Newspaper Page Text
IV f,ri TERMS VOLUME lift $9 OO ANNUM: I rialiitato AND INSOIANCE AtlROY. JOHN L. SWITS & CO., «u i. rain, uu»«. V umk, r. md»l*' BUek, iUiH^ BBt'O^PW. Innrii 4 Vilapmei linif v fJITY LOTS, Ptrelllaff IImmm A fH§m Bought, No. 2-i. On iir«'t, I«» feet front by 150 ftct deep—fouri-fl. Price #iX l»er froal loot. No. 3. On Third street, it No. loi'awer'saa c. tion, (corner lot.) tirii", f2"". No. So. Four boune lots in Davtsoa A Trae •alditinn glf/» each. Term* easy. Ifjs. 81. SS, 33. Thirty house Jots ia Hlayma Ser s addition |1'«• to *150 each. Term* eaay. No C7. A valuable cily l"t i*. K. corner of iM«in nnd College Avenue feci on Main by *15 i i,., »ti College Avenue and commanding a Jbeaulitul river view. Price |l,5W. ETMOIIE'S ADDITION, (Cowaoaly known "1* Claire's Patch,") IS ROW UID OFF INTO LOTS OF ALL PRICES, MO THE* IRE REIDY FOB SALE OX VERY EISY TERRS •R0 LOW PRICES. feloose Lots, Store Lota, Warehouse Lots, Factory Lou. Htsre jOt-N for sale. No. 47. One on 4-!i St., e:i«t of Brady St. Jfo. 4J}. Four ou 1:i St., i.iar Ilailroad bndip». lloiiitet* for Male. M«. 10. In Molin", IU.,« two -lory brick dwel Ina h-ii-e. Willi h.t w lv Farms Wanted. We want 11 purchase iaipioveil farms frMR 80 |o 160 acres eitch. Farms for Sale* Ho. 7V Eiifh'.v acre farm, 1 mile (ton ft* •ily liiniti. ui ttn *«-t Allen's (irovis rial, all lin'Uer tine cutli*ati»n and fviu-e, with good dwell To ir out well watered, t'ruit orcli- tr,l.andcash,building* etr. A rfrj '/oicdWr yi'«». Price i.uiMi balance on time to suit. So. 7i. Here t'.irin on the Iowa City (Locust Jenee trei-t M'Oiid, ii inil'-s trom Hie citv, all under uew h.ill under mitiviiti HI, balance basture ind li nix land. OJ«J t#o story fioine dwell wild necoM!*ary out buildui^js, ctc. "rice IMHII. _. No Farm of CS ncr.-s on River roafl be ..«wee*i I'rineetoa mid Leelaire Urlfe orchard, _i» i*ill:u, l»iii li and out hollies. 1'iice $ W CJ«II, u.ileiiee oil time U »Uit. No. One iu-re lumi CleonaTownship llbiiut t*» uiilva u*iriii ol eultoii aud llurant ^ta iio.i* on the M. A M. R.»'.lr,.!».l, nil mii.roved and itiJi'r lence aud with jjood Uoiiic and barn e a e No. 7 J. One other H»0 acre farm situated near Se above, witu tike improveuients. #sS3 per liCTV. .No. *21 12' acres unimproved land near lhi Snt. at #1" per acr -. ca»h, balancc in live team at tper cent. S.w iK-ren in liinn Oounty. {5" improved ana ander fence. I Price 1.'"'", k easli. 4txi ai-rea in Iowa county at #5 per acre. 21't'ei acres in Siou* county nt 1 per acre. li:^i -icre* in Clay county at $1 per acre, •tiu acres in llancock county at $1 per sere. acres in \Vmneba«o Co. at (1 per acre, •01*0 acres at $l.a5 per acre. S»x0 acre* atf |er acre. acres in A'anta county. lo acres id Story county. 40o acres in tlr.iudy comity at |z per icrf. 6iei acres in llutler couiuy at per iicre. Sono nores in Mower co.. Mum, ut per acre 64'i acres IU llouvton County at per acre. Co ii«n* qf '*ud in thie (Ocott) county at $5 Mr*cr«t FIRE INSURANCE. ^Sirenute Capital Da. Sold^and LNNd* LOIM tloiifle for Sale. A UreM ••r«iila. No. 40. Tbo«e e'iitili'e bnildina tote corner of Twelfth and Hoik Inland re-is, Win* l«l feet front ..n m.uili sn'.e i*to »"d ir"' f*«* ••M »iJ«' "I' Nland «treet. I ,'|u «b..vr I- U very line location: price very I' t' term- small •mount i- af cash down--balance on long Urm of yeara at !II* late «*TintereM. \M 4] |,„t on liradv street, westslde, 65 feet front Itv (Vet ieej-price verv low. On pay ment tor the lot llf m"nrif I" l»tiltl will i* loaned 'or a ttrn of yfir* nt fix per trn "3 I'"' Lm.lnand iAnri Tli" tuui-eii in u'xul -.otmition, iA now teiit .l- |osMs*i..ii jriviMi ii.C.'ihiy*. (Thehoui-e. Hi ice hi li*ius^ mill lut., ,.»• H' one thini c.i-h huliinie on hnj{ uinr ul low intereat N.i. A britk dweliinjt liiiuw oil C-2il St. {|l iV»i- ni^h, rest on lime »t 8 per cetit. No U7 T!i' o-tne iiiiw'fl and occupied Wuro S. L«i|.,h. :ua the ',v»liiu«h«. me *nd lliree fall I nIrouiiiy M-ulli up.ju ill M., forner of t'arnmii uireot. house is in per |iict ri'puir, hiivinij hi'eu fitt*.'»l up by the owner lorhinineir. The entireariatuje uent oft'.iahootie |B ti .-u'l'ul and ciiiiH'U'tf. The view from this #lace i« un«urptui«i:a. Terms easy. No. S». Uriels lio"9e aud lots, mutueasl eor Aer of 4ib and Muin Si»., known asThorington es tate I' I't. front on each St. Price §6.''.i0, may featutii for a term oi ye u'! nt n l«»w rnte ot interst No. a. i ".me liotise south f=ide 3d street, one ini!e «i"t of Hni'iy ntrnct price, Two Ibtrdu may retuuiu ou luort^n^e at six per cent. Imwmw llartfori Fire OF HARTFORD, CONN. Ptaaii tin laMraac* C% or NEW YORK. ltlutlc lire OPSPBIRGHKL1I, MAB8. FILE INSURANCE. IggregMs Capital *$M,Nt,NI, Bartfcr*. Cena.. |HM Uffi Imraaee few T«rk Lift Isnrsacc V«W York, Hew York, JttaBt llwl»«*ACfc, |«US BLWJl, (UtOOMtt *t- -^^aSi^kr DAILY DEMOCRAT. A M. Mill—iu. To., Wo. IT fit Bo*, IwTtrt u4lll*iislit,l*IM.I.nni KMI mtJMeeaMse art wwilmlirtfcitiM tdnnlwiii1.-» wtKriv Uan* far in at oar iowart rata*. |. Scatvas, D*a*W» rmt, Otea(«. to aa tk«raM receive rm'naiaii far thk paper. LOCAL ITKMS. do TO rni Bern.—Go to Brvant A titrat ion's Chicago Commercial College, to get thorough practical business education, or to become a guvd sound telegraph optnlnr.— For circulars address (enclosing stamps) Bryant & Stratum, Chicago, Illinois, dwly. FESBARD, the celebrated Spanish Physician, is at his office, on Main street, Davenport. np6-dAwt. Brimui EDUCATION.—To procure a thor ough knowledge of book keeping and get a th rough practical business education, at tend Pratt's Commercia' liege, corner of Blh and Brady. Every facility afforded at ra«ontil»lc' rules. Reduced rate* to disa bled folliers. n?7-dAwly WAVTED.—A few Iowa "War and Defense Fund" Bonds, for which the highest market pricc wi'il be paid. Apply at this office. SCHOOL TEACHERS WANTED. Three competent School Teachers wanted, to whom $45 per month will be paid. Apply to JOHN MADDEN, Pwwtflflit Mmud Board, District Towfatrfp of Winfleld. daolO-d3t "TUE diffurcnco between a fool and a wise man." The wise begins where the foo! IcavtH off. The wise insure their Life and Health before disease overtakes them. The W« require no argument to prove that a few thousand dollar* left to a helpless famiiy will sa~ them from vice and misery. Th- tr.Uc know that five or ten dollars per week is not only a relief but a support to a family visited by pioknrss. Become wi?e licf^ru it is too late, niul examine a subject that interests the human family in the high eat degree, at the office of AM.EX W*. IsotM.9, Room No. 2, over Mwklot's Bunk, Corner of Brady and 2d streets. Oct. 10-dtf. Jn roR class will nee on evening, Nov. 21st, in the basement of the Presbyterian htirch. A lvancid class will coniTiion o on Wednesday evening, Nov. 23d, in the same placf. Tiekutsl'or each class to gentlemen. ..$2.00 Tolndicit 1.50 Terms—20 lessons. J. C. WALLACE. RKSIDEKT DENTIST.—R. D. Myers is tbe oldest nnd most expert need Dntiut in Davenport. He furaishes artifici .! setts or parts of aetts, in tha most acctr e stjle. Satisfaction warran' .d. OiBce, 'irthsast corner of Peiry and fhird streets, dftwtf "A PESNT sav id is two pence earned," and the best way we know of to approve this is for 3*oung men and old men to pur chase their clothing at Krau«?'s. You will get just as good nn article as elsewhere, and about 10 oer cent, cheaper. That is the way to economize and get rich. Krause has just opened a large lot of gents' fur n shing goods—very nice. Call and see— opposite the National Bank. AT WnoiEs.\i.t.—The beat place to bny Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hitts, Caps, Cloths Military Goods, etc., at wholesale, is nt Mnas &. Mavcrs, No. 11, West Second Street. Call there and purchase, instead of going further East. MM.ITARV Clothing of every variety, to gether with Furnishing goods, in great var iety. just opened at Maas & Mayers, Ut. II West Second Street. Call and see. THE B»ST AND SAFEST Srwutm.—Th* RED JACKET A A C% Iftsanuiee OK NEXT YORK.! Libit Fire lastraaeeCe* Nrw York, |mm lasuraace o., Njw LI..:n. )arlag(*M Hm C% UsuraaM Ar««^ rO" SLTERIOK REMKDV.—We can co nscien tiot sly recommend to those suffering from a distressing cough. Dr. Strickland's Meliflu lous Cough Balsam. It gives relit tf almost instantaneous, and is vntnal not disjigreable to the taste. There is n doubt hut the M.-Litluoas Cough Babcm is one of the best pepar tion s in use, and is all that its pro prietor claims for it. We have tried it dur ing the past week and found re.ief from a most distri-siug cough. It is prepared by Dr. S'ri kmndi N«- Fast 4th street, Cin cinna'i,0., and for sale by druggists at 50 cents oer bottle. A. F. MAST X»E BITTERS are free from all aridi ties usually found in ordinary tonta and stomach bitters of the present day. They are inade from sound and fresh materials nothing that w not entirely wholesome and healthy enter into the composition of them, they are a combination of rare herbs and Plants, with the purest and mildest of all at imulants —fine o ripe Bwrbm Whisk ev. Call for tho Red Jacket Bitters, and {do not let any one persuade you to take any oth er. BEAfTirtr. ADVERTISEMENT.—Messrs. Drake k Child*, 101 LiHerty st., N. V*., have adat ted I hurwalsden's celebrated bat relief "Night and Morning," as a show-card for the new toilet companion, "Lnbin's Flor iline." This art cle, the nonpareil of toilet requisites, is a gem of elegance and utility, and Reserves an advertisement so beautiful. It fixes the hair in any position, invigorates and strengthens the hair, and imparls to it the rare, recherche fragrance of the ftowers of Southern Franoe. Buy it and aee. IN HAYlJja TAkEN AN IXTERBST :lMHaa»li!teivilk BOBT. SIMPSON k CO. Isprepsred to attend to the wants of his friends aad the public for FIRE. LIFE 01MUMEIN8WAML OVER tlQiOMiMO •/"&• -yrPi^-r*':rv- GREATEST Tun CuamaMO.—T ing on tbe ka batWMS tWsafejao* IM lalaad with parieet mt*f. Tn 8d and Sd Iowa regiments have beer consolidated. With the new recrnits an* drafted men, the consolidated regiment i? now at the maximum. PERSONAL.—Major Galligan, of the 6tl Iowa Cavalry, arrived home last evening. Ue Itfl his regiment at Fort Randall, D. tie is in fine spirits and looking weU. WE were in error in intimating in our is Kue ofSaturdar last that correspond one. had taken place betweon the AdiutantGen erals of this State and Indiana in relation the Lafayette Railroad disaster. CIXCIKXATI papers of the 7th publish fnl lists of raoualtles at the battle of Franklin Tenn. We do not (ind the names of an Iowa soldiers among thetu. The troops e gaged seem to have been principally froti Ohio and Iilinoi*. FIRE.—A pile of siiavitign was discover®* to be on fire i" the basement of Griswoli College yes'.erday morning, while Bisho| Beddell was delivering hia sermon. It wa quicklv extinguished before any damagt was done. Cause unknown. GOOD INVESTMENT.—People seeking safe inreatmenta for capital, should net (ail tc read the advertisement of the President Pe troleum Company, of Pennsylvania, in an other column of thia paper. It ia paying larger dividends than any "ther corporation of the kind ever established. PERSONAL.—His excellency. Go*. Stone, arrived in town Saturday evening, and h& rieen attending to somo important officia business at the Adjutant^ieneral's office to day. He will leave for Washington this evening, whither he has been summoned to appear to adjust the claims of the Slate of Iowa against tbe United States, which bust* neas is about to come before the Treasury Department. A NEW IxsraAscs AOEMT.—By reference to a card elsewhere, it will be seen that A- Mast, Esq hasb^n admitted into Ihe partnership of R. Simpson & Co., Insurance Agents. The starling business qualiiic Mr. Masi are jus ly entitled to the posi iion, and will ad 1 much popularity to th present condition of the 6ra. It represent cipitsl of over $10,00-VJiJ0 made up from the best insurance co?ni»tnic3 in the coun try, and arc prepared to take risks at the lowest figure?. FRIE\DU??S.—By BENEFIT OF THE an ad vertisement elsewhere it will be seen that Mr. Risley will unroll his magnificent paint ing of the River Thames on Wednesday evening, at the New Gcfjnan Theatre, for t'tv benefit of the friendless, and we hopt that our citizens will turn oat generally and help the good work along. It was announ ced through the columns of this paper Sat urday that would give an exhibition this evening, but at the solicitation of those who desire to have the work of tbe destiiuti progress, he has given up his own interests. Mr. Kielcy is entitled 10 much good will fo: the ^onerousness thus displayed. Let t!:cr. be a crowded house. TOBACI'O CROP I* Scoff CorrfT.— We are inform -d that the yie'd of Tobaccc in Scott County the past season has been very encouraging—much larger than any previous season. Tho quality is also su irior to any ever produced, which goes to demonstrate that this important branch of agriculture can be successfully carried on, with a proper management, here, at ito:ne. In consequence of a partial failure of the crop in the season of 1663, the experiment, to a great extent, was a ban dooed, but we predict that a more general unl"rt*king of its culture will be manifest ed the coming season than ever. The far in era can engage in no pursuit more rema nent-ve than this, or produce any article that is easier converted into money. Nich olas Kuhnen A Co., have already commenc ed purchasing leaf tobacco, and are paying Chicago prices. They inform us that our Scott County pro lucts mike* a very good cigar and express the belief that the time is not far distant when ita use will become very general for that purpose. They con template laying in an extensive stock of tbe Scott County leaf for manufacturing purpo se*. DEMOCRATIC FESTIVAL.—'The democrats of tliis county will hold a grand festival, oys ter supper, and aaciable, in thia city, on Friday evening, the 16th inst. The occa sion is the opening «f a new and more com modious hall for tne u«e of the Rock Island Democratic Union Club. There will be a dedication apeech, in tl«e new hall, at 7 o'clock in -the evenit.g, after whi4l the com pany will itdjourn to the Island City Hotel, where Mcasrs. Stafford A Mott trill prepare a splendid supper for the guerts. There will, perhaps, be toasts and speeches at the ta Ue, and af'er supper the gue»ts will re tire to tho large drawing ro»m* of the hotel. The whole house will be at (he wtrice of the company, where those who wish to en joy a sociable evening can do so. The dancing hall will also be at the service of the rompat|y and those who wish to dance will retire o the hall and pasa the remain der of th« evening tripping the light fkctaa tie toe. It ia intended to maks tha partv audi as •as aa will ooanaad the approval and pa tronafs orf* all, and nothing trill aamir at the tallies or tho dares trhich will aak* it on pleasant for those who are not dsasoerats to Attend. It is also ISoped that our frienda ta Dar onport will get np an extra train of cars, or COM by tho w bridge, tn and join with having a jollv j, Our excellent accoraiuodoUona from tbe ooan^y tth#' cabital] totiirn hsMooiir tiaotsoo of tkootoais^'o fcdtditu DAVENPORT, IOWA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1864. la Iowa Capt Beq) lull, asU Ost 11th iafV *h« isercrombie aanrei oak Cat* ha 0 Marvel as Mq|svlllh left III Si, vire V died, Setgi James K*Urj as Oaplala os D| 11 mil, Oct IT, vtos Threpe, awmt oil, L» «a fpeacss se Oapia a ao a. Hit U, uet H7, vtoa NeLow aaUmi oak eergi an A White at Id Lt as It, 11 i» i uot O. 14 it euiwl Fester as Cspt ae O, lla ati, Oct 87, vie« Barr, bimmM oak frrii U e A HeV|rM«e ee OapUa eo B, lid lufi, Me* It, viie Heaah, dergt Jeea W Liatille as let L» ee 1, lli ...ft, tl, »ic« Mti#«, ma«iered aai. HeraOew BtaeSeras 1st Lieitt,lltblalt, ic 27, •i e Pr-eco i, BMMtsil oau L. Mo-• i W tiiaifcae tiapiaiaeeC, lltk ji Jay it v'ueKeal, allied. Cwei ti«rvi ue: y Le ib as Qaarts aa tr 11M mil, N V t, vteeUadte, mas ered oat. lie „t L^b ci» kiieila*«r«ertMMUWA tlij in", v II), vice Wjii^. «er Ji W u K Ssea, ae to Ltco l«th lalt, iuv 17 vt e tl jea r.a'itu d. li.U Aiooa- C. rS, ee CepalaaaBdt V, 6 ptiJ, tnee Pa s^a-, te.-«fSetf. 8ergt Am 11 Kuaiub, as Is. Li also Mlh til, *Jcu 14, vice PfiiMU, re.t^ued. At bur Uitneo, aa lai Lice lllb on oc 8, v ee Pi uis, rergutO. tteigt Iu.s tl Mdr, as cDapiaia SOth laii, "*°L ueo W Blerics, as Capt as Mlh lafi, Oe. 18 vice Disea, r«s (oei «d Li Nausea W 1st Uos D, Mlfc Bit. Uot IS. ti'igtB ad^sek Wood»ea,aaOaptoeVSOth if Uvi 1ft, viee Beasa, bttled. 1 «ter«i deal Barr, as 1st U ee A Sd esvalty, iov H. tfeictQso W Meter, as^ai !t co 1 Sltt iaf d.iM. I Bo#o Befl baoer, as Oapt eo A, ba i 4 i i u i A i w 1 9 tx i.t J. srph U MeClara, ae 1st Ueat eo A till lltt uif dot IV. 2. L. AOUisi O D««i of CO 0, ts 3d Lt oo A i«u 14ia lott, W«v IV. In U Oi vi le Ud(kf,ts C»pt S* bSW 14* uti, N«v lt. 2U Lt Tees Beaeh, as 1st Id 00 bst Ilia in No* iV. coigi lJ«rry u Smith, ss SJ Lt 00 bs U.ti loll, bo* 19. JJaj Uarlaa Baird, as Lt Oiil Ith esv, Bop IA, vice Patrick, reeigaeO. Msj A eiuder U aeileeee, as Lt Cal ls »v. e«|ii '2b,, awwieil vak 2dLiKuA €MUCI,ee 1st ui oo let OAV irft 11, ita iBen. resigned. berjji Canst JUvffuaL, as 11 Lt oo Ell je»e.-y, bept It. 1 si Joses, as Cspt eo I 4t imt, Oct S7, vie? Furseii, reaiiiaea. Major li oj O Juui', ftt Li Col 3J CSV, SejK 11, v.uit DuMrtlJ, ir*ti[ed. Jei-j jiua 0 Wilcox, as Maj 5ih eav, S-(i, iti, »ioo ltaiid, piouiotcd. nearics, a* 1st Lieat eo 29.u !'.:i, uci 2d, *ic.t ttu n», eei^oed. H.tjor Untii b, i.i ColiiVtU tel., Oct 4. f|j^,jrt.etll:e| i, kl oer^i r.i.-a »ri iki jjJie, 1st Lt co 32i iaf Mjviu vi.e 1»I-li Ulavbar^ed, Li oiil'ioov Comiwrinut, Capteo II Vt «av, ov ad, viee Wo.f, ^.u.'a out. ui a«ui L».II« tt 0«Mta|MB, Is. 7.1* civ, N*v S3, viae Ryaa, mas'd oak 2d Lt VVia U d-4*«ee, AJjt Uii tail, 17, »iee Cauip, leeig^ed. ita Li Aauiwee Buetu, let Lt oo I ttd talk .Cl 14, tficn Cwl.iu*, iMi«ii((L ber^l Jas L/ui, HiLieniSid left, Oet 14 lanaiiuM ia»u»u is B«CMWI, Francis ti lui^cy, AiA AJj,U-u oi ikatevi Ijwa wub rai.i vl vwt ut «v, Vi« I, %ieo Cu jelt ou, ics bed. 1st Li Auieitiiog, Oapt co 8tu Inf it J. 3 r^i B»tt D*vid-oa, 1st L^ea 0, Ut all, A I* 7, vice Kiuiple, (liot^W Uai Ue. Will Ki Craw, 6ta esv, Oet IS, r.ce ttiwyimt, rr»itcu— Tus UeSATIUNS to TMB Ml« 18010801.— tbe Itfeieg ta tae lavMiwry ol |«acfcagM. ie:i*er. a. tne eemp ol i e AHB lo*a laiab Wy near UruwoiV na, Aik«u«M, oy U. It .ion li, AK«~,I i-jt. n .iioouwj, aa iiio« u,. hie iiii lUiiHiMca w ue svaiaitw t»u LI i eta i (j List or faosAase IHVIM TJ saeteaaT sv e w. sutra. Thus Orns. b.rral I terra a 9M*S pavaa^ea t»v a*.a, l»a«fc«».s. Mtu losa. A n SeOaiion«b 1 0o%u«, two aHMS .1 Pqiternon 1 I eirf. Nurmtn I* 'il I pfls^a K.ut» I MNWRT TROOP I BOA Wm !'arnia (*a. (••rat I'ontar 1 »•». Joseibaa vioukitu i Htaxban Lortoa I boa. flannel I orton paaaaya, 4. Ktlpatriak I bo. Ua lla? tws. O"**on aaa, lkM W It io*in-*oal box. I K N k i W Oneeiee 1 parte—, ?*•"*-.* J?* ?."# Jotia rettor I fees. Albert m*f 1 bus. T.lieaatrIM, »ia k Miller 1 boc. JUIM VhifSl b^T. 1 B1waH Breaaiafc 1 bett I. B. naiN.II bot. Wm Freaton I hoe. Wavr* K»fid*ll tboew I. rwll 4 eaas. 9. hniMte pair boots, Hd i'inl enaa. Geo Mot I bo*. *V. A L'.»-irr 1 imrmtillB Mat It Wi'kw 1 bit l.» O 8«ialrae I box. Tlwia lJoi'p«r 1 boa. RdwarS 4 (*h«* bbL JliP aahnof »N. 0 retmos baaaa. Lilsvmtbt 1 Wia O Monral isitaw Me«i ••ebea«iett,t| O Wjl Hn I be 'A t'oiTSeiirt by ft IL ttt Wk aMWeeek efMUtew ead s eat. 1 erete el esktags Ml ptealae ae41 be* e*a ma«'o«a Ti «mw* Oealtarf Oesiateilea.t Mt pet» teae eat solMa. LIST «f (owa slab aad frota Cbatt^nooga to Na hvitte, Kev. SB, 1MI: Ja^n H. Biffin, ltit*i, tklb Blaei Gree., U 7tb,a ck. Paql S xieia Ker, ilb, kiea Tea-'O I, US', dleirut-e. ... ," Brium, & U K left arm. O K D-nbarn, 2»tb, eiek. 5 Ua« fr, 0 lAtt, tfifit hip. Bobt D-i-n, 11 b, discbarfed. vv .-- a Wfeeler^I 11 K olHtfltf. T* Brr^t Wa Vsoatta, 7 k, slsk. SOXK.—The "Decalion" was sank feerdsy by the flaotioK loo. Her sidi oomplstdy demolished by ik Tho which were aboard of her f«n pit e tho islsnd, while t»s moa msw^id to their way to shore. Sevorsl pen— down yesterday to take bar machlmry out, which can easily be done, she having aonk in shallow water.—MmtetUmt Annul. Scxx.—Tbe Hufo ferry-boatM Kate** was overloaded with freight and sank :n the mi-idle of the river, oppoeite BlsOilssw mum. y Eve. Bee. Idtfc* rpiB rapiatBTOR baa bees iadaeed by tbe apeeial request uf the Ladies ia coeasctioa The Boma of th* Frieadlese to give eae with mure eaterUiasteBt of mtMLEmm RIVERl THAMES, "THE DOSt'oF THE'FlilEilillESS'' the Paveoport Git* Cl*h will enliven the entertainment wi a choice ee ection of Son duf'.nu the iniu»T«ls. Doors open at cummrnce at 7W. dNlSdSt •TATE OP IOWA. Exsrcnrs Owici, lib Moines, Dee. 12th, 1864. CIRCULAR. To Offlcera fta Iuwa RtgU mentis In Tiew of the numerous complaints made to me be soldiers from lows regiments, who are sent away from their companies, snd descriptive rolls not perfectly for warded, I instructed tbe Adjutant Gen eral to issue Circalsr No. 2ft. I desire to add that I bsveslso directed him to keep a list of all officers whose men make thia complaint, for future reference and no of ficer wboee name appeara opon thit list shall bo promoted hereafter in-any Iowa regiment, no matter how strong his recom mendations may be from his superior offi cers. This list will be published in the next report of the Adjutant General, thst the public may hereafter know whst officers have been thus neglectful of their duties. Iowa officers will find it for their interests to obey this request. EYE AND EAR! Thty treat siKcessfullv, on a new metlunl, all dis aseH of the Ere aert F»r. They have uad more extensive practice, and lietter snccess in the treat ment of all DM8EME8 OF IrO.WEJT, Than auv other PhvsiciRtts in America. Tbey have cured wuiaeu who have been con lined to their bed for years. Tliey never fail to cure. E U A I S in all its stages no matter of how long standing. They cure A S A so it sever rctann. They have a Sure Care for the diatreasing diseases, JVeINMorrAsffs, er J*!feo I Th"5 cure all Diseases of the e a a i u s DtP THBMMJt Cl ttED They have discovered a «URE Sl SPEEDY CURE Porthls Terrible Disease! It ia also a sure cure for Kcarlatina, or Scarlet Fever, which is of the same class of disease, lt never fiils to enre Dititheria or Scar I nina in from 13 to 49 hours. It gives relief immediately. PBICIPBB BOTTLE, M.M CANCERS. They have had an extensive practice and won derful success in the treatment of Cancers, which hev CURE vithont eating them out or using the Knife Let those who iievc TUMORS ORSWBIsMNGS or a red spot lose no time iu having it sttended to, as a mel v treatment may save them from the horrors, suffering and death of un open cancer. c*T&mmu cvwtmn. They sretaeotiag Catarrh aa aaew ayaiea whleb SURE fdl FM Till MSBASKI ExperieBce has proved that Catarrh ea*m*t be eared by local tmtaMBt atom hence the aaay advertised earn for Catarrh, all of whieh are lo cal remedies, gire relief o*lj while the petieat is under them, hat Mifnrw. I' nderstanding the disease aad we know it can not be eured by LOCAL treatment iherefere, we also present a cohrtiint.'onat temody to be tabes, end by the combined and JunitUu tumal treatment, we are enabled to remove the MUM of Catarrh, and thereby effect A PERMANENT Cfffi. Titer* comaravioirs for years hare averaged from Ave to aevea thousand a year, which gives them aa experience vnsurpaased by aay, and equalled only by a few. fgT Beawtalier they do aot proadsetoeareaU stages of IMaeesa. Waile all diseases are earabla, tf takes iaseaeoa,SII stages are nek Tear ease aay be earable this weeek, aataest ts by.asl towmsirow beaeejtbe imgsr afdsby. Ha Oar Terms are CASH hease tbe meosr be seat with all ardetoftf smdielaes It fraa Iveto Mtaea daBars aer atoatb, to daatsr with n«, whleh inelades mediciaes. 0p^Tbe poor will be tavored. •IS .......... "ttfi W. M. STONE, Governor. Papers that oonatly publish orders of the Adjutant General's office, will publish one*. DR. KJfAPP & SON, PHYSICIANS 1 SURGEONS. FORMERLY OF NEW \ORK, arc tr uting sstcce f*fiil!y CHRONIC DISEASES, On a l*ew Kjatrm Which embraces tl.e best nnd most approved methods in this iir.d oilier countries l'or the cure of aU Chtouic Diseases TLey treat succs'tfi All Nervem 4 aearaigie affretiaai All forms of Scrofdla, l)e*pepsia. Diseases of the Liver, Cor.stipation. all Skin Diaeases, Pulmon ary ('on^unption in its earlr staijes,. Paralysis, Epilepsy, Salt Rbeutu, Ueaaiachea, all Heart dis eases, Diseases of Children aad flesdoal Weakaen St lexaalMts «a»cw. Which are csrrying thousnnds te dieir grave* annually. Y%- frntayiM The Stock of BOOTS & SnOES ^4 iiu.l-'f •off* ABl a foW licttififd VY aad 8b*ae, %m which we lavite atteatloB Of S*TU P. fifcfAXf. I JOHN R. SIMPSO!*, apl*-dltr In Sterling Silrrr Vat't Po'iVl* and Pain at CURRY'S, On Brady Htrett. LADIRN' NRTTN, of Solid Gold Set with Pearl, O) nx, Coral, Ac. 'IVORY SETTSf v Solid Gold Biags, Weddiag Blags, •emethiag eatirely Kew. GENTS* SCARF PINS. Clerks of th? Dfwpxt HItICS »Tnt of the best manufacture, juat received and Bold at uld |riaea. Chminm, BrmeHetn. Sold Pritl, J*r«scifo, Sptcfact*», Arc. Baremeters, a very useful Instrmaeat for Farmers and others. WtofrJfc Repairing, Done by experienced Workman in tbe best man ner, and Warranted to Give P*rftrl Satisfaction at CURRY'S on Drady Street, door akaive Sd. aepS-tf I E W E W i K i e E I D. 4. tltSt £Iftt Witt IKUOttt COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Onr Goods are all fresh sad beaghtdireet from aaaufectvrert. Oar fbeUltleaferbayiag sea Tacaabtoaata cuapcli •.<p></p>PLUMMER'S JSa 50 D'lsraeli's Anerities of Literature Hallai'i'M CoiiMitutioual History England} ]»'l»rs!• 1 s'ft Curiosities ol' Literature^ Htirtun'ii Anatoinv ot Melauelioly Clisrl"- I .sink's works D'Touquille's De::iocri i v in Amerilttf Qibl^ History vt Rome Batter9* Bell Srrir* of Ports. cle^Aiitly Voi«.Tiuki|Morocco .^aajH^Akjaai^ "aa^a^oi'' lWDlln TTtTTI, Poetry of the Fields, Poetry of the Y»ar, Poetry of tha Woods, .. Hemao's Honas of the AHetteaik Moore's Irish Melodies^ Photofrapbie Albnmrand in fine binding cannot be excelli-d in variety of style or beauty of finish by anything The Juvenile Toy Book department is very complete and parties looking for pro* sents for the Young People cannot fail to be pkased. Also a great variety of Stationery, Blank Book*, Gold Pens, Poeket Cutlery* Purses snd Pocket Books, Portfolios, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Indies' Baskets, Scotch Fancy Goods, &c., Ac. Call snd examine goods and prices before tusking pur* chases. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. IMERICAWWATCHES.^ wiLuov *%wfracntJLLT AjntowoBB to tn* y paaplaot Davsayrt, aad vieialtr, that he jaatapsaslat his aew atora, aa »dr Ok« *rst deer shave Id* aanNlf selaetcd, aad aeeortaeat or WATGHES.JNJCXI S't W E L'R nabrawag every aodera aye aad patera, aeeflbraatreamatoly low figure. Alas SUver saiaoiil tobesl iapwlir****?- A. r. WA1MW A C#H sso SBOADWAY, X. T. i e n s CMdandt»«arP0BbndP0Ma 0|OM| ausHldFJcaoir. rr?v.-, r-t Y/ JJR **MM*r PER WESX. NUMEBR 49. ajtCkPSivakT. wltk aajr Itaw ta anhaats flaltlag the CHf t— ISiSSKid to.ldl M| I—IU til k before making tfceir partbSMO. 8ETHP. BRTANTftCO^ 'V No. 2S 8ccoad street, betweea Bradv sad Parrv, haveaporl, mknchant tailqss. E A Y A O LOT ING of all kiuks. aad on the ahorteat aot lea. Every diacriptioa of RESi k BOYICL9THM8 made ia the most fashloaable aad servleaSMo manner. A liberal share of uatrvaage Is aolisfl ed. spS-dtf CtoM# farsUilsi ciatbaamodetoodhyaiirtt aaSa^ aad warraatad tosrtk ftdlsiidoio Oa. SeplHy Sx'S'S^SiSSl tosomaa rsssrrs HOUSKIIOliB ft 0 •i w««ii •9 Books it n -j i Brady Street, BsncrotTs flisfory of ttie TTnited Ststso Complete Works of Thotnan Jefferson, Prescott's Complete Works Kirk's Chsrles The Bold Addison's Works Complete Goldsmith's Animated Naturo tHostfalsd| Complete Works of Tliomss Hood Cooper's Works beautifully Illustratsd Hugh Miller's Works Complete Mscauley's History of England Iiallam's History of tho Middle Agss to W-' u -ju .!'.«»»»• :V LP I' IF f*£ i." Illnatrited aaUqae. Tennyscti's tnagtnattoa sad taftey, Browning's latellcet aad A Aetieaa, Woodwork's Xstare aad deotimeol Cray's Folitioal Works, Iamb's Political Works, Memory sad Hrpe. Butler's small quarto Editions of the following Works bound In ttfftojT tiq'tc and gilt, the richest and most gorgeous volumes that the hsnd of tho workaMB and the ficncil of the artist have yet produced Macnuley's Lays of Ancient Rome, Catnbell's completo political works, Tupper's Proverbial I'h'Iasophy, Kcblo's Christian Yenr, Thom|ison's Seasons, Burn's comple'e Poetical Works, Adam's Sncred Al joiies, Ilclier's Poetical Works, Roger's complet Poetical Workn, Gol I.smith's Poetical Works, Resd's Femalo Poets of America, Harts Femsle Prose Writers of Americs, Stevens' Parabka of tho New Testament. It 'J i i :A i i -9 i r.fii o Books ff.ll *S i .j- i.r'V" I I A.'lt tmt iip-'S- COST! PRICK TO BE II AD 0»- FRANZ METER, ^Second st. -liir«t door west ofNatioaal Bank A good asaortaient of OIWTH' FI RMSHIWO OOOIML SOTS' CLOTH 1XO, CLOTHf, CAdBJ. UKRKM, HHIRTK .'•i. ,{ 8TOCKIN0H,i s whMi I wd sell at the moat reasoaSUe frtflb I Caitsn Work Dtmaatslltlaeeaad warranted tha best, amat %-,t *f damMeaodabMpesk AB wha waatt^ best aad Chiaaset aovlMly FBAMS Msraa. CBAS. LSLAXOEB. a. FaSBflOO LBLAmaa pamnuia, A'9 1st Brady ttreft, ultti Mi CLEM MB SKP1IR CUTSB mi BELOW SSO*