Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 10 INSIIMUK AIINU JOHN L. 8WIT8 & CO., 4 NLIini.l.lU.f.l, UMH, A^VMnla* MM% WH|i lofNni titfmd Ttnm, CITY LOTS, t» -. hi tBo%Ufltti told and Lots for Sals* A Ureal Barffala. lots corner of 1«0 feet feet oa _. •Me of Bock Islsnd »«r»et. No. 49. Those eligible building lots e jhaihh end Rook Mm* streets, on south *lde 12th street, sad 160 .frastsM I W i F|i IFCIM T»ry flue location: price TMJ f. (inM novmnivnlv euj"—t stnsll amount fl.1.<p></p>Vc^ dowft—balance on long terra of years at low rst« of interest. No. 41. l/«t »n Brady street, wool side, 5 feet foist bjr 145 feet deep—price yet* low. On pay: ainl fgr the lot th» mum** to bnUm ttUl ft* mora Urm of «t »le TT ssefl. Tit. M. On Bnidr street, WO ft SMs*' 1 Price 118 per treet. lot no. iMt deep—fesoed. "Price $18 per front foot. !fl*o. ». On Third street, Tot Ho. 10 Parker's ad rn tiOn, (ooraor lot.)price, $00. Ho. SO. Four hauite l«ts in Davison Trae s Addition: 0150 tack. Terms •••J'* NoS. SI, St, SS. Thirir House lots in Majrtua gsr's addition #U0 to $1*1 each. Term* easy. llo. ST. A ralaaMe city lot H. B. earner of College Avenue 900 feet on Main by too College Avenue and ooawsisnlisg I river view. Price $1,600. Ko. ST. Asia aad i •Olketoi isauUful i i WETBSRE'8 AMITI0R, (Commonly known as "Ls Claire's Patch,") 4 NOW UUO OFF WTO LOTS .OF ILL PRICES, MO TRET ME REMIT fOR SALE 01 HEN WW MO LOW PRICES. ZTP doM Lets. Store Lots, Warehouse Lota, Faetorjr I-ota. Itere ViOts Ibr No. 87. Tin* estate now owned iui.1 occnpicd wfGeo. 8. C. Dow, Ksq..being the dwellinghouno Md three full lots, fronting south upon 6th St., Mrner of Farnuni street. This house is in per fect repair, having been.fitted up by the owner far himself. Tlie entire urraogeinent of the house tstasteful and complete. The view from this place is unsurpassed. Terms easy. No. 88. Hrick house and lots, southeast eor asr of 4th nndMain Mts., known us Thorington es tate 15 ft. front on each .St. l'rice |5,'", ft may faamin for a term ofj cars at a lowr rate of iiilernt. No. 8. Frame house south side 3d streat, one •fie west of Brady street priee, $1,600. Two Sirds may remuin on mortgage at six per cent. Farm Wasted. We want to purchase improred [arms from 80 li 140 acres each. Farms f»r Bale. tider75. No. Eighty acre farm, 1 mile from the tf limits, on tlie west Allen's Grove road, all tine cultivation and fence, with good dwell ing and out buildings well watered, fruit orch ard, etc. A rrv pine. I'rico (5,000 ,000 cash, balance on time to suit. No. 74. 78 acre farm on the Iowa City (Locust Street) road, 5 miles Iroin the city, all under new fence, half under cultivation, balance haftturn aad timber land. Good tAO story ft utile dwell ing, with necessary out buildings, etc. Price (1,200 cash. No, 64. Farm of 68 acres pn River road be tween Princeton snd !cclaire large orchard, iwelling, barn and out houses. Price $2,500 cash, bulencc on time to suit. No.'-7i\ One HV» acre farm in Cleona Township ibout 6 miles north of Fulton and Durant sta tions on the M, & M. Railroad, all improved and anilor fenoe aad with good bouso and barn |W per acre. No. 72. One other*160 acre farm sitnsted near ,%e^ above, with like improvements. |i8 per Jio. ISO acres unimproved land jiesr Du at, at |10 per acr«. cash, balance in five i at tan per cent. s in Linn County, (50 improved aad i.) Price $1,000, cash. in Iowa county at $6 per acrei in Sioux county at ft per adNt in Clay county at $1 per acre. is Haaoock oountjr at $1 per acre.'JB i in Winnebago Co. at $1 per acre. at $1.35 per aero. i at$ 8,oo per acre, in Ta aua county. id 8tory county. in Ornndv oonnty at $t per Mi ityat$*.5o per iere. in Mower oo., Minn, at 1.00 per act in Houston County at $8.60 in Butler county at Minn, at 2.60 per QF (MM! IS (AM {8eoU)~ ttmng at $• FIRE INSURANCE. Ik*«re*a«e Capital $4,a Iartfer4 Vhs tusrasM C*^ or HumtD, ooix. OF Nt wrote. Of NEWT New York. U, A* Hares. 'bm ^8nON}PIKLOrMAM. fILE INSURANCE. DAILY DEMOCRAT. n-J-"»P%P »fg*f **m gMM*" Y O O I S I Y O O S fel-1 v SELLIM OlP' Ch sale. No. 47. One on dtli St., just east of liradr St. Ko. 48. Four on 4lli St., near Railroad bridge. Houses ftp Sale. No. 10. In Molino, III., a two story brick dwel ft|g boose, with lot so by 15" (Vet, cor. Lyndoand Xnn Sts. The house in in gumi coudition, is now panted pofscRKimi given iu30luys. (Tlie limine, eoat $2,500.) I'rico of liouse nnd lot, $1,*• one third cish baluncc on long time at low interest 88. A bricli dwelling house on E-'2d St. H.rtOO $900 cash, rest on time at 8 per cent. i e '-"TV positively closing out his stock of Dry Goods, and will ^ell 18 AT NEW YORK RATES, or a short time, after which the balance of hp loods will be shipped to the New York Market, where hey are selling at a arge percentage over our present prices. September 6th, 1864. d&wtf LOCAL ITEMS. DB. FCBRABD, the celebrated Spanig Physician, is at his office, 0o Main street, Davenport. sp6-d4wt. TO me BEST.—Qo Davenport, to Bryant ft Strat- ton's Chicago Commercial College, to get a thorough practical business education, or to bccotne a good sonnd telegraph operator.— For circnlars address (enclosing stamp*) Bryant & Stratton, Chicago, Illinois, dwly. BUSINESS EDUCATION.—TO ough knowledge of book keeping and get a thorough-practical business education, at tend Pratt's Commercial College, corner of fith and Brady. Every facility afforded at reasonable rates. Reduced rates to disa bled roldierg. nv7-dfcwly WHITE'S DAKCISQ ACADEST, NOTICE.—I DAVBfflPOBT, IOWA, ef lb* BantHf wfll bi dcnd -Thsa»a^lag Payi leaned ftaia ttlncftae Umm AMU A procure a thor corner of Sd and Brady streets. Class always open for beginners. Class for ladies, taastera and misses every Saturday at 3 P. M. Gents' class the same evening at half past seven.— Spectators will not be admitted except by special invitation. nov2-dlin. have this day sold out my in terest in the business heretofore carried on by Win. A. Rem.ngton & Co., to Mr. O. S. McNeil, and my connection with said firm is dissolved from this date. All per sons indebted to the late Arm are request* ed to call and settle with Mr. Remington. Gko. S. C. Dow. Davenport, Nov. 16th, 1804. nov. 21-d3t NOTICE.—TIavIng purchased of Mr. Geo. S. C. Dow the stock of clothing,cloths, furb ishing goods and fix^ires of the business carried on by Wm. A. Remington A Co., and associated with me Mr. Wm. A. sm ington, the business will be carried on by him under the same name as heretofore. O. S. MCNKCL. NOT. 10th, 1864. AT DISCOVXT.—Two not ftrgeCthat titeysaa •taekaf bitbe% #ttiM psfalar dif of Henry O. Mia A Oa. of Beady apd»*s«rssU. ^SJM^HM latest styles evsry week, aad astt thsai low —very low. EoLu*s.--Nei» jraar there wfll ba Jtm eclipses—twoaffka aa«, wUdi will oeeor on Uw 25th of Aprfl and! the ink of Oeto ber. Two of the moon—April lift—Ode* ber 8d—one in the laahienable dotUsg business in which Sam Perry will eclipse all competitors. This will be visible In this atitude during the sntire year. CoamBcno*.—Our statement that the Tableaux for the benefit of the Home of the Friendless were to be repeated on Thursday (to morrow) evening, was based on what we supposed to be reliable information but it seems that it was a mistake altogether.— The repetition will probably take place next week. The time wiU be duly announced. TDAHKSOIVIJIO Dimnms.—For the purpose of affording the public the best faculties possible for serving up splendid dinners to morrow, the popular house of Park k Hos mer has provided a stock of choice, fresh groceries of, all kinds, that will suit every body. You will find their bill of fair a very long one, and made up of the very best the market affords. Give them a call and make your selections this evening, or early to aMrrow. The safe and sure way to get rich is to be industrious and economical. To be econ omical buy your plated furnishing goods at Webbs, Le Claire Row. His stock of chi na, glassware, cutlery, silver plated goods, ctc., if) the best and the cheapest in the city. He sells low because |ho buys low, and is contented with a small profit. He has the best stock kerosene lamps and lamp fix tures in the city. Give him a call when you want a I article that you 6an rely upon. JIAIB JEWELRY, WIGS, kc.—M. BKAUTIFCT. SIGHT.—A GENERAL AGENTS nov.2\-d3t splendid Grover •BilVVfV JtattM daimfl esesii^t, Nov. Slat, la the Adtanced cln iy evening, ToHdies. & Baker sewing machines —one the chain stitch, a splendid family machine—one the ahuttk or loch stitch, for heavy manu&e taring or light work, as may be dssirad— both entirely new and jntrranted in perfect order, are offered at a bargain. Also oae Wiloox k Gibbfl, aoisless, chain stitch, flun Dy sewing. Machines in perfect ofter and entirely new, at a great bargain. Inquire at this office. «f the to gentkaen.. .|1M 1M J. O. WALLAOX. ***m a ptl# the wlea h«pM where IWwKMliamis thsir Ilk wmjriW' group of lovely maidens with flowing tresses, exhaling the rare perfume of a thousand exotic flowers. These may be seen wherever "Lubin's Floriline" is known and used. It beauti fiss the hair, perfumes it, curls it, makes it long, strong and luxurient, retains it in any desired position, and adds the exquisite and distingue appearance so much admired In the city belle of elegance and fashion. Oet one carton, and be convinced. or THB IOWA CEMTBAL INSURANCE COMPART.—This popular and rapidly growing Fire Insurance Company has appointed as its general agents, for the northern half of Iowa, Messrs. C. W. Bur lingame snd R. L. Marsh. The former gentleman comes ta Iowa from Peoria, III., highly recommended as an active, prompt and cncrgctic business man. Mr. Marsh ia too well and favorably known here to re quire any introduction. The territory com prising this district is made up of Monfaut, Crawford, Carroll, Greene, Boone, Story, Marshall, Tama, Benton, Linn, Jones, Ce dar and Scott cdttntics, and all counticg in the State north of these. The Iowa Cen tral Insurance Company is located at Iowa City. It is doing a thriving business— taking the best class of risks all over the 8tate. Messrs. Burlingame A Marsh are now in thecity, and are appointing Itaal agents- and aoliciting the' serviaea of active men to canvass for the company. It is a paying business—and a lively young man could not be more profitably employed.— For the present the headquarUrrs of Messn. B. k M. will be at Iowa Citr, where thej can ba consulted or addreseed by letter. ii REKBUBSB TUB POOB.—True happiness does not consist in making one's self fortable, so much aa in diffusing joy gladness .among athsob Let tbeaa have been hlsaasd witfr prosperity aad can afibrd the luxoriee ef fifct wrap thaamshrea up in this aolfeNrfkleaqr and tha.ik Get that they are not BajWhin, butlet them at aU^ times aad espaeiaBy on this VM M9^ the hungry maile tbsir heart* so. Whaaiaiw||ii( UMillt jUn^uula of charity within* Mai #nMf Awn year deorf hea#|fa|Mtt||# snijH malhsw iMtaai teMstotiMM lMMisathal m** h' fhanksghlng |W whatshsB beMkMtUt aete thaakfci flttHM many Umtagi &aiFlXvteePM«i- wV^I ft mmfw MM af a arasl aad daatfantivs war, lek ua be laMtbaet orpeaceAdeffgrtaia Unida, hanaeny and fraternity between hidaos detract ed elenMHtte, let us be grateAdthatreatirfa tian la not pMaed hsyood thsdlmitaef hope, and that oar ooaatry haa aat eathreljr he come the prey of anavshgr and dsspstim Let us be thankful that there is still a chance left whereby we may yet achieve for our country all the good for whieh we have ever hoped. Let ua be thankful that while death haa taken so many from among us, and diaease has brought many low, that so many of the otyects of our affection are still permitted to remain with and cheer us. Let us be thank ful that the earth has yielded an abundant harvest that all may eiyoyso many comforts of life. Let us be thankful for all the numer ous blessings that we enjoy, devoutly pray ing that the cup of happiness may never be drained. While there are many evils amongst us that we deprecate and greatly deplore, let us continue to put oar trust in Him who haa led us on thus far in the jour ney of life, and so live and conduct our selves—one and all—as to merit an improv ed and continued state of prosperity and happiness. DISHONEST.—The Campbel, 81 South Clark street, Chicago, wishes to inform our readers that he will give suffi cient inducements to those who may want anything in the line of hair jewelry, wigs, curls, braid*, toupees, etc., either at wholesale or retail, to make it a great ob ject to purchase of him. Ho has long been established in tho business, and has gained s general reputation of doing just what he promises to. gentleman in tikis' city, whoever he may be, who sends specials to the Chicago Journal, is inclined to warping the truth—telling what old folks call un truths. In his report of the 22d, yesterday, he stated that "the Muscatine Courier and Burlington Argvt have gone under." We think the writer of that sentence knew he was. uttering a falsehood when he penned it It is true that the daily editions of theso pa pers have been suspended*. They were star ted at the commencement of the Presidential Campaign, to be run as Campaign papers, and to be suspended immediately after the election. The weekly issues have not been suspended, as was stated in the items from which the reporter for tho Journal made up his items. It is both unfair and ungentle manly to thus report the suspension of pa pers, and maliciously so when the reporter knows that he is conveying a false impres 8I0D. The Inra Ckrfrtlaa At a preliminary meeting of this insutu* tion, held at the "Home," (formerly Mt. Ida College) on Saturday, the 19th inst., a unanimous resolution was passed by the numerous friends present, to organise at once, and place it in condition to receive applicants. Notice is therefore given that a meeting will be held for the fall organization of this Society on Saturday, the 20th of November, at 8 o'clock P. M., tn the lecture room of the Presbyterian church, on Brady atreet A full attendance of the ladies ofthis dty is solicited. A. H. BAEBOWS, Ftooa.—BetaN •»,») bU. •S.40 baft WMtede $6 $S.40{ $8.(0 balk. Winur. BROKE Plea. (aa. November SSd, 1864. NEW WATCH AND JBWSLBTSTOBB.—M. G. Rosenberger wlshea It remember! that he has opcred a large and carefully seleeted stock of Army Watches and Jewelry of all kinds at No. 24 Le Claire Row. His st*ck is excellent, and his prices low. Those look ing for Watches should call and examine his extensive stock before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the plaoe—No 24, Le Claire Row —Store formerly occupied iJJr Reapkc k Son. as The Xewberryport Herald concludes an inter esting History of the various substitutes far the Isrge and costly pipe organ with the following well-deserved Settee of the Cabinet Organ: "All these investteas were, however, butlittle more thaa a series of «tp«is»at% aetritfsg altar aa ideal, wfaick SheUM wjeet sH isipeelsctfams, ifljsh. Uettotbe universal teatjaway of tfcre«gbo«Mheweitd, be* 8k in the 'GaMaet Orges* of lipMl A these ^W ^tW 1M| IWy ipMBHi W fhfaw.iawliielitW «#sd^tt feaied Metesd ef llMa ijfcsaairHal tuiwwaf Hp »it— teilni MMB9 MMh pewsr, riehaoss ef teaS^ aad satptftdag eAets setts Csfcisst Quaes ItkHftwate,tea, ihat their espeaee Is sa tewMtepNee ttwa wttlla masas eCeImssi w iy AAnirlS^S hintt HB wlMg ww VB* af II OX A BSB -No. l. wsH rteewsi. roosdi Club, Tea i u Cow.—No. I, sound, plump end No. 8, 80. OATS. NO. 1, T» W.19M. 80 paper sack a, p^ter soda elenu aad eessd, SOei Basunr.—$l.w. WSITB BSAXS.—$8.00#10%' *•. Fuuusao.- $3.0o^a.W. Tmorar.—$4.0t). .. ... steadier good business. 87 %V» western. Pons—Decidedly lower. •88.88^*8.(0 tM.7&04O«Osew $87.87087.60 priSMi' LABO—Scarcely so Ina. SI@8JV4 WHISKT—Steady at 17801.74. BCOAB—fineSI ASS. Pevaotsea—Quiet. 4Be erude «7#T$e re fined boand 6Zc free. Bteek Market. Nsw Voax, Noveaber It. BtodtS fttitr—Oold. $8.28V.t To-day's AdvtrtlMmwti. LOONS at the lower part of^towii. a Chestnut, Sorrel Ponv, with saddle aaid bridle. Whoever returns hint to Smith's Liverv Stable, will get the reward. Nor. SS-tf. BANK NOTICK. THK STATB BANK OF IOWA, and KER CH AN C8 UBANCn Mt KSS£n!54JJ:( i(,iK t.- New Toss, Nov. St. FUnm- Unchanged. |t.86(M.M ntM ate ll.OOeil.86 K. H. O. WnaA»—Market qniet and steady. $t.S8 Olti* eego spring $8.46 good winter red. COBS—$1.87 in store. OATS—Bather A N»a 'ii ,i tVtk L'. J-.!# fi **is ia* BWAHD, iwb' J'r, e :J ,-j b* i* 1 Davenport, will be closed to-morrow, Thanksgiving Day. Nov. S3 It. B. B. WOODWARD, Cash'r. I S Stwlag ImUii. Is sntircly noiseless I A Patented Devictl being turned back- prevents its ward. The patented needle eannot beset wrong. The patented Hefbnter and Feller and Hrs.der, eannot be aet wrong, and are superior to all oth er.'. It mns faster than any other. It will never drop a stich. It U the only practical Machine which ALL can use. I It doee the finest aad neatest work ever known, and oil varieties of family sewing in the most perfect manner. No other machine takes the 'Twisted Loop Stiteh." It cannot be adjusted or got out of order. It uses the Rotating Hook.' Whatever the merits of other machines it is no disparagement to sar the Wilcox A Gibba is worth, for family ute, double that of any other ever ode red to tee public. IT (IS SOW THE GREAT LUDM6 FAMILY SEWN SKHME ALL OVER THE WORLD. It U. t»ken tb. «MHJ» HRBAL .1 lh American Institute, New York, and the FIRST PREMIUM at the State Fairs of Vermont, Penn sylvania, Indiana and the eombined New England States, making a grind total of 35 Premiuamn Mil &emwo n. with Uemmer, Feller, Prices of Machines, Ouage, Oil Can, Extra Needles, fall directions, Ac., from |5« tw$IS0. Anavra WAXTBB.—Agents for other Srst-elese machines, who take the Wilcox A Oibbo, in ad dition to theirs, make our most successful aad best Agenta. Try it. Terms to scents, deeoriptive eircalsr and speci mens of work, seat free bjr meil, as receipt ef stamp, or bad of 1~ C«RmL it CO* Qts'l Af'ts, sv28«d4m} WEito BtreeVCateege^ilu AVJCk GRAIV, No. 49 Hsrrison St, betwees Seesad aad Thied, a. cansil DbeOtioUs for ttsaeurlag No. t-nw v 4M ANNtfl I 1^.4— IV til it In nii lps ... s i** COUNTRY 1TBBCHANTS.' S&s&sifi BTri«r^ tk. tTniM SlttM Complete Works of Thoiaan Jeffersen, Kirk's ChaSSTfihi* Bdldf* ddison's Works Complete Goldsmith's Animated Nature Illustrated Complete Works of Thomas Rood Coopier'S. Works beautifully Illustrsted Hugh Miller's Works Complete Macsuley's History of England Vallam's History of the Middle Agtt |, D'lsracli's Amenities Bvtler9*Bell Series of Poets, elegantly Uc VoUs Tncke)r Morocco -i,'l foetfy ef theffelda, Poetry of the Year, Poetry of the Woods, Heman'a Bongs of ttie Moore's Irish Melodies, and the the artist 1 a. iBESKAH W1TCSE8. Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, Keble's Christian Yoar, Thoar Burn's complete Poetical Works, Adam's Sacred Alegories, Haber'a Roger's complete Poetical Workn, Goldsmith's Poetical Works, VeadPa Jtenali Poets of America, Harts Female Proee Writers of America, Stevens' af |hs, New Testament v 'J The Stoek of Photoyni^lile Alb In fine binding cannot be exodled In variety of style or beauty of The Juvenile Toy Book department is very complete and pertiee laHdng for pm»-' aents for the Young People cannot foil to be pleased. Also a great variety ff Stationery* Blank Books* GoMI Pens, Purses and Pocket Books, Portfolios, Writing Desks, Work Boasa, Scotch Fancy Oooda, Ac., 4c. Gall and examine goods and price* lisftae chases. WATOHSS AMB 4SWSUIV. Sttrling Silvtr Cam DoMt and AM at CURRY'S, On ady Wrwf. LAMEN' IBTTf, Witt Pearl, Oyax, Coral, Ae. of BoHd CMdBet f.j' SETT!1 IVORY OP 0EAJUEB UT BTBBT D1BCR1PTION SoUd Oold Rings, Weddiag liags, simstbiag «atlrey New. SCABS' osaw IWjr ISW HWSIBT lf*M 'it. n. s U.J- Ml ear sis* befcre aekia^tbslr ,^*70 '"C' JO'* ifUKsr. •J r. SBTH M#*. !. frtUii k of r'tf Wis !i Literature Hsllam'i CosstlUrttooal Hiatory ot g-wgiesd It'Israeli's Cariosities of Literature Barton's Anatomy ef Mslsncholy Charles Lamb'a works D'Tocquille's Democracy Iti America!!^' (lllibora History of Rome •ft •i SKTAima fT™" Ns, tt Beeoad street, between r—*—"—^•r— splt-dly rf.t<p></p>PLUMMER'Si S1# "1 i ijh if. (J V! syft .# i»*» i./j.,a. .jft -s. •1 fll 'f* 'jJ» t' .» u d»i n -9 U MiU e ?•»-•»-.! T' Hi »l»!, t~- 4 if »tS .'U'4 i' l/lii 1 S': v i' S .fts/' .» v f.« bitilM q- «i" y wmm i* 1 V 1 4 i V JiilK-O ^pesyeos'B fmagisstiea sad'Mfj^ Wowning's InuTlect sad ABboMoae, •y, Woodworth s Nature and Besttmeat, Works, s Xsmb'a Political Work% Memory and Hrpe. Butler's small quarto Editiona of the follewing Works bound in laihSi ma nd most gorgeous volumes that the hand ar the have ye Macaulsy's Lays of Ancient Rome, gorgeous volumes that the MfttF yet produced *8, Cambell's complete pdHleal u} n I* Pdeket Ctttlory, JMSOHANT VAILOtte. R£AOT.XiDi CLOTHING A COtfr PBiCB TO BB BA^ »u. FRAMZ mnriA, LBeeosd at.-«ret doof Weet ef Nstleaei Bea| •nwr184"11"11,1 CLOT IwilesBatAeawit ntg. SgpEES£«g ills' [ha r~r-~4ir iiiii