Newspaper Page Text
OFFICE SPACE HUNT BEAU ITS CLIMAX Activity Chiefly in Miiltown; Company Leases Buildings in 7th Avenue Zone. The holdings of the late Daniel A. Loring at 153 to 183 West Thirty fourth street, adjoining tne southeast corner of Seventh avenue, are the sub ject of a leasing transaction now under way. through the formation at Albany of the 160 West Thirty-fourth Street Corporation, with J. S. Cross as at torney. The realty consists of three four story buildings, the easterly di mension being 98.9 feet and tha west erly but 24.8 feet. The two westerly buildings comprise the easterly two thirds of the Seventh avenue corner, being but 43 feet therefrom. In the new company are C. E. Moore, B. Felnberg and A. M. Hessinger. Maurice Wertheim leased the parlor I floor store In 415 Lexington avenue, j northeast corner .of Forty-third street, to i the M. H. T. Comqany (Manuel H. | Tltlebaum, president) for a wearing ap- ; parcl shop. The two story building at 1989 1 Broadway, between fiixty-seventh and Slxl.v-elghth streets, has been leased by , Adolph H. Mayers, tho Vlctrola dealer, j from the Trebulis Realty Company, Inc., ; a holding company for the Shubcrts. The , building fronts 28.1 feet on Broadway and has a depth of 118 The lease ; calls for a rental of $150,000 for the term. Alterations will be made. The , Haggstron-Calien Company were the : brokers. Manson-Jacobs Co., Inc., and A. G. Thompson Company, cobrokers, rented for Charles H. Anderson, the negro banker of Jacksonville, Eta., the corner store in the proposed bank building at the northwest corner of 135th street i and Lenox avenui for twenty-one j years, at a gros3 rental of $300,000. beginning November 1, 1931, and end- , ing October 31, 1942, to the League Buffet Lunch Corporation. The average i rental per foot of this building amounts to $700 per front foot on Lenox avenue. James K. Watson, attorney, represented Mr. Anderson and Harold Flatto the League Buffet Lunch Corporation.' Cross & Brown Company leased a floor comprising 9,300 square feet at 48 and 50 East Twenty-first street and 49 East Twentieth street to B. Kugel i Company, importers of art linens. M. Rosenthal Company leased to the i Elastic Braid Company tho third floor j in 253 Fiftli avenue. Daniel Birdsall &' Co., Inc., rented , store and basement in 64 Grand street j to the Aberdine Trading Corporation; fourth loft in 36 East Twelfth street to Cooper & Cooper, and fourth loft In 111 East Fourteenth street to Louis & Sclvelli. White-Goodman leased the second floor in SSI Eighth avenue to Dr. A. j Berger; second loft in 71 Pine street to II A. Goerl Company, and with M. Rosenthal Company, third loft in 20 West Twenty-seventh street to Harry Laufer. Charles B. Van Valen, Inc., rented offices in 110 William street to Alfred B. Nathan; In 51 and 53 Maiden lane to Joseph C. Murphy & Co. and John S. Toomey & Co. and in 50 to 56 John street to Bernard F. Golden. Maurice Wertheim leased to A. 8. Lewis, Inc., Arthur S. T-ewis president, north store in 408 Lexington avenue, In , the Hotel Commodore, for a branch re- i tail nut store. Pease & Elliman have subleased for the American Fur Dealers Association offices in Masonic Temple, Twenty third street and Sixth avenue, to the Golberg Bedding Machine Company. Cross & Brown Company, with Harris. Vought & Co., leased spaco In j 582 Fifth avenue to Paula Loschack, milliner. Residential Lenses. Pease & Elllman leased the four story 1? foot dwelling at 60 East Seventy ninth street, between Park and Madison avenues, for Albert L. Hoffman of the Natlonul City Rank to Glover Beardsley of the Otis Elevator Company. The same brokers leased apartments as fol lows: In 563 Park avenue to W. J. ?' Stone and Frederick M. Bocket. In 30 i West Fifty-ninth street to Max Spelgel ; and to Paul D. Langdon, in 490 Wc,st End avenue for the Durham Realty ! Company to G. S. Otis, and In 226 West Seventieth street to Irving Welnsteln. Worthlngton Whlfehouse, Inc.. leased ! furnished for Mrs. Drury A. McMlllen ' her residence at 148 East Fifty-fifth | street to Mrs. Christopher D. Smlthers. j Albert B. Ashforth. Inc., leased apart ments In 547 Fifth avenue to Frank S. Evans, In 469 Fourth avenue to Mrs. Katherine MacDonald, and In 148 West Fifty-seventh street to Miss Jessie E. Nagle. Douglas Gibbons & Co. rented the fol lowing apartments: In 383 Park ave nue to Mrs. John R. Ogden, In 110 East Fifty-fourth street to Hoyt A. Perry, In 182 West Fifty-eighth street to C. T. Sil ver, In 145 East Flfty-s'eond street to Joseph Drake, and in 144 East Thirty sixth street to Francis H. Brownell, Jr. I,con S. Altmayer leased the six room end bath apartment on the fourth floor In 1038 Park avenue, southwest corner of Eighty-sixth street, to Louis A. PInon. Heighten Company leased for the Stability Realty Company the three story dwelling at 334 West Eighty-fourth utreet. Plan Flat far Bryce Estate. The Lloyd 8. Bryce estate filed plans yesterday for a fourteen story apart ment house. 70.0x90, at the northeast corner of Fifth avenue and Ninety-fifth etreet, through the Fred F. French Com pany, architects. The estimated cost Is 8500,000. This Is the third set of plans filed during the last few years for the Improvement of this plot. In July. 1919, Shape, Brendy 4. i'eterkln, architects, filed plans for a twelve story structure to cost $600,000, and In 1916 tho origi nal plans were filed and the project temporarily abandoned. Manhattan Transfers, Vincent Van Riper sold to Georgiana Flock a four story building with stores, 28.4x98.9, at 210 West Twenty-sixth etreet. Joreph 8,t ger purchased a six story tenement with four stores, 60x100, at Of and 68 Essex street, renting for 824,000 and held at $145,000. It was built three years ago. The Bast Klver National Bank sold to Joseph Rublno 160 and 162 Sullivan street, a six story tenement with stores, 100x48.1. Emma Tyroller sold to Nicola and Lulgl Sabrtlno a four story tenement and store, 25x66. at 2298 First avenue. Vincent Van Riper sold to Georgiana Flock n five story flat, 25x98.9, at 249 West Twenty-flrst street. Ella M. Perrela sold to Frances Ney n five story tenement, 27x100.11, at 243 East 123d street. The Henry Ellas Brewing Company sold to Herman Henry th? northeast comer of Klvlngton and Pitt streets, four and five story tenements with stores. 28.3x64.8. Isabella Freund snd others sold for 827,500 ?o Zlppora F. Heller a four story dwelling, 18.9x75, at 796 I?exington ave nue, between* Sixty-first and Sixty-sec ond streets. Ezcklcl Flxman resold to Louis Slgll man a threo story dwelling, 18x83.6, at 396 Manhattan avenue. Elizabeth B. Dunlap sold to Donald H. Miller a three story dwelling at 1 Grove Court ?amue] and Cella Welnstock sold to Joseph Caiorus a three story dwelling,, at 25 West 113th Bfroet. A INVESTORS ACTIVE AT BRONX AUCTION One Buys Entire Bloek Front at Sale of Watson Estate in Eastcliester Section. F. C. Brinkerhoff, a real estate man of Springfield, Mass., was riding down town on a Broadway surface car yester day when he came across the announce ment of the Watson estate sale in The N*ew York Herald. Now Mr. Brinkerhoff had come to town for too purpose or closing a his deal, and local auction sales were entirely outside of his pro gramme. He had, however, a strong desire to see Joseph P. /Day In action on tlie rostrum, so he asked the con ductor where Vebey street was, and eventually reached the Real Estate Ex change, whither about ?lg*ht hundred peoplo had preceded him. To make a long story short by anticipating the In evitable lie bought one of 475 lots comprising the Israel Watson estate in the Eastchestcr section of The Bronx. He learned what a great many foU now know?Viiat thoae who visit one Day's sales out of mere curiosity stick to the role of impersonal witness if they happen to have the price of a ln But'the story has a wider significance toan that. It is another bit 0'?vidence that the present lot market is larLeb supported by the Investor Of course the homebuilder has created toe in his effort to locate available 8lt?8* but the demand fostered by the latter has presented the opportunity to those who like Mr. Brinkerhoff, have some ?Sey.o..?..t Th. admitted to a representative of The new York Herald that as far as any other motive was concerned ha tad" little use for the lot as a cat The principal purchase at the Watson sale was made by an inyestor. P. J. Hangley, who has bought heavily in the real estate market. He was the successful bidder for the block front on the east side of Eastehester road, for which he paid $14,000. Another^arge sale was made to George T. Bernard, who bought the northwest corner of Eastchestcr road and Waring avenue paying $2,075. Mr Bernard bought more than forty lots at the Bruce Browa estate auction sale ,nslEpr^n?; which ho recently resold at a largo Prpiots on the west side of road, between Warlng and ^ nues, brought from $2,000 to $1.4--? each while a small lot at the corner Sche.ter road and Mace avenue was sold for $525. The southwest corner of Eastehester ^ad and Waring avenue brought $1,200. and adjoining gj^uth to the brought $1,375. ine souin east corner of Waring and Fen ton ave nues was sold for $5.a. yWk the op nositc northeast corner brought $5.5. The plot adjoining to the cast was sold f?Thc'northwest comer of Warlngand Morgan avenues was p"1<lfor was the northwest corner of Waring on i Fenton avenues, inside lots bring-j tog $"75 each. Inside plots on Morgan 'avenue between Waring and Mace ave nue" brought $25" Those on S^mour avenue, between Waring and Mace aie nues, brought $200 each. Waring A Plot on the south side or waring avenue, near Seymour ffiin while short nlots on the same avenue, between Fish and Seymour a\e- j nnes. sold for $560 each. I On Woodhull avenue, between W arlng and Maee avenues, plots averaged $ ? each to $?00, a,nd on Mace avenue, west of Woodhull avenue. $700 each. T lots 1 ? ??V .Me of Woodhull avenue brought $325 each, while the southenst corner of Mace and Woodhull avenues ^Commissioner John K Kustls wbo has . been identified with Bronx real estate for many years as Public Service Com missioner. and who was largely J?sp h I slbie for the building of the first sub ways in the northern borough, congrat ulated Mr. Pay upon the able way In which he bandied the sale. As attorney for the Watson estate, Commissioner Euatis has watched this property manv vears. He said the Prices paid by the purchasers at the Watson estate auc tion sale would look exceedingly cheap a few years from now because of the fact that the section is bound to grow. BRONX TRADERS ACTIVE IN IMPROVED PROPERTY The Kodgy Bul'rting Company has sold to the B. & D. Rea'ty Company the new five etory apartment houae on the west side o' Andrews avenue. 350 feet south of Fordham road, on a plot 75x123. The structure was but recently completed by the selling company, of which Harry Freed is president, and carries a mort gage of $90,000, which was advanced by the City Mortgage Company. The pur chasing company represents Samuel Derfnor and Morris A. Barg. Julius Trattner sold for Mrs. Maria Kehr the five story doub'e fl?t, 25x100, at 355 Fast 135th street to Mrs. Helen Wlttman. Alexander Relkln and David Mlntr sold 2578 Creaton avenue, a three story dwelling, 40x78. Eugene J. Busher Company, Inc., and James C. Green eold for the estate of George H. Mott 595 Walton avenue, a three family frame building, 25x100. Nehring Brothers resold for Thomas E. Loughlln 2279 University avenue, a three story frame building, 50x100, to Henry Sullivan. Hugo Wabst sold for William Hallock the two family frame dwelling at 845 East 226th street to M. Busse. A. Eufemla sold the lot, 25x100. on the north side of Gun Hill road, 150 feet east of Hone avenue, to Emlllo D! Marco, who will erect a two story dwelling. Melroae Theatre I,eased. The newly organised K. B. A L. Amusement Corporation. L. l?ande presi dent, has leased from the Elton Holding Company the new motion picture theatre. 100x105, known as the Melrose, at 413 to 421 East 161st street, extending through to 414 to 420 East 16 2d street. The Bronx. The lease is for twenty-one years at rentals aggregating $420,000. Bronx Transfers. Lucia Cagilano bought a three story building with store. 25x100. at 551 Courtlandt avenue, near 153d street. Morris Ossoff sold to Peter Martini a two story dwelling, 16x100, at 1061 Fox street. TO SELL GEEAT NECK TBACT. ? Joseph P. Day will sell on the County Court House steps at Mlncola, Nassau county, on Friday, September 30, a tract of approximately nine acres, with large frontages on East road and Man basset Hay. In 'Treat Neck. L. r. The sale will be held to satisfy a Men and other charges amounting to about $40,000. Great T^cj-k Is loeated Just over the New York city line, and at the present time there Is little actual shore frontage which can be purchased. During the rest few years a number of parccTg have changed Knmls which have been 'si proved with costly dwellings and arc now occupied by their owners. William R. Conkiin, 81 Nassau street, is the attorney for the plaintiff In the forthcoming rata. ROBERTS ESTATE SELLS LAST OF ITS HOLDINGS The estate of Edward Roberts has dis- | posed of its tentli and last holding in the sale, through Horace S. Ely & Co., I of the four story dwelling, "5.2x80, at the northwest corner of Lenox avenue and 12 2d street, to a client of Ernest T. Bower. The property was acquired by Mr. Roberts and occupied by him for many years. C. Royco Hubert sold for Mrs. Ana Pomares the four story dwelling, 18x95, at 136 West Seventy-eighth street. Butler & Baldwin, Inc., sold for Dr J. M. O'Brien to a client of Pochor & Co., the three story dwelling at 308 West j ' Thirty-fourth street, 19x98.9, held at $35,000. Harris, Voght & Co. sold for Herman I j. Roth a three story dwelling, 16.8x 45x87. at 152 East Eighty-second street. 8. K. Jacobs sold a four story dwell ing, 20x100.5, at 33 West Seventieth ' street, between Central Park West and j Columbus avenue. OPERATORS BUY SITE FOR ROCK AW AY tiOTEL The estate of William S. Devery, for- ; mer police Inspector, has sold a vacant plot, 85x120, on Summit Drive, Far Rockaway to B. M. Goldberger, presi ! dent of the Goldberger Manufacturing I Corporation, real estate operators, who ' announce that they will at once begin j the construction of an eight story hotel ! to cost $150,000. The site overlooks | Jamaica Bay. About 100 lots purchnsed by the Beck 1 Brown Company lest August In the Hill side avenue section of Jamaica have ; been resold to Joseph Ruben Realty I Company. William 81m and A. Skodnick, ; builders, who will Improve them with ono and two family houses, W. W. Sel dln was the broker. Dr. William N. Knowlton, a Brooklyn physician, has purchased an apartment at Jackson Heights, Queens. Owner fur Princess Court. The six story elevator apartment house Princess Court ut the northeast j corner of Broadway and 164th street, recently acquired by EsthT Block from the S. & C. Realty Company, has been conveyed by Mrs. Block to Etlie ; Nadler. The structure stands on a plot 100x100. MONEY TO LOAN AND WANTED ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. BUILDERS BUY HOUSING SITES IN FLAT BUSH William Lisa, Inc., sold for the Garden Land Company, Inc., the southwest cor ner of Avenue H and Coney Island ave nue, 1110x95, to the Tulbonsore Realty Corporation, which will Improve with one family detached houses and garages. St. Mark's Roman Catholic Church, Rev. Donald J. McCarthy pastor, pur chased for a new church the plot, 150x 400, at Ocean and Jerome avenues, Shecpshead Ray, from the Long Islanu Railroad for {25,000. A convent, school and rectory will also be erected, the group being estiniatd to cost $400,000. Realty Associates sold to I. I.owen feld a semi-detached two family house with garage at 258 Sullivan streeet, be tween Nostrand and Rogers avenues. This is last of the row of twenty one houses of this type recently com pleted by the developers on Sullivan street. J. Lacov sold from plans for the Gor man Realty Company, Inc., to Mrs. 8. Morrison a two family house. 32.6x100, on the cast side of East Eighteenth street, 140 feet south of Avenue K. Bulkley & llorton Company sold 538 Monroe street, a three ?tory dwelling, 19.6x100, for Llla A. Miller and Martha V. Tarleton, Charles Partridge sold the detachod dwelling at 49 East Thirty-second street, near Snyder avenue, for Louis Weltkson. Mack Brothers, llorists, leased a store in 1094 Flatbush avenue, corner of Dur yea place, at an aggregate rental of $13,000 through Pylo & Co. ESTATES APPRAISED. FRANCIS K. BANCS March 20. 1020). Leav ing au estate of $413,011. Wife, Helen \V. Bangs, list West Seventy-third street, re ceives $50,000 In real estate, $7,7li7 In per sonalty. $22,819 In rash and u life Interest In $103,080. Children. Francis M., Mary W. and Helen C. Bangs, all of 101 West Seventy-third street, receive $53,708 each. NOEM1E LA BEAUME HICKS, Paris, France. Leaving a total estate of $1113,731, with $16,814 taxable In New York. Two daughters, the Countess do Ramel and the Countess dc Clcrq each receive one-third the residuary estate: three granddaughters each receive one-ninth. LOUISA II. OGDEN (April 5, 1921). Leav ing an estate of $237,032. The residue aftei $14,GOO hi bequests Is paid Is divided equally between n son and a daughter, Charles W. and Mary F. Ogden. ALFRED 1>. D1CKERMAN (December 30, 1920). Leaving an eslate of $33,818. Wife, Margaret M. Dlckerninn, 317 West Elghty nlntli street, receives the entire estate. HENRY C.LEASON (February 3. 1919). Leav ing an eslate of $119,532. Wife, Adelaide Gleason. 171 West Seventy-first street, has a life interest In the whole estate, the prin cipal going on licr death to their son, Albert 11. Gleason. 258 Broadway. MONEY TO LOAN AND WANTED ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. MKY10UIAN WtBWWtKWir) On ford go Building Alterations Leaseholds Bui/dingLoans Brokers Protected Sterling Mortgage Companyinc. 135 Broadway New YorKo Telephone Rector 1226-9447 REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION, f REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. Only 3 Days More EXECUTOR'S AUCTION SALE TO CLOSE THE ESTATE OF M. 8. ARNOW, DEC'D. 147 BRONX LOTS 147 On Williamsbridge Road, Sacket & Hering Aves. NEAR WESTCHESTER SQUARE STATION (LEX. AVE.) SUBWAY AND EAST TREMONT AVE. TROLLEY Next Saturday, October 1st At a P. M. on the premises, rain or shine, in large tent. Write or telephone for Illustrated Bookmap BRYAN L. KENNELLY, Inc. Real Estate Auction Specialists since 1847 149 Broadway, N. Y. C. Tel. Cort. 1547 CITY REAL ESTATE. I CITY REAL ESTATE. DAVY SAFETY GARAGE HEATER Automatic - Economical - Convenient No Labor with Coal or Ashes. It uses Gas Send for Booklet K1DDE & COMPANY 103 Park Avenue, New York Automatic House and Garage Heating with Gat Steam - Hot Water ? Vapor ? Hot Air MONEY TO LOAN AND WANTED ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. MORTGAGE MONEV ?*? v aw rninrvtt ? row rnARGKs. r.ronoK r. tontbr. int., IBS Broadway. DMA Cort. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. To-morrow At8P.M. AUCTIONEERS sharp IN TIIK BROOKLTN RBAt, KPTATR EXCHANGE. 1B!> Montagu- St., N-nr Borough Hall Subway StatloPi). PUBLIC AUCTION Business and residential property and 17 vacant lots, Brooklyn: 83-5-7 & 89 Hanson PI. 696 Fulton St. 115 So. Portland Av. 90 A 92 Washington St. 37 & 39 Flint St. 17 Subway Lots 5th Av., 32nd, 33rd & 34th Sts. VERY EASY TERMS. .IF.RK JOHNSON JR., CO., J?:i Montagu- Ht., fhone 12CI .Wain. Brooklyn. CITY REAL ESTA1 N r.. rroow.xt 87 IJOODWIi' Are KKLl.INuTjlANAr.EMF.NT, LEASING. Spuyten l)ny\l| nnd HlnntolA Abe?e Ilarlrui Klver. Ticldsto* RrVFKDALK-OX-IUDSOJt. New York Cl'y'? most accessible suburb. r.RORGR IIOWK, 327 Fifth Ave.. N. *. C. Ilorousti of Qncrns?Sale or Bent. IDEAL HOME. For family or I or 7; north side Jamaica; aood residential aertlon: living, dining room, kitchen, pantry. breakfast porch, i! hnth roome, 5 bedrooms: hnrdwood floors; steam best. gas. electric light; parlor, deeping porch enclosed In glass, screens, storm sash; driveway; one of the best buUL houses in Jstrinlcs.; new price Itn.ooO; 1-3 casli, balance mortgage. LIGHT .?? ABRAHAMS. .Wt Fulton St., Jamaica, opposite County Clerk's Office. Telephone Jamaica B7. REAL ESTATE?OUT OF CITY. Long Island?Sale or Bent, forest Rills Gardens Hettses and Villa Plots for Sals. IS Minutes from Perm*. Rtatloa. SAGE FOUNDATION HOMES CO. I 41 W. 34th St.. or Forest Hills. I. L S An advertisement in the Lost nnd . found columns of TftE NEW YORE HERALD offer* a rea> possibility of recovering your lost property. CITY REAL ESTATE. j CITY REAL ESTATE. Buroiicli of Queen*?n*lc or Kent. i Itorousli of Queen#?Snle or Kent. New Garden Apartments Ready for Occupancy Tenant-Ownership Plan Moderate Initial Payment 3 Rooms 4 Rooms and i Bath and i Bath $/?/\ to $or to OU $85 5D $115 Per Month Per Month 5 Rooms 6 Rooms and i Bath i and 2 Baths *90 ?? 115 ?? Per Month Per Month Also 7,8,9 and 10 Rooms?1 to 3 Baths Comfort and convenience combined with wholesome community life at minimum cost Every Room an Outside Room Facing private park or parked street Jackson Heights Social and Business References Required Coif. Tennis Children's Playgrounds etc. - 22 MINUTES FROM 42nd STREET The Newest Apartments are Tax Exempt for 10. Years Apartments Open dor Inspection until 8 P. M. Daily Visit JACKSON HEIGHTS Today To visit Jackson Heights, take Subway to Grand Central, transfer to QUEENSBORO SUBWAY (Corona Line) to 25th Street Station?(Office Opposite Station). The Queensboro Corporation, 50 E. 42nd St. REAL ESTATE?OUT OF CITY. Long Island?Hale or Kent. Freeport Absolute sacrifice! Owner must sell beautiful country home In tli? best and most convenient location In the village. Main floor has reception hall, living room with largo stone fireplace, dining room, breakfast room, pantry, kitchen and laundry. Second floor, ,r> master bedrooms, two tiled baths. Top floor, 3 maids' bedrooms and bath. Hot water heating, electric light and gas. Large j porches two sides. Oarago for II cars. J Mot | 130x11*5, 5 minutes' walk to station, stores, churches, theatres. Sell furnished or unfur nished. Seen any day. Immediate posses son. OWNER, 211 Pino St., Freeport, It. I. J f *17 . >1 h' 127,1 ? way, N. V. J !?= wV J Exceptional bargain! *? ~~~ on the North Shore. NORTH SHOItE REAL ESTATE. I.'KtMSB. WASHUURN k CO-, f. East 40th St. Var.derbilt 3354. Westchester?Sale or Kent. A $10 BILL and $3 per week will buy you a beautiful ullding plot, jltxtOl* or larger, at Bryn I Mawr l'ark. close to city and station and nd- ' Joining Uronxvllle. These lots are bargains, out the fact that we advertise such easy terms does not mean that these IMPROVE!! LOTH should he confounded with many of the cheap, unimproved lots now being of fered at auction. Nearly 133 of these choice 'ots have been sold In the last few weeks in this property, having on ADIRONDACK set ting. yet within sight bf the city. Come out and look them over. JtOUKKT K. FARLEY ORGANIZATION, 12 E. 41th St.. N. Y. C. Murray Hill 7726. Office also at Bryn Mawr l'ark Station. Thone Yonkers 1448. MAMARONECK Monroe and lJelancy Avenues. Residential section. Two new Ileuses with garages. Ready for occupancy. 8 rooms. 2 baths, extra lavatory. Electric light, parnuet flooring throughout. Mod ern heating; decuraated. Convenient to .tatlon. Corner plot 75x100. Price $17,500. Adjoining plot 5irxli">0. Prion $16,000. Owner, FRANK .1. H1NNOTT, 7 E. 42d St. EbOBCUPF-A homo In Park Hill section of Yonkers. Set amid fine trees In high and healthy situation, commanding wonderful view. Two and a half story frame house with fourteen rooms and two story stable. About one acre of ground with front age of 260 feet on street. Price $30,000. CHASE CROWLEY, 20 Lib erty st. N. Y. Telephone John 3280. New Jersey?Sale or Kent. A LITTLE CASH DOWN AND PART OF THE RENT YOU NOW PAY will buy the daintiest little home In the Jer sey Hill section ready to move Into; 0 rooms, tiled hath, 300 commuters to N. Y. city from this auction. D.. L. & \V. R. R. Beautiful, exclusive, convenient, purely residential lo cality. Total price, Including electric light, shades, steam heat, hardwood floors, laun dry, complete Interior and ext"rlor decora tions, only 18,250. Plot 100x223. Plenty of flowers and shrubs. Boating and bathing available. Schools, churches and markets r?ar by. A paradise for the kiddles. It's easier to buy this home on my terms than to rent a decent apartment In New York city. Wr!t? Private. Post Office box di8. City Hall gindon. New York city. BLOOM FIELD, N. J. $1,500 rash, brand new ? room house, steam heat, electric, tile bath, gas kitchen, pantry, psruuet floora, fireplace, attic, stalr rase, copper gutters and leaders, screens; fine location; convenient Lackawanna, trol ley, schools. 811,000. 3ERNARD E. McCOY, 27(1 X Glrmvnod At., MoomfMd, N. J. MONTCLAIR PROPERTIES FrankHughes Company r?4A?. It KEEYK. M1LLRLKN. N. A ** Home* from S7.MS ?? $150,000. Haplewmd - *Hn4 HtlU ? Summit. RlTKKHtOKO REALTY BARGAINS? ED1V. H. 1IHIIVVN. Shnfer Ride.. Kullier'?rA Connecticut?Hale or Rent. Real Estate E.P.HHTOH, iNf Grcenwhh.CV FACTORIES FOR SALE OR RENT NEW FACTORIES Two one rtorv brl< k buildings, modern eon , structloii, 75\214 at Bound Brook. N. J.j j fotir railroads; all Improvements; siding; rs s'rlcteri; soil or lease. | riRRCF BRTATBR. BOTTND BROOK. N. J. 111 long inland city, J.olt hp are A,000 t? 10.000 Sqiuuo *??l ROMAN CAI.l.MAN COMPANY, Bridge Plata. ' LONG INLAND CUT' BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. From Battery to 14 th St.* Inclusive. Store and Basement, 62x90. Loft 62x80. Excellent light front and rear: wide street; good shipping facilities. All im provements. Parsenger and freight ele vators. Immediate possession. Reason able rent. Owner on premises. 480 193 Itroome bit. Canal 8068. Above 14th St. to SOtli St. (Inclusive*. Cast River to North River. Situated in the New Business Section Earle Building Broadway & 52nd St NORTHEAST CORNER Ready for Occupancy Oct. 1. STORES ei. FLOORS k. OFFICES ALSO BASEMENT. 6.600 SQ. FT. with high celling; suitable for restaurant or dancing. EVERY MODERN APPOINTMENT. EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. AGENT ON PREMISES OR AValter J# Salmon 17 West 42d St. Tel. Vanderbilt 47 | 15East57th St. 5 Stow Building 43 x 100 Adapted for Club Display of Art, Modes, Millinery, Antiques, etc. HUBERTH&HUBEKTH ' 2 Columbus CtrcJo Penn. Terminal Bldg. Adjoining Penn. Station and Hotel. Seventh Av., 30tli to 31st St. STORES ttra large, light cellai icellent Ruslnces Locatl OFFICES with extra large, light cellar space. Excellent Duslness Location. Large and Small Units. Also TOP FLOOR. 13.0(8) SQUARE FEET. REGENT REALTY CO.. 33 WEST 42D ST., or your own broker. 47 West 47th St. New, Very Select Building; Elevator LOFTS JOSEPH GORDON 217 W"?t 33d *t. I.o.igiirrr 5062. 47 East 57th St. Adjoining Harry Collins' ST ORE TO LET Hubcrth & Huberth 2 Columbus Circle Ittf.,\ ( oiT'iRTI NtT' COMMERCIAL STUDIO *.V? West 8.1th St. Top Floor. Elevator. Top floor. Elevator. Kent *1.200 Per Annum. Fnlt FrHrelsro f'om SLAWSON St HOBBS, 16S West 7?d St Tel. 7*10 ( ol urn baa BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. Above 14th St. to gftth St. (Inclusive). Boat 1th er to >.'arth River. THE BORDEN BUILDING 23 Stories Madison Avenue at 45th Street OFFICES STORE ?' Available for Im mediate occupancy BRADY &.BOWMAN,;nc. Agents 350 Madison Ave* Vanderbilt 7403 FOR RENT Lower Floor of Garage 537-541 West 43d St. Space 75x100 (.Entrance frcm Street by Short Ramp) Strum boat and elretric light* Included In rental. Gasoline supplied If desired. Will Kent to Desirable Tenant Apply PARK & TILFORD EXECUTIVE OFFICES 520 West 42nd St. (or your own broker.) Most Distinctive Lofts in City A modem fireproof building for high class tenants only. Light and air on all sides. LOFTS 2800 & S500 Sq. Ft. Suitable for Auto Service Station, Garage or Manu facturing. Elevator 13x24 Ft. Immediate Possession. 507 to 513 West 50th St. Agent on Premises. Phone Circle 8S43 Lofts?Stores?Buildings Mercantile Warehou*e* nnd Factories. I .ante Selection. All Size*. LOUIS SCHRAG, 142 West 23d St 1412 to 1416 B'WAY Northeast Corner 39th St. 2,500 square feet: will divide; small space >3.1.00 up. Supt., or EitRllsh. 1031 Broadway Above 58ih St.?5th Av. to North l.lver. ;D0CT0RS?DENTISTS OFFICES newly constructed and especially adapted for doctors, dentists, Chi ropractors and similar professions. MODERATE RENTALS. Poi.ea.ion Oct. 1 or before. THE NFVAPA Broadway, 69th to 70th St. Superintendent on or Walter J. g ALMON 17 Went 42d St. TH. Vandrrhllt 47 APARTMENTS?FURNISHED. Elegantly Furnished 5-Room Apartment Riwertide Drive In the AOs To Sublet on a ahort term lea... October 1st Occupancy HENRY M. BIRDSEYE. Gotham Nat'l Bank Building. Columbus Circle. T.lephono Columbu* 1433 The Grosvenor 5th Ave. & 10th St. Handsomely furnished S room apartment, on. batb. 4 room., S bath*. Room, of exceptionally large site. Restaurant American pine. Hotel Schuyler Arms, 305-311 West 98th St. I L 2, 3, 4 Room, end Beth Furnished or Unfurnished. Xfaid service, light, pas, linen and complete kitchen equipment for housekeeping. Favorable lease, can be made for Immediate occupancy or Oct. 1st. Can be *een eveninan. APARTMENTS ? UNFURNISHED. From Battery to 14th St.. Inclusive. Washington Square Section 31-33West12thSt. SUNNY ROOMS AND 2 BATHS Conveniently located in a distinctly exclusive modern apartment build inf. Located close to Washington Square and 5th Ave. Service thor ough. St'FT. ON PREMISES. Above 14th St. to fWth St. (Inclusive). Knot Kiver to North River. 25 East 54th St. 2 Rooms and Bath, $1,000. Maid Service. Superintendent at rremlnen. THE LORELEY I >.? East fldtli St.. Cor. Park Avo. Cor not-. 2 large room*, kitchen, ham. OEO. A. BOWMAN. 1U W. 424 St. APARTMENTS ? UNFURNISHED Aboie M. to .TMh St. (Inrtu?l\ Gskt lUver to North Cher. ' 290cParkoAve. 48th to 49th St. and VawderbiltAvc. Hontekeeping and Semi^Houtekeeping APARTMENTS Ready for Occupancy October Lst 1 to 9 Rooms ?1 to 4 Baths $2300 to $14,000 A rare combination of the fineat hotel and apartmont, with houae keeping comforts added. RESTAURANT ""PIERRE' Hourly Maid Service, DonslasL?Diman?[H Managing , Agent t 15 East 49th St. Plan 9900 11 A " 11 /? \ 471 'Tark oAvenue cor. 58th Street Duplex Apartments with Unusually Large Room > 10 Rooms ?3 Baths $6,500?$7,500 October 1st Possession. DOUGLAS L.ELL1MAN& CO. INC Managing Agents S^l^EAaMi9^St^^NewYorl^^ 36 West 59th St Central Park South An exclusive Apartment Building with every conven ience. Situated in exclusi e section convenient to Clubs, Theatres, Hotels and Shops. 2-5 Rooms & baths Agent on Premise t or |TMBEirm&miBE?rn ' 2 Columbus Cird0 4*5 t_Ab l 4Vth b'l . Between Madison & Park Ave*. APARTMENTS 2-3 Rooms Kitchenette: New L-D ixooms Building: elevator tervice: wonderful location. PoMeuion Now. Apply on Premise*. J. J HEARN, Builder Phore Vsn erbllt s"5. Doctor x Apartment an v ??t r, >t'' St. Central l'arlc South, 2 Rooms and Bath. Ground floor In very select house. Wonderful opportunity. AGENT ON PrtRMISES. HUBERTH& HUBERT! 2 Columbus Circle SHERWOOD STUDIOS 58 West 57th it. Cor. 6th Av. REAL WORKING STUDIOS 3 ROOMS. BATH heat, hot water, exceptionally high ceilings; <1,600 to <2,000 per yea*. Inquire Superintendent. Above SOUi St.?5th At. to East Blver. 1049 PARK AVE. AT 86TH ST. NEW APT'S 7 Rooms and 3 Baths 6 Rooms and 2 Baths Physician's suite ? 4 Rooms and Lavatory Open fireplaces: Subway express sta tion l block away. AELRED REALTY CORP. Lenox?8253 114 E. 84th St. 7 Rooms 3 Baths For October 1st Exce tional Light Reasonable Rental Phone Stafford Bros., Inc. 26 W. 44th St. Vandcrbill 2345. 680 Madison Ave. 6lftt-6tnd Street*. 2 Rooms and Bath, $1,400. 1 Room and Bath, $1,100. Hold Service If Dewlred. Superintendent on premier*. 1331 -1337 Madison Ave., Corner Mth St. 8 ROOMS AND 2 BATHS Corner Apartment. Eight on 3 Side*. Item-rated Throughout. From <2.150 In H2.MO. See Superintendent on I'rrmUr*. or S. ?? I'AKAS, gjJnrkRow. 49 EAST 78TH ST.^ 1 Brcirr i.aitgb eight rooms, bat MODERN IMPROVEMENTS; RENT <154