Newspaper Page Text
bvVEiiPORT DEMOCRAT, DIIS.V AX» VV^TiU. F»:UT ^ru"FT ..•* IMc?rAitmio* KBW.t *!/•',•'»«-« A- rvr1*1"•**•*• 0aHy,delivered In city, «v* fn*r ®*'2n -.1. -lu-wrt :t» Cit», or ("W. |'n| to bm »•i*'*rti«'Tf p*» Br- .v^:"**** 450 •U. a .'Wd'i^r*.j*** six Onicial rapor of th® Cil LOCAL ITEMS. i jicUt'O GOW* IFF Machine. 1188 E. B. CLlN'-llAN. A«ut, |pl|l I'avraj.ort, low*. HOTEL—40 room*, in a good town for "business, to tell cheap, rr trade for land. Houses, lata and farms for sale cbcsp. KI DKIDQ* 4 JAMBS S. KIRS 4 Taa OOCGH A no Bao., Land Si. Ina. Ag'ts. Oflke, Yicl'« IMock. Co.'a Una staple and fancy Toilet Sosps, comprising German Matll.d, Oiivc, Star, Improved Chemical, I'aln, Ac. S .ld by all grocers and fancy goods dealer*. TUB e*eellent preparation of Dr. Cbapm, by the use of wliicb lie guin«d so great a popularity in the treatment and enre of I'y.spepaia, Lifer Complaint, Constipation, an I Palpitation of tbe llaart, nud all dic eisee arising from Indication and Torpid Liver, was none other than what ianow put up under the name of AW Stomach Hitter.1. OB. KBAPP, formerly of New York, who baa visited Davenport regularly tba pait ten years, and effected many wonderful curea of ll Chronic Disease*, Cancera and diseases ol the Er» anil Kar, which Imvs been pronounced incur,tU by ttic medioal profession p'-nerallv, can be consulted at the Sroot House, Tlurniay, Feb. lath. ae will la kocn by hia card in auollier culumn. Consultation free. LCBU FAMILY RIIIIT, he every keep on hand, ALLEN'S Aliens Lung Balaam has performed some remarkable cures about here. I recom mend it with confidence in all diseases of the Throat and Lungs." STKBI.IMI PSBBV DAVIS' Vimrtni FIN KILLSa.— Taa IIKBAT r*«ILT MEDICINE or TIIK AIIE l'ain Killer taken internally, should be adul ternti .1 witb milk or water, and sweetened w tr!i angar if dcaire.!, or ma le ito ayrup wilh IIIOI&HSCR. Kur a t'ou gh. a fuw drops on silver eaten will be more tre-tivo than anything elao. For Sore Throat, gargle the throat with a mixture of I'ain Killer and water and relief is immediate and tbo cure positive It should not be forgotten that the l'ain Killer ia equally aa good to take internally, as to use externally. Kach bot tie is wrapped with full directiona for i'.s use. HOLLOWAT'm I'lLLS AND OlNTMSNT—NCU- BALOIA—Tie Douloureux. The doctrine that |Utnlnn and carbonate of iron were the in ly n iiie lies for tia doloreux and nervous disorders, ia now exploded. Ilolloway's Ointment will procure the spoeiliest allevia tion I'l ii, and a f"W applications stiflicc for a pi-rmanent cure. Thousands who have experie.H-ed a radical benefit from its use are prep.iri to vourh for thy correct Hess ot this statement. Fn gout, rheumst tism, lumbago and s-iata^e, it is equally ifii scious. S ild by all Druggist*. MPBBB'S WINS* are the pure juioe of the grape whose pare and generoua qualities cannot bo excelled for the invalid or eons vali'iem. They are highly esteemed for sai'r&rauntal purpose!. N. it. Good Wine xna'.es good Mood. To Tit* tl»». to the Bryant A Stratum lows Ststi' HuaIIMHIS—ijo Oulleice to tzel thorough 1'r^r Ileal Iiu»li4iwn i-ilUv»tlon, or to h,*eotii« a Kood iiuui .1 le'.i-i'rupli ci .Tntor Kor rlr-ui«r« ami pApera, a lr.i", ti.iicl.«ma «Unn "rii«llrr»nt A MmUm romtnttrelal I'lilk'rfu, lHrwnpurr, louu. Kromnr'o ltalr 1 yr. Natural, llrir»'il«, He*nllf il, H«#t ftn't I'bt'il"'tt in t*.r WorlJ. Sal! !r all irr/ K!Kt,*n,t('oniiiryS|,in-k. i'pi r«. JOHN .1. K!( 'MEtt, Pule rroprletor. 4"l (.'bnstnut St.. Hbllaiteiphls. J.T. TKMPLB, OfiHenor and Florist, cor* 4th %n\ M\\n S|«., fruit and ornamental trcen. iny2fllT W.\NTKI KrtTy mm tho tfTtrll of a hi'' i iu iuilh, to r*»'iid nam" and nd dr«*t with 3* r^nl •tnmv f«»r r»*tnrn to l)r J. Ki.«*n (im-nn, »i tain, F»., who w i i ifu i n o m- th nl by wlitrh Uivy TO*and War«, RIOHARDSOH BROS.. ,V, —.....••••»» THIRTEENTH Y EAR. I Y S E S ttth, l-»\ at iiu'clock for f»e purpuie of tng a^venteeo delegate* to the Democratic NtaU Oonveatioa. wbich will be held at Det lints on the i«th of February, A. D. U«8.-- Tae ratio nf representation will be one delegate for each Towaahip, aad eae delegate for every twenty votes caat fer Charles Maaoa for (jover aor, and one for every fraction over ten votes. e n u e o v o e s e a o w n s w i e e n i tled to is as follows Davenport, 4J Princetoni 6 Blue Oraaa, Lincoln, 4 Sheridan, 1 Hockingham, 2 LeClaire. Buffalo, 7 t'leo &a,2, Pleasant Valley, 4. Win'ield.u, Liln-r ty,t HkkoryfOrove, 2. Iiy order of the Oomaiittse. Towaahip Keellag. Tba IeBio ra'y of Havenport Towniblp, are re (jaceled to meet at th-i utintll C'hamberon WalnrJajr evenlug n »t.. Kfl'r irtrr t!i a 7 ..vlork, for the purpose of cbooelac l«lefatea to the Cooatjr Con vention, to be held on the litb Inst. I'«r orAar Committee. Karail slock of bleached muslins, linen towels and table linen at fJ. W. Kepnar's. HON. JNO. F. DII.I.OS lectures before the Library Association of Muscatine on Tu'l «!ey evening, the 11th inst. TUB saxr FAIB of tbo Soott county Ag fioultural Society will b« babi September 7tl), 8th, 9tb, 10th and lltb. CLOSID —Owing to the death of Mr. Ilea, one of the proprietors of the Commercial Oollege, there will be no college exercises until Monday next. SAXOAVO.— Attention ia called to the statement of the Sangamo Insurance Com pany. Look over the flg'ire# Ifl4 then make application for policies. Lisa IUMAMto It sells everywhere, and give* satisfaction. Road the following extract from lcttera L. li. ItowiE, Druggist, I nnntown, I'enn., writes, April -I, l*-(50 SraciAL MBIIMU of State Encampment No. n I. 0. O. F.,on Friday evening, Febru ary 7th, at 71 o'e'ock, for oonfarring K. P Degree. JO» T. TAUNT, Scribe. TIB Mascatine papers apeak of the lec ture of the Rov. Dr. Anderson, of this city, before the Literary Aaaociation of that plaoe on Tuesday night, as a very able and inter eating effort. Hao., Druggista, write from Garrolton, January 'J7, Send ua six down Anita's I.two UALSAK. Wc are entirely out of it. It given more general ifttisfactiou than any other medioine weat'l Sold ly all Deal ari la Family Modiclnes. WUKN breasting tht arid February winda that come with searching force, think of those heavy wintar cbtbs at tha Davenport Woolan Mills. Daes'nt these nighta make you think of those soft, warm woolen blankets? Give Shlclda' a call, he can offer you soma rare bargans. Ilis gooda wear longer, look aa nice, are cheaper, and give better satisfaction than any imported c'oihs you can buy. A DAVIHFOBTSB ITBABD FBOB. The Sacramento I'nion of January lat says that "(Jovernor Ilaight has appointed Willinm Doolan, Aid de-Oaap on the Stair of the Commander-in-Chief of tbo National Gaard cf California, with the rank of Lieutenant Colnicl." Mr. Doolan will be remembered by many of our citixeos as one of oar nioal active young moii. TFe congratulate him on his promotion. RAILROAD AOITATIOK.—Wa le*ra CrotB the Journal that IIoo. Jacob Butler and S. i. Stein, Directors of the Muscatine, Usks loosa and t'ouncil BlulTa Railroad, contain pHte vinilinn this city this week, to be prcsont at the Peoria Railroad meetings to be he'd at Molina, llook (aland and Daven. port. They hope to be able to make some arrangements with tha Peoria road where by .Muscatine can obtain a direct eiatern outlet. A KWIICJ cnn carvd, and the of youvh restored. aoffikHm Notice. TnRTlR xr II.T SHAM RKTtNfl OF TIIK STOCK holder* of tli« I«vpni»ort Wan I.'irht A r*k« for thu rlrrtirtti of l»i«r» for the ye*r il tho offl-.v of i 'otn}*Aiiv, ob Monday, tli». »!»v wrKt-bmiry. lat 7 o'tiock M. T1108. DKHMODT, an. M, 1M6 —4id. Secrctarr. Notice. .•Mis rwPimstriNEP AS hrkn Arrot^TKn I the i»r,t of Sii|nrTi'or« of Srntl I'mmit. Cn jj). rtntnidi'iit thr r^«r. An otHc* hail li«en opencil OT the rurnn of Hr*I'.» ami Kiflh Mrwts, where the •nti !. ri«yii,'.i atul the TowtifMji Trustoi-s wio bi'in ailfiirtan^e from A. to P. M. tlnilr, and all jappllrstieai for relief most be mad* at the above of Isn'iS-dtf R. I.1N'!KRMAW I. o. O. I\ I A! Meetlrx of Dnvrn^ort O. 6. F., OTJ !tUturd*y. Febmufy 8th, at 7 1-9 o*c t*k. lor the j»ar pom of confetrlntf the lto(r*c of Kehakah. All n«erp of tba fifth \+*t*• afa raqaaated to ba praaetit. Hf trdet of the N. O. WK. K. COI'LTKH, feb.^ did Secrulag. Bemoral, •OCH, rill: FI BBIEB, irirs nBMOTED HIS HAT, CAP A*D FCR lMlUl'M to ^O. West istsrt SIMM, jbelwwn Harrlaon and Klptay els where be will keec la lark'i an mom complete stock of the »tvl«w {and flnee qnalHiee of Udlne and A •naya Ilata, Ca^« and) Fv» at pricaa that deft com pa ImMwr Sicn «»f Hig CJftp TO THE LADIES. FOR 0*aT O^K 1MII.I.AB, We are selling Silka, fiba«K Iry Fancy Uooda vl wcrr di^rrfptlon, aieo. Si I Famltarr, &c ValnaMv Fre^cstii, from $?• to fNV, tent free i*f chirrs to Mv itt* •ordloe clnhf of ten and aj «ard« Ofrmlar* Mat fraa to any addfe*#, Jaa94-d«&) MTSSBNORK A CO., o. BoxtS9S1. 45 Ilanovar Su, Boatoa, llaaa. 8NITII THE HATTER^' BlSIXEM (OAWE. ST"* nUHKTOTOHl CONDCC'TCD J., v ~l*lh ^noth, uinU the name of Bmltb tb« jllattrr." hi« il«^ b-rn trao»ferred to tbeaader vlsued. «b• w'-i hereafter cotittave the boeineaa a« ^i sruiera. at t»i. nme ftand. tinder the *aoe namenf natter. On aerount of this ebanve It be. v .«« neceeaary toclour nr ibe „U1 onte. All peraon. the^efo^ who are Indebted on a^cxanl «r!..e l.a* tr •••.cvteu toeal! at on.e and art l'«4t febVd*wtf II. O. SMITH, A. P. AL8TON. I I N E MRS- M. L. CURD, (Formarlj Mia* A. I'. CUU.I WI601N0 TO CU)8K OUT HER STOCK or llilhaerr, offers greut iaritn-rtiieeta to the Ltdtes in the line of good a, particularly R4TII A!VD M^KETN, Will be sold I.en than Cost, for 80 day*. FOR THE HOLIDAYS 1MBSMO** or TBK l*«|Halmr Fel. find ablaet I'imi from the Peoria and Rock Island road down to the Mississippi, op posite Muscatine, would ba highly advan tageous to that city. HOLLOWAT'a VaaMircos Coxrxcrioss.— This valuable medicine, prepared by John ston, Hollowar Cowden, Philadelphia, has grown widely in popular favor during the last tilteeu years. Intelligent plneioiatis who know the value of thia preparation lo not to prescribe it in their prac tice. It not (:ilv eradicates worms, but cor rects any derangement ot'tbe digestive or gana ao prevalent witb children. Meaars. Johnston, lioiloway A Cowden also prepare llolioway'a Arnica Platters, and lleiskeU'a Ointment, both standard medicines and in great favar wherever introduced. Read their advertisement in another column. ABOTHBB OLD SSTTLBB DBAD.—Mr. James &«mbo!d died in Cairo, 111., January 19th, l4flS, after a long and protractej illness, at tha age of forty-fire. He was a son of Eld. James Rumbold, deceased, formerly of this city, and an eld settler. lie had been a member of the Christian Church for twenty years in Davenport, and (lied in the faith and hope of the goapel of the church. 11a baa left a wife and four childroo to aouro his losa. He will be remembered by many citicena of tbia place as an upright, indue trlona and orderly member of eociety. He was brother-in-law of Dr. J. A. Reid, of this city. LABOB BOMBS MIMMlateot ', Um' ail of the admirera of tha drama, from Rook Island tod Moline, were present at Ibe Opera House last aranlng to witness Mrs. Lander in the r«l$ of Elizar beth. There was also quite a number of young people from Mnscatlne, who came i:a on the cveoiag traiB jast in time for the en tertainment Some distance to travel juat to attend the theatre—yet the play was aueh as to wtli pay them for their troable. Come again, good people, but don't jro'3 bring that story-telling Local of the Courier with you. It won't be safe ft-r him to cotno round here as long as we've got an es'.r a "weed.*' We owe him one for thai raPrca stcrv. DBATB er SAML-KL N. I LBS.—With hata been frni •••ery rarietr of wood, and lJ mo»t alaborate pattern Md finish fort-doming th* Stneer NewTamilv Hewm^ Machine. Daraaport OIRec No. Bra* ^tr »»t. aeplt5-dAwl|r A. L, XORTO!V, a Itain St., third door below th« First ITational Bank. GIVF.RAJMCRUB ATTKNTION TO THE BATW of till kftnd^ of Farvonal Proptfty nod He«i Aaetion. or Prlrata Bala, nayaiaohuy Boumrh»ld Furniture wJ all Made New or Old advantea n»de oa latge Bto^ka of Marchaadiaa for id« at Aaetion. •ar5S"***B^—' *•wtof 1 '''-M&I. Mr. lies was a member of the Christian Church ot this city, where he was held in deep eeteetn for his Christian zeal and amia ble deportment. The members of the con gregation will all mourn his early dsatb. To the afflicted father and brothers and sis* ters we offer our most sincere condolence. With many friends we uiourn tW d»aUi «f one whooc noble chsracter and Christias vittnes would hire made for him a shininj •areer. Bat the will of the Almighty ba *m. Lot how talH—Mowhnri—i— to His P. 4 ft. I. RAILBOA* MKETIKU Deoaocrutic Connty CoaveatlMi. A Convi utiuD ol tie Hem «rary of Scott Count) U hereby called, to meet at the Court Boose, ia Daren part, oa Saturday, February p»ny, Were in attondanae at the seating citizens of Rck Island iast evening. Speeches were mide by Messrs. Hsmilton' lisldw.n, Devlin and Bryan. It was stated that the Pennsylvania Central Baiiroad had offered to lay down the iron, furnish the rolling stock, and take half the value in stock if the company woo Id grade, bridge and tie the road. The different mat tars in connection with the road were talk ed o'.er and explained to the satisfaction of those present. The speakers explained the proposed route and the advantages to be derived from the early cjmplotion of the road. Just prsTious to the adjournment of the meeting, the following resolution was offered by Dr. Truesdale and carried Jluolitd, That it is for tha interoat of Ro':k Island to Mihscribo f.V\':00 itock to tbe Peoria and Rock Island Railroad. There is some little opposition to this mode of procedure, on the ground that tbe city has already built twelve miles of road, and should not be Baked to sabseribe. We were not awaro that Rock Island owned any twelve miles of road that sbe was giving to tbe Peoria A R. I. R. R. We had suppos ed that the twelve miles referred to was owned and controlled by Mr. Cable, and that if the company wanted it they would have to pay for it. If this is the case, what is Rock Island doing for the newnadf Isn't there eon.e dodge to let others pay for Rock Island's benefit? They propose holding another meeting at the same place on Saturday evening. This evening a meet ing will be held at Moline, ahd to-mornw (Friday i afternoon, at 2 o'clock, a meeting will bo held in this city, at the Council Chamber. Let there be a good turn out to hear the subject mors fully discussed, and then let steps be taken to do what our citi zens should do, snd have the mattar dis posed of. If asy more of oar citizens fa vor the projected road Snd wish to help it along, ther should do it at onoe, that the work may not bo delayed. Oar delegates were received in fine stvls at Peoria, and now let us return tbe compliment by giving them a large hearing. TUB OPBSA HOUBB AMOMMUTS.—A full bouse greeted Mrs. Lander in the r*t» of Elizabeth, Queen of England, at the Bart is Opera House last sveaing. So well did she personate tbe imperious £liaabetb, carrying tbe royal part throughout without the visi ble effort of the actress and independent of the gilded trappings of royalty, that she re ceived the unqualified commendation of ev ery person present. There was no oppor tunity for fault finding. Her aupporlers were in lima and aeaeon, taking their parts as perfect as she did hers. The theatre and tbe playing were forgotten—the audi enoe saw before them tbe court of the Eng lish Vjueen, with all all its tragic scenes.— Tbe signing of the death warrant of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotts, and that of tbe imperious Essex, also the grand contest of passion between Klitabsth and Esaes, after tha conquest of Cadiz, were scenes cf thrill iog interest, rendered with only the dra matio power of artiMts of the first rank. Tbe fifth and closing act was one of grand and tragic impersonation of Elizabeth ia her last hours, showing the conflieting elements of hsr character and—not Tbia evening Mrs. Lander appears as Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland, witb Mr. Taylor as Leicester, sapported by the entire company. XOBTBBSS Lata PACER COPAW, LOVIB, !.\VENPORT, A* ROCK laiAxo.—Mr. Hamilton, Prudent of the P« jria and Ror-k I*Iand R. R. Company, an 1 aeve:.d of the rtctors of ti.e ro»* ED. HBSOCSAT Tbe dsy conchcd in in receiving and dis charging freight. Wageua and dray a will drive on and off this boat, and freights be received under shelter. R. M. Prettyman and Qeo. W. D. will dsra to answsr tbs question negatively. There is a disposition on the part of evary one to be beautiful. It is natural and comes without the least effort. Tbe rale holds good witb male or female, aad eapee iallj with the latter sex tbe exceptions sro rare. To be beautiful ia the desire of every women, whether young or old. And it is right that it ahould ao be. We all like to see woman appear beautiful, that aho may adorn tbe sphere she occupies. Speaking of being beautiful reminds us of the Ojcelia de Persia or Yictoria Regis, for beautifying tbe complexion and preserving the skin This valuable article for the toilet, manufsc tared by M. O. MoClaskey, Philadelphia, is now used at the Eust extensively, aad givea entire satisfaction ia every instance. Fur removing Tan, Freckles, San-burn and Cu taneoua Diseases it is invaluable. It should be on the dressing table of every lady. See advertisement. pro found sorrow ws record to-day the death of Mr. S. N. lies, Priocipal of Bryaat .4 Stratton's Commercial College in thia city. He dieJ laat evening, at eight o'clock, after a short illness of pleoro-paeamonia. Tbs deceased wna well known beta oo aa excel, lent young man. lie was esteemed and re spited by all who knew him. Some fiv* years ago he cam to this city with his father, Dr. T. J. lies. A year ago boas sumed the management of the College oi which he was Principal, being assisted ia this by his partner, Mr. A. J. Meotagoe.— Since his connection with the College as manager it has grows in prosperity and usefulness. His lots will be deeply regret ted by the students attending the institu tion. Tn Poor..—Dariag the aaatk of Janu ary the Directors of ths Poor allowed the foil* wing amounts: Expenditures and aopplicsaeeouat of city poor Paid old' bill of Sept, Oct.andK0v., l^CT, city poor 40.00 Supplies to poor House.,. 10S.62 Supplies to LeClsire poaS** 61.06 Total A thorough system of invsstlgBtion has been inaugurated, aad none receive aid from the county now who are not feally in need. By purauiag aueh a course it is ex pected that many dollars will bs ssvcd the esaaty, sad that easjpaupsr expcascswill bs •atsrisUy rsdaasi. Ss asts it be 1 DAVENP0R1 I.Keiftl'VriVE COBBMPO^D* IlUK. Spteial Cnrr?s:.ond-nrj to the Davenport «L". K-rst. •teas or RBPBBSBKTATIVBS, "Dts Mot*«s, Feb. 5,18W. is bitterfy cold, and the nnfortunate members of tbo Souse are in tbe midst of an afternoon session, whereto all have come through snow and wind to be present, dissusfl snd President Johnson, and of unbridled lauds tion of Oen. Grant, alt provoked by the late orders to the General to disobey or ders of of tbe War Depirtment, and his let ter thereon. McKean, oi Jones, introduced the reioliiti n. It was amended by Kasaon as aet to mention the President, but to laud the General, endorsing hie radiealiem, and nominating him for the radical candi date for President. Upon the introduction of this amendment, McNutt ebied his cas- lor into the ring, and inaugarated Doaay brook fair around Reason's ears in pleaaed to be piaiaed while ^Various minor amendments were offered. One of these, intended to oover the ques tion of gentility now pending between Grant and the President, was jected ISSB as follows: "RniltfJ, That in the opinion of this Hotieo Gen. Grant is a gentleman, and a good iudge of horeelieah.' This was voted dowo, which I am will vex Grant more the special order for Friday. Tbe debate on the bill to refend swamp land this morniog, "panned'' oat richly. It will be remembered that the Rade on the second day of tbe qaeatisa, so aa to read "an act to refund moneys bezzled by Gov. Stone's To-morrow morning will be considered the expediency of abolishing the Supervi sor ayatcra. The weather is very cold and stormy. CBEKOCO. ACCIDENT.—Tbe Rock Island Cnion of thia morning saya that on Monday morning last, Mr. Daniel Artie, son in-law of Llew ellyn Morgan, -fcast week we published a list of appointments ot captaina ai.d first clerks on the Northern Line boats. From the Rock Island Argun we learn the following particulars The officers of the company for tbe ensuing yesr are: Jttmcs Ward, President. Thomas W. Griffith, See'y and Treasurer. Thomas J. Buford, Superintendent. Isaac M. Mason, Qeneral Freight Agent. No appointments have yet been made for tbe Cbeaver, Jamaa Means, Petrel and Little Giant DuringUhe season the Burlington will be replased by a fine large boat. The intention ia to run a daily line from Si Louis to !t. Paul, besides the lines between the Rapids, and from Savanna. The boats are now laid up in aafe hirbors at Dubuque, LeClaire, Montrose and Alton. As soon aa the weather moderates ropairs and paiating will be commenced on tbem, and when the rivet opens they will ooote oat in tfcowgh repair. A large wharf boat is now being huitt for tbe company at Metropolis, 111., which is 30'J feet loag and 40 (bet wide, to be ueod at St. of /.utua, went out to if hie arm against the manger. He felt badly from the effect of the blow, laid bia curry comb in its place on tbe wall and atarted toward the etable door. Hefora reaching it, however, he fainted and fell by the aide of tbe borse in the stall. A short time aflerwarda a son of Mr. Morgan chanced to approach the etable and aaw Mr. Artie lying as described, with marks of blood about li s bead, lie took bim up, sailed for help, and oarried him to the house, he being in an ioaensible condition. Ha racover«l hit Mn«ea ia the court# of half an hour. Dr. I teming, of Port Byron, waa aent for, who found aeveral severe cuta on hia head and btuiaea on hie body evi dently made by the horse tramping on him after he had fallen. Hia injuries, though painful, are not fatal JUSTICE I'STKK'SCOOBT.—Johnn past the ters, who fined Harris will probably be the agenta for this eiy and Reek Wand. WHO WOULO BOT BS BSATMROL?—Few Koehske, prime of life, forgot he here tbe semblance of a man, and beat his wife, Min nie, at the same time threatening to knock bar hesd off. Minnie feared ha would do it, and had him brought before Justice Pe bim $25 aad easts for whip ping bis wife, and bald him ia ben Is of $300 to keep the peace and let Miaaie keep her head in its proper plscs. The fine waa paid, the bonds obtained, snd the old sin ner left duly impreseed with the fact that a wife has aowe rights a brute husband mast respect. DISTBICT COCBT.—The cue or MeOuire v* Fraasia, sea tia Bed frsm yesterday, was dsaided tbia forenoon for the defendant In the esse of Hughes vs. Pardee a joij was ompsanelled snd the easaiaoa boarding Btsissss O. T. k W. Webb. BOM BAKING THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER. a way that eent the blood from the fair cheeh of that polished cuss, snd drew frombim a re tort which but illustrated his ability trial we go to press. These ss were the principsl eases before the Court to-day. One Michael Gallager, .CSABOB.—Wsdsworth's IOWA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY COt ltll, PBDCSGBlWa •-I.A n ET i N o. On metioc 0f wssto time, upss s lot of bttnsoiafee re«oJstJs*4i»d amendments. The first of the said resolutions wss terms of bittsr reproach of Aid. Dermody the reading or the minute of last meeting was dis pensed with The following petitions wore presented: retitien ol James Culveffcll, caking per •"••on of ths city to allow him to dig a well for the Sencfit n the public, on the eidewalk tn f:»nt of his pf.mise*, corner of Moand and Main streets, iast Davenport. Petition grai adt wor to enseal hie purpose. "Mac" wanted to re pudiate the President utterly and ask bim to resign, to knock him down and kick him thereafter, snd throw mud ia bis •J'** Parker thought tbe resolution and substitute wanted polishing and putting in better En glish was sure Grant would be to be done un der the supeiriSi0!1 0 n,« Vldtruian of the •th ward. Petition of fl\ Hiepc a|l others, asking thst tin- city ause a I ami post to be etcot ed on the ol Front md Ripley Sts. Referred to th? Committer on Gas. Petition of £. (_ |»p cin and other grain buyers aad commifjn merchants ef this city, nettiig forth tlX under the ptes •nJ *yetem of public *«ighing the grain falls far ahort of the we| hts paid for, and they ask of the city to adopt s system that will protect tb«n ,n the# rights. Referred to a^ special cotnwittee n report at next meeting. Committee— K hnen, Andresen, and McNeil. Petition of T. p. Meyvr end other resi dents of block 4#, i0 oV'ot (J), ask Ing thst tbe alley in saM block, as record ed, running aast and weS, may be opened, was referred to the Street Committee to re port next meeting. belter in polished syntax, a grammatical damning woold de scend more fearfully on the Presidential Petition of E. C. Duncan, asking permis sion of the City Council to allow bim to proceed to erect a Grir. Elevator at the earner of Harrison snd Kb stisets. Bafcr red to the Committee SB Fire and Water with power to »ct, provided tbe requisite number of property owners on said block give their cons( ut to tie erection of tbe same. Aid. Dermody offered the following reso lution, which «ita adopts-i: Rmolrtd, Th»t the folcwing Memorial to the General Assembly b' adopted, and copy of it forwarded by Clerk to cSah member from this unty without delay. sure than be will be soothed by tbe polished preamble and resolutions which it was finally datermined to make MBMOBIAL em secretary, Orwig," the pent up R. O. hats sf Stone's oast off pete burst fertb. The member from Lueas said thst when the Repablieaoa elected Stone, they did not know be wa^ a scoundrel. He had proven that since. And yel the member from Lucas voted to white-wash this "sooundrel" whom he now denounced. Tbe member's consistency wss visible, entirely, even to the low browed gypsum bust of tbo "!ato lamented'' that scowls from the south wall of the Hepresentive'a Chamber. A fitnk move waa made on the minority, by assert In that there waa property enough in tha hatids ef the State to cover the deficit, all but $o,000. The inquiry as to whose prop erty this had been, developed the fact that it was Orwig's. And yet the majority ob to placing tha reeponsibility upon Orwig by rejecting the amended title, and many declared him innocent, while they were willing the .State should make good its losses from his property. The bill as passed, takes from a jueea, but more a woman, as she totters on the verge of the graTe still clinging to royal power.— The expreeaion of her features conveyed the thought before words could express it. In short, Mrs. L. as Elisabeth went iar be yond our most sanguine expectations—it was a triumph. Tbe performance through out haj never been equalled in this city. the treasury $24,000. And iwb -iiy to bl'mt. Two more liquor law resolutions, coming from tbe majority and deprecating alicense, wero referred to the Intemperate Iowa City, Peck and Saundera, of Daven port, Ilughea and Carpenter, of Keokuk, and many others in attendance. or hb i'ITT DavanroBT TSB funds stolen by Stone, OrwigACo., session, passed tion white-washing hia GKBKBAI ASSSMBL s resolu Stone and endorsing official acta amend the title all When it was moved to to tbe bill ia They beseech your boJy not to adjourn without providing This city is alr.adr cnbarrasssd in its operations by judgments, executions, gar nishments and injunctiom it has no moans to pay. It has no powr to do snything without Legislative aid, and it ia liable within the next two yean to have judg ments for a quarttr of a tuition of dollars rendered against it. 3ue bond-holders claim that they ran obtain a mandamua to collect the amount at oacf without regard to any limitation in the barter aa to the rate of taxation. Such a result would be iisaatrous to tbe eity tn tbe extreme. What it would lead to caa hardly be foreseen. Other oitiea aad counties are in a like cosi tion. Thia eity must bavo aid from your lionorablebody in some shape. I: wi!i accej such aid in such way as it shall arem l*et to you to grant it, but relief in aome mannt- is most inexora bly demanded. Com mittee. The State Medical 8ociety is in ssssion here. I notice Drs. Vogt end Shreder, of To this city it is a iMter of the most pressing neoeasity. To tain it this city has patiently waited fnr the meeting of your Honorable body. Mieving that the Senate biil i No. HI) full guanls and se eurss the right of tiie inde/.ed corparations, that it will cnah'.e relief IO be obtained, the City Cvari-i'. cf Dive ort ask that it may become a law, with ft. amendments or modifications as your lonorabie body may deem it and iuSt make. Potition of Cbas. Jjhtat n, aaking of the City Council to appoim him a Public Weigher of tbe llawkeye ales, leased by bim, he bavi: filed his nd and oath of office for the same. (ira|:d on condition that be be subject to thei.lse and restric tions of the City Council regard to any act which th?y may pass fr relation to Pnb lic Weighers. the xtable to urry the horsea. It seems Mr. Artis n la rather delicate health, and in going to the front ot the etall struck whet is known as the "sensitive" or "orszy" bone Aid. Andresen read a' warranty deed made by Mr. Casper to the city ol Davenport for a piece ofli id lying in vision atreet, south of s rd street, and moved that the same be oeived aad re ferred to the City Attorn*? and that the City Clerk be authorized to issue a city or der to aaid Foster fer the feu of three hun dred ami forty-five do'larf $S4fi) in pay ment for said piece of lanla» per agreement entered into March lith, 'H67, said order made payable August lel,M$. Adopted, fifonthly report of the ty Marshal re ceived and ordered filed. Monthly report of tbe City Clerk on li censes and general r.nd rmi fund expendi tures received snd ordered fled. R-ports of the City Tnsaarer for the months of December nadttaaery read snd ordered filed. Speeial report of the I ty Attorney re eeived aad ordeted tiled. Petition ot A. Nortao, asking of the City Council to grant hi* a permit to sell as an auetieneer, under jthe license icsaetf to Norton A Sleeper, carried to tbe Com mittee on Licenses, withp»war to not. Report of tbe Cosmaittco oa PuMis Grounds and Builiings( in relation te the leasing of the public lots on the City Land ing. received and adapted Aid. Olsuaaen offered the following tSSO lution: Rrtolvti, That tbe Oomaaittcs on Public Grounds and Bsildiagc are hereby author iasd te rsat the Hospital 0—aad sa sdeh tarma as ther msy desa bsst for eae year tboy way from the Irst of Meroh, IMS. AicpM. (Tot* 0«*MUA.) now who has at the coanty expense for the rttail dry goods establishment has psssad iato the handa cf Messrs. CutUr A Max sen, for year* have who been connected with house ss the salesmen. The Messrs. Wads worth will now devote their catiae attea Hon to the wholesale bntiacaa. W. R. Geddis has sold out his stock smokery and glassware to Pewsaa is aetaally oksap er by twsnty-flve per cent, than Cream Tar tar and Sods, as ssmeasaly nssd. your groscr fer it Ounamo for men sad boys, sf tbs latest styles, ready nude or made te order, caa always bo had at Sam Petty*!, No. 45 BrS dy street. Be keeps tbe bsst werkmsn in the business, hss tbe latest fnthlsrt. the beet home-made and imported cloths, and ran guarantee satisfaction in all asses. He ales keeps a large and carefully edected stock of Goats' famishing goods, trader garments, feesery, flsaey aeek-ties, collars, etc. Particular attention givea to cuetom work. If you need any article te oomplete yoar wardrobe, No. 4t is tbe pi see to get it, good snd cheap. »»». Laat evening at S o'clock, at tbe raeidence e hto fatbae Ur.TJ. Ilea, of Pleara Paaawmila. SAXCSL M. IUN,ln the SSi year of Usee*. Tha Bmsiel take jiam lea Ota OBspel tMMttow aSsmoae, at« oticst. THE TIME is TO BUT DRY GOODS, Etc. past three months, committed on charge sf is toxication and vagrancy, was released this afternoon—the grand jury finding no bill 8IMON GUETTEW IB gBLUXO OFT E I A E S I e I fTPCK or QOODS TOW W we, eonelattM of tha Mem Maslias, BtWMS, SlBghs AltSO OTBEB COTTOK OOOOB at MT. ItttCalle* 4 It tti. |ir4s All Piece Goods at Coot. ar.r. NOnOWS, gOdlXBT, S OU)W, AT COST U«aa'VUrs aad M*. Cs»aa, OeOflN, Beeda, Ac. Ibr BAVf FIUCB. ®J"« Oooda, Shirts, Fle»ele, naattela, etc., MVw^W: UOK OCT KA *A«B AMD MOMBBB. E i A N i KLNTUCKYWHI.SK I l.ortavii.LB. Rt. SOLD pr A LI PKft:»l»T» ACT JOBN BO WE, rBASTICAL PLHMIEff Oil mmd 8Umm rip* WUtur, ». saa—tS* Bu. Bsnrsaiwli Sa. IB Water Closeta, Wash Lead cyasrn PBMS.fOeeaJhataa,Chao- Paama. Mg&r? WSaBaa. 6. FORMERLY MISS or TIB 1«58. To-Day's Advertisements. A S O N I N O I E A:~ o ,i, Ci:.. iiisn, I ob. 5, Present—Hi9 Honor the Mayor M. Dona hue Aldernstn, Andresen, Claussen, Cun ningham, bcrmody, Frizzall, Harding, Kubnen, Litbg, McN« i, Seymour. .Ki I bai e:,J v roMMrxic.vTop mi! L,.c* r. I A. A A \1 hia .T»a!'.(, at e'niaak. A (all u e i u A S A E W u i.itai,aiMwr. •lnolBtliB MsUn. «n MRnunr or POOL BBO AT THK Bart is Opera Hon—T Mext SundAj, Feb. Mh, 4*^O'CLOC*. P. BY RET. B. THOMSON J. SUBJBOT-—Tbe Cbrlatiao Broad Charek. UT All are iaviwd to ottaad. IbM-dM mm inn nn. ENTHUSIASTIC RBCSPTIOK ORKAT TRAQEDDEnni, MRS. F.W. LANDER JBAW M. DATBBPORT, And Brilliantly Successful Iuof^ntitB UFTHK Lr{itiiile Drui ia Du«ip$rt. manmuoAT, noon A •*ATK«E*T or vis coNLitioM or vaa Sangamo Insurance Corap'y, OF 8PKI.NUI 1KLD, ILL., On danaary las IBSS. MAOB TO TIIK AUDITOR or TIIK PTATSOP Iowa, pursuant to the Statutes uf aaid Slat^ Ths namu uf '.ha Companr la tlta Saaganu Iaaar auce Cornpaev. Tba amuunl iif Its t'npital Stock la... .$S01,StS 00 The aaiouat of Capital Stock paid op la SOt.SIS tC Tbe aaeta of tha Cotopaoy at« lat. Cash on bead iu bank aad lo tbe baada of Afente or oltiae paeaona JS td. Beal Batata oaiocom'od 4t0 IS Ed. Vontla and atveka owned bv ibe Ooenpaav, how se cured and rata of int. tbara ... ai-a schedale "A* SS,3SS a ttbTDebla of tbe Company se cured by mortgage, w THn am- ear*, la tbte day dlaaolvaS by aataat eeaaent.— TbebaalaaeewinWeoatiaaatfWWB. Pool, at ike MNal,wt* aisaaiii aB thaleMa anS will cot- WM. MOL B. W.POOU tact ail aecvaata of tba Sim Davenport, Vab. 5tb, t8(8.-«St BKLIGIOU8 LECTURE IBBT. MRS., LANDER TO u nt cuiiiiTu ooiruiM STATU or IOWA: The City of Davenport most respectfully but earneatly taemorialius your honorable body to grant inch legis'«tive relief as will enable it to settle and adjust Its liabilities in case it desirrs and ahsil be found praed eable advaatagtously to do so. Senate File No. 81, on this subject meets with the hearty approval of ths OKf Goosed ef this city, and the plan thctoia embodied is sub staittislly the one which in been sppfoved both by the oitizens of tita city ia nubile meetings asssmbled and »y the ORy Cous eil. Any modifications or amendments deemed advisable by tbs Seasral Assembly may of course be made, :ut relief in aoese way is to your memjriaiutsa matter of the utmoat importance. KOU TI A Y naum 8TUART, liuean of'Scoin, la Beklllat'a Tra«o4r oCUtMaaaae, Mppott«4by MR. J. H. TAYLOR ASLEICESTBR, AIIVII SPLENDID DRAMATIC COMPANY. Brat* way be eeeared at Lflse SOrlfn'. from* to» i*. M. AdtnlaalOB TI casta raaar«*d aali, ae' enrlaa plaaaa fur the aatlra avaulof, |1 00 •, cellary. Tn-morvow al»ht-LAV APriABAIOIfOI tTITBbT-tb* Beaalltal Ulaaaloal Tragadr ot K J) K A O O S PSTUBA l)AKK, B. NSL2. A o u n a i fofbkldfR to trade In Pworn Paint, unices thr nurao Blown, YtLLaw, OBai*A«i The bent Paint baown fnr lioaara, Irna Prmtta, Tin Roof*. Damp Walla, Railroad Care aad BrMgaa. TtfH Colored Paint, coet one third tbat of lead, ast wear anh losger. Tbia Coaipaaj'a White Laad la tbe wblteH aad net darable baown. BUT VAHX1RHKA aad DRTllSCJ JAPA1SS. HMITH BC»WBK, Beeretary, IbbS ISO Horth 4th Street, PHILADELPHIA •eMbllahed Of the Airent is on tlir I':ick a't'. 8. LOWEK.Agt: l.'O N. 4th Ht —, achedala W Mb. Debts otherwise eecored (are acbadale). flth. Debtaltorrrsmlame,... •wsssj.r^.r-w.n. '•""""iuiliLiT®. Tbe amount of Mobilities due or not doe to banka or other credltota $tM,SM sa Loam adjoatad cad doe Loeeee adiaated aad n«t doe Los tee unbiassed Loeecs lo saspenae awiitln* lartbar roof, Hons. tt,W0 OS S.BTB 00 S.SM B.000 OB I. The ereatesitam't aliowcrt bf the ralea of tbe Company to be meoraC tn any one^n or village No rule. U. The neatest smt dlowed to be In 14, 4he act (Ancwporatlon of tile Comp"«le4. ACDITOH OFFICB, IOWA. I Dee Moines, Feb. M, 18(8. |8 BBRBBT CBRTIPIB® TBAT THBBB has been Bled ia this oftae a eworn aUto meat abawlag the eoaditieo ot the BATOABO IBBUBABOB OOMPABT January ttth, l«T1snS sa SjnamaaoeBwy or the requisite eaamt of Oa^Mad lavaeUd aa "'SSfilOaSft IB TlBBBfOBB SIT** srsattWrtK iSeeerdeaee with ths laws thereof, aatll the •1st day of January, A. D. IMS. te ALSO Caimas, That P. BABBB CO, of Daveooort, have been appointed hf said Com pany their lawfal Aaenta end Attornaye for tbe County of Soott. with foil power to take risks ef 1 sen ranee therein, sad te oekaowledse eeryioe ef prooaas ae provided by taw, npoa their flttag with the Olerk of the Dtatriet Uw» in aad for said Ooaaty this eertlfloate and a eafv of tbe BUtemeatonMeinthiaoOee. It ia farther eer »ia^i that ths attached la a tree aad correct eonjr ef the aaid atatement. to tastiaieay whereof, I have heteaato set w haad aad aAsad my Beat of OBee, the d«f and vaa* Sret above written. JtlO. A. ELLIOTT, Aeditar af State. B. MARKS CO., Aaenta, earner Brady Ota, BLACHIN«. Y RABTLETT BLACKING Wheleaale {TdtkB Jewelry, SS elatsaa aselnat ths CoBipanjr ireother 11 Total Llabffltlaa •».** Tbe Kreatsat aasoaat Ineoted In any MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING BATKMPOBT. SI, aa Waas JPHOP1UETOB8 TERMS W OO1 Down-Down the Prices go OREAT SAZjID OF Dry Goods and Carpeft A.T Q8 LE CLAIRE BLOCK. Ettll OoBtlnnft. Another Rodnetloa on Woolenttootli «Bd Carpet*. TUB 8TJCK OP GOODS BUST II SOLD. WHOLESALE HOUSE. DRY GOODS 41 mm* 4M aajni ffllfir. •avlnff teasMI Hw lars« ui Self* lyert' new brick Midi I MMMMI w— li MI M* the largest aa4 lest sleeks erer etsrei la the Mate, te aa miciVMtwm TMMR. W. O. W All 9WORTH. J. M. REED & CO., XO. It LASK HTBIKT, WU0LB8ALB DKALBB8 IB Dn£s,lediciies Fmcy Goafs, Palits, Oils VARNISHES, TURPENTINE, Caitle Mst Sal Soda, Palm Oil, Terra Japoalea«.Dyo Stafla, Brmhee, Slassware, Ma AH, A O S I N & & 0 1 & o Seoaaetame of Wonlao Oooda aad Dyers caa proeere of aa sMetly para Dya SlaSk uf all hto*. Br Sayera are raaptctfalty Invited to esaailBa uar atoch belbre paiehaaiac a las a a an.. a^Mty 3STIOHOLAS KUHNEN, MANUFACTURE* pipes qwaltty of my goada Cor. Main and «l Streets, Cuds BpMlMM, *A Coin Silver A Plated Ware, Opera and Field Claeeee, Gold CL V Pens, Ao., Ac. ""v 10T Wati hra and Jewelry rrpalrrd, and Kn- y graving neatly eaetoted. jT bet. New Fsll and Winter Stylet TBI BSR EXTBRHTB STSCI U TIB COT Prices reduced 20to40prcf. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS CMhs» Casstaerest Tweeds. CelloBedes, tan TAILORS' TRIMMINeS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I a. HO, fM), HMMSSK lECaND ATKKKT. W. U. MM BSIISS ». Al iTiie. nxinsM, Bntakllahed SS OF OMABS, AND DKALKB IN LEAF. PLUG & FINE CUT TOBACCO, s.ves*ss MNCUS, Keeps en hand tbe largeat Stock aad Variety at above gooda ef any bonaa in tha (Mate. Te Ir—ili. aad alt dealara in above gooda are invited |te eiamine ay Htoek ead i'rloaa, aad the •lllv ef my aooda baCaee parabrala« elsewhere. Davenport, Iowa. Sc J. UBSSS JKerehmmt Ti at fasteaf Prises & MILLER, v w =S *, t-* fcaLOI-TJBlVTB WHOLESALE GROCERS U0a g) maT BBCOWP ITRBBTi Wo lavlte tAe Trade ta axaaatAo e«r br MB 1.UMMUV, B. TWOWt. ""LAHGPELDT, THODE &_CO. f. Ougsaa MPOBVBBB A*D DIALBBB 1* M*a Ceraai, Frack & Siaiisli wins, |wytSSe!^ssiasOMse!Sii^Hfc**l*,r^^* II. ]T!AYOv i W K N a»d Bet Ml TV.W. i„. ,m'rM(rr, Wbol SaereHor prepared, vtthiie 0 Mesi Diamoads .rjEHT.*. •liver nncl Pitted Wtuo etc*. Mo. 1«1 CI«rSfltree»,.., .. CIUC« Ummu'acturc* Watrhea, f!lnek», it ae Warraiiletl. vrc Coin A'l/rrr Mora rt .*-*»'rr tVreMly tlipn'red «i)S dljr IJROfRRri!!). KELLKUR U SON. GROCERSI SECOND STREET Betweea Mala A llnrrlM*e, J. HEBERT, o v. i i i k s DRALBR INI GROCERIES! tppsalle P«B«aylvaila Hsase. O S I A BURU II AS E O E N E lit BIS BBW AMR CtiMMOOlOl'S STUBS •IV, At JBradtf Ht,% O nnwa halew Bavrspart We* StasiMl Hnssk. WlToU wLTa'Iei Z'.ZVSr T" CHOICE GROCERIES AT Ths Lawaet Market Ctatoa. Davaaport,Jaa Mb. 1*M. d.t *\f Buy Your GAME, POULTRY, OVSTHIS, FRESH FISH, F.CJtiS, IH'TTFK, U E E S K A K I N S O K U K A K S A N K V 1 S A 8¥ANH eeidS_.. nn ••vaj. BBONIEB ASKILR8, DBALBBB IM I'HoK'K PAMtr O O I U E 8 fMi, MHrUtd Fmlfit, IfVeden PVIstr If ttret, Cmrdm/r*i IVinr, Whtpc, Powder, Lead, Shot, Oapa, Ae., 44 Brady SI, ftaresperte New Grocery Store. L. B.AI\K. O O I K Family Groceries PROVI8ION8. Lew Prleaa. Warastc4 Iseeds HONOBABI.B BBtlJ.Itt, Call aad saa ma at IWLT*:rn su« s, urry at, Baas (te«:U -ltf OLDEST GROCERY HOUSE IN A V E N O NtraTt uus Hueeeaaera to ALVORII VAN PATTKS, Wheleeale a Betall Denleiwam Ckoiet Cioceries, NAH'S. OILS A I N S A O |y Oatl and see Oooda and learn the prlrea altd] NO. BBtBf UT. |Aw Family Groceries F. MEYER, E A N A I O IBi'OlIB ITBKBT. lat Boar want lot Naileaal Massif e DAVE1VFOHT, IS ta raaalpt of a Iar|a aDd wall seleeted etoek ol JI««dtp-olfdNle OLOTHINC, fiesta rsntibiig lasedp, Bvarythtec tn tbe Clothim ATISO.Stfce I.,-nejdwsyeLAM lasapraaipHrattaad*l I'HH «sU)W. •SRCHANT TAILORING •fuel SlMVSllNff, JONN 0. MAHRLE, 1A8T THIRD BTKEKT tw O POOHi RM PatsBport Nattnnsl Knuk, aH«AdH aMf io MBPAIBINQ AND RE SO YA TINU OMttf tMhtetf All kfodi eittl»| for otb re im •Set SmaAttl Clotktsg boufcbt antl »o!d aol aaSCBABT TAILOBI.1U oaneesSy. Bovine a good stork of goods on hand, leeottssb ssders&waaafsrtaslng to "rer BaiUh iraw DRUG BTORB. HARBISON & STARRS Rrsgfteta A Pheraiaecstlata, SS BBABV ST«KBT, (riest doer below tha Oavenport National Hank) BAI'BM IM FANOY ARTICLES AND PURE DRUGS. ^Ise, Perfumery sod Toilet Artielea. Haib BBOsaas, oiu, TBNTOLABS, lewA. H. .LAI Pultana. la ari|faal Packafase BSLB ABBBTB WB i *b POMADBS, BA etaran. Ilja, Oresslags, et-. A nBlOAN, lltllLISB, AMD FBBNCB A T5li Sua pa, rerfasaerlee ead Fancy Uooda •(ILL. IVORT, Bt'FTALO, BOX* lore, aad Maul back iatM. eatre and otliev kloda) PlUt SAL' i Fan, Lilly WLaea, aod Tables, i Paarllae, tc. ARNICA, BTBBKOTHBHISO. FO- sees, Foor Man's, Magnetic, oart aad utber SronoBS, ctiAHois sum, PIAKW OV- tasa,Family Dyea, Franeb Blatklog. ^xatasa. LBMON, HOSB, BASPBBWRT, JSSZipJ ae Cteued Focket Cutlery. *v-' JQ-C'. rtKBST HAVANA ABO BOMBS i)t trait, Ceatuiy and other Flna vat mOOTB AND MAIL DBCSHBR Oaraa Stock I aad variety,)also llat. Cloth, Wht»k, Bboe aad p£rt aad Vanish Braahaa. MBDICttfAf. LiqtTOBS, Haa, Mam Ac.. boat ht la QBS&S&: STILL CATAW- __ Vintage ef I8SJ. SSSKKitKW-- eaaa* AIVV saa va. «biH