Newspaper Page Text
av*H •aKT&'"-* ?*,. JOHN L. 8WITS i 1* sc 4jSn .» ,•»» :**•», u I «ctbL WMhTvIK Roe. »L BTU j:£ memin ILKOO FIB ANNUM: JJMfc 10. "•'laiLiwiM.SBU.v.f. HHIIIHI IIIIH^^^ ft CO., ina* bkfNNi ft"* an LOTS, 'S ui« for A threat ible buildin| •M 'IITI i»"° \«4 "{Til «*as of f«fV lota isomer of ISO fed foot OS ieaiSffSK „n", •*"*,!* jr'^jrr.^a dt down—l»3mceonlongUrm of years at tf^MhdL j£«r!"LM" i e e i 5 e e p,y- p«r- 4« loanid (an«t M' lata llo. M. dfni. 0Kt deep—fe Ufa. ». On Third '|6» feet front by 150 |11 per front toot, lot So. loparker'oes- A Trae'e l«ta ia Slayma- each. Thirty aeess MM on felr's addition #1«0 U #140 each. Term, aawy. tu A ialni*l« city lai 8. E. corner of fllaia and College Avenue tOO feet on Main by UOfoeton College Avenue and commanding a beautiful river TMW. Price #1,800. {pBaanoaly kaowa aa "I* Claire'e Wch,") ik HOW UIB Off l«T8 tors-OF III PUKES. MM VMM MJW MOLOSfMCES. i g» •Swwa Lota, toss FM SALE MVEM MM Store Lola, WareboweLels, Fietory LoU. Mare l.aU ftr aalc. »itiro. 4T. Oaa on 4th St., juat eaat of Brad^ St. ji,. Four on 4tU»t., near Railroad itridge. M*«a«a ftp Bala. Jlo. 10. In Moline, III., a two-atory brick dwel kouae, wrtli lot bU by 15 feet, cor. Lynde and An Sta. The Iwuaa ia in g«od condition, w now noaaaMiok lit« inauday*. (The nou%e. '•6at #t flSvT" Krii* of hotwc and lot, #1,&U0 one ikird euh balnnce on long time at low interest ™j. jX 'a brick dwelling h«»uae on E-'Jd ISt. 'm 400 #S40 cash, rest on time at S per ccnt. ITM, 87. The ewtate now owiu-d and occnpu-d tar Oeo. S. C. Uow, Kaq.,being »a- dwellin^houae MM«e(UllMa, frontiagaoath upon (ttk St., aarnSpf IV«iiAatreet. Tflli* hon«e lain per "CMt r*p*ir, lAring been fltted op by the owner •laea la aaaarpaaaed. Termaeaay Mo 88. Brick bonne and lota, aoutheaat cor MB of 4th and Main Sta., known aa Thorington es tate 150 ft. front on eaeh St. Price #6,000, f( may (Matis for a term ofyeara at a low rate of intent "J|o. V. Ft ante kouae aoitth aide 3d street, one iBlle west of Brady street price, #1,800. Two |Urda may remain on mortgage at aix per ceut. i: Fanai Wutet, hft waat to purakaaa improved farma from 80 I# 1(0 acres each. FaraM i¥r Sato* 71. Eighty acre farm, 1 mile from the limits, on the west Allen's Orora road, all aader fiae cultiratiou and fence, with good dwell in* aad oat buitdiug* well watered, fruit orch •M, ota. A vtrg d**ii obU asssf I'rice #5,000 #S,0iM eaak, balaaoa oa time to suit. Ho. 78. 78 acre farm on the Iowa City (Locust •treat) road, 5 milea from the city, all under new ik-m. w.if under cultivation, balance basture STilKik* 1—4. Good two story fiana *jrell oat Imildinga, etc. Price Tt##rFam of Walreaon Rirer road be tanaa PrUcetoa aad Ledaire larga orchard, IfilHag, barn aad oat honses. Price #11,600 cash, balanaa on time to sui t. *0.70. One 180 acre farm ia CleoaaToaraahip lltaat ft miles north of Fulton and Dnrant sta ifyM on the M. A M. Railroad, all improved and glider fenee and with good house and barn #25 ^Ko. 72. One other 160 acre farm situated near ,ba above, with like improvements, #M per *Ro. t* 190 sere# unimproved land near Du fMrt, at #10 per acri. eash, balance in fire rears at tan per caat. itn Linn U ».) Prioe #1.000, i ia Iowa coanty at #5 1 in gioax coanty at #1 per sen. •a in Clay coanty at #1 per at i ia Haaaock county at#l par ia Wianebago Co. at #fpai •00 in Linn County, (50 improved aad' ', er acre. iikapS: per acre. i i ia Taaut coaatgr. id Story ooaaty. ia Orandy coanty at ft Ml aPls ia Butler eouity at #1.50 per acre, i ia Mower so., Hiaa, at S.50 per aero ia Haaetoa Ceaaty at |LN par aw. tf (MM! tkk (6twtf) apaafjf al (ft P1RE INSURANCE. #*,M»t»N. MM Vfirt taiw«BM C+, OFBAtrrOftfi,OOKK. «fc.' OW HEW ivaa idastt* lln lawwi (nS1 OFFBWTOWtJ GHMT Vfart lisariMjSH Mew York, k.- Me# Havea. OFSPmiMOnBLD.MASi. iltE INSURANCE'. iraAtfurafto.o»t]r. |fewt*e«k-.- Mi i«« anfet DAILY DEMOCRAT. MdrsMMriHainM. O. B. —wt,W imtm mwt, OMwy. lt BMrtSBAtS rOSStVO ad VSfnssmSBtS (SV thtS poser* Y O O S .i :m *, Y O O S SELLINGOIT i 1 is positively closing out his stock of Dry Goods, and will sell AT NEW YORK RATES, *,'• •. -i f.i for a September 0th, ]864d4wtf LOCAL ITEMST Go TO TBI BBST.—Go Da. to Bryant A Strat- ton's Chicago Commercial College, to get a thorougb practical fcaainaw education, or to tfweme a good aoand telegraph operator.— For circulars address (enclosing stamps) Bryant & Stratton, Chicago, Illinois, dvljr. FSRBAKD, the celebrated Spanish Physician, is at his office, on Main street, Davenport. sp6-d&wt. BUSINESS EDUCATION.—To procure a thor ough knowledge of book keeping and get a thorough practical business education, at tend Pratt's Commercial College, corner of 5th and Brady. Every facility afforded at reasonable rates. Reduced rates to disa bled roldiera. nv7-dAwly "Tna difference between a fool and a wise man." The wise begins where the fool leaves off. The wise insure their Life and Health before disease overtakes then*. The ma require no argument to prove that a few thousand dollars left to a helpless family will sa-re them from vice and misery. The tcia* know that Gvcor ten dollars per week is not only a relief but a support to a family visited by sickness. Become wise before it is too late, and examine a subiect that interests the human family in the high est degree, at the office of WM. ALLS* IKG ALLS. Boom No. S, over Macklot's Bank, Corner of Brady and 2d streets. (*ct. 10-dtt. MXCMIVCi BCHOOft* JCTHOB class will commence ftl Vohday evening, Nov. 21st, in the basement of the Presbyterian church. Advanced class wfll eommence on Wednesday evening, Not. 23d, in the same place. Tickets for each class to gentlemen.. .$3.00 To ladies.' 1.50 Terms—SO lessons. J. C. WALLACE. W AXTKD.—A few Iowa u Gar ras War and for which the highest sistket price wfll be paid. Apply at thiaoffice. HOUDAY GOODS.—The It Hersborg tHfOsld- No. l's Mhmrt Time I THB short time, after whieh the balance of the goods will be shipped to the New York Market, where they are selling at a large percentage over our present prices. QosaaiLtA ATTENTION.—The pqralar house of k Co. No. 6, West 3d street, has laid in an elegant stock of goods suita ble tor holiday presents, embracing choice patterns of dress goods, beaatifol shawls, rich and lsshfonable doaks, notions of srsiy description, ladies Mlel goods of numerous styles—sil very neat aad deairosblo just what is wanted. Usrsberg 4 Co., take es pecfajl pains to provide the ansat durable as wtfl as the richest goods, aad iuvita ladies to sail and exaadae them. TTn linalih to show goods at their establiriuBsaL Re ttie igure and plsce Sd street, in Xstropolitan bktck. BSST.—YOU eerjr tmt THE MUTHRI AOW ———±±aeacs==sssaaasssssz tslsgrsph wpwt ascsivsd to day. y For C—atl Prsossdinfi ssa fcorth page. s.—That is the place thm la dies go for white goods—dress trimmings, shawls, woolen clothing and toilet articles. The store is No. 7 Eaat td street The goods are very choice and low. Rssronrr DnrrmT.—R. b. Ifyers is the oldest and stoat azperieocad Dentist ia Davenport. He Amiishea artiBdal setts or parts of setts, in the nasi aoenrata style. Satisfaction warranted. Oflce, Northeast eomer of Perry and Third streets, dtwtf BALL.—Wa Rirsa aadtted to uwatieu yssterdsy that the Pin Kings' hsd a most splsndid party at Lahnaaan's on the even ing of the 7th. Aboot seventy-five osaptes were in attendance, aad the nett prooseds are such as will give the Company a fine start ia purchasing a Near Engine. They -will give another daring the Holidays. CLoeSD.-Theextremely cold weather last night brought the ice to a stand in the River at this point, and fastened it so effect ually that it will probably remain as it is until spring. The surfsee, owing to gorg ing and piling is far from being smooth. Considerable labor will be required to make a good traek across to Rock Island, and ws hope to see the Job done ss soon as practi cable. BUSINESS.—After ScBsriTrrs BROKERS.—We Toe members of the Thor ington Guards will please notice the call of Orderly Jamison in another column. The election of officers for this regiment on Saturday is a matter that interests the Companies which form it, ss wc'l as the public to a certain extent. As to who the officers shall be there seems to bo but one opinion, as far as we have been able to lesrn in regard to candidates. For the Colonclcy, Capt. Thorington aeeras to be the choice for Lieut. Colonel, Capt. Lischer has the preference we think, and for Major, Asher R. Golden will undoubtedly be the success ful candidate. This will make a good ticket. So far there are only six Companies in this Regiment—no new ones having report ed this week. IIAIB JEWELRT FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. No style of jewelry is more becoming to a lady or gentleman than that saanufactured ia a neat and curious manner from the hu man hair, ingeniously mounted with oroa menta of gold. The hair will last an age in this way, and retain its natural freshness. Ladies or gentlemen who desire to have anything of ths kind manufactured can have their orders filled to their own liking by leaving them at C. H. Smith's, No. 90 East 2d street If yon have hair of yoar owa or that of a friend that you wish to preserve •s a memento, you can have it made tap just as desired. Mr. Smith is the most in genious hair jeweler in the country, and wifi guarantee perfect satisfaction ia any thiag be undertakes. Give bim a call aad order your chrismas presents ia seasea. CONCBAUNO A will always find the ready-made clothing in the market al M. Hohenfets'—Metropolitan Clothing HaB. The* goods are vety choice and sell fay lew. Taa Puoa-HTlM plaoe ta bay ahoice, frssh, palatable, healthy Faasfly Grooeries evs^r M«d, WalParitsft Hoarwrs, So«th enkadysaddthstVMts. Thoss sea tkwe la traia daka AM# Jhey aave money, bath sa fsada awl pries. ia gsttlMbeat k Dssasiss—A substitute deserted, having been found in the Wine eeHar of Henry Haapt, at his Saloon an Front street, and the key of tfie edlar la Henry's pocket, the defectives very natar illy believed that he was party to ths con csahasnt, aad so they took him aloag with the deserter to camp. This is a pretty ser ious matter, and trid be apt ta get Henry into trouble ahless he can make it appear that ha knew aethittg ei the peeitiea el the person he songht to eeaapal. Mr. Haupt's case w^l probably be brought to a hearing in a short time before U. S. COM* missieesr, John N. Rogers,'Esq. It is the first of the kind that haa been hsard at thia plaoa, aad wii aatanHy create a little as dtement BOOTS AND Saoas.—This is aa Impsrtaat subtest and one that eveiy aMa shsahl eoaj sidsr who regards health, wealth aad hap piness and U shoald caastantly be heme ia mind by all elsasls in thfc vieiaity that Child k V* «o«ad, adadtably. Gits Im wis®* IT .gUi, C*, of the Bootee boot and shee atom, hasp the lsr£eet and beat sslsslsd •tack of gooda^ia the city. One partner etajrs ia Boatsa all tla Ihas ta aaperialaai #tr' T' -..-ri- ^'VV l."~* .-. 9 .J A. *_..., .* DAVENPORT, IOWA, FKIGAY, DECEMBER 9, 1864. Aamm •aaaasa ISftHMMfttB Wm. O. Jsaes^OA Ft fM asaslsd al Levi eatecflag asal^ tha fl^ht ^Vi vi id his woaad asa 0vo aap lilMiaMiaa la to* latfea ta Jsess, Is wtaaNed that be write to Jeae# amiher, Mi* SMLWe, Celamiae City, lows. Obaites Msmy leasts, ispssted sssallsted la Ca, F, If say State Ageat Of a peru sal of Qen. Baker's order in another column, the guerrillas that are now crowding into Southern Iowa, will think the authorities mesn them. One thing is certain, if they keep out of the way or mind their own bu siness when within our borders they will not get hurt. Otherwise they had better be in almost any other place than Iowa. are glad to no- tice that the city authorities have tskea the Substitute Brokerage business in hand, and imposed a license upon it. This will have the effect to throw that business into re sponsible bands, and do away with irre sponsible, dishonest operators, many of whom have been imposing upon drafted men in this city this year. Those who take out a license will take good care that the unreliable parties are kept ont of the busi ness. SITUATION.—The it newspaper business ss much effected by tlie oold snap as any other branch of trade. The eloctric current has not only been frosen so it will not ran, thereby catting us off from telegraphic com munication with the outer world, bat about town items of intsrsst are very scarce and extremely uninteresting. Bat the fault is not ours. We sre not responsible for (he weather, and if people are so much affected by it as not to get up exciting incidents, we ought not to be blamed if we do not report thein. TO .IBS GREATEST NUMBER. lltb lewa Isftadplsst MsrOb, was siek at New Orleaes sad ssssetiae la tsasber was seat North, la died ea the beat Sept. f#lk, 1##4, aad was bat Had alOslroi— It is sllsdged thel he bad Meat) aad a watek with bim at the time of his death, that two of bis owa ssmpaay saw sa INN sat ths Airpssa is alaryssf Iks Im v....iVV... To-day's Hi IpaalatMtvyi aae •te«sa,ae**e ha* earned'•**« eat AsNpotlsi lafleaftrsl Baker, Jeaes i AMaata aad- there psss ta seaM Me*4, hat Apa Is i if he moved Berth, la^lha atthadthaerpe hespMsl UlAlaMa. If aay IMVTUT A§mU JVafe bout esaat the moaey, aad die ladmsMaa seems to be that some tu, a Itste Ageat, or a preteaded 8tsto A|fM Stay have tslslas* tbe aoary.— It ia deslrsd that any eSssr, agent or soldier will give the Adjataat Oeaeral Infbmatlao la tbtscssa has retalasd say property of soy Itts eeldier wlthoak at tsmpts to forwsrd the sasM ta the frisads of the deeeeeed, we bsvs aa doebt aaid sgeat will at oese be remstsd ikom adoe apon proper represeatstios to tboBtale sathoritie*. Ia all eeess Stats Ageats sbeald report to the Adistsat Osasrsfs sOss tbe ef ell eflkets they may bsvs of di dlers sad any dlsrsgsrd of this daty, ws bsvs no doebt, will subject tbe sgeat to dis missal, aad each other jpwessdiags as ths cass may demand. Adjataat Oeaeral laker desires laforaiS tloa In relstiea to a Mr. Melksr and Dseter Davis aho'srs said ta bs tnMdtog la 8tatn to settle with slalmaots against the La fayette and tsdlksapoUsraihosd, or soy eth er rsilroad. Any iaiOrmstlse will ia grats* fully received by the Oeasial, ws bsvs so doebt We hope papers ioths Stalo wl 1 esll attoa tloa to ths above eases. tTATl: OP loi^L rv»!JE ADJITANT GEKRBAL'S Orncs,) DavenportvDec. 9,. 1864. Regiments organised in State of towa up to this date: Appanoose 2 Adair 4.1 battalion. Blackhawk 3 Clarke: i* 1 Davis S Des Moiaes j..m I Jasper S t.'J Scott Vsn Bursa. «.**»• ^. 2 Warrsn.... v **.... *.* 2 Total No. regimental......20 And 1 battalion. N. B. BARER, dec9 Adjutant General of Iowa. OmcEBs, ATTENTION !—There is a circu lar in this number of the Daily Democrat, issued by Gen. Bsker, for your especial benefit It is not intended for those who perform the duty but those who do not. If this latter class expect promotion they must first prove that they are competent to fill the position they already hold. This same circular should hsve be^i issued a long time ago, but it is in tims to do much good yet AT WHOLESALE.—The best plsce to buy Ready-made Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Cloths, Military Goods, etc., at wholesale, is at Mass & Mayers, No. 11, West Second Street. Call there and purchase, instead of going further East. INTEREST BEARING ORDERS.—The action of the City Council fixing 6 per cent inter est on city orders, will make that kind of security a little more marketable in this community. This is a very just provision, and one that sheuld have been adopted years ago. A near method of applying f^d and owder to the hair for dress occasions. Lu in's FloriHne, tbe new end wonderful toil et aid, Li ths cheapest, quickest and most perfect article for this purpose ever discov ered. Method—Saturate the hair well with Floriline .No. 8, and then apply the geld powder to suit yourself. For this and all other toilet usee, Floriline is just the thing. MSB, fa Quiocv, m., ea Saturday morning, 8d last. DICKY, aoa 11 of L. T. aad Owmat, aged Metropolitan Theatre I BhoMI MIT W sWVs* i. F. WILDMAH,... .Leeeoa 4 Maaager, O. ft. BBASB Stage Director. J* Btreaaer,.... .Maaiafi flwat AMraetlsas. Friimff IWiiay, Jk 96k, 1844, Kngagemeut of the Touag, Beautiful aad Aeeoiaplished Artiste, •MHtlEliaKM0l,__ Who will appear la the beautiful drama of" PEEECH SPY. To eeaelade with the favorite three Mmttt 0. MhUid. er haa-Hma Circle, will be oafaroed Officers will not bs granted promotiou in Iowa regiments, when they neglect their plain dutiee, and thereby permit our brave soldiers ta suffer. 'Tr^^-wr,- N. V The ate v GsaaaAL's Omca,) Davenport, Dee. 9th, 1M4. CIRCULAR NO. 2C. The greea ne^igence'and ranleesni whidi eharactsrisss many ofthedeesriptlv, rolla aad dischargee which are fur a aided to Lisat Col. Grier, 1st U. S. Cavalry, 8n periatsadsat of Recruiting Service aad Chief Mastering OOcer af the State of Iowa, and ta other departmenta, calla for immediate eorrectlon. The neglect of company co menders to arswer letters fremCol. Grier and this depsrtment in relation to descrip tive rolls aad discharges, demands oorree n. While this Department has no au thority in thoss eases, it hss, under orders of the Governor, control of promotions, and if any officer hereafter negiects to attend to the important dutiee which belong to him in the cases nsmed, and apon which the soldiers depend for payment, when dis charged, such neglect will be csnsidered by this Department as good ground for refusal to promote to higher position. B. BAKER, Adjutant General of Iowa., IXATli or IOWA. ADJUTAXT GIKUAL'S I Omca, Davenport, Dec. 9th, 1844. CIRCULAR NO. 87. Tasaty Regimeuts and one Batallion have been organised in this State. The Regiments of Davis County have thus far proved that they sre the most efficient and prompt in the State, and the thanks of this Department are hereby tendered to the olloera and men of Davis County for their zeal aad readiness in the Use of duty. Mil itiaia every County on Officers in the State Militia Will repkrt to this Department, the names of any suspicioiia charac ters in their respective vicinities, with the cir cumstances in such cases. These desperadoes, who belong to ao eomtnsad, and who merely take advantage of tbe disturbed State of the border, to rob, steal, plunder aad murder, shall be taught that the State of Iowa does not allow •heir presence iaeide her borders, and when suck desperadoes eaught in the acts, ofrobbiag, stealing, plundering or murdering UW-Ur be wsatsd aa «mtlawsjsid or f„. Adjt. Oen. of Iowa. 8TATK OF IOWA. ADJITANT GENERAL S Tbe Adjutant General or Assistant Ad jutant General will be present and decide on the question of what companies shall participate in said e'cc'ion. All organised companies in Scott county, recognised as such by this department, and not the 1st regiment of Scott county, are directed to attend. By order of the Captaia. J. W JAMISOIT. Orderiy. XfTMK TS MA 8KTTLSS8. The Aaaasl :««tla^" OP THE PIONEER SETTLERS ASSOCIATIOR «F HCOTT CO. Will be held i 4 -t lteMl«y, MHctmber Fundersigned, 10 ets Fa- letaj Bsservod Seats TS eta, to be bad at the'bss-sass s CMnrteffs Bask ifettoe. mntairr of a raaelutinu ef S«B /, Arere^aialsd|eallss ayaariai sat wifi *. mm JOHMR.8IM y i i i i tr "i'i*. h'j-g '"ti i 1' n i /tf 3 't |V* iu the border must be immediately organised. Reliable information is furnished this Depart, ment, that deserters from Price's army, "bush* whaokers," guerrillas and despetadoes are now moving into this State, singly or in small ^unds, for tbe purpose of concentrating at itin* point iu the spring, for the purpose of robbery, tUcft aud murder. Let us be prepared for them. Let our organisations be perfected. Let the Compa nies be well organised, equipped aad furatsked with a plenty of ammunition. troi i fe. t: i! fi «»r I .rr mm iH \t 1-tt •. ,!4 hiS ,t- of ttHlntb shot on httag to tbe nearest tree. M. B. BAKER, Orwcs,) Davenport, Dec. 9, 18G4. MOTICB.—Ths election for the 2d regi ment of Scott county will take place to-mor row at 11 o1 clock A. M., at tbe Court-house in Davenport. N. B. BAKER, decfl Adjutant General of lows. Wanted. WEemployment ARE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH to any nntnberof lir women. Call at room No. 2, up stairs, corner of Brady and Secoud street*. dec »-dtf INOALLS A BARD. AtteatUa, TktriigtM Guards! THE OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF THE above Company are notified to appear at tbe Court Bouse, in Darenport, oa Saturday, tbe 10th of December, 164U. at 11 o'clock a. m., punc tually, to exercise their fright ia tbe selection of field officers to Sd Regiment of Davenport Tp Malitia. Cooper's Works beautifully IlliutrSldd Hugh Miller's Works Complete Marauley's History of England UkUam's History of the Middle D'Israeli's Amenities of I.i!erst ore Hullaiu'* Constitutional History ot En .. D'lurat-li's Curiosities of Literature "J Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy '•ii I Charles I^amb's works 1 .V -i D'Tocquilio's Sells-, Poetry »f tlie Fields, Poetry of ihe Year, the opot, America, men or IS, '14, At I o'clock p. m., at the office of Oeo. L. Da venport, Esq. A tall attendance ia requested. By ordea of the President. dcl-dtd D. P. McKOWy, Sec'y. MNe JVHie. fBLIC Notice is hereby given, that tlie Referees, appointed by th Dis trict Caart, af tbe County of Scott in tbe State of Iowa, in pursuance of an order of the aaid District Cadrt, entered on the 25th dsy of November, A. D. 1864, in s cause therein pending, in Which Willism E. Car mfchari, at si., were plaintiffs, and John E. Henry, et. si., -were defendants, will, on Wedneoday, the 11th day of January, Ju). I860, at the hoar of 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day, at the door of the Court House, ia ths City of Davenport expoee and ofiar Csrsale ublic suction to the hUhrft bidder, tbe at pu real estate heiaiaafter deeeribed, to-wit: Let No. one (1), and ten flMteffef the east side aflat No. two (2), in Green's Addltisutatha CStv af OMpar codnty of ScoU, and State eflewa. fti'si qf SmU: cnviir, tike "ITaisapsH naTiaaa la UMofibe8to«ttSdsrs tke Ml .•J^M^ssoskmsfte^ ia the eftbe Caah, era petti purchsss aMBsy not lamiag thsrsaf aay, If the purrhassr daaia, aa »a pramieea far eaa yea raat at the rate of tea p«asatpsr CuatajQJIa^ Daa.MklM4.' SO OBNTS FClt WrJ0{£. AC»OUBSAI« K%CIRCSIVALY. .J -.? r: ,r at BOOTS & SHOES i j~ •a ,*t! COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Oar OoodssrsaU Creek aad bought direct from manufacturers. Oar facilities for kayiag are I To eaable as ta eoapet# with any loiae lft tho Wast •erehaatsTlsltlagihe Cliy ,S, -ill i''i .-'i -a 4.1 ii'-iK'hf JMgawefcMr 'Kvi'w w«.S Miv 'it No, 50 Brady .Street, WtnA i ii ir nf^ aii ii a its ii Si i ii BalMfeVrt HlatOiy or CM UMtBn StttM Coa^ilete Works of llioaian Jefferson, Pfescott's Goasplete Works: ariee The Kirk's Charles The Bold: Addison's Works Complete Goldsmith's Animated Nature Illustrated Complete Works Democritcy ia America Gibbon's History of Rome Bntler^f Bell Merles of Poets, elegantly |Hlnrtrl#i 1| .V^i.fUFkwrJU.r.eeo.n.i.1-.. Poetry of U»e WoodSi. Hemnn a Soofi of (it JK, sgs or tae SBMroBB,, Moore's Irish Melodies, jRw^TIWfffj*. WATCHES ANO JEWELRY. AMERICAN WATCHES. In sterling Hilvtr Catet DoM* at,d /'»iafit U Y Mrady Street, On LAniEK' SfiTTS, of Solid Gold Set with Pearl, Oynx, Coral, Ac. i GENTS' SCARF PINS. Clacks of ths newest styles snd of the best manufacture, just receired and sold at old prtees. CMsHmo, BraerMs, MM JVMa, Practla, ^pttfadis, rc. Mtal aattfrBi s very useful Instrumeat for Farmers aad others. Wmrntek Mipmirimf) Done br experienced Workmen ia tbe best Mr, aad Wnraated to Oire A.ftd at CL'RRY'S oa Brady Street, door *we M. IKW JCWItlf ITIftll J. D. WHelsSOBf T3WPSCTFULLT AMKOUHCBS TO THS XV people ot Davenport, aad risiaity, ths* he has jwt opened at his new sttre, on Irady aa., 8rs deer above ad. a SBrofaUyjateeted, aad aseortsaeat ef wATcat, ant E W E ••msryinaiifj*. following Works bound in turkey Batter's small quarto Bditions of tho following Works bound in turki tique and giit the richest and most gorgeous volumes that the hand of ths and the pencil of the artist hnvo yet produced Marauley's Lays of Ancient Rome, Carabell's Tuppcr's Proverbial Philosophv, Keble's Christian Year, Thompiwn's Seasoas, Burn's complete Poetical Works, Adam's Sacred Alcgories, Ilcber's Poetical Works, Roger's couipletv Poetical Poets of Works, Gold Harts Female Prose Writers of America, Stevens' Psrsbies af {tip New Testament. The Stock of Photographic Albums and Books in fine binding csnnot be excelled in variety of style or beauty of finish by anything!* The Juvenile Toy Book department is very complete sents for the Young People cannot fail to be pleased. Also a great variety of Stationery, Blank Books, Gold Pens, Pocket Cutlet?* Purses and Pocket Books, Portfolios, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Lsdias' Baskets, Scotch Fancy Goods, &c., &c. Call aud examine goodj and prices before making par chases. .' Zi* i S IVORY SETTS- Solid Gold Rings, Wedding Rings, BOSS#thing entirely New. f% '#1 4*1 i '~m jiWta tAown r" z. s. NUHEBR4?. ^jsjs 1 "i., «i **,f at '•.!# t.)iit twis i raw ii0kiTi9itf i mot AirswcuL imonnr Shoes, ta which we iavite atteatiea ef AVUBK w vn,a A..' i*» itlt Start before making,their *'rartmnIt. paruhsilh '1! -»p SETH P. DRY ANT COey. No. It Second street, between Bradv aad Perrv, spll-dly baveaport,' lews. v, iciryv tfi 'A'"* i -mtri r. I rw i.HT 'J* --ti-• jfi-' PLUMMER'S ---'f f- »f :»1 ,K jrt *1 .J-Miie-/. «. r! '"»R :fi—i I IS (KM ,* .I'RII «L 'M" V rt: «t rfl» -mT% •y »«Tr "ff'.i ti11 wt iwV -m if ft- Thomas Hood A 1' J| *i Bol'/ HI ft $} i! ts-4 I! .*if in' ta -j In Jj ••*.. .l(i r- S:li iisk't ''I 'T -tu wVf "tt 'tf .i U 1 W ...» «'rt Ceaaysen'etwmgiMtioasad Browning's lnuilleet sad Affeetleae, Woodworth'g Naturs and WoatiSMaL j3i-ay's Political Wdrks, 7R If W6fkt, i» .i'T L'.-il *nf "I 8 durable and cheapest. All who CUM MS Yj la complete politicsl works, i) smith's I'octical Works, Head's Femsle tJ and parties looking for {|#p» MIVtCHANT TAILOW. READY-MADE O I N ^^T COST PRICK TO BE HAD OP- FRANZ MEYER, (Second st.—flirst door west of National BiidL A good assortaieat of GB5TS' FI RM3HINO GOODS, BOYfr*fi CLOTIIIXO, CLOTHs|CA8«I- ,{ MEKES, SHIRTS. h., STOCK1SOS, ft **i wkick I wil sell at the most reasonable prises*** Custom Work Done at all tiraea and Warranted tbe beet aMSt waattSs beet sad Cheapest goods must eome td norlsdly FRANZ MRYgft, CHAB. LBLiXDBR. g, LBLMOBB St riElEBS, 1M Brady street, ubam I una umitricMTiiiiv made la tbe BMM! tkahtenikle sad sen jnsaair. A Bbasnl share ef|Sfii^i a i NEW STOKE1 JOM Oenta' Famtohlay Oaoii/ Jv-'C"® S