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P.A1TY DEMOCRAT. n. "v Rll'HAWI»»P?r «»«JlTr lh* Clti Rphte Bill t^ the contrary notaith ata- Sin*. Th« uniformity witli which all Her hern stal' voting 1 loli" repreerntatisea of tha patriotic Karl I, bad takan tba poei American of Af tteindsscent by tha hair of tha head and piacoil him upon ths high pedestal of nan boo rciaiity. Ths (ioddeaa rested from her itcsssire y,and tbe"ttooly loti" heart feast*) itaelf with the contemplation of "lO' It-publican delegates to Congress fraat ten states, with their full Tote in the •lectors)colIsge for a 'lail"Preai!entin 1S48. Heeiig tliua reefed, tha Goddtgs wbia irrtd to aoma of har votaiiss in various Northern State* to bare submit tad an atuenilineul to their constitutions aliai oatiug tlierelrom that odioua relio of barbarism, the word besrte of the "troolj loil" what tlie taste of blaod ia to a tiger, or the tight of acarlet to a vicious bull. Thay boeams inflamed with nge and itallow and paw thaaarth for atan bood eutfraga and theaholitionof colora. In tbia infl imfd state of dovotion to aqaal rights, tha questiou whether all asen ar free and equal in tha North laeubaiilted to tba people of Oliio, Kansas, Minnesota, and •ow to Michigan, and each by a very em phfctic vote anewera negatively. Now lieie it an ugly dilemma. The Republican parly la Congreae, which does everything in the Mrae of the people, claims for itaelf that it tepreeeata ita constituents in declaring tie groee aball rote in the South, while each aa* of the Slatss named, rapreeentad n Oangrees hy almoat full delegationa of Re peblicans, declaree for .itaeli at the pelle that the negro ahull not he the yoke frllowe or equal* of their people at the poll*. What doea thla mean Do Re pablicsn Congressmen repreaant or ruUrrp rear at tbeir constituents Or do the people of the tttetra named, voting directly for tfcetnuelvea on the queation, mean to lay tfeat iiogio miffragc and equality aie di hir bte only in Statea where negrora are foni hi lar-a and rontrolii.g nuaiUera, and where ar totally ignorant net only of govcrr •ant hut of rveiy thing e fcT 1* a 11' tie i gnt a tlT. age, like a little knowledge, a In grto ie thing Or ia it unfafa to trual th few .d joittJ ann enlightened ne^rjea of tb« Njrth wuh «uff s e lest ihey may fce «ame ([nuli'i'Bome to the party by dcui*n in^oOloi'T Will aotne our U publicam us a candid atatoniunt of iluir Tie »i ti -a qneetiunT We are aiuceia in r.ib foe light. It anpeara to u» that Ibit iheonsistem y t|tb ICepubli. an party on Iho quea'ion ot Mgro xuflVage a tould not only bu explain •4,1'Ut ibat lbs party nhould by tome meai.t •Mtke their interpretation of the declaration •f indtpenilencfl the law fir their 0«n Statea or wi'hdraw it from the S.tilth. But aa we hare no idea that they will re noTe fre.n the Sdii'h the nr^ro t)(i:ninit|.iit itiev bare aatabUahed there, the only escape from tfcii glaiing inconeiateney and selt alultit'ca lion le to be aought ia the eiher itireet.on Th.. ,w« admit, ia by no tnaant tree froa dif fltulty. Tba inlicationa are, that none of tba ai'a*urea introduced into Congraaa lar Miablishing negro auff-ago throughout the Mtire country, ly t'.iugre-ia otml enaotmcnt. Will beouina a law. The reanoii iiisy lie fcond in the fact, that by ConKreasmen VK'tiog fir the mcMore, tbny rate dir«cli» In eaiabliah nerro gtiffra^o in writ* a ate. tmT '.'•PRII fBCRSDAV KYBMSO B-,r-7-.zr=.-rr A(VIran Michi Mark la he «rlH- flhe r«ault i *l« elecnou »,fur...-h.« iurl»i.-r eeidenrs «h»t Em- nor pssports .o .»"•' ""'"H •Meric'its of ..iii»enelil|»M 1,10 00 ths question hsva refiM.i iIn- I.* l.'t to the "iiatiDii'.s'p,' MMI xplaustion, and the great qiieetion he* shall all men be msde "free ami ei«al to iwh other at tba ballot boa, Is sedly Mat or aalutien. Tba premptneee sad •natnmity ot our Ceagreesionel rulere in elevating lb. oegroee of tba South fro. the naetdefrading elarery, at onca lo the post tiaa of Uw-makere. was meat gratifying to aaary "reely loil baart" in tba nation. Tka Qocdaaa of Liberty at one* da heads, and flappad bar wibgs, bscauae tba white, (/.fir «rm which the party hm unif^rinlj re- f»»el to do. We can at.) hut ono reoaedr for the eTil we complain of, and we freely •Her it a* a eiU'c«»tion to our Republican friemia. The retuedy will he foun by the n be perfectly tree frutu ihiectiona. l!y it ^"7 can aecura eutlrn^e lor the poor negto erery Northi rn State in which their par prcdfiininat-a, without either in Congreea «T at home roting it upon thein«elrea. Our M(|iitien la ibn: Let the Legialature of Hmneeoia submit to ita people th* que* •an, whether th* werd whiteahall le*tru«k •om the Conatilution of Iowa and ao throughout th* Union, let th* Statea be di ed into pair*, and each one rote on the qiiMiion whether ihe other (ball giro suf frage to the negro, and it will probably b* •ariied "lthout a diaacnting Republican State. It is ,ry true that Copperheails INanld find conatitutional objectiona to thi* ftau but no such ot jection would oecur to be admitted by eur Republican friend*.! objectiona are Copperhead Wnt. Viewing tha matter from a Repubb, an ICbtid p.tit.t we can «o abiectien wb*' ever ••ibe plan propoa*d. If we occupied *o ele vated a point aa tba "blgb court of im •Mctimei.i,- «i ide# 4n 0 j-otiwn would even bo eeon from there. Oar auggeotion baa bee* freely offered, «»d wa hope oar KepaMicaa friend* will ffeoly act epoa it We only aak that, if it fee adopted and it auceeeda, we be declatod tape«»kMr far I if*, on th* grMiludaef tba •Srteely leil" heart of tba nalien, and be •Hewed to kiaa tba band of tba Goddeat of Liberty aJ iUilm, €lr«rr«l Sutler, Me E*ad*r vjlt ia very drott, aad true a* droll, that Ifr mao who voted In tbe National Con vention rty idd time* for Jtfferton Darts to be tbe Democratic oaadidata far- tbe Froeidency, »nd wbo hl ,pe)j r^'^1 bfwk Democratic »Well,ioUi bw!ius# u wiu U19 **y ten f* letter, ar n4n elsbar- Your* traly, "BRUIMAS Wa a*e from this that th* great Jefferson Darl* man of lBr.O i* now leading in almost iTfryth'tip, only a few tnonthi aliead of the Itrnnhliean l.ariy, whb-h It* i^ra-i* after him. The Senate is n.iw expeete.! to b* dragooned by him into the impea bment. which he heftr or'r "!n th* fall of 18S5. AUKllXtTlRAL. Sheep are dying "^1. grub* i Wo don wonder, lor it is naru ?n." bing for thei» llw ^0ck, J»:»tv. n» »'i»« KANSAS.—A Wool, OnowiKii in correspondent "My experioncs gee* to esisbli*li th* faet that the linttt wooled aheep are the hardi est— will stand tii'tro Ktarvation and endure more exposure than any otber breed. My stock is from Wells A Dickinson, crossed with Saxony. 1 have as lar(?« a can-ia*, aa long a staple, as compact a tieece, aa good a .„rm rnd liner wool than any Vermont Merino I have ever eeen. I breed from greeae instead of into it, from dewlape and wrink!' imiead of into tb*ui, and ganer- I Ky from wliat which ia to tla eateem the dclecta of the Merino atock instead of into them." POCLTBT.—Solon or wt, In his book, FaeU for Firmrra, AoaicDi/ruaai. New Jersey show* a large general ad in tho i.rice of farm land«, and adja cent to the great oili*s upon th* diviaion* ot larm* into truck patehe* and fruit gardena th* supply of the tver inciensiug de niands lor the city markcta. Tho extrn sion of ruilwar laciitlirs iut.i sections bet* loforo retneto from mailets hits bioup'.t iii.ny thuusands of a ores under iinprovd cuitivatiou, and much enhanced the valus of the Kinpa br- ught into communication Willi the i.": drav.-it:^ ipplit-s from either end of tbe .Stut*. In Ljsex county, tbe atira^e increi--o roported as 0(1 p*r cent., thrugh in articnip.r locilltie* it r*aches I'.po p#r cent. Unci*.in, Co percent, in tbe Horn western pcruon, and 00 in the east em and southern parte, msr.y farms having been cut up into villa sites, selling st from at Irotn 1,000 to $ !,000 per acre Psssaic, 20 per cint. advance L'nion, 50 psr c*nt. In North Carolina the erop* of cotton and corn were light, and there will b* much sutiering in the spring among the laboring population, from their own impoveriahed condition^ to supply food cr labor- In South Carolina the crops w*re generally better, but still there will be a deficiency in food at:d means to employ lsbor anothsr year. In Qeorgia and Alabama, both sot ton add pom have done well, except in part icular localities, and autticient braadstufls have been made to support lb* band* while planting and cultivsting a large surface of both cettmi[and com the coining season. Contracts ars now being mad* for the year, and there 1* not only an abundance but o surplus, and wagea srs 'W —not lowsr, thsn future prospects necessitate. The total exports of cottan np to tbe lot of February ere 610.000 balea to Greet Britain, and 216,000 balea to the Continent ot Europe, againat 426.000 and 6U.U00 balre eame time last year, by whioh it appeare l!lat mf tbe RrpaMlcaa Parly. ,d •at nominate Davia, u now the leader of fee Repub: c»fl put.v in the Hcu.*, ..nj j, Mualt v leading oil in tbe impeachmaiu i" ihu tsio.ii part ot* long Tftttar from Oei tral Butler, iu Waahington la a genileaitn I Mastachusjett* OU l'141 far frotu be- ^aropodnor or the Ntttmal rfebt, the floanctel news 1 have pot tullh are the braak-water be'.ween repudiation and tbe bend-bolder, and whoever knows all tosai faett a* I knew then, and does at as blind aa a mala, and would b* tdf RfVNa&ted bare by a dormouie WUkto* j—r UMa wtU ill b»4narent,«ud wbaa ifsrybs^i frees to it awk will won der they bad sat aMn it before. **1 am ao assHsmsd ta have My Mliti 'tew* aoeeptad by aay party ud tbe STa Z' ***kt aaoaths af ,h~ wr«M*fn An 4 ,U\* ,",na'patlon MOT of IMS. I declared for Aha Contioent haa this ssaaon takan ..TirST^ l77»0001*1*1 .-Th#,sfcount of eel mined in tha United States in 1M9 ia eoiissatad aA 800,000 tona. The cosl trade of Pennsyl e etna has not been so imprests ibe ainoe 1«B1 as .luring the psst year, it being ata ted that tliet* haa been an svsrsgs leas to tlie pfpdevnr On the whole trade. total a»n*umptl«n of sugar la aoti mited at about ?,C'35,iHiO tone per annum. »r l."j pounds psr head for the 313 97S,(HX1 souls f.oia w!u.m returns csn ha Obtained. 1 he L'nited Statee end Greet Britain are th* largest conanmers. Using 1 420,000 toot, amially, avsragmg ebout 14 pounds to eaclt inhabitant. Ths average in France, Spain, Itsly, Belgium and Swvserland, is sins thing aeer twelve pounds, with a tatol Ma sumption af 600,000 ton*. 6K.tF.RAL nBffl, Bighwar robberies are rife ia the oeaatry »*eot (Inrinnatl. small |to* eaidsmie Wf tba ,k Ooxiagtoa, K«. euUure!11' 1"'°u0 general health is said t* be deaHnhiB. EiiJar Kuspp has baptised fl?a peaeona. K.» n Mk* of the ae- lnp»rt sum- frag* in tbe *aa«er of i860 tal tuf- «ia~cres4*f« epait/ in the apru'g,!!*^?* tb« necessity of imPsschm„'' la Iki kKrf IMI. I MS new nanncirig &&X2XX Y .i.. ta F. Bellas °f "what make, ens happy -.Sometimes, soother one I The lateas deflniilaa of a ••aetf-tnade man .. a man who auikea a "goaee of bim- Only 6,000,000 eat af tTJOO^OO of land in Michigan sre improved. Fiftyfire dentists of CineiasMtl the Legtslstore to ezeluda patent persons from the profesion. the wslliist, has »ucc«eil*d in nehtavi,,,, his 1M alias inaide of 24 hours. Thau. *iininmsai—,aad ke asnat kara into tka wwil to •a^,.«sr53s K* mmme Tb7finaneia) eondltion of England should bo a warning to the public men of out own country. If" fellow her financial polioy, as our Radical legislators seem disposed to do, ibe »atne .v's sill bu listened upon ua that sow curse tbst country. Thers isnotli' ing that weigha ao heavily epon the proe peri'.y and progress of a nation as baaty taxation. If the burden of ths English debt threatens to destroy that nation, ss some of her most eminent statesmsn fear, what can ws expect but sim.Iar embirrass ments if our debt should be funded in forty yssr bonds aa proposed, and nothing ia dene towards iu dimiuutkm Wa oommaMl the following admirable aoggeatien upon tho aolfeet, whlcb wo oopy fiom t^o New Tork lb,t OKBIM DIMAOCD Hoi sor Tim ieffarson (Wis.) Manner learns that tha hop root* in that section of country have been vary aerianaljr damaged during the past winter, so thMWiy yaMs will require resetting. Tha Watertown ffi/«Wes« aays nearly ail the hop roots in Jsttrraoo coanty are dead, and that tbe same ta reported troe as regards the hop roots in the aouthorn |*rt Of Sauk ooantr. TMa wHI afeot the oBmhsg market vary much, aa Wisconsin farotahas nearly one-third of the hop de mand in tha United Statee. The price* will KMMMrflT adraaoed.and tkoae whalafe a good yield will hold them with great e« peatatiaiis. Rirmli, hare the trua interests of the eountry at heart. Wa BUM HAEE Kansas o[ tbe Onto Ftirmtr says Robin- aays If you don't want hena in ruiachief, feed them and at times when it is really nec esssry shut thein in a poultry yard and feed them and adopt this simple rule for feed iag fowls, known to moat honaewire* in the iuntry who have elmrge of poultry, but it iMf he uaelul to amateur*, and as it ia very thort we print it. Here it is Den't feed 00 uiuct. That is all though wa may add that food aluuld never he given to fowls un less they are buu^ry enough to "r'in ira»" (ter it and just as soon a« they stop run ning crazy, ou stop tl rowing feed, and never—no, nor or—leave leed ijinff by your fowls "for then to eat at leisure.' New Paav».MTiva or raa DATTLI nphanii PLAOUB. —Chloride of cop|er ia now exteneirely u«o in tivrmany a^ainat the cattle plague, or, rather ai a preaervative. The FACTS.—Tho current ri port of ttie Depart went of Agriculture which reaeh a u.s to ibiy, presents a variety (I matter pertan.iiig to our agricultural ill' tereats. feat meadows are receiving much fttten' ion in Maas»cliu*ctta. iiiy having pans ed into the possesion of manufacturing comxianiea. Tbe peat. :e pressed in cbiiK', dried, end need for fuel, especially in irnacet. In tbe town of Mauafleld, Bristol coui.ty, a mine of inferior coal ex ist", net now woikid. During th" war the flu interest beoame prmn neot, .mi sonit thirty mill* were erect el in Wasliiiijiton s.untv, N. Y the tusi ness lot* pre illy decliiud In the central and eastsrn portions of the county potaUtee are made a epac alty, the yield being esti mated at 1 ,Oi»i,OuO Itushels, of which f'JB, U(iU reached a market b-.fore winter set in, ki I'mita to prr buahel- from Ulster fldti,ntii) worth rf stiawheaHoa were laat season shipped to ihe Now York markets, and at least fL'Oii.dnd worth of whortleber ries irotii the Shawsugunk mountains. Dastruciim of plum treea by black knot ia reported iu K.nga. The eame diaeaae lute alao attacked berries. a chango In tba management of onr public affairs —a change in botb and peUcr, or also tba pAssnt flnaoatoi Iron bio* of tbo conntqr, aad tha onetoas hardens whieb they occasion, wil' bo oontmaod. Soya tbo Mtratd It ia statsd by ths proao cable telegram fiwm Kurope, yeeterday, that tbe revenue returns of Great Britsin for the past quar ter show a deficiency of fivs millions ster ling. The statement ia not explicit enough to show whether this is s pesitive falling ofl* fiO'u tha amount of r*venu* for th* cor reaponding period laat year, or if it be only a deficiency eriemg from certain changse or incomplete returns which may bs msds np in the succeeding quartere of the fiscal yaar. If it should be a positive deficiency ss compared with lbs rsventis of the corre sponding qusrtsr last year, and thst it srisee from general oatiene which may oper ate through the remaining three qusrtsrsof tha year, tbe British Government will find itaelf in s vsry embarrassing condition for its inrome wou'd be redeced more than on*' fourth. But whatever may be the cause, or however may or may not be made up by the returns htreafter, it ia csrtain that Greet Britain has reschsd ths limit of taxation a* Atr «s ths psople are able to bear It. Tbe income tax waa declared by Sir Robert Peel, when be iotieduced it, ta h»« tempo rary mcasnrs, and that would bs rcttorcd after a fsw ysars but ths Government has found it impossible to make both enda meet ithout it. The Gorernment has bssa compelled, too, to add a special direet tsx for the Abyssinian wfcr, so aa not to in creaae the burden of tbo debt hereaiter, see ing thst with sll ths productirs powsr of ths country the people cannot bear an ad ditional weight oftsxation. Indeed, aa Mr GUdetone remarked some time ego, ths burden of ths debt threstens to destroy the notion, end wHI toduoethe moos of the pop uletion to absolute and hopeleao pauperism unlooe oom* means ran bedsvieed toliqeid ste it. The condition id England should bs a warning to us. Instead of following that country in ita ruinous financial policy, aa many of our shortsighted and igu rant publie men are die posed to do, we ehonld carefully avoid those errore whieb have faa teoed an enormma debt upon the people, and radooad them already to a state of fright fnl panpariem. OnraaUanal debt is hsevkr than that of Kngiaod, reckoning tbe differ once of intereat, and unlaaa we go to woi* eeraestly to pay it off, thia republic will aink lata the aama abyee of generel povert whils wealth may acoumulate in ths bani af a few. Let ua be warned in time, an let Congress, instead of lepislsting to re due* Ihe revenue for ths benefit of the man ufectnrers and other monopolists, provids sufficient mesns for a constant and yearly redoction the debt. mudua t* aa Mlows Take green cryetal- isei chloride of cop|tar, 8 ginr, spirits of wine, 2 kllcg., and diaa.dre. With tbi* so lution impregnate a pad of cotton, it on a plate, and set tire to it in th* oentarof th* stabl*, turning th* animala' head* toward tti* flame, *o aa to make them breathe the t'umes. Tbm operation i* performed morn ing and evening, burning on* pad for*r*ry three head of cuttle. At night spirit lausp tilled with the nolution is lighted in the a ble. The prevent ecridents the flame ia ttirrounded with wire geuz*. The liqaid It tixo Hiluuni-ti red internally, with tbe oddl ti..ii of fifteen gut*, of chloroform for the abov* quantity. A teaapoonfui is tbia la put into the animaU' drink three timea a day. A* a farther precution the litters are watered with tha sstne solution. MPM lAl, NV1ICES. BOSTUH PSSKIVS iMTitrra Taasoso, Jane IS, 1*07. Ws notlre In the Medtenl.fonrnsl HolTa Halt Kl tract highly recummetided pleae aeud. etc .'ont Hnwaan. Bold by DrngKtets and Oroeet*. SoW by lANTELDT. THODB A CO., IIOWF STEVENS* r.i.ifff/1* Dye Colors! CAITTIOIV, All pcrton* who keep Ho vl AStkvcks' FAMU.T DIE OOL* oap for tale eaii be rolled on tt»r their fair dealing, *r tha reaton that they roptthtra talltr twenty-f.rt ecntp |tr dosM luort than other kinda of Oyta in tfct BMirktt, vhiia he relaila then all at the saxae price, coata* fiientW he makea twetkty-flTacentt par ooaea Biora selliiiL- an Inferior S'ticle. We piihli thi caatlon topasrd onr eo«ton»ere against lirrusltioa. Accept none bat Itowx Bra »W' ftrsar FaeiLT Pre COLON. They are the original tseewsore of an latproeeaeat which origina ted tha branch of bosloees, and assde dtstng do meatleart. They have had also, Ave years' exper ience tn thla partlenlar basin ess, and hare been coa stsnrly Improving the qnallty or their Dyes. All the eolors, hotDIs Li*wtd SM Pow|*r form, st* •aas- Isc tared by the undersigned, and we sen aappty osr enstoioers with either. The UqaWsdo not reqalre en mnch tlaie la dyeing bat tbe Powder colore wlU color ths SM*t go«os. sad s sts tbe eame per package. In coloring blatka, nrowna. aid riraba, see wosld adetee the eve of Ike Powder color* Is Frtseaw lo tbe Liqaid, sales* foe rihboas ar some very ssnsllsrticle. •laniiiiiiasii s* MANLGV HOWE, (Suenssssr to Howe k Stereo*,) MssaiaaMwo, Pi! is M. TPBBS Ac CO.. VA KINO'S TE6BTABi.ll AMBROSIA »a*R IT rrsroaie so n. A°eay.iVy|.ieSor OSHC.'Ni: MAIB RWTOIiATlV*. rliangtsg Faded D«tr to the lNrk^Ln WitoMTtMa«a wlil«hso sdorn youth or age. Oeay siwes, ftS" acres devoted t* or Httnurv aad i.indm(T PRICI tl SS PIB BOfTLK. Porssie by nil Dragglsts. deeis-deodaasas A- KN«K SON., BXTHA'OTS HAIR oni, hate New OHtSni is oeemin with tbieeee aad gamblera, and the police are afraid of tbeia. A large aave near RentonriMe, Ark haa been expiated to the dietence of nine miles. Oae chamber i* six hundred fsst wide and' three haudred feet high. POMADED, COLOOXIN, ROCQRHAKTRRY VARICT* or TOiisKT P£UrvJUMtM\\ Bnr"'0eFl"oring Ritracts, Box aad U- fnMTtlaSing. filsek. Bias, Rsdand i* arroioo Inks. SOX'I .1 O O A N U O I Oaeof tin-rinet l!«lr Dtessinrs la the WarM.— AUo, deelora 'a Ua1r feftd Tooth Parcy Tollat Boxra iaATV^flSnl^ WholeMiile OealfM aMnniiAsi LeweetJekhi^fJ^^ 1 M*reet JekMaa Pr««an 4k feaHk. "MAMmwtne, tawaTTT •HNKAL NOTICKS. TRADE MARK Lit Due's Alabaaier frwrn T1IK MOBT BBAUTIFL'L AND HAHMLSSS COF- MSTii: IN THE woni.o It will noi Itt.iife ilo* m.iftt n'-at* Hfcin Itn |.i^ 'CT.e^ fin Hie fiiri- caui.ut b« art- Lte! •. 1*. csfi ir,«u rcoiiiy ty »titHit.f *»"1 vi.en rem-*e4 111 1- tr- Hi- siiftcr. »m frtt'-r aiul wb::.-r than txrlyre. rt Krs'ii^.A'.tHi li ^-' of LUefac«, Wh-lh»rc«i,1 y »ie.u»are 10 ih- wither,or 1 yais- **SK.»,l'11'It"ST*'*"M' '1!'KXION'Of'TH YOl'TH. r-iv«3» »l. thee** Hlt.-n.( au. An*1 ii.'t with whtch tt enn tv- nsed. aw* e-te- ••»»e««i|»le!e. If-.Vk for!.« UtieV. -fee thst tbe IIB« of I a Rtip tri In th.- bj'.tl'. so'! oar trade mark at thf Mt»of vie f'jnt la'tel. ••"l.l b» all I»rii-Kt«U •at rswtv Qomtt* Dealers. Fries One per SUE TJUOBCH TUtrr. 0. to tbo eareful attowtlsn or all wba C. WMb Oa^Sew TeA i Oeo, 0. Uoo4wta Co.. Bo*too. Itaaa.. Whnleeale Agenta. and arsraterf jlcld atoaee to lis paln-earallve prop ertlea. It la perSMtly taaeerat. aad can be sites tbe oldest pereon er roaseest eblld. foo have no eonldenee to Patent Hedtelaes—trj this ind fon win he sere to bny sgaln sod res amend tt to jiir friends, ilsadreds of Pbfsteiaoa recon •ead it la their practise. None gennlae anlesa 1 T'lhlss" Mm .1* ei-ols per V»ttle Sold tirn'l II-nKi.'Ui D.ipo'. .'i)rttanrlt St.JtLT. Fitly Thousand Heads sow elothed with maases of rich blsrk and brown batr wottrl tf they w*r» nn'orrnnstrlT Ct'T ttFr form s eajipty of t'HR!8TAlHKO'8 DYE. liegta to red, sandy sad srsy. Mmtiood andbeaaty, with the one defect In their personal a|.]»'arance remedied by CttRIBTADOHO'B HAIR DTK. relotee lo thrlr r* ."! fortani*. snd recommended It all Who reqoirn a perfactdy*. Maonfa-tnrrd t.y CHRISTADORO, SS Mstit.m I.sne, N..w Tork •°ld^by all Drasicists. _Aptll*tl t»y all tlatr Ureesers. i4 UR Maee. A«TH roa tin UIUD. •afTsMeM Ettractha* proved very •stlfnctory In tha tnat tstiun, aad iathr H.huulof Fnaaui-Muin soyoutks. Mey I9,1M7. Ii&ttu V Ilowi&D, FiimriELr. CI Mhj 14, t^67. Pr. D»n1i»c tfW ff mp: Hy tl) inland oMrr •tort of Uor* Malt Extract, flbr 1 have leonaineud E! to r*'" HI.HIT S IWIIV T*B«T.Ntw JUNE Sriuii# S Yon, 0, l-GT. Mr dauchter hat tlk« HoTi Malt SxtrAct for Ht-morfhage, and niy CUD afver fetofrrmg ftma Typhus both with the most fsvorab'e effeet, Ki'JW". Rftit Co., Foar nriir, .tunc!, 1M' UofTs Malt Jistrset tea done me food aend SM one box more L. Lse. Quia, Catt Co., May 1301. ITotTs Malt E*trSi*t acted like a rhsrm In my eaM, b*m. rrhr«e of tlie lungs W. 8 HSOWP RooBtsm, June IHI ReUef. Seat lo h«1m1 latter envelopes, free of ShSMSk Address Dr. J.SR1LLIN Uol'UlI ton. Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. fe4-3m ITCII! ITCH! ITCH I I! SCRATCH. SCRATCH. SCRATCH. la from to lo to 48 hoars. wamAToira oumratr cane Tin ITCH. WHEATON'S OINTORNT enrea SA1.T RHUM. WH BATON'S OtNTMBNT ceraa TITTKK WHEATomt OINTMENT enrea BARBRKft ITCH WHWTtWI OINTMENT enrae OLD 8QR18. WBEATOITS OINTMKNT enrea EVERT KIND af •naer, like nsglc. Mas, sseta a box. By mail SS ornts. Address Willi A POTTBt, Mo. 1T0 Wsehlncton Street, Boston. Mess. fee ssl* by_*!l Ptngglata. aox*-d*wty_ S«ntinols for Safety. Thar* Is la ths blood *a Independent fscnlty of **n •altaa. Whieb ftvaa eipeseStoa by pain aad lnttam mat'on when forelxn mat Mrs are preeenL Hence pats aad Inflammatloa mean aelf-pmtectlon, and are ssntlncla fbr the body's safety. Aid the blood by HRAN ORLTH'S Plti.8. to take oat foreign matters (impurities 1, and yoar pain, Il flammsttoa and sickness wilt often be only sn agslr ofafbwboara. MtaaCooeardtB,of Readtns.Pehnyler Ce.,N.T., waa eared of coatraetlon of the arm of over a year's standing hy Ims than a dollar's worth nf BRAND RKTH'S FILLS. The arm was *ntii«ly tueles* for O Y O U N K I TO ttrret flrartnal fooqaer bad bablt# nnT rcmoToth^ «fr.»cta of ear!r Krror, tend 95 ft'Ofs UAUS.N'S 1IKAL) DIM'ENSAKY, Loul« vllh', Kfnt'jrlJT. til 'un Tears' arptHttc^ 'u Ihii patient# fr.«ra any dlwaat* whatever «if a UKA«"M ONCB IM MKVKWTEKN DATS. One Prlxaof fldn.nno 60 ono Mt.ono •I 10,0110 As., Ac. Prissa paid in Ooid. Pilses Cabbed an Information given by OKOBOK CrHia, sagT-dJtwly SSH. Main Bt.. Providence. B. I. The only way to C'nre Coalita ne*«. Avoid all atrung pargative pills which only exhansi tte tnnconsteerttlonaaad weai ootiiatnra. -,. Please se nd fir my wife, who Is saflTertns froa weak lanes, one dosen. est. H. Kease. fussus, Pi., Joae tt, 1W. fleMeSSocn ns poeellile one box of lloffs excel Irut Malt Extract Beverage. II. t'osn. Ladtei who araanflhring front certain enntplaliit* katowo «aiy an (Saialea. sh -aid at onee get Dr. V i pau s PeaaatoPtlls, They orvdttce a siuet charalni •grU. told by Harrison s Slarka, Brady Street. HUWLEY'SAGUETONIC AgeaU, Ho.,'l Wot s ,,I h1 otr.'et Davenport, Iowa. PERFECTLY RELIABLE. Tha only remedy for Chills and Forer or An* and errr thut It or din be depended U|HJII 1P Hurley's Ague Tonio FA1I*BD TO EFFKOT A CURB. All wtohara nrd It chterf .llr tell their afflicted fHendt of It, aa a ttirr and certain enre for chflla and ferar. Any on puffrTtn^ tr«»m the cblllt would couauH their own In tcre«t Vy*etjdlrj to a drug Ptor» and hningabot tic. It l« pleaaant to take, compared with ottaera and will ba certain to enre all caiHt of feter and *f ne or fjT«f Scud fcTT^t to tha^ro|)rieto^^ LenHrtlle, Hj. llVRLET'S POPOUI WORM am Aa thla ta really s sraewie roa woasn, and the beet and asost palatable for* to slee to children, N le not earprlslng that it ta fsal taking the place of all other preparattoaa Ibr wonao—It eatng parflaetly tastelaes, any child will take It. JAMM HUDDLB A CO.. Pioprwle Leataetli* LivKRiaa. The Eolipae LiTery Stable. Cerner TklH sua* Perry sts, A/^ WILL AI ALL I TT LiTery, Board Horeoe end pay portion ar attention to fONSBALB. en Skort Hotie*' Baring made prorisioaa for tneroaoing my 1 aa now ready ta see alia i eld iag entire aaMsfaellaa eta, naraatee apr6 dty W. M. JAI9. A. HltSH, li«fe«i Utsrr ataMe HARRISON STREET, BETWIER Front and Second. Heraea 4k *t el abT AID SOLS, snd boarded at reasonable charges, nftt-fly frnnn Miller's leather Frestr »stl»e snd Wsttr Proof Oil Blackti g. for Boota rrasillk*7lUler*n Vreai*e Jlar. Oil BIsrklrr.fbr OlMng Hsi seseis,ferriage T, .ps. Ac..»rad fur nee, with directions for using Frnsak miller's Pellsh Black. Ita-. For ssle general^ In U. 8. aa* Caaadas. '•'saals Miller 4k a^e. undmff lb erf If life la the giaadt, s nea growth of Hair to rnt forth on bald' inaands are leetif}iag«a ibaebove Ikeseaty. in cases s Mta Tho rataaeoao', ti. b.. i** is, iss». This eertllee that I hses need "Kuw'r Vegetable utenalrela tn wtf knrluaS*. for tbe last If fStters* gray hair te claimed foTIt Astbrosla** aatenalre|p In nf knrluS. I TSAT.WMI (arM aauiln. Its origtasl color snd dose riinissssel esory Barbae to^eRat bis chair. i Qlli WM Hair Dreiea, Cs,.l8i 1 Oedar 8t, KawTork. Bold by H. B. KVAH8 A CO. DOWIS St 8BOBGBT, UN0ERTAkSR8 And Dealers ia all Wads at •atssllla ssi Wasdsa larlal Oa aaa. Any asststknss rsqnfred U nor Uas nroanUr farnished. A near aad elegant kodree elvava la read! aeaa 4] all as4 iiMUn. Comer ThM and Reek Ialaad Straals. a|r SjxlAytf PaTsayort Carriage Factory! TRR UjrOKRSIOKID WOULD RC8PE0V F0LLT iafersa tbe eitiseoa of Daeenperi and TiclnltT. tbst thee hare eoHBenced maaofhelar lng and will make to order Light ud Heavy Carriage*, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. TTavlnt hd a namher of vMr* eiptrtthca tba beat factorir*f in New Tork, Philadelphia aad oti#r E«*t«rn ritlee, fe*l confident till Ifcllr aofk fbr st.vlt, •uUh and dcrabiliry««ill epaal tba beat mann&ctafed. Hrpslrlsg lsa all tha Brssehea promptly attended to. Bv »»rkt attMtloti u* boelaaat tbey bope to Marii Ubessl eneemagsawnt aAMK feTlNI, HTTMCIGI. JOSEPH emrr & i~ umvtk rnenn o? iies,Straj&THiips (nralina & Ftae Plantprs' Hoes. 0S3i-« 103 fctittt, piilsliarsb- pa. VHOltiHT IRON BKAM8 APID GIRDERS. UNION IRON MILL Plltsbnrgh, Prss T„K ATTESTION Pmpri.-mr., Bait***. Coaa. or gx«iNKEK 1 DR. TOBUV Celshratsd Venetian Llnlmwnt, j-fod_ .. itkai teat of twenty years Tfee enemooa sal* and raplS ly tsereaatDc Senaod Is at oeca tbe aareet evtdesee of Ita oeefalsese and popolarlty. Try It aad be con vinced. No family *hoald be wttkeat a battle la the hnaee—haadreda of dollar*, and waij hoars of ent fertnsnutr besa»ed by Ita time7 use. Colic. Craaip, NAUHUOBANDCKMIIA'UY. And the Happineaa ul True Maiihoo'l. An Essay for Tonne Mea on th• Crlms nf ilttads and the Pfcvalolofteal Krrrm. Abases snd Illeeases wUeberaetetmpedtmente w MABRIAOB, with eare •Mass AND AB. "IJt 'ought lrna Mm' and (pateoted.) In wt k fkl Sheffield Steel Works SINGER. NIMICIC ft CO.. MTTMMSS.m,, •saafaetarars eTBitra VasBty Tool OAST STEEL. Patest Itol« Plates, a IX rtu npt1 on» of C«st st (ferman Spring snd Al Me. l. Elliptic ». .1 Mll Sprinirs. Sest Spria,-. Axl-S. Meel tire. Plow Wm, ., Sharei, Cul tivato Reaper Bum. Crow Ita-,t s3 Wt'r:r an,i War, TT RM WRITE, PURE LEAD GLASS (kal and llttnd 1.^ OKimntyt. Ii*eowo'JTe ltssd Ujjto. wRectors, JAS *. LIWD9AT, Treas. Ofllet *•. IS Wct^l Strtct, PlttAarih, DUQUESNE WORKS. C0I.EMAN, JtAHM k CO., •AniVACItllii tp IRON, NAILS, AXLES SPRINGS, PIssgMyrtsf ssl U. StseUs. Warehooae. Ne.TI Wstwfltreet. Plttibargh pa. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS Plitabargk, pa, PARK, BROTHER to CO. •asertcTi-atts Bast ((aslliy lelsrilCaat ttcal* Hquarr, l-'lwt nad Ueta* Rea-all NUaa. Warranted rqaal ta ans ixperted. Ala* ell other destnpiions of 8teel, lading German, Cult and Paten: 'tmliintd. rioic. Spring Ae., Offire and Warehouse Nos :o Al}l FirstStrset and Net. 1,0 and Secotid NFW toKK- Branch llon^. John Street. BOSTON 4.t44 Baticrymarch SC Pittirili Bolt Co. \n y yri- vate or ciMitVWplial nature, aDd ladle* troubled with aay fth# p* ruUar to th* bv tftc. nt# aUve, vlth Iff of cat**, will particular* f«ir p-If trMtmtfit by rttnni mnH, and thnp n«tid &!•< bivf a Vartz C'laap which ti» to vancoeala la fmr da\^. Ihr Elfctr ^MnfTM-t^PreTentlv"-. Thowdo plrif to limit th-'ir o?Upriff», ran enclo^f aptamp for pamphlet, containing enBrfarlnra »nd plana* tioB« of the above ]rovt*ntu-.«. *tith km e*t*y on tbe tabj'-c? of pr» vcntHtn. All .Krr«*pond"nre mnfl dtmial. Aadrr-a all letters to J. 8. WILLLAMS, DrawerSfT, l/rnifarlt!#, Kjr o«t'M-dftwly RutiI HIVIM liOtlery «f iiki« rfn! i Patent Hot Hammered Bolts & Nuts WASHERS, OARliAtiK. l'I.Oi iiii, Alt AM liWIlK-K H0I.TS, WOOD SI'RKWS AND RIVETS, AND riSH I I ATK BOLU *UR ALL RAIL 1 HACK Offltr »tid Wo'ke Cor. )f-^n A Batlar0traetit N.i.:h\Vard. 1' 1 |xe70. Pittahnr«h, |Sa LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILLS! •a* SMELTIIVCt WORKS Pittsburgh Pa J*nt the the llr. eshsasttns«ineoess*e*etlonsBnewear oniiia' Da B«aaispi's Pniariitit Loxanoaa are Js»' omxwtu, tier restore th* *i#«ti*«, qii<en the •r and tone np the whole Iittf® wee earing neeats. »ssettw.|i—tasss. WHs ethr PARK, M'CURDY k CO., KANtrACTrftfchj ar Braz^rs', Bolt & Sheathing Copper Lwomoiite Ftrif it l\n fox Shiett, PRESSKB UOPrr.R UTTDMS, •IIMKD nxil.f. BOTI'ung, Sri t.TER SOLDI ., AC Copper «'ut tost .v desired Pattera. Offl* N 9 140 A 1M rir^t sn 11 .t 1«2 Second BU„ PlTTSrUKOH PA. N. 1 A supply of onr Imj- rsd Solid Spiral .U fpe- l.lehttiit'c Rods with apBnga Complrtp CHD«U LY llnrler'p Ak. ii*' T«ml*. Thar« havp be«u thon«andp cored ty a«t!ig it who havf tried tba reuiedloa wlthont tn orit hut In SO on hand. S. CASK HAM n. t, I us. P. Wait, I.ste of B. I,. F-. stiKk At',.. -'s«, l.steof FortnneAOe R. 1.1. K'fMER, BAIIMAN A CO. MAHVFA CBRRS PURE WHITE LEAD Dry and In Oil, Bed JLead, PoUtr» JLead^ tine St Putty. PURE WHITE FDEHISH Hotnu ^2** following aotlee of jisssntee, kesrtng L^g^J^^jsnatnre, Is sttscbei to ererj Keg o the moou??.-*? TIOMfam StOB ocr "sme~'We Beswr »d 4 degr^ 0f|ft^_a HlWITT. fgJar'aVsj l(\ Wi-W PWWaip ^fMjethrr brand. BSTMEial^UJIAN A CO, firtsniReii 8TB6 Willi I Kstabltahed la |M».1 ANDERSON. T0C£ CO Maaafacturrr. of erery iaisripUat of STEEL' Ss.t SxitMd T«al atesi, Mill, OirMlar, saw rute •***•«. How ar 1 BDitcr Steel «ho»el, Bee, IWi 1 aad Toe Cak fteel, R. E. Spring Steel A Frog Ftlatfle OastSnrel FlngsrBars. SiekJe ssl. Sselags, Btssl Tjra, I'luw Wings,etc. OifDriilBtsel. Offlos and Workt, eorTloas ul First strsete, nttskareh Pi WAYNE IRON &SIEEI W0R1CS. BROWN ft Xannfactaressof sn*'s*ef BAR. ROD, HOOP SHEET IRON And all elan oft he irc^rt^5iirV-** •raa, ui Btiier PUlt IMw CBlCAao. Amerioan SCALE COMPANY issflaeti aNkLXM III ALL K1HDH U.S. Standard Scales Spring Bslairn aad JewrUr*' Sealci, WABKUOCSR AND 8TORR TRDCRS. BAOOAQB ARROWS. AC Wholeeale and Retail. fnH. n^ge the itttQ in(j f.nMA avi_k KJ, ao Hi iu oVmXrf nfMV-ries.ew e^lisly rr^ed. He &r« prep«r«d to fL-ptya.sll j1*** *L l^voraMa aa cao k* RTBRY ROAU tVLLT WABBABTBD. AgsotslSe A. B. Weed (Ws MeSsUe Baglase, fesaes Botsry hen, Albay Bee Besssa. tt«MBral Westena ^ttstwrfb, cnicieo, Age«ej St WarehaoBe: Bo. SM Lake Street, CMtcaeo n-L aaginr F. B. C0RBT. Aaawr OOOimiN BBIMKLL, Ageata, W. 3. QUAN, Wholesale Grocer, Ko. SS South Weier Btrsst, COOK i W First Strrett. EUCUIOB FLIM ULASS CO., naerrarrti^a, of Sl MeLAlN, CHICAQO STEAM DTE WORM SS Dearborn St. A 1US80. Clark 8t.,Cb1cafO. Ssnls' Caata, Tests aaB Paals, Djed or Cleaned with Neatneea aud Despatch. Liditi' Silk, Ratio and Woolen Brmetaii BHAWL8 Dyed and Cleaned In atnperior manner. All kind® of Mirrhantfl' I'irce Ooodt Dyade {aclyjtt R. B. BELL &CO., Ko.« LaSslle Street, OBIOAQO 1LLIROIS. laroaTBM or WINES & LIQUORS Teen, rigans, See. Csastaiitlr on hand a vnrlrtr nf the beet •eotch and Irish Whiski yn, uins. Bums, etc. Braadlea, Vlntaiea Ihio ta 1MB. BRNMR8ST, MAKTK1.I., OTAHU. Ill I'UTSCO. VINRTARK I'Kiil'UlETultS, I'lNKT, CAB TILLOM A CO AND OTHKItS. Thseboieeet brmndsof •BRRRIX8, PORTS, CHANPAORR8, RDBQUB DIRS. CLARETS. RACTRKRNS, DOCKS, AO. A variety of the beet Bourbon and Bye Whiakiet, ROM TWO TO TRN TRAR8 OLD. riR»T FRRMIIH 810W CASK NANVFACTUREB, Ho. IT. Deer so rn Street, CHICAOU, 1LUNON. A larroetoek of srerj variety sad etyle 4s. ot PHILIP WIDSWORH & CO MANUFAI TUUEBS A JOBBERS OF CLOTHING)- GEJY9 LEjmEJY1 Furnishing Goods SB AND SB LAKE BTRKBT, CIIIC'ACIO, lLLinen. __ 65 Daronahirs St., BOSTON. MA8«._ X7NION FOUNDRY -AMD- Machine Works, ClAKK ST.. SOVTB OF MTBST., IMMCAGOi MMjV. N. 8. BOUTON fc CO., nAwrriOToasss oe ILL nsecairitoKS or CAST AND WROUGHT IRON BUII.DINQ WoRK. Cary Bridge, Railroad Cast ings SL Bolts, Turntables, Iron RalllnsB AMI GRATING, WroRght Iron Track fraaes f«r can CAST AND WROUUHT IRON H0KK tiENGRALLT. Msnofaetnrer's Agents for Gai and Water Plpesa •I^OltDERS SuLlClTKD. yt~ HALL,K1MBAKK& CO Importers and Wliolesala Pealere is Iron, Steel, Nails, HEAVY HARDWARE alto, Hubs, Spokes, Felloea, Bent Stuff, etc., Msonfilietnrere of the Celebrated "TWS-reSTf Herse Salb, Aad Wholeeale A (rente Tor BBNCB'B Hone aad Male Shoes and Spikes., end Michigan Arenne CHICAGO BOOT MARKET I CHICAGO MABEU OHAPIN B. ARB ARTS, US*. ThstrsdsMaf eboatorsr tn ey- tftsjf S 0**» Out sBUadsgsadsef hsaey weertee have wow eeaaaaeed ana Raaef Sprlnc foode sad wonld call psrtkslsr sit atloato oar prkee for Calf Boots sad Blah Oat Bat. Whole Lesther Bro(SB. Osr Oslf BooTIs the ssslist said beet Bool ever tamed oat la onr factory Ibr WOROBSTia. As aon ... Far Doa W doaMe sole esH, 51 SSI, 1 Ben's half doaMe Idp, bat top Taneola do do d| doeMssslsklpUln. Tsp sots kip IS In. itiom" pmv fnML CA»T PLOW STRTL, BTVBL TL**. ^CGITKR BARS. BORSBRAKB 8THL, LAT ARB TOI CORK BTBBL, ,C AOHIRKRT WW L, aad **iB*d ar vaat e«ael kinds of Agricultural Implemests. "J, ."'•'I Belts for sll tmrpoeaa nado te tors Ar i Boerds, bW Cnltira- W,Mould cot t'n ^MtVr, 'telined or Cast Steal or Iroa Is 7»h.',*'!v Rsilway msaaaera sed Merchants BolUri •n,|).,|?r ^™n(1 of U-'•1BOH, •M Ponii •Siih, for Tire Botes of Warrantedeqnal te !B»d»fnr tenectqr. tesabseee or ^sax'jasgsatsig CEO. CRO.MPTON, rrtOPIilKTUR OK CWMPTOM LOOM WORKS! Woree.tcr, .lfaan. MANlTACTritEK or THE OMLT ttEMlXK CR0MPT9M LOOM wltt rooent UPOHTA5T IMPRorRUBNT, ran* deriB£ it better than ever for line Yarn, High Sinapd, mhIadapted extent of A sort*. Tha variety OAM Davenport. ot Looma -.uade at theae \Vurks .-m-irace t!ie liROA*) CROMPTON •*•14 snd MARBOW I.OOMS goods, Wt* s twenty Itair hsrnees eapaetty operstlna three or teerehsttle boa eorapartnsents at each aide of the letter sepedslly edapted to all descriptions ofeot loa nad woolaa goods ladading Fancy Casstaerea, Balmorals, Shawls, Ae. LOOM8, bett broad and narrow, of any desired wldlh, and with a variety of harneea momaeat, arranged with ens or a plurality of ahattlee tor Flannela. Uumea, RSoaddotha, Ac. TAPE LOOMS, wltt from JO tolo Shattlce for Hoop HktrU, Tsao, ®ad*»ca, Ht'ina, Satidie irtha. Suxpemlera, ftlatUa Fabtlcs. and narrow w»r« (niersllv. ss.T'" J't'oath»a Smith, Timn, Ohio, aecnsnt- al Linir.i-fr, who la ay acting agent for the tnhT-dly LUCIUS W. lOM, mrrtim asa or MACHINISTS'TOOLS OF KVKHY DESCRIPTION, Sl on AS 5 u rnt:s, fkom 5 lo se feet long and l' Inch to 10 feet ewlag PLANERS From 4 to feet lone and from Inch tot f,p| wide ''P'lgbl aad Hnspensloa Ibrllla 5 Gear and Bolt Cutters, In.loi Machines, ltorin* Mills, Ac.. Ac. BZCIUSITS Fos Fi*s STI-» Twirr, on oa r*nn«Kai STOOS, wax iMHiiin lloS.Oe FOB KINK imMini Dmasc ». oiuu ca vAU*i»nri ST K.M 41 00 uo loathe' Boys' Ine kip boots 14 doable sea •1i' Tooth's do do do -W Beys'taesalf 14 doable sals, 00, usn i v„n*v«i. lr-S.OS r»» A Cart, i.h'eCase, i4 Swrl She !s. leader and Brush, are furnished wits en'-n (Inn gruabbelle, »S.wi per dfacu. I rlnior., f-i :JI ,-r M. HAN AI.I.RV CO, Wonrasm. Maas. ETM.' TO WOOLLEX MANDFAI'TLRERS. WOOLEV AIUIIIVKIM (LKVKI.A^ID Jk. HANSCTT, JUNCTION suor, Wlllit KSTKIt, MASS., Mannfactnrs Woolen MarMnen or ijwr!or Quality, combining all thf isioi'.if iTi| rovrnierus In Uii» c»an ry. maay from Korope, and hi r'!v and Snisb n..Land p.IRPA»«F(l i'j HUT. W e o linuu lo l.i.Id Cardlnu Machines, wi Irun or Wo. il Kr.ines Pat ent Spiiirlnj: Js--ks: Yam Tw'-tf-rs, wllti anyssia' ber Of spindles di slr»d, with Hlu^le or Hostile Cy! tuders, trom iifw iiml im| r.ned pat terns Yarn Spoolers and Dressing Mnchinerr. All kinds ot rloih i lui-bir.^ .Machi erv. iuc'indlng Shears, firosil and oarro* tl'.jfs, il mble anil Sliu-le scttns dont te nc ln^ Brtishlnf larhtnes, Falllnr Mills, Waeh Mills, I'a eat CI. th Drytrs, Hrdros atic and Screw Presses. Niw uiir'nuery for -lvet, Pe tersibaes end Whltaey Snish. Clo'ih Wlmllnc and Meaearloir Machines, rtc. Wool Tickers, It',:-ter". Wlllowe.s, Vatent Hydro Extractor", uf ntw and Improfeil plan Wool Hrrers. Ilan.l Machines. Bob bin Winders, Card Grinder*, Tnrnine Heats, I lste Heaters, etc. Aleo Ifactiineiy Cast lugs, Mill Ueae- BOOQ ..icircuj I'm ironiL's win srauchloea ars In sutvtan'lal and snpsrior Iron wamee, when preferred, but wood frames will t« w pri jusl In aiade In Ihe United Staios. farnished st low price when called for, and are war ranted to b« »]ui] ln erery reaped to any Biachinea Is addition lo the abore named machines of onr OW make, ws a re prepared to famlnh Crompton'a Jfnafc Parks Wooleon's Shears, Steel Hlnis Bur Hschlaes sad Bar Pickers, Card Clothing, and man efketsrets tadkifsfeaerally.stmakers' lowest pries ad esa fnrnlah oar eaatoaasra with machinery for Woollsa Mills complete, Ith promptneae, sod at ss ISrorsbls prless aa aay other oslldsre. SANkNT CAM CLSTNlM aAssrpaenmsss or CBTTOR, WOOL FLAI IaetuieCirdClotlii£ ITIIT ov OOa, riBiirr. •sutafisctarer'a lafpUsa, CaH tmg Nhchlaes, Ac., FURNISHED TO OEDKR. WOIOUTII, .MAtB Bowaas A. Laaasais, tsst. •aaaaaa* Co„A(*ta, TO Bsakasa St. W. T. Lee's PATENT FOUR 8IDX2D MOULDING MACHINES, w ftp sola, Nsll Bottom, 8* Teal kip, Mall Tap Suls, IS St W Veal kip,!« In., 1-S D.S. Oeata'Klp.lStn., WTTBia si ou a ns .. BOCB SUES, Bseaibetaredby B. A. LEK. WercsSter «HBaa. 47 I st oe U SS Sl Floe hip, eslf style, IS tn. Fine kip, 1-1 double sole, IB la. Tapaole, Sae kip, eslfslyls. Mia* Biaers long lec. nsliad bottsss W inch drOTers boots Bnfsna l-t dooHs eols ,,, KICIAftiMI, llUii A Ct, sunumas swa sen 4$ Vftaials/ Waa4«artfcA PLANERS, SS U *1 *1 tree se ss is 0 to en Hit SI tie Btrtmt, u Waasns* Calf BaDsSewodTper p^ •3F»sseWe. do BnCBslls, priML Ooat do Bawad, de do B-f Jfitfsifay, as* Use's sad GkBd'a nhoas st sseportteasia ntas. Wa dssuo te eall yonr a'teatioa to a law tteaas Trntha, ''Ws assn what we ssf end Say whst as asaa-" We are aahlag goads ter saperlet la aai aa sees with Coppsr Rsfls^,'1 gleo onr Ooeds a Trial. Waharebeso wtheTrads WeettTTesre We hare sold over Bt),SS0 Csees of Boots. We will esre res fro* 96 to tl* a Case. We eall at a ndr Baanfactaret** Praat. We will eare yon the JOBBBB8* PROFIT. We win aire yon any slsas jroa may wish.. WeeeOfcotsatall ttaesalBoetonprfees te aaaailaa oar Price list abw We eek yoa i Wo pal Soto B.B^-Ws Lesther Connter In sll onr s sail for cash, or collect on delleerr, ptelng yon the enspine the coode at the Bzpeeaa Company's before i glee ns rood elty refcr and aball aspect pro apt paying the bill. To prosapt Baas sere we win aend by ••••S*SMM«M••••••' jlsoSsf Moulding. Mortitina mtd Tmtmtmg MaMtu*, jrood-Tnmlng Lsthss, WITNERBT, RUGG I mCNMBM, 1 sts iH do PollahUoat do WOOO_WOBCIWOPleninv, n .1 Fioreiico Sewing fy w ,% *1 fm\ \w W ^'lTyi citiCA«r. PP !N!1TI)N &"sO?AIITONr SHIP CHANDLER.:! SAIL MAKERS. UKAl.KltH IN A N I V TARRED CORDAGE, LATH HOPE, CUT I ON 1)1/('It, No* rtcht to Mannf»cturu l'sfl's l\ lubraled PATENT 1101.1.INO LLVK.R PVNC1UNG St Theae Machtnrs hn»i» t^en i''trt)Tighly and rigidly tested dnrliiK ttie psst flvn jr,Mrn, liy Kailroad Ketialr Shops, Duller Mskt-rs. lllsi ksmiilis, Mscliinl-to, (lau smlthi. ami others using them, and are ennui to *ny machines In u*r,and tn some re«jx'cti« -npcrior. Tbe frTTn ts Cimpnrt, ri-qn rinf lens inctal thnn sny oth«-r known Puns or Shoar f*»r the nmount of work ii«r JoHned. WM. HoW8, Suii't. H.B. I11UDKBTH, M. II I.I.HIT. Ass'l M. M. laaalheiery sl Worceater,nsei. SAIJBIKUliM. 1 liberty MtreeS, ^Near Uroodwsy,) KBW YORK. All the rarlons kinds, snd the latrnt improved Ma Chlnrs snd Implements tn nse. Perforated Copier Wool Klnsrrs. Cotton, Woo! and Wool Hiock Flocks Teaslo.MUri-'i, nils, .iiei I Si^am r«cklnj.-, Ac. »iu». »i«n eci.uriN roxt mau. u. c. WAUnnoara ETIIAY ALLJB1V A CO., MAjrrrArTrnrns cr am«bu'VN BREECH LOADING & MUZZLE LOAD ING DOUBLE BARREL SHOT BUNS, MADE FROM WOOL TVV INC, Tackle Blocks. TEATS .I.VO .f Bade to ordet st the Lowset Hatee. Pl'BINtlTON SCI!ANTON. S Water !»ir«.et, CHICAGO V&EOENBU&OH BROS., SHOW m* MMFr.trrvRRRs AND AN KNTIKE NEW STT1.1C E A O A K IA1 sad 161 Bsadolph Strset, OI'l'OtllTK THE COURT llOl'SB. ChlraKo, 111. IV 0. Hoi S2i" ocl55 dl Hfff£ JONES & PRICE, WIRE LOTH, CHKESE M1FKS, Sirvn, C» iI nnJ SHUJ Srrrt*ns, Brawwiaatl iraa Biddies for loss «lrl«-a, 'liner's IKItldlro, Rat Traps DDK UiizlrH,!)! .Iln/zlrs, CI.AKK'd Patent Soli-Setting Rat Trap, I'u vi. SIR TI, \Vt*I»ow \n I hllF.AKIVW MACHINES. S. N. IIAKTWBLL, Ageat. It. BALL Sc. CO., Werrealer, Rlaaa. MA^rFAnrrana or •Woodworth'*. Iani«le' anil Gray At Wood's A N K 8 Sash Mooldlnjs, Tenoning. I'owcr and Foot Koftle lag, y prljrht and Vrtl' al slinltlnj, Boring Bachtees, Scroll Saws, Re-dawlnr and a variety or other Ma chlnrs, and srtlcl.n t. workiiL- \Vo««l. Alr,the best Patent llul» Morttsini: Malchiue In the World. _S«nt for our lUurlni.-J Csislonur. ,l»3 ty SUMMKtt PRATT, COTTON AMD WOOLEN •INUrACTURERS' AttERCT. Metal sad Wood Show Cases, constant!* oa hand. Orderj fhtm the eosotry promptly attended to. All kinda of Machinery, AND SE1ER4L ITABE. tt Front Strr.'t, W. «. biu, M»ss I'lae Mtnl* rwlat, Lata inated M«oel aad Ds •ssrua Unrrels, BREECH LOADING RIFLES SINGLE PISTOL* METALLIC CARTRIDG1W, Ac. AMKR1CAN Dinkli Barrrl Shot fimis Forplaln BtnbTwIst, Bar Locka, Wnisgbt Iron Bo* Fsrnltnre, ami En^rsced, $ Fur III Bore, Extra Finn Stock with Sitra Kn Kraviim, Finet'het'kiiix.and Fsncj Ko 1, lcinnalitjr exi'a iS.SO do do td 1S.S0 do de :"d I0 0S do do 4th S.W Alt over 3ft Inch $1 rztrs per Itieh Pi ire List of br.ech Loadlag llosb le Barrrl Shot Guns. Ktankltn St rl(U AOO, Kvory d'*acnj»|j»ni of WIUE WUUK Uouo at th«* fh'utrnt n.»*U'rtly P. W. KK4V!!)E, ARt., Mill IK, "4 A T# West Wa^hlu^tfTi St,, cor .Toffl'r* CHICAGO IMslVOlS. STE.t.Jl £.V6'I.V/ *, Single and Double Circular SAW nvtiT^s, HmstiBi lacbiies, PLA.V1NO BATUUINti S. Laik aad BS.RBWIBKMACIIIMv lliiH, CIUABN, AC. as Handnlph Strvt, OBIOAOO,._ ..._. at.. dini imiiD i ci. HD1P i llAi\ULEUH, AMJ DKAI.KKH IX Twines & Cordage BOS !207 Mouth Walsr Bt.. Chicago, WOUKICKII w HWi.retS STAAAJK*. HTC. Nscblaes iaat .tltlla, *r. TO GRAIN SHIPPERS MiUer* nnd HislUler$» Waa re mamfadi: rln{ KICHARD8' Power Corn Slellers. Ofr.l! r^r*!!j\ 1 f" 'i-n tlQ to 10: **^rtPholia fM»p BDIU of Iroti ACTI A MI. I!«ll«nr« TUN rr mtr to Illinois. particular attention of the trade to our atock, s* we at all timrs hare the largest .nd br.Ht ussnrtmeiit in the Weet or Cotton & Ffm Dark, ill WIdtki, lITf'UI^ K «t. UAVTI.A ItOrK, HAtW. HAWUINO A Nil OAM V AS, OA I, I'M,BURI.AfR, TAU, I'l I t'll CHAI5SI, AMI TAOKI.K HLOCIH, foal Tar, ROOAB^T Pitch A M.% f*F T'Tl' i: zi»? ISUHO WORKS. SEHEQ 1LS Feltlag BEIMXIKDS, CI.OTlll'X IINRS, WKAHl'l.Nt* I in bundles er bbls. UltUUM 'IWINKA W L.N KS, all .r...l '.l S, HKLIi ANl HArtll (HIP1 IK, Kb 174 AM) hKlhli' Calton, Flax A Hrmp Tnlif KVEIIY UKHCRII'TIOM. WOOL KACKH AM WOOI, TWINE, TENTS OF £«EK¥ KIND A W N I S TARPAULINS AND WAGON COVHIS. Of I'lsin or Uubber-costed Duck. Of Bilk er Bantins, aa par Army IlsRalsMeas eoastantle oa hsna sod made to order. RUBBER AAD LEATHER Warranted Beat Q.nallty. AISO, Sll Slar-S Of Hose ft Paeldnc, And all hlcdsof RUBBER CLOTHING Ftrt ButkeU, Hortt Cottrt, Pian* Covtrt, Sheeting Clothe, Boott, and Ottnhoet and every variety «f RUBBER GOODS Laee Leather, Belt Hook% COTTON WARP AC. WH0LB8ALB ANB BETAIt •ALLOCK WHEELER, Bseesssots to JKO. i. IDEBOB OO., Bd. Mi Lela Wseet, CBI0A6O. DR. AMEa rORBEBLT or "JABgV LOCK HOWITAIV NewOrtesas, La., estsUlahed la IRSSf sad fbr the Isststx yssrs leceied la Chka«o—ths nsoet sv cesafal S pedal let of ths age lis the trsstaient of sll dlseaaas of s priests asters—can be einfl*entlallr eeasolsed st Ms sOes sad rooaw.ta Runoui seasnS soaasa aa naisssaa eeaasr, er srama, moa the1 treetaisa* of Chroste. Baeearlal, HfphUitlc, Blaod sod Skis Dleesees, and sll Disorders of s Ceatsaloae Venereal Character—which he eaw s eltfeoat thews of sasreafT, lodtae pstasss, sr-aaie, or aay potsoa, bet with kds BasesAusss-epeeWeeeese far all he- bsrtdllary— XACBIirKBT. BCCB Woodwwrth Teaaniaf and uroortag Msehiaee. Pawsr llorttee Beebinea, Wereealer, M«sa» IIA WKLN'SA JAMES, lgsaia, 3a. Waus Resale, CHICAGO. yt 9*S' a 0LUTOHAB, A«eat, sash aa Bualasl Week it oa by asss. Meetsral sad UlsrasI I aiass of UM Ihe orssa, esrly I sssani loss af Ew? yisaJse"dls»oss^Tialon.7«ajojss'u5aesl'lnsss£ V, with a amtorsble trsln or oCSar stnlosu— tresSsdjad raUesIlj tared br.satrtSiiais ssethod, sselrg Baa aat esMoee. AH tliissss aesallse to thsseaaal oqwa«,of s pdrate (Baiaslsr, ladlcallr sad sinssassoy esred. )n dtsssees or ths most honlMS alaes, where the Mdhsa hscesM aetseasd—prodaclnf blotcheeoa fsee, esian wsteryTlfai»l»—rSlne ta the bead snd nee—ateerated throat aad Bass, asms aa the llahs aad body, erafels Isasthsr with aa sadlaas nnss ber af snffettngs -sBteCisHV sod pennssentljr cared. Pa. Jaaas la leeosssMBded tr the press rt'he Pwrfsaasesof sasdkal co»J»n*. 21. SII.SIIV, Bidtiflire maanAictarer In the Vs RT MPS, lultiii ia my con onof .r .'Q. »u.t i l-m (he C'oru iu ^u^ot.or condition for Mill or Mitrkrt. UT UVLU u I.N DklLX USE Jtl Wheat A Oalw Separatorn. Cspscity 100 to CO Hnslit ln per hour. Elevator A WBrehoBse NacktBory. ADPRESS. RICHARDS' IRON WORN, Nna. 190 and IM Washington H'reet CHIOAOO 1 V. PRICK LIST. or LI,INOI8. W. K.1NFORI), MAKcram kKR or Confectionary! Of all kind* by glean, WffttiC"AMi nsifra i* Fore!jfn and Domm1l0 u HotRry &team Fire n.nglnet (KtiU.T*H I'ATKSTl. An 1 slsn ntsr.uln innr of IttiTAl:, KNOlKl's SStd ,tMl and p«wer,ol« r«ty else, i. ,1 sd«Vt^ mj erery parpnM'. AdSrwe n.'tfl if. t'. Sll-SHY. '"in*. N. 1 A. room Baltlatarr, .•*• irylaad. AVt'FAnTItBRK OK Portable A Stationary STF\M rXGIM'S vV HOI IK US, w5i,:i*irti FtitF fwQijVr.t. I^niaiag Hsrhlaer|, ltut»-rt*a •ai-r ISogulHl 'rs, •stusHaou I'at* leya i»net llttafera, tl JIT WAR\|,|( A- lVHITl\ »'.r, Ma"uU:tnr*t« uf dll l-U!')« ttf MACHINISTS' TOOLS. 'Portnb'o fc Stationary Steam EngineBi STEAM HAMULUS, 6UGAH MILLt. SU.ii 7V.\7 N, Void tWinim# AM) elfffrhiBrry. WAWBI A \V„ II, DOILKU WORKS, fsr, ssl Rotk I.LiiiJ 81s. STEAM EOII.ERS 4 v«HY Pf* MADK AMI) I? I' I* All? K5. Smoke ript's, Rfe^rlilMgfisire on ir* snt:i ttto.v irofti* Of otfirjr tlaat ri^ -n ii .n-t! fa: Hl»ai.»' .•%t• ai«5 Fire Proof OOOTN & Iroa TBIIIIR .(.-•rrlpl 1,11 Lard Tanke au! i Xn lt-r. oi lll.M'KHMn ItPU In ,|! n ^ir All Work ,t,.r. ivl'J.llf I',- irrsa AMl Kt, ,!(. K\\VI I 1„ Aiaoiikea^ ManufrtrtnrlBir Cih S E A I E E N I N E I And I. K'OMOTIVKB. BANOIII STKR llampshlrs. WB. Am rjr,Trea«,,(W Htni «t ,Huston.Msss. B. A fttraw, Au't. B«rrl„.t^r. v ft. A I I I & I A S O N S MACHINISTS! amp M4M rAt ri ri«i IMPROVED UPRIGHT DRILLS, I:M ph»:sn3'.N, AJtU SPKt'MI. BAllttNKItY .M (. Mill, (Iratln^ »ml First "tiii!il't. fit1 «ltti I'.it »iit Prlctiwnl''»ii!lii|t snd ml wMrMr swht ll:aiiai't*, hsvlni' Pstont*'d H, lf idling 'ti*eS alio, tiun fn-r-'infcr I'nnit.. Inr di-pj ii*f and 1'itHir I'ssipefor Fire and oiher pinpi w N s. iJ A I'.uttr Hire, tv BAltTKi ilili. o SN Union Vise Co's Vises Pur very ho ty er Ittflil 'i «trk. riri: iiniM run HEAVY Hi'iiii'd or.k. Also Stands- fining ''nichlnti, I "-IC:."». Poresle Pralrrs. OtBceSO Water it t!(|61'OM R.-Sd fnr_Prl--- I.'.l, O. NW P, Pr*s. is^OLXitsriTj A E I S 8. W. WHKKI.flflt. Prep. MAMTArn itrn AND I»KM KR IN Priollag and WrapplBR FupMr CAP?, UiXTEB, MW, EMVKMM*, A«i HAVINdiU'f«, KKCKNTl.y F.KKi 1 HI A01IITIONAL h!ilM flint !iitr-rtii'»! if I*.'. •1 N. Lti.»T*'d siselilnrr). mffs llttie-- r.r snppiyli i v. rjifili k la B.f nH..v UK,-, flri- Kl, .lily lu.l- M. ii tl'.lri»are 1%'.|MTifullj stilldipd, and vhttll rirrlro i rini| ta^ tenii»n I slinll i-nd'aTnr to n»r the hlsheat msrVct rirtea Ibr It ACN A5I) t'l IloPF jsntA HA wty CO IUTJLvN Soap Washing-Fluid MANUFACTURINfl COMP'Y KAfCfACTnatu or COBDRB'S CRYSTALLINE rKrl\FA i V K Bleaching Fluid 1 A flow Artulf pilMr of a ijfriit wirier •fl« tf.», tiol! AtleiuW »i Hill, aiiy Bid Uniformly opi-r. 0 wht var l&ttl> Uiic« n A*l A I'm or o is it .v OleHraictl Pr ?csi in mli nt, CASTILE AMI FAMILY MAI'8 ALSO ar Afc* KfiWUm TK Highly Perfumed Fancy g«ap«s DETERNIVK FMin, ORYftT.M.MNK TOIOT Kt OID. *0 pr A!) order® ]rr.mptl nifrd. lUUtTfOMD KNOWLES' r.urn STEAM TUMP. ParsSTSn us Kiai^uis ann KHHMI. TWs I'mnp lis. r'Ti'lvtd tli^ Iln,nri-7 1 Kf Mira al eT'-ry Ksir wlier»*it hse tw-'-n ii:.! -.,l New Turk. 11. -t• it, M^itin.'.r'' «, n»Mi. r.i.fli. ..,Mjira saer, b|pelniri etd aud ire«tir. It sas tio Cranks or K^Wtiecl. and hSe no dead polnta whers It «tffp rnaoeqecvtl^ It ISalwaya rtsdy to nsrt Wwtll KIIII NC N HAIM J' AR. ^I (I.we UI Sit rcqnlri-b ind Wurlt to vet it i ni tlx- n ntrc. and Is ths (inly I'timp nisrir tnst will »..rk it» IISB eal»o wlih water, ronsi'uut'itlr Is slasjs r-*(ly lo stsrt wkea lk« stesiu cj llndrr is Btlsil itkcoM wa ter of cuadrnsatlon. tl baa beea seed far lasre Uso etfbt yrars r«r rsed tonstatlonsry MTRAM HOTIM^,. i •.!»-. .seed aiure tfcsa tee years on Lot'oBUTlVkN. and n th* «aly Maasi Psaipy irl, d.thst -In rv, rv ndsp t«d for that use. It Jis* hp n rzti'ii. i«l| •aaMUlfl water Ikr HsiHs. 1 :tllc lastltaosns. MIb-forI IS InK Pnrpoere. and Bnnnfrntur nif E»isli.l«)n & with psrfcct ruc 'sa. It has 1,1 Bajlsad. of tsted inauSlerBsKtassr Mary Yards sad on rereameadsd bye sally adoptsd by ths aiaaefSiNir«it|. Is lbs Ifaey, and n consrqnet' e t» wrtunnriKt. by Knrtaserof U. S.Ks.r.t.. l.o us^.li -.Uis Blsssaere. A" s Kin- fm-i... It is sll las. Ooaipanlrs, and Is in ner ths Batlhi*irlsr »«.| sr.i.wta AKbaash we lisrs ronstunlly aiablM sdMlsas Isoar Wsehe.yrt'lwi»i-:ti i tea atuBaiMM oar PotaiMkes l.ttbsit.. i» n :-est srtaaaoar assslbls predsi-tWm: bni »ltfi rseet ea larKSawnt of onr Works, sad •t.nsive sdiiltleia to oar mannfarttirinK facllltl«, we liojeloVi i:l1eto snT4Hy all arrtrrr. 1*» Proj rl-tors offpr this Pasip as Win sinof Per- fctt Indcp« Dil.'Ul »m I'miji ir .sott d, aad Ibr alroplfrity snd dnraWHty d-flc rninj.. !l»n. For furthvr IsronBatlaa, address tl.e i roprlr isst their works, Twa KNOWI.EN A HI III. IT la aa acknowledged fact, th •. 11 a fossil sees to wbieb aacb s m: asaeas la asorlleore evrry otbor Oraat an M. THE BAILS STEAM PL'MF. mi I .KKMrtrUB riej pof, tf.e mirk' «j— iUlbeXB ara now in op«r«ti-»0 for aU maj.^g of pnrpoafi*, and ibfir jier^frmais^a pUJutant.Hi IhlaititoDcut THE EABLK I'UlM hana exhibited aud muel crttlcaliy tcstod at sB .ha areat Jteehanlcal Fntrs held In the coaetr/ Isr »k« Cut Are years, sad at every oae recclrsit tta —. —MHllMMS swsrdsd. and ran be fnrnlsltaB aad atiles, to meet tbe demarxl^w tkhset peetalniaawarde They are adapted to all of Par Oil BelasHrs, ww wd^ S Jaaas la leeeassMBded by the press of --say. by prafiaseeasof tasdlcsl s«J« ths Medical pro Session generally- Thoae afll RSKST Brsweriss, Boiler aB| Wre Panpa, 4cr., ...IHI 0#0jar.i"'j, hstl siatpflcity sn.l rre dom from sit meebsoBis seaplkatloas nadeta lh«m darahif snd *asy tuit» pair. Thess Psaips w» re exliilj.'tr'I. oprrstlnn st Ba rn 1st- should apply to him sad be cared st Da Jinsssabeeoasatted. Isr. P. O. Bex MS, Cbleafo. IU-. '"SfR!" tret urn aamrsr or at ble offlr? and parlors^ Baa OOlph atrest, eornsr of Dears horn street, from 8 a. o 9 r. a. Tea separate n*®*" priests ea •ee snd exits, a® tt-»t 6*'**^' "g*' tact with each othir- Heeryihtag prlrsta and Kxrotirtns s"l ntirscted epceliial* their slmji'tcltr 1 'ieeness. may he fonut a- ul ti ».|« tn tbaprtrNl» JS of the rnni'-ry. Forflilliletii ls. nJid a Ctreslsr. jyntrtrci'' Iron Work*, aOdTH «KAVM,K, CssMn -St'CCKWi'tH TO— QFTO« DWICHT, JR., A CCH IHAWJUNBA JAJUH.'AffSSrtS, Msatt wens MsssMlBiaMO^