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owe*PORT MMOMAT, NILLV 4!«D WKEKI.V. *1.. PKHRY STKBBT ftlOIUBUROI MHO*.. l^l^F.Sfiflvnredluclty, par wee j: illv, dollv, red In c(tr. ix-r week, null ."•••rrt!»»« i .«• year. «•»•!•.»•» mi.i .'i! Tena»pi» "in adJltlrwa! c..,ir M-Ih -t Twent*. R. f'T «n the roemV.. I ctah mu.t »«1IC we. /. i. i.l' 4A*V#HI. OTli-i- i' Pwar of the City. UOCAL ITEMl. MISS B. B. CLItOUA*. A*ent, jsafM Daveoport, Iml I HOT*i.— 40 rjoint, in a gx»l town lor ti-jsincs, to sell che*!', trade for Und. II iim-n, l'ftn nn'l firin« for sale "heap. Sitters. Jirtveutand lr you are trouble with Indigestion, Ris ing ot' Food, Sonr leliing", Acidty of the Stomach, or any other form of hyspepsia, •void all stimulating drinks which relieve •nly temporarily, and tske Ooe's I'vspepsia Cure, which surely afford permanent relief. THE iuitgination is stimulated by the in tense of (lowers, and if ever there was po etry in perfume, it is breathed silently and toothing from Phalor.'s ".Night-Hlooming Cereu"," the most how itching of all the fta franted nuit preparationa that chctnio art has ex from the tloral kingdom. Jesirea Tia Hn»r euros chapp«l hantlf, salt ghi'tiia, pimilM, aut all catsneoa* affiarttum, render* tha (klu ixitt Hint xnoolti. Manutactarad by CA8WKLI-, MACK A It)., Now Vurfe. •old by all Ihnsdlata. hbMwlttvi*I| HOLLOWAT'S PILLS AND OISTMEKT—NEC •AUIIA—Tio Douloureu*. The doctrine that Quinine and carbonate of iron were the m- tisordsrs, remedies for tie doloreux and nervous is now exploded, ilolloway's Ointment will procure the speediest allevia tion of pain, and a few applications suffice tbr a permanent cure. Thousands who have experienced a radical benefit from its Vse are prepared to vouch for the correct Hess of this statemsnt. In gout, rhenma Hsm, lumbago and sciataca, it i( equally #flcac:oas. Sold by all Druggists. Sraaa's Wtwas are tha pare juioe of the grape whose pure and goneroua qualities •annot be excelled for the invalid or con* valeseni. They are highly estiinnl for •fccramontal parpoaoa. N. B. Good Wine liaWes good blood. U to *ao Basr—(to to the Ijaal Strattoa Stale BoalMM Ootlag* to get a thoioagb prac Meat tmelnua* edacaUou, if to besoms a gooa Pound Mt kEraph operator For elfeslars aad papers, ed •*»«*, (»nc!rMin2 lump) "TheBryaat Mrstlon Oiimmercial tVlleite, DareniMWt, Iowa. Kromer'« Hair D^e. N.laral, DeiaMe. Beaatlfql, apt aad Ckaapeat In the World. Sold to all Droi! fil«'.a«il(\antrjr.Ht,.r, a,., lK,r». wmm Mltor* Ac Proorl'tw*' .«• 11 t*., *r«tx «w «.«• Scwta? Machine. Kl.llklDOK Jk Uuo., Land las. Ag*«b Office. Vi«k'i Block. 9. KIKK & Po.'s HUE staple AND HTanry Toilet S.mps, coiii|iisirig German M&ttlcd, Oiive, Star, lmjruvei I'hunical, I'al ii, Ac. 8ot4 by all grocers Mi fcnoy goods dealers. THI cicellent preparation of Dr. Cliapin, 4bf the u*c of which he gained so great a Jtopularity in ttie treatment and cure of s. Jl'yspepsia, Lirer Complaint, Constipation, lau'l Palpitation of the Heart, m.d all ilia «*M-a arising from Indigestion and Torpid ijLiver, waa none other than what la now put tip under the name of Rtd J&rh-t Stomach Toe Oocon AND Lena lit*tor, for every family to keep on hand, ALLEN'S Letts ttAt.«AM. It wells everywhere, and given AaiiHfaction. ad thu following extracts trim letters: L. H. HIWIK, Druggist, Vmontown, Penn., irritcs, April 4, HOti Allen's Lung Haleatn has performed Home Remarkable euro* about here. I rernm I a.'rid it with confidoncc in all diseases of |ho Throat and Lunge STKBI.INII Uao., l)ruggists, write frjtn Oarrolton, January 17, i Send ue sis dozen AI.I.KH'S L.UNA BALSAM. W« are entirely out of it. It gives more general 4atisfaution than any fithi-r medicine we sell." Sold by all Deal •rs in Family Medicines. PBUT Dans' VSOSTABLB PAOI Kaua.— HI ilHBAT rAMILT MTOICIMS OF TIC AOS I'am Killer taken internally, should tie ad til tirati-d with milk or water, and sweetened •rith sugar if desired, or made into sjrnp %ith inolaiit i. Fur a Cough, a few drop* 4m suirar eaten will bo more effective than Anything else. For Sore Throat, gargle 4hi throat with a mixture of Cain Killer and %ater and relief is immediate and the eure Jiositive. Itehould not be forgotten that Ihe Pain Killer is equally a* god to take Internally, as to uae elternally. Each hot lie is wrapped with full directions for its use. "Oil 1 THAT wii.1. HK juviu!" When tnen and women throw "physic to the #nge," when .t tritle out of order, or to getting oil of orJ"r, take I'lanta- un hitters. An- you Dyiipepiio, Nervous, janii'lired, lly'|iped, Low .Spiritfd, Weak, Or aro you Kick and don't know what ailtt fou? YVe have been, and was recommend «d to try the Plantation Hitters, which we 4id with great s*!i»f*-tion anil entire sue ••nS'*. Do'icate Females, I'lerirymen, Mer li»nts, Lawyers, and persons ol Sedentary llabits, aro particularly benetited by thenc Iti'tiTS. The sale is perfectly ei.urinous. MAONOLIA WATSB.—A delightful toiUt Article--superior to Cologne and at half tbe girice. lisaT MBDICINB BXTAHT.—Thousands of persons esteem Sloan's Medicines Hit test in »se. These popular remedies are scitniitie i'lv of Vegetable Kxtracta that teencompounded oisesa i Ktraordinary virtue, and have long valud highly for their purity, mild ness, s.ifetv, certainty and thoroughness in Aflei'tuslly coring the diseases for which •hey are recommended therefore Sloan's Medicines have rapidly worked their way to llio affections of tiie public generally, irhioh furnishes proof positive of their Superiority over all other remedies. JOHN J. KRUMKM, IbV rruprlawc, *'l ("bwlnat St.. Philadelphia. WANTEIV- Kwj man feeling tbe effects of a •sVt i-ontr*ct^l in yonth, to •end his name and ad mre«e with 3 rent aiarap f.r n-ttirn postage) to Dr. 1 RICHARDSON BROS. THIRTEENTH YR I V \Tf. K lleneeratle Ceaaty Ceaveatlen. V Uonvention o! the Ponvjcracr ol Scott Uoustj it herehj called, U al tlie Court H«u«r, 10 llaTODpirt, on Hatardsy, February lltb, 1"(S, at Ss'cloek P. II for tts purpose of electing ssvsateea delagatei to the Democratic Stat* Conventiofl, which will be h*Id at bes Moio«i on the Mth of February, A. D. 1IW.— Tse ratio of representation wiU be oav daltgate for ench Township, and one delagate for every twenty votes east fer Charles Maaoa for Oover aor, and one for every fraction over ten roles. Tbe number of rotes each Township will tie enti tled to is aa follows Uaveaport, it Princeton, Blue Oraaa, S Lincoln, 4 Sheridan, 1 ReeUagbaa, S LeOlaire,# SuflUo, 7 Cleo na, 2 I'leasaot Valley, 4: Winlield. 'i Libcr ty,lj n*kory!UroTe, -. I)y ord- of the Committee. Heetlag. TImUeiriTowatiiip tAi/ of Uaveaport Towntbip, are r» 'in-r«el to mi»t at ttwl.'onncil Chamber on 9atnr4*y rveiilLg nrst, iFt-liruary-tli at 7 1 i o'i luck, Tnr ih« par pose orrl'««iiif( 1 to the Coantj I'OD vestion, to be btld CU the ttth inst Fer order Committee Cmr Cotj.vciL—The regular monthly meeting of this ody takes place this OTSO '"g. s COMING IT.—The JOURNAL KAYS that a par ty of yanng folka are coming up from Mus catine this evening, to witneea the perform ance of Jean Davenport'* combination troupe. "THE IJTTI.S COBPORAL."—This popular monthly—the children's delight—has ceme to hand for February. The pnbliaher of fern most bsautiful premiums and unusnal inducements to raise clubs. Terms, one dollar a year. Send for it. Alfred L. Saw ell, publisher, Ohicago. 111. DBAB SPOBT.—An unfortunate sportsman who had five prairie chickens in his posses aion, was taksn before uatice Blood to* day, on a charge of violating Ihe fiarae Law. His chickens were confiscated and hs wss rsquired to pay $8.85 to aettle all damagea. Sport at audi figures aan't be made to pay—any way you fix it. To Soma WATBB.—In theaa day a of hard water and dry times, it may be of in tcrsat to know that one qaart of bran, con fined in a bag and boiled in ten gallons of hsrd water will bring tha lime to the top, whioh can be akimosed off. Those who have tried thia plan, aasert that it is aupe riot to sal aoda or wood ashes, .and works like a charm (joiftitTo MASSACIIUSBTTS.—Rev. H. Bey lie#? who for several years hss made laven port his home, ia about to leave us for Mas sachusetts, where he thinks of settling down for the present. He loaves^ this evening. During his stay in our midst he made many friends. We wish him aocceas wherever ho goes. GBBAT KABGA!« IK LASD —We offer for sale 180 acres of choice farming land, one mile west of tbe west carporstion lino of tbe city, 80 acres improved, 70 acres partly timbered tenant house, good fences, for the very low price of |60 per acre. Apply at this office. RICUABDSON BBOS. 1'OI.ICE COUBT.—Henry goehl was brought into Court thi* morning, to answer a charge of assault and battery on Aug. Stauber. Koelil waa tbe companion of Sohn whenjhe waylaid Stsuber on hie return from a ball witit a girl much admired by Sohn, aa mentioned in these columns a ft-* days ar.'o. Before coming to trial KoeM offered te settle with Stsubsr by paying him 25.00 This was agreed to and the ohargs was dropped. The defendsnt, however, had to pay all costs incurred in the case. REAI. ESTATE—Sales were unusually brisk for the seaaon in the rsal ealate line last week in thi* county. Salea in Daven port city amounted te $1S,037.00 and in the county to $52,170 making a total of $•'4,730 in the country. The principal city tranaaction waa the purchase of the mill site, corner of Harrison and Fifth streets, Ly E. 0. Duncan, for $S,00). ON this an eleva'or is to be erected in tbe spring. The heaviest transaction in the coantry wss the purchsse of the Letnarinel farm, ty Aug. Steffen of this city, for $t2,800. DIITBIOT COCBT.—The court waa engaged all thi* forenoon with the case of Crane vs. Doty. The action ia on appeal from tbe Coooty Court. Mr*. Orane, mother of Doty, deceased, eete op olaima against the estate. Defendant contests on the ground of its be ing paid before the decease of Doty. Trial by jury—Brown I Sully for plaintiff Da vison 4 Trua far defendant. At three o'clock the jury had not returned. The ease of MaQuire va. Francia wan be fore the court thia afternoon. An action te acquire claim to city property eoaveyed by MeOuire la his aaa-in-law, Francis, In con sideration of aupporft. Jaa. T. Lane for plaintiff, Urant 4 Smith for defendant, ('ass not decided at our time of going to preea. J. |mii Uoi'Tiu, Box 1370, Philadelphia, Pa., who £fi'il, 11 Inform them of a method by which they can be and the v:k-or of youth restored. aagSO-Cm Notice. fMIBHR W1LI. BR A SKTIMll OF Till STOCK" liolderaof tbe Ltaeu|ort ae 'skt A Coke t'o •»r the I'lrrtion of lirertnr» for Ihe yew IS'M, held Saylie I otlUe of Utu Cotopauj.oa lluaday. Ihu 10th of Fobroary. lMt^s, at I o'clock r. M. TllOS. DGKMODV. Jan. SS. 1ST.S—dtj. Secretary. Notice. lis rSDEKSliJKgt) HAS BUN APPOUtTRI) "f '"•iP'-'i^'t of Scott Conniy. 8a erltiteud.nt o: thefnur. An office has been opened n the corner ..f Bra.'.y and Fifth StreeU, where the IS 7 iJ*' the Townahlp Tra.te.-. wtll 1* tn Attendance from A. to 6 dalW and all jt.pll-»ti«« for relief mu„ bc m,a*attSl.K,^ Btl Ineat qaaMm of Ladle*' and MlaMa'. G««u° and ays Hat«, Caps and F»m at price* that lrfy comta tmhlStf Slan Hie 'Hp i TO THE LADIES. FOB OSLT O*R IMILLAI, *Fe are selling Sllka. Shawla. Dry aad Fancy Oooda 4)1 erery description, also. SIIVM JOHN ROWE, i'fl FRACTICAL PLUMBER ipji Mi «s*sl Siemm I*IJM Ffffrr, la. 14 East td Ht., Dnrenpert, 1*. stWag Tuba, Water Closets, Wsah Baalos. leal tpe,saeet Lead, Cistern Fomi nreeFnmp*. Chan mem Lcaa, uistern rnmns, nree i Mrasfcats, Drop Lfariit ftaSsah-j OaaeeMtw WSCtiea, Qlebe V Jasmi1njaktafcOsaanaiS**i COI LK NOT San IT.—Der of! jaiiJS-Otf R. LINUBRMAN. Removal. TUB FI BBIES, BI8 HAT- c'p AND FtR«" Sle, West Hecead street, t*twe*n Harrison and Ripley »t» wbere he Win kaer -larger and IMSS complete etoek ut the lateet tiTic., Dtmokr*t at thia morning says that yesterday Mr. Tioh enor made hie appearance before tha Direct, or* of the Poor, and brought in an account as Trustee for the month of January. Tha Board of Directors, however, did not know •f any Trustee by the name of Ticbenor, the newly elected offleial'a name being Lowe. Mr. Tioheaor waa therefore reqseat ed to piessnt bia claim to the Board of Su pervisors, as the Directors eould do notb. ing fur him. We compliment tbe Directors on their action. They did ju*t right. If Mr. Tichenor wants to serve as Trustee let him wsit till the people elect him or tbe Board of Superviaors givea him the appoint ment. ELizABKtn.-To-night the Ware. Farcttare, £o. Valuable Pr^eat,. from to »*». .rat free charge to a^- tendins clnbe of ten andap J^ard#. Ctrrnlai*eent fn.e t»auy addrees, jauit-dSm] XKSSKNUKU CO., llli*' O. Bo*.«t. Hanover St., Buetoa, Mass. Uisae Shade*' tlite of the Oity will fill the Opera Houae to witneas tbe rep resentation of "Kltaaksth," by Mra. F. W, Lander and troupa. This lady is ths ssb jei of high praise wherever she appears.— The Philadelphia inquirer, speaking of her appcarsnce in thst city, says. Mr*. Lander'a impersonation of the Vir gin yueen is one of the greatest triumphs of drainalie art on the modern stsge. In her •ble hands ths character assumes a magni tude which has seldom invested it, and even Bistori, great and grand as she i* in the psrt, fails at times, in oomparisou with Mrs. Lender, in giving it those nice touchsa of nature, without wtiieh QO true picture can be properly portrayed upon the board*. Never overstepping the bouuds ef nature,snd in every look, gesture and intonation being true to the instincts of art, her impersona tion aa a uhole is a Creation that stands oat in bold relitf, and give* one a better idea of the ibnetmoat soulgfcrf%eeuftar idlo*y*eta ciee of tbe tk»B »Wbois|iisr tory could. A Utu SCAIU.— La«t Saturday night, be tween 10 and It o'clock, a tegular stam ped" occurred ?n Considering that no Indians have been aeen round that neighborhood for many year*, and that those who were camped on the Wapsie a short time ago, were at lesat an een in ilea off, if there at all, the caase of the atampeda i* not easily aspiainsd. Tha individual who made the "terrible diacov ery," however, ia still of tha opinion that ear DEMOCRATIC CONVENTIONS.—Preparatory to ths Doinorratio State Convention which is to take place at Dos Moines, on the 26tb of February. Conveotiona in this town* ship and county have been ealled by the Central Committee*, and it ie hoped that tlieso will be well attended, to tha end that good delegates may be selected to each meeting. something, Tj^fgypoRT, th'.s county, so-ne twelve tn'!out on the Dubuque to.\i. The ciuse of alt the trouble was, that aoiae one in Mr. J. •. Kaiser's household had sesn in Mr. Arthur Rooney's house, who lives nairly opposite Kaiser, what hs auppesed were Indiaas. According to hi* description the red-skins were there in all their power snd fury, with potieys and etceteras, ransacking the premises, carrying off the corn, and do ing all sorti of mischief. Tbe Kaiser fami ly, alarm id to the utmost, fled precipitately from the soone. The children, five or six in number, were hustled out of b.d, and in ratli'r steader costume*, were marched quickly up the road to a neighbor named fiiward l'rop«t. Here tin.- story was corn tnui.icated, aad Propst, not liking tb. proi iuiity to ihr IuJ'au's battlo gr'Uiid, gath ered hi* iiotiaehoid, aol with that of Mr, Kain-r, proceeded onward to thu next house —Mr. OrsndorfTs. Here another addition waa aade to the caravan, and the whole proeeeded further on to Mr. Baughmao'*. Ha was roused out of bed and informed of what was going on at Rooney's. The crowd of men, women and children was by thia time ao large and tbe costumes so varied and unadapted to the season, thst Mr. Raughman thought the year of Jubilee had come. He quickly donned his unmention ables, and after liatenint to the frightful •tory, decided that the be*t thing to bo done wss for the males to get a little aaore help and proceed to the field of battle. This was agreed to, and several more neighbor* were drummed out of bed and hastened to the place of rendezvoua. Bsfere die expe dition started, howevsr, a spy who had been sent out to reconnoitre, returned with the soothing information that he had been up to Boonay's, snd bad beard no unusual noise*. He had peered into the window, aad seeing only two men quietly smoking their pipes, ventured in to obtain a little more information on tho subject. The in mates of the houae, whan questioned, re plied that tliey had not heard or sssn any Indians, and that ths svening had been apent by them quietly aa uaoal. Shouts of laughter now tiUsd the air, and those whs a moment before were trembling and shiver ing from fear and cold, felt much relieved. The homeward march was reamed by the aeveral families of fugitives, and they haa teuod back to their domicilea to laugh ore* their gullibility and warm their nearly fro zen forms. H. R. Jsrraiss, TH. L. 11. HOLM, OBO. W. TUOHPSOH, FBANK HATH A WAT. AT lions TuaanAF EVENINO, DAVSRPOBT, Feb. 4. '68. O, tmiDst, B. R. JSFFSBIS, AID OTHEBS, GBBTLCMEN The ab)ve friendly note and "accompanying documents" com ing to hand at a lata hour, oa this, the eve ef ray departure, it Is impoaslble for me to heartily thank you in person as I much de sire to do, henee permit me toonveyto you in this public way my deep sense of gratitude. Moat aiacarsly do I appreciate your kind thoughtfolnese and brotherly consideration. Though one good large Meer schaum ia about as much aa one man can color, and do it teell, in a single life time, I shall give my old favorite a furlough, and put tbe new oae intoearefal training and na I puff comfortably a ray among friends or among strangers, tbe grateful memory of the donors will add fresh pleasure to the delicious pastime. (Jood-hye take good ears of rouaselves aad ths "Old Nsttroial Heartily yours, KBWIN SMITH. ••ml Estate 'Fraasftn. Filed in the Hseerder's oMee, Meets aouaty lew a, up te o'clock, Feb. 5, 18M Ludwk OethBSSBa ot us, to Frieze rich C. Jfaeve, H. ^S. I. V See. T4, T. is. R. K., Blue Clraae Jownship, |S,M0 Wilbelm Menmann at uB, to James R. Hoagbtoa, Lot 8, Btoefc S, Urrea'a id addition te l)a«eapert, CM SS Charles Voas and wife to Kdward H. Ladasr, Lou aad S, Moek T. Clark and Dodge's addition to Buffalo, US t* Henry Arp at ex, to I'eter Btoltsnasrg, 8. W. K Bee. *«, T. IS, R. 2, Mieko rv Orove, ItNN F. Lunger aad wife tu John Kavanaugh, 10 acres oil N. end W W •. 8. W. K Sec. 2'i, r. 1J, I. 4, Davenport Township, (00 00 John Buckingham etnx, to Alfred Sal ly, 8. K. u Sec. U. and N. B. V Bee. 22. T. to, H. 4, Butler Township, *SS 00 John Urersmuhl et nt, to Geo W. Riniler, K. to ft. lKt l.ItlockS. Dav. enport. INftO Henrieh Bock, et ax. to liaaa Loac seth. E. tf. W. Bee. M, T. SO, R. 2 g., Allen's Orove Towasbip, 4M to Sam'I Scott, Oaardiaa, te Jeha L, (ia«t. 2 undivided U's fl. V 8, g. and 8. W. VB. B. Sec. 4, T. f5, N. R. 5 K., FrtBeetoa Tewaahip, .1 90S 00 Robert Bartuseh et ax. te Adrew J. Roche, W. Lot I, Block M, Dav enport. 1 100 DAVENPORT Vow WW «'lsrlott«sm Asseclu. ttea. MONDAT EVIIHINU, Feb. 8d, IMS. Devotional i-xereises were conductcd by Her. Mr Yroom after which, Pres. Ad am* took the Chair. Mioutes of the last meting road and ap proved, sfter which repasts iraai *bs fol lowing committees pwssatsd: The Committee on Propoaitioos reported favorable on the namea of elsvsn persona to become members of the Asaetletiua, %ho were duly elected *fl*r wklsh the names of ei|(fataan others were prsaeated aad re ferred to the proper committee, to report at the next meeting. Dr. Tomson moved that the report af th" Committe on Oily Missions ho hanHod to the citr papers for p-iblication whioh prevailed. The report read* a* follow s Amount of relief given, $65 46. Families in destitute circumsUncSSfJM Fsmilies relieved, 28. Tracts distributed, over 800 pages. Number of children viaiiea attending Sabbath School, 67. Conversed with on personal religtoa, 61. Number of families visitsd, 86. About 200 pounds or flour wss given to families in destitute oircuBMtances, besides a great deal of clothing. Tho Aasociation have also clothed during thia maalb 17 children, out of whioh number 11 are at tending Sabbath School—the Others are under the sge of five years. The report of the Committssoa Lestarsr was presented and accepted. Tbo Associa tion fell ahort on the Hutchiasoa concert $54 00, which is to be lamented just at thia time but netted on W*hop Lee'* lecture $3» 25, which went into ths Poor Fund. The report of the Committee on Incor poration waa thsn prssented and adopted. Reports were called for on boarding houses, employment, and printing, but none were given. Ths Ways aad Means OsmmiHes then presented tbsir repoft MR. 1'BSSIDBHT.—The Committee oi Ways and Meaaa beg l*avs to aaks tha fol lowing report: On tbe 30th day of January the follow ing were ths asaots of this Aaseoiatioa Monies in hands of the Treasarer and Corresponding Secretary....$164 74 Subscriptions unpaid but considered available 259.80 Subscriptions consMsred doubt Making a total of $1 .'io.32 jr aa our monthly expenses, or a grand total of sixteen hundred dollars for the year. To aotno this estimate may seem high, but your committee feel that it ie safer to have a balance on the c-elit side al the end of the fiscal year than a balance on tbe debtor side unprovided for. The strength and usefulness of an Association like this ia argely c.unprotnistd by going into debt. Whatever may be thought of our esti mates wr would recommend that tbe treas urer bo authorized to close up at once by collections and vouchers of the outstanding dues of the Association, in order that we may know oor actual financial condition, n Battling these outstanding dues there is some difli. ulty in amounts, and in persona named as responsible for amounts set to their names, etc. Your committee would recommend that such parties be settled with on liberal terms, relying in a ureal measure upon tbe statements of the parties. We recommend this that tbe organisation may incor the displeasure of none through miaunderatanding or otherwise. Your commitio would further rsaom mend that a Fair lie hsld for the benefit of thia Association, under the auapieea of the lady friends of tbe orgsnizstion. It ia es timated that $500 would be netted from such a Fair. And here, Mr. Prcaident, your committee would gladly have ended their report, bu* the demands of the Asio ciation and our own peraonsl interest in its prosperity and perpetuity compels us ts go further. Our aasetta are saull, and are rap idly owing smaller the current expenses mutt ha met or the interest and uaefulness of this organisation—if not Its Very exist enes—is crippled and in dsnger. Paling thus, your committee would recousmsod retrenchment! This cannot he done with our rent. We are bound for a term af yeara at a epceified rental, which mud bo paid. It is not so with the moat of oar other expenses. Our Janitor's salary un der tho circusntaaosa is Isrgsr than ths finaasea af this Asnqiation wiU warrant. Our gas Mils are toe large our periodkai and newspaper expenses for the na*t Tear have been too large oar pristine andtoei dantal expenses have baan hcaviw ttafe we ars warranted in assuming for th* next fls oal year. Retrenchment BOW, befbra tha ^.up 0 C1TIT MOTlCK8t Oar lafisat ha* been safely through the critical period of teeth ing by tbe sole aid of MRS. WIX8LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. We advise all par ants to procure it.—[Mississippi Baptist It corrects acidity of the stomach, re lieves wind coiic, raSulats* the bowels, and by giving rest and health to MM child, com fors tha mother. Tns debilitating influenatt of a deranged nervous system, caussd by tho weakened state of the nerve fluid, sre set aside by the agency of Dr. TURNER'S TIC-DOUL OUREUX or UNIVERSAL NEURALGIA PILL. Consequently Neuralgia, Nerve ache, aad all similar nervous dissaoss, arc permanently cured by this ia valuable med. ieine. Apothecaries have It Principal dspot, 130 Tremont St Boston, Mass. Price $1 00 per package by mail, twa pos tage stampa extra. ==90EEBSMH9eSB TIM Lse oowa^y poor houae is ia aa atr fui nartlilia, aa ma loan ftwa Aa data City. THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST iowa. wednesday, All and not available 1W-00 Pledges not yet collected, and which in the minds of your committee" th,' parties so pledging should not be held personally responai bio excepting for monies actually received on suoh pledges 225.00 Making a total of .$414 5 as available assets, and foiO, which are con lered by your committee as available as sets. The liabilities of the Aasociation up to tbe present time are as follows Rent of room for January, $81.98. Rev. K J. Donckman, salary, $50 per month. he and it is not at all improba ble that be did, if he had his eyea open. Rut we rather guess he was asleep ami dreamt about Indian I, and getting badly asarsd, wake up and frightened everybody else. Meerschaum Cerrsapeadeare. The following bit of friendly correspond ence between the gentlemen therein men tioned, sufficiently explains itaelf: Orrtcx NATIONAL IMSCBAHCB GO.,) DAVBBPOBT, Feb. 41b, IMS, PaeaiDBirr Stirra Knowing that you ars about to leave u* for a season, and that for some time to come we shall miaa yoar genial smile and hsarty "good morning," that you will be in plaeaa and times when there will be aolid unfort in a good aquare smoke—but more ttisu all, to eriuce, even in this small way, our appreciation of your general good will towarda us, and of our otvn toward you, permit us to band you the accompanying Meerschaum, with ita sup ply of comfort, "all VLuhnen's" best, and trust that you may, wbils enjoying tbo •atne—whstber in tbe political het-beda of Washington City, or among the orange groves of the sunny South—ever remember that anxious hearts are awaiting jour safe return, and especially those of your In surance chapa. O, H. ELDBIDUB, For printing, as per bill. For gas for January. Making a total of liability which amount taken from the nvaiTabls aassts of the Association, leaves a balance of- as a fund in the treasury. Our estimated sxpenscs for the current year is fifteen hundred dollars ($1.SG0), taking ns a basis oar present monthly ex penses, the ittms of which ar-— Kent of room $»3.83 Rer. K. ,1. Denckman's salary50.00 Goal and gas ... 25 00 Stationery and periedicala 15 00 ixctDBMTAL Exrxasas. Repairs, printing, etc $10.00 niF.D. Int leonj, t. the resi !f,es of her son, W». Li"'*0" '""la-.the Hi tH Md th# Association Ml ION to (OHl Its eurrvnl Itlmg, Tour committee hsvo plana which thsv aro endeavoring to sustain, by which thev hope to raise the needed funds for ths ef fioieot working of thia organisation The plan under consideration is briefly as fol lows, vis: Secure the services of a suita .bK* !!f TTaM lhe forth the ejects of tb. Associatioa-ths work it has done in relieving ths waats af ths poor in vititing the sick-g*thering ths shiMmi Into the Ssbbath 8chool, and out after tha children and youth of our city, reatoaiaing tho vicious, rsolsim ing ths wsndering, and earneatly workinc to bring all to the knowledge of Christ the »«av. sacha p., •on to their mind, and they foci warranUd in aaying that hia aervioe* can be procured if spnlied for soon. As a further means of securing friends and interesting tbs paonto in our orgauisaUon, it has boon suggested that otmi auiUbla mgraviag of acknowl edged worth ana merit bo offered to thoss who will give a specified aaoant af dollars to tbe Association. Tour sommittaa have opened a correspondence teaching us* thia •totter with a hoaas in Mow Test four OssamMee woald not hsvo felt unaitii in (uporUng Uis immature part of thsir ae tioa ware it not las the Coat that somethiaw needa to bo dona at oncc in thia direction Ths present time is the amt favanhls far such labor and we are in need of the peca nisry aid which we hops to rcsiiis from such a work. Wo ask, therefor*, for ia structious in this direction. .wan,- n inst Mrs. MARG4R- 0 veai'. Deceased waa a na uf Haliyiu«L., Antrnj aouaty, Ireland. !'1J" 1,1 Bhent erJ," Ar.I He doth rettore my soul a^aiii, Wi.i?"!!U,3r,lkt»H»made. withia the paths of rithtooasams, area for hia own une'a sake." To-Pay, Advertteememe. O, Oe Pi JTWeVSfcla*the febS-dtd E.H.CHASE8C0S KENTUCKY WHISKIES 1'Ut ',t,i^TS AXI) UEALKKS. SMITH THE HATTIR." BUSINESS CHAWCE. fBI HDSlNaSM HKHITOVWBB OOnKTCTBD Htfll tlw old baalaeasat ease. —therefoie who ar* iadahSad oa aecnuet th.b,-«-.«toctU u "ilAlSSo*. PREPARED Jf TOU WI811 TO Jtg BEAUTIFUL. c»e OaOBLIA DS PIBflU, ei VIOTOWA MNU, to aaAUTiriiNu TBS ixNtruuioN aad rBBSaHVlMtt TliK suit. favslsaW to'.l«t artlr'' was dleeoveeed by a celehrated cheauat tu France, and It la te him that theCiinrt uf laropeowe their beeatv. ^J.* a*««pHcttT and partly tbe. he article mat will compare with- aa a b-aatiisrb of the earn' P«asetfror the»tin. v. IsaCUkaiT purchased the receipt of Ma J* J«*7ears agu, u. has «la that MBMglvea tt a perfect trial amonn t.'j [Mrsoaal friends ana the aria tpcratlccircles uf riuu.i, lphia New Tork,Baltimore Bostea, Hew Orient,, s- flavaanah, Charles ton, Wilmlngjoi], Ac. T»py have used it With unqualified adm r»! „, wo-.'d ronaMer the toilet nperfect without tlite!• ilirhtfel »o1 |iare] harmless preparation. Victor a Ite^iaard liecetla de Farala hae given eti li f-ntir. .a i.factl ta every toatanrs, lhat he is uow cuoib, .!. offer II to the pablle Thia article Is entire!/ .lfor, u from iuvtWag of the kind ever attempted, an1 i. «arruii'.' I FRBE FKOSt All. 1MISONI S STB^TANPES After nelagUMPiia and Victoria Re*la foe a ahort time the Pk:n will i mo a soft sstta-llke texture it Impart, arr. tlinesa .mojthaenaaad eoft BOM to the §k u tljat ur onlv l" !rodaoed by using thi. valuable «rtl artl .« I. no valgar eotn pound to icjare Ihe sk.:. or ruviplexloo, bat eaban :e« a* a beautlflcr, and in use cu.o»t possiblf be de tected by the "-limed i icrver. For rrmovins Tan. P-ckl.-e, Sanbaro, and Cnta neoas fr jrn t: e 'kin. It:«invaluable. M. O. McUUfkey ha« rrery nfiteace tn reeom mendiac ble ictorln Hand oacella de I'freie to the Ladle, a. btinj:,[ mad reliable tol let article now Ii, v. fKEi'AHKH ONLY LiV H. C. MU'LCB- K ET, Andbl.aime stamp.d on eat1) KV1—no other is eennlse. Depot, Nn in» Korth Sereeth Street. Sold by all Uragelrt* ami perfamers la the United Htate. and Canada. teha dlf HOLLO WAV'S VERMIFlOl CONFECTIONS. Dr. UOUOVAJT, •URU'' yturt AFO, witnetfing tb* (llvii oeetffoned ickly chi'dren !n taking taxi from th- m-*t of thMe rerao •aececded ia •••pnrntlopr t^ir utlT$ aedlcil prop^rl4#«i pur**, v-ifl**--' »na li ioron». Th«?D, bjr combining tbcue »r .^ir, «aa auMildiDg Udt-ai In to iii tio... fom 1 thu prcmsut i*»ru* crPcortTi kiunvi* .9 Holloway'i Verntifugr (affciiaas, Whl'h hnvt» entirely I' ^efccded the old nftun'u* Vermif- to th^ »f the poor little •afferrrf. It voii\,jin§ tio 1 I ar witter poifton uQ" lUtrredieM-. ihi« Pop. ir Vt-rmlfiij*«, by tb«- rufcK/»i ii, ail PL/iitituis wbo know ,.r tb*-m, pr.-serine Ih-itn tu rerereuce U other remt dUa- n it »n'y oiure pu.f mt to take, but or* efloctlvc to rirc. ParenU and ^onr !iaup. I! carv ofchildroa, should keep tbom H*a tun.iiy mm: .me, fer they not on]j ^radical** W.»rm®-tuoae pe^^ of ehUdhood but mrruct auj trr»siti*nieitt uf diyr^atlve or gaQ0, tJ prt-TJiltLi w lib w.ildrt'n, HOLLOW AV8 AK.VICA PLiliTERS. The Original and only true An, :a Plasters pos sessing the great healing roperties uf the Aril .'a Kloerra. The enratlve efleets of these PUi era la ali eases a* pain ot wtahsee. in tbe lirea.t, side or back, end la all casaa of leflammatioc of the I. ion, aad Coagh, are truly aetonl.hinit. th Klve hnoiediate relief. Phvaldaas presrrihe thfm, as! thuosatida recoaa wad theai. Osaaavi IIOI.UIW«T'« are the Ortgtaal aad only true Arole* Piaster*. lEISKGLL^ OINTMENT. This Ointment. after an "tperle! •ed ttefif a si""1*'re«a»1y0tortwentryeara, all ted a laical eeie Ie every oawhkhit wai 1. eartsi aaaay ofeattaate of flfteeu or twd :r/ears prevtonals resisted renedli wet Bedical talent in tontsbtag. la a few 4«r* 1 •a proved tterir a re«a»ly tor all Dteeaeaa the Skin having ars (taa4ing. that had ii* pesecrfhed by fta aatry. lu affect la as •otiaesi ttle SS'PBO* M. wt -M.j~. 1*8 ITSB, •assMLaa, Btewwas, nana, aad every Sseea of dlssMeortheritia u paattaslw nassd, noamttseel af la aothtagstsa woald heal tlwm. Pn-Bs, thrt have t» stated Slothae treatment yeara, have haw if.smilli laiilTr atomy eaebaaefthte mntRoof postage to tayaddrs**. •OLIiBWAT, At PBOmBToBB. Bald at Whatsaale laCMeaga, 1 Valise, bard* Bwlth..•••ka— rVaBer, Plash A M. H. Bead S Co., Bcl^ Cotlsr A Oo., DaHsseh. Block! A Oa, sod tbioeghoat the cooatey br all Dnurslats. hWly vow is THE TIKB DRY 600DS, Etc. WMON OUCTTEL, IB flLLINQ OFT •EtAIILEtS IF C0ST mine nmioi fWK or ooam now 1 Store, coo.letlcC of MmallBa. Wel^wea, Olaghaa*, ALSO OTHIR COTTOM OOOOB AT twf. Bwt Calico lOAttetoeafiri* All I J-J- Tonso*, 'unn Signed, S. J. SABOSB, A. B. Kaaaiu. "^tir #ATtJ»DAT."—The weekly viaita of this interesting jaurnal are svsr welcome. Its contents srs made up from choose read ing, aelected from foreign current IRara tare, and one never pioka it up withoat finding something attractive ia ita p^ec.— Prin, 10 Mats psr number. PabMMi If 4 Field*, Boston. -t« Pl«c* Cooda Cost. AIJ. Kynoiia, BOFLOBT. a SUM, AT COST Late* Mrs aad *s», Cspas, OeUaw, BeaiB, *e. warts PSIC1. Drs* Qoedi, edits. tlsmasM. •aMM^ete., BBfl* Co9r LOOK OUT NA *°B HAMB ABB IUIMMB Us. •. Bsit BicsmB gtain. SIMON StITTIIt tin lAcmn wotu (Saeeeeeors to Lea A.LaavtUJ •ave on haad and are msaathstarlng te order, Pwtahle sad llatlenery ITSAH BNCU1VB8. BBS FWBTABLK CIRCT'LAR SAW KILLS, Mean Eccentric Heed Blocks, la kamtae*. »'ave Baehtaaa, Saw Mandrila, laiBTrt. HhJIla*. NUMBER. February sTlslE GROCKRKEg. P. KERKER & SON GROCERS! SECOND BTRBST Bstwsea Mala dk Marrlwoa. 10- TMf g°T1CH. THU WI1X BB A IUML DeveewertImSga,,ei g*arft«7. Fetmary so,. par WV.F.OODLTKB. I HEBERT, Allama t# C. R. Marks. DKAI.RH IN GROCERIES! «h rtJSSd'whlf^n. '"'utrewfenedto theaader .T"1 collide ths basiaassas IrS"?' Wm .taiij, un the same name ef BWth the Hatter. On acconm of this rhaace It he osmjsneeessait toi-ioee up the ftMwyly»l« RHM, JOSHUA DUBB HAS RE-OPENED HI HIS HEW AND OOMMODIOUS STOBB 91 Mrmdff ft., Maw •atsnpwl IVa •lwaal Bank. WWd S^da'aadMstoss?0 CHOICE GROCERIES AT Lowaat Market Batm, OwsMpart, Jaa. M. ISM.-4»wly__ •uy Your GAME# POULTRY, 0YSTEBS, FRESH FISH, EG(JS, BUTTER. CHEESE, ALL KINDS OP VEO ETABLKS AND FRUITS AT SWAN'S BBAPT OT. RBONIBB SKILE8. DBALUM CHOIOB PAIIU.T GEOOERIE8. 3Twm, 0rM ihriii, WWileig# WUUw 44 Brady Bts« Bavwpirts New Grocery Store. i. B.rAive, CH O I E Family Groceries AND PROVISIONS. Law Prfoets WaraiM 6ni •(MOBABLE aBAUl««. Call aad sea aw at KL'LT«5*S BLOCK, Perry St. Bear t*. declt-dtf^ OLDEST GROCERY HOUSE IN DAVENPORT. P»TTtr& M&BKS Bacooaeersto ALVOBD TAN PATTBG, Ctoice Eriicerifs, xhm DlOMooa of thit dftv. r«mlvel to aniuU* tt$ NAILS, OIIA, PAINTS, &C. gg" 0*11 and sss Qoods and leara the prieea el»-d] NO BBADT kT, [Aw •MM Contlanre. Groceries Family •atlflfart Dellrered F. MEYER, E A N A I 0 lECOlTO STBEET, lag leer west 1st Natleaal aaah. DAVSRPOBT, Is ia reeeipt of a large and wall aeleeted stoek el Memdy-JMmde CLOTHING, sofiuess and lrrltattoa ts leaoved the ikln i^comesvnooni aad hsalthy, aad senates pennann hSaM. withoat the ase of Onto FaraiiMag Oaafc, Bverythiagti Isrepeontly ss«r ta IhaQlathiag Uae PRIOBB •aaCHANT TAILORING •fsssf amoMling. JOHN 0. MAHRLI, TBO.I BAST TBTBO BTEE1T-TWO DOOM tnm the Daveaport BaManal Baak, stleada prassptly te KKPAIRINQ AND RMMOVdTINO sss, caa.a.'B •gmcaAirr TAILWUIW totteiU oSSrsft afiaelSSft«tojSflyTttt HEW DRUG BTOR1. HARRISON &STABKS liawhla rtsiasii iillrTr, (first door holew the Daveaport Rational Baak) FANOY ARTICLES I FCRE nkiroa. Alias. Perfuiasry aad TeilaH Artfclea. HA1B BBCSBBS, OILS, POMAOag, 1 etorars. Dyes, Dsssslagi, etc. A KBBlOAIt, BltOUSB. AKP_ fWOp A Tetlet Slisps, Pssfasssetee sad Fancy Oeeda 13 DBBBB. SBALL. ITOBT. BOFTALO, BO» XV woodTBore, aad Masai hash A. Haagers aad Pallvya. of ail kinds mado to order. teMh BaUtac. of W IIDw •Sh? Bbi Osebe. -r-j OCQB (Tlissln aad other ktad4 P1KK SAC Jti a^ltaa Pea, Lilly WMtaa/aad Tahtsta. Opesa FsasNae, etc. anuararBBitine. PO- Ooort sad other QZg&gh&P* SUad Packet OaBstj, Ac- dc^ Ac., Ac., Ac. jQ_0., Ac* Ac. SVias rotarr BAVAKA AXD OMO» bSda, PeMoO. Oantary aad ether Pfe Pet Awtihw 'I'iw W°« w QOODS ao-T .JTT! "-peifc mmm h- 41 I* MH* cwsemw. H«rci, 1Mn«, Whips, Powder, Lead, Shot, Oape, Jk, «s a«40) Bstahllshed 1MI.<p></p>NICHOLAS LEAF. PLUG ft Whelesale Jewelry, flpectaclei, w AfsaiMAwtr Pens, *o., 01TE1VPORT* Re. Weaa PROPntETOHS aeaawwM Po n Pown terms i»9.ooi the Prices go ®A«OHELA.T SALS OS •Hf Goods and Carpofs CLAIRE ULOCKi ileduetlon on »r«»a Gnai. Woolen Good* onii ras.naa wooait WHOLESALE HOUSE. DRY GOODS 9* MEET. Itvlag leaaei ihe lirgf ail numAmi wm ii Mc* lym* MI trfeft bkek, I «i naw prepared, with al Hi largaat aa4 Nil rtMki a?ar affar«4 la tka 8talc, ta MICE, fTSMWE ft W. C. WAUHWORTti J. N. REED A CO. *0. LAKE STREET, WHOI.K8ALB OBALBM II* Dn£s.l8(iciiBs Fancy Ms, Paiits, Oils TARNISHES, TURPENTINE, «srtte Seda, Sal 8e«a, Palm oil. Terra Japoalea,.Dre W«i«» Bradm, OIOBBWMV, Nod« AIK, K08IN, &C« &0.. feO. MANUFACTURER OF CIOA1B, AND DF.ALKR IN aagMt EstaMlahtd" aa KUHNEN, FINE CUT TOBACCO, PMPE* jtjrD Bunotimms ARTMCM,E* Ksepa oa bead the Urgeet Stoek aad Variety ot aoova goods of ear house in the Mate leeeaiete aad all dealers ia above goods are tavited |to easmioe at Htoek aad Prieea aa quality of mj goode before parehralag elaewhere. Cor. Main and id Btreeli, Dnwenport, lown. Baldwin &Marston\^ •si Btog^lS^ Clocks,)' Coin Sllvor Plated Ware. Opera 4? ind Field Claaaea, Cold til IMT B1TIH8IVK 8T0C1 II TIB CITY. Prices reduced 20 to40pref. MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Cleths, Caiibaereat Tweed), CettoBsdes Jeaas a llaess TAILORS' TRIBMIN8S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! MO. BEIDERBECKfi 4 MT1T FR. 4 Ac. Watches and Jfwelrjr repaired, aad Eu- r"a® grarlnf neatly eaeeated. jJ" W New Fall and Winter Slvlea 'h W1VI SECOND STKERT. R. KBAU8B, elRcrckaal T«4lar. mA htm at raataaj Prlaa. :or.xjsrvT» WHOLESALE 6R0CERS NO. S9 WEST SBCOMD STRRRT, -If Tl'** Wo IBVNS tka Trade to exaaalne ear Goods and Price#* »r LANGPELDT, TH0DE & CO.. MB OBBBAD OASOATE- •••ASV uiroanaa AKD DEALIBB |T ffi ANl^ JJwki,ERS \v\t J' Wkele ***•. fafcliesi Diamonds Mi H'f'f/fl i* •Hvorand Platod Ware ©to.* Ilo. aA (lorkstrrrt iB r|tTCAK "'m'uhh of J*r$ (bin Ml err 11. r* U 1 U A K Blachs Biiiii^ tork and Toaliu O raU.J,il,*ANl^WK ls^''K AT LUWgKT Rllttl. V'ligg Ar ^Aly.^i I h.lwl'n, „f ai htm. B'r.,„h Mr I. •aoes, wsaaaiaesc. aad Itwrnl Matt. To. £•.: N""- W asaid, Orderebymall JanT Sai Ac" k etrr) thing th,, I will receive prueipt alimtlui, Ml'III. ItH A PRmrON, 1 hrady .tr.rt Deere'a Moline Plows. T,iKvTIi,r r,,i: •awkeie Caltlvater, Deer.', flows anil Cu!ii he eqaal, tf lint aiifwriur, tn »b» tu.dn ,.r HICK I KS .« 1'MI. SToN sold lathe Weil. Ian Ism fOR THK llMTCS TKIDE 1H( s, HICKLEM A CHI:MTOIV, Halargr v k I S O I I K A S I N I S A y aad comjiirte'iiK nt Slalf aad lleaijr Hardware, AURin J-TI R\L lM'I.KlK\ rs Mrtala aad I'iaarr's Niork, I'Blliry, fortijff, %'nils i.litsa,- Ar. W# hare followetl tin- Kanti'in mark.In preailil ly in the re etit de, lm« In Merchanta wuhinu to make purrliaseii liy or dera are rr.perUullt r. ,|U-i.i, ,l to nd lo us for Me2d£LU* ,b'\v W.. are fav»r .a wuhuii":'^!."" '"r' ,nr th,m'° Hlt'Kl.fcit A VHPSTOS jauT Aa II and We.t »d Iron and Wa?on Matrrlal. STOI'K 1|' UAH ANll H||nf?'*' I liable (kriue, I'luw aiut i ,• u-,i ,i, *, h«» Been narkp.l down t„ orreei*",! *.,h the r.rfscrd rr'cc Mala tf Ihr OtliB(m |UM» SK'KI.Ks.* rilKtToN. aad Magna Material., »f Hut .,| Hanlwnr.. I Hm.i) .irwt JisniLlM Id •UKWM. Oa I :ie laal »l4a Bra4f, atar Praal Si, SHELF & HEAVY a w a o €*hmiee Cnttery^ Aad a geaeeal atanetaant ef the Htapte wtlelee af the trade at greatly red uct*rf prlcva IVRICrLTKRIL IMPLEIKRTf or ALL EIRDH AT Tain LOWMT rBli'UI, in cooataot raeaipl of rarafullr |||||. atuck of treri tfttri|^ in tha liiif tlm, Trad« aad Coaatrj IVrrrhaata Will eon.ult tlieir inter«e« |.» ralltii^ und es aaimng Hooila before |itirt-lia«ias n here From athnrmi, kimwledge ..7 th. husiaeae end »,l«„tn^ -, ,,i huying, all oiuet a to No. IS Hradr atreet, tor guuda. are mtitoil lo riatuuie i|riog aleak, HLUKUIIKH THK I'l.ACK, No, 13 Brady Ntrrrt. Sa»ll proSta aad aatck ratorn*. i r^ilt-ddWHf KELLEY & WOOD MHOLESIIE RETAIL IK.ALKIIH IS IS HEM. 3 sr MIM'.AV HARDWARE Mo. ft Weit Neeond Nt., DAVKItrtlliT, IOWA. WBUmmi BBHl'lrTH'T.I,Y AHK TBB ATTBR of ihe I'ublie %n oar lorgf Mi |fiv Block, ooniatinjf part or BAILS. TRROK WIRI, I'l.OWH I PABMIMU TU4IIJ4, MANII.I.A AND •USES 1?OI'tt W"«lOW A w in Umai, Frock & Spanish fno, Bvaadka IA Original Packaft^ BOLB AQBWTB ro» •nnsiksMnaw(fca*|M*'1 (ILAHHL rqrnr, LINH^KD mi,, Ti Hi'K!ttui»» ea«. 1 KAIi. KA" '-IPK. fABLK AMD POOKKT (M'TLRHV, Hirer Plated Ware, l.eathar aa A •abber Belilag, BBUBHB8, OOTTOR ANH IIKMI' TW1BBM BBOOM TWINKS, IIKOO.M Hiiti PITCH, OAK I'M, Kll.r.' IIAl^H HMRHK HlliMS. IlliKHK NaII.N* PUMPH, 1'ISTIM.S, MIOT ltd OHBB POWDKK vnm KI.AIR KITTLEH AND SAI't'K I'ANrt, IIOI HK CAR PRXTERH' 8IIII' t'AHriMKH.s' MA OIURIHT'S AND CODI KIIH' TOOI.H. Aad a general ae.ortiriml uf rwda in »nrHne whioh we offer at Vt Ht)l KHA l,K A HBTAIA at tbe Lowest Jlaruet Rates, AUf VTM KOIt FAIRBANKS SCALES Aad Safari's Prenion Plswt. ygr Soaatry Berrhsnt. will it t„ n .ii Ivaata^eU eall and j.rir*. rnir ^ioda before aarohaaiag alaewhert, aa w» cu oiler avipeeler o^t oash hayarn. DAVID Kb ET K. WOOB* TODACCO A 8ECAR4. DAVEXPOITT TOBAHOW OK KS. Flae CBI Tokirrn ABI L((in At Wboleoale rOURBJI," lR TRADR fTPPt irn WTTII TtIR IHTAITB "AraenaP* and other r».. brands, P. II. HIUlKAItlta n, f^oat Street, between I'errr and Iowa, eetl-dly Kavi-npoet.^ a. raoBaa. a. wimsil JACKER fc WINECKR, •iitrriflvraw o HBAI aaa ia SEGAIIS, TOBACCO, PIPES. AO.. its. aa lr Street, ketwsss it ThM Site., DAVIS PORT, ISWA. se»M-dly Where do yen bay year FURNITURB9 DEUT80*HMANN'8 OF C07B8B! lBw.BBBaaSBd t..iMt.rsrry sad Back la. land streets, DAVEITPORT, IOWA. There yoa eaa always Snd a isapl"" sainaiat sfalegaat Peraltore. aada ta the BKiet aabatasUal aaaer. Parlor and ChaahaeBettB always on haad. Give aa a eaU. P. HBOTSCHIIANIf, ssrtMly UBaatM Street. Dav. aport. IiADIBS' FURS. •elteekesealt. II la Ik. Stale, i MINK SETTS From to 9190 a Set. Brmino, lOWAs iPitom a,Sqnirrel, Kuskrat,"^ Froncfe, 4.l« yWue. woald jM- mrnfr SaaHB AO 'A.*'* tf' i* a si lisfd* the Snfth BMMI