|EJ«, jjip 1 p**v''-' j. -Z i \., *to.- i* M*"' TBRM8 i' INSIIANCE Mck*l«' Black, dp ttair|») 4 ItlOTOW, foproel A tolfmil hitt CITY LOTS, loughti Sold and House Lots for 8*1®* V A Ureal Bar**!*. A Tboae eligible building lota eoraer af Sm. «fc Thotw eligible buildte* fwelfth and Rock Hand streets, being front ou nouth n»«lr l^th street, wid 150 •ASt aide of U« k M«*id -treet. ."be u\m-•• i* a vciv li.ie I nation price very |c terms uncmii-only easy—• m«»ll amount •f cull doWU -bidaiice on I lUg tfcrm of X?arS at tint rite ol'intcr^Hl. tent fur the 'or a t'rm of 'tatr* a On l»r:ulv «uy limns, Oil 111.' "••-•V n road, all «nder line cultivation and fence, with good dwell ing and oat buildings well watered, fruit orch ard, etc. A rfry dttirablt plaet. Price $5,00u •2,000 cash, balance on time to suit. No 70. ncre farm on the Iowa City (Locust Street) ro»d, 5 miles troin the citv, all under tiew fence half uuUer oullirnUon, balance basture snd timber land, flood t*o story ftame dwell injf, with necessary out buildings, etc. Price as 80 cash. No, Para of 18 aereson Rivet road be twee a Princeton and LecUire largo orchard, iweliiiiij, barn and out houses. Price $4,5tM) W cash, bilenee on time to auit. No. To, One 1VJ acre fnrm iu ClconaTownship ibout miles north tl l-nh j:i and Ilurant ata iious on the 1. Jt M. Railroad, all improved and in ter feace and with good house ana barn (ii per acre. No. 7 J. One other l«Vi acre farm aituat«d near he above, with like improveiaents. $23 per •ere. No. 24 I2n acres unimproved land near Dn •ant, at $10 per acri. i cash, balance ia fire #ears at tan per cent. Son acres iu Linn County, (PO improved ana ander fence. I'riee fl.ooo, J^cash. 4 h' acres in Iowa county at per acre. S9*» acres iu Sioux couatv ut ft per acre. 1040 isres in Clay county at Ji per ucre. 990 acres in Hancov* county ut #1 per acre. 1000 acres in Winnebago Co. at |L#ec acNb 8000 acres at *1.85 per »eia rz Wt'O acres atf per acre. -\. S80 acred in Taina county. 18l acres id Story county. 400 acres in Orundy county at %i per acre. 600 acres in ltutlerVounty at #2.Sn per acre. 9000 acres in Mower en., Minn, at 2.50 per SOPS Mo acres in Bonaton County at |t.M per aere. 600 ucru '•aud in tAi« {.drott) cowOg at $6 jtrmere, FIRE INSURANCE. Iggtegale Capital UartfeH Fir# iMrim OF UARTFORD. 00NN. fkfliii Fire Imviim C*» OF NEW YORK itlaatic Fire ImniM OFN1WTOBKJ Uair Fire linrii(e% New York, leae bmraife Ce^ New Have*. IWl'^¥^y''i *^|P»iJ#yM»»!'W»rpi,.i^ Bytwi'iuK^wm tZ E RIAL MTATII AS© A0INOT. JOHN L. SWITS & CO* ou t. swns, i. b. mu. w. r. iiHili, a# A No 41. |,nt i»n I5r«dy wnliWf?, Cm! front bv d«*et»—pi ice very low. On pay ,t iiiJii,'j f'tr'l tri»» round »tx per frit. I reel, 160 feet front by 150 Priee No. ai. il2 per front loot. «et doi-p (12 per Ko. a." On Tl.ird itri-el, l»« So. lOl'aTKer Irt ti«'a, (corniT lot,) price, No 3 Four l.ou lots in Danson k True's addition ll.Virach. T-rn.«* No* 81 82 M- Thirtv house lots in Hlayiaa cer'a iwldition #1 o to #lf'each. Teriai esay. Ko. 67. A valuable city lot 8. E. corner of Main and Oolle?* Avenue 2H feet on Main by 150 feet on •'oll«,g«» Avenne and commanding a fcsawtiful river view, i'rice 1,5"". WETIOSn ADDITION, ^touitnonlj known ss "L« Claire's Patch,") IS ROW HID OFF INTO LOTS OF »U PRICES. MO THET IRE ROOT FOX SALE OR VEftt EAST TERMS MO LOW PRICES. tVotsel .ots, Store Lot*, l-pt5. "Wafdi!5!»tetitjt«, *setory Pt^. Store Lola Tor sale. H» 47, O«o on 4th St., just east of Bradjr 81. I*. 48. 1 our on *tli ^t., new llailrosd bridge. lionise* fop Sale. No 10 In Moline, 111., a twn-storv brick dwel Init bouse, witli lot by If. i feet. cor. Lyndcand Ann Sts TLu liotixe i« in iroo.l condition, is now rented possession Kivcn in3o.luv8. 'The house. COJ»t I- 1*4ieo ui ium*v aiul l»t. one third cusb haluuco «n Ion* time at low iiiteuht NJ. ?*•. A BRICK H«M*E on K 'IA ^T. #1 iS"" nisli. rest oil lime h« ier cent. No 87 The estate now owned and ocrupica br tieo. 8. C. Dow. K»|..h.uig tle dwelling bouse Sod three full Iota, fronting south upon t«tb M., aorner of Karnum street. Tliia bouse ia in per feet repair, having been tilled up by the owner for himself. The entire arrangement of the house is tasteful and complete. Ttie view from tuis place is unsurp:is«ed. Terms easy. Unek liou^e aud lots, southeast cor- aer of 4tli and Main Sis., known aaTboriugton es tate i-' I' run* on e ie',i ,St. 1'rice fii.ooi', 8^ niay^ reamin iVtr :i term ol vear* at a low rate of iuwrat No Kiaiiie hiibi' south sifbj 8d street, one Bli'le west of ISra lv strc price, Two WHa may i emaiii on inortgags ut six per ccnt. I'arm* Wnalcd W« want to purchase improved fafi tS ISO acres cach. mi fto« so Farms for No. 75. Eis'i'y a -rr farm, 1 tnite «iiy limits, on tii.- w.-st All 'ii's From the v ipriaciell Fin Ifturaiiti, of sriaiconELD, mass.- FILE INSURANCE. Iggrsaati Cttpfttal C#^ Life Hartford, Cean., fetal Life tamraaee Ct* OIHAftLFOftD.COM. lew f11* laiaraace C*» w Hew Yerk. c*, DAILY DEMOCBAT. S M. Hi»im.ia- Xo. 87 rwk Raw, Rewfor* andI StaM ducat, Stotoa, .r* our i|nU IntboM clliaa aad art aelfcorM take ad vartlaaaNBtsaad seeaaffp* Uon« for o» at rrar Invnt run. C. H. Soaivsa, W Orarhorn ••reet, Ofclesge. Is aa tborlsad ta rtodn air«rt*«Brau l« tlttt paper. LOCAL ITEMS. Go to the Bust.—Go to Bryant 1 Strat um's Chicago Commercial College, to get a thorough practical business education, or to become a good sound telegraph operator.— For circulars address enclosing stamps) Bryant A Strattoo, Chicago, Illinois. dwly. Da. Fsrsabd, the celebrated Spaniah Physician, is at his ofBee, on Main street, Davenport. sp6-d£wt. Business Education.—To procure a thor ough knowledge of book keeping and get a th rough practical business education, at tend Pratt's Commercial Ct llcge, corner of iau*fxit Brady. Every facility afforded at ftet oa reasonable rales. Reduced rater to disa bled poldiers. nv7 d&wly Wanted.—A few Iowa "Warand Defense Fund" Bonds, for which the highest market price will be paid. Apply at this office. Scnoot Teachers \Vantei. Three competent School Tcachers wanted, to whom $45 per month will be paid. Apply to JOHN MADDEN, President School Board, District Towhghip of Winfield. decl0-d2t The belt toilet articles are to be found of Grobbe & Co., under the Lc Claire House. Be keeps the genuine articles. "The difference between a foot att4 a wist man." The wise begins where the fool leaves off. The wise insure their Life and Health before disease overtakes them. The wite require no argument prove that a few thousand dollars left to a helpless family will sa~c them from vice and misery. The ?ni4fknow that five or ten dollars pur week is not only a relief but a support to a family visited by sickness. Become wise before it is too late, and examine a nubject that interests the human family in the high est degree, at the office of W*. ALI.ES Ikuills, Boom No. 2, over Macklot's Bank, Comer of Brady and 2d streets. 0#t 10-dtf mciiooij. JomoK class will commcncc on Monday evening, Nov. 21st, in the basement of the Presbyterian church. Advanced class will commence on Wednesday evening, Nov. 20l,:n tiie same place. Tickets for each class to gentlemen.. .$2.00 To ladies 1.60 Terms—20 lessons. J. C. WALLACE. Rksidest Dentist.—II. D. Myers is the' oldest and most experienced Dentist in Davenport. lie furnishes artificial setts or parts of setts, in the most accurate style. Said Romeo to Juliet, (He Montague, she Cipfflet) "Pray tell me, finest of the fai* What makes thy dark, abundant hair, The fairest man has ever seen Said Juliet to Romeo, (She Capulct, ha Montague) "If 1 the secret must confess, My 'dark, abundant hair' I drdtf Each d«v, with Lubin's Flotiline! Fioi iline, the peerless toiiet requisite, is for sale everywhere. Important Notice.—The people will find it greatly to their interest to look over Sam Perry's new stock of cloths, cassimeresv vestings, furnishing goods, etc., before pur chasing elsewh«re. He has the largest stock in town, and he sella lower by 10 per eent. than any other conccrn, and is sure to give perfect fits. A full stock of Shields' superior woolen goods on.hand. i At WnousAue.—The best place to buy Ready-made Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Cloths, Military Goods, etc., at wholesale, is at Maas & Mayers, No. 11, West Second Street. Call there and purchase, instead of going further East. Militabt Clothing of every variety, to gether with Furnishing goods, in great var iety, just opened at Maas A Mayers, No. 11 West Second Street. Call sod sec Mk cheap clothing, go to Krausrt, OppO site the National Bank. He has certainly •the largest an I most extensive assortment "Of clothing West of the Mississippi, and we jtnow he sells the cheapest. If you don't 'believe it, just step into his establishment and convince yourselves of the fact. A. F. MAST' BAttSQ TAkKN AN INTBRBST Ig^attE iMortiee Boiiieu wi y ROBT. SIMPSON & CO. Ia prepared to attend to the wants efhia friends aad thepsUia lor FIRE. LIFE MAMIE MNIAIICL OVER $10,000,000 CAPITAL cpmealed, ap«the tmmm Life*. «Hpr«m, .saiist!^ W*l* Mearttj. O|»po .lt».oat Mm. lec. w. d4wla ,t JL VOLUME 10. DAVENPORT, IOWA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1864. CoaaacTiox.—In noticing Smith's supe rior hair jewelry for Christaus present* yesterday we gar* hii residence and place of business wrong. His place is Ko. 90 East 8d street and not 2d street, as stated. Give him a call and get something neat and nice for a Christinas present Pork.—This commodity goes up among the ''pictures'1 this winter. We beard of its bringing $18 per hundred in thia market yesterday, and farmers are expecting to sea It go cs—idsrafcly higher. They may and they may not "see it." At all events porh will be pork next year, and farmera wh* have it to sell will know what it is to coin MoDsaATiRG.—The weather is getting over its coolness and coming down to a more even grade. During ita snappishneas, thermom eter went down 14 10 degrees below xcro,— quite far enough in that direction to suit the "most fastidious." ibe river is now crossed with perfect safety by footmen, and we look for a good roadway to be put across in a few days. Secosd IIeoivrxt Election.—As per in structions from Adjutant General Baker, the .Second Militia Regiment of Davenport Township was organised at the Court House to J&y, by the election of field offi cers. The meeting was called to order by Capt. Thorington, and Capt. C. W. Smith was called to preside, and Lieut. Bennett was chosen Secretary. The polls were ordered to be kept open until two o'clock P. M., and J. Aekley and W. Fleming were appointed tellers. The rames of James Thorington of the office of Colonel, Henry Lischcr for the of fice of Lieut. Colonel, and C. W. Kmith for the oflicc of Major, were brought before the meeting without opposition, and were unan imously elected. The regiment is well or ganised. and when called into Um field* auU dndoubtedly distinguish itself. Chanced IIaxus.—TheState Penltcnttary works at Fort Madison have changed hands. Tlie firm of Winlerbothatn &. Jones, the old contractors, have sold out their interest to Messrs. llale, Davis Co., who now assume the responsibility of managing that concern. The new firm consists of T. llalo, Esq., of Fort Madison Cnpt. B. W. Divi*, the okL and highly popular steamboat captain, whom everybody on the I'pper Mississippi knows and esteems and J. R. Winterbotham, Ksq., son of the head of the former firm. They are all very active, competent and en ergetic men, and will undoubtedly drive bu siness ut that place. The principal business carried on at the Penitentiary works is tin manufacture of all kinds of farming implements, which has giown into an extensive trade there. Tin- Satisfaction warranted. Office, Northeast concern now works about 7u men, and finds corner of Perry and Third streets, d&wtf All military men, between the ages of 20 and 43 yearn, are requested to appear at the house of Mr. Voss, at one o'clock, to morrow. A. Waexeboi.t, dclO-dl Secretary. a ready market for all the goods it manu failures. Their trade extends all through Iowr, Missouri, Illinois, Knni-as and Ne braska. The goods manufactured are of a superior quality and much sought for by dealers who take pains to provide their cus tomers with i genuine article. Wast to Know.—One would think from the pile of letters of inquiry, that Adjt. Gen. Baker is constantly receiving from the peo ple of Illinois and Indiana, in reference to the railroad disaster on the Lafayette and Indiana Railroad, and upon other matters, thit most surely those States had no Ad jutant General, and no rne to look after the interests of the soldiers killed and/vounded by that disaster. Gen. Baker, being of an accommodating turn of mind, devotes what time he can to the inquiries of these per sons. Not only soldiers, but civilians who were injured there, and belong to other States, address him for aid, and we believe that even the Adjutant General of Indiana, applies to Gen. Baker for information on pointb^onnected with this case. Further thm this, the people of Illinois residing near hue. apply to Gen. Baker fur artns for Militia purposes, and we believe that in one instanco at least- over in Mo line—Gen. Baker has responded to the wish es of the people. This is what comes of hating a live Adju tant General—one who is on the alert, look ing after the interests of the soldiers, rath er than setting down comfortably and let ting the machine run itself. New Enolakd Festival.—We commend ttie managers who are getting up the New England Festival this year for the course which they have adopted. Having in full view the fact that there are those among the New Englanders who do nof feel able to in cur a heavy expense in attending this festi val, bat who would much enjoy the re-union were it moderately arranged, it baa beende cided to have the supper furnished by fam ily contributions, and that the usual extras bt dispensed with just as much as nossible, and the admission fee to meet these contin gencies be put at only fifty cents.. There are numerous New England families in this city who will take pleasure in furnishing the tablea with all that will be needed, and in a atyle too, that will far aurpaaa in gen* nine New Bngland stylo anything that any hotel or restaurant can produce. Committees of ladies and gentlemen will vrait upon the New England families in town and get a list of thr provisions they furnish, and so arrange the bill of fare ot too much of any one kind will be idSd. This repast will be aerved on thfsfsn&ig of the sad, and all New Eng enders and those who hsve married New England tirives, cam oome and partako aad indulge ia the fesgvitias of the ocMiMii ate» t* snd in precisely twenty minutes thereafter ja:t deputies were dispatched with notices to serve upon those drawing prises^ TIN fol lowing persons were drawn: CLINTON COUNTY. win Towasaip. 1. W. H. Charde- 2. Thomas H. Ellis, voyne. 0««. lUbCMh** A• my Corps. The following orders have been received at the military offices in ibis chy, re'a tin n to the oc* Army Corps. This body of kI- Cltd uy u will make history as brilliant as did the Oid Uuii.t ol Ntt^eleoo: Wab Diparthbbt, 1 J&jctapt Gmu*L*rt Okpiok, Washington, D-c. 1, 1^4, Circular No. 86.—" A.'' SBMBTliBBTS ASD ArPOUVHBB W, Ml. THI Mast Ousts. I, Persons deaiuu^ and qualified to enlUi ia the lai Army Corps, General Hsnceck com mandig, under Ueueral "rdeii, Aio. 2^7, car reui. urios, from ttiis Oilice, are heieby ao deritel io jjiieeut ibsm-.-ivi-s to ai L'^iird ^tans l)is rict P^o«vtt MaraliHl, «bo, if tbe ^pptjcuii or i any fre qntlifled, wtll' Idiri i«t». l.ce U*ij»portaiioti p«s» Ui Wa^uicigloo, D, O., where recruits will be duly enii-ted aud un-« en into the service ut the U S ite.-. Tbo a(.v •ica:^t mu.st satistv ihe Pivvoat Mar sbul li'i Le is an able boii ed iu m, d'. i i mil ti trvUt, at-d that he i.aa becu bo'urab y iliecoar^: a '.of tha tX^iiiau w! iwo -ervice, by extnbitinj hi* oiisbi'iif or i:i the uecejja y ,.b~u~eeot ibai fap^r, Lv pitsu. tr uch otuer etiltuie as tb« IVouft Ma.fchui mil le'j'iire. Ko peiaou wilt be foiwarded antil lie has aaitsfled the Provoat Maisbal that be it acting in od faith, wUb a view to enli-tmei.t. In case of dtobi as ohts physieal fllnea, bewili ool be lot warned I he sLall have beencet* tified to be lib by the S .rgeon ol ilie board ol Borollnuca^witich certiOeaie shall be icuiaed uy the 1'iovudi M«rsli»l, and acopj iorearded U the Aoj«Maat i«si*l by Me fie '"r.1 00, Pte ANNUM THE OREAltf&T GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER. 20 CENTS PER WEEK, & u Taiao ScmiamMT DaArr.—In urder to fill up the quotas of several sub-districts which three previous drafts have failed to bring to time, the Provost Marshal mtds the third supplemental draft this morning. B— JACKSON COUNTY** !, PRAIRIE srmsu TOW58Bm 1. Morris W. Bell- 4. Loren e Wagner. knap. 2. Powell Frish. S. Aaron Shamblia. 2. John Leacher. 4. Edmund WalL WASniKGTOK TOWNsHIP. 1. Isaac Burnett. 2. Nicholas Feltfc. These men are ordered to report at the Provost Marshal's office on the 20th inst. OX Trial.—Henry liaupt, charged by the United States by coniiiv:ng at the conccil tnent of one Glass, a substitute and a de serter, was put upon his trial to day fore Justice Blood. The Counsel were—for th4-' Government, U. S. Dist. Attorney, (Jurlty for Defendant, Ernst C^'issen. An earnest effort was made by the Defendant's counsel to establish in the mind of tho Court, Mr. ilaupt's insanity, and to this end the testi mony of many witnesses was introduced, some of whom were of the opinion that the Defendant was deranged in his mental ca pacity, while others seemed to incline to the belief that habitual intemperance was h'.s principal failing. We presutni that no one acquainted wi(h the Defendant would be willing to affirm that they consider him a man of knavish propens ties. It is true his unfortunate hal.it of imbibing too l'recly of the ardent, often places him a vtry ridio ui us position, and no doubt many honestly think that through that means his mind has become unsound. Sui cly he is not the man who would be singled out as one who, in his right mind would jro to work to ucfraud the Go/eminent out of a substitute. wet Mar* aba!. Barge :ne of the Board of Eirolment Mial xaiaiut* aijy ap, iiani. aeut to thtmlyilu i'rovoe Mara .a, aid give a rtilicaie us i .'.ih ti i c«» lor anii.erj ae. vic ami a y bur eon n-iok or ueklectio^ to malta stch ea t.i i atioo will be tni s*ed. Piotoet 114 SLa s will be prepared to furnish qualiii'.U aj.plicaijU pioui^o'/ enhiuhtiaidtiou «ud «itU liausjio' tion. Any pers n la seiy repres»ntfog a« a 'pcruti, uDil as dr*rit riiug to ei liit in the Jf'irsi Army Cor s, sad failing 10 otler biUiS-ll m* -uch reciuii, or by an oeans lraodoieuiit tr«2Curiog traispoliation, thai be Utemeo iU.lty ol deMaudiig iUeUcv -itjineutlaaci wti oe punished l-y Coen Aiutiai or aiUioii) Oktniuib.ioii. bKLiSTMtars, aesTass, abd cksdits. IL All enheiaenu end Balers wiil be asade at tbe reudesveas near W«»biBfctou, .he Corps Coamisssry ol Mesterj and hu as .ietanta, apeciaiiy aerigie* to that du am io accordant9 with Ibe let s ting anu Mae. latiog KeyaiatieM of the Army. Ht-ermis wil be ciedited to the district Ii •hied tbey or tneir {aaSiiiep are 4 uiinlid. Aa evideaee of pla«e deateiie, ibe aOiUavi of the recralt will be requl ed. Ir It shall lultaeqeent y be aacertaioeS that tbe plaee 4 loateiie bas net been oerreeilv |iveo, the ci edit will be laben Iron thr place to which it aa erroneously ^i-i^ned, and transferred k ie proper are of dourictle of the recralt, CreaiiS will be repotted as lor an Arm) Corps iu tbe fieid, aad aa directed lo Cinalai No. 62, oarreui series, from this oihce. ts«astaa«ws. 11L Tbe eiassissiiwa ol Ihe C«fS all! be by McoeeeiveiegliiH-Btat hM ia,ea« regiment •at be tally recruited before a aether oae I* coamenoed. taeb regimeai will berecraitee u iiae manner, by kBcceauVe eooipaolea. Ibe organ saiioa of rextmeata and eoapa ales mat eoniorai to that pretoribed for the if laniry Am, by Paragraph it, Masterla* •egalaioaa. oeanisaioasB ovrtcsst.—ArrourTMsns ass mostsbb. IV. Applicants iof sppoiatmants ss tioeis ill aitdrt-a, anfl fwrwaid their applieatioaa, W iting, to ike Aujntant Ueaerai ol th* Amu Wsshiagioo, 1». U." Aaieasi two yeafe1 »«rv ee will he stcessa ry, aad lis awHcaat mast gtve his ailiut t.laie«y lo tail, SMhiawsg therela aa foiiowsf 1. I/ate of oiitiaal taut scmea, aoaiaent or organ saiioa in which ser vices have been ret.derod. i Itaik or date of rnuy into aerviee. 1 It sataf asreiaok dale aad eaaee of dt» ehatwa, raak ai daw .^Oaaf. and «r*aaisattee la wbteb set rice was last rendered. I. THMiPilllMali nwMifcil) 1 In all caa ta led Apptieaato aasihsaMsts pass dMbwka MM a |ai| «t*hsaalaerai ftiimaApjulrtWl win raasits Ihoasssssa* Ikcbeasixo Honors.—Wc are promoted. We are more corporal^han wo was. By a little strategy—a game so often played among us military officers, we got our Cap tain hoi«ted out of the company. The ob- was to stc„re promotion for the other officers, though he didn't knvw what the game was at the time. Wc made the point, and now wc are promoted- we have got one round less to reach in the iauder of Fame. We have been trying to cyphir oat, nearly all day, how long it wiil be be* fore we can get enough senior officers pro moted so that we can rank up to the noble position of an Orderly Sergeant, but we can't uo it. We have auo beea examining the mortality tables of s defunct Life Insti rai.ee Company, on the mutual plan, to as certain how often men ranking from 2d Corporal (we arc 3d now) up to Orderly Sergeant, die. We find that they uiusUx out" about once in stven and half years, of any given disease in any given company. Ours is a fciven i.. r.^uiy, an ul th a')ove rate, in about forty-five yearn we shiill reach the acinus of our youthful am* bition provided wc #re n»t pre\i'»isly hu miliated by being reduced to the ranks— from which degradation may. pur puatcriiy never blush. 4 k jTnE Savp-C^ ''gfcMfHits the auccess of Uiis inbtiluiiou siucc it wast started in this city, that it has become ab solutely necessary to increase its capital stock to $250,000. It has now on posit about ft (.•,000, all iu small sums, and most* ly belonging to our mechanics,laborers, antl people of small means. Their little saving1! when placed in this bank, are constantly earning them something—whereat*, had w« no such institution their fjnds would carit nothing or worse yet, would be sjient I something not absolutely uccc&&ary to have. Let ev^ry laborer save his money in this ln« stitition. Rislet's Panorama.—On Moudny eve* ning this magnii'ccnt painting of the Thames will be unrolled again at the Ger man Theatre. It continues t'» attract uni* versal admiration, and no wonder, for a more splendid sample of the artiwt's skill' was never brought before the people.-* Every one who has not'hod the great picas •ire of seeing il should not fail to go, and if tliey have, it will be time well spent to go afiiin. lie member—Ion Jay evening. Demanded.—Cnpt. Jud'i hr.s demanded of slicriil' Lvtcr, tha urravk-r of tiie per son of the &>Ulier Welch, who was trit^l at the la*t term of the District Court for rape, Ihc Military claim tho right to try him tetM that olilnse, and very likely they have thd r.giit. Ihe ^iiL'riil awaitsordwi s IVjiii high er civil authority b'jforc complying with thd demand. Defendant was bound over in tho sum $1,*)00 to appear ai the U. S. Dis trict Court at Des Moines. Flour itore, above 3d, Vtroko throu-!i the floor last night, and went into the cellar. It belongs to L. C. Burwell, of Rock Island.— The cellar being dry, the damage will not be extensive—except to the building. Ladub* Sabitaet Aid tiociBtY.— The re pot!of the Ladies' tianitary Aid Society, or ganised Jane Sib, UM, as aa auxiliary to the i Iowa Stats CoaalssioB, askes UM fbllewlcg exhibit: I Donated to the Northern Iowa Fair.........(100 00 hox Uo^pital o'othiu«, »!ilpp.d toCbievgc•. Io-j i ddt. o*Ba of Kriiil, W CO 1 2 botho.a ui I'u'utoec, HI M, s 5 Unions, St So Htec 'it aomtTEn to cixr MO'aLmLLAi. dp*, rtllew Cat at, n 1 Mafldtiatli.ebrtu .....t.u^....i.. 10 Davenport, Dec. 8, 18B4. S" Mk .-•..111. «o^ Cloth on h^ad, valval.... llaLJk. rchitf cri hatd, va.ned It ij .4p*if« Urawsra. 23 W i n 1. o«r» KruiU............................ io to i ii.z. Wt.irii Im ii Cash tn the Treaaarei*( hands.US »J Total dUtribnteS.... —. Pi Vatatlals aud ea*h ta I snd, tot J....— ito 75 Mas. Da. SvBrasBaos, Prca Maa. Lvraa, l'reas. Mis. F. Pid.er, See'y. COMMERCIAL. |laveapert Market*. Orrict or tub IUviikmm Vuociut,| .^uturdui tvtning, lec. 1 Puma.—Retail f!».2'ibbl. fw.so paper narks, $4.50 bulk Wholesale td.wbbl. paper sa^ks S8.40 i fs.uo bulk. \Vne- r.—Mo. i, well ckaned, roui.dand plurnp, *11:•». Tea and Gak-tia, ^l.."o Au. 2, uii rounU, •lot cleanrnottgh for No. 1, (l.n5(gl.W. C'oiik.—So. k, sound, pluaip and «l*y, SSe, No. a, 6". Oats. Ko. 1, clean and sound, 40^50$. 1Jaki.pt.—11.2'!^1.21. Hoos —Live, s dressed, |t01I. Potatoss.—»o(I4»5. V**1*' UM" ».N. 1.40. y •_ •*. xtf Itfn 1 a Slif* 'STv."1 Whitb Usaxs.—fS.OO^lia, ?J TtaotHr.—S4.0U. CkOVSA.—$6.50. J!-«'I. Rjust ::"t' A ClucaB* Surfeit 4v rsiasrarh.) Unciao. D«:.i Uoq! Liv- ho*. a-d Brm i IO- a V Den. •'Jfa- »t lln.'(KitIS ISS o*a a- htgb aa 13 o, •lr.. 3"b k 25. lit -r. ia' iltO.^ll, ell tL} ,M4 .'ljiUM vl n/ B ba«r o v.lb (il 60, eomcnoa lb Vimi,o,|Miil kgjt'M iMtiuni w ir u» i'b'jvikl'«•—-L*.. kc :v U iura advaneew •0. t7lWfrnw»d fga SO d. j.n ti mm-* a. iSSSU lur preavnt au ,M wS t.i ir'evtMtf sen1 wt Waiar-tira. Pal»» 1 M, e!oa'»f Weak: Fl a« -Dull. |7 ?8^l.7S for S, NTF sr« Wii.t-i. w-r 1 ..u, 1 ial lSt&lftS, .0 r.mi 1 M41M*. IVt|-icli'tl'« Cu.iB UtW tl 01 9(1 tS. S.afU1«tM Rsw Verb 'v-^'tJ W* Stw Yoaa. Dec. 10. Flovs- Market very dull. 1O.OO extra ataSS 1 H.W0U.U R. H. O. Wwbat -Market very firm. ($3.24 Chi apriagi ^.44 nwd anntar rat M—«1.BS tn atoia. ateadier good bfsineM» W Poait—iTaVket dull. |S3.00833.7i laass. rAtr-"- dls asade, JU l^-P 3- WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELT« BOOTS & SHOES TTTB ARE !F()W RECFIMG A LAROR AKB WETA GET.ECTRT) STOCT' (TF SO^TI', Y and tg W0 invite atentioh of *tr COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Onr Qeedsare all freSh and boaght direst from manufactoran. Oar faeilltiesfet baywg To enable us to compete with any House !a the Merchaata Ylaltlagihe City Are requested to call aad examine oar stock before makinRtheir pnrcbaaefli i*'. .r": ft" -1 V 1 SnTH V. BRYANT & CO., 'J SETH P. BRTAVT^* nt No. y. Scoo: I slrr»t, b. .e. -i Uracil »:i.l IV-rv, JOHN K. SIMPSON, .. -., t, T«#£ '5 ooks, #u *1" tterci red No. 50 Bradv Street, Bancroft's Tlistorv of the United •1'! Comt'l'-le Vorks of 11iou au ^rfrwiHl Prnaewit's C'iiin.1 W,„-ks .• Kirk's Char'cs Tiie Uold 4 Addison's Works Complete Goldsmith's Animated Natnrc Tllo.'dratci Complete Works of T!.fv i.» I1o»k1 I'oopi-r's Work. l..- u tu'i! iv lllustratod Hugh MilK-r's Works (Vii.plcte Macaulcy's IHslory of Enelsnd Ilalhau s IJlUtory uf tlu 2dultilu Ages T'Tsrael3V Antcnitl-^s of I.tierature Hnllnm'« 'iitnsiir.Hiioni'l IHr'ofy or Iui|!and II' isfwiiV Curiositiuv t.iieratetn ihii-ton Aniitoniy oi Muk'cnoly Ci.'tilea I.i.is.wV ks t"^orn.dUe'» X)criK.'i in Atacripa i- Oijb'iO's Hlsti-r/ of R.inic, Bttiler^a UeU of Pnet«, «TVfifan5y TurJrey ^frrocto Fnbbath Bella, Pri-try of the rieMs, I'ui'r. of iIns T' ir, .»r t: tf V, IKinnr.'s n^s uf tlia Male's frish MelouieSj Affcctions, Grain Down.—About 1,699 bushelt bf. Toppe r's Proverbial I I 1 Kc''I Ohri ui.wi I .uU)ii%'-ri wheat, stored in the brick store on Brady I^Ui 'i's cnmpk'e i' ietiu' V^orU: Ad.-i. .s S jm Uyrky,' & street, next d-or above Griswo! i & Co.'s Pocih-u! -d- The Stock of Pliotogrrnpliic Alliutu^ a.nd liookn A)'LUILi.i VVAK'I.I^. 1. Stirling Sib it Cat^n awl PaJ, at On Itnuly *(h'eti+ E./1 DIKM' Niri'TJU. of PolM OetdSet With Peai I, U.v»t, t'»i id, Ac. IVORY SETTS' Bolid r.o?1 Ring., Weeding something entirely yew. GENTS' HCARF PINSt Clas-ka of tl: newest stiles and of tbe best muuiifin mrJusi ri'tti»ed nmi sold el«.!d prices. Chains, Hraerlet*. fJohi fen*, M*en€tls, Spectacle*, Kc, Bammrtrrs, very useful Instrnnfettt for Fanners and -rthers. IfVrirh JRepalrittg, Done by experienced Workmen in tl-.e hst man ner, and Warranted t» Givv in fine binding cannot be excelled in variety of yle or W«»u y of flt^h 1.9«nylh!n r. Tiic Juvenile Toy Book depar intnt is .cry cutlet*- a.id pr ues Jookiiitf ,r prelf scnts for the Yotiii'/ People carmorfidl to bi- phased. Alw a gr«at variet} of 'V spmb hlatioiici-y, lilank Hoo!*?, (»olfi i'ens, Fockct CutlciyfJ? Purses and Pocket Bonks, Port!o!?©, Writing D-ski, Work l!oxcs, Ladiis' li.i*ketdf,'1v. S otch Fancy Goods, »kc., ic. Ca.l aud txamiiiu and pii.ts belore making puit^ro '1! chases. .# WATCHES AMD JEWPtRY.i^ff^CHA^IT TAILoit^Tfc,' 9 I 1» ^'o Tv trmiY's, IKrfft &,ttmfart>0* at CURRY'S on IJra'ly Sticet, .*!d dopr above Sd. SYW JEHE L~Rf S 0 RE!j ^STOTill J. D. WILLS ON BrfPECTFTLLY ANSOCKCES TO THB people oi Davenport, und viriuitf, that be has opened at i«i-= new -.1- v. ho Nntdy Kt., iirst door abeve 3d, a carefully selected, and very eUoiee assort motif of WATCHES, SLOCKS E W E Y embracing every moi rn sty e and pa'-rn, wbicb he offers at remrrkaWy low figure. Al.-o Plated and SUrer H*artl warranted to be of superior quality. Br offer:ng the beat quality of Ooods, selling at WHrssMe pricea, aud prompt attention to tbe wanta of the public he hopes to merit a iib(sn»l-j)alroi»i«S. Call sadfleeayileek. K. 11.—Particular attention grren to repairing Watchea. joell-dtf A. F. W tKIIE* A CO., 800 BROALWAY, N. Y. FI^H V OL, E.VSi Child and Silver Pen and Pencil Cases, Mi MRS OF JEWELRY- Also Wirtfea'i r*UtrMWitkr .iJ S -•y" .vsa« Ml MV*J» «4i .- .. '?A3 f4- -a=s .A- .,! *:.. ,i#fn s»T -4»$ Sw*» jvarfmI hv*: *. dt» •i*s NTTMEBR 48.—| ift .««il inm| ,/ii s nfue% 1 •riv* •f' w i i. WaaAtit i 0P0t W%9 Ud ii J~' ft:iTiy oa'o Tmmriiwll sad Fan»#J "PWow't iifr'iHt Md A \IYr.3 apil ]*S^'i a Pf 'Mi^itl Vt'ot ka, Mtfi^ory anii1lfpi, ." 5 Bntler's small quarto Editions of the followm» Wa.Ic^ bound. In ftirkev morocco an jj» 51 i tique aud gilt, th.' ri. h-st and most e-.rtw»us Vftluio^ that Aliji h«Hid ui tho workiat»4 f-oa n:.d tlus pencil of Ihe ariintluiw .pvodmwd i :t :n *}i« .Viai aiiUy's Lays 01' Aaavnt Rome,- tflamh vn:d.f« -1::i'-n] vr.kji, P.wts of America, Haris Fi'TnoiePTOsfe \kiiU-ia cfc .'.-iti.iv, f»i. vciie »r j!**s tnof^. t'jJ. NewTct:iiii'--nt. a r*d» iVisi vf, ill tA«ft jprfi mi'i •r a ,-lsrt s»«fs -4Srsti 1 1 .tSji.'dl s tsjg :4wa«, :l DV.3IAD: *V A -,-t~ 6B9T.it* not)l»K. HOTlf .CLUTUi.N':, ui,VlOA.4SL. ". .sui ivi's, »r»K'itixc .J. which Wil s^t #t tl, nrtiM is ..'ench'e nrieSS. i A't o I I11ST a rf)XT PKltliTO Hi-: ilAu Oi FRANZ MKTEK, .-Tint rS-'utal B.wfr "TT'r" 1 Jo!in Bartcmcicr AH Hi.MoV!,!) Ili.S MotK OF GOOD1 Vnnk'ifi fttn-rk. oil y-vortfl sfr lf»'i ijt .'.'ft M'j "r'f Cifitom Work 1«w* i'J »ir-T and v.s-. nfr.-i s.«4lf mirsWe re-' cheapest. All who nui t|,« i^| and ciienpeyt (roods most corn" to nm i -dl v FRAY7 MKVER. CHAS. t.KI, l*riKR. f,r RCBBMI t.KLi.^ni:i! a iii:uI RU, n n CLEI* A.\D R£PIHt fLOTIIElP* of iti ku„s, ...I notice. ii\ 4 i •priiiii of I v.r "S '4 It BOVK li.tiiHIXfi j/-.(I atsir la the liiut' nnl nMhiaba&i"'(fa niiitui f. A liberal ib.ii-- pairo.ia^c is solicit td. apii-dif if- •V. 'Vf. BR.iiV KVilKEf. HKLOW fWf?. and kw|i* oonalaatly on hand aud rsshas. !a!E to order. Cleat*4, Beys* aad Chfldrea s GI.liTHINO jftlie best material and ia aaaaaar that ran not iad t" five lalisffillsa MheSW^i^li* 41 patronage respectfully soUalpita-t- fMytt4ly /t WrJ? HQlfSKH.01,1) PHRVTTITBB. „r«M» OEIiTCW*A,H*, i, ifrmUHmt i 'it iOUD$ •. I.r I? bav •'pcne&'t k^i'.i tear an •_»*-§ Mid and Harrison streets, where he ba- f.nena*' a r.W i MlTIMNt Vi OUL*. -n.1 a.11 ••if'!'1 n in. i a ifooit .. uhi.d-m CJents' FuruUliiu f.'oods,! .t,f Cloth msde to ortisr 1 'i nhoi tefct notice an^*—" Call ind see aw-, sepldlr JOim joRi»tV, 0.1? 'VF.S'J-riECU.ViiSTkkliT. RtTWRKU lirui'/and Main, muk-su trd' l:i tlia.^St'T *arrf.nted to an it. 'Vl Wt test sir!.-, _M? v A.VI» iiyVS' CfAl'lil.NO of every rif.ii.d, The fufb.'fl satis(n.i»u i usr. .•UpiTf* sntied. I fraanny 'ddcusWr""! iliviron. tinnaaee of patt ona^e. ortk i t. u y8Sl y.SK%C -rrr^—' ~jr v 1 r"jfc3Mtuf.' Z r«M i '•stft !S*.