OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1920-1924, October 06, 1922, Image 11

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Mountbattens See
Ball Game; Call
It Greatest Sport
Pop Bo\ Explains Contest to
Titled Visitors, Who Later
Attend Play.
Lord and Lady Louis Mountbatten
had two now experiences in America
yesterday when they saw the second
itamo of the world series at tho Bolo |
Grounds, attended Hnother musical play :
und supped and danced at one of Broad- ,
way's popular cabarets. Lord Louie. j
cousin of King George. but just an
ordinary fellow for all o' that, and hie J
beat girl?Lady Mountbatten?saw the (
Giants play a draw with the Yankees,
ata six ice cream cones and two bags
* "f peanuts, drank four bottles of soda
pop and rooted until hoarse for Babe
.Ruth and the Yankees.
Lady Mountbatten, who besides being
one of Europe's richest young
women, is one of her prettiest, sat with
her lord in a box behind first base.
Mhe was gowned in a brown draped
creation, hat and pumps to match; wore
two strands of pearls, arid she watched
most of the game through a tortoiseshell
The Mountbattens gossiped about the
game with a crowd of young folks in
an adjoining box and called in a soda
pop boy to explain the game to them.
They stopped the first Ice cream cone
vendor that came their way and purchased
and averaged one cone and a
bottle of pop every three Innings thereafter.
Vh Rutb walked down to first Lady
Mountbatten laughed:
"Attn boy, Babe 1"
When the umpire called a strike on
Plpp once she cried, "T:.ke 'im out!"
The soda "pop boy they called in forgot
all about his ware in looking at
Lady Mountbatten. Under his tutelage
i.ady Mountbatten and his Lordship?
who were just miss and mister to him?
learned all the high points of the game.
They soon came to know every one of
the players as they strode to the plate i
and In their positions afield.
I^ady Mountbatten observed the great j
1 slops made by Frankle Frisch and !
thought them marvelous," but she didn't
like them as much because they prevented
her favorites from scoring. Lord
l.ouls declared it was the greatest sport
he'd ever seen. Both of them said the |
game thrilled them more than any sport i
they'd ever witnessed.
"1 wliAt," said I.ady Mountbatten after
tho game, "we could stay for the other I
games. But we're honeymooning, you !
know, Htid we're going inland a bit.
When we come back Fast we're going ;
to nee some of tlio big football g.-r
I hope they're as good as baseball
Ttie soda pop boy, after the Mou
battens had gone, said "Gosh, the>
site's one o" the richest women In
v or I d. Dlie sure looks like a milllo .
dollars, el>?"
The Introduction of the titled visitor
t .1 >.! ttrlrin to that nart of Broadway 1
where the lights are the holiest and I
mii-io the JujczU-st was at The Plantation.
where they and the members of
their party had supper and rubbed elbows
and shoulders on the dancing
.' oor. To start the evening they had j
the pleasure of being host and hostess i
at a dinner In the Kltx-Carlton at which j
It'liKlas Pairbanks and Mary PIckford
vet, among fhelr guests. The others
.! their party were Mr. and Mrs. Jerome
Kern, who initiated them Into New
York's pU> going life, Jules Glaenzer,
Count and Countess Zlchy and Messtnorr
Kendall, who had them for supI
< r last Tuesday night after their first
night at the theater. In the Interim
between dinner and two supper hours at
e Hrosdwny cabaret the party saw
George White's Kcandala" at the Globe.
To-,Inv Lord anil Lady Mountbattcn
v III guests of Mr. J-'ellx M. Warbugg
. ? bis country place and will devote an '
aft' i noon to riding and lawn tennis, i
l-ady Mountbattcn is a proficient horse- I
woman and frequently rides to hounds
In England
Party on Ciulio Cesare Aids
Seamen's Orphans
About a thousand men and women 1
sent aboard the Glullo Cesare, the
newest li ai -atlant i liner of the Italian 1
life, at the foot of Klfty-sevonth street!
and the Hudson Mw last night to see
t ,< beautlaa of the ship and to attend
a <laii?> given for seamen's orphans.
Tin twe main saloons were cleared for
?i>in, mg, with alternate nmslc played
I the ship s and Paul Whlteman'a
j ci'he-traa.
The host of the evening was Jules ;
I V ttehar, one of the American repreaentatlvea
of the Navlgaalonc Gene-rale
11NI ? >. era of the steamship.
Vr t M i srratl was president of
lbs dams committee, which Included
V'W. Angelo Itueplnl, Mrs. Jules Hchar,
Mien Man- hrugont and Mlaa Autlo
he I ir.iucv
I P. n, 'it was given for the support i
of th- Villa Matlgola. an orphanage on :
Ik* lienors# coast, where children of |
Italian seamen who died during the war
1 for The orphanage Is under
P?"'*n.??r ,i it,,. "Jrand Admiral of
i i'a isn Loyal Navy, Count Paolo da
r*>r m\-11 ill |UM|* of tha ?vrnlnR
? r ||> nlimlmi fllgll mid Uluseppl
I ..MM . t \r 'r |-.lit?n . K l>r
i irii?. n i if TiWallan *od r. M. Hon-1
v\ . .. M r?ld?r Of Brooklyn, j
Among Atom# *rr? Mr. I tarry
\\ . . Mr M - >i .Mr* Jo*eph
I atrrfto tti>4 Mlk John A. L>rilw.
r??r*l>ff hIIIhn h> thr t.rm-r
I lift naata Am.
fir '?*?r A I'nd*r Nerre- i
m ft Au'r <4 I'rra, ami l.ul* funrn
ll?rrl*>( aad i at la* J. K*i?* }' ralr*. !
< )? or-f Off ll< I I rr-i ntatlVr* of
ftra at tla Mra* Man Oatrnnldb K*po
itan tm Rta 4* linrlra, aailrd vr?t*rfir
far fvni hy the <? ?<- linrr Aon la
.** i'#r 't.'1 / ?h, rip lit Ion I
AmMH la raturn la l>rv via Now j
. rk. an4 erriv*d h*r* an Aefttrmhar '
W k) ih? fit Aatrlct of lh? Munmn
I . iVh'l- la lb* 'h*| *fm in
IrftalMi to H*rW rt I ijunnlioa. pub- '
Wntoc af tk* ?r**k)yn I?ailv Kagla. j
I nkrf i?Mf< tin la> Iii'to Mr. and Mm.
VI -1 u . k Mi in I Mr?
V R 'Irtkaa and Mr and Mr* Walter
A Ntynald* af \??n*nl?. Pa . who will
a *to a i??r aroitnf Amih AroorVra
1 r .? in* . ' ? X?r 4 V- 4 rn.'irkod
k>r mtttra fa Ik# Oram l.iaa fortnightly j
t?ni a to Para and ?*k1W Ah* had !
a n it oi?rc..." ?i ?#rvio* of tk*
r??l#k- Mad ftMiMhl* '*'<mpan>.
*an*f tkoaa mil i.g on the Munarcn
of tk* Manaaa meaiaaklp I. r?? today '
far Maaami *ad iM-? ar* Mmer*. M J,
- itjivan, Krrtr tl. )'. itlrr, \ thur i
?an. A. K J DvWh and <kmrgo fairla.
Mtoa Irritora McNraJ. Mr. TVnfnff
KnoWlra, Mr* !* tk* 'irrgnry an 1
cMldma. Mr. rrodrrfrk Ptarhlrln. Mr.
?nd Mra t* I. I.' fttoiMA. Mr and Mra.
T'loma* Iftltoa, Ml** f'|.<rrn?r Halanrn,
Mr. and Mra <k rg* Rn.*i??. M>an>
Knnwaffc M Muraklana. NathaaM Rich
i >f?. Roy Taylor. Mr. *ml Mm. ?nr*to
i'rook*. Ml** Mary Monrlry. Mr and
Mr, CI. M? Int-ofi. Mr \\ riiam K
i unmngham. Mr ilrargf W l>onald?an,
Mr. Th'ima-1 tlllmnr*. Ml** ii-'na Mart*
ham. Mr Lrroy raafer and Mr. Robert
a 1 'i i>.
srw VOKK.
Mr. J. Torrey Morse, Jr . of Boston
pave a dinner party laat ntght at Pierre's.
Ainorvf hie guests wrr* Mr* Edward
Van Ingen, Mrs. Frederick Martin
Davie* and Mr. I.awrenc? Bell Van
ln?'en. Mrs. Good Inn- Livingston. J'tiave
a luncheon there for her sister.
Miss Prlscllla Alden Allen, who will t>*
a debutante this season.
Miss Lydia K. l'admun, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Dadmun of
07 East Fifty-fourth street, will-accompany
Mr. and Mrs. Moses Taylor and
Miss Edith Taylor, who are sailing tomorrow
by the Majestic. They will go
to London aj*l Paris and will remain
abroad stx weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter S. Marston. who j
lived nt 135 East Sixty-fifth street for
some time, have taken an apartment at j
417 Park avenue.
Mr. Hugh C. Wallace, former Ambwsador
to France, and Mrs. Wallace left ;
the Rltz-Carlton yesterday for White
Sulphur Springs, before going to Wash- i
Mrs. Arthur B. Twombly gav? a ,
small dinner party last night at the St.
Mrs. Raymond T. Baker of Lenox M i
at the Ambassador Hotel, where she |
gave a luncheon yesterday.
Mr. William II. Vanderbllt has arrived
from Newport at the Ambassador \
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Drexel Jr.
have returned from Winter Harbor, Me.
to the La Salle Hotel, 30 Enst Sixtieth
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Douglas Sloane
have rented their house 12 East Sixtysecond
street, to Mr. and Mrs. B. Sumner
Welles of Washington. Mr. and
Mrs. Sloane will remain at their house
in Fort Washington until January, when
they sail for Europe.
Col. and Mrs. Charles Elliot Warren
have returned from York Harbor, Me.,
to their country house in Lawrence, L. I.
where they will remain until November
15, returning to 114 East Thirty-sixth j
Mr. and Mrs. Grtswold A. Thompson
entertained, fourteen guests at dinner
last evenlhg and took them to the
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Rockefeller
and their daughter, Miss Almira Rockefeller,
are at their house 202 Madison
u venue.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Main Post Jr.
who are the guests of her parents, Mr.
and Mr- William Gondby Loew In
Roslyn. L. I. v 111 return to New York
the middle of October.
Mi'-i i ilennora .--ears of Boston, had
few guests at the Plaiu for luncheon
Mrs. James Lowell Putnam had for
luncheon at Sherry's yesterday Mrs.
Joseph Larocquo and Mrs. Edward
Motley Weld.
Mr. and Mrs. George Dallas Yeomans
have closed their house in Plymouth,
Mass., and opened the-ir city home at
2 East Eighty-sixth street. Miss
Georgette Yeomans, one of this season's
debutantes, will make her debut at a
luncheon on December 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Ten Broeck M. Terhune
have closed their house In Southampton
and returned for the winter to 470 Park
Mrs. Harding's cousin. Charles Potter;
Kline of Boston, is in Washington and ;
is at the Kacquct Club.
Mrs. Robert M. Thompson has arrived ;
in Washington from her summer honv
at Southampton, I* I. Because of ill
health Mrs. Thompson will not accompany
Col. Thompson, who will start Saturday
on a transcontinental tour as host
to Lord Louis Mount batten, cousin ot j
King George, and his bride.
Representative and Mrs. Philip Pitt
Campbell entertained at dinner last
night for their debutante daughter, Miss
Helen Campbell, and her guest. Miss I
Sarah Orme of Atlanta, Ga.
Judge and Mrs. William Bailey Lamar
have returned to Washington. Tliey
will go to Thomasvlllc, Ga., for
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stewart start to- j
day for Newport by automobile and will I
he guests of Mr. Reginald C. Vander- I
bllt at Sandy Point Farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Penby hax'e |
gone to the Pacific const and will sail !
October 14 for the Orient, where they !
vlll visit their son, Mr. James Penby. I
Third -Secretary of the American Em- '
liiissy at Toklo. Mr. Denby Is a brother I
of the Secretory of the Navy.
Mr. and Mrs. fxiuls Hertle of Gunston j
Hall are at the Willard.
Member* of the consular service on
iluty at the State Department entertained
at luncheon yesterday for Mr.
Roger Tredwcll. Consul-Oeneral at I,arga
for central Asia nnd Africa, who leaves
to-day. Mr. Tredwell will visit In New
York and October 14 will sail from Seattle
for his new post.
At Un?klnKtnn Hotels.
New York arrivals at Washington
hotels Include:
At the Wlllard?Mrs. O. T. bowery.
Messrs. J. Ft. Kllpatrlck. bonis Davis,
Ralph A Day. D. E. Forrest. John A.
Foster, William Ft. Norrls and Gilbert
P. Rrueh.
The Wardman Park?Mr. and Mrs. D
O Osborne and Mr. Charles Samuels.
Mr*. Frederick H. Havlland has returned
to the Hotel St. James, 109 West
Forty-fifth street, for the winter. Mrs.
John High Mncray, who was Pauline |
Havlland, with whom Mrs. Havlland
epeni the summer at Cape May, returned j
with her mother to visit for several '
Prof Antonio 8. da Rustamante, dean
of the University of Cuba. Is returning
from a two months' tour of Europe with
his family on board tho Berengaria. |
They will stop at the Waldorf-Astoria ,
before sailing for Cuba.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Graham gave a
dinner party In the Vanderbllt Inst evening.
Among their guests were Mr. and
Mrs I Pop** Mnthews. Mr. and Mrs.
A. V Campbell. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Mosa,
Mr and Mrs. W. P. Sharer, Mr. and Mrs.
E A. Hrown. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Godwin
and Mr. Hugh G. Whitehead.
Admiral Hilary P Jones. U. 8. .V, and
\tr? .Inn*? have como from Washington
to the Vanderbllt.
.foil NWON?-CARRObL.
In the presence of selatlves and a few
Intimate friends Mrs. Eunice Clspp Carroll.
a daughter of Mrs. E. Mortimer
W ird, was married yesterday afternoon
to Mr Htoart H. Johnson, a son of Mr.
and Mrs P Colt Johnson of this city.
The eeremony was performed by the
Re*. tTwiphrry I?eo of Ijoeust Valley at
FlUhurst. the country place In locust
Valley of the sti'pfather and moth**r of
the hrbte. Mr. Johnson, Sr.. was best
man. A *m ill reception followed. Mr.
and Mrs Johnson will live at Mill Nerk.
i- i. y
Princess Hermine, |
ex-Kaiser's Fiancee,
Snubbed in Berlin
Retires to Estate After Getting
Chill Reception From
Germany's *400.'
Kprnal C?M? fa Tin Nrw V(HK Uncut,.
("PVTighl. IK."., by Tub N?W ViMt llOu.B
>rw Itrk UrnM Itun-eu. J
Berlin. Oct S. I
Princess Hfrmlnf of Reuss. who In
a month will tnumt the title 'Queen of
Prussia. Just u thuugh her husband
to he, rs-Kalser Wllhelni. 'till held
hl? former Job. was snubbed by the
aristocracy this week when she came to
th? capital to order_h*r trou*eeau. Although
iter vlalt vti announced ?he did
not receive a single caller or any attention
among the "4u0," who regm\l
her mafrlaffo aa wrecking all hope for
the restoration of a monarchy.
After the chill of the "cold shoulder"
the Princess hastened through her shopping
and retired to her estate In Silesia.
The utmost secrecy was maintained regarding
her trousseau, but It may be
said that It Includes the following Items:
An < veiling gown tashloned from i
black Chant Illy flounced shawl embroidered
with Jet. an heirloom of the family.
A wedding gown of mauve chiffon
volour, embroidered with steel beads,
conforming with the ex-Kalser's wish
to see her at the altar In his favorite j
color, and later as Empress on state occasions.
A tea gown of champagne charmeuse, j
elaborately embroidered.
It Is the first royal trousseau the 1
couturiers of Berlin have attempted
since 1913, when Victoria I-oulse, th<only
daughter of the Kaiser, was mur- I
ried to the Duke of Brunswick.
On the day of the wedding the Princess
will assume the empty title of
Queen of Prussia, according to royal
genealogists, but she will not be Empress
of Germany. The former Is hereditary
and Inalienable, they declare, j
whereas the latter la a creation of poll- .
tics which passed at the time of the !
abdication. The official records, how- 1
ever, will set her down as Mrs. Wllhelm
von Hohcnxollern, though of course she j
retains her own hereditary titles.
One Hundred nnd Twenty-five
Canvases for <14,4110.
Belling at approximately a tenth of
the price wHilch their former owner had
paid for them, the first session of the
sale held ut the Metropolitan Art anil j
Auction Galleries In West Fifty-seventh
street last evening brought a total of I
$4,400 for 125 canvases, among which
were works hy Renoir, Montlcelll,
Blakelork and Hp garth.
A marine watercolor by F. L>. T. j
Francla sold to Mrs. Ross for $135,
Mrs. Decker bought a primitive "Madonna
and Child," of the Dutch school. 1
for $130, and a primitive panel With
Italian Influence for $50. The Renoir
canvns sioicl to Mr. ivan&D ror *iuv,
and two Hogarth portraits to Mr. Miller
for $37 and $85 respectively.
Series of I.nncheoii* for Ml**
Church, Soon lo Weil.
Special Dispatch to Tub Nr.w Yosk Hbrai.d.
Lenox, Moas., Oct. 5.?The llrst of a
series of entertainments for Miss Mary
Church or Great Barring ton, who is to
bo married to Mr. Donald M. Weston
of Plttsfleld ti Saturday evening, was
given to-day. it was a luncheon given
by Miss Marlon Kerr of New York.
Mir* Church entertained her attendants
at dinner In her home to-night and Mr.
Weston gave his farewell bachelor
dinner at tho Pittsfleld Country Club
this evening.
Miss Kosumond Sherwood, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murray Sl^rwood
of New York, who has been visiting
her aunt. Miss Lydla Field Emmet,
won to-day the Stockbridge Golf Club
ringer tournament. Her score of 72 was
the lowest made by any woman over
tho eighteen hole course this season.
Mrs. Newman K. Perry was second
with 74 and Mrs. Phillips Blagden third
with 81. Mrs. Ewidn D. Morgan of
New York is a guest of Miss Emmet in
Many New Yorker* Among llecent
Sp'rial Dispatch to Tub New Tosk Hbkai.d.
Hot Springs, Oct. 5.?Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Duff Frasier arrived at the Homestead
to-day from New York. Mrs. D.
Herbert Hoatetter and Miss Hrlene Hostetter
came In to-day from Pittsburgh,
accompanied by Mlsa Polly McCall of
New York. Mrs. Edward B. Cnssatt,
Mrs. AVllllam P. Stewart and Miss Ellon
Cassatt Stewart arrived from Philadelphia.
The Misses Edith Cummings, Eleanor
Holdcn of Chicago and Marlon Holll.is
of New York played a final threesome
this afternoon before returning to
White Sulphur Springs. Mrs. Philip
Kip Hhlnelander of Tuxedo Park, who
won the cup last year at the women's
golf tournament, also played this morning.
Others of the New York colonv
on the golf course to-day were Mr. and
Mrs. E. Clarence Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
M. Mcllvain, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Root Stern, Mr. and Mrs. William It.
Slmonds, Mr. and Mrs. John Austin |
Black. Mrs. Henry C. Steers and Mtr.i |
Frances Ballard. Mrs. Charles Holland
Duell and the Messrs. Henry Heligman
George Hatcheller, Jerome N. Bona
parte and Hugh Keogh.
Newport. r. i., Oct. 6.?Mrs. Stuart
Buncan will give a dinner Saturday evening
at Bonnie Crest for the Prince and
Prtrtfess Miguel dc Brnganza, who are
returning to Newport.
Mr. and Mra. John Thwaitre. who recently
purchased the Fearing estate,
known as The Orchard, are opening It
and will remain there a few weeks thl.i
Mrs. William Woodward closed the
Cloisters to-day and left for New York,
Mr. and Mrs. George tlenry Warren
also went to New York and Mr. and
Mrs. Benjamin Thaw to Pittsburgh, Pa.
Special Dinpatrh to Tub Nbw York Hbsai.d.
Atlantic crfV, N. j., Oct s Mom*
ber* of the executive committee of
the Royal Arcanum are In conference
nt the Marlborough Blenheim Mr. 1
Cnrlcton K. Moadley of New Haven, |
Conn., la chairman. I
Hotel arrivals from New York in- (
elude: (
Hennls?Mrs. C. H. Piatt, who Is ar- f
compnnled by Miss Rearing. Mr. and (
Mrs. W. Livingston Brucn. Mrs. M. T. (
Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Knlpp. %
Marlborough Blenheim Messrs. (
Charles W. Appleton, W. F. McConnell, .
G. J. Jones, Frank H. Henry and K. E.
RltZ-Cnrlton ? Mrs G. M. Fisher, ^
Mr. and Mrs. D M. dayman, Miss ,
Hayman and Mr. E J. Kline t
Ambassador?Mr, and Mrs. George f
I.alrd of Brooklyn.
Alamac--Mr. Rudolph Friml. Mr. g
Maurice Krell. and from Brooklyn I>r. ?
Adolph Stahl. >
The Breakers?Miss Bessie Hart, Mr. j
Alfred A. Mork ami Mr. Joseph Green- ,
berg. ?
| At the Piping Rock H
i A "** \ V' .'' ,
Left to Right?Misses Betty Stettin
and Mario
Miss Uilder and
Dr. W. W. Palmer of
Columbia Engaged
Daughter of Late Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Watson Gilder to
Be a Bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodman de Kay Gilder
of 888 Madison avenue, announced yesterday
the engagement of their sister,
Miss Franceses de Kay Gilder, to Dr.
Walter Walker Palmer of this city.
Miss Gilder is a daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Watson Gilder
and a niece of Mr. Charles de Kay of
this city. Since the death of her parents
Miss Gilder has lived during the summer
at Four Brooks Farm. Lee, Mass..
with her sister, Miss Rosamond de Kay
Gilder, and her brother, Mr. George
do Kay Gilder
Dr. Palmer is Bard Professor of Medicine
at Columbia University. It Is expected
that the wedding will take place
Assistant Hector of Urnce Church
Murrirs Miss Stow.
Middlbtown, Conn., Oct. D.?The marriage
of Miss Sara Nanette Stow, daughter
of Mr. James Pomeroy Stow, to the
Rev Loyal Young Graham 3d, assistant
rector of Grace Church, New York city,
took place to-day in Holy Trinity CJhurch.
The ceremony at which many relatives
and friends were present was performed
by the Right Rev. E. Campion Acheson,
Suffragan Bishop of Connecticut.
The bridegroom was formerly in
charge of Grace Chapel, -115 East Thirteenth
street. New York, and for several
months has been an assistant rector.
When tliey return from a wedding trip
the Rev. and Mrs. Graham will live at the
chj-gy house of Grace Church parish at
92 Fourth avenue.
Miss Sarah Creagh Ferrall, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ferrall,
formerly of Montgomery. Ala., was
married to Mr. Fleming Duval Broun,
n son of Dr. and Mrs. Le Roy Broun
of this city, last night at the home of
her parents In Larchmont Manor. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
Patrick Morris of St. Joseph's Church.
Miss Margaret Ferrall was maid of
honor. The other bridal attendants
wefe Mrs. J. Bernard Lyon, Misses Ann
Brown Oler. Virginia Flispatrick and
Cora Ranlett.
Mr. Le Roy Broun. Jr., was his
brother's best man. The ushers were
Messrs. Jam< s P. Ferrall and John Cox
Ferrall, brothers of the bride , Addison
Fordyce and Charles Jones.
The bride is a granddaughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Julm Cox Webb of Demopolls,
Ala., who celebrated their golden wedding
several years ago. Mr. Broun Is
a great-grandson of Admiral Lavalette,
and grandson of Dr. William Le Roy
Broun, pioneer of technical education in
the South.
Miss Olga Fonln H-rdobln. daughter
of Baroness Paul Serdobln and the late
Baron Serdobln of Russia, and Mr.
Samuel Cowan Dlshrow of this city obtrlned
a marriage license yesterday at
the Municipal Building. Their engagement
was announced some months ago.
The ceremony will be performed In St
Thomas's Church October 21. Miss
gerdnbln's father, who lived In New
York many years, Is dead Her m .'her.
who was Mies Marie Williams, |s a
sister of Mre. Millard R. Brown. Miss
Ferdobln has been active In charitable
ef fairs.
i vi. ua urs r* tvvni vers
Mr. nnd Mr*. D. M. Edward# of It]
James street. Syracuse, X T . annoum ed
there iin<l In Montr lair, X. J . yesterday
ili* engagmn-nt of their daughter. Mt*e
Porothy Edwards. to Mr Jam** Harold
Riorum, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mr*. J M.
Riorum, of Montdalr. Ml** Edward* la
i member of tha Junior J^rtfiir Mr
Riorum, who wa* graduated from Yal*
In 1919, I* a member of the FX rp*t;..o
fraternity and of Scroll and Keya.
Mr*. Samuel Pratt of the Hotel g. buy|rr
nnd HI* Mooae. N Y., atinn-jix. I
yesterday the engagement of her daughter
to Mr. Morton Leftlngwell FosoiMt
it this city.
Ml** Mabel Klngsland of Hoonton.
V. J., will he married on Octobar >4 to
Mr. Cedrlc Robert Head In the home of
icr rouslna. Mr. and Mr*. Edmund W. I
Klngsland, at 5K2 Waat lflat street. Tha
lev. I'r. M H. Hates, curate of the
'Impel of the Intercession, will offi-late.
Mia* Klngsland, whose patent*
ire dead, will he given away by hei
incle, Mr. Wilbur C. Klngaland. Mi?*
< mgaland and Mr. Head met In France
vblie *he was engaged In Y. M. C. A
tanleen work and he was with the
Vtnerlcan Ambulance Corps
Miss Margsret Houghton, daughter of
dr. and Mr. A. 8. Houghton of New
i ork and prevlouly of Orrenwlch, Conn . i
s 111 be married to Mr. Philip ll .usto I
ilao of New York. In St. Bartholomew's
'hutch on the afternoon of tVtober 14
Mlaa Beatrice Starr, daughter of Mr
ind Mrs. Poui* Morrl* Starr of 12* Ra*t
Seventieth atreet, will he tnnrrle<l to Mr
Villi* m He Ford Heal of Boston on
'nvember 17 In the Central Treshyterlan
hur< h. The reception la l? be at
[orse Show Yesterday j 1
flBHRHSflfiSisifc&i l
ius, Margaret Stone, Louise Barbour
n Willard.
M. R. Volck Says
" He Will Not Pay
His Wife's Debts
Son of Mme. da Gama Inserts
Advertisement in Reference
to Second. "Wife.
1 will not bi responsible for any debts conl
tractctl by my wife, Mildred Wlthetandley i
| Volck.
This advertisement, received yesterday
j by The New York Herald from abroad '
and printed elsewhere to-day, Is the first
Indication of a rift in the domestic af- ,
fairs of Mortis Roderick Volck and his s
necond wife, who was Mrs. Mildred L. j 1
Everett at the time of her marriage, to !
Mr. Volck In June, 1919. She Is the j J
slaughter of Victor Withstandley of i j
j Brooklyn.
Just before divorce proceedings were j
j undertaken by the first Mrs. Volck, who ,
I was Miss Ellse Holmes, a similar ad- j ,
j vortisement appeared in New York '
newspapers. It read :
"I hereby declare that I will only be ;
I responsible for debts contracted by my-^|
self personally." '
At the time, April, 1917, Mr. Volck j 1
J said there was no break between them ; J
that he merely had to curb his wife's '
alleged extravagance, but two months j f
later she asked for a separation. Later , 1
! she obtained a divorce and the custody *
of their two children. *
I Morris Volck is the son of Mine.'
Domlcio da Gamu, wife of the former!
Brazilian Ambassador to the United
States, who was the widow of Arthur H.
Hearn at the time of her marriage to '
the Ambassador. Mr. Volck is a son by
I her first marriage He Is a graduate j
j of Yale, and was with the Emergency!
Fleet Corporation during the war. Mr. 1
da Gama Is now the Brazilian envoy In '
: London. It is understood that her son J
is with Mmo. da Qama there.
gillette smith.
Special Dispatch to The New York hcraid. i
New London. Conn.. Oct. 5.?At the i
j home of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Bigelow in j
Simsbury last evening Miss Alta Mac ! j
Smith of Bridgeport was married to 1
' their nephew. Mr. Harold Wilson Gil* 11
I lette of New York, by the Rev. Ab-xan- | J
der Alison, Jr., of the First Presby- s
[ terian Church of Bridgeport. The bride j '
| w^s attended by Miss Vivian M. Whit* N
j ing of Stamford and Miss Virginia Car- I j
ten of Bridgeport. The best man was ['
j Wilford h. Wright of New York city. ja
Mr. Gillette Is a graduate of Pratt in- j'
j stltute and Is superintendent of the !
i training department of the Western
I F71ectrlc Company In New York city. j
o'connor m'don o ugh.
j Special Dispatch to Tub New York llnutn. j
(luwwicit Conn., Oct. * .?mish Oath- j v
erlne MoDnnough, daughter of Mr. and j t
Mrs. F'rank McDonough, was married to ; t
Mr. William Henry O'Connor, son of Mr. -j
and Mrs. Patrick O'Connor of Green- ^
[ wlch nt St. Mary's Roman Catholic If
Church this morning at 9 o'clock. The I (
! Rev. F'ather Pllney officiated. Miss
1 Gertrude Kidney and I>anlel O'Connor j
were the attendants. A reception fol.J*]
I lowed at the home of the bride. Mr. 0
O'Connor was In the service during the j >
| world war. ! >
hitchcock show at century.
Id>* unci J. J. Shubert have Faceted
the Century Theater for their prcnenta
i lion of "Hltrhy K(>o of 1922." the new \
I revue In whteh Raymond Hitchcock will r
I i'PfMgtr. with a ea?,t Includlnic Henny d
Leonard and many prominent players, j ^
It la announced that It will have a cast j j
of more tnan 100 peraons. Following j
the ?naa*em?-nt of the Matt r'arlo Opera n
Company "Hltchy Ko?" will be presente 1 ] n
there, ,?
' ? It'
f Notes of the Stage |
Kd treed ll'.y e, dlrertnr get eral of the l*ul
it Tli. * i at flie r ?e?' i i ley i.f the ] I
tO effl# h Club at the National Vend*- n
title Artiste Club, net eoly ' an*# tie has I
oat Intnei J)?e rank- f full fled fed proivef
rlth 'iranfe It -esoti.r hut sIan he "
ra-te- t>? la an is pert y >a* >f uaffh f
Heheit Arrtcn. Via re a re' Moeler, Ilelar
Ac-tt. J- in r Mrs it and Ou> II It net lav I
been added to the eoniplefe raet ef "Aw Iffy," |
Mel* Hamilton ? nee startlnc vehicle, hy
Ji hn l'< ter Toch. y and Walter C T errlvat. Ji
' t ('lean Tmetv" th* latest mrrie.tjf rtiat r
?#i n.atad from J c Nnfetit and fllllott ?
i V-iae it, ?iil h* dtsti'ted at rehearsal at th# ,
Belmont Theater Monday.
| ' Kempt" wtlt be broadcast m-er a distance f"
ef .W mftea Paturday afternoon possibly
! rapstnp many persons In pa- ? npht up an-l t
a--c It That Lav was hnvid- set yeste-dny. fi
hut It probably a*nt unn-ii| 4 in the IM i,
of tldlnps about the hall fame.
The capillar annual denial Is mad* from 'ha .
Htppedrums tl-at Hie current spectacle, diet- '3
t.r Times." ?til h* sent ?n ? lour of His K
principal *ttl?w after fuinilhif Its tleatlny In I
Vest fork. | t
lluhy foe. a frandnlece on Iter paternal
side of r.dpar Alia.i Po* and nn her maternal .
side of Itahert Infersoll. has been mail" a
o 'I T'-.p Istdy in Krmtne" at t!i* Am
' asaadur Theater, and It la a uuesiton slit K
la the moat flattered
Vlrptnla Maaaall daughter of tieorfo Hasaell
of 'The Passing Pho* of IMS" at th# T
Winter Hat den. salted on Wednesday on th* 1 |i
President Van Hut en for Kngland, arrnni . p
panlnl hy her mother. ?idle Iter father ,
whle'ted tioaraely on th* duck
I "Blossom Time, now the d.-an of the plays ' ?
In New York In p"dnl of M, nest Mandav i f
nldhl at Julian Theater ?lll ;>aea It* Mfttli K
performance nlthout attai'ilnf y
Jean Brown, who , lays Pollv In "Pally, |<
Irene and Msi|" at the I'aslnu, had a hlrtti
day party at th* dotal Ast >r last nigh* tn *'
. I.rnte the fa that ? s a ? m- H
nli#>e heftsren Id and IP. and her nam* Im i"
media'elt became l.-nstae Bran a. for some
mysterioua rapai'n ?hi h toe preaa Agent
ascribed t? her ap# *
Ukrainians Sing ,
Impressively in
Opening Concert
"orty Choristers P'roni Europe J
Beceive Friendly Welcome
at the Town Hall.
The first concert of the Ukrainian
national Chorus, brought to this coun- '
ry by Max Kabinoff, took place last *
veiling In Carnegie Hall. The or- *
anlsatlon, consisting of fifteen women '
,nU twenty-five men, appeared on the J
itage attired in national peasant cosumea
and sang canticles and folk [
ongs of Little Russia. They were oonlucted
by Alexander Koshets, a rcla- ;
lve of Mme. Nina Koshets, Russian
Tera singer, well known here and one "
>f the soloists last evening. The .
horus was heard by a great audience, ; .
containing not only many Russians,
r.den with flowers which they threw on , .
he stage to welcome their compatriots, j (
tut also many persona of eminence In
ho local musical field.
As to the value of the concert tnere J:
ould have been but one opinion, to wit. j .
hat It was an exhibition of Intensely ,
haracterlstlo choral singing, dlstltirulshed
by strongly marked racial traits
ind by an art as singular as It was
^impelling. Russian music is not |
vholiy unfamiliar to New York music (
overs, but they have ha<l no previous
tpportunlty to hear the harmonized |
longs of the people sunk as they were (
by Mr. Koshetz's admirably trained'
The slnjrer* were all In costume except
he conductor's assistant, who wore conventional
evering clothes, ar.d before
ach number sounded the pitch on ;.
'nail pipe. From this the shivers took 1
he tonality with confidence and a ecu- |
acy. The voices ranged from high and
> ry acute soprano down to the rumbling (
itraw hassea. High finish of tone qualty
was not found In the singing, but In
ts stend were Individuality and a perfect
suitability to the mute to be delve
There was considerable singing wtth
dosed mouths, and In thla the bearer
luickly lieard the effects which periuaded
European critics to call this organization
a human orchestra. The
lound and gradations were those of a
emarkab'.e body of strings and wood
vinds. The dynamics were extraorUnary.
The sudden fortes struck like
J Iowa, The swells were hke the heave
)f the deep sea The diminishing chords
it the ends of some numbers were
In religious canticles. In melancholy
narratives. In reckless outbreaks of
taiely the chorus disclosed & fitness of
itylc, an adequacy of expression anil a
profound unanimity of feeling that
irouaed genuine emotion among the lis- '
eners. It Is unnecessary this morning
.0 go into details about the delivery, of
particular numbers.
It Is sufficient to make known that the
Jkrainlan National Chorus Is a distinct
povelty In the musical experience of
his town, an agency for the brilliant
publication of an art form which Is the
mtsrowth of a strong and Individual
littional life, nurtured for centuries In
he little known governments trf southvestern
In addition to lime, Nina Koshets the
ihorus had the aid of Mine. Oda Slobod kaja,
a soprano of the Petrograd Opeta.
Each of these singers was heard In a
rroup of lyrics and operatic airs by dlsingulshcd
Russian masters.
Ilnsiness Associates I'ny Trlhnle at
The funeral of Charles E. Atkinson. >
rhn rlihrl Mfinrtn v In hln 7W Rlv#r* ?
lid? T>rive, was yesterday In the |
Church of Our Lady of Lourde* in Hid
itreet, near Amsterdam avenue. Mr
\tkinson was general manager of Arcmus
Ward. fnc. A mass of requiem
van said by Father Petrie. Mgr. J. H. (
deMahon. pastor of the church, was
n the. sanctuary. The burial was In
'alvary Cemetery. The church was
'tiled with friends, who included mem- j
>ern and delegations from Artemus :
A'ard, Inc., the Ideal Cocoa and Choco- ?
ite Company, of which Mr. Atkinson
vas president, and the Liaterated Gum
Company, with which he also wan as- i
There also were delegations from the j
?"ew York Athletic and Dunwoodle clubs.
Irs. Atkinson attended the services accompanied
by her son, Walter K. Atklri- !
it Idas of Light (halrnmn III for
Three Weeks.
Mrs. Isabel Morgan McMillin. "7, '
i idow of Emerson McMillin who. at ' f
he time of his death, was chalrmnn of r
he Board of the American Light and |
Taction Company, died yesterday j.i
ler home, Darlington, Mahwah, N. .1. <
ihe had been 111 three weeks, suffering '
rom complications attending advanced 1
Mrs. McMillin was a native of Ohio,
"wo daughters. Mrs. I'baldo Traversi
' Florence. Italy, and Miss Maude Me- j
llllln of Mahwah. and a son. Marion
I. McMillin, also of Mahwah. survive !
i sr. I
Margaret Shaw Sutton, wife of George J
V. Sutton. Commissioner of Assess- t
nent and Taxation of New Hochelle, n
led Wednesday at her home in Sutton i j
lanor, New Kochelle. She was born In
loston in 1866. She was a cousin of the a
ate Pr. Edward Everett Halo, and her [
lother. Margaret K. Bates, was an of- -
cer and very active In the work of
orosis. She leaver her husband and *
wo ehll Iren, Mrs. George t\ Reynolds i S
nd George W. Sutton, Jr.
I i
i r
Ammekst, Mass., Oct. 6.?Prof. Jumps . I
trcckenrldge Paik*. 60 years old. Iicafl 1
f the department of veterinary science j '
t Massachusetts Agricultural College, v
led to-night at the annltarlum at Wav- ,
rly after a long Illness. j ?
Edward Taylor Hunt Tnlmngo, aged
i, died In the Memorial Hospital, Moi '
Itlown, N. J., yesterday, following an ?
peratlon. He formerly was a broker, j
i ad In if on the floor of the New t nrk lock
Exchange, and previously had
cen employed In the general offices of
he iAckuwana railroad. He retired '
Ifteen years airo and since had lived ?
i Hernardsvllle, N. J., neai Morrlu- i
vn. Mr. Taimaire was born In Urook- j
in. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Mariret
Talmngo; two sons. Edward T.
I.. Jr., and Prentice, and a daughter,
arollne Tnlmnge, all of Hernardsvllle. ,
i J
Henry T. Clark, aired 79, retired mem- I j
< r of the New York Stock Exchange,
led yesterday nt his home. 702 East 1
wenty-thlrd street, I'aterson, N*. J , fol- t
'Wing n long Illness. Ho was born In
'aterson and lived there all his life. Ho
' came a member of the New York Stock
xchangc In IXflf and was active In It j
or forty-three years, retiring In 1907. j
Ifty-two years ago he married Miss *
da Huntoon, daughter of the late Joe la h
Huntoon of Paterson. His wife, three
r?ns, Herbert H . Henry l>. end Joalah
I. Clark, and two daughters. Mrs. Roger >
. Turner of Pateraon and Mrs. t'llfton
atberbee of West Newton, Mass., aurivo
Dr. Winters Dead;
Held High Position
in Medical World
Retired From Active Practice
in 1921, but Kept Devotion
to Profession.
penal Diepatch tn Tub NbW Yohk Hkhald. I
Boston, Oct. 5.?Dr. Joseph E, Win- I
ers, an authority on diseases of chilIren
and a noted podiatrist and dlagnoiticlan,
died here last night. Ho was
>rofessor emeritus of diseases of chilIren,
Cornell University Medical Colege
In the city of New York, but had
etlred from active practice In Septem<er.
1921, when he left New York to
ravel for his health. He came to Boson
on his return from England In
Dr. Winters was born on January 11,
848, at Minneslnk, Orange county, N.
f. His father moved to Owego, N. Y..
vhen he was a youth, and Dr. Winters
?egan the study of medicine under Dr.
jeorge K. Cady of Nichols. Tioga coun
y, coming to New York city In 1869 to
tontlnue his professional studies In the
ncdlcal department of the University of
he City of New York. He was graduated
'rom this institution in 1872, and imneaiately
was appointed tutor of anat>my
in the university. Later he becarhe
lemonstrator of anatomy, in which poslion
he continued until his resignation
n 1895.
In 1873 and 1874 Dr. Winters was
connected with Rellevue Hospital as
totise surgeon, in 1874 and 1875 as
touae physician and from 1875 to 1879
is assistant curator and pathologist.
Later he was assistant teacher of physical
diagnosis with Dr. A. L. Loomis
n nellevuc. He studied extensively in
Europe, spending the entire summer of
[895 In exhaustive research work among
the children's hospitals of the Contllent.
During his career Dr. Winters also !
tvas connected with the Demill Dis- j
Knsary. Wlllard Parker, Riverside and
^olumhus hospitals In New York; St.1
Joseph's Hospital in Far Ftockaway, and
t\as consulting physician to the New
York Society for the Prevention of J
Cruelty to Children. At the time of j
lis death he was consulting physician
:o the Wlllard Parker and Riverside i
lospltals, Christ's Hospital in Jersey
-ity. and the Mount Vernon and Flushng
hospitals. He still retained his membership
in the Americun Medical Association.
the Academy of Medicine and
the Alumni of Bellcvue Hospital.
He was a life member of the Medieel
Association of the Greater City of New
Vork and of the Society for the Relief ;
>f Widows and Orphans of Medical !
Men. and a member of many other
Dr. Winters came of distinguished
American and English ancestry, his
[mternal ancestor, John Synter, having
come over in 1632 as manager of the
IVelawney estntes at Richmond's Island,
Me. His mother was descended from
L.'?pt. John Carpenter of the Jamaica
In 1861 Dr. Winters married Miss
Annie Cnrnochan Ludlow, the daughter
>f Thomas William Ludlow 3d, of
Vonkers, and of Frances Fraser Bettner
I Iln?. I1..M.. hi. .. I,I,,.. 1... lanvaa
r>ne child, 1 .ry Hay Winters.
mi. john s. white dibs.
Dr. John S. White, founder of the.
Berk ele y School In llile elty, died
Wednesday'at Hath, N, Y., In his sevrnty-alxth
year. He was born In
Wteiithum, .daes , and served in the
Ivil war. He was graduated from Har.ard
In 1 H7<?, and became master of the
Hoston Latin School. He came to this
Ity In 1 MHO and established the Berkeley
Military' School in Kast Forty-fourth
afreet. He also hullt the Lyceum, later
known as the Berkeley Building, In West
' >rtv-fourth street. Me founded the
I'hllllps Brooks School In memory of
Bishop* Brooks In Philadelphia in 190a.
ind retired In 1910. He leaves a widow,
iho was (leorrie A. Head, and two sons,
the Hev. KHot Whlto and Gilbert N.
White, of this elty.
joii v w. coiivki.i..
Trenton, Oct. S.?John W. Cornell,
iged SI. of 615 Greenwood avenue, a
nemlter of the hoard of directors of the
Iroad Street National Hank In Trenton
ind for twenty-five years Surrogate of
dercer county, died Wednesday evening
it his home. Funeral services will be
leld at 11 o'clock Saturday at the home.
X1ST?Certificates. 10, of '00 shares each
Srhulto Retali Stores ("mmm stock, standis
In name of Knelti, It llolner, Noe 2000.
port, rtnro, im, -una, *:u:i. ?:>m. 3530, 3531.
.-.HI. Stork n'i *<K)d In any other person and
he public la warn*,l that transfer has been
it, pped. I'lesse return to J BOIX3RR.
'rtiulte Befall St n-is 1'orp . ,'Urt Broadway.
nd receive mlta.ile reward.
/WT?Bel wear Leavei and Wall ats and
South st.. ?allet with some money and
iwntr'a card Inside I.thecal -r.iard If reunited
to South si addraee.
iORT?Velvet hat, money. West ItSd, 17a?h.
11-Mei-i Misjiiiir.vr>. *oi w .? ?,
LnST?Pait of broo'h. Ula'nontl and mvi
et In plailnum, oo .'!*!> at . between I'lara
dotal and Jolaon Theater, on nlaht of (>. -
obnr 3. haa arntiniental value. Iarg<* rt vaivi.
dntttrn i-aahlnr. Moral I'lata.
/ 1ST?Platinum dlr.nnr rln* U>rgn d'ainondr,
aurmtindid by ? ? an4,nil diamond.,
n Indue' vaahroom. I'o <*l Ivr naj lv anla,
ift-rnoon of Octnher . liberal rnonnl to re.
timer. t;?*lROE il. IICERST. ? W. PWth.
ftnr T "P. M.
.OUT? Bracelet, dlam-wda rrnl eapphirea net ,
In platinum, between lidth a' anil ."th av.
nd fllltmorr Hotel or Plain Hotel: ba- ae< lnienlal
value; I a rg? rew aid. (te'.-jru Paahtr.
Motel Plaea. ,
OgT?Wrlat aatih, Inltlala A <" n
Tu"eday. Slat at., nth as. to trolley .".|?i ?
nd ,Vh av., Brooklyn. reward. 11 < 'UN i
ORENHKN. It Atlantb* av B<....? %
'bona wo'il Main.
aOBT?Diamond rln*. equal* etyle, a'.'a
aim. abi.nt .*< rarnta, batwnan Mam! ">n
dace and Broadway, <>q I.H?th or l.'.eth
Iberal reward. CHARUB SMITH. r m
IQ4, MO Broadway.
,< <ST?Pli'arro nr nf dlari.,nd Sept .
I>?r SO, Lexington av. ruhway; liberal revnrd:
no quratlnna. Room fdYi. 74 Broad>
a y
,OR r -Platinum dlamnnd and aapphlrr brai
Int. batwwn Oth a*, and n'?ay and l'l?r
7. North Utv. r; inward ORTEI'V '. > I.
t .. city. '
or return if platinum bandn, anpphlre |r
nntor. 1 h r ti< and II aniall dlarrn.nda. loat
jtember '.'d. vlrlnlty of Tuxedo, N V. A.
BtCNNBTT. IS William at Broad itm
Hrnrtng tppirrl,
/AST-Sable neckpiece, nnr akin, .*<ih av '
ahnpplng dlatrlet or jtlh at., betwr-i-n rub
v. nnd t'.raaorian Hotel; reward. Roturn
Intni tlrogorlah. 42 Weat 3Sth at.
/?HT -Satila pei-kptem, Monday nlghL fvand
Theater; reward Circle ;OPO, ap' 7 .<K
I log a, fata, An.
/ofrT?d>n Saturday afternoon. Hapr AO. a"
Prim a Lookout, nnar Htnrllnwton. N. Y , a
row n Prklrwae dog. Reward |r.0, Tnl. MRS.
,_!V_ RKNKAP.l'. Tuxedo 114.
,<>ST-R!ark famain rat, white a pot on
hrenat and white tin on forapawa; tlob
toward MRS E. FORT. 37 W. 10th at
.OUT?Blenheim apatilel. white, brown rare,
from iit r<i-t 70th Liberal reward
"OATICR RIU'RH Mr. ami Mix. I lanrcn d?
Knrmt Rruah announce the engagement of
thnlr daughtnr, Jane, to Mr. Wlnalnw
Shelby Oaatia, aon of Mr and Mr?
Arthur ("natna of l'pp< r Montclalr, N. J
illiAH SAMPSON-Mr and Mra. Rex-am
L. Banipaon of New York announm tha
engagement of thnlr daughtnr. Ml?a Antic
(I. Sampeon, to Mr. Robert Ollllapie M< id
7d of Oxidnlng, N, T.
444 + 11
Bryan. Adelaide Mar lire. C. A.
Carol. William P. Martina*, Arlatldeg
Clark, Henry I. Me Kinney, Ann
Connolly. Edward J. MeMlllin, Isabel M.
Paly. Kllra C. fall. David A.
Danielaon, Llzette H'-id. William J.
!> Santiago, Isabel O Schwab. Kdlth F.
de Sussini, A. E. Stamp. John 15.
Edwards, Kate A. Sutton. Margare B.
Carrie. Daniel T. Swarts, Harry M.
dor-y, Thomae H. Talmage, K. T. H.
Hlrachfteld, Henrietta Vail, Walter R.
Iluraf, WaDladrtch Week*. Ruth J.
Kennedy. Henry W. White. John 8.
Kerltnger. George E. Winter*. Joseph E.
Kirkpatrlrk, Mary P.
In Mrinorlain.
Nuaakorn, A. E.
BRYAN.?October 4. Adelaide Bryan. S#r?
vices Stephen Mcrrltt's Chapel, 22.'i 8th ay.
(near 21st ?t.>. Saturday. 2 o'clock.
CAROL.?On Thursday, October 8, 1022. at
1011 Ocean av . Brooklyn, William Perron
Carol, aged 4tl years, husband of Kathleen
E. Carol, father of Dorothy laabel
anil brother of Homer I' Carol and Mrs.
Herbert C. Barker. funeral aervleea
at Harry T. Pyle Mortuary. 102.1 Churcll
av., Brooklyn, at 2 P. M., Saturdays October
7. 1022. (Church av. atatlon of
Bilghton Beach subway.)
CLARK?At I'sterson, N J.. Thuraday, October
1022. Henry I., husband of Ada
Huntoon Clark. Funeral aervloea will be
CONNOLLY.?Edward J., at his residence,
42ft Irving av., Brooklyn, Tuesday, Or.
tober :t. Interment Saturday. October 7,
Holy Name Cemetefv. N. J
DAI.Y.?On October 6. 1022. Eliza G. Daly,
beloved wife of the late Cornellua Daly.
Funeral from the residence of Iter daughter,
Mrs Alice Melster, 14.'!0 Prospect av .
on Saturday. Thence to the Church of
Holy Apostles, 0th av. anil 28th st., where
services will be held at 11 A. M. Inter4
nient Green-Wood.
DANIELSON.?On Wednesday, October 4.
1022, Llzette. wife of the late llsnty
Danlelson. funeral aervlce at her In'a
resldeitce. 240 West 120th St., on Friday
at S :.'10 P. M.
CliUUCH, Bway, 6Glh St.. until Saturday,
de SCSSINI.?Countess Annie E., at
Uellevuo Hospital. fun rat front the
undertaker's parlor of CI as. Daclgalupo,
In'-., Mulberry St., oil October 0. 11)22,
at 10 A M.
EDWARDS-At Chatham. N. J. Thursday,
October n. Kate A. Edwards. In her 70th
year, beloved wife of William F. Edward'
and daughter of the late John H. and
Hannah M. Allen, formerly of Summit,
N. J. Fur ml service at her late home,
t.'l East Main st., Chatham, Haturdas,
October 7, nt .'I P. M. Interment private
GAKRIH.?Suddenly, on October 4, Daniel T.
Gnrrle Funeral from hie late residence,
171 West !>Oth . Friday. October t>. Reu'ji-m
Mass .it Church of the Holy Trinity,
S2ii at., rear Rroadwny, nt 10 A. M. Interment
Calvary. Automobile cortege.
GORKY.?On October r>, 1922, Thomas H ,
beloved husband of the let" Mary WineFuneral
from his late residence, 2821
llrigg* av. on Monday, October 1), at 9 .70
A. M. Solemn Requiem Mass St. Phillip
of N'eri Church, Grand Concourse and
200tli at. Interment Calvary. Automobile
HIRSCHFIKLD.-Henrietta. lieloved w ife of
the late Leo. dear mother of Clara Ludwlg.
Funeral strictly private.
HFTAF.?W. Dledrlch. age 84. Funeral sei
v|c, ? at his late residence, U80."> Amboy
rond. Richmond Valley, Ststen Irlano.
Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Interment
nt Hoboken Cemetery Sunday at 12:30.
KENNEDY.?At Yonkers, N*. Y.. Wednesdav.
iiet<.bcr 4. 1922. Henry wi Kennedy of
Graham Court, New York city. Funeral
services will be held at 14 East 39th st ,
New York city, on Friday, October 6, at
8 P. M. Kindly omit flowers.
KERLTNGEIt.?George E.. on October 2, 1922.
In San Francisco, representative of Ja cob
J Seeds & Co., Philadelphia.
KIRK PATRICK-On Wednesday, October 4,
1922, In the 90th ye?r of her age. at her
bom.', ?(7 West 47th St., New York city.
Mary Paul, w idow of Thomas Klrkpatrlclc
anil daughter of the late David and Jean
Anderson Morrison. Funeral services at.
the West Park Presbyterian Church, Amsterdam
av. and 8(ith St., Saturday, October
7, at 10 A. M.
MAOT'IRK Catherine A., on October 4. beloved
sist"r of Mary Rourkr. Funeral
Saturday, October 7. from her latn residence.
1".8 East 82d St., at 9:30 A. V.:
thence to the Church of St. Ignatius
Loyola, at H4th st. and Park av., where
a Solemn Requiem Mass will be offered
for the repose of her soul Interment
Calvary Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers.
i MARTINEZ ?Fell asleep Wednesday, Oct her
4. 1922, at his summer home. ' t
Arlelgli road. Great Neck, L. I. Arlstlries
I Martinez. dearly beloved husband of
Agnes Wilde Martinez, In the 87th year . r
his age. Funeral service at All Saints'
Church. Great Neck, L. J., Saturday,
October V, 1922, at 2:30 P. M. Carrijre
will meet train arriving at 2 01 P. M st
Groat Neck. Havana, Cuba, papers please
Mr.KINKEY.?Suddenly, at hei residence, -'A
Rond St., Port Richmond, 9 I . Ann
McKlnney, widow of John McKInney, l
her 80th year. Requiem Mass at St.
Mary's Church, Tort Richmond, on 8a'urdnv,
October 7. at 10 A. M. Intvrm"
St. Peter's Cemetery.
McMILLIN.?On Thursday, October S, 19-2.
Isabel Morgan, wife of the la'c Emerson
Mi Mlllln, In her 77th year, at her residence.
Darlington at Mahwah. N. J.
| .-\oiice oi runerni later.
PEI.1,.?At Saddle River, N. J., October 3.
1922. l>avld A. Pell. a*ed ?l. Funeral services
on Sunday, October 8, at lit* lam
residence. Saddle I'iter. N. J., 2:30 P. M.
Interment RUIgewood, N. J.
P.KIP.?Suddenly at Roosevelt Hospital. Catcher
1. 1022. William J. Held, helove.l
i husband of Jcannle 1., Reld of 2.'! E. fl.">r
at., New York City. Funeral services will
be held at August Elckelber?r'? Parlors.
934 *th av., Iietween ftftth arid .'dlth etr
on Friday aftern jo.i, October 6. at 2:20
P. M.
I Sf'HWAD.-Edltb Flaher. wife of Prof. John
Christopher Schwab of New Haven. Memortal
a#rvlc?* at ?>nt?r Church,
1 la van, 3 P. M., Frlda>, October 6,
STAMP.?John E., on Wednesday. October 4,
1922 Funeral Saturday. October 7, 1922.
at 9 30 o'clock. from hi* late reitdencr, ?
I""' Pelham road. New Rorhelle; thence te
th? Church of the Blessed Sacratneni.
here R,-,|ulem Mass will be celebrated
for tile repose of his soul.
SCTTON -At New Rorhelle, N. Y., October
4. 1922, Margaret Shaw Sutton, beloved
v Ife of Henrge vv Sutton, and daughter
of tin late Margaret K Hates. Funeral
services at her late liomo, tlO Sutton
Man<r, New Uoohe'le. Saturday, at J
o'clock. Interment Trinity Cemetery. New
York, Boston papers please copy.
SWARTZ ?October 4, 1922. Harry Mortimer,
beloved husband of Adelaide Swart
Funeral services at his late home, 4<?l
Weat 133d at.. Friday. 8 P. M.
TVI.MA'.i: -A' Memorial Hospital, Morristown,
on Thursday. October ft, Edward
Taylor Hunt, son of the late Margaret
H and r.i .Totin Frellnghuyten Tali
<?;. . h ids "ath >.ar Funeral services
at st Bernard's Church. nernardsville.
i Saturdst O<"'ober 7. at 11:30 o'clock.
< arrival of tie 9 4. train from Hobokrn.
V.11I, V Mdgewood, N J 'formerly of
\e? V rk city I. otober 4. 1922. Walter
P. \all, P P s. Notice of funeral here#
W I FKH Ru'h Jefferson, 'October 4, beloved
little itauau'er of Heniy C. and Edith C.
We Us Residence, t West *3d at , New
V .rk Funeral services Faumont Chapel,
Newark N J Funeral private.
WHITE 'Hi Wednesday. October 4. D
John s White, founder and first head
master of P-rkelry ttrhool. Funeral scribes
In Philadelphia October 7.
WINTERS A* P s'ort. Mass , on October 4,
IMt, .ur .,1 I It a|?. I >r. Jos-P
I t 1 W ir teis ,t New York, son of
the late Joseph Winters and Julia Ann
l'?r ! ! Kt .1 - Hi 'i oi Annit rar
?" *r I.irllow Kunoral a.-rv|roa will ?>*
In !<t fr-.ni tho I "mib ?.f hii .laughter. >tl??
Miry ru> TVintam *2 Chaotnut at . Roa.
ton. ' lha ehapal of tha Knroat Hill*
fri'iftfry, Jamatea fain, Max on ( *!
ir>lo\, ftrti-ber T. at 3 o'ilock. Intonrtotit
Foraot liuu.
MVIWKCftV - In tovln* memory of my ha.
loved ?lfa and dear daughter. A EUra*
both N'iael?m> iim? who da.
ptrtail thla Itfa Orloboy t, laid
Book of Tli?i or Rrproaentatlvo.
Telephone Woodlaan 1100
if* ti liurial Cut torn"
1 |Y Call Columbui *200 lHf
"nho'Junsral C^urtA'iaa I
II (Ntii'itntfMii II
|AW. \kl | .... I KIl^OoN Ai? H. HVICK,
John W.Lyon -.?u?n.w.

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