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BTv*n:' •-wmmm V »l»ii I'EMOCRAT. V uu IIARDBOtf, EdlMr. XffURS'JAT F.BII. S. Supposing some of #ur Rc| ubHesn iKifh- %er* ""i th-ir mouths •"'J down ru ''Jicnf c-ineocted bj a acll known wed.r o.- man of their wn school. For in stance, tare i« g°' round f,om thu tU old Rep«i- icsn sheet, ill# Spring A'./. Mi cm, itself, which ha* been in litc harness for jesis. It itawbols dose her* it is, nan take it down, auJ see how jro i stand souud sense, which no fast becoming eaeatln stranger to the politic*! cauRoeU of tha Hadicst family: "STARS BV HOLD BAM "JtciU diicnms a'frni." One lie a iloMn otheri nectary. A wrong act ad hered to is the huginii i'i of a series,' which each U worse thou the prt'seding. These trr rario statements of a common law, which has &W Unt li'.u-Uationj in the his tones «f individuals aiid nation* Mojt I imprests e ia that which we litre just ex veiitfiu-i .l in the cour»e of situ ty, est rg more vlguiMua fruit year to je\r townrda '.a victim* at ttiej inert wed in number, mow arrogant iu ius s itnption of power to enntr i anil pervert tic Kov.-roB.ei to i's own u ,a '1 c*t1rolti\*5::£ at ia«t rM.el lion, '1 #hi.-h it ilie«l. And yet we aie al ready in danger of furnishing still another c«vi pie of the name ertur, while moving, aa w- think, in Iho j| posit-: direction, and '••.gislali.ig for libtrtv instead of slavery. The o:.:y lef*nitb!o r-s«oti fr reenn strut Urg the Southern *!c gov.rntiicii Is was t!it purpose I eotif.-r suffrage on the fr.nliuei), io "rder to the protection of tlioir right*. Tbose governntents w«ro wall tioil.h in evtrj oilier respect. If this tin gle |Hir|KM! hid co»itr»Hed in the matter the iuc««s would have boeii comparatively aimp nr. I u.iolijeeiiotieble. I'"1 l,,r*T oh je:U were slowed I" bo U»Ued in. It was thought tt would ha good thing so t» man ipulate the t- 'uihern governments us to *e ourr the votes the reconstructed Ststii fr It publican president. To aecAtn lnli this tl light to vote and hold nUlce a« taken from all ths Southern whites who had held oUn-es requiring an oath to support the oualitiilion of tbs United Stutet. lint «xolui«d at "iice froui political life the moat Intelligent r'aisee in the South, and thus* at the time heat (liapoaod to accept a iv terms (if reconciliation that should he offir •J. This made r*c«iietructi'ntiy tho white population ol the South impossible, fur iht? naturally felt that it would bu ili im ralils to abandon the leaders whe shared uiih then the guilt of the rebellion. atractiiin wee thue thrown into the hands of the negroes, lad by a few Northern while uten ami Southerners, who did not Kcrujile lo Ultcany oalli required of them iliat t'.ej *i nuld seek to retain power bj the »am* pi»,,« y whtott gave it to them is a mat tar i caurar, *nd the flret new conatitu tiaa framed virtually excludes nearly every white man from suffrage and oflcc. It is to utterly iiidcleusible on any principle of jus tice and equality that its fraincrs fear it* refaction by t!ic rF{ istared voters, and are tagging then to aai-apt it io the ho|e that CiMHtreia "ill strike out its o( jeotitaa'ile provision*. 1 ,c ro irie of tliirt^x in ('.ingrc n w dof» net tjnd to aiutaia nuy hiicIi hope. It t« e*i» -ntial the au-'-^aa i tin: pr ifiarnt|io that the whites of the South shall ic in th« miaonty, and the determination vtme to ba put it through .it all haxud«. Th. last I 'liiains of civil _• if.rmomitd in t1)' Soutli are lo he (iweji! away, ii|joii (lie le rlarauoii that Miey arc nol "republican in form," though the forms ar |u«t what ther al«a)s have been The false reason I.aa MOI" value, hnwaier, at nhowinc St lenst an ap w^ranoe ol n^peci for the phraae tif itn oiaikui.uo but we liavc not )e t.j tin. en.i of tin* I'U-i u ts, i e cannot evn OcetJ it. I'iui guvoruuieuU of the luinouty In tho Hauth, and thst minority hla- k, will fiul it nooeasarjr bo more ami more re |re««.u, and wi.l nee i a •tr«:ilt mililHry force to oiaintam tli in. Is any dy to in aaoe a to pre -i itfconeiliatn-n of races, rue rvpu'ilioan or even moderately just H»ermneut, atul reatored poace and loyal ty an the retult icli a aystein If so, abut how soun Nc, the *y*triu funds uienta'lv wronir, and will Itievitahly nai none aud worse. An I uu-n are alrea ly akin^ w aon "p.iliiioal necessity" ty l«ad OoutreHH to inU: l«re with Oerlain Norlliern Mau a an I tupel thoiu to take the "Republic*!! form" of Drgro "ullVage and white ili iiauchi^ement. Tho !. «t nat.on ol Secretary .^tnuton it doublet* foiuislcu! with the tenure of ollioe act. A *,ecial provixi u was inserted in it, indeed, to nu liu ease. Hut the dit ruatt.m ha* made l«ar that the law call not be defended u^ n ntial principle* 1'otompel a I'rcvdent in retain in les cab iaat a rami with »h frundly or re-j i t ful rciMiu:i* are impo»iUle, everrbody loul* to b- iii outrage. Having had i'* way nnd |rot«c('d Mr. Stalitoii, the Si i.ate Would .If ell to epj'e*! nt once I'l.- r.wn..u made for l»i» in iHibalf of whu'h as a peria* neat rule not a wu.a v»n |,a »j,|. The propo»: i in to jret rid ol Ifgn. cock by itie i'ltiirect and eouardly il id^e of reducing the number of Uapir Uonerals, Is of a pin.e mih the sch uiv f. picvent iag a decwion a^iiutt the constitutional it v of reconstruction by hampering the Su I'reme t'..nrt They both illustrate our theme, and»ho .v how one wrong act make* anoth. ncce««ary, and to legislation iner itably oe* Iruin bad to worse. There is Jet hope that the Senate will a-re«l these aieanur v The *iuje party axigeoer which niake» the w i-tlurd* rule neresxtry for Cie Supreme I'onrt may aoon require that the Oourt sliail b" forbidden to pronounea tnr act of Congress unconstitutional, ev( n if unanimous in that opiuion. There is abso lutely no stopping place in legialation of Miie U»«a. tne desecnt to hall is easy, to be sure, but how wn lo grt (f wp evar wish to stand again on t~~r* lieu, tirant can carry a pretty heavy io»a for us, hut there are weights that even he csowot lift, and a gulf too broad avao for him U cross. A step too far may make ratarn impossible. CcNCKumm roa Cokubms.—The Spring field (Mass.) Republican puts tha following conundrum to CongToa* "II the Supreme Court should decida the twe-thirds law itaelf to ba uneonatltotlonal, and bv a two-thirda vote, what's to be done Best V This is a poser. "There sec mi," iayi the assae pa par, "to ba nothing for it bat to aaspand the aetion of tho oourt on consti tutional questions, daring tbs aslatance af tha pra-««tt Congress." Thi* put.* us in mind of a eOBundrum we heard at l)e* Moinos the other day. The Slate Pricier light was about to come off. an i all the candidates ware hastKng around with unparalleled activity. Tapping one of tfae candidates upin ths fhouldar, (jen. •.said: "Link, if I were jou I wouldn't be fool ing awav my time arannd bcra after this office of State Printer." Liak gave a grunt cocked bis black brcsd-Virtin up on one side, and fquinting out fnuu under his eyebrows, put ths fl lowinp furziing conundrum "General, if was ma, who the b—1 would I te The General gar, it up to CoTimts Will have to. Tbb WoMta'a Pant a ox Ga/L»v._The Rmlutioti, the organ cf women's rights, gives currency to the following Ths talk that a cabinet officer called Grant a "liar" and a "snonk" that Uen. Grant is drank half the time, and he* been seen steadying him*elf on another'* arm in Pennsylvania svetiu- thit Stanton and \V a-'.iburne have humbucged him, and that h? feels his degradation, and d. n't lo-k anvbody io iho face The talk is, thst J«v Co.»ks gots in killing 0,-n. Grar and nominating Chase tnat Chasa don't get drunk, i* a moral man, and liberal to loan agents and naiional bank men. The talk to, that tia people are sick of all p.iiuc5w,s v,tw M" exclaiaa ter IMPORTANT Eill^OAD Mil. Xkr t'harRr* l.lsaltod aad Oastaa Ortlard KHllroni Com* VitKiri. Below will bo found a vary important bill f,,r an act limiting charge* and defining du ti "f rstlfad C'lmpaiiie*, now before the luneiii Assembly of Iowa. iSotne impor tant ftv:ski:s aie contained in tl.'* hill, aiiu il aii-u»i it^eivu a c.uv-..d phrasal.— Tl-r tt Fdid to he r. ctront feeling for it« HU'.ge iu the Ltgisiaure: Sat Tiasi 1. Jit il rnarifd by tkt Qmtrul Atientltly et the State f»rj, Tiiat it shall he unlawful for any ra'.lrcad mpany own .jj or pirating a railroad in the .State of jMra, (o charge, taka or receive m-iro thsn Utaal io qusntities of eighty barrels and ovsr nor utore than lira ceaU per ion per mile for the transportation of wheat in bulk or in Hacks by tha saf-bala Air niors than four and one-half retitt per ton per mile for the tra!i* ortr,tio i of o'her gi:.ins in In k or in fuck* by tho csr-loid nor mora ban six cents per thoutsml feot per mile fgr the tranapurtatiou of luuiher ami Miuarc (i i.Str in |B:it Ufl's of fire thouaand feat sad Ter nor Wiore than fatly canU per t.:ilo for the transportation ©f hre ttock by the oar load n ai«r» than fifty ents per miie for the transportation of wagon*, ag'tursl impli in nts, mschiiicrjr, bouks- Iio'hI gools, and furniture by tho SSr load nur ino'e tlmn three ari'i one half cants per (on pa! miia for the trauaportation of coai, brick, pig Iran, stone or sand by tha car | imr more than eigbt cent* per ton per mile ttr tho transportation of dressed hogs in quantities of four tliousaud pounds Sod over and in ctsa the abcra specified prop ertv is transported in leas quantities than is provided for in the above special rates, then a8M property shall ba classed with similar article* of merchandiie and tririsported for a rate corresponding with the rato of that class ta which it ia aiaarly analagous. Stc. Every railroad company shall classify all property usually carried by them over their road noi otherwise provided for iu thi* act, and shall affix thereto the rites respectively, at whioh the same shall lie transported between the several statiens or point* of connection or intersection of other roads, or with any navigable river, which rates shall bo par hundred panada, and ahall not exceed the rata of twelra conts per ton for flrst clans, ton can IB pat ton per mile for Second class, sight osnts pe- ton por mile for third clsss, and Seven cents per mile for fourth class freight and copies of such clsssilication, u illi rates and ruts* governing transportation, shall bs posted in all the ollioes or stationa of snob ooiupany, and *baU at all times bo open for thi' examination of the public, and no sacb company shnll be sntitiod to charge tndrs than such published rates Provided, This aiiall not be (teamed to apply to artlale* u uall? considered extra-hazardous, liks acids aud gunpowder, or especially liable to .Ismage, like looking glstse", or difficult to manage, like heavy machinery and largs safes: And provided further, That such company shall bo entitled to charts fifty cents for each single package or lot of freight. Srr. 3 Por transposing freight a less distance than fifty miles and more than twenty miles, it shall be lawful for at.y such railroad company t" char^o one and one half cent more thai the rutei prescribed in tlie preceding s-e'ions far each mile lesa than liity mile* an 1 more than twenty milts, and for transporting property mora than fifty miles and not mora than one hun dred miles, it shall be la« ful for soy such taiiroad company to charge the rates pre s bed i:i the pr. ee lin^ sections, discount ing from the sam ai ths rate of one-half ol um prr cent, for etch mile over liftr iniltt, iiml not mure than one hundred miles, and t'ir transporting property more thau one hundre miles and not more than two hun dred iniii s, an additional discount of fifteen p-r cent, shall be made, suoh aditional dis count to be divided in a pro r*4it proportion l»r all distances between one hundred and tvohundrcd Utiles. For transporting prop rty more than twohundret miles, no groat er rate- sUSV. ba ctiargrO ttian for two bun dled miles. None of the restrictions of this bill are lutefeded lo apply to the transport ation of property a less distsncathsa twen ty miles, but nu gretter sum shall be charg ed for transporting freight a less distsnce thau a greater, whether such freight ba transported lens or more than twenty milaa Nothing in thm aci ahall be construed to prevent railrosd oontpanies from adding tbe ijioverntni nt tax to their tariIf*, nor to In terfere pr. uetil regulations of railroads respecting loading and unloading of freight •^ac. 4. Th« un'oti freight classification adopted by ra Iroa I* running we*t, north »est and southwest of Chicago, Racine and Miuvauk'O, Pace uber Jloth, l^iii?, shall be the standard ol classilieation of freight in thi* State. Hrc. .V That if any railroad company violate any af the |r»viaion* of this act by demanding Of r»oeiviug, directly or indi recly, for trai sporting persons or proper ty, any gieatei r.ita than is provideil for in thi* ni t, such company ahall be liable for ail damages auiiiniel by any person, and to a fine of not less than one hundred dol lars, nor more than one thousand dollart. Src. fi. In all cases of suits against rail road aompanies, the same may be instituted in any aauaty through within tha road of said company passes. 8»-rvios msds upon any station *ir ticket agent of said company, tiansacting tbs business of said company, shall be deemed sufficient notice. Sac. 7. It shall be the duty of the Sec rauwy of Stata to have an autheatia copy of the uaioa freight ciassificatioa referred ts In section four of this act, priotsd in the appendix to the printed volume of laws of Him General Assembly and ssid copy, so printed, shall be received in evidence ia all rasas arising under tins set. A Wasbixuton coaatirosdsrt of tho Chicago Trmti thus etplains tbe aaimaa of the late whisky bill. The Messrs. Piks, of Oiaciaasti,—oas of tho largest spirit firms in the United States,-—are vary heavy ex porters. At this time, thsy have ia ths port of Stayraa, in Torkey. alone, come 1.1,000 barrels of spir its on hand. Tiic bill just passsd raisss tho value of their spirits, ss 1 sm Informed by New Vork ani Boston spirit impsrters, at least SO par oant. Tbe asws of tbs pas sage of the bill was of courss immediately telegraphed through the Atlantic fable.— Now, I mar aa weU inform importers that a supplementary bill, allowing exporters to ship from bond, will not be reported until the firm of Pike Brothers sell their spirits now held is Smyrna. Some simple-minded honest person will ask, 'Why so T' Be cause one of the Messrs. Pike is the broth er in-'aw of the Hon It. 0. Schcnck (they married nster, and Hon. R. C. Schenck is Chsirtpan of tbe Committee of We a and Means of tho House." And thus, the tas payers will observe, that several thousands which rightfully be long to tha oaaotij pate into Ike pockstaaf whisky-swindler*, arid furthermore thai flier (tbe far-payers,) have fat to make it up out of their own pockets. So much for thai: bow do you like a whisky-ring Con gress It helps our formers, oit mer chants, our mechanics and our laborers to get rid of their hard-earned money io tbe way of taxes. Last year ss vera) hundred millions arm got rid af in thst way, aad il will bt no better this year, nor tha nest lo lt TKtim IH1IK*** Uaorgr 1'nBclt Upeeehrt le Aadlracr Chief Real* hio [Cork (Jaa. 18.) Corresi Utrald indenee New Tork Mr. Train had not been long ia tho hotel ell- -., atout twelve o'ciork, two de'.'-ctives arrived and requested to be shown to hia a,nrtm'-it Tliey Wvrt- a cordiDit y iniro duce'i into tho room oooupiad by Mr Train, and theu pro:ecded l.' institute a careful •aarch of hia biggaga, aa wall aa every part of the room in whieh it was possible that anything might be concealed. The deteotiraa found nothing beyond a buodlo of newspapers, and a large number of pnntad pamptilaU oositaining hia MBaAaa far M»ti faii tDiia for tranaportMiM of mada ia Amaiien, ia whieh Most finaBangwr*, nor more than threr-feurtha of. sympathatiaally of tha Faaiaa llula»B). a cent per barrel per mile for the tran»por- While thoae pamphlata ware baing oonned tat ion of salt, lime, cement and p'.aatar In over by tha detadivta, Mr. Train's temper ijuantHies of twcnty-6ve barrels or over nor ooolad down and ha sail, "Atlaw aa, Mr. nan than ait tawths of a cent per barrel Oatoeliva, to aasist yoa my writiog ia oa p, mile for the transpartatian cf ij«tr and famiHar •, I'll rand them for you. Mr. of eighty barrels and Train than r*ad, sitting down at a table op posite Um datsctivas, ia tha largs eaffaa room of tns hotal, several of his pro-Fanlan aposehsa la 4aMrios, his auditors on this oca si on, being his two fellow pasaengera, some gentlemen belonging to y iecnstown, and, of course, his most interested acquain tance*, the detectives. Mr. Train finished reading about three o'clock in tho inorninf, and was aboat re tiring to his sleeping apartment, whoa tho police int.mated, notwithstanding bis strong protest, ti.-'t tbey had orders to ramain in hi* spartment for the night, apparently for the purpose of keeping him under surveil lanoe. This they did, and in the morning he found the guards at their post. Tbeairlcal lalarfes. Tha number of parsons employed in any first-clans Amarioan theatre, with thair sal aries, are given below in professional nom enclature Call ftoy 8 Supers, number according to ths extgsaoy 00 cent* each per night Kight regular ballet, also centa per night foostumee, Ac., provided by tho uisnsgc menl). Tbe expense of a good orchestra and lead ar is about $400 per week, averagingssven teen instrument* per night. Tbe total amount paid for salaries for the season ol forty weeks is about |SU,000. THEATRIC At. miNTIJCd. Theatrical printing per day averages about $50, or aliout $ 16.0OU during theses son. Ths sdvertUing for ths year for all the theatres in the city costs sbout 1250, WOO. Mr. ('lifton Tayleurs, now of ths "Ivmpic, during Mr. Owen's Urst ten months' engagement at tho Broadway, spsnt the sum of oon for advertising ".Solon Shingle," notwithstanding which the profits of Mr. Owens were $03,000. Vandbrmlt's economy dosso't please sverybody on tbe New Tork Central. One sarCaatio individual suggests, as an sddi tionsl rsgttlation, that "anr engineer caught greeting his hair with oil taken from the locomotive axles will be fined $2C, and his watch confiscated." Tbe Governor of Utah recommends the revision of tbe divorce laws. jPLOLLOWAVM VERMirUttE 0\FECT10\H. I»r. Ilolloway, tonii- firtren yeart tfo, wilneafinr ttHMllatrea* ..crsjloncd »|-klv chlljren In takim ihe nanwoof vrrmlfngee of that day. rceolvrd to annal Iif th. iu. auj from th« mort etfc-ctlve of theee remn itlr. .orri i! it In uparatluc their anlve mrdlral protH-rtien, i uri-, taeteleae and Inodoroue. Thra, by c.imtuniiiK ih.'»e with eagar, and moulding them in to an .'.^reeatile eoefcctloo. Ibemed thu {ireaent rern L»a trraoviTi Vaam.aaknoKa ae Uallawty's Vgralfflfe laffctlRRs, Which htve alnoti rnlirrlj «up«rcrded thv o14 tukupedu to th^ delight of th« poor Uttl# luffmr* it cotiuinf no Calomv) or •(her poiioii on- ui^rMieiiU. .^.!,.KrS!*a,ir»J»^SIS5%5 know nf them, gtuaci loe Rmio preference a a&cr n»» moie pietsaat te takaThm mots aflecOve to cave. .~r»srS7fti!i?aKffai!5s onlv eradicate Worma— thoae peetc of chlldhaad— hat correct aiu dmaagsamt af tha dlgaatlvo or •aae, so prevalent with children. HOLLOWArg PLASTEBS. tk« Otfflaal and only true Araiae Pise tors pee sesriag the great healing propartiae of the Arai.-a flowers. The caraRve eseels of thsse Plastata la an casce af palaarwaakBMtlatha hteasLaSa ar hack, aad ia f".?**'of-'aWammatioa of&cLaaga,MdOoagh. tvateBye^Mi.atHt, th^HiiitieMyitartiit?^ i hi an mm prwcvfn m, ai tbeiHBSl m.nd tlwm. Oaaaava-HoixowAV^are Ihe Ortftaal aad only Sti Aralea Plastata. •VI9KELL*r OIVTRUT ot the Shin htviSf eftctal a radical cam ia every caMmwhWhtt 1 nor the next unless the party in power is turned out of power and hoaea{jnsqiylacad in the oflicial s^at*. Chuw Daisas.-^Tha Sm Ymkm/ndr ivndmt gixes tirant an ugly back lick in its following eait anil pepper paragrsph Under the roof of the cspitol there is row very lttlo intemperaaee, wbatbe* among democratu or r. publicaaa. Ooca sionly a presiiciitisl candidate is sesa fud hed in the strieta ljut, as this hsnptus «*n'y on Sondsy, it en!.i,„t l,e said to inter fere with tublic business, and does net stiikirgly chalietipe pul!:,- attention. Ba rndes, tf a vice |r*.eidetu is drunk with a vitw to his „wc.,rHtj,)n that they don see their temperance or strain a president*! candidate frLt a itUa morality in Washington that they waat a tipsiaesa with a view to bis nomination?— fresh deal now. j«ne ll' Ma. Pcuxr, coming borne late, "pretty fail," imia tbe Walking vcty aitpperjr, and vtaoi rlaiaa: T«qr RiR(«laiw *aerer wa-1 We i wh ,t 8 0 h- wi„, poured ^wTthe throat I 'hi» nrst pre:.!ent of the Rnltcd States, i 1'iaking a l^U in his blood, may give thi* whole nation the ietirimm iWat snggpgt a prohibitory law ta taka albal nominating eoavaatioM, aad a pledge tabs sigasd by tbair noai wet aeed, aartac sseay ohatiaau casta of flftaea or twemty yean etaatlag. that had prerlootly ratltted all remedlee peasothed by tha Wmtdical Ulaat in the coaatoy. Itatflbctie M toalahiai. la a few daya the aoraaam aad IrritaRoa la removed the akin heeomee tmooth aad healthy, and remain a penaaaeatly healed, wtihaat tha ase 3 -T?i. •ntS^TT'eSS! dleatttofthe tkla la Omiment. llraw*. Scalm, and Ulo Soaat, It healt in a v^rv abort time I'aira -V) i'im rn Box |f nit aoid by yonr Drnertet «rnd iVj rents to John*tea Bolloway A Cowden, I'hlladelphiv. teat free of poau^-e to any addreee. JOMNKTO*. IIOLLOWAT, dk pRopRirroRB. A rati fcld at Wholesale in Chicago, bar. Jailer, lort SmRh. Barnhasm «1 It Reed Co flmftb. cotter Co., A Co tnd throng bunt the roan itry by til fehd-dty Tor W1SU TO BR I' BEAUTIFUL* Ute OBCRLIA DR PERSIA, or VICTORIA RRQIA. for RRAl'TIPYINO TUB COHPLRXION and PRBSBRVINU THRaftlN. SPECIAL NOTICES. iCMfh, a C»l«l or »8*reThr»»l, Beqi!r--« .mmell»tf *ttertl-n, ttid -b uil I be eh««k «1. If all wi-a to fonthi-i«, Irrltntioa or «lt* l.aagt, n Per •aaneat Throat llltea*at ar t'oaioaaplloa, t'i" ri'»n!t Bronn's Bronrhial Trochps IlavlRL-1 -t In "Be to tV' atert-r What tfeea p*rt#. (rfre limned ltte taoShtea. Waiaatajn. Per Weak. Leading Man (far a competent one).. ..$76 Leading Woman (for a aampetent aae). SO First Walking Lady 40 Second Walking Lady SO boubrotte $o First Old Woman 50 Second Old Woman SO First Walking Gentletnsa tO Second Walking Gentleman tfi Five "Ueoeral Utility'' People of both ae sea, each 10 Three Reepectable IS Prompter SO fltaga Miasgir «. 75 Master Carpenter SO Secood Carpcater IS faur day hands, (carpcSter) 10 Sit night hands (scene shifters)....... 9 liead Costuuiar 40 lias Man 86 Assistant Oas Man fireman in (in winter) Captain of Supera.... «»-. ........... Watchman (Bight sad Say aae) arsrm ging sasfa four wo a en called cleaners Two Seeae Peintese, each Two Dressers, one male and female, each Sis Ushers, averaging each Two Doorkeepers (rosy importaat posts) 12 Treasurer 40 Messenger Boy (not in all theatres).... Police officer special) deputed by the a (MM. HotMaMat naiaaftrol otmjattac oaaHTABoami fia PTB ... ••Mil Mftflfe All b&t sMnloti ftnlHIiNi ht J. CMIfTADOBO. SS Maiden Laae^ l|w Tork. Jm hr aU DracsMt —. Aepiied by au Bali 1 Haw firandroth's Ptlla Our*. Wtca flit eat i ts ta tha system tt may Be sM ta be an iatrader. Brandreth's Ptlls are asart of Police, wfeich bstac awaHawcS, asiac tke tntseisr aa« aaasc a di«tathane«, when Setose taiaa tfeea both eat of to domains together. Nat or* always trim ta re store health, hot, alatts riot always able Being twitted by BKAKDfUnB'a PILLS and mild diet, •he never ralla. when thlt rrrat medicine In used In eeeson. Uvet a hnndred year* hat proved the trath of tMe assssston. ta (set, their use Insane tbs core of all disease of the hamaa body, whether tkrask or receat, infection* or otherwlee beeaate they pnrlfy the Mead, tad laereaac taft% the idiot of the es rretlnir and eectetlns veeeelt. Tbe elek (tin new ^owcin of life from Brandreth Illlt. w a Sower thst failnc gather* vlroi from refrethlnx rain. I'rlr.rpl oflee, Brandreth Huute, New York. Hold all Uragglett. __________ rWillA lY BOTTLB AND BR OONVINCBDI IT only coat 703 y out time la using It, if it doea yoa no good. Dr.Tohisa' Veiiwtiian l^intmont. As an Katernal Remedy In eaate of Chronlr Rhea ailsm. 1'hsiiiied Wsinls Miwuslts mice mtflnrn if tha Joints aba Contraction of the Maadee. Head .Caw, Braises, Paine In the Llmbe, Back and •esse. TaofeasBe, Mings of laeetts ,«S wstSaslhl seratlvc powers on smh tatcraaBolai i of HeB Headache, Oollc, Bewat C'cmpltlBtt. (Mm, Dyeftoty, Vemltly as»)i|iilk*tattaB» aad staiaatlai qaaB tlaa are fcit aa eooa ae takao. V* If the reader oe a^nnisBRSssr tsuCu aaa.sadstwIHalss laa«tetaa koattaaiMw that H4aca eat sotam^aata tha csaaaflar aalac the •aaylialacata,ntaulais, eat Otle,nowSood kalke eooatry, that aoiy stop the pala while the atMalahatag aaal, aadihea retava. Price SOeeatt per ha Mil. Bold by all Druggists. Depot.SS Ooitiaadt Street. H. T. ITCH! ITCH!! 1TCM!!! SCRATCH, somen. SCMTCH. ta Worn to is todtheass. O Pilaee Cashed and A«.,Ac. Prltee paid la OoM. ilornuttu an)f7 dAwty Information |{lvea by QSORQI UPBAM, SS *. Mala rtt.. Providence, 1.1, MAUKIAOBANDCKL1RACY And the Uappiaett of True Manhood. An Katty for Yoona Men on the Crime of Solltade and the Philological Rrrora. Abaeee and Dlwaeca which ri itr impeitlmeatito MAKRIAUR, with tart meaat of Relief. Hent to aetlad letter ea«e!op« free of charge. Adilrc*! Dr. .SKILLIN BOl'KII ton, Howard AuocUtlon, Philadelphia, Pa. feitm 017IV HEM. •laal Loeaca, to ceaast bag habits move the cflacts of earl* Inor, asad tl QALRN*8 BRAD DtflPtltBART, Lanla- mate vllle, Raatacky. aoy oftheallaieata paeallar to the tea, by cnelaalaa ts eenta at above, with brief ttalameat of caaa. wl I reoetre parttealare far tell Weatamt tw tnd lhae avoid qaackary. We alto htve Vtrla Ulaap which wa nana tea ta care varicocele In four data. Tha Klttro-Kaaactlc Preventive. Thoae de ilrlorto limit their odkprtflfc, caa eoeloac a stamp for a pamphlet, contalalag encraviBga aad explaaa tlona of the above pravaattve, with an eeeay on tha snt.jert of nrevenUoa. All torretpoadenee eonfl dciiilal. Addreee all letter* to J. a. WILLIAM4, Drawer M7, Lonitville. Ky oettd-dRwly The C'onfeeeions and Experience of nu Invalid. Published for the benefit, and a. a CAVTION TO YoT NU MRN and othert, who enffer from Nervous biHty. rri matnrr Dccay of Manlnxid. Ac., iat pIvtncTiie M*r»« nr Pn,» vn* Written by one who cnrM himself, hnit tent free on reeelvlni ^AYFAIlt, •1 d*l\ MMRMSgStl ktJOKBfc Ceatfveaess ia Tbe aae af ttr tag psigslltss. trutaisat Is some gaaOt I discovered by a it la to hia that This Invalstkll fit trifcle colebraled chemitt la Praace, and the Ladies of tha Court of Rarope owe their beauty. With all Itt almpliclty aad parity there It aa article that waieeBVarawtthltaaabeaaUSeraf the com plextoe aad attaerier of the akin. Boetta. Mew Ovleaaa. St. Loaia, Saraamah, Char lea tea, Wlhalaftoa, N. C..AC. Tbey have aae4tt with ea*weel« naqaaRaeS admtretioa. feensMat the tailct that he Is aow compelled to offer It to the pohlk This article taaatlral* dWaeat from auythlnc of the kind ever attempted, and I* warranted FRRR FROM ALI. POIOONOI'S RCRfTABCBS. After oaias Oeeelia de Peraia and VtetaitB Mato for a ahort time, the akin wM have a eoft aaUa-tita textate: N Impart* afmttine»e smoothneee aad aoft aam to tlta tkia that «aa onlv he produced by otlaa thfemasMearticle Vhl*arttcie laao valvareoaa poaaS ta latere thasklaae cemalaalea, bat eaRha oaa aa a haaatlSer, aad it* ate eaaaat poeaihly he de teefed by the etoeeat obeerver. For removiag IWat Precklea, Saahara, aaSania- meMtM^te victattaRei(i« aatOMhXlnlS ta the Ladlea ae bclar tbeoa^ perfect aad (altaWe toi let article now In a e URMULKR eeePABeymtt »IR« MCCUS Aadhlsnasse stamps* on each label—ae other Is *erth aeveam Bwe* BUSINESS CARDS. I', Uvatlat^ orricK. mkkws's k, i-krkt st DA*ar VRN! |BT, I"*A wrrH 1- p' Hr.ri«tnttw. A»thina, Cathrili. t'on*iiiii].tivi. !«nt Throat DIkkiiki'h, Troche* arn u»-d "•liru^r* ami Bpwkos^i niH» them In r|. nr »n-! »lfe!i«h»» thr *olco. OntAU nljr Hanw*'« IIju »chi»i. Taomae. ltd Ao n*t take »ny of thi* Worthi*** Imitation* that if b.' ort. red, Holil Krvtjwfr r-. n..tlU*«»n BTUP THK KOllHKll! Do yon ask what rohber* Why. Father Tim, of coerce, who 1s cteaUas the calor frraa mtllteae of bcadt of hair. HB CAItT BB UirornD. OrriCB diverted «*nvelope. Addrew NATHAN] llrooklyn.'jN. Y. Aofri*r, bj the tame ptihlleber, Circular w DAISY SWAIN, the great po-m of the War. dertT-dAwSm NADAHE ZADOC CURATIVE C0U6I BALSAM. iVtrc, 25, 50, 7b Cmtt Ptr BotU*. The Beat, Cheapeat, and most effivtnal Remedy for Caught. Coldt. Ac the World hat evar produced. Purely Vegetable, eootalaa DO WUrRRALS, »r other DBLRTRRKiUd DRCUR. tha Coauna Btuis Burntve sat teeti MbeDr. weakaa bat gntagy isatun uarais. Thsy ram Oppremlon, Dtaalaeea, Btadacha.sal Svaty torn af lndigeetioa, aleo, thanaly paepsr saaatd/ tar PI either bleed ins or otherwise. Kmc HomoBopathio Speoiflos tlAVRpeewed, from tha meat earn* Thay aee UtTnl^mrS^-r i'Jl*iu! adMtod to poa ariBc that: toharmleee. aa to be Roe nam damns. e®cieat, tato heal ware reBable. TbstShve and eo relaeGtbe Caree Feven, Contmltua Ibahlgheet temmtadaBna from aR,aM Worms, Worm fever, warm colic... I (y'rjrioa colic, heethingollafltate, linrrncBa ofchildrea or adalta, 6 iJyaentery OHptaf, ^.i^gj^^aejess: Mi-Esssrassitr" is Uroup, hoara caa(h 1« 'sftelt Raeam.Rrystpelae, RiapUuaa... IS M. C. HoCumav parchaaed the ncelptof him ome tea years sao: ha hat staee that time givea It i ,r Kheumatlsm, Rhaaaaattc paiaa.. 16 VVavwr and Agaa,0hlU Pever, IT m«a. stsiiSfaM««mrf.. Qphtalmy, snri IMaat waa Owtaa-rh^cateorchroatctadaaif.. M" Oeuaial "R" Hioptey.sta ss Quit aiknssa.eai r: KldnayBhamftvii r-- N «rvoOjj WshllHy ^am' nvoiaaMymsehasgm, Kora Maath ar Canker so Tlrlaary hmantinaaaee.... SI Painraf Pertoda, errn with ss Buffltrlnas a chaaieof Life its IS Kpllepay, tatft, StTttae' dance.. 10» "14" Xlqptnerlia.rlceratad FACIUTIKS fN «ke ex^-neue.- if m-.r. that W.nt»' ir'.'e t- a-rlta.»r .» »re of patroa ege. ys-dtf. nu* AH151'1* KAHL, AfCut'«'UKl'.4lAteoue, CJk. SKCOXU KTRRgT *ni ffeit"" IU. onport. Iowa venue, Dh DKir«*THV, Hs. with always (t-hk! DODGS. 6I.',®on :NTl8r. hae ta move*' Ms ^?. "T,c *arrt!ef« a. ,M Ufklf Street.* 3|5 »lr.«t«. Th-r-e dr- elrtnr iret |-'a" woi**,,'^o *"11 to r«!l. Chariret r(jun«Me, a:' workmtnjhlp -t by nonf SocU-dtf fillALL pAKIirTKKS A*' »W Brady w- t. .HeveuUi etreeta, Davaoport, U*a. 9"jm saUcltud, end Con tract* aada oe retaonable aast7-4lyg torn* aau, v c- aoimer, a. BBH. A •Ol'1»T, PBTSICIA?S 8Ct(JI008. Oflaa on Third Ptreet. aae daor waat of Brady, eeuth aide. Ofleo hoars from to It A. M. sai from to P. aagio-tf a searwvt j. a. w. amn*. r. avmnrv MASTIC A MURPHY, ATTORSBTd AT M*', ®*I«Sportj Iowa, aad Mi^aKo,Io«»- *'fropoiiun Block, DifMpfft Mini|o. Ai'Kl.p,v, STTOR**T A' T't*1 John L. Rwlta il'.i,, Ni'hela Block. BaTir.pori.lowe. [«cs» daixa««K« A Hc^^i:ggv,i k ttokniys at LAW.^ n. Conveyancer is Let itre How, ap ttalia. JOH.1 CBAWFoilD, ATT'iHfiKY VND C0L NELL0E AT LAW, T*c 1 Viel ^Block, f)t-eaport, lows. crbiuhr, ATTOHNSY E «NCOST, IOWA.. OOoe. No.». I«l« Work. aprll-dty DB-W. P. PECK, pKN810N 8llt«K0N. OFPICK OK THIRD Htreet, bet**«» and Main atreet. Bee hours, f»o It A. ST to P. to e'g. Baatdwoa, Bradr it. bet. Sth aad »th. Office Eve' HT. ouiuai UOTRL. Caraar Tfclr*«ail Rarrlsea Bsa— DAVUPOHT. IOWA. tbu mnr ak'J wrlurbnoud boobr 's now opsnto*sj'^"f._ Charges reaaooabla. ag»-dty M-BHAT.Itmitaa. w. H. SANDBB8, CtffMltt aad Nq.g8PRBmS1gWT.oirg IT KIND Hks Magic. Mee,WesMsShot, rmtUSSeeats. Asdtcct wbrkb mm, Ne. ITS WstMagtsa Mreat, Beaton. Mme. Faraslahy eBDwggws. aagtfwij It It sal4 af the ladlee of tbey are the haodeoauat la tha world all Druggie ta OP THR HOffr RaaiitiarilWamialUaao, mdseeeereS etelllfcsse to eouract fot »nt vott dtsbad a the ^irtwarr^isRsiatttoa. Pleat aad tpedBta Runs Ihsatsksl wna jmtted. fsaS*S[ Prompt atteaMo« paid to ordwa las JobMag. m. bkbardmn, m. ». PHYSICIAN AND SUfttfON. PaweapMt MaliMial Bank. -.WITH DR. UtKRR.f PafASSyeersa U1 ABU AHDRTTCTgini PRAOTICR siatt hatMur aclafan to ikecaaS- daaaa or the eonaoalty, Dr R. can sratta cWnto the peophof Dtvenport tad mi, any athssavdaam of pfoper «i avwt.JaIrB.WT. n may chaekt aad Meek hrfr, whe can hale bat think eof Dr. Vetaaa*! PUIa never Ml to Bike the to a glealnn of a healthy aad toeyhnc. Ladlta, try tktm B«yal Ibtbib L*ttcry «f ClU DRAWN ONCR IK SRTBMTRRN DATB. OnePrlaeof |100,000 seeee n,ooo u,oao DB.A. B..liMBR^ E Y 8 T, l'". Id and Brady Si' ppoaite Davenport Na mntl hank. llarina had an espar itnce of IS yeare in the practice of Dentistry, I am confident of airing perfect reliefer, on. If too expect good won smptoyesperiesred practitiooeraenly. agSSty AEMOVAli ta S deera Utt, car. BradyB M. R. ». Hl'EBB, DIST1BT. ijfil«e.1 doom east of cor» ki of Brilc and Second etreets, laa had crtr 14 years practice In tfci dty. Hit the complete appore- ^1 Jt rot manaihnrtna and adatlnlatartBa Xltroat Oalde of oea, f..- palnl.n operation tn eatraetea •aeth. jants-tr m. r. n. woiiiET, Homoeopathic PhyslclMi. A Sore Throat... as FAMILY CABBR. bttf part ef the eeastry, by mail waaprea*. tree oi aharrKeamtmptafprtot. Adtum •cMPBRarR anonrtc BaaraorATHic no Q«ee end Dept. go-JW Brgadwy. HOW Terk "T IIIWBII RBtflSOTiSg RSPIDENCE OR KA8T Hide of Hn.y Kind, near Sth, first door above tbe Chria an Church. Office houra. 7 to 9—IS to 4—6 to'. ootS9-dSm BANUER A LhAL, AN IP ACT LUCKS AHD DEAUCIU IN Wdtr, t'lder Tlaegrar. Aad White Wine inejar, almv riour Backs, Slab Bags, Uunniea, -riape. i»r ic*r« Paper ltajp, and Sewing wliif, liarrn*.' mock. Iiavenport. £. II IIAZKN, M. Physician ana Sargeon. INpractice. tuNXRC riN WITH THE USNRRAL «pe .1 atunti n i »ld to tne dieeaeee ot the Bye, Ihe Bat :h« Kidiir i and the Pelvic organs. Office with Di Miner, corner uf Brady aad liatt. DR. J. 1UI RA.1N, FJY81CIA' AND SlKiJtON. Offioe. Ro. t'i Brady rurtt, up tuiri. Ketideaea oo 14th tt., oei Hraly tn.! Main. oct&d-dtf srim nouTo.i, H0U8E A 8IUN I'AINTKHH, OR AIR- EUS, Pa -r Handera, Ulaiiars, Ae. Hhop ornarMaln at: Fifth att. mehM-dly F. HIBK, OARPBMTUAUcy. Is WarraatedL Is .. to imeetlooe. to Cue in all Colds, Coafth, sRwosi ofthaThroat act to uueuuoue, vo all eatee, foofht, Onnp, Whooptna 11 it Ml Md afl u ofthaThroat ant ABD UUILURR. HHOP OB Cemmereu opposite Poet OBaa, Ds ve«a»rt, lo. A. BUIXEB, ItoU Zadoe Potters Relasmlsa pasrir able Bapastossat, gseper* ed wRh met ease SPSS' eaRRc trai, Roma eamht. asttoa afMka hast reamdlss tbtvtgelahli MagdemaS. haeedaaRs power taaa*t atiscjusa KRiUY 8TREBT, BELOW BM ead hasp eenstattly oa hand m4 meksB ordtr. att, B»ya* tad CMIIsaa-S OLOTHlHQsfte host malarial aad ia aasaR thai osnaet kL ta atve tatislaetioa. I ikirri Betreaejo ra%wtfuBy eo»«l*td. [mytl-dly WB. A. FOSTER, A TTORBBT At LAW. OfleaBa. Bredy A Btroat,«^m,nf1.ioea. teott-ttf WBL T. BITTOB. ARIook,Weeautre.OOUHSBLOB mim ft AT LAW ead Calm Agtet. ORa BtWapeli taa ap seas. a. aaveaa rimiABi A, MRIIS fl. V.e •pwreiciAB un» goROBMr. orntn JTrariRenooBi ba serner Bsin and thkd •tape. Davsnpen, gU. Br. l. rBBRCMt DATRRPOBT. IOWA. 0PP10B MOTI Side Third etreocMasao Brady m* Mm ts. Baetdeaai »e^lr eppaette. *. W. •. MAMi P£SS»£S£RK**S3&J: Blststai Ba| ^dfmry sasats. aalMa lrarr st Burr, A TTORRRTR AID COCBBBL10M At A: W. to. 3. Otvaer of Bteoad aad Bradg Ms. o. r. em. a. s oeea. l.™ COOK r»BtnT A TTORJCEYB AHD C0CRBBL0B8 av LAW AA.Oiiae eorner of Main ad Id Hta. leahdwt a n.aaewa, aswaal A ttOl OA BBioaa nane.. S Cholern-Morbua lta VMWnAtOtAT, RwRtS AM) 00C9BBL0BR At LAW. Ofllce oeraar 24 aad t^gt. Davaaport, T. W. •tfl,flt *ITO Otau aula for hatldi'^Tf«ery InwtsRis. _.Bhap aad ^017'^,^Bain asd. ttlR dtraeta. Paveapcrt: sRl-HdM— B. «um Slga nd OrauN«l«l MitWi HOP OTRR RKS pBO0DFOOT'8 MILLI RKRTBtore, cermttk aed Brady MroeU. Fmaoat deeiriag ttrtftinc «a tbetfaeel Mat. tgfr mrisaent^^ggUtsR^iaa spSdly BANlEt ««VIA ^••LBBALS AID RBTA1L MAUI 1B •sStBt,SRd»»W^*»'Wtf WM. KiariticK, -... ,—/aa scl* AT uiaasr nsaarmiws ^mbes Tarn ta Freat Utssst, above .u. Belbok) Rridre on H'rr"°' f?*PORT. tOWA ARVHItliTUBB. latent"DPPIOK. a ,nm..W' U CAB»OM* MANUFACTURERS. I8L4H0 WORKS. SENECA FALLSjT •I. i NlLMIIl Raelariremaunfactortr lathe VulteiStit'ao Rotary Steam Fire Engineer BOLI.Y'8 PATENT 1. And tteo mtaafirtnrrr af Ki TAKT*8 ENOCfW imI Pl'MPf, hothhMKt tod power, of every a(af, and lAipM ta ctptj pnrtHi**. Ad^rM •rtft-dtf B. 0ILABT. Pkhiua Fati^W.T poolk tk •irMT, •altlsmarv, Warylaad. MANOFAOnntKRS OF Portable tt Stationary STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, STEAM FIRE ENGINES, VXialag Xachlaary, Babert's Barr Begalatsrs, IhalUag Pab leys aad aasgMPs. deeii-dir W1BNEB A WllTXBTt Maaafaalarara af ell Uads sf MAOHINI8T8' TOOLS. FopUbla A BtatiottRiT Steam Engines, STEAM HAMMERS, BO OAR MILLS. SUAFTIlfQB, AHD OeM Mining Jinchiner*. BAHHUA, New Hampehire. ©OLE BROS., MiKtriovruu ot TBBriCAL PliTOfl Steam Fire Engines. Wa maaafhetaro 1st. td, aad tdclam Ragltieeto bo draws either bj hatiil or horae aa may be drailed. The ao|M rlorltv of oar Eacinea are eodorasd by stl laadlaa mechauirt, aad are gaaraBteed to give p«* ect ssiaefartlon in even reepect or ao eale. CULE BROS., Cor. Mala Halley sts., eettxtr l-AWncKrr, R.I Wm. A. UarrlB, •AirvAonvn OF MUMS STEAM Boilers and Machinery. Thin inglBii are balM andsr tha aevesel aaler coeetaat varto«eee el load, mar Ste eaatUed la net a stasis las tease by aay ethee eaetae. In eeeaesar of fuel, tbay save (rem to SS per cent, over eaiaiaoe 0# other eoostnctlaa. The paceRarita of stria toorlgtaal wtthtte tn ven ter, sad Oie woefaag parts ate so arranged that Ihty sr. ma/ ot eccem, wtM to the esse wHh nosSbsr aagtsa. thee ttReaal the Osrtles engine Is theeoeeBty end psrttm pesdaslag of ste, asseaese bo t%bt tease. lis Bddy Mnet, ada- Jlf*T-dly. A. «. •iXWElt, m, ag.. /\moR worn »\£Ra*cr riarr door Uoathe rlaht,y»t Block. Davenport, Iowa. j. st. Dim, WBBlar, Vhlteaer wa« r«f«r iasger. ae. aasv it ir., stv. aiar ana raan. I MWKTFCU.T CALL 1 the fttteatto* of tU nbttc lo of Bouae and Bin Paiathw. Wall Oolovtnt. W ttcnhi.-. ptp.t Haufnc, ni.J.1 ate., all of which i proiaptir ^one, arid tn a manner that cannot fall to -implni, tallnftnliia Chargeemodurat. Oil. iL:»te. Jyl*-d lT-dtr. PROVIDRIKB, I. UNION BOILER WORKS, Cers freat Mi Keek Islaid Btie STEAM-BOILERS er avanr ssssmrvtsa MADE AND MB PAIRED. faMke ripes, IreMhiigi, Ac* MM MET MMOJT W0JMT Of everp daetrlpHon famished tm Btssaabsatssad Maaafactortee. Vive Preef Deert A IrM Taalla BIDS TO OBDSS. Lard Tanks aad Cooler* of e.ery description. RLACRBMITUINO la sd lit hraachm. taT AU Work done In the bett atjle. and wama ted^ SAHt'RL aRRRNWRLL, JflMtf Da rep port. Jalp li*. PHILADELPHIA W90UN MAONMI MMPT HtNCPACTTRR fmlm litliiirr Jacks, Wttl Pickers, Bag Piokers, Lumpere, A. N. CHIt'AfJO. SCALE COIPANT aaxcricToaaas aao naaLaas EAILROAD TRACK, BAT. COAL, TATTLE, DORMANT WARKHOINB, PORTAILE PUTFORRI, AND SMALL SCALES or Mtsts MMJTBA. *ceajae|, DeraMBtr sad Weataeee af Flalah •me Bcelee ssa sapartor aajothet Maaatoetara RVBRT SCALR IS Ft'LIT WARRAXTRO. Great Weslern N. Barters, Wlllawn. PalMng ItBllla, •preaders, Re., WORKS—No. 3O10 Cheetnut St.. OFFICE NO. NORTH FRONT ST., Philadelphia, Pa, N. B.—Partlcnlar atlsnWan peld to RiiIbssIim Rsc Pickers, and pott lag on of Robber Coodenrar Partr, Re. WOOD Axenei 8. it CO., Eaton, Madison 0o.,N.Y. Coatlone to msnafketare their Improved Portable Engines, For Farm aad Mechaalcalparpoam. Thar are tpe dally adapted to drtrtag ThraeMat Machines, Corn absBsmTluaof aUMnds, PrtattngPrissii, Clrcaler Bawa, Wood or Iroa lathm, Madaaery ia Cabinet or Wagon Bbepe, Boetag Artaalaa Weill, Pamptog Wa ter, Ac., Re. We warrant oar Ragmm to ha what we represent them, and to give aaqaaliSed eatltfat .. Breach .35°« take Street, CHICAGO, with BftAL BSTATK. J9MM L. COFFINt XiAND AGUBNT, ssle. vm,m esrsa ebaiee fessslaa beads la Iewe,la diflhreat oeaatiee, eeleotol from IS to IS veers tiaee, by epoeial egante, a*. ^BBBMV ky Be^CtaeBBBb eeeee ia IIHaoft Wltrtatln aad Miaae. Mta, Paimgoved Lots fa DnveMort, LoOietre, s. tweatr' iewaOMf end Dee Melaae. beaaaa ead eteree ia Davenpert bb! WerelioaRe: *0. Lake Street, CMICAOO. Iti. •RW-ty ORIPPIJf MASON, Aeaar a. aaveo*. nauv N. HATSON ft CO.. Importers, and Who!«tale D«il«ri Is •ITCHES, JEWELRY. 0IAI0RDS surer Pitted H'srr, #r, Th. only anthorlaed Wi-.tirn Atrenta for tha iMIIBICAN WATCH OOMP't ... WAtrntn, a&ts. yit taheSteeet. CBICAtlO. IwtlweiUri Mauliicltrjr OF Masonic, Odd Fellows AB1) OTllKR REGALIA. R. CARRRKY. Afreet, BtATK 8TKRET XUltiAUO W. J. QUAN, Wholesale Grocer, Bo. SS Hootli Water Htreet, chicavo, rr.r.t R. B. BBLL A CO., Be.« LaSaUe Street, CHICAGO, ILUBOIB. WINES & UQIIom Tea., Cigar., Ac. Ceaitiritlv on hand a varleljr of Ihe beat ?raadt SI Scotch aad frith WhMtcye. Ulae, Uaaa, etc. •PBBdlm, Tiatagea IMS t* anee. HRTORSS*. martrUhOTARD^Ii-iiTa00. VlJiRTARII PROPIURTORS, phtRT, A8 TIU.OR CO., AMU OTHRRS. Ths choleett brands of MBRWRIRB, PORTS, CRAMPAOWKS. BITROtTR. D1R8, OLARRTB7SAUTRRR!t8, ROCKS, AC. A variety of the best Bourbon and Bye Whiskies, FfcOR TWO TO TRW TRARS OLD. nuriiDSBNtn MAMCFACIUBKBH A JOBBKRS OP CLOTHING Mat. AiMkMf luifactariag C*t it 1 iniiUMM or STEAM FIRE ENSINES, And LOCOMOTIVES. MANCHESTER, Hew Usmpehire. Wm.Aatory.Treae.. to State et.,Hoe«a«i.Mtm R. A. Btraw, Att, Haachestar. N. R. GE.Y1LEMF,.YB Furnishing Goods RA AND R« LAKS STREET. CBMASO, ILUBOIB. Dsveashire St., BOSTON. MASS. UNION FOUNDRY —ARD— Machine Works, CI. A HZ ST., SOUTH OF UTBST., LHMCJtUO, ... MMJMJ. BOUTON LaOiatra, v-tSZS SPLENDID fUERIDENOE PROPERTY Ready For Sala! THB 0HDBB8IQHBD HATIitQ PCB OHABBD ead laid off lata ffeU lota—dd by U*Rit, Sst •sgaMiaat treat baewam the CMUty Fair Grenada, HtowaArttemte thepabHc at blr prtem aadiaal mioii Nrau Waofltr t^miiaa wtaHag to parrlse" tebSd aponttdt The Ptat of me property dsn bs ssmatBmltM LNatpaaes,aad Vraa Caaveyasme 'Stsr^^-BHsiwrna. SANGER & STEEL, DRALBRfl UT SEIESSIOR, FLI66IR6 I MMBLE "ISLAND QUA1Y,"JOLIET, ILL. ^Oa^aadafiarApsR let, UK,satsalfl fcstherno- PR ICU FOR STME AT OOARRT, toaget ipsa Career Baals. wtB be as IbResw: Bevaammes Rtfbtaadltlaetaeaee tbtcfc Tan aad Btooan lasBas thlsR «a cm Twelve tachte aad aewmdO. «Scte. per caMcltoat. vetnehee thick.. sissarasv.'s ^\&c Lisssrssatt an Uads or IV^ oBJhiiSSett' jsSBf %28SBIURa OpWtON mCRRLR SS, per cord, or per load ft» Bf£CRltl?BBLR, JMB 9m Rrtdge aad Poodag Stree, aad far fan Leya Stone, spttiai rate, will he arreod apan. ^tf^Ortwa WCOTBTWIB impsniwglt ITTMmaCasSh K CO., KAivrAOvvmi or ul ouoairttoiif ot CAST ANO WROWSNT IRON BUILDING WORK. Cerv Bridgev IVeilroed Caet Inge A Bolte, Turnteblee* Iron Ralllnsa AND ORATI 3STO, Wrtagkt Irta Track fraRirfl for cir« CAST ASU WROCUIIT IROI* WORE (sENERALLT. Manufactorer's Audita for Gas and Water Pipes. rSVORDRRS 8QUCITRD. at" HALL,RIMBARK& CO Importers aad Wholesale Dealers ia Iron, Steel, Nails, HEAVY HARDWARE alee, Hube, tpokee, Felloee, Bent Stuff etoa, Banotaetarers af tho Celebrated "TWr-rssTI" lerte Rsllt, Aad Wholeeeie Afente for BbHcb'i Heree mid Hale Bheea aad Spikes, Roe. SS. end e« WsMaea A venae.. BOOT MARKET! CMlCAttO MAM. omcR OP E. CHAPIN is CO., JAHVART t, 1SH. aheateaar fbr tR (aoda ead troold cell aartieaiar ettsntloa to for Calf ReoteaadBlfhCat Ral.Whole Beavjr Rprtaa fa« oar ptkaa Vcatner Ri Boot evar taiaed oat ia ter BiatrylQt me awo. panther Brogaa. OM CaU Root to tha aeasmt aad •en's pamp tola, mMboota, doable tola calf, Tto sale, Hell Rattoaa. Veal kip. Hall Tap Sule, 1 Teal kip, IS In., 1-1 dTs. ats- ^lfl... •en's ha^loable kip, beff top IS In., T^aeole da da de Hdoable aola hip 18 In. a fapeole tdp IS la. 4 doable aois doaMaaola. gram ts la. Tap doable eotecratn lSia. Preach kip t-S dnnhla eale IS la. Preach can 1-S doe hia sole IT is. Pine Mp, aaRetyte. Hie. Plae kip, 1-S doable aala, U la. Vspaola,SBehlp, eatfsms, tSfaS^ Mmers laaa lea, nailed aattsm Mmch dtDveri'Wi Bi sssaa l-t doahta aale Wfr iTOflM W|l VII, Bm^taaktp hoots l-t doaMa eoto Toalh't As 4o R^a'toe calf 1-t doable sole, WemsM* OaifBaRs Sawed, par pair, do do taad, da da Balttei do Rat Ralls, Mtsaa. do Ooat do Bewad.v a. da de Piag SliSSS '..•ts i'S IS €HICA«0, COOK Sl MeL" 0HI0A80 STEAM DYE WORKS Sl Dearborn St. A lir3i,. ci«t^ st .cm,, aonu' i'aale, feels aad Pm Dyed or CleaaeJ with N.'iUn-te ainl O.^Mtcb. Ladies' Silk, Mtiiand Woolrn Drtitcitid e A AV X, mtnaer. _A"kipa.uf M,.rrhantv ri..n-h.h..!. Dyed. [ttdyM EAGLS WIRE WORKS w- JONES ft PRICE, 4NI r*CTt'BIM or WIRE fLSTI, fflEESE 8IFES, titTcs* Coil tnd Sai4 tcrcsis, «Rd Irea Rlddlea (Wr I'eaa *rt*s, niaor'e Blddlta, RrI Traps, Dsg Miizlf*, Ov IRuiIn CASH HOUSE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. JOHN V. FARWELL A 00., 4d,44t4« IfaftasA .frr., iMfOLTKBa or FANCY GOODS, A*f VIOLISIM Mimi IX 33ry Ooodsk wa ttit iv rtobb BhoeSlsme, Mtlrtltscndk Orllta. ami wa., naa.ara, Bre«li tttylo areea Weeds. also. 4 imll AavoaracNV or WOOLENS, WHITE GOODS, N O I O N S BOSIKBI AilD ULOVGI, All of whicli wil1 be aold at The Eaufeat Cmah JPHrr*. TO GRAIN SHIPPERS aVUfrri RRif Dtatiller&. We are maaafaclurinti RICHARDS' Fewer Cin Stairs, Of til alaet aad capacity, rnniiiai fr.Ha la IM llmnhrla per llnatr. Bnllt of Iron aril Warratite I to Shell rleati In any eondltlon of (train, aail i ltan Hie t'urn la au|iertnr eotidltlnii rr Mill ..r Mnrln't IVOVKIt R'K) I.N lUll.r l!RB Wheat Sl OalB Scparatera. Capacity 100 to .'«(xi lloalitla |er hour. ElcTRtor k WRrehBBM NitllB«ry. AUDRRSH, RICHARDS' IRON WORKS, Rot. 190 and ll*i Waahingtoa Htreet, CHICAGO II.I.INOI8. STUR(«KS, M«AM,IST. K & (O.' COMMISSION MERCHANTS POR TUK HAI.R OP IMl miui CUDS From Firat Hande. Mot. 1, 4 t.Rutb Btr llfOAOO. Afrenta for J. (1KEKN A CO., Oarton, ill. LACOlt WOOLRti CO., Lacn. III. UANOVKU WOU1JN to. Hanover, liL ASHI.AND RILLM, 8ten!en»'lle,0. WRRKLRR 80NH, Jaoeaville, Wla. ALTON. PoPR SONH, I. v-iand. O. NORTH STARR RII.IS, MlnBeiolla,Stlaa. PRRt' MILLS. Pera. I,id. TonitRY a BARTI.KTT, (X*tv\ Wt. ere nl.o prepared to fll order, for Cotton Yare RrKrythlBir a«ll it rxaetly nanofaetnrer. prieee. Htergrt. NcAlllater A t'e. GILBERT HMD HO. SHIP CBAWDLKRN, AND DEAl.EltS IN Twines & Cordage MS A 997 Ptwmth Watsr Ht„ Chleavo, Illinois. Weald call particular attention of the trade te oar ttock, aa we at all ttraea have the largest tnd best aasortment in the Weat of CiMm 4 Flu Dick, all Widths* DITCBItW BOPEI. MAJiTLA AND TARRED ROPK, MOH, RAUdl.HG ANO HURLiAPH CANVAS, OAKUM, TAR, PITCH. CHA1HR. lAND TACKLK BLOCR«» CaalTar, iMlag Pitch reltlag BXl) CORDS. CLOTHES LIKES, WRAPPIBO TWlNBBin baadlea or OMa.. BROOM TWINES, ail aoalitieL BBLL ABD BASH OOBPB. RBTB ABD RKIRBRt Vlsx 4 Heap Twtoe BTBBT DBBOBIPTIOH. WOOL 8ACKB ABD WOOL TWI1C*. TENTS OF B?EBT K1MD A W N I S TMPIULIIS MO WAGON COVFIS* Of Plain or Bubbcr-eoated Duck. Ot 8Uk or Basilar, as per Armj Regalettena seaateatlf on head end made te srdsr. DR. JAMES, Jlwatdrly tfJmmmf Luk Bnpitai, Cuitm Emm Stmt, N$m Orltmu, L*. fiitjtkllihed la lSftO* Aad leeeted la Chieego for the Iaat sir faere, BAB BENOTBD TO fife SS EARMLPH STREET, Chleace, III., Rsarlf eppesltefela Old oaica. Where he mar be eonsaltod apon the treatment O n i e e e n i IOO AyjtfeiKde, Scr«Ai(tBi, Aed all Bleed aad gUa Dlaeaaee! I tat S IS I Polish Goat do .. sss do Ha s and Child's Sheas at seeportVeaats calm. Wa deaue to call year etteatloa tee Re Boms Tratha, "Wa ween whet we oaf end asp what wa msan-" Wt sr.•shies «asds hi sapeslor to sarweeem We nee tbe beet Chicago tisail Mhstw We aae no epl It leather. aad. We hrace all the Shanka arith Copper BaRn We warrant all oar Goods. We ask roe to (Ire oar Ooods a Trial. Wohave beaa la the Trade Waat 17 Tspa Wa have eold over ayw CaMe of Boa&T We wni mveroa flomSS to MS eOtsn, We sell at a fclr Mill IRIIS11 rtPjeat. We will aareyoa ths IORURP PROPIT:. Wa wRlslve 70a mwalaasyenmef wtak. WeasR Boots at aR Hmae si Reatae pfteea We ash roam is fit anrPHeafiw thasr. We pat Bole 1 it* 1 Coaattr la aB ear Beats. H.R^-WeasRISr esth.eeaaadgnodaBp esptam *Bdaoll^^gyoatheytvlUre ISMliM |SI|WSR• HynM UOBpBS HaaB peateg tha bffl. Hk prasimt taeawka nmglreaagaa*eRyrefc»- And Dtaerdere of e Chmrsketer. mwMhont ittiatlns te Mtrcary. Iodide Pottssll.Arsealc. or atr estate, bet with a Raatml leer, e pestHva case Ibr elf haasoss aad Mood petsoae. Onaaam Wsiearns, sash ae Bamiaal Waahaeae, Roctamel and Malta Rmlesioea, broafht tat by ahnesellhitsstam.iBrlr todltetathme, lanatii.or totalled heroaltarllr, caaalnc loet of iomdotv, coofa man, dapraesten,dmmsea,and oAmdmee UieaeWy. with other deplorshle trala ot syptusas. treeted and indltellreaisdathealafclMhlesBethod,sailiamef thin ted »sf sett. Woet.qoeorthae.Btrtctare.aad ell Haimai poealtar to the sezea, of a private natare, "oSuBeSwe of the MOST BOVRIBUI OLARB hojf^esBli.lsiiBii wtm aa eadtemi eral Diseaeee pecollar to the eesee. ead preecrlptiooa for eelf treetmeat, ^•anjl bjr setf ehaas. sesaelac- SwraaSnr aotMtoemat reof the hook lee trseMseepoa otdst aad the asemsitr aad i, Ac, Is Ml the (tteaUsei of Aali asemw.TKSvrfnrdus the soudleet speca. talere SslteiTSSSRl! It all—The aid md raaatol ead slams p. O. Drawer .tosr. BAKt.AIKN! KV l{t AI3N GRRAT ('Alil'KI HAM, UOLMSTFR\ IMIKI^pm "The i eKtahliahad Carpet Roue le Ol CAUI'KTS. Oil. I'l.OTHM, a. r. eaica. MATt iiKSSSR. BKHIUNO, PKATHKR9, t* •'•""al aa.ortment of Uoute Kurnithin end I |.»i„ltterv tl....,lt l4.*i u?"'!. n"' r,wiT*J ,-a Al^O, CLAHk'd Patent Bell-Setting Rat Trap, Cual Stavst, Window Kcaatxa, eve. Rot. 10 A Kranklia St I'illCAtlO. .tP Kvc-ry ileecriptlon of WIRR WOltK il,.n,. at the abortct nutlie m* lauw ,11 y a large and well ss s,tK'k. l-urehaeed at the reeentlv reduretl 'i «leteraalnalion nnt'lo tie un f»el coniidei't ki een make it the inter* "'•V''1' •''"'la in uiir li.,e. to« auratark heffr*• piirrheainf. imchUft Ul\ Do aot furitet th» umber, mm* "BT Ulie Hi., Vhleaie. VREDENBURGH dR08., SHOW CA&R WAKCFACTUKBIS ANI A!t RRTIRB NRW STTUI ETA I. OAS KM. t.'l aad 1M Randolph Street, OPPOSITE THE COt'RT ROCBB. IU. t. O. Hoi Mil iftU-dt FULLEK it FORD I A *»4R».li...ii ATeuue 'UICAtK*. Miitiufaetiirera and llealerein Wrought aad Cast Iroa Pipe AND KITTINUS, Flnlehed Breee Work. Braee Caatlnga, A superior (iitlitvof Babtolt Metal eonMantlv on liatid. Manofa clureve of Bhlaaleaad UeadiiiK Mllla, Bta»e 'utteie. Stave Joint MB, Tl(tbt ftavr Hrre»liy Marliln«, Hhlnale Readlnc Plaaera, Ronalttlae ami 'u11 ^11 Hew Proapt altaetloa paid to orilevt. Jaan la Rawv^poke Inale Jolntan.<p></p>Jolntan. ar-Baw«Rpoki Mai iituery, sawt 'ov Slumtle ana and How It mill* Ma. nluerT, saws 'ov Siuiiitle and IImuIIoie Mill., Jointer KuUv., Stave KtUvr., A'' sonatantl on hand AOENTSnm York Plre Brtrk Worka, Mm Kenile Pat. Oopo •d Hloaer, IMmplel'. fana, freutcr'a I'ateat Iljr drant, Aaierlian Rrter t'ouifaB), t'amlen Iren Wurk., Cnnitlrt'a Patrnt Hteem Paatpe, and Prnaftrraail RtulrnherH'e Steam tiotffee.l^e A Lv«»IU'a HUam Ro^tnee, Patent Portable Clrralar Baw Mllla, R. It Staara Vhtaat lleail Rloeka, aad Mill Machinery ot every klad, and othrr Manalactarere Iteam I'lttlma dear* so «ts-4tr. Pt l.I.KH A PoRi, r. O lead Iter Was lloa. Met fraud sprt-dly O I E UAIIKt MtlSttt NSIUI IN IIICAUO. Bnan aad BmR|. MOYRS llltOWN, Board of lade Haf I «t la Salle ft. C.W A^i^*fl*AS lahsst PAItl.n rAI.KM A 1 11 Ol A Ml PHKI.I^. Wiiheth ASO. INim lAi'0 -Ml lake St. SAI M'KIt, It let 11IIKR At" VS lake St Conc.lllsta lllaap~tawr's PalesR. IWt anil rhea|M-9l Self datrr «w^, t'ariN'Stais eo tri*arlttnr le 'd«l Tlir«. wheels tar' dalra lor i n rive vrara, and a thtUlrnn i.-Bu'-ii. Ii inly flo 00.— A(.-M« r.n'.Ml t.titr.-" ,t 1 'vi:nw, i I e i w 1 ttrtaln i OIMI« A Beddlat. Anh.t ffilKi.V Itrvnn 1la "..nth i lerk arrlMuea, Bue^ln, Ptpreia Wagaas, COAN I K' lllt'iKKK tl A 41 ltaadolph Bt., mid i tVi n Ttnii.t 'li'li St ..r of Ann RKNNY Wll I I IX rmierofBtali-A twelfthsa I oawnsiaalmi .vtrrehaala—(Urweral). OAitltKIt DKM ARYAi n ir. S..u Wtter Bt. I'll As II ItUK.tro 'Ml A ?fi«ou Water Ot |i|AKK ITIM'FI. Ai'i' »ms.mih Water St l.ttfliiN 1:111-. a MA III: 1.1'• Water «t. tltltul llli.M lll. i. ROWI-.N. WIIITM\N at China and laaa Ware. 4 WINSI.I.W to lt.meii ilri»* unnita 1 r». t'. I'1. A HI ltaadolph St. Hry t.ooRa. HINT IIARliMl Tt A I! l. 1. B, A 7 LaheBt IMiWIN. Willi M\\ A WIVMiiW SiKreeeom |t..wen II.... .nl"i .nli.iw aail WoelCM) IS, 17. Ill, A VI 11rtiMUJ| Ii Sl KI -'., IIAKMnN A ItandoluhSt S Ii JA KSnN I 1 Vt Jt Wal»ah Aveuae. SCacle Worka, P. W. tlalra. Prrlldett. Rtirlne*. Ili.'lrra. S*i\r ar.l Fl«ur Mill*, Mlnlnf jlatliiti.i'. «l' S.-ii'l l»*i ('(i.iiiar* Perm, l'r«-leht A I II) Truck Waaoaat lilslli'l' ir, S..n .lefleraon. ii' ar llaiul^lpk. rannlti* T»»l«. St.xr. and Wafta ttiHid Wnrk. iTAHIUCTT A IIKA I TV 1*7 lakeSt. Vlrr and Mnrslar Proef Bent. J. TKItWIIJ iWilder'. Paieai ramidrr', '.Hi Somh Water At. Sala V.i.1II.Ki: I I Boffalo, R. *. Anil MOBI*. twpvitjr-flve other., Wp hnvi' Inrp mid rcnii'N'te atork on hand at aR tiB1«. tSroreiire. ItOANt, rr K I I I MA MMIihlran Ave. cllli n A lii.i'.' .'«i.i~ to Wtllard A Ctitl.l. 11'. '...Mill w ut.-r sv RWIMi. llltlii.- & TS South Water St. ttlaae Wanafaetarrra. kortr-wkotkhm i.ams o t. Window Mm* SO HarRwara. •Wmm'VT A si ins «i lake St. Hardware, nilrrr A Tlnner«e 1st. RICRIJ^, 1'KI.STllN A CO itt lak. SI Iroa, Mrnrjr Hnrdwnre sad Wmsa Ntoel&. HAM. KIMBAJUi. u. CO.. 'H,S3,A&lJUddflSB Avenm C. IIKOWN A o UkeRt JeMrlrf. N. MATHOMACtt -tij Ukr!% «lt's. Iim A I 11 Ac ta 1*. 8. Clad, and lima. i'o i MU si Reraaeaa OH. I.aatpa A flaaaasnis WIUlI I.I.U All.U I .1 iMaulfm Ht. Leather and (tnblM*r ReMeg. HAT.! K A Will* FI.FTt «nrre»wr» to J. Id^soii A ''o 111 lUiiilulpli St ali«r Mar I, 1« Lake St Maeklnrrr Veiaota. HAWKINS A .I A MIS IN.nn' ki lOnftae., Cle ciilar haw Mill*, lurme latl.r* Imn pltaera, Lrtlla, Wmid Wurkini Ma'lun.n of all hlnda. Earl a Steam Paaap., ic Sitiilk WtUt St ORRKNI.KK, BIW A i Manubrtaier't Aa'M Waa lor and ili aleni In Si.-am Fnfini flrrnltr I Rf ill. and Saw., lklil ^iipphiM. fur Woolen Rf ill. and Saw., lklibtg, W.'ilwn Mitfti'tiTV nail Mill, ami M.rhlni.t., tlto Wood Working Marhlniirjr of aU kinda—St De# horn St Nllltaery aad at raw Ceede. H. w. A.IM vnilKRiU. A lake Bt Hotlaae, White o»da and Ifaelery. IRVINR. JON EM A Hui-c«.»or« to Omves A Inine.) lak* Sl tip «tilr BRYMOt'h.IS CARTEIt A HOI H. MmTwleee,sals Arent. for Bifelov a Star 1'aiter ollais, like St Hottoae aad Hoop tklrtii C. H. DsPORBST A t'O.—IS lake Sl. novelty Carriage WorRe* BROWN. Afeat.-Skeletoa Wtasns aad Baltdm Special atteatlaa flvae ts lsht work of all klada AdaaM St. •I la, Pntata, Wladaw lilnee, Aw. WTIiK ARMOl'R.- 1*1 South Water St. OARDEIt CITT coUJLRCO -TSRtstsRt. Pnpar Itaactage aad Baddtag. R. «. L. FAXON A CO.- Tt A IS IaRsBt. •lehsrd^ Irwa Wolta. •aam Bmlaea, Ban MIRt. Power Cora RHBms A Himit ry-tto Aim Wmhlayaa Bt. currams co.-r. v. A W. A A«ena jIB lake Bt. Uaode et iteir •Af.LOrRA WHRRIJWt—(Senesaii *e Idasen A Co.) Ml Rsnda^h Bt.. sRer Map i. It* LaheSt. •ehoal yaiaMase nad Appsrstan. nlauuSwtttirt o AC. W BHERWOon. H» Maditoa Sl. aad Fnbllehere •Hia maitdlary and RaU Lotto. «n.BEHTRrBRAHIi A I II -wr. A SOT Soath WttvrSt. TeaU, Wipe ('••vevaend Tarpaallaa. Tat la a, C*rda«e aad Oack. OnJUCRT HCBBARII A CO Vti 3gt SeaRi Water St. Cotton, Pbx, and llraip Twtnes at every deaotptioa RBTR A Wlirrn.-m Sooth Weter St. "WOOO.^ CLARK ST COR.OFMRDOUW. CHICAaO/afc^? BOTBLTT Oaniae* Worka, ORANTB Pateat SMfllapr Saggy Tap BaUp wtdch eea he taken ot and net oo la one moment sad ho ts in an el ee W ttetfsd to ehe sset. QAB n ATTACHRD TO ANT RUOOT. Bias he had at W 4t AdamsStntL. .CBIOAOO. Aleo Bbep Rl|tbte for eele. Psmlly ft OeBtfonei's Easgtes Bpeeiel ettoetioe ulren te the msaafcStury ol Vrattlaff BafRlM, RkeMsR eMA are oflkred to I syara. taiistsa