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Daily press. [volume] (Newport News, Va.) 1896-current, April 09, 1898, Image 1

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Associated $
DlSDatcoes. I
VOL III, NO. 81.
In Song and Carol It Will Be
"ChrUt, the Lord, 1? Kisen," Will Wc the
Theme. I'roe-rani of ?IurIc Ar?
ranged for the Oc
rnhe solemnity which for 'the post
?week has surrounded churches oif cull
denominations tihrougihout the 'Chris?
tian, world will evaporate txumonrow
like the malst before the rising sun, ?d
?bright lights, beauhiifjul Howens and glo?
rious miusiilu will ammo-unce the ad?
vent of that greatest Of all religious
ifestkVals, 'Easter Sunday. All of titte
chuirfches have prepared special services,
including rare music in honor of uiie
iedoafl day. The evening services iwtill
be held at 8 o'Olock at all tlie places
of worship. -
At St. Vincent's Catholic ohu.rdh the
usual OSaster Sunday sendees will be
held alt 10:30 A. ?I., with fine music by
bn augmented Ohoir. (Rev Father Ohas.
IE. Donahoe will preaidh a special ser?
mon, 'the subjetet ibetog On "Tile Ites
?urectfion." There iwdl'l he tipeoiaJ music
also at 'tlhe evening service.
UPkewise there will .be sipecial services
at'tlhe First JBaipuist church, with music
as a feature of 'Che morning and even?
ing services. In the morning Rev. C.
C. Cox, 'the ipastor, will preach on the
text "If a mtan dlie shall he live again?'
In the evening at 8 o'clock tlhe suibject
?win be First ConinahlanB, 15:58.
?At She Thirtieth Street Christian
dhurclh Rev. W. iR. Motley, the pastor,
will preach in the morni'.ng on "Tlhe Ite
lations of Cttinist's .Resurrection to Im?
mortality." HUB evening suibject will
he "tRepentance an AlbsOlute Estaemitiail
in -the Reception of Salvation."
In the aifternoon at 4 o'clock Rev. F.
F. Shenk, of tlhe F?rst Lu't'nenan co-uroh,
of Norfolk, will conduct on Eosuer ser?
vice at the Ohiristdian chiu-uli. .where
there will be Interesting features.
St. iPaul's Episcopal church wild be
beautifully 'decoriated with ilowers and
lights for uhe Eeister 'festival, and a
epeoial program has been arranged
with, music dn addition to tlie regular
?inging. The retetor, 'Rev. J. Francis
Ribble, ?will preaOh from Reveita tions,
j 6-6?"And from Jesus Christ, wdio as
the tfaithful witness, the first (begotten
of the .dead, and the prince Of the kings
of '6he eartJh. Unto hint that loved us.
said- .washed, us f.roffn our sins, 'in his
pal church the following ptogram ol
music will be rendered:
Easter . Amtbfem?"Christ in Pass
over' '.?. Mil'lardt
Gloria .?????? T?urs
Te Deumn-"We Prai'.e Tnee. O
God." .Geo. W. Wal. ren.
Jubllata?"O Be Joyful".Tours.
Hymn No. 112.
Gloria Tiba .Povton.
Hymn No. 122.
Offertorv?"Christ the Lord is. Ris
e,no . Dudley Buck.
Sanctus .J. Flanier.
Hymim No. 227.
Gloria, in Exeelsis .
. In the evening at S o'clock th:s pro?
gram wili be rendered:
Processional Hymn No. 112.
Gloria . Tours.
Glotriafc n Exetfeis .
Cantata Domino. V. Nevelie.
Benedic?"Amina Mea". T. Noi ris.
?Hymni No. 117.
Offertory?Tenor Sio?'o .
by MF. BerrJhard Nelms.
?Hymn No. 115.
In the evening Rev. Mr. Babble will
hold Piaster service at Morrison.
At the Presbyterian church there will
ibe morning communion, followed by the
eutbjeie't "Easter and Calvery." and in
jthte evening "Shall there be a Resurrec?
(Rev. 'E. T. Wellford, the ptistor, will
Second (Baptist church. Rev. Thomas
J. IMiacKay, pastor?(Services at 11 A.
M. and S P. M.
Chestnut Avenue Methodist church,
Rev. M. S. Colonna. Jr.. pastor?Serv?
ices at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
At the Washington Avenue Metho?
dist church the program for the Kastor
festival will be as follows:
Prelude?Symphony in C.?Schu?
bert's "Gloria." .
OfTerli ry?"Sing. O Heavens.".B.'Tours.
Anthem?"Why Seek Te the Living
'Among the Dead.". Cranrr.y:-.
Anthem?"Thank..-. Be to God.".
"Chant the" Word'.".Gustav Longe.
Amtlhem?-"Christ ouir Passover".Dawks-.
Solo?"O Risen Lord.".
By Mrs. Went worth with violin obligato
by Pi'ofe-sor Ander -on.
Anthipm?' "T hank. :?= > to God .".P. -stl our. -
Rev. B. F. -Lipscoml), the paster, will
preach oni tftie "Resurrectiu-n" at the
morning service.
Water Too Cold for Htm.
AdthougOi tr,me and tide won't wa.it
Ifor any one; its hiaird to convince tlhe
301'ly tars if.rdm the 'battleships that it
5b so. They are no respecters of time
when they get ashore. Time fairly flies
?with thorn and that is how W. F. Al?
lan, of the iMaissodhusetts, got iwet test
night. Be ibnoke his liberty, tlhe law
?Und several otlher things wlben hauled
Sn. by Officers N. I. Rayfield and' B. .1.
O'Harflav (With the reward of $10 in
view Dhey Ihung on to Allen anid ait 9
o'clock he was escorted to the pier for
Shipment to the battleship. Being re?
leased for a moment Allen startled the
?by-Standers hy making a flying leap
from the pier into tlhe water, where he
?unk, rose ?nid struck out for a refuge
ifrom the officers. But there wasn't any.
and after tumbling about in the rough
iwater iVyr a' few minuteis he iswatn into
the pier and yelled': ''Say, boys, s'he's
too cold out here Ifor me. I'll come
ou't," and come out he did, soaked and
Bhlvening. Officer Crafford met him wiiuh
' Ih'ls ovorOdat and wrajppe'd i t arounid
tlhe chilled tur until -the launch came
over ?be water for Uhe delinquent Al?
At Work on the Creole.
<jonsddOraibde 'headway was miade ait
?She sihipyord yesterday on the Creole,
?wniioh Iis h?ing coniverted into a hospi?
tal ship, and ;in a short time the steam
-srr will 'Will (be realdy for service.
Twenty dolliairs 'for one. Caill on
Perkins, VDunoaini & Co. Now 'is the
itdme to Imvest. apr-5-Sw
Twemty idoHians fot one., Caill on
Perkins, Duomdaa & Co. rNow Is the
Stale to invest. apr-5-2w
A nut lie r Church to Be KrectcU in This
Tile Lutherans or Newport News
have increased in saioli encoiairagiug
ruunibers that they feel it linteuitubemt on
tomm to have, fiwt an organization to
be effected within tlhe next week ami
then to follow it ?p w-irtlh^lscih;arch.
Hiev. X F. Shorcik, of tih^tTi'rst Lutiher
on church, o'f/Not^lrC is interesting
h'.iniself ami wK^Ue Store tomorrow to
?meet t'he prulnToiers of the mew con?
gregation. Tlite work will ibe pushed
ahead, awd before a~'mtotrt'h .passes uhey
will have a regular puts tor with ag?
gressive qualities. It is not known
yet where 'the new structure will bo
White Blau Takrn in Tow by a
When R. iD. Douglas, a white man
from that as yet undiscovered region
known, oi-:- "dun'no," comes to his senses
he will not soon .forget his trip to Rock
etts. It was indeed very much like
?one of those sizzling things up in a
'blaze and down Like aiproverbial stick
IBrieliy told-, Douglas Invaded Rock
eits' classic preoinets Thun-'.iL.v night
a-nd way ?won sighted by Madeline Jones
(-colored), who made ?taust .? blni and
towed him to what she claums was a
rufe ancihoragv en Tw._nty-t'i.ird i-treet.
After putting h,!lm to sleep to keen
him 'from getting sea-sick, she proceed?
ed to discharge his \-,,i'ua'b'le cargo, com?
prising besides what spare change -he
had, of a silver chronometer, coimnuon'ly
??-ailed a'wat'oh. iwiUh a gold haiwser at?
tached. To keep off spirits there .was
a'.'so a dhurm. It went too. togetheu
willh a t-iii'.,' and a scarf pin.
?When he "sobered up" and caime to
his senses Douglass reported the rob?
bery to Police 'Sergeant J. W. iRcy
?Sergeant 'Reynolds knew -by a Sher?
lock Hotaea instinct that -Madeline
Jones wrecked this craft and 'he went
?j-fter her. To his demand that she
come fijit'tih she answered that she was
"Nit to home." but he raised the win
d-aw of her Twenty-third street house
and she got under the bed and it was
half past six luet night before the
sergeant got a line to her and beached
?the 'brig 'Madeline Jones. She was a
hard craft to handle and several times
she nearly broke laiwtay from him. iBut
she 'was finally calmed down and now
she is beached and will 'go into the
dock this morning?but not for repuiiire,
only for repentance and judgement.
The chain and charm were recovered
In a saloon at Rocketts and the other
?articles were located in aipawnshop.
Ernest Gentis D.sermlii Time of Pence,
But does ISavk to Fight.
xaavnot-se hccusit-j 'r. r.-avmga co.'.vara.y
'bone in his body, and it is certain die
"don't love a Spaniard nohow."
fGent'U? rs a camp-enter well knoiwn
albout Newport News. 'He was tired of
'being asihort doing little or nothing,
longed for the deep blue sea and the
roving life of a man o' war's man, and
he enlisted as a ship's carpenter on the
?bat'tiesth'iip ,M-asisa.rih'Ui-:et't s. .He was a
Model man in his line, never drew a
black mark an 1 stood high with his
superiors and fellows.
iGenfis soon' got 'tired of the rolling
deep, as he had of the more reliable
old terra firma, and fourteen mont'hs
ago, .while the niassacih-usetts was lying
a: some convenient point near by, Gen?
tle eloped with himself and his man o'
wars man's togs and was never seen
any more. It Ibein the piping time
of peace the navy didn't send out a
licet of cruisers to hunt hi.mup and
?hing him from the yard arm as they
might perchance do to a fellow that did
the trick, say a <weekfram now. No,
the- just let him "slide," and Gentis
driifted from place to Tiaice and was
ihup'py after a way.
But ihe lad gvt hits i--ea legs again
n'ot many mtVoins- a.<ro and he began to
reconnoitre to see just what they might
do i'f. they overhauled him. And the
story gees that Gentis yesterday re?
turned t.. the ship and surrendered.
The officers, it is true. ICoked askant
?at him?they have to do that at first
to -scare the boys and impress them
with their grandeur. Gentis boldly an?
nounced he was back to stay till the
bugle sounded to leave the ship. It
?i' said there will be no real court mar?
tial, but Gentis may have to .-at hard
taek for a day or so, just to harden his
Kiulors. s Trof. II. II. Epes.
The (Board of School Trustees ait the
meeting held Tlhursdiay night passed
a resolution recomtmendiTitg, Protet-sor
H. H. 'Epes, principal of -the high school,
to the State 'Board, of Ednc-ation as an
instructor in one of the State Normal
?schools, 'and 'will use its best endeavors
to place Professor Epes there. Profes?
sor -Elpes has been a teaicher of the ris?
ing generation for twenty yeirs. He
is 13 graduate of the Virginia Military
Institute, and one of t'he best educators
in Ihe State.
The 'beard' also instructed Profei-sor
Epes to arrange for the exeirciees in
connection with the closing of the public
schools of the city. They will close
Friday, May 27th, 'but the exercises ?will
not be held until the following week.
W. C. T. V. Entertainment.
The memhers of the T. TW C. T. U.
were enter to lined last evening at ihe
home olf -Mrs. >W. E. Cottrell, on West
There were quite a num'lx-T of the
members of the local union, and their
friend's present. ISwlot? were rendered
by Miss Blanch Vaugham and 'Mr. John
I." 'Cottreil, a'r.d Miss Louise Hopkins
gave ia rccJiation.
The young ladies present were dressed
to reprei-ent differen't books, and blank
lists were furnished those who desired
to guess, the title of the books thus
represented.. Tkvo prizes were offered?
?ine 'to the perlsom gU'a-'Sing tlhe greatest
numlber of books and one to the person
gukessing the least. The first, prize was
?won 'by Mr. George Cowway and the
?stbor.d 'by 'Miss Maud Hopkins. The
prtzas were prdsem'ted by Mr. Floyd A.
Hudsrins. Affnong five guests were mem?
bers-'of t'he East End y's. tRefresh
nifnts were served and a very pleasant
evening was had'.
For Easter dinner de sett you can
find r.i thing better than iuesh Straw
Ijerry Ic-2 Cream made by the Newport
News Bakery and Confectionery Co.,
SOSO Washington avenue-. apt?-lt.
2 5dozen Stiff Bosom Perwale ShUrte,
best quality, plaited and plain beseem,
t'hia.t sold foir $1.50, $1.25, $1.00, for tlhls
week 75 cents. At Peyser's.
iFor Easter dinner de.-sert you can
find nothing better than Itt'esh Straw
.Isorry Ice Cream made by the N'c-wport
News 'Bakery and Confectionery Co.,
3020 Washington avenue. . apr0-lt.
Twenty d ml lairs for one. 'Call <m
Perkins, Dunicain & Co. Now i's ?Jhe
time to Irevesit. apr-5-2-w
The Hum John? the FlyliiK Siiuadrou for
the I'resont.
There was an extra reef, so to speak,
taken in the bustle at 0,d Point Com?
fort and Foi.tress Monroe ??st evening
about 0 o'?toek. when it was heralded
Crom mouth to mouth that one of Ju'le.-,
Kernes' wonderf ul s.a monsters was in
sight and was heading straight fl..r tlie
Hygeia Hcl'ed. It was che ram Kata'h
dini and soon she rolled into the atich
...i.uge with a swaggering air like a big
whale taking a turn. But the Katah
dinis no play thing, even to look at. Her
great turtle back behind and beneath
which lay ferocious dogs of war ready
to break forth at a second's motive.
Whe was inspected and. criticized D.'om
every point of view, but no one ven?
tured! near her. She is painted a sea
green and closely resembles her native
cement. Slue came from League Is?
land navy yard and Wfts placed dikectly
in Commodore Sehley's flying squadron,
at least for the present. It is said thiat
Xpert machinists at the shipyard will
make some necessary repairs to the
Kults That Will Govern tin: Selection of
The Democratic primary, which will
be held on Thursday, .the 2Sth instant,
to nominate candidates for the various
city offices, promises to be an exceed?
ingly lively one and us there are quite
a numibclr of aspirants for the several
places ei:me tun may be .looked for.
?The primary has been Higsvized and it
is tobe held en the lines of the Austra?
lian law. judging from the instructions
ued. The polks or bdothu>Htl be open
from noon until '.) P. il<^T"nere are to
if two jauige><a.!idrjH<ne cio.k to each
aid, to be(pa>j-^5 each. 1X0 vi te can
ss one judge and the clerk,
or Iwth of live judges, are pros int. The
voterwl H get his ballot from the judge
and prepare it in the booth. No candi?
date or pel.son in any way interested
can svrve a? judge or elerk. Ai'l voters
must l>e registered. Anyone not of age
then, but who wall attain his majority
prii r to election day in May. may vote.
Iii-- police will enfcl.ce a rule prohibit?
ing Persons from approaching n' a re
tit.n forty feet of tlhe booth who have
no busmes.- there. Appeals from decis
:onif win be hoard by the executive com?
mit f. c also demainids for a .-eoctant
firom the dissatisfied ones. The eom
nv.t.c-es decisxn in the matter is to be
final. In case of death or declination?
both highly improbable events.?th* otw
receiving t'fce next highest nu.ml>er of
?ai..ots becomes the candidate, or a new
eiecaion may be ordered in the disci e
tion.of ihe committee. Any dissatisfied
ctuiajqate may. 'lieiore noon of iMay 2
^ v he -?"?'"? n?''itee a written dts
?n< ,.f\,r ? p:c,,:unt- 'leaving a Mm Bur
votes OU' *hat ">? meet
in This City.
'flood Friday, the anniversary of the
crticifix,on and death Of Ohrist. .was
e.-peciaioy commemorated by appropri?
ate senses .j!t a Vincent's Catholic
j, Lau,s Episcopal churches a-es
toid'ty. To a small degree the day was
ciosM-ved at? a holiday, all of the schools
'?' ""e city ibe.ng- closed,
which the ritualistic services were
the duty wans surrounded- 'with especial
s .':.imnity. Tt is the only day in the
year when- the priest does not conse?
crate Ohe host, iwhiich is symbolical of
the body and blood of t'lie Savior, and
lives a host 'whi'Ch has been consecrated
?;i ;a previous day. On this account
the mass that was celebrated yesterday
morning in all C.aitihoUic churches is
called the Mass of the Pre-Sanctified.
The intention is to symtboiize iby this
rite the fact of the death Of the Savior.
The altar and interior of the Catholic
church were draped in block, and the
crucifix was offered for the salutation
and adoration of tlhe '?alitlhifnil. iTtev.
Father .Oharies E. Donalaoe officiated at
St. Vincent's church.
Pet-vices were held at St. Paatl's Epis?
copal church at 11 o'clock yesierd-ay, at
Which the ritenalislte services were
rendered. L\ sermon appropriate to the
occasion was delivered by tlie rector.
Rev. J. F. Ri'.blle.
Rescue Mis-ion Sneinl
At the pleasant rooms of tlie Rescue
Mission in the Finch block on Washing?
ton avenue between Thirtieth and Thir?
ty-first streets, an enjoyable time is
promised ail who attend the Easter So?
cial to bs given next Tuesday night.
There will be singing, recitations and
readings, with 'instrumental music, but
there will be something more'' filling
than either of these in the shape of
a\ 'fresh me nits of various kinds. The
sociable is for the public and they are
cordially invited to be prekemi and
both take -piart and partake. There
?will be room for all.
Beautifying th.- Cuslnn.
The work of transforming the Casino
into a bower Of beauty wherein .will
rest 'the Elk's bazaar, which will begin
Monday might, goes merrily and act?
ively on and will he retidy at the stroke
of 8 the opendng night.
? lOontri'btulio'ns continue to pour in
from all quarters and the interest dn
the great fair grows hourly. 'No pains
-are being spared 'by uhe various com?
mittees to have all in readiness when
the time oojiws. The ladies have gi ven
r.. >t'ice that they will receive all dona?
tions at the -Cuei-no today and Monday.
El Sud und El Klo Coming.
El ISucl and El Rio, two Of the Mor?
gan Line steamers purchased by the
government will be converted Into aux?
iliary cruisers. .
The order 'Cor the work was received
-at tlie slh'iipyard yesterday, and tlhe
slhops are 'expected to arrive next Tues
The plans of these ships are on file
at the shipyard alnd the minute the
order -wai* sent out to have them ar
moivd here, the work of changing tihern
was begun in order to have them ready
for execution by tlhe tarnet he ships ar?
rived. These ships will 'be in the team
of the auxiliary navy and in the event
of .war their services will be required
at Onfce.
Captain Casey In Charge
ICaptaiin Thomas L. Casey, of the
Fort .Monroe engineer corps, has chage
of the submarine mine work wlroeh
s going on at the capes. Captain Ca
ey 'has been long connected with this
corps and is one of ?be best posted
men along this line thai Uncle Sam has
in 'his army.
For Easter dinner de-.sert you cam
iind nrathi'iig 'better then It'esh Straw
w-rrv Ice Cream made by the Newport
News Bakery and Oonfeetionery Co.,
1020 Washington avenue. aprO-l't,
"Words ore inadequate to descaibe tlie
beauty 'of our Easter suits, hats neek
i.ies and fancy sliirts. Woodward &
Womble. y Ap-2-tf
GO palirs Men's Fine 'Patent Leather
Shoe?, aiH sizes; were $5.00, now $2.98.
j Ait Peyseris.
Spain Must Yield t the De-|
mands or Fiht.
Americans Will be Out of C\? by Monday
und the Message Will Cto C'on
fcress Without Any Item
tons. Active IV
pit rations.
(By Telegrs>h)
WASHINGTON, Ap'J ?.?Gced Fli
duy puesed' in Waslninp-n with not
????d-ipie ou tlhe sumfa,'.e,t'itiher at tlhe
\\ nrte House or the ipl'tot, to show
thai the limited Stales lion the .brimk of
Both houses of Con'Si-j- had adj.urn
ed until Monday and i ticiii executive
inairesuan there was no reh- of eager and
exdited public men. A only the war
and navy departments 'e:e th'ti.e signs
?elf an impending eontllc in ihe rush of
immiediate orders to a lisi of naval of?
ficer^ to report at once 4r duty en1 ves?
sels to wWich they wee assigned and
in conference among b):ee.u chiefs on
detai.s of war preparatens.
And yet, t:..e resolve ias firmer than
ever ilhat unless Spain ifclidied' to Arne
iicaV Cubair. demands tili Unittd States j
by force of arms woui< mi?ive on Ha?
Thei.e was still some discussion
Cuban affairs which involved arr.und
two pioposi'tioms, noimijly inLiexven'tion
Without recognition of nalior.all inde?
pendence of the Cuban? insurgents and!
intervention with ecmturretm recogni?
tion of the indopeudence of the pv?uent
iinsiurgeht government b'f Ouiba. Some
public men havered between these two
proposi tions and favored a compromise.
There was no definite lead by which A
could lie stated with anything like au
tlioritivene.-s which course wculd be
adopted, but the unsettled state of pub
'tttterd?jje Crom our cov.su! generali to
Cuba might be streng enough no include
the balance to either cttarse.
The oalbiir.iet be Id its usual Friday ses?
sion, but its meeting brought ntj: change
in the Spanish situation, indeed, it
wa.s -hle-lly significant in esto>blish4m.g
that no ch-air.ge had occurred, that none
was expected, and that the program of
actiion on the part of the United State
guvermmeni was already made up. The
President's message remain!; unaltered,
and this being the last cabinet day be?
fore t'he message wi-.-i go to Cu'.-gies.-,
alterat"-r.i. are unlikely between now
and Monday, burring altogether .unex?
pected developments from Madrid. Af?
ter the "meeting cabinet officers stated
that the message would be sent to Con?
gress on iMonday, no change in that le
i.pect having boen considered, and all
causes for delay having been, removed.
The feeling- that an end had come tis
diplomatic talk and that action alone
remained was shared in all quarters, in?
cluding the foreign embassies and lega?
tions, where the ambassadors and nvin
i.-te'.s expressed the fuelling that aM has
been done in Wut hingtcm that can cr
will 'be dene in the cause of pea? ie. What
is going on at Madrid gives slight hope
. f 'such concessions there as will alter
the present situation. There are r.o ne?
gotiant r.:i in the .ense of exciba.nges, on
pending propositions. Both parlies ap?
parently 'have said their last wotd cpm
cernir.g't,h'e respective propositions. Cer?
tainly this is title as to the Unted
State . n.r.'.l there were no evidences to?
day that the Spanish government would
recede. It iis even doubtful wibetheir a
ccmeeslsitin of an armistSce 'by Spain
would be sufficient at this late moment
tD turn the situation into peaceful chan?
Preparations for ail eventualities are
being- huriifed' to actmplletioin-. General
Lee will leave Havana tomorrow, prob?
ably on the .-mall naval ve-sel Fern,
.alow in Havana harbor, although it was
said at the State Department that he
might take one of ihe Plant Line Kteam
ers. At that time also the other United
States consults and most of the Ameri?
can citizens residing in Cuba will be out
i f 'the 1 land. Official! reportfe received
here today stated that large numbers' of
?America*!? were leaving on.the several
steamers from Havana awn- other ports
Entire quiet has prevailed there, up
to this time. The United States consul
it Porto Rico k- al'.-o preparing to leave.
No Instructions, it is stated d>:finitely,
have been .sent tb Minister Wood'foi.d'
'concerning his withdrawal from iMadrid.
that beRng left to his discretion. The
piVispects .--if hi- withdrawal have faeiem,
frilly considered, however, and there is
iteaso-m to believe K-.ot in the went of
?his retirement the British aimbassador
at 'Madrid will look after American in?
terests and afford prof-fcfion to such
American.- as remaiin in Spain. This, jt
i's -elated in an authentic quarter, is
part of a comity between the United
Slates and Great Britain, and recipro?
cates title actifcttii of the United' States
goverrjmier.it in affording pmteetirn to
Bti'tish subjects on a former occoeSon.
The iSpam'feiiv minister at Wa hing ton
has received no in-MTuetions as to his
d'-epart'ttae. nor tors he made prepara
?tiorsto go. although his estalblAshmen't
Is ire such a oocditiion that be could
leave within n few hours' notice fncsn
tils' gl vernn-.i.mt.
As on' evtidieinoe of the complete cew-'a
?tion of negotiations it can be cited that
today shewed the f-venlh comsieoutive
day since lihie Spar's-,'' -ministec1 eu-lHied at
the State Department.
iN-a'vail and war preparation--- are pro
? c' li'ir.-g eystematicilly. itit the langer
detail-- oft prc-pamfionB have been shap?
ed' and there Is llillile mote to do than
*? see th'flse regularly executed. While
there- are many naval movements, there
bias nt-it ret been' .try dec-lsivei order af?
fecting the movement i f ihe fleets.
A report wa. cut'-ent today that the
S'pts.nlisth fleet of cruisens had eaiilied from
Oad.iz for American water.-. There was
no confirmation of this either at the
Spo.r.lls-.h legation or at ?be Navy. De?
At the capitol the Senators who are
dievoting .themeeJves to the t.isk of se?
curing a n-'---'hition en the Cuban qu>es
tii.n on which practical unanimity on
the part of the Senate can be obtained
wore quite active and when- tlrei day
dosed felt that they had -made appreci?
able ri ?ogress. Thene- wa? a Joint m-eet
ing of the leading irx'im'hers of the
steering committees of the variou1-:- par?
ties duri'ng tiht? day in thte rooms of the
mimittees on appropriations, in whicfo :
e whole situation was canvassed.
The movement to d insider the whole
than question in executive session is
.-i nling ground. The Senators who have
ocukeii u? tlie precedents llnd the only
trallleil case to this present one to be
tat when war wa-s declared against
reat Britain in ISIS, the diecJaratiic.n
as considered tin secret ses ion.
Tonight "tlhe conservative Senators
ho are opposing any recognition 01C the
vsent Cuban government elaiim that
miadorPly of the oonimiittee on foreign
?iationii will now support tlhiis posi
on, contenting themselves with a gen?
ial declaiiuition for tlhe freedom and
.dependence of the island, coupled with
'proposition for in'tervention in the
resent war between Spain and Cuba,
hey count upon getting the votes of
x of the eleven members of uhe com
?ttee and say this number may still
e increased.
WIASHIINGTON, April 8.?iSome inter
sting facts were developed be-fore the
areign aHours comimittee of tlhe House
oday. The deputy treasurer oif the
tuiban republic, B. F Guerra, aippeaired
oitb his books and they were inspected
>y live commit tee. (He explained that
if tlhe $10.000.000 bonds authorized only
122.000 had 'been actually disposed of
???? oif these were in payment of pro
-is?ns sent to Cuba, iFor some of the
sands ipar had been Obtained. They
?vere tli-ken mainly by tlie friends of
.ulba. The lowest price at which any
.vere sold was 25 cents on the dollar,
i batch of $20,000 were sold for $5,000
n a pressing emergency. One million
>f the bonds, he said, were locked up
ii the safe of Beimont & Company, of
N'ew York, to be sold When the price
iixed, 15 cents on the dollar, had .been
obtained, Three taiiUlonis of the re
nvaOnder had been signed tout were
looked up in the treasurer's vaults.
The deputy treasurer -Was asked if
he knew tlhe etOry of Uhe publication of
the de Lome letter, and without names
he told the first authentic stony ott how
it was obtained. LHe explained Uhat it
was abstracted by la clerk in the post
office alt 'Havana wbo was in syimpathy
with the Cublm cause and senubock to
New York. There its importance was
at once realized and was given out ifor
publication, the action being Justified
because it showed conclusively what -the
'Cubans head all-Ways contended, that
Sipalin was double dealing.
i Americans (Roughly Treated at Ma- |
(By TeleBrapu;.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Alpriil 8.?A ]
New Orleans special to the Post says-: 1
'The steamer Utstein arrived ait Port
-Ends this morning 'from Matanzus. On
board were Messrs. Ourtis and Rich?
ardson, of the Kansas City Star, .who
reperesented Kansas City in uhe distri?
bution of six hundred tons of relief
supplies to suffering reconcentrados.
ei?. MWnuiiajv 'Uhe. supplies .were landed,
distributors in iMatamzas ' crtated such
?Intense excitement and bitterness that
a riot was imminent to suich a point
that both the 'Brinish and American
eon'smle advised the two newspaper men
to return on board the Utstein for safe?
ty. They were followed from their
hotel to the Hindling by a howling mob
who hissed, spat upon and otherwise
insulted the America ns.civiwdcd in front
of them, jostled tliem, and at one -Dime
threatened to push them .bodily into
'the 'hay. The Utstein is now at the
quaran'ti'ne station at the mouth of the
river and will be subjected to three
days' detention by the health officers.
"In sipite of the fact that the Spanish
government, uhrough Wosslhinigton, hod
?promised an unhindered entrance and
to facilitate in every possible marner
the unloading of the stores for the
starving, it was not until after much
difficulty that tlhe eihti-p -was permitted
to enter and discharge her cargo. The
greatest suspicions, were entertained, , i.
feigned to be entertained by the Span?
ish officials, who -inspected the entire
cargo of provisions w-i'th the utmost
scrutiny and greatest consumption ot
"Mr. Richardson and Mr. Curtis teli
a story of fearful suffering in the city.
Tti'-y had an exciting time Leaving the
issel on its arrival they went into the
ty and registered at a hotel. It was
not long ibefore t'he Spanish found it out
and their identity being discovered ev?
ery evidence of poss'.IMe violence was
mhiniifested. Both the American and
British consuls insisted that they go
back to t'he vessel as quickly as possi
blt 'an remain on board.
".Mr. Riiieliu.rdson expressed the con?
viction that American lite is extremely
unsafe in Ullis section of the island."
Says 'He Never Owned Any Cuban
WASHINGTON, April 8.?Oilontel J.
IMcCook, of New Y'ork, who was re
rrred to on the floor o'f the House yes?
terday by General Grosvenor, of Ohio,
made the -following stutement tonilgnt:
"I do not now, noT have I ever held,
owned, controlled, represented "profes?
sionally or Otherwise, $400,000,000 of Cu?
ban bonds or any part Of such bonds
whatever. I have never even seen a
'bond of the Cuban repuiblic, let alone
owning or holding such 'bonds.
"Wluh referehtee to the statement that
I iaim uhe legal representative of the
Cuban junta of New York, I will suy
that I have never 'been retained by
noT acted for the Cuban junta, nor for
the republic of Cuba, although 1 should
not have hesitated to accept a retainer
and act professionally for either of
?cmem,?hiad they requested me to so do."
?Riaady to Storm Havana at the Com?
IKEY WEST, FLA., April 8.?The day
here has beero osie of expectancy and
conjecture. There have been no ad?
vices friom Washington indicating any
change in t'he situation, and the little
remaning iprep.tfcation lias gone on with
incessant vigor.
Apart from the' arrival of the Mam
grove from Havana air.d the monitor
Aphi'ttrite, from Port Royal, the only
ineident of the day was of a tragic
tbaracter. Chief Gunner's Mate John
-om, of the gunbeat Ne-wipi u-t, while
ma'Wing an examination of the ship's
bottom mot with sudden- death! from
asphyxiation. The exact oiuse is un?
known, trat it is- thought the apparatus
lieoame entaingied in some way. He
was down same time, and, as he gave no
-ignols. be was drawn up, when he was
fouind to lie dead'. The accident has
cast a gloom over the ..-hip's company.
The remains will -be intenaed here P.
nvrrow morning. The examination was
a routine affair and not made because
of any pupposed defectis.
On board the Unit?! States whip De?
troit.?Tbk ship steamed out for patrol
diuity tonight with deck rails swai-ng
down, netting spread to catch splinters
and everything -tare for a leaden h.ail.
The precaritions in. watching the incom?
ing vessels! -were redoubled. The Puri?
tan passed the Detroit as she proceeded
to heir station' at the Havana entrance
to the harbor. The usual courtesies
wert exchanged.
There was not a naval officer but
breathed easier when the monitor joined
Atens UV?'11 cwUll*<Stery. Ill ='plXlt tLilU
ri pre,pa.tutA.u t-apw..n oaihipsoh'c
xi'U^u^tiu ,s. icauy to iigut and- ota uuti
..at* me ctj:iiii.?.uiiii'C is ntjdi'U ihal the
i.vooetcU ClpvvtelUull ,S Ol eiUCn JHKUT fail?
ure, viuure n nuny ac a'uxiuuilt'y tuid
..iiui Uiere .s very tittle sympathy for
?11* Cubans tuemseivcs among em ofil
;ers, this long pei'iod of fausiense and
.uncertain-uy blowing the Alaine dusois
ueir hau wrought them tup to tun un?
equalled pitch of excitement.
The steamer O'Jivetite, fivm Tampa,
vvith r*l passengers, lay to eight mules
from shore this afternoon. There was
.onsiderabie excitement over the report
that she was aground. The u genus here
aid that she was ait anchor awail'txnig
nagh tide and would sesotn ploceed to
Havana on her reguiatr trip. Up to mid?
night she sl?M lay off shore and had' not
lauded main or passengers.
Steamer Brookline arrived at Port Aim
U.inCo this morning from the city of
Santiago de Cuba, having on board the
United States consul. Pulask! F. Hyatt,
t'he st?ttT of the consulate and twenty
tlve Americans, children Included. All
wufe quilet at Santiago wihen the Brook
iine left that port. There are three
small Spanish warslhLps there and the
'entrance of the iharlbor lb protected by
American Inteinestis at Santiago de
Ouiba have beein, left Ita care of the Brit?
ish consull.
'Mr. IHytiltt has not determined wheth?
er he will go to Q ston or i'tay in quar?
antine at Port Antonio.
lATTILiANTA, G-A.. April 8.?Generali i
i-ahktm, commander of tlhe Department
f the GuM, touHght wired the War De- !
?oartment at Wash-ngton ?recO'mmendmg
yU'vnta as a point for the mo'bllization
"f troops in case of wiir. Generali Gra
'Vra has, on orders from WasJhingtion,
?f. r"?L. '?e^f'-nend-id -try certain lo
auon. tt -i? known that he has three
WSJ' 23' fi-?1J O^talon I, .bhsedon
ehesplendd railrol-d facilities, the high
aWtude and pure water of Atlanta
I The cti'ty council of Atlanta todaya/greed
-o appropriate 17.000 for laying the wa
er 'mains to any point the War De
tw?nent| may decide upon.
Cottwe'l H. D. Lowt'on, inspector gen?
ta', ol the southern district of the air?
ily passed through Atlanta tonight en
??i.- to \\ ashkngton
Tlv-s-e expenditu.rei= have been made
>?? the Navy Department out of the
?> it tonal defense fund
Vdinanee supplies, guns, *im
?muni'tkm, torpedo tubes, tor
pedees, &c .$7.000,000
! I'rlce paid for the cruisers
New Orleans, APbctny and Di?
ogenes, the torpedo 'boat
"crpirocrt? and ,imall harbor
defense torpedo tooa's. 4.000 00'
?'. i' va-iV? md tMtrs ?? r..
? d. v'tr- ???t'imate of co it
".?ix-'liary torpedrt boats.. . 1.S00.00U
..-'laibiin himent olf coaling sta?
tions *U Key West and Dry
Tortugas . 1,000,000
FVliu'-rwient o'f vess-rls. coat!.
?eMe ?,) Key Wert >??'.<< Drv
'"? . 2,000,000
yards . 1,200,000
Engi.neering repain.- and en?
gineering supplies . 1,000,000
SuppiCes of v^s-sels. purchase
ef 9team Ughiers toy bureaus
of supplies and accounts,
and niiiicellaneous . 2,000,090
Totail expenditures otf the NaV
Vy Deipartmen't .$20,000,000
iWur Deparument expenditures from
t'he fund are:
Corps of engineers, emplaee
rmswt?, magazimets, mount?
ing guns Ssc . 4,500,000
Sub-marine defenses, mines
and misceilameous sup
plieie . 1,500,000
Projectiles, powrder and small
tmrns, ammunlitic-n . 3,000,000
Ilsvpid-fire guns, fcairrieges
?and aimmunition purdhased
labrood . 1,000,000
Aiiditionail sum allotted to
Ordnance Departtment, Apniil
4. 1,000,000
Transportation, clotlhing.canfp
eciuippiing, &c. 1,000,000
Eiectrieal cOmtmu'Ttliicatio.'n toe
t'ween1 fortifications and mis
?celilaneiouei vsigniallnig appa?
ratus . 100,000
Miseel'laneous Wer Depart
ntent expendiitures . 2,000,000
TVt'ail expenditures o'f the
War Department .414,(500,000
Grand total Norvy ar.d War
Departments .$34,600,000
Senator Hanna Coming.
Senator Mark A. Hamna, .accompanied
by Mrs. Hanna and their owo daughters,
will arrive at Old Ptolnt Comfokt from
Washington this evening. A dis?
tinguished' rr.emier of the pirty will
he the Belgian minister to ihe United
States, who is le.ving Washington tor
a few days of rest end tecreatont
Senai'ior Hanns ! al'so said to be worn
out with the worry and suspense of the
pas? fewi days, and he, too, oames
to seek the soothing ozone o:' ithls cli?
Elaibo'taite prepamt'ors are being
made by 'Manager A'.an F. Campbell,
of the Ohaimberiin to entertain theparty
A hand-some suite of apartments has
been reserved for their occupancy.
Ladces. buy your own and your cihiii
dipeth's shoes from us and gert a beau?
tiful K?ster souvenir alt Peyser's.
Twenty dolTa.ns for one. Call on
Perkins, Duncan & Co. Now 1s the
time to invest. apr-5-2w
Don't spend a cent on your spring
ciotihinf until you have seen ours. They
fit?no matter how you stand or sit.
Woodward & Womble, Atp-8-ti
i sALt\o
iUj Teiesrapu.)
.UADvKID, Apr.l S.?Moral ng?A much
linier feeling prevails nere touay, r*
ecung the newe.pa.per utterances arad
anous pubi'itihed versions of the oaib
let meemug last evening
The ministers, at yesterday'* cabinet
u-unci!, considered Gener? Woodfonl'a
not. the collective ?cttoa
-?not1^^strmetw^ ^- ?*?
ed>by ltlne i"lnS ?ffloi^ f<?^
A cabinet minister, in en interview oa
beprvsent situation, is quoted!.^
m'^J? ? mlnastera bave sung their in
iuvidual op-jinnona and are w^kln*
anammously du ?be lntereita <rft?5
*>untiy. It is entirely ueelj? to ?t!
tempt to arrange a compromise in the i
S?* ?J?,??twte ol America, wfcicn
has defended to seek a ruptunTat aav
-?ost. The Spanish government would
weaken itsolif Oy concessions ttotaso
rustic to publik: sentiment.
????XOi'uher Ohe ?overnimemit nor the
country, desire war but the governimeat
must save Spain's honor."
iNoon?Generali Cornea, the SpanftEii
minister for war. in his interview ot
yesterday said:
"Spain must not be alarmed i? war
?its declared et the simkintg of o. gpaas
ish -wairsthlp. What we must at oil coots
avoid is a Spanish wairahip otrifcin?
her colors to the American flag. Bh?
sihould rather explode her maigaaiinea.
I wish tto God Spain hod not a wair
Bhip from Cuba to ?be peninsula. We
could then slay to America: 'We an*
here! Meet us when you pleSuse.' "
i4:4? P. M.?General WooxKord ha?
sent a cable message to Washington
settling forth 'Ubat the publication of
'his statement yesterday haa.done good
in 'Madrid and will do good through
?w-Sra? jm._)jut_ttve_acd?lj^yeiy dOt^b_t*uL
in success. The rb-ais of winat hope Is
left rests upon the evident fir-t anaa
ehe selber sense of Spain is stowiy corn?
ing to 'the front, and. 'that in a. few
day (dlf a 'few days can be had), w?
shall see a "tayst'al'llaation of .publuc
sentiment t'htvt will sustain the present
SpaiuMi government, iif it bus the Cour?
age to do at once the things that are
irevn iswiry for peace."
ntei ence,
a:i..cn ot
i-.' aid to
rep^ - th
j?>sn --..DFr
-.?TT rec- o w- . tOTe
I i.:y i. y.< ? w ?'. large
1 -<o">l- Opk- .J..'il- ''T tv, '^"I'UieaS
j" j. '.'. ,-?ccSs.on vbic Is one
I ,'f ih-" teatu.-v.s of Goo- Erl clay, it
i>a=s<:d near the Unuec! S.ates legation,
'. A. vicinity <.he crowds were the
'-- "it'll c but there was no demon
s' naut* on Iii fac perfect oidcr prevalllB
".. ?.-r- v decree establishing a
iotiiorul subscription has been draiwn
uo':"but the Queen Resent his pc*l
pened plao.ng Her signature to fu-v^J
?name of the Queen Regent appear at
the head of the suiascripuon
The minister for the colon^s, SmsOT
Mc,et, i, indisposed. On account of lU.
. here was no : abinet council today. Out
it is expected that a meting of the W
Utens will be held tomorrow to dea. wiitb
the Washington dispatches waiicn are
hourly awaited.
The Liberal this afternoon says the
government has decided to send a Wate
to the Pope thain'klng him fk>r his good
offices and begging him to petrsevoro,
-But " the Liberal adds, "the govenrv
mienit does not pledge itself to accept
the papal decision."
The Heraldo will say: Spain re?
mains in the same state of expectation
of uncertainty as yesterday. It Is ftn
possiiblle yet to give a definite opinion
res'pecting the Pope's mediation and the
'intervention of the great powers."
The political barometer has taken, an?
other upward turn. The Bourse today
showed an advance of three points to
respon-e to London.' and Paris, and the
general talk of the ttiwn 1= peaceful.
The attitude of England at Washing?
ton is much improved, as sbe had hith?
erto been regarded as siding unreserv?
edly with America.
So far as information is obtainable,
the powers have not addressed a col?
lective note to Spain similar to the*
presented at Washington, although It is
known, .that their representative* here
have long ben working with the Span?
ish government to secure peace.
iUpon the receipt of the dispartOn from
Sencfl- Polo y Bernabe denying the re?
port ittot the"Spanish legation at Wash?
ington had been, attacked, an offlcatil de?
nial was issued to the public. Much in?
dignation was expressed, even among
Spaniards, at this sense t:on*l attempt
to excite the crowd.
Press censor?!hln h** n^w ?iTnost
reached pro'hlbit'itt.n. Impartial news
sent to the Associated Press, --w.s ;Cr,a
obtained in many instances direct fto*?
''he Spurtlish governrrer.t, meets a-i'th- the
same fate as the m, st ns.bid jlrtpc di -
patches. Twpn'fy-four hours aft*r P!
'ng. the. fatal "Sin v^ttrso" order reachrj
'tie ponvnorder.-t.
MATVRID, April S.?-VIA PA'RT?.?The
rr..niin opposition, to the arm'.-.tlce in
Ciilb?. which wt}8 st!is!gested bv the
Oncen R^frent and the nr*"!?!.*'? for rh?
~vi.n.r>!<>? ?-"ier >for*?, trrvn t#?f
. ->????>'.-??.-.?? ..f w?- ?'r..;' m.w>a*. Idl'r&l
'"c-T-fl and Admit"1! T?em-e'c. If S:?or
Sagai-.ta. the premi-'cr. hid yielded tfteyj
iwouiM have resigned and, at a critieal
juncture would hlsve b^en deprived of
the head1! otf the two pr'ncirtai! depart
'n-. nt=ar-' !? wt? f"*ired P w>u!d MVft ?
? ? ' ? r#-?'-i>* t-Vr-s? r"in-';
stens. in f';? f r!v presint i^itipwr
jof ta? ?irony aa<l wary*

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