Newspaper Page Text
Iv - , J. P. ALLEN. N. P. NIEDERLANDER, PSOFESSIPyAIi DIRECTORY. o i. K. . Jc' ( . i u i fc r .xV TKlfUA & DUMONT. Arcbitccu ami superintendents, onice in oys' block, Wicliita, Khnsas. iMf Koy 1). W. SMITir, Dentist. F-agle hullding, Douglas :icnuc, Wichita, Kansas. HAKIMS & IlAIMtlS FlUKItAUUlI, Attorneys at Law, Coniniercial block, Wich Ita, Kansas. . STAXLKY & WALL, Attorneys at Law, Wichita, Kansas. Oflice over C'lticna' bank. kT KENT., l'hysician and Surgeon. Office over Fuller S. Jjon's grocery. W. V. WALKEIt" Attorney at Law. Office over Kansas Na tional bank. l. f. shluwood. Dentist. Office iu Ferrall l!ull(llngoiiltc iKiiinmce, Jlaln htreel, iiicniw, nai.nj. Teeth extracted without pain by iiltrooIde j. j. cwsT, Architect and Superintendent. Oflice, Kinil Werner's block, Douglas aeune, between To )iekaacnue and Lawrence St., Wichita, Kan J. H. HOUSTON, F. W. 1IKNTI.EY. HOUSTON" & UF.NTLKY, Attorneys at Ijtw Oflice oer Kansas N'a- j llonal liank, vtlchilu, lau. STOVER .v IJACH IF.L, Contractorn and bullders.'on Frrat t-trert, est of County building. .J. F. LAUCK, Attorney at Law, Wichita, Kanxas. K. C. miGGLKS, Attorney-at-law. Office oor No. :!, Main Street, Wichita, Kuu-a.1. .V!- O. D HI UK, Attorney at Ijiw Kooni N'o. H, I' S. Ijmd oflice building, Wichita, .1. U. IIKKKINC, Civil Kiiginieraud Ileal i:tate Agent, ,Iem ile block near f'OKtofhce, Wlehila, KaiMJS. IU11I1X, KIHJCLKS.V I'ARsONS Attounkyjat-Law, Wjehita, Kansas. IJ- .1. .M. IlALDKltsTON, AmiKur at law , hhlta, St-dguiiL conn Ivkiwiii Otttru in Ce'itenulM itlock. DR. .1. (J DEAN", Dkmiit. Kooiih In Field building, Main stieet, iiiKslte Harding A Fisher's. 1J-.M- Dlt. W 1. IHIHj:, .rc.ns oniie .er Harm-- A. h.iii' drug Moie, ..Vi.lennial ldotk. UUhiLs. tl- .i i . .i t tv.' i.imT xi i'i Air . ..." " u i.i.i. Mi - .v i i. i i , Allutiieyi.:it iJtv.. Will iiiactlce In both stale and heileial courts iiince in leiuiue iikm-k, t.ilti itfrm.f wiifiiiil Ml!i1tVi, tMiilli ill' f'iwt "" :-!- "' ' - illic, Wichita, Kansas. . i:Gi:ns, The J'hotographer. 1'ictures in all M7cs and stjles. lie also carries the finest assortment ol picture frames in the city. Give him a, lTlendlv rail and eMiniine (dimples. d-2-tr For Choice, Fresh GROCERIES! rairTicalmetilni.d Honest Goods, goto CRAVEN & RHODES' GR'SBN IFTEOXnTT, fsiutli-east (.orii'T of Doiigla-. Mai kit htieet Avenue and 1-lf OLIVER BKOS LUMBER DEALERS. 7ichita, mannas Ilrancii Yards a( Wiiificld, WellingLon, Garden Plain k Harper. UNION MEAT MARKET! Ficsh lake ll-Ii coii-tanllv on hand Faintly orders a pm laltv 1-tl ISRAEL BROS, Druggists and Grocers. fiissi iilock wksv or iukmont hofsk. :M) t JW Imilas Ave., Wichita, Ka.. if H. MATTHEVAsr" DENTIST, TEMPLE BLOCK. fou sai.i: ne pair or line carriage lioie, well match eil, two gixid single horM-., three ponies, well broke. AN. i one new pli.vtou Will tell on time with approved t---u 1 1 . Ihnpme at niv lestdi'iteeiiii Water street .Stable in tear "I WiiiHlm.'iii'n hank M v,.Ikm,s. II Popkess & Wakefield Have the well l.tmun nvrc alsstkii ccukh.. Whieh ii eipial if mil stii,i:-inr to Ihe Caii'in Cilv. i Wv advir-e all our reader-, to trivo it a irinl, as this linn will keejiit oil Ii.iihI ooiixtuntly. (I JOHN DAVIDSON, TI IK Pioneer Lumber Man! or hmx.vwi.'K (Jiinvrr iCSTAnLlfillKl IN H7-. A f!ft-v,ln4. 3--'.. f T5:. T V. i wwuiu, ui,wvu ti ni;u uuijltu, SIUNtM.Kts, LATH. sAMI.Ai . l)i,n Saint ST?" lirc ami FarJ on Mark: Slrfc', ktlietc Itaugljt Amur and Fiitt Strrrt. 4'-tt W. G 1IACKE1!. L. C JACKSON". HACKER & JACKSON, Wholesale and Iletail Ifealers in Colorado and Pennsylvania Anthracite, AlulallV!,,,Uor BITUMINOUS COAL! ,v!m qtr TiMo rmm- -, TT-u btone, iiine, Cemen., zai ilxv. n o 1.1. -r-i, Ft. SCOtt PlRJJging, ftrTT X- RIiia Stnnrt urey &, iiiue toiono. .v. .,.,.. . .. scales, .M. ,-J, LOURias Ae., . South fide, N'ear Depot. I-tf i Every Thing Kept in a First-Class J 6 r Drug Store, b. us:, bbowit. FURNITURE, JEWELRY, ETC. Douglas Avenue, - "Wichita, Kansas. First Ark. Val. Bank! 1 870. , , llu- oldet money institution In the Arkansas Valley. W. O. WOODMAN", Wm. S. WOODMAN", WILL. C. WOODMAN:, Jk. President Caihler Asst. Cahler COKKESrOXDKN'TS : American Exchange N'at'l Itank, New York First National Hank, of Chicago, Illinois Hank of Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri Arc noiv occuiiying our New Commodious Bank Building No. 33 Main Street I Do a General Bankina Business In all iti modern functions. (Loan Money in Any Amount 1 On all satisfactory collaterals rial, pergonal I or ch'itlel mid acconimoilata the borrower ! with time fiomoue day to lite jear.s. i 'zy- .'ell tickets by the fastest and b.ifost lines 1 ol-sleamers in the world, to or from all princi incl- l pal poit, m North German I. lo)d or c'nnard lines. i In the organization or the First Arkau-as Valley Kauk, of Wichita, Kansas, we Invoke neither directors, stockholders or branches, 1 nordo ue deal in ;uls, margins or uitide , is-ues Our labors are strietlv to the measiiie -r IN legitlmato MineM f r ll inidfnt manhgeiiu-nt weaio lii.lividu or me 111 iiroteelloii or ever depositor Is i 'edged line last uoiiar 01 our loriune. (tiretl'ur with manv thanks our nuineioiis old Iricnds, wlioee jiatmnage, with our enhanced i laciim-s, c snail lie liapjiv lo increase, ami Lltidll Hlieli nf f hi f imnml tiiililli lid mnv ilphtrp : -..". .-" " j . ...."j-.--..' 10 avail tlieiii'elvcs tliereot, ami our judgment and convenience may see prudent to accept, vvc nie lesinctlullr vonrs. W. C. WOODMAN A SON. mrsT'klentz di:alkk ix- MILLINERY And Human Hair Goods, Announce that she will not lie nutlcr- .ik! hy any Ostiililislmiunt in llio cily forllionexl two months, either at wholesale or retail. Next Door South of Woodman's Bank. Fichfc & Drescher, r'nii-i-vrvii-rrvxin iV "Dnillrkvn ' 171 lieilteiS & jDUllCierS. j X 53" Opposite the German Grocery, m ar cor ner of .Market street. 2-tr DEDMAN BROS., Wicliita Meat Market, Di'ALKKS IN AllKMsofFreslianfl Salt Meats Oftlieer best iiili y. 1 ImrMlay anil PruJay. Exton's Corn Mills. Fine Kronnd anA Bolted Corn Meal. Ground Corn and Oate. Corn-Chop and Bran. Orders ftHcd pmniptly lib. e '1 iltplu'iic t tx'cn Co.ll If c. a truir.s v ni k ri-:ic. contractor and builder. BRICK AND STONE!- I'm ties iloiring fiiieualk uT Winlield llag ging ol all sles will do well to eall midget iirn ei l.e ive unlets it V 1' Meni's ollice on Liiwreiu-eavn , smith of Douglas ave. d-5-tf J. A. HOLLENBERGER, DENTIST. 'lictll evtiacled without imin Fine gold fill Ings a sierialty teeth Irom 5"i 00 to Vi a set Dental rooms In liaiN' block, Dnuglti avenue, Wichita, liansas. w-.-tf A.. SMITH, Contractor and Builder, SHOP 136 & 138 MAIN St. lle-idi'iice on Lawrence Aveniin, near Central Avenue. l'ost-Ollice l!o CM It I j". E. RICHMOND, l Wagon nad Carriage Maker. , 1)01.3 ALL KINDS OF KEl'AlltlXtJ. t Light work a specialty. With Klaus A Cole. Market ttreet. south or Douglas avnme, Wichita, Kansas tr FOK BOARD AND LODGING O-O TO J. I Kiln's Restaurant, On Water strett, one door noith of Douglas Avenue, in the Werner building- tf George Borstner. B00T & SHOE JIAKEK Douglas Avenue, 53" Tiro JJnor finst nf TrrmoM Howie. orders Promptly Attsnded la en j Short Notice. i lUi:airi"e I, p v o.,r. :rvoaarepuin!rtot)uya watcii, umi. 1'Moi, o"amo!.U.lati.r"i i:tt...h,k 11 uinl-.wtch Chain, "r.lfl i Hin fact, any thiujr.UwIll lav Jon to W ai mt rM,i lnwnliroU- F er, forirh ,1SS an) ti,inp rou want T0U CAn Jn0Iiey hy huincof him. fixo 1oor v.! of Trrmont ! ...,,. ; vi,,!..,,, ,..,:. ;,.. 7. i I mucins aenue. Wichita, K.inv. .. - .. -- - ...-. ... -- , 1-tf I Real LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT, Corner Douglas "WICHITA, THE MOST RELIABLE ABSTRACTS IN THE COUNTY. Taxes Paid and Rents Collected, Correspondence Solicited. L'NIMPKOVEI) LANDS. a w 12--J:)-10 west, Kingman county, -H) acres broke, Slioo. I.MV5. w l-'.'of v"l-'J SJ-2.3-5 w, Kingman coun ty, ; 'M acres broke, SlsOO. l.VO. ynarterc.inileseoftovvn, Si'W. 1.171. (juarter 2 1-2 miles 8 cor Cheney. $.WO l."i 1-2. Quarter Fee 10 miloa n w of Wichita, on Arkansas river, SJOoo, S.WI cash, balance on time at 7 ler cent. I.VK5. Iwa on Ninnescah river, r miles below Cheney. 2) a in cultivation, $J.7rt. lr. K'rOaTnillesFonthofGoddard, $H,0. Till, guartersec .1 miles eastof town, biV). l.'i!8. IVJaSmiless c or Wichita, $!!, 1-3 cash. il. fir, a adjoining Garden I'lain, SISO") I WO. W) a in fee; 1-2--.'. east, l.utler county, 2Ti in cultivation, sWjo. MC. two a 12 miles se or Wicliita, good up land, Sin per aery. IR22. Quarter 1 miles n wof Garden I'lain, $I.Vii. . IKli. Kin a 2 miles n vv or Garden I'lain, 20 a broke, blToo liKi!. t") a:; miles Irom Garden I'lain, $". hits ii e 1-t ,T.-2ii-l w, 7 miles ii vv of Gardi n I'lain. I2(J lillti n l-l I -:-1 w, all raw, sl.'Oil. li;"!7. 20 jo a in n e part ol Comanche county. plenty of water, a splendid cattle range, $"per acre imim:ov:d lands. ' "" " '" jvingiauu couniy, i nuies west ,,...,-. .. ... - ,,. j ol Cheney, sn a iu cultivation, one btory house with cellar, S120H, ' l.'ijy. PJialimiless wof Wichita, small house, H)a under cultivation, good orchards or apple I and poach, nice grove, i2.V). 1 1.V11. 100 a 1-2 mile Irom Cheney, In a in cul tivation, S.V1IKI. 1.VJ2 311a 7 miles w or town on Cow skin creek, Imi a under cultivation, 10 a or timber, house ors rooms, granary, stable and other buildings, all hedged and cross hedged, splen did orchards and grove3. This is a beautiful place, $10 per acre. l.VH. 11,0 a S miles s of town, near Havsville post-ollice, 110 a in cultivation, good'l 1-2 story house with addition, barn iti'iD witli loft, corn crib, smoke house, Ac , 11 a pasture, good bearing orchards, $3."i per acre. l.Vtt. lr.0almilc n e of town on ChUholm creek, lil acres in cultivation, 1 btory house, granary and crib, hedged in on two sides, some bearing fruit, a splendid place for stock $dO,(ioo l.YXl. 210 a I miles n w of Goddard, 110 a in ultivation, 1 1.2 story house of 7 rooniB, ice house, store building, post-offiee on place, good fences, living water, pome fruit, Swum and terms to suit I.MO. 100 a I miles R wof Goddard, 11-2 storv house of ; rooms and good cellar, stable for ti horses, row stable for s head, granary, cribs Ac good hedges, ."0 a pasture, wired, 50 a in culti vation, living vattT, orchard, Ac , SUxU, easy terms. l.M.'. ir,0 a I miles n of Cheney, 110 a iu eul- tivation, small house, stable and grai W"S r water, :good orchanU, Sl.vs), cash. granary. 1-2 I.'ll. IWta 1 miles e or Cheney, loir, iu culti vation, living water, some fruit, $Ii). lil.'i. I?(i a .'i miles s e of Cheney. 2 good hous es and barns, cribs, sheds and o'thi r buildings, bearing fruit, living water, lwi a pasture en closed with wire, $12,0oo. 13lfi. 1) a miles s vv or Goddard, 'M a in cul tivation, small house, vvatered by clear creek, $2000. 1M7. Hl a 1 1-2 mile s e Garden I'lain, 1J0 a in cultivation, 1 1-2 story house of 1 rooms and good walled cellar, stable and granary, on Clear creek, S2.'i()o; l.ViO. 1(V) a. " miles n of Cheney, 70 in cultiva tion, house, t-oiue rruit, watered by spring creek, S20 per acre l.Vd. 1(V) a 2 1-2 miles s of Garden I'lain, 113 a in cultivation, good house, barn, granary, Ac , all fenced with wire and hedge, I a or line bud ded fruit,. S"!"! l.Vi.1 Kitia 2 miles from Garden I'lain, ail l smooth Infid, 12) ain cultivation, house and Iike fih Wednesday, , living water, SiVNI j l.Vd. Iiijaiu Ifutlercouiitv, .I miles from An ,r gusta, 20 a ol timber, 120 in cultivation, good wuc,-, hi.tiit,i .nut miii-M , jiiuiii ill limb, ui- i ing water, fejoeo I .") ti 1-2 a on Little river, 1 mile n of town, 1 1-2 storv- house, ."i rooms, good barn, corn cribs and granary, good orchards and small fruits, Slum. l.Vi7 M'a in Uutlcr count , 2 1-2 miles e or Andovcr, 22'ia in cultivation, 1 l-2btory house, r rooms ami cellar, all hedged and cross hedge eil and wind, 4m) apple, TOO peach, lM'ar, cher ries ac , an Hearing, a nneiy improved place, !I2.000. l.Vll s w l-irW-.N-leaot, Ilntlerrouiitv, 1 1-2 storj- house, -mi a In cultivation, S2.Vi l.VK. KiO a .". 1-2 miles vv ol Valley Center, 1 1-2 story liouse, .1 rooms ami cellar," granary and other improvements, watered by Little "river, SIDper ncre l.'n.l nl a 1 miles n or Wichita, house with 2 rooms, small barn, 1 In a in wire pasture, good orchards or apple and peach, $j.'i per acre I.VJl. lftiaTiuilcHvr or town, near Cow skin creek, l.Vlin cultivation, 1 1-2 slur) house, live rooms and lellar, stable, granary, cribs and sheds, varions kinds of fruits, all "hedged and cros neiigiMt, 5.'i,20O l.l I KH a .1 miles n e or Derbv, on Spring , creik,20a timber. 111 n in cultivation, 1 1-2 , storv house 2lir, stable, granary, sheds, and I cribs, hedged and iross hedged, fileiitv or fruit, i $i;.mi 1.V2. h;o a 1 miles u of Garden I'lain, N) a in cultivation, 1 1-2 story house of ; rooms, stable, good orchard of apple pcai h and eherrv, i vajvi I.VCl. ID) as miles se or town, .".)ain cultivn tiuii, I.Hl a lenced. voung orchard, watered bv (Jv)isuni creek, SVMti, $l;xi cash, balance oil time at 7 jht cent 1.1-1. (Quarter sec I miles n of Ganlen I'lain, house with ,l rooms ami piiinll barn, A n in pas ture, $XV) l.Vsi. liU)a2 miles w of town, good frame , building, IWain cultivation, voting orchard, sixonn liT2i) ICO a .1 miles n w ol Wichita, ) a in cul tivation, rest enclosed in pasture, good house and stable, smh.i lisil. h.Oa .-Smiles n wof town, all nmler cul tivation, 1 1-2 story liouse of 1 rooms, stable, orchard and shade trees, Swo Iifil lUlati miles sw or Wichita, UK) a in cultivation, house with ( rooms, stable, cribs Ac , S"i.'iOl HKI fn a s miles vv of Wichita, 12i a in oul , tivation, liouse and stable, x-t.VMJ. liai. MO a 2 1-2 miles nor Garden I'lain, SiO I a In cultivation. 2 houses and 2 stables, living water, $12io. - -, 'io -,- T uuxiitj diiu. aw iviy i - Have Cheap Lots and Expensive Lots. Have Small Cottages & Elegant Homes. I n Show You a iioiul List of Interest on the " Money -will earn money if prqperly invested. The time to buy is "when prices are advancing. I Can Place Your insurance in Reliabis Companies. f te 7 1. T..t. f. . T iscf ' '"c "int'f cuusyor nouses V lou hacc a I,oe to rent, J ll L' i inrn r, Ar . - Corner of Emporia and Douglas Avenues. Estate! and Emporia Avenues, KTA.3SrSAS. CITY I'KOPEKTT. Xo. lew. Ten lots on JIarket slret t and Law rence avenue ; tome rruit and shade good shade. $1.10 each. IsL Good business property on Water street ; a choice location for a grain dealer. Call for full description, price, etc. 1-2 One acre lot on First street $ small house or:: or i rooms, two porches, voung trees. 51 .000. 1711. Good brick house on Lawrence avenue; large comer lot, line fruit and shade, a com plete home. $l,.v). ICO. Acre lots on Central and Sandon streets ; ctra inducements to parties intending to build. 131. Suburban place south, Tourlots, houe or (I rooms, cellar, presses and bathroom. $2,iK. 1U1. Two choice lots on Douglas avenue, east Wicliita St'iO each. 102. Cottage of :; rooms on ilarkct street; small stable, corner lot, good neighborhood. Si, 001 1U&. liusiness property on Douglas avenue running back to Williams street : cottage on rear. 3,nri, rash and time; will pay a good interest on the Investment. 1x7 A large down-town residence ; corner lot HMMl'J Jeet, frame House of 12 rooms, cellar, cistern, stone walks, shade and fruit trees ; not many such places in the market. $7,oo Xo. 172, One-story frame liouse, four rooms and pantry, onlloslevavenne. LotlOSl.Vireet, east front, mrnur alley, line fruit and shade trees, S1HW. Xo. 171, Fine two-story frame residence of eight rooms, on Emporia avenue, cellar full sie of house, corner lot 12."ili0feet, good fruit, line uelliliorlinoil? n sneeinl lmri'niii nt !'ilO I Xo. 170, Cottage of four rooms on Waco street, lot .12x112 feet, good fence, peach, pear, plum, cherry and line shade trees, l'rice $1100, on good terms. No, lfi7, Small house, three rooms, on Cen tral avenue; good stable, picket fence, fruit and shade trees, choice location, l'rice $1100, half cash, balance, good time. Fo. KS, Five or si cottages in Fast Wichita, under rent at 20 per cent, on the priie asked for them. Houses new and in good order; a choice Investment. Xo. lWi, House with three rooms, on First slreet, cellar, hedge fence, fruit and shade trees, one acre or ground, $1500. Xo. 1H1, House, siv rooms, on Central ave nue, corner lot, !dl 10 feet, liarn and carriage house, apple, peach, plum, cherry and shade trees, $.1 u) Xo. 130, 'f Iiree cottages on F.mporia avenue, English addition, all rented at good ligures, a choice investment. Xo. 131, Frame residence, sis. rooms, on To peka avenue, barn, frait and shade trees) lot .IOaMO leet, S2000. X'o. 127. liouse seven rooms on Lawrence av enue, south; barn for lour horses, buggy shed chicken house, water in liouse, line lruit and shade trees. a beautiful home, "siloo. Xo. 117, Elegant residence on Topeka ave nue, elevi n rooms, nine presses, barn, crib and outbuildings; broad walks, picket fence, line fruit and shade trees, xjvkK). Xo. ;u. Valuable business property on Doug las avenue, llrst-class location Cafl lor price and terms. No !i Fine business property on Douglas avenue: old building, but very cfieap at $.vkXi. No ! One and a half story frame residence on Market street, si rooms" iu good repair, coal house, shade and fruit tries, sl.vw Xo. M. One-story frame on Washington street, large lot, !s7,7. Xo. til Unsiness property on Douglas avenu Griifs addition. Frame huilding, rents well, jaw. Xo. HI. One lot on Main street, well located. one-story framo building, $17.10. Xo. in. Itusineos property on Main street, under rent. $2,100, Xo 37. Two-story brick building on Main street, centrally located, all rented, $1200. No. 1x1 An elegant residenre in the north east part or the city Large grounds, line lruit and shade trees, modern house in perfect or der; a rare chance to the right partv Xo. 17". A nice cottage on corner lot. near center of business, new house, $2000 N'o If I . Cottage of five rooms on Mead ave nue, ph'nt of fruit, over one acre or land, $1x00. Xo 17.1 A beautiful home on l.awrem e ave nue; lot imllOleet, one and a half story frame house of seven rooms in perfect order, good cel lar, well and large cistern Itarn and all neces sary outbuildings Fine grape arbor and other fruits; shade in front, price 9I0H), part cash, balance on good time Xo 1.12 Two houses on Wichita street, five rooms each, cemented cellar, pantry and clos et in each liouse, nice shade trees, lot .Vnl.lO leet, Isl.ViO each No. lift Small house, three rooms and cel lar, rents for $12.10. l'rice $s00, on Lawrence avenue Xo 111 Houso or three rooms, on 1th ave nue, rents Tor $lo, price $7oo Xo 1 One-story frame house on Emporia avenue, good cellar, barn, water from water works, near horse car, line neighborhood, $20 '0, cash and time Xo 13.1. One-story frame residence on Law rence avenue, six rooms, "cellar, coal house, carnage house, hennery, lot well fi need, !illo leet. Fine variety of fruit and shade trees, best locality in the citv l'rice 43.100, N'o .1 Four lots on CMshoIm street, $loo each, very i heap Xo II Two lots on Emporia avenue, Eng lish's ."tli addition, $.'aJ No 21 Two choice lots on Douglas avenue, line business propertv . Call and get the figures. N'o. 21 Si lots in Lake-ide addition, cheap No. 10 Five good lots on Court street, $1.7) to $200 each N'o. .12 Two lots on Wicliita street, SS). No t;:: si lots on Douglas avenue, stl'ioi). N'o 7.1 A nice plat of ground Tor suh-divld-ingon Lawrence and Tupika avenues, can be sold at a bargain N'o 70 Unsiness lot on .Main street, $!(. N'o xj Large lot on JlarketiBtnet, cheap at $110 No. s7 A large lot lor sub-dividing, on Ci n tral nvenue 1 have theeclu-ive sale or lots in Orme and 1'hillips addition, south or the city 'Ibis is the highest plat of ground around the city, and pnceH are within the reach or all, loo lots al ready sold, and houses are springingup all over the addition Call early and make a selection. The late improvements in West Wichita, in cluding the new passenger depot, have brought us an unprecedented demand Tor lots in that lo cality It is the nearest vacant property to the business center of Wichita, ,and there is no doubt or its rapid grow th and a good advance on present price, iliav e the sole agency Tor lots in Stevens' ad dition. '1 hiise lots are centrallv located, and re having n ndy sale. .:, ' - . .s., t-v isL ol L.1LV jfToperLy. Renling Property Paying a Pine Invctmeut. - i . ! jroin ;,oot tenant, ana cannot supply tcouhl like to hare it. iii J. t J.X lOUCllttllUbl , ' fV- I - J , j: t.v , , 4. -r - ktJ l3 Two V? iNEISrTJLJXj 3o DEALKI'iS IX Siaple and Fancy Groceries, FLOTJB JL3ST2D FEED. ' MA.IN STREET, WICHITA, KANSAS GOODS DELIVERED TO ANY PART Of THE CITY. , . Cj IXI H j "v" i J--vlM -1 I i -jek. o. "wrLsoiLNr s go, (Successors to Wilson A. Tom',) OS1 ST- LOTTIS, 20SS01JBI, Loan Money on Improved Lands on Long or Short Time. Money ac Sight, Commission Very Low. "We have connected REAL ESTATE. In detail IJuv, Sell & KvcliattijMV'i'xteni property for Eastern, mid vice versa Call on or address Manager of the Wicliita lirnnch, WICHITA, IfANSA.i Oflice over T. II. Lynclfs store, Doiijflai avenue. COOPER'S STABLE. LVEET JT XjTTVjE! ANT) TJEa? I,rVE DPI2.IC3SS I i "iy . ,f V. I if , -tMK '" i i Huskies, 1'h.rlor.s, '.irnasn and Sprlnjf 'Die Finest and CheajMst jruthe Jfnrkit THE VALLRY W. E. Jktt & Co. NO. 513, DOU&LAS ."intEjk, ijcpXiSi'eisr-x.ZBioxrsES. Agents for Whitehall Special jLargest Stock and Lowest Prices.! j - j J Kvcry thing duarantJiI I1r?4 - I W. E. XETT(L'Go. THE BOTTOM CLEAN OUT. We Have Just Splendid Percale Selling Everywhere at -$1.50. A Good Unlaundried Shirt, 35c. It Wouldn't Pay to The Best $1 "White The Biggest Bargain Ever Gauze Undershirts for 25c. AM and Only ittinss: One-Price X)KESSEII2, 1-tf IvEOnT-ETZ" M. L. GARVER. Wa'ou for sale at prices rantfnsf from $7) to ivi COOPER'S STABLE J L Cooi-ek, i'rojirietor r JROCERY, vr AVENUE NO. 513. Stoneware. CarloadsHlatj Rates. Cta. lir OitteffeStiUdUou. .1 B Opened a Case of Shirts at Steal Them for That. Shirt in the Heard of In 40 Counties is to be Had at j Clothiers. PECKHAM Bros fTT?nPPT?Q OIAMOXI) FUOXT, V lVVJVJ 1A.O OIM'OSITK OS'l'tlKFICK.' WE HAVE THREE GOODS DELIVERED IMMKDiATKLV OX OllDKU --F. W. SWAB!-- (SUCCFSOIt TO F. x,T.CICMA.V ) MBBCHA1TT TAILOR! i Iveeps on hand line oods of the latent styles. The lurent ntoelc in lhj city. Saiisfaction jruaranteed. No trouhle to nhow nod. Cull and mo mo &. W. S"W"ft.S, 1-tr O-O , , m 1 M l JJ Q Q FOR CHEAP GROCERIES. A FULL LINE OF FANCY GROCERIES. No. 116, Douglas Ave. HIBAEGEB BBOS., (.iicror In W fi orlctt ) STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERS. 1 No. T, MAIN STI.KKT, i FRESH ROASTKD COFFEF. ALWAYS ON HAN IX Largest Assortment of Pina Driod Fraits in tho City. (sitlifurnin Ciiiijicil (foods of all kftult, it rant bred, IJc, Our aim 1 to Vrri -i.rjtlilDjt (u our lln, mid that flr.tln, Mwl to dly r.pi.-.. lit ' j(io1i jut thjr arr Coontry nw! city trl villrltMl. All rwU drlirrrr-l prumpllf W mjr part of th'cltr. E1. BOSS' Furniture & Carpet Emporium! THE LARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES, - L .. n L r uruiiuru, Vyiirputs, WIKSOW CHADIS, SHADS 7XZTUBZS, Lambrequin Poles, Cornices, Mouldings. Mirrors, Childrens' Carriages, Etc. Sex Block, eppocite Pcttcilse, - - 13 and 17 Ikin Strt-ct ia:. if1. iFiE&iEiLsriD &- co." " LANDS & LOANS! WXOiLXa?-A, If you JrIre to hny, e or exehanj;e real e(&t of &aj kiaJ, or borrow or loan inoaey on real wtate or chattel, fire bi a call. We Lave the l m fadtltit for dur blntt. CorretKodoe vlidtetl. )K,iORffl22 Dovgiai Jrenve, $1,00, World!- & HELLAR, DELIVERY WACONS. Flrnt Hour North of County ItiiildlMK TO German Grocery" HUSKY & KRCENEKT WICHITA, KANSAS. J'orncon Arlr Crtnv., MtiGhtiir UUH roK - n., , IU jn viuiiis, lU.iitrubsus, 2CA2TS-&S. WTehiln, JC'intt$ la.