Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 10. MAk MTATBI AMD HUIIAHCE All MO It iJOHN L. SWITS ft CO I. B. win, nu, w. r. urn, ilfftslt*!** ll»df| slates,) skc#*»st. Ifmil 4 VatayrirN FwH) CITY LOTS, JSwolllac Bousrht, told and Hum III. Twalf Lota for Sale. A firest 49. Those eligible building lots corner of Iftb aad Rock I Mead streets, M« 1«0 feet frost ob aoutb side 18th street, end 150 feet OB M(t aide of Rock Island street. Che above ia a very line location: price very ttnni KocoiAinoolj cmj—a small amount ef eaah down— balance on long Una of years at loir rate of intercut. Xo. 41. Lot ou llrady atreet, weataide, 5 feet front by 148 feet d«epV" •"J,1**-, P»£ •eat for the lot Uu toMMwtU 4. Ob w io***d mmhw ti 'or Urm of vtart at «*c per No. M. On Brady atreet, 140 feet front by ISO Mt deep—fenced. I'rice lli per front took KO. Third atreet, lot No. 101'wktr'i afl- tion, (eeraer lot,) price, |2'W. Ko. 10. Poar honae lota ia Daviaon A True a addiUoB $140 each. Terma eaay. Noa. 41, 44,44. Thirty bouae luU in Blajrma ker'a addition |l'x to $160 each. Terma eaay. Mo. 47. A valuable city lot 8. E. corner of Main and College Avenue 200 feet on Main by 140 feet on College Atcuuo aad commanding a |M4|iM rirer view. Price |1,400. WRMITS iVMTMR, •ly known ae "La Claira'a Patch,") 14 ROW UID OFF WTO LOTS .OF III PRICES. MO THEY ME REIOY FOR SUE OR VERT EAST TERMS MO LOW PRICES. •ouae Lota, Store Lota, Lota. glare Iota ftr sale. Jfe. 47. One on 4th St., juot oaxt of Brady St Be. 44. Four on 4th St., near Ruilroad bridge. ftr Hale. Ho. 10. In lioline, 111., a two-story brick dwel lag with lot 80 bv l."x feet, cor. Lynde and Abbhouae, 8ts. The house is in good condition, ia now rented possesniou given in So days. (The house, eoat $8,600.) Price ol' house and lot, 11,500 one third cash balance on long time at low^ interest No. 44. A brick dwelling house on K-ild 8t. 91.400 $800 caah, rest on time at per ccnt. No. 47. The eetate now owned and occupied by Geo. 8. C. Dow, Esq.,being the dwelling house Md three fhll lots, fronting south upon titli St., oorner of Farnum street. This house is in per fect repair, having been titled up by the owner for himself. The entire arrangement of the houte utaatefuland complete. The view from this place ia uasnrpaaaea. Terms easy. No. 48. Brick house and lots, southeaat cor aar of 4th and Main Sta., known asThoringtones tate 150 ft. front on each St. I'rice $6,000, ft may reamin for a term ofyears at a low rate of mterst No. 2. Frame house south aide 4d atreet, one •tile weat of Uradv atreet price, $1,800. Two Ihirda may remain on mortgage at six per cent. Farms WBBled. Wo wast to purchase improved farms from 80 I* 140 acrea each. Vonu A»r Bale* No. 74. Eighty acre farm, 1 mile from the city limits, ob the west Allen's Urore road, all oader tine cultivation and fence, with good dwell lag aad out buildings well watered, fruit orch lira, etc. A yhtc*. r^ry $2,000 caah, balance on time to suit. No. 76. 78 acre farm on the Iowa City (Iocust Itreetlroad, 5 miles Ironi the city, all under new ftmee, half under cultivatioo, balance basture aad timber land. Uood t*o story fiame dwell lag, with necessary out buildings, etc. Price $5,200 caah. No, 46. Farm of 68 acres ob River road be tween Princeton and Leclaire large orchard, dwelling, barn and out houses. Price $2,600 u cash, baleace on time to suit. No. 70. Out- ItiO acre farm in Cleona Towaahip about 5 miles north of Fulton and Durant ata lioBa oa the M. A M. Railroad, all improved and •ader fence and with good house and barn $25 per acre. No. 72, One other 140 acre farm situated near be above, with like iinproveuioata. $44 per ICfg, No. 24 120 acres unimproved land Bear Do pant, at $10 per acre. cash, balance in five rears at tea per eeat. 400 acrea ia Linn County, (50 improved and aadar fcaee.) Price $1,000, caah. 400 acrea ia Iowa county at $5 per acre. 4940 acrea ia Sioux county at $1 per acre. 1040 acres ia Clay county at $1 per M0 acrea la Hancock county at $1 jp 1000 acre^ ia Winnebago Co. at •)000 acrea at $1.24 per sera, 4000 aereeati 2.00 per ia Tama 420 acrea ia' 120 V400 600 i *000 4401 500 IHHI IMI garUM DAILY DEMOCBAL l.g.PMlumlOe.,ll«.ITPail Row, HewTerfc a»444iaiesl»eel, »esleB,awear ageols la Uwwe eMiee Weas lee as at ear lowest i 0. ••Soeivaa.M Bt Biriwl la reertveade wUe iVper 5 ooemty. i i id Story cooaty. in Grundy county at $8 per at ity at $2.50 per Miaa, at 2.50 U Batter couat i ia Mower Co. la Hooeton Count '-and i* Miaa, at 2.50 per »aty at $2.50 per i (Sept*) MM county a AT $5 FIRE INSURANCE. e*. rm •v Hurroso, OOH. ffcosit file IIMBfsaw ornvTosc. UfaaBe Hr« ISssrMW Cs Now York, Us,' Sew Haven. OV BITO^ttLD, MA88. FILE INSURANCE. or BAltJOBD, CONN. aUeet, OMsage. Is eals ler this paper. A Y O O S v Wi. f- Y O O S sEtLnrc OF? For rible building lota k i Time is positively closing out his stock of Dry Goods, and will sell AT NEW YORK RATES, for a short time, after which the balance of the goods will be shipped to the New York Market, where they are selling at a large percentage over our present price& September 6th, 180& O E 4 W i N I am rcmcaAsind' •ULES FOR GOVERNIERT SERVICE. Call aft I SMlTHi LftTcrjr SiiMe, la the Alley ia front of ho Pert Olw. Davenport, Oct. 21.—dim Price $5,000 JACOB WASHBtRN "Tub difference between a fool and a wise man." The wise begins where the fool leaves off. The wise insure their Life and Health before disease overtakes them. The require no argument to prove that a few thousand dollars loll to a helpless family will sate thetn from vice and misery. The wise know that five or ten dollars per week is not only a relief but a support to a family visited by sickness. Become wise before it is too late, and examine a subject that interests the human family in the high est degree, at the office of Wm. Allen Ikgalls, jtobm No. 2, over Maeklot's Bank, Corner of Brady and 2d street*. Oct 10-dtf- »IXC!1*C1 KCHOOL. Junior class will commence on Monday evening, Nov. 21st, in the basement of the Presbyterian church. Advanced class will commence on Wednesday evening, Nov. 28d, in the same place. Tickets for each class to gentlemen.. .$2.00 To ladies 1.00 J. C. WALLACE. At# Discount.—Two splendid Grover k Baker sewing machines—one the chain* stitch, a splendid family machine—one the shuttle or loch stitch, for heavy manufac turing or light work, as may be desired— both entirely new and warranted in perfect order, are offered at a Wilcox k Gibba, noisless, Uy sewing. Machines in perfect order and entirely now, at a gnat bargain. Inquire at this o&oe. Business Education.—To procure a thor ough knowledge of book keeping and get A thorough practical business education, at tend Pratt's Col—iircial College, eoner of 5th and Brady. Every fiuiHty afforded at reasonable rates. Beduood rates to dia» Med^oldkra. nv7-d4wly WRNH Davoim Acabkht, oorner of id and Brady streets. Class always open for Class fcr sbsm M. CM $iissi4 every Satnrd^r at 1 P, class the evening at ^poctatsrs wfflnotbs ijiHtii Ant It spsfllsi hitlialisn. swNin. nosMnUssftke Davsnpsrt OMs of thoFenisnliollMilwuilsrereqnsrtodtoa^ o^ioek,M kwbest rfliBiHiiini TERMS 1|9,00 PER ANNUM: THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER. ""Nones.—Mrs. Miller, wife of James Mill er, of the 9th lows Cavalry, will learn of her husband's welfare by inquiring at die Adjutant General's office. Da. Unnvoot.—The attention of the pnUie is called to the card of Dr. Under wood,'the celebrated eye and ear doctor, of Chicago. The afflicted should not fiul to secure his services. "Fashion waste* more than «ae de»tro_rs," BlJ hav? brtn true once, bat it is ao no longer, for Li.bin's Floriline," the most fashionable of ail toilet requisites, preserves while it beantifies, aad invigorates while it adoras. It ia peerless as a Dressing, nnequeled as a Restorer, and in comparable aa a Beautifier. It ia at once asefnl, 'asliionable and beautiful. Trf it, ladies, and jam will gladly confirm this assertion. "A pbnrv savid is two pence earned," and the best way we know of to approve this is for young men and old men to pur chase their clothing st Krause's. You will get just ss good an article as elsewhere, and about 10 per rent, cheaper. That is the way to economize and get rich. Krause has just opened a large lot of gents' fur* nishing goods—very nice. Call and see— opposite the Nations! Bank. Thb Wkathri.—The sadden and severe turn taken by the weather on Sunday, and which continued through last night, makes things look cold and stiff to-day. The riv er was full of thin flakes of running ice this morning, which the wind blew into a bank on the Rock Island side, considerably impe ding the operation of the ferry boat Tiie high winds prevented the boats from arriv ing yesterday, consequently there were none here to leave at the usual time. A continuance of this sort of weather for a few days will effectually close navigation and bridge the Mississippi. Capital Idea.—During the late draft ma. ny families in the First and Second Wards of this city were deprived of their strong arm of support. We know of instancea where husband and father was taken awsy leafing hardly a week's subsistence for their wires and little ones. We are glad to see that some benevolent minded persons of those Wards have undertaken the task of getting up a Benefit Hall for the purpose of raising funds to alleviate the wants of those unfor tunate families. The Ball will be given on Saturday evening, the 20th inst. Tickets one dollar. Let those who do not care to go to the Ball, purchase a ticket for the ben e&t of the drafted families of the First and Second Wards. Htir tbs Poos.—Selfishness is A most hideous moral deformity. While we aro congratulating ourselves upon our ability to enjoy the comforts of life, let us not be so selfish as to think only of ourselves. Let us remember that there are human beings among us—right by our doors, as it were, who are in want. They feel the gnawing of hunger, and the biting of the cold through their raiment, and charity demands that those who have plenty should bear them in mind. Thanksgiving Day comes on Thurs day. Very many are preparing tor a inci-ry day, and a bountiful feast. Will not those comforts be enjoyed all the better while in possession of the knowledge that through your instrumentality another family circle —poor in circumstances, has been made also? Think of this while preparing for your own comfort, and remember that a rich blessing awaits those who care for the wants of the poor. While some give in public, go in private and without ostenta tion, relieve the sufferings of those who arc in want, and make glad the hearts of moth ers and children whose lot is unpleasantly cast You have the promise that you shalj be openly rewarded for such charity, and by One who promises not in vain. An InrosTAxr Hail or Gdimiuai DAVENPORT, IOWA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1864. in Iowa.—On Saturday evening. Major Dun can, Provost Marshal of this State, received information from Capt. Brownell, Deputy Provost Marsha] of the 5th district, to the effect, that on the 11th inst Col. George Burton, Deputy Provost Marshal for Deca tur county, arrested a gang of nine guerril las, and delivered them at Dcs Moines on the 17th inst They deny that they aro guerrillas, but claim that they are regularly enlisted soldiers in the rebel service. Their names are Joseph J. Weldon, who is loader of the band, and claims to be a fri» rate of Company B, 1st Missouri Cavalry Geo. M. Fye, 2d 8ergcap company and regiment Thos. F. Fje, td Sergeant in same company and regiment: also privates Calvin Barge, Enoch Fye, Mat thew McCue, Franklin Brown, A. M. Thompson and Geo. Phillips. WeMon, the leader of the gang, stales that ho flams into Missouri with Genstal Price's raid this fcil—that upon arriving at the Missouri River he and some ot'-aara were detachod by Gen. Shelby and sent oat into Northern Missowt far the purpose of Cm scripting sseiuits, villi the promise that in ease he succeeded he should he promoted to a Captain in the rebel service.' Ho states that be srads his way w*h his psHy into Northstn Missouri, whsn he Iband con he did ita safe place fcr Urn or bis me*. So, rather than go hack to Ac main amy without a «&w r# dtt in feat, Meyer Duncan is provided with abnndant proof from one who has hung on their roar some six weeks, and who has learned their histsry well, going to show that they are no regular Confederate sol diers bqt guerrillas murderers and thieves, prowling through the country here and there, seeking Uood and plunder. If the case is folly made out their fate will be a permanent release from further service by being sent acnes the line." A Sold Connimrrr.—The best sold peo ple in the country are the Rock Islanders. They have got a splendid new Hall, and were delighted to excess to learn laat week that a ''First Class" Theatrical Troupe was to open oat on Friday evening. When the evening came about 900 of the Rock Island tribe, male and female turned out snd filled the new Hall jam full. W hen the curtain wct.t up, and the entirely New Moral Dra ma of Black-Eyed Susan was presented by a troupe of fourth rate theatre "soups"' the disgust of the audience wss immense. A great, overgrown, slab-side boy, discharged by Manager Wildmanof Metropolitan Thea tre cf this city, played the Susan—or at tempted to do it. The disgust increased, but the audience seeing the extent of the sell determined to make the most of it. They encored everything that was aaid or done—and more too. They applauded, cheered and clapped their hands most en thusiastically, until tho troupe gave it up and told the audience they could get free tickets at the door for the next evening's performance. But they had seen'enough. Some clamored for their money back, but the mountebanks were too sharp for that. The Argut describes it as one of the richest farces on record and so we learn from screral who attended from this side. Wc understand that Mr. Wildman has consent ed to give the Rock Islanders two perfor mances this week, lie will do it liand sotnely for them. Mustkhed Oit.—Companies A and 0 of the 14th Infantry have been mustered out. These companies have had tho benefit of Buckingham's letter why has the same benefit been refused to recruits in other reg iraents 1 Granting privileges to recruits of one regiment and denying them to recruits of others—when precisely the same state of facts exist, is not becoming to the 'powers that be. In mustering out the above named companies, tbe authorities at Waehington have very reluctantly performed their duty. Now let them mete out equal justice to re cruits of other regiments .who enlisted upon precisely the same terms that the recruits for the 14th did. Festival roa tok Cubistian CoxwasioN. —The attention of the community is solici ted to this Festival for the purpose of aiding in the Sanitary work, to ta hold in Lc Claire llall on Tuesday evening, Nor. 22d. Any contributions would be most thankfullv re ceived, even from those who have not been called upon. All donations sent to the Hall on Tuesday, from 9 to 12 A. M. Some music may le expected, and enter tainments of various kinds. Admittance fa*. 15 cents. Refreshments purchased fi n the tables. Tickets may be had of Messrs. Ells, Plumtner, and Wallace. Cob. Ssc'r Sqlpikbs' Aid Society. Msthofolitan Theatre.—Thk Corsica* Brothers.—This great sensation play, dra matized from the French of Alexandre Du mas, will be presented with new and splen did scenery painted expressly for the piece, and thrilling and wonderful mechanical ef fects, surpassing by far anything ever at tempted here. It is one of the most excit ing dramas ever written, and will hold the audience spell-bound from beginning to' end. Spiritualists, and lovers of the msr velous in nature or art will do well to see this decidedly marvelous play. Lecttbrs.—No provision having been made for a course of lectures this winter, several gentlemen have determined to make an effort to secure a course. Lest the lec tures should fail to be self-sustaining, it ia proposed to raise a sum of money by indi vidual subscrition for the purpose of mak ing op any deficiencies that may occur. The only question about lectures is tb raise the funds to pay expenses. The Cabinet Organ of Mason ti»t. company of ssnsrripts, they aen to deaert Bat top wot* that if they snlsrad thc Union Ems vonldho sad ifthqy raasincd in Mssaari tfco Stats i SAther dot* hsfiof, prohsiUy tint k a IKnm costly pipe jirgan, while its purity and sweetness of tone are truly charming. It ia moot admi rably calculated to meet the wants of fami lies and Mam ch arches. It can be trans ported with safety, Mies up no more room than a melodeoo, does not soon get oat of aider, and stales in decant article of fbr nitura for the porter. We are bat doing a favor to oar readers by calling their tion la the Cabinet Org tn.—Amtriea*atten Bam Root A Oady, Chicago, Wholesale agents for the Neeth-wcst OiimSmw.—Froma copy of the Rocky Mountain wo learn that oar yoaag friend Ed. Iflhr, formerly an employe In this office and one of the **0td Settlers" of Davenport has "gone back? on the "stick" snd "rule," and taken to the stage. He is teavnitoi|M^fiwn St. Jo to Denver Ob. Edward. AcmiYno BoAne,—€oL Dewefi of the State Military Auditing Board, arrived in town an flatnday evening fcrthepasyaee cf auditing snch aeoennts a# amy teffe- a iaj naif in. ', "*_ !. .l-. BoBranene. wta ngntn Mam ma one ittHngtan /Mjr and only a this paper, a weak ago, noted the arrest of Emma Eldon, for sotting fire to the premi aea of T. C. Alvord, on foarth avenue.— She waa subssqnsntly acquitted on this charge and it has been amoo to appear that the accusation was tramped up far tbe ben efit cf somebody who should have been in better business. TWa obemastanee {scal ed to mind by tbe fret that tho woman wes again arraigned in the PoHee Court thb morning, charged with riot There wasnet the sKgntest proof of any disorderly con duct, much less of the more serious offense, and she was honorably discharged fromcus tody. In addition, it ia rapidly being de veloped that all these vexatious charges Jarc brought, if not maliciously, at least to injure her in purse and reputation. If, as ahe al leges, she bas been robbed of her househol property, clothing, etc., her prosecutors have a long train of wrongs and indignities to answer for. The affair, or scries of af frirs, it is generally undo.stand, originated in a dispute between herself and three land lords who claim the rent of the premises oc cupied by h(T. Mrs. Eldon is the fatnou.s rebel spy" that was arretted at Muscatiue, Iowa, a few weeks ago. and about whom so much stir was made in the newspapers.— Her unwarrantable detention at that time led to these subsequent difficulties, her household effccts having been thrown into tbe street during her absence fl-orn the city. Chicogo Journal. Notice.—I have this day sold out my in terest in the business heretofore carried on byWm. A. Rem.ngton k Co., to Mr. 0. S. McNeil, and my connection with said firm is dissolved from this date. All per sons indebted to the late firm are request e 1 to call and settle with Mr. Remington. Gto. S. C. Dow. Davenport, Nov. 16th, 1864. nov. 21-d3t Notice.—Having purchased of Mr. Geo. S. C. Dow the stock of clothing,cloths, furn ishing goods and fixtures of the business carried on by Wm. A. Remington & Co., and associaicd with me Mr. Wm. A. Rem ington, the business will be carried on by him under the same name as heretofore. 0. S. MI-Xbil. Davenport, Nov. lfitb, 1864. uov.21-dSt Festival.—The Soldiers Aid Festival at Lc Claire Hall to tuorrow evening, bids fair to be a great success. There will be s great di versity of amusement,the proceeds of which will make glad the heart and warm the back of a good many brave soldier boys. Let it be thorougly patronized. Fish Cuasci*.—Geo. S. C. Dow, Esq., has i-old his interest in the firm of W. A. Remington & Co., to O. S. McNeil. We wish tho new firm of W. A. Remington ft Co. abundant success, and nobody doubts that it will always deserve it Tickets.—Those desiring to purchase tickets for Wallace's Singing School can do so at the door. To-day's Advertisements. EYE & J2A.E. DR. UMEMMSO, (ESTABLISHED IX CHICAGO nine roars, i (Graduate of the Mew York* 0|ibiholmic •'olleirf, and lldlevtie Medical College, New York, operates snccestfullv for Cross Ejeft, Cataract, Ac., nnd k iihivp* with un erring .rertaintv all riigraws of the Kvc and Ear withiu the rcni-li of humau skill. Artificial Evea inserted. Ottice No. 121 Randolph Street, Chi cago. nnv2l-ll v STATE OF IOWA. J* I' Auvtut Grwbbal's Orrica, I Davenport, Kor. 21, 15Si SEVERAL ORDERS XO. 44. The Militia in the following Townships of War ren County, will constitutes Kegimont—to£e numbered hereafter Linn, Grcc-nflfld, Allen, Richland, Paloivra) Union, and Belmont. The Militia in thr following Townships of War ren Countj, will constitute a Regiment—to be numbered hereafter i Washington, Jefferson. Virginia, Squaw, White Oak, Libei ty, White Breast, and Otter. The County Organizing Committee will desig nate the time and place for election of Regimen tal officers in eaeli district, and notiiy tbe organ ised Malitia of the respective districts to meet then and there for Regimental Organization. The Countj Committee will report to this De partment, tbe results of said eleetion, and the names of Companiea, and their officer*, constitut ing the respective Regiments. Bv order of the Governor, Hamlin has, for so small an instrument, wonderful volume and power, and a variety of expres sion that is equalled only by chases. WATCHK8 N.B. BAKE.R, Adfntant General oflowa. To be published in Wair in County papers. GROV£B 4 BAKER'S Unttt fc iMk Wtd SEWING MACHINES! 114 Lake Street, Chicago, For sOto hy flMMI S, OSsaeter Wadswsrth'asters^ oar. 1 g£, Oareafrwrt, lowi. iftw Ustoopolltsii ThMrtr*! SdMieettoMWO F.£ WILDMAM,.... e 9iHHMf*e«eee«seeee**ss**' 11 A»g *0* itcnmo a laioi ahd wrll bilbctkd stock fjf- eodfShesst to which w» invite aMeatioa ef COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Oar Goods are all flresh end benght dbeet from rtaaufectnrera. Oar brillUes for toyiag Sf* sash si Ts eiafele «s to compete with any Reuse tn the Wsst flerchaatsTislUatihe City Ate requested toeali aad eiaaine oar stock before making their pureb SRTH P. BRYANT, I a JOHN R. SIMPBOir, SET II JmU MeeHved 40 No. 50 Brady Street, Bancroft's History of the United States ,y Complete Works of Thomaa Jeffcntffl, Prescott's Complete Workfj Kirk's Charles The Bold Addison's Works Comtdetl i(1. Goldsmith's Animated Xaturc Illustrated^, Complete Works of Thomas Hood Cooper's Works beautifully Illustrated Hugh Miller's Works Complete k Macauley's History of Knpland Kalinin's History of the Middle s Amenities ef Literataret allHin'i ,oii-t*ituti'.nal (oil's History of Engtasd D'lsriK irs of l.iitruture Bui Anatiiuir 01 Melancholy Charles Lamb's work* D'Tocqtiillt's Demo'irncy in America Gibbon's History of Home B«tkf% Bell Merles of PoeU, elefAltlff fltUitlUlWi IV Vols. Tnrkejr Morocco antique. Habbatli Bella, •!, I'oetry of tbe FieM% Foe try of the Year, Poetry ol the Woods, tlcma'n's Sonirs of the Aflectionl| Moore's Irish Melodies, Butler's small quarto Editions of the following Works bound in turkey morocco tique and gilt, the richest and most gorgeous volumes that the hand of the workman and the pencil of the artist have yet produced Macauley's Lays of Ancient I tome, CnmbeH'ii complete political works, 'K. Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, Eeble's Christian Year, Thompson's Seasons, Burn's complete Poetical Works, Adam's Sacred Alogories, Ilebor's Poetical Works, Roger's complete Poetical Works, Goldsmith's Poetical Works, Read's Female Poets of America, llarts Female Prose Writers of America, Stevens' Parables of tbe Xew Testament -0 The Stock of Photographic Album* ill fltw binding cannot be excelled in variety of style or beauty of finish by anythitj^. The Juvenile Toy Book department is very complete and parties looking for pre- ij senta for the Young People cannot fail to be pleased. Also a great variety of i Stationery, Blank Books, Gold Pens, Pocket Cntlery, Purses and Pocket Books, Portfolios, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Ladies' Baskets, Scotch Fancy Goods, &c.,&c. Call and examine goods Mid prices before making pur* A N JKWBLIIY. AMERICAS WATCHES, la Sterling Silrtr Cates DovbU and Pain at OURRY'S, OH Brady Street. LADIES* SETTS, of Solid Gold Set with Pearl, Ojnx, Curat, Ac. IVORY SETTS* Bolid Gold Rings, Wedding Riags, aemething entirely New. GENTS' SCARF PINS. Cleeks of tbs newest styles aad of the beat manufacture, just received aud sold at old prices. CMIm, SrstfMi, fisW ifm, Itnriie, Sc. Saiemilf s. a very useful Instruaieot for Farmers aad ethers. WVfcfli MtpmUring) Doaahy eapsrisaesd Wiwlaisa ia the best maa aer, aad WarraaUd to Give at CUrKY'8 Purfect tjutitfmtiim E W i i W K 8 E I J. D. WILLSOW IB8PS0TTULLT ANVOVITCBS TO fiwATMaiucin E W E Y ts? **n. BXCLUI1TBLT. BOOTS" & SHOES! MBRCNANT TAILORS. KEADV.MADE 'fteond st.—liirst door west of Tfatioaal Sauk A good aasortiarat of G1KTR' UMHH1NO GOODS. BOfS Done at all times and warreated the heat, durable and ebeapeat AU ate waat the an4 CheaiMst goods aiaat omh. t« norlbdlr FRAXZ MKYXK. au uumB. a. eaaas LKLA.1SBB 4c FMRBRIS, cum ins awde ia Um MMer. oa Brady Street, door aheveld. aepS-tf THB psapll ot Davenport, cad vicinity, thai just op—e A at his new store, oa eftSMb ijtowin v JfPI ao OBMTS nil WHS*. Srt NUMBER 32. •w* -jBf" 1 a v .1 i ... r.$ .•{ P. BRYANTJA CO., Ko. 25 Second street, between Brady aad Perry,* Brady aad Perry," Daveaport, ICWa. n mt t'AW •. •a ".J .-r- U i- Tennyson's Imitfiinalion aad Funey, Hrvwninx's Intellect and Affections, Woodworth's Nature aad 4- (irar's Political Wnrka, Lamb's I'eiitical Works, Memory anl 11 pe. an- mnd Books JJ hi f!$- mmmmmmmas i', CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASS1 MEKRHL «HIRl«^ ,, 8T0CKlMGB,r Mr, O I N S J^T COST PRICK TO BR HAD OP- FRAKZ MEYER, si 5.1 ti T4 u 3 wMeh I Wd aell at Uie moat raaanashls prisaa» Cnstom Work ,'tii frtt '-f rii i •m )t '"-I Brmdfttrmt, fhw SH ft I AM^ BErint of all kiaka, aad en the shartset aetiasi Every dlssriptiea ef IE1A Mil CliTHII ,.3 fe#.. siTI moat ftshleasMs aad sstslssahls A liberalahsreef|atoeaags la saint- STORE NEW Ml a llw CL0THISO staatfy oa haad a goad Goats' OlsHseoiads teerdsroc A* tii&r ,brK ^i!t