Newspaper Page Text
irSsB-'p? wBBmfi c?''tjj55lSSBB''l ,ss . . . j i f .gg5B1- ; gtl WICHITA, KANSAS, TUESDAY MORNING, 2VEAY 2Q, 1884. NUMBER 1.. t L" ' - nrnili: fit i tion To Vr rromt V r i-e. r r'l R. W M i Ell t- Tir. ML. . .r'aiCL - Af)P 'laiXairea. MURDOCH, Editor. R. P. MURDOCH, Business Manager. at the largest Circulation of any BaJy Papir , in Southiccttem Kenton. JP TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : BAILY IIV MAIL, One copy, one year $S 00 One copy, t-K months 4 CO One copy, threo months 2 00 One copy, one month 7.' Twenty cents per week delivered Tjv carriers in fie City. Postage prepaid. WEEKLY. One copy, onejenr One copy, six months , i $2 00 I 1 00 TO ADVEUTISEILS: Our rates for advertising shall he as low as those of any other iiai)cr of eijual alue as an bih eniswg medium i All transient advertisements must he paid for in advance. Entered in the Pottqfficc at Wichita, at tecond- m-' muucr, ana cmeiea jo transition tniougn the JLh ct inch. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. The following table Rites the arrival and de parture of trains at "Wichita ATCIHSOX, TOPEKA & SANTA EE. GOING SOUTH. .VUltlM!. 1 I.F.WH Kxpress lu:3j A. M. I Express. ..iu.: A. M. &Ci-?I'S"'J!:,1.5!!-- Ac-Kre!gllt 4:U3I'-M- GOING NOUTII. auuim:. I vvr iViS ?! Kansas City Express Kxpres8-... sswl'TM. Ac.cight 11. MA 31. . .':.-, r. ai. .VI:-) V. M. -Muns uaiiy. --SAU others daily except Sunday. 'J ST. LOIUS A SAX FHANCISCO r Mall train from M. Iouls arrives at fi 00 . m : leaves for the north at (!:().- p. m ; Mail train J" inies lorine casi at vzu a m. WICHITA A, WISTEItN. tion for Kansas City Mith the regular passenger from the bouth. ST. LOUIS, FT. SCOTT S. WICHITA. Aitiiivt. f Li:es. iir. .7:10 a. in .i;:iTp. in. .8:M i m Ex. & Mail !.00a. m. Ex. & Mall Freight.... Freiglit.. ..10.00 a. m. Ac. Freipht 0.00 p. m. V PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. -, K. It i:KN"l", hyslelan ami Surgeon. Ollieeoier Fuller .t Son's grocery. . K. WAI.IfEIt. Attorney at Law. Ilonnl lmiiL. Ollice oer h.n:i-.'i6 Na- L. F. SIIEKWOOI), Dentist. Ollice in Ferrnll i:iiililingip0'ile lMislollire, MhIii trt, U'iclilta, hiiins. Teeth extracted wllliout Hi,.liy idtrns oxide K. l STANLEY & WALL, Attornejsat Law, Wkhltn, Kansas, over Citirens' limik. Ollice J. .1. UtlfcT, intenOent. Oflice. Kniil Architect anil upHi Werner's block, Dougliis avriuir, bctwein To- V ka avenue nml !.... r.ieo St., vt Iclilta, Kau. 1101 'TOX, r. W. HEVTI.KV. HOUilOX A HEM LEV, Attorneys at, Law Odiot over Kansas Na tional buk;! WichlU, Kan. j. v. Lrcic, Attorney at Law , Ichitn, Kansas. 1 U. I) KIKK, Attorney mt,Taw I Jooni No. ::, U. S oMeeVtilldiarWirhlta, t 0 HEKU1NG, Land Civil Engineer and Ileal Etitato Agent. 1cm plo block near Postolllco, Wichita, IIAKItIS A HAItltl.S Jt FlltEIIAUGir, Attorneys at Law, (xmnnercial lilock, w Icii- Ua, Kansas. i II i . -r " K wrr . -w i Accommodation lenes the Union dejiot for . Cheney at 10:4'n m ; Freipht deiot at at 11:00 t ' a. m. Keturninp, leaes Cheney at 3:10 p. m., ic- a i union ieioi ai .i.imi makinir rannw. fffi HATTON. UUC.GLESA I'AUSONS, J K JrVTTOiiNbYS-AT-LAW, Wichita, Kansas. 41- r - .1 I. itALDEIIbTON, Attounbv at law, Wichita, Sedgvv IcU couuty Kansas. Ol!)e in Cenleiudal It lock. I)ll..l.r DEAN, IIbvtist. Houiih in Field liuiltllng. Main trcet, opposite liavdlng A Kislier's. 12-51- i). w fc.Mnn, Ukm'ist. l'.glc Iiuildlng, Douglas avenue, Wichita, Kaunas. lilt. W L 110YLE, HKNTisr Uluce over It.nrnes A sou's store. Centennial block. Wlihlta. o. vr., nonr. m i-iatt pni.i.ivfiSAi'iAlT. - at Law. Will piactlcc In both str V I courts. Ollice In -icmiiie Dioik, , Beeond stairway norlh of Post ita, Kansas. . WANT COLUMN. Ir mti inlhit column trill be chained h r.f 'iri! Cintt ver Im: vrr week .i tt-e fur than 2 centt. x f D Even it our olti hodv wanting city lots tj llice for good bargains. llrXM.LI.iY JiOX-L t II A girl for housework. J junisi. .inn'- l $1,)0 for 12 line lots, all in e worm m,mo. 1HXMLI. Y iiovn . w- t VTVii I- nriiiiTH and eitlrens to knpv- V that the old reliable aud jiioneer cloth- vud jiioneer clolu cecond door south tf c houe "1 alley is located ecoIla door soiiiu ljl'ostonice. -m w j- VTED To rent a good ollice room over Wichita grocery. KM I Ibiyj- -mrYNTED lluversTor rhoire property that V Tents readily lor S2 per jear. rtr. ..o'nses and large lots for .:, firtVl'Eli-LvnlMdy to visit tlief.inr IV rinthine House irul examine goouii fond , prices before purchasing e sew henv (V w rAvrvill To sill airood ton buggy, giila- j. ttt i m ..1. ...... liar; or wmiraui' or .i yi t-nn It II MM WVN1 1.1 " ' ani strangers isi- Wichita to etear clear or loiUlmr gi hs .ml -arb-stono brokers, and buy. proper of",Teli8olo nrm hr or counlrypropertv , to call nnd see t Iils ol I Urxxi m, .u:t ANTE1I Evervl'O'lv to knw that j quarters is .-iiar vioiiunp iiouse. y .VNTEII A gitl Kmiuire at this 03 e 4 AV W-CT-lvTKli-Iluvvr for aciHMl set ofduidei I? harness; ne.l but little 1 J i " - J 'lirxXTED-LnndbujeMtomaVetlielJfad- .i" UmV-LT' i-ientyc ,ta- I!rM.Li. A I 1T"AjTKD EvwrvlMHl, to knoir tl' i f kaie men, are now, mid anv:.- it, the most successful real v-tnle and loani. jlni ' ' In Wichita llrMU.l s AXTED KerjbiKh to know that) ba esi ami im-si uiifurancij?en' HI NM.IX tt vi nies having proiertyi-g nce nnJ descnptionl ,tr lllsiXi.&.V- r ' a lot at?$l.'aji: tome fcoon or you nlie IlOXMX A ., 77 "" i . Ihe acent U Intro- 1 in county "Treasure Of 1, nds its sale not cletHnt rtmtent ( u tj" mufician in Wlcfciiff iV- mops 10 general agent, Jium 2j lie o ner to call tt tlKH len and el aim r,n- ilr-..r..i... ..l..lLT. S -'"Tu"V ii ! hsU br iHniiriu .nt.js.,. mA- VFft ..t- aw.. . " !- W -."" I'sis., Attorr.- o R'l rArnTimor-",,T,-'l'8,10 nrmilBeour mi Lf i "SF'iyAVTEO Main- customers to be fittc' mt Lti." i X'i In Hkio elejrait and nohliy CotWvvv if ' "' V'118, dolli'mr House lii-i- l YANTEO Oirl for cenornl hmiM f -k - jujti- ."- - ---,.-.- .. .. -. ---, W it-vxTKl) Parties Mantinc loans or y m antinic. fl :i l l)laV ( TV tbesmuLC iral j' In tbefaiaJK WiM r ' alsassassasV W, toolafaaaaaw ''tHS ,ts 'LossossosK vsVl J kM nntfasossssssssssssssssssssssVO iri&rhzm? t e ?C'SM ufi i wr.m WW aV I attAnaBSSssssssssssssssssssssssssB I lA' I BolksB INKING HOUSE. THE NCW M.tie 01 HE OLDEST BANKING IN. j STKfUTIC IN THE VALLEY. ' l'romlncnk anirg the many fine business homes crec.fsd inUIs cily within the year, probably wre-cunently go, is that just taken powiion f by the First Arkansas Valley Rfgjt or V C. Woodman & Son, on tbc wcsl'siJo ol tain street, near the old and we'Jknown and. While not overly large It It tievertolcss massive in stvle and appear fined tt unique cy. Tb architecture seetus con- parL'UIar order, but it is as ? auric c, ana we ucucve was ile-iigue tliii and without by AV. S. WooJm itTUonas ior many years neiu counaenBiBiciaioni lalfelaions with the institution. TKc irtfoiiorlie feet or the ffoBt above the paveftvoi? j heavy stone work, solid massive VMiicit stone of panncl and pi laster dc-faf. lltetwoen two verv lanrc doorway f-jole cf which leads to the bank J and the oUierWa hall stairway, and occu ining Hlnpst Up eutirc front, is a window j con'itllnjof aMiiglclIgbt of French plate glas. Tils central window is arched by I a v cry missive Up of white stone, the up per half If whifh serves as the sill of the j central tper itory window, which is of I double esign and lighted with venilian j glass, tl whole of which rests on tbc sub- - J'capiulnf Ue pilaster columns of the low erstor Still above the ceutral tccom nd story wnJow is an immense stone tablet with th; letters cut in a bunken panncl in I biss-re'': "First Arkansas Valley Bank." j Qtlll .AJxThU iiiKi.t intntlwnrnninpntnl " p"(A2- T '- "" ' desiirn'f.'tbMsli, it another stone tiblct with th gotblciigurcs "1870 " The entire .,- j front, pleasi ' Of , bauV T wnicn tuts is only a part, is very and Attractive. inside of the lower story or tie department, we can give no adc technical description. Everything quutl of rcrior and elegant workmanship. The i.ijn floor Is 2Tx70 feet, furnished with Kas aiU water and wanned and ventilated by tlir ? anthracite lire places, which arc I urn is d with varigated marble mantle piece? and the hearths, of which arc laid it icautiful English tiling and squares ofin lica roxetts. After glancing at the bcnulil waloscoating of alternate strips olfjuhlte wood and a specie or red gum, tlL'iuUint; counter attracts attention. It i4CK fifty feet in length, put up with an a&clcj aiiglo which wu cannot describe, a .dill; entire base, of which is or the beau t fujTarieated and brilliantly grained pjilif Arkansas, all worked down In oil jolifii, lilktalned and unpainted, but of the j-Olifii, gOfnnefS and hanlucss of iory, jaoesls7i)UIai8, bases and cornice, nil ex- MVtjhefcp, is of this wood. This unique Jailer fjjsupportcd by eighteen columns of Jc saivp wood, placed in pairs and set injUd rrricf, or almost full relief. Itun nlr bade from the cahicr's wicket is a se Oljglass pauncls or Ficuch plate, fiiinjiiu counter screen, which are 2x4 fcjaiejL These panuels of plalc glass, cikair& scries of etchings or character plureiCju frot-woik, beautified andartis tJandQl original design, illustrative of (IiliuwiiiK the socral steps of develon- I ,t t tV ttilM 1 illn.r .nmrnntimmr tt lilt .1 1 i t tr. tuittjf WIAJ tllt it 1,1 11 llliu 1. I fff do Unit and running clear aloog up to 1 Pi. i.'h nt of the railroad, the tele'Tanh ij 'lid thiMaily paper. Jtetween and joining fCj(), orhese p pljlte nrroi i, I panuels are a series of double the rclleclion of winch are 1 I 1 0'hly fid strangely ellectivc. It is simply ' a Snulykvigiied and superb piece of woik ,:nlnshi. ' friieuult, which Is supplied with Ihe ) jl,iu,t mpioved dooro aud combination ' ... ,1 . ,. ... . ...,. Sixn, lUttllJj DIV jfaili? VI UUH3 11 OA1U r,et ad 0 feet to the ceiling; solid stone llior ajd solid stone ceiling. Standing in tfie fler with a cornice of cut stone which i) mi rountcd on the three sides rcpeet- ivel ( an owl. a dog aud a lion, nil of cut is) vigilance, strength and ftofc, fidl The petitions or the main lloor me of the same wood as the counter; a mis doors are of solid blacu walnut wok1 down to oil polish. In front ol the ' couttl g room, and imtncdlati ly to the left ' as jluintcr, Is a consultatiot and recep-4l"-'t'' tloijlltby, whieli contains a round table andaiivv very heavy chairs, tie lloor be- irigllnlld work or .i very prety pattern. JTIim rim is pai tilioncd off by go d bronzed I wip-Vi:Vr work. Back oT thisroom is a toiH rbm wlt'i marble basin, w.icr cool-1 cr J jirf jcrator, etc. Probably tin prctti-' (midmost attrarctive, if not the .lost ar- j ti-jjc ajpartmeut, is the president's pailor ' iiillic liar of the building, which 1 com-1 plHe itits decorations, hangings, puurcs, ' coljiiiinnd furniture. Hero comrcidore ' ' Wodn in, the head of the Louse, rcslves I btfiricid, and here, when business 1 not ! i toJprcii-iiig, be enjoys an aficrnoon nt. or siqta. Lis many years ol faithful nud uc-' ' cfu vtork as a fiuaiiccer ei, titling lih to j ( t luxury, and more. 1 lio ftillv de.seiihe all the (xoulsitc luil : if linr.itft ilesiins. tinfshis mill ImiplipMtir' II ) beautiful money palace Would tax o r 'cripllve povvcis had we the space all SC. 11 is uuneccssaiy to s y mai in llduig is an ornament to tin city, vii At the people are proud of the '-First Ai Upsas vallev D.uiK,' wno'c 0iii bash: iiuij ei lorn: be Sound cIC' fitie In this isure THE FINANCIAL SITUATION. y .'he little Hurry on Wallstrtt, .e I'V tirk, did not seem to raise a r'pplu cancial allairs in our cily or count' lir bauki at tL.s section of the -i li.i M calls for loans, and being well irtili let all demands on them. Our I; on Ucn showed their faith !u the sol. it Jiir banking institutions by uiakin. tli J-ii il, even using cxra exertions .h iieaslng their deposits. While th dinks paid 20 per cent, cash for a few '.' 'ii r banks promptly met all demand- i-ipped out largo amount of current 3e country Umks who keep accoui in niisciij I Ui tir grain aud slock bad been genet, ly :old, licnccour fanuerd will not siu.r ' al old tv reason of lower aluc in eastern im Kts. 'lo-d-iv's market quotations n w To-da' market quotatiotis sh jbout the amc values as prevailed .i t igo, how!g clearly that tbc dark do Uiieb for a few davs buns oter tho co jjcrcial horizon' bad catirclj disappear . 4- HATFIELD. llatlicld is the name or tbc new town L J out up iu Union township on the propo. J line or tho Wichita & Mel'herson ltailroa . "Wo believe the town is nainetl for Mr. I: . dolph Hatfield, of this city The -Itc c m prises or covert, eighty acres of land, j when the road is built Hatfield will b i, for it is lo.atcd in a wondcrlul rich c,c ,a ofthc Valley. THE SUNFLOWER. Tbe bridge across the great Arkatna, constructed by the above road, is nirlj finished aud the track almot rcache-the ' west bank. The commissioners have sub- mttlcd tbe proposition Iu Vaco township nml il lierin to look verv BIBrh OS lhon-li --o . 3- t;icarwaier anu auwiohj- ,prpic -can oon - . . ,.. .1. . l : como to the metropolis by rail. KNI6HTS OF PYTHIAS f KANSAS. The Thirteenth Annual Ctventlon to Beiln In this City To-day. The thirteenth aniual convention of the Grand Lodge of Knights or Fytbiat of the State of Kansas will convene in this city to-day at nine o'clock, and the first annua' session of the U. it- will meet to-morrow' The programme foi the occasion and the names of tbc virioi! committees are as fol lows : Tl'esihy, may 20. First Reception of Lodges and Diis ion. Second 8:30 a m. Escorting ol officers and members of Grand Lodge from Head quarters to Caste Hall by Uniformed Di visions. Third 1 a. ni. Meeting of Grand Lodge Fourth 2:30 t- m. Escorting Grand Lodge to positiin in line. Fifth 3 p. u Grand parade of Divis ions and LodgiJ. Sixth i pJi. General review of pro cession by pHccrs of Grand Lodge and Grand DivisJn. Seventh IJW p. m. Address of welcome to Grand Lotfc by E. Hill, C. C. No. 44. WEDNESDAY, MAY 21. 9:30 a. ra.-fEscorting offlceis or Grand Division to Jrmory. 10 a. in. reception of Grand Davision. 2:30 p. ra.ll'rize Drill. Hand confst immediately following the drill. rnizEh. Open to dl Divisions U. It. or the world. Virst Prize 8250 00 Second Trie 123 00 Third I'rizJ 00 00 Drill to It governed in all respects by the Carnahan ictics, except that twenty men and one ofjeer shall constitute a Division. i HAND CONTEST. First Friz) ..., $100 00 Second IMu WOO A bau to contest or not less than ten pieces. COMMIT6ES. ( EXECUTIVE. U. A. (N'auNess, president; S.S.King, secretaH; J. M. Allen, treasurer. E B. Kcntz, L N. Woodcock, ,T. T. McMillcn, 1. Gctto. j ' FINANCE. K. I'. Uovey, O. D. Kirk, II. M. Jones. HALL. Win. Matthew son, L. W. Dittman, A. C. Ilusey, F. A. Sowers, Geo. W. Walter. HOTELS. .1. T. .McMillen, .Tno. H. Carey, E. B. Iteiitz, .1. liich, P. Gctto. MUSIC. John l'i-hcr, II. W. Dunning, Charles Ilatton,.). ItUsantz, A. J. Longsdorf. entekta:nments. F. Dale, E. A. Dorsey, G. II. Herrington, Geo. Spiugcnbcrger, N. P. Nicderlander. DECOKATION. C. Hfiiderson, U. Jacks, C. O. Albert, II. J. Ilanling, II. Ziethen. l'tltADE AND DH1LL. L. X. Woodcock, J. Donahoe, L.W. Ong, II. W. Aldrich, S. S. King. ltECEI'TION. E. Hill, II. V. Stewart, G. N. Byers, J. j D. Houston, E. P. Hovey, Jno. Tucker, E. A. Dorsey, L. W. Crouch, A. C. Xiedcr landcr. L. C. Wood, II. G. Toler, A. P. Stanley, L. P. Jones, J. M. Chain, G. E. Harris F. L. Tillinghast, P. J. Arnold, AV II. Wliilcscancr. The procession will form on Main, near he (fi noon, and move as follows ; From hotel to Douglas avenue, east on the avenue to Fourth street, north on Fourth to Second, west on Second to Waco, fouth on Waco to Douglas avenue, cast on Douglas avenue to Main, at which place a ilrcs- parade and exhibition drill will be given. Officers and members of the Grand LoJgc will accompany the parade and re view on the march. As to the origin of this order, the follow ing will be round or peculiar interest at this time,: This older was rounded February 10,1804, at Washington, D- C, by Justus II. Rath bone. At a time when "war was in the hcirt or man and sorrow was in bis home;" whfc lean to oc;an, from gulf to gui irious laud was engaged in hiage and death, Justus II. SC( IU len a school teacher at Wash- ir L, saw In Grecian history the g rderthat should have power it: : the warmth of sectional strife Ig the hearts or man to a basis brotherhood. of tho tjrautDionysius tho cl- I an era or scltisliness in the llorv. i senator at Syracuse, by his op- Dyonysius iu his attempted i ol power, was placed tindersen- aniediatc death. , the time-tried friend of Damon, the tyrant to grant him a respite, Ight bid a last farewell to those he Die denial of this request was fol- Ituei i most striking exemplification riendshin that has ever illuminated i i or history. Pvthias, who 'well-' honor of his friend, offered him- pledgc for Damon's return, agree- ky the penalty with his own life )amon prove him falsa sins accepted the proffered ho-tage ecu ryiuias in uarKiicss ami in rwhiio bis friend of years hastened kome where loved ones dwelt. tartlily affairs aro speedily rranged list fond embrace is given he looks look upon hi friends, now frantic ilef and starts to return, but finds Is slave has slain Ins steed. Syracuse lagttes avvav; lie saw uis nay oi re- tading into night his friend led to iflbld he heard hi pledge of honor ry or mockery without the prison ran. Cr:i.ed at the thought or honor lost, friend und ficndsbip sacrificed, he seized a pas- jg,tcd, and swifter thau the inds of )CMA Ber-towan's Syracuse and cer tain dtnh. Aye, more! to tbc rescue ol his rrikid, aud maintenance of bis honor to himVsweeter than life and home. A tb. last moment is called and tbc exe cutioners axe i uplifted over tbe head o; Tytbias be rushes through the gates, springsupon tbo scaffold, redeems his honor aiil the life of his friend- The A.nlaT of manhood and true cour- ...MUllnlhnhnitl'i l.n.r. n-kn i-o. , t . - i "C"-;..u.a ....., ...., .-i mitting ho death sentence of Damon, sought aknistion to tneir frienu.bip. This bfVht spot on the page of tbe past ; was the, truer atone upon which Mr. Ratb- j bone 5"brfliel better than be knew." For j years mewesMnicd low upon the altars but in Us Wat blgUnoon,when, from c cry bill tp, tke shields at brave and gal- l.tntknigbbajMike bright the day of prom uc, the louuer ir the order may rest ea- ' fured tbatlt wane. i star ascended will never The ordcrh this citv was organized in tho knrincr ei Vat .. Ill, .Imnl thlrlr- -hrtr a -. .-- ..- - . -..., u.cmpcr, ar a now numoers Tip-rmrusoi . r - . . m. In the state there arc some aereaty-f tc. 107 subordinate lodges, and twelve divis ions of tbc uniform rank. NOTES. On behalf of the citizens or Wichita the Daily Eagle extends a hearty welcome to all visiting Knights, and hopes that their stay in this city as our honored guests may prove botiuprofitabla and en joyable. It is expected that over 1000 Knights and ladies will be in the city during the session of the Grand lodge. A special train from Frcdonia arrived last evening bringing 23 members of Frc donia lodge and two ladies, and the Co'ura bus division. Fifty members or Tancard division No. n tin.l Vvttlp division Vn. 9 of Girard. and tcniatliep. arriving in the city last eve ning. The Golden cross of Atchison is expect ed to arrive to-day. The Newton cornet band is expected here to compete for the Jpriaes, as is also the K. T. band of Emporia. :robbed.x The residence of Mr. Z. Tuttle iu the north part of the city, was broken into yesterday aficrnoon while the liinily were absent, and closets and drawers broken onen. and the con tents ecittcred about the floor. Noth ing was taken except fifteen dollars iu money, the jewelry being even left on the floor. Mr. T. has the hanger-on -theives of the snide circus to thank for the felony, of course. Mr. Drokaw has determined to sell out his business here and return to his old home. He desires us to return his heartfelt thanks to all those friends who, in the hours of his deeie-t afllic tion, extended their aid aud sympa thy. He has sold his beautiful resi dence iu the upper part of the city to Mr. II. L. Peck. Col. Martin Adams, father-in-law of Col. Fonts, iu company with the lat ter gentleman, called upon us the other day. Col. M. is almost a cen tenarian, having been born in 1797. He served iu the war of 1812. His home is iiLClark county, Indiana, and barring a slight lameness, ho looks as hale and hearty as many men do at sixty. Mr. E. Phillips sold his highly-cultivated forty-acre tract on the banks of the Little Hiver, adjoining the old fair grounds, last week for the sum of $4,750. Mr. P. informs us that he 1ms purchased a desirable tract of two hundred acres near the I own of Green wich, in Payne township, which he will immediately take possession of aud improve. A gentleman from Detroit, Michi gan, mi expert in the manufacture of gas, and who owns a patent process, is hereto arrauge the works of th!- oity, whereby he proposes to double the lllumiuary power of theprcsent article, thereby insuring a great saving to the consumers. Mr. Ed. B. Porter, son of Governor Porter, of Indiana, who.iSpcnt last week in our city, made many friends when here, it seems. Mr. P. is a chip off the old block, keen, witty, wide awake, and knowing a good town and country when he sees them. Wc understand that the lumber is now on the road for Jioberl Black's new business block, to be erected on the corner of Douglas and Topeka av enues. The building will be three stories with a 100 foot front. Miss Alice Murdock and Miss llas sett, of 1 Dorado, are visiting rela tives and friendf, in t lie city; coming over on the extra train 1 it evening which brought in two divisions of Knights of Pvthias. Some ten couple of young people of tliis city indulged in a boat ride on the Lit tie Arkansas Monday evening. The new boat was pronounced a great suc cess, and the occasion proved oue of much enjoyment to all. Ifev. Win. Campbell, of Kankakee, Illinois, brother-in-law to Professor I Hammond, is looking this county over with n view to locating here with his family. The reverend gentleman is highly pleased so tar as lie lias seen. itaooi isenson, in eminent light of the Israelitish faith, will be in Wichita within a short time and deliver a free lecture at the Presbyterian church, on the "religion of our age,'" which in fact is a reply to Ingersollism. A large number of strangers are vis iting Wichita this sea-on with a view of locating in south west Kansas, and the accommodations of our hotels arc taxed to the utmost limit. The city was full of people yester day, who came in to ec the elephant There is uothiug that draws like a cir cus, uuless" it's a Democratic conven tion iu an ami-prohibition town. Mrs. Xettie (In en has been ap pointed, by Probate Judge Jcwctt, guardian of the minor heirs of J.ewis Winslnw, deceased, of Salem town ship. 'Colonel M," ilr. Win. Greillen- ! stein s noted trotting horse, for which i.. i..i -c. .i .i .i i .i..ji ut nuu iitiiii-u iiiree luuusiuu ouiiais, uica ia-t Jiic-uav uiunt, stiddeniv. V tZ lmZ llrtf l-ssf lrtll 1 fit r-rvi ' !' " "" -" --' "" i.'w..i.:. .. "'K l" TICKETS TO DAYT0M. OHIO. This morning there will be placed on ale at the Union Depot, round trip tickcts to Davton, Ohio, for one ft f fc fl . $, good tillJune the 20Hi for the return trip. They will be on ale till Jtiue 3d. This will be a good opportunity for parties desiring to Like a trip et to gct n QOi ruIe. The tickets ?anla Fe or arc good bv eitlier the Frico road. For departure of fraius sec time tabic in another column. J. G. LvKTir. Agent. CROWDED OUT. Owiug to the great amount of local matter forced upon tbis the first' Issue of The Daily Eagle, and the great number of advertisements rushed in at tbc last hour, nearly all of our news by telegraph was left over. These matters will regulate themselves in rll good time. VFXSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Joe Arment, of Independence, is visiting with friends in this city. John Hodgin, of Kokorno, Ind , is in the city in search of a business lo cation. Mr. and Mrs. John Humphreys re turned to Wichita ou the morning train yesterday. Miss M. Baldwin left yesterday mor ning for a short visit with fricuds in Anthony and Caldwell. E. J. Scott, o. St. Louis, as pres ent at the party given at the Occiden tal last "Wednesday evening. Miss Libbie DeVore came in from Andover Sunday evening, and is the guest of Miss Delia Bay num. Mrs. RobUon, wife of one of the firm of Robison Bra's., arrifted in the Forest city Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Oliver, who-are now making their home at Winfield, spent Sunday with Wichita friends. A. N. Deniiug, of Oswego, father-in law of C. W. Bitting, arrived in the city yesterday ou a visit to the latter. Miss Hattie Obrist. Miss Mac Bi ooks and Miss Lucy Lauck depart ed ou a rusticating trip to Cheney yes terday. The Emporia Republican says that Mr. Lits worth, of this city, is visiting his brother-in-law, J. E. Caldwell, of Emporia. Lafe Mcrritt, local editor of the Cheyenne Transporter, Darlington, Indian Territory, was in the city last week, shaking hands with old fricuds. Bcu. A. Jones, of Emporia, and Dura Hail, of Wyandotte, came in on yesterday's train to attend the meet ing of the K. of P. They gave us a pleasant call. W. A Smith, O. B. Stockcr and John McComb, departed on Sunday's train for a visit to eastern cities. They will "take in" the Chicago conven tion before returning home. Miss Clara Jenkins, who came up from Kansas City to attend the lato wedding of her friend, Miss Mattic Lynch, will remain iu this city sever al weeks, visiting with friends. Col. J. Y. Pierce, a prominent bank er of Osage Mission, was in the city yesterday, and gave the Eaole a pleasant call. He was surprised to note how rapidly Wichita was improv ing. AV. II. Graham, representing the Pythian Banner, published at Se- dalia, Mo., is in the city in the inter-1 ests of his paper, and wc are pleased J to note is inectiug with much suc cess, W- H. Thomas, a prominent attor- nev Of Rockfort, Ind., and an old friend of Mr. Piatt, gave us a pleasant ' ., . . ... t it call Saturday. He is much pleased J .,..,.. - with Kansas, and says that Wichita is the "boss" town iu the State. The many friends of Harry Arment will be gratified to learn that he will return from the west very shortly. He has spent the past two years in Washington territory, and comes back with the view of remaining in Kansas. T. W. Phillips, a moneyed man of tbemornlng that letters have been.rceelv- Xcwcastle, Ind., and an old friend of ' e,d ,n rthU f and 8?le ""n.the lt few f. r .. . , . ,... ... days from both senators I'lumb and Ingalls S. D. Hallowell, arrived in Wichita a ' gavIn thcv . r,vor,bIc t0 Chester A. Ar- lew uays since, ana is prospecting ior tncr as the uepublican candidatefor presi a good business opening. He is most dent, on the ground that be is tho strong - i, i ... ., ts . , est man. and that he is almost certain to favorably impressed with the Forest ' carrr Kew YorU. UN now believed tbM Citv, and savs it is without question. Artlijr will have fully one-hair or Kansas' ,,".,.,". , , . . . eighteen votes In the Chicago convention, the prettiest town, aud best business " . center in the state. A frightful case. Louisville, Ky.. May 19. A Courier Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jay and daugh- 'journal Harrodsburg special says a horri ter Mary, Mary A. Richards aud Miss blc case of wholesale poisoning by hemlock Cirtic Gilchrist, of Emporia, were took place near this place to-day. Kigh gucsts at the Occidental several davs teen boys, after plajing a game of base ball, last week. .,., , . , . Saturday they departed for Gueda Springs After remaining there about a month, Mr. and Mrs. Jav , , , , ... ,,..,." ' and daughter will proceed to Michigan, thence to Lomr Branch and other re- sort, expecting to return to Emporia about October. Hon, John S. Gilmorc, editor of the Citizen, came over last night and will take in the parade, to-day. Judge Sluss went to Harper this mornintr. Mr. IU J. McKim, proprietor of the Trcmont hotel, returned Sunday even ing from a three weeks' visit to his old home in Parisville, Ivy. This is the first time he has been back to his i former home for tweutv vcars, and of ! course the trip wh. a very enjoyable 1 i one, but. after all. he found uo place he liked better than WhirhiLi. Judge E. B. Jewctt returned from a bricf ril Topeka Sunday. Mrs. John Bragg will depart in ' j. , -., "i i .. . i , it'w uays wnn ner nusoanu, wnosc heath has been verv noor for some- !,. (nt Un! 11 tu.aaA I.. T"a 1 ..l nun.-, ,... m ...c . ,JU. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Taylor, of Boonville, Ind.. arrived in the city Sat urdav on a visit to their friends, R.M Tiatt and familv. V c are sorrv fo learn that Mrs. Taylor's health is very poor, aud mat sne nas icen connncxl to her room for several davs. Mr. Tho. Donaldson, of Waterbury, Connecticut, one of Xear England's solid men who have been loauing money in this valley, called the other day. This is hi thinl trip, and so de- lighted is he with the country that be bronsht his wife alons to sncod the! c - -oinmer. FROM WASHINGTON. The Late Financial Troubles Discussed. The Cause of the Panic Last Week. Ingalls and Plumb of Kansas Favoring Arthur. HOUSE. Washington, May PL Oa motion of Mr. Randall the House proceeded tor consider the appropriation bills. Mr. Cannon moved to re-commit the con sular and diplomatic' appropriation ' bill, with instructions that the committee on appropriations report back tbc bill cover ing appropriations similar to those for the current year, with certain specific excep- tlnn. I.naf Vpsa Kir mvs. 1.16 rr.. , in .1 . !--.. .... n,l n-t.ett.l The bill was then taken up and passed. Yeas, 129; nays, 85. ".' .VJ. w-., , rf-f The army andDistnetofColumblaappro- nriation bills nasscd without opposition Holman and Moulton opposed the bill. Collins said he was not to be deterred from hii adversity to the bill by any suggestion as to the Imminent presidential election, let it come with all the issues that might be in vented. He did not believe that the pas sage of the bankruptcy act would militate against the interest of bis party. Motion lost. Yeas 107, nays 113., 'ot necessiry for a two-thirds vote in affirmation. Hanking and currency committee was next on the list, and Wilkens was ready with a resolution fixing a day for the con sideratibn or the Mel'herson bill, but mo tion to adjourn was interjected and car ried. Mr. Coltlngs from the jtfdicla! commit tee moved to suspend the rules and adopt resolutions making the senate bankrupt bill the special order for "Tuesday June 10th. 3Iotion accorded. 100, to GO. Mr. Culbertson. or Texas favored the mot on. With this through the bankruptcy bill should not be present until the presi dential election is over. A bankrupt law is demoralizingand promotive ordesponendcy. At this very time Wall street was in a mael storm or speculation and great names were resting under a shadow of disgrace on account of that speculation. Congress should not encourage this by the passage of a bankrupt law, which would operate as an injustice to public morals, and would work ruin to thousands of widows and or phans. SENATE. Washington, May 19. Morrill modified his motion by mowug reference of the reso lution to the Finance Committee. Bayard supported the motion. Sherman supported reference. Tho senate ougbt, be said, be very carelul in questions of this kind. He had been in N'ew York the day when the trouble referred to occurred, and be could assure the senate that al though there might be trouble here and there over tbc certification checks, yet there had not been trouble at all. Iu the present -case the trouble was caused by spcculativ u operation of officers orthc banks affected, and In some cases not by certify ing the checks but rather by non-certltiea-tion. The proper remedy would be to prescribe severe penalties against any dealings in speculative transactions by officers of the bank, or using mon ey of the bauk in transactions that such officers might engage iu. Sherman saw no special uc in committee investigation in .New York. We had gov ernment officers there who could give u all ueeded information. If a committee were to go there to make a commotion and keep up an agitation regardingthe failures, it might embarrasj us in this call. There had been no panic. If the people of New York had not been alarmed the securities specially effected would havo been those involved in the transactions exposed by the failure, but confidence in the standard se curities of tbc country had not suffered. It was like cases in New York City not ex tending over any other part of the country. It had resujtcd in clearing tho atmosphere, and he believed the present commercial po sition was iietter than it had been before the recent trouble. MISSOURI CROPS. Kansas Cily, Mo. Tho Kansas City Timet correspondent obtainc.1 from profes sor Sanborn, secretary Missouri state board ol agriculture the condition of the crops raised. Upon late information from 100 counties of the state the-sbowing is as fol- lows: heat condition, compared with ., .. ..,.,. loi, ,' irj, ,. that in May loth last jear, 150 per cent; arca 0r wheat that will be plowed up, four per cent. Corn is about the same acreage as last vear. but less planted at this date. The portion thaj will germinate is low about cighty'per cent., and the soil i in bad condition. There will be no peaches to speak of. All other fruits, small and large promise well. INGALLS AND PLUMB FOR ARTHUR. Leavenworth, Kas,. May 19. The Lca- enwortb Timet will publish a statement in savins thcv started in search ol parsnips nut goi noiu . ... hm.nJ.", ThAnr. freely and were taken violently III, and Jw died almost immediately and Ave are in a critical condition and not expected to je, while others arc suffering more or Iesj from poi-on.rarticulars meagre, and the names ofthcbos unknown. BOILER EXPLOSION. Little Kock, Ark., May 19. Near Lcwis burg, Saturday evening, a mill boiler ex ploded. Instantly killing the engineer, Frank Weaver, and Cspt. A. Thoma, and ratally wounding IL Howard and Weaver' son. " MARTIN AND HIGCINS. Oanlen Cltr, May 19. At a meeting of be Republican Central Committee to-day, Hon. P. II. Milan was appointed delegate to the Slate con entlon. He is not instruct ed, but I. supposed to laror J. A. Martin for governor, and Higgins for secretary tale. - . Arthur and grant . fl u . ' ' .. , Journal trom Wahington say that a mem- ,,erofthe Kan..- delegation' Mid to night that out of the sixteen deie- irate elected to the Chfcaro lieDnbliun convention, seven or them preftrred Mr. Arthur that bei pubUcsn fnen an-: Gen. Grant. FOP. CLICK AND BLAIR. Xeosbo Kali?, 3Iay 13. Tbe Woodin county Democratic convention selected IV. J. Hougbawout and V. 15. Woodtlde dele- gates to Topeka. The feeling was In favor Sf ,TU: : '?::T'MZZ lllair and (tllck: for delegates at large. u. from tbe Fourth district. Arrangements " " " -- - fiiui . aw . ,jmvm were mxugumeu .o suvn a i'craocraiic pa prin the eonnty. THE NEW PARTY. SL Ioui, May 13. Problbltlon-homc-protectlon party met fa convention here to day and elected S delegate to the National Ml.vrfltlnn. 3t PltlftLnr-- fn nf-mtnlm n electoral ticket, but postpone! tbt aaa4-i tlo..r auutUeketunUI Au?t Jftk,i ta ssrrtiin huj m. mnvenAii -jiii.i meet at Sedalis. MSfsi. as tne nominee or the party, and a "1 cuumuuiis "- ,cil 1. i;i:k. duir it .!. Aai' .Hon. G'0 It! reek, of Topeka. who l,nf. n-Klilirie r-il- -a l.ft on the CHai BK lialk rwsia nslti .feaaJ.ola, ..a8iiB!ailte - reported by tbecw York Tribvat a. , , ' ., k, . .t b-rt riU, i e-r ri4, m, sav3lB'KKffi!rK nz a Blaine delerate ta tbe National Kc- door Step of W S- feU-wart' reu- efpi-nr, ,(. tbl i wbrst, u.ut, WtWftgLf SKimi convention i, set down among bi, deacc. EmvK,ru areiue. 8uniay I f!2"''g!El1gu Zlttz'&&mB?F' d here a being oppo'ed to Ulalne .... . . ... ... . ti. J,.; n.i i. ZZrCJ. 'ISrWmHSe- i .a .nit... .. nAM...tir ,... r.. iiictiL r,v unknown name. .-oi ue i r"i.-"T"' "."-.' '."". ""r . "ww . n.uuUh.u i'ul.v, huui v. vt i t..c; ttt. -n j c . r .tt . vm 1 1 immi im , tnt. tt mm. BBUHIl 'zssiigj&i' REPUBLICAN STATE CWIVCIITItll. A delegate comTentioa of the JRepablieaaa of the State orKaataairiU be held la the dry of Tonrkm. on - WEDXESDAY. JULY lm, 18SI at 4 o'clock p. m. for the parpoae of pjadar fa nomination candidates for State oMcer and electing a BepabUeaa State Central Comaim. The oMeers to be nominated are a folio wi: One Chief Justice of the Sapreme Coart, Associate " " (to fill Tacancy) Governor. ' ' Lieutenant Governor " Secretary of State. " Auditor of State. Treasury of State. " Attorney General " State Superintendent of Pub. Instruction. All citizens who are in favor of elevating aad dignifying American labor, protecting and ex tending home Industrie, giving free popular education to the mniei of tke people, securing free suaroge ana an noneai coaauag or doiiou. and effectually protecting all huosaa rights, in every section or our common country, and who are willing to support the aomiaeea of the con vention, are invited to ec-opetate with Repub licans In the Frimartea and County OoaTcnuoas sending delegate to this Convention. The oesla of representation shall be the rote cast for Hon. James Smith. Republican candi date for Secretory of State, at the general elec- ' . " , , ., . . -,, . 1 "OU Mil W IMS. UKI CC'IDIT SSB1I OO e- mled to one deUgta . oae alternate for every S00 votes so cast, or aay fraction thereof of lis or over, ruoviDED that every county shall oe enmieu to at least one ueiegate ana one ai ternatc in said convention, according to the fol lowing SCHEDULE: Covntm Volet cast. Del. Vouatiet. Totetcatt.Det. Allen 16 .. Anderson 1108 ..4 Xemaha 113 .. Neosho ..1270 ..4 Ness .327 .. Norton 49S ..3 Osage SStt ..8 Atchison 2182 .. llsrher .......... 394 ..1 Barton 80S -3 Bourbon .'J040 Osborne 1033 Brown Batter Chase Cbatawiua., Cherokee... Clay Cloud Coffey Cowley Crawford... Davis..-. . Decatnr.... Dickinson.. Doniphan... Douglas.... Edwards.... EIk. ....... . Elsworth... Ellis Ford... Franklin.... 1681 1378 .. .. 70S 11G3 Ottawa B ..2 590 v3 6SS .. 1HI0 ..1 Pawnee Phillips Pottawatomie 1771 ..i ....1113 ..5 Pratt. .... ,.. 179 .. .. Ill ..3 ..1446 ..5 ..134 ..S ...1070 ..4 .. 933 ..3 ... a ..2 ... 348 ..1 .. 558 ..2 ..1938 ..7 ..1916 . 6 ..4564 .13 .. 34 ..1 ..1073 ..4 .. 431 ..2 ..1721 ..6 .. 9J7 ..1 ..1053 ..4 ..1537 ..3 ..1437 ..5 .. 745 ..2 , .1932 ..7 KawUns Reno RepnbUc IuCc Kiley.... Rooks Rush.......... Russell 1041 ISM .....3146 1705 .. 77 541 .. ,.1G3 ....1770 '.'.'.'. iao 1014 '.'.'.'. 190 .... S70 ....1319 Salina Sedjrwlck Shawnee.. .SlSheridon. Smith. Stafford Snmner Trego Graham.... 273 Wabaunsee... Waahlnirton... Greenwood lo ..4 Harper 453 Wilson Harvey 1536 . M Woodson.... . Hodxeman lit ..1 Wyandotte.... CXOUaASlIZKIi. Cheyenne .... Comanche.... Finney Gove. . Jackson 1214 ..4 Jefferson 1700 ..ffi ..4 . I Jewell 1426 ..3 Johnson 1597 ..5! Kingman.... ... 433 ..2 -I ..I ..1 .1 ..1 ..1 ..I ..1 ..1 ..1 ..1 Lyon. 2093 ..7 Labette 2025 ..7 Leaven wortju. .1943 ..7 Lincoln 70S ..2 Greely.... .... Hamilton.... . Lane . Scott Seward Sherman St. John Thomas Linn 1540 ..3 Marion .1071 ..4 Marshall lull ..6 Mel'herson 1722 ..6 Minmi 149.1 ..5 Wallace Mitchell 122S ..4 Montgomery.. ..17f0 ..r, Morris I.... 981 ..3 Total. .IW282 355 It Is recommended that delegates be selected In County conventions on, July lith and that the primaries for the same bo held. Saturday, July 5th, in such manner tu the sev crtl Republican County Central Committees may protide County Central Committees should give at least two weeks' notice of the time of holding conventions, by publication in the county pa pers. It is ordered that delegates forward a ropy cf their credentials to the Secretary of the Repub lican State Central Committee at Topka, im mediately following their electlon- By order of the Republican State Central Committee A. L. UttiK.s, Chairman Attest Wikt W. Wjiltov, Secretary TojHika, May 5th, lsL MEETINGS CLOSED. The tempcraucc . meetings which havo been in progress at tho skating rink the past week, closed Sunday evening, Rev. W. W. Woodford hav ing engagements chewherc that de manded bis attention. The meetings have left an impress for good that will long survive the bare recollections of the sneakers who labored so zealous ly for the canse of temperance. About 1000 people signed the pledge, A. i ,. , ii. .i i thus publicly acknowledging their In- tciition to abstain from the uso of in- , , . . ., ... toxicauts, and wc trust thcv will re- main firm in this dctcrmiuatio. Be i fore, tho meeting closed SundayVive- t niug a collection was taken np for the I purpose of paying rent aud incidental expenses, which resulted iu the rais ing of !fil3o. sTl niAKnlinsi i a ca in l i t la rs n tTfll"!. vyu iiiui ait, utiuig tvij large trade thi summer, and carry stocks, which for variety and ele gance, cannot bo excelled in the state. C. F. Shepherd aud J. A. Smith, of Carey, Ohio, arrived in the city yes terday, and aro prospecting for a lo- ' cation. Hon. A. P. lfwllli. f.illtnrrif bv fi;. Kiduie, editor oi tnc ui- rani Press and nresident tiro tcin ' i res ana pruiuini pro nuij s state senate, whilcd away an ' ... r Kansas hour with us last night. We arc informed that iJie money to build the Wichita, McPherron k Den ver railroad is now ready,, and that ground on the line will probably be broken iniide of sixty days Irom the tune the city votes the subsidy. Xo other line can ncciire more advant ageous connections for the commer cial interests of our citizens and couu ty, and the business men of the city and Delano township arc alive to this fact. They arc the lat municipalities in Sedgwick county to be voted, iho other being nearly unanimous. livers' Comedy Company will play at the skating rink Wcdnc-day and j Thursday evenings The Doris circus wm in town ycrftcr- dav. It is said to have been a thin af- Tiic mother of Mrs. X. A. Kugliali, who ma "i" ' imr avmarried man the writer u lots to know how Mr. Stewart knew it'to be wedding cake, W. A- Jarines, proprietor of the J Temple of Music, departed for 'iniue oi .music, uesiriru wr ins i -, r "t .!. i - J f " former home at Htawatha laat week and will not return until Thursday. Marsh Murdock calls the peopi of Emporia -'cthttic," and peak f lhfr h,iln?r wli ft-t nvr (La( .i;. ...t-;, r,; .i t. .1- JfttctI the next thiair. or tbe weeltlr; Eaoi.k aad nrcsrwetire dalls- vrill bars lainMiml. Al(. Aft..rrvU oftliatcitv. Thcrei wiil ceruialy be Ai, Onn f.mtll Itfflfri. 4t ttirif.1l tVltrtfl it 5 known tlir- outfit rnuldn't ntford ! etsf J Jan. S(n,a3t. eiiMtit ati&j Jolr. it is Known uic outni couiun i aimru j . d'ln t STtt ,vpiT S'i ' tfiadrir(i. in tho KAfir.K OsU weokawt bwTS cKth.XiK MViltSlX. c home i in ijcavcn worm, is j "'': ' - j "' - ,; 2 '!" king her daughter a vit tlm Joii-,r7'sii:w.fbinsi; rw; rrf4Jir, lUff. i: TS4V. UVA lrllnrlrl?aijiiiitJrluw. 4 1 t... ... . . ..., ' BH. 13 . CJ7Wi 't4. h!;t atr. at x Wood thed fXr tbUaaa1)eechftie,tJj,'r'1 Beaw cviiKr jvexnuann jttifjcr. CRIME AND FIRE. The Erie Bank Failure. Kansas Funds Safe. (t Indian Troubles in uhe Northwest Frightful case of Poisoning. ERIE BANK FAILURE, Erie, Pa., May 13. Xo stvtencat baa jet been made by the cSlcer of tbe firie Coun ty Bank, except that te dcpolt were about f3W,080. Il has wealtby steckkeld ers, and as they are individually liable, all claims will undoubtedly be paid la full. One of the directors who has uvea examla fag accounts says there wu ao grounds for a failure, but the president got frfghtened aBd precipitated matters by advUing his friends to withdraw their deposits. HE GOTTHEJtE. Kcw Orleans, MayI&-GoY. MeKacry was inaugurated to-day. SHOOTING BODY FOUND. Kansas City, May 19. At a shooting gal lery on Main street this morning, John Nor. ton was accidentally shot and billed by a target ritle in tbe hand- of Dennis Clary. The body of a woman was found la the quicksand oa tbe river near the city last evening. It was at tirst supposed to be that o? Mr. General l'roudetlt. It baa since been identified as tbe remains of a middle aged woman who was seen tor sev eral days wandering about tho levee in the lower part of tbe city. KANSAS CYCLONE ABROAD. Columbus, S. C, May 19. .1 heavy wind and rain storm visited the village of Tarlc ton, l'eekoura couuty, this afternoon. About tblrt) bouses were unroofed, being nearly tho cutlre village. Fences were blown down, trees uprooted, and a man named Kershner dangerously wounded by a falling blacKsmitb shop. Tho same storm passed In tbe vicinity of Lancaster, Fayette county, v here several buildings were un roofed and the ampltheatro at the fair grounds and race courso destroyed. Sev eral borses were killed by falling barns. 9 KANSAS FUNDS SAFE. Topeka, Kan., May 19. Tbe following telegram was received from Gov. (Hick : New York. May 19. Tho funds of the State, county and townships are safe. The First National ISank Is selected as the fiscal agency of Knni. DoMoell, Lawson and Simpson will pay alt their liabilities If (heir creditors will give them -a little time. (Signed) , Gov. (il.ICk'. FIRE AND LOSS OF LIFE. Cincinnati, May 19. Tbe Cincinnati Lead Pipn and Sheet Company' works, 'ill and '203 east 9th street, burned. Los on stock, t50.00O; Insured. Building belonging to .1. Evans' estate, UIO.OOO; insured. Mrs. Leech, loomlnir In fourth tory. was fatally burned. V. E. Cook was aUo severely burned. KUNO HIMSELF. St. Louis. May 19. Iaac llooun living five miW southeast of here, hung himself with a (ilcci' of wire In bis barn this morn ing. H? svss taken sick last fall, and has been slightly deranged aincc. His domes tic affalm rrere also a source or trouble to him. He loav'es a Urge tamlly, some f whom arc small children. He own a farm and some other property. INDIAN TROUBLES. Minneapolis, ;May 19 Journal's Whine peg special says trouble Is rapidly coming to a climax among the Indians In ibo north western territory. I'eapot called a big sun dance, and Invited all ludlans, and will de mand to be given land where they can get fresh fllsh to counteract the otfect of ba con which has spread pcurvey throughout the cainns. causing tlftv of bis neotilo to ' die In three month. Complaint. I lppiie.' The Assloabolnes and other tribes are to Join the movement for cutnge. Yellow Catflnh's band has armed an,i asrc ucrylng the authorities. Cannon an I troops havo bose been sent from ile glna. and a tig it is looked for. 2 I l.tyAfiri a-tiiailirma nf tlm rtnt ArnntAltl ttss tn FINANCE AND COMMERCE. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Kansas City Live Stock. Ka Cirr, May I!, !. Tho Livestock tndttotor report. Cattlx ItecelpL, 1,513 j market Ann and al and 5Wc higher i natlte !eer, l,fAtf to I, ll lbs, W .1H('II5 atneker, feeder and cows imchangisl Hot, Receipts. 2.P10 1 slow but tteadrt lot. averaging vn i ra idi soiu si .. io-) m bulk at .' I5HV.2V V feiiKKr ItrreipU, .'!ff steady native clip ped oirrsging s; lln sold st l 25 iff Is. St. Louit Grain sad Produce. St Lon, May 19, lwf Flour uncbsnirt-d Wheat towrr ami Inac- jtivei So i red, H-l"i conb and Msyj I 07lOTJS''Unef!!rt'i cIfrtlnK at inM prfrr ; so I 07l7feuue;MM9a5fnl; f VHtUlJi yearj orn lower and fsirly actlte; y).' cash; wvwo MBjr onawi,ittBe . M UfyM Jo1r , M, etas Auxut ; tiy. year, ciosimr st inid nx. nre f lit. InuriT ! llow tt.1il:uJl. fi.h i 3411 srci, i.oi aKl una usx lower s mow si 3;. cau bk Jnnej 30i July x 2fi' yesr itjo s'ow mtl bid Hsrleydnlfstr4iHe JjiuI higher fS.ti. Ilutter and eggn unrhsntred KlavseeU nominal at 1 SO Hay hifrkcr s prairie, !JH ; 0n(tSir . Vrri. Ilrsn unchanged. Lornnwsl tU-iulj st 2 WliUkry stesdr st 1 11 Prnlon. very slowj only a niall jobbing trte It" celpts Flour, ,, bbli wheat, S,f bui corn, 02,091 bu i oU, tj.wm bn ; rye, i,w ha i barley, S,f bu Hhlptni-nt Klonr, H.W't bbl; wheat, W.tHObui r.rn, Kz.oiObut oata, M.'M); rye, l,bu j barley, s,unbu St. Loui. Live Stock. Kr Locis, May 19, !. Cattlk Itccrjjit. 1, (hli'uwnin, tvj market stronrtr, sn.t lt rV't :irX.u rr- 5 rA i eof-fl Texsris, S 25oS,J5 1 jrr-fl Tran,lJ .naxi Umeipt, 2,7o shii.nwn;., J,lij sMmiinir. 5 vr f ewinniii Vitnrfinm.zn common w cuuicit ciijw-i, ..j a, rl. I . Oral mai rf fc'm , n UiHCMm. Jtor .-imM now. nt t whes. afssct tmitatlurt assas 1 oai(T I fetl K WWi1 V. rienitig ,?, urrfbr hstcntay s Iy &m s, tUninr st , wwiVS Jan, fie, cjrrinr t ,m7,C( Jmrt We: riming n touvt' , j vrk and lrr $ market .tj-t-I a I.I4.!' r. rr wi ;;e j rsium tc uriij , tiiw- elMiinirst 31 ' ( Jttn,StVfl,G, rlwair t Sl, tnZXXc; Jdy, ZHn&rt zltMng st,Ac Tit, v'iiesx. Hje iult at ,.!. Hry r, tUlajt tvly i eati ! Mmj, 7 7 j ' ' AmrTVmfaft- hflifO Trs'iinr om'rwbt-eg;ri.t ttturt f si ctowns; i w wi ",-ZiJZZr Aagsl atellj;i'!Jajs?Si:2i5ie Aa Corn, 45HeJr J Jaly Osi,;;cJ xrfe July I'art, 17 tt .tsdt bnjr el Cllrfttf Qt .to, tsy ft, 1M, TVr prBtif'i JkwI rryeru rrf, w. spsi, Zlr tk msJ Zteltm Umri mart. toJM t Paaavaw tJ iIiIh' n ; -.o ' ' "f"? - - whm aaassm aMwssBBBaBaaasmsw' m "???."-- S . gflV II !!. a! to etm:l.t ?Hf5 f-iitrf. tjru slow J low irradra sismat slatli Yi ??' T (.a,. to tfA, IM Tjkj'iJrrirai4'rrj9riii i trr B-t, I7e 1 'JaSfimR OtuOssBuHssssssssssV E inrCBVnHKBSSaBSSsH wpwrngam i St- Sa.5l Vj t$vt L- 0- trujs l&TX r.O, xSf 'k I ''-SfeStPL sP'rMi iSaSM0fr4A IV c L3tt3E!i'SiL!iS w , i jEfcV- I.