Newspaper Page Text
? te-S V/? . I ISP ' WEATHER FORECAST. WITT -m. T -ww -w -w^ ?*? w -w^ a * -w^ THE BEST IN ITS HISTORY. Vfclr to-day and to-jnorrow; slightly warmer to-day. Highest temperature yesterday, 40; lowest, 3a. THE NEW YORK HERALD The New York Herald, with all that wa* best of The Sun intertwined with it, and the whole revitalized, is a bigger and better D?taiied we*th*r reporu win be found on page 2o. [COPYRIGHT, 1922. BY the bun-herald corporation.] and sounder newspaper than ever before. VOL. LXXXVI.?NO. 194?DAILY. +++? NEW YORK, SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1922.-"^* Vftc'E?'?S&C?K.112 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS ( DBS CREDITORS ASK mm TO GIVE $2,000,000TO FUND He Will Pay Only $200,000, Contingent on Raising of $1,000,000 More. EXAMINED LONG AGO His Own Lawyer Reveals His Appearance in Bro ker Failure. NOW DROPPED FROM CASE Receiver Sees No Need of Ques tioning Him Further, De spite Complaints. Charles A. Stoneham, owner of the New York Giants, and broker, has been called on by E. D. Dler & Co., creditors, to pay $2,000,000 to help In a composi tion for them, it was revealed yester day by I^eo Bondy, his attorney. Mr. Stoneham, however, will contribute only $200,000 contingent on $1,000,000 more being put up by others con cerned in the firm, said Mr. Bondy flftfly. Mr. Stoneham already has appeared before examiners investigating the failure of E. D. Dier & Co., as^'ted Mr. Bondy, who said Mr. Stoneham had given testimony several weeks ago on his return from Havana. Until the statement of Mr. Bondy there was no informatfon that Mr. Stoneham had been examined, al though an order requesting his return from Cuba, was dispatched several weeks ago by Alexander Gilchrist, Commissioner in Bankruptcy. Mr. Bondy said there was no subpoena for his client, but that he and Ross V. Robertson, his partner, had comte from Cuba, told their stories and re turned there. Record Not Obtainable. At the' offlccs of Hays & Wadhams, attorneys for Manfred W. Ehrlch, re ceiver for E. D. Dler & Co.. It was said that "the policy Is not to make any Statement regarding Mr. Stoneham's con nection with the matter Just now." Will iam Abramson. who has been assisting Arthur O. Hays In examining witnesses, refused to say whether Mr. Stoneham had been examined. No record that the examination had taken placc before Commissioner Gilchrist could be ob tained. Mr. Bondy said the contribution of fered by his client had been suggested at a meeting of lawyers In the case some six weeks ago. At that time, he asserted, Mr. Stoneham eald to thooe present: "Gentlemen, I feel badly about this affair, especially that my former clients, recommended by me to trade with Dler A Co., should have suffered this loss, and I feel that anythlrtg I can do should be done. If you will man age to raise $1,000,000 by June 1 I will contribute my $200,000." Mr. Bondy Insisted everything was regular in the transfer of the clients b.v Mr. Stoneham to the Dler firm, and that they had ample opportunity to take their business to any brokerage house they saw fit when Mr. Stoneham sol4 out. Daniel W. Blumenthal, wno with his brother, Maurice Blumenthal, is acting for more than 500 of the creditors of the Insolvent brokerage, said that until the full particulars regarding the transfer ol the Stoneham accounts had been dis closed and thoroughly Investigated he had advised his clients to refuse any offer of a partial payment at this time. A mass meeting of the members of the Independent Creditors' Protective Com mittee, represented by Mr. Blumenthal, snd those represented by O. P. Carpen ter, is being arranged for next week. Maurice Blumenthal is In Chicago con ferring with C. C. James, chairman of the Dler creditors of the West. Complaints About Transfer. According to Mr. Blumenthal many of the clients of Stoneham A Co. were transferred to the Dler firm without ?heir knowledge. He showed letters complaining that while the writers knew the Stoneham house they were unfa miliar with E. D. Dler A Co., but that their accounts had been transferred without sanction. The statement that Mr. Stonehsm would contribute $2,000,000 was charac terised as "highly ridiculous" by Mr. Bondy. On the contrary, he said, Mr. Stoneham would withdraw his offer If the additional $1,000,000 Is not raised by June I. He added: "Mr. Stoneham's contribution Is merely * gratuity to the Dler creditors becauae Wr. Stoneham Is sorry that they lost thjlr money. He Is In no way connected ^Ith or responsible In any way for the failure of the firm." ilr. Bondy said he could not remem ber Just where the meeting of the law yers took place when the $200,000 offer was made nor when or where Mr. Stone ham had been examined by the attor ns?'? for the receiver. The offer by his client, asserted Mr. Bondy, was not made at any one's suggestion but came di rectly from Mr. Stoneham. Several other wealthy men, many of them frl?nd? of the banebnll owner, through out the country ore aiding In raising the $1,900,vOO, said Mr. Bondy, who be lieves It will be found before June 1. Inquiry about future proceedings by the receiver elicited no Information from Hays A Wadhams It was made clear, however, that the receiver has no claim of an;* kind against Mr. Stoneham, and there Is no evidence that everything In the transfer was not regular. Neither Mr. Hays nor Mr. Abramson would say when the henrlngs will be resumed. OIIRRftON GENRRAL IS KILLED. Mkxioo Crrr. March 11 (Assocla*e<l T'ress).?Gen. Gerardo Reyes and six of his men were killed yesterday In the State of Vera Cru* during on encounter with the rebel l^arlT, Miguel Aleman. RrnntMnl I room ?nlte, $.100 pe? month. Hotel Marseilles. IMwy. at 103d St.-^dv. I f \ Bullet Holes Found. in Famous Portrait Special Dispatch toTh? New Yoik Hssald. PITTSFIELD, Mass., March 11. ; ?Three old bullet hole* and J slashes, apparently made by a sword, were discovered by James E. McAlplne, a Boston artist, In the canvas of Van Dyck's famous paiiftlner, "The Duke or Richmond," In the Berkshire Museum of Fine Arts. Mr. McAlpine noticed the mutilation when at work restoring the picture. Two of the bullet holes are in the Duke's face. It is a full length portrait, with a hound sitting beside the Duke. The painting was bought by the late Zenas Crane of Dalton for the museum, and apparently it was damaged long ago. It had been poorly repaired. V URGES LAW TO BLOCK DRUG STORE 'SALOON' Present State Pharmacy Act No Protection, Asserts Director Day. SHOPS ARE DOTTING CITY Are Unlicensed Shelters for Persons Selling Bootleg Liquors. A new State pharmacy law was recommended yesterday by Ralph A. Day, State prohibition director, to combat the growth of drug stores which have for their chief purpose the illicit sale of liquor. Mr. Day said this type of drug store, made possible under the present pharmacy law, was rapidly taking the place of the corner saloon. He said he had Just received a memorandum from the Retail Drug gists Association, in which it was stated that applications for the regis tration of more than 125 new drug stores have been received by the State Board of Pharmacy within the last two weeks, and that during 1921 sev eral hundred new stores were opened in various sections of the city. Under the existing law any person, an alien or a citizen, may own a drug store, whether a licensed pharmacist or not. The only requirement is he must have' a licensed pharmacist or druggist in charge. Once a man has registered as the owner of a drug store the pro hibition director is powerless to refuse him a permit for the sale of liquor on prescription, unless he is later caught In the evasion of tho law. Mr. Day said he was in favor of a bill now before the State Senate by which drug store owners would be re quired to be licensed pharmacists or druggists. "Futhermore," said Mr. Day, "defi nite requirement as to the slie of stock Is required of wholesale druggists In al lotlng their supply of spirits, but the retail druggist who opens up with a toothbrush and a bar of soap is legally entitled to his liquor as well as the next druggist. "If this condition is permitted to con tinue tho State will be flooded with drug stores that care nothing for the drug end of pharmacy, but who solely rely on illicit trade In narcotics and liquor. The present situation is a men ace to the public health, because many I>ersons who are buying whisky or brandy for medicinal purposes go to the drug store In confidence they will get good stuff and may receive liquor that Is dangerous to drink, as our tests have shown. The situation also Is most unjust to the legitimate druggist." Director Day issued a further warning against the denatured alcohol which Is being used in vast quantities by liquor law violators of all sorts. "Hundreds of bootleggers," he said, "are attempting to withdraw the poisonous elements from denatured alcohol in order to sell it as whiskey. Sometimes they succeed and sometimes they don't. Often this stuff is bottled and labelled so it is very deceptive. "Various methods of coloring are be ing employed to transform the stuff Into bootleg liquor, among them Iodine, and while the resultant fake whisky does not necessarily kill, blind or paralyse, the tissues of the stomach are destroyed and organs generally so affected that disease is certain to ensue. "The process of denaturing alcohol requires either bichloride of mercury, lysol, formaldehyde, carbolic add or a similar disinfectant, fcnd the compound ing of bootleg whisky brings Into use lead, copped and line poisons, to say nothing of fusel oil. "I learn from specialists In the treat ment of psychopathic that the toxins in home brews *nd moonshine are cumulative and reinsln permanently In the itystem, frequently producing s condition of Imbecility which resembles perpetual drunkenness without the ex hilarating effect for which liquor la taken." MAY ASK INTERVENTION OF U. S. IN COAL TROUBLE Harding Silent on Plan; Hint Government Operation. Dattona, Fla.. Mil re h 11 (Associated Press).?Oovernment Intervention to In sure sufficient fuel for ths movement of 'trains and the running of essential , Industries may be recommend** to the Administration nt> a proper counw of actlor. In the event of a coal strike, It was declared here to-day by a member of the party accompanying President Harding on hi* Florida trip. It w?s emphasised, however, that this view did not necessarily reflect the opinion of President Harding, who has mado no comment on the situation re sulting from the expiration of the wage contract* the la?t of the month. Consideration might also be given If the emergency warranted, the official Mid. to i program m'hlch would provide for p. commission representing the opera tors. miners and public to arbitrate the controversy. Falluro of arbitration, it wai added, might result In a suggestion for more drastic action, even to the point of operation of the mines by the iMcrnmrnt. / Moving to Strangle Finan cial Measures Behind Closed Doors. LUSK TO BLOCK GAME Majority Leader Promises Bills Will Be Acted Upon in Open Senate. ASSEMBLY THEIE TOMB Albany Believes Jail and Money Bills Will Be Killed in Lower House. Special Dispatch to Turn New Yo?k Hsulo. New York Herald Bureau. ) Albany, March 11. | Senator I>usk took full responsibil ity to-day for the error which yester day set back the Lockwood commit tee's bills, threatening their defeat by throwing the measures into the gen eral orders rule In the last days of the legislative session. Senator Lusk, the majority leader, completely exonerated Senator Lockwood, whose sudden dis appearance while the Senate Cities Committee was In session astonished the Senate. The fight over the Lockwood bills is getting hotter. The lobbies opposing the Insurance provisions are not relax ing their efforts, and Senator Lock wood rushed back to Albany to-night announcing he was ready to f&ht to the last to save the bills demanded by Samuel Untermyer. The situation is still much confused. Every one appears more anxious to establish an alibi than about the fate of the bills. Senator Qibbs, chairman of the Senate Cities Committee, blames Senator Lockwood for the mixup; Sen ator Lockwood blames the other Re publican leaders, and these leaders say they are for the bills and that the trouble all lies in the Assembly. Opponents of the radical measures re quiring Insurance companies and sav ings banks to Invest more money in real estate mortgages say they are confident the proposals cannot pass the Senate. The fate of those measures i* admit tedly doubtful in the Assembly and there is little prospect that the recom mendation for a trade commission to regulate building and calling for prison sentences for violations of the anti-trust laws can pass either house. Lnslc Promises Shonrdoim. Senator Lusk announced to-day that if necessary he would bring In a special rules report to insure action being taken on the housing bills. That would put every member of the Senate square ly on record on every measure. What most of the members seem anxious to avoid is a record vote. Many who are opposed to the Untermyer program in secret would find it embarrassing to vote against it In the open and are seeking every possible way of killing off the measures behind closed doors. The Cities Committee of the Senate will meet on Monday and It is expeoted to bring in a favorable report on all the bills now In Its possession. Senator Lusk said: "A meeting of the Senate Cities Committee to take up the housing bills has been called for 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. It was my understanding Friday that the Cities Committee would not act upon these ' bills before Monday, and I so Informed Senator Lockwood. I told him that I wished to go carefully over these pro posed measures during the week *nd and he left for New York JFYiday with the understanding that he would return here Saturday afternoon and we would work together on tho housing bills. "Ever since these bills were intro duced Senator Lockwood has been dili gently working for their advancement. He has not only repeatedly requested that they be reported out of committee, but has (lied a notice of motion on the floor of the Senate to discharge the committee in caso the bills are not re ported out. Bills in ? Bud Position. "I have assured Senator Lockwood ' that no technical use of the rules of the I Senate will be permitted to Interfere | with these bills having prompt and full | consideration. They will undoubtedly come up before the Senate Tuesday." Every trick known to the experienced legislator Is being used by the opponents of the bills In their effort to kill them. They have succeeded, at least. In Jockey ing the Untermyer program into a bad position. Of the eight Senators who signed the petition calling for the meeting of the Cities Committee two said to-day they signed with the Understanding that the | committee would merely consider the ' bills, hut would not take action until i next week. ALL HOME RULE BILLS SLATED TO BE KILLED . I Create Commission to Study Subject and Report. ?? Special Dispatch to Tii? N'rw Yoik ! New York llernld (tureati, I Albany, Sfarrh 11. ( All home rule bills are to go Into the discard. The legislature will not pass , any of the measures demanded by mu- i nlclpallties giving, greater freedom In the administration of their own affairs. As a substitute the leaders propose, ' at Gov. Miller's request, to create an unpaid commission which will draft a home rule constitutional amendment covering the entire subject, but the re- : port, like that of the Charter Revision CmMiwI m Page Twenty. Oreen brier, White Sulphur Springs, 4. Va. Championship golf, noth course* open. All I outdoor sports. Just over night.?Adv. Next Presidential Fight to Be Fought by Wireless SWARTHMORE, Pa., March 11. ?The next Presidential cam paign will be conducted largely by wireless telephone, en abling millions of voters actually to hear the appeals of candidates. Prof. G. O. Aubrey of Swarthmore Preparatory School, to-night pre dicted In an address before the Radio Club at the school "In my opinion," Prof. Aubrey said, "the wireless telephone will offer distinct educational advan tages. Students in academic and collegiate institutions of learning may hear and discuss in class some of the most Important and vital subjects of the day. "Better acquaintance with the various candidates for the Presi dency in 1924 is almost assured with the increasing use of the wire less telephone. Voters, millions of them, most likely will hear the messages sent out by the candi dates by wireless, for receiving sets will be found In homes and meeting places throughout the na tion." FRIEND OF TAYLOR'S SLAIN AS I WAS Motor Assassins Shoot J. T. Brunen in His Home Near Camden, N. J. BUSINESS HATRED CAUSE Victim Was Widely Known as Amusement Promoter and Circus Owner. Special Dispatch to Tim New Toik Hehat.d. Philadelphia, March 11.?Detective Ellis Parker of Burlington county inti mated to-night that the murderer of John Theodore Brunen, wealthy cir cus owner, who was killed in his home, 508 New Jersey avenue. River side, at 7:35 o'clock last night is known to the police, and that an ar rest would be made soon. The de tective who has solved some of the most mysterious murders in South Jersey would not discuss what evi dence he had unearthed. Brunen, who was shot while read ing a newspaper in the kitchen, had returned to his home in his automo bile from Willlamstown, N. J., where his circus Is in winter quarters, with his face covered with mud. Brunen explained to his wife he was "racing" three men In an automobile and the mud flew from the wheels. According to his wife he did not ap pear nervous and while she went to the bathroom to prepare his bath he re mained In the kitchen. Some one crept up to the window, placed a shotgun against the glass and fired. Brunen was sitting two feet from the window and the contents of the shotgun entered his head, killing him Instantly. Friend of Taylor. Brunen was a lifelong chum to Will iam Desmond Taylor, tho motion picture director who was found shot to death several weeks ago in his bungalow In Los Angeles. The police do not place any credence in reports the two men were killed by the same gang. Detective Parker believes Brunen was killed by a business rival. Mrs. Brunen said at the time of the Taylor murder her husband had declared he had a premonition he was to die suddenly and, as he expressed It at the time, "with my boots on." Mrs. Brunen, who was Brunen's sec ond wife, having bepn married to the circus man for fifteen years, was ques tioned several hours In her home by Detective Parker. Miss Yost, his stenog rapher, took down her statement*. Parker said he Is satisfied Mrs. Brunen knows nothing of the tragedy. Mrs. Brunen told the detective that when she was upstairs she heard a loud report aad believed It to be a railroad torpedo on the tracks In front of the Brunen home. Feeling alarmed, she called downstairs and when she received no answer went Into the kitchen and found her husbanad dead In his chair, the paper still clasped In his hands. Screams of Mrs. Brunen attracted neighbors, the police were notified and a search made, but no trace of the murderer was found. Footprints out side the window showed where the mart stood when the shot was fired. The footsteps led acros* a freshly plowed field to a roadway ieading to the trolley station and was then lost. With the footprints as the only clew the detectives were completely at sea until detective Parker late this afternoon found in the field the grip of the shotgun that held the stock and barrel together. Detectives believe the slayer while running across the fields endeavored to take the shotgun apart and dropped the grip when the stock and barrel came apart. On the grip was the manu Contlniied on Pnge Twenty. Finance Ministers Refer Claim for Rhine Expenses to Governments. U. S. NOT IX TREATY Therefore Reparations Com mission Cannot Meet De mands of Her Xote. 'REMEDY IX DIPLOMACY' France Gets Shook and Press Shows Displeasure at Pres entation of Bill, Special Cable to Tun New Vo.K Herald Covvrioht, 1912. by Tun New Y?hk Herald. New York Urnild Bumrn. ) March 11. f The allied finance ministers hero to day refused to grant the demand of the United States for priority In the distribution of reparations to cover the cost of the American occupation of the Rhine. However, they attached the diplomatic phrase "subject to the rights of the United States" to their ratification of the reparations ar rangement whereby the billion gold marks in question is to go to the al lied nations Allied opinion here is that America should ratify the treaty of Versailles If she wants any of the money col lected by the Reparations Commission, or she should appeal direct to Berlin under her own treaty reminding Ger many that she paid only 1,000.000,000 gold marks instead of 12,000,000,000 as provided by the treaty of Ver sailles. The argument of Rowland W. Boy den, American observer, before the finance ministers yesterday only re sulted to-day in the "subject to rights" phrase and the American claim will be forwarded for doubtless long diplo matic study by the allied Ministers of Foreign Affairs. It Is realised here that the American demand la far more than a mere applica tion for I241.000.00W. Even conserva tive officials at the Foreign Office and the equally conservative Temp? admit that it opens unexpectedly and possibly dangerously the whole question of how far the treaties of Versailles and Berlin can be made to Interlock. Question for Diplomacy, The question Is to be taken from the hands of both ?he Reparations Commis sion and the Finance Ministers to be subjected to the diplomatic routine so cherished by Premier Poincare, the Pre mier supporting the contention of M Lo-steyrie, Minister of Finance, that the American note is one solely for the at tention of the Foreign and not the Fi nance Ministry. In fact the correspondent of The New ionic Herald to-day found a tendency to consider the American demand as undiplomatic. Some say it should have come through Ambassador Merrick to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be transmitted to the conference rather than In the porson of an unofficlaJ ob j "erver of the Reparations Commission Which hud A Ing to do with yester day's conf? ?# The action has served to accentuate the peevishness displayed since the I nlted States refused to attend the Genoa conference. The tone of the press Is frankly unpleasant, with abundant references to America's mercenary spirit, hven the Temps does not hesitate to Point out that If the United States ever does ratify the treaty of Versailles her rights will become effective only from the date of ratification. In other words her claims are permanently secondarv to hose of the Allies if the treaty is to be invoked. rv/1 F,rp?'h ?mber of the Reparations ommlsslon said: "I cannot understand Americas attitude. Taking cash from Europe at the very time It Is needed to restore the confidence of our own people and at the very moment that the United complaining that wo ?re not ?lon* with the reparations seem, mneh I m'"' A Z7.*T,?* nlr<,*''y has too m ich gold. A billion ln Europe would Improve exchange rates nnd enable the States" l? purcha,M' from the United A flrftfah Statement. A British official said: "America Is1 urging us to show the utmost considera tion for German. Why. then, does America show such Intransigence toward the Allies 7" A member of the Paris Chamber of ommerce customs commission declared Contlnned on Page Ten. Gunmen Bind Two, Escape With Theater's $5,000 Near 1,500 Crowd WKhln twenty feet of the last row of balcony seats, during a performance last night In Keith's Boyal Theater. Westchcwter and Bergen avenues, The Bronx, two gunmen forced their way Into the treasurer'* office, tied and gaffed Oeorge Baldwin, the treasurer, and made off with about $5,000 In, the receipts for the finy and the Saturday night payroll. The robbery occurred when the thea ter was filled. None of the 1,500 per sons In the audience, Intent on the staire, knew of the more thrilling performance behind their backs. Just before 9, according to theater employees, two young men went to the box office and bouht tickets for the first balcony. Baldwin mi Inside the cashier's of fice getting the pay envelopes ready. The door was locked, but when one man knocked, saying he was sn attendant and wished to turn In a pocketbook he had found, Baldwin opened the loor Two pistols were pressed against hi* stomach. One bandit gagged Baldwin and tied him to a bench while the other locked the door and began to stuff bank notes Into his pockets. Before they had fin ished the Job another knock cam<\ It was Oeorge Burruth, ticket taker on the second bnlcony. who had come to turn In his ticket stuhr. They let him In. tlorl him, fragged him and trussed him up beside Baldwin, The nthey went on with robbery undisturbed. At least ten minutes elapsed after the gunmen l?>ft th? room, locking the door from tho outside, before Burruth was able to wriggle out of his bonds and cali for help. Twenty defectives re sponded on the Jump. but. the robbers liaU cscaped unobserved. LAND SETTLEMENT SCHEME OF BONUS BILL IS ASSAILED AS A MOST VICIOUS GRAB Its Defeat Would Be Calamity. He Declares, in Denying Any Intrigue. UNDERWOOD DEFENDS IT Democratic Senator Asserts Document Insures Peace in Pacific Region. Special Dispatch to Tub N*w Yosik Hrai'i.r. New York Hrruld Bureau, ) Washington. D. C.. March It. | Secretary Hughes entered the de bate on ratification of the four Power Ireaty to-day. He took cognizance of the efforts that have been made by Ihe "poison gas squad" In the Senate to discredit the authorship of the Ireaty and to make It appear there had been sinister secrecy about Its preparation and that It was something that the American delegation accepted with marvelous gullibility. Secretary Hughes unmasked this at tack, showed there had been no se crecy about Its preparation and au thorship. He worked in harmony with Senator Oscar Underwood (Ala.), Democratic floor leader, and one of the American delegates at the conference. Secretary- Hajchea'a Letter. Senator TJnierwood was the chief speaker of the day In the Senate, urg ing ratification. In the course of his remarks he read the following letter which Secretary Hughes had written in answer to jnuondoes that had been made about the treaty: I understand that in the course of debate in {he Senate upon the four Power treaty questions have been raised with respect to its au thorship. It seems to be implied that in some way the American dele gates have been imposed upon, or that they were Induced to accept some plan cunnlnBly contrived by others and opposed to our interests. A part from the reflections upon the competency of the American dele gates. such Intimation betroys a very poor and erroueous conception of the work in connection with the con ference no part of which?whether within or outside the conference meetings?was begun, prosecuted or concluded in intrigue. Nothing could be farther from the fact. It is, of course, wholly inconsist ent with the amenities of interna tional intercourse, that the Infor mal and confidential suggestions and conversations incident to negotia tions should bo stated, but the Sen ate may be assured that a full dis closure of everything said or done in the course of the negotiations would reveal nothing deregatory to the part taken by any of the Ameri can delegates or I ivolve any consid eration or acceptance of any posi tion not entirely consistent with the traditional policies of this Govern-' ment It should be remembered that the four Power treaty dealt with a subject?the Anglo-Japanese alli ance?which, as an agreement be tween two Powers competent to make and continue It, was not, find in the nature of things could not be, appropriately placed upon the con ference agenda. Technically, it was a matter outside the conference, al though the conference furnished an excellent opportunity for conversa tions regarding It While I cannot, of course, under take to state what was proposed or sug^epted in confidence by any of the delegates, I think it entirely proper to say that the negotiations relating to tho four Power treaty were conducted within limitations defined by the American Govern ment. The views of this Govern ment as to the Importance of the termination of the Anglo-Japanese alliance had been communicated Ion* before the conference met and it had also been clearly stated that this Government could enter into no alliance or make any commit ment to the use of arms or which would impose any sort of obligation as to Its decisions In future con tingencies. . It must deal with any exigency aocordlng to its constitutional methods. In preparing for the con ference, the American delegates re viewed the matter thoroughly and tho ?ntire course of the negotiations in connection with the four Power treaty was In accord with these principles, and, as I have said, within the limits which we defined. The treaty Itself Is very short and simple, and is perfectly clear.' It requires no commentary. Its en gagements are easily understood and no Ingenuity In argument or hostile criticism can add to them or make them other or greater than its unequivocal language sets forth. There are no secret notes or under standings. In view of this, the question of authorship Is unimportant. It was signed by four Powers, whose dele gates respectively adopted It, all having made various sutrgf stions. I may say, however, with respect to the general course of negotia tions that after assent harl been given by Great Hrltaln and Japan that France should be a party to the agreement, I prepared a draft Contlnned on Page Two. ? ; \ Cressinger the Target in Bonu* Bombardment Special Kit patch to The Nrw Yohk Hbbald. \'? u York Hrrnld Htirfuu, j Washington, D. C., March 11. ( SOME! idea of the volume of tel egrams and letters received ? by members of Congress about the bonus raid is furnished by a Representative of an Bastern State, who in the last month has received 3,319 communications, 677 favoring a bonus and 2,642 oppos ing it. Comptroller of the Currency Cressinger is the latest target be cause of his courageous statement that he 'considered the adjusted service certificates provided for in the Fordney plan the worst kind of frozen credit with which na tional banks could burden them selves. 600 CASUALTIES IN RAND MINE BAM : Strikers at Bcnoni Ambush Scottish Detachment, Kill ing 18, "Wounding 25. AIKPLANE IS SHOT DOWN | Trade Union Hall, Full of Miners, Bombed and Ma jority Killed. Johannesburg, March 11 (Associated Press).?The Rand Daily Mail places Friday's casualties at 600, of whom 80 are believed to have been killed. The casualties among the strikers are not known. A Scottish detachment was am bushed at Benoni to-day by strikers hidden in a plantation, who suddenly poured a heavy Are into the soldiers, killing eighteen of them and wounding twenty-five. Most of the detachment were ex-service men. The trades union hall at Benoni, near Johannesburg, crowded with South Afri can gold mine strikers, was bombed fry an aviator to-day. says a Central News dispatch from Johannesburg. The ma jority of those assembled were killed and the building was dentroyed. An air plane was shot down at Benoni, the aviator. Capt. Calrey Thomas, being shot through the heart. Strikers' Plana Well Laid. The strikers' plans evidently had been well laid. The leaders apparently almtd at cutting off communications in order to facilitate the seixure of Important strategic positions. The possession of Fordsburg was a part of the movement The push extended northwest, flanked by Auckland Park, near a big police camp If this line Is driven In an Important section of the railway and the central portion of Johannesburg will be im perilled. Oen. Beeves, commanding at Wlt watersrand, has ordered the public to remain indoors from 7 P. M. until 6 A. M. Jeppe, a suburb adjoining Johannes burg to the east, was seething with strikers ?hi? afternoon. Most of the men were armed and a number carried bombs. They are credited with planning to hold up the police In that area so as to prevent them from reinforcing other points, particularly Fordsburg. where intermittent firing was continuing. The position at Brakpan ar d Benoni was extremely grave. The strikers ap parently had obtained the upper hand, at least temporarily, and numbers of dead anl wouided were lying In the streets. railed Bolshevist Hevolt. London, March 11.?The general strike railed by miners' leaders at Johannes burp Is In reality a revolutionary move ment, according to <he Cape Town corre i v>nndent of the Daily Telegraph. The strike Issue has been eclipsed by th? threat against the State, he says. ' There was some speculation over i Premier Smuts's delay In proclaiming martial law. which was regarded as gravely overdue, but It Is understood he wa.< actuated by fear that such a step would precipitate a conflict In which th? strikers, who are mainly Dutch, nnrht be reinforced from the veldt. The Johannesburg correspondent of the same newspaper reports that num bei*b of Dutch farmers In the Boksburg end Benoni districts have Joined the striker?) and formed mounted com mandos which attacked Benoni. The 7*<?tie?'? Johannesburg correspond ent. on the other hand, ascribes the foilhle to a wl<fosprend Bolshevist plot, and says the Fordsburg commando re tards ttself as a Bed Hoard. He ndds that flrhtlng Is In progress throughou* the Hand, the most sever" trouble b?>;nr In the eastern section. He believes that the police will soon gain the upper hand In Johannesburg and Benoni, but admits that, owfnr to the prevalllrg chaos. It Is very difficult to verify tht various reports WOMAN DOCTOR DIES REDUCING HER WEIGHT Effort to Cut 31 Pounds in Six Weeks Causes Pellagra. Rprrtal Piipntrh tn Tur Nrw Tosk Hrm?i n Batti.k Of.ek. March 11.?Dr Winona I^ong, blood specialist of Battle Creek fault a rlum and graduate of Hot Springs Medical College, died here late Friday night. She wns 34 yarn old. The use of her medical knowledge In weight reduction In an effort to reduce her weight thirty-one pounds In a period of six weeks brought on pellagra, which caused death. The American Medical Association had been appealed to In Chicago for as sistance In an effort to save Dr. I<ong's life, but death came befor-' suggestions for methods of treating her were re ceived. NO CHECK ON RAID New Federal Board Would Have Power to , Run Cost Into Many Billion Dollars. BURDEN ON STATES Measure Framed to Compel Cooperation in Recla mation of Lands. FARM BLOC IS RESTIVE Sales Tax Adherents Will Make New Attempt to Sub stitute Their Plan. By ions SEIBOLD. Special Dispatch to Tnr New Toik Hbbau,. ... y Herald Murium, I Washington, I>. C.. Mnrrh II. f The bonus raid on the public Treas ury and business of the country la facing a revolt In the House of Rep resentatives, which up to date has been the home of its friends. The insurance certificate loan plan concocted by the Republican mem , bers of the Ways and Means Com mitte$ is being assailed from several unexpected quarters. Aside from Chairman Fordney and Republican Leader Mondell, who still think Presi dent Harding can be induced to change his mind regarding the bonus raid, defenders of it have in fact be gun to apologize for its many defects The Ways and Means Committee chairman and the majority leader continue to assert that the $5,000.. 000,000 insurance certificate loan scheme will be favorably report the House "with a few minor at . r : ments" on Monday and railr? through that body with little 1: ?x , i opposition. Members who have favored 1 legislation are beginning to ei doubt as to the infallibility o two bonus spokesmen. Farm Bloc IS RF(t|Tr, I To supplement the troubles . harassed Ways and Means cha , and the men who support his mination to ignore the advice jf the President. Secretary Mellon, the over whelming adverse sentiment in the Senate and the protests of all classes of people, the farm bloc became rest ive to-day and threatened to "kick over the traces." Supporters of the sales tax. which the farm bloc opposes, also became active. They are arming themselves i for another attempt to substitute this scheme for the insurance certificate loan plan. , I The discovery of another "Joker" in the loosely drawn and unworkable measure framed by the Ways and Means Republicans has further added , to the confusion that prevails on th? House side of the Capitol where fear, impulse and emotion are the ruling In fluences. An analysis of the land settlement I feature of the "Ave way" plan formed by the American Legion and adopted out of hand by the Ways and Mean* II Republicans has uncovered a schema which in the opinion of critics of the bill Is reminiscent of old time "grabs.'* Gronnd for Party Machine. ' If the conclusions of the experts who have put the acid test on th? I "land settlement" feature Is correct, j the Republican party would be able to build up a powerful political machine for partisan advantages. In addition, the Government would j be compelled to go Into the real estate business on a tremendous scale, build j towns, develop Irrigation schemes, ays - tems of public roads and become In volved In so-called reclamation proj ects that have hitherto been frowned upon. Just how much money the land set tlement of the Insurance certificate loan scheme would cost the people of the country before Its terms could b? carried out is a matter of speculation. Kstlmates Justify the opinion of ex perienced intarereter* of legislative ambiguities that ihe stat ?rr<j?nts re cently made by Senator Borah tegwii' ing the whole bonus project are cor 1 rect The Idaho Senator In a recent speech attacking the bonus raid on general ( principles predicted that before the [ country got through with flnam tn* the ? bonus projects contained in the "nv< wny" plan which the Fordney commit tee has Introduced, the cost would run Into untold billions?perhaps $60,000,' 000.000 or even 175,000,000,000. "Moat Vlrlonx" Feature. The "land settlement" feature, wbicW Is to be*-o^* operative on January | next and not on maturity of the ance certificate.* to be issued ex-aerv. Ice men. Is pronounced by a membei who admitted that he supported It, as | "one of the most vicious attempts r.?ld the country ever undertaken in , Congress." The basis of his criticism waa the 1 protes'. made by the """amronnt of ^0