Newspaper Page Text
ft************.***-********. Associated I Press Dispatches. ] v?rTii,lsTo. 58. DREW HIS REVOLVER John Meritz Attempts to Shoot Sergeant Reynolds. HELD ON SIX CHARGES. He Is Implicated In the Robbery or the .Ship E. J. Spencer. Two Other Arr. ?tn Matte and more Develop luenlH Expected. Mohn .Moritz owes his life to the ?bravery of ?eigeamt J. W. Key Molds. Under simiter cirjCU-OOSUances most any other OWfieer would have sent a bullet through Moritz'? heart, and he w. uld have been Justified in doing so. Instead of shooting uhe man Sergeant Reynolds overpoweied him, placed his nippers on h'.e wrist and forced hwn to go to tlhe eity Jail. Six charges were slated against the prisoner, as follows: Fe jouious sljototing, disoaderly conduct, resisting arrest, cainrying concealed weapons and giand Caroenty.. While at line C. & O. depot yesterday afternoon Sergeant Reynolds' attention was lattracted by the disorderly conduct of two men. They were on the vacant lot Ibetween Twenty-third street und the railroad. Themen were iMoritz and John Scott, 'better known as "Scotty." Morltz hud a revolver in his baud and "Scotty" was trying to wrench it from him. Sergeant Reynolds hurried to 'Where the men were. He walked up to Moritz, drew his revolver and told the man to consider hirnse.f under ar? rest. Moritz is a powerful man, weighs ebc?t 200 pounds and is desperate. He whipped out his revolver ond attempted to shoot the officer, but Sergeant Rey? nolds 'knocked his aim off and then got behind 'Moritz, putting his arms around the man's shoulders and pinning his arms. tRailw'ay -Detective J. B. Heck saw the trouble and hastened to the of? ficer's assistance. 'Moritz threw his re? volver away and- "Scotty" was in the act of picking ;t up when he wa.-? or? dered not to touch it. till ritz resisted v-iolerftly. but he was overpowered and taken to Jail. "Scotty" -was a so ar? rested. Shortly after IMoritz was lodged in prison it was learned th-at Patrolman J- E. Gray had 'been, searching for him on a charge of felonious shooting. It seems that gome time during rive after? noon iforitz. who is a ship runner and works for Mr. John Donnelly, shot at A negro named lHarry Wood in. This occurred on the "Acre." MSoritz tried to put a dog on Wooditi and the negro threw a bttick at the canine. This en? raged Moritz and he fired two shots at Wood in. Later in the evening it developed that Moritz and "Scatty" were implicated In the nibbery for which "Long" John ?Reynolds and Charles- 'Evan? were ar iresied Wednesdayjnight. This is acase of grand larceny and- if the charge Is proven Alorttz and the others implimted wWl -get a term in the penitentiary. Moritz and "Scotty" had been drinking. The fourteen cans of paint and two coils of rope discovered Wednesday might by Detective Heck in a row bent in the possession of Reynolds and Evans were stolen off ,he British sail? ing ship E. J. Spleer. Captain O. W. Cochran, whkh is taking on a cargo of canal coal. Captain Cochran app.ared at the police station yesterday morning and identified his property, which he values .it $iW>. The articles were stolen same time Wednesday night and Cap? tain Cochran is of the opinion that there were several men implicated in the robbery. The police were at work on the ca?e yesterday and succeeded in working up evidence against several persons. Early in the oftern'.ron Sergeant /Reynolds ar? rested James FVazier, who was the watchman on the ship Wfslires lav night. He was lodged 1n JaiC. but was afterwards released by Justice W. T. Moss. Other arrests will probably- be made today. 'Mr. T. H. Gordons of the Newport iNews (Supply Company, stated yester? day that "Long" John Reynolds was not employed by his firm. Silver Tea st the Y. Mi C. A. KonmH. The Ladies' Auxiliory of the T. iM. C A., "MM give a Silver Tea a.t -the nsso eiatHon rooms tonight from 8 to 1 o'clock. A program of music and reoi tations will be rendered-and other socis features will be the order of the even? ing. Light refreshments wiiM be served | by the ladies. There wHl be no admit slom fee but a silver offering will 1 received, and devoted to the educational | dliaws work rhe New Telephone System. Work on the new telephone system, which is being put in by the Citizens' Telephone and Telegraph O^rritpany. is being rapidly pttcShed toward comple? tion. A large force of workmen is en? gaged stringing -Wires on Washington avenue and other thoroughfares. The first (service will be given next Mon? day, when the company wi'1'1 begin bus Sness -with 100 'phones. 'Already the company has 200 subscribers, but it will ?be several weeks before aill the 'phones ?wiilJ be put In and connected with the system. _ KKIE?' ITEMS. (Mr. end Mrs. W. E. Caldwell ar? so? journing (ni Washington,. (Messrs. James B. and Henry Barlow, of Wdnchester, are in the city. Mrs. John A. Gordon has treturned form k visit to friends in IRdchmond. Miss Jenniie Chapmitin.of I?ng Istotnd, ito tlhe guest of Mrs. J. P. Thornette, on West avenue. 'A marriage Kcense was iss'uod yes? terday la'fterrtoOn to ?SSSaa Ma.t'tie B. Johnson and' Mr. G. Watson Haley. ?Mrs. W. M. Pearl a-nd mother, of this ?ckv, are registered at the National Hare!. Washington. (Mr -Archer Brooks, the general man? eger of the Denimeed Ice Company of WWHamsbutRft 1? in the city to sevure the services of a competent engineer to run the ilce plant, and to arrange for the delivery there next week of dressed Juimber, to 'be used in the construction of the rm?lding. _ ?Mr W. P. Walkttr, Jr., Freight Traf? fic Manager of the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad, who was paralyzed' rexently. arrived' here yesterday at 11 o'clock and! went over tto Norfolk at 11:30 K/clock on a special tug. He was ac? companied by Mrs. Walker, their son, a physician and MY. Walker's private secretary. The attending physician has hopes that Mr. Walker wtCl entirely re? cover from Ms shock. For Rent?-The Central Hotel, mtcely furnished. Aipply to M. H. Lash; 2808 Washington ?venu*. fab 15-tf. Caacarets stimulate liver,kidneys anr? bowel?. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. AKKANCilMi FOIC Till': LAUNCHING ?r, ok mi CouTera WStli Secretary Long. Tlie preparations for tto'e double laumicJh'tag at tihe sthtipyiard on March 24 are nearly completed. The siviips have been vain ted and nearly aill of. the liarge timbers have been removed. A double force of 'men are at work on the huge mane so as to 'htave iiit n .uiy in time. As yet toe progia.m for itliie Uauncihlimg [las not been arranged. Yesterday's New York Herald pub? lished the following fro:u a Washvng ?n ?oirrespondent: '.'Secretary b/ng was in conference thits afternoon, with President C. B. Or eutt. of the Newport News Shipbuild? ing & Dry Dock Company, in regard to the present state of construction of the batllesh?iis Kearsargt- and Keimi ky. Mr. Oreutt was advised that the depar t? ment did not desire that tttvere should be any festivities in connection with file launching, and he was urged to hasten work as much us possible. Na? val Constructor J. J. Woodward, super? intending constructor at the Newport News yard.; was also advised Iby t< le aj.h to expediate the work .-f con su.'uicirion on beard these vessels. Sim? ilar oTders were issued to every navy lyard^and every shipbuilding yard1 where ships are budding. ?'According to returns received by Chief N'ava. Constructor HWh'lxn. n. the Kearsvuge and Kentucky are 67 per cent. ..ompleted1: the Illinois and \ia banna, 43 per cenu; Wisconsin 2? per cen-a; gunboat Princeton, 93 per cent - u. rpe<L> beat 'R?dgens, '.<-' per cent : tor? pedo boat Forrugut. 02 pti.i cut.- tor? pedo boat Davis, ?1 per cent.: torpedo boat Fox, 6!? .per cent.; tori ed?> boat Morris, ft* p.-r cent.; torpedo boat Mac? kenzie, .S5 per cent.: turpedo boat 'Mc Kee, 02 iN?r cent., and .-ub-marlne tor P-.lo boat Plunger, 66 pe: cent." FAVOBAS IM'KHASE. Citizens Think the Policemen Should Ke cclve Miiri. Pay. The eoniclusi'on reached by flie Ordl ncnieo Uonranllttee reeomimend an in? crease ,.f $lu a m..ntih 'in Whe solitary of in., patrolmen of uhe city, thus met with geneiuil approval: im fav-t.-u single nro fest has not been Oie-aiU. The policemen 'have long hours and Obey work under exacting orders When an officer goes on duty he mu-t remlaiin . on nSs beat twelve hours. 'During that tsimo nv is required to keep ptatrolinig his beat. No time is allowed f.-r test If 'he sKiou'M stop longer than live min? utes -at any one pliace. except when on bustmess, he is. aeoordting the rules liable ;.i 'be susijietid'.-d for a peri, d of ten days. A p^Hcerman U supposed t.. be pa-id a salary of $50 a mon'tlh. but when he Is sick and rendered unlit for duty he is "docked" an t?te rate of $1 ill a day. It is beffieved that the Conwion Ooum ?">' ?"!H adopt the recommendation ?f t'he Ordinance Com'm'ittee, for no valid reason can be given for vtseun-tholing it. The plea for retrenchment cannot' be justly urged againvt it. us it would be ptalnible mockery. If a policeman '????.".-?Ith anxviiioe tcUtfe?UOItot !h.? oh.uiM be paid at hast ?s a xtwy oi ?10 a n?:?h. This is t'he opinion of t'he right-think? ing i>eople. Hard from Esc-Oftlccr .Ioiioh. Editor Daily Press: In your columns yelterday I nvntiet thai a,-cine; polilee Justece H. B. Senvmei declared Abe OoOl'lns. who -was arrest eil I by me vy nEglht, w as arrested "i properly and therefore 'illegal." In .urder | that t'he public may 'be rightly inform? ell in regard to my action in the oa I wish to state t'hat tthe man was found I in a drunken stupor. Ttlft re were a good ] many people standing around, but no one seemed tu know hSm, w li re ho ISveit, or w'he't'her 'he 'lived 5n town. Theiv 'being nothing to do 'in my Judg? ment but to lock him up. I did so, ehoosOnig ratlher to do that than t.. let him Me out in the cold all niigtht. He pleaded guilty In Jusoi'e-e Senvmes' court the next morning -and wan lassetslsed the | usual tine of $2.50 by Justice Semuue himself. After hearing trnw't be was ar? rested by me. 'he released 'him on ground th'ait I was no longer a p. officer. Z. T. JONES. March 10. 1S0S. . t'urd from .1. If. Haywooll. Editor Danly Press: In your issue of the Sth Inert, it is re? port ed that a rough anvl tumble l-crap occurred ? my 'house on Sunday lost, and that a kettle of hot wtater w\is thrown at my mother, who is aged C5 yeais, tend 'tlhata cleaver was used. etc. As thCs statement, without inv.-.-toga tion, to leave t?te impression that my ihousv Is a disorderly one, I desire to say for the benefit Of't'he public and my many friends that on the occasion referred to I -was out of the city on business and knew nothing of the cir? cumstance until my arrival at night. Mv mother, -who 1? given to periodical a pel-is. seems to have become irritated at s..'melhing and a family quarrel fol? lowed, which, upon investigation, was nut a's aggravated as presented. So -fur os I am concerned t'he public knows 'mo to he a quiet, respectable and i oni-ils.tvnt Christian, and' u-tvile I de plore'tihe wbWle imatter, I want it under? stood t'hsait nWtSihng of a dC'sorderly na? ture would ever find tolerance in my presem-e. R'espec tf u 11 y. J. H. H AY Win >n. Nun Telephone System. The Citizens' Telephone and Tel. gmiili Company begw to announoe t the public of Newport News t-hat <ts siytste-m well be In op-r.ition on Monday. Marcih 14. ait whh'h time 100 subscrib? ers will be eonnviu. d wi'th 'the ex ctiatnge. By the l!Kh ?ns*. the entire sys Item of about 200 pSiones wil'l be 'in op eTOiUion. The rates are as follows: Buslnesu phones. $30; residence phonies, $25, inr year. . Tlie exdhange will be connected with Norfolk. Portsimouch, Hampton, Old Point. Phoebus. Berkley and Suffolk. Free connection with Hampton. Con? tracts made Ifor one year, -wtitb the priv Hege of five. RIOHA RD H. WIT/.. l_. Manager. Aditm'h Al*.. i Is not mote wbo'esome than fiesh, erisr<, well-browned creckers ma<le from the best dour. Such as Fox's XXXX Squaire Wafer Butter Crackers. They an' delicious and as dean and wbo'e? some as anything you an put on t'bs Stable. It. Notice to Telephone liners. rrhe iSouthern Bell Telephone and Tel egtapth Compi.ny announces tlbe fb'.loWr ling rates for tt-lep'hone service, t>i take teffect Mardh 1st: Business 'phones. $2.50 per mioinilh.; residence 'phones, $2.00 per month. FRED. "W. WALTER, mh 9-6t Manager. A Happy Woman Is the housekeeper Who buys ber coal and wowd from the Warw'iok Coal an? Wood Co., Twenlty-eighth street. Jal4-tf Cascareta stimulate liver, kidneys anfl bowels. Never Bicken, weaken or gripe. 19c_? EWPORT NEWS, BUSINESS MEN BUCK Delegation Returns From Washington. VICTORY FOR THIS PORT Secretary or the Treasury Suys It the I'orts Are (Jousolhlutetl Vessels Will Enter Here, Ucaversuml I'rhiee Albert?. The d-ejegation l.? Husiness men who went to Washington and appeared be fore the ways and means eonuii.tteo of the House of Representatives in the in? terest ut' this pent, arrived home at noun yesteiduy, corning hy lire way of Old Point. The Washington bout was detained in the itv r hy u dense fog and the s!hip was six h urs oveidue. When some of the members ,-f the party left the city Monday night tit y w>ae wearing slouch hats and derbys, out when they returned the odd heod gejr had 1 ?.-.?? replaced by "stove? pipes"?high tbeavers. -liven Jtuet-ioe J. D. O. Brown thitew away his old "plug" for a silk hut. und it gave ban a "fetch? ing" look. After retelling Washington the lob? byists eorn li.d d- their ways would be in- i-.- wms me it they donned Prince Alberts and beayers, and so they hied themselves too clothing store and pur? chased outfits. Then they catlied on the secretary of the treasury und compli? mented him for bs good judgment in recommending that the ports of New? port News. N- i'f Ik and Cape Charles be consolidated -with this city as the port of en-try. This party was com? posed of Hon. Thomas Temple Powell, Messrs.- W. C. Stuart. F. W. Mu ford, D. S. Jones, A. Ia. Powell, E. W. Rob? ins n, J. .1^ PatrJon. J. J.-. Palmer .Vnd Justice .7. D. G. Brown: They called at ti.e weusuiy department Tuesday morning, together with a delegation front Norfolk. After hearing both sides Assist mt Secretary How 1 sii-1 he would not umend th- original rec? ommendation. He thought the ports should Ux.nsolidated and that New? port News ought to lie the port of en? try in that event. This put the local delegation in a jolly mood nnd they spent an enjoyahle afterno n and even? ing. On Wednesday the ways and means committee convened.. The Newport News'dcl, gotion expected toflieaugment ed by a number of business -men who left for Washington- Tuesday eventing, but only Mr. R. G. Bickfoird und Mayor W. A. Post put in nppeamnceL They arrived over the R.. F. & P. railroad-, coming via Richmi nd. The boat on which were Dr. A. C. Jones, Mr. iRl P. Orr. W. G. Burgess and others was tied up in a fog and did not reach Washing? ton till after the hearing bad taken place. So they did not have to buy beavers. _ Congressman W. A. Young accompa? nied the delegations when they ap? peared 'before the ways lard mcins com? mittee. -.Mr. W. R. .Mayo, mayor of Norfolk, made the principal argument in Opposition to the l>BL He showed that Norfolk has been o port of entry' for more than i ne hu.nd.rd yeat s. and that this year it will be the first port in the tiountry in the quantity of cotton handed. The megiftg of the .Norfolk port into that of New? port News weald, he said, 1..- a_ mani? fest injustice to the c ty of Norfolk, whl-h is entiil-d ti> credit for th.- arge business transacted there annually. He produced statistics showing that the business of the port has steadily In? creased during the last few years. Mr. lt. G. B ckford was spokesman of the Newport News delegation. He sa.d e.insolidari. n was not urged Iby the bus? iness men of this city, but if there w re to be consolidation then, he thought, it would be desirable that Newport N-ws be made the port of entry. He thought, h iwever, that existing arrangements should be continued. M im'bers of Congress do not believe the cones 4ida'tion bill will- pass the House und ;h.- Norfolk visitors were comforted by ass-tttrances to this effect from members >4 the Viirgiinll-a d-'lega ti. -n. It is unquestionably true, how? ever, that .1 targe paving to the govern? ment would result fnc-m the adoption of th-.- syst-.-ni suggested by the treasury department, and efforts will be made by the treasury officials to secure a fa? vorable report from the committee on ways and means. If the bill is passed Newport News will certain' y be in id - the p-rt of -entry. This mottet- was practically decide,! Tuesday. A good joke is told at the exmense (??! the mcrn- who bought s'lk hats. Tues? day afternoon, so the story runs, they were standing on the capita! steps with Captain John Lamb, the representative from the Second district. Another Con? gressman happened to pass the party, ?and when he saw Captain Lamb later in the afternoon he asked: "Was that set of eoontry-lookitwg fellows with high hats on a delegation from your district?" Another Congressman who observed the delegation is said to have re? marked: "Those fellows look as if they came from a place that tho wove of prosperity has struck." As a matter of fact th.. gentlemen who -went to Washington in the inter? est ? f the city orettted a favt-r'.ible im? pression and they d'iserve the thinks of everyone interested in th,- futuire of Nowpo. t -News. Circuit Court. In the OiTcuM Court yesterday. Judge J. W. G. Rlaekstone. pre.--.iding. a num? ber of decrees were entered in eh rn .-rv cases. At the afternoon t=ession the case of Mrs. Btiiie W. Davis vs. w. .1. EMtzsi.mimo.n3, an -act-Ion in amiwiwtl to recover $1,047. was taken up. The ptlaCn t'iff is retpresented by Mr. R. T. Arm stead, mf W'iWtiaimsburg, nnVi the defend? ant by Messrs. Blckford & Stuart. At t'hc regular meeting of Newport News Council] No. dr.. J. O. TJ. A. M. lust ni.ght a vote of thanks was -tender? ed to the fofflOiWiing gentlemen for patriotic addresses a't the celebration heCul on ?Wayh'l.n.gton's birthday: Rev. W. R. Motlev. M-ivor W. A. Pest, Rev. H. It. 'Wright, Rev. T. J. MacKay. (Oaptrali-n C. W. A'dntms, Rev. 'Mr. Wil? sen, Messrs. C. A. A?trby. J. K. M. Newton, W. E. Barrett und Dr. W. P. C.ioper. 800 Lots at Auction. Sale will commence on the 241 h of this month?after Wie launching Is over? ani continue until all are sod. Pro? perty situated on ear line and water fr tit. F..,r- maps and Information, call on Powell Bros. & King ,2701 Wash? ington avenue. mr2-tf If the view team has not photo? graphed your house, stop them when they pass ,or leave order at 2412 Wash? ington avenue. fe27-eod. When bilious or costive, eat a. Cas caret, candy oarhhartlc, cure guaran teed, 26c.** SPECIAL I.Al Nl ilINO MIMTION. A handsome lillusWalfcetd tarn (Ming Edition of itiHe Dolly Brass will be tis? sued on March 24, the dtaite set for tihe ethnitsteniing of tire batitlet-fntps Kear Sairge aln'd Kentucky. It will l>e issued immediately after the Kentucky plunug i's into tihe Janrnes river. laind wOll eeinittatin a oomph te an.l gnaipthlo d.-se.ripai? ?n of the launching of t he t wo big wtairsthilips? the greatest niavall event of the kind In tire annta'is of 1'he world. A tmatory of Newtport News tan? taBI te limit erects, ito gotiher with port-raHts of mutnti-clipat of liee'n--. shipyard ofllcti'ate and others, wifin lie a faatl'ure of tihe publtaalttcn, which will b,> 'print d on superc^'Iendered book p.i.p. r. lit w ill be t'he hatn'd'sv?mes<t pirb li.ui.t'iiin over printed In Newport News, and w?iil he reptleite wCRIh facts and figures relative to tbe growth and developtnenlt of tihe ciitty ais in iimdustnilail cen'ter aired' shipping ipoGntt. Copies of the ptaipi r will be sent to ship *wmers, shopping 'atgeneies. coni-nils tit f. gn amd doimesitlc ponls, b^aird? o'f trade ami naval ..Hi,Hals -and other Or SOTiZatiorts 'and itv I'v dir.Tls throughout t'he world. No such advertising me lii'ttm was ever published 1m New-p.nrtt Mews, and every industry amd btiGiltneteH estetblMlurr. n't in t'he ctlty should be represented in tin- publloa'tJkm. A .rep? resentative ..f the Da-Hiy 'Prem ?s mow lanvassiing tihe c#ty for advertisements. I't is rrupod- asud beKeved tthiait tihe Dtatl'ly Pra'S vv?W receive the MbettaB oo-oipcira ttXin of title business public On the un IciVuking. THK KOIJK.MIAX GIltL. A Large Audience Greeted the Wilbur. Ivlrwin Company Laut Night. "The Bohemian Girl" w-a!s irresented at iae , perm house lalsit night by tihe WUibiir-Kirwih Ojwra c.wnpt.nv. land proved to lie by liar the imostt aimlbitiious effort ..f Mo- week's ,.|vgageiiterw. The iiuent'ty *.mwl us appreciation bv ur.i tinted applause. The attendance last night was the lust evidence that the theatre goers of lies v.;y appreciated the opportunity to Witness a good production ot liallife's ever popular, ever tuneful opera. .Miss Susie in. as Arline, again | w 01 first prize in tihe appreciation ot tihe audience, and strengthened tlie fa v. impression She has already made on the Newport 'Newts public. Her stinging, as usual, was highly enjoyed. Pirsit laurels am. ng lllie niale portion anting the luxuriaint surroundings, Mr. Puller made a decoded 'hit. His deep | buss voice wus heard to splendid ad? vantage. c.Mr'ciBSr-'?Wc'/.w?U.T.mwianger. J. | and the other memlbers of the da played their 'parts very creditably. The wei k of the - . 'wus excellent. The ] costumes w - .-? and handsome. After 'til? ? ?? the curtain it\ che tli. "r.l "act it** sei s arUaS*? H'- -ng pictures v.. - Panted. Tonight -. r. V." .nur-kirw.n cempa will put <ra ' men." This is said be one ..f the troupe's most eredila. w.o'ks. and 'Miss Kirwin will be si at 'her best. Tn's will be the first performance grand opera ever seen in Newport Ne ami ili. re is a'ir. aVly indication that j the thai*re patrons will take advantage t,. witness a genuine operatic treat. >e witnessed by one of the moat d and thoroughly representani ces .a" the season. ? I'OSSIISILITV OF A COAL STB1KE. Chesapeake & Ohio Will Sntter if the Min? ers Go Out. The announcement that the miners | !n tli* New .IKver and Kanaivvlva coal districts hove been tendered to go out on strike April 1. unless the operatois | agiee t" meet the terrrts offered .by the United Mine Workers, has caused some? what of a stir in local railway ?freier The coal' dumped at tile piers in this c.ty by the Chesapeake & Ohio rail- i road is taken exclusively from the New 1 River and Kanaiwha mines and in ti event of a strike in those districts il ChesUipeake & Ohio's .mmenise ooal Ixts iness would l^- tied up. The operators of the two rivers met at Charleston, W. Va.. yesterday uavd hod a long conference concerning the situation. They pi sitive'y declined to accede to the demands of the miners lieeuuse they .lalm they cannot profiltalbly pay the ad- 1 \-.:r,ce alstked for. The United Mine Workers ask that tin- West Virginia operators sign the Chicago agreement, whikth eafls 'for an eight houtr scale, uniform screens and 40 cents a ton Itor inining soft coa'L. The New River and Kanawha mit ore only receiving 30 cents a Uon. Unless tiie rate is raised to 40 et on or before April 1 tiwo thousand men WiiM go ?,ut on strike. "If the miners do go out en the 1st of April." said a well known Chesa? peake i mi., official yesterday, "it will I result in a eVumplete tie-up as far as tiie business ..f the Ohesapeake & Ohio is , interned, as that is the only dis? til, ; from w hich we set our supply. "I have strong d'cMhts, however, about the success of t'he vffcrts to make the men go out. I am confident that there vi 1 I.,- no strike. Why should there be? Those miners are well paid. They did not go 'out during the recent dial strike and in eonseq'uence the Chesa? peake & Ohio did nn- immense coal traffic where the Norfolk & Western did a. meagre business from the Poca hontas mines. 'We are doing a splendid bttsin ss w and I have hopes that it will in? crease right along and not be interfered with by any strike." Colored V. HI. <:. A. Helmte. A debate between the members of the O lored Young Men's Christian Associ? ation of Newport News and Hampton to. k pin ??? i ist evening at the rooms in Lena's Hail. TOookettts. The f. pi'' on which the two associa? tions debated was: "Resolved, That Capital Punishment is Not Justflab'.e." Tf you want pictures of any kind or size see Wagoner, 2412 Washington av? enue, feb 20-tf. Wood delivered in arty part of the city. M. S. WARREN, 445 Twenty ninth street. Phone 2015. febG-2.m Don't forget the little house 2412 Washington avenue wheni you want pictures. fe27-tf Don't think a girl regrets the toes of her good .name when It Is replaced with that of a nto young man._ RCII 11, 1898. THE ARMY AND NAVY Preparations for'Defense Con? tinue to Be Pushed. LOOKINGAFTER NEWSHIPS Report That President McKinley In I're inirlng tu Kecugnlze the Itelllger envy of tub. Dented. Inter? view With Senator I'roelor. ( By Telegraph.) WASHEXGTON, Marcih 10.?The I'ul ted St.itcs government has n>? t yet ac? quired a single ndditik'nal ship im- phe navy. Th'is is true not li r.iu.~r of a Kt. k .,f offers ,,f wars-hips from abroad, but simply feu the reason 'that tin- nav.y deixirtmen'i is proceeding with all of ?the oirtunisipee'tion '.-.insistent with 'the "??ods of the ease lin looking after the qualities and prices ? r the craft. u>ieultenant Uhe United States naval attache ot Berlin, et. Petersbui g und Vienna, is panticularly active in the quest fur vessels. There was a good deal of talk during the day about the assignment of officers to the command ? f auxiliary cruisers, the St. Paul and St. Lou'ls being . spec.i.ily mentioned, 'but Secretary Long set these stories at test by tlr- sta'tememt that be had not made any such assignments and hud ..nly progressed t.? the iwini of Inform? ing himself of the possibility of getting the ships officered and manned quickly. While I.? king after new ships the of? ficials of the navy department ore no't neglecting the eld vessels, a-nd arrange? ments have lieen made to make snort repairs on several shii>s. that im the ordinary course w. mid not be treated in that fashion, 'but would receive a thorough and time-consuming over? hauling. Thus, in the case of the Phil? adelphia, which has hod live years- hard work and has never .vet l>. en done over as :- tlie K'ustom.. order* hove gone to .Mue Island t-? put iher in shape far sea within forty days. The Yorktown. at the same 'yard, is not to be tou ihed at prescht, not only beoa'Uise she is in fair condition, but also (l>ecause she is not so formidable n craft as to moke it des.mble t" divert t her repair attention re? quired elsewhere. At Norfolk the (New? ark is set down for thirty days', and as a g. .*.! deal of work has already been done on heir, she will Ibe almost ? new ship when s-he comes out of the yard. 'I lie big monitor Puritan IaIs practi? cally ecmpk.'e.l her repairs. The moni? tor Comariche, at Mare island has. be. n examined and found ii t.. erolbie con- , di'tion. At League island, the mi nitor MaBratonomoh and the ruin Kaiahdln went tn'to commission today, although they have not yet hid their oiders. They probably will remain in the DeJ avvuire River or drop into the bay. The , torpedo iboat Dupont sailed today from '.MeV.'lL 'oa-5 * St-rfc-..'-1 <? ? a*. It was said at the navy department i today that nothing had been heard i Groin the inquiry at Havana nor from Admiral Sicard at Key West. The pres- ? ence in t'he city ?. f seve'ral persons con? nected with steamship 1 ires and steel : works led to ire "ireu! niion of u num? ber f sensational si i ies during the day. but p. i haps none of these hod the persistency of one that Sound currency at the capitol, until it met a s amnry denial at the hands of Assistant Secre? tary Day, to the effect that Min si.". Wo-.dfoid had notified ihe Spanish government that t'he President intendeds to send to Congress ? message an? num eing his recognition of Cuban in? dependence. Commander Haw ley left (Washington this evening for the South with Chief Kngiiv er Wehsttir and Surgeon Persons to enlist malehinilsts for the navy. A conference was held tit " o'clock in thcoffice of Assistant Secretary Roose? velt to map '.??ut plan? for arming and equipping merehaint vessels as uuxil iary .misers. Mr. Roosevelt presided and others present wereCaiptainCrown inshteld, of . the bureau of navigation; Captain fV'N.-M. of the 'bureau of ord? nance; Chief .Hichborn. of the '1'ii'ie.iu of e nstruction, and Commander TJrad ford, of the lui e.iu of yards and d-u-ks. This meeting bed 'been preceded by a call from President Griscom. of the In? ternational Navigation Company, which owns the four ships St. 'Louis, St. Paul, Paris and New York. The meeting brought ut a gen nil discussion >.' the work the various bureaus would be called upon to perform in making these and otb-.-r vessels ready es auxiliary cruisers. About 85 per cent, of this work wi 'iild full to the lot of the bu? reau of construction, which would have change of installing magazines, gun in. ums. light protective armor for the guns and magazines, and the . ircles on which t'h':- guns swing. This work, it is ?ald. coti d I"- uc ?onrvpl'ished readily within two weeks time, .is till mat rio's. except the guns, are in hand. The bu? reau of ordnance could not supply all the guns required within that short tine, tilth ugh some seventy or more or,, now available. The supply would be adequate, however, for the most ef? fective auxiliary' cruisers and the com? plete armament of the merchant -.hips could proce.-.l as rapidly as possible thereafter. Gn the question of manning I fh.. auxiliary fleet the navy de partim n> fe. is thai the most effective step wou'd b,- to enlist into the United States n ival service the'present merchant crews .f Hi.- several ships. These men will be thoroughly familiar with the vessels and ec.u.d handle them with fir greater ? ise th in rre.-n rews cK bin jackets The ships would Ik' officered from the line of the regular navy. In the case of enlisting a merchant <r*w t'he pay and allowances would be o-bo-ut equiva lent to the rates paid ordinary sal'ors and (he time of enlistment .1 ubt ? -s would l>e limit...I to short periods. The proposed batter es f.-.- the aux'i iory cruisers consist in the case of the s:.;in --hips St. iL* uis and St. Paul of eight fi-inoh gunis. four 6-pounders and four machine guns: the Poris and New Yo k. twelve 6-inch, six 6-p itnders und six 'machine guns. It is designed t.. give vessels m* the Caracas and Seme t type a mam iMtt'tery of eight 4 Intfh guns nt'.l from six to v'ih; rap'd Are machine gun?. Those of the Vlg Hlrica .'ass dss'gned to hay n main battery of s x f.-in h anil four 4 inch guns, .four l-pounders and three machine guns. The batteries of the auxiliary cruisers on the Pacific coast, if th se should be railed int.. u-e. are RUibstan'tially similar, six neb guns lie ing the laugest ones designed for use in that s-rviee. The navy department finds itself in comhanatlvely good, condition as to toe supply of aoibonrtoblle torpedoes, which constitute one of the mist deadly en? gines of naval construction. The White head torpedo is now' in general use, al? though a few of the IHowell class are still on hand. Fifty of the WhiteheatT torpedoes were secured a short time ago, and with these there is a total of cbout 350 on hand. This gives not onty a full outfit for vessels now im commis? sion, l>ut also the neeessatry reserve supply. The new Spanish minist r. Sen or Polo y Bernulbe. arilived here ear y to? day. He was met at the station .-v Sonor Du, Bosc, Spanish charge, and other Spanish officials, who grave him a cordial welcome and escorted h m to the legation. Later Senor Du Boso called at ih - state department ami ar? ranged to present Senor Pol, at 11:1:, 0 clock tomorrow morning. stat* department that, the tot of the American consuls in Cuba is a ve:-> hard one; it has been atrnoult for many months and Is no better nx,w. Still, the department is gratified at the manner in vvhl, h these eHn-ees have discharged their duties and remained by their posts. So far a ? can be learned at the state department none olf_chem has resigned in l X [ ? to the contrary probal.'y r. iin I!'? h ' > origin in the f.iet that one consul w-hos ? health hud broken down. has applied i .1 leave of absence which w .r I*, granted to Mm. TH HI l>t Hfl' ROT \ I I ? ,, .e WASH IN,stu.V. .ManV, |, - ... . reeeU-ed at the Navy ?..,,.?-', ,?. ? V, ! ? nie eoir. r.ietor m chars,, of ',irod--iii..' ?. new anchorage "round for v "o ' the f? t im nee of the dry dock aS Port KwyaJ, s. C., encouna. a hoioe thai eh.. work of getttng a sMitlh-ient anohonti. to aicoomimodotte vesseia of war nvav he s-uc-i-sfu! before long H,r..-.,r?," ic , . have been ecimipelled to ;,M.-? tih? dry dock proper from below .... hMh w! ter .end then gel ,.,? ;u,?;,, ??,f,'r :h,. at a',1 t?mes is greatly ,0 i?. desired since south of Newiiorl NVws is is ondydock on the Atlantic csoaat avm 'a hie f,,r use of .the vessel,. of the Nort.ii A. hinv.c Siii.vidron. BKS CONTRACT Pint ,'OAL Cbm|UND. .... March tO.-kirk. V" * *= 1 '""iMiiy. .,f Mus city, today Closed a ?contract with governniemt ..tli c!a.s for 2......HI0 tens of coal to be rush? ed to Key West, BLAiNCO'S OPINION MADRID. March 10.?At yesterday's meeting ..f the Spanish culblnot, Senor Moret, tit. minSster of the colonties. I t. .I.v-j ..ii, h fiYvm Oaipta-n General I'.'laino saying ill.ii phe situation in <'u ba had improve,!. SAGASTA WILL NOT Rl?SlGN MADRID, March 10.?Senor Sagasta Hie premier, denies .the of Min? ist. , hamges. He sayii: ??The i-eAsponsibdiji'ies of power und present <-, ndi;.. ns are certainly n ?greea'Me. but ill the ministers r. g.i 1 as a question of honor to remain ii.i.- udor i,. Piunce, w.vl soon return to iPariK. NAVAL APPROPRIATION HILL. WASiHINGTON, March 10.?The iu? ra! approi>,v.iii,,in bid has been procti ?ally completed by the House Commit? tee on Naval Affairs, save as to the liiestion ..,f increases In the navy, dry lock's and armor The increases allowed loUleiie .-.taned tonight he might report .he bill to the House by Saturday, and !' not. it will go in early next week. There 'has been few changes from the jstimates and the Ml will involve in lie neighborhood of thirty miilions of ?.ol? .from new Vesceis. dry ire stich as meet w~ .. ? m ? ? .. mm of t'iie service. The g'e'nenllT ftetn 'or construction and repair just pass, .i ni. aggregates $2.500,000, identical with he estimates. This includes about (370.000, a material incuse, tor i. ?rov.-.l machinery at the shops. The im. um ii- also exclusive of the spec tppropriations to the various conxtn linn plains, etc There is als ? a h. tontiinl appropriation .prcsp. sed of $50.000 I :.. each of the yards, exctipt to the Puget Sound staiOlon, in lieu of the general estimate of $300,000. Theje was i long discussion in cani'mitree 'today .ver the additional land wanted for the Port Royal. S. i'.. Station, and attention ?allc-d to some 'legall points involved m i'he question, but an appropriation of 520.3110 f-.r the purpeke was finally al artved, subject to the acquisition of a iiiot-elaini for the Nivers na ;. There was Otis? a hearing Riven the M.i-sa. tiliusetts delegation in Congress, v.'hc were in pointed at a joint meeting of i the Massachusit.s memlbera of both Rouses this ni,.ruin:,', to pro oat the Claims of Boston for ,i dry dock there. Th, v wanted an appropriation of ab ,ut $1.300.000 for a dry <l' ck, equ.ppel to I erected at Bcsiton. ' . Tee comimiit'tee ddferred action und will probably give other hearings. With ibis ?!..'!I reported to the House, the g-emerwH deficiency alone for Bommlttee action. Work on th it w ?? begin in a day or two. though 'its snb| n.Ulon to the House will b- d,err.-T un't.1'1 both the naval and the I.totnee bills have been practtcaiHy 'dc.peied et. .VANTMD AT ONCE. EAIT/nilMOIRlE, MD.. March 10.?The t,.rpedo l.eot^ wh:, h are b-ing l-i:'iit f"r the United States government by the Union Iron Works of this city are w int ? d at once. . , iMaiyor Malst.-r. wWo is president ol the company, ire, eived a telegram from the navy department today saying that the Rodgers must be turned over w.tu? rn a week, that the iMJeKee must be ready within thirty tluys and that work ,.n the subnYarine boat Plunger sieud be pushed as rapidly as possible. BROOKLYN NAVY YARD.. NIC'W YORK, March 10.?Several hundred extra mechanics a:-, employed at the Biooklyn navy yard. The dis? patch boat Dolphin lias a swarm of painters and about ,i hundred mechan? ics rushing work upon her. Much work is being done on the cruiser Chi? cago and Atlanta. Work on th,- tor? pedo l?,ot Sull.-tto wi l be comipleted by the end at the week when she will l? ready for sea. A test was made today of one of a consignment of rapid tire guns just received from the Colt fac? tory (it Hartford. Ii is known, as the six millimetre iapid Are aiut< matic Colt, and is capable of tiring 200 shots a min? ute with a range of 2.000 yards. The test proved that the bullet would' pass thrcugh a steel plate 3-s ..f an .n. h thick, two sides of a coil of pipe, twen? ty inches of wo .1 ha, king and another steel plo'te of 1-8 ef an inch in thick? ness. These guns, of which ten have arrived, will be used, along the rail of vessc s against torpedo boats and also in the fighting fop. A Jorge quantity of for use in the rapid fir,- guns arrived ot tlie yard today. BNOUA N D'S A TT? TP I > H. LONIDON, March lO.-tMr. Ronald Munro-Ferguson, Liberal, asked the paniram'errtary secretary tor the foreign office, Mr. Curzon, in the H'ouse of Commons today, whether there is any truth in the reports that communica? tions on the Culmn question have been exct inged between the British arn bassador ot Washington, Sir Julian Pauncefote, and the g vernment of the I United States. Mr Curzon said that no omniun ea ons had been exchanged. Hon. .Hullen Valentine Dun omlbe, I Conservative^, gave notice that he wouild isk Mr. Curzon whether, with the view .>f recognizing the identity ef the inter, etrts of od English speaking people, Her Majesty's government wflil consider (OontUoued on routtji page.) 4 A?j I LARGEST CIRCULATION. ^.T7> SINGLE COPY, TWO CENTS ^X^f ONE WEEK. TEN CENTS. Governor Tyler Nails a False Report TOM BAILEY STILL ALIVE Judge IVaddili Appointed to Succeed .Iu<iee Hughe*. Mn. Juan A. I-tolua UeH<1. Municipal Content Wax? ing Warm. (Spei ijl ,.. (he Daily Prc-s.) RICHMOND. VA? Mu,vh 10-Gov nv,Vn ,i.?, ..?rm m?"rn-n,S told a gentle? man th.e. the rsport ?rat the .position '!' 11 ?-amiMsi?ner hau been ten .i, r, .1 any. ne. or that he had ?nlti muted whom ),e would appoint, was en nnvy wn'tlhouf foundation Governor lylor panther said that Ihe had no* de teoml?rretf .whom he would appoint, as m Uas .,!ai''I-v receiving telegrams front ' l""-ie..:is of the State fron? gentle? men wiho des.reU to nuaJke formal aippli . sw :oit l,.r the position, and nthat tlhe cup. point'ment would not ne made for at least ten dtarys. Tom GToreiy (coSoned) was before I' Flogen beimer today on a charge of eoun'ter.felt'ing. He way ar? rested several days alga by Deputy Miar >''aal P.e.i.vunts. Groreley came from I '?nn .fi-, and was ertgSaiged in tihe very remunerative employment of on?kSng niekoln wUtile tne raetall was ihot. He wuts smut it, jail to await Uhe action of rile grand jury. Yesterday two white men went to the house of u wxuman to the country and that they bad been appointed under the new law of t'he State to col? li, t sneeilal taxes on musi'.'cal instru? ment-, and that they wanted $1.87 for an organ in the possession of t'he wo rhiain. Tlhe woman at Brat demurred, but finally comiprotnilsed by giving the men so.ine dann"ed com, sardines and e.-aek", t-s. TvAlay fc-iive swore out war? rants for the arrest of the two men ami they were arrested and lodged in Jia'il to aiwaiit exiaimimtaltitn. Tire boy Ttvmmy Baiiey, who was so badly hunt on the K'Vhmond. Freder icks'bu'rg an'd Potomac Ram road a few doyi- ago. and who wlaB 'last ntght re pirted dead, ats wired t'he Press, is still alive, but Irls death is momenitaTUy ex t>ected. His left leg and right arm have bollh been amiptltiatedl Judge Edmund WaddiiTI wa? toda^r ? named bv Hie PresuTent to ssieeeed Judge Robert W. Hn-slh-es. a* jddge of the I)k-tri?t Court or the Rastern ?WB trict of VirgCn'la. 'Judge WmMfliiK is one of the abi.-st lawyers in the Stlalte.-. a pro-nounced Reipubl'ream. a OhriUitSan gen'tlterrran. ami stands wVll In this city. Herd it not 'been for his politics he would have been high Uip in the affairs o? the State, by t'he support of the best people in ViVgrrrlti. 'He was one of tbo M.-K'l'nlev 'leaders 'in 'the .State in tlhe Presidentllial camtpaign. Ail the other McKinley managers have been provid? ed with ipHtaeeS. .VltS. jtltltl .-\. I-IV.HU Mini HI.-,- ??~~ North TCigwrn wim. ?-.-.... -u?_n ^tinvabie and much loved woman, and leaves a wide circle of friends. 'Plie munCcIipall contest is -waging fiercely and waxing warmer and wairnr er The . ndorsem'ent of t'he Good Gov e'rnm'ent League has been repudiated by ?everwl of t'he candidates, and the . ague replies bv sa.v&ng that bhey have been betrayed, and they wCMtiKW 'again in 1 endorse other men in the places of ih,.'-e who reipud.ia.ted them. chic'is ii Thompson, an old and popular citizen, di.-d this evening at ? o'oloek. GH' ?YtNSKT?SHAiRiKBT FIGHT. Both Men in Perfect Condition for the Mill. (By TeU-groiph.) SVN I^PwVN'GISiCO. OA<U, March 10.? Ch?vneki and Shotk.y have ceased training for the'.:- fight tomorrow night. P.oth ate in perfect condition and con? fident, ft is generality conceded that the sailor will give a better acc. tint l.'f nimseatf. than when he first met Chcyn sk'i \ hotly onteste.l mill is confident? ly expected. Sharkey's staying .powers, which hove been thoroughly tested by Fitzsimmons. Corbett. Goddard and others, constituted him a favorite in the betit'ing at ."ids of 10 to 8. nvueb to the surprise of his opponent, tint a '?i ge sum of money has oj ready been stakci at the ...Ids'and there was plenty more on hand Ulis evening. Sberkey will probalbly enter the r'ng at 118 pounds while Chovr-ki will pre ?ri? ft Uly scale fiom ICO to lfili p. U"d-- to? night. The^advan.e sale of tickets has 1 been unusually heavy. M'OOV'S CLAIM A F.VRCE. PlTTtSBORO, PA.. March 10.?Mich? ael J. ?Connolly, Peter Maher's manager, "Kid M.-Goy's claim to the heavy weight championship is a farce. He told nie In n personal interview rhat be was ajj.iiid of Muher. He said 'I am challlenging champions, but fighting suckers.' "Orr S5.000 forfeit Is still in the hands of Sam Austin for any man in the world to ever, and until McCoy fights a top not eher his cla im is rldiecll?us. M?her has whipped both men McCoy is nfter n.-w." M'COY'S FORFEIT HI'.Tl'RNED. INDIAN'API'I.IS. INI).. Mare* 10.? Kid McCoy tonight received the fcJIow ing telegram from Richard K. Fox and Samuel I'. Austen, of the Police Gazette, dated ait N.-w York: "Check for forfeit deposited with Po? lice. Gazette i-eturn.-d today. The date of the prescribed time of your ch.' having expired with, art acceptance, your right to claim the heavyweight championship title by default cannot be lento d. Mutual congratiiliation'S and ?est wishes for your success in defend n? the same." MeGov tonight slirn?1 articles to fight lack Bonner. March 28. POST MA ST 1111 R KJ EJCT ED. tBy Telegraph). WASHINGTON". March in.? The Sen? ate today In executive session rejected the nominale n of Henry S. Williams, to be posttmasiter at Aberdeen. S. D. Williams wais opposed by the friends of S nator Pettigrew, on the ground that he had mail., a personal attack in a newsj..aner of which he was owner upon the Senator, and had refused to einher an effort to have . considered, but . -m, who ha'd been expected isked r r further time. He s though: has recentOy been entirely different channels. lie was eni'lticd to some -p?rttfl. n. No other Senator >!?!>) r> *I to go on Senator -nitenl that the matter shou?d etract. avis: m in ti The nobbiest Hats ever shown In this city were opened up by Woodrward & Womble this week. The styles are iseauttfid. tle27-te