"TWgy v*- IT:#'3 UM Ufn. (HTtrtfti UMit^im •h«Mi» HMTlj**, Dec. 15.—The Richmond jleattoelef the 12th says den. Longstreet wa"flnMij Morning B»I« roconnoi* ^hm aa Hi OeSflwm aad WffliaBsburg sonds, fcr parpoee of discovering the llratA aad position of the enemy. The imase wis satUfocteriljr aoeca* and Gen. Loogstrset now rcocca old position. Our low was one i killed sad eeversi wounded. Wo lost A numfcer of the enemy's Lets vers captured sad some killed sad inded. Lss aakes UM ILIADQDAWNMS Arnrr or Ths Richmond Dispstch of ths 12th issys Ths latest news from Sherman is that on |8aturday he was at illootningdalc, on the jCedtral Georgia Railroad, 15 miles west of ISavannah. It was not absolutely certain whether it fas in his programme to attack the city, to lids away down to the coast, or endeavor force a passage up WASBWOTOS, following reports iconeerning Warren's expedition: HaAatOAaraRs Aaxv or NosrnnK Vta Miata, Dec. 10th, MM.—Hon. Jat. A. Sed ition, Secretory of liar About noon yester idajthe 1st division of the 2d cor pi of e isosiy supporting tbo cavalry furred bsc. Mr rivalry pickets on the Vaugiian rosd pooth of the Appomstox, and advanced to Hrsrd Dinwiddis Court-home. To-day our jcavalry, reinforced by inlantry, drove thcin Iback scross Hatcher's run, capturing s few ^prisoners and rc-caUblisbiug our lines. (ttigncdj It. £. Lee. NOHTUERN VA, Dee. 10.—Hon Jamen A. Gcddon Secretary "wf War:—Gen. Ilaiutton after driving !the enmcy's Cavalry upon his Infantry on the evening of the 8th,recroased the Not ]tows and resehed Belmred at daylight. Yesterday evenlrg the enemy attacked the jposition but wss successfully resisted. ^This morning the enemy is reported retir ling, and Hampton following. The bridge wss saved. Our loss ss fsr ss known is small. The garrison under Garret sod the rc iMrmJMbavtd well. R. £. LEB. New Yost, Dec. 15.—A rebel despatch dated Osyka 1st, t-ays: A Yinkoe raiding force of st lesst 6,000 Csvslr*, with two pieces of srtillcry and IMi ^loaded wagons, the rest with pontoons ami ^commanded by lien. Oavidson, readied the Annoppaloe from Baton ltouge at 2 o'clock J"raing esterdsy morning. Last evening after the conscript csmpS and some out buildings, gutting the stores, pillaging the Inhabitan's snd burning briJges, they left In the direction of Krankliiuowti, Louisiana, Which is the direct route to Peal river. They carried with theui Cspt. Muroy, en rolling ottcer, the post master, Williams, the hotel keeper, snd all the citizens they icould catch, young and old. Tneir destitution is unknown. They isaid they were going to Mobile. A ieb«l dispatch dated Newmarket, Va., 9th, says. Lieut. Baylor, with tho 13th Virginia ,'Caralry, attacked two companies of the 21st JNSW Vork Cavalry near Millwood, Clark .county, on tiio 14th Inst., and killed and ^captured 40 of thj party and 30 horses. The Richmond Dispatch of the 12th iaaya: Yesterday morning the Yankee oflScers in ^the prison at Danville made an attempt to overpower the guard. They were fired on, and Col. Rossicr, of New York, was instant ly killed, and others wounded. Thin fright ened ths rest, ard the attempt was given lap. Ths struggle lasted but a few minutes -acd all was qniet. tho Savannah River iroute for Port Royal. UMaharea. en Our position at Savannah is difficult, as involving the necessity of protecting both Ithc city and tome 10 iniles of the Savannah land Charleston Dailroad, which, leaving the «ity on the west, curves to the north, and rjcrosaes the river «ight miles above. 8hermsn, since he left Millen, has been iftlling timber behind him and otherwise ob structing tho roads to protect his rear from jtbo remorsclecH ravages of Wheeler, who IMS hunted and hung upon him TTFCS a Idood-bound. Naw YORK, DOC. 15.—The Herald's Ilil- Aon Hesd Correspondence 8th says, the list jcasualties in the baUlc ort Iloney liill have peea revised and redui««l to 740. It is only half a mile from the Savannah had Charleston railroad, nnd from our front slot only tho whistle of the locomotive but the rumbling of the trains can lie heard. Further up tho Dellefenny Kivcr, on the fight of the road upon which Ucn. Potter Inarched. Wa^havc taken possession of a jit Gragorer's plantation, which was evacu ated in a hurry, when our troops advanced, IB thence supplies are forwarded to the at, a detatchuient wns landed at Mookay's »int on Wednesday morning, which pro up tho opposite shore IVoni Gregory's ntation and entranced on a point there 1 the protection of our fiank. Tbo gun iti ana co-operated for protection of our ilka and landings, and the Naval Brigade fender Coawdore Preble is doing efficient iervfae oa i On. Hatch went to the front from Boyd's feat on Wednesday morning by rapid and itraMgta mov—Mat from right to left. We ftava itawdud in obtaining a position from pfaMk we can eemmand as sooa aa our heavy ^aha go op. Two bridges and seme aUes ft the Savannah railroad, even if we do not •oeapy Uu road Itself. Gold $2.85. i LOGISVILLB, Dec. Id.—The rebel Gen logan oa entering Ilopkinvilie jeeaecripUd everj eae IMeaald Ike a tores, aad aoraed jfantefeeaL ,' W. G. MeOoek's advance'guard had a iwifansh wUh Lyon's roar gasrd at Bpton. SteasMa* aad Bartwidge have ef- thai damage ia pr»l xim wu likily be s«vsra|y dealing mm WW aenUbavs been issosd by UM Saperier Court i t*mJadge raliera a»d i i mil ililes srs in parsoit Efficient milita ry fores to ba sent to the border towns im medistcly to povcut further depredrtians being committed. Dec. 15.—Ths following received last night fross Port Royal llaAot via Portress Mouro^: To Gideon Welltt, Secretary of tit A'ary: I hsvs just received a communication' from Shenasn's army. He is a few miles from Savannah, and in fine spirits. I »hall Jwing all my available form into connection with the army. A dispatch is forwarded with this. Very respectfully, J. A. l)ABMam, I tear Admiral. A bearer of dispatches from Dsblgren sr rived here this morni:g with the following important dispatch for the Secretary of the Navy: •FLAO STEAMER PHILADELPHIA) I'OBT ROYAL, Sis: We have met with perfect success thus fsr. TroopH in fine spirits and near by. (Signed,) Respectfully, O. O. HOWARD, t- SNSKMAN LADIES.—Shcjuian, of Boston, has intro­ duced a neat little iron framed, Rubber springed Clothes Wringer that takes the ribbon wherever it goes. The Rubber Springs and the manner in "which they arc confined are bound to make it the most dur able of any of the various kinds in use scientific men pronounce the Rubber Springs of Sherman's Wringer to be superior to cogg geering. Wo can say that it is the most simple, and works much easier than any we have seen. Mr. K. Jordon is the man ufacturer's Agent of this city. Mr. Jordon says they are giving entire satis taction. They will be for sale at several houses in this town, and we advise all to examine this Wringer before buying any other. Mr. Ricker, Sherman's Agent, can bq seen at our office for a few days, lie is giving •gents a good show to make money. Congreaalauisl rroceedlaffc mmmmred Death* ef Gen. MLilpatrtck. The sli oivilissdstates, flad, tabbed what he oeuld not asnr|rawaj. A eonsenptrd gentleman sue in getting the guard Inebriated and while the rebel soldiers were la The oenduct ef Mm CWsf P^ 1 BtMltttlMi the 9euate iialiil Caaadlan and Briilala oatiawa* tnl' Md 237. Wtnatlrn at Raakwllle* fltmcilTlRs, NEW To a* ffrrt, December 14,1864. Information having been received at tbeil headquarters tbat the rebel marauder*, who were guilty of murder and robbery st St. Albana, have been discharged fromai rest and that other enterprises are actively in preparation in Canada, the Commanding General deems it duo to the pcoplu of tin Iroutier towns to adopt the most prompt and cflioient measures (or the security ot ihiir lives snd property. All militsry commanders in the fronties are therefore instructed, in esse further sets of depreda tion and murder aro attempted, wiietLu by marauders or persona acting under con. missions train rebel sutborities at RicL* mond, to shoot down the depredators it possible whilo in tie commission of their crimes, or, if it be necessary with view (o their cspture, to cross tbo boundsry be* iween tbo United Ststessnd Csnada. Ssid commsijuors sre hereby circcted to purrut them wherever they msy tako refugr, snd, esptured,tbey sre under no circumautoea to be surrendered, but sre to be sent to theso hcadqusrtcrs for trial and puoish meni by martisl law. Major Genersl commanding psrtmeot will the dc« not hesitate to esercise to tha fullest extent the suthority be pon i under the rui& of Isw, recognised b) in legard to persons Dying ter committing and ot n tf or- gaaiaieg hostile eapeditiooa within oeutrsi territory and to it tor en asylnat af­ acts of iur ol depredatioa withii own. Such an eieiciseol aotburit) hating beoome indispeasible to the protec tion our cities and towaa from incendisr* MO, aad oar people from rubbery aad m*r der. It is earnestly hoped that the inhabitant* of oar- Iroatler districts will abstsin Iroui ail acta of retaliation oa aacoant ol th« uatrsges esmmitted by rebel marauders, and teat tbo proper Meaaaras of rsdrase wil. bo left to ths action of tha pebtte aathori Coloaal and A. A. G. WASUISOTOK, Dec. 14. „Arth| Rear Admiral Lee reports to thi Navy Department, nnder data Deoembei ®tb, tbat Uemmander Piteh defeated «Mrn..Lleat. ,t, .. "*w,u cavalry of Gen. Tbo as' srmy cross •4 aftw dansinoe to the north side aT ha jOamberiana, and yesterday was re-crossed aeaUikH^ wkh rtMewepttea ef saf A I a a a e a n o u a n y e e ni tha Oambarlaad River, oa tha 4th instsnt, with heavy less to tha re bale, Ineladingsev oral ol their promlaeat ofleers, and slso captared two trtasports from tbalfkat. Ma eaiaslties are reported oa oar side. a Balls, tta priea Willi at 41314 steedily awtitbiie 18, end sab -MPS QKA Presideat. to tha aoaoMoilnMttff'-tn resolution, and asked aafoimoat oonseat to do sq. Qpnaart was gitsd and the lesolatiba eon ^d sad ttr. Grimes reported from the Nsvsl oemmittee a simllsr resolutton in the case of Lieut. W. B. Cashiag, which was passed. Mr. Wiiidn yMMdlki* patliioa of seversl'line officers in the army, asking for sdditionsl oompeosstion. Referred to mill tsry committee. Mr. Trumbull reported a bill autboriaiog he holding of a special session of the U. S District Court In Indiana. The bill tasaed. Mr. Chandler, of Michigan, said I a the morning Dec. 12. To Oideon MkUet, Stf'y of Kney— Sta: It is iny happiness to apprise the department that Ucn. Sherman, with hia ariny, is near Savannah, and 1 am in com munication with him. In view of his pro bable arrival I had stationed several steam ers at different points, and had come down from tiiv Tellafunny yesterday, in order to be at hand. I had not beeu back many hours. This morning about 8 o'clock the Dandelion arrived with Capt. Duncan and two scouts—Hergts. Myron J. Etnmick and Goln, bearing the following lines from Qen. Howard Headquarter* Department Army of the Ten nmue near Snctnnah to Comnutndaht oj the U. H. nural forccs near Sacannah— pspers uie Idiiowing an* ncuocsment: "The tit. Albans rsiders lavo bCon dis etsrged for wsat of jurisdiction." 1 desirs to offer s couple of resolutions bearing,upon this subject, ouo of them par* ticulsrly but I do cot expect to make the Senate understand the state of feeling ex sting on tke border. I have s I Maj. Gen. 1 BECOMING 1'OPCLAS AMOXO THE groat num* ber of letters from gentlemen living there. In my o -vneity, which is within muxket rsnge of the Canadian shore, thousand* o! utissns have been undor arms fur time. We have bt.eo In s continual state jf aisrm from incendiaries, burglirs snd robbers. Frocn this sunouccement it would eem that, ths Csnsdiao authorities htve made up their minds to protect tiiese rob ber'*. As understand it, s man cumes from the Sjuta with s commission pur porting to be i«suod by Jctf Dsviii. lie inters, robbing panics,crosses ths borders, murders snd robs whom he pleases and re turns to Csnada whero ho is protected These letters which 1 bsve in my possesion are all bearing upon this point. The one in my band now is Iroui one of the most re pectable citix:ns ol Detroit, s gentleman cl ^reat woaith and of higii political &nd social (.csition, who earnestly desires to avoid any difficulty with Great Britaiu at this time. Ho says the suxiuty growing nut of the mist snd doubt encircling every ruuaor tbst reacbea us is net to be vudured, and it upon -ouis slight provocation our people shall be u'.ind eng'gvd IU Uauads in some act tbat (.ae Csnatiisugoveromeot will say is wron^ -uoucr or later war will bo tbo result.— Uo sajs also, "Wiiiyou give tbis sutj'ct your luiuicd -i. a'.Jbutiun, Iur I WHEREAS, in Csuaus auu think it in­ volves, bjontf or l*tiT, il not properly man aged, war with Great Uritatu." Mr. President, 1 La/e no expeetstion O' msking the Senate jmpi tbeca tlie state eiciteweut tbu« announced and the statu ol tooling ou that border. Vermont may, lor sjght i know, quietly snbtuit to havo her towns robbed or hor vitiaana murdered, but tbe Northwest will not. 1 'jflitr this reso iutiuu: Recent rsids bavo organ aed N JV» Scotia and men enlist ed in said BrUieh Proviuces by men pur* porting to hold comuii*Rions from the rebels tor murdering and robbing pcaceablc clti /.ens vf the United States, lor burning cities and villages, lor piratically capturing met obsnt Vtrosels and murdering tbeir crews ind for a general system ol imir jer, arson, robbery aud plunder ol pmiccabio and un armed citiXL'os ol the United States, and WiiSHEAS, Tbo people of the British Provinces seem (fleposeU to protect these thieves, robbers, incendiaries, pirates ano inardertr^, not only in tbeir Individual ca pacity but by the quibbles ol the law.— i' here fore Resolved, That the committee on mili tsry aflairs be directed to inquire into the t'Spediency ol enlisting au army carp# to watch and defeud oor teiritory bo.denng on tbe Lakes and the Canadian lino Iroui all hostile demonstation snd inenrsions. Mr. Jobnson.—1 objuct toth*resolution. President pro. tern.—-Tbe resolutiuu will lie over, objection being made. Mr. Cuandlcr.—1 hsd hoped there would be no cbj^ction to it. 1 will now oiler an other reaoluiiotrwhioh task to be refumd to tbe Committee on Commerce. The resolution wss. received and Is fol­ lows: VYi'troas, At the commencement of the present rebellion the (juiteri States were at peace with all the government* of the #oi Id, aud on terms ol courteay and good will with Great Britain, snd, Whereas, Tbat nation, belore the arrival on ber soil of our Minister accredlttd to tbe administration by President ncjin, precipitately acknowledged tbe rebels a bolligerant*, thus recognising their Sag upon tbe sea*, wubout wii cb leco^ui'ion u would have been regarded and treated a piratical by all other powem and, bereas, She tben proclaiund perfect neutrality between this Republic, with which sbe entertained friendly relations for upwards ol half a century, and its treason able subjects: and Hheicaa, Kuuibtrtof her mbjeels with her mil ki.owiecge CLnjuienred ttiiing cut fa»t ailicg vcbsuls loaded ui.u munitions vl' war, or tbe purpose ol tuuniiig ii.to our tt ockuUod ports, lor tbe rebtlt, thus lurnithlcg tbsm tbe weans of organijtiBK and as-isauM ihe re oe.lioif, aud wlilioui wuieh it e^uH nut bare ^bsiaiutd itself lor«is uonths snd, Wber«as, la addi tun to tbe above, snd *itu tue kuowledge of the guvrajirni, Brit* isu mijects a Mumbi-r* of l'arliunifnt en iu tbe uanuiuciuro ot piratically Jtn^ isb »bi^s, owned by hitl«ti subjrcu, titditd oy Urititb seau.eu ard aitiiing uudui Hi in* wnlor*, lor ilie puipove ot buiiiiog, drstioyiim iutl utterly driving Horn tbe ocrau *lt ptao IUI vetseis sailing under tbe Uuitsd bMt«» lisg unil, VV beieas, Many private and unarmed Amer icau abips bavtt breu berecd and desWojed oj ibete piiates I.out iln^lSii porta, tbu* cautin. great iuas aid caionge to tbe elUsens ot Hit United MiStes tbtriior«, Kesoivtd, 'lust tb« Sscrftary of 8tate iastraeied to make oat a list of eacb car* thas destroyed, wub lair rsilmaied vsluaii i sad interest at tha warn, H^. Gee. Dis. D. T. Van Di-a**, rate of per eeat. per ae from date of captaie «r dsstrastton the date ti pneseaiaUwa, aad that be be di cteoied to di nand Irom the Briiisb Govern uisut paAMT.t In lull for all ships or eargos. deetroysd as alurtkaid. Mr. Jubu-.eo oijccted to the rssoluvios, ahleh Ues over. tapeslal to U.MMW.1 WASHIHUTOM, Gm. Maw Teat, Dee. 14. Gold has beea etreagw .datlag tie mora lag aadar manlpalatioa si the Market bv Dee. 14. i- Rlehmond pspers of the 12th coatsin no day Oft' sews Irom Shermsa, but there sre rumors thst Oaiea prisenere report U*n. Kil^sutua Silled else that a Uoion eavalry fores bad Ult Bates Keege, destlued tor MobiK Usyes snd CeL Wild- hen beea ne. mled by the rebels to distribute supplies Usion priseatw. f.h# MI# YOSE. II, trem tlavar tLm hssanthed. Bbs Msga Tsaa ,0 Cras datsa ci ^^eapeeted to doel*e •^^^tiaSaS Si Zeno, Maximut CaptkUvs, The Isws that regulsle health, are ef tisyoitsnss to fell* BRYANTS LIFE PIU.8 TheGresteat XeHrfasaflheaga. A sure antidote for siekness, snd s refuge from Morrow, Fain and Difteafe* sre a4mMed to be the BEST FMHI RBIKME "Tor general use. Porifyteg the Blood, lad eleansing the system from all impurity, "I Oleaaser of the Blood and aysMia» Debelity and Loss of power dispelled. f/nergy supplied to the Muscles faAXtMh JPemsle irregularities removed. CTloo ray anticipations banished. .. Headache entirely cured. I I rritation of the Stomach removed. anndice aud Liver Complaiats^ared* long a J\.idr»ey diseases relieved. n- JLioss of appetite and sick stomach removed. ^It lnncholy snd Ennui di«pel!ei A Box of DRYAN'S Lira PILLS, will cost bat' TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. They will accomplish faithfully all that is repre sented. They are elegantly put up by the proprietor, who was the inventor of BRI AN'S PCLMOJIIC WA FERS. a iiu dicine long and favorably known to tbe American Notion. It' you wish to buy BRVAK'S LIFE PILI.S and ennnot net them of your drujriiist. don't take any ether, but se Twenty-Fin- Cents in a letter to the proprietor, and you will get them by return of mad. postpaid. Address THIS Dr. J. BRYAN, Box 007!*. 76 Cedar Street, N- T. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. DKMA-!, ItARNES A CO., New York, octl leod&w Wholesale Aleuts. I~R IJ S 8 E 8~! Hard Rubber Truss ESTABLISHMENT K E A i i i e 126 Clurk Slrrrt, Chimfo. TRUSS WILL CLUE HERNIA, AND w.ll never Mnsl« Kp«aik« hsilVor IIHnlcr. ly mi lmiid it Isr^re stork of Aixloininul Sii("niistaut |I|)irl« is, Silk KIUHIK- m*#astlat they are ENT!UELY VEGETABLE and mild ia their wpsration. Head what they trill if gentle and effective purgative a lous derangement removed. Me '-3 Sir' euralgia and Xervousness curddi Opiva and other Stimulants avoided. Pimples and Eruptions removed. fill v«tuin*y and Sore throat healed. & IT A IVheumatlsm soon allevkted. ^leep produced Sweet and Soundi JPoothache and inflamed gums relieved. II rinary diseases benefited. V itality produced in the nei orms invariably expelled. ^.aetly the Medicine Wanted fof V 1_ ounir and old can use them. 7 #i"no,Ma ximu*. Capital is. BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS. have been used by thousands with success, Hundred» of Certificatet can be thovn. Tht'v rfrijiilutc tbo Stomach. Liver and Miliary Soei-eiimis which is tlie chief cause of nervous ness, (liiMini'ss, Dimness of Siifltt, Headache, Sick Stomach, nml other Kiudred complaints. Those of a ntrtout temperament ithose ticlhtti« adds a keener anguish to the ills of life, become blessed irith a new exhtence, and their tears of anguish are changed to tear* of jny Iff using them. riisi'OKT i.t inspired with brilliant thoughts TUE OKATUU with new ideas and words of fire# TUE SOLDIKU with indomitable cooraee. THE IM'ENTOIt with bright conceptions of the foWlt THE MERt'H ANT with husiiiess tact and po#|& THE MECHANIC with unlailinz energy. ,, i, THE AUTHOR /r„ with ^kill tbat entrances. ,"tV THE SINOEIl wiili n sweet melodiousr||||b. THE MUSICIAN with runturonsemotions. *T k' THE DlSI'llUTKI) U| be«*ome iioppftil snd THE DESl'AlKING. happy. Stockings Slltll'MlCR IIRACES, Ac. B«x40.V. U. ftelilegel, ngesl, ^wenport, Iowa, nvJi-ly WANTED* 1 o, o o o GOOD FAT HOGS AN1 1,000 PRIME BEEF CATTLE, FOR WHICIt WK WILL PAT HIGHEST l'riee. Farmers and Drovers will find it to their interest to rail upon us, st our packing houkc, at tbo west end of Sd street. Dsvaeport. corns «ITCIIEU.. Pork and Beef I'aekers snd Dealers In Live stock end Provisions. nv8S-d9mAw4t ABSTRACTS OF SCOn COUITY. WHICH HAVE ^IIK ABOVE liOOKE, occupied Ten »«ra to Vmptete, are now the property of the subscriber, wha will furnish ifcttraetf tf Title Ta ssy Resl Istatela Reett CSH at short not lee snd ntt ressonsbls terms. C. H. EMrM|ef Conrrynnrfr fiotm-y /VA/iA Room n t'p-Htalra, !'«it OlHee IMeth. Oct »0 dAwit. ^m|Bi SO E U I 0 1 •If-v VnM laMflidift GOO)D PRICES PA19I Apply BMsi^He. 8, Pest M(* DsvwfVsrt, oHiOiio nmsAsu, •aaHewfystcml Which tke beat and' ssest SMtaved in this and other cMSbwhr the cure of all Chronic Ii Vhey treet «*ees*fuBy All Kmws a M«ra)g1e aflcti«M All forms ef HeroftiU, Despepain, Diseases of the Liver, Ceaatipetien. oil 8k ia Dimsses, Pulsion srr Consumption in its eai 1 v stages. Parslysia, Kpilepsv. 8dt tlhenm, Headacl^s, all Heart Dis eases, Disesees ef Children and Mesdaal Weskness tc RsxttalM* csusea. WUieh sea sstrying thousands te their graves annually. EYE AND EAR! Thev treat sueeeesfollv, on a new method, all dta eases of tbe Eye srd Ear. They hsvs hsd move extensive practice, and better success in tbe treat ment of sll ntStUMSEH OF n~OMEJr, Tbsn any other Flirsicians in America. They have cured women win- hate len enu Hoed to tbeir bed for years. Th«y never fail to core. E U A I S In all its stages no matter ef how long standing. They euro A S A so it never returns. They have a Sure Curt for tke distressing diseases, MIemmorrhoid*, er jPlfea They cure all Diseases of the o a a n a n s MI*TIMERi.t CI RED They have discovered a SURE SPEEDY CURE Fsrthls Terrible Disease! It is also a sure cure for Scarlatina, or Scarlet Fever, which is ot tlie same class of disease. It never fails to cure Diptlieriaor Sesrliiina in from 12 to hours. It gives relief immediately. PBICE PER BOTTLE, $8.H CANCERS. They have had an extensive practice and won dert'ul success in the treatment ol Cancers, which they CURE silhout eating them out or using tbe Knife. Let those who have TUMOR* ORSWEIXINGS or a red spot lose no time in having it attended to, a-i ii mely i eatrr.etit may save them from the horrors, suiicring and death of an open cancer, CATARRH Cl'RIZn. They arc treating Catarrh on anew syatem which SIRE (IRE FOR THIS DISEASE! Experience has proved thai Catarrh cannot be cured by locai treatment alone hence the many advertised cuics tor '"atarrh, all "f wliiih are I esl remedies, £ive relief only while the patient is under them, but rr,r cure. I'nderstanding the disease and we know it con not be eu' rd by LOCAL treatment Our Terms are CASH hence the monev must he sent with all orders for medicines It costs Irom live to fifteen dollars per month, to doctor with us. which includes nu'dieincs. Br The poor will he lavored. Consultation Dr. Knapp, who will visit Davenport regidsrly in the future, call be connlted at the Le Claire House, on Saturdav A Sunday, Hoc. *4'h A -5th Saturday aud Sundav, March ith and 5th Sat' urday nnd Sunday. Slay ••th and 7th, and Sirtup day and Suudny, Jr.ly ^th and t'tli. Deel'Jdly. PRESIDENT PETROLEU* COiPWII. PKESIDEXr, ^'KXAXUO CO., 1'EXX. Organized under tlie Lam of Pennsylvania. OFFICERS President—AMORV KDWAltDS. Esq., X. Y. Treasurer--L. L. MMI'SI'X. E«|.. New York* Secretsrv—J. LDWIXCtJXANT. Efq., N. V. JOilN CLAIM', Esq., tJenend Resident Sup't. Counsel—Messrs. I'LATM, (i£BAIU) A BuCK LEY. New York. DIRECTORS: AMORV EDWARDS, Esq., Xew York. KltKN P. CROCK KR, »q.. New York. FLETCHER WESTRAV, Ksu, of Weatrsy, t.ibbs ii Hardca«tle. New York. J. M. CLAPP. Esq., President. Venango Co.,Pa. L. II. SlMI'SOX, Esq., ol L. II. Simpson A Co., Net* Vork. ITS LANDS ore put up into Company at the nnpieeedented low price of one hundred dollars j»er wrc, the lowest ever known for oil-bearing territorv. nnd forms its CAPITAL STOCK $5,000,000! In Shares of $25 esrh, par vslue. Safe scrip* ion price #5 per Share, being in full payment fur s f*25 Shsre. Ro further call or aisetsnient will be msde. 9f,«#9 HharM, or ved IWr Working capital Parties Subscribing in thit Company trill r* eefre an Equal Amount of Stock in tmt otfur Com pan its adjoining, without nrther charge. The LANDS of tVss COMPANIES are located on the Allenhan* Itiver, and on Hemlock, Por euwine nnd Mei'rsa oteeis MAKING AN OII» ntllllNU TKRKiTOMY OKOVKRTRN AMU A HALF MILKH IN RXTRNT. The wells on this property are beni* aank with arrst nnd promise large supplies of oil. T» the «ispttMli»t end to parties ef limited tntsn* nwurpassed inducements araoffered. iVr-mis in tklsComnnny get|A stock snd I lie HIMIVX ItO.M'S T.reach |1 invested, ««l further rail or es»e»sment. Sul'serlpilon books, maps and all other infor mation can b# obtlined at the office of the sub scription asenta. L. H. B1MPHOH A CO., Ne ••hMrlptlsastabeafti llesred lensr». thaaOse igUSiT BAKCA1H8 IH flAIOS. w.i. DB]mgTi,coBmmAirr AUD Fvwtk streets, ever Parte A Hoe s 0»seer/t etere. All persons style ef Dentistry oao, e. KBWKLU N medersti. AAD snlth nt. weU te eelL Prisae Mk «. W. 2HCK9U, rpKiiiH MOtnrrKD oir OOLO, BILVSI Platina or BoberPtaSs, either pWn, in Mocks JS with cwnuit'ow ems. Alt who want a aepe le of work, attbe lowest HVieg price, wil to call on Dr. X. Satisfaction guarantied iceto eitrscted at sd hours In the day or night. Orrtcs—Corner sd and Main Ma., euauslta Le Claire House uid National Bank. Mt-dftwly *. *. PHYSICIAN, fV«V. Patients must write their name, State, post of fice address. All letters requiring an suswor, must contain a letter stamp, and he addressed to DK. KN'Al't' A SON, l!»x (S3, Chieoco, Ilh »^"\nvof ihe above diseases can be treated successfully by tlit* patients' describing their ease in a letter,"when they cisnnot see cs. ssvansscs. NEWELL St RlfOiilCI. FF1CE over 1'ostOOce, ia Dr. UcCv Tdtf O1 Rooms. oct'd VM. AU.E.1UMIALU, irehitect, CtalratUr fc ItiifiUr a( Ptltali Gpettfcaiinnt A EstimaUs FttmMtd /or JfuilJtH'j* and Machinery, PLANS FROM MODELS won vns PATEN Office, and Machinery of every diseriptio In Isometricsl nnd Ueomctrical perspective. Office corner of Brady snd Sd streets, Deven port. Iowa, over Mack lot's bank. jn«lA-dtf JliMVt KOCN. ANUKACTL'RER AND DEALER IX all kinds of Indies' Fura. Gloves, Robes, Store Sd St. Iet. ilamand llsrrison. nvl6tn klKk, Ac. CARPENTERF. AND UUII.DER. SHOP OM Commercial Alley, opposite Post Office, Da venport, lo. V. W. .KcCLELLAXD, BUILDER, MAXUFACTLUER OF BABB Doors,. Iilindsr Mouldings, Brackets, Ac.— Contracts for buildings of every description. Shop and Factory corner of "Main and Third Streets, Djreniiort, Iowa. Sirl-dAw Ili:.\RV fiELBV, EALKR1X FURNITURE. CARPETS, Mat*. Oil Cloth Malting Window Shades, Ac., Eaat SecoudSi., neit di«r to I'eirv. jy21 D" JACOB I.ITXE.1, PTBXnow RACTICAL DYER-PARTICULAR AT paid to dyeing Cloths, Kilks. Velvet! er Garuit-ut.'t of any kind—to give any color de eiu-d. Third street, two doors west of lows north aide. myl5-dly 1. W. IlARRlflO*. LAND AEXT FAMILY alone, therefore, we ul.so prescribe a e",,nt,tutional remedy to be taken, and by the combined lo iil and conttiiu tumnl treativcnt, we ore enabled to remove the can ire of til turrit, aud thereby effect A PERMANENT CURE. Tmbir coxsci TATIOXS for years have averaged from live to *even thousand's year, which gives them an t. xjei ienee unsurprised by any, and equalled only by a few. Kemember thev do not promise to cure all staves of Disens While all diseases are curable, if taken iH season, all stages are not. Your ease mav be curable this weeek, not next—to-day, not to.morruw hence the djug-r of delay. He cane will l»c received' when there nre nny donbm ol Care or Keller. Ouy« and sells Real Estate, on commi»"»n, attends toientin^' Houses, Halls, etc. The bi st references jjiven whon re quired. Office in Frank I'luminer's Law Otiice, entrance lower end of Post Office Mock, up stairs. sep-jj-dly JANEN IIARKIM». GROCER KEEPS CONSTANTLY on hand the best quality of l*rovi»!'jn& Hoilow Ware, Kerosene Oil, etc. Second Btreet, between lirady aud Perrv, enport. myl4-dly I»H. «. W. SUKGEOX, OCULIST AXD Aurist. Office and residence lot} Brady St., between 4th and 6th, Davenport. sp-4-dlf 1LEN4 VI. ». DR.1'BON.JOFFERS ILLS NOW HIS SERVIBES in tbe various branches of medicine and surgery, tspe&ally in those troublesome chronic discuses so perplexing both to patient and phv siciun. Otlice on Third street, between lhady and Main, opposite Dr. Adler's office. mySltf •I. W. H. RAKER, Pbasement AYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFCE IN of Stale liank Iluiidiog. Residence 6th at., bet. Lardy and Perry streets, nol'.tdw ATTO N EY8. uio. r. W INN LU JOIIX K. CSAWRUAN HI IIBILL St C'BAWrOBD, ATTORNEYS AXD COUNCELORS AT LAW. Oilice in KarraiM iiiock, Daveupop, Iowa. 'S*BS T. I.AN 8. JOUJI M. B£I 1JJIE St DAY, A_ TTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE IN SAM. Perry's uew_block, opp. Post Otlice. ngS8 •snsa OS ANT. 8. r, SMITn WBAW ta^llTII, ATTOKXEWS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW arid Nituries Public-. Otlice, Main st., west aide, between Front aud '2d hts sep 1-dawtf a. a. Bgow •mow* ATTOR.Ncorner ATTORNEY At^aan SIILLS Mll.1,1, EVS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office Sd aud iiradv Sis. Daveaport, Iowa. nic"h!6 1'BANK PLINEB, AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, and Notary Public. Ottico in LeCiaire Uloek, Lavuupon, iowa. joei-dtf •.sw^artaerahlp. MNk P. dDOK. J. ATTORNEYS II.SOl* nsoar COOK dfc DBiNY, 9*crerror* to Coot, JHtl'ti it lAndtey, AND COUNSELORS AS LAW Office corner of Main and Sd Ms. i 2Vdwfl i'MAN. WH1TTAKEB, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Omen—on Main atroet, in Grant's Block, np stairs. mviW dtl ee*a. a. RTRRXAS. johx yeer At Cedar street, New York mmmwmlmAjm, OKA NTS BLOCK, MAI* s ilK JLmrge Stoek sf Which he will aefl at f5 percent IMT ffaaift- S. BOOSSS. MTT^IA* St KO«EB», A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office in Davenport'a Block. 2d loor. Je7 WAR CLAIM, BM1NTT A PfiMMS Adflurr. GEORGE H. PARKEE, Main Stvoot, betweee Seeeed and Thirty DAVEHFOBT, IOWA, Ctllceto lick Plf, ItBttiet, aai hnitn HAVMQ with- BKUR SKOAOBD FOR OVKR A Arrcats, iug iheir business of the variona Depsrtsaents ton wilt permit. Jygt-dtf dS-lm J. i. RICHARDSON, Agent. BVTON8HS. pgwlly Meat market, P. BAI SCH, 10 Bast 6*co*d 8 trtst. o Ceil s«d t»y sft 8eeC Pork, TeeL Mnfton, tMBbehesaerthsaasy'' Qnemimd, Phhleal eenaitsntiy ea A I N E 1 A K E 1 Da. HYICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE I* room over Post Ollice. Kesidence eaat sid ih st Julv ldwtf P! of Uradv—2d door from PHYSICIANS. s. r. WOOD, M. T, D. w. STSWABT, a. N. »rn. WOOD A STEW ART. PHYSICIANSlocatedSURGEONS, AM) HAVING ei iiiiiiienily in Duvenport, are pre pared to attend to calls in the various branches of their proicssion, either iu city or country, day or night. Oilice in Basement of National Bank Dr. Stew srl's residence in the late Dr. Thistle's house, near the Methodist Church, on 5th street. auglfr-dly TII ON. J. M. D. PHYSICIAN AXD SURGEON. Office, cor­ ner Main end ad streets. Residence, street, between Scott and Western Avenue. Nov.* 11. tub J. A. RK:II. HI. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OmCE residence Xo. i^, corner Main and Third streets, Davenport, lows. jy 1 -d »K. LOL MANH, *1 MM., 'Met. Knrriiea Blplay, MANUFACTURES lair, AND KEEPS •TANTI.T on hud an elegant stock ef ffiofisn, Wsrdrehes Lesacea, •te«4l«. Tshtes, W8sh •tasds, Cluslra, Ac., snd in fnirt ittrvtkiig heleagisg to his fas. pi* Upholstering done In the oest mannel. IHI IB4 8h«eli Malmati stwsysen bsnd^ Call and use. aevpljfejtj CARPETS. rpHE LARGEST RTtfft AND REST STOCK J. in this City cau now be found at w. 'ifm GOTJUL'8 Oh Second Street, Cor. ofPerrft* Velvets, Brussels. Topestries, Three Ply's, Eztrs Supers and Sujn-rs with lots of lower grsdei, ell of which will be sold as low as they een be ya^ chased in New York or Ilooton. Floor CHI ClottlB Of all width* and splendid patterns. Table Oil Cl.,tl,s. NVool TaMe aa.fl'ianoCaMaa RUJJS, Mats, Stair Rods, Stair Oil Clf th, WlndeW Shades aud Fixtures, Cord and Tossels, Druiets. iVltin(:, Ac., Ae. I V I V K In this line tnv strrk is not excelled. Unmans, Tahleiptttads, Bedstead* of sll kfttfs, in fact, everything in She wav ofcoinuion Furni ture ennstan'tlr on hand. Alsi Piirtor and Bed room Sets, SH!:IS, Tete Teles. Marble ami Wood Top Centra Tables, Marble Top Iturcaiia and Wash Stands, Lounge*, Malttaascs, Ac., Ae. CALL AT OOl'LD'S Foft YOUR CARPETS. Call at GOULD'S for your Furniture, on Seeesd Hire-?.. Coruci- of I'ari v. Oct. Jl UAirSw, STOVES and TINWARtT totorcs SlottsI Hir,T,3 .t- WASfTBUllll No. 56 Brady Street Nearly opposite Post office, Hthe AVE IN STORE AND ARERECEITIM largest and best asKortuieut of PARLOR. COOK« HE ATM STOVES, thai can he purchased in tin- ea»te« msrh|hft^ U. A W. have the esilusive aale for SANFOUD'S Celebrated Chilleifl Ititttt one of the moat economical inventions ever fte* dured, sod for convenience end eendbrt ss ne equah Trluphi -!s VtrMi Oak Irta Gali| and sfMr fbeweWepatterns est ONLY be obuaa ed at Hills and Washburn*. £pr very stove guarantied te give sstisfhetioj or thi money refunded. They also keep the ^celebrated 1EHT0cki roarW n whieh water neve* freeies.1 OFFICE, STORE, DINING-ROOM, RED-BBMi NURSERY. HALL. AND SETTING ROOM STOVES ennnot he surpassed. We invite inflection and defy competition. Alao on hand stock sf Tinware, Jsppsned and Porcebun Wsra, Chsmhor Setts, llsnishcd Wire, Britsnis Goods, (Via! llods. Tongs, fshovc-ls, l'okers, ife Short every thing in the iine. TIB, Cipper, A Skeet-lrta W«ty manafaotured te order on aho» notice. I O I N of all ktnds prcmntly attended to. CeB aad a§ amine goods and learn ahe pnoes. oel7dwtf. COFFEES I~C0FFEES! COFFEESSt Tue IIITCA usr I.\OIA COFFEE COA RAFLL O J*rmf Extm Jm AUD A A I A o i Ths beat and cheapest article in the imported Irom tbeir own eiaetations, snd patea espressl/ lor ramily, Betel sad Ship ns% eS| hy at 9mA tat Mb Mb# Depot Bedls strestt Beer Tort. pound !Ss^»2S'-rAgeMe -'BilMe55i be bed of their WeStaid Corner Brady end ffreat atipsts, agent for rea port. a^ lili^ fitMJtfffify HW.BBA mm IlT