Newspaper Page Text
v *ORT DEMOCRAT, A\t WKEIAI.%'. PRHRV fTRUST iK'II VBO^'H •I. V-'.ilitor* f«M"Tly|*f*' l:- «r Si SP Official Papw of the OHy. DR. WISHART. WHAT. IS DYSPEPSIA? Mi r'i i. o w in SVMlTO.nSi lit. A c. .n«tnTt pain or x^UinHi fu the pit oUto* JUomscL Wlneb i• h» ap«r*j* neat cimtr.iflAioa ol tfce atDaMb apoB iin»!i it jrt'ioraiir btguta itiAadutiaif nrahb^rt tfnt* a't eating 10 rrryo* *ere au1 ub»li(*«lO. i4. taiiUtf*—The»*« u p toiiH tft*w fmm fh» fffdifvitf'»fi Of foftd, whMi fermenta n*t*ui *»f4ifaatia#. 3 1. t' i rrniii ftud Lu*« «f Appetite Th«M *J li** nJiUoa af fwoi ow ug mt »i-••• IT, lo .i»»',l ?•,{««» 'f.«f n ^aorlbere, ,er ri«KU. -opr*-' •"-'«t »^fcs»aHtaf i I t- i ,i i ni^t, m«i* Ul" i'"" ^%v*n**ik-aufV i z u y n •m .-A.-'/. THE unnatural drv»(-» of the ckin. and tt^« nki'i i» o!t«»n alt^o(*d bv i-ru^4.iiina nti ta't*ra Ttif ^iu-vnT ilrapppnr nvntda^ tcit na 'hi ti in '»aibla th. Vomitmif. A frtqurnt aad diitr*a«iti(| •fmpt.»«. It r-'ti. »a« ih» pain, but tuiteiilii •4 ««*ra out Oi* atn-nt. I'itli. D.r*ir.i'»a, cf tiandartir, •nd •»*es""1C i" wallcmR Th»»« nr« ••f l*rmi:ig a mptoim, whii'h are »pi i dilf Kmc? *d by our mfalrlnen lint if Benin led »r« quick ly fjl fcanii tj n.i i.bnati and audden daath. ISUi 1% iwipo*»iUW (t ua (n uite aii Ihn •rmptoiria cf lTa]'*pMa in an amaUa aj oca, but tin'alx»* ar— ^a-i.t-.»d aulK i nt, if add that tL« patient 1oai»a hia numnrj and regard *imffij,iii31lijf «ti,#( !s, and fr»i|'i«ntlT oei' ruea moroaa auJ a.-ur in diapoaiticn ^"a aliould •a». howeier. lUat uaini in tlm jmnta and at i! neaa aj U.i liotba, wtiich^nliT the naoi«0t rbaU' matiafriand uaural^ia, are produced br I)a- Ala'. a bar flit!.* i.f the Uinar!** h! t1 ab'lo'ii'ua, »luoi t»«. oiiu' rmitrai'ted au i bar-i and 19 aciae caaea the ball/ ainka, in«tead of baing ,, 1uiy protuiuetil. N. It I'arhapa wa have not (aid enougfc for that aUanfiaat ajraptom of DyfpapaU, mtlaa tholy. W» tiara aiammad haadvaaU nf oa*« of l7lp*ptia, wha ware eo mnoh allertad la thair amda tkat tb*.v cuofldcntl farboJ* Iom of thair raaaun, wlncli uahlted them for buai naaa of »mj kind, aad nianr of them hat* kaea lati*nt» ot th- InxaD* A«rlom, who ara now percnauentlv curad by our mi-dicine. HonJ»e *t thmsan.U ol .lullara ara *t«i| yearly, and hundreda and thonianda of thabeal man and women of America linear in pain and dia, and nil a pramfttura grate, with that alrful diaeaae, Itjapepata Tliey tr_r tbta phjsieian, and that phyti.-ian, but alftt no roliof, no cure and tha nckt wa bear af Uiea Ike have flo«a to that bourne from whence Bo traveller ra turna." Out of the thonaanda of raaet of Brafepi'a that ka*"e nai'il lr. It'iahart's (ireat Atofiicau Kraoepan Pilla and 1'ine Tree Tar Cordial, not one of,tliem liaa failed ofa parlcct cur*. Wi- war raat a perfect cure in **rry raae, no matter if It be iwentv reura atao4lnt. Hold l»r all dro giata .1 wherf. an at Dr. Wtihart's Office, ffo 10 North Hecund atrael, I'hiladelplita, Pa. All exanuaationa and conaultanona fre*- of harge. Send lora rircular. Pries ol Pilla, Ona Dollar par bos. Sent br mail, frea of charge aa rcaeipt of Boner. Q. 0. WISHART. M. D. Office and Store .V lo North Hecaad at., Philadalphia, 1'a., I'. 8 af Anii-rioa, tfjrtn ara not aick, aend tkii eirtnlar to your frtaaA tfaal taawk, aad tM wtH Men yM. DR. L. O. WISH ART'S WXE TREE TAR CORDIAL AWEAT1ENEDT FOB THE Ct'««5 OF TMOAT AND rt{ 7 u ,f,*l s 1 .. I- I 4|i. I It la a Vital priqalpJ* ml 3 t*.w .*) (Vtfred to rttj, pee I'wM In 9.m 4 J» Ot U*0 U4kliftt«t*i in tU* uteaiacJk, %tv4. i\*4 slant lorehodiiiK «»f ^rtl. *nd *n iridifTerenc# *od nont to the ur!io**« jf life, 6th. DUITVm.—XTUf b«iBf rtfrit eotiln, lb* »alT«tt a *uL dwicbuM^ wUiab i» owing di»»—i aonatitioa nf ttM boKrli. jiroiiti' pi| l.r ••titir'nMrt ftod, '•hi t. rtiruit' IJI tJU* »»n»«nMit«li wii*» e»t''n, •mi it urns |itilt'i llrvnif'b tu th* i,tb. i:, ti jitrts of :Le S|»t#iu-- Ari imc ir» upon tb« Ult'hmfl* Ui.ut«&r*A. »nd btcMt, *iid in th# tirit»«tie«. Id tntnr ti»*r# HQ \h% ACti"U ntrr^i, T/J*j 1M irnl" i llrik rag or 4n Ik* mautti i uflrn c!» jiniT, «vit!i a Lni t««ti «nii lurri'-d tongu^. 7tti.'Ue»im»jttT»*»«irtiB»aa4 IdpUliot of th* (Iran lias? p«rno« fir*Druno*il h»»iii(( tlira* tiaaaeca tia", l*ct, uatking but OyapepHia, tb" htiif Anii liaaft being onlf -ih Cim^'i- Thia ia T*rrfn"ini«l ajtsptom of ltjrapapa a, and l««da **rj uft^n ml* rsn firmed roniuiinj'lrOT!. 8lk. Wtnt of »le«p *»T »T'n|.t'm, r»HultiDg from tutslal i*raoc* ment. ii,th av?m|.t"oaa i K*t»ro»l K*l»(tu». TU* patiaoila atV r!*i iiainfullr br cold and k*at, whick is tba P«»e Trta ib- taload by a naerflar ptoeaaa ta th* illiiriaTIra of tht tir, fcr wtich the highest mfdica" pro pertiea are ivtamed. It i* the nn!r aafa anS reliable remedy wMak kaaaret b«a« i*U|*ra4 tro^ Mia jmof BlCrtAliDSoN BitOS.. I«-m»t'r*«ic *0 its M««aa an 1 Tne ratiu h* 1 »f for eaeh Tuwnhip, and one delegate for ererr twetiW »Ttei*iaf nor. and ette kltm rMM* c»af ten «*tea. Ti* n**b*ro[ r«t«aaa^ Totritthl# will b« «nt tied toii aa followa. Daraeporl, Princeton, 6, Blue Qraaa, 6 KinculUj 4. Sheridan, 1 Roefcftighkm, l,*«la»«*,»: sYOil Ta* Snow Htoum to tl»y interferes with working of the wires, arid wo were un able to6a? to rae«ite pur wlukl ft«1c|raphi« •aarkiU. 9aat of pur* tii" an'! gMtru jiice. The ia*'ien pain! IW rii»tetiteU U* winl th«- »pje tit* if aoii 'tnii'i fortooo*. Oh ftloom atid of fWp4rtfr ~Tt»to •tste ttaflti totnv for the pnjojrmon*i of life,tod oauaed ly tho Impure bloea fftraisbed hj \m p*irf««t dii|*ttt »n. I n iUi« of tk* 4tb***t in*uy LM-r« a» ooiuma pup uJe Th*r* is CUD TewMBfi* OniifiutTioii.—»• (t net feigQt ten that t)i. Davenport Demeoraltc Town *hip in»e«lien place lta«Teaiuft.«V half pant aavuii o #i'Ck, at the i'itjr Hall far tb* 4 laieMmg del«c*l*» lojtov, County Convention, Ui tie hold al the Oaurt Ilouae on tliel 'th inst. I, tfar wlift AoaiENNR LacouvBEt'it.—ilra. I.amler'i pcraonatien of thia diQieuit character latl livening added freab laurel* to Itrr alreudy Uritilant reputation. With a well coaceired itlea of tin- cliaraoter, ahe entered inl" ita |iorlr»yal wUit fervor and paui^n, inakipu t)ir pMj lit' 'in"» tlirillintiy in'.kreatih^.— '(be acting vf Mr. ropgawdl, in tiie at tke Pine Tree. It inrigorates the digMitir* organ*, ani re atoroa the appotite. It itren^'tiiena the debilitated aratem. It jniniii-a and enneh^a tha bk«d, akd «pala rom tha ayat*m the rirrtintlna whirii tofofSila knfda an the Itinera. It dtaaalreatoa nutuaor pklafai wkMb stopa the air paaaajfM of the lwa^a. Ita !iea!i:i„ rincyile acta upon the irritated aurtace of tli« luaigaand threat, (Meuatiag to diarrtcA rclieriuit pain and sabduin^ in&aroaUi a liiatt-* r»auli of ycaw of atadf add expert raant.Mdit uoVbrMta tk- afiictcl with the pofittre aaauranae of Ua power to cure it tfca patient bat not too lo)g delayed a raaarl to tka Manaofatr*. CAUTION. Whereas, h»aa an1* daaieniag mao.regardlea. of tha lire* *f tli« iM, a»t1 with a reiw aolely te their own pocket a, are making and rending aapurioua article worn* tlw u «la—reore •enung it aa HIT Ffar Tree Cordial, ceiiyiug. In attne mik, libel a and bottlea, with alight variation to protect them froai tb* l«w, the aub dial, unleaa my name aad a I'ine Tree ia blown on the bottle a'.l other, being wjek,d imp#,. Itionto dee.ire Ih* »u(r,rin n i n Bi»i^rk Ba.Il Pkaaaaat WaWry, 4: Wia|el4,«i Uber ty,*( Bickarf|(l rot*', Uj o*«Ur ol lli«CoB»ailtt*«. «'oiii|iltiii 11 «rj ItenlHt to .ttra, (jmiidrr ,'VI "A !. vMi'.i' ,r .lTm. A C1.1V.M ot tb. U.rox-r» «.f Scott 1 Hlou fttl lantrif berehr ca'.ied to meet tla. Court *JUl' I«»t*n fahrarr lbii,lUIUl.l^ftU UtH il*V«.. to U-UUll JOU l»th, l»«S. at in'ciock I' f*r *»«*urp.»of, a4«tt tng ae**ateea dela^jatei to the Iiemocratic ggj^ht. Htata Cotivtntuja^ which will be held at Ueti Suotlld ynu plMMdKrhcdB^t, w.* trust gllh'arijuttuafrr k.D UB4.-i^V'f make it lepreaeaUtian will bating Aelagate role of Wichcnvt, desortes especiil mention. He •irtained big pirt admirably wvll, keeping up the IntetHt to the nrf. Mr, T^ylftr, as tjio Count Mivurioa, wa* too passive—lid •ttt tnftiHe enough life inta ht- actiuj». Ua did not Mem to antnr into hi* |«rt »Wi tha Warmth and feelinp it deserved. Mr. fenn al (lie Duke, did we!!.' Taken aa a Wh 'lo the performance waa very good, but inferior to either "Elizabatb" vt "Marj $tuait," 'I'lna e etitng Mra. Lander has been ten dered aad aeoepled a complines Ury bene it. wheo she will appear in her celebrated dUaractcr of "Me ica." Let her hare a fuming house. She richly deserves it.— This will lie tha lael opportunity to witneaa srttnp in this oity—p«rliapa for many Jeara to rom*. P. A B. I. Rallrend naetlat, Our report of toe railroad meeting at the Council Chamber yesterdny afternoon, waa teces.sarilv aomutrliat curtailed on account of the hti ncss of tha adjournment. In «T oordnaco with tlw latt reaoldtHin adopti I tlio otiairmati ji|ipuint tlio foT'otirln^ tn mitteea: To caneaaa the oily east of liaia atreet. Meturs. H. H. Hill, A. O. Butler and Chis Heiderbecke. WM« ef fiin aUNIi ilaba li Tli* county committee i« requested to coatimtet atftnre-end M^rl Oit tl# l)eo. H- French of thi* cjljr, Wlo I* t)l« of the direcwra vf the read. Aa U muat h* deftnftfly settled tins itotitb, whether tli^ ro^l is tp,be built or, the profeet ttfeirt ionMimtMi i'.l commence thiir mfk at (nice. ery man tobk lit iY fiMtn k bJsineSI kl^nd ijoidtf l.kt oflrbtistolffi^mefi^im^iVth^i' flipping accounts, and *varf land owner tn.Hi* tity aid ottfetr *eo«id*t *b«0MI Upon tha price of real eatate. Thi* is also a mattat mt fttaL ittfioaUnci t#Jhe *Vmers Of tha eoualy. Bhippara ma**, from their autnber, buy on a cloae nfarjjtn, and every Joliar aared ia transporting gr%in to tbe BiMets Market•%HI gi 'inta (bk |4j laaara pocket. Be ret 4*!tided wM* the belief that tb* PeaoAjlvania Cen tral KitlroaJ is houQd^ to l^are t'.iia road, through and will build it if we Jo not. The' 'lutnbua A Indianapolis road tss tue ono ttiat seeks thia new route, through which eeuipany the Vennylnmia Oantral ia into* ested. Hut no ooupany will build it for ua oetthar trill Eaaurn oapital seek tb* job unlet* enough ia anbseribed to grade, bridge and t'* Ik* road, tltau,aad net til' then will any company laad «s a h«lping hand. This inu't be done during the pres eat moath of tie whole thine *baqdaq*d[. I.ot \i- act, rii.i», aa bee.mas a city of twenty tbatgaarxl ie.ple, with but «t»»roau la tb* K litem market. There at* other ma Hers connected with tha location of tb* road which it will li* more ptuptr to Uiacaa* hereafter. YV. Whtelook ofTerod the following resnlation, which wa* nnaninoasly adapted: K—iv*d, acriber haa been induced, aa a protection of the that It is for the interest of the public, to publish a f«e (mile ,f his bottl.e aa laat patented by tb* Ceiled tat re Goveraaent and hereby rantioaa all pereone who vain* their health and life neaiest joirchaaiag any ef th* many pr«par*tu.n» o3 red f»r aal* aa Tar Cor That it ia the aenae of thi* wn of Moliue to aiibaarib* $60,000 Ot more to the capital atoekvf tfco i'wria A *nck Island Railroad. Mr. George W. Vroton ate» offin«d the ffl®wlng ro«otati«», wkieh was adapted Rttoi—tl, an,i fl„co lhem of tkUr Boner, regardleea i eonMqeencM. The geauia* l'ine Tree Tar Cordial la made by a proeees and of ingredient* known ealy t* myself, wDteh aecret haa nerer b«*n divalgod and any ani a'l persona claiming to make try Kia*Trn Tar Uordial are bat vile tinpeatete. L. C. WISH ART, laii Ih W**rtk Second atreet, weal aide. .mt, Philadelphia' **M by UnigMt every whara ih at it ie the aeuse or this mettfn£ that the proper offterrs of the town ship of Moline be requested to call a meet ir»jf at an early dsv. tu vote for a aabacrip* tioa of $ji',000 to the rapjial stock ©f th* Peoria and Koek lalai Railroad. Good for llotine these resolution* indi cate th* rl^ht kind of ftelin^ towards *bo new rfa1. If thi* is eotcd, why should not the road go by the way of Moline, to Coal Valley we belier* it is two mile* shorter than by Cable'* road, or lino pmllel with It. Ti toboof osr «pprci- r'tH 1 '"0:ibn- [iivt.i r|t it'aiwr^iiliit ,l«ri'r Armiiruoir Towaahlp "t Tawnaklp,an re- qpeated to ine'-t at tto' i o-in 1 :.atnhi'roii Saturday •eyenli., ne«M*e»ruary HU at' 1 o'rljek, forth* I«rpoai' of cli'x»«iiii! loU i»t*« t" t'fe Coanty (,on rer.ti®ti, to be bi the HUi ia»t. i*f»r orSf?r (JoftiDrttM. it f. l.OAIL rMr ift «m 8i^i .^«V Thoae who Opera B*4i thl« cloak*, shawl:., OrareMtt, Ala., k fba Cloak Koom, whore they will b« duly tbttkc^ a»* Uken care of free of oharf. This ia a ^ooil an4 ebMll b«pt up righi alotifl. II- w M4« \l K Kid'ler, a kJi vh*. n- 1- lie-tTr-t I. I'ur., v* 1 1 o ,! I.l'r-w, ,! SIUSI lUiLWAK-—TU« o jd peopla ftf Itock Island are moving little ia tlic mai ler of a atreet railway. A tneeting on the »uliject wit beW o 0«t «itf ya*t«r4«j af termon, and a eommKtee of thm appointed l« report to Uiacauaeil #c»t X»e4»r m Wnf. W Atf*k rJf"'Tfeu, O flt"W« W II W J. I.-, I. rreat, l*» iiitil'""* I fViM^ fioon 1lofi. —W« idifn 'Onht' Cordis patohea to-da/, that Geo. 11. Parker, Kiq., now in Waahin^ton, if beinp urged for the position off VntoUrt lt«»W oifJiaf^pl imji ll Is tfcrjr ^at|rili«iM tla»|Mt)if thiee tu iking tfie motion. Kut with a On -7e«a, aa at prosent conatiluied, we cannot enlertaia any very naaguine hope* aa ta a favorabli vumtlf. Xho Uc«aaed war, untlt l-le!.\, in tLc em flor i'f S. W. Wheel ock, and is repreaent 1 an being a aober, steady luan, but havj in? an ungovernable temper, and very des pcrate when angry, and the roost nalaral Oonc'tision i-1 that in a lit of anger he coni adtted linn Aish net. ffo wa* about thirty Ivc yenri of age and bad been married leas tbaa co e year. rccoftA LEAD AM Cdtok Coa^Alhr.—This dompany, located at Philadelphia, Make* the best paint known for boui*o, iron (ronts, tin ioofs, damp walls, railroad cars du bri'lree, etr., and at a o :st of one-third Ikts than that of lea l. The colora and ihite l"ad mamtfoctero* fcy this company 4re of the beat quality, acknowledged auch tyy all who tlicrt. 'The mpany alao innAfjctdfe Vafnlshes ati& Drying Japan, i Inch have attained a vary wide and ei nsiva aal). Ord rawed to Smith owen, Secretary, Jfig. IlortH 4th- «tfeet, adelphia, will be piotnoily attended ii. bisoher and Christian Maa|kar. County oomiuittev: Mow*a Farber, of Da van port John Madden, of VTinfield, and C, 0. Applegale, of liCUIatre. Read the ndv^rtive^rrert i:i ano'.her lace, --n .» -•*».' t. i IOWA Dka* AKO DUMB Aayuji.-^ t*ho report of tbr And oSiotrj of this institution, locited at It)wa City, hao aan presented to the iiagi-latuie and priat. 1. It is the **v*otb biennial report, for oar* )M6 and lt?GT. From it we father a few facta. The number of pupils 4nlt*tdta*dflurtftgth**a«-pearowta'M af rhtch 60-' w*re male* and :8 fetaale*. Tha umber present December 5, fbin In this connection we five the fcllewiog as the action at tha meeting ia Molina on Thutaday evening: DAILY- DAVENPORT iUA VENPORT, t„ murrow tSatnrciy) a 'estimonial w jr.iiv ol" uyt.frieDJs, M. Do:.a!iae, VldilKHMt»#1.1 u! I, (.'offll, A r- A mi t-- i tie bitTso as A C» W 14 Cti Krt- KC 11J urt«r i» W II i! *B, i .iv.t .!rjr4, i.Uwortb, I. .i, jDo i on, .4 aatttoo ttoou.uiot.)aaa, i' uui.ui-nL Ft.h»r ii .v,.r »,r lit K W d, ll ii ihua. it H: 1 it#, K Mc.taal. ,W I»rwr, .Tet/.ii "tk- Ttaa i N nfimeMaoe,' iloa»-"tt, I II ittl„ A \l d. .t t.t ai 'tler, 3ka Thomi »oa, frHV.le, n» Vmtmrnf Um 3 A I'.tM Pporl, ll \utiook, oaryllwl nr.llAjfc. 'll ii Dovoreaa, Marrlia.l, 1167, wa* 66, which S0 wer* mal*a and SO females— he totkl reoeipts fo{,$^o two ye*r* w^r* |'iS,07T»,19 the toUtf i^fkbufiftments $24, l*aving a balance'o cash on band Kov. i, 18C7, or #3,487.63. Speaking of fio eipensea the President, N. H. Braioard, •*ys:—1"The expenses of the Institution b»ve been larger than were antieipated two year* ago, from the extraordinary high pric* Of staple food, and from some improvement* re wer* comp*T!«d to make for the decency nil eMnfort of tlw inmate*, and from Ion fir*. Itarifoads have, bawever, been uffieivnt', under thfe NmiMtlani pleCed-«p n us and our balance on hand i* largtr at oar fast report.'' In Ui* report the Principal of the Asyliun ^•ajamin Talhot, f)ic oay» The diiUculties and embarrassment* knaing from t'ae inconvenience and ill adap jtalion of our present rented buildings still bxist, with aa great foice aa at the dales of P'.r previous reports, the fifth and sixth to Which reports reaMctful reference is made. '1 he school cannot be ma*)e entirely success ful, so Ittng as It in conficcd to ita preoettt *ccomtn0ditl6««(0i g|Moth OfflOen and ipupiU, ttillpaU'e^llktb* *ViU iacifl*nt 'to their star here, if they may hopa for a japaadv caeeuuon of tho plana eat on fool by the laet General Aseembly foe tha eeeo itton of new buildings for this Institution.— It is Mif fiaat/-a4f«at ^ife te b* relieved as speedily as possible from our present dif ficulties. and oar mott ardent hope that nothhij wiil accur t» defeat this deaired end." li lancing over tha list of pnpila wo see that nearly nil sections oftheStata ara rep resented. No names, howevur, appear re corded as being froBs Davortpart. ROTAL Dauso POWBBB in actually cheap er by* par cent, than Cr*aa Tar tar and Soda, aa OMMDOHIj ani Aak yonf-gfoctf for h. TOWA, Sbuoit Ui*"1w t— ihf lloiw' tubch. tbte :or the S^aaie bill rktu-'ufM .g Appa no ,se ,at) other twrmtle* frfr mwnr stolen by Orwlg IWme^ wetrt' W Sedil. thb A- M., And ^ot 'ein curred Tbe Senate Wl 0 sotruUiluily "tioUa the mirror up to nnturi, Wi to »,om •leal of Helng 'tuiaappropriattJ," w*a /.,mbe«z!»d" SMiitot RiAltdJ maJ*4 a moat powerful and Wittfnf «p*ech, fti wliioh Stone waa gibbatsd acd held up to the scorn from wbio* wnnVuilt on tho flattering showing oftne biaouial mesaage, U already orumblm| i,: Walaa Mn^SS? W l»ri O Kiui.J, St-ns. DONAII I E, Fukmcu, COFFIN *MI oril KH^ i' lithium Ycur nolo i the Tib ol PVbrutry, UiiiileiiuK a couipiiiacntary bout (It to mysidl lia.s beca ,dUiV received tiud ulltwr me ia nfly tAiSjtfiSi my deep sense ol the very tlitlerlB* aoafttdiincnt therein oonvcyed and iu return to state that 1 shall be ni"-t happy to accept a courtesy so kind ly teadured Willi a sincere appreciation of your pn Qtenesa, 1 am, gentlwiMn, your grateful and obliged triemi .fasN M. Laupbh SCICIDB in Moti**.-^Th* R**k Island t'nion of1 thi* awning aonlaiaatk* particu kra of th* suicide of a man named Andrew IV ehlman, a Sw*de, who y eater day hung himseif in the calaboose of Moline. The decased had not lived pleaaantly w th hi* Wife for some luue ytot. 0*4 about a week ag i he left hrr, but oa Thursday evet.iug ho returned and tried to peranade her to lire with him, hut she refused to do so, Wh.n he left, and soon returned with a double barreled shot gun, heavily leaded, and declared liia intention of killing both her and himself, but som* of th* neighbor* Interfered, and sent for Constable Worm ley, who arre*tel fHKl placed him in the eai*Uo*e, where be remained unlil jaatar day mornio:, when he wa* taken before K-qoire Hubbard, who, after hearing fvidcnce, placed bim under bonds in the 0'im of $!,50ot and failing to procure bail, be waa reaaanded to jail. The officer in t"'»ar e of WehlWh Cloli him back to the lock-tip about 11 '•'claiBi-'interfHng to take biin to Hock Inland immediately after din tier, and An ?oing after him about noon, it Wae discovered that he had hung himself. And was alrendy dead. He had taken S^me brd rlotbe* \vi»i#t imd bren fnrniahed liitn the night before and made a mpe, which he had fa*ten*d to tb* iron bara of the Window, not more than five feet from the lloor, aud making a slip oecac around his neck, threw hia feat forward, and wao Ihue ttrangied t" dealh, in a leaning position As son its th* ott^cer discovered this, he t:n in and cut the man iiowii, but it was |oo late. i« alreadv orumbli ditt* into the treasury to theiis and -rni-«ppropriaiions Keeping ,ilV vle^r tlie fact that th* btate is in tUbt and paying interest upon $^00,000, and that this winter"h appropriations will mortgage the Mate refenue for the nest ten years, ti.e evuleur dt rose of the financial at*teu*nt ladaa out, -jj Kmu oot lobbyists and the stern ataUi isen of the two hooeee, last night, di*poH^ *d in the hilarities of the "Third Ueu^'' Tiie a».cuns was bold in the court hou».. The inauguration of Oov. Bak*r, late Ad Jnatant General, *nd th* delivery of »rt« in- tinitallT witty address. OrtnueU Old well bw ilutv as tireinaa.and tiea. W illiatnaM* faided .papers with atirrity, mnd O'Coti^ior at^Vad ip measenper. Tin- grave question of non idiaerifninatinp tariffs on the atft«t railway was const Jere 1 st t:feat Itngth, and the re fc\i:ii] tio11 ol" rt* iaik.1 (.-rant waa threatened. lU'SJiutun* to encourage the growth of cabbage to an extent made necessary by the use- made of it hy tliO Pfcaidenl of the State Agricultural Society to dyni the DaaMaiuej ri*er and for tnkny ofhlr'pkf poses, special and general. The meeting produced much fuD| apd, battai tk| ,*^l* rcaliied $40 for poor, blind Dixon. ifaeapeusi order the H.»s»ttitoa(ler a (ton was the gmmmatlta! d-^iitf? *t deut Jobncon and the nomination if (irant. Tbe diat uaaion Vi not w warmly onlet *d iiito ly tho msjOrity. Rkmly Johns on a oeotet slnt by citing lte Slab of the molten image,'' wbafeter tn« is, Which Harden wanted biai The Senate having paaacd the 0., K. T. .1 P. lUilroud bill, it waa Rndered in l^a ilotisa t1 lib nfietii 10a, and the attempt was made to postpone it until ths 1st of March, (Sunday which did not prevail. Pending the discussion of tbe time to which the bill should be postponed, the House adjourn 1. parties ure here urging that the bill do not pass, and its fata in tbe fianaa Is uuceila.-. Cunt co DssHowa*. February 7lb-,T8(K Kotrmi DSHOCBAT :—The morning haa bean paee«d in diacasaion a* to when we shall consider the all absorbing C. R. I. Jfc I*, bili Murry, Ripfiry, rfaiffchd Lambert appealed Kt delay, were avorse to the pas ssg" of the bill McNutt. Parker, Kaao«' atid ot:u rs, advocate 1 its immediate en aidi ration. The latter policy prevailed, and before cl"Sinc I w.l. Ri« vou the result. 1 V#ota lt fy*u fconm en Iktftf |*B of IH promitieBt e »r»Jtt rs of the AsoMbly, Ani, whHc tbe weary moment-^ are passing away in a noisy i!i=cussicn on the desire of the Ceullemcn's rorvtiturats, to have tb* C. Ji. I. A P. rr'sd IrntV past evert heme^teerl Vif tweeu bere and Cosnaii Uluffsj IM paint 'lb* "V.'aya and Means" ia the leading committee af tbe House, and its chairman, Mr. Wilcox, of Buchanan, is very properly a leading member. He ia a relive rT Cdu necticut, 4T years old, married and a ehris tian, tall, bald and bearded, buaioaaa-likr.w benign in expressing and attentive to the interests of the State, svbish are sa largely in the hands of his committee. He teldom •ays -n thins upon nucstt'uis poli:ie*l, and r. hen occupies the attention of tbe lloui», hi« ctati meats r. arly and terse, ly tnsde, and his views are :.Istays adopt* i The nixt coinuiittee in Imp irtanca ia tl:u JudVisry-tV" lawtrra cawtuittee," wbcre: 'udjje A. R. Cotton,ol Clinton, is cha.rmati. He is a profound Uw\cr, with |onj» bench and bar experhncc, a ceiitlem:.!) Ct courtly and suave msnnrrs snd address lie is reported a probable candidate of his iiarty in the 2nd District fir '\ngre«f», ai:d iiis difference with a majority of his psrty upon tho liccnsc law matter is Mid to be referable to such pr bahle candidaar. Like Wilcox, Judge Cotton is bald. While en bild heads 1 may say there are fifteen of thetn in tbe House, and nary wig. MoNott, of Muscatine, i* ye acthM mem ber of the body. Always ready to talk in telligently and violently upon anvthlng be fore the house he is combative and ready] fr a "ruction" nith anyln ly, liue to his Celtic blocd. McC. was formerly tn earn tat democrut, at:d swung a ready quul tor five jear^ on the columns of tfr* Dubuque K*ra d, bainjj succ*edcd On thtt jmrtial hy 0ennis Mahoney. Democracy being quite "boared" out of ma.ket, Mc. *old out bis 4t ick taereiii and Fought preferment and Clflee from the radicals, whe bestowed lhem libsrallv upon him,'this Mitig M- third term in the leu'islaure. When he starts to tin "monk" it ia the slgriot f«r oaspen- rfiona of writing and chat in the Ilouee, for th** U anything lr tt« iwrfvrofUs fperc!i to merit attention, lis'mariSW kmusing, nt fTmes h:gWt dramsiic, and, •gain, pain fully trkgfo. I muat rloae in order to g*| thf a%il. Kasson baa made a long ad# my able opeech in favor of tha llailroal bid. •ate will be r*a had to-( lay. fT result to-morrow. CUMOCO 1- mm SATURIJAY .i-'M,,'" would not die in *utHBier, would not die in fall nd I think aboi:» *itp ileso' won! die atall. For raaily it is not n*ce*sary If you com mence initime and uae "Barrett's Yegeta blo Hai» Keatoratire," which will effect ually prevent both baldness and gray (uUta. CIT1 NOTIOKI, CtoVklSG, CLOTIIISI Look to 'year wardrobes some article cf apparel needs tepledrtp, kOd at Sana Ptrryfc ia the place to f^et it «ie%p. He keeps rtdrth (mt the best in quality, of th* moot excellent make and iba latest fa&bion*. Suits ready.made aee made to order. Qant't furMWHing ge*2C and everything in tbe aterohMit tailoring lino can be nafi al Ne. 48 Br*d/*tr**t. I3e eur* and giy* Porry a eall. »sare mm* PHco UU Gar Hr*. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP fef QWW TOBtblkg,—karins th* .*« ^t(|| of ''Curtis 4 Perkina on the o«t*id* wrapper,—oil athera ara baoo imitation a,— Sold bf oil Drnggtato throughont tho world. So centa a bottle. Wnoorino Cocon oa Caocr, however se ver* may be alleviated and cured by th* ose of Madame Zadoo Purter'a Curativo Balsam. Th* iwalnable medicine poaaoaaao the extsaerdinary power of relieving immedi ately Whoopintr Cough, Hoaraence*, Difli cuitj of breathing, Uuskine** and Tieklii:t» in tbe Throat. It loosens tlie phletrm, and will be tound very agreeable to tb* tasta. It is not a vii lent remedy, but emollient*— Warming, searching and effective. Can be taken by tha oldest person or vouncost •bild. For Ml# by oil Drogglau, ot M, ftO ud 7t alkfot bottle. -*3s! 3«: -Mn •,®"/«id*» kit. th. iStvatJdeetoidoaea 8- •TF toat.^o.ip^y, in- i •Sbi lint] wj A»o«»t of wdi-^ ,.4„ cal vchitcwVaV. wii! fsi: to shield. The eilect of llicliard's speech was apparent in a re nark 1 heard a radical Senator make. Itch trem r:.s aeiUtM ouJ who ^1,.,-t, e mi'l, "1 rij*:ue 1 am not 11 ylNMRSOtA. MllllS Hi M. SPECIAL AKIujcEMSSX. Hm thg WHMi-ultia ai n-aidni thekA* *palftf% For One Night M6*e M0Sf P0S!TTV«tT thi%,sifanliy 8, Ntr. J. H. TAYLOR, aoi »er MAGNIFICENT COMPANY. i f'.i-ii 333ITO __ l-C THE GREATEST OOOB TO TUB G-REA^TEST NUMBER. FEBRtARl if-' *r M*UIU» 'u a ..ij rtat, .neral wir. t:'4f. -SiorroM {a*Mat») at li 'c*ewfc ..iu .ili'. Mr. I.owry a aeltler nf (tott contity Mquftti p» OBrWfWJMWM W!* To-Oay'n Wflbal -V li Wf .xm bet f. kekker ti-i -A i OOUMUDO I'HittttO ssaMC*. Fenfc" Uu a T*- ,. Hetiirn fT**'* *j\'- *uU. roin V'.-w 1 ,ru*' li 4^jfc NOW 10. HBRXIIU: v «n o w "ikfecrat'd." l'he KtolaUon finally po»cd-by «V0^7 tr* ,Cte. W i SIMON GUETTEU 8EUJIWO V AE8AIDLECS OF COST! Til* KhTytE STIH.K up SOOUS .NOW IN store, coo»1fir^ .• Muallsia, Iel.aisiM. Uteghaas, ALSO 0TH5K urrON. GUOUM Al Best Calif OS, to ft I! ets* i |irl« All Piece Goods at Cost. ALl NltTluNf), iiv. A»U'Y»S.ATt't»T I.ailee ft*ilfiid a^estC fur HALF Pltlt K. r--3 Skirt», Flannel®, ftlMik' t«, Pt^.V ItPI't* ri^MTt MjOK Lit A"'Ti TI7T NA': A.ND M.MHER jWj w* t»W HunAirf tllrftl. Keystone Festival ttfp ••rT?*s*rr.TASil' ,'ouuty arc 1! f.t'H' T" or attend Grs^nkt Annual Iw v* et Wi rostitti, aa™ Am: tin. ui? AMr«| 1- ti-'k* J: IF..H. CHASi &C0S (KENTUCKY MISKIES t"14 BV Ai-u QUI i'l^l i'll JJiAf*U» .'RTIiLiIO-IjOXJB- Burjtis Oper Xeit Sunrtny» ^iH'OL CK. ,n- SI'BJEOT—Tli* Cbr'utia^p-oad Church. I^jr- Allievited t* atSeSl Haw d8t |be I Ui Another clarachr is the Iloh. tatd^tlMt from Mancn, Mr. Uaacbam, wiio it fiio' Speech on tbe reeees tha lithe* 4ay, waa Sure he wofild not return here tnvtgtwAUdv for reA«0n« he declined to glVO- II* It «ld raa*mbte ex Lieut. Gor. Cittiaau. aad bn engineering through a motion to adjoun I'M not ha oqaal i a, th» iq* of oHhati HJRD. f'UiiD' I MRS. Ij i (formerly *1»" (yy itflwre «mi BOH IJIElIOimXS, Kaisaafc:.': •en prepare^ from etrry variety pf wood, and -oa Uy plaineat I it..' "o*t elaborate ^l||a. armKhfbr i-el^'.nf: tbe nreVm4 nUIV nathlM. ••ee-lfo. ara 'OOpW'^drtftf The aaly rtaee l* AMI ffrwmx ilia II'I "I *II aoal dunin a aialw J. MEBERT, x.i/ :i:- *mcomo» JUtVAJjA. t- •, to *. R« Jlafk*. -AUUSIX to S*w '«•». IIST Hi "ur'rn'v i nr a •.nbari Iluiterdeai a i lAiilWicip. luVfS"- ::,!..:, sto 'n -*b•i n a ne 'Pu*ny. II—Ia?j E l!« s. -^»»9»dwa». GROCERIESI PeaMjlrMia lime, JMH1A AURA i oxilll i1"' HA5 ti MRS. F.CiSHDER E O E N S IM Htt) St* A*n COlUU)DU)t &. HTOU 1 •ft. 51 THE 1*91 rt HteT i: «r th^-4M*Ni«r 1 tender, by tbe rV —tf aRAiND TKSTIMONW^ BKNJVFIX, Bratit, fit., B**rs kelew Pavaopett tleaal Mstrnft:.1 lit win HI PLKAflBD W lUH* (HeMeatel attwko -it CHOICE GROCERIES at' JMwertrt Hrket fUkHM. ie4n*Mb.,liMd.fHlAiri#,:.' buy Vour 1 IHH'LTRV ^VstBR^, KKCTH KfHIT, PfJfIS, BETTER, CHKCSE, ALL KINDS OF VKU fctAniJ'S \VI) FRFITS AT 44 Bradr St* PmtHrts New Grocery Store. EII iifertrtr.'tiMriiituK mdM Ws»«™^i. OHIO MAfHHI WORIS (SncceaorttoV'* Uavitt,) '^:.7zmr ITEAJK BNftmV^ nbitsra, imerxnt 15 K. H. 8t*arna jghaWflf. H*rs»-r»«a* Palteya.. Cactlnir* of all klndf m^-e l" order. I^R«vairiw\7*»( Wn'.7 aade tarUoft Loa- vt^rW^^^^ta,^ receive.,ar ""wiirka—Corner 'it atrf-et aad Hamilton road. ^gr^iMeau «HABBr9 Bdr R«ft«rttire ar Bcitver! »tk* brirtklnr Wfci* brtagoeey lialMa Ma •iyhticotor short \Mt, ^MVIr^UM# Prepared o»ly br I.. r.^VHe.^uirr-Jie lioa Otota, comerKati»«d^ Bei-llu, TreVn-tit C. Muller ».I Mlciiia.1. Avi'nv. ^I* Crosae.'tlW. .V^TF njiifefjiatT .-..IMfcAilV «T. fiSONlEtl & StCTLKS, DRALKttS ts enoicfi fr'AtfltV "5 AdiriTaittin, 7S»..l4 tt«*r«1 ffekta. no Otilaer.ns el* !_ I)»'T*0pe.i at ... I .rnmeuee nl l' OROOERTEa 1 WW, JMel W*ir», Vl%f Ware*) Cmrdmfei Vutine, Whip*, fowflsr, ioed, niot, Oa^t.Ac., 1 L.B."FaiVE, j':: 1 O I E Family Groceries AND 1 PROVISIONS. Law Prlaaa. tVaraalei IM BOlORifll.C DEALI.1U. Tall ani ico m.'at rt'LTuN'.s lll.i U K, IYrr» Ot. ne»r*l. d-Tl-dlf OLDEST GROCERY JlOUSf TMTSPORT. IN nt we -i" A—i_ BwbeewNte ALTOS ALTOSD St AS PArtEW," Wykpale W yiwale Heiail Dealer* Ip Cieite Uttypcv. 'loni ucket|\.'0* NAILS, OH« PAINTS, AC. ir UhU aad se* Qaoda aud loara the pfinoe & ?*0. O BVADT KT. r*w Groceries P. MEYER, E A N A I O aECO.^® KTREtrr. Iitte*r WM( lot .taileaol aonh, I DAVKFtl'OUT, iaAeoapi ofalari* aad wallHleetedsM* i Urtirfsf^Tfinfe IOLOXHIMCpv 11 WMOCI lodncetnen AORlPlilNHRilMlff AfO# ~ifAt£ORXHO etfoiOl jimooaflnf. J0HM .b. MAHRL*,, t«0. i **tT tSrtB BTRKET- notfi: feflbott National lt4|k, 0H*i BTEV DRUG STORS, HARRISON &STARKS M-J I'lmty Wgp|afer irfe. Dragftoto I PharaMMlbto, BTi j(Firat door below tha Davenport Natioaal Baak) naaaaaa FANOY ARTICLES 1 I A*» PURE DRUO§, I Also, Perfaaaery aad Toilet Artiolea. aw aavaiiBo, OILS, POHABW, m aiders. Dye*. Dieeelafe, IH' Wave tI*rMme,4SW (Theatre safl other tlsfc) rmi WAC eera, raa, UUf WMtea, aad Tilha, iOpeta Pearttae, ate. I HCFTITJIBF, AIT?AC*.FB*MTW™*IRMO, WV vooe, Poer Hu'i. MagneUc, tJoort aad ether SPONGES, t* a bentHW broww. Ivi ouUeeaUaewm aad daadraff.nee It aadbs«**«*» coats eaddeprbeeMhy acalps. It& imaa.tOiai n4sa ^wn"fc. Oeo. fc. D'svi IttoDK, J.Q H. Parker, ftr, P. Cook, John many otkeif, CHAMOIS mum. PIAKO DOA teee, PamUy Dyee. Fteneh Blackln*. uriae, aad other narertac Bstrect*. RICH AUD BRAITITTL WOM ee Companion*. Peaxl aad abefe tlery, Ac, Ac., Ac., Ac.. Oa JO O., At, Ac. ?KOAB8. rWBT HAVANA AMD DOMU O He bwnda, Detroit, centarjr aad etheetlao Cat Tobacco*. Tfxyrtl V- ,OW*-? J. W. McKlhaatf, A5D ^All. nnmR (large Med 25vatiety.)aIao Hat, Cloth, WbUkJtoes^ Fattttftad V*mi*h Bro.^iica. A FINK rrocK OF mwicina^ tmrow?, UrindiM,(ii&i« Hob #c.. boo^ht la N Woad^dCaihs^M' ^fc»Jte*^er,y. T. UribKe'i Fimpl® Banl.her n,n,- -frrt-tt* PtwP1*^ **cklo^ Ac. K™Svt ajSaflftssaK"- CAIi* aw® aan va* •.... .jmoAaf." .jr: I THB 1»#J! DRY tmd pltZPSirk teU l„i, 1 J. l-«5t n. l: I',l« ,r. ji l?eW )*.'» en «l r. ...I iilf r' il iel ftfid t»1d: tnaoiiirr TAiiMna lattk. Bat fat a aMf atoeMf aaode ea baad IleM (Kdela^ aSaShetDriat te aeto. Mb Ml Intnnlnl atrry partltaler. OloAei •d SdrenwraUnjin ^ort noOee. jaaTdtf PTtOpmr/rORS BAX«1!1 OF Dry Goods and Carpels -A.T K CJL VI RE 13LOC.K. ^tlll (omtmirn Auather it eduction en *rt«i HMdi, W««l«n Goods «nd 4 »rpeN. THia HTOCK or l^Qp «tki.i MS mem* 1 WHOLESALE HOU8E. f««fl I O N S 1 4* mm*»\ *imEET.,'Z.u lAyfii lemi iwiiry apd fintil— nm mv ttllr AKytei' MMJTA hosin, &C.I &c.. &o: sr»^ ^tm" r»^i:r..K,T.CTr^r.^ RaMllahed IMS*. Ratablleked N"IOHOLAB KUHNJiN, MANVFACTl'ilElt OF CI«AM, ANI DttALRR IN LEAF, PLUG & FINE CUT TOBACCO, PIPES .1.1*11 8.VOMIM rfHTt§,! Kaepe en bend tbe larneet Stock aad Variety of aaove goods of any house in the Htate. To baooontale aad all dealer* in above gnude are invited |to eaamine lay Htoek aad Vrteos, and tlie quality of my goods bafora purchr»in(j elsewhere. Cor. Main and 9d HtreeU, Davenport, Iowa. STOBfi W"— |faltte Jewelry, 1,1 MEN'S AND 4f iKS lands MBPdfRiXOASD RESO VATllTQ for Ota '1 ./'Baldwin & Marston^V 1 ...... jMalie* Cmiatm aa4 ApfUlt-4*ertf ,.!J*li'taL IMifi 1 te. A MKHICAN, •WOtrra.AWn 1 Totlat tjaajw, Futuauts* end Fancy -f-» CBBBB. SHELL. IVORT. BfFrALO, BOI _tt aad Metal beah.Uuaabs. ROfdBMeea .tititri i's ... ' Wa a UXflftLDT, Daveopiet. r*'. TERMS: $9.00 Down-Down the Prices go v Clotls,! Spectacle*, Coin Silver A Plated Ware, Opara and Field Claseee, Cold Pens, Ac., Ac. •, f)r I M'aKhea and J-welry rep*lml, end -'0® /A craving allj etwntefl. y' New Faff and Winfer Styles TBB HMT BKTBBSIVE 8T0DE IH tttK ClTf. GENTS FURNISHING GOOD'S Jlothi, trnlatm, Tweed*. Celloncdes, Jim A Uaess a TAILORS' TRIMMIHSS, WNtUSALE AND RETAIL! skcond wo. ae treat I,., m. O. 1». AUfflH, \m A. j, »MWI Wkdk UMk, I apa u« pirp«rfd, wltH lie #1 ft* larfsst aid Mr stsska §v«r tinrH li tho fltoti, pH U 0 TMJiW. VOtijuft (till owj ml )i» aim Wo C. WiVgWORTI. R. REED A Co., '0.t LAJkl affcKliT, ,r: I M" »vL •:. w..»wiU4yjnA(J««.vOa*Ul« ,,'^liliiLKluU.l tEALEa£l ^rf' ins Fancy M, Pains, Oils VAltKIftllEg, TVKPKNTINK, jUaalle SMat 8«d«, Palai Oil, Tmrrm I'X" Bnwhei, cianwan, Soda Atlie Jgpoalti|#n il CLOTHING BOYS mmm: lis een .it h-.)i I 1..11,. B. KRAU8B JHerekmnt Jomb BEIDERBECKE & MTLLBR, .. .- *J3CGLXJSXVB WHOLESALE GROCERS AVtX? wmtskcosd AVENPOBT. lMNr. alFaeUay friaa. i -vol wf -iflieJi I L»* 11 l»-»a a*,., fl A nl -i inter, inrlte the Trade to eiaaHae ear C3e«da aad JPrleaa* ty Orders by saall Hellfited. B. TBODK. Uaveaport. LANGPELDT, TDODE & CO*. Ha* Si W«*t WacaaS a«r**t» IMPORTRB8 AKD DEALEBS lit Cbrrnan, French & Spanish Vines, fieaek Cefoae Braadfca In Ortflaal Fnehafee* BOLB AOBHTH FOB yn¥aawap wipwiai .waiyiatawwyw MTWA. U. .11 YO, E W KL Kit Irkolual* as4 1UUU l\k, and iu.|iMl'ie a Fatclies Diamonds. ii*vii »•, ftilvor and Platod Ware etc.. Ho. lot i lstksiiu i iliCAl'O. ltMMi'aet*r*r» of I\r» Ovi* Etit*r War* MT*|ebe«, 01»ok*. and Jewe'll Vvfullj U*pa'i*4 •*4 W arranler' if bak'DT. iii-T llMkuBHii'M .»iO"k Hud Q^'^M'isii rwi HM.1 AT•^oWlwr, •alio**, i'*Ut Wr,si)( Vl '•». fll9»lll, ft,., fl. &ieO«e«» twiHra R**f». rT .a, 1. MMM'totcsMi^thtf* Jf «i4«* svn«a, Mel*'' A1.*ila, IHohd ht'S »*1 Ifmmm.r*. taiMifl evMt'kiaa urier* awM wMtreraWaiw«niol*'«Mttn Hljyt .rT'KKorroN. laaTam I «l MMy atl«*«. Dmm' Moline Plows*. wMri/t.,r^v^¥ v!,wK-*r rUM NTi,t ,,u-j|- llt« •Wke*e raltltaler. Detr.1* Floweand *ii!t(rnt..r» f«ily *na •edeil to b* eqeal, .( i.a mi ^rt.'t, t.. uit md*«« aeldtnth* W**i. S! ks .* riiKd-ruN la«i7.*a '.'l Ittai aei .t lit MP FOR TUB UIKTRR TRADR IICKLER A PUEHTOX, HAVK IN STOllK AN liNt SI ALI.T lar^e aed ro»n i aanor'tm ut Shelf aid lleavjr Iu4war«, A»RI( I LTI RAL FMPLKIIKNTJl Metals a*s«l 1faa*r*w Htan-k ruilrr y o a N a i s i n s A W* havo flillowtil 1 lie K *|.a aisrkeln proatit If in the rntni li*. itn«* Mfr« hanta mafiing (.• iiiukf ^tirchafttM y or* 4lri or* of ptgtfnlif tr|«astiM| to **nd tt% mm fti# Uil tt^4a l|fj uuy ttmui Mil 1 t.f Hinil If, J, MUl tt I f*vnr ne with ttielr hTd^tl HinKl.KM A PKfWtdM ""f jaoT *a tl H»**v »»l St. W.M O iron and Walton Material.' 9leabhnetn*. IMTIUI MTtX'h Ot RAH AUD ailkltt Iroa.lAliv*. JlftiltB*! Uolle. Sill- *»»lK-,|b Pu wdid rjt b# be-a aaekad dnwa te cawte^nnw wifh 1 fw rnforaid vn*.' iiata ol lb* taaaalhEUMf t*. aiCKiTtn.* n:VJ"Tcv, Iron aad Wagon HefWrUfc. W. «t *m Maritwar*. 11 rar *tr**A HSnLUHINItl NO. I». |M*M* '•adr. *«r «V SHELF & h^VV Hard. w ftrc Ch*ite CtMlfry, .Vnili, And a feeerel ataaeOsaant ef the Htame eetioleO Of the trade at greatly (educed prlo** iimirmuRU rapLRmnvr^ or ALL KINDN AT THR I.OWKBT mii BM. H«f 0^ in con at an I raenj't nf a cnrefntW to«h t.f ovaryttKtiK in llni* \h+u Trade aad Ceaalry Herehaalo Will eonawlt their Inlereat hv eallinfr and »t* eniniug Hood* b*f»re purcliaalBK 'l*«wli*r«. rrmii a lln rou^ti kiiuwl.'dx* i.f lh« Imaineae and superior advantage* Ixiylng, all muet No. It llrnlv .treat, for iruude. i I a ar' invited lo raemuie apring eloeb, RKMKMIIKRTlfK I'l.ACK, No, 1.1 Brady Atreet, Snail peelMeaad .mica r^atw. ImlMAVIf KELLEY & WOOD WN0LES1LEI RETAIL HKA1.KIU4 IH \mmMsB st.IVMI HAfiDWARK No, Weil Neeond Ht.f OAVKRI'tlUT, IOWA. WKtioa KBHI KCTIl LLV AHR YBK ATTMN of tli* I'uhllo 0 i nr large aad |saW pteta Hloek, eaalalleg in part *f HAILH, ramie w im, i i.owhi rARMINU TOOI.H, MA.tll.LA ARD TAURKI HOI'r., W INIHIW OIJIH. »!'•, TURPRntui*« fTHft* 1.KAIK LRA(» PIP*. fABLR Alto POCKrf rt Tl.Rkt, ISver riated Ware*. Ie*th*r M*# Sabber Helilag, SaDBBaa, oorroit and HP.Mr rwimti BROOM IWim.-t, HKUOM HiAk, IMTCJL OAKI'M, KII.KH. I ll AI^H, HORSE MIIMK*, IiorhK S.MI.M. PI'MPW. I'lHTOI.H, HIMIT I'Hf r»KW O W U K I A K K U A I KITTLRH ANII HAITI-. I-ASH. IIOI -h Alt PRNTKRH' Hllir C«-ri,TM .v »/. CUIMHT AM) Ouot'Ah.s' 'loul.s. Aad a general aeeortmcnf of .uode in our line whleh we efer al WHOI BHALK A RfCT/ ll at tbe 1 Lowest *lnr*fl Rate*, AoriM KOU FAIRBANK'S SCALES tad Safari's Praalna PIpri. fgT Jouatry M*ri )iant* will find It ti. tbeit Odvantaa* to call B: 1 ru nr i In re aarebeeing alsewheie, wa ean rtler enf-eriat1 ladueceieate o prcnipt ee*b bnyers. DAV1U Kb KV. K. WOOl)' TODACCO i DAVKMPOHT y iroBACchjironks. Flae Cal Takaccas aad fteprara At WHolesale* Ml TRAOR HKPPI.IRW W|1 THR I.SI^NIt,, KK«.- •ArM^^o.^.^ ^rMida. VteeteSwe, bdewteaa Purry e»it li.wa, ljr_ .. liav«i|'"tt- I AaoaaaT ». wtaacaa»j, JACKER WINECKE. aaatfraerrleie A.naii tf£* 8EGAIIS, TCT1ACC0,: PIPES, AO. -jpndiy Where dia jou hw yeiii FUBNTTtrBB? DEUT8CHMANN'8: or coiiRSRi Ht ft*, sa Kssnt adle aasdl BMh laM laaA Greets, PAVENPORT, IOWi There yoa ean alwaye Pad a waaglila lesmiaelii efolegaat rnmltor*. mad* In tho most annetaatllB asaair Parlor au4 Camber Meaalway* na heaA' OtvesaeacaU. r. OBCTSCUltARR. ao«mi Sft Beet sd Otreet. Uaveaport.^ LADIES' FUR8L- Ha SUah nail la ll In tha Mil MINK 8ETT8 Prom OOO to OIA* a He* eaa a WM i!' •rmiikOe 1 i ii Mai' 1 SMal* flqairrel L:' •BaioRfsrl, iewe. »i i/H \ttrn li«a Jtftiakrat, Trench* HO 1* 1 mnU«p At #vieea ^haf'weatil Add tenlsh All «TJM. H" «ot» 1 rpi, j, #a* ,?.• it -iu ,:.l •li lis -v 1 ..'I Smith the Hatters^ m«naesLACK .isuf