Newspaper Page Text
|i AL K*T ATS* v AND titVllAIICE AIMQY. JOHN L. 8WIT8 & CO., en l. iwm, b. iul, w. r. iimik, fc w Nickels* Bleck, («P MM, *JR IWMPW, (•prtt9i k (JBteprtf«4 Firaii :. CITY LOTS," •Hraiilair H*UM Mww Bought, Sold and Lftid. House Lots for Sale. -V A €treat Ho. 41. Thoae elijpble building lot» corner of Twelfth and Ilu k Island atre«U, beinj 1W fe«t front on south Mid* iifth lUrcrt, ind i6ei on seat aide iA Kock l-lunci «treet. fhe ilwr« i* vm line location: price Terj I9 terms uncntiwonlf e»«t—a small amount ef cash down baliuK o on Jong term of yepre at low rate of inl«*r.-«t. Ko. 41. Lot on street, We .U side, «S feet front by M' feet de -pi ice very low. On p»y •mi fur the lot thr montg to hui!! will b* loaned 'or a term of vmr* ni tie p*r ftnt. Ko. St. Ou llrtily direct. feet front by 160 jeet deep—fenced. Prire |12 JUT front loot. No. S. On Third street, lot So. ltt*«rlur'iM- tion, 'corner lot,) price, fa-tn. No. So. Four house l.t« in Davison 4 True'a addition |lfio each Teims easy. Mo*. 31, Zl, 83. Thirty lion*-- loU In Slayma ker's addition |1'" to each. Terms easy. ho. 07. A valuable ci'y lot S. E. corner of Main and College Avenue feet on Main bj 150 feet on College Avenue and commanding a beautiful river Ttew. Price 1,60". lfRTMOBE'8 M0ITHM, (Commonly known as "Le Claire's Patch,") IS ROW UID OFF IRTO LOTS .OF ILL PRICES, MO THEY ME BEIW FOR SALE OR VERT EIST TERMS MO LOW PRICES. Bowse LoU, Store Lots. Warehottse Lots, Factory Lots. Alter* !.•*• ftr sale. Bo. 47. One on 4th St.. just cast of Brady St. Bo. 48. Four on 4tu St., near lt-ilroad bridge. HOMM for Sale. V*. 10. In Moline, 111., a two story brick dwel tagbmtse, with lot v by l-"' foot, eor. Lyndeand Ann Sts. Tin- house ii In (food condition, is now Cnited po»seision giveu in SO (lays. iThehousiO. Coat $2,Sv". i Price of house aul lot, $1,5 "i oue third cash balance on IOIIC time ut low^ interest No. 80. A brii'k dwelling house on E-2d St. 91 6W |S0'' cash, rest on time ut jxt cent. fco. 37. The estate now owned and occupied by tieo. S. C. l)"«v, Lsq..U-in»j the dwelling house lad three full lute, fronting -»«utli upon 0th St., sorner (t° Faruuin street, 'liiisliouse i* in per fect repair, having hewn tilted up by the owner for hiiu«elf. The entire arrangement of the house is tant'-fa! and complete. Th«? view from this place i-» uusurpuhsed. Terms easy. No. !W. Brick house and lota, southeast cor ner of V.h and Main St-t., known asThorin(ttonea tate 15'J ft. front on ach St. Price *•,'«'-, may reamiu for a torn of vi *r- «i n low rate of interst No. 2. Frame hou-c south side 8d street, one Bile west of Brady street price, Two Ihirds may remain 011 mortgage at six per ccnt. Fnrm» Wanted. We want to purchase iinproTed fuHl from 80 to 140 ncres each. Farai Ar Bale. Ko. 75. Eighty acre farm. 1 mile from the City limits, 011 the west Allen's (»i ore road, all anHer tine cultivation and fence, with irood dwell ing and ont buildings well watered, fruit orch ard, etc. A rtry Jt*irabU p' tCL. Price §5,040 §8,'HM cash, balance on tinx" to suit. No. 73 acre farm on the Iowa City 1 Locust Itreet)roiul, 5 mil-'S from the ciiy, ull under new fence, half under cultivation, balance basture and timber land. Good t*o story fiame dwell ing, with necessary out buildings, etc. Price §3,'J0o cash. No. Farm of 6"? acres on River road be tween l'rinceton and Loclaire large orchard, dwelling, barn and out houses. Price §2,500 W cash, balence ou time to suit. No. "o, O111* iacre farm in Oleona Township kbout .» miles north of Fulton and Durant sta tions on the M. Jt M. Railroad, all improved and andcr fence and with good house and barn §25 per acre. jfo. 72, One other 16'" acre farm situated near .he above, with like improvements. §23 per SCT6* No. 21 120 acres unimproved land near Du »*nt, at §10 per acr». cash, fraliuice in five rears at t»n per cent. 80 acres in Linn County, (50 improved and andcr fence.) Price §1 cash. 40' acres in Iowa county at §5 per acre. SSti1* acres in Sioux county at |l per acre. 1040 acres in Clay county at §1 per acre. WO acres in Hancock county at §1 per acre. 1000 acres in Winnebago Co. at §1 per acre. •000 acres §1 .'2o per acre. $000 acres at§ 2."" per acre. (30 acres in Tama county. 12'"* acres id Story county. 400 acres in tirundy county fiOt) acres in Butler countv at I151.1 per acre. VoO acres in Mower co., "Minn, at 2.5 per acre M0 acres in Houston County at §2.50 per acre. 600 aeru of M» (AM county st §5 firmer «, FIRE INSURANCE. Iggreffite Capital §4,4M,»M. Hartford Fire UnrtiM Cs OF I1ARTFORD, C0SV. fk«iix Fire iMimee C*» OFNRWTORK. ltlaiile Flrehserwe Ci| OF NEW TOKK. Uur Fire famuraMe 4 New York, bswaiee •MM New Haven. fpriacftiMFin liiiraMiCe* OFBPmiiraFIELD, MAaa, FILE INSURANCE. §1*,§N,«M. Llfii bnriiM €*, ,04M., c«* •RBABLVOBB.COLUT' TMim ftHMMt Ct» •"J'U f* DAILY DEMOCRAT. aXwsiiMHwi ttaas far aa at ear lei ^C.n.tcunm,m Dearbwm street, Okleage. la a» tbnriasi te wcette alwnisia iaii It Ola yapm. LOCAL ITEMS. YEARS CHRISTMAS ARO REV GIFTS. Call at Bajri'*, ea Brady Mtreet, And purchase on* of those splendid I'arlar den Plaaw, or a Hapcrfor BcMeoa They are just the thing for IMidmy J*re«e«tf*. ALSO FOR RCXT—A limited number of Ch«ice New PIIEM k lrMeois. decl3-dtf J. HOYT. »e»• Go TO TIIB BKST.—Go to liryaut A Strat ton's Chicago Commercial College, to get a thorough practical business education, or to heroine a good sound telegraph operator.— For circnlars address (enclosing stamps) Bryant St Stratum, Chicago, Iilinou. Uwiy. BrsiHEss EDVCATIOX.—To DB. FEHRABD, the celebrated Spanish Physician, is at his office, on Main street, Davenport. sp6-di-irt. "THK difference between a fool and a wise man." The wise begins where the fool lcavc3 off. The wiso insure their I*ife and Health before disease overtakes them. The wUe require no argument to prove that a few thousand dollars left to a ftolples* family will sa "e them from vice and misery. The wise know that five or ten dollars per week i.s not only a relief but a support to a family visited by sickness. Become wis before it is toi late, and examine a subject-' that interests the human family in Ota lugli est degree, at the oftice of WM. ALLEN IxnALL«f Room No. 2, over Macklot's Ba»1c, Corner of Brady and 2d stlteela. Oct. 10-dtf. OHSEHVED SIXUIXU SCHOOL. JL'xiou class will commence on Monday evening, Nor. 21st, in the basement of the Presbyterian church. Advanced class will commence on Wednesday evening, Nov. 2Cd,in the sune place. Tickets for cach class to gentlemen... $2.00 To ladies 1.00 Terms—20 lessons. J. C. WALLACE. CLOAKS, CHANUE.—Mr. WASTED.—A few Iowa "War and Defense Fund'' Bonds, for which the highest market pricc will be paid. Apply at this office. DYSPEPSIA, NKHVOUSXESK AND DEBILITY.— Dr. Strickland't Tonic.—"We can recom mend those suffering with Loss of Appe tite, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Nervousness and Nervous Debility, to use Strickland's Tonic. It is a vegetable preparation, free from alcoholic liquors it strengthens the whole nervous system it creates a good appetite, and is warranted to cure Dyspep sia and Nervous Debility. For sale by Druggists generally at $1 per bottle. Prepared by Dr. A. Strickland, 6 East Fourth street, Cincinnati, Ohio. july20-d&wtf. DIAB?N£A AND DTSBXTBBY.—We hare examined a great number of letters from some of the most prominent citizens in Cincinnati and Covington, etc., speaking of the highest terms of Dr. Strickland's Anti Cholera Mixture for the core of diarrhoea and dysentery. The Irtteli are too long to publish. Mr. Woods, of Covington, says be was pronounced incurable by the best doctors in Cincinnati, and one* bottle of Dr. Strickland's Anti-Cholera Mixture effected a permanent cuee after suffering for months villi the wont form of diarrhoea and dys entery. 50 eta a bottle. For sale by all A. F. MAST HATING TAKEN AN IBTEBEST IB^HE Iuartiee Buiim till B0BT. SIMPSON. & Cfr Is pcepared to attend te the waste of hit friends and tbe public for FIEE. LIP OMMMKIISIMItfL Ftia Kon't Hor.—The Fire King Engine Company No. 1, will give a grand ball at f.ahrman's on Wednesday evening, the Sist inst, te raise funds to purchase a Steam Fire Engine. J. T. k THE shawls, woolen sacks, Garibaldis, hoods, comforters, find dress trimmings generally in great variety, and for sale very low at Streeper's, No. 7 Metropolitan Block. RESIDENT DENTIST.—11. D. Myers is the oldest and most experienced Dentist in Davenport lie furnishes artificial setts or parts of setts, in the most accurate style. Satisfaction warranted. Office, Northeast comer of Perry and Third streets, d&wtf Dowd has opened a splen did New Photograph Gallery on Brady St., near the Post Office. With the best Light in the West—long experience and untiring energy to keep up with the improvement of the age, with an earnest desire to please, cannot fail to make him successful in his new place. Give him a call. decA5d2twl §16,190460 CAPITAL TEMPUC. THE BBST orsTsas TET.—A. W. Griswoid, on Brady street between td and 4th, is agent for Baird k Co.'s celebrated oysters— the best in market. Call on Mr. G. whan you want tbe right kind. SLEIOHIVO.—The late dash of snow baa made sleighing quite comfortable, though it is not quite as smooth as might be. The people are indulging freely in raunerc, robes and bells, and have line times. GET THE BKST.—You will always find the tery be»t ready-made clothing in tfie market at M. HolienfcU'—Metropolitan Clothing llall. The goods are very choice and sell very low. GOOD procure a thor ough knowledge of book keeping and get a th rough practical business education, at tend Pratt's Commercial College, corner of 5th and Brady. Every facility afforded at reasonable rates. Reduced rates to disa bled poHiers. nv7-diwly Tmirn TO DO.—No gentleman can do a handsome thing than to present to his wife, sister or sweethearts year's subscrip tion to (jiodey's Lady's Book for the ensu ing year, for a Christmas present. It is tbe best Magazine of the kind published. Go to the News Depots and subscribe. SEA ZIMMEBMAM, COMMISSION ciiANTS, 185 SOCTH WATEB KINDEBOARTEN HOLIDAY oi all observers''—these la dies who dress their hair with "Lubin's Floriline. It beautifies, strengthens:, lengthens nnd i'ccoriitcs the hair, retains it in any desired position, and imparts to the wearer the delicious and sense-patisfyirg perfume of a thousand cxotic flower?. Kx tmeted from the peerless Principa Floret ta,'' found only in the bloom-laden vallics of Southern France. "Floriiine is the Gem of the Toilet, and the richest loon left by the great Parisian perfumer to the world or elegance and fashion. MEK- ST., CHICAGO. —The attention of oar grain and produce dealers, and farmers generally, is called to the card of Messrs. Sea k Zimmerman, of Chicago. This firm is among the most re liable and prompt concerns in that city.and we cordially recommend them to the pub lic. Give them a one trid and we are pos itive yon will continue business with them. FAIR.—We direct special attention of the public to the fact that the annual Kindergarten Fair will take plaoc at Lahrman's Hall on Saturday and Sunday next—commencing to-morrow afternoon. These fairs are very interesting not only to children but to grown persons. A great variety of elegant and useful articles are always pn exhibition, also toys and a thou sand things interesting to ehildBW. Jake your little ones to the fair. GOODS.—The popular house of M. Jlerzberg «t Co. No. 5, West 2d street, has laid in an elegant stock of goods suita ble I or holiday presents, embracing choice patterns of dress goods, beautiful shawls, rich and fashionable cloaks, notions of every description, ladies toilet goods of numerous styles—all very neat and desireable—-just w hat is wanted. Herzberg k Co., take es pecial pains to provide the most durable as well as the richest goods, and invite ladies to cnil and examine them. No trouble to show goods at their establishment. Re member the figure and place—No. 5, East 2d street, in Metropolitan block. BEST SIDR IS THE SAFE stMO&lfany people aifect to bslieve that there will be no further draft, and that consequently it is all nonsense to make any effort to provide against any such contingency. This is not good policy, Those who have looked fa'rlv at tbe rase feel fully convinced that there is nothing more certain in life than another draft within a very few months. We make 110 doubt of it and urge the people to act the wise part and make provision for it at once. The sooner it is done the less trouble and expense it will be. The people of the different wards should be astir in this mat ter. COXTRIBCTIOXS FOB SOLDIERS FAMILIES To make provision for the needy families of our brave soldics is a duty that we have not the right, had we the inclination, to shake off. These families are right here among us. Almost at our very doors are wifes and children that to a certain extent, look to the public for suyport. They must not be treated as paupers. Their support ers are in the field doing service for us who remain at home. Their remunerations a mere trifle—scarcely more than they have to pay out for incidental expenses. What, then, must be done Let us be practical, and commence giving to the general fund for their aupport. At a meeting held at the office of Gen. Bake Wednesday evening, committees were appointed to carry into effect the recsom mendation of the Governor, to make Sat urday a day of contribution to provide for the wants Of soldiers fomiliea committees were appointed to put the matter into oper ation. Let us begin at once and act in bo half of these families as we would like to have others act were oar families situated as they aro. WHAT IS WOBTH SRINO.—NO kdy or gentleman who lays any claim te good taste, cannot fail to be interested at the poptflar Iowa Book Booms. Mr. Plummer has quite outdone himself th's. year, and he always makes excellent selections. Saeh a stock of richljr botfnd, Standard poUkatkms were never before opened in this city. These em brace History, Poetry, Literary, Scientific and a most complete assortment of religious books for both Protectant ^nd Catholic. For Christmas Presents what can be more ao ceptable than a magnificent Harper's Fami ly Bible, Bancroft's History Cooper's Works beautifully illustrated: Pressott's Works Butter's Bel Series of Poets, do gSBtiy illustrated, and bound in Turkey Msrocco, Antique Gray's Poetical Worts, hasutirully illustrated The Artist's Edition ^ting's Sketch Book Clever Stasias of NifeaatbjrM« Q. Sajm, Chilstmas hjrDickens AsplfttlidflMl«emplK tcABtt*.! jtt 1his ilii tint n—iwlt hundredth part of the rich and a| «s jtaMhahMfwvliM MfMqr. ON|ih K Is ftgaluai WAS* NoMtBAfion.—Tbe Beans of the id ward have nominated Char les Tefder, Esq., for Alderman in the place of Ernst Claossen, who has rwsind htm the ward. It being appatent thai wa are bound to have a r^obli'*an aideman from that ward we are glad thn Mr. Tegslsr the noarinee. Be is an active, margeUs dtlsen. Mr. Claossen has diachsrged the duties of aUsrmau with credit lo himself and die office he held we think his successor will do likewise. MKDICAL.—The public will please notioe card of Dr. E. D. Taylor, in another column. This gentleman comes among ua with first clam recommendations as a true gentleman and a physician of ability. Let him be thor oughly tested, and patronised aa his merits deserve. He is welcome to onr city. The Chicago Typographical Union, on Tuesday [night, adopted ^resolution per mitting itsmembers to work wherever they please. In this action the Typographical Union made a humiliating admission of its own defeat. Its members are now free to work wherever they can gain employment. They arc not bound to assist each other in coercive measures to enforce compliance with its extortion, or submission to its arbi trary inteferebce. Tbe organisation has buried its originrl aims, and, finding itself coorced at last, has made an unconditional surrender. It is practically defunct. PI Blil MEKTLXil. The citizens of tbe 5th Ward are request ed to meet at the Pennsylvania House, on Saturday (to-morrow) evening,at o'clock to take action in relation to the proposed contributions for the benefit of Soldiers' Families. Dou't btay away because you feel under obligationa to give aomething, but come. Per Order Committee. FOB cheap clothing, goto Krause's, oppo site the National Bank. He lias certainly the largest and most extensive assortment of clothing West of the Mississippi, and we know be sells the cheapest. If you don't believe it, just step into hi3 establishment and convince yourselves of the fact. SUBSTANTIAL. True to his promise, Shields' is turning out some most substan tial and finely finished goods for this mar ket. Gents can get winter suits made of this excellent material cheaper than from Eastern goods, of the same grade. Flannels, blankets, stocking yarn, etc., in full variety at Sam Perry's, opposite the Post Office. AT HIS OLD TKICKS.—Farrand is at his old tricks again—selling the most elegant furs for ladies and gents at a surprisingly low figure. Go and see tbe styles and learn the prices. A large lot of hats and caps just opened—very stylish. NEW ENGLAND FESTIVAL.—There The following ladies are a Committee to superintend the furnishing of the tables: Mrs. J. S. Seymour, Mitts. Mary Bennett, Geo. H. French, W Wadsworth Daniel Gould, S. F. Smith, Geo. B. Earl, U. P. Wheeler, M. Thorington, Helen Baker, Ellen Gould, Abbie Oliver, *f Alattie Earl. M. K. PARES. For Committee. Danaport, Dcc. 13th, 1864. CHILDREN'S FAIR. *f1te£aaaal Falrortlie Dayen port Kindergarten WILL BE HELD AT LAARUANN'S HALL, Vv on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 17th and 18th. Oreat attractions for tlw public. Admis sion ten cents. decl6-dSt COMMERCIAL. Daveapert Barkets. or THE DAVEKPOET DEMOCBAV, I Friday evening, Dec. 1#. ISM. FLOOTL—Retail §9,20 bbl. .§8.80 paper Backs, §8.50 bulk Wholesale §9.80 bbl.: paper §8.40 §9.00 bulk. Wiut.—No. 1, well cleaned, round and pltuan, a, §1.45 \o. 8, all aosnd, clean enough for No. 1, §1.135 Club, Tea and tialen not §1.45 No. 8, 1, §1.185. Coa*.—No. 1, aoand, puap and dry, |Uc. No. s, 4i. mioT OATS. NO. 1, clean and sonnd, FI4^5FS. BAKLKT.—§1.S0@1.49. HOM.—Lire, Saa dii—id, §liglSj POTATOaa.—46^85. Omoas.—§1.8081.40.^ New Yarlc NarkeU. ffaw You. Dee. 11 VketB—Market very call. §U.MOll.S0 estrastate U.S5£114(hB. &0. W•EAT—Market Wjr tfm. ( Chi cago spring §.44 good winter red. Coax—§1.89 in store. OAI»—Bather steadier good bwinasa. 97 A99 ai era i poaK—Market doll. §S2. ,PABP Scarcely so ira. $sa.ooau.7s WMtsar—Btee r—Bteefly at ltitfl 8U«A»—fiMSimss. Pnaofceea—Qmet. «6e erade «T4T» Ined bound 83cfree. FFaaAy. IB GENTLBBAH, WIFE AND SMALL Addieaa box 194 natil Mendsjr, declMtd. WuM. WL ABS MOW PBBPABCD'TO WILL PAY *AT B. m. THua, HOMEOFATHMt. will be a New England Festival at Lc Claire Hall, Thursday 7 o'clock, P. M. Doc. 22,1864. All New England People are invited to at tend and every one that can is requested to furnish something for the tables, and have it there Thursday morning. They are re quested to leave word st Parks & Hosmer's :{'o'c a few days beforehand what they will furnish. Tickets 50 cts., which can be had at the following places: C. G. Plummer's (Book Store Geo. B. Earl, (C. W. Whisler's Store) Wm. A. Remington's Store Parks & Iloomer's Store. IW-N. W. Bain Sd Sta. Besld&ce »d Si, N. side, Sddoor weal ef Petty. Oflfae bowa-8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Beferencee Dr. J. Morton, New York Dr. N. Webster, Dartoe, O Dr. B. Bbraan, Cisdaini, O. Dr. i. Twrpla, Prof, of Mat.. Md, Dr. I. T, Frankliw. Prof, ef Suifceiy in the Home Medical College of Mo., at St. Leiiia Bev. D. S. Wat eon St this city. deelS-dlm* 8tmit ZlMntcmaii, COMMISSION MEMHimi For the Purchase and Hale of flwr, €trmUt mnd t*r*4nc€, CONSIGNMENTSgoods SOLICITED AND AD- VAseasaade on in store, lift8 Sealh Water street, CUcage, Particular attentioo paid to selling Dressed Hotf-t and Live Stock. Chicaco References— Solomon Sturg^s Sons I. A. Dllis, 3d National Bank Kimball k Wolcott Fraacis 8. Sher man. Mayor. decl5-dly BBOWIEU IPERRIR, Commission Merchants, SOL'Tll WATER STREET, CEICAGO. JLO JL Dealers in Dressed IIeg* and all kinds Country Produce. Particular attention paid to selling Live Stock. P. O. Uox 823d. dcc!5-dAwtf DB. FBilWLMBKMIS, OChicago. FF1CR NO. i" NORTH CI.AHK 8TREET, 111. Room No. Is, Uhlich's lllock. 9{ecisl attention given to all private diseases incident to both sexes. Also Cancers, or Can cerous Atftctions, Tumors, Ulcers. Old Sorei4 Bore ltjres, etc., etc., and pnrticulary" "OBSTETRICS." Ladies requiring medical aid or advice, in all cases attendant u:on menstrual obstruliction, Prolapsus Uteri, or any disease incident to the generative organs, may rely upon beiug ea silv and speedily relieved. .isr A p. irute Consultation Room adjoining tlieOfBr e, where the I)»ctor will always be in at tendance during office hours. Those residing at a distance mar eall in per son, or aiMre.s aim in rKHitcr coMiioaxcB. Post O/lice Unit Chicago, 111. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. U., 1 to 6 p. m., and 7 to 9, evening. decl'i-oly PRURIGO LOTIO, The great Itch and Humor Killer of the 19th Centnry! This ntv prtpnrati'm possesses most ITOIKWW properties, and Is a sirnxi ctrnn Far every species ef tbe ITCD, PRAI- BIE ITCO, BABBE&,8 ITCII, WACAMI SfBATCHiS, ll.I.IXOiS FIAiSKF, CITA5 Eors E»rPTI0S, PIBPLVS o* THE FACE, SILT BIIEIM, SCALD BKAD, BIXCW0BXS, &r. T?ie FltUUTOO LOTIO U a n?w sn-t rrrtain curt for all kin li In h, an btlnira fluid preparation It tifri from all ti e pur..iuy, 'Utagre€able i|ualitits of the ointment* In gcuer:il UM*. Ti- Ptrr.10 O i.OTIO safoittuse tinder ALL CTRCL'MSTANrK? will not lrrltstethemo«t tender skin, and CONTAINS NO MEBCL'BY. Dont fall to try It. Manufactured by E. T. & W. T. B(FiRLL\D, Bole Proprietors, Lalsyette, lad. PRICE SO CENTS. LORD k BBITH, Chicago, Whalesale Afnta. BoM at Wholesale In Chleafohy FL LLKR. FINCH Ffl.I.Kit CHARt.Kfl O. 8MITI1 RDBNIIAMS a VAN SC11AACK W. 1. HARRIS CO. SMITH DWYER: J. H. REED k CO.. and H. EC0V1L. WTATK OF IOWA. AwrTAUT GEXBBAL'S OftrtJt,! Davenport, Dec. 16,1864. General Orders, No. 52. I. The organized militia of the following townships in Scott countv will constitute a regiment: Pleasant Valley, Le Claire, Princeton Mid Winfield, as follows: Co. A, Capt. John W. Walker, Prince ton. Co. B, Lt Comd'c Chas. Qapp, Win* field. Co. C, Capt H. A. Fricke, Winfield. Co. D, Capt Cyrus G. Biggs, Pleasant Valley. Co. E, Capt DuRenn Stearns, Winfield. Co. F, Capt Charles Kelly, Le Claire. Co. G, Capt John C. ItcCabe, Winfield. Co. II, 8. O. Hopkins, Le Claire. Co. I, Capt. Wm. M. Paul, Le Claire. Co. K, Capt S. G. "Underwood, Prince ton. Co. L, Capt Mark Mathewa, Princeton. IL The orgarized Militia of the following Townships of 8eett County will constitute a Regiment, Boflklo, Blue Grass, AH Grove, Hickoqr Grove, Cleona aad Liberty, a| follows: Company A. Obtain Reimer Sohren, Bafialo. Company B. C^it James Hama, Bine Grass. Company C. Capt JL 0. KtlWi Allen's Grove. Oompany D. Captain J. W. Kafarstaa, Bine Gtass.^ Company E. Captain JohnE. Hldtary Grove. Company F. Captain F. Grass. FURBISH emrtovaiBntto aay aaalui ef tit* seen or 4ee9-dtf IHGALL8 k BARD. ABOVB B^WABD FOB •Si ~T r. tat, am. mm IAU14* u tr* Company G. Capt H. M. G. Mkflaa, Btae Grass. Company H. Capt 8. B. C?aik, lihiilj. Company Capt M. ML Mae, HL The mmpaBl at Ihdt vaepaative day die M, iat, and vete by oSoera as pfsMifhod by Inro ad Ma|sr. of mumiiis wiw v -'H* k v tnOUMAU sFzsi&zsszir Oar Goods are all freak aad beoght direct frea TftMuUaitto eompeto wtth mnj SBTH P. BRYANT, JOHN R. SIMPSON, H«t-dly tj,c 1 »».• i --1 •xci.rsivBt.r. !*. VM.t BOOTS & SHOES il ^sujonB r,-. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, •ftetarers. On •erefcaate Tlefltlac ike dtjr Are reqneeled toeaU aad eisaias ear stock before aaking'their pnrcbaaes. Brady Street, jThe Artists' Edition of Irving'a Sketch Book Clever Stories of Many Nations, by John O. Saxe Christmas Stoiies, by Chas. Dickens harper's Illustrated Bible—Turk/Meroceo—Paneled i -. #»«|n Wootls" with Bryant, Longfellow and Halleck Christmas and Pictures—a collection of Songs, Carols, aad dsssrinttre PftAina Mkletine Irt (tin stat I t« A Poems relating to the Fostival of Christmas. Bancroft's History of the United States Complete Works of Thonian Jefferson, 'Prescott's Complete Work*: Kirk's Charles The Bold ^Addison'3 Works Comiilcte 9 "Goldsmith's Animated Nature Illustratedt "'"'Complete Works of Thomas llood "(Cooper's Works beautifully Illustrated U S11A*' .I XXTSMTL**. C*.1 .'I. Hugh Miller'it Works Complete Macaulej's History of England: Hallam's History of the Middle Ages ©'Israeli's Amenities of Literature Hallam's Constitutional History ol EnylaaAf D'israeli's Curiosities of Literature Barton's Anatomy of Melancholv Charles l.nmb's works .f« D'Tucquille's Democracy in Ameril^* Gibbon's History of Koine Batler^s Bell Series of Poets, elegantly Ullnitrfttod Vols. Tarke/ JHoroeeo antlqae. Poetry of the Fields, i Poetry of tbe Year, Poetry of the Woods, -j tleman's Son)« nf the Aowtwpl, Moore's Iris'i Melodies, THittjrwm's Ittiaeriiatlon and ftntf, Jlr.iwning s Intellect, and Affections, Woodworth's Nature and Sentiment^ Uray'a Political Works, Lamb's Political Works, Memory and Hrpe. Butler's small quarto Editions of the following Works bound in teffcejr fMrOte#'HI ti'i'ie and gilt, the richest and most gorgeous volumes that the hand of the workman and the pencil of the artist have yet produced Macauley's Lays of Ancient Rome, Cambell's complete political works, Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, Keble's Christinn Year, Thompson's Seasons Burn's complete Poetical Works, Adam's Sncred Alegories, Ileber'ii Poetical Worka! Roger's complete Poetical Work*, Goldsmitli'j Poetical Works, Read's Female Poets of America, Harts Female Prose Writers of America, Stevens' Parables ef the New Testament. The Stock of Photographic Albums and Books in fine binding cannot be excelled in variety of style or beauty of by anr la the West. The Juvenile Toy Book department is very complete and parties looking for fffr-' scnts for the Young People cannot fail to be pleased. Also a great variety of Stationery, Blank Books, Gold Pens, Pocket Cutlery, Purses and Pocket Books, Portfolios, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Ladies' Baskets, Scotch Fancy Goods, &c.,&c. Call and examine goods and prices before making pur- WATCHK8 AND JKWKLRY. AMERICAN WATCHES, In Sitrliitf Silrtr Catt* Donblt and Pain at PXJRRY'S, On Mrmdy Hreet. RGTTR, or Solid Gold Set witt Pearl, Oynx, O.rul, Ac. IVORY SETTS* Solid Gold Biags, Wedding Blags, aomething eatireljr New. GENTS' SCARF PINS. device of tb newest styles aad of the best manufactare, just received and aotd at old prieea. CASIM, BrmrtUt*, field Pent, Pmrili, tjpcdacto, tc. e—nil ia. a very aeeftil laatraawat for Farmer* aad others. Ihrteft MUpmMmgy Done by experienced Workaaea ia tbe beet maa ner. and Warranted to Give Ar/erf Smtitfarlio* al CUBMre ea Brady Street, »d door above ML W E W i K S I JaD.wiLL.SON Rjaat•piasAal KaPBOTFULLY ANNOtTNCKS TO TBI people of Daveapert, aad vicinity, that be has his sew store, os |y It, Ami Seer alstt ML WATWKtlltCKI E W E S Y eabranac evervawAsra iMe and ealara. wfefab warrantad teba at aapsrtaf i Sw beat qwdMr eCOaadai aaMBSA aMMiSi 4^.4 aebUe be bapeele awril a i Oailandfee lliaHi|j|liijJatinithy S.A.V. WAMMMI sw BBoABWAt, B. t. flaldiaai mm dm* ULmtomxMM. MUCHANT TAILORS. UM4MTICltTlfM mle ia the met A liberal & AS BBMOYBD BIS I i Bleak, ea to Vraaklia HOU8IBOL0 '1 'i .1 "i 'if -i* iifl «»,'*» 1# t. !. 4ft u iwheytae aaesmasi K m. bi tti Wul 8ETH F. BRYANT CO., No. 25 Seeend street, between Brady and Petty, Davenport, MM* Books, Books .•a..... i -•«». 7 —. JMflecdtml •i •KM!* •i a44u f- i*r» '.v jb i i* V 't v i #iisxp'- -S ,, i ., «*ji€ ... •••»•",»% v twll' ,, .. i «nW '•.•it .. vi« t'mi ICNTVL ~ti k *n 4 i'fJl 'iJMS O I N y^T COST PRICE TO BE HAD OF— FRANZ MEYER, (Second st.-fiirat door weet ofNatioaal OBNT8* FU A rood aaaertsaal ef MERKH, SHIBtn, STOCBINOS.H wnleh I wd aell tk the moot reaaoaable prieea. W? Custom Work Done at all times and warranted tbe best meal durable aad cheapest. All who wast tbe beat aad Cheapest roods novlfldlv PBABBMBYBB. CIAS. LBLAJfDSS. Ko 1S4 Brmdf trmt, mkoot MA CUAIARI KIPAIft CUtlll of all kiaka, aad pa Ike dirtiil satiea. BvetydiaeriplieaaT ,'r e i«+i 4 jit imIw •st* '« v'., i i i'*i •S9 READY-MADE rbiUt A* 9 roit i iii i«f illBifc :**-4 iu i i ii WJ r• I Si *ri$- $ flfi nwrf"'* US «P