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II QUEENSLAND 3V2S, 4s & 4V2S BRAZILIAN GOV'T Sterling Issues . 4s, 1889-1910 4V2S, 1883-1888 5s, 1895-1903-1908-1913 Railway Resc. 4s, 1900 NORWAY 3s, 3>/2s&4s BUENOS AIRES 4.1/2S & 5s GRAND TOUNK PACIFBC 3s & 4s of 1962 4s,- 1955 Branch Lire 4s, 1939 Canada Atlantic 4s, 1955 GasselJones&Co. Mrmutr: Wn> tit nek I-t'hanO'' f>0 Broadway New York Telephone [fou ling (ireen 3141 Sugar Securities Future Prospects Based on Statistical Position Discvswd ?? apcci'i! L> /f<v II 12 sent on rcaucsl. j! Laraborn&Co. ? I Seven^41I St NewYork TeL Rector 631Q ? I .v kh nr. its 11 A'. V. Stoclc Kx. X. V". J'rouurr 1'r. jX. V. Cotton Kr. ( hi. ltd. o/ Trade i V. V. Coffci at><l ft una i- Kx., I nr. j| l.otidon I'rod. Clearing House, iAd. ? Remittances to South Africa Remittances may be j made by mail or tele graph directly to our own offices throughout South Af rica, the principal European cities and the Far East. All other forms of foreign bank ing transacted. J Capital and Reserves | over $20,000,000 , Resources $350,000,000 1 J "NatiunalBank SUUTH^FRICA^ New York Agency, 44 Beaver St. 11 BOMBAY IA>NDOM ANTWERP <Ql/A0/n Yearly income re- j /** /V on investment 1 is obtainable from the preferred j! stock of an important Public Utility Corporation Circular 11-22 on request T"? EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY ?> OF NEW YOItK ? TO THB HOLpMW OP First iinil Refunding TMrtj-Vcar fltr IVr ( int. <?o!d Hoods of the Princeton Llgiit. Heat A Power Company Dun February 1, 1MB. Th? Equitable Trust Company of N?*w York as Stteecnnor by merger to The Tru-.t Com pany of America, Truat?e under mortsnae of ">e Prim-non Light, Meat * Power Com pany dntrd February I, 1000, heraby Invite* proposals for tlic rale to It of a* mnny bnnda ttecured thereby n -> will exlia'nt the ?um of f'na Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty-nine Dollm i and Bt(btMH C< tit* <fl,"28.1!<> in accordance with the itlitkitiK fund protrtelons of "aid mortu?T". Written offer* of ?alo of said bonda nr jitiy parr therrnf at n. oartnln prlee with (i erueri Interest. together with the boMn. b? filed with the mutora'cned Trtateo <rn i t- Mfure twlve o'clock p'>on March -7, 1P22, it which t!ir" vMd offers will be . nenad. Off# ri should be addres*eid to t'c V u*t Department. The right u reserved to reject an^- and nil offers. f.afa.t Yo-lr. X. V , March 1"., 1022. rur, iwitaBI.h 'rnt'n't <x>mpany or N13W VOiiK, f?tiern**or Trtiatea, By LYMAN ItMOAOKH. Vlce-I'n-Went. . AiaX'K & ?JKO>.IKA> >I,VM FAC'Tril l\fi COMPANY Purrim.t to Article 0 . f the mortgage r-nm bv the a!" ii' named Company to 11> ?rklytt Tru t < mpany, a* Trustee, tht un rsignni ?>ffi-:* t.. pun hn?> on May t. tf>2'.' r the KPiklnff Fund th? ??% Bond* ..r sal'i < impatij tt'io M: 1. 1 PUT, 'i' a price not . ??..'dlnK !"'? and iiccnn 'I Inteivst to May 1, 1:22, . ,ff ' it I . ?xhnuit !'.;<? kuiii ..f : . 7,(10.1.72. Jt. aM orf-ra will be rc-elveil :>t offlc. . 177 Moptp 'in Hii . ? . In tlic llorough of ic.nkiyn 'Ml) nl V#w York, until S P. M on mil i, IMS, jmOOKM'N TRt.-PT COMJ'AN'Y, hi Truatee i'. M.VYNAUU. i'itxldnnt. Brooklyn, X. \., :tu.... JJ. 1032 CREDIT CUTS CAUSE ! ANXIETY IN BOERSE Banks Pessimistic Over Out-[ coiiu4 of Genoa Conference and Effect on Germany. f~i>c. iai ' a'uir to The New Ymk Hwui.n. (..jjvriyht, is::. l>y Tub New V">kk Ht.RA>.B. Xew lurk llfrttltl Bhimiii, ') Berlin, Mnrili 13. t Anxiety wu caused in the Boer* thin week by the now credit p dlcy adopted i-y the big banks. Credits cx-| t< nded by Uioho institutions to in- j dustrics have been very largely cut toi the bono, while to many clients no more, credit la being granted. The reconstruct ? tion situation has not weak'-ned the sol-' veiu-y of Arms. On 'he contrary, the, Leipzig fair has just, furnished evident that most branches of German industry actually aro overburdened with orders. Tin- ever growing inilation will even fa cilitate the incrcas< <1 extension of credits. If, nevertheless, a contrary po!i<;v' is adopted by the banks it is to be ex plained by almost purely technical rea sons. The bunko are rather pessimistic about tlie outcome of the q. noa conference, and the possibility of a ,vcre shock to Ger many's economic life induces them to do everything to stabilize their business and increase operating capital. Furthermore, frequent and considera ble fluctuations in the money market, great varUttioias in thr dollar rate atui ibc resulting fluctuations in the prices of raw mat;rials which industries must buy abro-vl, make the banks regard credits as uncertain business. The min ing industry is comparatively Inde pendent of hank credits because it is in a position to calculate its experises re sults jt from new investments and np por!ion them In tlie prices on its prod uct/.-. Tills policy, however, cannot toe adopted by other lines of industry, wlitoh erefore depend more upon credit op era t ions. ' German financial experts admit the ! justification if the new credit policy 011 the part of the bank.". They demand, however, that it be adjusted to the mini mum needs -of Industry. They suggest, as <j. practical solution of the problem, that tlie banks should not enforce the new policy us ? general rule, but should carefully consider the needs of each client and determine the credit and its amount in accordance with the merits of the case. The sharp rise '11 the dollar rate, which Is typical of last week's money market, was ascribed by well informed circles to the sudden and considerable purchase of foreign currencies by German industry. A decline in the dollar rate is pre dicted. however, bemuse the rise was held to be of a transitory character. Th'> Boerse considers the rati of 200 marks to the dollar a normal expression of Germany's present economic situa tion. While the dollar ranged about -00 Industry held back from buvlng foreign moneys, hoping to see the mark rise. When that failed to happen. In dustry had to meet its obligations abroad and a buying panic ensued. For this reason further rise In the dollar is feared. With them transactions concluded the Boerse looks forward to the rise of tlie mark to the approximate level of half a cent. The anomalous situation in the money market accounts for the fact that th>> stock ?*narket remained rather unin fluenced by events In the former. Steek quotations did not keep pjtce with the rise of the dollar. But a general rise In the stock market Is expected, and many patrons of the Botrie have with drawn their selling orders. The German American Economic As sociation of Berlin will hold a general assembly here this week, at which Gus tav Stresemann, the leader of the In dustrial party, will lecture on "Ger many and the United States In the World's Kcononiies." Dr. H. Isay will speak on German patent rights in the Fnlt^d States and American 1 Ights In Germany. MATIUESON ALKALI REPORTS. Mnkfs L'p Lom?? of Unit of I III! I forr Knd of Year. Notwithstanding losses of I4K.4R2 In operation* in th* first eix months of 1S21, the Mathleson Alkali Works, Inc., was able to show in tile final half of the year net earnings of $237,803. making Its net loss for the whole year $1.88,?)x after depreciation. depletion anil re serve for bad accounts. In contrast to a net profit of 15*3.301 in 1920. Practi cally all the improvement, which oc curred in tiio final half of the year, came in its la>-t four months, according to the company's report Issued to-day. Operating profit*, after deduction of manufacturing, silling and general cx pen^ee, were ?aw.O.'M. against $l,<W8,4<i9 In 1929. For depreciation and depletion $615,672 was net unfile, and loa*e* from other aourccH aggregated $.13,012, The profit and los* : urplu# at the end of tl.e year stood at $1,473.83.'. The balance sheet at the end of the year showed current assets of $2,182,285, ngainst current liabilities of $1,140,1*44. Property account was curried nt $?. 97P.16U. and good will and patent* at $2,000,000. MANUFACTURERS TO MEET. 0,000 Rxpeeteil nt Contention Stit r1111 u May H. The Hatloral Association of Manu facturers, 8,000 strong, win hold Its twentjraevonth annual fonvantlon at. the Waldorf-Astoria, on May 8, 9 and 10. Pour feature r??d.>ns have b<-en ar ranged. on the first day. foreign trade wilt ooeupy attention. The yecond day wll! be given to the Work of the na tional trad" MMoclattlfti". The ainual banipiet will l>e held on the night of M;ty 9, with John K. Edgerton, the now president of thi as .<>c!n.tlor?, preeidlng. On Ihc afternoon of Ma;,* 10. titer-' will b? *i '^Manufacturers' Round T.tble" for reraonul ttUggentlOfMi a* to how the na tlonal association can b??t help Indus trial communities and ;?s to how it can rro?i effectively eontrlbuto to tho public welfare and gt?od government. FINANCIAL NOTES. Ptsev * Pr?"M li(\i " prepnttd s 111 ok!"t ?lv ins tiv rr.mpii to 1 * \t of fie inn'' Ohio bond inw. Ineluilvri In this patnphl't l? n ropy of ;in WplMiitoH ailtlros* by Kofcert F. imnl son. of tli<> firm of Pquin, Snnder* * r>imp?ie . Cleveland. Copies , t the booklet wt" I- xitppilert urntl" on request. Mri'lure. .tones * He. .1, ni-tnh'r? of tho (lew York Cfoeli EsehanRe, hn<'e opened n htuneli nfrir. in Klf'h n venue, uniivr the mntUWfiiet't of JSines ft, MHf.iIieil. WEEK S COTTON PRICES. \V!j;iC ENPRP HATH1IBAY .'<UCII 11. Ni-I JIIrIi. l.o, I,net. ith'ii''. M:i- ii ? ? is t i'.sT I '.V- +.W2 IS.22 17.1'" Is i .'l -I ."I ? lull 17 "?r, IV .-[II .M October 111.fto 111 ;lll 1(1.0.1 +.1M 11 rr ember in. in . pr,'. Vew York. 1" 7<> is m 4-.:m l __. v ih\ lit v.* iv rm i_ nr. Spot, .n. Orient.* 1" IT.OO +.25 ."put, 1 jverpool, JO.ii^'d 9,PM. I0.5id. -{-."Pit. Investment Service OUR New York office is connected by direct wires with financial centers of the country?Philadel phia, Boston, Baltimore, Chicago, Pittsburgh and Detroit. We offer investors the advantage of our facilities thould they desire to secure quotations or execute orders in any of these markets, and we are pleased at all times to assist individuals, institutions and estates in selecting securities adapted to their par ticular needs W e deal in and quote United States Gov ernment Bonds, Foreign Government Bonds, the bonds of Municipalities and States as well as those of Rail roads. and Industrial and Public Utility Companies. BROWN BROTHERS & CO. 59 Wall Street Philadelphia NEW YORK Boston The Ne\v York Trust Company Capital, Surplus Gr Undivided Profits - - - $26,500,000 ACTS as TRUSTEE of VOLUNTARY TRUSTS too Broadwav ;7th St. iz Fifth Ave. STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Continued from PtrccdliiK Payc. Kant' Willi High. | Low. 65% 30'^ 88 1 lii i ~7%: i IJIV. |Div. I | Y:cld.;tn $ *8i 10.50 7.571 I t \ | Net 1jO*v , I Last. | lh??. 7.32 8.54 7.S2 5.48 6.73 7.73 5.71! "I 11 42% Si11* 73 71% 01 20%' 17%' i:;r. 125 I 74-% 71V. 105 '102 29 I 25 73 ' 60% I 46% 41V,, 145 119% i io%; 7>J 29 % 20%l 66% I 43'4! 13.83 314 16%: .. ti *.? V?' 50 6 %| 0%i 10% 2% 4!?V 37 ' 96%; 90 I 64% ' 5" 61% 102 37%! 32%) 96 %| ?2 life Ill4% 60%i 57' 92 %! 92% 26%' 3?'\h '?'% 41 % 82 S. 03 I 26 35% I 8% 41 I 82%: CI i GO 92%: 20 35% I 9% 41 82%: 63 ! 17 %i 3% 8 7.69 .1% 99 7.87 7.84: 5.28 5.93 43%' 45 >4 + 1 % 28%, 31%' 4 65% i 4- 2% 61 i ? % 4ai 48 19 59% I 03 ! 31% 82 89% 7 14 8.33i 7.78' 28%! 5.71 13%! .. 27% ..; 28 60 70 85% 102% 92 35% 1S% 28 12 71 63% 93 28% 80 18% 69% 93 30% 39 84% i 06 118%!10-% 4J%: 40%! ..j 38% 29% 6.56 102 1100 7.9.' 100%: 94! is%! is% ..; 76% 71% i 5.41! 48%| 44 1 4.55 51%! 45%! 4.35! 35%' 24 39 ..! 58%; 8.26! 90%! 6.59 23 ? ..! 76 ! 7.50' 14%i 63 ' 91 ' 24 30 5 6 ,.| 6 8.331 1 %. 7.61 j 7 " Oo. 2.70. "i 4.31 6.84 1 5300 Tobacco Products SOOlTobacoo Products pf'.... COO To], St L & W ctfs B 700 Tol, St I. A W pf ctfs B. 803oo Transcontinental OH... ?10'.) Twin City R T lOo Twin <"ity H T l?f 1000 Union H:u? & Paper 66001I'nion Oil ! 18% 17%! 17 8000; Union Pacific 1331 ^ 130% 133 3t)0 t 'nion Pacific pf 73% 73% 73% 600,'Union Tank Car pf .104 103% .103% COOUnlted Alloy Steel ' 28%' 27% j 28% 21001United I>rug Co i 06% 61%, 60% 8001 United Drug Co 1st pf..! 45 %j 14 j 45 % j 1400 United fruit jl4t% 138% 140 I S00 Un Railway Invest ] 10%j lOVh, 10% 2?#0|Un Railway Invest pf.... 28% 26% 14000,1'n Retail Stores j 45% 10000 U s c Ir Pipe & Vdy : 31% 4100} 1 >' S C I Pipe & Fdy pf..! 65% 100 1" S Express #% 1700 U S Food Prod I 4% . 280?o I' s Industrial Alcohol... i 49'^, 7' 400:U S Industrial Alcohol pf.; 95 .1 .'so? r s Realty & Improv .t 25000, U S Rubber S 1800 C S Rubber 1st pf 500 IT S Smelt, R & M 5 102600 U S Steel 7 3300'C S Steel pf . j 11200 Per* Marquette .1 1800 lvre Marquette pf Rj 500'Perc Marquette prior pf. 3! 2200 Philadelphia Co 600] Phillips Jones 7! 200> Phillips Jones pf. 2i 16700 Phillips Petroleum . 21600 rtercc Arrow 18 . j 19200! 1 'ierce A rrow pf I 38 .! 92001 Pierce Oil ! 7% .j 800jPierco Oil pf ! 40% 12500!Pittsburgh Coni of Pa...: 02% 300Pittsburgh Coal of Pa pf| 01% 19900j Pittsburgh & West Ve ...! 28% 400] Pittsburgh & West Va pf| 80 770? Pond Creek Coal 18% 2500 Pressed Steel Car Co....! 6!>% 100j Pressed Steel Car Co pfJ 92 j 92 92 1100 (Producers & Re ft nets I 27% 26%; 26% 1001 Producers & Refiners pf.! 37% 30 ! 37% ?;400:Public Service of N J....1 84%: 81%, 83r> S 570o Pullman Co ..'117% ?115% 117% .( lOKOOiPunta Allegro Sugar I 41% 39% j 40 :!l038oo Pure Oil 1 """ 1 on"' ,rtr + 1% 3 1% % % 1% 9% 1% % 1% % "% 4% 2% 4* 03% 6% 3% i 4% + % 43%l 48% -t 4 94% I 95 j ? 1% . i 62% 58%' 00% 4 2 . j 61%) 57%* OUl, -j- S% . 102 >101 1102 4- % ? i 34*2 1 36 m , ~r* 2*8 .! 95%: 93% 94 % j 4- % . jll 7% ? 116 117 "? 4 .,28 i 25% 27% - 1% .' 59%j 58%' 59%i ? % 70 ' 35% i 89%' 89 I 35% 69 I 70 ?? 34% I 35% 4- 1 87 ! 87', ? 2% 89%: 89%i ? 1% 33%,' 34% 4 1% 15% 10% 4- % 32%! 35%| 4- 3% 45%' 46%! 59% 60 %; 91 ! 91 I 25% 2S% 78%] 80 I 15% 17%' 65% 08' f; 33% 29" 1300'l*uro f)il Co pf 1102 i 101 500'Railway Steel Spring ,| 2700;Ray Consol Copper... 4' 11000! Reading 68 55 | 50 ! 25% 4%' 46%, 'i ! 47% I 41 8%' 56% 87% 12 i 54%! 24%i 17%I 14% 12%' 30%! 20%[ 60%i 30 ' 29%' 20%i 43%, 32%i 2] ROOTJendlnK 1st pf 2 lOOOlReadinff 2d pf .. 10500|ncnjlnKton Tn>ewriter .. -too,Remington Type 1st pf.. 100 Remington Type 2d pf.. .8200: Reploglo Steel ...I MWIRppublle Motor Truck... luiiio R?|i:ibllc Iron & Steel... 51%. 4S 1800 Reptibiic Iron & Steel pf.j 79%[- 76%! . . ! 1800 Robert Reis ,12 I 10 I 98%i 9 14% 14 74%: 72% 44 44 46%' 45% 38%; 34 68 I 64 57 31% I 28 5%I 4%I 101 98 14% 74 44 46 37% 68 6T 30 6%i 4 1% 4 1% 4 2% + "% -I- 1% - 1% 4- 1% ? % ? 8% 4- % + % ? % ? 1 4- 8% 4 5 I 49%| 4 M 9.43'5.20 138001 Royal Dutch of N Y. 3%' 17%' 2% 4% 9% 70 ; 97 23%: 9 I 43 I 23%| 1%' 11% 1%: 2%1 s%! 59i 91 I io%: 7% i 85%! 18% 7 22' 2.50i74e 44 1 84% i f.5% 60 IB ?8% 30% 70% 94% 71 16 18% 85 10% 18 % 20% 5.8 96% 100 57 67 9 18 41% 10% 16% 5% 80 42% 80 31% 25 155% 137 .' 152% i 137 119 117 , 48%: 48%; 70 ' 64% | ?Kx dtv N< >TK 9%; 80 % j 27%! .. 45 13.32 67% .. 6% .. 6 19%; 12% 10% 66 >4 8% 13 13% 61% 89 85 49% 65 6 12% 35%! 7% 18% I 4 %! 24 : 27% | I 8.11] 1 3.15j 2% 10.91 4.70| 6.9o! 5.97 i 7000 Wheel Ai. I. Erie 3900 Wheel Sr T.flke TCrle pf. 97 14% 8 800 Rutland Railroad pf. ]' 1000 *St Jos I^ad.. I 13% .. 13500 St I?nls & San Prsn 28%! 1250 St l.oui<s & San Fran pf.i 50% .. 8700 St I?uis southwestern.. 2it% ..j 6800:St LoUiS SbUtbWPSt pf... 43% .. 2200'Santa CePelia Susrstr 3% .. 1325 Savage Arms j 16 } ..I i coo'Saxon Motor j 2%; ..j 1300'Senboard Air I^ine | 4%i ,.j 12o0 Seaboard Air l*ine pf.... | 7%: _ 9400 Sears Roebuck j 68% 7I 2 001 Pears Rrtehuek pf> 10000 Senecji t'opper 700 Sbattuek Arieona 1C00 Shell Transport & Trad.. 74010Sln.'lalr Consolidateil ... ..I ..! JSOo sioss-Shet' Rte?'l A Irt?n.. 3.13! 2 7200 1 toll Copper ..' .. 1 1700 Utah Securities ..< .. 112U0 \ anadlum . .1 ..I 11300 Virginia-Car chemical... ..! ..' .1700: Virginia-Car Chemical pf. 300, VlrRinla Iron, C & C 100'\'lrginia Iron. C A C pf.. 12000 V'lvaudou 2400 Wabi.di 9000 W?l>asb pf A 300 Wabash pf 11 COO Weber <Si Hellbroner 200 Wells Fargo ... 4700 West. Maryland 2000'Western Maryland 2d pf. 2400 western i*acifle h 1000 Western Pacific pf 7 270o Western Un Tel 4j 14001Westing Air Brake ?1 15000 Westing I* & M 4 100'Westing E S- 1st pf. 58% i 51% 24% i>s%! 24%' 12%; 12% 1 27 ' 28% 49% 1 50% 26%, 28% 40 I 43 ! 3% 14 ; i\? 8% I 14 I j?i 4 1% 4- 1% 4 5% ?4- 2r'* ? % ? % -f % 6% 6%| - 6?% 08 95 ! 97 14 13%1 13%| - - , ?%i 8 + 40%! 39% 40 ; ? 23% 20%' 23%' 4 37 ! 34%i 36%, ? 64%| 62%' ??!%' + 16% 14 37%; 31% 36%! 33 76% 71 46% 67% < .76 5.26 fi.R7' 5.8*: 8.42, 9.02! 4 400.White Motor 15000 White OIJ ex vlKh?s 2600fWirkwire Spencer Ste#).. 8000 Willys i >Vf-land C000 Willys Overland pf 1900 "Wilson A Co 10(' Wilson A Co pf 80 3100 Wisconsin Central....... | 31 75 Wool worth '1R1 900 Wcoiworth 150 200'Woolworth pf 119 4500]Wortlilngton Pump .....1 48 900 * Worthing! on Pump pf H| 68 + K* rlirht". fin scrip, x Part stock -Odd lot. transactions are not recorded 24% 16 12%! 79% 10 V?' 13% i?%: 56% 9?%i 100 | 58 ! 67 0 I 11 41% 10% 14%: 5%. 30 42% 45 ?7% 8% ?% 23 15% 12% I 7n ! 9'i i?%: 18% 16' 37% I 4 85% 4 70 : 4 46 j - ? 7%' ? 8% + 7%' 24%: 4. 16 I 4 12% j ? 7?'.! 4 10 1 4 17% 1% 1% 1% 2% 4 3 L'U ? 1% 4- 2 % ?14% 4 2% 4 2 4 1 4- 1% ?f 2% 4- 1 ? 1 '?ere made at pr! of the r< Ml'' ;? lot t?u'. 19% 55 I 65 93%' 90% 85 | 16 64% 57% C7 I 67 7% I 8% 15 17 38 41% 8% 10% 18%! 18% 5%1 5%I 4 % 27%, 29% 1 -1- % 39 I 41%! 80 80 4 1% 29 31 14 2% 151 151 ! 148% 149 1 % 119 '119 ??? , 47%, 4 % ?6 | f,?5Vfc| + e Fn stock, f Psrt extra. 11 HepMj'sie line unk>s? salea A Nation-Wide Investment Organization A nation-wide investment service is offered to investors through our organization in thirty-three of the important cities of the United States, as well as England and Canada. Our business is confined to the purchase and sale of investment bands. We pur chase with our own funds carefully chosen new issues of Government, Municipal. Railroad, Public Utility and Industrial bonds, and resell them to our customers with our recommendation. Organized in 1882. there is the accumulated experience of forty years back of every bond we offer to our customers. Investors who wish to receive our Monthly List of Investments and our special new offerings may do so. without obligation on their pert, by writing or calling at the nearest address listed below. This service will keep investors informed of the current offerings and market values of a wide assortment of representative bonds, and will give them the benefit of our recommendations, which are based upon a long experience in satisfactorily meeting the requirements of many thousands of investors and institutions. For our March Monthly Circular ask for Circular B-ir Harris, Forbes & Company Pine Street, Corner William, New York Harris, Forbes & Co., Inc. 35 Federal Street Boston Harris, Forbes & Company 10 Drapers Gardens, E.C. London Harris Trust & Savings Bank Bond Department Chicago Harris, Forbes & Company Limited Montreal Toronto Representatives of Harris*Forbes & Company. New York BUFFALO, NEW YORK WILKES-BARRE, PA. 802 Ellicott Square Second National Bank Building ALBANY. NEW YORK CLEVELAND. OHIO 13 North Pearl Street Union Commerce Bank Building SYRACUSE, NEW YORK CINCINNATI. OHIO White Memorial Building Union Central Building TROY. NEW YORK BALTIMORE. MD. 11 State Street 211 EaBt Redwood Street ROCHESTER, NEW YORK HARTFORD. CONN. Wilder Building 36 Pearl Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. WAS?-?G C' Widcner Building Hibbs Building PITTSBURGH. PA. ATLANTA GEORGIA Commonwealth Building Hurt Building HARRISBURG, PA. JACKSONVILLE. FLA. Kunkel Building Graham Building LANCASTER, PA. NEW ORLEANS. LA. Woolworth Building Hibernia Bank Building Representatives of Harris, Forbes & Co.. Inc., Boston SPRINGFIELD. MASS. PROVIDENCE. R. I. Third National Bank Building Hospital Trust Building Representatives of Bond Department of Harris Trust & Savings Bank. Chicago ST. LOUIS, MO. DETROIT, MICH. La Salle Building Penobscot Building MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. ST. PAUL. MINN. First National Soo Line Building Guardian Life Building MILWAUKEE, WIS. KANSAS CITY, MO. First National Bank Building Scarritt Building LOUISVILLE, KY. LOS ANGELES. CAL. U. S. Trust Building Van Nuys Building SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. DAVENPORT, IOWA Insurance Exchange Kahl Building BREWERY EARNINGS AT PEAK. National Company of < atiaria fhinn I nr?i<- Inrrmar, ftp*' oJ DUpatch to Tub Mm Yornc Hrr Monteeaj,, Canada. March 12.?R oitl earning art ahown in the 192ti re port of the National BrcW'Tie* Company. Rarnlnjt* on tho cotnmcm *to<k, an* h >lnirn of Which wa* unlit Into fom- ?>. r w yeora airo, W*r?? IS.*6 a *har?. Total n?? ??.mlnir* vr?re II,24a,220, an InoreaM ? ' <11. HMtiu* waa iticrtaaert to 12,? 03t.i6?. The net working ''apltal was rtv'MMd from 1137,231 to $1114,511. and nmu-ta Increon'-d from 319.1P2.632 t'> Ho,m,#4l. Inv?ntorle? ?<ro en* from |l,t?!,ltt to ll.S62.CT';. STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. frittr Vn'W Kxrhamc* xnltt for ???'?it eni!?4 Mnrcli II : 1328. 1921 l?0 Mondav 7M.8Q3 4W?,T;i5 1,724,WW TikhkU? ?30,37.1 UM2* I.t.'T,2d? W.vlnaaday ... 791,131 .W7..'.nr. 1,4S?,7t? Thiirada* nrw.nao 7W.o.v> j,48.\4fll TVdajr m?,82."> i.rffMio Ra'imlay 067,178 4H7.7:*! 47*.(7.1 TotatM 4,4.1* 201 a,fon,Ms,?si fear td data.40.nM.SM 32,173,142 32,.143.323 Dt!all?i| aaliw) Of iteckl for WMka ended March il and March 4: Man-Jill. Maffh 4. Industrial* 3,780.:>.l7 4.1 aft, 159 lUlhoad TM.M4 031,043 BQ93DS fTAR MMt V). IDS! 1H?I. 1990. Monday |14,l?il,non n?,7nr,,000$l*,7l?.(*Ki T?>-? lay .... U.WI.'ioo 7,..71 ???> 11 .'T18,"o0 W*dn<?(l.i .. t: .1"! ?*>?> IV i:i,l7!i.n,o Thiiimlli; . I.TfW.'KK) 11 ,ti,17,<XW lt,47S,oflO Friday tMS4,'*10 S.W.'.mOO 13, ??<> ?'i-i Salui-aa;. 3,IW1.<K? ri,s|T,'JU0 B.S27.mtt fatal* .(IT7.IKW.000 132,30*^00 $70,!l2.1,<"<i \>fti to dnf1 XM2,721,0 11 $1132 292,(IW|7 ?>'1,(191,'"1 Ihm im| n.'tlan n bond* far w<? n,i ?mi. d M?>. :i 11 a:i<! Hareli 4: Mnr-h II. Mm.-i! I. cotri rntlonn $.'>"., 407 ,onn ?48.347.000 LlMrty 2fl,fl0<t.O0O 47.257,00# i'3?lKn i2,<tu7ooo ll.nm.oon >? 1 !!.;>' 12 if" McClure, Jones & Reed Membert Net? York Stork Exchange We announce rhe opening 01 a Branch Oppici at 553 Fifth Avenue, between 45th and 4#>th Streets, under the management or Mr. James G. Marshall Waltf* C. McCitm W. sirotiiir Jones, .T* Latham r. Rr.ri Ur.vnv A. Rudktv Pehky 1). Boot f. 115 Broadway New York Telrphottr Vandrrbilt J.1X2 A?tht b S. Russku Oh antra rcto STERN BROS. NET $929,383. Trnrflnw PrnlH* ?l,l*D,OTn for Iflilli llrpitrt *hnn?. Stern Hroth< rs report for 1921 tfl own net profiti of $929,M after ch?f|te'-. tMtt? wri t reaervew. Profit* from tflirt - j !ni| operation* w? rr> $1,3*9,071' j;ml <iedttC 1 Hons ?4.*7,ISO. The lialani!'' s*!u? t show currMt - aft' '>f 11,594,S2A, aitHiiiit current lia liil)I In* or ITiifiOe UH of .Unitary at. Hunk, ta4ebtedri?-Mi, whlr-h ? ?<*><! at |2M, I oori a , i ?r '.K'J, hug ben Wiped out, I'ne jln'R. 't Item of curftnt llabliiti"-* being a3NIU*1 for trade '-red It of?. < 'ash and fiovpi iment Mcnrltlea tntnlert nearly and inventories war# >?rrled at h o' nfffi- to Pnff Oil Itiilrirr*. l'ur? Oil Company director* liav<* au thorised ftti offering of f>l ,">00 *harr < of Common Pt.wk to Common HhaMhold*? at par, J25 a uliarr. Common *lwr* holders of record on March 8t will hflv.? J th? right to (iub^rpitin to out' Hhnc> rd ! additional common Btock for each four | *haren now ' wncl. flubtcrlptkm ir.'tat | bp mado not later than A|t1I 10, In a letter to common nhnreh.ilrkrq' President DtWfi Mat"*: "The beard of directors. at a meeting March T, ;ip"rorrUted ?nit > th? au thorized common stock of tha company $12. **>*,500 common <<<ock, being JIB, NOft ihurp.i of the nr> it' #23 each, to rilgix>?<>d of 1 j>r cash to provld" fbnd fit irim ?>?? reVretrei.- <>f ?n ReadC. W. Barron's Economic Survey Mr BaRRON'9 address befors the Economic Club of N?w York on January 30th last at the Hotel Astor has been issued in pamphlet form. This address, entitled "The Better Outlook for Business" contains a most interest ing summary of present day economic problems together with their solution. 15^ per Copy from vour N*w? ftand or the Ptiblithor "TTm profit**/ of ffte war wa? union i**d ralfrotd labor, and wniontaad railroad labor In ho/ding and mating I fiat profit today," " For proapor/t-. you mini unaliarklo both *-*tar and land transportation." 1D0W. jnNM4C0..P.hti,k,r. TS? Will StwM JmpmI BniMiaf 44 Ar?>4 Utwl lira T?rk tii' '-on-.V 'tiy'S (nttsinnflinir *# rial nor"*, traturln* Jun?? i. 1 >" : ?''"'no 1, IP23 ; Juris I, 1134: .1"nn . I?25. and m feimbar^ I4- 'rttnuy f^r ri^ltiil out U% in conn^fltlon wi:h an Investment In the stock of Humphrey* Oil Company, th" Humphrey# Pure Oil Pip* pany and Humphreys tVfe oil '1 *le? '*<rr' *?<* "