a i v e s o k o f- •its, Caps, Pars, Rtfees Baekskia Glares aa4 Mitteas, labrellas, Ladies' Mlss«a? Children* Mats, Skating Caps* Fura»_£c. 4fc Bptcial u .« We beg to state that our 8tock is not sur wssed iu extent, variety, atylex, qualities or 'HKAPXSSH b/ any to be found -east or west, end baring at all seasons a veiy LAIWBSTOCK OF STA ni Ocons, en band. We ere fcrtifled agninst sud Uen end great advance*, whereby we are enabled to ofler manyjjfood* at less than MixiFAai'tiu' PasssxT PUCKS, which we will do throughout the season. WHITTIKR IS REOU LAtiLv educutcd and l**s»iti Amutelv qualified, aud has expej 'jrienee in all forms of disease, a ^knowledge fpiite inilKpcn»able in the proper treatiiient of the Tener'u' diseases in ull its varied and coiniiliciitfd forimi, and haa for vcuiit made the treatment of private diseases his business and study. Experience, the best of teachers, has enabled him lo perfect remedies at at onoe suflieient, safe, permaneet, end in most cases cun be used without hinderance to business Particular attention i iren to old standing eas es, such as were considered incurable. Syphilis in all forms Gonorrhoea, Oleet, Strictures, Orcliites, Diabetes, llladdcr und Urinurv disease*. Also, the effects of solitary habits, both ruinous to body and mind, nnd which prodnee some of the following effects lilotehe*, Bodily Weakness, Constipation. Aversion aud Uneasiness iu Fe male Society, Unman lines *, lread of Put nre Events, finally a complete prostration of the vi tal powers, loss of memory, ringing iu the ears, can be fully restored to health. l)r. V. is the publisher of :i new work, entitled "Nip the Evil in the Bud." which will be sent to dll on reciipt of 10 cents to prepay postage. Al! letter's wiili stamp answered. Consultation free. Charges moderate and cure guaranteed. Dr. Whitter cures the very worst kind of rup ture iu a few weeks. Post cilice Box 22V4, Office and Consultation Rooms 164 South Clark Street, Chicago. Ton can see the Doctor every day from 8 A. M. to P. U. aug*6 dAwly BAKER'S .oaTvu*/ nHSTFWWU* HtlVSZO thlJtlt Iflshrst Preminm Elaslif Stitrh SEAVIN& MACHINES! 495 Broadway, X. Y., an I 115 Lake St. Chicaco. For aale by M. Tha Singer Sewing Machines Our LETTER A FAMILY SEWINO MACUIHE iafaat galaiag a world-wide reputation. It ia be yond donbt the beat and cheapest and most beau tiful of all Family Sewing Machinea yet offered to the public. No other Family Se« iug Machine has RO many useful appliances for Hemming, Binding, Feltng, Tricking, Gathering, Gnaglng, Braiding, Batbroideriag, Cordtaf, aad ao forth. No ether family Sewing Machine baa ao muefc copacity for a great variety of work. Great and recent improvemerts make onr Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most certain in action at all rates of speed. It makes the interlocked stitch, which ia the best stitch known. Any note, even of the most ordinary ca pacity, can aee, at a glance, how to uae the letter A Family Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewing Machines are finished in chaste aad exquisite sU le. "The Folding Case of the Family Sewing Machin is a piece of cunning workmanship of the most useful kind. It protects the machine when not in nse, and when about to be operated may be opened aa a spneioasand substantial taMe to ens tain the work. While aome of tha Caeea, made out of the choicest wooda, arefiniahed lathe am plest and chastest manner posaible, others are attortted and embelliehed in the moat costly ana ierb manner abaolutely necessary to see the Family Maohioe ia operation, ao as to judge of its great capacity and beauty. It is fait becominjrpottalar for family sewing aa our manefiiftMniaajweehieai «n for jaatoaMnr iag purpoaes. TFE NRANEHOFLEEEAREWENATMLM #HH twiat,thread,a,adhs,oil. eiifca Minimal onalnr. MHMaPiim». THS81XGKR ¥AJ|OyApV(91iKIC(MFPAJ(T# Jaear mrWlCK4CIQn **D wuaaaa tr WkrU" rmlmiA !& aaase. A« s o i a 'if fctwtwK 5.v» ?i* MsiiwL nrtMHWml 1, Pmmlmn (Hd Aft, Wmt AVrw*, IK JIMTI A# TL FCFFA AHL^^AM FIN,1 FF, ma CJ2JJ JMMllM Ih. aath a( naMrt. X?^»5.'sr-Ttrurar In oar araetle* for maa* rears, and whh thsnaanla twaud, fcas ma Mfsj,kia*mia faiaiuni. Ma oaraHve power. !«r* Wn NUMI to gala vla ton «ver tha awl Sittm MM. BT TathaAwfts have Ouir comM- lafirt, nnlU tterthlnk HwwITM the M4 vlaer, and after all qaach doctor* liave tallwl I |V- Price To4 ttsNam arr bMUe. or u.m tA Hnbr rive volNt%Md fortarM *t lifitatl all parts of the world. OT PMnpblct seat bjr mall free of poitac«, bf OR. w. a. taawwiR A 00., Uf. Mbcrty St., WEWLEEA, iok PISRL»TSG^ IUI miNtninmiiiHW. Tke LsagiMAtlkr Kanratiit Lsit OwtthifnmoM lo (krtt dayt. CHEROKEE REMEDY OHKROKEK "lM JICTI ON 0*peunded from Boefc^Baria and LeafH- OUKKOKRK BKMElir, the great li.msa Mir* farts all laeaotlnrnc m*)* Bladl. Is especially r**rnrnmrniird In tho»- caws of Fhas Atbui, (or Wlillr* In female*,) wliere all th. old naawoai medicior* hav. failed. tt&~ It la piiewt la a litgtily concentrated fcrm.iM da* eatr Magftoei one tetwe teasposa* fal* Uiree time* per dajr. W* It li diuretic and DIMIM Ian. actlunt aarifrtnitaad elcaariaa Mia blood, cauiloa It to flew la all of Ha orlgtual purity and vigor tnni remoT lag from the (sitem all pernicluna csuaei whleh caimill IMgCTIM liletea^d asaaatlr er wlHsnl ta tlw Clieroks* Hew MK end Aoeld be est* ta eenjoacUoa with that awAclne la all casta of flint, Ooaerrbea, VlSor Albas, or Wliltee. IlasOsts arc feealtag, saothlnL aad demulcent removing aM scalding, heat tt} pain, Inatvad «f the liurnlngaad alnoS aaradartMa pain that If experienced with nearly all the cheap qaack Injection*. Or-fty the uwof the CHEROKEE Rf'.MI DT, adKCIieaoKBE 1NJKPTION—th. two m^li lnes at the aame time all I Mi proper 4lach«rg*aare removed, aad the weakened organ* are i|. .lily res tore! to fall rigor aad utrength. W- Price, Cherokee Kemedjr, II pal witti, or three hottle* for 15. HT Price, Cherokee luJeetleM. ft §m bottle, or three bottle* for •". •eat by Esprets to aay addteseau raotl|t of pries. HTTke Cherokee ltrMrdr Cheie* kee Injection and Cherwkee ran, as •eld by all enterpridng Draggtsis la the dvlllsea Some anprtaetpled dealers, however, try ta rthlcss eoaipeaada In nlace of tl* *e: thorn hey eaa purchase at a clicap pric-, aud make by than the can on itirw med SMSLmoneyjeaseltlag,jrner AS value health, aye, th« healUt at jroar future offspring, de not be decrlri il by MMh aaailnclpled DraggtaU. aik for the*- mnhriHti mm WiMittm. If the brantsta will not buy them Itar yea, enelase the moaey fa a letter, aod we will MM them to yea by lipnn, aecurely waled and paHMd tree from observation. Ladle* er Gentlemen eaa addren as la aerfbet osntdence, stating fully and plainly their dia*aa*» aad ijrinptom*, a* we treat all dliiaiiKt a rtmah natarelamaleorfeamle. Patlentaastdnothudlals beeaase »t their laablllty ta vl*U as. as we have treated patient* saeeMslully la all portion of th. dV* UUed gtobe, by eormpondence. Patients addreotng u* will please atste platnty all the nmptom* of their complaints, and writ. Van* eSee, County, fltste aad name of writer, plaia, aad totoae po*uge *Mmp for reptr- W* tmd nr 31 mift /nt to any ad- areas. Addrea all utters for Pamphlets or advlee te KrTw'. a. MSnwia aoo.. No. Liberty *treet, New Yerfc. C. A. COOK, Caicsoo, Ko. Market Btreet, Mcaeral A sent foi the State* tllinolw, Iowa, Wl( eaoala, Mt.M»an and ImllaMi. »ha wlU supply Bn||bts at^ur regular rarl |rk'c*. Md at Wholesale la Chicago hjr a, Fisca A mna 0. O. teira: t^aa k Bcaaasn A til MSMCII W. g^aas, Bald kg J. M1ABV, Agi nt. Office over Wads worth's store, ror. Brady and Sd Si a., Davenport, Iowa. octd-d&w&no. n V. i tt ntMS A Oo. Iniva A Pwvss, aad B. Sc ScOtllL. ^UtNbnrMl Ut A* Stores MUnxts t/" metxm'* washbui^K Wa. aa Brady atnet' eqnaL i .aiiJvii .i«B Nearly opposite Post ofllce, TTAT8,W 8T0RI Aid) AM EECWVia# JqLi^ligjatrMW aha^tm.irtof I 'J mm. cooKi HSAiMfi •*3STOJ\:1358,'m" \h. r. t:»:tI x. MWd