Newspaper Page Text
rkr'- -' tf VOLUME 1. WICHITA., KANSAS, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1SS4. NUMBER 14. o&SkWA - - ... D V- v y ( 1 i t O ? ir - r !. - v t . fr f K M. M. KURDOCK, Editor. R. P. MURDOCH, Business Manager. I Hat the largest Circulation of any Daiif Paper tn Southicettern hantat. - - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : daily nv mail, One copy, one year $s 00 One copy, siv months 4 00 One copy, throe months "J 00 One copy, one month..... ,." Tvvcntv cents per Meek delivered by carriers In thcCitv. Postage prepaid. WEEKLY. One cojiy, one year One copy, siv months . 1 W TO AOVJ'UTl&KItS: Ourr&tes for advertising shall lie as low as those of any other paper of equal value as an advertising medium AH transient adv ertipements must lie paid for in advance. Entered in the VottoJTicc at Wichita, at tecond- JfCOIJ'J- ilatt matter, and entered to tramilion In tough the mailt at tueti. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. The following tabic cites the arrival and de part lire of trains at Wichita. ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA KE. GOING SOUTH. juimw:. mlvi:. KxnresH t:3A.M I Exprt-ss... f:luA. .M Ac. Kreicht. 3:ii I AcFreipht 3:P. JI. Wichita Ev.!i:W) V GOING NOIITH. AIIIIIVK. Kansas City Express Exprc-H 5:25 P. 31. AcKrylght 11:J.A. 31. 18AU. "..7SMA. 31. ... n:rp. 31.'iJP. 31. i:uns uauv. All others daily except .Sunday ST. LOI'Is & SAN rUANCICO. .Mail train Iroin St luisarrie,iatfi-(i(ip. 111 ; leiucsior the north at ;.) p 111 ; .Mail train lesnes Torilie eait at !i..Vi a Tn " wiciuta a wi:ti:iin. Accominoiialion leaii-4 the I'lilon ilejKit for ",'lieiiev nt Id. 4"i a m ; I'reiitlit ilcit at at II a. 111 KeturninK, leaies Cheney at S.I0 p. m , arrhiiiKat Union deotnt .t (MtinaUiiKcoiiiiec lion for Kansas City with the regular passenger Irom the Hiutli ST. LOCH, VT SLOIT .V WICHITA jti:i!ih I U'W i.- Ac. I'rei(;lit..7:10a. 111. Ev. X -Mall.. I".:;."! p. in. FreiKlit S:.Vp. in Ex. ,x.31all Wis. in. Freij.lit.- ..Ki:(la. in. Ac. FreiKht !;( p. in. WANT C0LU.MX. Adrerlinfinfnlt in lliit column will be charged for at the rate of 1'ive Cintt per line jier wl. .o aitrcilixrmcnt lalcn fur lett than i'tirnlt. w ANTED Kite men with teams. Apply ll-S to l . (;. Saudi, lis Douglas ae. f T rANTl.D A Inner Tor a choice stock ranch of7,-n acres' A good bargain for the right man Price, per acre. ,t.i:!-tr 11. r. rmi-Mi.x. Co w ANTED To sell u nice llaslev single buggy .V Leveridge'h d-is-ii cheap Call nt Mahle rAN'l ED To rent a house with two good rooms on Fourth iiteiiue, English's ad dition. Inijnlreor.I C Post, opposite Episco pal church, on Lawrence avenue d-I.M 1T"ANTED To trade a residence oil rence avenue lor land EniHireot Kim- nierle .v Adams. d-l::-i-w-l rANTED A few dav boarders al the nortli- west corner ol Lawrence avenue and Williams street, opposite W. P. stem's car penter shop d-13-U - - "irANTED A huver for a splendid stock ranch or !),!2i acres, at -.(! per acre, in Ueno countv, Kansas :S streams of running v ater, Ul acres ol timber, '!" miles ol fencing "!,.Vi acres are 1 hoice lands lor farming. An iiiuiense bargain. d-I.t-tt I'.i m-li.. I!os 'TT"ANTED To let a furnished room I11- quire second house south of Episcopal church or.Mrs. W. A lteese d-ia-a "irANTED To sell im' or the best-paving V liuslnesses in the city Keason lor sell- I ng : sickness in familv ,J.I-!-0 H 31 1 "ANTi:i) A llrst-clats tinner 3Iust he V boIht and industrious; man of family preferred: give reference and salary wanted Address lock box S, Kingman, Kansas II-.'. "IITANTEI To rent Pray ' rwtaurant, cor V Douglas and Lawrence nves Barnes, Drmririst !-I I A171NTi:i 1 sell a or a 'hur wiUi'anv ! It new-: will trade torn liugg oTirului will liavlhcdiirerencein the value. Ul-r. W. L. 3I 11m:. occupant for a furnished j office 'I"U'"""""1"" jwi j AtrANTED-To rent a nicelv rurnlHlu-I "front I T room to one or two gentlemen without I mm. . . 1 ,. B it.. . it- j -.... r.s. iioar.1 : locanon i.iea-ani ami ccmrai .iu.msB t tiiin -iiit -.- s-tt "AirANTED Land-huvers to know that it is to their interest 'to go to Garden Plain cal Estate Agency to huy lands. d-5-tf Tavi.okA Pim:. "7"ANTED I.and-liuvers to know that we y have for sale all the best landsnenrGar den Plain. ThliiiiA Pikk. "T"ANTEI) I.and-liuvers to know that we have made arrangements with the hotels nt Garden Plain to keep them at reduced rates, .l-j-tf Twi.ou.V Pim,. rANTED A good nurse girl from It to 1; d-5-tf vcars old by Hitting llros. rANTED A girl to do housework in small family. Inquire at tmsoltice I ""ANTED Some one to pay taxes on :ki) tl acres of grass laud tor the use of it. d-7-tr II 1". Fiiii-M' A Co. Al rANTED A tenant lor .1 splendid office T room over Fuller A s.(,n 's d-l-tf "t rANTED Itnverw for iVi lots on Lawrence . TV and Topeka avenues in hloeks 3 and I. "Orn'o.x Philips' addition 'fliese are the lluest lots In Wichita for the price IOiier lot. ;i-tf II. I' l'i:ihM A Co. 11 rANTED To sell a good second-hand bng- gyrors70. Di: Ki nsi.i 1. "irANTEH Lnnd huvcis to know that we t arepostedin prices and location of cverj' tract of land that is for sale in Sedgwick countv ;j-tr H. F 1'i.ii:miA Co ir-",'I-1 'trangers to know that we have yy as fine a line of Ileal Estate barccins, hothiucitv and country, asanvbodv. d-i-tf Cvi.iiwi.ii. .vStiiomj. "17"ANTi:i Kverjbcly to know that we t have the oldest Slid most Tellable set of Alistracts in the county. "A word to the wise is snllieicnt " Caj nvv i:i.l .". St.iomj. "r-.NTi:D The public to know thel for Ab T T strartn. Inpnrlmce or Ileal K-tate, it will pav von to call at Temple block and see i-t'f C ui 1 1.1. A. Stkosi; "17r'AX'n:i A buyer for a .(iiarter-section r itimhI raw land : for sale cheap ; well wa tered ; sitrtatnl In Ninne-rah .1 V lvi minim", 5-tr (vvltli.lti.lp' Campbell "I"r"ATKI Fanners and citizens to know that the old reliable and pioneer rloth Mi? house or vallev Is locatol wsrond door south of r.istoillce "Y T"ANTKI To rentage! oliice iwmmiT iciuia procerv 1;. 11. i;o- IT"AN"TKI) KvervlMtdy to visit the Mar M Clothing llonse and examine pxxls and prices before pnrchnsinp elseu hen". W AN"! KD To sell a ii.khI top buegy, side bar; or v ill trade for a plnvfon. J.. IKJJOVs. "Vl'AXTKH 3Iany customers to lie flttl out T T In those clepvnt and noliliv tAirkscrevv Miits. tar Clotliing House Vi 7"AXTKI t'irl for general housework. i.eierence- required 1: 11 Kovs. "17"ANTKI An owner for a store kev ; kev t can be bad by calling at this ultico anil paving far this notice. I7"AXTKI i.oiO acres of land in one 1jo.1v y in this county, fur a fancy stock rami HrVxiaoi A Kov. "l"ANTi:iV Wi want merebnnts to know M that our insurance companies are all titrictly llrst-elass. and their ihliclcs cost 110 more than those of wcond-rste compauies Jtl--NJX A ltovs 7"AXTK1) to know that Head- ijuarters is Star Clothing House "IITANTED A renter for 3J0 acres of grase T laud in section S3, tovvnsbijiS;, 2 west. Also, tenants fori good bouses iu citv. da- M'lciiiT.v Lvsd A Ixvx Co. j AN "OPEN LETTER." To the Kdttor nf the Eagle. Kixgman, June 2. 181. After Columbus discovered the pathway to the new world's eastern shore?, there I were many envious courtiers and servitors , ...,, .... , .,,. , .,..,-.. t "", ...n.n nmt CI1IJ UUU U1S5UW811&CIIOU thai they had not made the discovery, said "Any one could do what Columbus has done; It is easily accomplished." But taey had not thought of It first. So complaccnt "G. 15." after being harangued with nu merous articles ol the "F. L." ilk, waits till Home one gives a few hints to acf on, a few statistics to deal with, then rushes into print, and points out "X. L.V "glar ing illiberalities, and hasty misstatements" by using the same weapons, almost the i LOtMll lontfllnitn T ,1 1. .. .f a . ........ .-faabK l ..u.n.ui.iuu IUUIU wllU; uui doubtless his self-complacency deludes him !,,,,,,, I,., i,i:r .l.. . i. . s. ..,.. - ..... -iim. diuiuuumuo 11 ms I ",. ' . ,s "" "' luc oluer writer commits even worse mistakes, al though her cause is a just one. The best plan is to do one thing at a time.' ' If God meant,' he sajn, "for us to fight only one at a time He would have given them to us 1 bat way." Oh, moit potent rcasoner! most consistent theologian! let me refer you to the lintbook ol Genesis. How many evils did God give our first parents to deal Willi .lust on?. Away back in the twi light of time God said "Thou shalt not cat ol the fruit or this tree; the day thou catest thereof thou shalt surely die." Had they conquered this one evil, its attcnduni hosts of Mil and death would not have deluged the world, so by the same processor reason ing it we conquer the demon or intemper ance, it attendant hordes ol evil that fol low in its wake will down alio. We will not iicccs-arily "have to go bad; ami light Hie re-l."" ", to intemperance, being the caii'is of crime, this is another popular fal lacy." There in an old laying: "There :11c none ro blind as those who will not see. That evil inclinations and evil im pulses lie dormant in every human In cast, none will gainsay. I will go further and say I that perhaps the only difference bctweeu"G. l!.'"orscores of others who are respected and the couWctcd criminal is ten cents worth ol bad whiiky. Allowing "G. B." to select j liii own data and to draw inferences from facts and ligurcs thus obtained, he will, if ponciM'd of ordinary intelligence, see that once the liquor traflic is entirely suppressed there ii no inimitable and inexorable disap pointment awaiting the temperance people. "(!. II.' cwdcntly bclieu's in a personal dcul "hoofs, horns and hide," for he says, 'i;en If the dram shops are dosed it will not kill the devil, nor even tie him." Well, admitting, even in Hie light of the nine teenth eentuiy. that such an individ ual e.i-ti outside or our own oil passion-, the suppression or Intoxicating liiiuki, wiil so effectually m.c the old fellow a- to render him comparatively liaiiulcM. "Arithmetic- will not lie;" it is one or the lew truthful witnesses that can nt t commit perjury even under the skillful cioK-cxaiuiiialiou of a county attorney. The income of the country from all sources Including agriculture, manufactories, com merce, lailrouls, mines and fisheries K '" round numbers, seven hundred millions or dollars per annum. Is that data enough? The amount or liquor sold in the United States per annum is ertimated from reliable (statistic- at six hundred millions of dol-la)-, an amount greater than the cost or all the rood, and nearly twice as great as the amount expended for clothing. The cost to consumers in ten years is given as six thousand seven hun dred and eighty millions, or "about three times the natiou.11 debt. Now; "G. B ," as you would have u- believe you arc an expert with figures and d.ita, will you esti mate the cost to the country caused by the the Use of alcoholic driiiK. and add to the :iclj :"1'1"t 1M therefor the value or the gr.un destroyed by Its manufacture just tiie same as ir it were, destroyed by drouth Up grasshoppers? This will give'you better occupation than trying to remain on "the t-" Colne over 1,r-lv,1' one "We or the other. There are sins of omission as well 1.,1.lllnIti,iolI MuS- yl K jEASK WELLINGTON WAIFS. Wellington will soon have a planing mill. ; .1. r Hargis and wile are visiting at l)e- caiur, Illinois'. Both loads luinisli Kansas City mall in the forenoon now. The so-called new tr.iiu on the Southern Kansas is only the j old one changed to a day train. Our peo ple are no happier, j Work on the court house and eight store j buildings now in course ol erection on the ' avenue, lus been retarded by the heavy rains .luring the p.nt week. .Midge L. A. Simmons is in attendenee at j the State Horticultural Society at .Junction i City. ! .lames God-ey, an old lesideut of this j city and long identified with the whiskey j element, vvai loiind dead in bed Saturday mot niug. Alcohol claimed him. Friends i p'used the bat and collected money to pay j Initial expenses. Fiee 1 ides 011 the 'bus arc -till iu order. j We like the daily l'.vfif.K and ils news Mom Chicago. .Midge Woods and S. L. Hamilton are at Ibe Chicago convention. Good night K. LOCAL PRESSURE. The following di-patche. were from this city yesterday respectively wired signed as given: lo the Chairw'tn the A'antat Deltgatiun to Vhicoijo: Mi:: We being business men of Wichita, Ivau-as, respectfully request oT the Kausas delegation to the Xational republican con vention that they cast their votes for Ches ter A. Arthur, believing bis nomination and election would best conserve the bui- ness inlercsts or the country and maintain its. preent prosperity ; 31. v . Levy. uank. X. F. Xiederlauder, real estate. M ICohu A- Co.. merchants. i:. M. (iilman, banker. C. S. Davidson, banker. .1. O Davidson, banker. C I", ltarvvi-e. grain dealer. II. Kellogg, commission merchant. A. Katz.'niei chant. . D. HaGovvcll, merchant. .1 L Hodge, merchaut. V.. A. Dr.rsey. miller. W S. Woodmau. banker. A. W. Oliver, miller. Geo. W. Steenrod, countv commi sioner. t I), vt . mitb, dentist. XV. B. Smith, capitalist. i To Hon. P. Ji. Plttmh, Chaiman Kantat I Jitlegitiou litpubliean Contention: We, the undersigned republicans or Sedgwlckcoun ty.and business men or the city "of Wichita, a.d workers at the polls, do hereby petition the delegation oHhe state ot Kan-'as at Chi cago to vote for "the Plumed Knight"' -o long a be shall have a fair show for the nomination. We do this believing James G. Blaine to be the choice ol the people or this state. L I) Skinner. John F Andrews. S S King. W 11 Livingston, II K Butler, J P Allen, J M Allen, M P Barnes, O I) Barnes, A W 1 Bitting. Bock A- Wells S Houck. J H Alev. It W Kcndle. George G Matthews, WX' lean, S I) Jackson. W It Tucker, T B wall. W L Stanley, John Kxton , E B Jew- j j ett, Finl.iy Ttoss ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. THE LARGE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHING HOUSE OF BITTING BROTHERS. Headquarters lor Everything In Their Line An Elegant Display. Among the many commercial enterprises of Wichita which commend themselves to the general notice, not one possesses fea tures of greater interest tban that of the one-price clothing house of Bitting Bros., which is one of the most extensive and complete establishments in the state, carry ing a stock varying in value from CO.00O to $75,000. It is located on the corner of Douglas avenue and Market street, one of the most central points in the a two story briok ICO feet in depth. This large space is all completely stocked and full to , overflowing, yet no shoddy nIacc oli tIleIr ,., , V-M. Tlm goods house find has i ' ........ . fine front entrancc js wci lighted, thus al- lowing oi a clocc es examination or goods, anil under its judicious management, assisted by courteous salesmen, has built up a trade or great and growing importance. Jloreover, a very large percentage or the sales are in a wholesale way, they employing two trav eling men, and goods arc shipped and ex pressed to all parts oTthe south, southwest and west or the state, and even to more dis tant points. Buying for cash and iu large lots to supply a large and widely extended trade, and combining as they do all the de partments or the business with vigorous enterprise, they can afford and do offer ex traordinary low figures on a quality of goods, nt wholesale or retail, which for stjle and stiperiorit j' cannot be excelled. Their goods are all marked in plain figures, and they have but one price to all, so, be the purchaser rich or poor from the coun Hy or town, all are treated alike and buy at the one price or not at all. ) m The Bitting llrothers are shrewd biisintss ' men and excellent bujcr.-,as their immense, ' varied and carefully selected stock fully in I dicates. They came to Wichita in the ' spring of '77 Mom Allentown, I'enn., and ! began businct.i hi the room next door to where is now Wells, Fargo it Co.'s express oliice, later , moving into the room now occupied by that oliice. About five years ago they .moved to I their present quarters, though the building ' was much smaller than at present. Their rapidly extending trade made the necessity for more room imperative, and so last year a thirty-foot addition was made to their store, which now gives them a fiooragc of 2X feet, and in all respects one or the best appointed business houses iu the city. So creditable a record as is shown iu the history or this establishment, (ol which A. W. and C. W. Bitting (brothers) are at the head and sole proprietors) Tor over seven rears, growing year by year in fivor with the trade and public, meeting and" courting competition from every source, renders commendation from us unnecessary. The first to attract the eye of the stranger who passes up Douglas avenue, arc the large and handsomely arranged Mont win dows or this house, which are but a true index oT the elegant and comprehensive stock within. On the eastide as j oil enter may be seen an endless vaiiety of hats and caps, to the west is an equally elaborate showing ol furnishing good". On counters arranged down through the center and main part or the room is a mammoth display or clothing or all stvles, sizes and quality, ex cept the shoddy, which is entirely excluded. Mounting the stairs iu the icar, or ascend ing to thu second floor by the elevator, one is ushered into vvlrit is termed the "child ren's department," though here is round, aside lrom a very extensive and complete stock or children's clothing, trunks, valises, etc., in endless variety, while at the ex tieme trout is a good-sied room In which Is stored unopened case goods, and the sur plur stock which could not find room on the shelves and coiinten below. In r.iet, the facilities or this bouse for doing busi ness arc unexcelled, and they are glad to meet competition, and are amply prepared to defy it. No house in Sedgwick county stands higher in public estimation, and by years of straightforward and liberal dealing they merit the large business they now enjoy, and which the Kaglk alwavs the friend of honorable enterprise hopes" will continue to grow and llourish iu the future as it lias In the past. MISSOURIANS VISIT TILDEN. Washington, June 2 Sen itor Vest and ltcpiescntative Broadhcad have jtist re turned from a visit to Mr. Tildcn in X'ew York. The gentlemen express themselves to their friends as much pleased w itb the friendly greeting they received. The sage refused Senator Vest any satisfaction when he attempted to bring him out 11s to bis own inclination politically, but took occa sion to refer to the extensive demand that was made from all parts of the country for his autographs. They reported him iu good health and a suitable man physically to accept a presidential nomination. COMMENCF.KENT EXERCISES. Topeka, Kan., June 3. The eleventh an nual commencement of Bethany college took place to-day, a large number of visi tors being present from abroad. An inter esting programme wa presented and a diploma was presented to Miss Mollic A. Brown, of Topeka. who was the only grad uate this v car The medal for proficiency in instrumental music was awarded to Mis" Klla Vail, of Topeka. The medal lor pro ficiency in vocal music, to Miss Duiilap, of Las Vegas. X. M. The medal for the great est advancement in art studies, to Mis Mattie Comings, or Girard. Kansas. The medal for the best work iu elocution, to Miss May Henry, or Fort Scott. HOUSE. Washington. I). C, June 3. The House then resumed the bill to forfeit the Oregon Central land grant. The amendment offered by Mr. George, or Oregon, to coutinc the forfeiture to un earned land, was lo-t by a vote of CO to !i7. The vote on the pasagc ol tho bill tood : Yea-Jill. navs22. j There not being a quorum pre-cnt, the House adjourned." ACROSS THE WATER. ! London; June it. Kvaugclical christians 1 iu India, and Irish Protestants, earnestly pet. tion Moody AS.inkey to conduct evan 1 gelieal services iu those countries. 1 O-car Wilde and MIs Lloyd were mar 1 ried to-dav. WITHDRAWS. Boston, June il. The Atchi-on, Topeka i Santa Fe railroad company have given the required three months' notice of with drawal from the transcontinental railroad association, which pool-all business west of the Missour:. MISSING. Si. Johns, X. F., June 3. Fourteen of the crew of the ice stranded brig Confcr ate. who left the vessel on the 21th of May in au endeavor to reach land, have not siuce been heard of. At Xotre Dame Bay to-day, as the lumber men were driving logs to the new bar mills, the dam bur-t, sweeping all before it. Two bodies were recovered. DROWNED. Xew York. June 3. A dispatch from .7. K. Upton, late assistant secretary of the treasury, confirms the report or the death by drowning of Gen. O. K. Levi P. Luckey and sister. liabcock nad CHICAGO. THE WORK OF THE GREAT CONVENTION. John R. Lynch Chosen Tempo rary Chairman. GEN. O. E. EABCOCK AND LEVI P. LUCKEY DROWNED IN FLORIDA. The Santa Fe Withdraws From the Trans-Continental Railroad Asso ciation. . A MAN KILLS HIMSELF AND WIFE. Spc-cial Mismatch to the Eagle. Wellington, June S i:50 p. m. J. II. Wendells murdered his wire and then killed himself this afternoon at Caldwell. Wen dell's was a man probably sixty-five years old, was familiarly known as "Pap," and had grown children residing in Cald well. He was engaged in the real estate btt-iuess. Was a very hard drinker. Par ticulars in letter by to-night's train. Willis K. Folks. The letter failed to reach Us. .Kii.Kaoli:" LATKIt. Caldwell, JuneS. J. II. Wendells, a res ident of this city for the past ten years, in a fit of temporary Insanity, caused by whis ky, shot bis wire through the heart, Ihen laid himsell out 011 his bed and shot a ball lrom the same pistol through his own heart. The weapon used wan alortv-tive callibre six-shooter. He had been on a spree dur ing the day, attended a circus at night, and wcut home at 12 o'clock. About 8 o'clock this morning - neighbor went to the I1011-0 aud discovered the dead bodies, and gave the alarm. The coroner's inquest, held tbi afternoon, developed Ibe above Tacts. T. W. W. THE NATIONAL CONVENTION. Chicago, June 3. The National republi can convention assembled at 12 o'clock, being called to order by the chairman sa bin of the I'uited States lepublican central committee. The eall was read by secretary John A. 3lartin. The roll of the states was called on tem porary chairman, resulting in 432 votes for Lynch or .Mississippi, ami .iiu ror Clayton of: Arkansas. Lynch was escorted to" the platform by Clayton, the convention re sponding vvitb cheers. Lynch having delivered a speech or ac cept'ince the states were called for the names of the delegates selected to act ou the committee 011 credentials. Again the roll was called for the names or delegates -elected by each Hate for the different com mittees, whereupon the convention ad journed at 1:1.") till 11 o'clock to-day. S. It. TI e proceedings or the conven tion in detail were sent out to the Mi-.ouri and Kan-.-is members or the Associated I'rpss between (land 1) o'clock p. m., but for some reason which we cannot give, no report other than the afternoon bulletins were received by this paper. The Assoc! ate 1'iess Agent at Kansas City at 11:1." last night sent out notice that the convention having been generally covered by the day report that be would confine himself to important convention gossip. I'd. K.vci.k. Chicago, June ii. Tho debate on the temporary chairmanship was marked throughout by great earnestness and ap-platt-c or the speakers on both sides was frequent. Mr. Benjamin, of Arkansas, spoke upon the record ol .Mr. Clayton in his state. He said: The Hon. Powell Clayton, iu ISfiS, was governor of the state of Arkansas. It is a well-known fact in history that all over the southern states there was organized what is known as a kuktttt Ulan, aud there ha- been killed, and wounded, and whipped, by this and others, more southern republicans than were killed iu the eutire war than were killed during the war of 1812. Powell Clayton, as governor, called out the militia ol the state ol Arkansas and he whipped the KuKlux so that was the end of them in that state, and never since that time have you heard anything about the KuKlux in Arkansas. You find it in everv other state, but iT they had the nerve or Powell Clayton and had called out the militia and suppressed it at the start, hun dreds and hundreds ol colored men who have been murdeied by these men, would be able to be 111 this convention instead of being in the grave, as they are now. The chairman then directed a call ol tho roll of delegates and began vvitb Alabama, which voted solidly lor Lynch. When the State of Arkansas was reached, .Mr. Boots, or Arkana, aroe and said : "lam author ized by the delegation from Arkansas, thirteen of whom are pro-ent, General Powell Clay tun being ab-ent, that they cast the thirteen votes or the delegatio'n for Powell Clavton." Loud calls for the roll. The chairman directed the 'ecretarv to finili the reading of the roll When the name or Itcnj iTfiiu Harrison, or Indiana, was called Mr. Thompson, or In diana, said the delegate who represents at large the State or Indiana, in place ol General Ilarri-ou, iMr. Koelker. General Harrison will not be here. Shall his name be called? The chairman: His name will be called with the alternates. When the name of George F. Hoar, or Massachushtts, was called. "there was tre mendous applause. He voted lor Lynch. When Senator Maboue announced hl vote for John A. Lynch it caused another boiterons demostratiou wa made, extending rrom the rear or 4he platlorm to the furthermost corner or the gallery.. When the roll call was ended Gen. Cllivton ro-c iu li's place and aid: ' Jlr. Chairman: When the vote or Ar kansas was called I was ah-ent from my seat and my vote was not recorded. I de" slrctocast my vole now for Mr. Lynch." (Applause.) The secretary then read: The result of the vote is John It. Lynch 431 votes. John It. Lynch has received a majority of the votes cist."' (Loud and long continued ap plause.) On motion or Gen. Clayton the election or Mr. Lynch was then made unanimous. The committee then e-corted Mr. Lynch to the chair. After the adjournment, the chair -tated that the committee on rules and the com mittee on credentials would meet iu the hall, and the committ c- proceded to the worK in uanu. The proceedings or the day, while v 1 h,r. I aetenzed bv- great earnestness and watchrtilne-s to detect any evidence that ..s... the tide was turning in any direction, were pot prolific iudramitic incidents, for the reason that a large share of the -e.?ion wa occupied by the routine of calling the roll of the convention, and the election of temporary chairman. Tin part of the pro ceedings was only relieved from monotonv bv glimpse-ol personal characteristics anil phase- of feeling exhibited by members of the convention a- they roe one at atiaa to announce their per-oiial or political prej- crencc ior temporary cuairnun iiuiiiQ-: ..; forward a colored man, who was one of the vice- presidents of the la-t national convention and who n-JVlilml !h ri-.l .. h.i.n for s short time at th.' rronest nf s-minr Hoar, who wa- wrmiiwri i-hilrmm it wa stated that Bruce refu-ed the posi-' tioa, the caadidasy for which wis then The eonfernce at innri .pnsinnni LiiiirA ti in. c... fi .rh.Mi. . l.v walb.i v.mamm.... .w iriisi iu aiiiu un ui luili niiur,. itoiiT . ' . . &. ,.v... 1.1 .. L sion was immediately after Chilrmaosabin hnforeement of the eight hour law-, rlrlii .un.r .!lir,Tnl rntrr.i :mi itt r.,n .- -,Tt. , 1 ,? ' .. . .Knnn-ao,n.,nu.ri..ii e,.. !-.. .. :.. j."..." . " . " - , ...v .-s-jj Mvrx'uai vivirrKucs j ior Jlr. iw, ."V"":-,v-,--"-.L"-'",L" "- v.'.v", ' .' '"..'"'""' .nHiswiBnautrit uSoer a dn:erati anti-orohib,tioa or- f.Imn,h . Vft. '""'t 'ae cno,cc ?' .lae national eapiui, .aeenroreemeni oi wrapuLary ed-1 '- fv.. dmocrirr i L of u,nr.i ; - ittSlrtt? Sfr??tlltore Ua-K,ru0r - Be ,ac r wjjl ,.' M TIC niWOf tbM Powell CIylOB,of, KovX f to..abad-,rtBthep.. ATkMi luu! dedared in favor' of! n. 1vr.rh.ono ofthe rntr!l.uiJ,'f JTtw tert shxierfonn good dr..eratlc tlB vra talked of nuiL tv l. Mis.UsIppi. and. though some such action x-. ,... VTIu-.-. ' . J.J 'C.iw 2 ?,-? J?8 it3.-?c,J dav and to-nislit.aa.1 inanv r.rofel wu not imanticinitL It mn.t -. ' "-'"-' ."- - uu,, ,-,., -JHJ- reuw. .,, wu, uini.nK. .,: ui.. i. 'i.'n- -.1 ... II sensaUon. It wa, known Mlart nlrttiSai bim-elf with petroleum, tor. and maMsewox. e -i""lP'-' t " S, " ' . v' "'"V! , . mnrmr.t-.tnn r. im. ,-s. burned to death in a tew moments. Thi, '"" nw, lae jdwnor but Btnai;r ueaw 1 3iyi. .i.iisvwfwi wiw n .u v ...U.....V ..wh ..'il ...if M.UM I'l UUU U. .. - I ,ll.l.. ..... ..-... . w. 5 ,.3-f.. ..... . . . which Lynch was determined upon was held this afternoon. made when, ?n calf of roll, the nc Virginia was reached, and the name Gen. Matione was called. -V general cheer EE.& LJJL1"1' in - . ' . ". --"' "'" juLuuuiu jkuuseiun. me vouu:r .xevv Yorker, who has so suddenly sprung into prominence 111 1 10 pontics or his state, also iccBiieumacMiu eimemxa orrdcoSjm.on wucn ne ursi rose to sneaK. In the vote on temporary chairman. Col orado east its entire vote. fi. f.vr frtavlnn uiuuucisi. us uuiire vote, o, lor laajion California, 10 for Clayton: Connecticut. ,...-,. r . ' -' . - - - - fi fnr rl.rlnn. ni.,,,1. ol . , rt - a. r.yneu ; auinois. 10 ior .Lyncu.ia ror ciaj ton ; Indiana, 20 tor Lynch, 20 for Clayton in; inuiana, ajior Lyncb, JOfor CJlaytonj'fiimpn.. ; -' i Iowa. ""V , -?.,' -,'or. la-VonJ ivangas, .'5 for Lynch, 3 for Clayton ; Maine. 12 for --j----.-- --- --j-, ...-,.- Clayton ; Jiawacuusetts.lij rcr Lyncu, a lor Clayton; Michigan. J) for Lynch, 17 lor Clayton ; Minnesota, r for Lvucb, 1) for Clayton; Mississippi, 17 for Lynch; Mis soun, 1 ior L.yncn, ta tor Clayton: Ne braska, 2 for Lynch, S forClayton : Xcvada, C for Clayton; cw York, 4." for Lynch, 22 forClayton; Oregon, C for Clayton; Penn sylvania, IS for Lynch. 42 for Clavton; South Carolina, 18 lor Lynch; Texas, 10 for Lynch, 9 for Clayton: Vermont, 17 for Lynch. 1 for Clayton: Virginia, 21 lor Lynch, !5 for Clayton ; AVIsconsin, 11 lor Lynch, 11 for Clayton: Arizona, 1 each; Xevv Mexico, 2 for Lynch; Utah, 2 for Clayton; .Montana, 1 caco; Idoho, 2 for Lynch; Wyoming, 2 for Lynch. "Vhcti the call was completed Powell Cla)ton was the centre of observation as he mounted a chair at the ticatt tpf th'c Ar kansas delegation, and with a'degree or de liberation anu calmness, wuicli was scarcely to be anticipated tinder the circumstances, announced that he was not present when his name was called, and that he desired to cat his vote for his opponent. The announcement of the result of the ballot for temporary chairman was the sig nal for a general outburst. Delegates rose, climbed upon chairs, swung their bats, handkerchiefs, canes and umbrellas in the air and cheered lustily, and when it sub. sided, Gov. Clavton. still with great appar ent ealmnes", moved to make the choice unanimous. About the only other points to prick the foot or observation were when W. (J. Don nan, or Iowa, presented a voluminous me morial lrom the National W'omaus' Chris tian Temperance Union, and was rewarded by the clipping or gloved hands in the galleries, and when Leslie V. Itusell, or XcwYorki presented a resolution empow ering the committee on resolutions to re ceive aud consider the memorial from the Irish National League or America upon the question or proprietorship oT land in the United States by aliens. The states surrendered the land trust to the national government, and it is chiefly through these laud grants by corporations which have proved themselves superior to popular control that a danger which would; ha e been averted by eousntutional prohi- bition has stealthily and silently fastened Itscir upon our country; namely, the crea tion of au immeusc absentee landlordism by which the riehes or your soil aud the results or the hardy labor or our citizens are to be drained out or tlie country to swell the fortunes oT hereditary monopolists who hate our institutions and despise our laws, and who, by the connivance or the bene ficiaries or our mistakeu generosity, are iu legal posessiou of at least 20,000,000 acres or our soil, and we have seen the effect oTthc system or great estates, which Is now steal ing all over our western domain. Ta have; seen it in Ireland and in I'gypt, aud If 'tlfo legi-latiTc power oT our government docs not forestall violence by law, the Indus trious tillers or our prairies, and the hardy dclvers in our mines, will combine to rid the country by such means as they tlnil available or a cur-e too malignant. Powell Clayton was selected by the national committee lor temporary chair man. Some members t that committee voted for him on personal grounds, that he had long been conueeted with the commit tee as repic-cntativo from Arkansas, and without knowing that the action involved any political meaning whatever, otherwise the contest that ensued would have been avoided in the selection oT some other member. Those responsible for bringing Clayton forward had not calculated on the convention overruling the action of the committee as precedent wercall for approv ing such nominations. The independents decided to make an issue on the se- lection and formed a combination with the Arthur men for that purpose. The votes were cast largely on this isue, but not all si me Ariiiur men voteu tor Clayton iu order to sustain the committee aud sonic Blaine men voted for Lvucb. iii hcis claimed to be for Blaine. However. the IMmunds men are very jubilant and I claim that the field agalu-t Blaine i strong enough to dictate tlie nominee. On the other hand, the Blaine men say there are, Arth-ir men who will go to Blaine if they I ee no c.iance ior uicir lavoriie.n.i mat tin; vote has siiowu tliem -tronger.than has heretofore been conceded: that in fact there are 312 votes in a compact body. - ' The committee on resolutions met at the ' Grand PaciHc hotel this evening and elect- ! in Mnmr VV i M.-Kiiilm- ir nf dim airman, and William Walter Phelpt. of w Jcrs'ey. secretary. A sub-commltJe I nisting of Henrv Cabot Lodge, of Maa- v - - - -- CiUI N con Davis or California, was appointed, who. , eluissetts;.!. II. UiKcr.or Indianu; George I uc"""- ' " ,",-:, ""V" ",,u ''"'' '" "'" i. Peck, of Kansas : Major W. C. Klam, of ' ,10"c s!l:l11 e cjc-'teJ m each of the twelve Virginia; J. M. ltyniun. of Mln-issjppi -, legislative districts of the firritory. .In.lw P. 1. Itest. nr fnl.M.ln nn.t itnrin A bill was Introduced by Senator Pendle uith the chairmauand secretarv mentioned change during roreign countries on per above. will prepare the platform to be ,ub-1 oa brim, or corporations in the ' utted , milled to the convention, and report to the States. A bill lixing the co-t or a -Ite for foil committee at 9:00 o'clock to-morrow J I'uo!lc building at Leavenworth, Kan-as. After the appointment of the ub- H is not to eXced IW.U. Hoti-c bill all committee, Alex Sullivan appeared before i tborizing the couslructloii of bridge- acros, .1 ...i 1..1..1P r ... 1 thn Mfasnnri river nt l.eavpinvurth. Iv-m the convention on behair of the executive ' coniinittee ofthe Irish ii.itiom! le-i-Mie in. I delivered a lon' and interestlDg address on Hie ownership or American lands by foe- eigner-. A resolution requesting the com-1 mio.vA r.rxltt;.a t. ., !. 1.- t.t . ...... a-iit-kr-j w ti.-wuiimii" if ,-Jij-fiuvi fcHlfllil- iect wa- adopted at to-day's ses-ion oP the J convention. . 1 ne leauuis 01 ine i-iiiuuiius movemciil helc a con-ultation in the room ol George William Curtis to-night, and iu the view that they held the balance of power, thev decided to keep up the fight until a sulh' cient number of vote- come their way to decide the contest In his favor, orel-eto give their strength to -onreouc of their I-.k . . w ...v... ....?... . - ...t..u w. - o - lug SomeofthcKdmundsmenartervvardsot out that Senator Plumb had deserted !i.lil -i .nritllt.l?.OTi will. tli. Vrrtiii.i nr rt -J 4 ..-v.. held a con-ultalion with the Aitlitta peo ple, and the bond between tbe two appear binding enough tocau-etheBi to join hands with liiein as against the Blatnc pEojilc."' The Wisconsin delegation held a consul tation and the name ol General Sherman was considered a- the one which they might, at the proper time, spring upon t'l'e convention. The committee on credentials had only considered tbe contested Alabama pa-c up to mid-night and appeared lo be in fora full night's session. .-ome ofthe hopeful delegates atlirm their belief that balloting for the president vvili be reached by to-morrow evening The committee on organization were in session until a late hour this evening. After electing George It. William', ol In diana, chairman, the committee proceded to the election of a permanent chairman and -ecretary or the convention. I) The Hon Ga'nsha A Qxaw, of Pennsyl vania, wa put iu nomination, by the (netids ,n..t l lln.tnr. rt.-i hr ,h; .S Inn flVBnVn . M?iV ' kpt.v;vni;nrltn17. fhr! U- fl..-. bv j- -v. . - ,- ..- v.,..s. -, ., , ..,,-l.V. of Michigan. wa unanimously elected -ec ret iry. Maj'or McKinley. chairman of Un com mittee on resolution-, said to-night that It vvai too carry to mittwt" tiie potntt tn Un' Platform, i-nt taat ne imertded to -raake an effort 10 have a rea-on.bk tariff plank in- -ertcd tn tue resolutions, and would prob- ablv uccetl. The c-jmiaittee -vlso read and heard t3tcnrtnt from deltgallOBs- of the Knights of Iabor and other kisdred or- J.-e.lor- ganizatioa. They prnfe.ed to represent onciam.oa working men. The prinripk, inrfpu - uiti iit-ii t iit-jLii 111 a. kwvK tnnniriFii. 1 nin z . . '"".''- 'T- r ' je tenth suicide la Vienna vrltWn tiie Pt 2J hour. . ' ,ZZ,'JL TRAIN WRECK ET. i London. June 3L A L-ain runnitiV li' i-iu,n f nJn .. i.ii.....- .. .....i. i.. . ted down an enbaakment. to-dav at point between Grciawre, atxj. DaweUT4F Five peroa; were kflled sad thirty InjurVd," CONVENTION POINTS. The outlook at Chicagc would , seem ' '""' 'ijllonb'0f thJ S" "&" of ever witnessed will take place to-day, aud maybe not close until Thursday. 1 f W Kf bf ;-YcWian de.egat.on still Vmrn" '"vnrjnii ,' i. ci,, -- declare that they will vote for him; The rumor on the streets or Chicago w tllat ..,.. . ,,.,.,. nf a nnmin,iMIlJ.Artbnp men arc building their hoDes on - . - would throw his streught to Harrison, but ifl.w h, uii.tirn.luni,,l ,)nNrir.- ihm .,...., ...v. .,.. -!. .. -.-..0 : t mis tU C I ,i. rnr I l. ere for Arthur and against all com Iiil.ttl.tiis tl'lit.tli 1I11I nrt. wnL- - 1i.,',' - - ""J """-""'" ""k " ;'iimph. At one flIue yesterday the lobbies of the , hotels were thrown Into a fearful excite I ment by the. announcement that the Ed znunds men hd decided to throw their - I sev lirt ballot was teleuranli try yesteiday aflcrnoon as follows Blaine 321 -Vrthor . ....., ,tu. ., ... , ..3di Logan.. M..:i!ll(. ....Vv..i .?.. ... ol (."resham 5 Edmunds 74 Sherman 21 Ilawley .. 6 Harrison 40 Gen. Sherman 2 The selection or Powell Claj ton by the ceutrat committee fur temporary chairm.iti was loudly claimed a- a Blaine victory, if hi silt fmr I to.. I'l.fl.m if'ttiAiil jlittlit vvhich fact beat .Clayton without doubt. .scheme was worked up by Iowa, 111',- J-es TXf U. fcenator Plumb, of Ivan ,a,. who was no.s, uuio anu conuecttcut to comuiuc ou . miicil orx luo Xe. York -DUsinc ,,. '--i'"4 - - navm ucclared for Itlaine, Allison, of Iowa, after the fourth ballot, j rhtfeting and the circular isued by some "ecIl"cd lo say whether tiio rumor andllawlevforvice-presdeat. J.busiDCa. men in Chicago. The letter was was trtiu or falcrantl said he would A train o'f fourteen cars from Washing- bffi-!-L" mr, lc'V t,."-t .,nnttcr t0 ,!cUlctl hy . t. . . . . ... , ottstness men, out the lllalne men clamed I action in thA nMivnniinn ton aud Baltimore with the motto, "BovsJ that, a Ulalue circular would have been ' M u" '" vm " cnltoiu ilcl'herson and Keveuge," and a portrait I fignedliyinen of 3 high standing, and that The Xcliraska representative met of .'BlacWJaek,'1 rolled into, qhlcago Mou-' r a Petition for Blaine were circulated in to-dav and organized with "tho f.vlbwv day night in the inWest or Logan. , Chicago it would receive the signature or n m .ll. 11... r i. ." . f0V 1'" Vstatementof the probabilities of the two-tniM or three-fourths ofthe members. ,?... ',, . ' riou,cnair- Vesterday arteni.ionthelrien.Ls of liarri-1 The Io-slo tho agricultural Interests will ,.,,', , ,,'. " " ni.He 10 come on. son no longer deriie'd thar tlmfgentleinau Lawuunt to many millions or dollars. Along. ,. '"""V " "Cliial c;kicii of the Ill was a candidate, which split the Indian ,tlA-aorth lino of the storm belt wheat Is ' "m 'lelejratloil v- held lo'day, it Is ucicjiaiioii squaieiv in nvo, aiiom one nan uiilAiillj; II1UL III II. ill ncv kiivj iiuit ii his opinions seemed to have great weight. George William Curtis addressed an Ud muuds meeting yesterday, in which he said Xevv York asked that a man be nominated who would unite the republican party, and that IMmunds was the best man to heal all the wound or the country and party. 1 he JJlaine circular seemed to eUect very little. It foil on a crowd or ten thousand politicians whom no ordinary campaign document could move one way or the other. riiT. ,n 2iieu VI in vin.r ,. ' V, a,,?o3m, '. in f, , Vr. f,en,l'r of the different candidates to urge Telegraph requests were sent out lrom the delegates by wire to go for some candi date named. KANSAS FIGHTS OVER BLAINE. f Kansas City, .June 3. A special to the Times yesterday says: The Kansas dele- gates have been wrangling iu secret session j all day, and at a late hour succeeded in downing tlic Arthur men. Harry In-Icy said to-night: ' We shall go into the con-' volition to-morjow and cast eighteen solid ' votes; for Blaine. There are four men who 1 uresnam. ' - acres or wheat IS prostrate and being de- son's lrime will b ..t,.,....t 1.. ...... 1. Little Mahonc, or Virginia, was a big stroyed by rust. The cotton crop sutlers 1 tlo iVloi," -ltl .V I 1 . 1 ractor throughout the day yesterday at tho mou serious damage, the outlook In v"s 1 others and that .New Chicago. He was quoted everywhere and ( uniiv sections beine- boiieless. nmt thou. I .1.or'v !U, ' ''Utlsylvatl.a have lilcd".-.! would like to vote tor Arthur, but they cdv occurred at i'.etblehem, opposite Platts shall not do it. In the whole state ol Kan- ,, th, InornIngp MU.L ,.rigl a ,lorf0 as nine men out ol ten are for Blaine, and). 7 , . .. 7 . . these men cannot come up and go back on trader, chopped to pieces the head ofaman the state. We have downed them, and ' named Williams, a watchman on the Ifur we'llkeep them down. There arc two I Hngtou .t Missouri railroad bridge, and who prefer Logan, but they are going to , .,... ,., ,,,.,,.,, flln ,,.,.,, vote lor Ulaiiic just tlie same. It a man dares to vote otherwite we will knlfo him when we get him home iu Kansas. SENATE. Washington', June 3. Tho sen do con-id-croifjthRjfoIlowing.ljilb) : t , A bilLgrauting the right o way th tough the Fort Sclilon and Fort Sill military res ervation to the l!io Grande, .Mexico and Pacific railroad company. A bill giving a petition ol lirty dollars a mouth to tlie widow or General Judson Kilpatrick. l A bill establishing the terms or court for the district of Colorado. As lived, the be- tiD ui MTjr th t. .terms for Denver are the J j.,, , ',',', x- . , lr't ' uesdays for May- and November, for Pueblo, the first Tuesday iu April, and for it. N'ortc the first Tuesday In September f , e ' A bill authoring the sale or a portion of the Fort Hays military reservation to the j:iiircounty agricultural society or Kau-as. i , ., n ., . , , - - , ff -'" I' far the ulc ofthe Ivlcka I,0,, """'" -,"" reservation 111 nansas. , Hou-e bill relating to the legislature or "akotn. It, provide, ihat. tho conn- t' " iviiii"i -unii luiisisi. ui twenty four member, and the; Iioumj of , repre.ei.tatives of foity eizht memberi; , a,,d l'"at at the next general election two llifillllifll.. nT flllk nllt II..H llllll fs I. f tar - ? to regu ale tlie payment 01 t.iiis orex- tue3Hsonri mer at i.eave.ivvortn, Kan : and near the town of Itulo, Iticb ird-ou i .county, Nebraska. At 3-25 the senate, ntiT paiUgtxiy-twu,Utlii, adjourned -t7Mi.rRnvn THE TCANSA3 HOYS, ' Jvanas C'tly,, June .; A Time- -pecial , !'" xp. I :Snjtor It. Plumb, delegate at large, and Geo. It. Peuk, a district ilelegate, registered at the Palmer yesterday morn ing, leading other Kansas delegate by a few hour-. Kan-as pa'cd resolution fa voring Blaine, anu the delegation came up lure a- a Blaine delegation, but the rumor mi lav or or toe Artaur c.nmp nd wa try in": tofget following from hli state. Ai reporter aikdhimHvii.-t.trutli there wa in the rumor. '"It's Miuday," the renalor responded, "and 1 am too puritanical to . talk business on Minday, although I like to read a good .Monday morning paper." ' Are y ou going to support Arthur i" "I don't want to tell wtiat I am going lo do. see me after 12 o'clock to-night and ' then I may talk." A meinoer of the convention which se lected senator Plumb said to a reporter "We sent Plumb here with the under-Uniting thai he would support Blaine. It is said, though, that Plumb, to i-ccure the ap pointment of Brewer a the circuit jude, protni-ed togivw Artutirlitfuppirt. There may or may not be something 111 this tory." ' Tue Kan-as hcadq Barters were deserted by the delcgau last nlbt, and the vi-ltors who called Ibcrc were told that a cauru ', u l" m j In prtigrcaa In sukr i'imml' room !l ?.? h jrdinff U -!e.e '. UUlimT "Ort tctiarwas- 1,1 I -,f net a ami imwiw done ouUhle :?: chainiiaB."r teg of importance wa f.icuooi nuimi froin tin' notne olln-o (lit evenm'r, mv r4 1TCua VS.1.. A,, ' 5,,n lht ilarrtonil delegation left ttalt'j- 'that iht-.4ammU.MHd ur limine. rcpo; tr.4lWrTiNMrirr.t-Uti taa'l- .'4 tZ 1jz '"--" "- -aftf XwL 'atPXjlt 'niMatr T.rsarS4- -:...-. ., SSL TopJi4 c 2 ;iBUtbriei.atig ha. utesl,i-f-fc;,-o sda tAle- rurn'-iAr'"!ri."ti W "V'TiTSjfjn ,. e..i1ttiZ"r? . , "... . . . : -'-""" " - ot.s uu ,. lo ,ong a jr-v t wt w aa m jf v-v - yj"x -- " .- , --. w-- - t ,. -v- 1. i-i . 1 .. ..! .'. - j ?-- r-f -,' otuimdi. of the deaxxratac party ot Kan. . - -re B"ijvaiTin-'r j,. P.J-?-,'PPA-.tI'f Pltlt!trr. "fs., Jzei S 'At&rney-; eril Ca.ldr arrliJ ia theeitr to-dir propose to lareUJgate the Peaa bank failure. 4Tbre jtm iVipVi of Ibe ttit ' moocy fn the bink. . HOW ARTHUR STANDS. to , Chicago, June 3. The caucusing has be- I ?U" aml neari lUe k'CSaC helU mcet' j-ings to-day to determina ou some course of action. Thousands of citizens congregated at the hotels to sec what was going on, and i i u 11 t'ossiuie caicu nnu All enriu I roand and combinations hinations were discussed . ,.i.Pin. ti,.. f .i. .V. .... ,,.?,, v..-... 1, ?.."; .i" '! ...? .. .i. . ......'..' uiiu uu uiu utucr uauu iue cnaonreci I uiund standard. That Arthur is weaker - I1?0 uc w? week ago is appareut. but - 1 XI?MOT?ib2nlftaa: ,Is(jaj Qr endeavorln; to solidify if South must not be supposed that IUI7I.1IHC t rthur is by 1 doesn't tret any means defeated, and if ho the nomination his managers may' name the nominee KLOODS IN TEXAS. Galveston, June 3. Specials to the Xpws from all over the state indicate another ex traordinarily damaging rain-fall during the past 24 hours, and the rain still continuing. The storm belt covers the most cultivated portions of tho state, ami isucarlythe ! .....- .... . jl f . . ...f . A s.unecouutrv flooded Lwicn this ni,nii. rjiifeiiaa reauy ior harvesting. Mil the rain flltu , amis of farmers dctiendinir on their cotton - i croti have cause to feel rr.nilv nlurmmi. , j Xear tho Brazos has overflowed 5,000 acres of farm land. The Missouri P. . eific and Guir, Colorado Si Santa Fe i railroads arc sending out cars ol cotton sCe,j a,,a distributing tho same free to farmers who will renlaut. Itallroad tralllr. tue storm belt 1m again at a stand. still. The largest railroad bridge in Texas ou the Great Northern line acro Trinity river, between PalMinc mid Houtoii, is reported washed vvav. The Brazos, at Richmond, Is higher "than everknowu be fore, overflowing the banks for 200 miles the trinity Hooding the country for an equal distance. The Sabiue is swollen o as to become a great river, catrylng down hundreds or thousands of logs. The boom below is in imminent danger or breaking. Considera ble valuable property will be lo-t in the gulf. Orange City, on the Sabine. Is en tirely submerged. At Galveston the rain was tailing in torrtnts early this evening. A DEMONIAC'S DEED. Omaha, Xeb., June. "I. A horribic trag- two men nail been friends for some time. Ilrigbt was a little off in his head, and this morning w.i ill in his room, where Wfl ilauis called to sec him. Immediately after Ik- bad entered the room Bright run lied up o" him with a hatchet and struck hlmater rlole blow ou the head, felling him to the tloor. Bright then deliberately chopped bis bead into pieces and itito au almost un recognizable mass. He then -hot him self through the heart and dropped dead. Bright had long been lo iked upon a- a lun atic, but had never been considered dan gtrotis. BLAINE AT HOME. Augusta, Me., June 3. .James G. Illaine reached his home this evening. His friends 1 hero telegraphed him early In thu day and '. . H. .. .. .... . tendered I1I111 a public reception, which he at once declined. The demonstrations In .Ma-.icliHetts were especially enthusiastic. At P ilem the greeting was very cordial, and nt New Bury port was perfect. In his ora tion there ho said that there was no truth in the report that a special telegraph wire bad been placed in his house, nor had he sent a telegram of liny kind wlj-itever to Chicago, ou being Informed by a 11 Ass. ctnte.l I'rrj.- rcnorlrr tfmt rtitnir Ii til linpn received of Interview, with him, in ome or tbearternoou paper of Boston and New' ork, be sail they were ed. Mr. Blaine appears health and bc-t or -plrlt-. mm MHIB -1 ork, be Mid they were totally uiiauthor- HH.lliy UliaUlllOr- . 1 1 ... 11 . to be In excellent CONVENTION NOTES. Powell Clayton would not. lie inter viewed. Then; are 2.V) silk stoefciii-r Xetv York cm at tlie Lelatnl. Jolin P.. HeiuU'rsoti.of M. Iouis, Iia ilerlared for I'JiiiiiikIs. It i. et' lll'lt lit! flisat li.lllil """;.,. ", 1IW, ,V, '"', ,;,, .Iinne0la Will itlllHl, Maine lb, Lit- intllilli 6,.Art!lttr I . - , f. . r til iiiiuriuui vine ui a iiuriiuu ji Mii.ue-ota .lele-rathm. laken this even- ln-, r!tllleu, iilailie V, tViniillllH Arthur '1. Jerome Chaflec ami Steve Klkin are the hanlest workers here. They arc constantly ou liftmi ami are ai.-rcs- ""' ,M -- The N'cv Ji-rey ilolcjiation, it i .sU, W til U.I.L IU1I Ui;s III! JllillJIL.- IJU the the iir.-t linllot. -ix for lMmumi- - .. . uiu, will cat ten voim ior itlaine on mil two for Senator Aldrich. of Hhoile Island J -a i,i, .State will .-a-t HB,i vol- tor ' lviiotinil-5 for four halloiM ami after, that the tlclC'nU-ji will fill thf vote w till iheir personal jireferem-e. ' One of tho Lo-;au manager aii to-' dav, "I've been watching tiii-t whole ' Uiin- closely, ami I tell yon that while I Itlaine i' makiti"; the most sjjovv here, work i? eing ilone hy tho 1 Arthur nifti." ' V". A. Ploilifer.diairman of tjic "l- ! orel men national executive oi ill-il a nieeliuir jf that ' mittee. hie botiy al lite rainier iionwat noon to- j morrow to consider tnattors in eon- j neciion wnii in' comriNi men - 110 r.otial convention at I.icli(notul,.JiiH ij. 'I he oorrcunondent of the Ualti- more Ancncau rrcivl teJeratn " -.,-, ..., ,,. .. , ...,. ""'K ' wisi is piuiLiuii' ronmlexion U a follow-. Illatne 11. Arlliur 4 doubtful 1 ' ' ' u'J"-,," ' Hiti norlret drftal'-. It T- Htnrr. of X" fi.fHJ ralll 1... li. .t.J t ' .it'iw.-u .... u,vu J"i: J sii: j,mi7. 1'Hfntfi-n u-i-'aitM; rl- liiunrla. two defe-rat--; Arthur two Jelejrati ari?2a,w f ,j,rw dektrale- at I - .. .. r? , . '-'&? -t- ,,,. --.trait . . m . t i.ocs, wro, iuouj-ji not n tMcsm', t opK)-l Uj bolo a in'tjMn to know, ihc toliov.itt'4 oflics-r. SnaUr I, M, 4 Bahm, Uhairifmn: A. IJanlc, vict .re- j ident; (XA?Grzvk, aUiaxit wrr-1 if MimVM . !-1.... , (I Afrtrtt fUmik. f T it. -r c-.iuc.-i. uicuus.wuowiinfc.iuai ATinur is ' curcii etsr it voti imm m4si.,ar o:- hi tri-i a,rea-- Deaten though not out of the from "vlichi-'ati svn.l W u.n. mi,' ' ! raco, expect when "break up" comes the T 'l T '?," ? , ' M,nne- friends of Arthur will rally round the Ed. i s0ta' or a total of twenty. th lojru.m ms inenas uave uecn nsning 1 nave 1, Arthur 2. and Etlmtitulx 1 CU UIL1 iuu ctiu.i- : -" ! - ...-r. MUlVl-l. ...V.I .. .1 ... .-.i. 1 iii .tiirn r titn.n 01 ..... ..-.-...I........... . 1. in.tii. i. 1. iteeti. vipiv I :ir. piaveiiieu work ami inousaiitis 01 iauiim; lias Uet'll reaelieil flint IMirp?. huy Iti vnsi r r-na -crta tr3 . --" --- ' ' .- .-.- .. ... ...-., atv mm n s7zzrr , ixv---ia. .I...-! Xrir.l.. e I .. .ft.M. .111.. i.-.i... iVl Willi V UkilMU - r' li-J MV.V. MK,, Py JJIf7M WJ-. . ' . . It, ffimttn-A Hi -i. U rrmz.til .u.! i unncoia -gnoo wwne , Mi 11 wni.w t. . tan-; C. &.G0-1M, committee on rules and order of biniiiett; C. K. Davis, committee on resolutions; Ii. 0. 1.anj tlon. committee on'credcntial-.. -inc JulmumLs men did the mnl of prevent the nomination of cither Arthur nr JtbiJnA ;., i. ....-1 . 1.. . .V. Arthur t ,......,. 1: .... . . ;ins0 H LCrt of proceediiie-. 'hey claim to liavo se- Two or three opiutn? were nhtniua- ue t .,,r,,- i1I!1,1'i 14 Sate" won tinrior. One M vnt. cidiillv lor Blaine: another that Blaine would -.. - -. ,-.- j... ,.Ui.M V 15,,r,u" n5witant secretary; I ftcott. memlier nf AmmlH..". , A.T. 'Tf , ... --. .-. .vi.iiuiiii v "II IK- on cre- uontirtis; .b. Seward, committee ou , resolutions; C. I. Matthewson, com- I tit a , 'A ' l or"cr n uiincs; j J. II. JlcCall, committee on permanent orKanization; Ul'tircli Howe, member j ui iiivuaiioiiai committee l It w.i rejiortod to-ui'.-ht that Hen. I Harrison, of Indian.!, will not jiartici pate in tho convention, a-ul that he I i.i........t....i i. ....'" ' ""'" 1 - vu-ui"".!! mat a under- I hllll twenty-live votes- FINANCE AND COMMERCE. WICHITA MARk'OTS. Live Slots-. Miipi.iinj atfrw IIiitcli-rs' nicer. Kntcnw-tnnd hrltsrs. . .' I-nt flipping hugs, l,est . . . MncUuml reeling hogs Mllel, P.VI 0.1 1 ll 4 IKkTM 4 .....( l3l 10 ..... 3 0sfc: M Produce. Whole-.!.. . l.VUII. I III IS IS3i Jt it each, 1 IBS IX IS'. Ii In 1. J .V t c.w.' ' i Oa. I.. ii'l Owl ll si, lJ Potato; per Ini rotables, new, per lieck KjTW . . . Itultrr " " so . fit: 17 It . X.UI -13, Ii ln'i !); h 'J . 1 IU I Chrrs , ' ' j sltlckei", MT JU,'.. !!,"". I Chicken, p.r do-pn...., 1 a. J ti.Miw ' C. Ilk l!nri:i ."".' Ilncori kIiIi-i , l h M.te- ' I Mionlders . j Lard ' I Corn mvnl 1 Flour, IiIkIi imttint. Flour, pfitmt Kloiir, 'VA.VV . . Flour .X. . ... t Oiop feed 1 iSrmi I Mierts . ' Grain. Jlliliiig wheat.. Shipping wlirnt.,. oru Com, pnre vrhlte . JIAUKETS KV TBIiKGIWHI. New Yerk Mency Merket. -Vw Yohjc, JhkS. lsL JIox.rl-:ay nt SS cut. J'tlK "lKl'A.NTIi..I'tn)IVsWHMlM4-rlll SricHMsu Kirn viS(i-.Mrni bill, l taV; ilxiuaiiil, jjS?,- 3ov:iariT Itoxunrwiir. I J S. rt-ix-r-cdtttfi I' .s t i;-x-r-miit . .... V. S -pr-cent tirnrx s-eti'iiiTin Dull. iUlLMAr lUntu Wawk. 3IIonri Pariflpn'lMind4... , Hannibal .tMt .Intvpli tMm.U, Central 1'arlile aUH-ka. ., llnnnB til ... IW iii t nicaw a Alton Chlrr Iturllnjfton a liotiioj-. ji'T'iT, 1 1 liVr?'"1'' .""' 1 I in , nannli)B M 1"! ":. , Wl I, .i V ' "anmiiai Ant osvpli prufurrKt atli MUourl J'arjffr . ' 1 """'" 'aiswii s. II Mil', I'ir, IM Nortlirn 1'ariHe .oniivvctern New York tntfll Itock Island I'nlori raclilu , Wabauli Western Fjiton Kana Cltj- Lrv Stotk. K.v.a Cirr. JanaS, ttst TiPav.vt iHJfmmia, rojKirta. . ii,-K.':,'('"'1'', 2-wl market lflttlf U.r Kinoothanilltnairyt weak and mIfto lower Tor milium .Natlvie..r ibrNmi 1 .ji.i s..i m. rf 1 (ii-.,- u. . .. ... r.:':r.'.7,'.r' '.tL l8'' ". "',''ij tV t.' i.i h ...lj (i . tockr anl, .SW . t.. , 1 s"J- uiiiujai ii.mi ip-j . - . . Uv.J .Vl it.'. Sti nnl.."t i !- ,("". siiJ-M-Iewr,t,, 4NH. mari mtin, : St. Loult Grain and l'rolUc, hr Iti. .lun J l-nt 'jucn .Varkct tujI,an it... ... . . 1 bid c.i, , i 05iiJv ine ( J"ij sac Aufnt .s 3rt.11 "i. mt jiarai-t njjn v j jw tj ui ; tl.'KMfM U- Co--Mrl.t l,r -'.l ... ... . Ian, , e jni,,i, A.wTl ' "" " - ., I'f. "I." J?"' t .,, -Me 's;,J-Br'..,'',,'7',i- t,-V tS-'TSyZntlT "" untmt inmir. 1.00 i.rrHi lnf n"" j ivm , bum ts "'""" r,B nm"' t,f'- ""- St- L,-rU u,r atk- , . "'--". ( s, l;i t&lgffiti' Jf'lU-, i"! eMr tiiipjair, M.raior rwu"n '7"' 'f.-' &rL ?JU' .. . . .' -' -". " m n. t,."::riw-?,f,t 2j3r"i h"-it, 'tt. B' 1 0 CbUc Oraia a4 Praduie. Cmtrxmi. -luwS, t Ktot is 'alri. WbcjT WIi I loapfj ntMltfi klsM j ha.1 ri,li, iJll-w-I Imsc. rallM , I -Jo.lnjC tiiiM t-lo 7rIr. Jnt-.t -s- rUMagn "Offe ; JbW. VtyilSa, ktug it !t bvl ; Ayjmat. sUvMKe, Uie ai Wet ri. trobr, lwtr. titrtnr at ,. .. j xjiluir. isi(r 0x Krfc-t jli ael iw7( flartaaUrf within th- rr f r. Wkic He li-r for Jen. V-'Julr. I Aartt.1 Ria y-.tfrlsr, afi"' ---'''?' UKUKpt fvm, y:is- -iaa- nvme, Asrt. mm&. Ohm-Ifartft .JH, t4.r 4 a ia.j irf t Jus., llHZlKr , J&lf, fimtnf( i AJif afflrr, j.ay. Uz.Tn-n,r a , w.-u , l-l - vnbtuMn irt,,T2is'rvvt4ittu,3ij J??f5! f -" -"' '" -r. V' uiuqz si.rxTMH.-rtott, ijsw inrsAti t vi tnUbH. tura. mjH nuOttiit nsli .111 bnr; nr. innAn Vrl' ,) bsrt4 CM?ar I- E. T tHtrfi tsrM TfxrrL KrfitA. UlM tkll.n:.. I.fc.ll 'W S- ad truj;sr iI !- UtiJit SM pViUftr. 1 . , wUV Ue !. WA i rw tJy rTfcJc. i a i tUr : iun t o Cit7tJtr-tUVipl. !,(. tbf-HHU, 'V-J tamtam Traat. SO2t. "istt.ttwiiU. tAi ttevttvtUt, ;f tzrtH Vl( foirrtoT lo s.r 4Vii3 SSS"- -'- i I - T U . .o tt and counter com. . anil vFninncnli n,:. m . - with vizor. The :m ' . " 'l' ",V? lmn& " , (.sre.u.u, iu ft-curu eiinugii votes to r ' ' ' a-Mt