Newspaper Page Text
AVKNPORT DEMOCRAT, BAHiV A% WJIMtT. ill t'fil !ii sritHEr »ea Official Pa par of thoCity. Eihk Firry acrea el flua land for grapee and Cruii, li mila from eourt house, only f&O per aera 1,920 acraa naar railroad far $3 50 par acra. um and lot* ta aall eheep. Sraaa'a Vfimtiin the par* jaioa ef lb* grape whose pure and generous qualitiaa rv be excelled for the invalid or cons f.ecnt. Tliey arc highly uateemed for f»i"tiuenta! piirp ieee. li. B. (iood Wine :i:iiakos good blued. ••ili.«. Female I'eap.alnte—so otb «*r meli.ln.. of .lay p«.«e« th. property of tn/ llit»r liirllu»le flint iuv tdi-ulal lu tlx |f.'U»]T m*, and wh"*h thr «%J «f it-ririia» ttrvr.l jr tr rnrnrhio I r. matII all on 'f h«ii»«nd» of f* Hit ri A iter i mm t^io'r itl if Ifnrr mul I'n- nctllil tn) i|.in"U! h.-alUi I tile in* »f th-»» "-Ivliraud -in-i lt' Tiifir nUnre l« aim(le that Ihej ma ».» takoa bf iln moil ddicair ftma.e with perlect aui aaTrfv. On to tii* R«T ISAAC HANNAH.— IM.AI'kHMITR. FRONT 1 StfMt, Uridjr an tii llr*aa ahix! jtan^r At i'r!.rn,$ tli.. U ar*i -t" »'»i •oil Royal Havaaa Latter/ af Caba. 5# \»nihict«4 by the Spanish (iovrrument !t» U1 rirftir't a *orir^eii daja. Prl ••a tVi «.! and iuf »rmaturi fnralahfl. Th« highest prirrt jj.iid 0 uMt»i»aa and at) kindtof and 8ti*ft. TAkLoli A CO., ,\\f n»Tik«ri.lA Watlftt Naw York, A K I S O N A S A K K Drag^iiti ut ipathaearto as ST., DATE.YPOaT. FRRNH fpfpSSS RICH4RUS01 i.KO". Kill tor* PropHewM. ti ally,delivered In riiy. pee rear "*,'2 ally, delivered in tr, jer *et:k. !r, t'l nit' "f.». -av. l" 4 u*tl ».. ,'Ut.i,i.--i* ,• .»• '''f.' •a. «.n*.ai.»-». I"''•"'I'*" ji ii———••»••—•—— local ITIMI. __ ••Gonstitctios Watc*"Is «*rtain euro for Dialietes, eni all di«e*sea of the Kidney for hy f,tl Prtpgiste. Jake* 8. A 'o.'* tin* eteple Mid farrj Toilet Soaps, comprising Otrnu Mettled, Olive, Star, Improved Chemical, pal n, 4c. Sold by all grocers aad fancy gen da dealer*. [iiv ft Ci'i Genuine Old Montreal |I«it Whisk v. A superior article formodio lus! ute flarriaon A Starka, 58 Brady atr« t, a-jla agente. Land and Insurance Agania, No. 49 Brady street. Tn Pmai ud Sviitut Con l.f n OIL i well, Ma k ft New Vorft. hwld bj al) dra^ |iiU. tbu&i»l4«tu« Dr. Knxrr, formerly of New York, who has visited Davengiort regularly tba peat ten years. and cileeted many wonderful Auraa of o!il Chronic Diseases, Cancers, and l!neaa*« of the Kye aoil Kar, which have lisi'ii pronounced incurable by the medical jir'jfr^ioii gencra'ly, can tie .ot»ulta'1 at the |S.irt Ho lie, Tliura'lay, April Utli, aa Will l« eeeti by li car 1 in an.itlier cjluuui.— Conaultation free. —(In ut tli« Mr?ant J. T. 1 iww.b, Gardener and Floriat, oof 4th and Main M»., fruit and ornamantal troee. inrM-lf «rrru KS.-IHma. Madkluaa, Parfnaar tea, Paary «)oo«la, Ac.. »l ItaUHISON STAKKN' tral Droa Morr, Brady, next to laTi-nport lUnk. E A U I I I Saw Mill, 14 St., tolew Warm* farJ, Tare Harriaaa ia4 4tk Sti Davenport, Iowa, Jab.Id. I Y ITEM I. fill —The Rra thi« a't»rnoon wan ocea aian^d by the atock pann, naar the freight depot, taking fire, but a few bucketa of wa ter aoon auhudad tba flamai. Sparka from a paaaing laeoaotire wai aappoead to ba tba mm*. Lwa trifling, Rrrrarao Laoiar.Arcmi.—Tlka Btott oounty delegation bare returned tiome from the State Capital,and Duaeroueothera harepaaacd thia way ta their hoaaa at oth at palnta. Tbair labora ara arar aod they raturo to tha aBgagamant of prirate lifa a aaaaaa. Pfar EUIBIMB ablob k Bao., to tb« world, taanufactarrd frum frrab, health livers ap 4u !h« a*a th»r« It la pur" **4 ititt. I'ificnta who hav« uperfectly e utk«u it ran takr do other. »r **ii«aar) ft, a«wwli a C.mI Llrar Oi).*aM*bTi |a- I0f .*•! It v i a/Ad y .V C»» an 1 *a»«»ra ta Erra*T*i»*ai»T.—Oo to tba Opera Rouaa to-night, and hear tba eala brated Thompson ft Parkhurat troupe. No better Tocaluti trartl. Their hallard «ing Ing aanoot ba excelled. Let every lever of goad naaie go and team eonaething. Thee come highly reaommended from eveiy plaoa where they have givan entertain meota. Obbat attraotian, aornar and Brady •treat, at Gtine'e old atand. Mr. Rothchild baa juet returned from New York, with a moat faehienibla atock of fine clothe, caaai marr, and vaating af late importation. He alaa aucceeded io petting a flr»t alaaa cus tom eutter. Our motto ia quick aalaa and amall proflta. War pricea bava pasted. Catl and eiamine our gaoda and prieea. All geada warraatad at rapraaantad. Fiaaiiaji'a A Wood. Klndllnir OUT HINDI 1NO K.lU HALS AT KBNWIOK'8 MUI. ti- -ira.-t. aprfdlw Hark foi Male. Af.r I.KJhT HTAUE HACK Ot'fKKBD a.ile »er_ clirap. AppW to •pr8 ili Ilwelliiiff for Nalr. Anclni ri.M: 1 WDSlUItT HUlt'K KK.^IUKJtCK tui, tinnn, w. !l hntal.f lot 6tli lf. on llth between Koek taland and Inwa ata., fur aala at a bargain. Apply to It. SI Ml' at S. I', brv.uil A Co.*. -it Ka«t Sac mil atr*tft. inctiM dlf K E Y 1 I O U E Corner Third aid Perry Hlrrets, lUppoaik 1'uat uffiia.) IIATBNPOIIT, IOWA. rt. Ai KI.fV C. B. CROSS, Proprietors. vr Uood subliiig AtiMb#d. ipfl tUf Elbctiom.— Itratfain t.iwaHtitr llnaliKMK I'tillan lo a iburouh |rar Ileal 'tua.iittoM flu. or t" I.1« a tfao'l sooii4 |el»-rf»|ih uprralor K.r cir.'ilara and papara, ad llrttan, ('•ikI -tttg alanip) I'll® HrfaM A ttlrettofi r.tmtnart lal i' Il ir«ni .rt, Iowa. Kr (Hair I'ra, Nataral, lliltalila. Baaollfnl hl«nt and l'h«a|to*t In tha vVurld. Hold by all Uruft' glHUandl'.iatilr/Stir*ktt«[4*rii. JOHN «T. KHOMBH, Wola l'roprleior, 4"I I'liaalnal St.. rblladt'Ipbla. Tlia'ant tu»u K ,ar an'.aai.— mcb7-dly Naw Drug Mure, Ad Hrady alrret. WALL BRUmiEi, ivnt. Varnlah, and Saab Broabca, lar^c at rk ai low prl o. ,t IhHKlMlN A. ST4KK8', UBrady Hi., nrtl t» Davi np..rt Hank Uitola, U'-rh! arrlrlnit from Ikiatnu. «*!.• BOTAMt: MBOIi'lNK^.-Afulll IIAH1U-LN A HTiKKS Bark. 'Centra! Dru( Uta," U Brady Htrrat. Paintor,XOlasier House & Sign and Paper Hanger. C0Btrar*ora m.ili wtahiog anvihin? 4on«t«BT Hq« ara iu\ 'rd t*« an ••mm- All work tliaJ b« doil»* a« tin e ma l: ial. Kttoj» tn A Uy, U at of V a liU rk. »l»" *dly Hli'kois Hoarding House. UONI- ST11KKT, HKTWKKN TKRRY os.tut Hock Ulaud atrfel« Tbe lir^e fou t«»rT fi!one huildtnjf, knnirn a« Mnir'n Hskfrr hat bean retnoddled, mtid filled np in tine at*'e »r the arromoKHliitiati ft boar^era Dar U^afd ertaUo arroinmudated. G.O. Illl'fcOX, •pr7 dtf I'n prielor. FRENCH & DAVIES7 MAiirr ACTi *«iia Lumber, Shingles ilf Chicago Jewelry House W. a. B. MAYO, let Clark Steeet, JEWKLERS Wboleeale aad Retell Doaleta In. aod lapavteie af WITCHES, DURODS. I N E E W E Y Bllver l*lnlrd Ware, Ar, *o. lot Cars Street CHICAGO. tw Minufactnre Pure Coin Silver Ware. Watchea. Clocfea, and Jewelry Carafblly Repaired and Wr.rrai.trd. myt dly Burtis Opera House! Ike treat Trta af VMalls Is. FAIKHIIRST & THOMPMM'S latTAIXED •. a. TROHP10.1, Ha aatbor aod compoe«r ,,f "LUly Data," "Little May Miller," ram lonely ainee my mother died." ete., is now connect*! with thia Troape. j. e pabkmibiit, The woaderfal Baseo aad Oomk Tocalls*. wboea great compaae ot voke aad oriftnal and Imaahabte aeUaratuma of oenairic eharacior are aatfjpptd MpMIV other ataceraow ttavallag. «. w. PABKBtnaiv %rti.«e aad Vatantot. All meeklaae hta eendenns Maadard BaHteos eoageaaHela few aonnrinc hia aaeot tkekeel Ctamie elncenof the day. Tba above ref» BOM A PAKKlH Urtr 1 U(il At the regular meeting of Fire E tgino and Iloaa Company Reacue No 2, tba following afficera ware elected for the entuiog eir Preaident—Henry MittelbuiahlH. Secretary— Juergen Buntaen. Treaaurer—Frederick Stocks. Foreman—Jacob Uuldner. Firat Aaaiatant K^gert WriedL Second Aaaietant—(Jeiaricb Stahmar. Meeaanfer—John Siahiuer. Sam Paaav baa juat received tha lalaat euinmer faehione, alaoalarga atoek of lata aty lea of cloths for draaa and bnsineaa auila wbiah with excellent workmen, and a pop ular cutter, ba ia prepared to meet tbe wants of hia nutneroua patrons, and turn out any number of tha nicaat buai oeaa and draaa enita in thia whole country ready in fart ta olath tba whole State of Iowa—aa ha has tba largaat stock of ready made clothing in tbe State, embracing everything from a boya jncket to an over coat. Also a full and ceniplate atoek ol genta furmahing goods—all aalectad with are, of the very hast quality and cheej uve him an early call. Nbw 8tocs o» HENTO*. CaoraaaT.—Mr. J. Lor eaten, No. 51, Harriion atraet, baa juet re turned from the Eaat with a full and com. plate atoek of Crockery and table cutlery, canaisting of everything that can ba found first class establishments. Tha alack haa been selected In person, with apaeial care lo having none but the very beat. Mr. Lorenzen haa taken advantage of a heavy decline in tha market, and laid in a large itock, and propeacs in eel! cheaper than any other eencern ia tbe State, giving his customera tha advantage of the decline in the market. Itemembar tea fiata, and give him a oall. Thai draat lab. CoaruHBBTABT pr sior the TBOMP K will aiw two ef niBonte at e«, e«i i ltd their unrivalled parlor entertain Burtis Opera House Tharaday, Friday «ad flatarday, A|»rtl. •tla, Itihaadllih. nP*nT RICHARDSON BROS. THE ORE CO! *111, PRIM KIiOntlN. AfJ0tm.1BD MKBTIM. 0BU*CII OoAnaaa, April 8, tBCB. Preaent Hia Honor, tha Mayar M. Dona hue, Alderman Andreaea, CUuaaea, Cun ningham, Dermody, Frizzdl, Harding, Ku hnao, LiUig, Matthaa, MeNail, Seymour. Minutaa of last aMtting raad and ap prove*. Tba annua! leport af tba Oity Marabal, read, reeetved and ordered pnbliabed with the praceadings wbieh la as IbOowa bow Ta His Uo-ior tbe Mayor, and Alderman afthe eity af Davenport in Council aisetn bled. The undersigned City Marshal would oat respectfully beg leive to repart, that from the lal day of April 1407, to March Slat 1M4, raaaey was aailaatad as follows, to wit aaaaatt rc». On aecoaat of 6 mill lu for Bofendnsaat. Total ArKAia.— After ibe inaugura tion of tue nowly oleated city officers, at the Council Chamber last evening, Msyor Donahue extended at) invitation to the!, city dicers aud, outgoing mam bars, to join him in an inaugural supper, which invitation waa most curdialy com ply ed with. Hia Honor, ably supported on ths left by*tba Pre as, preeided at the head of tbe table, and, with tha balanoo of the coinpsnr, some thirty in number, paaaed a couple of haure most pleasantly, doing ample justice to a] aplendid supper. The alder AldermtnHnitiatini the newly elected in'ii their style af tnlargetiuat. Touts and sentiments were the order of tba even ing, all of which uiet with handsome res pnnse. The ocraaion will be long rsmem bared by thoie present, aa one of those pleasant atfaira that *erve ta enliven the routine of every day of life, and make its duties lesa oronaous. ThoHerculeses and Ajax^j i tha OattUt Company, aaaemblad at the Court House laat evening. All good and tru patriot* ind warriors—there wna the late chairman of the Isle Republican Club, of Scott coun ty, Toidlea Thompson, tho Colonel by breett, of the Oautt«, and th9 valunt Suit of tbe 100 daya man, and tha youthful ller eulesr who baa aome forth to push them in —I ittle Johnny Green. These gentlemen of the military, assisted by the defunct Clerk of the Diatriet Court, and aaaitted by his Deputy, l*mard, who aaembled—tbe question went round, who called the meet tag Echo aoawered W ho We are 80 daya men, therefore we will aa!. Tha OmKU says, farm I aad we will farm a Cfn?, and with it drive our tamper anaa brethren ap ta the aupport of the Great Retioaat Let ua hava a conatitu tioa and by-laws, cried another. So a committee araa ap painted la prepare the in atramanta. Aooordingly tha following ad mi ran af Graat were appointed: Money refneded fer liree aalaa... For tin sales H. W Bennett, Dr. Jaha Bail, M. D. Snyder, Haory Mittalbuacher and John W. Green.— Let aa vote. Who gaea far Grant 'Twas unanimoua, txetpt one voting for Gentle Anna, tha expounder af Republican faith If we ain't a club, what in ara wa s let'a adjourn—and Quit they did, to meet again in twa waaka. 8ueh pluok ia worthy of a batter eauae. Ibvitatioh.—The lowing corroapoodonce will aufficiantly ex plain itaelf. Tha invitation la but a just compliment to one who haa labored ao earaeotly during Iba paat faur years in thia city, as Pastor of tha Baptisit Church. lie leavea many firm frienda whasa best wish aa will hia to bis aaw Bald of labor. Rbt.follaw I), g. Watsoh—Df'ir Sir: Learn ing that you anticipato permaaently leavlag l)avecpirt within a t-liort pari rid, tha under aieoed in bthalf of thomeelvea and nutntr •us other frtaade who bnve appreciated your ministry and desiro to lieten to yon afaln, re»pecifully roqneet that you will coaaant to preacb at laaat one aerraon at aach Una and place aa nay sait yoar before you leave Davenport, April 3,196ft J. J. Bartta, April 1. Staachfleld, Wm. C. Waninar, M. t*. Marks, A. P. l.uee, B. R. Jcfferig, J. E. Dixon, ... U. Severn, A.O. Hatleft Richardson WOC. L. 8. Davlea, runp* Dr W. IRletH, Buaiueae Agent. Bcals or Prices Paraaetlo, MOeau Gal lery Uaatt leaervod Beats 44 Ceaia, far saKalLase AOitMa' A. Daviaon. J. Tan Patten, W. W. Parker, Joeepb SbMda, J. W. -towart, C. R. Pataaaa, no. M. Lytev, Joha L. DavM, D. Kichardeoa. Davbbpobt,B. April 4th, 1848. D. 8taaahfield, J. J. Bunis, Wm. C Warriner, A. Daviaoa, and other geatle- DAILY ^DAVENPORT THIRTEENTH YE AIL DAVENPORT, IOWA, THURSDAY. APRIL 9. 1868. «H.»M 16 7 II 1,0»J 24 So 8 f." I'eneeSaos AdT. tiamit lai aale BelliagOrdiaaaca% fatal BSS,4«t li aoj»rc*D. On acaoaat wai^Lera cortitieatee, 9 1.00.r 4r AdranceJ money, 4,o"0 00 l.icenaea, "J.Wa US i'cLilic jjrutiod 4 bailding, t,Ui 8 weot'-couaty bridge food, 600 UO poll lai, 817 TO i miH tax for 1847, 18,S7i 07 lb««, 4 Jit Callaetian on Uradr street, 990 1)0 Uarriaoa Marquette 14,840 f- lou reaf. Oa account of boraea sold, Redampliea of property Total, and was recited th-rein by the etnp.oye^s of tbe Baiiroad Company. I P°n ,°°' glBS 7^ Si 01 4141 76 Tstal on all taaJe «M,M8 9t For the above amauat I bald tha Ireaaerers recipia. All which ia respectfully sebmitted. J. KaoriHAM, City Marshal. Tha annual report of the City Treaaurer waa read, received and ordered pibliahed with |!ie proceedings, which ie aa follows To Ilia Honor, tbe Mayor, and Aldermen ef tbe City ot Uaraujiort in Council aeaemblnl Tlie uadereifned aut respeetfallv begs leave to preaent the lollgwing report tor Ibo •enict pal year Total reccipta on general fund 434,534 10 total eipeaditures oa road fund iiA.ill SS Balance oa haad of this fuad 4 Total receipts on road fund were 17,9(7 Sf. Total expeuditares on loadfnad 14,949 41 Valanee on haad of thia fnnd 41,Ml 95 Of tlie aub funda waa received oa po Icefiaea 891 IS Paid fur aaid Police Department 1,441 45 Oo public grennda and buildings waa received 1,119 Paid on same 714 SI Ou printing was paid 1,515 04 On printian wa» received ^4 t' Onaalary waa paid 6,t0t Total mm.. 1^61 Th»re was received on epecial colleo tion fir atreete Oo Hradv atreet 180 00 On Harri'on atreat 80S 00 On Marquette street................. 817 On 8th street 10 0" On Brown street 100 00 Fur street work was aaid material for atreet .a For stone quarry srac AL 11 aa. Received ol lata treasurer......... Iteeeiced for lots redeemed.#..... Received fer boraes sold 4*54 V9 33 S5 1 .4 S'.'ft »4 Balanee of special fund on hand All ofwhieh is neat submitted. Ottorespectfully IlLBO, City Treaaurer. Davenport, March list, 186*1. Aid. A°:dresen, Chairman of tha Finasee Oommittea made tha following annaal re. port On metion the repart wan raad, received, aad ordered printed with tha proceedinga, wliieb ia as followa To Bit Ifontr the Mayor, *nd AltUrmen *f th* Cily of Davenport, in Ctmneil an«m bUd: Your Kinaaoe Committee beg leave to make the following antiual report: We have examined tbe books ol tha City Mirahsl, Clerk ard Treasurer, and find tha same in correspondence with the monthly reports ol said oftio»rs. ta account of an informal Irretularity in the book* of tbe Marshal during tbe months of June, July and August, the aub-fundt of be Marshal and Treasurer are not complete but the total "itin* of General, Road and Speeial Fonda agree. On Gen ral Fund there haa bean rolleatcd $23,461 SO 0:i Genera'. Fund and orders ia «.-e 1 25,955 94 Oa General Fund and orders ia sued and paid 44,583 48 of which followa that aa aeid'Fund there baa been $8,002.62 more paid than cellected, and $567.90 more paid aud $2,494 72 lass collected than ordera drawn on aaid fund. On Rjad Fund there haa been oollected $24,840 89 On Road Fund and ordera ia •n«d 43,814 04 On Road Fund and ordera ia aued and paid 36,945 41 of which ill jws Thia ia net aa it ahould be. The Couaeil should try to leave at tba and af tba fiaan dat year maney enough in tho City Traas •jry ta enable the new Oewacil to pay all aeoeaaary expeneee of the eity at laaat ap to July next, whan the new taxes ara eel lected. Your Cemmittee meat respectfully bega leave to direct.tbe attention of yonr Honor able Body to the flaanaM resourcea af thia eity. The eame hava not been drawn oat to their fall limit, and your Finance Commit tee did not heretofore deem it advisable to do so. However, with the anticipated eat tlement of the public debt, accordiag to tbe aat of the Jegieiatare, passed lately, we atrongly rooommead that various other aaaroaa ef taxation, taiaag which #e eaa merate, taxatioa sf baaka, railread, brigde aad Ferry Campaay, ths Uaaaas af f«»iga inatiraaes aompaoies, etc., ihould ba tMert ad to ia aid af A* liquidation of aaid debt. fol H.H. Ahbmm.1 PlnMoa J^jSHSaw, 0o-mi4,M- Yfie Committee on Printing to whom was rafeigd tha hill af lUakstdsoa Bros, let printing amoantiag to $144.40, repart la fa vor of the peyaHM of the bill. Repatt The Coouaittee on Printiag and Station ery report in favor of paying the bill af Laee 4 Grigga far atatieocry, aleak books, Ac., amouat $SS.ia. Aapart adopted D^MI Amytal flaaM^Maa aa i •hetraetieoa bjr tfea S. A P. B. R. TtEi» jffsasr, tb Jfcpsr, and OmmtU tf Ike CUfqf Ihiswyii To«r OaaMaittaa, la wfcaa was refarred Um ft P. R. With my aeknowledgementa far yoar eerdial aad highly e»apUmentary request, ... for me ta areash before taking my leave of of their own basinets, aad ta tha detriment this city, I Uk# p«Mw* in Rigmfjing mf of tb« publio living or bi?io| teciiioB el to «ive a he t-r and «re«t-1 willingooae to comply tharrwith end aa i to travel the river rosd, weald report. That tfeakind'wbit':r?,aIr"tTr"V- ^i"AVar. mA report af tha Oity Marahal, R. Company, for the eoaveaieaco there will b« no o'hjr opportunity for me we have Tisited the above mentioned loeali JSO. (J I AKIvUGi^T. Manner. to do so. 1 would designate next 8nnday. ty, and f.)U 11 tb« report of tho City M»r the 12ih ioat., at P. M., aa the time,aiid jsbal fully verified by our own iaepeetioa Ike Bartis Opera Moaaaaa the piaoa. {The Marahal waa even then la oar preeenee •^-nre -a. pssn^zts.^nvst r' mons'-rsnri. t" tha pro.-oeOinRt to Mr. Kim bal', ihc SiipcrinUmienl of the roa j, he at onea volunteered to c^-mply with our pp-prr detnai U, vii To sUtion a flagman on ibe railroad track directly under the bridge to warn tratna and padaatriana of the approach af tha angiae or tratn and, aleo, to wijen wiMt-vay on the obatructad part if atraet to aotloaa than forty feet, and that the bara acraaa tba atreat eboald warat ba kept doaad for a langar parta4 tha* flva miontea ai a time thaaa privilegee ta ba revocable at any time at tba plaaaara af tha. Council or Mayor. Ysur Committee recom mend the adoption of thia report, with tbe •rovito, that tba Baitraad OoMpaa be held reaponaibla far amf damagaa or aait that may ba broaght egainettne ally by raaaan of Iba within mentioned ebstraation. Nira Laa Krnaa*,) E. t'l At ssaw, v Special 0«b. A. LITWO. Petition af the Msdieal Faeulty of the Iowa State Infirmary, located on bloeh 64, city o( Davenport, taking permission af tba City Council to allow aaid Faeuliy to re ceive parsons for medical treatment, ta the buildir.g, ia said block, they having received tbe conaant of over three-fourtbe af the property owners on aaid block, cen aentiiig to the same. Aid. McNeil moved to grant tha penaik Aid. Ciauscn moved to amend as faV Iowa MA *17 «0 nu loo oa Provided that tha permit is graated, aub jen ta aaeh regulationa or raatrictiona, which tha City Council from time to time my eaublieb, or enact by ordinanaa, and provided further, that tbia permit ia ravo aabia at aay time, ot tba piearura of tba Council. Petition granted aa amended. u Petilian of F. A. Pioaa aakmg of tba City Cauncil, to cause the grade in block 41 to to be eaUb'tished. Referred to Committee an Gradaa, to report at tha next snooting. The Committee on Gaa, to wham waa re ferred the petiiiona af A. Staffsn and oth ers, and, also, the patition of W. Riipe and othera, lor tha erection of streat lamps ft e., leport that tba Gaa Company decline to erect poala at tbe plaoea asked for, in said petiiiona, on acsannt of the expanaa of tba game being too great. Report received and adapt ad. Aid. Matthaa, chairman of the Street Committee, madathe lol owing report: 7b the HonorabU Mmgpr mnd Octmcil at Tear oemmittea, to wboas was referred the petitioa of P. P. Meyer aad others, aak ing to eetebliah aa allay ia oat-lot one, io block 49, in tbe city of Davenport, repart in favar thereon, provided it ie ao exponee to the eity, offsriag thereto* tbe Allowing resolution Retoired, That tbe OHy Eagineer being hereby ioetrurted by tha Ctty Coaaeil to eeublieh aaid alley, aocording ta the poti tion, and have a map drawn aod reeorded according to law. i,fi On I'irr Department paid 4,09t 44 On gaa wm paid 8,77® 11 On Board of Health paid 186 i Oa reiuoTini nuiaancea paid......... 174 lu Oo luoidentala paid G. M. Mattbbs, i Hahoimo, P. B. I Street Oflto. J. CcillMRi*, .4 1,182 Ol 22,814 91 .. 1,261 ia Report adopted. Street Committee reported in favor of granting tbe petition of M. Riley and ethere lor having a stone crossing laid acroaa llar riaon street (on :(•!, north aide.) Report adopted. Street Committee reported in favor of having a waoden crossing laid on the aoutb eaat corner of Brady and Pleasant streets Rejiert adopted. Street Committee reported on the peti tion of H. Lischer, wbieh wan referred to them at laat meeting, and reports in favor of allowing bim lo till up tbe alley in lot 2 block 30, up to grade, ao aa to enable him to have a raad into hia let. Report adopted 80 17 41 1M 75 Aid. McNeil moved tbat tbe Mayor ap point a committee of two to proct ed to can vaas tbe votes east at tba laat eity election of April 4tb, 1808, fer Aldermen and city officers. Whereupon his Honor, the Mayor, ap poiuted as auch committee, Aid. Dermody and McNeil Wbereupoa tbe eommittae having di« charged the duty aasi^neti them, cflared tbe following report: Your committee, to whom waa aasigned tbe duty of canvassing the vote« ef the lata election for city oftiasra ami Alderman, re port that they have performed that duty, and find the following city officora and Al deruseo duly electtd, viz M. Donahue for Mayor. John KanfTmann for City Marshal. John Lillia for city Clerk. Otto Kltig for City Treasurer. Francis Ocha for City Assessor. Francis Ocha for Townabip Assessor for tbe city. Daniel Ryan fer Street Commissioner. G. tbat on aaid fond there haa been 4104.52 more paid than oollected, and nure paid, and $»,524.89 mora collected than orders drawn en said fuud. At the end of this financial year there was on hand on Ger.cral Kur.d only .",2 cts., and on Fund, $1,051 '47 and the out standing ordera on said Funds amounted to $2,045. Laat year the mitatauding ordera amounted $3,177. IS, win oh shows that we have reduced thi* year tbe Hoating debt to $1 ,142 18. But the outstanding orders on Apiil 1 were about $l,nn0 more than tba maney on hand at that time, not even is olating the expeniituree made Is theowath af March. P. Wniteomb for City Attorney, b. lleii z for WbarfmasUr. Juhn Wutiderli:h fr Health Intpector. F. Kann for City Sexton. reo. M. Mattbcs, Alderman for jtbo lit Ward. Christopher Kraai*, Alderman for the 2d Ward. H. A. Runge, Alderman for tbe 8d Ward J. M. Friuell,Alderman for the 6th Ward Repart received and adopted. Aid. lution lUtolttd, That the tbanka ol .thia Conn ail are due to Mayor Douahae for tha abl and judicious manner in which he haa pre aided over tha deliberationa of this body for the past year, and for the fl lelity in which he has discharged every duty^lsvelv ing upon him, as the Exeeative oflccr of thia city. Adopted. Andresaen offered the followiag ruao His Honor, the Meyer, requeoted tbe Al doruitn eleet to take proper coats ia tha Council. The newly elected officer* and Aldermen filed their oaths of office, andaleo their reapectiva botida. On motion the beada of tho newly sisoted eity efBeera were referred to the City At torney^ report at tha next Booting. His Honor, the Mayor eleet, M. Doaakae addraaaad the Council aa followa Qtntitmen tftha City CtnmriZ Custom aad duly oeile apon me, as Mayor of tbe city, to rccommand aucli meaaareS aa in my opiaion may be ior the welfare of the city. Pint in importance seems to me the ad lustmest ot th« bonded debt of tbe city caMed your sp«cl attention to tbla one year am (and thanks to the members of the old Board) I am happy to etate tbnt alter much trontde wc bare procured an act by the Legislature of tbe State that will enable the city to liquidate her bonded debt in way that will be hoaornblato the fame of the city and not oppreeaive to tha tax pay. ere, for a full report of which I refer you to tbe Senatf file No. 81, now ia the beads of tbo City Clerk, to which I aball call your attention at an early day, an n vote of tbe citizens rill have to be taken on tbat quee tion. We commence tbe new year with bat tew outstanding ordera, and unfortunately with only a small balance in tbe treasury which I hope will he a forcible argument for strict cconomy in all oar affain the com ing year. I hope 'bat oar mala thoroughfaraa will •till receive a large share ot yoorattealioa tbat so thst we daa aooa lay oar principa itreets are in a paanbk condition. Let me alio urge opoa yon to adopt rigid system of atraet cleaning, as tha bsalth or tbe city demands it The Fire Department will be ia aa efficient condition when ths two thonasad htt boee (authorized to he purchased) arrive. I would alao reooanaead, ta view of the bias expenditures required by tha Flra Department, that ws adopt a aytfm (prac ticed by soase of ear aiaier sMbe) af inga license fee from all foretga lasaraaca compaaies doing hflsinos ia this city. the rasolatioa of Aid. Prinel, iatrodaeod St the late aieatiag of the Ooaaail, saltiag forth the arbitrary and aawatraateMe aaceapancy aud fencing in of the public highway, oa the upper part of Front etroet, by the 0 R. I. Ia conclusion, gealleiaea, allow i thaak tbemetabers of the old Board aad all the oBrere of the city for their uniform kindneaa and oourtecy, extended to me dnr ing the paat year, and lor their hitklslMH in dleehatgtng their respective datles. To tbe present asd Incoming BMmt tne Council end tbj preeeot aad iacomlnr ofllccrt of tbe city, I would my let aa en endeavor to wtlsfy tbe j'ist expectation* oar fellow-cU'Xen*, and prove tu tbem that tfctir 'i.ti.lvsri out ro aolftce'1 1. DrtMAuvn, Mayor. TWJ^wyy eieiad the feliawhsg Ommmmrnrn^mrnm ATI'ST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER. t»!P«. tf»- ."rrt.-icn a'..l i-r t-e-.d l*ru..v» O wrX»n «*,d .'Oklia. ar..i rr'iifham. au«« v a-.! Fr 1 I (U-t' K! »-i But'/I.nfi-Caa it: cb Un On 1 i n* r-1 nm i» i»e "-r,«li Br as U Om Out p '••ointts i aad Lf nl k'"V*"-»*«»'e-'a, Br*** That a veto ef *M*ks is bwahy tandared to tha oat niag mambara t»d fa« of thi, city OoaaeiT, fiw tba real aod inugrky diapUyad in thalr Bom aa Ktnkaa af Q»i« Oaaaad, ftt tba year 1847. Adoptad. Oa motion iba Oowacil adjoanse^- Attest, Jour Liixn, City Olerk, T*«ebars' ImMltss*. Tha leag'.:i of Ibe CoobcUpro^inft* ta day obliget u« ta omit ear report »f I»» atkote lo day. a will, he Waver, sppoar in full to-momar, together with tbe repart of to morrow's proceedings. Tha i*wiag ia tha programme for BIIA1—9 A. 1 Oseaiag Ex- -nae«. Report-Hat -^i Phlloaophv-lleA^I ingit lefteeeb- 1 Mr t, U...... Disctiseioa of aai« anbjeel. M1 Baaay—heatreaa in the thhoal Bae»-Miae 8 ba*o-UA» Diacusaion-H:jmid a Commercial Bdaaalioa beaia to our KUoola aacam. Music. Bapatl Ihtbd of Oral lnstructlea in Ora® war— Uow arbe Uost a Slid Balbv.tedeial»—Mea»raBaacaa, lhscossron subject. ». aoon. Mtiaic. Mepo't-l)o Training Schools make the Kffiieal T.acbers T- Mrs A BcdosiaaaL. Diacosxinn Report—Ho ptia ba "'tradad Mr W a Hbmis, Dlteattion p%too subject. sp'ished maaelta- Mns'e. Bepert-Ot.Nta to bo tion. Mr No McCiiixoeee. DiSeusaiou et s«uie suhjeel. Discussion Should t'ollegaa aad Aaedowiaa admit I j|!iu of both saiaa SB *B ttrni' Bveaiaf—Leetaro. MTfia NBWIi AauiVALa. Scckbb Stats—From St. Lsais. Ladt St. Louis. PbtbbPin—From Bali«—From 8t. Loais. KxiraiacsB—Frem Ft Madissn. DErABToaas. StTCKBB Sun—For St. PasL La®y St Paul. PbtbbPut-For Balk—For SL Paula KBitasutik ^For Ft. MadisMU •iriCTIII. Tbe New ll.iton, frem Ft. Madiaea, aad tba Iowa Oity, frotn Clinton, wil! be here thia evening. They will leave for the lame placea to-morr»w taaraing at.b e clock. The H«wke s State, will be iown to orrew or nail day, ,for Si. Lodis. The Davenprt, to-.norrow morning,from S o u i s o a u The Silver OlouJ, wiad-bosnd at the head of the Ripid\ will proJably be down this evening, St. Louis. Tbe Pbil. Sheridan, under eotamand of the gallant Cspt. A.M. IIutchiatoD, will be down from St. Paul early te morrow morn ing, aad will l*ave for St. LeuiS at 9 tf clock NtscBLAsaeea. The high winds still continas ta later fere with tbe regatar running Of jthe boats. The Phil. Memlan to-merrowiwill be tbe firit boat in the lline to St. Leais, of the Northwesters Union Packet Company. They intend io run five beats *n competi tion—one each way deity, and will deubt lesa get a fare share of patrenag*. NOTICES. Aa a reliile remedy for Coujas, Colds, Hoarsenesr. or any affection of the throat and che»t. u»e, aocording lo directions given on each tie, MADAM ZA TER'S CuJOH BALSAM, Hboiba'1 it is always reliable, rear faiks, and the petseaeion of a single bs'".ie mav, in cue o a audden attack, prore to be worth fifty tides its coat. Hundreds cf thousnnds ofbott eit of thia invaluable rrepanuion are sold every year in tha United Statee. Sold by all Draggiats, every wlie Price 25, £0 and 7j eents per bottle. Gemma Mbbicwai bb S. P. Bryant, Alderman|for the 4th Ward J. C. Conklio, Aldernsaa for the 6th Ward. Chapped Hand* and Face, SottLipe, Ac., cared at ci* by tbe nae of Hegeman'a Camphor lee with Glycerine, keepa tbe hande soft ic tbe coldest weather. See that you get thr Genuine. 8o!d by Drnggista O W A i n —A youcg man named W. A. Le^ealt, of Muacatiia, died laat Suaday—haviag been eeverey gored by aa ox a few days previoaaly. —A yoosg man named MeDufls, af Mag' •alto, HarMBn sounty, want ta Oanacil Bluffs to ?ay taxes. While there, the Sap!« says, hi fell iatoruSaaly heads, aho dragged ao4 robbed hia. He dM imme diately thereto. —Iowa ti reported to hats paid $4,0T1, 81S. 64 for ittsraal reveaue parpssse, fer the year omiiag June 30th, 1847, a report ofwhieh hai jost Beea published hy the Treasury Dsoertmeat. T»*Day'» Advertlaemanta. •air leiteraVre ar Baaaware A\\lXktl4 CM tBSBB TUB 8KIH FROM A1X ilka aesif will be retuiaas. ar* PHeeWeaatf PW.beOJa. Pie»asu4 bp kj Orabbe. andee theUoa Stoee. OaiOIBAL BOTIOB. BTATB OF IOWA, aCOR Cetwrs. JOHN CAMBBOB, William B. Rawe, fer the security of eortaid aetea made payable to yoa, which are atore fully eel eeteaddeeeribedia said pelHioe. Aad tbat anteee rou appear thereto aad defend before aooa of the aeeood day of tba aeat term of eaid Court, camaaeaeing ai Davenport, ea tfte 4tk day ef May.isw. default willbeeateredegaiaal yoa end judgment rendered tbereoa. Dated tbie 4*h dav of April, 1144. jobb U»lO EKIfijg. t*. KEHKER & SON, MaXeli LtU Ku»|a 4 Coaklii" Kuniaa. Oa S' iii -Hrva. lU'dllaaad Oac' tfaba^ Om a'-rwaiia-Kin,, Oor*«d7aad Mai'kae. Aid Dermady aff-rad tha Mlawiog reao lation: GROCERSI SECOND STREET J. mntsI poai HEBERT, C. K. Mgurka. DBALBE IS GROCERIESI Of^aalta Paiafylrtnla HamaA, H. A. BEQNIER, DBALBR IN C1IUIOI FAMILY Q-EOCERI ESt !««, 0rfe4 fVigtta, WlNwfe* St WUlmw It am, Cordmxt^ TWImc, Whips, Powdar, Lead, Shot, Caps, 44 Inij SL» Bivnp$rl« JOSHUA sasse Aojoesa. v3 BtJKR (BAB E -O E N E I* ••me subject. and to what extsat sboale Pa- an City Sup'l. MIW AMD COMMODIOUS B1UBB J*V, SI Mrmdg St., Beers belew Daveapert Ha* lleaal Baab. Wiuna tit will na pi.basbd to Oldest Grocery un Ha old Moods aud all who want CHOICE GROCERIES {AT Tha Lewesl Market Bates. _Davenpoet, Jan. Mi, 1MH. —dAwly House A Co-partnership under the name of Ltnslejr it Pane, and will kctp Flnt Class Retail ttra««ry Starae TOILET. Mir Depot, 74 VeHea Street, Bew Tork. TOl'-WISH 'OC POR TO BE BEAUTIFUL. Cso OOOBLIA DB PBR8IA. or VKTOKIA BBBIA, for BBAUTtrVINO TUB tX)MPt.BXIO!* aod i»RB9KBVINO TUB 8KIN. This Invalnabla toilet article waa dlseovetod by a ctleHrtUd chemlut 1n Franca, and to him tb»t |b» Ladle* of the Coort of Barope ow$ ibei/ oaaalj. With all It* ctmplicitj aad parity there hi. name »ta*»ed •^^tX*%°i£eel!! la leniilae, n»ntL Wo. loa Borth Bevaam mieea. SoM by all Mate* an* lamnlae. Depot. Wo. ICS Borth t.^ '"^^'-ratl'iSa Pwfwm Wholesale Only STAPLE A FANOV DRY GOODS SCers te COSTBIBtmoS TO MKD1CAL Bdeeea. ilia th. oaiy tbtaa whisfc will chaste (fey bail to la ertitaal color maabast ttaao, aleo "Td or Debt a«lr to a hoaatifal brown It Ie a sure tee all acarvy aad dMdroff. 1 It and have caaeoaU end daaa hetltay eselgB. Is reeeeaeMeM by oar beet eltlavaa. aRAMBV Preekk. Taa ft Plaple i—likar Spring Stock! Bleached j^Bmw^gpllene, Prtnte, Gflnahaaaa« WhltGaoda, Llnena, Hoalery* »r a-»le «eatl} jobj^hj**' f»Maf!fi*i Toa are berehp aetiAed tbat aa or heiers thi tk day of April, ISM. petitioa Will be fled by eaid iWstffMsOamtrtia, ta the eflUe of the Olerk ef the Hetriet Coert af eaid Boett Caea ty, Iowa, eJaimiac tbe release aad diaebarge of a cerlaie deed al trust, ex Mated by hia to oae :fpiip?l*•* davexpokt, anrT-dtw in Davenport. ill mnu mis Whelesala aad Retell dealere ia Ctoici GneeriBS, NAILS, OILt,FAIIITt«CTC. tf Call aad ase Qoods aad loara tba prieei ell d] NO. a BBABF ST. fAw Buy Your GAME, POULTRY, OYSTERS, FRESH FISH, EGGS, BUTTER, CHCE4E, ALL KINDS OF VEG ETABLKS AND FRUITS AT SWAN'S, aeua bbadv irr. NEWUKOCERY 8TONB, 8. W. Car. af Brady ft Fifth Sti. THA I.XUEBSIONKD 11AVB KOBMKB *r~mm*r COB1VBR OF MMmb- st»f a^SMr n^trAWtMsasfailw, », mmft. tmfat, ^rsrwy leMwAMNNtf Optrm Ww«r» rtb *Wrw a to ft, t/mtr, tmooit, mmrf bril NM wsytofea. AoU mt mil franrfafc MdA«9 SM* AnaArr tm ynhtrt. A.LAMFBLDT bo artlcw that will compare with it aa a beaotUUr ol tha com ple*kn and of the akjo. 0. Mi'preBerverpBTchaaed Cliwby lha raoelplof ume leny^ars heha^atau' thmt Oon Lit- Oil.—O ail has stood the Hit of twen ty years' eiperieace, and ia warranted pure Newfounditad oil. Its auperiority over that prepi-ed on eur ewn snsbore ahown by the numerous cures performed by it when tbe inferior oils bad been tried without effMt. Prepared by Hegeman k Co., chen its end druggists, New York. Sold by dr»sgi*t« genertlly. Uibc ^fif«B It Mrfact trial hibodi: hlaperaocal friends and tbe trn oeraticcirclra of I'hUadilpbla.Nev Vork,BaltlinorBt Boaton. New Urleana.St. LooIp..Hawa«iuaI, ton, Wllmlrctun, N. C.. Ac. Tliej' hav. need it with nnqnaliflud «drolraion.and woald i.insider the toilet Imperfect without thUdallshtfulsnd parelj harmleee tireoaratton. Victoria Be*la and Owxlla de Perela taa (Iven anch entire satisfaction in every tnotaaee, thai he is now eotnpolM to off« ltto U»s»nbaa TWa article la entirely SSferent from aaytbtof of the hind TRKB "fROM'^L P()l8(lNOCT BUlMTAI»CTBB teitnrrTit taparta a freahneaa amoettaMe aadauft- to tae akia that can onlr prodaced by aatng thhl vidoaMe attkle This artlelo taino vntearjjm ponnd to injnre tho akla ne compleri^ bat aetoa oea as a beaatUer. and Its ase cannot possibly be do teeted by the clooest obeerver. r.t. SissaBjcaiassa?^ ire Ladles aa being the only perfect aad reliable tol «*"'?l.sVraBPABBD OWLT BT M. MeCLPB- And V-W WHOLE,^ &LS 8ECOMD na btuuk ir W. 0. WADSW0RTH OtoTcat Denlaaa, Btrlpea, Tlcka, Oheottf TIBf •aaaaOaaftaJ •t i&\0 Shawla,' $ a .... caaaftnaera, Jeana* fanltee Aotloaa, fte.« the OAaaaaB, ^eaalKBaawfoaa, &e" PuBbaMie will 4ad fall liaee ef ell goods adapted to t^eir aa»t», »l"b will latCitad LOWEST «*r»r* PROPRIETORS* TERMS: WO. N WGB1 AI.4 0TVD RTEERT. $• Ih4 Trade m, Frasli Spring stack of CLOTHING, CASSIMERES, C0TT0NADES, JEANS. LINENS, FLANEL8. FURNISHING GOODS. AND TAILORS* TRIMMINBS. IV 80L« AGENT FOR DAVBNPORT WOOLKN MILLS. OAMHRON & BLTTHB, ta Painters, Glaziers, BraiMs, dlors AND SIGN-WRITERS. Mala aad Pusralire faper Maagefa, CeUlaca Walla Celered, We hare just received the I.arfest and Moat Comphte aaaorttii»at of Paper Uaaftaga aad Window Shades ever broaght to Dereeport all of which have boon eeleeted this ftptiag. ia Mew York. We have eallrely new styles of Ball Tapers, Bordere aad Deeoratloaa. We are prepared to do all work entrusted to as in a workmanlike manner, and at satisfactory prices. I4S (MOT STUttT, lltll DOOR TO CITT MIL Spring Goods. J. E. DIXON & SONS, M.Oh 3B. AMD MAIV 8TRIETS. Bsg leanaeaaoa that they have received a portion of their Spring purchases, cMtfP ting in part sf Dreaa ttoada, Tweedi and. Caaataaerea, Prlata ani Oa Sataea* Bleached and Brawn MaallMa, FreneB SaekiR|i| lilorca and Hoaicrj, Bilk and Clath Marqnea, THaatlnia, Paraaala 4tnd IMPORTRBB ABO Sun Mhadee, B$«| Bklrta, TVotftana, Jke., Ite, All of wbieh will be foand attractive and al tbe very lowest marketraMS, H^PIeaee call aedaee the Latest Styles and 5ove!tiee of the seaaon. Blffn ot the Lion. J. E. DIXON *. SOWB. TBODK, IVaa ai Wees Seceaei Street*. DaventxMt. LANGPELDT. TH0DE ft CO.. Down-Down the Prloes go .}REAT V r. NGTlBf E A N A I 0 ad el., ead doer weet let Batioaal Baak. la ia reeeipt of a terre aad well relet ted took ef Ready-MadeCtothing B. LABOTIIJJT Baflsbart, Oa .Baveapert, Iowa. DRAI.KR8 IB German, French & Spanish Wines, French Cognac Brandlra In Original Paekagea SOLK AOBSTHfFOB •*4 *a Malt Rttraci bevarase etf Heatlbi bf Fkyvtelansof theOM aad Weaa Wrwld. mebtS-SII (Katabiiehed 1853.) 1NIOHOL-A.8 KUHKBN, ltaanfaetam of Cigars and daalars in LEAP. PLUG ft FINE CUT TOBACCO, pipit AJrm Mfeacat Mnram, Keeae aa hmd the lareeet Moek aad Variety ol aeove gooda of aay boaae in lha State, fo waaalals ead all dealere in above node are invited po examine my fttoek and Prlaoe, end ae qaalily ef my gooda before parebreMf alaewhera. Cor. Main and Bd fltreetm Daweniport. fewa. SALE OF a ja a Drf Goods and Carpets! ||....LACLiIBS BOW....BB Bttll Canttaae*. Another JBedaettan oa 1 Waal en Qeoda and Carpata. or ooopb mout bb sold i/Baldwin&Ma MRS. Hi I- UATm ^*\^ift BlMkfalm jap^ Pf^j^irf 11» K, 'a ^t4rlt asd"^. O* iiivii vy JCJ, ah. I W S Bailors, Wr,ch-* A a* its. „t,, fieij «'ck% Dies, t'ait w,r| Farr-,. rs' Kio».a HI -J lt»»l #, I l:e«. I A'» •. all ib« ltfcdinc aialiv .tf i j|ele M». Hnwrirrtd. "JH Oavr -can4 Tlr«- N»t. «'.'i-*wt», ,«lr ^B^at juaiiilia wUJ itm it onraitN i tlioy ur«iow ».f at. i w i nm »an. en, iimi JrpBthi i», laat am VI br-11. etwai. peopo'8 Moll no H'Btalabtaud m:n lir th* IOWA. 'WS. 1 1MB a«rtu i. in aiNi IM» e \'.i Kiev, la*,* MdBd n* eeldtalbo Weet, an I,'i I. n o? TIB lUATkB lR^ttK 18C5K aiCKLKM PMEaTOR, Herg* AVK I !t ftrtlRK AM OirrsfTAl Lt aad complete aeetWoMiit .t Kfcelf iai Hrir Hirtfvirf, lGHUTLTl'RAL nil'I.K.MKNTS Mrsala amdl Tlaaer'a Ms writ. Csllrrf, ftrdiff, Itmli Clr aa. Ac. We tiav* followed the Fastern markets prouipl 'j ta tl* r*aht Uevlmr in yootte •• niaku ui :lt»a«S by or ftata me r««pec(fitHt Tr»i]ttr«. a «i aa fot Pr'f** BtHttia IU- 1.1ay liepira. W* ara -nt w« can ii m, lor tbem ta caottil fh«v»r ua wtlh Uair k*.K.v ».*TOP. .: e+i *f,t ata. jan7-itia It Hi Iron and Uhkuii «IR !ilutriUI, A\l BNTIKK »1ti K I'K IA AN Ml. l*T In.n. A*It-.. Si-Hues, Itnli., i., i.,,,f wai.d Cut Ml*.', At ,*c has i't-.i' Kiih tit#- retiuind ul. lnr it«. su-ui K.S.» rRB*TOB, Tblmhlc Hfcetn*. V bo#B marki'tt 11 ia of i!i« id Iron ^nd Waniin Mat' -'I'a We.I *i at., i I street, JOSEPH I. OiVt iFOFJ N O BmI aMa Iriir, aaar Front St, SHELF & lli a a a w n e Vutlergfi Baaavak ataortmctit ol ti a Mapj' grticial •i tha trad* at rc ttu o.l AttBICVLTtRAL or am. KiNim tr Tain lowkmt ftHi-i.Oa BBaiag: la eoestaal reeeipt ot a rai rfully asler ted etaak of eeerrthlna ia th. Iin- tSe TraJa aad Caaatr/ tfrrrhaata Will eonaall thiir mtereet by ealllt'K and a I eaHaiaf fnuli beflir. purehaat*n eim liere. Krotn a thornti|[b liuwl.df. of lit. Bed superior altatiianve in lull ing, »ll uiaal g, te No. IS Hrady atreet, fur goi-tla. Bailders are invited to eaanune spring stOSlb BKMKM HLH TBt 1'i.At K, No, 13 Hrady Htrrrt* penSteand qiM retnm*. .•"-''Jwlv KELLEY & WOOB WI0LESU.E I RETAIL DKAI.KRH IN mmst,* w HARDWARE No. 6 West Meeon«l Bt.« 1IAV KNI'OKT, IOWA. WBtion UkSl'lCTKl! Ll.V AHk TUB ATTBB of th. I'ubiic to our large aad «*a plate Btoek, tn |ait Bailm, kkenniatiuft ci.MWB,»f .u K W I FAKUINd TooIX, MAM 1,1,A A5P TAHHKU HUPb, WINlK.W I'UriV. I.IN.' KUi Oil. TtRI I l*Tt*f» WUIt'k I.I.Alt, I.KAli fll'h, rantB and imkikkt clii kk1. Bileee Plated Ware, l.eaiher am# Bakker Ha*lsleat. BRUSIlKa. COT It IM ANIi IU.HI TWtBBB BROOM TWINKH. ItKOOM »iitK, PITCH, OAKl tl, tll.K: r|iAlrtJi HOKSK SHo» H, llitk.SK bAiLrTr raBP8, i'lSTOI SII01 I (It t'flKH POWI»Kk I'OUl kl.AIN K1TTI.KH AND HA(•('(• I'A.NB, llUl Nh AM PBBTIBH' HHIC CAItrKNTKH^' MA CUINlMril ANU UOIIfkKM' TOOLM. 4ad a jeaaral aaaortment of goode ia tmr line wkleh we offer at WUOI EHAI.K A BKIaU al Ike Laweat Slant et Ra$eaf AUBBTH FOR FAIKBANK'8 8CALE8 imi BaferO Prenlan PlaaBe gpr* Jsaatry Merchants will And II lu tti.ll Odvaelaya ta eali and prie. oar goods Iwfure pnrehaaiag alaewhera, aa w. ean ofler au|jarie( tadueeaieata e »r. mpl easb tiuycre BATID BBLI.KV. K. W OOI*. ^TOBACCO Sl NKftArilL_ DAVKNP'IUT TOBAI O 011 K» Pli« f'nt Toharrat and S' tbm At Wholesale THBTRAttB^frrt lKti Wlitt TUB Ul'BLEN." •'AraeiiHr' and cl-i»t»* II HKAP Mill 4{I.'BLEN," •'AraeiiHr' and cl-oh front etri» t, liatw»'.-n I't-rry it»i jBctl-dty I. aciRt SrtMlF iraia Caada m. a. Acnrrnv. $ MBtt\ fatciis ClocUS 8- ICildLXN'BB'? c^jy3, "HUH* tiraada. looa, w INK ll, JACKER ft WINECKE, I ft DBALtaa ia SE6AUS, TOBACCO, PIPES. 1 &C„ lie. aa nrmar atreet, betwaea leeead it Third wpll dly DAV K.V PO UT, I m,__ Where da yoa huy your FURNITURE? AT E U S O A N N 8 or 00UBSBI Be.UBast4d 'Ot.. hel. i*erry •a nee la la* id stmts, DAVENrORT, IOWA. jssmsuiKisses sszxi Brick !M(Brick! UTBRP9BT BBICB ft Till (h Are fitthi ap the latest I Steam Machinery, Tot the maaafsctore of a Sepertor aiti. Ie el PRC8BEO BRICK, Which they wiU be able to o J«r For Bhle at an Early Day. Hake BB.OCO Brick per day* Aad tbefelhaeban aBBa eooaeraeaesaal»iM* s will eeapare fhverally With tbe Leweot. rAi« w. V9L to baltd. ead deeblae eai W* Oleeeer^K^fy uBI*»A1 Suf *^,TiTv aTL. SOBtok, jgPin BU, tkird door below Vina VatiOBBl Bark aaveavir ITH'I 111 BALB A**?'!™,, HeaJKatete ey a.eo bay itttr* aitvaeeeeeMde oa lafie aire a* .^rJTui. for aale QIVIfA el alto an* n«f«»B»B. thiti w ite Kale ef