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^RTf -T LETTFRS PR. SCIIE NrK Caaaaaapttea. ••^•r £m*lmlmt Ma nr»Prp*tm* aspthb WON»KIt«"j EFFECTS Mi the em»- ai-alined to hoVfc.rth#tr Irieucin ru1 *r,frrc rr iu *f-*hrm*k!" 7*^** larslire powtfn !l"1",i,C t"Jrru*' i'-, tt-rrliKand dead!}- cnem.7, 1 ,»4-'*kla ponU aud lis r»S tf* n »®fjund in t-chfnefc'* J-i»vj v i up. frwwtC'i Ti nir *n«l Aia&arut« .. lueat r.-iurdi"! bre tuk^h t* difec Vviidvr atl cb»u*® lak*® ti.«*cn «JiAl*oa ot t*"» btO'),a IB %M tor«-*»B ol tUfc |U.M TiipI111"11' 111 ,crr h:'*i Vr*oa, I t» m*t u air«-it*ih is rtturoinfl. Th® ptitM fc .ii*a i»® -mis »i '1 proper condition, Hi* A .".'uia is aatck^oed l«e ordailitug ia Hiur, .a ttointcb bu b«n |, u*. uiiM, iiiAiire ol (m Hudrtki p,p». tu« ai^ru*«ii»eui ot tb« psiitot becomes tu*» pare* ^libla. Ih^e.iuu^uuu 4it u tnuoder pre-ciistmg fc.*«A4»Uocr» l» b«e4U« Ol lb* i»»H'«»Ti»iik.|i«:d I fbtliiiua ut ihn bluod. ccaMtd ill Natural luoo iuu. ftLd ibr Jital iiui'l w*® w*l» *!.« un»u®UiniO|r. tvrc Willi an appeals U»lar l*iiv gtftij, it i® impo®*iol« for oftfati® »o wri |t i«ii impiired to j{i*c !hf fjiiiliit vitality I® |b» arrrut uf lit* c«»ur»intf tmuu^b il*» I«f^ .jHv»«6i«i Ituaml course ot Ir#• -»t m«3t. i i i »in** fwuI remccis® *J pot« t»l i»* tuft i nc« up o titfulioii® «f I be iuujfB. aad |Iln«ir i®t ®r® g«lhur«Ml n U)f Ki lout, not u! », i»i.i of A*turi». T:.« V«Qlr®a® i\U f.J w.ll r.bk f.e durl® ol tS' K*l» and rt*rl U*e t!»e Itfer w»l. 0 4* %y Uvtti ®t'»pp«*d the tunoatiou of o«w ti®®tiv« ta« bft(UO i hr •tiUrrmg lungn b*4n «.» fiu'it nli ai»®aftcd maltar- The asp*!** torani j- o,. -rtiei ot tlir PuliiiablC Hjrup tbrow lltruiu Hi M4KIU. Ihf Ji t®liui) il now ).*r f®.U.l, Ui« aiiprttl® iorr«aa®® Th# hatf^trdcx* «.f »aui«uance lh®l iotrarlabiv mat*® !i® fic'ria of oonsuflipiion i® obanjrad to on# ol «h«-ritiiiu«». Tb# pAti®«»t r®c«iv#® a »l ®mui ioc« tba* b«altb it a|tain cnni)? bits A g«i»®ro»i« diet. r»rrfnl Uv^irtnc pri»rau tiaa® a^Aiaat ®udd«u cbarjr^ "t lem^iaiurt, aod Jjo•»*•o«'k a tnrdioiora air c« rta»n to a cur® wbt r® tb®r® ®oTtbing left to Imlld upon A® r®* 't"Mt I »k«*a |iiac® b«*altb in #r»a®a. Thalo.i »i»«t*aii «»t h« nu:waal •J Ittruti^l* l«« lti*• la, Knr* in,° c,rrul* lioa, ti tnak® gcoJ. r»tl» and abnudaui blood. On.'-iUi 'l ol nil Dr. Sctienck*® paUrn a, who tire® io 'iiru, ®inpo»iQg tbtuis«!«fa marked for tn® cfiifciiiitir/a grave. bav« a diifiM of the DO lo .g« T^eir »rntpt®ma ar® a a®How mmplov. I »o, rouiti|*alt»u, (irtirmmnn ol apiiil® aftda •lug^iah liT#r. »h#Waodrak« l'«U® and he* ward Tonic aoon dispel tUe lallas), aod U»e p® tiant® ttod in tbeir raaidW retoroUg b»tlb, that tii«v b%ea baan uurstng a clurnei a. A raagad aial® ol th® ®li/tna gi»e®riaft« Popt.i®lOneoltUobviou*un^a witb blond *e»®*la, Dert«® and abaorbeota I® to ®«i:rvte Mtid pret4fe the bile, it )ilewi*c tlltvr® ®nl punliea Ibc binod. It Ibis Work i® lmp«r V p«*r I »r nod. I blood, o! rourar, bo «uui«« tiiuiftl, and lh**ri• tl.e tine rf •averal Mieb a® li*er corn-*urri«uaUlaeii.iea,laumi,fieAvitalorigtr.or puliitonai ron»umj»» C. LATEST NEWS mr TEt.EQn.ipm. T« TWB DAILY DE.H9CBAT. N«w Yobe, Apr:i l» —A Hnrtford «p«dtl t!i« full rot#, RiciaUr cou«it»d, afgr* g*l«a f'i) 'J07—larger by more than 6,"00 than «T«r belore.— of 0"». i- igHih raccitred mcjori'v of J,7Hl. The will |ro't«bl» be Pucocrm t'» l» lt*di ctli ii in* utid in the iiou*« will »t»:,d li'S l»tmorr«tg to !«0 U-publican ut iubvitt, Ac-curding: tu lb* pras'i.t ctlen !*t !••!!«, tlie lii:kl r«-1 s i ij« on e Iffgiilatif# krt arc quite* likely lo olMg« ih» iigarta slightly in later of th« D«ma r*ry. lb* atrtkaoftb* Watt Al'atiy «orkm«n ha* coded. |lr. Dorrwce, Koe. M. Ilonry Green, D. was unani tnoualj olacitd i'raaidcnt of tb« of New Jeraey, to fill the vacancy eauerd by the late raaignation of Ka» Dr. Lane. tcid®. Tu lnlu®**ptiy of ilia Vdtioaa schoolaot Ot«d ut UUrf at Uult li.c OlU'fril pi)'®uD® ad Itiuii' 11J t»j lh« adUer®ntR«»l lia ao-:*®UeJ t.»m*' it ivtn Heme, to *l»p the cbnU, the o Mswesis, and llic rougUiug thai arc tltf prr ruim jimiinm, ar* loo no l*ot Tha patieui mast iranWtj Mink aod dia I i tru® cujorae i® to r«al«ir«* i tl» to thr* n,j'» II ^b«rv i® *ii thin^ l-ti l» »»»d op»n, Schr»ca I «nl f*e*«vrd mid kJaR dr*k« it win rur® Thtfi i® bomi' si.i-ruaiiini Uii!i Ur H'rbrock doe® not a t'» b* mi/ '""". do'--* *Uim li will cl««Q»t ti« U. Uf Ukiug U»e he»w«i?4®l tu« »..!»« II ii will aterl ••rr/tbiMff in th« rilav until it i® Th* Pol iup *ntf rt^aw^dTawi*' ^11 b«raiuOif«* Willi tha load and w-rk inu» the bl«.od. A ben c(tc«ul Hi# I h* |»r wa*tug aw«y b®« Wr.eofh® fer ta Mpi ob^tro, it i'«itnol fcfrairi an^T ib«* mod properly, ami I eurt*»nl l« «eut i *. ta a ti.orhi u'iKiilwn, tiiroti^d the iaaa®, br «m. an 1 partat e®rr% in^ l.tftodice bitioo« all'.v'iitiu® ub»l iiclioio i-l th** ktlm**H, beaJtoCiti". ^'«*voi, or t"„v othci uidor ltt ol u m-rettiA oAture. The lo»od in itn tr« illation 14*«*» i.» oiiputHie®, and il thaav ate t»oi a« »ar«iel b» ibr liver, lb*? f»n*r»|Mn,rra a» haV# described mutt t.diow. It U lu»po®i*ihle to curt* iut«i ip\ion, aciolula, oraearcal? miyotb •r Hiii i ot iitoor-t.tofia, white iat tmp"i taut ut* C« i. iu« li*pr, la dmin'l For tbia iataa rda ®on ie.itV* M.i idraka I'll!* unlock the ft Maid#', a id r-i«x tbo n«*ei\lioti®, ha Mr11 aa Ui. bi te ii4«« «*r nnv pi puralinti of c«l»-«i I in l«ci ir ta u*-di «l iper«t u is i vein .1 kable. ibal a im# pbrai^Ui a ti«4 aaneria itmt b« -»a. I t-« ngrtf h' i.u in th tr royapo®! t»a«. Tut* ih vi ^e h«» bet-ii l«-nt-d tt onth Ol .»r i^uck, ial® belore »*u Al "f u muni o® HUeged that Ibeaa I'll a neear can®® ftahvation, or afte wr H. vtfect wbwb toi ow® tb® u®« ol miiifrjt! inI®- «ia A WORD OB TWO AMOUT HOllKTICK'8 HK A W ti.f. i) iUMi". We pr.' lu^t ia in»t a aiogia rtader ofaa paper, or a®/ other lO'ell.geui y raoo tn tfta cj o.ujuiiy that b^4 not heard ®f lr. Hobea^%'« u luat .H^aw^ed imc Jt la ona of t'iei.«* realty rfraitt titeJuiaa® ol th® and t« »*rl» iuio^ wiidr« *eber»-f»*r it I® |»»yHtir» Mg7 -»:»J Ir UHed It In rtrat ton.'- or •nuauUnt. Haeoi d. Au Alk-ii Tuitu t'ariii. r, a id re* e.-fectly h®rtnle®a. Tftr«t« |41 tuir ot the p«o ie ui the eoinniuoi trf ':iiir« a in i v Hiring, utv jn»t MM7 i a ti^in itf u« tbta T.u v la«fi h»«Iip i iOub Ir I tu Mud o«4*jr, liaro litUa or uo h^tvine, ail il-.- %\ill more b*** V a «ii flmi a i I.ii tvHJ-l Iiir». a« it 14 tu a do Seaweed runic, uud our woiU fnr it %r»o w«!i ®i«»u be well. our appetite wil' re* ti.a, i il an eovr^cuo, and jj'Hlr'i', '«ri- oottif It trout a prolonged cxt eiiaiva apell ofaickue«». It Is tiiutvet Iw«a What Su ®uck'aSeaweed iouu- will do. It 1® tba tfreat frieu 1 and strergth ot Ibe atomscb, it ui tu.ii tuii oriaut organ to the perform luNul ilidiitir*. without which there i® no b««ltn. no ^«kmI teeiing. uo®*ti»f*ctory irpa»e la ii e it ake® the to.»d in baud, prepaiea |t lor aaar au I ti^aiftir d^e«tno, aod aeftna glad IT on i i way lo b-» coarerted into c\rie Hiid ehvia** ami blood imparting ^oergv Mrengtb end ««f« to the p®t:eot. The t'lonaaudf of aaliow-Taced Itidiridu®!® Men ut*very rut and town the rountrr, lUH iu tet ut« us it were. With btiiyU® pOI-OO, •oald be »«Tvd like a ctimm with Stlienct's S*aawe«'d Ionic ai Uaxidrakt* 1'illn. There ta no a^ed »»t th *m making mwh miaerahle 8po t®clr® •f ti.«(iiaeltr». A frW Man lmka IMl® to c-lmr •••v In* rutiuh *1111 HHh, fellow*d lv KPim. »a» ii«.- tins Tamo, woultl (fire IT nc *i I thi* tor the ato iiaeh It ia nature eoui'n^ w u ». ae of mar in hi* peril Us 4* 1 tti**" t''*o«'mv aod uU.tioa of dis -ane ere eherxu -ti mi ter»tbud. il *i be »"n ilmt the that iloetri'w i- tlr n:rut*ate is the true One, im»i Hie unit' we adtooata ia pte ^joia* .i T'"d i i:\j- doctrine TtionaanH* of ,i,,tr ,i. u .t Moii h«"' in Bearlr ererT St iie ''jj^jla th* tint K'«"lv tett'fr to iht'«, and iftwt^ra'a*. at tli ah iu! \, iii» marti'Iloua v.riuna ef Sciit-nck'e Se weed T. ntc Uh I* it a' l^a« e i'lt J.l* lute i naaht to a*e t*W»fSla Um mat bi etate.l j,. |i.eni«- vonr atontaeh ia out of ordrr will «o :jer oi- later. n»le»« altfod, break do*,,. /. it Uaoatte i ou U I'Ot hare balf the njor „-,Hs*aen'*' hi* t"at von mi.lit. ii c^jt- urn U'.mkIi not pure aad good, 101*0*4 ifjii. f.n»™ habU iu acuta diaeaae at -'*"-lanT ti IM '.C (.'i tote v eanuot (Sink, nr act, or do in i .l»"wi or out, ao wil aa it yom i« cunditioa tnia tonic ari'i place voa I J^he« t'lie* i •«v' 1 Mna{ ao h»ta •••OUB mm 1 iroiiraeount a* well aa th«*a abjut you. j. sis It Hie this Toaiets wttbiatbe meaasol OTM-ilodr. Ooe 'regtlltf*' doctor1*" bill I {r iali oar f»r half Jfd *11 oar fur haif JOi i**a r***00*, and aec**BB*LattJCnroe mum Ih'.-d lo.UdLitrlr aad each US* true as truth. M«rt il without atNtratoah »bat fas. aet'a «*t»*ed Tonio U ofaltaNptatnt o i* that chomloat aiedaat oe aay oth Sr i-ciei.' or |iB «Wf awim,*id ila nag« |arriUb®re ••If •a hahaao»«am*ke it wel -»,• tiaitaa etevary hoaaeheWlB the bro*d Jtaad. i»r. tcheark ati-tt get the OtOOWlh of «"Pal.i itbv 1 je "-."etwock t» i.K.fereioaally it hi* •=%. irV- "t^ee, No is Xunl. Wmh St corner m- -aare* it., Philwl,!,.!,,.. «t., Katurdar 1 *4tica auiat bt *d,tr,„.d 4 Flice of vha Pulmoai* Pytup and K*a*e«d, KACtf tl sjpta ltOTTl.1!, tT.Si 1-fc.u BAI.F DOZER. ,4Wm*'*,4w The E*t Confi-riii'e of the M«thodiat F.piacnpal Clmrch, in aeaaion at the Summer lia' I',. Mum h, in Brooklyn, ye*t«ulay, |iaael a reaolntion urgir.^ ilu- Jeptalatura to ibe peidug biil with ru^anl to imwor a! pohlicationa. «Jtii*-t-r Jh*nen flreen, of the Canadian Fionner l'--iice, armed in tbti- rit* yegter !ay frt di Ft. !)lsin,lni«, hating in charge a prltoner rurutii John Iloa/, »lio it hargofl tf i' Ii I.h*iTifj itiiuitU 'I an a'luciuuit imiidtT ri.hlicrv in the city of otonlu, tJaiui'la, o.i Frhruarv '-f-1. OfHcr (Ji een bad a war runt for iloaic'n arrest iaaucl »t rnnto «n'\ nmu'eur tiillUrulMa it ltr)f rnigiatrat*. lie had tien on the |.r j-.t er'a tra'ti l*r rotn- tiitj W|,. n T.i.riJ Muag w^is nli ait to onlis! in the regular army at Ft. Columbm. He «tarted fur RufTalo l«at Ai^ 10. C'tucAuo, A| ril —Tke match gam* of billiard* at Library Hall laat night betwoea Mai win Foatrr of New York, and John llcbavilt, «f Chicago, fur #1,IX)U and the championabip of America, -a»e to a aud •i'jti 'crajtaation about o'clock lliiamotaj 'J by the rifu.ial of Foater to prooeed farther with the Rami', owing to a deci a'o of the Kjferee, Nr. A. Lotiura, fa»rr nble Mrlli-riit. Mi-Davitt bad ran 188 on hia tlfly-iuntb Inning, whan Foatar'a fiitnda elnitued a miaa. MoDafitt'a friend, on tha contrary, claimed a count, which claim was aiippurted liy tha deciaion of th" rnferen. The graiteat axcitomnt and confusion anaued, during wbiob, Foater •it en hi* root and left the Hall. The raferee received the biMee and cheer* of the crowd, thereupon, decided lfcDovitt winner of the game. The acore, at tha i! atood—Footer, 1262, MclK-ritt, 1S!#8. McDavett had gut tbe ball* in a favora ble poaidon, nearly all together in the lower left hand corner, and he woold very likely have fiuiabed tba game before aom dieting his run. I m- rt of ajajfjtoina, eert olt«*u®c®rca di®tiagt|iftli able ih(M« -®i*rpti»\ pra-lilioii®f0 ilka l)r. Hbo*k, wlio lia® mada th® tobjacl ilia audf of lii«-of eonttrmad PulmoBary Con aspUoa. tti itm iivii •id it® function®, wbicb will n«k# iba efficiaacj of tuu i,»ular in**du in® ptrr»'ptibie to ®v®rj •ao iiiioeratauding. f.»« Uver ta A qnarrel coearred yeeterday evening oa the eorner of Clark and South Water au ipteeen An|u«tua I'antral a and Joaeph rtrr reaulting in the serioua wounding of 'II- riner by piatol abota lirrd hy the Iat l« r. Canal improvement bondn to the addi tional a**otint of $li0'.OHO are |o Hiked. washiwgTOPI. W"«limrr"it. A|ui! :i. Ifbtrt Mr. Uliandier nfT.-rtd rraoluti n* which ware re fc n io iha t'oimiiit tee nn Foreign Affair*, tint t!,e I*r»-*ij«i send a tniesinn to Bra ail, iiitia and L'raguty, to reoaaeU* theae nation now at war. OHIO. Ci!*0N«*Tt, April 0—It ha* beta snow ing aince inidniglit. I0WI. Btm.iMii.iiN, Aprl s.—Abiut two itteh* ea of snow fell here ia^t niftht. 9 t'UttriKXH OI.IUKRH. WaamtitiTt'.-i, April 4.— S*«ati.—Mr. Wilwm Iti-m the Military Commute, report c'l it hill ta Kjiitiuui' the Freed men'a Mi llarlan cnlled tip the Mil tn exeetpt proji«rty used tor arhnol purpoae* in the Dioiru us ColumliiA liutii tMatiou. Mr. Howard exiled up the bill requiring tlic report* ot tutlroftil eompttniea to Iw tiled in ll.) iilll ui i lie i I'u tHiy ut Iht* Interior iDsti td i I the 8. fit taiy ol tbe Trenaurj'. Mr. Iiuirihtiil ra'hd up the bill in regard to th- «|iut1:fit-.timis ol j.iiiiri. It prnvkUs llltttllii to! nil I.| ilii.:|i .iii:t!.d on ptiiilio run tx, i a li»ii lUis o I'liou ot tliiojfa i*iI-t« the UiouUi bit. utid tUrii* t*am»i ou^iut^i twolf htiteol *u«t® tittfi «rav tb® at-ed ti be Hit- bint at\»»*U txi i«t«n ut ou e vhat there la a^uia tnui Ui *t e.i«|U«iii'»Mv wrou^', anl thut it should ba cc'i tid w tiiout diday. Iho st.-iti mcnts ol the public juror* f11i 11 Lot (Ii:quality a jur aIi is oliifi wisi' fuuiixlein iu who hull t^k«' ui on'ii ti it In- cm ii rjv,! a Verdict ac- Tl' lo til" Villi 'tiff. Mi. J.ihi fu.n Mil tm*. thu lttw already al low* a C'IHIu io tts liiacieiioD to accept »ucb junt* Air.' runthtill rc iJitd that tuch was the pr ii tii.v in tnnny Mutec, hut toe biil pro to biake the ptuctiic aiiilnrm. -r. Itnyar.t tuouuhl thia Hil:tni »rouf pro visiiii Mr D*vit was Dot «uru tuut tiic measure tt ht i ot lnnor«M«n on the *acrcd right ot hn Impirtinl trii! tv j'irv. er. Fre ir-ftufypni held that in thcaedava ol p-tieral at-wapapi readin# tbe exprea aioL ol li) iMi!iei:c*l optuloo-diee not mil Ita'c aciii-t the iitip-t rt iiatily of a juror. thi' Mi tu Iranitd to eorrvct the in jurii tia ruliiits iimuio tl'i iu i,-0(kI bljai. mul |iniv ..I il, ft rteur, healtbv, limi.l •o»i» atia. h'.,I »n^rKit« them into lire men 11J w» itru. u»ie«1 ot, not, uwxn iironc*. At pnmitianl ^ch*nck Tonir ii aot^uAilr.! l'ckra in »Mr t-r it iiit (in#, a it »ur? to cr*M« aa ipprtilv, w.ihout hi(l itin-f hut httl* us# in trying tn lira Pmjiir m.m li»« food And tuu food, when pro,.nr tad ilit ritut*4, tuat« sm mir ••tuif« and mrr«4M« our itr*D|£th. Thr S«» ••«-t I «nic it aurat* thua vrapata th* ood tor tht tnxly. It b*a b»»n tha mean* ..f »aMi4 th aan la of litaa, aad to 4aaUnad w, ,,,, aitliun folJ mure. With the tfamtraka 'Piili I W« bar* ua ned. jdaaat'a Meawead Teme, uned jIB time, hare mm deaM whatever th.t aaren etrflilka of tha diaeaaet which atthct the land JifnaM aa cat off, aad tha aftUetad he aaailr ra* ^Jlar»4 to health. The •aatar ia very aimpla. Tha atomaeh die haadquartera ot the body, th* central point af tt* a/ate ia It la from thla tha* all good aa4 |^d eff.'Ot« vat to hV»««r enrte it* pomtrr iy the Courts. Mr Uavtid ii tain op|ioaed, but it !M8led »v 3711 n Mr i uunivr liitroducxd a iint resolution |-n poflfp jirt ammdment 1»» the Constito tion of tin- (Jutted Ftatef. Tlie propoaed Hiucidueut i« as ll iws "No peroo c'n- ti-il aa I'realdent or Vice Prr Id. nt who liiu once served aa Preai lent aliaII aiterKMtu.- U- i. eiilx-r nlfli*." Referred to .Inulciaiy C-mtn.itter. At the esptiaiion ol the riorn'ag hour the .Senate uroftidod to the com-lileratioa ol private bills, re)«or!e1 finm th" Commit tee on Claim! Ttip mnMi'erttion ol ao Iniporuat tnllt occupied all th« afttrnoon. At ha!!-p9 i tbrie )lr M- r^an moved aa executive a*.*!on, which wan agreed to by 23 to 19, and soon after itdj mrned. ltor«w —The Sneaker presented a com amW«tio« taaa the Commtartoaet of In man All tlr* relative to the liiriaillj of spe. ily KBi«i«ti.H»n nn lmiloa apprOnria* in order that tha faith o| tbe Uoveru ltM«t and the promiae* ol the Indian Peace Cotumiastoiiera mav Ite kept good. It la urB,.,icurriedour that If agreaawuta are not faith lully out, tbe Indian* will n loft., nil vnfldeBCe iu tbe Ooterameat th«v will believe nothing told tiiem 1V il* "tt ets.anii an almost endl-a* wrtr *iil ti. re-ul'. l'-e eommuntcntlon wis re fi rt»«{ to Commitiee on Approprlaiiou^. jr, Maae it cW *n, pat it ill pood runnton ori!t*r, ,4*fwel ta han i»o iii*tt, ami there will be n» mure -A 4iaaa« than ia the *i«lid iorka of the granite 4 hilta it. that .Schenrk'a Heaweed Hr. IVashbiirne, of UI., off-red Z ,r di',-T a M-. R^biuson offerutl tbe fuliowiag a* a pr:vi!« rd resolution HtHJttd, That tbe res'iiuiion ol Impeach Uleitt aB« pat Andrew Johneon, parsed Feb ruary 24' h, IStia, and proceed tap* amend atory thereof or sup ilomental thereto be Hacmded nrsd the Mtr-cer* be recitlli'i). »i"*r ruled the reaolmiuli not u -i. Ih-^.ii- t:«re wii reetiit a Lull Ml Ol, ,| l(| qUe.|,ln ha tliaps.d riUe, MS ela. a Box. V„r »Mbf all ttrmagot* aad Dealer* "•Msswstt'aa- of uatll that hou 1 ,,m* nn mt Naw Tow, Arnl challaoga from Coulter to llamiii i„rK-A a five mile race any where h.taeea Rr..wn*vtlte, on the Hon .'n i^thei* nvi r. umi V\ heeling appears to-da* rtat e.4tit rMi»atol booth aaw thehter wa* laal to ii»y. The Cential Rail on utrike tiaa eaded at Weat Albany hy an advance of wages. The various *rrry Hat It, (..liaat ia thtaooaditloa be for Iu* S»iij c»n te di^eated and i met rate i **»a«ta. to beat ratitie* io the lung*, mhu eaote up btfotc !i S-irr» me t'ourt general term, ii--.lay.oti al- Ir. the order *ns aeudirg Mr. Drew Iroot a.-verat i? metiona and Irotti the orvltr «p|mrt:tu a rtceiver. Mr. Burr«-ll njicud tbci»»e lor Mr. Drew Mr Rapallo and 5Mr. tiTotitj-r ri plietl (of the Vaeiie'biit f«rty. JJ-Mint^ Mam that CBttiacBte* of stock iadii^iiMMifia eon *ha iaj—sUaa.aad aMIkatt ecullve «mb«UU» la«^Lf2^3^2SlL,? ?dir to th* c*tent ot ten mllli"oaofooiMn. kilf ot which r'-eed Into the hMda of Ofot beck A (V.. «i!tl thr other half to Daniel Drew. .kncr on tha TObkrt W»a labsiitlc-, i' r'" '"'hpliiaion resclird, und thearsnoient in tho /uVu Jiv IEWY0RK. ror/iut et t-ir»ir«. flaw ft OouM tVi'-* r'ftCf to-morrow. WASHWGT0H. W*aHr!ioT.- N, April H.—General Hancock will estabh&h pi-rmancnt bradqaartcra to morrow at the corner ol Nineteenth anil stru t*. No husltie'g 1» b«1n(i trnns^ctcd at h.B he:i'Jf)'isrtcrs beyond tiic orJinary roti tice The bill riOalivn lo jarors, lielore the Ben ft'e to-day, will allow the r-ourl* in the rnMI tiorrau nn.l Jt-ff. Davia to tanunon juror* fmiB any SihU io the I niun. Tba i Vk« ldpearbmeat I'raaident ol lh« N««r York Cantraf Railroad, annoucad that tha following advauto of nagea bad boon granted Carptntcra, 2"i to 88 ctnta truckmen, 12} centa tinnniiha, Si conta blackemita, 1H^ cant* ear painMr«, 25 c«iia, wood macbioa kanda, 20 lo 88 ceuta nm biniata, 25 canta. The Land Office baa received loformatioa that :tf*» farm*, comprining nearly 82,000 ret, Iihvc beta added to lha prodocilv* h'i a of Florida, under tbe bomeMead act *f .Ittnr, 1WW CHMJA80. Gsicmo, April 8—The billiard aaaUb ^"tvricn F'lsttr ani Mcli'ritt, for tl.Wv a ai.l xii'l ill.- Ii itnpiutiKliip of Atneriot, 1 Ti'io pidntf Ui. Im umi Mt Lihrriv H' 1 thia evitiing, shortly aitereiuhi no! U Thr re ia tin- t:rtT. tki interest niaDtli-sled in Ibe Ilu me, ami th» aitrndenre ot profeaalonal I0WI. Daa Moiaaa, April 8 Both .Hooaa* of tbe Legialature h«ve adjourned. FURTHER ELECTION NCW® MiimiAPOMt, Mibb St. Pm l. April« —Dr. Stewart, th* citi- z?tis' Union Iteptablican candidate, we* elected Mayor yeeterday by a majority of a75 over l'aiae. Democratic nominee ^Kkkosuo, Wis.. April 8 —J. W. Wtbtr, editor of tbe Union, Ia L»vcnwortb the full Democratic ticket, with the cict-pilon of treasurer, lor Which olBce 110 Detnticret waa nominated, Is e'ected by niaj'irities lanpini' from 4'M) to TtUi. Thii wil! he the first full Democratic •uuiinn-iraiion for six years. National pol itic* and tbe support ol tbe Kanaas deiflga lion in c.iTi re«s were prominent laaoea in tat: eleciion. The city of CarondoM, sis miles below hi re, elected tbe full IKmocratic ticket yes lerdav. Timotby H. FUeb, a promineiit citiaea of 1'hicai.o, was Ii ivd 500 dollars in 0 dirt of criminal correction to-day, tor alleged falfc Btteitring in connection with a mit .with Captain ilrunrr pnnie five jt sirs iif»o. A motion lor anew trial will be made. leralgat H*wa b* AtlaaU* lllbl*. Lumkii. April S—The brnnuht olllf ol indictment against all tbe prisoners exci-pt one charged by the Coro ner's Jury with complicity in the Clerkfca weli nuiriit'- p. Tbe trials commence ri»*t wtt k. fciTKfit no—All It is aiid Mr. Cranbotirne has Iteea of frti il the O v. rn.nnlitp of Catiadit, and fciirl ivo that ol India. LorJ Fiiz(erald LorI Chief .lu*tir««il the Court of Appeals 1.1 IreUud, h»i resien"d. The Irish ht eruichv will sihiii paliti in th* Queen in pcrfioii airainpt ni lmm'c in church. Deeds ot violence on-n* olv in Cork. COMMERCIAL. Dateapurl narket Report. Umci or tbb "I. Loala Markot. By Telegrsph April». Florr -Kerne tmpiiry for low grades, hal aaii plv terv iijriit. resolu- 'i 'tine an advertisement tn the N. Y. rimea, I ir the sale of th* ateHtnahin A Inn ttc, ai:d tiir«-*-tii» IIM tMcretarv i iheiNavv to re|ori all the I,.:* in en,: it-tion wliii ilie nn rtf»Ht.e jt-M hy the Unitud State?. Adopted. Wheat- ilcid Kiglier borersstaadoff. Corn-lli-her. at«i9(tf?9.' tl 7i ®T8. Rirlev—Nothing doini Kye- L'ntrttlrd, ranginsat I Iftai jj. f"rotlaion*. -I.eaaeicitei. Pork--«7 «f«r^».0i. Bacon I7.H«18 Tor Hear (idoat II ahoulders. Lard—.1(^01? ,J .'..r1',t,u*u! ,11 1..andthiaoa h\h "f »rch, as to •''L UutUr'ii upen- or n\4r,e»a was th order ,*1,h I *^pt by uuaaitootiaeuaseatBMil that h*d I A I E S zaee|t,T".*' REDUCED PRICES TO CLOSE OUT STOCK i 0 1 K 4 4 u toaMfera mi tc -day to eoaaider wane ertdooce sot offered, con ceraiBg the Prealdaot'i latemttna of defeat ing the tMttrw of office bill. Mo deeiaioB w«a Made, aad ifaey kan anotbar meeting to-iaonow. odg* Ovrtla, wh* will opca for the de tente lo-Ti«rrew la ta* laipewcbment cae*^ Will tm-ak oaly grot Betea, wot bavins writ* t. h.g remattn ta atfmaee ol delivery. 'I Lcru waa to day a greater demand lft tickrln of aduitaaion to lbe Senate than oa «ny prtTions t'ay alnce the trial begaa. ttome mmb» ni hare proroiaed or (jiren or der* for their ticket* lora we-k to come. m*. BOOK* STATIONERY AM new rtiu DISTSICT cat qua, Apeii a-in* far ward ol iiie pakH'iiiii ttain wbicli left here at lO .Y'fw k tliii fun iioou lor the west Waa thrown from the track at Rockdale, fve milts out. The car waa badly broken up. and several persons were (lightly iat«f*d, liut no one acriou*ly. mm L1J8E & GRIGGS, W Perry Street. A r. LOSE. p. H. Qiuaas. KAlif or Icwa. at. Atthecit/of barcoport, the 9th day afAfttl, A U. I8« Tbe UDileiaiimed hereby gitea notice of hit appointni nt aa Aaftipnee ol Kbeaner Coek, of UaTe-..pjrt, in ihe county of Scott and Bute of loira, within aui1 Umtrict, wli i ha- been ad jud|(iit a bankrupt npon hiaowa petition by tha liatrirt Court of said liiatriet. a|ir»diawlt-itnir Aaai|(aee BLUIH coiarf l'*d«ral8t. /fmt«tid\ fjumktfm\ April (s.—At the city election yi aterday the *ote wa* very light. Htrrison, Republican, waa elected Mayor by 240 majority. Throe Republican Council aiea and one Democrat were elected. The Republican Comptroller and Treaaarer Were elected. lUnrroan, April a—tha full vote ol the eiiTtliw In Connecticut la M.8M, larger by r, 000 than ever before. Oot. Ergrt*h'a taa-applr jority la 1,781 waa elected Mayor yea lerday by 22 majority, a Republican gat* of 43 Kcnotho county will go 800 Republican Hr. Louta, April —Bedalia and Jeffer •nn City elected their entire Radical ticket* yeaterday. In Kansas City tha Democratic ticket ia cli ctid with the exception of city marshal and one alderman. Harris, Democrat, lor Mayor, baa 200 majority, but ran conaidcr ahly ahead of hi* ticket. PATRICIAN doubt* of the aalety of Dr. Livinaftone have been dispell**!, fiir Uudetick Murehiaou tn day received a letter from tbe il*tnKuiabed traveler, which oatne hy way of Z inzibar. Dr. Livingatone wrheo that he ia in (rood health. HI* journey of exploration ha* been succeuful, and be Will fimn letorti to England. Davaseoav cut, April t, IStiJ. Flovb—Wlieleaale, #10.00 retail, flu.6'1. Waatt— Krcripta amtll, choic* *1 j*i B% 1, |1.T« No. t. •l.«n«g.T.\ a**i.*T •I.7*«t*.*.u0 oflered Uti~ii4 ii cent*. RT* •I.U5. Ooaa—Mhallad. lUBc. *. PovtTOBS—?ieM*l.W. iiiTiii-Mt. per b, H«*«-lh. l.aati -lUtglSe. t—Vend Timothy •l*,«t*||lt.** rl« »s.«o to, Coai—^jlt, dahtered, W ooata par Aathractt*. delirered, |lt per tea. i VUur -A little laoro aativ* aad »ri*oo aa •baoged. Wheat- Qolot, *teady aad moderate deiaaad N(i. apriag i.iMQl.00 Ito. apriag t."S\^ Uora—Qoiet oad steady Me. 1, new Oats -Quiet, at 87§S). By*-unit. *t Barley—Dull and stoodv, atlJiglflL ,, Provisions—Baaier aad atcady. Perk—M.(0. Lard —Aotiv* aad Braer, at IT. Bolt Maato— Firaly held aa* quiet ahonldara HK#lt{y eaah, aad IS to burora, allot April rough aiiiea U)^ abort rib 18 abort clear 11 awect pickled baaa* 14. Chicago« Itoek Marlaot, By Telegraph.] April!». 5"5?."rJ,*e''.**d. beod market at«ady and alnhtlT hiKtb*r oa eommoa aad aMdium, notwl *t 7.•*#*.*• ehetre «... 7«. Cattle—Reeoivod, 1.IS0 Lead aurbt oRafct V*0v OT,r yt*iorday, roagiog at «.U0(^ f«I« for terlt Marhot. B* Telegraph.] April S. ..5!i, ra-iXTL,B'r:,wawj,,or .^h**at.^C!liTdi''*"T"1 Oa'0—Steady, at 8S l-t^M for avetata ta *to*o hrt-C oaed arm at MMgtt.w tor ftew Tork wkSwX*?:" tr mw oari t9,tM*i.a7 for *M. Lvi-fliaaat IT#is. Moaey Market. April a. ByT«la«»aph.| Btenh* Aettea. B^odt^^ of 1.11 W i aTNM. 1J*M: Wcaton CBIiib ITU, Ttiri OntMM.nv *ri«. TI* Mtrhtgaa Oeatral -1 A *lrM/an South'ra liat. lllinota Caatral -1 '.'4 Pittoh a Toted®— M* Cleveland a Toledo—1 S«V. Rork N 'tni Norihwctio _. i»ey -T cetil. Sterling in the Eric litigation e.tiii—ip1|iu..i 1 pflfclftt "t 1- r*.r !«•, Allan Opi-ued at Bt 14 tailip hen hid n. w. brake dowa 1 Mr Ft. II coi.'.iiiues to-Tturow fir iVe I fttbttc Mmlf! OomiM,:-7^"orlhJ-.,V-'B.'JnHtd*rJ,'„-w-'r\ J™ of .Ky Ui-ul.l to lie atiachntent t«rTicl.t «jk A. «.. li ua.1. r.-!i.B«d W| 1 i.F^r for tai'i- it liui, ,,r ti.iiii.junciou, waa died Hedeidi* jtto*-*.**"*7-"•"»'u»dst M. a. t-m kini* ie ijjf (t ibe i.-su* of 911,000 atiarea 11^ A Ia Ii. tab. .1 ... .... a •ale to takt |'U« oa la. levee.) Lisp Wl5BWDBlite.* Jlto. 'zzsat^'i 9-K90&0L AMkaaa* JsTeaof AprRA. O. AND 8CROSOR. OITCR IB boaement of Htoto Beak Hntldiag. Ke*M*a*a •thjrt., bet. Bardy aad Perry *troeto. aoltdw R. D. BICHABBMM, M. 1». PHYSICIAN AND lONEON. Darenport National Bank, WITH DR. BAKIM,* U'ASxyear*I*a RRPPTABLB AND RXTRHBITB PRAOTICg of Jnet beat* for a claim to the confi dence of the eomiaimtty. Dr. R. eta prweot claim to the people of Daveoport and ndtiitr, alao, any ntncr evidence of proper qaaltScatlon 1* aired. a. ~n. maxwriTl,In. APP1CI Oh'KK'K -»i., NOttTII FNTRANPR ntWT DOOR on thf ri/ht. VMe'« Hl'i^k, Davenport, Iowa. I»M. P. It. WOHLKr. Homieopathlc Phjalclani AM) RRSIDENCK ON KAST Hide of tlrady Street, near 0th, drat door above tbe Chriatian Church. OfEc* hoars. 7 to V—18 to S-S to 7. oclSO-dSm »n. J. *, PJYS1CIAN AND 8U3QEON. 031ce, No. 44 Brady streett, (op at airs Reaidenc* on 14th It., bet. Hrady and Mala. octSd-dtt DENTISTS. W. F. Wl ICKnU DeatM, emeu, mbrw in-b block, pikry 1) Wooo—1« per Cord. Chicago .Harket. By Telegraph] April*. Office with J*ha L. Swlt* t. Iowa. [ocS* •TTOR^KV AT UV. Aim., NickdBa'BMl «AIX««HRB A HBNNBBRY, AtTORNBTB AND COWKStLOftB AT LAW.- Oomnyaacer. Office 18LeClalr* Baw,ap (talre. JOH.1 N. ATT'iHNKTANDt'MAWFOBI COCRBKLLOR AT LAW, Nc. 3 Vtele'* Block, Davenport, Iowa. IIMRV W. PEBKI18, A1TUUNBTATLAW.Btoek. aaaoaad Ho. •pnitf fla Ivarad. C.wn-lwfairdamaad all lS^i.Ji foraawatrrd w*M*ra alljoS: l.ti*I N for old ditto la autre l.M del! tared. DATBHPUKr, low A.. Office. No. S. VHt* 1* A TTORNBT8ANDOOUKBBUOB8AVLAV. A Otbee ia Davoaport'o Block. *d loor. j*f LBABUI A Burr, ot A' t«at-.ww- aim*'* 5j TTORNEYR ARD COUKSBLLOBB AT W t. sora*r of ftaeoad aad streeta, Davenport, Iowa. ft*, r. ooos~ i COOK BBIJBT, AmttNETS ANDOOOKSBLQBB IN80HAI«f3B. MB !vm. wnuui ». aiDM*. j)H «WT (0. Insurance Agents, 1rf#nl WI...-I p.Stutra, mtMPOBi-j IOWA. Capital FIR" AND INLAND, H*n Fire Intarance Co., .t. T. l\«b Capilai »d Aaieta. tJ.tOO.OO^. PktBii Mam Profri*tnr* and manu j[j Propri* uiactarer* of Dlb' pat. WOOD 8AWB. Alio of Rirtag aafl Iroa Bod Fram** and Bladei, of allqeal- TO RENT Bad* NatOi With th* aiHaali* Orooad* belonging, an the coraer of Brady aad 12th atresia, to a good tenant. ARGYLK COTTAOB, at Le Claire, the late raa ideac* of 0*1. T. V Bad*. Thta deairabl* prop erty ia now offered at bargain, by hia aon Jaa. B. Kad*. of bl Louia who ha* determined to aell at a great bargain. for farther particular! to Luthar T. Bads, Lan.l Agret, orer l'oat Ofti«a. Money to loan oa Real Katat* aectirity. Apply to L. T. BADS, •pr«-tf Lead Agoat. PHYSICIANS. E. H. HAZBN, M. B., Phjraiciaa aad Sarfeoa. rpraettaa,apeetal OOHIfBCTIOI* WITM TBM QMRBBAt ettenUoa paid totao*ta*aaaaot th* Bra, (ho Bar, the Etdoeyaaa* th* Nrle omu Oiia. with Dr. Miner, corat of Beady aa* Id at*. UK. n. m. COl'MMAIt' OFriCil. FARRAJfD'H BIiOCK. Reatdenca on Iowa street, b-tw§«n 11th aait 15th ata MBK. AMBMA IA AML, ACCOL'CHEUHE, )R. SECOND 8TRBKT and We .tern Arenae, Daren port, Iowa, joaa a«u., a. d. n. c. aousor, *. a. DRR. BELL A. BOI IOV, PIIY8IC1AH8 AND HURUtOOS. Office on Third Street, on* door weat of Rradj •oath aide. Office hour* from to IS A. M. and from 8 to P. M. auglO-tf DB. W. P. PRl'B, PCNrtlONbetween10 SUROKON. OFFICE ON THIRD Street, Brady and Main atreel. Office hottra, to A. M.. 2 lo S P. M., Bve'g. Ketidence, Hradr et. bet *th and tth J. A. MKID N, PHYSICIAN AM) 8CRQE0N. OfTIOR reaidenreNo. Si, corner Main aad Third 'r*tU, Uateaport, Iowa. jyl-M-d »r. •. ruiici, DATRNPORT, Grand Jary Firela^r«a«eCa.,:i.f. rnpiul ami Aaaeta. |l,MW.0ut. AtiaaBtlr F,relaaaraaceCo., „«:i Capital and Aaaeta, «M0,0()«. __.r rire laaaraaee Co., 1*. f, C^b Capital and Aaaeta, ««»,*». gM( fire Co., Ifow ttavoa. Cat'. Capital aad Aaaala. fl.Tt^Ot*. aa«ilkr4 Flra Bariavit Cuk LIFU AND ACCIDENT. CoBB»Jtiout Mutual Life Iaa Oe. CMttal. i or ,.'J TKiru*** /SI- CO. CapHal, THE CHARTER OAK MtnMWE COMPANY or llartftH, I'aaa. or Aast-ta -v^r u JnlfNM'i .Veflee* la Itaaabraaptry. Th"T tia and ti.o** 1 without a den'i (isiarr. JOHN L. COFFIN, w* Bern*, K #4,000.000. !3.OOO.OOO. r.rmVcoVI'ANV IN TBB TXAB i IMS th--' t.-.hip-oKI'ilNATEU Incren/-'* 1 ml.r plan of 1 A,« ,tL l»l*-l»K5IDa. ,insert to the Mow, and orphan* tired with 'hem, n-arly •l.OOS.UtMMi, tu la c.i»e of Uti^ation Annual Irirl le.'-d. Allelssaee ot policies i*»tied, and tirm* a* »ny L'ompany c:tn ofli-r JU'i'i. *dim U «xpenees ttreat cure in the aiurt'on ot M«k» l-rompt_ paymn.i of lueaee, and j.-rnnall* tieaf iinintf with the* second Si IViln tn»k- 'b.* h^®k the Hi popular LI m. ii 111 tile 1 popular 1 Iowa i«r and ad lri-t ran obtata ml,i II MKKK1I.L, titaic Aeent. Du-ftmort, Iowa. c«r ••atenport Wi.mal Rank of e "i rh! di-cHrfly tittvn Ac. eo.'s Insurance Agency! (i a. s W.cor.Id A aly ru®. Reliable Fire In mi lolled Stall• Se Loana on AiP N*w York Far Sale. ranee. THE PHOENIX INSURANCE COITY, OP' hautfurd, CONN. S"t» iTiraaaRT, jasfabt. 1K6. Caah on h»cMn Baek aoddoe frotn Ag-to$183J«J| rltlee.... I'd Kei lr^las. 1«M*M* 140,1**.** S7.1«. Sul.tfiO 00 ST.OS •.*• Tl11 l»"h' k ka. llartforil H»»k Mlarellanct J' Hank btocfe*. B..nd» sn---,| Ity, Railroad and Water.. MT 700.SD Conn-rttni: 8:atr Bonds lSI^Ma iei Ohio SUti k 40.4M7 SO AccqbiqIa'tSunutereM 'd 1 1,140.11 Markr' Value of Aaaets.. t'oad.uateJ l««ea »1,M4 190.41 17,148.1" Nft« .ah 11 .OM.-sl RANE St CO., Af'ta, Office N. W. or td A Brady 1 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO.. I l.t IInindway, Nev. York. Haan roa BHfif. v. Pres. O .S»atai:b, Pres. W •. Heeaaa, Secretary. (TAraaasTWorsawvoaactvr, tsb iTBanATtosiL iwtticB T0t» Liabilities... 7^14^1 t'KAl! A COi, Ageata, (•Bee N'. \V. cor. Sd A Brady Ptrerta YONKERS & NEUVYORK INS. CON'Y, tji tin- Citv 01 New V«rU. i asm Asssra, mm. i, litis. Bond* «Er.Morteane* glK.Wl 00 I H.B01 .«ofl^l 10P.O0I) 00 6 Ji Hon"», 1^«4 Sit,00".0* s«i.*. ins 10S.SSO 00 New Voti^taiei psr can lton-ia 3J.170.W I.oati* on ill 3O.S0II on -otareet .ci-onnt s.Kil.OO rath id h.:ida of IOWA. OFPICB SOUTH •Id* Third atreet, betaooa Brady aad Maia *trseta. Bealdeoce nearly oppoalte. J. W. H. BAKBB, Kt'U A. on paid premlama S6.7^:t If Due nndc re Inturance pollciei A aatrage* 2.7MI.OJ f'ompanj i-ropcrtB UJWS0 Kent* a«i -ned. Il«venu" Stamps SI4 SO Cash In v -trnpolitan Nst. Bat's 44.SW.os .. In 4,«0.*S 47,1M.« Tott $784, Tot»: Uishlliiisa L'BA^E CO., Ageaia. ^.VER/q HPORTElt LEATHER&FINDINGS SADDLERY HARDWARE, ar, TtAVKIfPOKT, IOWA. WITH PAClLtTIMB Ptai- CN- anrpaaaed, added to the cspertaaco of more that wenty yeora, bopee to merit alar e ahare of patroa age. yMtf. J. r. BLVBlDflB, (Haeessoor to B. T. Dodge.]*Idov*rWanlaal OFPICB. atom, Brady Street, *treeta Meepeetiagy aa aoanee that he I* prepared with beat Iheltttte* (0* Dental oporatiea*. All wetk eaecatad wtth tare. DB. A. W. aiNBB, D*aU»t, Cor. Sd Brady St. opp» U* Paaaaport HatlouaJ BiiIh bad aa esper laaee otu y**n la th* prac Ueo at Dsatlatry. I am coa- Ideat mt ghtiag rerfcetaat la faction. Ir yoa aspect good work *mploy*xper iua**d practitlonera oal|. DB. B. i. MVBBB, OMe* doora eaat of *or» ady aad Becoad atraet*. Ba* hat over 14 jmmn practlc* la hlo sMp. Bs* th* eoapiet* apport- a* for mawaOwtaltag aad odalalatertag MltmU Orlda ot malar yaawa operation la ntrt^Df LAWYCR8. a. a. aaavia. a. ara i.». w. Btama. r. aca Nivnn atiBPHv, ATIXiRNRYS AT LAW, Davenport, Iowa, aad Marenjco, Iowa. Office la Metropolitan Block, Davenport: Oa weet alde Pablto aqnare. Marengo. JOH.1 ACKLBt. HARDWARE mcCOBN MMOMENTS jpHS-dly W.n. A. FORTEB, ^TTORNBT AT LAW. UOo* Ko. S9 Brady tt"ft, Lav"nport, low a. decM-dtf WM. T. DITTOE, ATTORNKVClaimCOUNSELOR A AT LAW and War Agent. Office Metropoli tan Block, up rtaira. seas. a. roraaa. roaa a. ao*aaa rtrr^AM A iMBBa, a*LAW OIBee corner of Msia aad tdSt*. laaldwt nito w* dk wtri7i7Yr A TTOKNEVS ANDCODN8ELORSA n. Oihee earner td aa* Bradv 8ta. Davoa^ort, ipcVrtft BUILDERS. mn tLL At CMAPMAR, CARPENTEItSa.AN! 8BOP OR Brady Str. et. Ik-ween Sixth sod Seventh ativetd Ilavt" j- CiC*-T- toililtirl, aid enrtracta ninlr uu rt-ne\iii tbli- *.e. Mlul.-Oly ii Met'l.iKLI»dRD. nrmtiK, mancfactcrkr pr saba Bhoa aod PsBiiiTossosaarB atraMlL Baeaatartfh TARLe SOPSt Strca 1ST 7.C W Wholesale House! isro. e, METROPOLITAN BLOCK. DAYKIPOBT, IOWA. L. GANS & CO., {Bl'ClESSOBS TO I. BBBBBI8) aAKtrrtcTraaaa ivn josaeoa oe MEN'S FURNISHING 600DS! GLOVES, NOTIOIB, SlC. Hint capital aal Aaaala. ,00,00*. lark prices gnaraateod. rahSS-dly II 1 .- SAMGAMO FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COM'YV BMalca oaa dealrahle property written at reaaoaable rate*. Ife II. H. KING, Afent. Ofltoo, Room No. 3 Davenport's Block, coraee of Msia and Second Street. aprS-dtf Carpets. Carpets New tarpeta, New Oil Cloth®, And lots of other new things are aew hslag r*e*lv*dat GOULD'S, earner 4d and JPerrjf A|®,v I hsv* a splendid Btoek of Ply, Ingraia. Ply, aod llruaeela Carpeta, wbieh I am aolllag at greatly reduced price*. Call for anything io the Carpet Lia* at Qou'd'a, and you will aare money by ao dolag. MAT8, RUGS. WINDOW SHADES AND FIXIURE8, CORDS AND TASSEL9, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, FLOOR OIL CLOrHS, la great variety. Mirrora, Glaaae*, Piaao HtoMa, Boot Htoole, Ac., constantly on head. Alao FURNITURE, of svery description selling eheap, eoaoioting of Common Farmtare. Chaaiber Hata, Parlor Sets in Reps, Plash aod Hair Cloth, Ac.. Ae. ooa^ ri or jm. lar. I his. Caah oa hand (U.4V110 U 8 llo iiia 1*S,**oa« 8 tiwii B01 il* lM.tartJ# Virginia *t«i« ii-nile 1J,«1'2 8n Wltroni 11 a' Bond* 4,Sflo.S0 Loan* oc I.ouJ aod Mort«B**. U .000.01) Loane 011 i tll, DANIBL OOULD, sprT-dSm Corner Id aod Perry streets. pHiv'^',T|ju?rLVtK^Ut: Jtfdjarkff IjiU'TS1 ST.S-15.00 Debt* for Premlama, 11,16s SS All other Secaritiea M/.M 61 Tou: AMfta fl,0fi,T80 OPENING HAY Of Bprlag Styles ol Pntteraa* April lOilt, nt MRS. 8. A. DUUGLA8% No. U3 Main Street, JJavonpopt. Jt'ST REt'EI VKD A LAktJE ASSORTMENT ol I'atters. pl&iu sad elegant'y tritnmsd, tor Ladies aad Children, all ol the latest aad roost desirable iteaifrn*. aprH-2t iv M. RKMWICK, ftteaaa law mill. LUMBER, sHiJTttJLEm LATH, PICKET*, AC. •KOOrAGttlBBD Alto SOLO AV LOWBSV CASa ea Mill aad Lumber Yard cn Front Street, above Railroad Bridge Also, Limber Yard oa Harriaoa St. hotwa 14th A 16th Btroata, a aft-dtf VfiRPOBT. IOWA ^°R Office N W. cor. ®d tnd Brady atraeta. iii THaniMQ. Dotnesllc Olata, Putty Groceries Family Irt^A faarthWl SFTSI! vmo. RNftpptfl/1^ Rrd.JacKrl Iilirrs LADIES! LADIES! READ THIS AND BATS MONET NOTWITHSTANDIHB TUE ADVANCE OF DRY GOODS, Etc. 1 sm sslling off ay entire stock of Maallaa, C'allcoa, Tick*, •iaaaela, Del.alaea, And other Dreaa Uooda, alao Netioa*. *t(, REGARDLESS OF COST! hsre a large (tork on hand, and if je s*1Iatill 1 Soon, are sn. e to eeenre bargains. Ladiss Furs at hslf prlee. at SIMON CJIJETTBL'g IVo. •. Eaat aoeoeS aNreo*. OPPOBITB KIT BO POUT AX BLOCK JOHN NOOB'S MOLINirillLLS I Flaar aad Feed Stare, Woat aide or BRsaa s laaa atreoti laetweea aad ata. CITT WMOl EPA1B RMTAIL TBADB 8UP plsd with tbe only geaatne MoHae Ploar now ia be BMU+et. A apericr artlcte of Wlator oad spring Wheat Flonr, and all ktada of Peed, de livers* free of charge to any part of the city. Parttaoat s dtataec* wtahlag to bo sapped with tha.above meatloaed kssada of Ploar, win pliaaa OMR GOOD. MoHae. III.. orW.M. AMSBAtOB, Apet at Davaaport, jowa^ rIBth*BoardofJlatiaa. CMDBMIOMMD BASDBKN APPOIMTMB bf Baparvtaoao of Icott Coaaty, *a pertat—da*t ot th* Peer. Aa offioo haa been opened oa the career of Brady and Fifth Street*, where the sadersigaed and ths Townahlp Trustses will he la atteadsoce from A. M., to8 P.M. Uy.aa4all appUsatloaa for relief mart bemads St the above ef jaaiSMtf M. UKDXBMAN -GlVf iilNi ViMIM KrriJaitiCi i'ilitfs TWENTV-ENIT 8WS ar xaan cblkbbasd DAVIRPMT CARDS. QOULTBR'S TH TPHOSI—The btvi«t U®ir l'»«at.»rt:irf b. irr ll- jmMic. NeTt'f fail® |i rcmofu duuMitttii' ai cl»sn®e® tbr Hslf. Will ptiyy ti»' hnlr from ftl'lug ont. Mtkeathr halt irrow If any ruot Is laft ui Ier the ptiifia'y *c®p. A1 iv#t a I' Ta® Tai »rd Dm) •ta lht» |rpmhtiird«T*r rflhahalr. TaTP»i»«c ta warranted If aard ®c fording direcOoot. Tor sal® ba all A. SS *rn^ ortlara \o K U. COrLTBH, BOM 11*. Maaafactorar, Diftiporl. •10. W. SMIIIY, Cor. A Hara laoa at Ageottarthe £hartae Oak, Challeage Oas Ban SMWttMlNsM 1 Bapartalatteatloa paid to MhMa. Boaa* Paralshlag Ooods alwspaaRMBd. W0®MKB A raSTBBe COBMBB OP FIFTH BRADT BTR., aatisas ia MB8. MifAR I. D01.0L1U, Nllllacr ®®4 tiriiBikcr, Ba Ntnla Mtrret. Plain aad Blegantl Trimmed I'imi— of all the latest and Bi*t ilealrable atytei for Ladlee' sed CblMren'e Die*, taels dine Cloaha, Waisto, Baaaaea, tleava*, under Oaimcnts. Ac. and Noveltle* foi ChtMrni la great variety. V®®»W®BTI A BASAL, DIAL MS U E U I Chemical*, Pirfamsrles, Bponcss. Bra.he*, aad Faacy Toilet Uoodo. PiwcriptloB* prepared day sad night. Cor.Tklrd aad Brady II*. All stsaitsrd Pateat Medietas* ea h«ad. JONNtTOrt MHL8. MANTTFACnTRBRB OV CHOICK FAMILT Prom Msated Bprlag sad Wlater Wheat Rxpr***ly for City Tr*d*. I. W. CAILE A CO. DULKR 01 I^ath, Rhaved A Hawed Rblaglea. Raaee eoaauntly oa Rirr, aov-Aiano® Cooking Stoves, iiOUiB.?(a. ttaarMs»as TZSStEm., S19STI TIOCIAIB Chapter Oak Tin aiata, ®h—t Iran, ea®»ar aw® Ttantd Iran War«e COCK A co* st their FtaiJrj A IicUm Bk®f Maka Oaeth«e(Bll klada, IM Msoea, Rtove eaotlac* ar aaytblngthat ran be made la the foundry liar. I. H. ANDRCSEN k CO MuaHactarera of WINDOW SHADfia BaMe, Pi sash, Imperial aad Dapla. ar B. Bd Mt., Daveaport. A1*a Fmprtetora of the AMERICAN MATCH CO., Or Rook Talarid. LOMA3' Colokratod Bottled AJe and Porter. ar*Alw a Prime Article for LAD1RB hCMBINO and INTAUDB. •aaltala Baoeaaeat RICEOLLB' BLOCK. Itlll lUMIMARRp Maaalketarer sad Dsaler la Flret-Class Pianos, Organs, Ooaeral Assertaeat of RINICILIstTMIRUtt, It m«teik MEieNANT TAILOR, ••£StlS£:MS!SS&» mtwmj SMI-aiVfa DAVMfONV. AW Made oftlsntlaasa's Oat oeeta aada to order la the asost hshinaskls PIONCKR BAKKIKYI DaRAMII.M.Mr*lla|. Vlfllmli ai Igril BB|g|®at A C®* waifaaffB JMadaadBddMbHh liATHi ANirii^iifcy BBdha.dRMIlBMiMMFMa.Mi. aa $+ mm mm BUIINKSS COLUMN. 1. nr. COOK,M IViEMil Photographs ANBR'tTVl K O'.M U4LLihllT^ l)n thr KMr*t loor* S3 Brady ftfreet. rictore* rrtaie.i, ford aod TiMt-I*. Uir.r»t St.«k of Htarvnoiipwo STERESCOPIC :VIEWS. And Al.mrm««Uth* WMit. Btmprl Liaihtr D»p«t. Stuckrath (Co M*aafcctar*ie, Importtr* aad Cdir®MRs,K|M dWUl iK Mmrmccm*, nsrsaaa. Bole aad Dnti Liathai, •haafaisir Toole, Madfe as oad Mstsnala of Beery DssiM[ 'oa. Is. Ready Rt, door faom 4th, •SPH" ft* OROCERZB8, CRMod Pralt*. Teas, Ao. aTThs tasst stock la the dtp. fr Patau ruei. Iowa. U .•UJ -«.»* Boots & Shoes 1M BRADY RTRRKT, A(*d|f *Wfl(d* H**da of the beat tnannftrtar*. "•4 Cn.tom Mn.le work l« not equaled tn the illy Particular at tention paid to Ladles wark. Iti-pairiag done with neatness Sad illapttih. 1' MAYER & SIMONSON Snciti®' to Him, Jt US AT 1! .t RKTATT* CLOTHIERS! Ami IW -rt la Suli' FnrRiihiDj! ti**di| No. It WeafMSt. DAVBNPOBT. IOWA. Maaafastory at No. Ill N. Third St Phlladslphla, Pa. ri rjr*' band a a apply Diaaaid of Flooring and biding. DAVENPORT, IOWA. I* STKADN, aaALaa FURNITURE Mattraama. Looking Olaa***, Carpet, Loan gee, Ae. BBIEaat Beeead Htrstot. INSURANCE! OppeeRloa to'Meaepoly! •MTTor I'erurlly, Indemnity and Peutsathai *t IM* rata. Ms oat a PeUtyafln.ursae* tath* RctlaiBl baanuM® Ca, DATMMPOR*, IOWA. 0. 8TAHteriKLD, Wholesals aad DBALRR IR U E ShlnglMt Lath, Ao. Oorner ot Mtk A ISny Rtrsets, PAVKNPOKT, Flooring ad Utile*. Pta- y^U-^afd Dtmeasloa wa I. MARKS A CO. (1RNERAL Insur nceAgi: Mntnal Ufe, Ofl'hl'-SffOaa ftanwamo Fir.-, of flpMiniHe Bar 1 ford Ktaam A®tua L!T® Ktock omca Cor. Bd A Brady Rn„ rr DAVBNFORT, IOWA. CAIS. UMMsL, MAN UFAOTt' BBIt AND DIAU IN ALL RINDS OP FURNITURE! MlKStES, tC., ®1 Woo* Recoad fig., (Re twee a Harrlaon and Ripley DA VMM PORT IOWA. Uphublm lag pnmiptly attended ka Baekaaa Ohabe always os haad aad made to order. (MT Carving nsatly SHEET MUSIO! TBR Estey Organ, TIfK tMERSON PIANO AND ALL OTBBR FIRST CLASS PIANS, For 8alo hy *1. V Ida Brady Street. Ml «a 1 iii'S •. 'fvpCl 'if' MimIhimw sSFsb'sitiSSSB 3K&fissSS5s!isfcsi •vnwwB iv vopoa vvaaniao, .o®dp, a® at. vaama® BiBiBw^B^aMiHiRWvw^®ay RKsTArKAirr AMD COHfKCTIOIltT. W. P. EOBK&T, (Bneeesser to O. W. Black,) BBABV RTBBtT. Dealer la Oytters. Caadtss. Clgara, Wats arwimSStflltHL. BOOTS* FHor.5. is fk Sfef No. Eaat aeeond Street. PATB.1POBT. IOir.1, RW. sads JOHN NALEYp tiBAh** C. WAHHINKlii~~ BAaerAcveaaa mn Wholesale ui Retail Deal®r O O S A 0 S 0 Phrtiealar attention paid to Ciietom wart. Ne. 40 Rrady Ktrrrt, Beat Door above the Post otliee. lnveMort, I* ivnir. anti^T. h'VN n, stwps.iti AL»!t#0 a no®. SETH p. BRYANT & 0o. mW*f.Vrr, V TV RE RS lk|| Wbsls*ale llenhir* In BOOTS AND SHOES 86 Knst tltl St reef, betweea Vlra«ty mill Prrry, 10, N. R. Gitoda so'if at Wholeasl* unly. AM Oooda our ntit Mannti .-iure Warranted. UNION niLUABD HALL, Nala Mtreata. Im-i. Bd aad 8d. BAVaaroat, v tn HAVENS 4 CLARK. DMALBMBIB Vegetables, FRUIT, GAME, POVI. TRY, RUTTER, EWJS, aad Proviaims fJetierally, •a Brady Street. Ralaolaia A Borktea, Maaalkctarsr* aad Wholesals aad hetall IMalsrs In HOOP SKIRTS COtWTt, ROTIONI, AND «eat*a raa-alakla*. R-* Hrady Strwot. DAVXNPORT IOWA. •hlrte rnwhasil of as rspahed wee of enarge. imoiasoii, oaALahs nr WATCHES! flao idvolqr, Clotki, PlaM Wars, d/f (Feraer^p Cattar at Coae'a) •VaaafMevfir, Payer.CottoaA lUlM® PLOPB RACRO. OBAIR «UNHIB8,BCHL y.H SARGBBt SANGEtlAjLEAL Mo. Baa»ew»' Rloah. BAFMMPORT.. .IOWA. aaALaa n 1 Chodoo Faally sbi di pasts of the alty, Raeaf ihaigi. IOWA. «BXBLl4j FRUIT BOX. iowa OONTAINIMtt SIX .VJSW* 7'a# ft #!?£. JULICtt I'lu 1.^1'KH, hUMI' I'rnfriMof F0R TUE HOLIDAYS Naw DKRitJiM or iiiti a .^i fat, llael'ml aad Popular •'«!. allast Tope aad Cablaart •'--ea hue been prepared Irota every vaneiv ut nnoil. mid fTom the plaieeat to tbe most elaborate pnlt. rn and Hniah for i- cioaieg the Hinuer Ni-w K.mily Rawing Machiao. Davenport Otliee No. W Itra dyStreet. n-ni'- lAwir AS.H.DU no 1, €opptr*mith AND mm turn IRON RU RRK A. womcai 4KB HSM 'f S O V E S ANI Name Pornlshlns (ioudi, Ac UOOU MA MAUI 1A N, MONITOR. ANI I1IIILI.1AM Half feeding Btovaa. Decnl. il the ninat paipu lar Hiorea in uiie. [frbll-dly Ho. in Bala Mt., Itatraporl. COAL! COAL Peru, iliffUt.4, Bliiikirg aad mltithrttrUe I.WHSHAl.iC A I rnN PRHtt roAI. TAMO, Cor ner of fifth and tlarrieon Btieeta, hy dei oly tl. l.KKirrr MERCHANT TAILORING nrnornflaf. JOHN MAHKLS, ATM». .1 HA 1 IliiltU ST It KRT TWO POOR* fr ui 11: i**®ii)tiit Nntii'ival H®nk, atlauds promi HKI'AilUNU A V/ RkSO VA TING dent*' rlotbinir of all kind* rutting for nth r* to aako Met-ond nnlid ^l'. lil'ig iMiiH-ht and *old aad MCRI HAitT TAI I.OBIfttil geaerally. Ilavm,. -i .il etm k i.r food, oa hand, he eolicit. ordrra In iiintiiifni tnrlnv lo oril.r SntlH' faction |-'!^rfliiU»d lu aiorr I t^ n'.ir. t'loihe* elean4.1l aiol rt imaUd oa nuin-. Jnnldtt LOISTGh HAIR! 9®!GRBf* !Afltt PB1CB PAID ®T O S I IRO.MA PKBR1 NTMKF.T, PULTON S Ui.OOI, mo tna W FIRST PRCMIUM FIRST PRCMIUM mt a Mlitr Medal mf BARRETT'S HAtf! RfSMRATIVC V By tha K. II. nm* Aff»i"«lh)".l %wir«^3 It* Mir lt©M n Hi .' w I •!.-*, »vpl. '4i, 1®4. RAR NBTT'i Vegetable Hnir Rcstorati Ansrr.Tr'.: yf* .tWi am- 1 "J i Bradv Straat, I deer above Baroadi BAiwrMr.M V^B: MrttaataraReaMaag^dh *dWatah*a. »wl 11 Mr -f i BlAMBBIOMMS aMaAaa BAVLNMII fTUN 1'mtlt vtro* 4. A BRRRCTT A CO PrnpHttera,, a. 11. Bold by J. F. Uarri*. and Herri* A Co. PURE NATIVE WINER"* VrtRi One loyivelears Oli FOR balf my thk B®m® B®lll«lt Reg ar Rarrel WDtRR. PURR PROM ANY OTIIKR 1N lleat tkaa frnlt Juice, *tt| ar aad water, and with gaaaa ear. trom TO malewl Strawbarrloa, Cooaeberrles, BMf Whit® A R*4 farrftata. Orders addrsssed ta BU st Dsvcnport or Cllbi by mall, or l*ft with PARRR AIIOSMBR,Davaaport. Wffi he tsltoered at their Btore. PrRee reaeonable. quality ronal!cred aod very ag with the hlad aad age. WM. II. HOUIRfl, dectt-dtf Oflbsrt, ferott Oo., lows. BAVDIMT BITT RAILWAY W. CAPITAL 0iao,oao. A. 0. FULTON, l'resldea*. iOBB L. BWITR, Sesretary. OIRBOTORM Joaa 11. M- Cmi'Lasaa, UBABILySRW*ts, A R. Pvrsia, Jaeaa iFRdmnrtiM IRMParaaRAOi IUe*. sd! i*ti i f*? :f' It. .-» ft, !l!l4) i 6R0CERIES! Tlta, Mil Pvaita, kc. Chat supUea reeatved daily. Bwotock fWlyapta tbe aurhei. H. §t BBABT W. tAhnrar, ursta of Tt iBtNMTllfOf WHrtthed neoarpM**a«l Fha«wi"lw^H"^^^LGyeM yoar or Ir' bknibubo, A laa MTnveoaa, B. Woas^, Joseea Saistra, A. C. fottoa, Taoa» s Pcotr. The boeks of subset iptiuri to the espltal rtork af thia Cempeny an- uuw o|i«n at the Davenport National Bank. Dav.aport, Jan'y 11th. 18M. dtf. H0VEY NICHOLS, No. II Rtats BItm|| w®i m, ^THOLSALE AND tlETA^s morraaa abd osALaas ia V .»w|iaa I' sfiea j»o/f n Floral & Horticultural Mi Rifto, flaali A ilralte oint STOCK 18 FRBBH from tke moat ndtabit Reed Growers aad Nanerymen of this coaniiy sad af Barope. Wortleaaltaral Toole aad layls* M*eate of all ktada. Alltholotsstaad tost worhs ea AgrfcaMare sad MeetkaMaxe. for sals atpnbllshsa prtoss. JACOB NAU)!^ Valaa Nakery A lertasiWI JHjal^eg Bd Street. RURauRIKKR BAB JC9T OPRHBD MIR RstaWi*hmenl.and would ssy nmr »r •••. ttiat he Is prepetea the het ipisiitj of choice Bread, Cake*. I'le* aad Coafhe. Mail haajlil heat n atwiHj A*fall stmt alAiaea Sm, fid kmllt. t» rplied st reosoadUe aafie. «a bo jflfcs aa* Btegaat Tka Tnloa ReRfaarant ••*keen i't'.-'! "p "tct att: »h.-re m-alasad gt CoHl-b "ID be Sa/.u-l ia thf fust SI) St Bll Part!.-' tinpplled In tbu h««t manner on short BO "»d^y*diyBlWd k every thkg. Raed