Newspaper Page Text
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER. FROM OUK EUROPEAN COHKESPONDEyT. London, September 13, 1848. It is extremely probable that the Parliamen tary practice of England, at least in the House ol Commons, will be improved by an imitation of some of the peculiar features exhibited in the late French Chamber of Deputies and in the House of Representatives at Washington. Mr. Shaw Lefevre, the Speaker of the House of Cominwn*. is of opinion that business would be much facilitated by limiting, the speakers to half an hour each, and by giving the power to move the Previous Question, as with you ; or, in other words, the power of closing the debate, either inatunter, or at some day and hour Ij be tixed. To limit the duration of the speeches would only, he says, in crease the number of the speaker?, unless the du ration of the debate was also limited. There is certainly an increasing number of speakers in the House ; and, unless something is done to limit the cucoethes loquendi, the se*?ioH of Parliament will soon extend to the whole year. The speeches re ported during the last session tilled 0,420 columns, or nearly a mile in length of Hansard's Debates : and, had they been reported in full and spread out they would have reached a mile and a half. The forms of the House ol Commons require that eigh teen questions shall be taken upon all bills during their progress, and any and all of these questions may, at present, be interminably debated. Ques tions of adjourning the debate, or of adjourning the House, may continually be raised; and a measure may be defeated by the members leaving the House and reducing the number present to below forty. The eighteen motions required to be agreed to upon each bill, are as follows : 1. Motion f"oi leave to bring in the hill. 2. Thai it muy be read the first time. 3. That it he read a second time, or< a dsy natned. 4. That it be now read a second time. 5. That it he committed on a day named. t>. That it fie committed. 7. That the Speaker leave the Chuir. Then, after having.passed through committee: i?. That the report be read on a dav named. 9. That the report lie now received. 10. That the report be now read. 11. 1 hat thu amendments be now read a second time. 12. That the House do c >ncut with their committee in the said amendments. 13. That the bill be engrossed. 14. That it be read a third time ?n a day named. 55. That it be now read a third time. 16. That tfie hill do past>. 17. That the following he the title of the bill. 1$. That A and B do carry this bill to the Lords. I do not know how far this practice is conforma ble to yours, but it appears to me to be capable of great simplification and abridgment. T?lr. CrRTts is much praised by the English journals for the fhlness and perspicuity of his answers, and the Tune* speaks of your parliamentary practice in terms of great commendation. Late debates in the House of Commons, as well as the proceed.ngs of the committee upon the sub- I ject of slavery, tend to prove that the difficulty ol legislating upon that matter in England is almost as great as it is with you. The committee had delegated to it the task ol reporting what were the best means for thejiial extinction of the slave trade : but, after a protracted investigation, and after passing some ten or eleven resolutions which are tantamount to a declaration that the system hitherto pursued by this country had proved utterly inadequate to pro duce the desired effect, the members seem to have taken lright at the novelty of their own views, and separated without reporting any opinion on the main question. The problem whether it be possible for the African negro and the man of European race to co-exist in the same society on a footing of equality, list reached a m iu towards a prac tical solution that lorces the full amount of its dtfti culuts upon our convictions. We have no wish to .n question the dictum that alt Uie powers of the most civdized races hay exit! in a latent *tatt in the yet uncivilized Africans. We are a.? sincere and anxtot:s in our desire that the negroes should experience the treatment of fellow-inen, as the most ' zealous me.nber ol the Anti-slavery Society here, ' or the most rampant abolitionist w'lth you. But we cannot shut our eyes to the fact that, between the civilized and the uncivilized man, there is a gulf which no tribe or race has been abb- to cross in less than the lapse of centuries. There is no record of a people civilized per nullum : there is no record of any considerable number of individuals of an unci vtlized race raising themselves to an equality with men of civilized races. And all experience shows the difficulty and danger of civilized communities admitting large numbers of any uncivilized race to a full participation in the rights of citizenship. In the British and French colonies alone can the experiment be said tohave been fully tried of plac ing a highly civilized race and a race comparative'y uncivilized upon a footing of perfect equality. In the French colonies the result has been a Havtie.k 1 HI? ,?? white8- and even men of mixed ! blood, are all but proscribed, and where t>erpetual 1 anarchy prevails. The Knglisl, experiment :s too 1 recent to enable us to predicate its results with con- i ' fidenee ; but the diminution of productive industry, ' and the destruction of capital dependant upon it, ! would seem to indicate that the communities in 1' which it has been instituted, will have a hard struz g e to hold their places among civilized societies One thing, however, is evident, and that is, that slavery cannot be put an end to so long a# the xlave. trade exists. Facts and figures, if they prove any I thing?we remember that Gtoroe Caxwixo said that ?? facts and figures were two things which he specially distrusted yet, if they are to be believed upon any point, they may upon this?that, af. ter all the exertions made by Great Britain, for near ly hall a century. to suppress the slave trade, the number of -laves exported from.the coast of Africa | ? n 1848 falls short only a very few hundreds of the i number exported in 1807 ! The slave trade of Bra ail alone in 184* almost equals in magnitude the wave trade of the whole westeru world in 1807. It is a lamentable fact that just so last, and in the exact proportion, in which the industry and wealth ol llrazil have been developed, so have the demand and the supply of slave labor and the slave trade been increased. The extinction of slavery is as far from being accomplished as ever : it has become more concentrated; a larger |K>rtion of the earth has been freed from its inlluences; bat, so far as re . spects the number of htman beings who are or>e rated upon by its existence, and the amount of sor-! row, guilt, and offering which that existence cause*, i there has been little ,f any diminution in cither. ! The extinction of the slave .rade, as an absolutely ! necessary preliminary step to the extinction ol sla-1 very, is a problem yet to he solved, and English I*. I gislatdrs appear to have abandoned the study of it1 in despair. Among the acts of Parliament parsed I during the last session arc two relative to the slave 1 trade. In one the " republic of the finuator" agrees with Great Britain " to abolish the traffic car ried on in negroes brought from Africa." By the other slavery is abolished by the Imuuin of Muscat. The bill for establishing diplomatic relations with the Court of Rome became operative on the 4th instant, when it received the Koynl assent. The principal enactments of this bill are the establish ment of diplomatic relations with the "Sovereign of the Koman StateThe substitution in the Mouse of Lords of the words in italics for the ori ginal words, which had reference to an ecclesiasti cal head, has an eye to probable changes in the Government of that country. No person is to be received as an ambassador, <Lc. from the Court of Jiome who shall be in holy orders, 6ic., and nothing I in this aet is to affect any laws now in force for upaolding the supremacy of the Crown. The bill is ?o cautiously worded that many persons think his Holiness will regard it as an insult, and that it wi 1 be inoperative. Lord John Rissell has left Ireland, and has joined her Majesty in Scotland. What was the object, or what has been the result of his conference will Lord Clarlndon, is yet unknown. One re port is that an abolition of the vice-regal court lias br*en determined upon. Another is, that a difference 0 opinion exists between the two noble conferees in respect to the judicial proceedings about to com nence against the parties'concerned in the late out Ireak. Among Mr. O'Brien's papers some have leen found which implicate the Catholic ecclesias ical body to a very great extent. Four prelates, including an archbishop, are said to be compromised in these disclosures. Lord John Russell?for what reason it is not stated?wishes an amnesty' for the. past towards all ecclesiastical offenders. 1 he Lord Lieutenant, it is said, desires that all par ties, whether lay or clerical, should he treated :>1 ike. One curious circumstance connected with the Pre mier s visit to Ireland is, that he has been subpc ned to attend Mr. O'Brien's trial as a witness on his behalf. AH sorts of rumors are afloat with respect to the state of Ireland. One account states that new organizations and combinations are hatching at the town of Carrick on Suir, and on the Slieve namon mountains, under the management of Mr. Doheny, whilst another represents that person as being an inmate of the Castle of Dublin, to be pro duced as a witness fur the Crown at the approach ing trials. 1 he bill providing for the recommencing proceed ing upon bills at a subsequent session at the stage which they had reached at a preceding one, will very much facilitate business, and save a great deal of valuable time. \ou have, I belieVe, adopted a similar measure in your Congress. Lord Georoe Bentinck says that he does not intend to vi?it Ireland, and that he never intended to do so. He has published a letter in answer to some sympathizers with Mr. Mitchell. lie says' that he icjards Mitchell as a traitor to his Queen, and a felon by the verdict of a jury. He speaks in high terms of approval of the course adopted to wards Ireland by Lord John Russell's Ministry, and intimates that, If these sentiments are to make him unpopular, he does not care twopence for the popularity he loses thereby. The Turn* newspaper has lately published two or three very ably written articles, in which it adopts a much improved tone of speaking about the Uni ted States. The writer says that he has been're monstrate J with ior representing that the American paperb from which lie so frequently quotes, the Aeto I uik Herald ujul Tribune, fairly typify the temper and feeling of the United States' towards England. He hopes that they do not; but since their circulation is, he states, greater than those of other American journals, he cannot avoid inferring that they speak the sentiments of the'people in the same proportion. It would not he difficult, even admitting Ins statements, to refute his conclusions. No doubt lie is aware of this himself, but he seems desirous of retreating from his false position with the least possible admission of error. Some very far-seeing politicians fancy that they perceive in \ ancovver s Island a future bone of contention between the United States and lireat Britain. The importance of this island, from its geographical position, in the event ol a communica tion being made through the Isth.nus of Panama between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and also from its fertility, mineral wealth, and especially its extensive coal deposites, so valuable and necessary to the success of any steain communication between California or Oregon and China, have, it is said, attracted the attention of the people of the United States, and induced an irregular colonization bv squatters, from which future difficulties ma/ arise. Colonization by the British is regarded as the best and, in feet, tbe only mean* 0f preventing this c m-1 ungvnev. The mo,!e propose,1 m ,hi colonization is. to say the least, a novel one, being [ neither more nor les* than to cede to the Hudson's j Bay Company the exclusive right of colonizing the island until the year J 85?. A great deal of discus-1 sion, both in Parliament and through the press, has been had upon the subject. The opposers of the administration charge the Government with hav-l ing in this affair sanctioned a huge "job but they ! have not, by any means, proved the assertion. Nor have they proposed a better plan of colonization. Hie administration say that British settlement i? necessary; that it is not probable that the House of Commons would grant the neccssary funds for direct colonization by the Government; and that, therefore, the settlement of the island must either be abandoned or delegated to others. The Hud son s Bay Company have conic forward both with tiie money and a plan of operation. They propose to take the istond until 1859, to sell the land in small allotments, and apply the proceeds, as has been done elsewhere, to the purposes of coloniza tion. U pon the whole, admitting it necessary that something should be done, it is "probable that the best possible has been done, providing for the set tlement and improvement of an important colony without any expense to the mother country. Would that England could provide in a similar manner for a few more of her distant possessions ! It was a curious observation made by Lord John Russell the other day, that many of the British colonies did not produce men capable of discharging properly the official duties connected with their local govern ment, and that it wa> necessary to send out persons from England to hold such positions. This was certainly not the case with the United States during the greater part of their colonial history ; and when they asserted their independence, they found men not only capable of wielding a colonial government under the direction of Great Bri'ain, but also of es tablishing a government of their own, in opposition to, and in defiance of, the mother country. The time is not, perhaps, very distant when British In ?Jia and Canada may have similar power. , London, Skptkmrkr 14. , on is comparatively empty and quiet, but the good citizens appear to have always some excitablc matter or other before them. Passjng alone Ixnh urv last evening, I observed a considerable crowd gathered round the terminus of the Electric Tele graph. Connecting this gathering with the arrival ol some important news from the Continent, I in quired of a very sed::tc but rather anxious-looking genil? man, what news was expected ? He seemed to pity my ignorance, and replied: " Why, don't you k.iow that the result of the race for the great ? l?cg?r stakes, at Doncaster, has arrived, and we .,0 kno1w ,tl,e n*m* Winning I do not think that I ever beheid more anxious suspense in the faces of a crowd round a newspaper office waiting a "new edition," an nwmcing the progress of the Continental revolutions ' ?'*' spring, than was exhibited by this collection ?' filers upon a horse-race. But I have i,efore alluded to the ragK for |)eUjng ?nd for adventuring upon wh it are railed ?? $u>eep3lake$." which seems | Ptnade all classes of the London population. It i* carried to such an extent that the attention of i 'iniament has been directed to it. But if the Peer i an legally bet his thousands at Epsom or Newmar j kei, we do not ?ee why the porter should not haz ard in* ?hillmg or halfcrown in London. The peo pit gathered round U.e Telegraph Office were-how-! eve,, all of the middle and well-dressed class. ' ie Cholera is now rife at the following cities I estern Europe : Petersburg!!, Moscow, Posen, Wars .w, Spnndau, Magdeburgh, Vienna. Stettin, and Herlin. At the latter city there occurred thirty nine new cases on the 4th, sixty-four on the 5th and forty-four on the Gth. It had abated somewhat i on the 8th. I do not hear of any cases in England. London is as healthy a# usual at this season. There is very little new in Franc?. Austria has accepted the mediation of England and France with Italy, a:?d conferences have been opened by the ne gotiators ; but, in so doing, Austria has, in great measure, prescribed her own conditions. She de mands that the sovereignty of the Lombardo-Veni tian provinces shall be preserved for her, and per- | emptorily declines surrendering an inch of territory to Charles Albert. She will grant certain adminis trative reforms, and a liberal constitution to Milan and Venice, under an Austrian Viceroy, so that these States shall stand in the same relation to Aus tria as Hungary and some of the other provinces ol the empire. The social condition of Par'w is evi dently fast returning to its former state. The Pre sident of the National Assembly, M. Marra.?t, jrave a grand ball at the Hotel of the Presidency on he even ing of the 7th, to fifteen hundred persons. Tlis was at tended by the representatives of every pirty, *he ( corps diplomatique, ?-c. The other members of the Government are about giving similar entert;inment?, < and fetes, receptions, and balls are becomingthe or der of the day. It is stated that M. Amo? is about publishing a pamphlet in reply to certain parts of, M. Lamartink's address. Lamar tine't honor j will not be affected, however, by this rejoinder, , which applies only to differences of opinion upon | public matters. The French nation wen deeply !: indebted to Lainartine for the manner in vhich he i bure the weight of public affairs, and the skill with which he restrained and moderated proceedings on i the part of his colleagues, which wouli! ii evitably i have led to an awful anarchy throughout France. Prince Louis Napoleon has accepted the r.omina- 1 tion as a candidate for election to'one of the vacant i places in the representation of Paris in the National ' Assembly. M. Mole is certain of his eleetion at , Bordeaux. Amidst all the apparent security at Paris, there is still a dread of communist plots, and i projects of the " Red Republic," aid the Govern- i ment considers it necessary not mly to continue i the state of siege, but also the suspnsion of the lib- : erty of the press. i Spain still remains in a state of taftquillity under Narvaez, although there are rumors of outbreaks i in Catalonia, and of the republicailfaclion acting in i harmony with the Carlists. Then have been some ] additional arrests in Madrid. Wiatever may be i the defects of Narvaez'3 adminisration, it has, at | least, the merit of being a strong ?ne, and this is i what Spain especially requires. Germany is the theatre of attrition at the pre- i sent moment. The National Pariament at Frank- j fort has, by its rejection of the treay with Denmark, ' caused the powerful and populai ministry of the i Archduke to resign. This, with he defeat of the i Prussian ministry at Berlin, has tlrown all Germa ny into confusion. The central pwer will not be j hardy enough to go to war with Piussia and North- ! em Germany, and the whole of ISorthern Europe, together with France and England.but their present course seems unavoidably to have that tendency. If Prussia gives way and allows the Frankfort Par liament to reject a ueaty which she has made, she loses every attribute of sovereignty, and acknow ledges that she has no power to make a treaty. II the Central Government now retracts, where is the power of '? United Germany .'" T.he majority at Frankfort was produced by the union of the extreme revolutionists with the party who have nlways been violent for the dismember ment of Denmark, but the majority caused by this union was only 14 in a body of 684. The Arch duke John is said to have formed a new ministry, at the head of which is Baron-Vow Arm* as Minis- J ter of Foreign Affairs. It is thought that this will lead to r.ew combinations in the Central Parliament, and to the final acceptance of the treaty. Thus this trouble will be got over by a sort of compro mise. But the difficulties of the Convention at Frankfort are only now beginning to be felt. This id the first idea the constitution-mi^ '? will hare received of ?*??<!??? nf NtntA and 1 ? leral right-". Many grievances will have to be re<!r. std, and it will be their business to provide for t*ir redress; but before they can even attempt t In this they have to constitute and define the pot by which such redress is to be enforced. How that is to be done appears to be a puzzle as great to ihose who have the game to play as it is to those who are only spectators. Individually, no one deputy seems to have any opinion on the matter, either as to the future duties of the Regent, or the positions of the respec tive Sovereigns as members of a tonlederated em pire. Collectively, however, they afhun that these difficulties will soon be removed, and that then all will go along smoothly. This is a good deal like saying, when the work is done there will be no thing to do. The citizens of tbo United States wlo are con versant with the history of their constitution will fully apprehend the difficulties which stand in the way of the legislators at Frankfort. If the ques tion of State rights is yet at times a vexing subject at Washington, where all the States have equal and similar rights, and where all have a republican form of government, what will be the difficulties in Ger many, where each component part of the proposed confederacy has a number of vested, varying, and, in some instances, conflicting interests, and where the individual form of government of the States is as varying as human ingenuity can well devise ? The Kegent (the good old Archduke John) and the President of the Parliament (Mr. Von Gaoirn) are two of the best men possible for the emergency. We have both hopes and fears for the result. The King of Prussia lias not yet formed his now Minis tty. It is said that there is no reason to dread a rup ture in the peace of Northern Europe. A large ma jority of the Assembly at Frankfort desires no | other settlement of the Schleswig-Hol-tein ques- , tion than such as is desired by all impartial third i parties. The difficulty has arisen from the treaty of | peace with Denmark having been made by " one , of the Kings of Germany" without submitting it j to the consideration of the central power, although the first law promulgated by the representatives of ( Germany declared that all treaties of peace and al- , liance "hall be submitted to the National Assembly. This, although a question of principle, is also one of etiquette, and will be, it is hoped, easily got over under the consideration of the yet absolutely unfixed, and, of course, loose working of German national law. Hungary, now that she hap obtained a very fair approximation to self-government, shows a loyal at- ; tnchment towards Austria, voting troops by accla- ( mation to fight against the Italians. This is hardly generous. The Hungarians having recovered their j liberty, ought to have a little sympathy for other ? nations who are battling in the same holy cause. Of Italy there is not much more to be said. I The King of Sardinia is fa?t recovering the good I opinion of his subjects, which had been somewhat j shaken by hir reverses ; by the end of the month he t will have 80,000 troops, wtll equipped, and ready to take the field. Milan presents a desperate scene of desolation : her palaces are filled with soldiery; her theatres, her promenades, and her churches are all deserted. An extensive popular insurrection has I taken place at Leghorn, and the whole of TrfCANY in ready for, if not absolutely engaged in, revolt. The Neapolitan army has landed in Sicily, and commenced the bombardment of Messina ; it will be war to the knife, and the knife to the hilt, unless some third influential Power steps in to prevent the horrid conflict. There is not a single word of news from or of Rone. The late fire at Constantinople destroyed pro perty 'o the amount of 3.500,000. The Cholera was raging in most of the Turkish towns. Smyrna was, especially, suffering. It was also very bad in the Greek Islam*, and apprehended at Athens. Again we have rumors ol the Potato Crop be ing almost exhausted, and of the stock of old wheat on hand being very small; but speculation is at the foundation of these rumors. Government ought, and it very easily might, pui it out of the power of any one inan, or any body of men, to lri!le thus with such an important article as bread. Ihe col lection and publication of isitioual agricultural sta tistics would in a great measure correct this l.agrant evil. ' - The approaching Comet (a undoubtedly the lead ing event in scientific matters. It has been seen, on the verge of our system, by Dr. Petersen, of Altona. Mr. Taylor, of Liverpool, has also had an interview with the illustrious stranger. It is two hundred and ninety-two years since it last fa vored our eartli with a visi*. It will not, however, come so near us as it did in 1264, when the dis play was terrific, 44 great., bright, and spreading a long broad tail," as described in the annals of Col mar. In the year 155t? its distance from the earth was less than seven millions of miles. It will not during the present visit be nearer than thirty mil lions of miles, fn 1550 it was in its ascending node ; it is now passing the descending one, as in 1204. The atmospheric railway has probably received its death-blow by the abandonment of that mode ol traction by the South Devon Railway Company, after having spent JOUOO.UOO in experimenting up on it. The system is found to be too expeusive. It costs ?108 to earn ?100! No more need be said about it. Punch places it in his obituary of this week. The business of reviewing is carried on in Eng land in a very shameful, or rather shame/ens '^9* ner. For instance, Miss Lynn's "Amymone is very highly extolled in Bentley's Magazine, and John S. Mills's ? Political Economy" in Fraser s. Now, we do not wish to say a word against either of these publications, for we have no doubt but each is excellent in its way ; but it happens that Bentlky is the proprietor and publisher ol " Amymone, and that Mr. Parker, the publisher of Fraser, is ilso the publisher of Mr. Mills's book, f erbutn sap. The subject of Jusn's is just now engrossing much of the attention of the Litkrary world. It is jo far from being exhausted that a new harvest ol publications is ready for the sickle. Mr. Coulton, , the editor of the Britannia newspaper, has just published a volume relative to Junius. Mr. Mur ray advertises a new work on the same subject. Lady Francis, is about producing some new argu met ts in favor of her husband being the author. A gentleman in Sussex is writing in favor of Lord Chesterfield. Mr. Woodkall is preparing a newr edition for Mr. Bohn. The Gentlemen1 s Magazine says iwo new works are preparing in America. Sir David Br^wstkr has been engaged for some years in investigating the authorship of Junius, and m inclined to ascribe it to Mr. Lachlan Mac lean., M*\ Britton, in his late work on the "Author ship df Junius," thinks that these letters produced a verv?xtensive influence on the public mind, and led to ^iany of the political privileges and advan tages wiich the people of England now possess. " The abolition of the Corporation and Test acts, 4 CatholV emancipation and reform in Parliament i might,'V^e says, " huve been unknown in the pre 4 sent ag<\if the Letters of Junius had not led the 4 way to t^it free and unfet'ered expression ol pub 4 lie opinim which has produced such important 4 results." \lf a tenth part of this be true, the peo ple of EnglVid ought to spare no pains to discover the author <f a work to which they owe #o much. Sei'Tei*?* 15.?The principal news of the morning is i^e surrender of Mkssina to the Neapo litan troops, ifter a bombardment of some hours. An interesting debate is going on in the trench Chamber, in wia^h M. Thiers, as the head of the practical party, ^kes a prominent part. A song called ".Monsieurl/redit" has been seized by the police in Paris. 'I^e Duke of Bordeaux is known by Oils n;iiiir, bcin^ regarded by his party as the restorer of confidence and credit. The name of Hknri he Boi'rbon is also anagramized into Hoi de Bonheur. Ireland is threatening again. *** Extracts from /hi Newspapers. IRELAND. The Cork Exaniner of the 13th Scpumber con tains the following: 44 Rumors reached < ork this morning in reference to the diatuibances in the c.unty of Waterford. Information was received by the polict mthoritiee this day that the police bar rack at Portlaw was a lacked at an early hour by a body of armed peasantry. Tie 1-arrack was occupied by ten police, commanded by con ibie O'Regan. After a abort struggle the assailants were pit to flight, but not wiihout serious loss on either side ; two f the police having been ?hot and seve ral of the aasailanta Uring been killed and others seriously wounded. It Is not V own whether the police were shot dead or only wounded. V ? give this report as it reached us, with out being enabled to id any confirmation to it. ,?It in rumored th morning that the bridge at WaterUml had been blown up o> .therwiae destroyed yesterday. It is also rumored that th bridge of Grany ferry, about a mile from the city of Wat <ord on the road to Carrick, shared a similar fate. 44 by the arrival ot b< Youghal coach at 12 o dock we hare confirmatory intei igence with respect to the latter bridge. 44The troops atatiornd at Youghal barracks were dispatch ed al early dawn thin no'ning to Cappoquin ty a steamer, on their route to the lo-alitiea aeid to be disturbed. It may be mentioned in contiination of thia movement of troops to war Is Waterford th?t Wo detat bmenta have received order* to hold themselves in inmediste readiness to leave Cork as a garrison for Youghal and Middleton, to replace the troops sent on. They may lave marched out ol Cork before this. ' The subjoined iccount of this fresh outbreak comes from Kilkemy: 44 The intelligence fom Carrick and the surrounding dis trict has been much m<re alarming than we bad then antici pated. No doubt nov remains of the fact of an insurgent force having assembled >nd shown a spirit of the utmost deter minalioii. The main tody of the rebela, said to be 4,000 stroug, is encamped on Aheny Hill, In the county of I ippe- i rary, but immediately idjoining the slate quarriea, in this | county. The position i. an extremely strong one, and every possible measure appear* to have been taken to add to ita se curity. There ia no dojbt that leaders of some military ex l>enence are in the camp, and the peasantry are being regu larly drilled. They are ihiefly armed with pikes, but many have rifle'. Richard O'Gr-man ia said to be the chief in com mand, and Doheny ia alao said to be among them. The com missariat is regularly supplied by the neighboring farmers, who voluntarily aend in cattle and other provisiona, knowing that otherwiae they would have to surrender theia by com pulsion. ' I 44 At about 4 A'clockP. M. yesterday a detachment from the camp proceeded to |h.' police Ixirrack of the Slate Quar ries, which the consultary had only quitted twenty minutes previously, to take refo^ at Piltown. The insurgents atsoine distance from th? housed red through the windows, but, find ing that there was not r.ny person* within, they soon took |NtsMM*ion of it, and ultimately set it on fire, reducing the en tire house and furniturtto s?he*. Rumor slates that all the other surrounding confabulary stations were attacked, and that in some cases the police were disarmed, whilst in others the men had fortunate^ quitted their barracks previoualy, and retired upon Carrick aid Clonmel. The driver and guard of the Cork mail, which Arrived here abont ten o'clock last night, report that the police bad quitted the Glenbower station, and had letired to that of Nine-mile-house. Khortly previous to the arrival of the coacl at the latter place a party of tnau'genfs had surrounded the station, and demanded that the united part tea within, uumbeilng about ten men, should surrender their arms. The polifcc refused, nnd, upon the insurgents proceeding to attack the house, the little garrison fired out, and put Ihe belligerent* to flight. The guards rtates that he saw one man, an athktie young peasant, lying dead on the road, and the |ieople ?f the neighborhood told him that many had lieen wounded. He wa? also told that the inaurgenta had only gone for a reinforcement, and that they would soon re turn trom the camp to take vengeance for the loaa of their comrade. 41 Rumors, which are not yet authenticated, aaaert that a skirmish took place yesterday between lbe police and insur gents, in which some were killed on both sides. Another im port asserts that yeettrdav morping eight hundred men armed with pikes marcheS through Coolnamuck-wood, fron,MV?c county of Waterfotd, to joia the inaurgenta at Aheny Hill, i It ia also stated that a temporary encampment of inaurgenta ; waa held last night at I.ismatigue. in thia county, and ne*r I Kilcash, in Tipperary. In the middle of yerterday ? mob of I I laborers paraded tha streets of Thoourtown, dcmandini tott they should be given employment or food, or otherwise they would join the rebel*. What their ultimate proceeding was we have tut yet ascertained. " A gentleman from Kilmaganny assures us that he had conversed with a perron who obtained a very near view of the rebel camp upon Aheny Hill, and saw * large force being drilled to the exercise 0f the pike, whilit other* were engaged in slaughtering the cattle anJ cooking at an immense fir* light ed on the centre of the hill. He also states that there were three piecea of cannon on the hill, which the lebela nad ob tained by u successful attack on Curraghmore-house. During the night fires were blazing on all the surrounding hills." The Liverpool Journal of September 16th has the aunexed Telegraphic despatch lroiu London, purporting to give the latest news : " CIosmkl, BtPTkMBia 1-t.?The out offices of a Pro testant clergyuiui were burnt down last night and a farmer shot for refusing to givo up arms. "The 3d BUS* came into Clonmel to-day, and had twen ty-eight of thei' men hainlcuffed for hating shouted repeal. " The insurant camp is now seven miles iron C Ion rue 1, md I ain inforned that they MoU the bullocks and sheep on iron gates. Tley are proving every one to join them. " A real rebellion has broken out at las'. The rebels are posted in ulmol inaccessible positions on Newtown and Kil macthomas hilli. Doheny commands in the county ol Wa terford. "The troeptyesterday only captured nine scouts. Last night there wa?a general rising of the peabantry within about six milis from Oarrick. Many had guns. ? At six o'ebek a larje body marched to attack the police station at Olenlower, al>out eight miles from Clonmel. The police were prewring to take refuge in Carrick when the re bels fired on toem. The police returned the fire, and the fight lasted a tuarter 6f an hour. The result was that a number of the Qsurgnnts were killed, and only three of the police wounded. The rebel* fled, and the dead bodies were left behind. "The police ?ave fled from all the outer stations, and to night, it is feared, will reveal some awful scenes." On the alK)ve the Journal remarks, that it wns " received ' late last evening from the office of the Eloctric J'elcgrnph ? Company. Our readers must judge for themselves as to ? giving ful/ credit to the statement. The Dublin papers of 'yesterday morning via Holyhead, in the usual way, reached ? us yesterday evening, and they distinctly stated that the 'trains arriving at faur o'clock yesterday morning, in Dublin, ? from the south, tuid nu eonjinnatum of the alarming rumors ?of Thursday. We suppose that the Electric Telegraph Com ' pany have obtained their information by an arrival at Bris ?tol. We have taken every precaution to prove-the authen ' ticity of the communication ; but, in reply to our messages 'of inquiry forwarded to London, we are only informed that ' the news went by Crewe to the metropolis, and was thence ?tclegr plied to Liverpool." The Liverpool Times says that "accounts received from ' the south of Ireland lead, to the belief that the disturbances ' referred to at Carrick, and the whole district of the valley of ' the Suir, are much more of an agrarian than a political na ' ture. 'The movement,'says the Dublin Freeman, 'if it ' could be called a rising, was a rising of poverty, and not a ' manifestation of political discontent. As to the presence of ' Doheny, Mr. O'Gorman, or Mr. O'Mahony, it is a pure ' fabrication : none of these gentlemen were ever said to have ' been present by any ot the parties who spoke of what they ' saw or even heard in the vicinity.' In fact, it wis purely ' guerrilla warfare directed againut certain landlords who have 4 lately distrained upon the growing crops of their tenants for ' arrears of rent; and the absence of any political feeling on ? the part of the rioters lias been throughout remarkable. The ? movements of the party were irregular arid without concert. 4 At one moment the insurgents are reported to be on the hill ' at Carrickbeg, at another at Lowry b'idgc; in the evening ' they are *aid to be encamped at Curraghmore wood, and the ? next morning they appepr at Kilmacthwmas." FRANCE. The debate on the interminable subjects, "the right to la bor " and " the hour* of labor," have occupied a considerable portion of the Assembly's time. The latter quest on has been set at rest for the present by the vote of the Assembly in fa vor of abrogating the system laid down and acted upon by Louis Blanc and others. Another convov of insurgents sentenced to transportation left Paris for Havre on the 12th instant. The commission appointed to regulate the indemnity to be paid to the French colonists, in consequence of the abolition of slavery, meet every day. It appears that three plans have been proposed : the first denies the right of the colonists to an indemnity , but accords it to their necessities ; the second re cognises the right cf the colonists to a full indemnity, according to the value of the slaves emancipated ^ the third plan fixes the indemnity at HO,000,000 francs, (?4,800,000,) to be divided amongst the colonists. Prince Louis Napoleon has written a letter, dated London, to his uncle Jerome, arnouncing bia intention to take hu> scat i* the National Assembly in case he shall be elected a repro senutive. The u-njy 0f the Alps i* to be redsced to 28,000 men, iU original anKiint, There are aw-.,jy seventeen candidates 'n the fiold for the three vacancies in representation of the fopartment of the Seine. In the Assembly, Lamartine's amendment, pMging the State to provide labor for all its citizens, was lost, amidst much tumult, by a majority of 187 to 59. - NAPLES AND 8ICILY. The advices from Sicily are discouraging for the cause ot the people. A large body of Neapolitan troopa left Naples on the 30th ultimo, in several war steamers. These troops had etfbcted a landing at Metaina,* but were subsequently re pulsed by the Sicilians. A steamer, which had arrived from Messina at Genoa, and which left the former town on the 3d, announced that the struggle had commenced. At six in the morning, Messina was fired on by 18 gun-boats, as well as by \he citadel, but the town answered with such spirit that the gun-boats were damaged and compelled to retire. They the* went to the Terra Nuova, where tliry threw a great numbe of balls to clear the shore of some batteries which were esta'jfahod there. The Sicilians made feint of a retreat, having sp'ked tbeir "guns, when the gun-boals landed 500 or 600 Swiu, upon whom the Sicilians turned with fury, snd massacred \ part, carry ing their heads on bayonets through the city, and nuking prisoners of the rest.* At b.alf-pa?t two in the afternooq 0f the 3d the advantage appeared to be on the side of the Sici lians. Several houses were then burning in the town. Finally, we regret to learn that the important intelligence has been received, by means of telegraph, by the French Go vernment, via Marseille*, that Messina had been taken by the Neapolitan troops, after a bombardment of the most frightful kind. The s^j^Jasted five days. The city is in ruins; 7,000 of the unfo?Oinatc inhabitants took refuge in the Eng lish ami French vessels, which, however, did not further in terfere than to atfird that protection which humanity dictated. The two Admirals, however, jointly called upon the Neapo litan fleet not to attack Palermo, and when the accounts lef this request bail been respected. MISCELLANEOUS. In consequence of the frequent collisions of railway trains on curves, a signal has besn invented in England which pro auses good results. It is worked by a crank, which moves a wire on poles, like the electric telegraph, and operates at a distance of three-quarters of a mile. If a train approaches, the lookout turns the crank, and a signal is msde at the dis tance mentioned, awl there is time to stop before any danger occurs. It is contended in England that the cholera does not attack peraona who live near breweries or mineral springs, in conse quence of the counter-influence of carbonic acid gas evolved there. All the watering places with springs that emit this gas escaped the pes'ilence in Germany, Spain, and England. To these we may add Ballston and Saratoga. The act of the British Parliament which permita the estab lishment of diplomatic relations with the Pope forbids the re ceiving of any amlmssador in return who is in holy orders. Dr. Jamks ind his wife, missionaries from the United States, were recently lost in a veasel ofT Hong Kong. The number of persons who have travelled on the British railways the six months previous to the 30th of June was over twenty-six millions. The King of the. Belgians has refused to receive the French Minister because he was once a ahoemaker in Brussels. Encke's comet is expected to arrive at the point of its orbit nearest the earth on the 19th of October, forty millions of miles distsnt. It will be barely visible to the naked eye. Its peried is 1210 dsys. A bed of lithographic limestone, twenty miles in extent, has been discovered in the Dec can. The increase of American ship* in the trade of the United Kingdom during the last year is noticed in the English p? pers. It bu gone up from 35,000 to 60,000 tons. GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES. _ *IW TOIK maun. ha following article from ,ho London Times containa noma iut with regard to the land-gnuping propensities of our p*,,,,.. htadrf witk 11 'J. '? ?? .Ubil#, ouriwtaL UjJnJ ant on the continued extension of our territory and diffusion tf I U'? *hould ,,e ,nor? <|uiet, more stable,more OunatiT"' 7 !imiUw're^ unchangeable. Our nanonal appetitefor more i. a vice, but one for which Great Britain has little right to reproach u? r irr' n; ! W0H 'o admit and guaranty the ?< ?ory rights" of the Hudson'. Bay Company io Oregon in ZZ jng the treaty, and even to concede the free navigation of the Columbia , but this i. to be submitted to only until it can to r? '?>br,M^- r?p?p?? *? p-m.r,.., ? to expose the two countries to incessant collision*, heart burnings, and the peril of war. The distance of Oregon alike rom turope and thia country is 6? great that the wild border era there w,]| l* restrained from mutual feud, by no aalutary feara of law or penalty. It i. very important that the linT should lie run and marked, and all our aide of it be ours, at the earliest possible peri?d. Let the lighta of thc.Hud.on'. ay Company in our Oregon be extinguished aa aoon <* practicable, and the Dritiah claim to navigate the Columbia Ooea with it. Such la the opinion of our ablest juriata. Let hem navigate it ,f they need to, on sufferance, but not aa eir right by treaty, if our revenue and other laws are to be really extended over that region. As to Vancojver's island, it is said to be exceedingly rich in soil umber, coal, harbor.., &c.; and its possesion may be come desirable to us , but for the present we would rather see some part of our national debt paid than any considerable ?um expended to acquire it. And, should it ever cemry to u*. we believe it will bo much more easily procured from a trading, money-makin, Company than from the Bii .wh Government. Contrary, Wore, t0 the ^ q{ ^ contemporaries, we hear with pleasure that this inland has been ceded to the Hudson's Bay Compuij. >HOM THE LOSDOW TIMES ?f MtrrEMBBB 8. 1 he policy pursued by the Government'the United Sim*. with regard to territorial aggrandisement^ ^JJ?*? serving of attention. Prussia, in her vital u the middle of the last century, was not more t upon consolidation and enlargement than is atmS ?ent? and a Si.te which -till ,etainB in iu oi%i?~iE? sufficient unoccupied land to maintain double t^? of population, is impressing into its service all the expedients of COnque#t' and P?rchase, with as much letermina tion ant^energy as if u were actually gaspirir inthnso ?v 'remiues of political existence which necessitated tbx seizure of Silesia, and almost palliated the first parti;ion of ?Xnd tlon of?.hC^ perllaPB> k> tome extent, the matjfcgtal tion of that high national purpose occasionally proclaim*! bv Amertcan statesmen, of reducing the utteroifpSTSfi continent under their rule, upon the faith and sanction of scr*! . f aml?va l ?f ll ma} "'"P'y the nu,ural development of ambition and activity ,r, a thriving, uncontrolled, and un quiet people. But witu either or both' of thei-e motives we statesmen0" t re 7 COmP?untle<,< on ">? part of forecasting ? tateHraen, a strong desire to multiply and extend, as far^ possible, those outlets for d.?content and restleMneas which are he very lungs of the American body politic, and to postpone ' o the remotest practicable period that moment*hen the m,h tng stream of expansive population must at length be checked and with a sudden and terrible recoil. What emigration is' Stales ThdJ c'l '.,niSr*,!?n * ,0 the United ? heir colonies are in their wei-tcrn provinces All opuuM. concur ,n stating that the facilities afforded by 'the . ,k e8t l? thesPiril adventure or change the rh^ f M,lvat""1 of the Government, and have been the chief means ot pr. serving intact, for seventy vears a con- k stitution which, by the side of rapre recent incarnations of de mocracy, teems to wear not a few of the features of a steady and consolidated monarchy. The efforts of the American Govern ment to perpetuate the existence and secure the free action of T '""1 safety-valve, have been commensurate in success, not |?*s than in spirit, with the necessities of the esse. Tike A with the previously vacant territories of the United Stste* pro per, we may aay that the annexation of Texas, the acquisi Uons from Mexico, and the awards in Oregon, have placed at the .Impos*1 of the authorities at Washington a tract of land nZl re " "paCI0,"i 3# ,he who,e f,re8, ritly inhabited poi Uon of their possessions. In fact, taking the whole breadth Stnh^TaoT1' fr??lhe A,Un,ic to lbe between the ion ? , |*ralkls, a. representing the present domi*V ions Of the United States of America, it would t.o substan- \ a 7 correct to say that the whole space west of the Missouri, v or, in other words, two-thirds of the whole territory, isyetun u nanted, and lies in reserve for the caprices or necessities of generations to come. It is particularly instructive to observe with whit summary and business-like promptitude every acre of this accumulated property is secured in the Government stores, and stamped, a*H were, with the national mark, for the undetermined purposes of the nation. Already that coast, to the capabilities of which we seem to pay so little heed, has been brought within call of* ton, and the ports of the Pacific will be kept well in hand b% the Cabinet sitting on the shores of the oppos te ?cean. A line of mail steamers i? forthwith to run between New York and ISew Orleans , at New Orleans it will join a second line from that port to Chagre.% on the Isthmus of Panama ; irom the Isthmus a third line of steamers will traverse the Pacific to and fiom the Columbia river. The ink of the treaties ia scarcely dry, and yet, in January next, the direct and regular communication between New Yoik aiH Oregon will b? such ? as, at this time last year, had not been established between London and Ascension. The Americans want no sharesmen in their operations. The t^ms of the con vem ion left certain possessory rights to thu Hudson'. Bay Com,.any within the "rotier assigned to the United Statea. These rights the States *.rfc ?n*">us to purchase immediately, and it is probaVle that me /resident, without waiting for the re-assembling of Con Kr?w, will negotiate during the recess, st uo illiberal valuation ms barjtm for the whole of these possessions. How much cf P""* paid fo^ Louisiana or California would the Govern ment of Washington give for an island which seems to have gone beggu^ for twelve months in London! There is this peculiar interest attached to these transactions on the Ameri can Continent?that we there see in artual operation the courn ol those events of which in our own world we can only read. We may look ?t the North America of 1818 aa at the North ern burope of ? thousand years before, and msy watch with our own eyes the territorial settlement of a continent. Then are the Hpamards of the Isthmus, the rival Saxons in the centre, the Sclavomans in the northwestern angle, and a powerful element of Celts interspersed. We may imagine a new race of f ranks establishing itself in a transatlantic Gaul; a new colony of Hclavea struggling up to a new Pomerania, or a new swarm of Huns aettling upon a new Danube. We ' have civilised instead of barbarous races to deal with; and therein consists the whole difference. W ith this variatioa, we ??r ?P?cul,li,r,! ?7? upon a continent of which th? 'nrt ia a. uncertain and fortuitous a. one ^ d'} " ?f Charlemagne. There mav * one empir. or two, of one ,wo rM^ or thrrp ^ ki ^ a ""'"T? ??' calculate the member, of the AmencA family, when the parti-iwn .nd ten ancy of the continent shall be at length complete. The inter est felt in such a prospect as this is not diminished by the c?,s.der.Uon of the extent to which our own national credit is involved. Over half nf thu nut territory trr have at leant right*, and it It indeed fitting that the institutiona { ,j7TI to whUh u e Mr#** ?> important a tenaneu should be introduced to general notice. It should not be over , , ?"r ^maining portion in these possesion, is mainly ?lencient in those very advantages which we have recently pro posed to bargain away. The immense tract of British North America has on the Pscific but s very inadequate proportion ol seaboard. The Russisn territories straggle half wsy down out western coast from ?he north i and south of the Colum- ' bia river, all will soon be subject to American rule Van couver', island ia not only the mort promising harbor and poart'on in theM parte, but it is literally neariy one-half of the wextem seaboard of our whole dominion. - An l vet ibis i. ,h. settlement on which we set so little store. M. Gitizot at YARMoirrn.-At a p^|ic cnter. tainment given at (vreal Yarmouth, (England,) af ter the ro-opentng of St. NirhoU Church, W. 6vi- ' zor, who is stopping at Lowest*,fTe, was present, antl on his health being drunk by the chairman, spoke as follows: land ' but ,wice during my life to Eng l- ' |S ir!" t'me I eamc as the ambassador of a powerful king ; the seeon<l ss an exile. F have hitherto refused to mv * every invitation to feasts and to great meetings. Far from' ,/**[ <*ou",7' "n<l ?*<1? it i? my inclination as well my duty to live in retirement) and this I am doing. But Ill's occasion is one of a very different kind. The restoration f a church of God, the piety of an immense people, the elo quence of two worthy Bishops these w?re the motives that attracted me to yoor town after I had refused every other in mW , 'f 'tfret 'l ^ [ *m h.!52' df*p,y b"PPy? have *en what I have seen, to have heard what I have heard, to have felt what I feel just ?t this moment. Allow me to saft keep yoar faith, keep your laws ? be to the examples. to the tradition, of your mcestors, and I trust God will conti nue to poor on yon and yoor county His best, his most abun dant, his most fertile Measings."?paper.