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LOCAL BASEBALL TEAMS IDLE -GOSSIP OF THE BOXERS-LAWN TENNIS HUGGINS DISPOSES OFYOUNG YANKEES ?Rav French to Vernon and Pitcher Clifford to Jersey City Club. PITCHERS NOT TN TRIM This Is the Principal Reason of the Hard Hitting: of Rival Teams. By \V I I.I. I A M B. HAW A. Two of his spring crop at Yankees v/i-if disposed of by Manager Muggins yesterday, and now he is down to twenty-eight men. He has until May 15 to get to the twenty-five player limit. Ray French, intieldcr, a fast lad with much cayenne and more nerve, has been Kant to Vernon. Cal., tinder optional fl?|wnifnt. and .lark Clifford, the pitch es? who did most creditable pitching for the Yanks in th? South, goes to Jersey City, under the management of Pat r>onovan. Clifford was with Rochester last year, and is a cool headed, experi enced workman. French Is likely to be up on the main line for good some day. Me went to Japan with a tram of pro i<-?.sionaUi last winter. The twenty-eight still left include Frank BsUer, always a conscientious, pi'an living player of model habits, who as yet has not been reinstated by Judge r.andis. If. perchance. It is decided that Baker, because of having played against or with tneligihles last year, is not to be reinstated, (he game will lose a high ? lass performer: one who Is a stranger to booze and tobacco: one who manages to stagger along without the use of I profanity in his conversation: one who goes to bed early and gets up early ; one who never browbeat an umpire or spoke ill of a fellow player. a;id one devoted to his family, an athlete upd ? gentle man. I Mussina still has around Tom ,>nee, pitcher, and Chicken ilawk?. Tom Connelly and Walter See-Cap Chrlsten .?? n. outfielders, each with virtues which will eause Hug a den I of guessing be tween now and May II. ? 'hories Stoneham, boss of the Giant*, ssld yesterda e thought Pep Young would he ready > play in about a week, snd It is likely 1 >b Roth of the Yankees will be out at least that much longer. Both of the right field gents have water on the knee. Meanwhile Curtis Walker is hitting a high pace for the Giant* 1 and Young's job is b< ing well taken care of. The problem for McGrsw is what t.i do with Walker when Young returns. Brown is doing well In centre field, and M< Graw wants him out there because he j 1? a right hand hitter. The first double header in New York will be on May -'8 when the Uhletlcs play at the Polo Grounds. They'll be | hack on Mjiy 8 too, but that is Sunday. Jack Wilson, Ban Johnson's new um pire, w ho doesn't allow the fact that Brooklyn was his original habitat to hilght his llfa, will be a valuable addi tion to the arbiters' clan if he keeps on as smoothly as he has begun. Tn his same behind the hat laat week he fol lowed pitched balls In expert style, had some of Bill Klem's mannerisms in stoop ing and swaying to watch the orb's flight and handled the Job In a compe tent. businesslike way. * John Heydler. National T.eague head. ti:> tone West for s two weeks tour of the Western time. On Sunday he will attend a meeting of the advisory council, consisting of himself. I.andis and John soil. in Chicago. The hard hitting going on abundantly In the big leagues just now is not an uuusunl condition for this time of yesr. It often happens when teams come up from the South and strike cold or wet weather or both. It means that a1 goodly share of the pitchers aren't In trim yet. or that they have h*d set backs after being in trim, or that the curve ball around tlie knees Isn't work ing yet. The Brooklyn pitchers haxe h< en hit harder than they have any lii'*ii>e n he when they're Oil edge, anil Arthur Xelif Is the onlv one of the Giant;-'' box men who has shown the condition which means a pitcher at his hev?t. At the Polo Grounds there hse been effective pitching and with dark r'a*s to help It. Most of the clubs have seen one or more of their moundmen take a i humping, although In three of the first four games at the Polo Grounds there wa.? pitching which dominated the hat ten*. Mays was In rare form. Rommel went In August form In the second game and the third wss an out and out pifi-her< battle between Plercy and Harris. At ft dinner to Trt* ftpea.ker in Hous- j ton recently Doak Roberts, president of the Texas League, presented to the guest of honor th? first contract hp e\er aigned. Robert* had the contract In )i!.? w?fe all the year* he wa.' head of the Houaton club, and promised Speaker he would present him with the instru- | ment If he ever ceaae<l to be a club | owner. "11. wa* a very naaful paper to me In my dealings with piayera," Robert* told the writer in Shrevcport. "It was the best argument t had In convincing young fellows coming up in the spring that their salary Ideas were a little atcep I'd show them the contract Speaker aigned and bow much he sirred for. and then I'd nxk them If they thought they were worth mora Just breaking in than Speaker had been. That eeldom failed to change their Ideas and hrlns them to a more reasonable frame of mind " MM THKRN AS'OCI ATIO\. At Nashville? R H K >sshvl!le I x 2 Memphis ? 11 ' Pst-eri*s?Dotham snd .lonnard; '<<rks snd Powle. At Mobile- R. IT. K. Mobile H lO ? <"heitano??a < " S Rstt*i1*?~-FV!t?n snd Pwmts. Vines and Neiderki rn. At New Orleans R. H. K. New Orleans IS II* I Atlanta (13* Rstt*rlea?Phillips and Deberrv: Markle, Manners and Furhan and Townsend. At Rlrmlmhatn - R. H It. Wl'mlnabsm IS I* t Tattle Rook .1 ? t Retteries -Whltehllt a <1 Onoch ; Ingram, /ennartl. Poolaw and Kehlbeeker \MRR1<AN .tIMMlATIOV At tr dlanapolla? R, H K, Tn'fd# 1<V ir. ? Indlnnsnolls * T< <? i R?tteH*a-Rradr and l.aahs: Cs?et, Rsrt Je't and Oossett At Kansas City? R. IT. E. H Paul. fi 1" 3 s City.. 5 10 S flatteries- Foster. Williams an>t MrNe men\r; 1,amber snd Rrof!., Oonnollv. \t 1/?u1srllla- R. H. R. Ol'irahtis 3 H .1 T-e.ll'Hl? 3 .*> Rntt*rl?<s?Psnforth and Wllsnn; Wrifht and Korh*r. <1*l?.-eii tnntn?s.l Tl.e Minneapolis-Ill I'i?*ank** rim* wsa pef1pon*fl en of rain. rOM.IHir n\Mr? TO-OAV 1t.t\ (.'rose .'s. Vale Worcester, Mas*. Rr>s*nn vs. Vermdn' Resin- . Hnr-.-.*t vs. f!*er?le Tr-h.. <t'snts. Rewfin'n vs. Pates. 1 *wl-t?.it '.:,* ''*? T"f,ri- f.vrarnae \ % r ? t(<t\1t "VIM-I. Tilt 1t*I>\\ %pr" *J1. Rearrvet and Rr* <*?' ? on ?*l* 21: Wj P. C.. If* W. 44th st.-.lrfi. M^WMM TR l>?f. 3:3(1 P. M POlO ?voundi. Tanksea v?. Roaion ? THE LISTENING POST; , , a By Walter Trumbull " Copyriyiit, 1?!1. by 'lhe New Y?rk UtnulM. A BIG EVENING. THK INTERNATIONAL SPORTING ('LI B entertains ro-uivbr. Anion* the gueals will be Mr. E. Lewis. Mr. Lewi* is perhaps best known by his title of champion wrestler of the world. As evening dross will be the order of the occasion. Mr. Lewis will appear in decollete. He will gracioutdy accept an Introduction to an tui known wrestler, whose social standing is vouched for by Tex O'Rourke and lack Curley. The unknown's wrestling ability is vouched for by Americus, an able judge of such matters, who publicly proclaims that Mr. Lewis had better watch his step, as otherwise he may find blmself bouncing upon bis beau. The unknown is a collegian from one of the largest universities In the Last and is said to weigh 220 pounds. Mr. I^ewis has agreed to stretch him out flatter than a billiard table in twenty minutes or !<*ss. but the youth's backers say that Lewis underestimates the value of a university education. MUCH EXPERIENCE. The culhtjian may possibly plan to confuse Mr. Lewis by addressing; him during the bout in Latin or Greek. If so it is a vain hope, for Mr. Lewis has wrestled practically every language there is, and most of them were at least half dead languages after the application of his justly famous head lock. He does not fear Finn, Russian, Greek or the noblest Roman of them all. From a. technical standpoint the most important event of the evening will be between Jim Londos and Renalo Gardini, who' are to wrestle for 'he world's llght-heavywelght championship. There will also be bouts between boxers from the Army, but those who stated that Navy boxers would appear seem to have been all at sea. No Navy bouts are scheduled. ON THE JERSEY SHORE. The announcement that the Dempsey-Carpentier bout will be held some where in Jersey City hardly comes as a surprise. When Rickard found that he could not hold it on this side of the river it was only reasonable to sup pose that he would pitch his arena an close to the other bank as was pos sible. Dempsey left New York yesterday afternoon for the health farm owned by Freddie Welsh, at Summit, N. J., which makes it look as if he was pre paring for more or less active training. Carpentier's cable to Rickard yesterday shows that he will bo in this country the early part of May, and his training quarters will be ready for him when he arrives, so both contestants soon will be at work. The grounds that appear best suited to Rickard's requirements in .)ers>\v will not permit of the building of an arena tha^. will seat many over 50,000 spectators. That means that the structure he erects will hold more fans than the Polo Grounds, but thousands less than the Yale Bowl. Tt also means that every seat Is apt to be filled, and 50,000 persons packed around a space the slse of a boxing ring form quite a considerable crowd. DIFFERENT TEMPERAMENTS. A fine judge of golf and golfers, who has seen both Miss Leitch and Miss Sterling play, said to us yesterday that while the Englishwoman would have the advantage of home surroundings the American girl would have the ad vantage of temperament. Miss Sterling is apt. to play her best against strong opposition, while Miss Leitch sometimes weakens a little If things break against her. Nevertheless. Mis* Leitch is not very likely to wea&en in the coming eomj>etition. As far as experience goes, she Is an old campaigner, having played the ancient and honorable game since she was about ii years old. She It; a, very sturdy type, with strong hands and v.lists, and she will be playing over ground that Is familiar to her. If Mies Sterling should win she will have performed a very remarkable feat. Carl May* has permitted just one run in eighteen innings. If there Is a more effective pitcher in the country to-day than this same Carl we have overlooked him. Under the driving of .lohnny Evers, the Chicago Cubs seem to be travel ling fast. They treated the Pittsburgh Pirates with scant courtesy yester day, in ppite of the fact that the Pirates were their guesls. Firat thing you know they'll be claiming the flag. Well, it never does any harm to be in there claiming?as long as you can show something to back it up. Weather reports from Detroit would indicate that the games scheduled there for the next few days would stand a better chance of being played if they were transferred to some point nearer the equator. Snow never helped either a baseball game or the attendance yet. ? _ . ? X Flv* games out of eight postponed on account of the weather add only to the batting average* of the waather man. Bughouse won the second race at Havre de Grace yesterday, and we'll wager that some of the bettors lived up to the winner's name. SISLER'S HIT STARTS BROWNS TO VICTORY Hia Triple and Jacobson's Sin gle Defeat White Sox. St. Lot'ia, April IN (American).?Si? l?r> triple and Jacmbson'a *injc!e in the elsrliitt after !?<> men ir*r? out. broke up a pitching duel hetwet n Shocker and Kerr ;ind gave St. I^o-iis h 3 10 - victory in the opening: came with ?'hi cago to-day. The score: CHICAGO (A.I I ST. LOUIS rA.? >b r li o a e ?li r h (i i ? Hooper,rf 40 1 0 0 n Tohln.i f.. .".II 1 00 John'n,** 4 0 0 2 8 40 1 1 4fl Collinii,2b ,f 0 1 ? 1 0 ;8laler,1b 2 2 t 15 0 0 8 11 13 0 O'Jarohn.ef !(1I 4 0 0 Moatll.ef. 411 1 I 01 Wetael.lf. 401 2 oo Falk.lf.. 3 00 0 o 0 Oleaaonjfc a o o 1100 Mul' 3 00 1 P 01 Lamb ,3b.. EOO o no Srhalk.e.. 301 s 1 o'Severtld.n 300 2 00 Kerr.p . . 3 00 0 0 0 Shocker, p. 200 1 3 0 Totale. 80 2 (1 24 18 o| Totals. .28 3 8 57 17 0 Chlmjo 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 St. r.oul" 2 0 0 A 0 O 0 1 x?3 Three base hit*?Tnbln. Slater. Home run ?Moaill. Sacrifice?Slular. Double plava Gleaaon. f?erber and Slfler: Cerber. Gleaiinn and Slater. I^aft on baaea?Chl"nx>?. t: St. T.ou1a, ">. Riw< on ballt?Off Kerr, . ? .fr Shoek?r, 2. Struck out?By Kerr, 1 . by Shocker. 3 T'mplree?Kvani and HllUe bt :ind. Time ??f came?I hour end 17 ?ilnutea. CUBS BUNCH THEIR HITS. Chicago. April 18 fXatlon-u i ?Chi cago bunched Ita hit* behind some er ratic fleldmg by the vlaitoi? and de feated Pittsburgh, 7 to 4. to?da>. Ty ler'a wlldneea was r"sponsible for scor ing hy the vifttlol*: I'lTTSBi ncH iN.i CWIOAOO (N.i abrh ii ? ? abrbone m>o i Oo naek.rf.. tni 2 no Carev.rf. 4 01 *? 1 A! Hollar.?* 4 t 3 2 SO o l * 2 t Terrv.-.'b.. 210 2 ." I Barn't.Sb 32 A 0 10C.rlmaa.1h 3 S 0 II 10 Wb't'd.rf 1 0 1 I llMalaei.'f. ? I v <n T'ro?jr,2b 1 1 " tfl 'larher.lf. 4 11 AO niimm.lh 4 02 a 0 0 r>#r?l,3b .. 412 t 'I Sr'.im t.r. 8 01 :i I OlO'Karr'l.o 3 AO 4 : o Zlim.p... VOn 0 AOITyler.p. 2(10 O 'O ftlanner.p l A o 0 t 'i ?Cut?hAw too A OA Totala. .SO 7101" 1#2 Carlaon.p A AO 0 tl i> Toule. .33 4 'i U4 U 2 ?Hatted for Ulaxner In eighth Inning PttfatMrgh ? 0 0 1 0 A A 3 O-t , Chicago -J A 0 3 2 o o o t_? Two baae htta--.Deal, 2: Rarbar. (irlmm. 2. i Htolen baae?Schmidt. Saerlflcea - Tyfer, I Tarry. Double playa? Carey, Maranvllle at>-l j Tlemay: Hollochpr. Terr> and Uritnea ; T?l*r, Holloeher at'd flrtMea. I^eft on ba?e? ~rt?f?luir*h, 0: Chlraao, 3 Ran-* on h*t|? Off Tyler. T; off ftlftR, ? 1: off fllarner. 1 I Iflta?Off Zlnn, A In 4 1-3 Innlnt*. off ?11?r ?ier. 1 In 2 2-8 Inning*; off ? arlaon, non? In ' 1 Innlnr. Strurtf put?Hi 7.lnri, 2: b\ f,!e - , ? ?r, 1 : by Tyler. 3 I.mlna pitcher 7!l"n 1'itiptraO?<VDay an'i t^nlgbty Tlm? of same ? I hour aad "I minute*. Snow and Wet Grounds; Fine Baseball Weather! IIE vicissitudes of baseball in the spring?vlcissiiudej. bv lh?* way, of no small evtffit. a* anybody wbo has i>'?pt ;#!> of th prankish or . pri.ic 'ias?lMill ui-Mtlifr 'or an apr >redabl? number of print* know* fall "e!l? r?re in t.n?ir coldw. M-'tes:, bc.? fOi:r. yes terday, snow on?> place, w? grounds another, rain lemwhcr* else. too cold where ii wasn't tret?that was ;i Tine, dismal. cantankerous mond the weather was in. This is the baseball w. ather If the ?weather directors only ?w it, but the w. d. made a fine mess of It. fee what they inflicted on fandoni: Rain and cold for the Yank* and Tied So* In New fork, snow for the Olants and Braves In Boston, snow covered field for the Titters and In diana in Detroit, rain for the Dodgers and Phillies In Philadelphia, crild weaither In Washington and so on sd ah vertum. l<ooks like a week of baseball HtOund steam radiators unless the weather fplks undergo m if rent ??hange of liesrt. HERRMANN TO TAKE BRIDE i't sets nati. Aiinl I*.?August Herr tn inn. president <>f the Cincinnati Na tlonal Lean j' baseball dub. will lw married Juh 20. Mrs. Kllgabeth Dougherty of Sheridan road, Chii-ago. will be the brine. Mrs. Dougherty fame to Cincinnati last week to visit friends and attended tlv opening Same at Tfcedland Field The wedding will take place at Mount Km in ter. near Taioma Wash. Mrs. Doug herty. widow of a contractor, at one time was a resident of Cincinnati Mr. Herrmann ia a widower, hi* wife har !m; died several war* sgo. Three knockouts marke-i the opt-iing bouts of the Hunt's Point Sporting <'lttb lna* night. .Timmy Ke'iv iiad \nd\ O'Soyle In helpless condition on thf ropes In t-he ninth round "hen the ref er?' intervened. O'Bovie had been on tli* floor In the fourth for a coun' o' si* and again In the seventh for s count of mven Harry Neisor stopped i.'c't Si nator with a left hook to the -liotnach in the fourth round and Voting Steven* se.tled <Seorgl" Mvers with a ilirht uppetrut to ? l.e chin in the firs; round. V. J KELLY STOPS 0B0YLE. American and National League Record*. RESULTS OF YESTERDAY S GAMES. \ wv.rican ttcAorn i i.kaoi k. M. 3l ? hlrnsn. t. J ? lltrwtn. t| ri??ihur*h. ?. Ofh?r gam** wrr? pnMpnnnl on arrnnnl ' (InrhHMfl. 4: *#. 1 <? if ruin. Ilthrr ninr< *fPf |Nt?tpAitril on irrnnnt of rnln. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. ??. I imiI* [ IcvpIaimI Kfroit. Hp ton "l?l*n*?? Philadelphia d. Won. I * t i i r.i. .;.v? i;oo 000 ,r*m -.oo .100 .Xil f hiritgn Hn?ton >rn t?rk ritUHiirgl*. f l*-f|nr**ll rtHl-4'tnhl i ft rnoMyr* M. IiURN fi*9?<i. H?n. i.r.<. 1.000 ion .m: .000 . loo ..Til !00 .000 GAMES SCHEDULED FOP TO-DAY. Kiittnn 111 N?w Urh. Hiilnit?>lj>lili? In \Ta*hin?lnn. riilMf* In W. n??flin<t In T>?tr??H. N#w \ nr|< In Hiwlnii i V M nnd P. M.(, RrnnkUn in PMIn4*lphln. ritl?hnrnt? In I him to ? *1. I mil* In I InrlnnnM. Put Sliea Recover# I *e of Pitching Arm After Visit ing Bone Setter. B y DAMKIi. ) tipr .<il Dta$tHch tn Thk N|? Vtwii Hnuin. Borrov. April 18.?Snuwflakes abated each other around the bases at Braves ' Field thijs afternoon and raging: torrents gushed in the outfield. It wan mean down Kast weather at it? meanest ?>.d, <yt course, the Xirft meeting of the Giants i and the Braves was out of the question. The clubs will be lunky to get In one of the two games scheduled for to-morrow, < Patriot* day. Coming after th~ tiunday rest in Ww York, the Giants' idleness to-d:iv rat particularly displeasing: to McQra* as j tile men ne?*d nil ft* worl' tl"*r ''at; Ross Young still limps with a hail kn?e and it is extremely doubtful If he will i get into the game to-morrow. MeGraw wants to take no chances with the right j fielder. ith Curtis Walker playing th" game j of his life there la no occasion to rush Young back before lie is ready. Walker is no Young: ?when it comw to catching a fly. but he is proving a power with the stick. Walker showed his grit last Sat urday when Lee Meadows of the Phillies tried to dust him off the plate. Meadows <*ame within a rat's whisker of bi-aning the outflelder-Vit Walker came rivht back and hit niird. collecting three safe ties for the day. Shen Recover* Hi* Speed. The pleasing bit of news of * i-ad da j came from Pat Shea, the young right hander. Shea got a sore arm down in I'ixie and \\ a? sent to bonesetter Rec*K" in \ oungstown. The bonesetter found a couple of ligaments in Shea's pitching arm crossed and anawed them back into Place. Last Saturday Shea tri^d out ?lis urn for the first time sin <? his trip t ' Retsf- and found that lie had lost the soreness and recovered his speed and his curve. 'T postponed that trial for :? f>nv dsv*. as I was afraid to face the possi ble fsci ihat my trip hail been for ? taught." said .Shea :hi6 evening. "On Saturday in Philadelphia f decided t!n<; ii wbs about time that I found out ?here I stood, so 1 went out and burned thorn over. I worked for twenty minutes and at the end ?asn't a bit tired. I had everything: I had before mv arm went1 bad." ?Shea's news will be mighty welcome to the cluh. for when he I? righl Pat is a pi!cher of parts, lie was the star of the International League with Toronto last season and won something like enty-fou: games. He outrh! to be good for a' least :en with the Gar s. < ven if he is not pn on the regular pitching schedule. Boston t in be ,-iid n|t 11 otn tin , Red ?5ox to the Biave.--. T e 1 o<-n 1 prec is OOnalder.ib'v "he! up" over the show as muah displeased over the wqtU of '.h' irg (if the National Leaguers and Quite Red Sox. The Brave, look a? if they might make some trouble. Ifughle Mc Quillan of Brooklyn Is due to pitch I r pa in at the Giant* to-morrow, with Art Nehf the New Voi k selection. Ditdgrr* liny Inrpflu* Critics. Giants and Br. m ;Ir that ti ? j Dodgers are about dot'. > The ltDtl(b a I cllib was a winner mainly on nitchi. p '.est season and ti'" imt ? r ar?- not showing anything now. llo e- er. .'nigh: , fev oltc|iera ai* goln? ; c't'nr tnejor league aid the Dt'Os. ? - n.;.< , work one o" 'tei suiv'ses befo-e long, j KtfeflufTa In.iui v iv;i? hurt the* nt than may he imagined. Major league pitc1 er* did not allow to advantage in the firs: series of the Heaaon. Half of the clubs averaged i better than ten hits a game, f hlle in , | fourteen contests the opposing outfits j totalled at least ten rum. The hlt'.ing , j l? heavy and most of the pltch"i\? at.' alow in rounding Into form Tli? Glen in point to tne > ?ii a: ?'>"v hp v. thf Vnd'ti'.' honi? i"' Ii '. ? o' : In v.iunc -> >. I' i i ?' r.'i t* i"!eoi 3< l\" Ij . vvln no n ??'- of fo ! aSe wallops ??> PV "ip'pliB:< e Rtitli has ni id> only on? I ^iir run t' i season, but let the'^ be no a arm o> ? r Ms failure to land more. Ill" <v tng , still is a hit short as his wrist has not recovered eni!r?l from the recent In- ] iurv REDS BLANK CARDINALS. Cincinnati, April 1* < National Good pitching by r<uqtie and some field ing: of a sparkling character enabled the Cincinnati Red* to 'U?fe?t f*. Ixw.a to-day. 4 to 0. Maj wta ptif out of the arame in tlf aacottfl Inning for pro teat ing i '-ailed bail, one run having b;en made off him Pertka wan tv Hit Tlie f?T, l.< ????? IN i i|.N( IN>.?TI IN ' pbri? n ?? at> r h n * ? Ilea ? ' ' " - ?" ? ? ' 1 ' '' ? " " 0 Four'ii.tb 4 On S l|H 1 anli'tll. Hi'i H ill St??.k ri. i on ii i i r:?i??e,nb 4 0 5 i 0 llor'b< If I <? t i 0" .i.ean.l' i? on Metfr.rf <00 i on i' IS:' " on t.a.a i,?? i ii ii t n ;*r<n'>-a.'Jh Ml > 3? Clwn'n* i ."."i :: :t''''' aim. * "lot < ? Top >t'.2b I 4 0 1 'r' *r>.' ' ?'l ? in Mil-, *> Mil 'I ft 0 1 .? II1. p .1l>#! 1 2 'I !*"rt 100 ?' 0<l ? Shotton. oftft 0 " i. Toi*l? ,.27 4 |2i ?? WalKi" p 000 n in Mn. Ilor. 100 0 0 o Klrc'er.p 0 0 ii ?? M' Total*. 35! n ? -4 12 1 ?Battel fui ivntci In sixth ini'lnc tBftt"il f>>l Walk" in thr enth ItMlng st. t,ou<? I' o n o '< H fi o (*-ji ClrietniiH'l "13 o o 0 n 0 x -?I Stole- ha ? ll' rti'i. 'i r. I'nnvca. <Jran\ ttaciiflcc i ui.ran, Mar-jrav*' 1 oul?l> play -Tr.pori '*! 1.0' ii> wirl H'ffli' r'? r. I,'ft mi l>a??" Si l^nii". ?. I'^KinMU, #. Haao* op hall>?Off l.uipi*. 1 "(: Mm, 2; off t'ertlca ?; off Wa"( i. ' ?>!' Klt-clvr. I Ittta-off L' I' ' - ; I'l'iiiti: off Wa!<.<-r, ft 1r. 1 ? mil>A off Pntlc*. 4 In I ;i Inning.* nff ' In - Inning*. Hi' 1'-. pttc her -Hy KIrr'ior. 1 it'ranei Struck out -Bv l.uque. 2: by IVrtlra 1 ?? Yfllker. t b> Ktrcfttr, n j*a<v il ball i l'in>ni?- l.ostng p|i'-h->r Ma' t.1nipn<"? BlalT anrf Mm an Tlrn- of gam?~1 hour anrt :<t mtnitr BRUSSEL WINS FROM LANGDON In the ''on-nustion of the amaeur handicap '-illline bKliard tournament fot iho Poggenliitry < ? ip n the Rational Recroal ion in Brooklyn last r gilt SId? nei Rii|"*o| t\' fea' r 1 Jfino? T.arndon. 125 to vi tn 1 wniy-?l* inninsa. Both .Mr class i' !>ln . ? ' Tlio v.inm- Ua>l t h ?ii i u'n of anil an average <>( 4 21-M, v hll? l.nnjdon'a beai ?.;rin3 was l i and Ii)k a\ erase :: S-i6. Robertson Must Train Two Weeks With No Pay f Chicago April is.?D?vtd Rob erlaon. ntitfiolder with th# Chi r/itn National!". S>tar>ended b,v raujr Sir iefu*e<1 to go on Hie apr(n? nn'iina ir'p miiat train for tno n ? ??: : iii i' ilcago w it'.inut aa av b? foti ;<i? '?|iona!oii v.-Mid tie mUeil J'rc a'ili nt \ * i k of t be ("uln told him io-i1hn. ffolie 'xrin rrtutned to hia home at Niv tiHK. v.i.. **' us ho ?onlil ?<1 ? lao President Veeck aa to hl? intention*. Robertann ?niil ho eon?i'lerod hl? peiaonal Wuaineaa mora pr?aaing than tKnt of playing ball. Richard to Make Public Location of Arena To-day Promoter- Aiinethnces French ?nan ^\ ill s.u'l for Aiiu'ricn on May 4.. "> < HAKI.KM f.', MATH I HO V. r?ick8,'d h"?n exploring Nan . f(" w*r?l 'iay* ?*.>(, und ,,, , 's"v'rith-the,,8kTt'r Slal'' t0_d:1> ",,,J in Koaich ftf*? ? that Commonwett!th ?5ntl?B* *tw~" D*mP~v and c7r clnrar? r u hou?f? the promoter de c ared 1,, had J10, Vet reachad a d* 10 '''' ??? *?"< '"r uJi^S.inic ?%Zr<?S2S?, 'STSM ,i ? , I Ins ua.: received in the Deacaraua " ('1,bk'*,a,n fro,? Krancois uescamps. manas-r 0f the Kr?irh Carueutlai- '' added Th.t v. arpeutlci iva* already in nn?- conrtl S?k?or"ii?linlnnd W""'d ne'" but six n?? ? training- to put him on edge rom that point indicated that the cham z\:ztr[riiie h*aith wiui the "effect* t'^at &??''" "iT is to taking considerable Interest ^ "r' tins: on the bout will not u" B' fin 101 como actw of the ?Port. hp much for Oarpenlier v a . . . J- }?" T^'T, BC'!J,i' ,ik* R"""b?rdW s Jo* Beckett and Gunboat Smith. sSSSr ana wrertk-ra ar* ready. Americiis. one-time wol] known crap Pler nntl now coachln, the urcstle?at w h^u ' nr,Vl1-' wi" 'o-d"v ^^,Tkn^"-" w"? 1 *? meet ' i H l>rwtit vhamnlon in * handicap match. Jim t,onr)n.- rhamnlon of Cr^, ;,?',alV,er'1""' champion of tui-.' win settje tin- quc?tion ?f rem, , * champions ?f P.,.,t ?n'! Ar?? cum,. ,? representatives 0f the nay. ,,v to' Pnrtlsnd ''I ?' f r?"n'' b""' K" - Tex RieUard exnecta to have f,atiier Hf^rs^r'r, ??. Ma.llaon Square r.?,d.n M, ? ni,.k. arc] *av ? h" will ft; ?< n.. r-i ? in .h, oru-r :^r prot^v"^ 1V? 2"" N>n- .i-r,-, ? T. mw,'v nnd Caipent'or ? ;?> l. ,Ve it our on .July Th?. recoilt>y ii? vv-tiw *? < ... nut. u hi. ;, wir ,.,ri,,?t op-,, at I\anhoo Oui B-oolcJyn. an.i whw, ha.? ?.*r.-d Rocky m?t <1,"^ action"nexl' ^1<>r,a' "a%- ^in?? ?"to c.r thf *r>. ,a> niyh'" w"?' -S-prn cir. the Chinatown Altar Hoy." who min k /" ff,vat s<n"ap wlth f-t^ Tie, w" havlT 'inS" r^nf!v, m.Hhavf S.-nn.' Smith, the pra^k ProokJ l)li hanfatr. his opponent in the ?|f. teen wind bout. fi, ? ?*inn i t l**o\frri f v%f?n:.v l i n, , , " , M,nr ' ^ n on veirl ' TV"'1 ,,,n' ! " 111anv it 1\"u ? ' ?JI ,,v',dV <*?? ttie'btrtti of a hab- girl Pete Hartlay witt get the t-,t te-nl*hi when !,e faces To. Wcllfn* at the ,onerr .Spo, tin* n,lb The conte8, ahould he InterentlnR-, as hotn a-, Vressive. " " LEON AND IONDON DRAW. loe l."on and Harry tendon laat ?i! e ? twelve rounds to a di?* i , the feature bout in the Sr,r Sportlna 'n Harlem. hi another twelve round ronteat Jlmmla |<-,n^ received the df laion over Phil llouKlar In a si* round bout Jlurrav Scliwaru ,f,'r".';;' #wte?r boxtr. otitpoin'-rj ? lick Wilson. It w.ia Rchi?*rtx'? f|. v, I i ofe..ion?l bout. { Local Boxing Bouts for Current Week TO-Mi. HI. PioiM#r H. I'.?.lor \\ filing %?. IV?* kinrt ?pj. 15 roui ds. Brooklyn %rrm??Di\f Ko?<?tib*i2 \s. latin#-! SqUIvab, i.". riMi.ii- Himmj K.-ro# %?. Hilly Manfon. lo round*. !*??> ftidftr S. i'.? 4 I> Itirnrr v*. I*uui *iini|?<vot>, 15 round*. WKDNK?|)A\ Mi.HT. CoiDiimnHftillli H. C.-K. O. Piill l>#lmont ti. Willi* Curry. l i round*: Al Norton Hi?hhy I.jon*, IN round*. U'imnIIu*ven Hporfing ( ltil>? Dutch Brandt vi?. M?f (ilnhberi. 12 round*; Har\r> Itrlglit \h. F.ddle llrad.t. I'J rounds. TH1 M1)A\ NIGHT, National S. ('.?Walter Brvolts Jo* J<3%itr. 10 roundn. Itrijriitnti llt-Mch Sporting ( hih? Brandt r*. Krankit* Kdtvard*. 15 ? mind*; Harry .NVImiii %%. .lurk l.rddy. in round*. FKIDAV MCfHT. \\ nlker s. C.-\1 illif ^peiiivr \?. Sonny Smith. 15 round*. SAT1 K!>A\ MO HI. Woodliattn Kportint < lu*? il)?\ter Tmk) ?T>rry l>a\i* K. O. Uid Dulv, r> rounds; Charlr* Kid Kohlcr f.ddir \nd**r*on. 1H rounds. BIG SHAKEUP IN ELI VARSITY CREW Gay Nit-kiil Is Mjike* M?iiv Changes in Pi-optiratiou for Ka<*c Witli (OlumbiH. Fprcial Onfiatch to Tsib New Vikk llriu, Nit v.* Havkx, April IS.?Guy Nlckalls, oac'.i or the Yal ere .v :o-dny smashed the eight w .ilt.: was beuten b> Pennsyl vania on Saturday in on** of th* b ? scat shak"upa since Muti.ei a. Abbott mad* the second re'.v the va:<!iv :i ft< . ?lie men.orjtble d* f-ar of th<- s?ni?>r e=abL at the hands of P i*n on the Hi.m tonic course two a no. That th* sho>vlng ?f the Yale arsity , wa< a koen disappointment to tne * oach j and Vale crew followers is not denied, j .Uid there were thie" new tart? in the | first shell when it took to the river thin afternoon Heinlnway. 'he stroke: Mar ! tin and Mali were tel ';at? d o the scc ' ?nd t igiit. and heal!*, ltusseii and Pav on were In their plao 3. Leslie was the j stroke of the second var-ltv n' en it oefrai**d l'< nn's recoinl i,-r* w on ,-*atur ?ii. and *s kept in the vr.r9it> boir '1 r!i ? afl'Tnoon. li probably i*. i'i i> ; retaitt'.-d 1'ieie. .1 ?. ?* 's heavier w?d a mor: exjie'rleuwl 0*1 than tin* V.'aMr-] town ooy. made shift . ftui $1 if' i. ti.e rr.->t eliriit. shifting *?? *?l ..f si,. 1 who tv?re in the sJhII at il"- sinrt of ?araoiic*. e'npt Hord h. No. ?>. '?n at No. .'1 and Lesli*. at striitve w?*i? the unlv men wiio held their seats during the noat strenuous afternoon a Yaie crew has nut In for years. The crew ; ilnieiied work with this pc vim.*! : Stroki. Leslie: No. 7. Mill: No. C Hord; , No. i. 1 llhjon : N'o I. Pay son : N'o. -1. Cowies ; N'*;s. J Martin: Viv. Ruaaell. Nl*-kttll> wasn't n*rtroul*r y sat ; ;\ -d with this ronihination. and innouneed , that the irsliy tv-?i?orr *w ? i'?i he ma'i' up tl.l/- w?> : .Stro*;* !. f: No 7. Mjii : No. t>. Hord: \ * Oibsun ? Xo. *, Pay>ion ; \'<>. r: Cor e . No. ~ i'elij : 1k*w. Whitney. BEECHER HUM. BLOOM WINS. Mi*h*p< iv.aike<i : ie ho. 1.1 .it the Bioi'Iwm' Kxhih tion Asaoiialion. Brooklyn, last right, borh the chief ; event and the semi-final comes; beintr utopued as a result of injuries to con testants. Phil Bloom and \Vi!l'e Beeciier. ancient rivals, were thump'nx ear o;h?r m? i rily. with Bloom "ravin# th# ad 'untnRe. .Suddenly, d inn * in xu.i !r? li ? iln'ii .01 <1. Hee ier e^aaed iuatiii .1. ^ ai? i *? id ha: o" 1? :o an ,n" . . :.?? his trust) loft he '?'o i.'i t?< . 'Ill Willie M:< rliion mill lljrr t'hie".. n ? ;i ..???V.ird in the pr' o<iut. f en. b >s in; v:toroiiaiy in the third ro.vjd. when Cl-iel sud'lenLv s;oppe?l and said iie had fool IrouUi*- and % oj'?! have to ?'> t*> the garage. In : he o he 1 i?ouis Sammy S;on? a:id .'.^ckie Harris boxed 4 draw, while Chariav fornes outpointed lack .Mat thews. I)i(l l-ION FOK kip n?lll\>??*. KALTtMonK. Ap-il I*. Ki.i tTilllama de feat).<1 f'at' Ptirvear of t'eoria. til . In tw?'ve rounda to-night The vi'iot toot ma'teri v Ithout un.lne ritrtlW in tli? first elghi rounds. BKITT *TOP? fit I /I.TTI ,\KW HKDKORD. .Ma-. , April is.--I'ran^ Bi'". "f 11:t? city, fief?'*too .flniml. ''ri?e ||, 'of }tio**i*on. 1 are tc nlati PruTtttra "c |e <!? th*' to * c| Into tl ? rlnt Jti? a ? the bell (sounded for to- ?nd of th* ?lvtli FIRST DAVIS CUP TIE IS ARRANGED Art??? nIiitrt hiiiI limiiuu-k Altcc to "M'lnl I'M] II U Tfillll* to Tliik < uiiiiti v. H>- <iUI( Kl, .1. IIIIOOhMW, Argentina and l>?rtrr,.?ik ai> fi:?t to < ome to an agreement a* to I'm \em.e for their Da via cup tie. Ac- '?rd :v; in a cablegram received a off:< i >f t'.>? ( iiixl state* U M\n yeaierday tti#? off:. lals of th. two na tion* have dt elded to m~?t -ach other half c.a> M>id send their team* to th's country. The deiis'on ??? rot niiev pecte'j, foi It nu- lit" oik fo the South \in??rieai? and the ? .1 navi in CWtntfKi to arrive at. Aaldr team Ih I fact that tli* t'nited Sta >.?? I ui ; raj: eat ed it. llu* choio .? a 4 pro. iy'.t- t hy tir f;; i tirit b; ? uiillii-: to ill's < oi'r ir; !': teams In t|ii?r<tion would Mtve i ruiiiiier A|>.? amount of exi en.'e .'..oney -jnd .'oi-ld t? in a posit'on to ^ lines* the later round* of the Internationa towna ment and eomoete in o'ir national cham pionships a* well. The match is to b' pla.i?j the iirai wee'; of A'J gust at a p!ae ? to he ue-ig na'.rd by the I*nit?il State: association. Already the aascriatlon Kii received it it - nierooe blda from (lUiba in the East and middle WeM anxious to itjje one of til'* Davis uuii ties and there acarcely will be enough to go around. Before artj as signment is mnde of the Arsent:na-I>en niark tie. huwe\?r. the "\eontive co.n Wittee nil! await the d>- laion* of rom> of the other countries regarding tlv ir P'.'eliminarl?g. N'o other official communication nas been received to date, but It i- kr.owr. that negotiationk are under nay between Spain and England. Canada nod Aus tralasia. .lapen and the Philippine*. Czechoslovakia and Belgium a:td India and France. The Argentina-Denmark acriea am! that of India \ s. France are . second round tiea. the rrst first round. Indications art that Auatrciiasia will .-.end a 'tajn to pla> Canada somewhere in the Dominion. E. M. Senior o. To ronto has eent word that i'i'u.Ih 1* anx io*.!j to have the mat. i lake piaee liter* anu tilt Cuited .State.* has stared its ap proval of that arraignment. Vancouver, too aopear* to he Just as desirous of liov ng the match, and it will be up to tii* Canadian association to decide. 11 is practically certa n that Spain and tlii- Rritlsh Isles will decide their i preliminary . In Europe. India is llk?l'. | to send its team fo France. i"zeciin Slovakia and Belgium ma> m e- on Brit'sh turf about the time of the- Bri' 1th championships at Wimbledon, bus ?Japan and the Phlllppinea ate exne teii t" ettle their preliminar;. lie in iii country. In ii lett i to Jollu'i S. Myilck, ore.-i dent of the I'nit'd Si tie ? Lawn T ;i :? Ass ici;?tlot?. T. A?ab?il;i of Tol?'->. w!>? has oeen active in Japanese tonn a oi - jj; ..ization for y,;ir.?, \ thai his as sociation ir dr.irg its b s; to make i.t tnin of being repr>.sented here by |> Urona-'tt possible team. It is known thai Zen so ShiuiiUzu. now in l.'?!cu: ta. h<9 b'cn a.sked to come tD the I'nited Stat to join Irhlya Kuniapar. and while the flrwt reply was unfavorable titer i? reason to helh-ve that it was not flual. R^ginniiiK wiili the Htcvnd rouru in a teller, the United S^ate# Asao'->?t;<>ti esneets to ? e mum of the ?urvlvinc team* In thi* couBti;, and n i;>od ^ne*? is that fix oi >evt n of th- Davis ctip I t ?" e ; !1 |t',;i . .J ? I \ nuni f ?-.viiib 'io'> tap i'? b- ? t?e-n pl?>ef?of o? lau'. wilt b playr i ? i' ? VVi'.H S:d? Tcruiis ( .ui) of I'V v i H !!? o;i jSaii.rd .y for .he . ?p?-^ia! hen - fit t ( ?s (Jeddes. the Brlt!*!i Ainbjs.-rjdor. who i? o b?' th? i{i:e*t o: hsnor -it the d nner to the Davis cup team on Fridaj evening. .Samuel ITaid'. . captain of the Davis cup team, is ar ranging the programme. Undoubtedly William T. Tiiden 2d, world'a rhamrriot'. R Xorri Wiliiarna 2d. Watson id Wt< i fcurti ?n<l Cliarlee S. Garland ?>" fie D.tx ;s cup fnni of l?to will he 1 rnon the participant* in ill.- e.'.bi'.ji;lo . In c.'le.italij. it will milthe nusti j Ing if the tennis sea >r. ..t i-. i -i liii ?. CHANEY WINS ON FOUL. ?Jar. rl ti . T?,v \|ru- ^trtn Hk \ PHn.AOU.PHlA. April 1 >? Getig- K ? A I'i';. of Haltimo.-e to-iuglit woe i'i flnnl bout at the Camden Sports men's flub in the seeond round when he was fouJed by Pepper Martin tef Bos ton Ohaney ?*?.? hit low and It was several minutes before be could leave the rin?. Dann\ Kramer received the verdict over Joe f?T?onnell of Gloucester. N. .1. Tlieie way little to choose between Battling Murray of South Philadelphia ! and Johnny Htianer of New York. A drav wss the popular verdict. Ibinny I-Yush knew too much foi Tommy Oetry and <ron the verdict by a c'.mfortable margin In eight round* ?' i ii w is knocked groggy *ri the enth round. Clemons SttabluktJ l8gS 39? & BROADWAY J iy THIS MORNING: A SALE Of All Our Higher Priced Spring TOPCOATS *34.50 cRgduced From f55 and *60 A round-up of our two highest price groups ? And a wind-up at #34.50 ? Her ringbones (Sand and Gray) among them shine, half-rain?you need a coat that's wholly good for both halves? A :;:Scotch Mist. Attractive Scottish chev iots specially constructed for rainproofing. As porous as any all-wool garment, yet proof against showers. T wo-coats-in-one?smart Spring overcoat when it's cool: raincoat when it rains. Spring suits. Values as generous as the stock is ample. Prices based on to day's replacement values. * R*0\ tri-rd 7 r&dfuiarl Fogers Peet Company Broadway Broadway it 13th St. "Four at 34th St. Convenient Broadway Corners" Fifth Ave. at Warren at 41st St. Your Move! Playing chess. The board )? irt. Your friend opens the game. Your mov<! UsiTKI) .-?pcrates tire and xrce' >.y stores in more than 35 cit-ie". In each clean first qui'lity goods, "the best at less" ? clear price marks?attentive, in telligent talesmen. United is ready to serve you completely in quality? price and (irrvicc rendered. United has set the board and made the opening. Your move! I nifcr- Ai;fo Stores, Inc. E:.ecutive Office* IT East <<lst St., New York a mn.litlnn* iirr\al1ln| lhl? v\lnt??r f*nmtiI* *1 ? * l? t>u> ttiouWMli I1rr? ?it rnh-a.ii of |kmm! ?h* m ip ? wr li;t%e offer fhif Vfflk tfcGRAW CORD TIRES i.i the .otial mintlfbiNt i?r Jit 4.rail ?s I hr??? vmro 1?? Qtiallt I K^kMilarl^ 4 .i'pran!?'f rl l?> th#? m?kf? ?.IMN> I he Mukfr * name t? n ?rh *ud He I'U^cntce Rierv Tire at ff\ mr 50'; Reductions SI*#. I.tot PrlCH. Our PH. :<w; $ KU7 !.'*? hi :<n M.I A X?x t .Vi.flO Mt.lM Ux4 .V. 30 27 <M U?* W 60.S0 SO.M ??? n.n MX4.S . Or. :?? -It ?n tjit ^ rn in.? S.77 3A M.?I7 .17*0 81.34 40 ?? 30*3>/2 U. S. Rubber Co. i':a- $13.75 Quail* . \nm? in l s?*ri?| Number* On 33*4 Goodrich Cords $36.95 I*' yunlf ; Sinf-" Non-Skirt Tre?fl* 35x5 Goodrich Cord* $53.50 1st Vmli'y ft i ??? s on- Skirl Trekrt* 35*4Vjj Goodyear Cords $49.50 1* Villi" V ?* Tnuxfci Perfection *??' Tires 50^ Off f'erfem. FriMh ?'vi ' rii*'-.intend br ?*?? *"?*? ?i;.S7 1.11N$ a?r4i; r?..v? i#?4 ?< "tv*i 84i t ? , , "> u? 30x3 Phtns $9.00: 30*3'/2 JmA" $1195 i-o*?prc?vi sai.k ruis wf.ek ov $100,000 Stock of Auto Supplies f i r?*H Motc? Hi.*JJI: $t IS H.r,lT<Jniet?r* M W Hmvf Horna $** SI A .V) <tew?rf \V%rne?- #<n;m ? yet era 19..W ?a tv> rv>weHVj v?>ot fi'mjV' W.W ti .(Ml \ lit ft B?ik ICrst < *1.00 $10 no Anderson \??tHffllt# ? l ?> Abf??ri>er> l*or< J < M?t of 4 ?7.<VI oo ? F!f?mco Tuner* f-'ard ? Our store io ? b!.>*k Inn- Jtmtnetf Pull E.J. Willis Co., 85 Clumber. St %lrm7 l*i \ulo Wore i nr. B *?'? Tel. Worth WJ4 eeeb Cur Tire Priees Scare Competitors! %c%-? M?ftt H"? ll#re 1* Fronomtre I.Mi's ot A1 Cord or Fabric Tires >??ir>e ff>w frirrt of the "Bit .inbi Qoodyoar Islt. . . . S29 35>4 Ccrds. 144; a.'sa 2ds,5l'; Discount Gcodr ch Ists. 33x4 Cords . . $32.51 Goodrich 2ds at . . . 51 r Discount Firestone 2ds B?it best wearing tires Fabrics or Cords 2 for price o! I U. 3. Cords. 35*S Tds .... $32 35x5 and 37x5 in SI Makes at $12. $14. Slfi. 511. S?l. 4c * I NO 5.ICI T.res. various maVes and sizes, m. ?7. *v 8io. ?r: Mil. ?hi, 8i?. An V*rift v Inchirllng .ill I he ?<?ri?- < LIN< IIF.H :??..! MKTHlC ?Ue*. Used or So;fed Tires. Mostly Cords, *ft. ??. HI*. Gel Everyone's Pr ces. Then Try Us I Take \HvittU| of ? OfTeAlpf Jandorf Autumobile Co., rifff >vn ri"??. nni'Mi r\(K\t i. o i ... n ? r- .hiKh-. 1 i.i 1*M 1691 Broadway, Near 53d St. .4 aitr>:i 'if <n iht t.olt fin<i I oil d r:ni ? ?S nj THK S KW YORK HKKAI.D n tf/ii po??ioi.'tiy ?/ rtcovt'iny your lo*t property.