Newspaper Page Text
*A#t.)h*ai wm" .DM, Oaivnk, I #o Two »nks Ml 8 BP One munth,... 7A Two month*,.. S 00 Three »onlhe. I W o o n 7 0 Kit* raonU,.. It 00 Hi* months,.. II 6* i Nine bkmiU,.... 1«WI Omt ttw Oat year, .' Si on I Unrtiwmralii di* oatinued before Ub# wllwuf liif time contracted for will be cl •I short time rates Traiani .drertiaemenU sail be paid for ia advance. Mfertimmnrtl in ported ia Ik* Weakly oa lenaa. J. HICHARIMtiW. liMflfl lean f«M IB 0T1R iirooo-oOo. RETT 18SKT8, MHIiMt, 1MB, $3,677,362.21. FIRE AND INLAND NAVIGATION RISKS. Agenciea in all the Principal Cities and Towns in the UniUd States. Applications for Insurance will be promptly attended to. tstif* AMD i^UTlANCE AtTETfCY I CHARD B. HILL AND i O. W. VEKDER. No. 1 lilt Second Street, aouth-east cornet of Bead/ Stmt, (froiit oCtc# .. up stsira.) i XOUITRT VIIU TOR SALE. No. !#V (In JMWT ltidn«. S Wi'ile* Jr«¥i poat (OlBce, line li.iutfl, Ml u4 repair V r.MrtiiK, col Ism bum woi i #tfon, aad ."ittry houee.— ],S of iff iipei,1 born 'joon tba l»w»t yw,) all kiu U uf fruit*, Ileum* This pn.porty ein brafA 6 at-rea. I'rioc, 04.600 NOUSES FOR KENT. No. 14. Anew fc»u«e nn lirndv atwel, ooe of the meat eealdenre-i In tlie citv N*. 1. A large tit***) ith stl modern ^BprtfMiat'nU. amil% well, vinttru, fruil aan labwlo leses, liuiiifer view, •-canlfaUjL of the finest residences in ilieWf. OFFICE FOMENT. No. W A large, lik'lit, airr office, fronting on taatteooad tjtreet, (comer *'f Ika4.v wifb «iW •woiu if daaired. IU. WLUIMI OHMS ROOM Hi, 4, Rur. Hiluartl lud IHuinii Rooom (or (Mill, (C'UBrolMl, will* kiichcu «n«l t^nil atUc)ii»lj foiinviW (.crii|)i«J "by C. II. tciL FURNISHED ROOM, Furaiahcd for rest, Hr a c«uHe a mum iiiiiuriiialicil both gooj runuifl N«v t. baa alao a la tk» bun uh:ss part t»t the citr. SPLENDID STORE PROPERTY. t" Perry S ii,ii4i|»i rrv StrfOt,fir snip, I re No. "Merwiu'« Mlitcl (witli a prp^mt rciitui »f fl,I"*1 turn iiiiw, mul jirtw|ie«tiTe|r avrrv vnl«iab. -ertr T.i i-l.iw n concern Ini* |rippriy is •t a very low ric« and on assy terms. Tbo Properly formerly known aa tf tkc iBnariltU CtiNptioi" for Hale. No. 7. "Aesdemv of the ImmaetUalr Concep lti.«" property for mile. Thi* l«-«ant *Mal- cimi jprisas 10 seres,ouli main builiHay i Which nut ft» wx)) sad jfood bars land in eeatre le't'l anil hiirh alopiac gradually noutli.eaat and north. Will be •old rispwl timrfu** \f applit for «o»n. ll Jnot Hold it will be rcbuitt a* an cli-^unt rountry TiiH,Trt«napf any b« Scan al u|ir «Jby-: bv janr'paHy U i. ir4i**t lktiitl S»* laritril to call aiwi hp**titf ft »aiut'. !o«t'ir»l us the work will Jbe let by pontract to the lowest bidder The laud jhir.(er n|oS tlic titv but beini ii»t dill «i'le i« not vilyert to" climit!*, Ut t«xi^. HeautVal in its eiinilittuli. thin land i« tasttfiilly laid out In K»r.t. !I und lawn, nnil loi'i Miade atol urna wiut*1 Uec« are ptsatrd I art* forent trees stand* line tioi'tH o1 tlie iimin buiMinic. YliiS |la£c i# Well worth tbs attention of paroliasars. FINE BRICK MOUSE FOR SALE. ffi. I One of thote reodera sad conmnieat -i bosses in the new Muck known as "Clinton Placs," Br»dy Street. FMK NOUSES FOR Silt No. 14. The deitirable residence on Bftdf atreet, aew ocoipiedby Uracal Baker. No. #. Near llrudy Street. In perfect repair, tatorise, rnasio cellar, witb Well and tin Aern. I.ot vi by t.and i, well stocked with youn^ fruit Price (1 ,'J ». No 10. On north *idr Mb ftrert. tddoor east otthe Mptliodixt Olmroh, i ntorv, inicood repair, room* aoil, villi cistpru aud brick stable. Lot l.V feet d(!«|. frioe fiiioo. No. II. On fiee»it side of Brady street, (lot 1M* foet frost, 1S rooms, nood cellar ami cistern I'rice •i",jo or the house sad S portion vf the I »i it will be sold wpuratc»y. K.i. o. Tlie estate i'IOW 1jTtieo. pip INSURANCE. ifietate Capital Fire Iuin|ace •f Hartford, $S,M0,4».ttt hull Fire iMwaMe Hkt Of Hartford, Conn. $»S5,903,07, Nmbati Fire luiruee C«s» Or Hartford, Coan. •S30.1I0.M.1 City Fht Itsaraief Ct* OfHartfar4,Com. t444.4».«l. leakers A Ms f. Fire las* Ce*] Of New York. $500,000, Cela^Mt Fire la§araaef Cih .v Of TorM H6M.M1 JH.i utitu Of K..3 TEI^S 89,00 PJCH ANNUM: -O a.n. X, DAILY DEMOCRAT LOCAL ITEMS. b* V»w*Hah.-Call anil etamine m.itnrii: urgently needed by everrboil*. A inple mil be Kt'Ut tree by wimi, for cent» that retail* for |6 It. L. Wolcott, 170 Chatliaa •quar^ Hew y^rk, ^y»-dfy At Con.— A lot of Baby Carriage at Jonea', Brady street WtVNt 4lh and Btfc J.T. TBMPI*, 5ta., fruit and MAAR k MATU, of dothiera, at No. have for some time return of the Trtei stock of ready On CHAS. W. VF.RDER, Agnrt. BUSINBSR EDUCATION roa I) 8OL fciens.—Kxtraordinary inducements offered to disabled (Jrtion soldiers who desire to ob tain a thorough commercial education, at liryant, Strstton 4 Merrill's Commercial tullcge, Davenport. Always go to the st. Stud for a circular. tiiylH-dw SCOTT DIVISION NO. KexnM.t's S" wl i FARMS FOR RENT, TO AMBOI.IWS.—Any JVSTCAI lady desir ous of improving the quality and strength of her hair—Slid wc btliew that this desire ia universal anion? the fair aei—can gratify it by using Kendall's very excellent and t-lll C.icious preparations. It is sold by all lime gists, ami its remarkable success is chiefly owing to the fa t, that when once known, U is never abandoned. julbdlw. kb tuit a cough lias liei-n running fur a long Ituiu and you begin to feel a pain setting in upon your Lungs attended with tightuesa across rhe chest, it in high tiuie that you should Awaken to the danger of your disease, which is fast running into fatal consump tion. Now, before it I* too late, use Alletl's Lung Balaam, which will cuse Uiseaee, and *11 will be Well with you. For s.ile by E. S. BAI.LARD. Ahe, by the Dealert tn Family Mtdieftut femnuy. UHRAT AUIVAL o $TOCK AMO N. B. Mr stock is warranted second 4o •one in the United States. jl!7 J. AN BTVE SORE. How miserable and must the unfbrtunate victim of Scrofulou- Sores, Skin Eruptons.and disfieucd bodies feel.who by thcr iufiruiities anu lepefmu diseases are denied the aociety of the refined and beautiful. Yet, te these banished mortals from society, there is hope of speedy return with the full enjoyment of all tint pleasures of health and biisa. line to six bottles of Dr. Iladwsy's Renovating Resolvent will cure the worst eases ofSkiii lliseMu, Fever, Sores, Ulcers, Swellings of the tilsnds.— Let this medicine be csed in all cases where there is a sore of Skin Disease, and three days' use will give satisfactory evidence of a permanent cure. Price $| par bottle.— Sold by Druggists. Always ask for Kfcd way'a Renovating Resolvent. Got*' A'TSB owned and occnpleS S. f. l) i«, l.sii .lieinn the dwellinif house lild three full lots, fiontingjjouth upon titli St., corner of Karnnm atrwt. Tliia liooae is IU per ^•et repair, bat ni)( been tilted up by the owner fb«hini**lf. The untire arrangeai«ait ot tbe house IS tasteful and complete. The riew froa tbis place is unsurpassed. Terms easy. Ho. It. frame boose aouth side" 3d street, two Biles west #f Hrsily street price, |l,80o. T*o birds may reusin on mortgSK* at sis psr cent. PIMP): "What are yoa goin' daown to ths maonth of the river fbr f»' "After recruits," replied Wallen at the top i his voice. "Hey 1 "After recruits," roared Wallen again. "Can't hoar y?." Then the old lady moved round, and put ting ber mouth to tho old man's ear, shout ed, in a voice that would have done ciedit to Stentor after he'd got a little in yeais: 4 "He's a-goin' daown—arter recruita— su bar—and—cqjffee— and— Pinkerton's Wa poo and Calisaya Bitters—and sich The old ladv waan't se fbr out of the way after all. These Bitters are unequalled to "re cfuit" impaired vital energy ol every des cription. 9 TOTBI aaaaaaHg lit! kt I Twtaiieili |i E. (j. Oduirne patch fVom La Regiment will pi morning. regiment co RCMIMI TOK ready made clothi the corner of the cheapest FUriajt, cor. 4th and Main iny26-ly i'I known firm 2nd Street, preparing for the hare a.splendid on hand. Taa I- .. Rm-nrrrs.—Captain Wallen started tlpwn tbe Delias to Vancouver, to bring up a party of recruits to fight the lo comotive Indians, lie slopped for, the night at the Cascades, in the house of an old man called "Uncle Sammy," an inquisitive oM follow, about eighty-six and deaf as a had dock. After supper, the old man, old wo man, and Wallen drew up chairs around a wood tire. The old man immediate ly commenced plying the brake (good ex tr?s«ic:, for ived a dia 90th Iowa to-morrow of the SIXTEENTH.—- eity last enth low here this S. GLSTTI termaster's ol every possible at the cheapest llo.«mcr, at the and Brady, have e stock of the boat he lowest rates. lied clothing cstab- OaocmiM.-—i •outheast a now on hand of family 8AM. I'SKItf lishmcnt, oppos^ flourishes like a will do well to ten. TUB HABVBIIT.— from travellers this year has so damage baa Post Office, still I tree. Our vets there early and of TO TBS Bht-OO GBA!»O ATTB will be in Metropolitan II delivered by tbe city. to Bryant, Strat ton A Merrill's Davenport Commercial Cof lege, to get a thorough practical bugini!8t elu'ation, or to becou.e a good wound tele graph operator. For cirrularsaddress (en Cloning stamps) Bryant, Strstton A Merrill, Davenport, Iowa. dwly. addrc STRIEPEA'S RBCO§**^-Ahorse was stolen some time sgO^pb a pasnfee near Muscatine, be longing to^rs. Ogilvi^^ that city. Efforts were msde for its recovc^L and have prov ed successful, ft was fo«d a short time Ago in St. Louis, but the prehended. i, Sons of Temper ancc, meets every Friday evening at seven o'clock in their hall over State Uank, cor ner yd and Brady streets, jan 6'dlwly SOCIABLE.— held in the Coi the 18th, by I benefit of the with a truly mend a similar city, and do not with a decided TUE IOWA Re%ldM'To BE Mt VJTili, Bi ilt nntgotilery, JQifc I 2*th at Atiiinsts, Oft. TBR pfaapolf lllod aadfwMPdodhy linreaoto tie ttffulitflhiVaMlMH, afrlMwda -u Duncan we have lowing dispatch IOVISVI Ovl. Du aoss, ju1y7 il IVPOSTANT Sk*.—We invite ear headers to a careful perusAl of Dr. Easterly's ta».ioal advertisementa ^ich can be aeen tn otir colunis thinde" Wt. Easterly's pre parations are stanoaH remedies and are vef) celebrated and popoltrthrougboui the lNo^t)i w«t. Iff rptePpr. Ea*U^ loiiineand tewaaanlla, Dr. Oartsr'a (h BalMm, Dr. Baker's S|Me«c Aid Dr. itte Otfgt HiOae preparatyma genetMttbe tot the last ten TC«ra, aMlarelM^I* %«infallihle reme- I have Iowa tnfa 01 enlist reniezvo 39? MiuTABT BALL mf be foond aet Brady, selling at atlH olaima the hatevtr can pos of fsocy, staple, und at Streeper's Brady and Second attention of the •ibly be or elegan Variety streets. waa not ap sociable was Moines on city, for the a Home, and We com e ladies of our Nimn.—The Ntnt waa mnstetad out at (ightccnth, aid ordered ton. We Mre to ret Major SmvhAnd Col ALAHNED.—When Infantry on the at Clin ur thanks to n for their kind information rela returning regi hope :esies. THIS Loni! These prii terday's issue we best Richardson's Dungeon, and hundred pasq Of innwc e Instead of REDUCTION IN I'llK KS AT THt DAVKKfOW ClTT CaK HiAiiK Uhi ostToaT, No. 140 BaAnr STKEST. The arrival of a Urge stork of those thor ough made and olegant two and four seat Carriages, Top and open Ituggies, direct from our manufactory in the east will re duce the prioe for the ittrt thirty day* be yond" the most sanguine expectations of of purchasers. At pretest 1 gas show my Customers n better assortment of siylcs than can be found in larger cities further tast, anil at prices that defy competion.— Call early, save money and secure your Choice from the largest Ptork hi Hie country. The bi»' HOYT. RUSTIC WINDOW SIIADRS.—Kyery bouse keeper should know that a Window Shade Manufactory has boon opened in this city— Second street, three doors East of Perry— South side, by Chandler, Kailsback & Co. These shades are made of strips of wood woven together, and painted or stbined in varipua.colors. They are very dui able and elegant, and ehoald be found in every house. Lit n encourage tbis new and. Worthy enterprise liberally. Ladies should call and be® the styles. njred erouie. to[uiusic, ent? Norica—As will where, a returne tshe money he hai vices—betwron, two hundrel di the And ex will see tbe propriety the amount to this office—ti reward so that the balance Aj be forward' Od to tho bmyayoung who haa so gal lbntly been lost all is ser fty and We hope bringing a liberal Qt'EENSWA^ tention of our rMd|jjMl^^necstab1ishment of C. J. WebTi on LeBlaire Row, where an aasortment of queenprare and solid and sil. rer-plated goods cmt be fonnd, such as can not be stirpassgWKy^M-e west of Chica go. The terms are rcasaable—such as no one can take exceptionsBo—the wares are not Only elegfti^JffMuraHc. and the stock of such a vag^Vtbafaqf taste can ho suit ilted us. and did'nt|iaU. Escort aake at us, railing and out the d« kicked oui on its feet, a* Daylight sTERKn 111 2DI h, at Uruzos .Santiago, Tejuu, •. JA1, at Montgomery, Ala. ., •14th aud &ith, at Mobile, Ala. -iw 3ftth, at Dnvall's HlulT, Ark. ."iftih, consoliiliitci' witli the ^4tlb y 40th, at Port Smith, Ark. 2d and 3d batteries, near Nashville. The 4th, Oth, Utb, 13th, 15th, 10th and 17th are at (/nulsvllle, and will alto be mustered «Ut without delay. Thisveter ight at about enthusiastic addressed by GoL Wa. Pall, WA Brigade."— the rough timoA, gh. IJr. Hubliell jtes, however. The ther at luka or •atlsfled witk then. The nt of the Iowa fivs rece Geo. late The they have tqaile twO fSeventb did not fl| Jackson. The hoys what just glory that Sixteenth was th% only Urigatje tjhat of the battle ol ing at Grtnfl might have however, had 850 men rank Matttottu igade was ly orders.tie other ftald^ THE pBEATEST GOOD JO THE GREATEST NUMBER. DAVENPORT, IOWA, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1865. —Wei the ditninu- of this Democratic Xatablishment, the military ball lut night, if elf, and may be we don't thoueh! ^novelists say, "at the appointed Herod the Theatre building and rioieat contact/ with a military friend, am before the! drank to I "Billy Sher Ing eonskler much of milfl bly Ben Both rumof«d la our obers of the Elev* enth would arrive sorrow morning. opposite the Quar »nd street, have i a soldier needs beat a call. aa we can learn rior, the harvest bountiful. Some the chinch bugs. y matters—thought proba eottld take Port Fisher if they'd give anothrf- fair trial sometime this summer—^boughtfBanks might distiu guish himself RedKiver this summer, if they'd let him&admjred Banks' taste for cotton—understood !«sr.ton had taken Sher man down consiltTatiy lately, but "could'nl Bee the point," fct- We treated friend to the cigars, slike4 unler If out of tfli way, set basket itarted home, ATTSHTION GROCERS.- refer the grocery dea Advertisement in E'gle Mills, New York City lished over tw^ owned by Ma import and mail kin'i of (Jrocers^ "Rising Star'1 yeast far ami wid« as the I of the kind in Arnerji cle in surli a were 'dragged fever drink, but 1, and toasted i bad beea toa»t light. He talked a man's arm, and left friend iii bMsslul ignorance of our whereabouts. In/cred 'hall in dignified manner, and enc^uitered a gigantic veteran. Veteran casuiillylttmarked that "smokin' wan't allowrtl," Ipocked the Are of cigar in to our vest pocke&aiid drove stump into the cavernous deptM of a decayed tooth. We scrutin'zed hitiJaarefully from crown to sole, espeaialwC tbe three magnifi cent feet tlall towered above our h*ad. Thougn hB remarks were eminent ly approprialeiditlnt believe in smoking in tbe vicinity oBladfts, admired his chival rous disposition, and invited him to drink. His features Relaxed into a heavenly siuile, and he asscmed. fteturning with our head at an angle bf 40 Agrees, and our thumbs in the arm-JUles I our vest, we collided witli an IriJh wai it. "Arrah ye devil, an' what afe ye ab lit," aaid ho ferociously. "About t(|partici|] Ue in the mazy dance," Said we cainly. Be jabbers!" he rep'ied, "an' I'll be after ituazin' ye, if ye do the like of tli^t again.' We pissed on. Danced With lad# with gr en hair, and beautiful auburn tjress crowded. We sailed off in tine stylei but in balancing, tore auburu teimered our^iocere apologies. Bal anced to Ibe next, tare dresa and apologised. Tore iies| one's dtcfet tore next one's dress and procured a pin. u'igure concluded, took damsel td a seat an4 looked for hat. Hat goal^hdl white onellhcie, with rim broken and crowf caved in. IWent into the garden Individurf asked us I'wbat tlie d- 1 we were doing with bis tat." Surrendered hat and aocep|ed yellow Ine—for did'nt know Where next one woulA come lVom. Met a Veteran whoapproprisied yellow hat with out a word. We reflected that he had served his country aod«u^t|o have a hat, ect.— We then danced with aiblack silk lady with a good looting dress onldanced twice more danced twd or three tiinps more and went to supper BdAOtifbl llto oat opposite us, •»—admired tier very inuc i—wondered if she wid« and would ike to many. Saw her place fa handkcrcl ief to her mouth teeth fell o it on tbe flo r. We remarked that Madau bad dropped nmething. Madam gazed wistf illy at us as I hough she would like to sen ch our respe live eyes out.— Wc got nei rous though! we'd put away our bandk£chief and lei e. Tucked cor ner of tabll cloth in pan! iloona pocket and started confusion, ect. I irne«l milk pitcb or into ladPssilk lap. I jr military escort will be prpmu Oniric* Jet/!e ed I iefore Justice orderly conduct 01 Was fined |5 and Did'nt know the countersign, lischarged pound ind bit waiUl in tbe eyes just as he entel id the door. Waiter dropped tray of ic« cream. We s down tbe stair tiit fat man. gat man tossed us '. Lit in a jftiasket of dishes, TIIE MARKETS. #1.0.5 to day oati bushel. The reci been from three principally wheal Sacks of wheat Saint Louis to Hay brings $13 80 cents per po dozen. ROCK ISLAND ind went to bed Verdict—" obody hn* uon." Fine ball v^,,. v.~.— Milo Wlnte.— '"Grand mil :ary demonst rtusic ex1tlf. t,Pp, CIJIf ot T. —Tie fotfowiag ate the ktOut|oM *00. nsents not ^o* metered out, bat entitled to be si i, undo the provisions of a General Or der of the War Department, to muster out ull troops whose teruis of servij.tcsuire prior lo (»ct. lst,'t»mBlmft:- xTl» •"itIi.eonsiilidated with 5th C&Yt&Xf 8th, at Montgomery, Ala. l'-It h, at tioluia, Ala. 14th, uinsteted out, e.vceiit resiflvary bat Ullion, two c»tii|ianies, at Springfield, III. 14th,at Vanmren, Art. oitged to Sr. White, flo manager. P. S. NAv Mr. Gszett seme more fintion. Uakefie cuss" fore atU aft to-morri local columpBpU kpOW* Local's been at unprincipled Pill out your ow. I pwja^Rp'y. Dooa.—If a hoKt1ll|^(ni break frtom an enclosure on the op-skirts of the city, and attempts to enjorane magnlicent pasturage te be fouud Uierp it is iuairdiate ly taken charge of by 6op( vigilant official, throat into the pound^tfVMttinier reliev ed of five or six ifmfa needlestw charged On the other hana, however, oaAreata are thronged with all manner of woanlesa and vicious cura, continually annoyiH man and boast, liable a^ny time to boMezed with the hydra^RDDiA, Vy yet ouvcitiaens are cotnpeliyTto bear fLhorses can't run atiarge, y^nyay general masacrc or con(nem^tof aH^fRiteas canines, unfit for ui PiixiBistE* i a i y o o i s yotin^ taefi' reCentbMHl DubuqueXhound for Mexico, butj^Riich aide to figl have not yet^•nied. Of the thirty i he compaiadlut about three will return, anplhcso will probably bring about tnnty-five cents in small billi any amJant of glory, for their braineanndertaking. Them's more to he wute in minding one's own hi in this world than most people imagi JUDGE COLE'S ADDRESS.—As It numbers •fCol fol- Lehpre^oraUona bntoediately fhretho re^ijflfot, Jpa se^ harder proved ita courage on bittle-flella d^t^od OPBBA TROCPE.—0alAben 4 of twenty Its Hum Ca, Wisconsin, Anderaonville, which it to leave UI, to the of thei streets, i miUa^ere esUb And are arlay, who) spices, S|l ci lehratedj dera, celebrated iest and cheapest' of them at the m^^liberal ltO% when de sired forwarfthjir price list to«ny4}M». G»v. SkuiE is Town.'—Our cijfcent will le paseito know that the Avcrnor of our Slate* now in the city, sfld will be present to light at the inaugurallxcrcises of the ormiiAcial College, and vJh deliver a short addras to the audience. WSlie Princi pals of thiAiopular institutio* are sparing no oAxpenne to secursilhc Improve ment of thA- students, at the public shouM projfclj appreciate ^eir liberality and enterprae, by never allj tunitv of sevnding their e improved. Ihe public is to be present Siis cventngj POLICE CoAr. -A na SdHTlRkT— CouAny D, the 12th Regiment Illinois InMtrjr return ed to Rock Island, last nigh^and was wel corned back by a large co^Mn^f citixens headed by their old commander, %.D. Wil liams, now a colonel. This cojRpapy was raised by Coi. Willi seventy-five thousa REWARD.—Fifty nm« of tbe kward is offered ITcry who lately county jail. Why fve descriptions for the capture of, e caped from the Jack don't the norther of these fugitivi DAVENPORT.'IOWR^Ju Losf !—Between fl.iO.oynd #200 tween the German theatyand Pennsylvania House. The finder tdl^^lWally reward ed by leaving it at tbis ogee. EISLER. COMMEWClAL. Mew Vwrk Market. MEW TOU, 4 July 30 Cotton 4S(ii4S)jo midtinf(. FLOUB.—Market 5e lower. #«.0T®8.76Extra State. ^Bbav.—Dull. Amber, t-'oa.\. uucliHoited 7 tic unBMui) W^Me sound mined western. Oat—-Hull. 6 «t'. Western. Po«K Ilull, new liesAi Wauaar.—Quiet. Stew York Mecbs. haw Toa*. Julr to. Rold opened at closed #1.42 ^. To-Day'« Advertlsementai TO Tit 12 GB0CE11£TBADE! The Eagle Mills, (WTAHMMIEn IMo.) PLHE A TI'RLET, ton A 49 Dey street, W YORK, •aporiern A Healers la SPICES, LNDIGO, ANU GROCERS DRUGS, Aud Manufacturers of MUSTARD® COFFEES ««0 SPICfS, AVI THF mm STAR" fesst Pewfer, Which we guarautcc tor every climate. MUSTARDS, VF.AST I'OWDKR and other Standard (Jmnl", mnuutiirttireil hr uf. bear tirai "ignaturr antl trade nurks und are Win will address the students of thuCommer cial Coi lege 4fait ovaiing, at thaaletropoli tan Hall, and will be followed many of the prominent business men df our city. The pavenport Brass Bam A. Storm leader, has generously tended itaaervices, and tbe "JSdian Glee OmL" also, under tbe direction ofPrMtlei Chaagc ofOpera Baeh iMrectorg Maunder ilt*" HanaaM' bav. heretofoM aaaounoed, 4ud|go C.Jl. Merer*. Castle'_ English Oper» TnyipsMhat has been p«r fonaing at Keokuk, a abort time past, is to give our citiadls an entertainment «ext Monday evopg at th4 Ji|(c&pol!Un Hall. The coiwy num exoell their ing 4MWK|adi »l orr of Grant tho i broke jail in tha^oooirff oajM 11th inst( and has noSheon iMhrd afjl&sir not learned bUoi^Mllj^^|Hf«deosrip- JsHfr ZTnrrr w Shlnflrt, Pickets, Almost any arti de can be procured 2' ring an oppor lirts to pass un aestly invited ss vagrant was lood to day. ht before Justice with having while in the law f. Was examined and rrested and exsmin cliarged with dis e streets last night. Its. eat brought $1 and corn 35 cents per of grain to-day have thousand bushels^, •orn. Three thousand ipped for Alton and he Sucker State.— butter from 25 to 30 ceuts per disposed of blare Squi: Mary CAwisln Blood this moVftng, wilfully r, sisteAin o ful discharge of Ms dul discharged. SETH P. BRYANT, I JOHN R. KiMPtMlN, WABKANTEII. Tlaey an *eld by all Iradlag tlr« t-erw la the »rlhw eil, Aad i.v f»KTTI I"r MM ITH* Westi WalrrSt., I1drag«. I'rice Lilt forwarded. jy80-d6m Metropolitan Hall! POM MX NMiHTs ORbV RtcbIrc. r«. Campbell a Caatle. Mr Frank Rivera Mr. Wa. Cattle English Opera Troupe! Cole AuKMNA mriTK. Prim* Donna Contralto. Mra. I. BKKrtt.BY*..o. ar VfM O *srth., II TeSora., Mr ''Alll BKt.1. Prlm» ItanljM. Mr. EUWAlll* SAOt'lK. Fnnio Barttoah tmj •. Mr T. Atlur,. Seoond Ter or Mr.Ohaa. Virn ck". B»-emid Teaor. ., Mr. Warren White. Firat THK T»'£IIT« ANNUAL OP THE *tr 5 '"T1 SCOTT COUNTY iiftltl'LTlR.Ui SOClETf, will be held at V im* ttorenport, too*, September 18,10,20,21,22, 'ffa. OPEN TO THE WORLD. $5,000-00 In PremluaiN! For Premium Lists or any information concerning the Fair, aply personally or by letter th aaeea. k C'a-t!^ take toiiiiC'ha KHiiiamfa plrvnnt that lo an- altor mnrh care and lite Mxi*'CHI r»*efaUTh among Profe ^ainn. ibc»y fiave-eu*cf«a*d In full and K.roLisH Eaalaad, elvetla, Ikallaad, will Ball from Liverpool aad HIMN*wTorttrny Hr. Kekhark Musical Director CAMPBELL CASTLE'S *b*»OWB WILLIAMS A Ut'IO.X, liroadway, N. Y., or to LOIJ1N A. MAl'HIiAT, Agt. K. —Agenla lor the Old Black Star Liverpool Packet*. juylTdly reor- tronpe fvr tfce tn.ti of flrat-elaaaefficient prodeo- opea^ii In aatyle worth the arttWa'»"nand kupport of all lover* of Huate. In addition »o lho«a|ieees wbleh ttify havea1r«*ty appeared in. wl'k 4a» mn«t me c.-a«e«, in W'W York and PhtUdelphla. they h«v« added to their reperoire the late«t new work*, which have created marked ••euaatlon In London. The following name# eomprUe the priori pal artlata: •nwi'OOng and Wanful voealtat lliaA HtXlA CIX'KK Prima Donna noprmno. C. TEGELER, laferter, Bealer A Reetifler la foreign J* Bmmentie I Bmmi ,, Mr. Wm Bka«t»a..Ba«ao Bol»b_ Mr. (Hlo Lehtaaa, BaaawProfaadA ,e |«|«jaj^pe aaabea IteMy ArtlaUof •STThat BBnowlcdf ••MIAT BTKHMi «nT Mb, WB1 be w*«aol*d the OaMMad Opera, IB ttrM asta, oowpoead hjr U. W. Uk, aatWad in MKBIM CIKL IJKpde*** aftar Vriiaj, Juljtlit,«tthetlalae of C. WaHaaa. ira epea a T.* n'alaalt. Tba Oeertara win .... ..J3* K OH ABB, SO GENTS PER WEEK* "S.i!» •w-' ,»»**. t. FT7 & DBSSAINT 9t SCHRICKBR'8 STEAM SAW, AND PLANING MILL I Cerser Scot! 4 24 Slrecls, Dares^ort, leva, LUMBER OF ALL DIMENSIONS. 0o«*n«! •. -.»i Blinds, KiNUFACTUBED i SOLD AT LOWE!! MUPKET PRICES OrdmPreapily Aiteaded te. WrltefbrPrlres. ah6-ly W O E S A PAPER WAREHOUSE! V ill be Opened about Angnst 20th, lM5,a| ,.it/ i- .1 NO. 226. 1 PLUMMER'S Pfo. 50 Brady Streigt flWE HARVEST »TOM if. Letter, Note, Cap, Legal Papers and r. 1 Envelopes ever fcrdtttkt to lovt. Also, SCHOOL B00K8, WALL PAPERS, ALBUMS, POCKET BOOBS, PENCILS, and s general Sleek ef STATIONERY* WHOLESALE EXCLISIVELY. BOOTS & SHOEfe WBand ARK NOW RECEIVING A l-AKOK AVU WE Lb SK1.ECTKD MTVWk tNf IMOltt Mioaa, to which we iuvite aitvution of COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Onr Ooods Bre all A-esb and bought direct from manufacturers. Our faeilMwafer baying a*0taett aa To eaable us to compete with anjr House In tbe Went Merrbaats VlalltBg the Cliy requested tooall and OXBaiaa. ef alack before makiaj£their purchaaea. SETH P. BRYANT CO., No. 25 .Second atreet, between llrariv and IVrrv, apt9-41v Dareaport, Iowa. O S I V KCTflEI WWUY. Wo. 84 Main street,, td door below the national Bank. Dav IoWa. J. C. CQJIMLM, TXTBOLEgAL W dealeraVo seiga Aiaertoaa BBAffBIKS, MOHR, .... .^.QXOMON I & MOHR'S l^&fl^lTtiK, 51 ill, and tn fermented Ohio"" mt HD UTIIU IB! —4*0— MME CATAWBA NANMEI1 Dealers in i .ti Waa. K. aAMallT, Secretary, 50 Pefff Street, Davenport, Iowa. julylT diwtfair R1HAM FMM Qneenstown and Liverpool! THK Pint-CIa*. powerful tron Wennhlpa of the National Steam lavlgatlon Co* VirglaU, Lealalaae, Peaa»ylvaala« Krla, .Bourbon and Itye W I S K Y Rm.IB*. PALL 1865. Wstoca ^ion»istii% ef- TUBS- DAT and WBONRBDAT from to Liverpool every MfcTVKDAY. Rate of p-oage from Sew Votk p^yahle In currency, Cabip »M, Nleerage |M. To N«« York rerjr U« K»'e». P»m*eni»*r» or««rUvd i P*rL» and all 6aman porta Ot low ratee. For parage ply to Silks Faney Dress Ooods, %eel ft Cotton DeLalnes, Balmorals, Shawls, z Cloves, Ue 4t MsUtem Cssde, tit. Which-we are prepared to sMI at the lowea market price. 9DMVND YARD SL CO. •17 (17 Cheatnnt and nit Javne-ata PBlLAMiLPaiA. HVICHMANN It CO^ KaMaotanairf Kfla BrM miPlae Belted M. Orders takea at tbe mill oa -r Mf II—a WM anaiw a»t Aad BttfcOtr kteeo eeraei of' nwwt aud ^rMy '(Bom TAkOW In RaotMaavO^ yv" •W CUTB1IS BOW POILIO Wlkb PI.KARR T« MIWFMA t.""! kOUSS •tore furtnrrtf ewrSeat of* CLarrna. MmnnniRf •Birra^«ia. «i FINE CDST0M MADE KMT BMC eiOTHMG aad Ueaia' ParaUhlaa Needs flrateful ftir paat fiivnra al Ike oM «t*nd, h« pledge* hi mar If aame at the new at and. aall-tf v. •'im'w w COLLINS, 1 I' flaorlnit KldlnK, vvldlng^ Hoe 06 *00 (A raw BMII list«' dew f.rl iHAll. l.KIaA —AM una JOH1 JWRIIA1, NO.13WKSISi:i.t»MiS UHHBKKT TAm llra«l« to K. dimr aat uf I Vrr\. will keep vo a a large ul cotn|UUelmk of II P.ada Tt Tiif. ,/ tndeaene a conlmuaiice ol the fffff lnqwrfrrt mud Jobber* mt foil GOODS 1, PLUMMEH 'J* j, & CO. i)) mi m^7 TII TAILORING Cleaalag A Beaevatlag, tMBradymreel, he(. 4th* ntVR^IPVRT. IOWA. H^Partieular nttemion paid to cullltiK MOM «ud i»o»»' ulotlniif uprSVdtf ISTIJW STORK! Bartemelrr HandJohn as KKMovi n HIS.^TOCR UP 000M to tYsnklih on H«H*miil street, Bote llanistui wlitre hi* ha* nf«ofto4 a NKW l,OTUI\ SToki:, uutl will keepOMe «»n tiind n iv«"»«l aM^ortnifiit i»f ttfnli' FiirttlnhliiK laooAs, iiiMtli* to tn«l. *in Nlart«ot Dotice. al4 Warranted to «niit Call unl tut- *eti! Jly I KI i:T, URTWtKS llrai'v utul I:o make" tn unlei und ia tho beat atvle," MKJi AND HOYS' lOTIIINIl ot every ifeKcripllon, The fiille*t *atil'iiclifin Ifiiar antied. I -illicit (mm ini 'Mcniitimi«i »ilinreon tuiiwnce ol piiirona^'D l. ae rt-ia. uiyM A. NH.I.ER, KltAllV rtlltKM, BKLOW M»'0 ond keepa uouatauily oa kaad aad aakOO to ufder. ileal*', Seys* aad ChlMrem t'liOTIUNtl ol the heat luuterial and in a uiMiaee that cannot tail to 1 kiv i -1^' I ion. l.iBeeal patrnnaj{i rcapectt^illv Mollciteil. jmylll-dfy EDWARD ELY, W O O E N A E {^TAILOKll GENT8' FURNISHER, tic«in- to Inf..rin the tender* of tlie DrwfclU* hi. ut all lino mi Kl' iranl Murk nt LONb^K^ NOTCH PRCBCB J-Vr Which lie mate tn niun-n WKI.I. :T., Our New Stylt.*' FOR mis season now OPE*.' !. w* *r*r i \K':r rrr» aroca oaf w "ELY'S EXCfLSIOR SHIRT We iiittk' iti»u. in n it.utiitrr i-».«trvMVt, triitirtiiiVi'i-n rKKf-ett nr. JL«a4oa nude. Tint-Deer l)rlte|r i' fideh asean be founi! ill no ullitr hetlM ia'tha tl I.MT. AWT for til., rel.-hratcd V. w V»rt Aailtlmn Bliit. p»rticnl,,r at»eni|..u ftiVM to ail ortlcra Irofu thweuuatry, 'i" ELV, fra[n r, TaiMr aud li« rtU tn m.-1irr, 1 o. n..x eoie. m.' juneS dl.V RE.JtOf.fl,. Ilavenport Farnllure Ktoron rMKR. IIKITMi niM^^I AM RKMOV'KII III.- HMTI Itl. RHTAtoi'' fl| Parlwr. Itiaalair Roaaa, CaiiiniM-r. Hln hen and tlHce I'uraltttfe. t%clarg«at fcti.'-k ..f V f'kiMrrii'« fa60 all klnl^ in the ritv. Particular -id t«» ewiiOiHritf fumituri' and nevr farnitvr#'1 lxchan|pd fur aid. ep fidfy IlftVilMIld* .. I I A Y A I BOUNTY PENSION A^IMI-N. N. W. ceraer Mala 4 44 Rlreela. CADS, HAVILAMI ft mtth LAND AGKNTS. OimiKrt N. W. eeraer Hecirad ami Main, and N, W. aM net Hecond iumI tlari i».ni Hta. ^'apB-dly, PEOPLES' BRCC STfBB, iFfri Hi* Brady »twl. brlvmi W k Afc •v. Jk n. anTin«TM, arf .\sst Jt at CINCINNATI!, OliIO. #hich will kkii TIIAT «T*lt HI. A IU West St. k*|»t Im raa f»n mI t' is Mnn- to »f tils i purrnt and aimt feHafel* kiad eonaletA of Pure Diukh and ('hcmleate^ 1 Viae Twllel (ood«, PrrAMMif, H|-Haheia, Paaadea, Ac., iltlVIVO, 7« Iri^r Mreel: 1 ^1 K WAKItLK OK Tilt ItlKT MAAU faclure. rii.i, #, l.«,li Sett.-of eoiid 'old-liold Hint'* of every diaeriptin, Oenta' ||.«, Sleeve II. ttona. and vaaietv ofitket K»ods t" nmrierous to Oientio.i— IIL flUKFO MINI IS Kl ttlt. .rEXMlJr^.^iKSSa, OD Bradf Htre CLOCKS Of iht laioat at) lo. nl uf ti«e liert aorkniBAii i KeetU tf Aator Gold and SUva* MININCCO, LY0R COUNTY, NI0AIM. capital, mr l*«!ee M'i DR TORNKIilOH OUXm.Vr**. JAH. I'UAPMAN, Ree'v. 'l3 Orn ci—No. 71 Hroadway. Hew York Clty N. B, All order' mut he aiMiesaed toJa tlhapmaa, See'y, P. O. bos JtoTSpf, HowYoW Ci'y. jaVl»-»aF. 1 aa,M ea low aa para ((ooda eaa to Ihcr'.T HAVE SOW IV HT01IE A FULL of Foreign and Domestic PbtjOoqus, OAKKH'I.I.YCOJIPOt JiDtHi., Mv.i.uN aprKdtf AM. Hl'.N, Sow Is tie Time O Prlres Hedared ik 'Ky-» |t,eeo,oo»r 800,000 AHaroa. »H WNEELEII wu. •. WNm MACHINES AAttMioor 5 I all agffMCIl