OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1920-1924, May 12, 1922, Image 17

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045774/1922-05-12/ed-1/seq-17/

What is OCR?

Thumbnail for 17

Those with money to
invest at the present
time, whether in large
sums or small, have an
opportunity to lay the
foundation for an im!
mediate and continuing
income by the purchase
! of sound investment securities
at prices yieldt
ing liberal returns.
4 U'.n, u. Mr 1X06
"The Factor of Safety."
Spencer Trask&Co.
f 25 Broad Street, New York
Mrnihcri New Vork Stock Exchange
' Member* Chicago Stock Exchange
I* 'I
This is
f , . ? . ,
<f nroaa diicct nospuai
? celebrates by adding 100
I* additional beds and two
?! new ambulances.
J C oo per ate by contributing
$1.00 per eroploj'cc to
' Downtown Hospital
jj! Association
| 129 Broad St. New York
r-1 ~ 1
Of til'1 securities recently Issued,
we recommend for Investment
Dominion of Canada 5s
llur Mny, tH.Yi
Yielding 5%
Northern Indiana
Gas & Elec. Co. 6s
Our May. IH.W
Yielding about 6?s%
Remington Arms Co. 6s
Our May. I!*3i
Yielding about 6 M%
Washington, Baltimore &
Annapolis Elec. St
Itue March, lit)I
Yielding about 6.65%
Complete iu formation or request.
Estabrook & Co.
24 Broad St. 15 State St.
New York Boston
Hartford Now BeJforJ
!'ro\ Iriencu Sprinxfleld
Ought to Know
! what securities consritute a legal
j investment for th; funds left in
| (heir charge. We have reprinted
| in booklet form the law govern
' nig investments by Savings Banks.
; and Trustees in New \ork State.
; al.wi t he
1922 Official List
'i of bonds vvhich arc believed to
( ccniply with the requirements of
, this law. Quite a number of
t changes have been made since the
j 1<>21 Official List v. as published.
. 1 nk lor Booklet C-2
Reraick, Hodges & Co.
14 Wall Street New York
Corrapondcnts: K. L Day ? Co.. Bo. too
.1. K. Rice, Jr. & Co. Buy & Sell
E. W. Bliss
Fidelity-Phenix Ins.
General Baking
Greeley-Hudson Sec.
National Fuel Gas
Nat. Ice & Coal I
Old Dominion S. S.
Simmons Company
Ward Baking
Westchester Ins.
Yale & Towne Mfg.*
I'linnra 4000 to 1010 .Tohn. AViill St., N. Y
Ft. Dodge, Des M. & So.
5s 1933 & 1938
Wolff & Stanley
Tel. Rector 2920 72 Trinity PI.
American Lt. & Traction
Citiea Service
American Gas A Electric
Wentern Power
H. F. McConnell & Co.
'.ftml*' * York Ntoctc Kjrchangt
N. V. TH. Uotrl. Ur. 54MO-H II.
Investment Bonds
Bank & Trust Co. Stocks
,?frmhm A'riu York Stoifc I,.c<Jniuoc
Sift Bnalmft Mtae INS Bain
Steels Lead Late Recovery of
Industrials in Heavy Trading
in Stocks.
tupju price cmnRO in ?""vcr?i markers.
some of tliem accompanied by
dramatic developments, made yesterday
c ne of the most Interesting sessions of
this year. Dealings in stool;s again
comprised more than 1.000,000 shares,
. and, while the fluctuations were peri
^latently toward lower levels in the
! morning, an abrupt recovery of indusi
trial shares took place In the afternoon.
: led hy Lackawanna Steel. Republic
j Iron and Steel, several minor steel
Issues and several specialties. The btiy|
ing of Lackawanna, carrying the quotation
over a range of 8'^ points and
j leaving it with a net gain of 7 points.
1 was fully explained by late Information
] that a merger of that company and the
Bethlehem Steej Corporation was under
' way. Tiie news of that program. be1n><
i unexpected, .supplied one spectacular
) I'cutuiv to events. Another came In the
j demoralised retreat of the short interest
j ili May wheat, heavy purchases in Chlj
vngo carrying the price up 7U cents a
1 oushoi. The significance of that bulge
lay principally in miscalculations which
| short sellers had made about the de|
i! and for grain. The immediate absorption
of 1.200,000 bushels of wheat shipped
i hi iui tjrnvcr-.eh on .nay contracts Detokened
a demand which suggested that
; the underlying state of the market wai
j much stronger than speculators had
1 believed it. to be s. fortnight. ;.go. Tile
! other Train options also mowd forward
j briskly.
i The B'thlehem-Lackawanna merger
I ->lan p-esumably will not alter negotiations
for the consolidation of six coni'
rallies in another group. The Lackaj
nanus was originally expected to flgur;
' in a seven company merger. Outside of
[ the economic Importance of the rcgroupj
ing of large producing com-cms it Is
; plain that the formation of two large
; units to compete with the United States
i Steel Corporation instead of a single
I great competitor lessens the chances of
collision wltii the Sherman law a mliinf
j lonsideration, perhaps, but worthy ot
! study In the present keen state of busij
ness rivalry and partisan polities.
1 Stoeke looked decidedly weak in the
j morning. At the bottom prices the
j average of active industrial shares was
I three points or more under this year's
: recent maximum, and the enlarged busiI
ness. compared with that of Tuesday
; and Wednesday, indicated that short
! sellers were becoming more confident.
I The afternoon rally was not sufficient
to remove all earlier losses, but, in the
! irregular array, of quotations at the
close, many substantial advances were
' noted.
I The supply of call money olfet-ed in
j the Street was sufficiently large to
; break the rate from 4V4 per cent, to
3 1-3 per cent, before all df the day's
, loans were arranged, tn bond.4 there
was not much change in trading eon'
ditlons. Idberty bonds were firmer and
j the same slow sagging of minor railroad
| issues occurred as on Wednesday. The
! weekly Reserve statements contained
no IteniW suggestive of firmer money.
The system's gold holdings Increased,
I carrying reserves *l i.uuu.uno Higher
I than they were a week before. The
i liquidation of loans, which had paused
i in the preceding week, was again reI
sumed. bill holdings falling $36,500,000.
; and as deposits receded and circulation
I declined St7,400,000, the ratio of cash
! to deposits and notes advanced from
! 76.7 per cent, to 77.3 per cent.
; Cotton was under pressure for & time
| hut could not resist the upward surge
\ In other markets, closing 17 to 37 points
i higher than It did on Wednesday. The
! foreign exchanges were Arm.
THUnSDAT. MAT 11. 1952.
I'Rrily*. tVednej,
St.s?ts. nurllng: Thursday, day." May 4.
Demand *4.44''. $".44% *4.4.1%
I "able* 4.44*1 4.44' 1.44',
Hanker*. 60 ?lyn 4.41 ?4 4.41*: 4.4IK
Hankers. 90 dv? 1.40"-. 4.40- 4.40%
! 19.30 t"ranee, cents a franc:
Demand 9.1.7% 9.10'i !>.ir.
i'ahle? 9.14 9.11 9.16'i
19.30 Belgium, cents a franc:
Demand 9.3313 8 32'i 8.37'j
Cables 8.34 8.33 8.38
I 19.30 Swlticrland, cents a franc:
Demand 10.27 19.28 19.27
Cables 19.29 19.30 19.29
19.30 Italy, centa a lira:
Demand .7.30 3.29 3.33
Cables 5.30'? 3.29V? 5.85%
53.80 Germany, cents a mark:
Demand 34V, .34% .34*4
Cables ill'. .34% .34*1
56^10 8 veden. cents a Krone:
Demand 23.37 23.63 23.83
Cables 23.62 25.70 25.90
I 20.80 Norway, cents a krona:
I Demand I8 60 18.63 18.30
Cablos 18.63 18.70 18.53
20.80 Denmark, cents a krone:
I Demand 21.23 21.23 21.18
Cables 21.30 21.30 21 23
' 19.30 Greece, cents a drschma:
Demand 4.30 4.18 4.55
Cables 4.32 4.20 4.57
! 19.30 Spain, cents a peseta:
Demand 13.32 15.53 13.54
I Cables .... . . ..15354 # 13.50 15.56
11'..u MOlianu, cents a norm:
Demand 38.52 38.42 38.30
Cable-" 38.57 38 48 38.33
31.46 Russia, cents a ruble:
100 rubles 07 .07% .07
500 rubles 07Vl .08 .07'j
30.26 Austria, cents a crown:
Demand 01% .01'. .01',
Cables 01% .01% .01%
23.80 roland, cents a marl::
Demand 02 % .02% .02%
Cables 02% .02% .03
20.30 Hungary, cents a crown:
Demand 12% .13 .13%
Cables 14 .14 .14%
i 20.30 Jugo-Slavla, cents a crown:
Demand 36". .36% .56%
Cables 37% .38 ,3T%
' 18.30 Finland, cents a mark:
Demand 2.00 2.08 2.10
Cables 2.10 2.00 2.11
20.26 Cterho-Slovakia. cents a crown:
Demand 1.82% 1.89 1.65
C ables 1.93% 1.90 1.96
19.30 Rumania, cents a lsu:
Demand 70 .70 .70'/,
Cable 71 .7) .72%
*4 40 Turkey, cents a pound:
Demand 09.00 80 00 Tt.00
Cables 71.50 71.50 73.60
' 108.32 Shanghai, cents a tael:
Damand 78.25 78.25 78.23
Cables 78.75 78.75 78.75
78.00 Hongkong. cents a dollar:
| Demand 57.0244 37.1244 57371.
Cables 58.00 57.50 57.75
1 48.00 Bombay, centa a rupee:
Demand 29.25 29.00 28.37
Cable* 29.50 20.25 28.50
! 49.84 Yokohama, cent* a yen:
Demand 47.25 47.25 47.3744
Cables 47.50 47.50 47 62?j
I 32.44 nto rfe Janeiro, rente a mllrele:
Demand 14.00 I3.97',:. 13.75
Cable* 14.1244 i:t.9t ' 13.81
i 42.45 Ht/eno* Aire*, cent* a peso:
r>emand 30.31 .10 25 30.31
Cable* 3(1.3744 50.31 30.8T4?
I 10C.42 UruRuay, cent* a dollar:
Demand 79,87". 79.87! 79,75
' '..lea 80.00 80.90 79.87'
I 30.30 Chile, cent* a i>?*o:
Demand 11.57". It.374. 11.31
Cable* 11.43 11.43 II 57'
i Srv York fund* In Montreal, 115.50 premium
a <1.000j Montreal luoda In New York,
| WW dlaannal 9 IMCk
^ THE ?
^):tv's sales
| 1925. .| ,-C!o?ln?. -, IDiv.l I
' H<rh ' Low- 1 Bld- 1 A*k" I1"*'1 s*'e'- I
63 I 48 | ?4%| 65% i ..| 100|Adam* E
57HI 43%l 53 53% 4 400|Air Uedi
18% i 13% I 16% I 17 : ..I 2800L\Jax Ru
%| %! % %1 .. I 2600 Alaska (
1%! % 1%I 1%' ..I 1900 Alaska J
i 69% 55% 66 I 66% 4 1700!Allied C
} 109*4! 101 107% 1108 I 7j 200 Allied C
1 52 I 37% 48 1 48% 4 2900 Allis Ch
; 100 ! 86% 97%l 98 ! 7' 200lAllls Ch;
i 41 Ti I 29% 38%: 38 7g ..I 200'Ani Ag
1 70% J' 55% 66 66%! ,.| 600'Airi As <
! 44 | 31% 38 I 39 100 Am Beet
I 49 I 31% 44 1 45%I ..! llOOlAm Bos.
I 68%! 51 SO ,61 I 4! 600'Am Br 8
50% 32% 46% 47%' ..I 6600 Am Can
105%! 93% 104 1105 ! 7! 300 'Am Cat
ivt ini I.M JSO i.ar
t4 I 7 I 12%! 12%! ..I 100'Am Chic
: 27% I 10%' 20%! 25%' ..I 400lAm Tot
i 6% I 4%! 5% 5*i1 ..! 32001 Am Drii;
!143%I127%I13o 136 [ 8! 100 Am Exp
I 17%! 12 I 14% 15%! ..! 10ClAm Hide
, 72%; 58 | 66% 67 I .J 800;Am H &
1114%! 78 1102% 103%' 71 lOOOUm fee
\ S2%! 72 i 80% 80%' 6' 3001.Am Ice;
, 48 1 38%; 43% 43V 2000iAm Int
j 13%i 9%i 12% 12%' ll 1600'Am I.aF
I 36%i 29-%! 32% 33 ' ..I 200 Am Him
i 117% 1102 .,113 113%! 6 4900>Ani I jOC
118 1112 1116117 ' 7 300;Am Hoce
i 09%i 82 ; 03 97 I 4' 40O!Am Rad
8%! 3%' 6%| 7 I . . I 1000! Am Snf
18%: 5% 16% 164* 3000 Am Sh <
59%I 48%I 56 ! 56% .. 4200IAm Stu ,
. 98%! 86%I 58 ! 98%! 7' 600|Ain fin ,
1138 |109%r'132 '134 1 13' 100'Am Snu
' 10%! 30*4' 38 38%I 8! 3200'Am St. o
| 100 ! 91 98 93%' 7 lOOiAm Stl
76%1 51% ",3% 74%' .. 2800,Am Sun;
; 103 1 84 '102 '101 ! 71 200 Am Silgi
36%' 23% 33 31 loOOiAm Sum
70 1 54 ! 61 62 ! 5 25] Am Ted ,
121%, 114% 121% 121% 91 23001 Am Tel .
144% |129% 137% 1138 12! 1800'A ill Toh;
;139 ,126 ! 134% ,135 12! 4001 Am Tob
I 103%! 96%(101 '101%: 6 30ff|AmTob ]
I 102 % I 96% 1101 1101% ..! 49lAmToh 1
! 52%! 17%; 1 ! 13 ! .. 1001 AW WE'
! 95% 78% I 90% I 91 7' $3001 Am Woe
; HS% 102%,106 106% 7' 100'Am Woe
57% 22%: 32 '33 ' i loojAm Wrl
I9%| 12% 18% 18%: ..! 1100 Am '/, l
s ..t, ? ** 4o aw Am rt, i i
, ? 4*4i 17 52%! 52V4' 7400'Anaroinl
i 51%! 29 I 44 47 1 2O0lAnn Art
7% 40 .74 I 54 %' 4' 300[As8O J.'r
r?o 1122 '123 1 fii aooiAssn oil
102 ' 91%| 99% 99%' s! 23001Atcli, T
1 91 % i 87, I 91 | 9114! 5! 100IA, T & S
i ".%! %' 3%; 3% ..I r.00!At. Binr
1 10:; I 93 '100 ^ 101 1' 300!Atlantic
, "?% I 2 % 4 4% 47001 Atlantic
22% 13V41 20 1 2014' 2001 Atlas Tt
i 3-V 23*4' 35%' 35%' ..I 3300!A, Gulf
! 2 7% I 16%| 23 1 26 I...I lOOlA. G & 1
; 28 I PI4I 24*41 26V4I ..I 1300! Austin 1
j 8.", < 68 I S3 : 85 ! 7 1001 Austin )
72' 1 92% 1113 ll5% 71 25300 Baldwin
I 49*41 33141 45% I 45%! ..I 4700|Balt & <"
i 5r>%! 19141 45 Vi I 45*4 ..! 3900| Barnada
i 39 ' 19% 32 ! 3214 ..! 500'Barn-dal
I 50 ! 33 I 43 ' 49 1 50|Bayuk
I 78 ! 51 1 72 71 : 5! 100' Beth St
' 101 ! 90% 99 ,100 ! 71 200iBeth S '
|:mi't04 1112 '112% S 500 Beth S !
i 80%! 55% 79 79% 1 5! 11300|Beth St<
1. 2%I %l .. I .. I .. 700 Brook F
. 29%l 29%' 25 27 ; 100'Brtt K S
I 37 %! 6*4! 26%, 26% .. 6500'Brooklyi
'I 2?%! 5% 22 ! 22%| .. 2400iB R T <
i!lof?%| 70 1101 % 1106 .. OOOIBrook I
51 1 42 I 45 ! 46 I ..! 200lBrown 1
1 4%! 2%l 4 ! 5 I ..I 200|Bruns T
i 138 !llo ,13314 133% lOi 2300|Burns I
! 43%I 28% I 39%I 39%: 2! 200|Burns fl
t 99%| 94 I 92 ! 97 I 7| 10o|Burns E
, 54 ! 26 I 24%I 26%: ..! lOOIButterlcl
7%I 5%' 6%I 6%: ..I 1000!Butte Cc
! 31%! 20%I 30%! 31 I .. 4000 Butte &
I 15%! 10%I 12% 1 12%! ..I 700!Caddo C
8?%| 68 1 79 i 79%; 6; 120o!t'a1 ParI
59%' 43%! 00% 56 ..I 3900;(>1 Pott
1 9S%! 83 1 95%, 97 i 7] 100jCal T'eti
! 6%l 5%I 7%l 754: ..I 5300 Callahar
,1 62%: 58 I 57 60 ' 21 100!Ca]uniet
\ 145 '110%' 130 it 39% 10' 3400IC.'anadia
16%: 11 1 13% 14%' .. 200 Carson
1 C%| 3 I 4%l 5%' .. 300|Case t.Tl
, 40%' 29%: 36%I 36%: 1600[Cen T,o;
I 74 I 6S?* 68 | 69 i .. 500!Cen T?en
3774' 32%j 36%i 37 I .. 800 Corrc d?
1 49%: 34 44 I 46%! ..! 100'Certain79%'
47%; 72 ! 72%! 6| 7000|Chandle
66% I 54 64 ! 64% I 2 900 Chesap
9%: 1%j 7%I 8%' .. HOOlChi ? A
19% 3% 15%' 16% I .. 500'Chi & A
1 39%! 12% 37%! 37%! 3600'Clil Eas
49 I 31% 54%! 55% .. 800;Chi Has
9% 5% 8 ! 8%! .. 1400|Chi Ot
23% 11% 20 ! 20%' .. 1600iChl G X
29% i 16% 25%' 26 I .. 3800|C, M A
47 ' 29 41%j 42 I .. 3000 C. MiSt
76%t 59 73%' 73%! 6l 1500|Chl & >
iv?uliim mo I111 1 71 ioolr*hi a- v
' *455rio%!"?% "43 j .".i 8700lChi. HI
! S37* 70'4' 80% 81 ! 6 200IC.RI&P
! 07 1 88141 55 08 ' 7! 300IC.RI&P
68%! 31 : 64% I 66%| 5! 400 Chi. St
i 20V 1"V 19 I ,9'i 3700jChile Cc
t *?n% 25% i 27% 28 .-I lOOjChinu C
' 00 ' 72%! 86%' 88*4' 100IC.C.C& :
; 0;. 87% 08 ! ps I 7 loolciuett.p,
! 58%i 41 1 56%! 37 | 41 3700lCoc:a-? 'ol
23 24 32%' 32*41 ! lOOOjCol Kite
' 58% 2S 47%! 48 3, 100 Coloradc
i 61 %i 55 ! 60%' 63 ' 4 lOO'Col & S
89% 64%' 87 87% I ?' 5400!Col C. is
, 3%! 1*41 4%' 4 Vi I . .1 3900iCol era
20% 3 I 16%, 17*41 .. 100!ColOra]
7h% 35V* 66 ! 66% 4! 16000 Cornp T:
120% 83 '116 ! 116%! 7' 6900,Consul (
1 13% 12 13 13*4; . .1 3800'Conso! '
21;' %1 %; %| ..! 100[Cons Di
69 1 45%| 64 '60 | ..! 2700!Contin C
' 108% 91% 100% 100*4' 16 9200 Corn Pr
I 117 (ill 116 11714! 7! 200'Corn Pr
' 45% 31% 42%' 42% 12% 14300 Cow ion .
69%' 52% 68*4! 69 .. 12900 Crucible
( 95 i 80 93 94 7! 100 Crucible
,,6%1 14%; 20% 20% ..I 1800'Cuban j
19% 8%' 15%! 15** ..! 1 400 Cuba Ca
I 10% 15%! 33*4' 33% .. 1300 Cuba C
I 65%! 48%J 57 ' 57*4' ! 3900 Davison
' 23%! 15%! 20% 20%! ..I 700!DeBeers
I 119%;il0%,116 ill" 6j 400!Del. L. &
| 108%il00%|106%ll07% 8' lOOIDetroit
I 28%! 18% 26% 27*41 H 1200iDoinc M
i 6 2% 4% ?%| 200]Dul. S S
I si | 72 ! 81 88 ' 7 100'Dur Hos
| 77%! 76%! 76% 76%' 5' 1200:East Ko
' 179% 1125 ] 169 '170% 12 1400 Elec Sto
! 22%! 14% 19% 20% 700'Elk Hor
9 < 2%! 7 1 8 | ..I 100!Emer B
33*4! 22 28% 30 .. tOO Emer Bt
: 87%! 76*4 j 81 i 82% 5 2700iEndicott
! 11QI/ I 1A 4 I11A1Z 111 7 1 Afii ITr?rl4 In!
14%! 7 I 12%I 13 I .. 23001Erie ....
i 23 ' 11%' 21%i 21% .. 36001 Erie 1st
I 16%! 7%' 14% 14%; .. 300!Erie 2d i
* 83%i 75%I 80% 80%; 8 4000'Fam Pla
93 I 31%l 93 94 I 8' 200lFam 7Jlft
. 48% | 37 I 41 42% 4 2001 Fed M &
i 127%! 73 1113 115 10! 300' Fisher B
19%' 11% 18% 18% .. 6600 FIsk Ru
I 20%! 12% 18% 19 .. 3700 Freeport
67%I 45% 63 65 81 100 Gen Am
67 | 55% 60% 61% .. 6400 Oen Asp
103%I 90 92% 95 I 61 200 Oen Asp
99 I 98% 98%! 9974] 7! 200!Oen Am
76%I 63 71 71% I 6' 500'Gen Cl*i
102*4?100 100% 101%! 71 lOOjOen C'igi
I 166% ; 136 182% 163%;xl2| 1200|0en Ele
! 13% j 8%' 12%! 12%! ..f 16800!0en Mol
i 81 I 69 I 81% 88 61 100!Qen Mol
; 82 ' 67% 81%i 82 6 300!0en Mot
i 95%I 79% l 94 I 95 | 7 300'GMdeb
| 16 1 13%' 13%! 14%; .. 300 Glidden
! 42%I 34%! 39% 40% .. 18001 Goodrich
91 ! 80% i 86 89 I 7 100'Goodrich
30%' 26 25% 27 | .. 800:Oranby
19%! 12 ' 16% 17 ! .. lOOIGray &
80% j 70%! 74 ! 74%| 7 2300lGreat N
45% I 31%' 38% j 39% 4] 2000lGreat N<
14%| 6%I 11 ! 11%! .. lOOIGuan Su
89%! 77%! 84 92 I .. 100 Gunn Hu
18% I 5 . ' 14 I 16 I .. lOOlOulf. M
.79%! 16 1 36 37 .. 400 Gulf. M ,
90%! 4474! 82 82%; .. ?60i) Gulf Nta
' 97%' 90 '96 I .. I 7l lOOiGuK Stfl
3% %. 2 ! 2%| 2200'Hab1r?1is
75 35 i 70 1 71% 3! lOO Hom.sta
19%! 10% 17% 18 ll 3200'Thipi 3
9%! 3% 7% 7% ..I 300 Hydr ull
I 35 I 30 23 26 1 .. 100 Hydrmi
' : 3% 70 74'.'. 79 ..I 3400 Hon.'- on
il(!'% 97% 10-?% 105 7 10.1 III f nil
i 4% I 3 % I 1 I 1% .J 2500 I ndln nun
i 1o i 5% 8% 8% . .! S00 India,- 1
I 424,' 37%' 39%' 40 .. 19001 Inspirit!
i3 I i 2%i 2%i ..i 1500!ir?tei bori
isd m mu aMftUo
1922 1921. 1920.
1,099.899 844,139 731.891
' 'fum- l High- I Low-1 CIos-l Net
I lng. e?t. | eit. | lin. |Ch'ii?".
xpress 66 66 [66 ' 66 ~i ~
jctlon. 53% 53% i 53 ! 53% ? %
bber.. 16% 16*41 16%! 16%!? %
; m... % %! % %l? %
runeau 1% 1%i 1%. 1%I? %
ft D...I 66% 66%! 65%; 66 |? %
ft D pfT07%H07%ll07%il07%| + %
aimers! 48 48%! 47%! 48%' ..
ilm Of! 97741 97741 97741 37%i ..
Chem.l 39%i 39% 38% 38%)? %
Ch pf.' 67%! 67%! 66%I 66%|? %
Sug..! 38% 1 38'JI 38%! 387%I? %
h M.. 44% 44%! 43 i 43 |? 3%
! ft F..' 60%| 60%! 60 ! 60 |? %
' 46% | 47 45% | 47 I 4- 74
i pf.. ,'104%,104%104%T04%!
ft Fdy!160 '160 |156% 156%!? 3%
le .... I 12%! 12% I 12%| 12%!? %
Oil....! 25%| 25%1 25% 25% ? %
g SynJ 5%' 3% 5%' 5%!? 74
ress.,. 136% 1136% 1136%! 136%' ..
ft U.i 14%! 14%I 14%! 14%|+ %
L. pf.i 66 ) 6674 63%! 66%|? 74
|10l 102741101 !l 03 ? %
pf | 80%! 80 74 1 80 % 80%|? %
Corp..! 43%! 44 I 42% I 43%!? %
F Engl 13 : 13 ! 12%! 12 741 ..
Koed... 33 | 33 ! ?3 33 I ..
om.... 113%il13% 111 Vi 113 !? Ti
>m pf.. 116%I116%'116% 116%| ..
iator.. 93%! 93%! 93 93 j? %
Razor. 7 ' 7 | 6% 6%' - %
It Com 16%i 16% 16% 16%!? %
& Rof.l 3f.%l r>6M?! 54% 56%I? %
& R pf| 98%i 98% 98 98 | ..
IT ! 132 1132 I132 132 f- %
I Fdy.' 38 ' 38%l 37%l 38 ' ..
Fdy pf 99%I 99%i 99%! 99%l + %
ar . ... t 73% 73% 72% | 73%!+ %
ar pf..!l02% 102%il02%|102%!~ %
Tob. . I 33%' 33% | 32%I 33% + %
it C...I 62 ! 62 I 62 ! 62 I ..
S. Tel..! 121%'122 |121%il31% ? %
acco... 1137 % 137 %! 136 % 137 % I? 1 %
pf.... ! 134%! 13474! 134% ! 134741? 1
i?f ncw|l01 % J1011 % 1101 |101 ? %
pf now1101 %!101 % jlOt % 1101 %! ..
6 pc pf| 31 | 31 ! 31 1 31 |? %
>+ii ..! 90%' 91 j 89%| 91 I ..
>1n, pf' 106 106 106 ! 10?> ' ? >i
t P pf! 33 ! 33 1 33 1 33 !? %
. & S..! 17%! 18%' 17%! 18% + %
&S pf 43%! 43%! 43%! 43% ..
a .... .11% 7.3% 51% 52%? %
ior pf.1 44 46%I 44 46% + 2
v rjda.l 64 34 | 64 54 ? %
I '120% 121%.120 121%? %
& a P. I 99% 99% 99 99%'? %
! F pf.: 91 % 91 %! 91% 91%
iftAtll'S% 3% I 3% 3% ? %
r r. .Iioo ioo 'ioo ioo ? l
Fruit. 4% I 4%; 3% 4
JCk ... 20 I 20 1 20 20 ? %
& W l! 35% 33%! 34% 35 ? %
,V 1 pf. 21 24 j 34 I 24 + %
S'loholsj 25 25%! 24%' 25%'+ %
MCIipr! S1?V M4| MVfc' %
TiOco.lll4%!l15%!l13%lll5% + %
>llio...| 46 I 46%' 45%| 45%[? %
II A.. I 45%! 45^4j 44%' 45%'+ %
1 B...I 32%' 32*4 32 i 32*i ? 1%
Bros..! 48 | 48 ! 48 I 48 ! ..
eel....1 73% ! 73%' 73% I 78% [ + %
7 pc pf 997? 99V 99 : 99 I? 1
? pc pf! 112 Il12%!lll%|112%| + %
?cl B.. 77Va | 79 I 78%! 79 + 1%
7d rts. I 2%1 2%: 2%| 2%.
i 2d pf.! 26 ! 26 26 ! 26 1? 1
i R T.' 2.7% 26% 25%! 26%!+ %
?tfs I 22%' 22% 21 % I 22%'+ %
*ji Gasl 101 % 10l%ilp0%!l0! ? %
Ulioe. ..J 45 45%i 45 ! 45%!? %
& RRi 4 I 4 '4 I 4 1? %
3roK...ll33%!l33%!l32 -133%!+ %
>ros B.l 39%; 39% 39 39% ? %
<ros pfl 96 I 96 | 96 j 96 '?1%
k ! 26%) 26%; 26%! _'6%;? %
>p & 55.1 6%! 6%' 6% 6%|? %
Slip..! 28%' 31% 28% 30%I + 1%
' O&R 12%' 13%; 12% 12% - %
king... 78% 79 1 77% 79 |+ %
'ol .... 55 I 55%! 54% 55%;? %
-ol pf.. 96%; 96% I 96% I 96%'? %
i Z&L 7%J 7%j 7% 7%!- %
& Ar. 58 58 I 58 ( 58 !? 2
n Pac. 1139%] 139%1138 I139%| ..
IP Gold! 14% 14%) 13% 13?4: ? 1%
[)PWl 4% 47i 4%' 474'? V
ather..! 36%! 36% 36 i 36%!+ %
th pf..* 69 i 89 68% 68%;? %
? Pasco 36%l 36% 36 ] 36% .. ,
te?d .. 45 * 43 45 I 45 ? 1%
r Mot. 72% 73 71%) 72%!+ %
ft Ohio.! 64%I 64% 64 I 64 ? %
Iton... I 818 7% I 8 + %
Hon nfi 15141 15141 15 I 15 !? 2
till... 37% 37% 37 37% %
t 111 pf 55 55% 65 55%;? %
West.. 8 8 8 8
Vrst. pf 20 20% 20 20%!? %
St P.. 25% 25% 24% 25% ..
P pf. 42% 42% 11% 41% ? %
Jwn... 73% 73% 78% 73%? %
wn pf. 110 110 110 110 + %
& Par' 42% 43 12% 12% + %
6 pc pf1 81 81 80% j 80% ? %
7 pc pfl 95%! 95% 95%I 95% ? %
P,M*0> 66%! 66% 65 ' 65 j? 2
ipper..! 19 ' 19% 18%i 19%!? %
opprr.J 27%' 27% 27%' 27% %
St L pf! 87%| 87% 87% 87%!? %
&Co pf! 95 ! 95 I 85 i 95 +
la ' 56%! 57%1 56% 57 ? + %
I & Ir. 31% 32%I 31%, 32%;+ %
, & So. 48 ! 48 48 | 48 I? %
1st pf.' 61 ' 61 I 61 61 !? -"a
& Klec.! 87 I 87% 86 87 ? %
ph....! 4%l 4% 4% 4%' ..
>h pf. .' 16%! 16% 16%] 16%;? %
ab Reci 06% 66%! 63% 66 ? %
3as. ... 115%!116%'114%!116%;+ %
rextile. 12%! 13% 1 12% 13 + %
strlb.. %! % % % + %
'an.... 62 I 84%! 62 64%!+ %
od Ref 99%[ 100% 99% 100%!+ %
o R pf 115% 115% 115% 115% ? 1%
S: Co..! 42% 42%; 41% 42% ? %
oo 1 0A ' ??*!/ C O ti I i_ 1 at
Dieei.i oo | 03 D I 74 ?o-/B x 178
St) pf 93V*! 93%; 93% 93%'
Mil Suj 21%' 21% 20% 20%? 1
ine Su.f 15%! 15%! 15 i 15%!? %
Sur pf 32%' 33V 32%' 33% ? %
Chem.' 57%! 57%| 55%| 56%|? %
M Am! 21 | 21 [ 20%1 20%! ..
West.'115% 117 115%'H7 j + 1
Edison |106% 106% 1106% 106% ? 1%
ines.. .| 27%' 27% 27 27 !? %
A Atl. 4%| 4%| 4%| 4%|? 1%
M pf. 81 81 I 81 81 + 2%
dak.... 77%' 77%! 76%' 76%
r Bat. 169 '170 167 J170 +" 1
nC... 19%! 19% 19 I 19%? %
rant...' 8 ! 8 I 8 ! 8 + %
ant pf 28%' 28% 28%' 28% + %
John.! 82 82 I 80% 81 ? 1
in pf..!lll 111 111 111
i 13 13 1 12%' 12% ? %
pf.... 22 22 ! 20%' 21% ? %
>f ! 14741 147.: 14%: 14% ? %
ly-L... 79%I 80 I 79%! 80% + %
y-L pf 94 94 94 | 94 ? %
Sm pf 41%' 41%, 41%! 41% ? 1%
iody . J115 % ' 115 %' 115 1115 ?1
bber.. 17%! 18%: 17%| 18% ..
Tex.. 18% I 18%l 18% I 18% ..
T C... 63%: 63% 68%! 63%j? %
halt... 60 I 61 I 09?41 61 |+ 1
halt pf 94%! 94%! 94%l 94%l? 5%
Tk pf 99 ! 99 I 98%! 98%I ..
ir 70%! 71 I 70 ! 71 !? 1
Lr pf... 102 102 !t02 (102 I? %
etrle.. 162 !l62% 162 1162 I ..
tors.... 12%: 12%' 12%i 12%!? %
tors... 81%, 81% 81%! 81%|? %
: deb... 81%' 81% 81%' 81%? "%
pf 7 pc 94 94 ! 94 i 94 + %
Co 14 ' 14 ! 14 ! 14 + %
40 40 I 39% 39% ? %
i pf.... 85%! 85%! 85% 85%? 1%
C MAS 26 ! 26 I 25% 25% ? 1
Dav... j 17 I 17 i 17 17 + %
or pf..' 74% 74% 73% 74% + %
or Ore.' 39 39% 33% 1 39%'+ %
*ar ..I 11% 11% 11%! 11% ? %
Igrar pf 89 89 89 | S9 ..
ft Nor. I5%i 15% ii%i 16% + %
ft N pf 38 | 38 I 36% 36% ? Ti
to* Htl 80%' 83 I 79%1 82%!+ 1%
Itl 1 pf' 97%! 97%! 97%: 97%|+ 1%
iw EC| 2%' 3% 2 i 2 ? %
ko ...I 71 ?4J 71% 71%, 71%!? %
rotor.. 18% 18% 17%' IS I? %
lo St.. 7% 7% 7 V* 7 ? %
Si pf. 33 33 33 33 + 2
O'l. 77% 7S 76' 7> 1,
al .. 104 IIO4 , 101 104 '4
11;. .. I", 1 .| "V 1%
iff ...| S'4 ? "'* 8 8-V +
on C. 39% 10 391-j 80% %
j C'orpi 2%| 2%i 2?4| ..
?as4 fr*a ksi aia ?
FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1925
:hange quotat
AY 11, 1922.
Year to date 97
. 192a. J r-CIoslng.-, Dlv.! ? |
rii?)i.| I-ow. | Hid. I Ask. |ln?.j Halen. (
~U%| 7%| 10%| 10%! ..I lOoilnt Asri C
43% 33 | 40 ; 41 . .! 100 Int Agrl <
S?%I 20 [ 36%; 37 2% 2100 *mter Ce:
28%! 22 I 33 25% 2 400 ?Iij.4 t""01"1
, 79% 96% 97 5 300!lnt Harv
27%! 13%! 22% I 22% ..! 5300, Int Mor 5
S7%; 62%! 81%; 82 ! 6l 6500 Int M Ma
19% 11%' 16% 17 .. 4100 Int Nickel
.S3 60 ! 78 '81 6 100 Int Nickel
54% 43% 49%: 49% 3800 Fnt Paper
71 % 59 671? 67% 6 400 Int I' pf
20%; 127? 1T17% 3600llnvini-ib|p
35 24 30% 207s .. 1400 Iron Prod
3 I %: 1% J% .. 13200 T>land Oil
13% 34%: 42 j 42% . 1000'Jones Brc
?*%; 4*,: 47* r? 2100 Kansas &
50% 22 2674 27 .. 3000 Kan ?')t\50%
I 62%: 57 I 58 V 100 K City S.
77% 34 1 42% 427* $ 9800 Kayser <f
103 ! 94 102% 103%| 7 SOOIKuyser Is
53%; 34*4! 49% 50 I ..i 7100 Ketlv Spr
90% 107 10S 8 lOO Kel S T 8
111 61 92 '97 I .. 200 Kelsey \V
3474| 25%' 32%; 32% . J 9400 Kennenott
24% 15%! 21%! 21% ..I 89001 Kev Tire
17*1 '110 '138 139% 6" 2001Krestfc S
61*. 44 I 65% I 65% .. 22600} Lack Stce
SO 43 1 91 Sl%i .. 1800 Laclede G
20%, 16 I 16%' ?67?; . .i 200 Lake K &
39 26%' 33 34 100|L E & W
35%i 26%l 32%' 33%; 2, 1100'Leo R &
65% 56%! 61 61 % 3% i 200'LehUrli V
115. 91 1107%|l07%! 7! 1600 Lima Lor
116 107% 113 1114%I 7 100 Lis * M
19% 11 I 16 I 16% .. 600!Loews In
11% 9 18%I 18V4! 1 500 Loft Inc."
51% I 36 44 '46 ' 300 Loose U'i
159% 147% 147% ! 148 12| 1000 Lorillard
53 25% 46 16% 2600 Mark Tr
88 68%' 85% I 86 ! 7 400 M Tr I no
23% 15%; 20%! 21 j .. 100 Mallinson
55% 33 ' 50 I 50% I 71 1400'Man Kiev
68 41 1 55 1 56V4 4 1200 Man Kle.43%
32 ! 39%] 40 1% 200'Man Sliii
II i , { x : ... ivu.mkt r?i it;
32 5*i! 22 25 .. 200 Mk St Ry
67 1 35 1 60% 61 6 100 .Mkt St U
34 I 20V-' 30^[ 30% 2 1000'Mart-Ran
2614! 514! 19 22 I loo'-Martin R
31%! 22%i 31 ! 31 %i ..I 8200'Mnrlaiid (
31%! 22 I 27 20 1 200lMiitliieson
71%: 46%! 68% 68%' ..! 3500 Maxwell J
21%' 11 ! 10% 20 | ..! 800!Max Mot
122% 101 111 118 ! si I00|Mays Pep
21% 13%! 17% 18 ! 1' 700 Mclntvrr
133% 106%!12S% 128%! 12' 19400 Met Pet..
30 I 25% | 23 J 28%! 21 1300.Miami Co
16 | 11%l 14%i 14% 1.20 11300 Mifl Sta, I
39 27%! 37%I 38 ! ..I 15900!Midvale S
14% 5 [ 12%| 12%: ..[ 2600 31 & SI L
71% 59%! 59 I 60%: 4j 200 M. St P?S''
22%! 10%j 21 ! 21%! 6 100;Mo, K & 'I
12%! %! 11 | 11%! 300!Mo. Kan 7
18%: 7 % I 17%! 17%| .. 4700 Mo. K &
43% 24%) 39 ' 39% .. 1500 Mo. KAT
25%! 16 | 23%i 23%I .. 3600'Mo Pacifl
59% 43% 55% I 55%: .. 2900; Mo Paclfl
74 j 63 1 71 ! 71%! 3) 300 Mont Po'
22%: U' ,21 | 21%' . .! 3600 MonI \V
34 !' 19%! 29%! 30%I' ..j 200!MulUna K
21%| 10 ?>? | 18% i 19 ..! 700 Nat Aeinc
137 ! 123% 1145 114 8 j 7 10.HN.it Risen
I21%|113% I19%120 1 7' 1001Not Biscu
43% I 30%) 38% I 39% ! 13001 Nat 10 nam
91 'si 88 : 90 I 7: 100!Na1Kn &
94%: 85 92 j 92%! 61 1100|Nat Read
16 | 7 11 %l 13 ..I lOOjNat Kit M
6% 3 5%! 5% BOO)Nat RR \
18% | 13% 16%! 16%) .J 7001 Nevada C
69 I 5474 65 66 i Gl 400IN Orl. T
80 I 57 75%! 76 ..I 200 N V Air 1
92%1 72%! 89%: 89%! 5i 4900|NYCont
69% 51% 68%! 69%j 5 lOOiN Y, Chi i
30%I 12'%: 29% 29% ..I 21000!N Y. N H
30% 19% I 26% i 27 I 21 1300.NY.nnt
25 13 1C I 21 ! 2 300jN V Ship
20%! 8%! 16%! 1S ! ..( 200|Norfolk S
108 : 96% !l05% !105% | 7! lOOjNorf & \
60% | 44%! 7% I 8 I x5 1500] Nor Ainci
43%! 38 | 43%! 43% 3! 500 Nor Am <
8% I 3% I 7% i 8 ! 1100'Nor Am <
82%| 7414i 75%I 76 i 51 2100|North Pa
;;;i | 20941 .. i .. ..! iou|iNova sc :
14%! 11 I 11%' 12 .. 200!0hio P &
3%I 2%! 2% 3 ..I 480"iOkla. P &
tail 4%| s ! 8% ..] lOO'Ont Silve*
21%i 12as' 20141 2014 . .1 1900!Orph Cir
00 1 90 I .. I . . 8| 751Orph Olrc
143%|116 113744 138 $' 200lotis Kiev
16141 944| 13141 14 ..I 400|OtlR Steel
6814: 4014' 62 I 65 71 100!0tl3 Stec
28 ! 2414 1 35 46 3 514 ' 21 500 Owen ; Hi
HI4! 614! 914: 944' 1700|Parific D
72141 624,1 70 70V4! 5 600; Par Gas i
?9%! 44%: 64%! 6444! 3l 28509|Pacifle Oi
58%; 62% i 6S>4 6| 4700lPan Am 1
59R41 44 ! 65%! 56 | 6* llOO'panAm P
12 | 7*4J 7%' 7*il 300|Panhan T
43 I 3314 41 I 41%' 2j 3SOO!Penr> R T
11% 646 10%1 1016 ..! 39001 Penn Seal
88 ! 5944 854, | S6 5 900 Peoplea C
32% 1.9 i 30%: 31 1 .. 3100 Pere Mar
C8%! 50%: 67 68%! 5 100lPero Mar
76%: 63 1 75 ! 76 [ 5' 300'Pere M p
40% 31%' 3S%' 38% 3 900!Philn Co
45%I 28% 42%' 42% 2! 5600 Phillips 1
24%I 13% 21 | 21% .. 3200'Pierce Ar
49 ! 27%I 42%! 43 ..[ 1700|P1eree Ar
12 | 7 ; 10%! 10%; .. 5800!Pierce Oil
71 I 39 56%' 51% .. 200 Pierre OI
'5%' 59% 65 63% o 1700'Pitta roal
79% b6V, 76% 76% 5 2000 Po^turn <
109 '105% 107 107%' 8 300 post 1.1111 ? '
"6% i 23 34%l 34%' 2700 Pitts & \\
'3141 14% 19%' 20 ll% 1300 Pond Cr
83% 63 77 80 ! ..! OOolPreSH Sle
39% 2 4 1 36% 36% ..! 5700'Prod & V
?* i ?>n n avuu'mn r'Tv
129%'105% 119 12074 S 350ofPu!1nii<n
4::?i 30%' 38-4 38% .. 9001 Puntu A1
:<S',4 29% 32Vi( 33% 2 59001 Pure Oil
112% 09 !l01%il01%! 8 lOOPurr Oil
103% 94 09% 09%' 8 300 Rv .Steel
27% 10% 26% 1 25% 1.35 700! Rand Mil
17 13% I5*i 10%' .. 1100|Ray Con
SO?',! 71% 76%! 77%! 4 8000 Reading;
31% 4374 46% 47 2 .. Reading :
41 25% 33 33% .. 50001 Replogle
0%' 4%; 8% 8%' .. 600 Rep Mote
P7% 46%' 66%! 67% I ..I 20800 Rep Iron
94 74 91 92 I ..J 1300lRep Xr &
48% 43 45 % 45% 3 11 OOi Reynolds
113% 111% 110 113 i 7 100 Rev Tob
00% 47% 62%! 02% 15.20 7000 Royal D 1
5% I 12% 14% 15 1 100!St Jos Re
si% 20%; 29 ! 29%; 4ooo;st r, & Sf
52 36 1 49% r.0% .. 100St R & S
52%' 20% ' 28%' 29% i ..| lOOOlgt Louis
49 I 32*4 46 47 ! ..! JOOlSt L S W
6%I 1% 3%: 4 I ..! 200'San Cec i
4%[ 1%' 274 3 ..( 1100'Saxon Mc
10 2% 6 6% I .. lOOOSeab Air
14%! 3% 10 1 11 .. 700|Seab Air
77% I 59% 73% 74% .. 3700 Sears Ro<
23% I 1074' 13 13% SOO'Seneca C
48% 1 35% 46% ?7% 74cI 100!Shell Tr .
5474! 18% 31%! 32 .. 21200'Sinclair C
46%' 34%! 44 1 45 700!Sloss-Sh !
57%I 43 ! 42 i 47 ' 200'South P F
02%: 78%; 8974 90% 6 7200 South Pae
26%! 17%! 23%j 23%! ..] 6500'South Ri
59%' 45% 66%! 57 .. 600 South Rn
17 1 17 J 18%; 18% 1400'Splcer Ml
40% 1 45%' 48%; 49 |2%| 700'Sterling 1
139 1114 [121 126 1 8l 100 Stand Mi
116%|llS% 115% 115%! 7' 400;Stand O !
196 169 '186 187 ; 61 3200'Stand Oil
121 I 9144 111174 112 ' 4: 8900:Stanrl Oil
85 68 81 I 88 ! 7' 100;Steel&Tut:
42%' 24%; 38% .39 V' 1600 Stew War
59%| 35%! 51%' 32 f ..( 1600!stromberf
124% 79%]116%'116%! 7! 49000'Sutdebak'
7 3% I 5 | 5%I .. 100|Submar I
?1 L A i 7 7 V. ! finn'qiinxrinr (
39%j 26 * 34 35%] ..] 120<)'Superior
5 I 3% 3% 3% .. 300ISwoets Co
5%| 1%! ?% 3% .. 200jTemtora
12V41 9% 113?! 11% . .4 5ftO;Tenn Cop
50%' 42 I 47 47%I 3| 20300!Texan To
46% 38%I 42%' 42%!f3% 1800! Tex Gulf i
31 %I 23 : 2?V 29 ; l| 10300 Tex I'ao
36 24%' 31 %1 32 6150 Texas &
23%I 14' | 32%! 23 I .. 800|Thlrd Ave
137*4 109*4 135%'136 1 .. 100 Tide Wat
71%; 57V*| 66%; 67 , 6 4000 Tob 1'rod
36 1 15 1 35% f 36 ... 1300!T,flt %*\\
46 | 27 ( 45%| 46 ..| 400|T,BtL3?W
13% 7% 12%! 12%I .. 36100'Trarwon
48% 32%; 40 ! 41 2 400,Tr & Will
24 17% 22 ' 22% ..I S700!Un1on Oil
140% 125 136% 137 IOi 4200Union Pa
76%1 71 %: 74 74% 4 tOOll'nton Ta<
36% 25 I 35% 36 ..I 1600!United A1
73%! 60% 68 7ft ' ..I 6O0'T'r> OrtlC
IIS 119% 138% 143 8 100 Un UrUlt
10% 7% 15% 15U,' .. 300 Un !!y li
"0% 20% 30'. .. "O" I'll Hi I"
r>6". 43% 51%. . 1.0"''' I'll P'I 'll
:;*% 16% 31. 31 ... ' call
10% 1% .. jloi' I' S Uood
? -- .. - Attttauei MR Jfuflo1
. ?
1922. 1921. 1920. I po
.113.771 63.2d5.8S6 10 786.037 i st
jopen- | High-1 Eow-I Clo?-| Net *
I lug. | eat. I e?t.' I lug. |Ch ngf. bu
"orp7! 10%' 10 V 10%' 10*41? %|f"
' pf. 40>~i 40%, 40% 40%l .. 1
mfnti 30 ; 37 ; 3f>:V 3S%;-)- % '
b En' 25%' 25%' 26% 26? .. | "*
Co.. 97% 97% 9674 967*? % ?/
Tar.. 2274! 227* -174 22V- ? % }*'
r pf. 81 1 817g 80 *? 8174 ? % fo
... 17 17 i 16%: 17 *r
I of . 77 Vi' 77% 77%' 77%!? 3 w
' 49%I 49%' 48'4! 49% + '4 sh
Btul.; 67%; 67% 67% 67% ? %
UiT.' 17% 17*4 IV j IT*! |o
OO 'J/lli. "O ' $<1 i? . . pa
& T. 1 %l IS 1V4! 1%| + J4 bl'
is T. -Mife! 40 41 42 + % w'
Gulf1 5 5%, 4% | 3 ..
So.. 26% 27 26 2. + %
i pf.. 37% 57% 57%I 57%? % tlf
)&Co 42% 43%' 40%*-12% ? % ,r,i
t pf.Mox 103 ;ioa V103 i .. 'ie
Tire 50 52 ,48% 49% I? % ,a
pc pf 107 107 ! 107 j 107 .. !al
lice). 95 95 I 95 ; 95 ? 0 "
...I 32%' 32% i 31% I 32% !? % iu
& R.) 20% 21% 20% 21%!+ %;
S. ..138 ; 138 i 138 1138 ? 1%
I ... | 59 '66 j 57%! 65% + 7
(as... 75% 80 , 75% SO + 6% i
W.. 16%; 16% 16%: 16% .. 7.,
pf. . 32% 33% 33 ' 33% ? %i
Tire. 32%' 33 j 32% 32%] .. i '
a). . . 60%' 61 I 60% 61 i+ % '
n 108% 108% 107 107% ? r% [
Toll.. 113 113 113 113 + % ! %.
C. . . . 16%; 16%; 16 16% %j
18% i 13% 13% 13%? %
Jes If 45%' 45%' 44% 41% ? 1% |
I'... 1 19% 149% 148 148 ? 2
Inn.. 17 47 i 15% 46% ? % i on
1 pf. 86% 86%! S5% 85%? 1% ! at
& Col 20% 20%; 20% 20% ? % ar
Kuarj 50% 50%: 49% 50 ? % V<
Sup. 55 36% 54% 56 ? 2% T1
t I 39% 39% 39% 39% ? % t*
y i 7% 7% | 7% 7% + % in
2 pf 22 23% 22 23% + 2% fl
pr pf1 61 61% 60% 61 ? % ' '<>
v ..( 30% 30%' 30 30% ? % i"
ork..j 20 20 I 20 20 % of
>11...! 31 31% 3) 31%? %
, AW 28% 28% 27% 27%? 1% 60
,1 A . 68 68% 67% 68% + % 11
B. . . 1 19% 20% J9% 20 %
i imi in in" ii' :
For. i 18V 18V 17?* 1T? %
1128 V* i 129 ; 127 128% 1- %
28K 28V 28 28 ? Vt|l
?il. .. 14%| 14V 11 14% ? '4 i ...
t & 0[ 36%j 38 I 35V 37% + ' " < ?i
new.| 12 | 12%| li%| 12%<4 % '
MSM.I 60 60% I 60 I 61)'4 + %
I' war 21%.! 21%! 21%; 21% .. ?
!- Trxl ltltj 111*1 II j II ? % T1
r w 1.1 17-1*1 171 :, | 17 I 17-% ? 1* ! ,,
pfwi! 39%[ 3741 38% 39% % , V,
< ....! 23 23V 22V 23% + % ! pi
? pf.. 55% 1 55% 51?* 55% ! of
iver.. I 71V 71V 71 71 ? % ! g;
C- Co. 20%! 21', 20%I 21% + %
ody.. I 30 I 30 I 29% I 29%I? 1 %, '
! 19 j 19 ! 18V 18%!? % .
it. ...1-16 J148 1146 146 | ..
it pf. 1119% 11 19%j 119% 119%!? 1% ! tli
i & St 39% 3914138% 38%|+ %.D
St pf 88% 88%! 88% 88% + % '
.... 92%! 92%I 92 92 - 1 , ,)
1 pi? 12 I 12 | 12 12 ? % l t
r 2 pf! 5% I 5% i r?'%' 51/* .. oi
on f1.! 16% 16%; 16%; 16%? '4 ! ri
& M.| 66 66 65%! 65% ? 1 % ,i ot
IraUo' 75 76 75 I 76 .. j 11;
ral... 88% 89% 88 I 89% + % ! C
t St%l 69 69 69 1 69 . . I m
& 11 29% 29% 28% j 29% - '/i ! fc
A TV*.| 27% 27% 26%I 26%:? % i rc
Co..! 19 | 19 19 |19 I .. , In
louth.! 18%! 18% 17 ! 17 |? 1% ?c
v i05%|i05%|io5%|ior.% _ .* ,m
r Co. | 57%! 57*4' 57 V* I 57% I .. 'r
To pf.l 43% ; 43 V I3%! 43"* ?. % l?
'o rt*! 7% I 7%i 7% 7%4- % j ^
dlic.. 75%l 73%i 74%| 75 "
3 & C 231/* | 2514I 251.4 i 2514 ? m 1 "
B Co 12 I 12 ! 11-41 11% ? n* , "
TW. 3|3| 2%| 2"* ? 1* I
r .... 8%I 81,4! 8% 1 R14! ? % '
cult.. 201*! 20>4l 10.141 20V4I4- V? I
; pf... 90 I 90 I 90 ! 40 I ..
1137 ! 137 13H |136 ? 314 1 _
I ....I 13%! 14 I '3%' 1? - IA ?
1'pr. .! 6i [61 I fi! I 61 ? 1
jttlc.. 36 ! 36 ! 35%! 35% ? 1 | v
pvH..| 0% 1 9% 91*| 914? % i ?
i El.. 70% I 70% 69 V 69%!-: % , si
I ....! 64%I 64%I 62%! 64%! .. 1
F? & T! 63 I 63 1 61% I 63 4- ' 4 j
ST B' 56 ! 56 | 55 | 55%!? % '
> & R: 7%j 7%I 7%l 7%!? %
t I 41%f 41%' 40%' 41% I*
fc> Stl. 10%I 10%' 10 ! 10% 4- % p
las... 86 I 86 | 85%! 85% ? l'i
q ... 30%| 31% 30%' 50% 4- V* '1
q pf. 68 ! "63 | 68 ! 68 4- % 01
r pf.. 75 75 75 ! 75 4- %
38%! 33% 38 I 38% ? % i
%>trol 41%' 42% 41%' 12% + 1
TOW.. 217*1 21%! 20%! 21 ? %:.
pf..| 43% 43%I 121* 42%? % I *
.... ii ii , lov*! iov.-: .. ;*
I pf..! ?o 1 eo I r.s '? i V-. I *c
I ofp 6a 63'*, 62% I 63 I .. I*'
>real! 76 j 76% I 75' 76?? ' fX
' pf. .1107% 107%,107%I107', ? %
' Vs. 38% 34%I 33',! 34%!+ %
Coal.' 10% 10%: 10 10% ? %
p] Co 77 | 77 1 76'/,: 76% - 1%
tcf... 36% t 36% 36 ! 3f#% ? /, o
N .T. ?7 I S7%: 85 ' SO*'. - 1 ,v
120% 120%1118% 110% - % i
Hug. 39 i 30 1 38%. 38%!? % ! 0
32 32% 31%: 32','+ % i"
pf. ..!101% 101% 101% 101' ^!? % ...
Spr.. 100 100 j 09% 99% - % j J
ies... 25%I 25%! 2o%i 25%J? 2% j ?
Cop.. 157, 16 ; 15% 15 .. <f
,f 76% 77% 76 j 76% + % . ,
M pf. 4?%l 46%' 40% 46% I + %!"
Steel. I 32% | 33 % 31 % ' 33%'+ 1 % j c'
ir Tr. 8 ! 8 ! 8 8 I? % K1
A St. 63%! 67% 63%' 66% + 3 ) Vl
st pf! oo ' 01% 80%' oi t+ i !
TobB 45% 45% 45% 45%;? %
nf... 112% 112% 112% 112% ? Vi
V Y.. 62% 62% 61% 62%'? % M
ad... 14% 11%; 14% 1 1%; .. h,
in F. 28%: 29 28% I 28%'? % ,r.
F pf. 50 ! 50 ! 50 60 ! .. rl
5 W. 28% 20%' 28% 20% + % CJ
' pf. .1 46% 46% 46%; 467; _ % w
Ougar 3% 4 1 3%' 4 1+ % a,
.tor..1 3% 3% 3 3 I .. w
Line. tJV*. 6*4 0 ' 6Vi "f* H tl
L pf.,' 10% j 10 V4 10 j 101/4 ~ l* in
ibuck 74%! 74% 72% 71% - % ! st
upper 13% 13% 13 13 ? %
6 Tr. 46%: 46% 46%. 46% .. j ...
"on*.. 31 31% 3<X% 31%.+ % : d
S A 1 43 44 4.f ! 41 +1 1 ?
t Sug: 45 ! 45 | 45 45 j? 2
I 1 ??% ??% ?U'i + >.
*11... I 14 j 24 22 2*i *!_ %
II pf -; 57 57 5ti IJ f.6% ? 11
S Co| 1841 18% -18Vfc 18% + % ?
Yod.. 49% | 49% 48% 487g ? % 2{
11.... 122 1122 122 122 ? 2% n!
vj pf 115% 115% 115% U5%? \ oi
N J. 184% 186% 184 188% + 1
Cal. 118 113% no 112 ?1 v
*<* r\f I fid IL I fiiU! QA \J QAtA xt j-J
^ r*? l"7a oi-? 01-rj ? n u n
Sp. 39 39 I 87% 3874 ? %
j Car 51 5274) 50'-* ; 5174? 1% I di
>r .. 115% 116% 114V6 118*4 + %
loat.. 5 74 5% 5741 5741? 74
Ml... 774 774' 774 7%| .. w
Steel. 34 i 34 | 34 1 34 '?174 r?
i Am. 3*4 3% 3*. 3*4 .. I si
&F A 274' 274 2'4 274 ?
& C 11*4 1144 11741 1174!- >4 c,
> 4 7 74 4 774 467,; 4 7 74 + 74 n'
8ulp. 4 2 4 3 4 2 4 2 74 + 74|A<
O&O 2 7 74 2 8 74 2 7 % 2 8 74 + 74
Fac.. 3274 3274 31 32 ? 1
23 | 23 22% 2274 + *4 m
Oil.. 136%,136% 1 35*4 1135 741? %
lucts. 65%' 56%| 65 i 66% + % X'
' Ct R 34%i 38 ! 34% 36 !+ 1% t'
c d H 4 5 74 4 5 1 45%) 45%'+ % 1
Oil.. 1374 13% 13 13% + % N
Steel 40 I 40741 40 I 4074 ? % B
22% 22*4 21%! 2274 _ % n'
c 136% 135% ] 135% 136% ? % ?
pf.. 74% 74%1 74%' 74%? % A'
Steel 35 36 i 35 36 + %
in... *'? 70 1 68 %I 6S% _ 114 N
139 74 1 41 % 139 141 % f 1 V. !
nv, . . 15% 15% 15% 151,4 7", 01
V pf.! 30% .50 .50 7;
SI.. 517, , r.0;. -.1 ,,f
I &!?'. 3 ! 38 7.,! 32% 33 7, 1
IV..| 4% I 4%) 474! 4%!? %j
nine r?so?
.nrUivinot Halite* the Market.
The leaking out of news of the prosed
consolidation of the Bethlehem
eel Corporation and the Lackawanna
eel Company brought into the market
lying orders in Lackawanna in such
smendous volume that the market was
rned about aliarply. and after more
an four hours of extreme weakness
i closing trend was of <Jistinct strength.
ions who naa Deen naving ming.i an
eir own way for the las* three or
nr days were hard pressed to cover
id the hurried scamper to buy Lackainna
for long account or to cover
ort contracts was so violent as to
use an advance of more than 7 points
68. That buying rallied other steels,
.rticularly United States Steel, Crueie.
Republic and Midvale, and they .
?re able to close with net gains after
vlng established yesterday new low '
arks for the movemouj. The predic>n
that the technical position of the
arket was suclv.that one bit of good
ws would brinj? a sharp right about
oe In tlie trend, freely made in the
st few days, was proven well founded
that final short but exceedingly spired
bit of trading.
Vtrglnla-Carolloa Project.
The Virginia-Carolina Chemical Comny
is about to undertake new flnancS
and la negotiating with bankers for
o salo of an Issue of stock or bonds,
le size of the Issue, or the. nature of
o security, could not be learned, but tt
understood that a fairly large piece
financing can be expected.
Abondauce of Money.
\ n o hiinHiini'r f tnnn?v in hi* 1 rton<?rl
i rail catne Into the market yesterday
i?1 the rate declined from 4*4 P-'f cent,
id the renewal rate to 3>ri in the New
irk Stock Exchange and 3 outside,
ic Interior furnished large sums of
;w money for the call and the time
oney markets. Time money was plen"mI
at 4for all maturities. The bid
ito on eligible member banks prime
oepta.nces advanced 4g to 3*4. The
ferine rate remained at 314. The
rvernment withdrew yesterday $3.in,ooo
from banks In this reserve dlsict.
(in>at Northern In 1A3I.
The Oreat Northern Hallway's in
uiie account for 1921, as submitted tn
ie New York Stock Exchange In anj
plication lo list, the company's fi'.*?
r cent, general mortgage bonds, shownj
>t Income of $38,469,926 after taxes
id Interest charges, equivalent to $11.4 1 1
share on the $249,477.150 of its stock. [
lie road's balance sheet of December!
showed total assets and liabilities ot|
'38.630,803, against $813,646,119 a year
evlous and a profit and loss surplus
' $89,881,083. contrasted with $83,310,-1
16 at tho close of 1920.
New England Ilntc t'ase.
New England railroad officials expect
lat the Federal court for the Southern |
lstrlct of New York will hand down!
>011 Us decision In the suit brought by i
ie trunk lines which seek to set aside
to Interstate Commerce commissions
-der granting the New England carers
an Increased share of the revenues
i freight Interchanged with the trunk
nes. The fact that the New York
entral, tlio Pennsylvania and the Baltllore
and Ohio, although greatly afscted
'by the order, did not Join the other
lads In bringing the suit*is befleverl to
idicate a more sympathetic attitude
iward the difficulties of the New Kngnd
lines, which must be solved if the
ansportatlon Industry as a whole 1s
? prosper. The belief that the New
ngland lines will come off on the wining
sido of the pending snlt prevails In
lany quarters of the financial conilunity.
* *
Sent* Advance Again.
New York Stock Exchange scats have
dvanced In price once more and are
ow close to the $100,000 mark. The
mmbershlp of W. A. Earned has been
ild to Frederick F. Bach for $3$,000. it
as announced yesterday, which con asts
with the last previous sale of a
?at on 'change for $35,000.
Ferrn do Pasco Output.
Tho Cerro de Pasco Company's coper
production In April -was 4.830,"00
ounds, aacordlng to tho company's
mnthly report, made public yesterday,
i March the company produced 4,702,10
poutida and In February 4,868,000.
Met'rory Stores Sale*.
The MeCrory Stores Corporation's
prll sales were 11,386,224. In contrast to
.073,073 In April. 192I. During ffio first
ur months of this year Its -ales were
.677.267, In contrast to $4,103,230 in the
irrcsponrliiig period of 19".').
Another Rlao In ( asnllnr.
Another increase In gasoline prices
as reported yesterday. The Standard
11 Company of Xew Tork has raised
le price of gasoline a cent a gallon
Its entire territory and the Standard
11 Company of New Jersey Increased
ic pr|r? a cent a gallon for export,
he Standard Oil Company of I.ouislan;.
looted Its price a? cent a gallon to
cents tank wagon and 26 cents at
irvlce stations. The Texas Company.
> meet tho Increases by the Standard
irnpanles, advanced gasoline a rent a
illon. Mid-western refiners also adanced
their price a cent.
May 11 heat Starts.
Many grain traders when they saw
ay wheat rise yesterday 7% cents n
ushel to $1.45% declared that that
onth was beginning a rise which would
val that of a year ago. It will be reded
that a year ago to-day May
heat rallied 6% cent# a bushel to $1.44
id continued a spectacular advance,
hlch carried It to $1.87, the final setement
price on May 31. The buying
yesterday's market was largely by
lorts discouraged by the failure of;
ack deliveries to make more of n
arket Impression. The 1,203.000 bushels .
silvered were readily taken.
I.ONDOX, Mi) 11.?The Bank of Kngland's
??kly statement ^ho-iv# changes as fciiov s
ital reserve Increased 4514,000
rrulaflon decreased 49P.OOO !
illlon Increased M.001 ;
tner woumin incresssa
:h*r deposits decreased t,43\Ort>
jblle deposits decreased 2.177.nnO
ota* reserve Inereaeed (102 Ond |
nvernment securities decreased.... 4,070.i*V>
Proportion of reserve to liability, la.07 par
int.: last work. 17.27 par cant. Rata of
ecount, 4 per cant.
PARIB. May 11?The Bank of Franca'*
eekly statement show* ehanre* a* follow*:
old In hand Increased idO.oon
Iver In hand lncr*a*#d IU.ovi
otea In circulation decrcaaed.... B8.Wl.hno
reasury deposit* tncreased 823.000
enernl depo?lt? decreased 1S3.70S.0OO
111* discounted decreased .. 02.",172.000
Ivance* Increased 44,240,000
Btate repaid 200,000,000 franc* to bank.
BKBLTN, May T1.?The Ttetchsbank's elate?nt
as of May 8 showe chances aa follows:
ital coin and bullion decreased.. 0,000
aid lncrea#?d 70*.000
reasury and loan association
notes decreased S40.221 ,000
otes of other banks Increased.^ H70," o
Ills of exchanc* and checks In rcaaed
Iscounf and Treasury bill* d*
reased M<>. tvwi
Ivsiico* dscreaseil \ . , mni
vcsttnenf* Increased. ,.:s7.)ss> '
her assets decreased. .. . 0;o,< m
otoe In circulation Increase 2,0: .i n
lolls dcci cased :;.2;:il.?2tt ik> .
l.r- iiahiiitlr decreased 2iu,u;;ii.i*i>
Total colli lioldlnsH. I.i*' , :ss. , -
vlil-l> .">0.082.000 i dcjM. ,i . | tli..
PKNNBVI.V.X.M* till s.
nil. CITY. May It. -Credit 0,1.2"
in a. 75,788; avsraa# P.., too, shipments,
Are Your
Bonds On
This List ?
Many issues of high coupon
bonds are now being redeemed,
and nfany issues are
selling at or above their call
prices. Such bonds should
be exchanged for others
having higher call prices or
non-callable features.
We will be pleased to send
on request a comprehensive
list of bonds showing their
call prices and present mar- J
ket level.
Ask lor Circular BC
Graham. Parsons & Co.
435 Chestnut 6t. 30 Pine St.
Philadelphia New York
John 1203
McClave & Co.
? f N. Y. Stock Exchange
" " in. y. Cotton ExchMnm
and the part they play
in periods of economic
readjustment are discussed
in our Letter H-l,
which will be sent on
67 Exchange Place, New York
M c*eynonc coiu
Hotel Ansonia,73rd St & B'way
Telephone 1015 Columbus
S. S. Kresge
Our analysis of the
Kresge Company has
been brought up to
date, with a conservative
forecast for the
current year. Copies
will be distributed
gratis until the supply
is exhausted.
Send for
Circular A-151
Merrill, Lynch & Co.
Mtmktrt Hn tlfi ll?< IjriAi.ti
120 Broadway New York I
Uptown Oftee, 11 Ere 43rd St.
Ch'reflro Detroit Mil* token |
Dourer Dee Angrier
i A List of !;
i vTen Railroad !'
J| Stocks
I with an average divi- !J
i dend yield of over 6Vz' L, ; j
available on request for |j
i H-7.
I" llnu) Odd Lots an Bought <4 boll" {
Rootlet on refimt. i
Up-town Office-212 W. 72nd St.
1 MembersMeu)trkZiathtxetnny?*'*\ j
AZ Broadway y&J
Kirby Lumber
P /N?V* PW
Will* VL M t\4*
Phones 4000 to 4010 John. 36 Wall St., N. T.
Safe Bonds for investment
& CO. inc.
14 Wall Street
WTRY has no Investor ever lost a
dollar of principal or interest
on any security bought of S. W.
Straus & Co.? Write for our book*
let C-2 and lenrn the reason why.
Straus Building,
665 5th Ave.?at 46th St.
Lehigh Valley Coal Sales
Lorrl & Taylor
Gulf OH
to ;tom-cii,c*oo*p?'la mowwiai- ptTTsavM*
I 1

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