Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 10. BKAiL BaTATeB ANB ANCE filial JOHN L. SWIT3 & C0.» L. SWITR, I. B. KILIf W. P. KIlHt, JVftOlcola' meek. («P •«»%), "W tCt'O^DIT. (•imti 4 CniBfroci Firw, CITY LOTS, DwMliiMK Hoi Bought, Sold and andc'mro.aTjditg beautiful river view. File* $ 1,900. dn'ler fine -HO, «i(h good dwell ing and out building well aril, tf. cash, balanc" on tune to cuit. No. S u0o I'ir ii on the Iowa CHyfl.oenst iv, ali uuiUr \v I'liiviition. bid a .ice »trvt road, in'l-'* tr Mid ti-Tiber land/ Good Uo 'ctory Hame dwell rnc I'Tth iif-eessnry out building,, etc. Tnee Frtrm of acre- on River road be t-,T* IV.ncetou ard I.ecl.ure l..rKe orchard. in i-llinsr, barn and '»t )ii»v»a. 1 rioe Lz' r-tuh halcn(*C Oil tlllW to SUit. N.i Qoe IL*.?1 ll« *"v*ic* r»rmin CleotiaTownship n*r of F**u ill and !ura::t »U- Wvs on the H. & M. U,ilr,ad. all i-'M'rovvd and •JtJ i. fence «iid vritli good hoosc and bam |2,. P^r acre. oUlPT. r,o ,V above, with l^e itnprovemtnM. »29 per at *,^1 acre* rniniproved land near Dtt • #1" per fear's at ton per cent. 2o. ner*'s in l.inn v.onnty, inder i'ence.'i a cres iu Sioux county at fier acrik 1II40 acres in «'lav county at *1 per acre W''.'' acre* in Hancock county at 1 per acrlfe acres iu Winnd»!M£» o. at |1 per acra. It per acre, per acre. i oiintv. £'«.io acres at i io acre* ulf 2 acres in Tama ISO acres id Stor ceunty. 4W acres in Oruudv county at ft per acre, g, ,, acrca iu U.uK county ai per acre. acrt i 640 acres in Houston t'ountv at: &.„< per acre. :•,. acra o/ i" t!'u ttr Hiitfirl Fire Usnruce OF HARTFORD, CONN. fldii Fire lisirMW Ct^ OF 'KW VORK. ItlsatteFlrelBiarsBeeCei OFNBW YORK. IJBIT Fin ImmM C#^ New York, •••e lisvuee €•«, No v r..n. 9»riiKfleM **3t MIROT. Leaood. House Lots for Sale* A Or«ftt BatToiB. No Tho* 1'iI•»!'• ouildii.f* l"ts corner fweiftUaad Kort: Isiun.l feeing front on s"uii l-'tH street, «'d 1Stf on •Mt side of ^ir^vt. fh«- shore i» n iy ii»* location: price very Icir- terias uncommonly easy—a »»n*U amount ef caab down—iw'un'oon kini»t»rm or year* at a low ralo of iaU" .« No 41 1k1 on lir*trJv street, westftjde,66 feet front bv IIS feet .rirp rerrlow On por ment for Hi" lot w'!' Am No 21 On Jira street, 10" feet front by ISO Ml deen-fenred. '5 riee flil per from 'oot No. 8. On Thii =tr. t. lot So. ljt'ar*er »M fction, corner l't,)i.r:c*. f'f". No S" Four house lot" in D»Tiim A Tut additiontllWenel. Terms easy. No* "1 B2, 33. Thirty house lots in Slnyme (/r't addition I'/*' to #15" each. Terms easy. Ho. '.7. A valuable city 1-t t-. E. corner of Main and College Avenue a'"'feet on Main by 160 feet on Coil«*e Aveuuc a WGTIHORE'S ADDITION, (Commonly known as "1* Claire McS,1*) IS NOW LMO OFF INTO LOTS .OF ILL PRICES, MO THEY ME RUDY FOR S*LE ON VERY CAST TERIS MO LOW PRICES. Wilt Lf*», Store Lots, Warehouse Lots, Factory Lot*. •tore for nale. Bo 47. One on *th St., just east of Brady St. Me! 48. Four on Mh neur Railroad bridge. HOUKCB for Kale, htn\ til-, a -kn-fi'Ty brick dwel ls lv 'i" ', cor. Lvndc nnd No. 10. In The in '-ondi'Kjri, is lio .v tinted pos-s=.. S i on in 3dnys. (The house. ZTk:V" 1....S0 «ud lot n,bv o„e tUiiil cusli: baliincc on liinu ul low interest .No ,v. A IJI-I W ilv-iiii'H on K iia M. »1 «o0- c»*h. ri -t on time »t -per c-.-nt. N'o S7. Tlse e»t:it» no* ouned and _oreopted bv leo S C. i«w. Ksn .'K nis the dwelling housj »nd ttir'. o full t.. If-ntinji uth upon •,•!» M., sorner vf :te.:t. 1 oou-e is p'-r^ feet repair, bavins iM htti up by the owner for himself. The entire arr«n?cmeui ot the bouac U taat-l'ul and e»nittl»ie. Tl riew frotn tbia tlAct? it1 uiisurpa^TITIIIH m.^y. No 8(* Brick house and lota, •onthtaat cor- Mr of 4th and Main Sts., known aoTlionngtonea tate 15 1 ft. from un each St. l*r»ee|»i,'W may renmin for a t-ra. ot n un at a low rate of .nterst No 'i Frume hoi«! s mtii wide 8d t. one •lite Vest of Uttt'ly -tre-t t.ri,^ V,**- Jj*®" thirds may remain vi\ moi-Tm^c »t six per cent. Farm* Wa#lei« We want to purchase iiaprored farm* flrom 80 to 169 acres etu iu I'.irms Tor ^ale. No. 75. F.iuii'v re f«Ht\ 1 niilc from city limits, on tin r«te»*d, frii't oreh' r,-r* -*ir-W Fnw the Allan's ('rove road, all DAILY DEMOCRAT. l,|Llp(MUl^ll. Put *MrTMft aadiSM* s«eei,BaiM,ete ear agea* la them OHMS M«nniiiilt»tomwiiiniim«*rtwl UMI tar as at oar tovaat rate*. C. H. Mann, paaitw (treat, CMeafo. la u thorla«4 to race! ad mt'teawat. for U»i« paper- LOCAL ITEMS. And purchase one of those splendid Parlor Vein Plaaoo, or a Superior Hclodron They are just the thing for Holiday JPrenenWtk itM FOR RENT—A limited number of Chnirf \f\n Piaaoi k MrlodriBt. decl3-dtf J. HOYT. Go TO Tin? will b' loomJ n tff..1 /f u( fit 91X B*KT.—Go DR. FERSABD, to Bryant ft Strat- ton's Chicago Commercial College, to get a thorough practical biisincxs ciucation, or to licorr.e a T'»d jiound tcl'-fTHph operator.— For cirmlara addreaa (enclosing statu pit) Bryant A Stratum, Chicago, Illinois, dwly. BC.CIXESS EDUCATION.—To procure a thor ough knowledge of book keeping and get a th' rough practical business education, at tend Pratt's Commercial Ci llege, corner of 5th and Brady. Every facility afforded at reasonable rates. Reduced rates to disa bled soldiers. mr7-dAwly the celebrated Spanish Physician, ia at his office, on Main street, Davinport. *p6-d&wt. "THE difference between a fool and a wise man.'' The wise begins where the fool leaves off. The wise insure their Life and Health before ditteaaa overtakes them. The ttite lequire no argument to prove that a few thousand dollars left to a helpless family will sa?e them from vice and misery. The wUc know that five or ten dollars per week is not only a relief but a support to a family visifed by sickness. Become wis before it is too late, and examine a subjec^ tliat interests the human family in the high est degree, at the office of Wv. AM.KV I V ALLS, Room Xo. 2. over Mackl t's Bank, Corner of Bruuy aud 2d streets. Oct. 10-dtt. Tins best toilet articles are to be found of Grobbe & Co., under the Le Claire House. He keeps the genuine articles. Nt llOOI.. JUNIOR clast will iminence on Monday evening, Nov. 21st, in the ludnentof the Presbyterian church. Advanced class will commence on Wednesday ^ening, Nov. 23d, in the same place. Tickets for cach class to gentlemen.. .$3.00 To ladies 1.50 Terms—20 lessons. J. C. WALLACE. CLOAKS, shawls, woolen sacks. Garibaldis, hoods, comforters, and drets trimmings generally in great variety, and for sale very low at Streoper's, No. 7 Metropolitan Block. RCSIMWT DEXTJFT.—K. D. CriAWRE.—Mr. Dotvd has opened a splen did New Photograph Gallery on Bradv St., near the Post OlBce. With the best Light in the We:*t—long expericuce nnd untiring energy to keep up with the improvement of the age, with an earnest desire to please, cannot fail to moke him successful in his new place. Give him a call. dec.l5d2twl WASTED.—A aero farm situated near balttnce in five (50 i mprored and cash. Vi ice #1.' 4 ac. OH iu tows county at ?|«-r acre. FIRE i„ Mower co., at 2..o per acre (.'Voft- icuuty at |5 F1RB INSURANCE. Iggngat* Capital TOB 'Ab C«^ Fire Insurance |Qp gppTXtiFIELPi MASS, FILE Ufc luaraaee C», Hartford, Conn., ov iitlFOlD, CONN. •1 New York. life ItowYork, Ml lifMn W iM few Iowa War and Defense Fund'" Bond.?, for which the highest market price will be paid. Apply at this office. ADVICE GRATIS. Ir men ba is short, dry and uncomely If it is falling out or turning pray I fit cannot be kept in the position desired If you wish to have curls If yuo desire gloss}-, luxuriant locks If yon admire a delicious perfume, Try a carton of "Ltibin's Floriline," and the result will exceed your most san guine hopes. Soid by ail dealers in Lubin's perfumery everywhere. Kivn's Hot*.—The Fire King Engine Company No. 1, wiil give a grand ball at the tier man Theatre on Wednesday evening, the 21st inst., to ra'se funds to purchase a Steam Fire Engine. J. T. TUCFLK. SIBSTAXTIAL. True to hia promise, Shields' ia turning out some most substan tial and finely finished goo is for this mar ket. Gents can get winter suits made of this excellent material cheaper than from Eastern goods, of the same grade. Flannels, blankets, stocking yarn, etc., in full variety at Sam Perry's, opposite the Post Office. rush of ladies and gentlemen at Far rrad's for splendid fur setts, fashionable hats and caps still continues unabated. His stock, al vays prime, was never so complete as now* Cbce him a call, and save ton per cent. MILITA 1NSURASGE. RT Clothing of every variety, to gether with Furnishing goods, in great var iety, just opened at Maas & Mayers, No. 11 West Second Street. Call and see. A. F. MAST BAttta TAKEN AN INTEREST OT TBS hniriKe tataa vtth B0BT. SIMPSON & CO. Is prepared to aMend to the wants of his friends and the pbMic far FIRE, Co.* 1—»h RMAMNEMtlUML OTSBitl 0.000)000 CAPITAL wvif DAVENPORT, tUiMMlU Hvwr, ih—li bo nry YEARS CHRISTMAS MO NEW GIFTS. Call at Boyt'ii, \f Wlreot* PARTICULAR NOTICE.—Dealers 1 Tu lea.—The prmmt atyta «T waalhir ia caloihtad to waakaa j—jsad of aixmpkm caitioaa la QnTLcma, for a Cbriataaa prnaent bay yoor wife a Florence Sewing Machine, wbieb will bo both useful and ornamental. Ton can And them on the corner of 3d and Perry streets, upstairs, No. 11. TnAXKs.—We are under obligations to our young friend B. W. Clark, the popu lar clerk of the Kate Kearney, for St. Louis papers one day ahead of the Mails. Ben. informs us that his boat got frozen in at Quincy during the late freeze, which pre vented her going into the lower Mississippi trade this winter as expectcd. FACTS roa THE PEOPLE.—It HABPEBS' MAGAZINE Myers ia the oldest and most experienced Dentist in Davenport, lie furnishes artificial setts or parts of setts, in the most accurate style. .Sati»r:ic(ion warranted. Office, Northeast corner of Perry ard Third streets. d&wtf CLEAR CASE or ^\VINILIXO.—Several .eks »go a by the name of John Bale arrived with his wife and two children in this city, ahd stopped at the Burtis House, registering his name as "John Bell.'' He was but slightly acquainted with a gentle man in this city, and to him he represented that he (Bale) was in good circumstances, having been engaged in some speculations connected with the army, in which he had realized several thousand dollars. The fam ily of the gentleman here visited with Bale's family back and forth, and no suspicion ex isted that anything was wrong with the new comer. He intimated further that his trans actions with the army had led him into a law suit, and calculated that the decision of the court would soon put him in possession of about twenty-five thousand dollars more. Bale was a gas fitter and plumber by trade, and expressed a desire to negotiate the pur chase of John Rowe's gas fitting establish ment. He was about Mr. Rowe's shop much of his time, and bargained for bis prop erty, but did not close the trade. He as sumed the responsibility, however, of sell ing some of Rowe's goods—to the amount of about $75, and appropriating the pro ceeds, for which act Rowe had him arrested. He had no money with which to settle the matter, neither could he get security, but succeeded in effecting a settlement by turn ing over to Mr. Row* two setts of jewelry belonging to his wife. About the same time he forged Rowe's name toaa order on Sickels & Preston, hardware merchants, for five boxes of tin. The order was honored, and Bale had the tin delivered on the sidewalk in front of Rowe's old stand on Brady street—Mr. Rowe having then removed to Grigg's Block, Perry street. He then got a team ster and had the tin taken over to Bock Is land, where he sold it lor one hundred dol htra—about forty-five dollars less than the market price, and since that time he has not been seen hanabouta. About a vnk since Sickels t, Preston aent in their bill to Bowa for the fire boxes of tin, and It tbeir surprise found that Le had ordered ao tin. They immediately set about (ranting up their property, and luckily found the team ster Who had taken the goods to Bock la went there and found it had abore stated, finding that there was no coaapttoity between Bale and the tinners there, Ifaairs. S. ft P. gener oualy Battled the matter by the tinners paj* tag them the difference between tho price they paid ($100) and the ml tatoe. iWa is at targe, but titfn la it telliag Mar ha witt h«* wnr ftr Ms ftea,» thenar* «n Cnr.-thia (Ms dty, and wfB open kee Mjsa R. B. CLINOKAS, Agent. THIS EVESINO.—The Fair for the benefit of the "Kinder Garten" opened at Lahr mann's Hall this afternoon, and will be an object of interest this evening. It will be continued to-morrow and to-morrow ereo ii'5- in pork and produce will please take particular no tice of the card of Browuell & Perrin, pork and produce commission merchants, Chica go. Dealers in this line will always find this a prompt and reliable conccrn. floLDirns' FAMILIES.—The citizens of the 5th ward will please remember the meeting at the Pennsylvania House this cTening. the object of which is to perfect the ward organisation, the better to seenre contribu tions for the families of soldiers that are in need of assistance. Let there be a full at tendance. Two MOBE REOINESTS.—Gen. Baker has ordered the organization of two more regi ments in this county, to to done on Satur day next This will muke four regiments in the county—a pretty strong force. We deem the county perfectly safe when this force is ready for the field. is a fact that '•Smith, the Hatter," can furnish better Christinas presents, and more of them, than any other concern in town. He has ele gant fur setts of uiany kinds—just the thing to present to a dear mother, wife or sister, or to an adored sweetwheat. lie has spier did fur hoods, gloTes and hats for the same purpose. He has also fur setts, fur hats, caps, cage's—silk hats, etc.,- the very thing to present to a father, husband or brother— or .somebody else! lie has taken particular pains to supply the demand for choice and elegant Christmas goods. He always deals fairly, ard at this time will sell lower than ever, btorc on the corner of Main and 2d, opposite the LeClaire House. roa JAXUABV.—This numer of the Harper haa come to hand, freighted as usual with the moat sterling littrary productions of the dar, many of which are splendidly illustrated with en gravings. The Harper is the most popular magazine of the day, and most richly does it deserve the great prosperity it enjoys. It is the aim of the proprietors to avail thein-clves of the best tilent of this and other countries, with which to make this Magazine of first importance. No one is well iead who is not a constant rcn-Vr o? liii r's Monthly. Now K ihe tinu- iu •n,.e for it. Call at the News Depots and commence with the New Year. IOWA, SATURDAY* DECEMBER 17^1864 "BLJ 1. PANMU or BCUAB'S The scene of the battery is splendid, and as you gnze on the beautiful ground to the ocean beyond, you can almost feel the re freshing sea breezes. Beautiful indeed does it seem to the eye to look over the extensive dockage ground, where lies vessels, great and small, which are familiar with the wat ers »f every sea. The closing scene is Crys tal Palace on lire, which alone ia worthy of the attention of every Milwakeean. None can see this Panorama and be dissatisfied, while all will wonder at the great and high gift of the artist, who is worth of the bright est laurels which Genius can wear. This Panorama will remain a short time longer. All should go and see it. ATTEMPTED BAM ROBBEUY.—Some perienced cracksmen undertook to enrich themselves by breaking into the Stale Bank at Muscatine two nighta since. The Journal says: "They succeeded in making a bote iwo feet square in the brick wall of the vault, but could make no impression on the safe, which was oneofLHlie s patent chilled iron, with gunpowder-proof lock. The thieves must have become akriDed here, a* they left part of their tool* behind th'jui" They broke in(o three or fourstoros, blew open two safes—realized about $250 in their enterprise and left. They had not been ap prehended at last accounts. ECONOMIZING COAL.—The ican, II tND«0MEi v TnRAiiiED.-The bcstthraph ed army in the country is that of one Gen eral Hood who has been managing rebel af fairs down in Tennessee. And tbe man who has administered the chastisement is Gen. Thr tnas and his brave Western boys. For further particulars see telegraphic reports. We doubt very much if Hood will care about another encounter right away. Pl'T TltEK TUBOCGU.—TWO fcllOW*, flOt having the fear of the law before their eyes, made a raid upon the fencc of the County Fair Grounds, appropriating the lumber thereof to their own use. Th* matter com ing to the notice of Edwin Smith, the Pres ident of the society, they were brought into court and smartly fined for their thievery. GIBL WAKTED.—A COMMERCIAL. Saveapert Market*. Omcc or TH* L)AvmroBT DBMOCBAT, I i Friday evening, Dec. 16.1564. ffctfrtt.—Retail #»,«'• bbl. #8.80 paper sacks, *8.50 balk Wholesale 18.80 bbi. paper sacks $8.40 #8.00 bulk. W MAT.—No.1, well cleaned, ronnd and pkimp, Club, Tea and Ualena, #1.4) *o. 8, ell eeui, not clean enough for No. 1, #1.135. CORN —So. i, sound, plamp and dry, {Mc. No.*, 61. OATS. NO. 1, clean aad so nnd, BABLKT.—#1.S0£1.40. OM.—Uvo, MA a dressed, JsmSBBSBSBBSSSSBSSB Knr Yoax ianmrin To-4«yvs falg complimentary notice from the Muwau». ceetfa. alter parie* erpenne*. iMUy Witmuim Butlard's Panorama of New York Citr, exhibited at Birchard'a Hall during the past several days, is decidedly tbe most to HOMain panorama of that dty over dieplayed in tho Waat. All the principal publicbuOdinga of i M. to«i P. the Metropolis of America, are to be seen in' audi perfect atyle that nothing but the reali ty can ejual. The most beautiful to the eye are the different churches, AstorHonse, City Hall, residence of John Jacob Astor, the house occupied by L.e Henry Clinton, Lord IIowc, Arnold, the traitor, and after wards by an immortal Washington. Im agine yourself rlowly riding up Broadway, and you wiil not have a more true and re liable a view than this panorama will give you Sea OChicago, ex Scientific Amer in an article on this subject, offers the following hints, which are particularly op. porti:ue now that coal brings such enor mous rates in our market. Our cotenipo rary says: *'A good bright fire can be steadily maintained with coal, with less trouble than any other kind of fuel, but not by rakir g, poking and pi'ing in green fuel continually. After breakfast the fire should be cleared of ashes if there be any, and fresh fuel put on to fill the grate moderate ly. Let the oven damper be turned up, so as to heat it, and leave the email top door open, more or Ian, aocording to the inten sity of the beat required. In thia way air enters over the top of the fire, and main tains a far better combustion and conse quently greater heat than when the draft dampers are thrown open. A washing can be done or 'ironings' accomplished with one-third less coal than is generally thought neccssary to use. Cinders will burn admi rabh' in small cylinder stoves, and heat a mir-cry or a laundry as hot as it should be. Every shovel-full saved is a shovel full of coal put in the ccllar, and a hint to the wise is enough on this point." e y Decay. Pisemi-s of competent girl to do general housework. Best of wages paid by i GEO. E. I1UBBELL, dclT-tf ..-iowa St. between 6th and 7th. XAHBIED. On tbe moraine of tbe l?th inst., by the Rev. H. N. Powers, Mr. N. N. TYNE& to Miaa ELIZA W„ caught er of MAJO* Jont OALLIOAX, this eity. No —J~ all of #UQ1K POTATOES.— Omoits.—#1.S'^1.40. v p«a.^ *4g Stock Market. Naw Yoax, December IT. eoM,$t.srr. Hew lent Markets. -*S« New Tow. Dee. IT. SSESrwSkri IVv PMk-tMafrket dall. $SSL "r atna. af 17*01 M- WBUBT gwis-!s« iSe FFTTTLY 9+n AT be donated to delT E. 1. TAYI.OM, SI. Zimmerman, St COMMISSION MERCHANTS! For the Purchase and Sale of Blow,.Grain and Produce. (10NSI0NME.VT3goou1 VAVcr.i SOLICKED AND AD- n.r.i? on in store, 198 fleath Water street* Chlcagro* Particular attention paid to selling Dres«ed Hotr-s and Live Stock. Chicago References— Soiotuon ^tur(tf" 8on» 1. A. Dllis, j-i Narional Bank KimLiil J: Wolcot Fri:- S. her tnan, Mayor. deel5-(i 1 v BUOWMELLTPERRIII, Commission Merchants, SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO. A O J. Dealers in Pmw FFICE NO. 89 NORTH CLARK STREET, III. Room No. IS Phlich'sItlock. Special uiteuti.n iven to aU private diseases incident to both sexes. Also Cancers, or C#n ceroun AiTei'tions, Tumor*, Ulcers, Old M*a* Sore Eyes, et'v, etc., and particularly "OBSTETRICS." Ladies requirini? medical aid or adrice, in all cases attendant upon menstrual obstrubetion, Prolap«ns I'teri, or any disease incident to the jrmieratire orfni". e-.ty rely upou being ea sily and sp»fd l\ roli.-vf -V Ptirrte Cnnsultatinn Room adjoining Ibe wlieif thi Itricfr will always be in at- teidanee during i.ffice ho'irs. Those residinjt at a distance may call in per son. ur addre« liim in PERFTCT CONFIDENCE. Po«t Otlice llox 2,4(1'2, Chicago, ill. Offiee hours from 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. tn., and 7 to 9, erening. declO-Uly fHILDRE.VS FAIR. Tlie tannal Fair of (lie i Davenport Kindergarten! hE HELD VT Dog Ithe W ll.L ret AT LA ARM ANN'S HALL. oil Saturday and Simony, 11»--. Kih and l*'!). Great attractions for the public. Admis ••.•11 tn cents. drcl '-dit ft oft ft If Vr nlert \Y.<p></p>GF.XTLKMAM. JpOR UIKK AND SMALL bfs -j.'i until Mouday. decl.riltd. Fawilj. Atlarer Wanted. E ARE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH employment to any number of W litt men or women. Call at room No. 2, npstairs, corner of Bradr and Second street*. dec9-dtf I NO ALLS k BARD. Mewpard. It PAY THE ABOVE REWARD FOR tnrn r.f Nan, n largp blrfk Newfound land Dog. to the L". S. Eit ii ss Office. dec5 J. F. HILL, A^'ent. A CARD XO I.WALIDK. A Clergyman, vrhile re*Wingiu South Amen ca as a missionaty, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervcus Weakuess, Ear ly the Urinniy nnd cured nrS-dlv Seminal Organs, nudthe whole train of disorders brought on by baneful babits. Great numbers hare been already by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit ths afflicted and unfortu nate, will send th' receipc for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any onc who needs it. Fret of Ckar!. Please incline a stamped envelope—addressed to yourself^ Address, JOSEPH T. INMAJT, Station D. Ilible Hou«e, t\v Yurk Citv. ABSTRACTS OF SCOH COURTY. THE ABOVE COOKE, WHICH HAVE occupied Ten IVara tm Complete, are now the property of the subscriber, who will furnish Abstracts of Title To aay Meal Estate la Ncott Ce*« at sltapa notice and on reasonable terms. C. H. Eldrtdfer Cmrfpa-i(r Had Antarjr faiiiic. Hoom S Lp-Stairs, Post OCce Block. Oct fiit dAwtf. FOR NEARLY A QUARTER OF A CENTURY Mathew.-' Von tian Hair Dye has beeu exten sively nsed. and in no case Las it failed to give entire saii?raetion. Th VLM.T1AN DYE is the best and cheapest In the world. Its price is onty Fifty Cents, and each bottle contains donble the quantity of dye in those usually sold for #1. THIS HAIR DYB is manufactured bv a pecu liar procesa which renders it immeasurably su perior to anything in the shape of a Dye now or ever before the people. Being complete in one bottle, no preparation is required, which greatly the application. DYE y Dtrrr appearance by which dyed hair and whiaS simplifies (he application. IN USINO THIS DYE yon aToid that nrsrr, kers are so rcudily recognised, when an inferior article has been used beaidea, it produces a per fectly nat iral color on any shade that may be de sired—one that will not fade, crock or trash out that is as permanent as the hair itseIC For sale bv druggist*. Price 50 cents. A. MATHEWS, General Agent. IS Gold street, New York. Also Manufacturer of MATBBWS' ABKICA HAIS GLOSS, tbe best hair dressing in use. In large |j. bottles price 50 cents. octiH-dly Bt RTIS ttOI.'ME, ER OF IOWA Davenport, Iowa. QORNER OF IOWA AND FIFTH STREETS, OCilLYlE IIOI UK, PS. OILLETT, PROPRIETOR, FR0NTI90 a Levee and Passenger Station, Meat in e. ESTMMJT MOTKd* ee. », 11, IS k 15 CORTLAHDt STREET NSW YORK CITY. 9. if. Wnwnaeiaa T. D. Wa THf COTIU. BC*INM§ UKIATtOV OF 1 IhisBwl, oar loeaMsnda tHB a!1r adapted to tbeir usavailsaas oUto Jltbe western B«1 Bond ls«ti*(fc OOimiOMUl A WBLLS «7«7te re e \ifi CEO PATIII ST. Omri-N. W. comer aud Sd Sis. KetiWnc-e—3d St., N. side, 2d door wcat of Perry. Office hour*—5 A. Reference*—Dr. J. Morion, New York Dr. N. WebctT, Davton.O Dr. H. Ehnnan, Clncianatl, o. Dr. J.TwpU, Prof. ofMrt., Md, Dr. E.T. Franklin. Prof, of Surge iv in the Home Medical College of fo.. at f*t. Louis Rer. D. 8. Wal soii, of tiiis ciiy. deciti-dlro* WHOLKiiUB AM vow ncnriM a utst Aim vv aad Ittw, to wbiefa we invito attention of SBTH P. JOHN R. SIMPSON Mogw kinds Country Produce. ig* aecl5-d4wtf BBYAVr. toil and all Particular attention P. O. Box SSS9. Fiimux B:U)JH, AO 0$VT9 PER .W'A. v.. tin! ««v**» i.*»!{| Onr Goods are an fresh and bought direct from rnannftotwrera. Oar MH^safar ba^tog aresaAtfl^ To enable ns to eompete with any Itan In tho i' No. 50 Brady Street, e A i s s E i i o n o I v i n s S k e o o k ., ., C'ever Stories of Many Nations, by John 0. SIM .. Christinas Stories, by Chas. Dickens ., Harper's Illustrated Bible—'Turky Merocco—Paneled .. "In the Woods" with Bryant, Longfellow and Halieck Christmas and Pictures stmas and Pictures—a collection of Snngs, Carol« snd Jusriatlefc Poems relating to the lostivsl of ChriatOMH, Bancroft's Iliwtory of the United .Slates Complete Works of 'I hotnan JefferEOq. Prescott's Complete Worktt Kirk's Charles The Bold i Addison's Works Complete-^ Goldsmith's Animated Nature Illustrated! Complete Works of Thomas Hood Cooper's Works beRutifiillv Illustrated} Hugh Miller's Works Complete Macauley's History of Enplsnd Ss Jr Ilallani'i History of the Middle Afes .* Disraeli'* Amenities of I.iteratoret •. fntllam's Cnnstitiitional ni«tory ot S&jjaftfif D'lM-acli'- CnrioAitic* of J.itc-iatiire Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy Cb:.rl.-,» I.u iib*s works D'Toey-i!!-.'* Democrucv in America Gibbon's llistorv of Rome Butler's Bell Srrlfs of Poets, elepitfittf tftliistratotf* Vols. Turkey Moroeeo antique. ^abbatb Bells, s'oetry of the Fields, Poetry of the Year, I'netry of the Woods, leman'a Sonn of the ASectkH* loore's Irish Melodica, 4n fltte binding cannot be excelled in variety of style or beauty of flnfrh by any IH KM West. Brady Street, Tlie Juvenile Toy Book department is very complete and parties looking fv p|| WATCHES AND JEWELRY. ^AMERICAN WATCHES. In Stirling Silvir Catet Doul/lt cud Puin *t "CURRY'S, .* On Brady Street, LADIES* SETTS, of Solid OoM Set witt Pearl, O^ nx, Coral, Ac. sents for the Young People cannot fail to be pleased. Also a great variety of .".i-fl.-i Stationery, Blank Bookp. Gold Pens, Poeket Cutlery, jn Purses and Pocket Books, Portfolios, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Ladies' Baskets, Scotch Fancy Goods, Atc.,tc. Call and examine goods and prices before making pur*' chases. 11 id door above Sd. HEW JEWELRY 8T9RE! J. D. WILLSOV ANNOUNCES TO THE people ol Davenport, nod vicinity, IkaS ha has just opened at bis new store, on Brady M-. Srrt door akeve td, a eerefnlly aelaetod, and vei sauHmmt of T3 BBPECTFU LL Y Jrt WATCHES, MJCKS E W E Y embracing every modern sty'a and nalira. wMeh he oCm at remrrkably low Mgnra. Also ted to be at sa^ertor qaanty tfnSttyorGoodL aatlinff ha heaeaw2$ a Bhewli Paar'ai i5* Cfclear. m. jhtiA itw] 8. amroMasvaa wouaa. Oeraer Broeme 8*. and iMMtyii me Sft. A. W» WAMWRA W0 BROADWAY, B. T. wtjem s e s a s n MirfaMfariM Oaaa^ ULUmtHOKM. Wansa's n. BKumm. tjW IT* IBBTBBT NUMEKR^/T IXOLOmrttT. f4-' BOOTS & SHOES WILL gttSOTKD COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Merckaat* Ylsltla# the City JW* I An reqaested tojeall aad examine oar stock before making'their patehaSN. Books, Books, PLUMMER'S Mtttittd ai k. 1 Tennyson's Imagination and Fancy, Browning's Intellect and AlketioBe,i:-#*W* Woofhrorth's Nature aad i^Mkaaa'k'' Butler's small quarto Editions of the following Works bound in turkey mmm an tique and gilt, the richest and most gorgeius volumea that the band of tba woriuMfc and the pencil of the artist have yet prpluccd Macauley's Lays of Ancient Rome, Cambcll's complete political worka, Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, Keble's Christian Year, Th'Hnpson's liaiWIII, Bum's complete Poetical Works, Adam's Sacred Alegorics, Heber's Ppctical Worku, Roger's complete Poetical Works, Goldsmith's Poetical Works, Read's Femala Poets of America, Harts Female Prose Writers of Aweiica, Stevens' Parables of tha New Testament. The Stock of Photographic Albums and Book* -'fa READV.HADE 7 IVORY SETTS' fletid Gold Stags, Wedding Rings, something entirely New. GENTS9 SCARF PINS. Cleeks of th newest styles snd of tbe beat manufacture, just received and sold at old prices. Chain*, Bracetit*, Gold PenrUtt, Spectacles, jrc. BarMaeters, a very naefnl Instrument for Farmers and others. UTateh Mepairing, Dona bv experienced Workmen in the beat mea ner, and War -Give at tJURBY'S seJB-tf ner, aad Warranted to MEKEH, HHIKTH, which 1 wd sell at the moat reseonable pri|R|» Custom Work heaiiest goods mast i ovlgdlr P«M, St manner. A liberal ihars ifpaiasm U sal ed. tyidlf NEW STORE I Ms nartsmiilu Clothes aMis«oaiiaren*a(«as aaiaaudtosait. cSandeeemo.^T^n I BRADY 8TRBST, BBLOW rbeepaeaaalaatff an hand asltf i toenlar. SSi&eSliMi I Hi 111 9#.' BETH P. BRYANT ft CO., No. 25 Second street, betweea Bradr and Pelriy spie-diT uaveaport, Mik cu'jsno 1 JjJ' si flea w«fr wfT •A md tJiU W r-*7i. e »i*s» .w» i#da i.-* rj»4 tnJ yam tmf *!f«t •|f| to'ti irwe 1 «a«ia ,a»jrt i «tl* •4|aii f* •J,. if.W ri1 'f .i ... mi-J* t-"J it', Orav's Political Works. ,n Lanib'a Political Works, '-T Memory and Hepe. hi fr'vsfciW** f: CLOTHING J^T COST PRICE TO BE HAD OK- FUANZ METER, |8eeoad st.—Pirst dour west of National A good assortment of :KMPIIING GOODS, BOTT OBNTS' Ftl CLOTH ING, CLOTHS, CASS1- r'. SHt dvsiST «i MERCHANT TAILOf. 1 Ml.** mffi- vt *#tv Mi tit imf s i SI*# *»., Dona at all times and warraated tbe durable and cheapest. All who waat the tantt 't-^^ IC novl j«»y s*®% »e to FRANX MBTBB. caaa. LetAinirs. a, msai LELANBE1 •at I«erF{.A*3 ,t rv* •li. 'idT k- iiltf !fae vn.vat' fll jf»f itw FBBBftM, Xo 1S4 lirmdg tirtrt, miott UA. CLEAN ARB UMI CI aC all kinks, aad oa the shortest aotta Every dtaertptioa of IBS MT8 Clmnifi made ia UM P*rf«et SatUfdrtion moot fcshlaaahle aod I* v i *-S i'fi'ii rt 4 TTilBCVOm BBI STOCK OP Xlto FraakUa Blaek, oa Saeoai street. isL Baia aad Harrtsoa streeteL where he haaasl "fl'-tr Ufjta a NEW CLOTmNOSTOklt, and wfltkoanaaa* v vr etoaUy oa haadagaad latof ,u Gent* Fnmtthtalf .'*1 fll Good*,: '1 A fe jryr «M'J -.'•r' f? r« *eMNk aid jjai A till o» -it! ifs at •4"- ar«iv If. t— '«i TO •tl.1 ilUVPHS t* r«.jao $ •i 1-Ju •,f* 0 s* "•o r-»s sMi "iiinjM IUSO a "l-swi *,4* I: ®S»' tt: tft