Newspaper Page Text
D\yiNPO!)T DEMOCRAT, i*IIT l1il I7I:EUI.V. •*•..! Fp'.av STRIiltr aicuitto^ui em«:•«., ill I tore St o»nr,i«a»rr«itii AfiBPrn ?r PreprIctere. Omciat Paper of the City. LOCAL ITEIW8. •,0«*rrmrriov WATCH" is a certtin eare for Diabetea, *"l all dis*«ae» of th« Kidney's For rale bj "11 UruggiiU. JAKE* 8. km* A C'o.'s Una staple TO4 fancy Toilet Siaps, oomprisiag Omu Olive, Star, I a pro rad Chemical, PA! II, Ac. Sold by all gracera aad faaef good* dealers. DAVIK ft CJ.'S Qanuiaa Old Uonlroal Malt NV'hisky. A aupetior article far tnedie inil use iiarriaon A Starks, ue Brady street, sole agents. fitrr aTna fine land grapes and fruit, 1) nila from court houae, only $60 per acre 1,020 acre* near rsilrosd for $ 00 par acre, llmsee and lota ia Mil rheap. ELURIDOB 4 Bao., IaBd and Insurance Amenta, No. 40 Uralj atreet. "toak oa this pictare, then on that," O0fe yon behowl thr infirm step, The p»l! cheek. wasting form, Uataate 1 food. ami a e "ial atmosphere I'oia.niMl with the t*I#*m of in liea, paint* Hltcplt'ji DIK^IU, ami un-utul ileapondcSt}1' There, lau thing Health, saarkli-.f( rvae, Klaitir step*, crating •j.j.euu, forgotten O^r-ial t.iought and aiubicious raaolvea, Hhow tUe conliaii an 1 mark tlie puture. One took the Plantation Hitters—the other didn't. They are vary betieUcial for Wi ik aid delicate persons. MAKMOLIA WATBH. —A delightful toilet arli-lo—superior lo Cologne and at half the price. Tiia MOLTITUDB of teattmonials from men of worth and integrity that have appeared in our columns, furnish conclusive evidence that nimeitcinn in u« ha* accomplished n many ei (rairduiarv curat, nml given ao inqch universal sstufation ioe ery variety MI 1 stage of diaeaie, or that has ao ex ten aire and rapid a tale at Sloan's Ointment and Oondurjti l'owilers. Morn PATT-BB*, Kuctua V. ahb TAB.—Tha only reliable remedy for thoaa brown dia ci)lriti IIH on tlie face ia "I'erry's Moth and Frerklt lAttim." Prepared only by Dr. Perry, 4!' Bond etre-t, New York. Hold everywhere. KIMARBIAI.. Phalon'a "FLOR DE MAYO," the new perfume for tbe handker chiefs creating considerable excitement among tlie livc-twenlie,, alao among tha Nw«ei siitecti*. Sold by all druggists. JnnrtS Tufl-ur -la a curtain tun* for chapped han U an HI!rn i^hn*aa or irriiatlun «f the •kin, •-MM, RINGWORM, aait rheum, pimples. an all oth er U tneou* n(T-"'-lions, nun in* |hr sklQ aofl and lU'ioth. Hafii:iA«-tur»"i t»y *etvell, Haaard 6 r« Mew York. *11 dm/tflatp. to frlA^ow Span's Wisissar« tht purejuicc of lb« grape whose puro *nil generou« qualiti«a cunnot be rxcetled (or tli« iovalii! or cons Th y arn highly eiUAined for »arr«iuunta! (mrposts. N. B. Uoud Win# mak«H food blo»d. Female Comp.alnt#—no oth er rui*Jt tu-ta »f Mr |»-»ai«a» th« property of re •tNi niiu u»-r 1 fl w in !••«,{.*!! the »SI, an wh'fb 4m t?»«- *a4 of IOTTOUS ti I'll fy .ir.nti^ido c«H*»litutioo 'I :ioiia«Di« of f# n»n•'* IN AID Ti' 1 o tftHr vx L»ti,n«'« and ih* actual «»nj iui«m! h'titlih to lliu of tUea« cflrbratcd •r«-!n-» Ttu-lr nature ia ao almplo that Ihry inaf wkra tsj t'u must d*lkav fcmaie wltbperlv fr^ doni nod aafety. 0 to Tif« BKAT. to th* Itryant A fftrattoa Suto !oH®^« to tfrt a thof.»oj?h prar llral «.] ir%llon. or to a ^ood found t«Uvraph o »orjti.r. I'or cLf uUra auj papvrat ad rtr --, «*amp) "The Itryant A Mtrattoo OoU»^«*, Itavonport, Iowa. Kr im«r'«lllalr Na»arnl, Dur.ihle, Beaollftll H«at H:. I (n tht World. 8o|«| t»y all Drnff- Sole UuaiMH'outitry8it»rekne|»era. JOHN .?. KK«»*4Kfi, Proprietor, l««t *h«atiint Ht PUUtduiphia. .f.T. I i«n «, Oardener and Florist, oor' 4th and Main Sts., fruit and ornamental trnea. inr3A-lr Ilncia IV»r Mnle. Ator I.KIHT HTAUR HACK IS OKHRBD aiilt! jet) cheap. Applv to aprf-iilw* K. JIKNTON. Dwrlliim for Male, A FINK TWO STOUV I1KICK HKSIDKHOK ntat.ll r.Kit. rouuis. well tiniabeii, lot I'.O lf. i on tali between Kock Island and lowe ao f»r sat* at a barctin. AI JIIT to H. S1MI MOM, at S. I'. Bryant k Co.'a, SS East Second etreet. mch24 dtf ACKLEV HOUSE, C*raa*r '1'tilrd aad I'erry Itreaia, lOpponitv !"..«! onv .•.) DATBNPORT, IOWA. S. ACKI.BT O. B. CROSS, Proprt.tora. 4w (load stabling attached. aprl dtf •n.tcitiiiiiTiinu, ISAAC HANNAH. li^MITU. KROWT 1 S'rwt, iwen Hri.iy HI.," ||„r*ea shod n tn.* bi-»: III inner r, !ii p-1,-#. $.• Oen *r^' HI ', Hitt-f i. tua t'uar^ntefMl.— in *|.:'i ,• I II til-illy lloyal Haraoa Lottery of Cnba. tr br the Sparjiph Gorprnroout. in «iiiltl dr.twu e«*erv toolecn tl »ya. Fr. *d tof^rtantion #urn?«liod. The hlch. -t Sri-* paid fr Itjubloott* an! n!l ktndaof ii old and »*»v.-r. TA VI.OK A O.. f«»)l dl/ Batikem. t*» Wtil St., New York. Public Male. »OTTC« IH HRKKBV «.I\ KN, 1 HAT ON Till 4« :«'h il*T of Apr:). A 1S«\ at the hour nf Id iM-k A. M., the underatsnml «ill urter fi-r aale at Vnt-li An. Il„n. a |!ngi T, now »t..rad il K. M. fror tyn nuV Wari'ti.umi In tn.' t'ltr ,.r p»,, Sail ale to tak» place on tha lev-e. I" front of «ni(t Ware hoaae. l.tHWttj RKt'NINU. FBKAH HO. I. COFFIN. Aralcneea of the aatnte of l***c\ anKnran., Dated Uit lrt of April A. I. inat HARRISON A: ST ARKS, Dragglsts ail Afatheearles M&DT ST., UAVR1POBT. WTrLIRH,—1)rn?s. Medtcln«e,Perfaaer tw, raacy Uouds, Ac at HARKIHOR STARK8* New Dm* Sure, 6a Rradj treat. IXTALL BRl'nilRS, I'.lnt, Varatah. and Sub v Braahcn, large amrk at low prtrea, \RRtON STARRS*. Vtltrady St.. neit to Davenport Bank. TANK' MKOtrlNRK.-A full line Root., Herb*. Barka, Ac., arrlring from Itoeton. For aale at HARRISON *TARR8\ "Central DrnirnHK," »f Bradr Street. AtNTS.Oile,Varnlahea,Olaae, DyM,t(. "Cen tral Draa Mora, SA Brady, next to Davenport 1|)0 Mi fi. P. OADDIX, IHoaae ft Sign Painter, Glacier and Paper Hanger. IBtN i Ontraf'or* and a!' wiphio^ an/t!ilii£ 4oDelemw 1 are ic\ ited to all an t'zaniin# AQ work abaTl 1OD-*«P ap.'CI«»»D. Olre tne a frla!. ^bop iti Aluj, eat of V\*Wt Blrck. tp?-dly lllrkoxs Boarding Hoaie. ON»!"i FRONT '8TKEKT, IIETWKS5 1'ERRV Rook lalnnd atreeta The larffe four ry atonr buiMing, known as Moor's Bakerr, a. been rem, a i.i filled bp in fire atv'e. it.e accniii!iioclat!»n ui boarder,. L)ar hnarii eraaUo acromnioJatea. O. U. HICKOl, Bpr7-dtf Proprietor. ©I*EM\G DAY or Iprlas Rlylea of Palteru, April lotk, nt MRS. S. A. l)OU«LAR', !No' S5 M,,"» Str. .n, bnranp,^ JD8T'f RKl'EIVEDA LARUE ASSORTMENT ef attern». plain and eleaau'.U trui.mi.l lor Ladica ant h.i lren most daairable denim*. leaaotly trui. med all of tha lateat and ayrx-it FRENCH & DAVIE3, •A»cr*cinftttfte Lumber, Shingles Ice., Ac. 8aw llll, ti Warreia Tart, Care larriflM ul 4th flia Davaaport, lewm, Jan. M. 1SS6—dtf Chicago Jewelry House. W. «. A JTB. MAYO, l«i Clark JHecet, JEWELKRS 4ss: Wfceteaale aad BetaU Dealer* in. aaS IwaaMasa ef WITCHES, OIMOOS. FINE JEWELRY I SllT«r Plated Ware, dkc.. Ho. lot Clark 8tr» f, CHICAGO. j* fy M^nulaoture Pure Oeka Silver Ware, 'l" Wetebsa.mitk» aaS Jewalsi OaisfcE»Ei|ilied RICHARDSON BR08. THIRTEENTH YEAR. CJ TV I K g. Kanaa CABRABT ave iuat received the latest style of La l:ea Sacquea- Naw Ooona, NBW GOOD*.—Oo and aaa Child A Co.'a lata atyla of One draaa boats far ladlea aod miaaaa. Also a fall lioa of good* for genu. BOOT MAKIBS.—Several firat elaas boot makers can find ataady aaployaaent and good pay at ITarriner'a. Nona but firat deaa workmen naad apply. ErrnTAiaxavT AT ATIUHA^4Itntar tainmant waa given by iba atndenta of AU liaaa eeheol, on Monday evening, March SO, and eat appreciated by a crowded aod or derly bouaa. ABOUT 10 ',000 bushola of grain are now baing afarled from Illinois to New York, by way ol Naw Orleans Thia route for trans portation will be thoroughly tee tad. Thia •cheme runs agaiatt ths grain of tha rail way men. MICIIIUAI TBACBIB.—Wa have received tha April number of this monthly journal devoted to the practical work of the school roam and the philosophy of aduoation.— Lverv teacher ahoold be auppliad with a copy- OARPBTB.—Qould has this dky marked down hia whole atock ofCarpeta eoires pond with Chicago prieaa. Carpets oan ha had at Gould's as low aa in any market Bast or West Proof will he givsn by cal ling at the oorner of Perry a treat on Sesond. PBBBO*AL.—The welaoma countenance of our aateamad friend Chaa. E. Coburn, of tha atcrling Advertising Ageney of Gook, Coburn A Go., Chicago, illuminated oar office to-day. lla ia going about tha aauntry doing gaod among tba uaft. Long may ha lira to repeat these aalls. $56,000 MemB —The Pe*ria A Rock laland Railroad got another lift on Tuaaday in tba shapa of $.'6,000 additional township tubacriptions—$25,000 in Eaaes, Stark eounty, and $30,000 in Akron, Peoria county. The road prograaaaa aurely, and work will undoubtadly be commenced this Spring. THB IOWA GITT L(CTVRB ASSOCIATION made money thia winter on Holland, Nashy, Dickinson and Gough. Anna waa tha moat profitable investment of any—landing tha tamperinea prinee just forty centa. Tha Society lost money on Sumner, Taylor, Mil burn, Vincent find Whipple. On tha whole courae, however, tho l'ru» atatea that tha Society made a net guin of $1207.20. TBB GAB WORKS.—Capt. Dermody, Saera. trry of tha Davenport Gas Company, haa bargained for tba Tichenor property, near Frenah A Daviea' milla, with the view of eventually erecting the worka of the Com pany therein. Iience tha present worts will be abandoned. The location is much more tligible, and the change will be uni reranIIy satisfactory, wa believe. KBAL ESTATB SAI.B.—The Muftcatine Journal aays that negotiations wore yeeter- day completed for thr tranafer of tha Ogil" vie llonsa building from the handa of O Weed, K,q., to 9. M. Baker, of Virginia. The price paid waa $10,000. We under atand that it ia tha intention of Mr. Baker to remodel and refurnish the lieuae, and that the preaent popular hoat, Mr. Oitlctt, will aontinue aa landlord. THB ODD FBLLOWS' CearAmto.—iThe April nnmber of thia excellent magazine haa coma to band. The Literary Depart ment this month ia filled with a large va riety of intereating reading matter from the moat gifted of cur popular writer*. In the Odd Fellows' Department we notice partic. ularly—('.rand Encamp r.ent of Ohio Anti Secret Society Convention Church Intol eratton Education of Orpans Taxation and Represenlien and correapondence from all parts of tha eonntry. Grand Sec retary Garrett, of l)ubuque, ia the eorre epomlent for t'le Iowa Department. $3.20 par year. Publiahed by M. Lilley A Co., Golumbua, Ohio. Taa MBTOAL BRNBPI* Lira UmmAKCR COMPART.—Tha Directora of thia old eatab lished and reliable company, have ordered the payment of two dividend*, of flfty per cent, each, to their polioy holdera aa pre miums beooming dne during the year 1868. Tnose who have paid all eaah will hare no premiumi to pay during the preaent year, and wbere there ia a loan, tho whole, hundred ptr cent., BCROLARS Foiuta—LOOK to TOUR AAVBS. —Sometime duting laat bight, burglara en tered the office ot Parker A McNeal, on Main street, aad tried to effect aa entrance iato their safe. It iasuppoaad they gained admittaace lo tho olee by meaoe of akele tea keys. Tho safe waa set with a pecu liar combination, whieh they were unable to study out, aad tho key being in the lock, prevented them from blowiag it open.— They sneeeedsd ia disaranging tho lock and breaking the hey, which put an end to their operatiena. The seaaipa are hereby informed that no money is kept ia the safe, hat is all deposited la tbe bank, and that they will aave themeelvea conaiderable trou ble, and Mr. MeNeal tbe exposes of Pa* pairiag ths look, by calling when be is in, if they wish to examine tho interior of the CoRCERT AT TBB OPRRA HoVSB.—TbiS troupe did not fail ia pleaeing all who heard thaai laat eeeniag. Maay of tbe eenga sang are of their own composition, and are rendered with a degree of Skill that ie truly remarkable. Aad ia particular would wa netieo the woadorfWI TTiRf-TT. aad cultivation of veiee sxhibltsd by Mr. Thonpaoa in hia Swiss warbling BOng, in whieh heiaaitatea the echo of theahepherd's pipes among tbe meuataina. Thia oao par fermaaoo is alone worth the prioe of admia •ioa. Thoy gira a seeood entertainment this evening, with aa ewtire change of pro gramse. After hearing them wa can ^,t aaqaalifadly sadotso all that haa bean said of them. We aotioed aceredited crit |ea in the aadtnanaa, who were load ia their praiaeaof tha Tarioua performancea. The character aad high order of the per shoMsaa Nftaaai haws this fcarlj Recelleelleas ef alae Pre* lesalen, •Wtare by Judge Wrighl. Tbe following correapondence will be hailed with pteaaure by the naaeroua frieods snd acquaintances of Chief Justice Wright, of the ispnae Court, in this eity and ricinity. His long career before the bar and oa tha beneh of this State ia fraught with numerous recollectiena and reminiacinees, which cannot fail to interest, Instruct, and amuse tbe publio. A earnest deeira to hear hia admirable leeture olieted the subjoined COBBBTPORDBWCB. BDBTIB Hooas, DAvsaaoav, April »tb, 1868. Hon. Gao. Q. Wniuns.—D*ar that Boitnaaa CRAMB.--Wa the grocery firm of Wm. II Price &. Oo., 47 Brady street, has diapoaed of ita stock and trade to II. M. G. Skile», late of Kee ner A Skilaa, who will MOB taka ptsaea aeaaion. Sir Very many citisens of Davenport, includ inga number of your personal friends have expreMcd a wHit hear you lecture on vour airly recollections of the prufalfion ia the State and we hereby respectfully b-g you to grrtify this general desire, by de livering the lecture at tha Kurtia Opera iiouae on auch eveuing of next week, as will meet your convenience. Youra truly, ale., Rush Clark, Ilt-nrr O'Connor, Kd'fard H. Hales, Wm. O. Thompson, lUnsom, J. M. Ueck, A. it. t.oitoo, Li A'. Kichardson, E. C. Duncan, Jne. N. Crawford, ('has. It. Putnam, M, M. Hubbard, Jas. H. Kdmonds, Jno. It. Rogers, Jamen^ W. P. WelfJ^^ O. H. True, O. C. Cole, Jno. I Coflla, J.J Hurtie, J. llurp^f, JOO. Trasy, i• Ieake, Jaa. Armstroag, J. W. Htewart. BTPLT. Hovaa, DATBRTORT,! April 10,1868. Sttt$r*. O'Connor, Bur tit, Traty, and others (jiBNTi-BMBa Youra of yeatardsy raceiv ad thia morning. 1 do not feel at liberty to decline an invitation from ao many frienda whatever my opinion of your ever-appreei ation of the lecture to which you refer. It refera to old times and ita incidents may, in themselves, prove of intercat ta them who give me a bearing. If nothing elaa ahail interfere, I would deeignate Monday evening next, a* the time for ita delivery. Should yon, after eonaultation, deem any other evening preferable, I will endeavor to aoaotamedate myaelf to auch change. With much reepect, I am yours, CSOBOB G. WBIOHT. WHOIRSALB Dar GOODS UOCSB or W. C. WADBWOBTH.—The prograaa of our whole sale trade is full of enooursgemeat and gratificetioa. To build it up, none hare worked harder, or taken heavier reapensi bilitiea than our eateemed and thorough going fellow citizen W. O. Wadsworlb. For nearly thirteen year* he has been a dry goods dealer in our city, and through all aorta of timea haa fought tha fight straight on tbe progreaaive line. From a atock that made but a small show, in a atuall store, on an unfrequented atreet he baa kept build ing up hia buaineaa, and adding to his friends and euatomera, until ha ia now tbe proprietor of the lnrgeat wholesale dry gooda house in the State, llis busineaa —No. 47 and 49, Brady atreet, ia exdu eively in the wholeaale line, and tho oountry trade may reat perfectly aaaured that the faoilitiea he oilers connot be surpasted in any market. Ilia atock cotnpriaee a full assortment of ataple and fancy gooda, white goods, notione, Ac., which have been pur chased at the very lowest market price, by the sharpest buyer*. Those who have any Idea that they can do better in Chieago or New York, or anywhere alae, are a imply miatakea. and by ealllng oa Wadswortb himself, they can find it just aa we say every day in the week, all tbe year round. Ilia purehaaea tbia spring range up to one hundred thouaand dollars. Every depart ment ia full and right in every partioular. Boeineaa opene up briskly. New etiatom totnera are daily finding out that they can sava money by buying at Wadaworths. All he aska is a chance to Bhow gooda and prices, that aettlea the (pestlon at once. Ordera aent by mail receive tbe earn* prompt attention aa though ordered in per. eon. It i* ia the bonnden duty of Iowa merchants to sustain Iowa trade, and en courage Iowa enterprise and while Iowa wholeanlera can ^undertake lay down goods ht just aa low prieaa aa houaea fur ther Kast, it is clearly a duty to give them substantial support and encouragement. That ia what we think, and we hope to see the principle carried out good and strong When the retailer encouragea home wbole aalcing he putt money in hia pocket. Call Bt Wadaworths and aoe hia immense spring stock, and if you san't suit yourselves there you can't anywhere. TBB RAILBOAD WAR.—As ordered by Judge Love of tho U. S. Distrist Court of Iowa, Jno. F. Tracy, Preaident of the O.i R. I. A P. Railroad, and E. Cook, a Director of that company, appeared before hia court at Keokuk yesterday to show cause why he ehould not grant an application from the U S. District Court at Chicago for their arrest and surrender to the |urisdietion of that court to anawer a charge uf having violated an order issued by Judge Drummond, to stop tcBiporarilr—all proceedings for the extension of their toad until thospplication of Fanahawe A Co. for an in)unetlon to per manently etop the work of extending the road ean be heard and decided. Tbe caae was heard aod cauae being abown to tbe aat iafaction of tbe court, the parties wen dis charged and arrived in Davenport this morning by s spscial train. Thussadsd that much ef tbe skirmishing. In what shape it will come up next remains to ho seen. one will be credited there on. The assets of the company, January 1st, 1868, were ever fourteen sailiioaa of dollara, their rssaipli for premlams and Interest daring 1867 being nearly Ire mil lions of dollars. This is a graad showing, and parties deairiag to insare, would do well to apply ta Hart wall A Sattfc, agents of Iho Company la this elty. TBBT HATS Tun Raw ABB.—Tha AMS Rtguttr saya that during the closing night of tho session, Hon. John P. Iriah, of the House, recognised] the just elaisas af tha BOW spacer reporters, aad "hit aff" tho economical action af ths Legislators ia denying the ohielsaay perquisites, by in troducing tho following preambls and re so lutien, which were edoptsd without debats ardisseating vote WBBBBAS, Tbe reporters of Iho dUTeroat newspapers repreaeated here daring this ssssisa af tho Legislstare, bars nssrited oar approbation for tbe aoearacy of their re ports of our preosede therefore Tss*b*d. That wooatead to thsas ear thanks aad donsts to tbsai all the oM post age stamps found adhsring to envelopes around tba Coot afthe Haass. Com POBTAOSU—By a rasaal trsaty tirssa the Ualtai Statss isi Ofaat Brit aiB,«ha psstsga aa laMsra, to aad ftw Csaada has bsaa radaasd fra« tsa to six cents If paid ia advaswe. The law saek ef foot oa tho Brat Instant, as wm telegraph. repamd by A siaglo applieatioa of Palaor's Lotioa will always relieve the meet distressing, ir ritatiag and itching of catansous dissasss, and by an occasional use of it oao Hade himself cured of hia aflictiona almost be tare he is awara of it Taeaa will be a public inetallaii a afthe °®0,r*of the 8eaa of Temperaaos ftis ThsfcaMBBflfcaiasiHHis asa •cast t'eaaty Farsi aad Mclsaal Hoaic. Koiroaa DBROCBAT I have just hani aturr int'-tligent uentlenaan trem Nell Voik visiu 'g oc. lie his trav-l«-! exten sively in this country, ouoe apuut month* in Entepi, and when traveling, like Henry Ward Beecher "keepo his eyes and earaepen." In this eonstry he trsveled wa Davea port by river road, through Valley City, paat the Hart Sebool Hwse aad Zi^n Church, ia UClaire Township, the Crom bie School Hou«e io L'oooln, thence by the Pine Hill and Oik Dale road to Davenport. He aaya that traveling the same distance in any country he never pasaed so many, far ass an 1 echool uiidinga. lla alao say* be was never in s town of 20,no0 inhabitants, where the maaoee were provided with auch school building* as there are in Davenport. Ttiia is a compliment which I believe we richly deserve and of which we have a right to feel pruud. J- A. BIBCBABD,' Plcaeant Valley, April 8th, 1868. RBHARXB —We sincerely b-lieve the the compliment to be a merited one. Not because this is our home—and .consequent ly under obligation] to blew our own horn, hut, sonewhat extensive travel through the nld and mare densely settlsd Stateaofthe Eaat, where they hare been bragging on school and farm bousea for the last half century, has proven to our mind very conclusively that Scott county, an several other Iowa counties have alieady left Eastern folks in the rssr. Of course, it is diffiault to make Eastern people who have not traveled this wsy, un derstand this matter. Tbsy ars protis to measure progreis by lsngtb of year*, and when it is intimsted tbst the West hsa, many things progressed farther in twenty five years than the East has ia a hundred and twenty-live, there is a strong diaposi tion to call at brsg, and nonsense. But truth is mighty—even more strange thsn Action—tbersfors come out hers, O, ys Eastsrn unbelievers, end be convartsd. Taackero lasefttate. TUtTSSOAT—ArrSBNOOK. Ths Instituts wai callel to order by the President, and, on invitition,Mias Atkinson favored the tesshers with some excellent musis and a song, for which shs received a vote of thaaks. On mstion ths gentlemen held a private korkus in ths rscitatien room, to make arrangements for ths pro posed visit,to ths Islsnd. Rstaraing in a few moments, tbsy infsnned ths ladies that tbsy had, by vote,decided to go,where upon they were told to go right aleng^u the ladies hsd concluded daring tbs session of ths korkus," noMo go. Here was apo asr, a rsgulsr set-back—decidedly cool.— Some of the ladies however, concluded to jo, and about one hundred of the teachers, marahaled by Mr. McClelland, then proc eseded to tha ferry boat, wkioh landed thsm on ths ialand near the Arsenal. Thsy vis ited ths machina shops, gun yard, hsad quarters, and tbe clock, whieh regulates tbs time for the Twin Cities. The party thsn crossed by ths rope fer ry to Rock Island, and procseeded to the Kodman House, where a oollatioa hsd been provided. After refsethint tha inner msn (and wo manjtoo), an hour waa Mpent in aociai enjoy ment, music, stc„ in tbe parlor, whsn tbe party returned to Davenport, arriving at home at about 7 o'clock, well pleased with their visit. HID AT MOBMIMO. The Gairmao not beiag proseat, Mr. Ross took the Chir, and the opening ezer oisss were conducted by Rsv. Mr. Dosch. A discussion waa thsn had on the fa llowing question. "Should a Commercial education begin in our schools Mr. Curti", of the Commercial College, apoke in the affirmative, with some illus tralions of method. After recess, Mias Stevens fsvored the Instiste with some very excellent music, al ter whieb Mr. Baker presented a report on the following subject: Method of oral instructioa in grsmmsr —how far beneficial V Ho advocatsd a natural method, natural rules, aad ID con aeetion with natural objects, would teach lanfuagt more and grammar leu. believe in text bosks aa of much uis to the pupil. Discussed by Prof. Piper snd oth ers, mainly concurring with tbs report, aod Several methods ware suggested for ror /ecting error* in the use of language among children. The Institute will adjourn to-saorrow fore Boon. The practical work of the Insti tute will close tbia evening with a lecture ky Prof. Piper, at the Congregational chureh, commencing at 8 o'clock. aiTl« MEW». ABBIVALS. DAVBBPOBT—From St. Louis. PBTSB BALBR—Prosa St Louis, if, SILVSB CLOI-B—Fraai Dabuq PaiL. SBBBIBAR—From St. Pi Naw BOSTOR—From Ft. M»t IOWA CITT—From Cliaton DBFABTL'BRS. DAVBRPORT—For St. Paul. PBTBB BALBR—For St Paal. SII.VBBCI.OCD—For St Louis. THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NTTMBER DAVENPORT, K)WA FRtfAY, APRIL 10, 186SL *t "'Uf .IK UftvanmaT, April», Maa J. t. Smith, applt aop -*l fpo» Poweehifk county »fn Died -1 alia J. Lore, artplt. vs Jo»-ph Cherry *PPf,V fr'» Henry county afllrmoii *»M -s. H4[|. adm'i, applt. A. J. OIM and W. 8 Whit? appeal from Polk eoonty Afhirineii. -1. Oooledcc, applt, Makaaka 't'peal from MabaekaCo. r»J«r««. "»el H. Jonea, va. CbarW B. Bervy- V appeal from Jobeaoa cuunty eea ttnned to June term. «... Davenport, Ap'-1 a.iii) Ja ol, Buekrvalfer va. Jar CraiR, ap plt appe*. (rom neBrf .„uutv bare them CT have none, ise adrertfo ment. riled ia t!i, Keeorder'a eflee, Heett Iowa, up to i o'clock, April S, 1S*» John I,. 8w t0 Spptb. ax is DAVENPORT DEMOCRAT OIUI.OM. Chief iasMea. Ho». i'. C. Cm.*. Km I. 'i. V I.1U«', Ko*. J. Uat.1, It O'l'wtrtt. "'jO»s. E H. HTILK Reporter. Uxor****. Clerk. Darenp'.rt April ». Susan A. Ctreeeter. et. a'. artirnsed. 19*8-0 Slier„l,an Kenr' toffer, ap plt appe.i ,J1U K«jauk cuuutt reveraed IB part. ^JOO—IVf an, Hiiista. Jamea U *pplt *ppe»l fro^i ailirot^* Ja W. Si7i applt, va. »'m. A. Btae, et al. api.,.,i from l.imi Oo. d*»«e reinstated OQ tb* doc.'.«-t. Estimt! PATSNT Tastzsa?—The bsst thing In the market—something ontirely new and tvy desirabls—even body ahould TllEo. (Haccetpor, TBB After Music—Hymn—Miss Cora Park hurst prssidiag at tbspisno, Mr. Gallagher same in and t.ok thu Chair, and a report was made by Maj. Ilamill, en the "method of teaching Natural Pbiloaphy,'- a very brief discussion followad, after which a few remarks were mads by Prof. Piper, ex plaining that he had not prcmieed or ex pected to be here at the beginning of the Inatitute, or to oonduct it, but, that he hid come to participate in the exercises, and to see what progress waa being made. •are. It a- & PHIL.8BBBIIAH—For St. Louis.-, Naw BOSTOR—Fer Ft. Msdison.. IOWA CITT—For Gliatoa. XXPKOTXD. Keitbabarg, thia evesiing, from Ft. Madi sen, will leave for the same place to-amr row at $ o'clock. The Reserve, to-morrow morning ai 6 o'clock from St. Lonis, for St. Paal. Hswkeys State, to-morrow sooraiag at 6 o'clock, frsm St. Paul, for St. Loais. Savanna, Sunday morning at 6 a'slosk, from St Laais, for St. Paul. BISOBLABBSBS. Ths Silver Cloud, oa her way dawa Isst .^straek a pier af tbaCliataB bridge, her BsnMwhal, bat net serioaaly. evaniag.'at: damaging I TBARRB ta Da. Bona.-The ooamlttao aapaiuted ta asake arraagemeata fer the Third Quarterly Sabbath Sebeat Ceaeert, hold laat SaaosT afteraaaa, taha this sp portuaity, ia behalf af the gabhaih Bohoal, to return their thaaks to Dr. J. J. Burtie, for hia kiadnsas aad liberality ia agaia granting ths free ass af tha "Opera Henee" en that sscssioa and we feel joatifled ia saying, that hia hiadaeaa is folly appreris ted, and will long be ransombered by all in tcreated ia the Sabbath School cauae. 8. J. SAHOBB, Chm'n Con. A GASOOVS JOCB.—A resident of this eity who bss been growling all wiatar about his heavy gas bills bss just discovered s eouaecting pipe leading to room a above, wbere some young mm were rootnlng and enjoying the luxury of two good ei: sed bara- Tha party hsasath thiaks it is aot a MAtfajaia** ht S. ttxHRla, 1'oftoi ia apou eaeh (th aa^a. So eta., Nt. A Dru^^iataeell tt. apl9d*w«i»«f-a DinalatlaB af Partacrihipe FIRM or BCRLIOIT, AHHUTT A OO., ia this dav diMOlTtd b, matml consent. TIIU9. J. Hl HBWB, LECTUEE AT THB Burtis Opera House, on lastly KvealBg, Does not TOILET. Geo. Wa Xaolvd'a n# Kf, mf MLfr tS. Samuel MUSU MW 7« IttTak. JP TOL'JWIHU TO BB BEAUTIFUL. •M •'UtSRRVINQTIbB.KIlir Tht. Invaluable toilet article was dtaeovared bv a celebrate,! cb«atat u. F"raD«, ,B71.iTIo Wm "Lt jj." Laiitea uf ihe Cuart of larou# owe tb*l# heaatv ihiV'wi'll"" •lul partly them I. no article r^« with :t aa a beantlSw of the cuaa- p.cilon and pn .em of tbe skin. C. .VcCn,ii,T purchased the rac.lplof hie °"e ton year. n,'.i he Imatncc that ttm.' virea It a perfect trial amoni his ^-raonal frienda and the aria' U'eJ.""',*"'l'h"1d.'|phia.New fUEK ®oai Estate 'I'nuiiftrsi Qv(,rge w. Parker. »w tec a, ti SO. nr 1, Li 'erlr Townahip |l,S00 Stepen Crane to Tristram low, u' 7.' '"rk 77, Darenport 1,060 00 B. n. rorenua, at iix et al., to John 1. Dutch*- ami E R. Wagner, part «e fil s»e -ji, tp :r, 2-110 acres, Huffalo I srnslnp T,«W 80 Joliaun K» et ui to Maria Gneh, w 2 lot j, block 1, (ireen's let Ad dition Oarcnport. a^o 7Sa t|79 1, Voa* TowBib 1 Cnetci fAsii.v GROCRSIKS.—It is kaowa, or shoulii bo, that Parka A Ilosmer keep tbs lines', best and most complete stock of choice familv groci riea of any eimilar estab lishment 11 the city, experience in buying et tbles thani to keep the very beat and to bu\ at such figures as cnablea them to sell chuper thin sny otheis—at prices that dsfy competition. Every housekeeper should examine and price their gooda. They will there find everything ueuaily kept in firat-class establishments. Remember the place, corD?r of Hrady and Fourth streets. "e Medistssa kiaa aaet with ae much succe, in curing diseases of a ner vous cbarrc er, anch as Neuralgia. Nerve ache and ot: er pmnfu' nervoiia affections, aa Dr. TIT VERS TIC DOULOUREUX, or UNIVKHAL NEURALGIA I'lLL. It Btimulatet t^s nerve fluid, snd promotes s healthy chelation, onneeqatntly theee maladies vnish. Apothecaries have it. Principal dtnet, li!) Tremont itreet. Bos too, Ma«*. rice, fl 00 per package by mail, two atimpa extra. To-Day'• Advertisements. Notice. WHERE WILL BE April loth. l*»-dH I'raeldent CEDAR CAMPHOR l-'OH Muru 1'u Uc cei ttiu ibat the same ot HARRIS -t CUATMAK. or Shawls, CasslnerBi al eans, JOHN MrELHoT, RuHKUX M. ABBOTT. The bnslt MS of tin 3ra will V enntianed at tbe old ataii' N'o. 3S Bit Secrnid Btr-. t, by tha nn derslgned, ir l.-r the :rm unme of -dicena A Mc Klroy, to wt. ai all d«.lt» i! ia th»oti firm moat be paid, and l.r whom all liabc'.tlea wit. a aettlcd.— Partiestafi tad to th» oW tlrm wi,! call and settle. THUS. J. If .IM1BNS, JOHN MrK *iy. April $tb. t^^S- apr' llw Burtis Opera House! Hon. (M WEIGHT, CHIEF JUSTtCR OF THE SUPBRMB Court of loat, will Vork.Haltlinora, """'.'•fw "ran.. Ht. I-i'iiK, S iTannah Charlca ton. W llminittiiii, i Thcj have n*pd It with unqualified ailmlrnt .m, and Would conaider the Ull«t Impcrf 11 n ithout thlmlcii^btfuland pnrelr harmleaa liri'p.yatiiin. Victoria Ke ta aad OK.IIIde Perala nn f.vcn »nch rtitirr «atUfactl^ii to every inatani*', I iau m* comteH«'d II t«th«- Thia •rticicif eutlrety dilTt rt»nt Mifthlnf of th« hiiii cror Attempted, and N w^rrafited FROM ALL ^000 90 Q. U. Uu. i, «t. ui.. to JftmeaTbomp •on, SI D® V and ti I ti ae W 7, tp ft* s, Cl«*ooa Towuphip, S,SM N NO I E #. !'0i80N0lT* SCBSTAffCBS. After fi«1nc Oarell* d« t'erala and Victoria R«ste for n abort tin*\ the akin wtH bare aaoft Mtta-lffc* toTitirt*: it tmnarta n fr*»«hneM amootbaeac and »ufl- ne-a to tht* aLin that can onlr »6 prodnml by oalnf thi- rtiu^hln artl' t** Thia »rtlrla la no TnlcAr ooai* jH.ufid to tujuri* thi* akin r«apIest«Ml, bnt etihao rea a« a beantifloi, aad ha aae faanot po^aibly be d* tectrd by the cloa«at obaerrer. F.»r Tan. Fre«kiea« ftanbnrn, atid Onta neoria !M#«-a»«-a from the akin, tt ia UiTilBAhlv M.C. :(-luak**y biva every coofld^ucs* In rrconi tetidlnt hia V ict»r!a ltogia and Oacella de fVraia ta or Ladioa aa tlui uuly pe rfect aa reliable toi let artlcl*' n«»w luu (JENTINR PRKPARRD OHLT BT M. C. MfCLIT§- KBT, Archil nam# ataicp^d oft each laVl—10 other ia la kr nu1n*. Depot, No. 1TO North Seteetk Street. Hold by all lrae|^ataand Perfytsm In tbe l'sited and Canada laMUdlv Wholesale Only! STAPLB A. FANOY DRY GOODS! W. 0. WADSW0RTH Ofers Is the trade a fresh Spring Stock! Bleaetaed Jb|Brswn Cottona, Prints, Ginghgas, White (aoodfl, Llnem, Hotlelfi Gloves, Dcnlma, A WECIAI. MERTINO (F a the Davenp rt Library Aae.ciat!oc Satnrday ev» Btnp,April lite, 1S6«, nt T3CP.M. n the Llhrarr Jlouma. K p. t"OOK. Stripes, Ticks, Cottonadea* Cheeks, Dress Gooda, Yankee JVotlwa, April lltk, On the Mlowlng suhjeet: Barly lleeellfcllens ef the Pro frules la the State. TIC K BTS "0 CTt. For ssle at I.use A Grigaa' and at the -:»er. anriO dtd SOMETHING NEW. THKEK IN ONE. EBtlM'f Prent faabiaai Kalft, Twrfarr sad Sir Sptsa. pair c. TT-'T*- .rkaaellke SMaaer: maktacooe of the sad convenient artlclu for tbe poeket of threeslaipwpleeeeor steel, and la tbe asoet da rabteand worl Boat oaetbl tl ever preeset.f to the public. T.snlee will Md this article to be a very asefol aad nuuieuleat adjttet to tbe Sewteg Machine. Bletall Price, as ceata each. Pot aale bv Baa ten ta Hardware, Itotloae. aad Faoev Artldea (eneral'y. H. MORRIS*Co., Vt aoleeale Atrenta. Fprtegfleld, aprU'deodly In Saakraptcy. la tbe Uietrict Court ot the United Btatas for the District »f Iowa. Ia tbe matter of Fritx Vollatedt, Daakropt To the Creditors of said Fritt Vollatedt aad all other peraons lntererted Sirs: Yon are berebv notiBed, tbat a petitioa has been 6M in said Court,bv Fritt Vollatedt, o the eity of Uareopert, in (aid Distriet, duly de clared a Baikrupt under the act ol Congress, ef VarehSd, .667, for a diacharRe and a certiB eate tbereot, from all bis debta aad other claima, provable under said act: and that tbe l&th day of Bay. A. D. IMS, at tbe hoar of tea o'clock, A. M. of eaid day. is aaaigaad for the hearing of nainaiitlil the aame before said Court, at Cbam- b.rt, at Ottemwa, Iowa, when aad wbere you may attest and abow eanae, if aay voa have, why the prayer of aald petitioa ahonld not be granted. ea are bereby further aoti ied, that tbs eeeoad aad third meeting of thoereditora of said Frits Vollatedt, for the perpoee provided ia tha i?tb aad ts seetieaa of the eaM Act of Cengrosa of March M, 1MT, will W. k.U .. tha Mk Aft* a be held oa the Mb day of «». A. D. I8SS at the hoar ef ieeelw*, A. IT, ef a before B. M. Price. KK Register i replay, et hie eBee Be. T, Weet Saeow ia the eity ef Davmpert, Seett oooaty, mma aprlO-dSt-W an'y. TO RENT Bade Place, With the exteastve Oronnds belonging, an tbe eoraer of tradv aad 18th streets, to a good tenant. For Sale. ARGTLE COTTAGE, at Le Claire, tbe lete roe Menee or Ool. T. C. Kada. Thia deatrahta prop erty ia now offered at a bargain, by hia eon Jaa. Ksds, ofHt. Louis wbo has determined to aell at a great bargain, for farther partienlara to bather T. Bads, Lead Agret, over loot teleeaeaBeal Bslsli snailty. laad Aa*sa Jcc., JtCi, Jke.e Pnrckasers will find /all lines of all gooda adapted to their war,)*. wl.itL will te C«ud the M.OWEST PRICES. 41 41 aorT-dfw 4S Brady St.. Daveeperl. Burtis Opera House! The treat Tria af VaealUta, PARKHURST A THOMPSON'S I1BITAIiM:» H. m. TBOBPaan, the atithor and composer of "I. illy Dele," "Little May Miller," 'Tam Lonely einee my mother died." etc., ia now eonaectd with thia Troupe. J.d PABKBl'BRT, The woederfal Baeeo and Comic Vocalist, wboae Jelineatlun* reai compaea of voice and original and laegbable »f eccentric character arc aae^aallad by any other siager uow traveling. O. w. PABHHUBflT, Baritone aad Faiaaiet. All maaiclaas who hear bis aefidcrtnir tutaadard Baritone eoagaaaltela pro aonncini him one of the best Ciaaalc atagereof tha d,Z-e TbtellMla taatnaaeat eoabtnee with In tbe apace eeeapled by tbe ardlear, pocket Tweeaer, a Nell Kalfbaad Vila, ewt Bar Bpooa, and a pair of Twee- LRST TROLTB will gl above |entteme^^a|^ala^tho TBOMF ore eei RON A PAKKU their unrivalled i their unrivalled parlor antertalamanuat Burtis Opera House* Tharsday, FHdsjr aad Haiardar April, Sth, loth aa« 11th. This Oowpaay daima to riva a bstter er variety of prosranme thaa aay ett" the kind wblck hea traveled Sea veers. l'llna tistM eisils NO. O. PASKBUItitT, Dr. J. A. LAHOFRLDT, Davenport. W. IBUlH, BeeiaejeAgeat. Bet LB or PncaaParaoatte. Oeaa-, srqt I ery tf Oeate. Reserved Heale SO Oeata, te aale, at Luae A Origgs* SAMOA MO FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COM'r. .ffaaeta over tMS,eee Cm»h writtea at reaseaa* H. m, KING, Aieai OOee, Boota Ho. Baveaport's Blaefc. ef Mala aad Beeond Street. aprt-dtf 1ST E "VNT Wholesale Hoille! 3STO- KXTBOPOLITAN BLOCK. BATKvraaT, IOWA. L. GANS AT CO., (8COCESSOBB TO I. BBBIBltf) Mtaoricrcaaas ABB Msaaas or MEN'S FURRISHII6 GOODS! GLOVES, NOTIONS, AC. Bee Test prtesa §—isatisl. sB My WHOLES HOUSE. KO. WB*1 SECOND RTBKR4 ttAVtSPORT, a ioWA*l *a to the Trade a Freih apring Stork ol* CL0THIN6, CASSIMEBES, C0TT0NADES, JEANS, LINENS, FUNELS. FURNISHING GOODS, AMD TAILORS' TRIMMIN08. HP«OLa AGENT FOR DAVENPORT WOOLKN MILI.S. CAMERON 8c BLTTHB, Notions, Jke., iie. All of whieh will be found attractive and at tha very lowest market rates. |y Pleaee eail and see the Lstest Sty Its aad Nov'eltiae of ilia eeeaon. Slffn ot the Mon, J. K. DIXON ft SONS. H. TUOllB, Davenport, LANGPELDT, TH0DE & CA lfOi OB West Sacassd atreet, 0»veSi IMI'ORTKRH AND llEAI.EHB IB German, French & Spanish Wines. Mrench Cognac Brandlt-s In Original Packagee, HOI.K AORNTSTFOR 9S....LECLAIRE MOCK or aooos jewelry #»a 9, F. MEYER, E A N A I O •d at., aad deer we at tat Katiocal Beak, le ta rssslpt ef a large and well eelei ted task of Ready-Made Clothing Ms Parabhlaf M, »T: PROPllI ETOR8 TERMS: 1^9.00 House Painters, Glaziers, Grainers, filers A.3STX SIGN-WRITERS. Plata aadi Decerative Paper Baagera, Celliaga Whlteae« aad Walla ('eleredl. We bsve jaat reeeived tbe Largest aad Most Complete assortment of Psper Hangings and Window Hbades ever brought to Davcapert all of which have been aeleeted this Spring. Die Tork. We have entirely new styles of Hall Papers, Borders and Decorations. We are prepared to do all work entrusted te us in a workmanlike -nanner, and at satisfactory prices. 140 BMOT STREET. rflEXT DOOR TO CUT MILL. Spring Goods. J. E. DIXON ft SONS, CtORNER OF SECOND AND MAIM ATREETA Beg toanaeaaea that they havftrsosived a porttaa of their Spring purchasss, coaais ting in part of Dress Goods, Tweed* and Casslaaeres, Prints and De laine*, Bleached and Brown Muslins, Freneh Saefclacs, Gloves and Hasiear, Silk and Cloth Sacqnes, Trlaanaftnsa, Parasols and Sun Shades, Hoop Sklrta, I.ANOFRtJrr Ham bars. lleS *a Walt F.ttract beverage ef Health. I by FtryeWaas of tbe OWI and New World. aebllLdti (Rstablishsd 1883.) iNIOHOLAS KUHNBN, Manntactam of Cigara and daalara in LEAP. PLUG & FIVE CUT TOBACCO, Fires j.xa tunokkkm JBTICMS, Visas sa haad tbe lnrgeat Htoek and Variety ot eoeve goede ef aay hoaaa ia tha State. fe jeoamata aad all dealers in above goods era Invited (lo examine ay Htoek aad Prtaae, ead the faaUty ef ay gooda before parehrelag elsewhere. Cora Main and Sd Streets. Davenport, Iowa, Down-Down the Prices go GREAT SALE OF Dry Goods and Carpets! ROW....M ERR Continues. Another Rodaatfton on I Wooton Goods and Carpets. Tata BOHT BB SOLD. AVBTOI. Baldwin&Marston faicftos Clocks HP MILLING IfRB. M- CURD. (Foeaerly Was A. F. WIBHI*" TO ^"V^indnetataaate *TM A2VO aaOSSSVSt HARIIW fi K 1 BlaekmitfeN fttocx ,T"!, wa Crau1.!*0 US?, r0" Bella*., t'eler W r§t.i'» y., H'**'. a*4 l, tt *rs, r**rirp»' Kmre*. Itt-,,,., KSk •, U.« .. Ac. an "a hi 11.* IH I- lii-r-i i*h,»ee, Mala a, H«m neit i ,(i N »|.^ -r.^ ,,, »f- Itiel-.,:,. Num. Aa "m •m thS wilt in ,u inir affile. 11 r% tft'pg Orders by ill' J«n cna vll! receive aflrkflon m-H I I RSWT' i 11 Deero's XJL'U Rap vv relet,!.,. i" oft. Moline PX »w«. i A v i 1 I (brtke v.,..!- Ibnaernt* re o O e a i n o i i n i Plowe and ea ?.iS —KLH w n""1 vt, i vd te. TIB WIHTKR {U\Di: 18(S. SfCKLRS PMENTON, A V K I O K A N U A I '•rS* and eouiplete axor'inrnt »f Khalf aad Hrarj Hardware, AGRICULTURAL IMri.KMKNTS Metala aad Tlaaar's Mie«-la Catlvrjr, I'lrdiff, Malls. Ulan, i|f. We t.ava followed th* K'axt. rn markets pronipt. y In the ret-eat del Imp It, Kl „„la Mi l„nU wul.u,. ,arrliw., ,.T Xrlv :::r I.., ,or oootttlrnt wo can uike .i f1, favor ua ill, ,„,i„, iri J" tJ," V a I'KI srt'N JanT-Aa 11 lira.I* m,.| V We.i ,,, Iron and H'apon Mnf-rinf. 0t_n KNTIltK HTftR tiK A tt AM, sil.f lr.m. Ailee. Hprmca, lt,.li.. \BI.'Sk v nia, l'l.'« ,. and ill Steel, 4r.Si I..a rk" ,rt»e e.ii„,d net Ut*ls ul the uisuui ti tun i^. ... Kl I'KIBTltH. Iron sad Wagon Mat rnt» «,K| ,,t ,t )a»T-«B» Ilaiitni.r.-. ii Rra.l, •treat, Jisipi i. Diiikfar NO. lit, last alia Bradf, near I'roat 8t« SHELF & HEAVY a w a e kmirr intUry, aad a general ataortiiimt ,.t i.-t.|,|, articles Ot the trade at greatly reit.i-eil j,t i, AGRICULTURAL URUNKIITI OF AM. KINDS A? TBB IIOHKHI PHTL tiM, r,»ily aelee SBsIng ia eonetaat receipt .. lad atvek of everrtlnng tn the Ii ti i Trade aad CeaBtrjr Hfrrkaata Will eonenlt their interest bv ealllng ami al. aaiiaing gooda before purchasing eiae»r, From a IIIOIOUKII ktuwlad^e of tin. Bed superior slantaKrs in tuiviiig, all must te No. IS Hrady at reat, for gooda. Batlder. are united to esauiina apriag Btseh. UKUKItllkR THU I'i.At'K, No, 13 Brady Street, •MB pnlb and quirk retarna. i KELLEY & VVOOLL BNOUUUI RETAIL DKALKRH IN 9HEJL* St UEJt W HAHI) WARE No. ft eat Second St.. I)A VKWI'OKT. IOWA WKtion HBHPKCTllJI.I.V ASK TtlK ATTEB of tbe I'tittho to our largo aad JOS plate Rtnek, eoniatin,' In pait of BA11.H, FRNCk WIHg. I'l llWH, FABMINU Tt»t»|jt, MAMIJ.A AND TARKKI) ROI'r WIND. W tll.AHS, 1'tITTV, I.INHkKI* »II Tt HnCR+lSB* Wllllk l.i.,m, LKAi ril'K, till 1'Ot'K I t:t TI.KIlV. Oliver Plated Ware, l.cather aaO Bnhber Hrlalaa. ItHUBHNS, OOTTOK AMI" lll.ktl' TWlBKS BBOUM TWINK.M. HKOUM AIHK, 1'ITCH, UAKI HI,KM, IIAINH O I K o K I I O K N a I s i PUMPH, I-IMOIJ4, MlUT I'M I CIIKH POW/.KK H.AHKS. I'OHt-fc|.AIfl imtLKft ANI HAI'tlK PANH, llltl ,H|I. I AM PINTBKH\ WHII' AKI KNTMl.S' MA tJHIMIST'H A .Ml COIirliUH' 111(11.S. Aad a jeaeral aaaortment of K i,.ris in onr liae whteh wa offer at WUul t.MAI.K BtTAlA at tha Lowest Marset Ratea, AUBNTM PUR FAIRBANK'8 8CALE8 Aad librd'i Praailan Plawi, tar 3euatry MerehanU will rind It to that! advantage to call and price our goode before aslajreleea' Her aaperlef perehaaing eleewhere, aa we ean indueemeats e nn mpt eaah ttuyere BAVIO KRI.I.KY. *. WOOP. TOBACCOfcaKljARM, DAVB\PI)KT^ TOBACCO WOKK9 ris« fst Taharra* and Orcm At Wliolosalo r^t.BRM,,• lR TRADR WTpp!.iKi"« 11| nR .. |-|.Avii "Ar^mtl" mi.l -.'I., I hran.te, r. u. uuAii. AKII !, Front atreet, hatwwn l.rij |„va, eetl-dly I'avenport. a. Mcasa. wiasra'iK JACKER ft WINECKE, •AJturaartrsMHi A HBA vaa in SEGATTS, TOBACCO, PIPES. &C., IV*. aa Brady Street, betweea Second it Third Mta.. JMpfl-dly _DAVENr»HT, IffWA. Where do yon buy vour FURNITURE? AT DEUT9CHMANN'3 or C0VB8BI Ne.UEastSd het. Perry DAVENPORT, IOWA. Vhssa yes aaa dea,e Bad s tsa,l«te aaMieeeat af dsasat Fwmitare. aeda ta tea moat eubataatiel aeaair. Fartor aad Ubaaber «et*. al« era oa 1 aad. F. OSUTncUMAN.'i Oiee ae a call. aovlMly ltd atreet. Itavenp. rt. Brick !TaaBrick! RAVKHP0RT RUCK A TILI C«b Are patMag ap the lateet issnaieS Steam Machinery, For tha aaaafaetaraet a Saperter artkleet PRE88ED BRICK, Which they will bo able te o&r ForBsIo at an Early Day. Aa their aiiaagiaiate enable ttsa ta| •flake SS,OQO Brick per day, Aad thsrshis barn a Bfla socaer tbsa esasl Xa e«y. Pslaaa will reapare ftvarsbly With the Uwnt. Tad betweea Sast Devenpr rt «ad the I air lao.irik ty teams or »lli sad dssliieg eel bitsB, ^VlaSaa essacMM to bnlld. a££rts^?3 Poat oaiee. The aaly plaee se dssd motriw.twiiTWOTUWKi •mm A* K. UfV»ArB I JtVtUlT Blere, esa. of Wff g«ra OhMs a S e fiijioK UBMAT, MiaviWi aTlT Cnwel* atvMi »»e »'a'» NbRTtN, atsia S^ third door btito oMbef