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The New York herald. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1920-1924, May 13, 1922, Image 13

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BY JUNE23,1923
Managers Reams and Des
camps Now Listening for
Mention of Money.
British Press Is Not Keen foi
Bout to Be Enacted in
fpn inl Cable In Tiir New VntK Ubiui.o
Copi/rigM, lis.1, by Tiib New Ytok 1I'e*aid
New York Herald Biirenn, )
I.ondon. May 1?. (
.Tack Kearns, manager for Jack
TVempsey, world's heavyweight champion.
and M. Descamps, manager for
the European champion, Georges Carpentier,
started the bail rolling for
another Dempsey-Carpentier bout by
announcing that articles had beer
signed for a return match, to be held
1n Europe before June 23, 1923. But
there is no purse, no promoter's signature
and no acceptable offers have
been received.
The agreement actually amounts to
nothing except that Kearns has promised
Descamps in writing that Carpentier
can have another match
Kcarns told Tub Nkw York Herapl
correspondent that the matter had
been under discussion for a week.
"The Frenchmen." Vie said, "wen
tinder the impression that we wouldn't
give them a fight. We said that wwere
perfectly willing and they said
they wanted it In writing. No promoter
had anything to do with the signing. It
is now up to the promoters to get busy
and put up the cash. Everybody is wel
<-ome to bid. The highest ki?ts the fighl
provided lie Is u reliable party."
Must Krrp WlnnlnK.
K.-urns suld the e-rcement does not
prevent either tf the principals from
fighting in the meantime, but that it
either is defeated tha mHtch la off. Tin
time was fixed for June 23, 1923, becausit
would take nearly that long to male
ai-rungpments. He added that DempBcy
was willing to fight anyway, but thai
he expected the fight to be staged It:
The managers agreed to certain conditions
along the lines of the New Jersey
affair, but a larger ring, probablj
measuring twenty-four feet, will he used
and lighter gloves. It is probable thai
four ounce gloves will be used.
Dugglc Stuart, a prominent eportins
man, says that ho will put up ?75,00(1
for a fight in London, ?60,000 to go tc
Dempsoy, but he was not ready to-day
to cioso the deal, even If considered
acceptable. Kearns promised that
Woods could bid and expects that h*
will make the heat, offer. He thinks
that Ttx Rlckurd also will join In.
British Press Objects.
The announcement of the agreement
came at an inopportune time accordinM
to the best opinion In sporting circles
because of yesterday's "fiasco," and the
press alc-ady Is throwing cold water On
the prospect. The Evening Newt says
that "the British people will view with
mixed feelings the possibility of a second
Dempsey-Oarpentler fight here. The
first contest was easily won toy uempsey
nnil another would be very much like the
meeting between L*wU and Carpentier."
The Pnll Mall Qasette say?: "A few
tnore such unsatisfactory and uneven
matches us that last night will bring
fiRliting again into contempt. We should
think that the performance last night
will have shaken Carpentier from his
The Evening Standard: "The LewiaCnrpentlcr
fight was juet as uneven a
match as that between Dcmpsey and
Carpentier last year."
Columbia Tennis Team
Defeats Princeton, 5 to 4
Princeton, N. J., May 12.?The Columbia
netmen defeated the Princeton
tennis players this afternoon in one of
the fastest and closest matches ever seen
on the university courts. Both teams
made an exceptionally good showing In
singles and doubles playing so cloae that
the match rested on the doubles between
Dickinson and Khlpway of Princeton
and Emerson and Anderson of the Columbia
netmen, which was won by the
New York pair. ?
dvc.lVL.lnJ.mn Cnlnmhln ilrfcnte,!
I low aril, Princeton, 0?1, <??S; Kmeraon,
Columbia. defeated Taylor, Princeton, II?T,
0?2, 0?4: flhlpway, Princeton, defeated
Bcovlll, Columbia. 0-1, 0?2; DU-klnxon,
Princeton, defentcd Welsberger, Columbia,
<y-I, 0?.'I; Marshall, Columbia, defeated
Carter, Princeton, 0?4, 7?01 Mclaughlin,
Columbia, defeated I.oel), Princeton, 7?9,
H?0. 0?II,
IiOPBCKS?Anderron and Ememon. Columbia,
defeated dthlpway and Dlekinaon,
Princeton, 7?0. 0?0; Howard and Taylor,
Princeton, defeated A. HrovlH and K. Bcovil,
Columbia. 0?1. 0?2; l?oeb and Carter,
Princeton, defeated Marahall and McLaughlin,
Columbia, 0?3, t>?1.
With the Sch<
The first of the dual nerlea In the
blah schools golf tourney will be 1)?M
to-day wllh Boys High drawn against
Richmond Hill. George Washington
ngainst Townsend Harris and In the
third match Curtis. last year's wlnnera.
will lee up with .Jamaica. Flushing, the
only other entry, has drawn the bye.
Of the fifteen baseball games on the
scholastic program to-day the clash between
Clinton and Washington, both
undefeated, will feature. Another good
contest will bring together Commerce
and Stuyvesant, each defeated once by
George Schneider pitched Xavler Prep
to an easy victory over Cathedral Prep
nt Van Cortlandt Park yesterday by the
score, 9 to 1. He avowed only one hlh
which was changed Into a run In the
third, and retired nineteen by the strikeout
route. The ecore:
It. H. E.
Nailer Prep. 1-0 0 2 0 2 2 1 1?9 14 1
Cathcdrsl .. 0 0 t 0 o 0 0 0 0-1 1 2
Manhattan College freshmen defeats'!
George Washington at Hedley Ova^ yesterday
by 9 to S In a looeely played ftvo
tnntng Vontest. Neither had Ita full
strength In the game. The score :
n. it E
George Washington.... f 2 1 0 .1?9 II 5
Mnnhat. College Fresh. *411 x?W H 11
Ttntterles? (thinners. Monroe and MeCann;
Hughes and Newman.
Additional Sports
| t ,? By Walter
Copiright, 1923, t>y Th
Baseball aurely is a great game.
! certain players who were hitting the
day. Then something happened to th<
to run up averages that used all the fl
Now something has happened ags
back to the Rise ot their coltarB. gome
murder. They Ray that the pitcher* m
> don't know Juet how the horsehide* at
in weird faRhion, but they think nome
1 of courae. that they are facing a bit o
8urehj it's \ccll to set a dcy
For those icho never tailed
For those of deep and tinder,
Who ask no pap of t elfish
Loyal and tender, gentle, flm
Mothers of men, yours is t
J ^l?d strong enough to last bi
All dreams of heaven teen
Jack Britten once said to ur, laui
left in me, and I'm saving that for Leo
climb through the ropes with Jack find
of good fights left in him. All the lam
his meeting with Leonard, and the rest
i j has had an idea for some time that he \
I to bis possessions. Jack has other notli
1Ye might remar
f not trtint yon
Depends aometohi
) ! But more upon
Wo remfember to have heard that i
! motions of stabbing a student with a ru
J of his class to write down what they
?i !ncU"#nt absolutely agreed.
In answer to a question as to the g
. j ual.'sm, wo once heard Houdlni say, "T
: I they honestly describe what they think
that what persons see and what they th
Look over the various accounts o
; i will find that they all differ as to wl
.! Georges held Lewis with his left hand
Another claims that Lewis was floored
! that he wasn't holding. Dempsey statoi
wickedly about the body and that tin
enough to give Lewis an excuse to droi
Some say that before the final bio
| uppercut. .iacK rvearns says tnat it was
'' again goes to prove the fallibility of k
' | as thlnkinK people grow older they grc
. of hard and faat opinions.
Which doesn't in the slightest alt?
in spite of any loud conversation abou
any more chance in the ring with Jack
| on an anvil has with a sledge hammer.
Gen. Ludendorff says that Germa
; it must have been at the bat. One more
> Hold-up men are still shooting at t!
| wan the sky.
; Firpo's Friends Raising
Big Fund for Battle
j Will Offer Dempsey Huge
Purse to Fight Idol.
1 Tn Addition to possible fight* with
1 Carpentler In Europe and Wills in
Canada. Jack Dempsey may have a
' chance to exhibit his prowess In South
America. A syndicate of sportsmen In
the Argentine Republic is reported j
be collecting a fund which is to be
the basis of an enormous purse for
tho champion and Luis Flrpo to battle 1
inr in ib.'.i.
I The admirers of the South \American ,
| title holder believes that he will tie ready i
for a Joust with Dempsey within a
i year, and they are reported to be ready
' to risk their last penny on the result.
Quite naturally if Firpo meets with an
I upset during his campaign In this
country the Argentine fund would
probably be divided among the donors.
Firpo has been Informed of the action
' of his countrymen and Is very eager
to make quick work of Jack Herman
when they meet thin afternoon In the
1 ring of Ebbets Field. The men are
| evenly matched physically and each
hits with great force. Flrpo is 2C years
i of age, three years the senior of his
i opponent. The Argentine man stands
6 feet 3H Inches "in his fight shoes,
while Herman's upward growth ceased
at 6 feat. Firpo weighs 210 pouryds In
condition, 12 pounds more than Herman,
and the South American has an adj
vantage In reach of 2% Inchep.
< Another bout on the. card that should
' interest the spectators wilt be a twelve
round battle between Dave Rosenberg
1 of Brooklyn and Tommy McAleer, the
Harlem hitter.
Penn Beats Syracuse.
Philadkwhia, May 12.?Penn defeated
Syracuse In the Intercollegiate
tennis match at the Oermantown Cricket
! Club this evening, winning three of the
j four singles matches. The doubles had
to be called off.
elastic Athletes
1 '
Boy* High will *l*o attempt to form
a water polo team In view of tlie fadt
that C. A. Touaniant of Townaend Harri*
Hull, chairman of the swimming
, committee of the P. R A. It., ha* sugj
vested that It be added to the P. R A.L.
aquatic program. Capt. Avery and
Manager Franke, with Mr. Keraey of the
' physical training department, are looking
after the swimming f pmapcta at
J Boys.
Pitching hi* second two lilt game of
the week and hitting a home run,
O'Keefe of St. Peter's Prep downed Lincoln
Illa'i School at City Field. Jersey
Flty, yes v-i-,. >,y (j,r. gcorc of 12 to 2
Lincoln's ' :t? were hunched in tho
first inning or two tallies. Ever* also
hit a home run and Plane of St. Peter's,
with two hits, brought his average up
, to .586. Tho score:
It. II. IS.
| Ht. Peter's.. 12 2 11 2 0 0 0-12 II l
1 Lincoln II H. 2 tl 0 0 0 0 O '1 ft. *2 J
I Hatterles-O'Keefe and Kulledge; Lincoln,
i Harbor and Stanaway.
The r>wight School nine overwhelmed
Collegiate at Dwight Field yesterday by
the score of M to 4. The vlct'.ra pounded
Fltta for twenty-four hit*. The score;
i K. H. :5.
I Collegiate 0 0 2 0 0 2 ft? I S 4
I Dwlght 0 2 5 2 S n *?in !4 2
Hatterles?Puis and Iluncan Thompson
! and fltern.
Hempstead High defeated Rockvlile
Centre High 6 to 3 yesterday.
on Following Page j
* 1
Trumbull ? )l
\e hew York Uorald. I
A couple of aeasoua ago there were
ball safely about every other Satur
5 nan, auu inonc nomc imv\ci n uv0??
ves and nines oh the type machines. i
tin and. with their averages drifting
of the noble athletes are yelling blue
ust be doctoring the baseballs. They
e being persuaded to curvo and dvjck j
thing l.? all wrong. It just~might be, ! te
f good pitching again. ; fr
| vi
IS' DAT. 1 w
apart th
in lime of need, : 'a
standing heart, T>
nest or greed. ln
. Pi
and brave; ! at
he love that's true (<
'l/ond the grave? sf
s meant for such as pott. '
? ! tc
D LEON.4KI>. , r?
jhingly, "I have one more good fig-lit j
nard." As a matter of fact, those who
I that, the master boxer has a number j p(
e, there will be considerable rivalry in . lx
lit should be a first class bout. Benny ' ai
vould like to add the welterv.eight title | st
ons about it.
__ i ty
k in passing bp Hl
vision plain ai
it upon the eve Cf
- I th
the brain. jn
' ar
it Harvard professor went through the j1(
iler and then called upon the members g,
had seen. No-two descriptions of the r?
h t
:ood faith of certain devotees of spirit- cl
here isn't any doubt in my mind that
: they see. In my profession we know o(
ink they see arc different things."
f the Carpentier-Lewis bout and you in
hat actually occurred. One says that T1
and knocked him out with his right. ^
1 while he extended his arms to show j
s that the Frenchman punished Lewis | si
} punch on the jaw was only heavy ; j*
p and stay down. ! th
| fo
w Georges reached Lewie with a hard j "2
i a short overhand right. All of which .
luman observation and shows us why
iw a little less sure of themselves and
ir our own hard and fast opinion that
it Carpentier's improvement he hasn't
Dempsey than a piece of molten iron
ny was not beaten in the field. Then
complaint about the lively ball. <
? <:
he record of Atlas, whoso hold-up limit
' ? 1 ?f~ i
D M.u:. HI' .L?
i cjipci mat 1111 n uio uy
Foal in Deimont Boat
Memphis Boxer Strikes Unintentional
Blow in Fourth.
Vincent (Pepper) Merlin, Brooklyn's
favorite featherweight, won another .
fight last night in the Rink Sporting ^
Club, but his victory was a painful one. ! S1
His opponent was Gene Deimont, the :
5empI!T3" featherweight1 who landed a '
terrific left hand clout below the belt j
In the fourth Fbund. crumpling Martin
on the floor and completely disabling 3
him. f(
The foul blow was delivered in the
midst of a furious exchange and ivas tl
undoubtedly unintentional.
Martin had all the better of the first j
three rounds and had staggered Deimont I Q;
in the fourth session with a heavy left j
hander to the chin. This blow seemed y
to arouse the fighting spirit of the
Memphian and lie sailed into Martin
with the greatest fury- Both men swung ; fl
their fists like flails and Martin was ! .
delivering heavy thumps to the bodyjti
and face.
iTJiiium iiau irt ?u a iicutj i ;
hander to the face, which missed, and JL
then swung with lile left with the disastrous
< ftcct on the Brooklyn boy. Ref- 111
eree Patsy Haley at onca disqualified
Delmont. and Martin's seconds worked
over ' !ri ? vera I minutes before he was g|
able to Ret on his feet.
Delmont shed tears over his unlntentlonal
foul and the two boaers finally u
shook hands as Martin was helped out l-'
of ths rlnR. Delmont weighed 130 ;
pounds to Martin's 129Vi pounds. as
Charley Ryder stopped Willie Daney
In the sixth round after one minute I
and five seconds of fighting. Ryder
scored two knockdowns In the sixth and (
Referee Patsy Haley stopped the IT
slaughter. Ryder won all the way.
Jimmy Reese outpointed Tommy Dodd I
in six rounds. tr,
Jackie Harris won from Kranklc
Maher In a four round bout.
Andy Thomas, a promising Brooklyn
lightweight, scored a knockout over ?
Jimmy Murphy of the West Hide In one I
minute and forty-five seconds of the j '
fourth round. It was a slashing bout.
Denial by WilUrd. <
Los Anori.cs, May 12.?Jess Wlllard j
heavyweight boxer, mentioned In recent
dispatches es a possible opponent for
Jack Dempse.v, Is not seeking a return ~
match with the world's tfiunplon, according
to a statement attributed to
Wlllard to-day by a local newspaper.
Greb Knocks Out Roberts.
lion ton, May 12.?Harry Oreb of I
Plft?bu*(th knocked out A! Roberta o'' j
New York in the ?txth round of their
scheduled ten round contest here to- .
nlRlit. The men are heavyweights.
Colgate Wins at Tennis.
Hamilton, N. Y? May 12.?Colgate J
defeated the Union tennis team here to- #j
day, five matches to one. II
N. Y. U. in Eastern Meet. ; l/(
The New York University track team ^
will compete for the flrsr time In the
Eastern collegiate meet to be held to- i
morrow at Springfield.
Boxing Bouts To-night
F.bhet* I'lrtd (sfterrtnonl ? I.nl* lirpo v*.
Jack Hrrtoaa. If rounds; Have Kiwcnlierg
v*. Tammy MrAleer, It reunite. , BA
nlilRewoml (irnie Spertlnr t'iub? Nlek n
Foley ve. I hurley Small, If round* i . a t
Chirk kaaaae ve. Marty Bllrem, la me
I imiwU ; (nil
Cemainnnealth H. C.?tienrgle Italy v*. ! hot
Dnnny l ee. If round*: Hobby i.,.im _^
ve. Phil Rnaenherg, It roailSe.
((aeenohoro ttadlum. I.ona l*land Clly?
Tommy Rebeea ye. Mike MrTlrue, If
round*; l?anny Frn?h i*. Johnny Rrl?
ler, If round*. .. pn
ord Koeksavnge to Head Team
to This Country, Says
An international polo attraction here1
ii? summer became a certainty yes-1
relay with the receipt of a cablegram
out England accepting the recent intation
of the American official*
'ord came from Igird Tweedmouth of
le Hurlingham Club that a represen-!
tive British team, probably headed by j
nrd Itocksavago, would be here early!
August for the American open eharn- I
onshlp. which is to be held this yeai
If it is to be lite team that Eori!
ocksavagn captained In the match
rainst the Argentine players recently. ;
len those who will accompany him
i tills country are the Duke of Penainda.
Wiyiam Buckmaster and Rord
'odehouso. There is 110 certainty,
jwever. that the players named will
i chosen, but no matter what the!
?rsonnel of the British squad may;
' it Is sure to be one at high rating 1
id one that will make a decidedly I
rong bid for the open title.
Within a few days the American;
>!o officials also expect to hear tliat|
ie Argentinians, who were invited j
ong with the British, the Hawaiians;
id the Pacific Coast Circuit, have ac pted.
Word comes unofficially that)
ie Argentinians, who have been play-1
g near championship polo in England,
e anxious to make their appearance:
sre and that it ail depends on their;
iccess 1n arranging to delay their;
iturn to South America. It is felt i
tre that inasmuch as the Argennians
expect to be international cup j
lallengem before very long they will.
Jt miss the present opportunity of j
BllUR IMC.I alien... cm
' the cup holding niitlon.
As for Hawaii, the chances are
rainct a team from that country comg
to the t'nited States this summer,
he ma.lorlty of the leading rlayers of
onolulu. owing to the pressure of
islness, are unable to make the trip,
has been learned, but it is quite posble
that one or two of the Hawaiian
>loists will come and Join forces with
ie leading players of California to
irm an all Pacific team.
, , *
Think what our grandads
had to put up with!
Aren't you glad you live
1 an age when there's a
traw hat for every type of
ead and face!
What would "the boys of j
0 years ago" have given
>r "four convenient corers"
where you to-day;
ill choose from thousands
f quality straws, knowing
ou can't get stuck!
Smart, stiff Sennits made
exible where they touch
le head!
Comfortable Panamas,
reghorns, Milans, Macki-j
aws, Bangkoks.
Values as hip- as the
Money back if you can do
Excellent showing of Sennits for
I little as $3.
The best of everything
len and boys wear.
Sporting goods. Lugage.
Chauffeurs' livery.
Rogers Peet Company
roadway Herald Sq. 1
: 13th St. "Four at 35th St.
roadway Corners" Fifth Ave.
Warren ' at 4tst St
- 1
White English Broad Hot h
Shirts. S3.95
White Irish
Poplin Shirts,
Special, $2.75
Is Spring's Neweat ,
Madras Shirts,
dadras Athletic Underwear
Shirt* or Drawer*, 75c Each
Office Coats?$1.50 up
|i|)I.K lion* fur nalr, % year* old, liandninr.
wall minmml, about 1". hand*. I*
'how* Itorar. Can br ???>n at liadforri RldAriiltm)',
Oi-tan I'trkKay and Conay
and av., Brooklyn. Aak for Mr. Strang'*
a*. .
l.ICT, IXkifl, pnvplf. 2. rail. Bull J?, ill
V ??L laud A\? *i% <?8*l?l?.
? M O f!
I 5 A ILi"
For the last 21
building into a 1
"Headquarters for
Carpenters, m;
working overtime i
Last week I di
the fence down in
everyone who weai
Hat Store in the
New Grand Centre
I believe the ;
most interesting ir
out the spirit of th
It's just a step
15th Century Villa
dormer windows a;
The only thini
to a thought of T
Radio announcing
5 ft. Style Shelf in r
. I linf I ' 9< - ?( J I B |
^ tw
?-?: /
^ -v- '
A D i?r iftiiwHfBr
ill Bill
Station |
is today <
3 weeks I've been buSy chai
5th Century Village as a
asons, plumbers, plasterers a
and double time to get ready
idn't think it was possible b
front of the building, and
s a hat to come in today aui
world, which will be knc
il Style Station.
architects, Starrett & Van V
iterior that I ever saw, and
e architect's drawing.
from the 20th Century rush
ge, with a continuous line of
nd balconies, all richly treate
g that will startle you from
omorrow is the hum of a
the Styl-Flash, which I'n
ny New Grand Central Style
nging a 20th Century
permanent home for
md painters have been
on time.
ut last night we took
I would like to have
d look over the finest
iwn hereafter as the
leek have designed the
the builder has carried
of 42d St. to this quaint i
shingled roofs, gables I
d in a harmonious color M
a dream of the Past
St vie Wave on the W
i going to put on my ^
Station today.
\ w'stvje \
\ Sensft^ 1
*""" , rn zzz I?
i i i i *
BYCr ~
% i

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