Newspaper Page Text
Di VEMPO«?" DAVIS DEMOCRAT, ...»E: :tV fTRKLT MHO*.. .i(ilar A t»r*prlflor* oar .delivered In cHy, per '•It/, rl-'.lvercd In ettj. |e* week.. !»elly, ra»H ri' »•». i"- A MAGNOLIA :»Z v*bt r» ,er ear,. ... •.* ... 4.CD tit ?.iparof the City. (TKIK8. LOCAL •'OfliOTTfuTioji W ITS*" it i certain tm liabct«a, end el: ditrsses of tklKidney's For -sir iy s'.l D.-ungieu. Jinn S. Km A Co.'s Urn staple Slid fancy ToiM Snaps, comprising Qertnaa Uattled, Olive, Star, Improved Chemical, Pal u, Ac. oold by all grocere and faney goods dealers. CO.'S Gsnuins Old Montreal Malt Whisky. A superior articla for medic inal use. Harrison A Starks, 66 Brady street, aola agents. FIFTT Seres of flue land fur grapea and fruit, It mil# from court house, only $60 par acra 1,920 acrai naar railroad far $9.50 par acra. H'uses and lota te aall ebcap. KI.DRIDOB WATBa.—A delightful toilet article—superior to Cologne and at half the price. TIIK i MI'I.TI rrtR of testimonials from men of worth and integrity that have appeared in our columns, furnish conclusive evidence that n tm-linnn use ha* accomplished so many extraordinary curaa, nnd given ao uiaeh universal aati*fa-:tion in e*. ory variety and »taj nf liiseaae, or that has so exten eive and r»pid a fate as Sloan's Olntmeat and Condition Fowlers. Mora PATCHBS, KBBCSLES Tan h.»ru« To?. !*ow, Pho« wnu Cwwc! Mft'-k ll'o.'l :tr »f r# i-Af» Hark. Tb« Iron r*ttoriM i »t!»•* t»lo »d, th»» ib»»^horoa rt n»«## wmi-* of th-* nervt* tl«ao«. tuJ a n»:u il het'infal tout to the orjjaui. tbprt curing In it« v«rfta* forms, WAiilifalo*««. k'.«Q»Tftl debility, and rlrpr^ation iplrlt« M»r»af 1't only by C'*»weil, Hazard A r» N- w V'ork s »M hw all droggtatf. Calio*4l.muQ f$dA«row Da Kn AP»% firmtrl/ of N«w York, who btt visitod Davenport regularly tba jiast ten ye%ri. »n'i cff«^t«d inany wondtrfui ouro^ of t»M ChrjQu- uncerf, and li««a«es of tho Kve and Kar, which bare been pronoon^ad inctiraMe hy the medical profe^iion Ken« rn'ilv, can be consulted at the 3* lionte, lbumday, April Uth, aa will beacon by h'\% card in another column.— Consultation free. Si-i:na'« Wwu are the pure juice of the grape whose pure and geaeroua qualities cannot be excelled for the invalid or cons valesri\t. 1 ht y are highly esteemed for aacramental purposes. N. B. Good Wine taak«s good Mood. Uoi.iowAY'a PILLI. Female' omp.ainU—uo oth er mo llclot*a of tv»c day i»oaa'«« the property of r^ atraitmu lhoat lnnrdlnat# in« IdpntaT t» S,'biin eBUrr -tfi. and wtrch ar^ th* *a4 r»prj!U «f nt-rvmn v »r 1 r..tint,tut1"n, ThonaantU ««f fa tua)« lu \fu*r u•% ow« ttifffr oxiMtrii'-n aotS tbf actual fnJODiDfut *-f health than*, of elf*brat*'d rettt'it" Tfi"1r uMrirt- ia almp^ that ihey may beUkeabr iki« tu»at tUlicate foiaa!a uith perleot freedom aod aafc.T. Q'« Tiia HNT -*.) to tb« Hrjrant A Stratton town ^mt*' tn pet a thorough pra* Ileal dacatlm. or to h«com»* a food aound tel^*rR5»b oj^rnt »r F«»r rir«*nlara and pap«rn, ad dr«*«-». i-'ivii-"! ptamp) •*Thc itrfftot a Mrallon Commeroial lH*--n )rt, l.iwu. Kf«»m«r'« |Ililr \*t», Natiral, Darahla, Baaatlfal Beet and 'b«ap*at in th« World. Hold h* ()ruir 8ote laW*\n.l t'.MiDtry Ht»rrtk^|v*r«. JOlIN J. KKoMEli, Pfoyrlator, 4"i Cti« rhtled«iyh!a. J. T. 1 aafka, Gardener and Floriat, oot1 4^ and Main Sts., frutt and ornamental tnti. OITM-IT Kindling Wood. K !N1 I Ni. loll SALE AT kfXWIOK'8 It. K.iat Kr.»ot »'re^t. apr?-dlw w Dtvrllin^ for Hale. Anftil FI.NR TWO STOnt BRICK KOIDRRrE ro-»f, v BI,A(li9HnftTHn». II. Brady |S,MC HANNAH.- BLAOK9MITII. -FRONT 'u tl»r biMit m*n«i •ral .'o'Ov.njj pvr.vnv* ww Briuhw, ![(. turk at law prio*, «t 11ARKIstUN ASTARKS', UBradr Si next to UaTeiiport Beak. U»TA5tr F.DU IN Kf* -A full line Root., Hrrbe, 0 Bark*. 4c «nvlm: from Boetoo. For a&le at RICHARDSON BROS, I V IT K ». Si.HAwauaaiKi a-e selling in Washington at $6 a pint. Kiaoa CABIAKT have now r« aived a large of Spring Draaa Goods, Shawls, Heavy Black Silks, Cloths for Sacqnti, and a larga asaortaent of atataped yokaa alao stamped ap. on patterns, and cam brie era broideries and laeea. Lacrvas K te AT Bao., Land and Insurance Agaota, No. 4 liraiy «Uaai. "f*ook on thia picture, then on theft," r. you behold the infirm step, pallii c'.«i-k, wantiiiK form. Untaat" 1 I,mi, BDBTM OPBRA HOBSR ro«'»na, w«dl finiah^d 1 1 IS** on Hth -tw*cn K«-» Inland nod l'wasta., for pa)« at a h.f^aio. AppW to K. SI Ml' HON', at S. 1' ram & .Rant Second Stff.*t mch?4 dtf ACKI JEI' HOUSE, ComrrThlrd and Perry Slrceia, it)iipu»ile IV»t Offlr«J MTBNPORT IOWA. S. Ai'Kt.KY A C!lOSi, rruprtetora. tr (Jood StM'iliDj attM'itd. aprl-dtf nd Mi'n llorte« »d j»rt«'f*. $1 lHu ^narantaei! Ml^Uiad Rifil Havana Lattery of Caba. ltuVi r«» bv th^ ^pan!*h Oor»»rnm«»nt. $3W.' io 'f -M driwn atT«*nta«n daya. Prt aee «ab«d at: 1 tnf«rmati «n irniahH. The M«h#at pnoi* paid for Doublooita aod all kiodaof fu)dan4 TAVtA)R A t'O.. faMt dly Banker*. Walt St w York, AltltlSON A HTARKN, Ora^isti ail Apatkecaries •I IIRADl «T.( DATRMPOBT. FKRsn TlARItlSON A STARRS-. "Central I'rujfKi.t.," Brady street. D&I3TS, Ulla, Varnlahea. U1*M. e«, Ac. "Oeo Ilr £. P. HADDIX, Souse & Sign Painter, Glazier nnd Paper Hanger. fl nlrit",ii 1.1,, »I »i.hiOii anjlliiOj Hat re luti:«d to rail anrt rxamine. Al a»rton-M ttlv» ia« a trial. nop ID Allej, \V«at Son. la air work ehall apT-aiy at Vlele'a Block. Burtis Opera House! tl® Great TrU of Vocaliitii MRKHURST A THOMPSON! 1 BIT AlJjtD n. s. THom»ao*, The aotbor and composer "Lilly Date," "l.iitle May Miller," "1'am l.oneW aioce my Mother died.''etc., ia BOW Ttoope. conaectd with thia j.« PAaKBvaaT, "Thf wonderful Rasao and Comic Vocalist, whose £"ai enmpax of voire and original and laaghahla in«aU..n» «f eccentric character are nneqnalled hr any other aia^cr now traveling c. w. paaHarairr, Baritone and Talanlet. All aaalclane who hear .enderinK standard Baritone nong* nnlte In pro* Bi'U&cinfr him on« of th beet HaMic alngera of the *T The aVire cpntlemer, romt.rtelne the THOM P- tletrA ON fAKklU liST TKorPE will five two of unr nllrc! parlor entertainments at Siurtis Opera House* t'horwdiir. t'rlday aid aatarday, April, aih, lOsIs uad litis. tleklnd Thia C'.apanj r'.vmt to iri\-' a better and «reat- 1 vartety ol programme thaii any utbet trospauf which bu ir«*ru-t fur year*. JNU. I'AttKUC'u^T, Manager. Dr. J. W. lR^ll, UuaineMAgent. BUM or Prscss Faraaette, TO UnU) lery at UeaU. Baaerved Beats CN% Uocaa.— Hon. Job a F. Dillon lactarea before the Teachers' Institute, at tha Opera House, this evening, commercing at 7 12 o'clock. Tbepublioara cordially invited. The lee tare wil bo frtt. Loos —A letter ta Mesan. Liadaay 4 Phelps, of thia city, frotn I.aCrossa siys lbat ami a eorial atmosphere Pom'incl with tlic Ulr.1 ol ai!i «. puma, SI-., ru^SU, a:l mental iltapuaMitBey. Vh "f, Uu jhinp health. anarktng yee, Blaatic atepa, craving appetite, forgotten ciri'i, tjonght •nil arabicioua reeolvea, Mtow the contrast and mark the picture. Out took tlie Plantation Bitters—tba other didn't. They are very beneficial for weak a 'l delicate persons. black river liai a gioi height of water, and is about tiro aame a* it was on the 1st, and that the Iugssre running well. The logs in the lower part of Popple river are outbid that aa yet there is nothing but a enow rise. This indicates tn re favorable prospects for lumber una thin has n heretofore re ported. Sons Diriaasnca.—Tbe Muscatine na' the use of tbe ANB TAN.—Tba only reliable remedy for thoae brown dis eetoritims on the faca ia "Perry's Moth and Fr» k\t Mien.'' Prepared only by lr. B. O. I'erry, 49 Bond atreet, New York. Sold •VCry where. FINAKDIAI.. Phalon's "FLOR DE MAY, the new perTome for tbahandker ahiel,{'S creating conaidvrabla excitement among the life-twenties, alao among the awtet aiiteen*. Sold by all druggist*. Jour saya that nearly a thousand good Re publicans never visited the poola at all in tbia city last Saturday. The Journal RAILROAD.—Our horse railroad enterprise has not succeeded as yet, in any very creditable developments. In Das Moines, where there is not one half the de mand for street cars that we have hare, there is a line hi lull operation. In Du buque, whtre there chances are lets fcasi b'e than here, they are pulling uovrn the rail", and in lees than thirty day* will hwi fire cars runniug. In both places, lueti TBB PrrPUEB.—Dm(t», Xedldoei.rerfener le», Faecr lioodt, *r I14KHISO!* ST ARKS' New I»ru,! sure, ajjfALL IOVA A» tt tttnlj .IrMl. BKI SIIES, l'.lnt, Varatak. and Sath MnmaoTA OBAKD TBCHK RAILBOAO.—The quaation of building a rail road fro* thia city to Jackaoo oounty, has at laat assumed a daflnito ahape, in tha or orgaoizatian of a company, undor tho above nam*. Dr. O. W. Trumbull, President of tho company, visited our city yaaterday for tha purpoao of conferring with the Commit tee appointed at tho oitixona meeting, bald at tbe City Hall last February, to aea what action oar citixeaa had taken in tha matter. Br request of Mayor Donahue chair man, tba Committee met at tba atoro of Seth P. Bryant, to hoar Dr. Trumtrall'a re port. He briefly stated that a company had been organized aa atated above, but that tha rauta had baan changed somewhat from tbo ana first proposed, and that inatead of going by way of Da Witt and Maquoketa, it ia ta interaaot the Northwestern Railroad at a point between Wheatland and Calu musStalions, frem thence through Canton, Cascade, Jllepkinton, Delhi, Delaware, Strawberry Point, Bruah Creak to Fayette in Fayette county, an4 thencejto tho Min asaota lina. Their {charter permits tbem to strike the Miasiaaippi river, at any point t'uoy may select between Sabula and Davenport. Thus our citizens will aee that if wa get tie road we muet work for it, and do something aabatantial in tha way of a subseriptien Tbe ^incorporators of tha road will hold a meeting on the 6th of May, and it ia of vital Importance to this city, that we be ably rep resented at that meeting, and ta make this representation efficient, there ia need that oar land owners, merchants, and buaineaa asan take hold of thia matter and place goad aubeeriptien in their haada. Tbe im partaaae of this communication la the Nertb waat, to oar [city cannot be too highly estimated. Dr, Trumbull visited Mr, Uelmea to-day, and be gives it aa his opin ioa that tha road ia practicable, can be made to pay handsomely from the start and that it will be tbe making of Daven* port. Ths CI.airman of our committee should eolt a meeting at an early day. tint those in terested inay take some action in the mat ter. From Jackson county, north, $700, 000 haa already been p'edged, and the peo ple aiong the line are fully determined to make the eeteryiae a #sr BBBBIBS. What will oar «Hy fetor the laalliira Uiataa*—laltfce—awetfca CITT "rri.Kk«Asu ''c:\cii.—The new'y ebrtC'l Boar-i cf «.ity otlice's a:ia n.euib. :J o! the City Council, take their seau in due form as precribed by law this evening. Ths Board of officers underlie* but few cbang *i—tie only difference bting that, George P. Whitootnb, Kq., takes tba place of T. McNeal, Esq as city Attorney. Dr. Wunderlicb takes tba ofice of oity Sexton, Hilling a vacancy,.) and B. Heinz takes tbs office of W iarf Msster, in pise of E. A. Ti'lebein. The outgoing officers hsve per formed their duties of the past year wall, and faithfully, and deaerve the compli ments of tha publio they have ao aarnestly served. Tbe aame popular Mayor, the Hon. M. Donahue, the aame Marabsl, trustworthy snd reliable John KaufTman the aime C'erk, prompt and faithful John Lilli* the same Assessor, worthy and in deTatigabU Francis O -iis the same Treas urer, honest Otto King the satns Street Cornuiiitioutr, faithful Daniel Ityan and the same Sexton, faithful Fritz Kann, all hold over by raaaon of the popular decision in thsir favor, another year. Their labors during the past twelvo months hive m-t with universal favor. Every kuown duty has b»en met sii I performed honestly, fiitlifullr, and to the he«t intereala of tha publio. To lay this, may bs seen a matter of supererrogatiou—Tor the pubiio are will acquainted with tbe facta already. Daven port has never been blessed with mora ac tive, eJLTgetic, and accepted offieiala than during tbe paat year. Their aalariea have not been immense it is true--but salary or or no salary they have performed tbe labora of their respective otli -as with unswerving tUeluy, all tbe asme, and will continue to d) so through th: year to comc. l:i e ouncil thara is no change in tha First Ward—Aid. Nlathsa] being his own succeasor, by an emphatic majority. Hia seat will be well filled as long aa ha sits in in the Council—anJ his part of the work well done. 11 tbe Sacond Ward Christopher Kruae succeeds Aid. Andresen, who positivsly '!a •lined to serve another term. Mr. Kruso is an excellent man for tba plaao, and he ahould bear in mind that upon taking bis east, that he takes that of one of the hard eat walking, and most accsptabla Aldermen that tba oity haa aver had. For five or six years Mr. Andressen haa been in tbe Coun cil, and has taken the part of a leading member. Hia duties huve been extensive, and he has performed thein with great abil ity. lie haa shoirn himself a caroful, shrewd isinesa uian, and hisauccsssor has go, a big chair to fill. Mr. Kruse under stands n.l this, and mill spare no pains to meet the emergency. ie mistaken—wilfully misrepresents, for the (jazttte sits down the correet number who ataid away from tbe poilaat "/«rty and fifty siren hundred (in italtea). Now what's Journal's VICTOBT cutting down the flgara 4,007 is the right number—and it waen't much of a day for staying away from the polls, eitbar. Mot.ikb.—The librral men of Molina, at their charter election on Monday laat, achieved a splendid victory over the old Barrow minded, puritanical Bet which haa bean running tba town for ao long Daring tbe past year they bare enforced their etraigbt-facad notiona upon the people, forbearance caaaed to be a virtue, and tbe liborala, yoaag man,and laboring men, uni te1 and swspt them from official positions Good for Young Aaarioa and tha plucky littla town of Molina. ODB popular Marehaat Tailor, Robert Krause, on Second atreet, oppoaito tha First National Bank, ia making praparationa to do a large buainaaa In tha clothing line. Ila baa aocurad one of tha beat cut'era io the business, juat from tha large clothing establishment of Dsvlin &, Co., of .New York city, who romaa with all the latest styles and patterns, which, with a comph'tc stork of the beat (home and foreign mad. cloths, will make thia establishment one of the most popular in the city, and will aerre it just right. Moua MACBINBBT.—Six boxss of heavy Woolen Machinery arrived at Shield's Dav enport Woolen Mills yesterday, from the celebrated Woolen Machinery manufactory of Kei'uiish A Uage, Philadelphia, and soon be in operation. The fact of the mat ter ia, that with all his sdditions to hia buildings, Shields has been unable to sup ply the popular demand for hia superior goods. Though taming out four hundred and twenty lire yarda per day, he is utter ly una'nle to keep up with tha orders that are constantly coming in. While othei mills have been lying idle, he hss been ran. ning right up to full time with thirteen looms, and atill gets no heavy atock ahead Tha reason is that he makea goods that the peeple want, and after once trying thom tbay want tbam bad and will have them Mora roam and More mochinery is in con! sunt demand. Thara is aotblng like enter prise, and Joaaph Shialda ia tha man far that emergency. In tbe Third Ward, Aid. Kubnen retires, and Henry A. Rungs takes his place. He h:is hitherto served faithfully and accepta bly in that body, and will do BO again. Aid. Kuhnen has taken a prominent part in city legislation during the past year, and his acrvicss hara been of great value to the city. Nothing short ef poeitive refusal to continus in iicrvioe, ctusea tha ehange. His extensive business rslations would not admit of his continuance in that responsible position. Our best wishes go with him to his ohoien station of a private citizen. In the Fourth Ward our worthy fiiond Aid. Seymour, who has served tha city with untiring energy and zsal, (or two years past, retires and Seth P. liryant takes bis (lace. The newly clcctcd gentleman, though a novice in alderinanic matters, ia ene of our most competent business men, and wil! soon get run of affiaira and make bis mark in tha legislative branch of the oity (J irernmont. In the Fifth Ward, J. C. Conklin WHS chcsen to take the Chair vacattd several months sines by Aid. Davis. Mr. Conk lin is young as a Councilman—this being his first appearance in that quarter—yet beins» a man of ripe business attainmenta. his success in the Altl-jriuanic Board may l:e r.riv nnrked diwn as a rertanty. In the Sixth Ward, Alderman FrizzjU is bis own siiccss it—and a hard working and competent Councilman ha has made during his several years or service iu that capacity. u the otlicial organization of tbe city for tlii next year will b#— of capital have taken hold with energy, and chtained valuable charters, and are invest" iu their money advautaga~u«ly. A thirty years' charter for a r»nd throuoh Third atreet, Davenport, three milea lor?, •wil make several rich men by the time of its ai piration,—to aay nothing of tha incrsnse in the value of property along and contiguous to its line. No one entertains a douht ol this fast, and yet the projcot lies dormant. We end aa we begun, by aaying that our antarprise in this lino ia not st all crsdita ble. Shall we hope for anything better, or absll wa write "horae railroad" no mora M.iyor, M. Povuits Marsh*!, Jons KAIITMAS Clerk, JOBN LII.LU -, Treasurer OTTO Assessor, FHAXCIS OCHS Strj»t Commissioner, DANISL RVAS City Attorney, «EO. P. WniTcoMB Whsrf Mas tor, 11. HEINZ Health Insp^ctir, JOHN Wt-KDBRuca Oity Sexton, FKITZ KANN. B0ABD OF ALDRBUftH. First Ward—G. M. MATTKBS, JOB* Llt- Second Ward— EBBLT CLALSSBN, Cuais KHI SE. Third Ward—P. B. HABDMQ, H. A. lit NT.I Fourth Ward—O. S. MCNEIL, S. P. Bar AKT. Fifth Ward—THO*. DBRXODT, J. C. COKKLIN. Sixth Ward—-JAS. OcmmtMAB, 1. WL FRIZZBLL. TDE RAILBOAD EMPSOCLI-'.—Tbe contest for the supremacy between the New York atockbolders and John F. Tracy, Preaident of the C., R. I. P. Railroad, still goes on. There ia a heavy skirmishing all along the line—each party maneuvering for the as cendency. A few days since Judge Love, of the U 8. District Court, issued an ordsr requiring the eppearance of Mr. Tracy be fore his court in Keokuk, to ahow cause for disregarding the injunction issued by Judge Drummond of Chicago, enjoining the Tracy psrty from accepting tha bill paasad by tbe Iowa Legislature in February last. For sev eral days paat deputy U. S. Marshall Lyter of thia city, hss been watebing at tha Burtis House, in this city, to serve the or der. Mr. Tracy arrived from Dea Mainee yesterday morning, and this morning tho order waa eerved upon him at hia rooma by Deputy U. S. Marshal Fulton, of Keokuk, and also apoa F.. Cook, one sf the direc tora of the road. Both Tracy and Oook left for Keokuk thia forenoon, via Dea Moinee. Judge Drummond also reqaesta the defendanta to show cause, before Judge Love, why they should not appear before his court in Chicsgo, and anawer for the above mentioned alleged contempt. By way of counter irratatioa we under ataad that Chief Justice Wright of theSa preme Court of this State haa iaaued an in junction at tha instance of Attorney Gen eral O'Connor, enjoining all partiea soevsr from instituting any legal proceedings against the preeent board of officers of the road, whieh shall tend to retard ita pro gress westward to Council Bluffs, in a nan ner set forth by the legialetive enactment of the General Asaembly of this State ia February last. And so tho tight goea on with great ac tivity and biiternesss on both aides. What the reaull may be, remaiaa to bo seen.— Both sides have enlisted for three years, or until the termination of the war. Iowa aympathy goes for the building and com pletioa of this line, whether done by the old board, a new board, or no board at all. Year after jear haa tbe work been dallying along, and uow tbo people waat to aee it •t |Q tto—gh, tegfetaiMe ef ay fight or THIRTEENTH YEAR. DAVENPORT, IOWA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8. 18(58. Teachers* laatltsat*. Tl'IiDAT irtKssioir. The deck-like work of the Institute, ia following odt its programme, would make the exercises aomewbat doll were it not for ths intereting discussions that follow eaeh report, in which, for reasona unknown to parliamsntary usage, the Chairman takes a part without vacating tha chair, and there by receives a just rebuke from tbe crities. We are sorry to see so few of ear oititens present. Thsy will surely find tho exercises iuterssting as well as profitable. Of tbe assembly, there is much to amuse and pleaae. Some there are, tit subjects for pon-piotures. Of these, there is our "little girl," so-called, who welches everything, and takea a crit ic's pleasure in tho proceedings and, then again, our modest friend who merely gives his opinion and those who only speak when asked, and alwaye "co incide with tho report or those who haven't given much attention to the subject,—but of these, perhaps, anon. The afternoon opened with a report by Miss A. Allen: Subject—"In Geography, what shall be taught firat, and how aball it be taught?" Numerous auggestiona were made in the discussion by Mrs. Curry and Mrs. McGonegal, and Messrs. McOlellam liaker, Barler, Thompson and others, some of which were extremely practical. A report was then presented by MisB P. Sobofield Subjeet—"Algebra." A report concise and practical, and, were Its auggea tions carried out, would very materially aid teachers in teaching what, byj very many, is called a difficult branch to handle suc cessfully in our Common Seheola. Mrs. Curry remarked that our ancestors wore as healthy and well developed phyaic ally asourselvea, notwithstanding their close confinement for three hours. She attributed thia to tbo earneatneas and seat with whieh they engaged in their aports. Mr Rase attributed it in a great measure to the more simple diet of those days. The Chairman thought the gymnaaticax ercies which were at one time ao popular, were useless and Injurious centortions, and a more healthful exercise would be found in children's plays, Ac. A report was then peeaented by Mr. Ly man—Subject, "Method of teaching Com mercial Rule*," in which it was recommend ed to teach by practice as much as possible. The discussion was open by Mr. Vermil lion, who recommended discarding rulea entirely in teaching. .Mr. MrClellaa "con curred." Mr. Sinderson thought there 11 be no timo lor practice in commercir.] studies in the Common Schools thought hat aimple rules must be used to indicate ie process to be performed. Mr. McCul ugh believed in committing rulea to memo ry. Mr. Ilamill held tbe opinion that tba pupil should be led to deduce hia own rules, and, to do this, teach by practical exercisea. Mr. Roae concurred in that view. Mr. Be mis thought rulea could not be diapenaed nith. An excellent critic's report waa then pre sented by Misa Phillips, which led to soma ittle discussion, the Chair taking part. WEBRBSDAT r01BR00B. Mr. Gallagher being abaent, Mr. Roae, Vice President, occupied the chair. Dxerciaes of tha morning were opened with reading of the Scripurea, and prayer by Rev. J. A. Hamilton, and ainging con ducted by Miaa Cora Parkharst. Mies Hobart, Mias Simona and Mr. D. Flanner, wsre appointed eritica for tba day. Then followed a report, "Method of teaching Syntbeaia ia Grammar," presented by Mr. D. E. Planner. Tho gentleman gave soaie good idea* on thaaohiog Synthe sis. illustrating hia aabjact by examples thinks fun ought to be cultivated as a fine art," gave good reaaona firat, e.g. Who ever knew a funny man to be a bad man Tha report was instructive snd qaite epiey. The time alio ted oeing occupied ia reading, no diacusaion followed. Next waa a report by Mr. J. A. McClellan and N. O. McCul lough on Local Geography," adrecating tbe plaa of a'globe in order to,teach the form of the earth—map drawing was etrongly recommended. The discussiona ware par tieipated in by Mesera. Bemis, Roae, Ureve, Lyman, Hamil, and othera. After intermission a aong was Bang by eotno of the teaehera, accompanied ea tbo piano by Mias Clara Alvord. In order eai a disouaaion on "What ahould be taugh: in our Common Babools." Mr. MeClslIan thought the common branchoe should bo taught. Mr. Grave, that object eaeh lag and eaerciaes In reasoning ahould alao be taught. Mr. Grave then gays an object lesson on tbe Five Senses." A report by Miss L. A. Durgin, oi "Method of teaching Analysis.^ Tha re port was very aaggaative, aad called forth a lively diaeaaaioa,whiehwaa participated in by Mrs. Hacke, Mr. Barber .and Prof. Piper. On motion of Mr. MeOMlan, a commit tee of ten was appointed to wait upon tho authorities, snd reqnsst a paaa for each visit. Mr. MeOlsIlan and Vermillion were appointed eaid committee. Prof. Piper arrived at recess, and will take charge to-morrow. The following ie tbe programme fot THLB8DAT—» A.M. Ai. 1 Opening Exereisee. 3 Report —Method of t*aehing on and deeimal. Mr WibUAB A DAILY DAVENPORT DEMOCRAT. THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER. bincoasicD ef s 111 -net. £»av- The t«acher- ao architect-^rl aar. Report Method ef teaching olographv— M'aee. Mi octavo*. u n A The Chairmen suggeeted the questian, "Why should algebra not be introduced in to our common schools and on tbia tbe discussion waa opened by Mr. Pinaeo, who thought qualified teachers could not be found. Mr. Lyman thought there was a want of time for tbia additional exerciee. Mr. Rose would combine it with arithmetic. Mr. Vermillion concurred,—bad tried it a little. Mr. Coleman thought there were ao many classes in tbe eouLtry achoola that, where only one teacher was employsd, It weald be impracticable. The Chairman thought there coald be found ample time. After which oame roeeaa followed by mu sic—"The Storm," by Miss Cera Park hurst, in ths rendering of which, ahe did her* self great credit. A discussion was then had on "Physics' Culture, necessity of, metheds, Ac." Mr. Coleman spoke of the natural desire of children tor exercise, and disapproved of compelling them to sit quietly during tbe, to them, long sessions of three hours. Mrs. MeGoncgal recommended thorough ventilation and frequent recessea. Mr. McClellan had found the beat auccaas with small children by giving tbem a great deal of play time. Mr. Hamill maintained that development of the body muH 'keep pace with the men tal development, otherwise the beat resulta cannot be produced. He would let pupils obtain exercise by plsying as they pleased during their leisure moments. 0«IAS, i woo*. 1 Music S*P°r'—Oeom«try-anperiatea4ea». S Uiacussion of same aubjeet. 4 Report -Mtthed of teeehiaf Mathematical Wvoirrepbv. _. Mr Draus. 5 Diaeussion ot same subject. u aecsss. 6 Music. 7 n-Oniformity ofText»ooka. s ,V teeeasity of Fopila bei*t Paaetual ••u N WAlas* Report -Method if teachlat Wrlttag—Mr rm A?t. Democratic VICTOBT ID Reft ISLAKD.— Again has the Democracy of Hock Islaad met the Radicals rnd gained a glorioue vie tery—elected their whole ticket, with tba exception ef one msn, by a large majority. The whole nutnbor of votes po led was 945. The follow,ng are the officers delected Supervisor, Stoddard majority. Asa't Superior, Oblweiler.. .67 Town Cler McElherne Assessor, landing. 5® t-'ollector, lioitnguist, I'^P l'° Constab Wood and MitsSb, both ®HBo cratic, elected by 101* and 19 majorities. The Republican elected owea hia flection to bogus tirkets, and for the same causa it will be eeec that they came very near elect inga Tow- Clerk. On ths above reeolta the blacks claim a Republican vidorjr. A conaoling victory, surely. Y'H N iTaisr.—The Rock Island aiTEB *EWa. ABBIVALB. CABABA—From Dabuqae. MOSCATIBI—From Reed's Landtag* DAVID Watts—From Dubuque. Naw Bo*ii»a—From Ft. Madison. IOWA Cm—From Clinton. DEPABTIBBS. MiHHaaoTi—For St. Paul. CANADA—^OR St. Louis. DAVID WITH-For St. Louis. Naw Bos7J!«—For Ft. Madison. IOWA CITT—For Clinton. EXPECTED. The Peter Helen and Sucker Steta left St. Louis, M'ndiy night, bsund for this port snd shore. Owing to the winds, we are unable predict when they will arrive, probably to-merrow. MISCBLAINOCS. There is a ood stage of water at this point. For a few days paal tbs htgti #tnds have seriously interfered with the naviga tion. glPBRHB COtBT. DAVBHPOBT, April 8, I960. Present ths Hon. J- F. DILLOU, C. J. C. C. COLE, G. G. WRIDBT,J- Judges. M. IIBCE, I H.O'Conjioa.Ait'yGen'l. E. H. STILBS, Reperter. 0. LHmftMtW, Clerk. 2,322—J. M. Ci x, appellant, v» II. S. EngJ land rt al. appeal from Mahas.a county cause stneiiin frotn tbs docket for want of notice of appeal. ,913 'scar Parks, et al, appellant, vs The Iowa Central R. R. Co. appeal from Tama oounty affirmed. 2,95'J—George W. Jones, vs J. B. Tiffin, Treas appjilant appeal from Polk county affirmed. 3 001—Hanry Evaas, appellant, vs Hard ing, Converse, Gray & Co appeal from Mahaska county cause diamiaaed by agree ment of parties. 8,004—W. J. Walters, vs Steamboat Mel- lis Dozier, appellant •, appeal from Wood bury county reversed. 2.012—J W. Doane A Co. vsG. A. Gar retson. Garnishee, etc., appellant appeal from Washington county submitted en written argument. 3.013—B es A Barrett, vs John Yincoot, appellant appeal from Waahiogton coun ty submitted on written argument. 2,841—M lo F. Aneon, et al, appellenU, vs Tbe Wimeeheik Ins. Co. appeal from Tama count submitted on written argu ment. 3,007—0. J- McCermick, vs E. T. Sey meur and Gtundy oounty, appellanta ap peal from Jebnaon county submitted on printed and oral argument. 8(01S—Willi Uillingaley, appellant, vs Jaass Dawson, sppeal from Waahiagtoa county continued to June Te-m. 3,017—David Mitchell, vs T. P. Moore, appellant appeal from Waahingtca w ty sabmitted on written argaMftat WOTICIS. I« Bare aad Call On WlBSlew'i Methtag Byrap iter Children Teething—having the CutaaiG fat timiU ef "Curtis A Perkins" on ths outsids wrap per—all ethers are base imitations. 8ald by all druggies throughout the wetld. Prioe Si cents a bottle. Re Madia* *aa aaac wltli aa auch succesi in caring diseacee ef a aer voue charretsr, such as Neuralgia, Nerve ache aad ether paiaful nervoaa affections, aa Dr. TURNER'S TIC DOOLOCREDX, or UNIVERSAL NEURALGIA PILL atimalatea the nerve fluid, and promotes a hsattby circulation, consequently theee aaladiea vanish. ADOtbeearies have it Principal depot, 120 Trement street, Boe too, Mass. Prioa, $1 -00 per paekago by mail, two stsmpe eitra. —This very uoofal ceaaaadity mat to bs in good demand new. In feet everybody i* uamar auita atSaa Perry'a, and preparing for warmer daya. It is perfectly legitimate ta gc to Perry's, for he keeps a fail stack ef foreign and do mestic cloths. A large supply of ready asde clothing for men and beya wear, aad the largest and beet sslssMd Meek at gasta furaisbiag goods in tho Western Basket. Give Perry a call, aad leave year order far aac ef these haodaeae drees far which, be Is celebrated, or far a basiasee snite. Tic ths place te get tbe latest stylss sod meet approved fkshicas. EISENDRATH A CO* muaiass reaaaaa Forelfn 9t Domeatle AND Fancy Mo. »T Boo* Wsla BMlSt. catcioo, tenth Raport of the Dlraelara ofiba Poor. 'i in March ra- *sas and JCLIA CUOS. ,„',cu'aion of aatne subjeet. 1# Dissuasion—Grades of tssehers' eortlHesies. l. ittM. •m*r. poi pnti,jn p*«t koutc poor Ban Halo 'p pauper. UCUlrs ...... Repalraat tbe Poor Ilonae Seed grain for Poor til Totat expenditure la March.. MStaiarTioas so a aolWW Coal, .'40 bcahele. Flour. ll\ bb!.. Cornmea: esaiba. Meat. *3 13. grj Oo"i«, til.SO Ororer'ei. 90. 0h *a. 5 paira. a»™«"fh.hV,!l^1n u 1 SJ I of M"** owe case «v» aimis. acMMaav of TH Doiaoao* fiituKiovoiiiir vaa oa, raoM jvaa to Total ounibr of ap| icationa number of apnilea V fumUhad M, liUDtSer of lUea rv isvrd, IU numWr of reiievwd. toapjdioanu, »i, num. went to Poor Houae.10, numhrr diomlaaed* )M '.»vr of death*. 1, numb?r of t:rt) aeal Mitaie '1'rsassafbro. Filed ia ike Keeerder's eSae, aeett eeantj, Iewa, «p te I e'cUek, April 7, IMS Samuel M. Jackiuan et us, to John Scott, w 4 nw aee 11, 89 n 6 Princeton, M,00S #0 Ira liiflord, et ui, to Sana Hnnaen, w ae aee 11, TO range !, Cle onaTownahip. MM Satnr to J, scliiin Bein, e V aaaee 11, 7 ', 1, C'loona Townaiiip, Louie A Delia to Wilhelm Beinz, ne aw }a aee 4, Ti», 1 Claona Town •hip, JS0 SO Augnat Hageboeek, et «x, to Ouatave Hageboeck, w u- w V let 7, block »», Davenport, iff Michael Howard, el as, to Patrick Halhgau, ptont lot SS. 4ls'.t, Daven» port, M| go Jamea Hall,et ui. to Aaron Meek, acrea in sw V aee S7, and nw sec 24, tn 7«, 3, in the city of Dav* enport, A. K. Uoldea, el ux, to Hunting ton, lots block IS, A Fulton's Ad dition to Kaat J'arenport Oenrgr Hawlev, «t ux, to U Ful. ler. 3 27-100 acrea ol land at mouth of /uck Creek I'le.aaat Valley, Ktekiel 1'eei.lee tn Oriu Hill Peaalee, 12S*Y aee », and a e V e V ae! *, a w ij a w y aee 9, tp 79, 5 e, tJnion saya that on bunday lsst a lsd known aa "Ted" Chase called at the reeidenee of George W. Flickinger, in Meline, and bor rowed a small wagon, representing that be wanted to take aorae things to his grand mother, who resides on the bluffs. Fail ing to return at the appointed time, Mr. F. started in search of him, and succeeded in tracing him to thia city, where the wag on waa found concealed, bat he could not find tbe yoang rogue. There should be Reform S hool for such young chaps who have taken auch long atridea on the road to the pen tentiary. Allen's Urore, 2,000 00 To-Day'a Advertiaemanta. Hack for Sale. Afor MOBT STAGE HACK IS OFIBBB0 sale very cheap. Applv to apr8 dlw» R. UENTON. OPENING DAY Or Syria* Itylcs el PaMetaa, April teak, JtlRB. A. DOU«LA8%as 8. Wo. i!u Main Street, Davenpori J1STPaturna, RECEIVED A LABOR ASSORTMENT of plain and elegantly trimmed, tor Ladiea and Children, all of the latest and moat desirable deaigne. apr" 2t 8ANGAMO AND MARINEI Cm*h Parties at St. Loui9 and poiots between, are to charttr tha Great Re public, the largest boat ever built for the Missisaippi river for an excursion trip to thia city snd points above. The Great Rspublie was built last year at a coat of $475 ,000, snd if brought op here feran ab ject ef curioiity to our citizens. OBoe, Room Ne. S Daveapert's Block. eoraeS Main and Second Street. aprS-dtf Hlckoxa Boardlna Honae. N FRONT 'STREET, BETWEEN PKRRT and Kock (aland atreet*. Tbe tare* four story stone building, known aa Moor's Bakery, as been reraod.licl, ami tilleU up io tint* at?!e, the accommodation of boarVra. l)ar board era also accommodated. U. U. UlCkOA. aprT-dtf rroprietor. Chicago Jewelry House. W. a. jTb. ItlAl'Oa 1S1 nark Steeet, JEWELKRS, I N E E W E Y I Hllver Plated Wares Ac, •o. lot Clark Etreof CHICAOO. Manufacture Pure Coin Silver Ware. Watches, Uloeka, aad Jewelry CarelBBy Repaired aad Warranted. dtj N E W Wholesale House!) asro. e, METROPOLITAN WHOLESALE MO. 108 f« 313 «t l«l) t«l« UUBM Farm aa U INSURANCE COM'T, Jiwfi over |tiS,aa#| wrltlaa ai reaseaable raaaa. If. I. KING, Asent. WIIHI DAVENPORTf ',puUiuo furm"ru° Io the l«o,r Houaa April let. d^Jn?li7e"^"V.n' u r"anm foUrehU CAMERON & PA.PM •M SO «M OS HI 10 1 to Princeton Townahip, John Conner and wile to Stewart dill, mor, 92-100 acrea ofland of theea tatr of the late John /^unn, deoeaaed, aor7-d2w I A. LAJtaiLDT, Oavenpoet. Whelesale and Retail Dealers m, aad lBpaete(Sef| jf#. Waat Beeead Htreet, WITCHES, DIISODS. BLOCK* I DATEttroaT, low A. GANS 8c CO. (BUCGES90B8 TO I. BBBHBI8) •urrricTcaaBS *a» rossaaa o» MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS! GLOVES, NOTIONS, AC. Hew Tork prices guaranteed. mhSS-dly Carpets. Carpetsjofy New Carpets, New Oil Clotba, Aad lets of other aew thiaga are aew being reoolvedat aOULD'S, Canter and Jarry Ala., I have a apleadid stock ef t-Ply, lagraia. S Plj, aad BraaaalaCarpeta, which I am selliagat **0a'l"Tfer^'anyt?!n^in the Carpet Liae at Qou'd's, and you will save money by so doing. MATS, RUGS. WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, CORDS AND I TASSRLS, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, FLOOR OIL CLOrHS, In great varietv. Mirrors. Glaeeee, Fiaao Htools. Pact Stools, be., ceaatontly oa head*— FURNITURE, of every description selling cheap, sonaiating of Cowmen Farnstare, Chamber Bets, Parlor Sea ia Reps, Plush and Hair Cloth .Ac. aprT-dfa be. DAN1BL OOULD, Coraer td aad Perry streets. LADIES! LADIES! READ THIS AM) BATE MOVBY HOTWITHSTAMDWO THE ADTARCE OP DRY GOODS, Etc. 1 am aelliag off ay aatira stock KaaHae, Callces« Tlcksj FlaaaalSi DSUUBH. AwA aka Draaa deeds, alao Ketiaaa, ala^ IEIAIDLESS OF ObtTl atill have a larr» stock en haad. aad If yea sail soon, are eu.-e to seeore bargaiafc |iT-"-T— Fare at half ptleo.<p></p>aUlTTBIi'S at SIMON i«. a. SSSPOTH^JfflgBS ••ten to the Trade Fresh Mpring Mtark of PROPRIETORS TERMS: WOO »I.C«*A\B NTKHIT CLOTHING, CISSIMERES, C0TT0NADES, JEANS, LINENS, FLANELS. FURNISIIING GOODS, AND TAILORS TRIMMINQt l&" SO LB AG1NT FOR DAVENPORT WOOI.KN MILLS. House Painters, Glaziers, drainers, Giers JLN2D 8ION-WRITEH8. mala aad Deceralire Paper Haagera, Oslllags Whlleoed Walla Celered, We have just received tbe Largest and Most Complete assortment ef Paper Haagtaga aad Window Mhades ever brought to Davenport all of which bare been selected this Bpriag. ia lee Tork. We have entirely new styles of Hall Papers, Borders and Decoratioaa. We are prepared to do all work entrusted te as ia a workmanlike manner, aad at satisfactory prieea. 140 BRIDY STREET. INEXT DOOR TO CITY HILL Spring Goods. ., fainea, Bleached and Brown Mnallna, Freneh Saekinfa, Glorea and Hosiery, Silk and doth Marqnei, Trlnamlnffa, Paraaola and tan Hbadei, Hoop Sklrta, Motlona, Ae., Ac. All ol which will be (band attractive and at the very lowe.t market ratea, jjjjr Please call soil see tha Latest Sty lee aud Novelties of tha season. Sign off the Lion. J. E. DIIOIV A SONS. IL TBODK. Davenport. LANGFELDT, TH0DE ft GO. |\|!'')RTKRS AND DEALERS IS German, French & Spanish Wines, French Cognac Brandlea In Original Packaf ea. Sni.K A(JHSTS"FOR •aa *a mala EUrarl beverage at IBealak, by Pfcjslsl—aefUieOM aad I*«w World. aSkla-dtl (Ritablisbed 1SSS.) NICHOLAS KXJHNifilSr, llanatactarn of Cigars and dealers in LEAF. PLUG & FINE CUT TOBACCO, jifpjis JiJYD SJHOMKKS JMRTiCI*K9, Keooa oa had the largest Stock and Variety of eoove foods of aay boaaa ia the State. Tj ksi r^-'-aail all dealers ia above goods are invited |to examine my Bloek aad Prieea, aad the qaality ef my gaoda before porch rain elsewhere. Cor. Main and 94 Goods 28.. Still eoatlnnw.^^^ GoodB and Carpota fglg BTOOK OP OOODB MOST BE BOLD 42 r. METER, E I A N A I 0 1 ad si., ead deer w«et ia Ratisasl Beak. Is te rasetpt ef a large ead wall selaeted teak of Ready-MadeClottriag tylacksiifth IOWA. a. tANOHLDT Banhart, Bsrssaay Baveapert, law Wtreefa, Davenport, Iowa. Down-Down the Prices e° GREAT BA.H1K OF and Carpets! XE CLAIRE ROW... Another Rednetton on Droaa flssda« Avvra. Baldwin &Marston Fatcbes Clocks lawaliT HAKDW HK. u« tfifl .'.s'.TVW J. E. DIXON A SONS i CORNER OF SECOND AMD MAIM STREETS. Beg teanaeunce that they have received a portion of their Spring purchaeoe, consis ting in psrt cf Dreaa Oooda, Tweed* and Caaalaaerea, Prlnta and De- 8aei ir O1*ran.". V ^L» v«)v IUKUANU hju hM laltears, "eter AimU fM-1 VI i»», Fteek«, U«*. ait Sleet !|gj»i, Sled^ra, fan i-re' k uivea, i nteaa*!-., File*. Ac. A •. a'l '..a'Inr k. I.f •»,..»« Moia «jj i ....-,1 T,» aJkg C.f ... .,1,1 Tlra lo:te Nut-, A't.her., Ac. nuilie will tu.l n our e-.«r5 ilileir tlef Ordar aaT 1 Biett will foinTil it'enfirn. SKMLKB A 1 I HMt 1, tl hra.lji Mfeat. UMoiKItlKN. P. KERKER & SON, GROCERS1 tiPSOOXO'lD STREET Belweea Mala A Marrlaea. J. HEBERT, flUeeeeeor to I'. K. Marka, DBAI.IR IN GROCERIESI Opposite Paaaajlrania H«BN«W H. A. REGNIEH* BEkl.Blt IN CIU'U'K KAMiLT O K I I K 9 Te««a, fPried fruit*, dWra Jt iWiHoie If nrrf, 1'orttafe, Tiriur^ WWpa, fuwU«r, I.uad, Hht»t, Cai»*, .t 44 Brady Ht., Uavraporte JONHUA iii KK K O E N E IK US BSW AND COMMODtOt'8 frrORI e%. SI Brady *f., a Beers below llaveaperl Has Slaaal Baak. IfTMRRB HB WILL ri KAMKI) TO nan vv Usold Meade aad all who w»i,r CHOICE GROCEJUHS IAt Tha UWNI VIarises Batae. BeeaapoH, Jaa. Sth, tses. dAw ly Oldcct Oroccry House in Davenport. HI MIRIS rimTt Wheleeale ead Retail dealers ta Mica CroceriBS, NAILS, Olll,PAINTI,ETC. yjg" Oall aad ess (loede aad leara tba priest •ltd] no. a BBABV N'r. I AW •uv Your OAME, POULTRY, OYSTERS, FRESH FISH, EUUS, BUTT Ell, CHKESE, ALL KIN«S OF VEG E A K S A N U I S A 8WAN'8, aaa^ nn%*»v «T. NEW~€JROC:KRY htokk. I. W. Car. Brady rifth 9m. •a VNDERMIUNKD IIAVK VURMEO A Oo-partnerahip uii'ler the name Of Llnalejr A Pane, and will k**p a firat Class RrlillHr«r^ 8tiflr TOILET. Oeo. W. Laird's Cj a V O I f%0 m** tkts 4*Ne*tfkt Him. rmH*m 4* indvrtttf kf fVi/«#W'aa/ Opirm Kinjert, an-t, tm ie/, hp #Pfry ttff whm4$9irM a et*** gmoot*. mnt it f$*nt e*mpU*4on. tiff fhu&vtiti mm4 tSornti f)*t9t*rr #, Dapet, 74 Faltan Htreet, If^w York. jr TOL^WIiH TO life BEAUTIFUL. UseOCORLIA LIB I'RHHIA. or VI• I HIA HROIA far BKM' riKYlN't I UK fimrt.KXIOS au I rHKSKKV INU I'.IK MKI -4 This lat.lualil" loiUt mr L'tl. w». .1'l hy a celehrate'l' ln-ml«l In Cniiri-, ami li la lo biiu lliat theU^.-ftV ..irt..' K.uttie l.-aatf. With all 'ta annpl'tltj aa.l p-int/ ttrnre i. no attic!* ti..t will .int ir- w It a» brmitnler of tlie cosa pl»atoii att'l "I l»" -kin ipt "f Waa ,n.»tnr-tlml tlin. iit»enlta *ra.»ijal ffi. U'ia alio tt»« aria* ome t'Uyi-ar. perfect trial im i._ tocra«lretrrl»..f I'hliartclphU.N'w Tork.lUliliaore, Boaton. New Oilrana. HI I. rjl«, Vnvanuah, liarlea Ion. Wliinlogt. u. N ('..* Criven Th. „,.v n-.1 ii Offers •A MILLIE MRS. M-1* OUBW (ro ^r„wmA.r.oum.) «ATS AS» yglsisld fcssstbsa Oat,bfM wulj ooquallSr.1 ailmlrat on. aii.k woult ..n«l.tor I h- toilet Imperfect wlUioti' tht.lelli:ttrfi) bimJ i uri-'j haroi!»'i-. iaratlon. Vl. lnrl* K- la mill ii,.-.-li« rtr IVrela aneh entlr*- .all^lafl. u In .yty m«aaee. ttat he leaow comp»ll«11" "f" "P™ IJ' ?, article la eallrelr dlffrrrnt from anrthliig of th.- kind aver attempted, an.t I. werrafM K ___ fHBB FROM ALI. I'OIMINI 1 HI llsTANCBW. After taalacOecella .1.. ivrel. end Vx t..r,i Be^ta for a abort time, the ekIn will have a .oft •mill llao teatnre: It Impart, afre.hneaa •ini.i.'Htif.e in.I «ft eeee to the akla that ran oalr .w pr«lu"-l wins thia valoahle article Thia ariMe uo «ul»»r com aoaad tolnjare the .bin or rompli itnn, hnt «niian caa aa a beantlSer, and tie nee roan--. |h.».h,i» ^tod hv tha Lloaeat oba^-rver. ForvesovlacTan. Freckl^a, Pinhnrn, anil Cuta aeoaa Oteaaeee from the sain. la tnvaleahie. M. O. McClaskej haa every I" Bendlnc hia Victoria Regla and laeUdteaea betas tbe only perfect a»l re.iai.etol anwiSurlw OMI BT*.o AwA kfe aame etaatved oa each 1ael- no other la •aaataa. Depot, Ho. 1» North aatventh Slreet. lTdbr all Praggtats aad Parfamera la the njted ateeaad Oaaala Wholesale Only ^AJ|fes STAPLE ArFANby DRY GOODS I W. 0. WADSWORTfl ie Ike trade a fresh Spring Stock! Blenahed Jfc'.Brown Cottoaa, Prlnta, Gln|hsmi« WMteJGooda, lilnena, Hoalery, olavtB. DenoH CsttOBRdN jUbra**' Sbawla,' I Caaalm e#% Yamtiee wUI fe •jial Cleans, a*.» «ad Ml liaao of «bicb a ill tacfcfip adapted to their weats, Wir»r rmtcma. •J