Newspaper Page Text
SaiXs BJSkVIi'a' w. -v iLanie. c M. M. MURDOCH, Editor. WEDNESDAY M0RN1XG, JUNE 4, 1894. THE GREAT CONTEST. "Emporia News : Cau anybody tell us why the democratic papers are all so anxious to beat Col. Martin a the republican candidate for Governor, and they manifest such interest in the success of Judge Thacher? The Eagle's bulletin board was surrounded by a large crowd of ex pectant; not to say anxious citizens yesterday afternoon, patiently await ing the latest bulletins from the con vention hall at Chicago. Xot a single word was received until three o'clock, aud that indefinite. But a little after four the result of the temporary or ganization was received. Koran hour the figures, the name and the possible results to which the action pointed were earnestly canvassed. The ma jority of these citizens seemed for Blaine, aud emphatically so, many de claring that should any other be nom inated they would not care for the re sult next November. There were others hoped it meant Arthur. Here aud there and now and then an old soldier would express the hope that the convention would eschew all poli ticians, aud finally nominate old Tc cumsch Sherman. I The last prayer wo responded to with a hearty amen. CHENEY. According to the trustee's returns for the two years named, on March 1, 1883, Morton township had a popula tion of '289, and at the same time in 188' the population was 544, showing an increase of 255, tjic largest gain with but one exception Wichita town shipin the county. Grand River's report shows 302 in 1883 and 274 in 1884, a loss of 28, probabably on ac count of the removal of Marshall Garden Plain's population is 602, a gain of 136. Eric in 1883 had 184, but in 1884 is not mentioned in the data. Alton has 395, a gain of 85. Cheney did not begin to grow until about March 1. Making allowance for the increase since that time, and lor the population of the township ouUide of the city, the number of inhabitants on this mile square may be safely said to be 500. Journal. Smythe & Hahn, Contractors & Builders. Hard ilne llnish a Hjieclallj-. SHOP South End 4th Avenue. Office Pallett's Lumber Yard. ( Killeen & Stockinger, We arc permitted to publish the fol- ..,,, . r lowing extract of a private letter 1 Practical Plumbers, Steam & Gas WHAT TACOMA IS LIKE. written bv a former citizen of this town to Mr. M. W. Levy. The picture is not a very enticing one : ' Tacoma, W. T., May 26, 1884. ' M. W. Lcry. Dear Sir: I have been scouting over this country a con-' sidcrable, but as yet have found noth ing to suit us, so far as present busi ncss or future prosperity are concern ed, :t the Arkansas valley. ' The area of fanning land here is very limited, the principal crops being hops and vegetables. The Puyallup valley is the chief agricultural section ' tributary to Tacoma. and the farmi are made up of small openings or ! clearings along the narrow valley, sur-1 rounded and separated by immense forests. One cannot buy a cleared farm there for less than ji'JOO per acre, j and one covered with natural forest ! growth of stumps, from three to fifteen foet in diameter, is held at $100 per . acre. These juices are conclusive evi-1 deuce that the anra of farming land is ; not extensive. The lands are, how- ' ever, very productive and raise 1.700 ' pounds of hops to the acre. Nearly i all kinds of fruit but peaches llourish. i Dwelling lots in Tacoma on an un-1 graded street, three-fourths of a mile from the poslofiice, jwenty-five feet front covered with stumps, arc held at, from S.'SOO to $1,200. 1 think they ! - have discounted the future by about live or ten years. "We have just rc retumed fiom a trip down the sound! to Victoria, B. C, and find the same I thing at nearly every point. ; ""Tacoma considers herself the ter minus of the X. J'. ILK. Seattle hopes to be in the near future for reasons , satisfactory to herself, and the minor points are amusing llicm-elves with j the hope that something may turn up to their benefit. It i undoubtedly ' the intention of the p re-en t manage ment of the X. I. to make their per-, inanent terminus here, but we all ' know that railroad managements Fitters. (i;is Fixtures. Sle.un Healing & Ventilating a Specialty. Estimates Furnished. 53" Shop on Douglas avenue in Werner's liiillding, Wichita, Kansas, l'ostoflice box 445. BUNNELL & ROYS, leal Estate, FARM LOANS, Fire and Life Insurance GOLDEN RULE STORE ! ("Do nnto others as you would be done by.") Onr Stock, conaUtlog of Silks, Cachemires, White Goods, Laces, Ribbons, Edgings & Novelties, It Complete. Prices at Our Usual Reasonable Figures. Step In and iret onr price before mtUndlax epeclei or ny other sales. We will ist you In price, show you goods cheerfully, ud leave the ver.Uct to the public. J. A. STEDMAN General Insurance Agent Fire, Tornado, Life and Accident OFFICE 100 DOUGLAS AUENUE, Over Baraea' Drug Store. Largest Agency In the Valley. tr EVERYTHING SOLD AT At the GRAND CLOSING OCT SALE! To Begin June 1st, at Miss, .like Suits' Millinery Store, Korth of Woodman's Bank, we6t side of Main street. 1-tf W. L. McBee, SEDGWICK COUNTY Abstracter, Abstracts of title complied on short notice. Fire, Life an! TornaJo Insurance. Represents snen of the best Companies, in the worhL tf. IsK. .A.: ZLOWXJHN" DRESSMAKER, Elliott's Block SOL. I!. KOUN. President. A. W. OUYG, Vlee-rws't. r M. W. LEVY, Cashier Ou A. WALKER, Asat. Casliler. Comer Douglas and Lawrence, stairs. Room No. 3 up im WICHITA NATIONAL BANK, SUCCESSOHS TO r WICHITA ib-A-hstik:. ORGANIZED IN 1ST2- Paid-up Capital, - - - $125,000 DIRECTORS: S. II. KOUN, A. W. OLIVER, 11. W. LEVY, 3. T. TLTTLK. N. F. XIEDERLANDEK, W. R. TUCKER. JOHN DAVIDSON. LARGEST CAPITAL STOCK OF ANY BANK IN THE STATE. Do a General Banking, Collecting & Brokerage Business. Eastern and Foreinn Exchange bought and sold. U. S. Bonds, of all denominations, bought and sohh 1-tf County, Toioiship and Municipal Bonds bought. B. LOMBARD. Jr.. President, J AS. L. LOMBARD. Vice-IVei't. L. D. SKINNER. Cahle r, GEO. E. SPALTON, Ass't Cvdiler. CHEAP CASH STORE An immense large stock of -AND- Asenls A. T. k S. F.Railratil buds. aIoiicv always on hand to Loan at Lowest current rates. The oldest established Ileal Estate linn in the eitv. We keep the John Kelly (Rochester, N. Y,) LADIES' & MISSES FINE SHOES. Elegant nd perfect fitting. We are sole agents for the celebrated Bay State Shoe & Leather Company's Boots & Shoes. Ilelng well known all over the country, they need no blowing on our part. CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! We are In poisesalon or onr second supply this spring or entirely new patterns. The prices wilt speak for this department. 5 r-f A full line or Boots, Shoes and Clothing Just opened out in the nice, new, light store foom on Douglas Avenue, one tloor west or Citizens' Hank. BIG STOCK OF MEN'S. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS MAUKKI) OUT IN PLAIN KIOUKKS WAY DOWN At HarcWPaii Prices. HEAD AND KKFLECT ! GOOD ALL WOOL SUIT MADE SPLENDID FOR $7.50. Kansas State Bank. Paid-up Capital, - - - - $52,000 J. P. ALLEN, J. M. ALLEN. GEO. E. SPALTON, DIRECTORS: JAMES L. LOMI1AKD, li. LOMBARD, Jr.. 11. O.DAY, L.D. SKINNER. Beceivc Deposits. Jfakc Collections, Buy and Sell IZrchangc, and trans act a General Banking Business. COEEESPO m I3E3sra?Sr JESUr. I'ATON CO., B2 Wllliim St., N. Y. NAT ION".I. RANK OK AMERICA , Chicago ULACKSTUNK NATIONAL RANK, ll.wtun. MERCHANTS NAT'I. RAK", Hauai CUV. Hoots and Srioes Will be bold at astonishing low figures. I'lcase eall ami fee my stock member the place, one door west of Citizens Hank. and prices, lie- OUR INSURANCE AGENCY. Aetna, orilartrord $0(lli,f44 German American, r New York 4,V,iitW Germania, of New York 2,700,721 Hartford, or Hartford 4,541,210 Hume, of NewYor. 7,4S8,G4.'. Ins. Co. or North America, or l'liila.. D,071,C I J v., Loml., and Globe, or LUrrpool, 5,771,9X1 riia-nix. of Hartford 4,435,019 Underwriters, or New York 3.CU9.794 The Eiinitable life, rNeW York 50,000,000 J3"0IHce in Roys block, upstairs, over Hank or Commerce, COK. DOUGLAS AND LAWRENCE AVS WICHITA, KAN. " J. F. STAFFORD, DEALER IN Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods! We did not boy oar goods to keep on our shelves, but Intend to sell them. Weilonot wish to blow, brag or humbug, but will continue business in the conservative w.iy In which we started. We promise jiollte treatment, honest dealings, and to adhere strictly to the Golden Role. I Nassauer & Hipsh, j 122 Douglas Avenue, Wichita. YOURS VERY RESPECTFULLY, T. W. COVERDALE. J. O. Davidson, l'res. S. L. I avidson. Vi Pros. C. L. Davidson. Seo'y. The Davidson Loan Co. 1 'A ID-UT CAPITAL. $(50,000. Honey Always on Hand to Loan on Improved Farms and City Property. 0 KFICE WITH CI1I7.ENS RANK, Northuit Corner .Main street ana nmi-i.-n Awntie, Wichita, Kansas. IMf I :Sf ;;"';:,: i;;;;:! Guns, Pistolsand Ammunition on tlio future action of such cornor;i tion. i AH kind of hiixiiits is dull, anil wc can seo uotliin vet in which to . invest with promi'-e of immediate pro-' litahle returns. The continuation of ! liferent (stagnation will iiece.xariiy liriny about a lowering of prices, and i if the depression reaches wliat we consider bedrock we may invest in something, otherwise we will shoulder our blanket and strike the trail for the , "Nile of America.'' Hunting outfits rented on reasonable terms. CORNER FIRSTS MAIN, WICHITA. KANSAS. tf. WICHITA FOUNDRY AND Machine Shop ! XKAK IKON I1KIDGE. B. McPARLAND, Propr. J. M. ALLEN & CO. (SUCCESSORS TO ALLEN & TUCKER.) Wholesale and Retail GROCERS 5G- Choice Lots! -56 CHICAGO LUMBER COMPANY' KANSAS AT NEW ORLEANS. Chancte, Kan., .Iiine 2, 1881. Hon. 1. A. Mitehtll, Wichita, Kant. Di:ar Sir : The time has arrived when we Mionhl begin the collection of grains, grasses and seeds for the New Orleans expoMtion, and I earnestly solicit votir aid in this matter FOH SALE In Turner's addition to the city. Prices Low. Terms Easy. Apply to .1. R. Turner, or .Tocelyn & Thomas. SCHWERDFEGER'S LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, LATH oiicit your am in tins matter. -ry 1 TPw 1 As agent for your locality please Uj VI AM A j-lo 7"pir ollect sheaves of all grasps, (wilil. -md JJCiwlv.' lJCllVvl J. iime.) All species of clover should -' coll Uu be pulled and arranged in bundles of I'rc-h bread, pies, cakes, candies, con about three inches in diameter, wrap ped loosely in paper and then laid away to cure. Timothy, blue gras, Manufacturers of the celebrated MARBLEHEAD WHITE LIME, Ninety-seven per cent, pure Lime. Two barrels will go as far as ihiee or any other Lime. Louisville Cwntnt, Ifichigan Plaster and Hair, always on hand. MAJOR BROS. & H0LLIDAY, Staple and Fancy Groceries, -WHOLES L J3 .A. J5T1D RETAIL. 133 DOUGLAS AVENUE. GOODS DELIVEIIED ON SHOKT NOTICE. W S. CORRETT, TreMilent. II. II. RICHARDS. A. HEnS, Vie.- I'nidet. II. RI.ACK, See. aiulTreas. s. r..inilNbON. AVICHITA w 0 ROGER C Bank of Commerce. Loans Money on Scosives (HATFIELD .V HARTLEY.) Real Estate, Personal, and Chattel Socuritles. Deposits, Timo and Demand, at Interest. Buys aud sells exchange: makes collections; negotiates municipal. bonds, and transacts banking in all its branches. No. 17 Douglas Avenue, --'---- Wichita, Ken-as. RODOI.l'H HATFIELD, l're.l.lont. - M. DENNY. I'ffli.'tary. R. D. ALLEN, Vice I'rul.lent ami Kxamlner. -IW IIARlLM. I km V. W. URAIIAM, AmUtor. WICHITA LAND AND LOAN COMPANY, legotiite: Lo&ns, Sell: U, Plies low, Mir. IMm. oi'i'ici-: w-icjari'JTA.- IN P.ANK OFCOJIMKIICK K( OMS. ------ KrlTSj.5 Incorporated January 11, 1881.) NOS. 73 AND 75 MAIN STREET, WICHITA, KANSAS. CITIZENS BANK, OF WICHITA, ICAJST?? A S. JT. If. Cor. Main St. it- Douglas Ave. Ml Capital, - $100,000 DIRECTORS : Larimer I Stinson! 2.8 Main Siroet. Wichita, Kansas. DEALERS IN STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS! orchard gras-. and all .species of wild grasses should be pulled immediately after the bloom has dropped oil, and cured in the shade. l?c sure and col lect sheaves of wheat, oats, rye, barley, tla.v, hemp, etc., in their season. The success of Kansas at the New Orleans exposition will depend upon the in terest taken by the local collectors. Ilelicving that your patriotism and love for Kansas will induce you to de vote a small portion of your time to this matter, and that you will lend us your hearty co-operation. I remain yours truly, Frank Uacon, Commissioirir from Kansas. The above circular which was sent to D. A. Mitchell as secretary of the agricultural society explains itself. Of course Sedgwick county will desire a showing at the exposition and it is suggested that our farmers and others who feel an interest comply with the above instructions and then keep 1 the products thus cured till the county fair this fall, when they can be got ten together. In the mean time a lot of cash premiums will be arrauged for. Wc have grasses aud grains already which would beat the world. fectionary, fruits, etc. floods delivered anywhere in the city. 64 MAIN STREET. ! H. IFT-ELXOG-Q-, j Grain and Produce Commission j Merchant. Chicago market rejmiH received every fifteen i minutes from 9:.1u a. m. to 2::t0 r. M. Office 1 unJer Citizens Rank. Wichita. Kansas. Deal- er- in Krai n ami pioiluce imiteil to make my I otlice their headimarterd. il-.l-tf I HOLLOWELL & DORAN Are to the front with the Latest, Neatest, Nobbiest and Cheapest line of CLOTHING! G-reiffenstein's 7th and 8th Additions; This Is the most desirable resilience iroierty i in the city. Prices Low. , Terms Easy. " EXT ON Coal Yards, 83 Douglas Amine, near Deft, HATS, OPS & FTJ-iLlTISHilTSra- GOOIDS I3ST THE CITY. Wichita Oily Roller Mills! AND ELEVATOR. k.starlis(ii:d iti MANUPACTURB THE CELEBP.ATED BRANDS: IMPERIAL, ... - (Roller Patent.) WHITE ROSE, (Extra Fancy.) X. L. C. R. - " (Fancy.) Thrie hranils hae heen on the market Knt. WVit. North and South Tor ten jni, aii'l hare won an envlalde reputation wherever Introduced. To try them 1 Ui fUr with tli'io "earn alwaya in the market for wheat at highest cash price SHELLABARGER, IMBODEN & OLIVER. A. DIJL'MM. JOHN CAUPEXTKU, C. L. OAVIDSON, XT. K. STANLHV, . L. DAVIDSON, U. S. CATKS, .1. U. DAVIDSON. The capital Htoek of the hank I one Imndrrd thousand ild lar, lty thoiUaitd ilollnwof which till CMpiWIlJlK noil laIIlJfH uniiKSi woo ifirrr;n mrr im iiui.r Inn fi hiirLliiir eotutl to Hue !Hiikltiir hoiue In the State. lienonlU. Imv anil oell torelsn aiiif'iloinitlc. exchaiije, make IohIi. ainl Ih owned by New Knulaml rapltalliiU and ealiCK Lnnk who reprer,'it oier ten mllH.n !!- n .minion i 'M'pive llflK do a general lianklnx hiinlneM Wn iihatl emlrnrn- to trurt all limine eutnill tn i 111 larn. i'ivlns the I I lie Panic will receive manner, and H)n term,, atlfaclory to our ciiitomerji. aad millclt a hate of the piihlle pa irotmffe ,s t. n.trinsoy, rtrr.i'rm't it-tf .mii.v ;. ur.tisr, Cn..irr Lombard Mortg-ag-e Co., LOAN NEGOTIATORS. n-IN KANSAS STATE BANK BUILDING. o- H. W KENDLE, TTZsrEKA.X. TJIEECTOB, And Dealer In Pub. CLOTH. .WD XET.ILLIC IlinUI. CASES, : Douglas Avenue, Between Smyth's anil Wallace's Iniplcincnt llonc. lV!?fXMi Sinilli-'i-,ul Cbrnir of Main Strict and litngbts irmiix. OO-MK AND OKT KATKS, Oil TALK J.OANS. GEO. E. SPALTON, Socrotnry. Kansas National Bank. No. 30 MAIN STREET. COMMERCIAL' BANKING -A SPECIALTY. 1 EetHBE C. K1MMERLK. C L. ADAMS. Kimmerle & Adams, WICHITA MARBLE WORKS Manufacturers of and Dealers in WSUIDSTS, TOBBTOSES. MANTLES AXU TABLE TOPS. IRON FINCINQ, BUILDING STONE, IBROE CITY LI3S4IE. HAIR, PLASTER & CEMENT. So 60 Main Street, between First and Second, Wichita. 1-tf AZSTX) CASKETS. ROBES, GLOVES. CRAPE, ETC. Date two line l,eare A private telei-hour direct , to WichlUlemetery. uniceaiway oi-d WiDonplaArenur, Wirhfta. Kaneai. Prompt atltntion to tnd'rt ty TeUgraph. WILLIAM KASSEL Ha-a the Finc-t Line of DIAMONDS, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES ! Loans Jloneif at I.c,j-tt Hate. IsMium Sight Draft on all part uf Hurope. Bay arid Sells (ioit and Municipal Hondx, 1'ay Inletnst an rlTnig litpfgHt. Any Awint of zhi-irtifoirjd j&oisrjirx: D. Un on 'i1etril REAL ESTATE ir VWMft or CITT VlUVfl'.t& KniT Coiiirccliciil Hates of lntcrtt. $ FINE JEWELRY, COLD CHAINS, SET RINGS, General len Iltitlcr is the only man thus far who ha been nominated. That renowned chanticleer in Ben's left optic has his eye sot on Chicago in July, and if he hears ever so small a call, there will be siicn a crow as has not been hoard since the davs of Peter. TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS. t EYE, E-A.K, SUR6ICAUNSTITUTE. OUR The President contiuues his policy of bauds oil', and the members of his Cabinet remain at Washington. The people cau be trusted. No man can charge any "machine work" up to the administration. That is done for oth-' crpartics than Arthur. ' SPECIALTIES: Eyes, Nose, Throat, Catarrh, Ear, Surgery and Deformities. 3S. "ST- 3vrTJ3SrSEIL, M. D., Proprietor and Surgeon In Cfcarre, 58 North Xain StrMt 1. S. Catarrh ot the Nose, throat and Kar cured by a mild and new process. Will (tire relief at once. Cures permanent and gnaran- ' lee-t or the cae not umiertaken. CLOTHING HOUSE Handles a Complete Line of Clothing, Hats, Gaps and Famishing: Goods prices beasoxabm: Fruk f, Wrtr, Frkx Sikxler's M Sli.. BRACELETS, ROLLED COLD AND PLATED CHAINS. No. 88, Douglas Avenue. 1 LHalwBEflBV t Mw - - - Ia-w CLOCKS, SPECTACLES IN GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL' SOLID AND PLATED DIESCTOSS. J. L. DVKK, It. II. ItOVS. SAM'L IIOL'CK, KOHT. K. l.AW'll PjtVK H. W. LKWV6, Preiidcnt. A. A. 1IVDK, Canltlr. S. D. PALLET!, - lit-aW'r in - NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN PINE LUMBER! X. A. rrjK, SS:X25TC3-ISS, DODBS U BX.""2jrXS. Office and Vard Wtat Knd of Dongb Avenue North feldf, N?ar-JJrM. - Mm Frooman & Peckham, Staple Sc F a 1 1 cy G rocer i es ! Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Etc. SILVERWARE. MlgUmi y-h prov jaiil for prwluc. More jjofl? tM for ttn 3kmj motny than by any otiior rtrrn In the ctf . GiU tMxuritl ir(atxlf Ut Any partof thecitf- 3?" $tuih Ul: of Douguu nvimtw, Tllrl door wct ol rence'B Drag Store, f Main strtf icliit, KainitS. - 4-tf J t 1 31 1 1 tSS5KSi3Sss"