Newspaper Page Text
I A ~3S£3SLtZ:Zr- i w Oomaoun rai or I CcaanrcT| Nor. 18,18*4. la eoapKanoo with the requirements of itbo Clet section of tho national currency |Mt, I bare tho tagM* of making through voato *IMMRiMlofihoVMitedHrtea the Mi eMity-two new banks have been or ganised, and one bondred and sisty eight state have been changed into nation aldisa. Of the one hundred banks last or ganiaed, sisty-aeven have been eonvcrkions 'I of state banks, and nearly all the papera now bring filed are for the change of atate banks into national associations. There are now in existence, under the national currency act, five hundred and eighty-four asaocMtioos, which we located in tna following sulca: la Maine In ew Hampshire In Vermont ... 'la MaanaehuMtfc In Rhode laland Ia ConnedieuW.. la Blew V«»rk. Ia Hew Jereey la Pennsylvania. Ia Delaware la Marylsad li la iMstrie of Columbia la Viiginia.. 1. Weil Virginia ... .... Is Ohio. In Michiffaa In Indiana— In lllfooi. la Wisconsin e e eae•* la Minnesots...,,,.,,.*., la IOWA la Missouri....*,. la EUNI....^ 'Ia Nebrsske territory ...., la Kentucky in TMMNM jla Idiuiiima The piid in capital of the banks in the ^respective *t*te* afl territories, the curren cy delivered to them (a con*idcrable por tion of whioh hw not been put intu circu Hation), and the bn.U deposited with the {treasurer to sccure their notes, *r» as ifvllotr*: State. 'Vapit'l stick' paid in. -Maine *. Baaps're Vermont... It Island... Man* ^Connecticut. I Circa la tion. I Bonds ,74!».*h ,7a,w0 #2,244.5*) SU4,"M 65:. i, n 7 I 414. 12 ., 4,-HI, New York.. PeMI New Jersey. .Delaware iMary and. Did. Vol... Virginia.... W. virgin a, Ohio 10, 60 v*".' 40 li,^i. 4, I4,'»'»4 14 2,011,000 :.9».17.* ,141.24t "J 08 12,S»4. S» 1". 1 l,T-r"s V5 i, i I1i 1,1*46. 1,4'»'',0»0 ft t.lN'O ll'.'.- 00 23",'SX» f,74't.i.V 1*4,i""' 3,lt?4,l"0 3,71*4/oO #011.01)0 S'irt.'.'iO ,8j, It.5 li'' ",h"5. If. 2, 3, 4H, 89 Kentucky Indiana..... Illinois Michigan... Wisconsin 'Minnesota.. 'Iowa Nebraska tor Kansas. ... -Missouri.... TfBMMN Louisiana. 1.147,*87 ,IR5,"T»I) ,0»-I.S77 MS.'xiO I'":!,"50 "74, 442,' tM.V MII l.ttnv'"" 8 im ioo 65W 8ft5,0.* 9 ,»• n,r?A 34'i,W» 284, 18", 2II3,0O0 8'M»,"XK» Total :ini.S«4.5!»7 2S "I,'.'51.45- A large proportion of the circulating notes which have been furnished by the comp troller wait intended to take the place and ia taking the place of the circulation of such State banks as have been converted into national ones, or o( thorn whose notes have "jbeen mluntar !y retired, or have been re turned fron those parts of the country in which the notes of the United States and of the national hanks are alone current so that the currency delivered to the national banks ia not and will not be altogether an fcdditimt to the papet money of the country, ,l»ut rather, to a considerable extent, the substitution of it for that of tho State banks. It is perhaps to be rerretted that so many .new banks have been organized in states where, before the passage of th«* act, there was TO deflcency of banking capital. Th^re would have been leas cause for apprehension that hanking capital in any of the states was being too rapidly increased, if, by snit able legislation of the states, state banks had bc*n sooner authorized to avail them selves of the benefits of the national cur :ren*y a% and the managers of banks where the necessary legislation had b'en' obtained, bad more promptly discerned the inevitable tendency of the public sentiment, and co-operated with the government in its effor's to nationalize the bank note circula tion of the country. It was not the inten tion of the originators and friend* of the system^ nor has it been the policy of the comptroller, to swell, throagh the instru mental:ty of the national banks the volume -of paper money. On the contrary, the sys tem was designed to check overissues by requiring ample security for every dollar which shoald be put into circiilat'O", and it has been the aim of the comptroller so .to administer the law as to prevent, instead :"'jof encnu-ating, an unhealthy aud dangvr toui expansion of credits. happy in being able to saj that my ^apprehensions of a too rapid increase of na tional banks have been much lessened by the recent action of many State banks! The Legislature of Pennsylvania, following the •sample of the Legislature of MaasaHiu toetta. Connecticut. etc., baa recently au ftjoriaed tbe baaks of tint i^tpUe to re-or |Miia under the national system, and the ^stockholders of so many of them are avail Ing theasselVM of this authority, as to ren jder it quite certain that at an early d^y »»n» wilt be in this great central State, ^without a dangerous increase oT its banking capitt I, bat MM system of banking. In IMI, tho indications are now unmistakable 4tbai the time is not fitr distant when the jpMfle of dM.QfM 8w*ea will bo ovety* iwbnNUHMor« batik note circulation of credit and UMsrtain value, and iMsppUsd with «w of uniform crodit and as ]w1 aa the nation. It has been the earnest #Mi af MM comptroller that this doaiimbU Mm ihwld bo brought about itbioughilM agsaer of esistlad bonks, rath tban by tka argsais itiea of now ones, no |tba*tlM«aiional alreulation might bo httro- I with as little increase of banking cap as po«eible. A natiooal bank not* cur wii bo on* of (he compensations for latrtr 4dbt witch has been in-urred in Mrriblo cootHt in which the nation baa i If can W everywhere in- t»Mgdrtei teMMk •xdHmgn, Itj^ gitro to trade, in pro- i Imi hem MOMM* Bat awn in fllalsa by the irwanfimtien of national banks by Aa Btoeliboldars of »ate bsnka, aadtbs transfer of the assetaof the latter to the former, the change has been already, in aMny inatsnces. sSbetod with«atleee to the owners, and with very little practical incon venience to the managers. It is al-o ari inttp-sting fact, that the stork vlHUl* banks wbit have been chang ed into national associations has not been depreciated by the chase* on the contrary the shares of most of the in have le« n ap preciated, and 1 know of to instance in which their real or market value has been injuriously affected by it. This fact aofi* cietttty refute* the charge, sometimes argsd against the system, that it was being forced upon the country to the prejudice of the stockholders of State institutions. It may be proper for me to state another fact in this connection of interest to the pub* lie, which i, thst the national banks are, without any known exceptions, in safe, al though some of them are in inexperienced hands, and that the fears that the national banking system would be trie means of till ing the country with hanks of fictitious cap itals, and be a reproduction, on a large scale, of the stock banking systems of States in which they had provtd be a failure, if not a fraud, arc, from present in dications, without a real foundation. The fact that huch apprehensions were entertained or wcro professed to be enter tained by the bankers of a State, in which a system similar in some of its main fea tures was in practical operation, intimida ted, for a while, the capitalists of other States, and retarded the re-organization of State banks, but worked no permanent in jury to the national system. On the con trary, the expression of these fears has led to a thorough examination of the act, and a careful observation of :ts administration, and the result hss been favorable to both.— It baa been discovered that in many impor tant particulars the national system diners from, and is an improvement upon the State system, which it the most closely resembles that it restricts circulation to ninety per cent, of the bonds on deposit with the treas urer, and prohibits tbe banks from issuing note* to an amount exceeding their bona ti ie paid up capitals, sworn to by their offi cers that cvt'i y interior national bank, in addition to redeeming its notes at its own counter, is compelled to redeem at par, at some roininerciitl ccntrc, thereby tending to prevent high rates of exchange between the different sections of tho country, and that, in case of the failure of a bank to redeem its notes according to the provisions of the act,these notes, instead of lieing depreciated, would be at once redeemable in lt«rlui money, at the treasury of the United States. It hns been also ascertained that the comp troller is requiring the most satisfactory ref erences or ctcdcritiais in regard to the stand ing and responsibility of the persons propos ing to organize national banks, and is insti tuting a system of examinations which will do much to expose and check improper practices on the pa of the bankers, and violations of wholesome provisions of the law. (Continued To-morrow.) Clraad Traak Railway. The half yearly shareholders' meeting was held on the 13th of October last. The report for half year to June 13th, was sub mitted by the Chairman. In submitting this report, he referred to the difficulties under wnich the road labored on account of the fluctuations in American currency, and the dep orablc accident an Beiceil bridge. In the latter case, a settlement of all the claims had been cfTcctcd on terms which were fair to the sufferers and the company. The gross receipts from all sources during the time named amount to £.28,301, or about $2,GOO,000 tho working expenses to £:l 10,021, or about $1,500,000, leaving a balance of £213,280, or about $1,000,000. Deducting from th«s £34,489 for the renew al of the permanent way, left a bal.iuce of £181,791, or $850,000. These receipts, com pared with the corresponding half of 18^3. show an increase of £74,079, equal to about 15-80 Ig cent. The ngrcment with the Buffalo and Lake Huron Company had been carrird into ef fect, and he was happy to say it had met with approval in Upper Canada, and was working most satisfactorily. Instead of the Western produce sent by that linn bring confined to the route via Buffalo the for warder could nor[send it as well toTorcn 0 or Mon'real. Mr. Brydpes had reported that the traffic over the Buffalo and Lake Huron line was now 40 cent, more than for the corresponding period of last year, and he was of tho opinion that if the International Bridge was completed at Buffalo, he could easily double that increase. With regard to the leased, they were working sat isfactorily. The receipts on the Atlantic and St. Lawrence lines amounted to £104, 00ft, and after dedueting expensenses and other charges, there remained a balance of £ti,ltiG. But if the interest on those bonds were payable in England, there would have been a loss in exchange of £5,588. The De troit and Port Huron line showed a receipt of £27.010, and expenses of £28,425, in cluding rent, showing an apparent loss of £809 but if they had to pay in gold, there would be a loss of £7,0«8. NEWENGLAND FESTIVAL.—There will bea Now England Festival at Le Claire Hall, Thursday 7 o'clock, P. M. Dec. 83,1864* All New England People are invited to at tend and every one that can is requested to furnish something for thetabKs, and have it there Thursday morning. They are re quested to leave word at Parks 4 Hosmer's Store a few days beforehand what they will furnijih. Tickets 50 cts., which can be had at the following places: C. O. Plummer's (Book Store) Geo. B. Earl, (O. W. Whisler's Store) Wm. A. Remington's Store Parks k Ilosmer's Store. The following ladies are a Committee to superintend the tarnishing of the tables: i 44 lliss. Mary Bennett, "e«». II. French, WC Wsdswerth Psniel Gould. M. Thorington, Helen Baker, Ellen G«mld, Abbie Oliver. Mattie Karl. S. F. Smith, Geo. B. Earl, U. P. Wheeler, M. K. PARKS, n CAM "wiltnaatiim which more booobyte For Conmittee. Davenport, Deo. 18th, 1804. PO« JVBW fHUL ?laMlMn«4grwpert Osbia Paseage $51 Deek |4. LEAYB THS DB^OT OF THE OLD Oeiony and ImsH BaiKray, eeruer of was a* Kneelaad streets, atft:S0 p. m. daily For ateamer KTROPObfft, Capi. W. Brows, Hondays, Wednesdays, *aJ Kridars. For steamer BMPlKfi ITATLOaL P. Brar tos. eh Tuesdays, Therada". mtSawby.. Paaaeagers by this roete eaa take the 4:40 n a.axpr^tndajmdmrireaVWIKvarat F^i H«ereae hear before the steeabost traia, air ing ttae to sseare mews set make flS pre —for tin o i a e i a fa, weeniugiw, fc, eaa eeneet with _. iasirSr^ a^msMsr aa»mi«di »ie«ew York, Tattha una T-s.wm P*. noldwly preet.MpMoa for the aa, groecbUta aud ill tfeM* fad Lang aBte tieas, (free at charge,) bjr aeodiag (heir address to Rev, Kowj^n A. Waeea, Itijtanyfewf, •Sage Co., X. eplAwan TUK COXfEdSlOXa 4X1) firgMlffWCE or air WTALIB." Published for the besom 4ad*«s n gAUTTOS TO YOUNG MBA and otlwn, wbo suffer from Nerrona Debifftj^P»*matwre.Pee«y of Maabcod, Ac., aupi LYIE# nrtbw earn* time TWT MKA*« or Hnr-wu. Br one wtio laa cured himself ilte undergoing coo«KJeri.ble uueckery. By eoeloe inga post mid edv tingle copies mar be h«a of the author. NATHANIEL MATFAIR, Esq., decff-dAwta Brooklyn, King* Co M. Y. Nformafioa frft Ta NniVrcra A QETN'LEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility. Incompetency. Premature Deear, and Vouthlul Error, actuated br adeaireto benetit others, will be Itappy to I urn lab to all who need it, (free of charge tbe rveeipe and direeiiona for making Uie niinple remedy uned in hi* ca*e. WuI'V rern wisliiuii to |ru(it by the ndrertiiwr' had experi. ence. and po»ee«K Mire and raloaM* remedy, can dn by irfdrfMiDjr him at once at bis place of business*. Thi Keceipe and full information— of Tilal importance—wiU be cheerfully sent by return mail.} Address, JOHS B. OGDEN. No. '.0 Nassau Street, New York. P. 8.—NervousSuB'ernrsot both sexes will find this information inraluahle. dc-VdAwf A I O N I A LADIES AND OENTI.EME IF YOU WISH to marrv, address the undersigned, who will send VMI without money and without price, valu able "iuf'Tmulion that will enable you to mariy, happy and speedily, irrespective of ajfe, weulih or beritr. This information will c»«tyou noth ing, and'if »OII winh to marry, 1 will cheerlully •a^ist vou." AHli-tU-rsstiictlyeonfideujial. The desired infurmation sent by return mail, and no questions asked. Address" SARAH it. LAMBERT. Ciretnpoint, Kings Co., d4w2m New Y ork.lfi A CAK1I TO 1^%'Al.IIWi. A Olergrman, while residing in South Amen ca as a missionaiy, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakuess, Ear ly Decay, Disenses of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful habit". Great numbers have been already cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortu nate, i will send the receipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Frt* of CKurge. Please inclose a stamped envelope—addressed to youi self. Address, JOSEPH T. INMAN, gtation D. Bible House, nv5-d1v New York City. FOR NEARLY A OUAUTER OF A CENTURY Mathews' Venetian Ilair Dye haa been exten sively used, and in no ease h*a» it taileo to give entire SHtisiaction. The VENETIAN DYE is the best and cheapest in the world. Its price is nniv Fifty Cents, and each bottle contains double the quantity of dye in those usually sold lor $i. THIS HAIR DYE ismanufaetured by a peeo lisr process which rendtrs it immeasurably su perior to nn^thing in tbe shnpe of a Dye now o* ever before the people. Being complfte in one bottle, no preparation is required, which greatly tne api .... siinpliti replication. IN THIS DYE you avoid that IIBTTUSINO ap|iearanee by which dyed hair and whia. kers are so readily rccot niced, when an inferior article hi s born used besides, it produces a per fectly natural color on anv *htide that may be de sired—one that will not fade, crock or wuah out —one that i* ns perrnHnent ss tiie hair itself. For sale bv druggists. I'tice 5" wntn. A. 1. MATHEWS. Ocneral Agent. 12 Oo!d street. New Yotk. Also Manufacturer of OLOSS, nn id ti.-im.-li. Nature seems to have implanted ia Hiaakind tbe desire for a daily stimulant, to re-invigorate tbe serves, and excite the blood alter the exhaustions caused by the days' labors, sat not only has she giren the desire, but experience has shown that it is an absolute necessity, that this desire sboold be gretified, for the preservation of the Htaltk. Now nature's requirements being founded upea positive laws, anst produce benefits when they are gratiled by the use of Chtideu Bitter* Nature's rsyUreaeots aay he gratified. Tk. OaU4»£UUnitB purely FrgtmbU Tomif. Invigorating sad Strengthening, Forffiee the sjrstea against the elects of anwhoieaoae water Will enre Dyspepsia. will SI2 SSSST4 Will cure Iteadaehe, Will eere l.irer CoafplaJnt. Will care Jaundice, Will cure Mra Sickness. Witt cure BHliees folic, ^...» 5!H f,0M*^"fsate a keShy'stopetite.'t is of Digestion, tesroeratnre of the WIM Invigorate thrw^^^SKo'J moderately iacreesee the teammtere ol hodjr and the Ibroe of the drculatioa, aetiag In fiat, ae a geaeral corroborant of the ayatsss. eoe- Sg ae poisonons drop, and is the heatToaic a«dic»t^ WorId" ^1^-1 TWITHN WITH BYXBY OTHKB ABTI omlasiadsd ia the eieek A sira risss Caa ahrsys be foaad at AND ATHK'VS' AHKICA lists the best hair dressing in use. In latge bottles pricecent*. oct81-dly Mdf A fttir trU1 caraestly CEO c. HCBBWL A QQ.. p.- pwrmMtm, Koilh West cor.l ataetoekoT Oytleaerlea, •atter.Flsh, MaawM^l^y^Mraelaeo. Kte., Ate., Is the purest and freshest kind. Housekeepers will fieri it te their advantage to call and s»e the goods. Ooods delivered in all parts of the city free of charge. ET«H Article Warrant**! deell-dtf JOSHUA BURR, Brtdjr Street, Between Froil ami Seeoii, Dmvtmpnrt, Jot**, I RssncrrcLLV see leaxe to state to tb# citizens of DaTen 'Cport. and the coun If try dealers through out this part of the State that I bare on hand, and am constantly receiving, large and well selected stock of GROCERIES At Wholesale and Retail, Comprising Bngar To! obicctifc Coffees, Teas, f Nails, PoWdef, White US^ Cordag%t:- Dried Frtii|i Uun l'»% CandfeS, Cotton Yarn, Candle Wick ing, Tubs, DCSTT, "1^. Dead, Bhot^ Bubs in nests half Buakels, Half Bushels in nests, ff lWtppiBg Twine, Broom Twine, liag Twine, i'iut Flaia Buckets. Pertieelsr attention paid to the WhmteMte Buniue**. I buy on the most advantageous terms and sell low. Call and examine. All orders promptly attended to. my21 -dtl" MKW GROCEIiY HOUSE. Jotttph itothmn, Corner Front Ac Brady Sto., Wholesale and Retail dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, PrtvteieBS, Salt, fMnecM it Cigmrn* ALSO 1 Choice Wlnen and LlqllOlt, B/yth Foreign &• Pomatie. 1 Gaaraaiee te giTe the Best dtaality of Ueeds BELL THEM ON THE LOWEST LIT 1NO terms. Call and examine the stock and learn the priecs before purchasing elsewhere. Wholesale dealers will finn it to their advantage to (jive men call. Ooods delivered within the citv limit free of clinige. Theodore Tobias is my duly authorized Agent. ,ld.SEI'H ROTH AN, Davenport, Aug. 80, 1RS4. mv2'i-uAwly FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES! JAMF.8 DOOLEY Fatally Orecer, KKEP8 CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AT lmoldsiuud, coiner of Fifth and Brady streets, a large and most complete stock of the best (Groceries, comprising TEAS OF ALL KINDS Coffees and Sngars, Syrups, Molasses, Candles. ^9$ Soaps, 8tarch, Wooden WiM) 3Jg«5 Dried Fruit. Spies, Soda, Salt, Keroseae, Tokmeemnnd C%(trs, and, in short, everything thst can be in a lirst ela*s retail Grocery. He invites the attention of old customer* end'new to hiselioice stock, and is coiiu'dent that he can give complete satisfaction, both in good and prices. If you want the best Groceries coll at imvA-dtf) DOOLEY'S. WALTER KELLY, faally draeer & Pro?isiaa Dealer Cand ORNER OF 2d AND IOWA STS THE BEST freshest t.rot eries of all kinds for family noe. Provisions, Hams, Wooden Wure, Cordage kept in a first-class ltelaii Store t'a'J and ear-m ine my stack. am sure 1 can please jou MRSTTSEBELLA YOUNG, il'o. 84, Corner R'n'h bland it 2J /itt., HAS A LAROR STOCK Or Fresh lirsecries, Earthea Vara, Pare Wtaes aad LlqaOrs, CHOICE CIGAiitf AND TOBACCOS. AC. AC., which she is selling at very low prices, ('all and examine the goods. mhll-dly CARRIAGES. Bareipert Carriage Repesiterj A'o. 140 brady Stmt, (ahot* Fifth,) DAVENPORT, IOWA. J. HOYT PROPRIETOR CABBIACES, BUGGIES AXB HAIHEMES, Of Kaatera 91 aassfllsetae^»t and moat derable «|«alHy. His goods .were booght end contracted for before the greet rise in meterial and labor, which enables him to offer tbe URKAT. EST INDUCEMENTS to purchasers. Call be fore pnrcheaing elsewhere. fbll-dAwly wauwa mumsBsme •Asaoaas ee eaa Mftiprt Cirriige luafirtorf, /nORKCR THIRD HARRISON STRKETt V Davenport, Iowa, manufacture all kinda Carriages, Buggiea and Wagons from the bea material, and perfect satiefaction warranied. lte paring done on short notice. Hates moderate.— Knoourege home mechanics. decl-dtf COMMISSION. B. HEINZ, PraiieeA Cauistiaa Verchaat, eo. 4 acaaows* BUMS crvaa. TAT« HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR ALL kiada of Coaatry produce, butter, egga, ete. Beat stores always ea head. Bays and eells ea —amission. ayl«dtf RTHTIFAIKS, o u e o k e O.JM 80LTH-WATER ST.. CHICAGO Pt P. O. Boi tod. t'sah earaaeeaauda oa property la store. «seh7-dly JAHfeS Bf. p10MMI»HKN AND PIOMJCS tfERCAANT. V Arart Ibe Herring's Nhs aad falrbaaks' Mcales, Hydraalie Oreaaport, WUL Proprietors. Hndsoe, N. T. *ss BoU Cer teat. Plaster Psris sad Heir. IOWK NO. FROM STREET, ayl4-dtf ptfott 'dings, For Sale by Drasvists, Orocer^to, yAn 9citAA( WILL rim I K W I 1 I I *ae Ike Ssassa of tees. W. .* HESS & STERN'S K(wttM«tl«AKeUfl CLOTHING HOUSE'! I Iftrepslllai Block, JINIYEL, /KM. rpHK PKOPBIETORR OF TBTtB ISTAB- usssani beg leave to inform the ci tit ens ot Davenport, and surrounding country, that tbey have jest opened tbe largest aad most complete stock of O I N AND Genta' FurNtefeiitf BMO Ever brought to ttiis city. Having our own manufactory we can defy com pel itioti. both in assortment aiid price. We will be pleased to see everybody call and examine our stock, and they will And that we show our Goods with will uod pleasure. •ffflefffioM S o I e I We call attention to our large and complete stoek of Military Clothing, wbieh we offer at very re duced rates. Call aud post your selves in prices. To Country •fterchmnfa. Yon will find it to your advantage to examine oar stock laying in yotir supply, as we will sell them Goods st'New York prices. We shall con stantly reeeive all the new grades of Goods mtui ufactured. Our motto shall b", First li feshitB, Cheapest ia price HESS St STERN, Mammoth Clothing Hall, ifo. 9 Second street, Sletropolitan Building, Formerly occupied by Maek lims., mySO-dtf Davenport, Iowa. BAKERIES. Broad, Cakes and Pies ATTHI UNION BAKERY, Oa the north-side of Second Street, be* tween Brady and Perry, MADE OF THE BEST FLOUR, BY THE most experienced Bakers, and especially prepared For Family Use. Parties supplied on the shortest notiee. S*na Vow Order* aad thev will be promptly tilled by dec8$-dly JOCOB DAN. MOORE, Proprietor. THE PROPRIETOR OF THIS BAKERY having received reinforcements, ia now pre pared to furnish his old and new customers with BKE1D, CAKES, CKACKER8, AC., in any quantity on the shortest notice. Orilerf from the country tilled with dispatch and deliv. ered at the depot, steamboat landing aad ia a!' parts of the city free of charge. Bakery Na. 2ft East-frail Street, near Burrow's Mill, Daveuoort. oct.VdJkwtf J, C. CO.HKE.MJS, Wdealer HOLESAL iu Fo reign A American BRANDIES, Wines, Cains, Ac. Also, spent for the sale of I'UKE Old Bourbon, e, and Monongahela WHISKY. Front Street, nemr Mrmdg, JAM. H. DU9IOXT, Coppersmith and Brazior! And (General Jobber la Tla. Copper A liheeMroa. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO THE manufacture of heavy Shoot-lorn, smoke •larks, boiler l»re«*«'lilnfrwf sorgb nan eaas t'Ol l'KK STILLS.^CAl'S AND •VORMS. All kinds of house work. Plumbing, "tooting, Gutters, Conductors, Bathing Ataratus, "limps. Lead Pipe, cte., furnished to order. 1*ia Ware constnntlv n Len1, mid ira to order. Iiepaiiiti pn n utteutUd to. ^h No. 9 Main St.. near 1«IMj'tly jf" 2J1 KEF.I'S CONSTANTLY os FAND a large stoek of the most thorough ly made and moat modern styles ol Itroiig. iiV« I S I E E W FOR THE COMPLEXION. This delightfnl preparstion is the Bio?t efficacious A valuable article known for beauti fying the complex ion, and imparting to the skin tnat clearness and whit ties* so much cov- •Miimni eted. Unlike most pre parations offered to the public »s"beau xv\v tificis of the i-iim plexion," it contains no mineral ingred' is perfectly innocent, delicious and refreshing. ft is most delightfullv cool and soothing, re troves TAN, FRECKLES and DlSCOI.OItA TIONS, prevents Wrinkles, Rough and Sallow Cheeks, improves and preserves the beauty of the Complexion, and renders the skin white,aoft, smooth and elesr. Gentlemen, after shaving, will flni its aae agreeable and beneficial. Sold bv druggists and perfumers generally.— Principal depot I U I.ibvriv St.. N. V. [nvl-dly ANHOOD, AIN ND THE VIGOR OF YOLTH RESTORED EOUIt WEEKtL by DK. KICORD'S ES SENCE OK LIFK. Dr. Ricord, (of P«ris,J after aoaie four yean of earnest aoliritatioo, has at leagth acceeded to the urgent request of the American public, and appointed an amt in New York, for tne sale of his valaed and highly prised Eaeeace of Life. This wonderfnl acent will re store Manhood to tbe most shattered eonstitu tiona iu four weeks and, if used according to printed instructions, failure is impoaaible. This life-restoring remedy should be taken by all about to marry, aa' ita elects are permanent. Sneeeas, in everv case, is certain. Dr. Ricord's Kssenee of Life is sold in caaes, with full instructions for use, at #3, or four qnsntites in one for fS.'and will be sent to any. part, cearfully packed, on receipt of remittance to hie accredit^ agent. Circular sent free va receipt of fear stain pa. PHILIP ROLAND, 44? Broome Stjeet, One door west of Broadway, 9. T., ^11 dta* 3 ile e/eut for the United jisl-i. UHOTENTERI ft CeM PMM FORTE MNNFACTWIEFTS, 499 Brjlitft/i 1VKW TOBK. Tbe atteatlon of the public aid the trade isia vited to oar Hetr Seats Ortave Rosewood Piaao fuetee. which for volume end parity of tone are aarivaied bf any hitherto offered isrtbia market. Thev contain ell the aNtdera hanreveneate, freeeh. Grand Action, Harp Pedal. lron IVsroe. Over fHrnng Base, 4c., aad each instrument being made aadertta persoaal aapervteionoMlr. ).K. ftaevastaas. who baa had a peactieal experience of aver 90 rears ia their ftiaaafaetnre, la fmUf sawsh/ls rswy parUemU*. Tk* "Qraaeatetn Pitna Fbrtf* reetimdtka highest amard of atenlaaet- nU atkeri at the Celebrftad WarWa JWr. Wheie were eabihitsii insttaaiuts tea tbe beet makers of I^ndoa, Parta, Ckgany.Philsirlpfcis WaWanrn w»s»ar aa T*-nr Terk aad Use at a or Ali. ttXM. 'AH VSII|IMMD Tmeln, Lrt tM IteMM. fee. Falrlaakfl, Creealeaf 4 Can Lake Htreet, Chicago.! J~Be careful to bay only the geuuia^ augS'-tlAwly T~\R. WftAUUUI ^lWeUND RXTKACTOP IREWEE0! Or, niM ami UYER SIRVP, Is believed to be the greatest remedy ever dis covered for the Reaaval af laaers la He Bleats It is a vegetable compouud. and contains no mineral or poisonous substance wbatcrar it is entirely harmless, and at the same tune powerful in its t.-11'ects. pyThis pienieine ia WARRANTED te care the followiu^ complaints F/nt W£AI.. iTfihS. Mrrnfu'a! FlliRWEKlt. CI HKS SUf A'/icvm F1UK U'FA D.. Crjt/ s.. S^atd Htad -4 Fill A' WE El*.. Tli'LS.. Stu''tnrii I Flh'L \VEE1 l'RES.. lihsumatitm FIKE II LED.. t:l RES.. En.oiri.rt tr T*tt*r I FINE \VEL'l.. i I KES.. IKmtth* the Fa'? FIRE II Eh/'.. i RES. 'hr»r, i? S r* Eyn FIRE Wt.ElK 17 RES.. ./1 iint ll HE WE t.lf.. I EES.. f/J.'E WEED i HES.. (n,tnit.jvr Eruptirmf! And all diseases eriiiiug from an impure Mate of the blood. One or two buttles will cure Chronic Liver Complaint. The Warrantee. Wearcawa'e that m&ny tnedieines are war* ranted, knowing that tin v wiil nev« return ed. Put we assurt* yi»u that we do not wish Tui»r aMter without giving value retfir«H, Wfi h» *,t is worse than roybery to get gain In that way, and when we warruni thin medicine, we mean what we suy. If any one uses the Fneweed for the diseases lor wbieh we recommend it, and is not fullv satisfied that it is not ali we recom mend it, he can return the bottle to the ngent he purchased the medicine of, who will refund tbe mouey. Should your nearest druggist not hnve the ar ticle, do not be put off"«ith any other prepnratioa that may be offered in its place, but semi to our •gent, aud he will forwaid, securely packcd, by by express, BKU ARK HAH1T. PIONEER BAKERY. or IMPOSITION. See that our signature is on every bottle yon buy. anil that "l)r. Heaver's Compound Extract of Firewecd, or Humor or Liver Svrup" is blown In the bottle—none other is genuine. Priee #1 per bottle, or sii bottles for #•. gent by express on receipt of the money. Sold by all driisjvitus aud medicine rfeslers. iilker Jk Taylor. l*roa*s. H. St.OVll,, s itandoipli Street, Chicago Wholesale Agent. aug)i-dly SR. BHsELOW, Confidential Phynlelnn! (Formerly of St. I.onis, Missouri,) 1T9 Heath €7lark Street, Cblcage. ^pHE «X1 V RKGi: LARLY EDUCATED AND J. legnlly ju ilitieit ri vsi. in?i in Chicago wbo tuakes tiie treatment ol' Privute Couiplaints a speciality. His oIlive ha* been estuidisiieii ex pressly to nfl'ord the afflicted sound and scientitie medical aid, without the use of u.nrciirr or nox ious drugs. Dr. B. IIUN for many yearii devoted his whole attention to the treatment of private complaints in their varied and eoinplicuteif forin*. lii» success in the treatment of those long stunn ing und ditiiciilt eases, such as were formerly con- The universal und unfailing success in the treatment adopted by him, hns proved beyond a doubt that a permanent cure tor the worst cases I of constitutional syphilis, gonorrhtea, strictures in nnv form, all mercurial affections, diseases of fie skin, kidneys and bladder, im|iotency, sper niuton iue.i. etc., can now he obtuined tn a niorai certainty if application be made to those lutelligcnce.skill and exitertrnce enn be relied on. Youngrueirespecially wno have become vie' tims of solitary vice or self-abuse, that dicadiiii and destructive hsbit, wl.' .h annually sweeps to an untimely irruve thousnnds of young men of the most exaltedtalcnts and brilliant intellect, mov cail with a full confidence ail'4 perfect cine. Females suffering from irregular is attendant on puberty, menstruation or pregnancy, or per sons having auy obstruction to marriage, should ace the doctor at once and be cured. He thinks it is bis duty to advise the unfortu nate, paitieularly strangers, to be eareful that they are not deceived bv false advertisements of bouaiiug impristera. He who plates himself un der the enre of Dr. 11. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely up on hi- skill as a physician. Dr. B. wiil tell the patient previous to commen cing the treatment of his ease how much he will effeet a rure and when such an arrangement i« entered upon, in no cane will he make a second charge. Office and Rooms within half a square of the Post Office, where all are polile'y invited to call. Office houiafrotn 8 a. m. to*, p. ni. Sundays 10 a. m. to noon. Consultation at office free. Stnd i siamnsandget nis Uuidcto Health. POST OFFICE BOX ir,t. spl.l dAwly_ All. Private Diseases Cured Without Mercury DR. WHITT!ER IS HKfjr- I.AULT educated and legiti mately 'I'talilied, and has expc^ rience in nil forms of disease, a knowledge quite indespensable r//in the proper treatment of the venerinl diseases in all its varied and complicnted forms, and has for Vc.i^ made the treatmuut of privute iliscasea his business and study. Experience, the best ol teachers, has enntded him to perfect remedies nt at sufficient, safe, permanent, anil in most cases cun be used without hinderance to business Particular attention given to old standing c»s es, such as were cfinsidered incurable. Syphilis in all formw OonorriKca, tileet, Strictures, Orchites, Diabetes, Klnddernnd l.'rinary diseases. Also, the effects of solitary habits, both ruinous to bodr and mind, and which produce some ofthe following effects lllotclies, Ikidily Weakness, Constipation. Aversion und Uneasiness in Fe male Society, L'nmanliness, Dread of Future Eventa. finally a complete prostration of the vi tsl powers, loss of memory, ringing in the ears, can be fullv restored to health. Dr. W. fa the publisher of a new work, entitled "Sip tbe Eril in tba bud," which will be sent to nil on receipt of 10 eents to prepay poet age. All letters with stamp answered. Conenltation free. Chargee moderate aad eare gaereateed. Dr. Wbitter cares tbe very went kiad of rap tnre in a few weeks. Poet office Box 3894, Office aad Consnltatioa Rooms 1B4 South Clark Street, Chicago. You can see the Doctor every day from 8 A. M. to 8 P. angM dAwl y "W C. H. SMITH, BJitR Embracing Braealeta, Pins, Ear Drape Hhirt Buttons and 8tuds, Onard and Fob Chelae of ev«ry st le. Rings, Heart Pins, Cbartas, Mottoes. Ornaments of every known etvle, aad it the Best eat aad most snbstaatial meaner. Highest Cesb Priee paid for NUMAN HAIIV. Residcnes and office No. 0 Beet Third Street •ATKIMBT, WW A. *iy (aw) ummi't Direetions for tneesarlag tbe Bead: Ho. 1—Beaad the Bead Ve.—PHaa Bar to Cer Ss, S—fVoei Bar to Ear, {over He d—Froa fsrshsal te was. Wigs, T»ap—»Catlst ail the latest Me iaJfeir Dnasisas nus CERTAIN AND 8AFK I JBeaawal ef ObHrw AvahNa aa*, 9MMv Irrmlan JG2SSZ Ml They tare Sreta They ear. Sresa ishasa tOMsvaM). Rerveas aad Iplaal AnatMM^ aa4 Www parte atjbe Mr. £.r- dwiuwiy wni*. wwn a, aeetala aothlat eeUtertoM to anjr emiitltatlaa, however 4eUeale, their taactlM Mae salxtHate Streagth for weakaea, (tick, wh«a yreperly assd. they never Ml te do. They aay be aafcly aatd a aay ace, a»4 a eay peiled. esoefv eeaiee eaa near reasa aewiak Mu whtrh the aalMllaf aatare of tbrtr tcilw rnddh Vooid afeWMy rum arrfaaaey. II letters seeklaelabnaatlon Mvlee «H ilr, treely aa41 all dlrectloas a* Bptlr, freely aa IJF rail alreeHoas i heproai! •anmi ih I FHce 91 per bea, er six bases hi It. Frtce 91 per bea, Y9" Beat by atail, free «f pestsgs, ee reaetptet Fsaphlsa sert by sail hee ef pastage, kp BR. W. IV. aiailWIN A OO., U umtr »t-. Itew Tort, PwpHrtlpfc DR. WRIGHT'S RBJUVBN1TIN6 BLIIII? or, xaanros or Lira, jjj rtjuaul. ike wMa aad aieeeeae ^a»- 2 QF" The Rrjuv.-m'lnK Kllilrlf thr remit of I trn dlneovt-rlf* in i.« itretibb kingdom aa enttrrly n"» and abstract ia*thvl of eare, IrrM pectin- .r nit I lie old and worn «ut •ratrins. Till* m-dlclne tnu hrrn t««tVd by th* most •mhivnt medical m.-n of tho dajr, and by then pee* nauueed to bs oar st the greete* lodWal dmnM aftlieace. inc bottle eare neneral DeMlltv. A tew 4U«Mwill cares HjrMerics la frmai'i. One bottle cures Val|StaUoa at the Heart," From one to three bottles restores the aiaMS am sad faU vigor of youth. na* a itw ImiraHfii the appatla. fV»Thfas bottles care tba worst «an of 1 teacy. fw~ A few Sn*M cara Uie law splrllad. 'T. Oae bottle restores aintal pote, fjTA/tm Jo*fi rrstam th* orfam tfgmermnm, jy1 A few doses briac the taut to the chsek. This attldoe restores to aianly vlfor and robust health the pear debilitated, worn-dawn and despairing. par- The listless, enervsted jraath, the over-task* *d nan of bariness, the vletha of nervaas tqinaha, the Indlvldaal saBerlng froa feaeral debility, mtbua of mrnrk ays, will all Snd 1 sidercd incurable, is sufficient to recommend him to the public ns worthy of the extensive patron age which helius rcteived. In professional ex perience in hospital and private practice extend ing through tnanv years -n tins and oilier depart- ments of medicaf science, he is the disiovi rei of the only safe, stcedy and reliable remedies for i these viriilent, secret and chronic diseus^s, and has letters of recommendation from the most distinguished und experienced Surgeons unri Physicians of this country, ns testimonials of hi* superior skill and profound jndgment in the I treatment of diseases of a private nature. Iuhm-er dlate and parmaneat relief by the ase of this KlUIr er Kssenee of l.lfc. Prtee, |t per bottle or three bottles fee 9% aad forwarded by Express, on receipt of meaty te anv a'Mress. .. The Cherwkee VKIe and M«Jaa Wetiatlnc Bllstr* are told by alt enttrpiQeg Droifirirtu In tbe civility! world. Borne nnprlnelplea defers, however, try to all worthleei eoaipoaadi •poos* la place of Dime tlrose which tbey eaa purchase a a cheap price, snd awke more money by sell' tog, tlianttcy csn oo those wedtHaos. Asyoavalae your health, aye, the health of yoar fatare off* Raggfst*, rtnir. do ant be deceived by such unprincipled mt for Msae wttikimu and tttkr no oth er*. If the Druntit will not buy them for TOO, en* able th' money a letter, aad we will send ihea to you by Kxprees, securely sealed and packed, free from ohsi-rvatlon. Ladles or Gentlemen caa arfdreM la perikcl eenfldence, utatln^ fully aad plilnly their dlseasM and •ymptoms, as we treat all of a ehroala nature In male or female. Path-nia need not hesl tate lieeaus? nf their InaHllty to vliilt a*, as we have treated patients suecesriSlly la all portloas at the ri til I led globe, by corre^toadenaa. Patients addresdnft us will alsaas state plainly all the symptoms of their complaint*, aad write Pea. office, .:ity, State and name of writer, plain, sad Inelrxe pootage atamp for reply. W. tnd mr 82 pagt Iwmmtilet fru to anv ad* dres. Alt rem all letters for Pamphlets or advice to the proprietor, Dr. W. R. MKRWIN A OO., Me.« Llbsrtv arsat. New T«e% ••a -a aaM a Wk'iiesals a Okicago by fntsi, Pi sea A FcLLsa 0. O. SBITB loa» i Raira Bcasssa A Vsa Bctiici W. D. Hisa A Co. tana A Owrss, and Soomu M«hy Act Promptly and Certainly IX Ai.T. ETAM:^ OP CONSUMPTION. Tbey immediately Ineresee thos/renv4 and d*ptn tnf wwroftlic/if/p A^'^Tlicy RulNliic Ftxtr,an!liiiiiinixli icritfinp. TJi,-y eheck them^Ar aiv :iys, tn liiu i rrn »/i 'trlr-a day*. The i2 yu I* at ©:e.o i.inj anj tho patient mjii i/ gt.ivs t'n cmzh x.i'J the st'fir,,H brtail.itif are si.eeillly ,1: tlif sleep tn'comi's' i1 fn nnd refrealilnir 111 rr,u unhurt*rtwu. Inr anl AM. T1IB IJKS Kit A f. t-Vilf. TOM!4 IMSAI'PKAH WITH A li.M H'iTV Til AT BKKilel SJAUVtlAiCd.-y. E. kuichiU, M. D. THE HYP0PH08PHITBS are an appropriate and srsciric Rraeor for even dlwnlfr ciiaractcriztd Ly any one or more of tne following tr SYMPTOMS I}{/firv:r, Impirfrrt, tr too Pifid tlr'nthinf Caid* Wr it 'jf th'. Kj rt niti't S'i*ht or Jll 'ininf t'hUUf Jltrfi, Wa*'n:f nf f'l, -A, of (ike Glatufa, er Kirming* Ctmgh Lout of fitrrfifth Ttritaunf ©f tho v im or mwrlr* Sho»!in{ PniM tbrooL'h the Pth Vh**t, /V! or mb* JPur'i'nt or T,!''t Isut oi' \':n i* of tho Awhete Oidditttn £nr«ire Pntenm* tfiftt "i, bat of Af],'lit*, Ururt-llum, 4lpii iiioa of the S noiS, a", r, or JSMinf the ifoHuum brjort ectiu i tfirmk or tksr Awact I |«ar tin of the lUnr»'*i Kaltom Vomplftttm iirranfl •ten's of the Lirrr or Hidnr-'jt lUhirdtd OromOL or 0'' -jrd Itrniltinn. i» ttifcfrra F.rtromt 4fcdX" lir-wM to Cv'd, dr. ss tn theeeveral etagaa af Cotuump'inn. In CntorrtL A9thmm, UnmMMo, As frptin, f' ••Mi, E Porayi*,(pnrtU tr o»y we.) 4jr., „,-d BnssylaltraM ig trdm ir Vttrino Irrejtmhn i.'«e£si|en as IMJUemL PiUi\/»t, SrnitO. Ktrrttite, IMlaytm, Prtmmtmro or too f'rtfueni Mtnotrumlivn. are the ben remedy known to Medleal Menea, la every C3K« vli re tlie phyaivian eotnmvnly pMh aeriiics *toniciron, tthiolsry, toddtver on, fadt lae," fl-e. Ws«aa af lHa«aa« •r*anr saa %lheoperetiater Mkselnh s MbfaeWMk ru ee aaeasa ie redneed, end their iiliaaii ••saperanve powers. Bmoras or Baaaamt'e Ptttui CedaMvb iWUb was.—Tbe wbole qm&tm ttfelUM. If tbertMBecb af#Myns genefel JasMtf eeseexiste ia snypaet of •Ml nrtpvfMf mkmwa if" in A i i V71nohest«r's Genuine Preparation _| ,, ..M or THE VPOPIIOaPJtiregIsthe only refW /'e firm nf t'.ls llemedy, and is aoprwve-iby the Me ^cnl I rnf. .*ft»a giterally. J/SB SO OTUBH, sou a v v nKMnmr vostAisisafiw. 1'KK'l*^: -In 1 ex. Bottle*|t-8is Bottlse far$i. Inliiox.Ro!!U*%i2—ThruaforSS. Olrsetaes tie. Mold by all -«pcetabl« Draesiata, and at the jete Uaaernllfepot In the United States, by mwTH. tot m±m aa*. Wrv