Newspaper Page Text
BMNCBIf. Oae Square. ,f. a*ca aeoAae ,|t« Oae week,. ..1 I 1 Ml t»w*V .IM ®J On* ni»"rt JS gear tee..,.,, Hi lin OM «Mk Taw «Hti Oae aoath,.... Two nioaths, Itoee atootha,.•••'* fU aoatha, .... ycir, •.. •82 Two mouth* 8 Three inoulbs.. 10 00 Keiir months.... 1® Kive mini", Sii months,... .1# •Vine roonta,.. ..W One vfir, (Mian the lime contracted for will oe cnsrceo y^s*i?adTertiwnienU must be paid for is Mr Mice. Ad*erti«emento miooible Ume- raid ii 4§ Tean OVER ®17.000.000. KTT 18SETS, JtNtlRt, IMS. $ 3 6 7 7 3 6 2 2 1 riRB AND INLAND NAVIGATION RISKS. '^fWT Agencie* in all the Principal Cities lidToaiiHin the United States. Application* for Inauranca MOtDbllf attended to. CHAS. W. VERDER, Agent. RV.4L F.HT.4TE AND INSURANCE AGENCY RICHARD B. HILL ANI) §. W. VEItDElfc Mfc. 1 East Second Street, south-east corner of Brady Street, (front oflice up stairs.) fIRBS FOR RENT, I'gOK T« tW At'tE*. COUNTRY VILLI FOR SALE. K„ r. i. OnJirvi Hfl*j •fee. Ii.. caUr^ nib-* from post repair room-., ti.irn »orib #*'io, uud poultry house.- lft •»rirt|..« of urapes, (bore T*"r •II kinds "f tr.i.u, hearing This property em brwecs & acres. I'rice, |4, VjO HOUSES FOR RENT. Mo 14. a new I....IXH street, one of «b» mn-l de«,...U.- re.clc.nes i" tbe cite Mo 1 A Urge elegeiith'i.i»e. with all modern (•uruvrii.enU. stalde, well, cistern. Irn.t and •bade tree*, line ri»er «lew. -ceutrally located —vHV of ll.e tiuMt rewdenees in thecl'.y. OFFICE FOR RENT*. jN» A large, ti^lit, airy officc. fronting on ttjk.t Second Street. ^corner of llrady) with »ut" •Voiii it deaired. BAR. BILLIARD I DINING ROOM 'No. 4. K»r, llilliard *'id Dininw Hcoms for tSul. vwiuneeted. ».th k.U l.eii «^.ins stlaetivd.) foimerlv ocenpwd Bf V. U. fcU' FURNISHED ROOM, Wo. 5. Furn.ihed r.ioni for rent, for a gentle- 6an alao room un'umislicd both good rooms tt'ia tiuaiii,'•** part of the city. SPLENDID STORE PROPERTY. Uo «. "Merwin's ItliH-k." I'erry Street.for sale, f#ili. a |r,'«. Ill r.utal of jt,li jiaynn n H' tarn II.)W ami prospectively a very valuab.e prop artv T.I elose a coueern thi* property is oflered git a verv l,»w price and on easy terms. The Property formerly knotrn as Atailtmy of the linniarul-ile I'oicrption I'erNale. Jfo. 7. "Academv of the luinia ul»te tjoncep ttoa" propertv for sale. This. I. gant estate coin arises to aere's,witti main buildin* i which e.i«t #S 5k)( and tfood barn, land in eentre l. «el and liitfli j(f*du*llv •tiuth.eawt itiitl n«»rtl». Will Im* at fruit arjtin if nfpii* 9 for toon. II Ht»hi it will rt'lmilt a* •'l,,kraiit cuuntrv viita. plan* whi^h ma In1 *'«*n our olKc- by fltfiv party prt»p«»*in^ to imrrhH-»*. HriLn« ?ft ar«' lav ned to call ami ace tnf the work will let bv contract to the lowest bidder The lund ka.rders'npon the city limits, but being jn»t out aMe.i« not Slibicct to' cilv taxes. Iteautifnl in its ^Ht-iril cM.dit.-in, this land N istctully laid out la i:*r.|ri and lawn, snd I'mio *hitde aud orn.i V»-ntHl -reea are planted Urge forest treesataml »a« north ..I the main buildiiiK Tins place is well jrlh th attention of purehaseri. FINE BRICK HOUSE FOR SILE. .e modem nod convenient block knowu as "Clinton So. »Iiace,'8inOn juses Street. FRAME HOUSES FOR SALE. No. 14. The desirable residence on Brsdv fltreet aow occupied bv 'lene'sl linker No *. Near Strc t. 1.1 p.-rleot repair, tstorise, V room« and cellar, with well and cis tern. i.ot »S bv 15A, well stocked with younj: ®-ait I'rice #i.'2 'o. No to. O11 n irtli ide 5tb street, "d door east at the Methodist t'li'ir.-h, '2 store, in good repair, tot r.10 ns and cellar, with ci.steruaud briek stable. l.V feet deep. I'rice *0. 11. OutHeea-it side of Urady street, (lot feet front.) rooms, good eellur and cistern I'rice f'i.o"*), or the house aud a portion of the tun.l will be told alc,v. So. 'S,\ The estate now'owned and occupied %y t5e. S. 11.1 w, Ks|.,being the dwelling house •ltd three tulS lots, fnmtiiu smitli upon tith St., tamer of Karmiin street. This house is in per ct repair, tisvin^ been fitted iif by the owner lor himself. The entire arrnngemen't of the house a tasteful mi complete. Tlie view from this ftlace is unsarpasted. Terms i umv. No. X. Krame house soutb aide' 3d street, two (sites west of *rady street price, |1,5iX. Two fturds may maia on mortgag* at sia per cent. I E I N S U A N E tzgrrgale Capital ®4,*••»•••• llii Fire lararMCC (In Of Hartford, «8,900,43».9S, phmii Fire lisarMee C*» Of Hartrord, Conn. $925,902,07, H«rch«at* Fire linriiN C«^ Of Hsrtferd, Coaa. |U0,lS0.M.| City Fire luaraaee Ce^ Of Hertford, Coaa. I444.UMI feBkert4Rs T* Fire lass Ces,) Of Sew York. $500,000, Celartia Fire luaraaee Ce* Of New York. |$o»'\ Cera Eiekaage Fire las. C*, Of Sew York.|§|400,000, 8«e o«r Colamn Adrer tyemmta, Enbmlnf otitor ta emu* i VOI,. lOi. ntertcd in the Wttklr J. KlCMARIMOiy A I Y E O A LOCAL ITEMS. At cost.- A lot of Baby Carriage- at Jones', Brady street between 4th and 6th J. T. Temfi.1, Florist, cor. 4th ard Main Ste., fruit and ornamental trees. ioy2Gl Go to tb« Brst.—Go to Brrant. .Strat ton A Merrill's Davenport Commercial Co! lege, to get a thorough practical huKinrnt. education, or to ixrouie a (rood sound tele graph operator. For circular* address (en loxing sumpK) Bryant, Stratum 4 Merrill, Davenport, Iowa. dwljr. Bi'sinks Euitatios roa Disablkd Sol ijIkbh.—Kxtraurdinary inducements offered to disabled l.'nioii sol.liers who denire to ob tain a thorough commercial education, at Bryant, Stratum A Merrill's Comrnercial College, Davenport. Always go to the best. Send for a circular. utylB dw Scorr Division No. 1, Sons of Temper ance, meets every Fiidsy evening st seven o'clock in their hall over Stste Bank, cor ner 3d snd Brady streets, jan 0 d&wly Kknhai.i.'s Ahhoi.ineAny lady desir ous of improving the ijuality and xtrength of her liair—ami we believe that this desire is universal aiiiont the fair sex can gratify it by using Kendall's very excellent arid efii carious pre|aiations. It is sold by all Drug gist*, and its remarkable success is rhietly owing to the fad, that when once known, it is never absmloiied. jul5dlw. Jr*r Cai'hk roit Bciko Ai.ahmku.—When a cough hss been running for a long tune and you begin to feel a pain setting in upon your Lungs, attended with tightness across rhe chest, it i hi^li tune that you should awaken to the danger of your disease, which is fast running into fatal ronstitnp tion. Now, before it is too late, use Allen's Lung lialsam, which will cuse disease, and all will lie well with you. For sale by E. S. Bam.ahd. AUt, ly l/u Dealert in Family Mediciim generally. Grrat Arrivai, or Stock and Rem-ctiow in I'kk es at tiik Davkntokt City Ca» UlAl.t. Uu.i .Hour. No. 1 10 liUAl'V MUKtT. The arrival of a large stock of those thor ough made and elegant two snd four seat Carriages, Top and open Buggies, direct from our manufactory in the cast will re duce the price for the hi ft thirty day be yond the most sauguiiie expectations of of purchasers. At present I can show my customers n better assortment of siylcs than can lie found in larger cities further east, and at prices that defy compction.— Call early, save money snd secure your choice from the largest stock in the country. N. B. Mr stock is warranted second to none in the L'nitcd States. jll7 J. Hott. lit stic Window Siiai.ks.—Kyery house* keeper should know that a Window Shade Manufactory has been opened in this city— Second street, three doors Kant of I'erry South side, by Chandler, Kail shack A Co. These .-hades arc made of strips of wood woven together, and painted or stained in various colors. They are very dui able and elegant, and should be found in every hout'C. Let us encourage this new and worthy enterprise liberally. Ladies should call and see the styles. AN~KYK~SORE. How miserable snd disconsolste must the unfortunate victim of Scrofulous Sores, Skin Kruptons.nnd disligued bodies feel,who by titer infirmities and lepcrous diseases are denied the society of the refined nnd beautiful. Yet, to these banished mortals from society, there is hope of speedy return with the full enjoyment of ail the pleasures of health and bliss. One to six buttles of Dr. Hadvvay's Bctiovatnig Re-olvent will cure the worst cases of Skin Disease, Fever, Sores, Ulcers, Swellings of the .lands. Let this medicine he csed in all esses where there is a sore Skin Disease, and three days' use will give satisfactory evidence of a permanent cure. Price #1 per bottle.— Sold by Druggists. Ativans ask for Bad way's Beiiovating Resolvent. fiotx' A'tfr Kecki'Its.—Captain Wallen started down the Delias to Vancouver, to bring up a party of recruits to fight the lo comotive Indians. He stopped for the night at the Cascades, in the house of an old man called "Cnclc Sanuny," an inquisitive old fellow, about eighty-six and deaf as a had dock. After supper, the old tnsn, old wo man, slid W'sllen drew up cliairs around i blazing wood tire. The old man immediate ly commenced plying the brake (_good ex pression for rial'): "What are you goin' daoffa to the inaouth of the river for "After recruits," replied Wallen at the top his voice. -Hey "After recruits," roared Wallen again "Can't hear ye." Then the old iadr moved round, and put ting her mouth to the old man's car, shout ed, in a voice that would have done credit to Stentor after he'd got a little in years '•He's a-goin' daown—arter recruits—su gar—snd coffee— nnd— I'inkerton's Wa hoo and Calisaya Bitters—and sich 1" The old ladv wasn't so far out of the way after all. These Bitters are unequalled to emit" impaired vital energy ot every des cription. juty7 Important to the Sick.—We invite our readers to a careful perusal of l)r. Easterly's me leal advertisements which can be seen in our colums this df" Dr. Easterly's pre parations are slatuard remedies and are •er celebrated and popular throughout the great North west. We refer 11 Dr. Easter ly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla, Dr. Carter's Cough Balsam, Dr. Baker's Specific and Dr. Marks Syohilitic Care. These preparations have been in general use for the last ten years, and are known to be infallible retne dies for the diseases they are recommended to cure. We advise the afflicted to give them a trial. Orders addressed to Dr. E. Easterly ft Co., St. Louis, or Dr. Easterly, No. 99( Mad'son street, Chicago, Illinois, will be promptly filled and forwarded by Express to all parts of the United States. aprldAw6m SPECIAL NOTICES. Hair Upreeted. Fwithout soa *Lt. pabts or rst sour is mi aiKi'Tia, injury to tkfttin, by l« MLAToar I'osrnta," Ask or send for "UraAa'i Dmutoir Pownet." and take no other. Price •1. Mailed to anv addres* for tl.SS, br S. Ul'HAM, 25 South Eighth street, I'hiladelnhi Pa Sold bv all Druggists. (feblSd-uon tbAsat PT I'phaai's HlaspleBi Rmovaa Furnas on taa Facb Fucum, Ae It also softens the skia sad beaaii&es the complexion. Vi Ladies toilet coaiplttc with oui it* Price, 5o cents. Mailed to say address for cent*, bv 3. C. CPU AM. «5 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa, Bold by all I*vgg»ta. The JapaaeM Mair Mala. Cbesutifnl olors the Hair, Wat-seas sod MoesTAcm a Mautartreva. IUaasiasefonly sy mrmmratim Color will not fade or wish ©•*. Only 80 cents s box, Mailed to ear addrMS fcr Uou.—Gold has raised slightly of late. WsATHsa fine, tod roads in an excellent condition. Wanted.—An energetic man with $1500 —as partner in a profitable business. Ad dress *'L." at this officc. Vaar I'sorta.—As the reeolta of Major C'uny's labor, the soldiers' graves at the Oakdale Cemetery are being properly beau tified. Should have been done long ago. Dsath.—Mrs. Anna Norris, the esteemed mother of J. W. Son is, editor of the Ot turowa Courier, died at her son's residence in that city, on the 11th inst., at the ad vanced age of 73. Mii.itahv Bali..—Every arrangement has been perfected for a grand party at the German Theatre this evening, by the mem bers of the Second and Seventh Iowa In fsntry. Our citizens who like to dance, should take this method of welcoming home the bravo veterans of the Second snd Seventh. Slrasser's full band wiU provide the music for the occasion. Hosimtals.—The little hospital boat Gin nie Hopkins passes this port regularly every few days, being now busily en^a.-ed in clearing out th« hospitals at Keokuk, which will be closed up in a short time. The old barracks at that place, in which troops have lieen quartered for several years, were sold at auction on Monday last by Capt. Willis. Promoted.—Among the many promotions of Iowa officers, we notice that of Brigadier General W. W. Belknap, of Hall's Iowa Brigade, to the rank of Major General of Volunteers. Gen. Belknap is a citizen of Keokuk, and entered the army as Major of the 15tli Iowa. His promotion is the result of gallantry shown in the many engage ments of this brigade. Si mmer Retreat.—A gentleman from the rural districts of the inferior, by the natne of Knight, and who was slightly involved in the Buchanan county safe robbery, and of that crime convicted in the spring, took, ludirir.g at the Acklcy last ni^lit, and this morning took passage on the New Boston for a pleasant summer retreat neat Fort Madison. Inakurai. Address.—Lit oor resders bear in mind that the Hon C. C. Cole dc vers an address to-morrow night to the stu dents of the Commercial College at the Me tropolitin Hall, to which all are invited to attend. Judge Cole is consideied one of the best orators in lows, and the subject hich he will handle is one that affects and interests all business men. The Davenport Brass Band, A Storm, leader, has tendered its services for occasion and also the ".Kolian Glee Club," W. II. Lybe, President, W. H. Harmer, Secre tary. Scott Comrrr Soldiers' Sociktt.—This society held a meeting last night, and or lercd its Constitution and By Laws togeth rith a statement of its object, to be print ed for distribution among its members. The project of holding a grand festival and re union at an early day, is being discussed and has been referred loan Executive Com mittee. The Constitution and By-Laws, ready for signature will be (bund with Lt. Cavendish, at the Post Office. Excursion to St. Pail.—The tfleptfrtly and suptuously fitted passenger steamer Brilliant will leave St. Louis to morow morning on an excursion trip to St. Paul and will be here about Saturday morning. She will stop at St. Paul two days to en able t'xeursion:sts to visit the Falls and en joy the delightful scenery of the surround iti^ country. She will have a full band of music on board. Who wants to go on a grand excursion Discharged.—Our readers will recollect that some time last week we noticed the ar rest of a Catholic priest by the name of An ton Niermann, charged with having com initted an assault on one of his pupils with intent to commit great bodily injury, and that being tried before Squire Peters, he was discharged, lie was tried late yester day afternoou before Justice Blood, on I charge of an assault and battery, his off jnae consisting in extracting some tcetli without the child's permission. Considering that his motives were of the best character, Jus tice Blood discharged him. Female Advancement.— We have received the "Announcement of the 16th Annual Session of the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania." We don't believe in strong minded women, or in the late&t doctrinc of women's rights, but when the fair sex de '.iberately go to work to accomplish any good result, we say stand hack, for they are going to do it. We don't see why women shoul.l'nt learn the medical profession, and our liberal minded Pennsylvanians "don't see the point"! either. The Umes for women to sit and sear from daylight till da It f»r six pence a day, arc gone—we hope—for ever. The professions are being thrown open to them, and when they attempt them they generally succeed. Oar medical and commercial collegea are beginning to be beautified by their smiling faces, and soon the dusty old counting rooms and offices will waar aspects that will make old fogies open their eyes. We ssy, give the fair ones a chance—they are bound to have it. On the Faculty of this college, there are four male professors and three female. Ann Preston, M. D., handles the fficult sub jects of Physiology and Hygiene Emetine H. Cleveland, M. D., is "Profeaeor of Ob stetrics and diseases of women and child ren," and Mary J. Scarlett, M. D., "Profaa sor ol Anatomy and Histology, and Demon strator of Anatomy," The whole cost of two or mora courses of lectures snd graduation is $308. In what manner could a female, thrown upon her own reaources, invest a like sua of money with such a profitable remuneration. The class of 64-5 consisted of twenty-three students, three of whoa graduated one from Mainei, mm from Michigan, and one from Ohio. The applicants for the beneits of DAILYlDAVBNPORTiDEMOORAT. TERMS 00,00 PEH ANNUMt •THE aHEATE8T GOOD TO THE GREATEST HUMBtR. 80 CENTS PER WEEK. DAVENPORT, IOWA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1865. Ballreads. Mass as. Editors For some time psst I have discovered a feeling, whilst among the citizens of Davenport, to arouse an ex citement in favor of some railroad enter prise which would tend to enhance the pros pects of trade,and of importance to the future growth of the place. Of course each and every one have their visionary ideas and conclusions in reference to sll improvements connected with the growth of our city, snd all residents hope to srrive st luMantiml conclusion*, such as will bring ultimate good to every one interested, in our section of country. RIVIOR *I wn. The river has been stationary at this point for several days. It is tailing at Saint Paul at the rate of a foot per day. A splendid stage of water is on both Rapids. The wreck of the Kstie was sold at auc tion lately for $1700. Capt. N. H. llazlett, was the purchaser. The steamer St. Johns arrived at Saint Louis n the 12th from the mountains.— She was three months and a half in making the trip. Her cargo consisted of 700 bales of robes for Robert Campbell aad John J. Roe of St. Louis, aud $200,000 of Montana goid dust for St. Joseph and St. Louis. The boat was attacked on the way by Indians, and Merrick, the first mate, killed and the second mate severely wounded. Mr. Wrn. Fisb, a well known Pittsburg' snd Louisville pilot died at Cincinnati on Saturday last. We regret to learn that Capt. Robert Mc Counell, formerly of Loui.sville, died at his residence in Paducah one day last week.— He was well and favorably known As one of the best steamboat captains on the western waters. He commanded the Louisville and Nlw Orleans packets, and all famous for their speed. Captain Jack Reiser has had launched from the Carondelet shipyard the hull of a stern wheel steamer which draws only ten inches. It is for the machinery of the Cosa. A shipyard has been been located at Rin dolph, five miles above Alton. A stern wheel hull will be built there immediately. There are eighteen or twenty small ship yards on the Mississippi and tributaries above Cairo, outside of St. Louis. Such arc the facilities on the Western waters for boat building, that any number of hulls can be built at short notice. The Shamrock and Ontario burned their boilers lately between this point and Cairo. The Ontario had 302 men of the 35th Mis souri on board, which she transferred to the Melnotte at Island No. 18. Captain John A. Duble, of Cincinnati, has been appointed Assistant Superintend ent of the Atlantic and Mississippi Steam ship Company, lie will no doubt make an efficient officer. Messrs. Fisher and Stewart, local inspec tors at Cincinnati, have given their decision in the collision of the Missouri and the fer ryboat Lady Washington at Cincinnati, in which the} blame the pilot of the ferryboat Jethro Bryan, for not answering the signal of the Missouri, and also blame the Missou ri for running so swift while near the city. For Mr. Bryan's neglect his license has been suspended ten days. A deck passenger on the Rebecca, com ing from Vicksburg, jumpid overboard and was drowned. The steamer Zephyr is reported to have sunk while lately coming down the Red River. While the Robert Barns vss on Sre i Metropolis, one of the deck hands asferti that there was a keg of powder in the hold, but her officers ware sure that they hail taken no powder aboard. Capt. Walker procured an axe and cut a hole in the deck, through which tha man entered, and re turned in a few moments with the keg in his arms, followed by a cloud of smoke. Bcrrbd.—Some fool cammandinga negro company at Memphis, fired a salute a short time ago on the levee.near a collection of cot ton bales, contrary to the remonstrances of its owners, set fire to fifteen or twenty bsles, snd made no effort to extinguish it. Uncle Ssm foots the bill. For down the river t0-m0TT0W,the Keiths burg, Capt. CampbelL For up the river, the Charley Cbeever, Capt. Mitchell. PrraoLEm.—A petroleum coapany is digging into the bowels of Dee Moines earth Urn institution Most ho not less Ota SO,1 in March of oil, and at last awmwts hadn't and not more than 85 years of ago. found any, "hoi mm axpeated to." T«s Fie: n. T«i Dr*r.«aa. Aim rl E*c*P»— Ijt Albeit Kictiuilson American publish lay Company, Hartford fonn." Dur readers have all heard of the iaaue of this volume, written by the correspondent of the New York Tribune, snd dedictated to his wife who perished bj disease brought on by grief, during his long and cruel im prisonment. The book contains 512 pages, arranged to music entitled "The Homeleas Heroine," and inscribed to the memory of one who aided the escaping party in svoid- Ing In making a strike for the benefit of Da venport. it would not only be wise, but a course of prudence to ado^t some pi the way of public enterprise, wliicn would pro duce wealth in our immediate vicinity, through which mf'i/u may be the pr thiclof such enterprise, not only to the city of Da venport, but to the county, wherein an in crease of wealth would be productive of as sistance in sueh enterprise. My ides is that a railroad from Davenport to LeClaire would do mors to build up Davenport, and also create additional wealth, and corre spondingly an increase to our revenue, than any yet projected. There is a foreign de mand for such a road, especially in very low water season, in connection with the pack ers above and below th. Kapids. It would produce a regular transfer route from one place to tl e other, and one that would par take of that natural character which would give it precedence over any other, whether in operation or not. There are strong reasons for the construction of s road be twecn these points, but expecting the va rious objections, not desire more than an introduction of the matter to the public con sideration. I am aware, also, that the old objections would still confront its advocates. If we desire to increase the wealth and importance of the city, selfishness must he laid aside, and the prosperity of those around us, and the travelling masses up and down the river, and the freight moving from north to south, and rice tertu must becomc a consul elation. It seems, from some indications thrown out by former writers, that the thoughts are all centered towards the various trans ports cast and west and roundabout trayi to the South. Our prosperity depends upon a general increase of wealth in our midst, at the product of self-sustaining enterprises. A road to Claire would 'in mediately a fleet the upper part of the county immensely. It would no* take bu siness from Davenport, but would assist the farmers in their transportation to market, and all would be pecuniarily interested.— Let the public dwell upon these thoughts. This thing of hauling grain from l." to 30 miles, and our business men appropriating the profits to some rai ro«d project in an other State, or 100 or 200 ailes distant, is not very pleasant. a rebel ambush. It abounds in the most interesting pictures of military operations in the vicinity of Yicksburg, where Mr. Richardson was captured and elsewhere, and the prison scenes are tha most vivid delineations of the horrors which our pris oners endured that we have yet seen. The writer of this notice luxuriated nearly eight months in the hell-holes of rebeldotu, and he fully endorses til that Mr. Richardson, has written on that subject, as correct and truthful. The incidents of the escape are truly romantic, and altogether, the book is one one of the most life-like histories of war 'behind the scenes," that our press has yet produced. It should be on the table of ev ery parlor, aud the shelf of every library. The I took contains upwards of a dozen first class steel engravings aud is bound in the best kind of style. Received.—Harper comes to band with a full set of engravings, illustrating the ex ecmion of the assassins. For sale at the News Depots. The Memphis Weekly Review comes to hand desiring an exchange,—a revived lite rary family paper, devoted to the interests of general readers. Also, the Daily Commercial Argus just the article for our business men who wish to keep posted in Southern commercial af fairs. War?—Butchers are now buying fine beef cattle from 3 to 3| cents per pound, hut still insist upon keeping up the price of the best cuts at jiftttn etntt. This is hard ly fair—it is not fair at all. When they bought at 7 and 7$ cents there wss some sense in silling the best cuts at 15 cents. We understand that the butchers at the lower end of town have reduced the price to 1 cents. When do others intend to fol low suit The Eleventh.—The Eleventh Iowa Regiment of Infantry will arrive at our de pot this evening at five o'clock. It will be welcomed in an address hv Geo. E. Hubbell, Esq. Slrasser's Band will be present. Let our citizens assemble immediately at the ringing of the bells and give the boys an enthusiastic reception with short speeches good music, an hearty cheers. Iowa Blind—All fatiiil'es which are hurthened with the support of blind persons, and who wish the unfortunates to be properly cared for and educated at the expense of the State, are requested by the Keokuk Gate City to forward the names to that office. The Iowa Blind Aaylum is lo cated at Vinton. Assault.—A. D. Brown, of the 2d Iowa Infantry, became involved in a quarrel,yes terday afternoon, with one of the veteian reserves by the name of W. Forbes, and for striking him a blow in the face with his fist, was arrested, brought before Squire Blood,and fined five dollars and costs which he paid. Tbe Ball.—The committee to which has been left the preparations for the grand military ball at the German Theatre Hall to night, report everything in a prosperous condition. An immense turn out will take place, and one of the gayest times Will be had that is on record. The Twentieth.—We are indebted to Mr. Charles Eldridge for the following dis patch received to-day WBanU Memphis, July 18th. Mk. CnAS. II. Eldridoe :—The 20th is here and bound up immediately. Expect to take cars from Cairo. Not certain. Gkohiib. Mi i tino. —The Scott County Soldiers' Society will hold a meeting in this city again on the 5th day of August, and every old soldier in our midst is expected to come forward and register his name. Pavino oft.—Major Smyth commenced paying off the Seventh Infantry this morn ing. This Will quiet much just dissatisfac tion. Poi.ic* Count.—J. V. Ncwhouse, was ar rested this morning, brought before Justice Blood charged with disturbing the peace of the city, and eased of $9.40, coats and fine. The Markets —Priccs have varied but little since last night. Wheat still $1.06 ami $1.08 and corn and oafs 35 and 38 cts. per bushel. Corn and wheat were the prin cipal grains in to-day. Business on the levee very dull. Presentation.—Judge Spencer, of Rock Island, was presented with a $50 gold head' ed cane, on last Monday evening, by the members of the Methodist Society of thst city. IITRAIW Queenstown and Liverpool! THE Firtt-Class powerful Iron Btemshlps of at tonal Steam lavlffaiioii Co., Virglais, Ualslaas, Ivaala, Krla. t*«M»a. Eaclaad, Helvetia, IteeUaad, "111 'Hil from Liverpool and QneenMowa every 1AV arid WKDNESDAT from New York to Liverpool •Verjr SATURDAY. Kate of p.ssage from X«w York P*rabl« In currency C'abla |N, Meerage M«. To New York nrj Low Ea'ss. Pmongers forwarded to rarisaaiaUeemaa pe«i at very low rates. for passage apply to WILLIAMS OUIOX, W Broadway, Slew York, or to LOIJMA. MACItMT.Agt N. B—A»*«u lor Uk u DBSSAZNT & SCHRICKBR'S STEAM SAW, AND PLANING MILL ftnw Sretl 4 14 Streets, Dareapert, leiNk LUMBER OF ALL DIMENSIONS. Lath, Doors, Flooring, ShlnglM, Saab, Siding, PlekrtN, llllnds, Moulding*, MANUFACTURED SOLD AT LOWEST MAPKET PF.ICES Order«Pr«apil,v Allradrd le, Wrlir l«r Prices. ml.o lv W O E S A E II Will be Opened about August 20th, 1805, at PLUMMER'S No. 50 Brady Street TM$ JLJIMtGiuST STOCK Of Letter, Note, Cap, Legal Papers and Envelopes ever brought to Iowa. SClfOOt BOOKS, WALL Pims, UBI MS, POtkKT BOOKS, PENCILS, and a general Stock tf STATIONERY. WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY. BOOTS & SHOES ARE NOW RECEIVING A I.AROK AND WILL SSl.fiCTRD STOCK Of BOOTH Siloes, to which we luvite utteutiuii of COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Oor Goods are ail rraeh aad bought direct from manufacturers. Our facilities for buying areaaeb a To enable us to compete with an House in the Went MerchaaisTlkltlagtlie t'liy Are requested toeall aad examine our stock befon makuiKltl.eir |oiruliu.iea. SETH I*.' BUY ANT St CO., SKT'H I'. lIR A NT, No. 25 Second street, between lira.' v and I'errv, JOHN It. SIMI'SON. I spin div Konl«*r, rhonst* Ix'twecn V O O N A E OH AN UNTIMELY DEATH. Oh how much misery k siekn. wonl.l hnve lien Mvire.l me. Inid 1 but read th:* In.ok lieti.le. Just iiiibliflicii I'rice 86c. TIIK Slirrar af Ytulh. Or the ol" Sexual InUTcuiirae. v Ik M* ft A K(*11, I'rarticnitf I'tivHirian. StTMinl K'litwn, !il ir^«-i| anti ilitotr.i ted, with 21 Mnatomiral drawing*, l»v J. I.ubarnch Everybody *houM rentl this book it rontaitifl iipvful information about th preservation, th# weabnrft* ami the dine much of tn«* sexual organ*, ax wt'll as a stutciiifnt of the mode of curt* for audi a* Miliar the nerval in* coii-»t^owh e* of sell ooluti 'D, wrrtl di*ea»4' and other di*fii»:*tious. The *'Mirror of Youth" the wnrmi.g Mjfii, which le«td» the ou.tiforriu d, and tint! hurt* air* adv wandered t«tr iy l» i 'k to the n^ht p»th, wherefore it ha* become a real book tor the mil Hon*, of which during the short jcriod of 4 yeara ovrr 2'1,"**) eopie* o| leen sold. The mode of treatment, haaed unoti the uiinci(de of electricity, i* fuPy diHcu.«ied in U. On remittance of 25 cents in 1'nst Htanipa, it will bo lent free by mail. Address DU. J. Ll'BAUSCH. |ai)20dAwlj Chicago, IU. •VKR«XCK. S. W. S. WOOD. at:vI. 4 4 W O O BeaMeat Ueallsla. I'flCE on Itrad.v »tr« t. tweon Third and Fourth. janldtf o C. TEGELER, la^orter, Dealer k Keetiflei la Hweifit 4* Old Black Star Use "of Liverpool Fackcts. JaylTdwtf avaTIi HOURS. /"iorifER OP IOWA AXD rami struts I V DareBport, Iowa. I U O S AND KCTfflil WHUKY. No. 24 Main street, 2d door below the National Bank lows. Oavcaoort TEICHMANN Sl CO^ Manufactures of Klla Drlc4 aad Viae Bailed Heal, FOB riMILV 1JME. Order* taken at the null aa Bmrrtomn Between th 9 Tf* And at their store corner of Front and Brady Streets. Corn Taken in Exchange. J. C, CQJUKLtA, lytMldr NO. 225 TO UllLDEItM. "^Totice i* hereby i/iv.-n tliat 011 Thuradar, the .1^1 *'T11. lnv of .lolv, A II.. 1 i lllitil ol l.iv lii.l* wit| bi' ii ci ivi .! nt the thee of Hu vioi, A True, in the ?nv ol laTen|.urt. Iowa, to? n i i- i K e n i i e i n l- i i i n o n School Hnhie. ne at *orth Ihi cuiiort, tIn plain, an., nje iirai,. ii5 ol i.iiid, inn lj. ^e. u at the ollii eot W L. 'ill roll. K-.J A lilt one .11 K.,. Davenport, thenlan* aiifl ?|eeilienti(.ii! of whirl ean be set n nt the olliec ol II W. lurk. Kcii .ami also fur out-houses for each of sail! school liuus es. Tbe bi'ls for the school houxes must speritv for which house tnaile, ami must lie in two parts viz lot. For the completion of the whole builrlinK 2nd. For the completion ot the wliol. biiihlinv exeeplint tbe seennd story thereof, and tnr statrs lending to th*' same. Tbe bnla for the not hoovs must be separate and .li-tiuct, .'loiuthe Lula for tbe acbonl bous- Tl.e Stho I Hoard reserve the riuhl to th- whole, or anv part ..| I he contracts to'iln- builder the t*ennttti edition have deemed the best —AJID— PURE CATAWBA BRANBIES! Dealers in Bourbon and Rye WHISKY Nm. ISO, MI.AIN Weat Mat. "CINCINNATI!, OlilO. HAGEBOECK'8 Malt Llthtfraphlc EstaktlfkMOt I, ,, tRlOO'8 BLOCK, PERRY BK, '•'&< Dartnpari, Aiwa. ORDERS Wdealer HOLEHAL inFo- relga A American BKAHBIE8, Wlaee, (Haa, Ac. Alao, aaeat fer the sale oTWJRB Old Bearboa, R'e and Koifongahela WBIHT. .IT .«( riler. Urai«' dt con cloning •«$» TBI PUBLIC Wll.t, I'I.IlAMK wovtca that Tonf's M»r (,»,,• T. l.irinJ KsMb/lSl* meat haa bten remnt.4 t„ t|„ lUmSly a#.' cnpied by I.. A Mm-klof, n.„k, ,,.rn«r ofli MS*. Hradr. where csn alwajt b.- f.o.oil •arttnaat «f 4 ciiOma. f'AMAinaKBMp i vm»«N, FINE CUSTOM MAD! REIKI MM CUITNIIG aad Urals' I'araisklaa Vm4i Uratrful for pant fatora at the pledges himself t' d« »erie aaair at the nt-w stand. a coiit i it it COLLINS, PLUMMER & CO. Importer* aatd JtUrri of mi in's mt No* M4M Head#at. (a ricw i.oous uki.ow cui stii. Kti Yerlu tl.'b*"*i1» llflirjr C.'I'.ilK Ptuinuisr, wm Mtrrii Silas ttowali caiah. %i»fr:au 'AVTKRM v«»— A I O I N Icaalag & Rtatratlag, litaradyHirfel, bet. IlkA ltl| lltVt^I'VRT, IOWA. f^r ltMrticiiY:ir tittnitiuii ptti-l to rutting mjft ml lim«' fit Ihin^ n|»rjOcHf intkw s'roni&i John ISnrtemeler Hami as uimmv tl) MissrotK OK ooooa to Kriiuklin nioek. on Sccn.l street, bet. Kaiii llairiai'n streets, wheto lie has openM a MAV l.onilMJ SIllKK. aixl will kw| staotlv on hioi.t n k."""! n—• 1 ni. nt of Furitlftltlitff (aoodn^i 'tnt)i4*» to n «lmt ti»at nMir*. AM warrantto »uit. lull »ut n»«v JOII.H JOKIIA^I. No. nWKSI SKroNI'STKhl.T. UKTWEttl Hrui'l ami Mum. nciU-to onlet 1111.I in the best sine, MH.N A.VI» IMlVS' CI.OTIIIMI of e«cr* docn,.not,. The tullest satiM... Hon Kuar- antlert I ...licit from my ..I.Icn.t. m. ts their e«Hl liaunuee of |iiiron»ire. Leave onh ra. aiyM A. N1M.KM, '23 It It A U V S1BKKT, UK LOW HKC n.I keeps constantly on haad aad laatSS Reye' aad I'WIJrefc t'.I.OTHIMI of the best material ami in thut CHI I fall to five Sl.t.-faction. Litem patronage reapeetl'ullv .olu.ti .1 (my»l Hy EDWARD ELY, W O O K N A E A I O 3 r-cM-i-c' FURNISHER, 'a ler« of tfc. l»mnr«At I*. nr-« I., infonii the t. tle«atil Mork of I I. .'p- nil tune. flKMl L0\D« SfOTCB aa* I s fcVr Men's Wear, flikk belli WKI.L l'M»fcH.TAND. nner tbe Our New Styles! FOR THIS SEASON NOW OPEN* WK *».KP v»a* Mo •m. W i 4T»«*a UEMS' ltNISIIINIj "ELY'S EXCELSIOR SHIRT I" we make to OKI HI. ill .. I. I w Ill-\tm I'M^KI'T KIT •«adea .Huilr, 'I'ii n'lterr llrlt laf UIAOIM, Siicli us cnu be toiin.1 in no oilier hour* in tha \V I'. ST. Sltl.K Af|.^T for tin- rrlehraftd New Amidol! Ilnl. I in in ular attention giNa to all ol lei tioni the (..oiitrv. ELV, Draper. Tml«r and tl. Ills I- II I is IJ. r. 1*. O. a» thkase, 14% yun. .1 1 i v Uavenport Furniture Store, I i i i N i i i n i i 11 Hi:Mli\ HI 111.- llliMII a l:tr|t" I'd 1|iolt,'lowa. l!t KSTAlk I.ISIIMI.NT toiti llrait.t -lr el lo fit*/* lie will keepbn cL of I'erry. oinplet. st l*urlwr. IklsiMin^ Hiism, t'humlirr, I4il-ls.-tt niisl Oilier Ftsrsslturc. TUelar«. si- ..i Children'* t'mhn of all kind- In tl..- citv 1'i.tti. nlsr sti paid l«. reimirinij tiuinl.ire, and mw In tin tare exchanged lor old. «p idlf un derail tbe circumstances M. IA I.ZI'.I.I,. 1 AllNER DAVISON, V Building Com A O. llL'TLKH, *%1S d'2w MOHli, SOLOMON rpilE rt & Momrs Sparkling, still, and I n fermented Ohio PURE OLD UT1VB1 WIRES nlto* Eads & llavlland, I I A Y 1 I A I BOUNTY PENSION A«.-i:vr*. Mula A: Sid Hlrrt^ l. t. tcAt»a. A uivit.txn. ii. i hbm EADS, Hi VILA PKTEM, LAND AGENTS. OFFICES N. W. rorn. Pecond and Main, snd N W. filif oer Second tmd Hat iis'.n Sts spH-dljr reject «#nl bias, or to award vmvivs l)Bi« STOBE,^ Siilr Brutl) *1 rrel. brlwrrn U i H.AN. IIIVIIMmi.'AUK ASSI'ltEl* TIlAT THB J. fttnek ke|l on har.l at lln» Kt4#re ia a# tfeO pnrefltand mont 1 eliabie kind It coio»i*lM of Pure Drum and ('hrniiealB^ I'lar '1'olle.l «oe4a. Ferfliaerf, Braakea, !*eauUk», Ac., I^liich will be sold as low bS pure goods can be Ifbnght. A share of the public patronage l« respectfully solicited CIIVSlflAN- I kKM Ilrt'TIONH i ai»eh com 1 dinhkk at ali. nor us. apr'.dtf HAS lirNTINtilOl*. Kow Is the time ML MMfD DOIW 15KR KIT. W alefe Beaalrlea BY EXI'KhlfcM'KD WUHKMKN. at CanfW 00 liradt Htre-1. CLOCKS Of tbe latest sttW. .no of tie heat workmaqdhiB a a v- FROM ALL PARTH OF IOWA and Illinois solicited, and promptly executed a the moat artistic atjrie aad at New York rate*, jvl dtfj A. UAUEBUkCKK Anthracite Coal. Attfce aolieftatioa of a aaaber of oar cltU I am making arrange me tits for the delttety of thia coal, parties wiaClag ta aee it will pleaae oall on the anboeriber who will ia.a few davs he prepared to name price aad other partkalar* noaeeraiag H. For eeonoaiy, deaatiaeee aad aa perior heating qualities it is saperiur ta either coal or wood. Jaltfr^' m. i, i 2k Prlrrs Brdared AIURHVH, 70 Krn4y WrrH 'IK WAT' MEW OK Tllh I'l'ST MAMJ •artnre. I'h.ns. I.artu s hrtts—of smld Hold liold R.n/s t' everv disrrii,ti », Qealtf I'lt s. Sleeve It. it.,us. Slut a variety ol i thef l^ooda lion.eroiis to mentioa— 6ilV«r Aator Gold and mininc co LYON COUNTY. RHilML Capital, $1,000,0001 800,000 tharoa. I* a I a $ DR rOMRUCi* OliGOIT, Prwt. 1 JAM. CIlAl'MAM, Sec'y. Ornra—No 71 Broadway. Sew York Ciljr. N ft. All order* Blast be addiessed to jaf. l'ha|ittaa, Me'J, P. 9. boa Ra. KtV, New I*», City. JaatMa* wauitwt is SEWIM MACHINES ••I I •.». I--T-""" theroagb laatraction ft-ee of emtrgB- «. tri»a»ea|ertaaa