Newspaper Page Text
DON'T WORRY. Don't worry, though above yonr brad The threatening storinelouds meet. She rainbow as of yore shall spread ... Its sign of promise pftxvt. The flowers fled v. lien winter may Proclaimed again in- cruel sway, Yet early blossoms smile and say, "Don't won y." Don't worry, though the noontide lind Your footsteps fuiterinjr. The morn's glad hopes left far hi hi nil? The day its joy shall In fug. ?When sunset's riulianl curtains full, Sleep's angel, ready at tin: rail Of. night, shall whisper low tu all, "Don't worry." Don't worry, though with little good Your eager quest seem fraught. He tharlias striven us lie could Has striven uh lie ought. Asli nut how destiny was planned. The little that we understand hi eloejuellt with the command, ??Don't worry." ?Washington Star. IT GENERATES HEAT. [The Incaudenceut KI?*etric Lamp Not an Safe an Supposed. M The incandescent, elect ric lamp is es.-eu tinliy adevice which transformselectricity ?artly into light, but. mostly into heat. ;As is well known, the carbon llhimont of tho lam]) is a substance offering great re slfctunco to the passage of the current, and 'tho product of this resistance is light and ?heat. It is an instance of thu translation of one form of energy Into anot her. It liiay not, however, generally bo known jt&frttf, ihc light produced is but aller all ??.?ttusmanifested?someS orli perccnconiy '' at tho most. : This fact is very important, bearing in I mind a very common notion that tho clec \tric Incandescent lamp is free from the heat my* It Is true thai the lamp, when ? working, is not comparable with a flame : or naked light, btu at the same time tbu - beat evolved Is such as may lead to igni .tion. We urc disposed u, emphasize tins . point, because the Iucundivccn! elect t ic . lamp Is used for purpoi. s ol lllumln it i.e. . and decoration in shops without any re ; gurd to the possibility?nay. probal 1:1.? ;;ui fancy goods being tired which hupp, n ?? to be contiguous y Indeed so lirm is the idea that tin in : candescent elect ric lamp is I re.- I rum heal that it is fivquently to be found lilnicd in '"'a mass of easily ign'itcd and highly inllani ? liable uinlerlal. 'i'his is 11 mistake, and 'eai'o should be exorcised with the electric '. kiiip in its upplicat ion in this connect ion ?-But the risk of course is not so great as ' where naked lights are employed We e'liave found by experiment thai on hunters f'lug a Ifi candle power lamp 1 Pill volts ?pressure) in half a pint of water the watei ; boils wit hi n an hour and in proportionale S*jy less time when a candle pow> r lamp .is substituted. If. again, the lamp be buried in cotton %W(iol the wool soon begins to scorch and jaiiilmutely to burst into liana-. In one ex ?periuicnt which we tried the bursting into pihic of the wool was iicconi|,anicd ova >Joud report, due to the explosion ol t be Slump. It clearly appears from this that ffithe Incandescent electric lamp cannot ho ||regarde.d us an unlikely menus of starting l^a serious lire, ami shopkeepers, especially ^iihoso who exhibit highly inllamiiiable ^.fabrics, should know that there is risk in ^jpilacing such goods loo 1 !..-.- to a lamp ifihe lamp in contact witii celluloid lires it ?ili less than live minutes, mid t herefori, - the.danger is particularly obvious in ihn ?Case of toyshops, where electric incandes cent, lamps are often suspended in Ii.1 ' laidstof toy celluloid balls.?London Lau sioet. Spurt und Manhood, jj. The rules of aina'tuur spurt, written Jsjinci understood, arc really, i hough in dil gpieht phraseology, the riilcs for the mak fitog of the highest type of manhood. I 'cr |jtainly it is not book learning, ability ti ^puss examinations or any racial brilliant \ S-Ait intellect which lane 'made the Hritisl Ijfiucccssful ci I mixers, while ib.- Kreuel |.havo failed signally. 'I ke ability to gi\ t??r>A take, tho personal indepeiidi nee oi . Lilian often obliged I., take . are ol him.-e Seaway from the artificial resume.-.-, yl ci\ ili iszution, a certain gentleness which belong j:to the strong and conlidclico which grow. 50tapldly with sue ?,-, , these qtiulitic - 'make the o.loiiU.-i- no.! lb,- .-n'.-.-m.- ntier ^-tincl these qualities an- bred m gr, .:: masse, Ot lucn only by the drilling ..! 1 he army .. jSibe largo bovs'schools or well H&f-The Frenchman, the Ii ilinu or even til ?Spaiiiai-d.Is a far quicker man n,entail ?pthan tho Englishman, but lhr\ arc all In" ?JUufjprior L>j tl?; Aluerie ,n i.r II.e I... "[man in the fundamental virtues tlmt mala rato man. Steadiness trull,tul \,nes>s, loyalty, rcsourc-i nhi?:.-.s, end-.. ?--'jsnd gentleness?these w in as ,0, r at any other qualities, and tb, y um I. srien Jy, becausu even weal.i i- rar.-.-, ? . 'r SUch Virtues are tke u t;,... 5 result In India the natives will lend the ^hoarded wealth to their English rnlei gWbilo they hide it from tln-ir native nil, 1 ghnd the Anglo-Saxon s w ad ha-, oiuu 1 i..fco more valuable in the m.,::., ,.1 i| J'iWorla than other men .- I?,:..: ,;:i? :;;.cause there is a man belih.-d it u.iting Aldrlc-I, aijd Lowell. |v;. Dr. Rdward Everett li.,i, 1, ;i- ? !., |f?bout Lowell in The Oull,?,l;: ?*VVIo , ;UiWcll was editor ol ') ,,. 1 !,.? r. ?shelved a contributiuu tu,in 1 !,.?.,.,. -Aldxich. then Just startm? in juua? career. "" w,ls """ " Impressen w mi (in literary merits of the article, ami lug: the author n check tor tliu same m closed n congratulatory nute, advising Ii in i 1.0 con tiimc writing mid to lot low in era I ore as a profession. The Mini l.liuugl.l fulness was appreciated and t. meiiihercil I.e.- Ahlrich, mid the note was caieliiHi preserved. Years after, when Aldi-ieh bimself was the editor ol I he Atlanli' ?.:? Lowell sent a coiitt llii.i. no was gratified at recoiling ;i copy ol the note In himself had written y cars h* fore When it is realised that Low, II had uln ally imido :i reputation in letters, the clause advising him to sue); to literature has a funny significance." The Alternative. A Frenchman applied to a local olllcial for a passport to visit K lottcrw ingsohen in Switzerland. The liinoll. nary, who w as not. u fellow of any gengi iiphlctd socl cty, struggled in vain v. n h the , Hing ol Uio places name Then, unwilling; ;e confess his dlllictllty, he hlandly nskcii '?Would you as lid visit somci aiicr luwnr' ?Troy Times. Largest Uloclc. j The clock in the houscsol pnrruiuienl is i the. largest, in the world The dials .ire j feet in diameter. The pendulum !.*> h-ci long. The hour hell is Si led high and '.' I feet in diameter and weighs nearly let, I tons. The hammer ahme weighs more than .pin pounds, ELIMINATING A CHARACTER. flow the Actual Shoot Ilm of k Stage VII laiu Changed tli? Play. in tms cnliiax dl' the ??.vi'mliie'riT -jvinnrr as ho sprang nl the throat of the singe rascal, who was on the p.,im .a' murdering his employer, .and pressed a revolver to his face. There was a Hash, and then a loud j report rang out In the Cilliss t Ipera House. The villain sunk to his knees with aery..! ! pain, and a stream of I.I.I could he seen trickling down hi-, chin just as the our tain rang down. It '.vie. a magniliicnt, ] ell ort. and the audience cheered and up plauil. d for mi onciire, hut the curtain was not run;; up. Behind the scenes Eugen? Kay, the heavy villain in the play, was holding a lug sponge over the h it side of his lace, while \\,ii II. Kv. ris, w ho played the ptu I of the negro, was nuakiog w ith fear, and Heiresses in lieht- and . xtroui. Ij uhht'evi at. d dr.sscs ^(in aholll through the dress ing rooms looking lor they did not know what, hot they returned with brushes und hollies of face paint, toothbrushes mid howls of water On..ol headed actress had enough presence of mind to hring n broom, line of the actors .-ailed the police surgeon. Kay had been shot in the left si,lei,f the face with a blank cartridge The paper on the cartridge bad struck him mar the nose, while 1 he whole side of his lace was filled with powder. At first it was thought, the sight of boIII eyes had been totally de? stroyed, and tin- other members ,,l the company were mach alarmed. Kvertstlid ? not, intend to pull the trigger when hudid, \ but in his struggle with the '?villain" he accidentally pressed the trigger whilo the muzzle of the revolver was directly in Kay's face. Before the ambulance and surgeon arrived at the theater it was found that neither eye bad been .seriously in? jured, although there were several powder marks on t he Id! eyeball The audience did not know hut flint the agony of the wounded man as he fell on ', the. stage floor was.-i part of the programme I which Kay was able to ret,der very real I istic, and, noting this, there was a hustle I among the actors to finish the tilth net It was a question as to vvli.u should he done to cover up the absence ,,f Kay in that act ? "He's committed suicide tiller being captured," announced I he director to the anxious actors gathered about him ??Here's your lines now , " he continued tonne, of the actors as he rccilcd a dm matte line to the effect that the villain had committed suicide robhcil i hem 01 their game Then lie I limed loauothci and gave out another line, which was to convey the surprise of one,.!' the villain's enemies. And while Kay was being load cd into the ambulance to he taken to pu ! lice headquarters and have the powder j picked from his face the other were arranging impromptu lines telling of his death by suicido, Although the llfIh act was not exactly in keeping wail, its sketch on the programmes, the audience was none the wiser alter seeing it.?Kansas City Journal He Coultlu't s,-<- ft. Speaking of money t -minds mo of a story 1 read the other day .' o American hi London, miking ,.i an unfortunate per? son who hail just died. ,p.a.t.d Artemus Ward ?saying, "It would have been money in his pocket if he'd n, u,i bei n Lorn " The Americans present laughed heart? ily, but. the Kngllshliien sat sober ns owls, and after a niuinttit or two ol silence one ol them broke out with: "But. 1 p.-,y, if |,c had never been born he woiildn t have had any poekels, don't you know?"?New Orleans Times Demo erat. Lake Suborn Good Seamen. It is said that lake sailors make the best, seamen A bailor may.cross the Atlantic without danger.,! running into an island, and he may hardly re,- more thi.n'two or three,s during the entire vovuge hut on the lakes It is ji,-t n.,- ,? ,., r wav " -f llo lake sailor therefore biccu.cs more alert, Watchful and car,-ltd issae, le clair'S FAMOUS FRENCH REKEDY Never Fails. ekdoksed ?y thousands For sale In Newport News by W. G Burgess V h Transportation Co W. R. SCULL, Manager. Storage Warehouse Freight, Baggage. Safes a rnl ore enietully anil proinplly moved. All kliuls of hauling dor.e at lov ales F'HONK B-X Ml ?. w. johnson ??NTKAOTOli anil S'UMI.IlKl NIIWTOIIT NUWS, VA. ins and Speeilicntlons Prepared ..n Short Notice. Sah of Valuable- Real Estate By vh Hie of three , ertiiin deeds of i trust, I he one bearing da.i' i he sec i.I iia.\ ..i .May. laSS. a.lo r the sixth y of Apr,i. isv.i, ami the other on the oil, day ,,t' September, lv.i.1. made by irior M. Broxten and wife le the un ?rrign.-d trustees, and duly recorded. 111 lie sohl on .-ATI 111 >AY. AUGUST 1ST 11. 1su> ?lock in front of the Court House door in I he city of Newport News, V:i? all Dial certain lot or par . , | of,I located at lb- southeast corner o! Washington avenue and Tblrllelb street, fronting on Washing? ton avenue Hi" feet with a depth ol 100 fe.-t. known and designated on .Me? in,, of Newport NeW ,1 t 1 -fl\ T Uy centy-seven ('27 i. anil twenty glil (2S'|. hi block number one hundred id foi l .-. -nine (110). This properly will be sold In two par Is first: l.,,t number twenty-live :r,). fronting on Washington avenue . A-enty-live feel, with a depth of one hundred feet, and adjoining the Nelmf i,r..fty Sec..od: I?,ts number twen? ty-six C'fil. twenty-seven C27V. and twenty-eight (181. from lug on Washing? ton riven.ic seventv-five feet. with a depth of one hundred feet, with >be ox c-piion of pa number 2S. which lot number 2S has a depth of about 41.::: feet. Upon 'ids properly tle're is a largo lid commodious hri.k dwelling. This : the most desirable properties i the e ty of Newport News, and of? fers a rare opportunity for a most de? sirable Investment. THUMS?One-third In cash and thf balance in two ooual payments of one and two years, with Interest from lb'. s"e>uro,-| t.y rio(!d'',-iT-|ru!?rcirP-inc':,,H',.,)ie ses. with the liberty to the purchaser to anl hinnle the payment*. .Ilde in lv'IS. THOMAS TABU. Jul-_'::-td s Trust -e. SEALED PROPOSALS. Jill.nun Bridge Bonds of the Citv ..I Newport News. Ya. Sealed proposals will !?? received b> the I'oinmon Council of the citv ol Newport N.-ws. until 12 noon Septem? ber ll. for (he purchase of $11111110 I 1 P' t . . 01 ia idge Bonds. p ij aid,- seini-annii.-illy al the Treasurer's ??Ii ic- ..I the * 'it v of Newport News 01 Bank of Neu Volk N. B. A., New York City. I'rinoipal payable in thirty years, iiptioual after twenty years. Ilenoniinat ion, $",1111. Address all bids to Citv Clerk, mark? ed bids lor City Bonds. Certified chock for $l.<lo(>. payable to Citv Treasurei ? 11 > hid. io 1 .. rel Ii nie. I if hi,I is rejected All bids must he on blanks furnished by 1 Mty 1 ricrk. J. A. MASS I?, City Clerk. from lu-ulthy ciwi ?wtaule as clean ?s a house and z? ways open for Inspection -6 cents a quart or S cents a pint. Milk from Jer aey eow> S cents a ipiarl or 4 cents e Pint in glas? bottles. Ueliverr.1 any *>bere In the city. j. Ci. I_ei n tisfi low . ftlfidom rtirteit*. Tin- celebrated Spiritual. Trance and Business Me.hum. is how located i.. Newport News. Beads life past pres? ent an.I funny will) ? jihsolute correct? ness. Gives valuable fidvh-e in busi? ness and harmony t.. the family circle. Kv.jiw . ill trouble should call oil her. ::::.-> Twci-.ty-foiirlh street, opposite Warwick Iron Works. nEATM'ENT DR. G. WEST'S NERVE AND ?R?iN TREATMi THF. CiPf.M.U, rtlL OIlltRS IMITATIONS. U sold under positiv? W ritten d 'isiil'aii'ec,.-,, toe,,,.. Ucl.i. M.-lliei, Diazia?s W;il?.f?in,ss., ilistcroi. (Im, ii lie.-. ,,?-!,! Lesse, l-'-Vll IH.-I.I.IS. I.!,lk of C.i. dein-.-. Net v?.,s,.,.. I ,i?(h . ?;) l)r,.i?... Vom), fid Ki-ims, . r f.,-..?,,,. U-e ol T',.ha,-co. Dpi,,ir. or l.cjiior. wl.i.-l, l. !., r,:,s. ii. t't.i.s.|.li,.|, lusauity I,u.I Ihiiili. At si,.re or by mail. $1 1 hex: os f.,,- f:,-, ?111, m ritten guai-antee in t-ui-c <ic i-ediml iii'-ney. Ma in pie j.ach Hg. irc-t .:: In. Is 11 . il p. f^ff !p-:; 'v.\ KLOH'S DRUG ST?HES. Newport Newa. Va. Wanted?Boarders, BY MUS. M, E, DOS WELL, .So. 10t, 271 h SI reel. First class table and pleas? ant rooms. Terms reason? able. ? juiy 3-Gm ON THE JUMP! Uoin? to in ike this brisk business more brisk than ever. Our policy of picking out special lots for sacrifice every week to 'gain more' tie> Iriends has met with a hearty rebpouse. Busier uiui busier encli week. We do business on the straightlorward "above board" plan, ami it lias gained us hundreds of friends and patrons. Kead and inspect. If what you buy don't please you bring it back mid gel your money. We itisist upon it. Pop a Week We oiler line $(5.50, $7, $7.50 and $S.50 all wool suit? at the cut price of ^4.80 $15, $1(5.50 and $18 first class suits $10.00 This lot comprises some of the handsomest suits shown this Pop a Week J&IO and JS12 SUITS $7.50 These comprise line fancy cheviots and true navy blue, hand twist sersre. Specia' price $750. FURNISHINGS. Men's White Duck and Crash Pants. Cuban Cloth Coats, light weight. 50c. Men's Gooil Working Pants, 58c. Heiter Grade. 69c. Children's Knee Pants. 10c up. Peppetell Jean Drawers. 'S.W. New and Nobby Silk Neckwear. Japonette Handkerchiefs. 10c. Men's Silk Garters, 15c. Pioneer Suspenders. Pie. Men's Laundered Percale Shirts. Fine Puff Bosom Silk Shirts. OSe, $1.00 Madras Shirts. ?s.e. iS T Ft ICZ' AND TI1RT THE. LOWliST is the MOl to at GARNER'S RELlftSLE, CLOTHING HOUSE 271-4 Washington /\v.ent-?c Read Every Item In this -advertisement and take advantage of the offerings made therein. You will thank us for the timely opportu? nity of saving many hardearned dollars] for high grade goods. Aden's and Boys' Suitsthat IvUere 5 3.K. 4.8S. f..?8 fi.SS T.'.ls. ?.Sei. n.'j>s. 14.38. 175 l'airs Men's ? Patent Leather Bals, for f.O, $1.00, $fi.uO, choice nov MO l'airs Misses' Children's and Infants' Strap San? dals and Oxfords, in Tan. Black and Patent Leather, at nearly one-half their former price. children's two-ptc now now now 125 Pairs Ladi High Grade i 'xforils that were tnally s..ld for jti.nii. *- CO and $: iiC close r,a- $1.2:1. Sizes mostly 3. 3 1-2, 4 and 4 1-2. About 5(H) Pair: of Infant?' and Children's Bui lot Shoes in Black and 'fan. all el. an son I; We offer them at one-third off regulai price. Don't miss these strong offerings. Never again will you have the equal chance to put. dollars in your own pocket. The Reliable cio-tkiorr. 'shop.!* anci Hatter. ATIQNAL L Kill. DING s lie Ii Well We ll..|.e it Is, llltt WC KIIOW .hat summer and hot weather will be with its for some time to come and if you have not already availed yourself of Hi.- chance to get a good Detroit Jewel Gas Hange you have missed one of your liest friends and more, you have missed the comfort that can only be had from the use of gas fuel, which brings delight and happiness wherever il is in use. Talk is cheap you may say ami a gas man must "gas," and who can blame him. He knows a good tiling lie wants to push it along, and he is willing that his friends should share in the procession. Generous soul that he is. he gives Iiis advice free. It is no trouble to sing the praises of gas for fuel und as for light, its beauty shines so he who runs may be impress? ed. Gas for fuel at $1.00 is the cheapest fuel if it is economically used. Are y..n economical V You are pr?dem and wise. Therefore get a gas range. Wc will I.-!! you something next week about healing that will surprise yon. Call No. ::i on either phone if you can net call. But eome.if you can. Newport News Gas Company, W. S. BOWKN, Supt. I Eat ?11 mac key's . . . restaurant. Meals at all hours. Flrst-clssa Dln', F,om 12 '' - p- M- The best that the marke! affords In every re? spect Game In seas.,,,. Suppers fur? nished to parties on short notice, cor. Washington Avenue and 2th St. UP-STA1RC George Lohse, Manager ry RUSTKKS SALE OF THCKI-: 1 KINK ? KS ID15 N'.' ES ON Til III. TIF.Tii ST It RET. P. ET VI KEN WASH? INGTON AN D WEST AVKN1 KS V. . BE SI ILO SEPARATELY. By virtue of a certain deed of trust dated on the Mill da v of Match. IS:i? and recorded in deed I.I< No. 1. pai-. 200, executed by Carler M. Braxton and Nannie c. Braxton, bis wife, to the un? dersigned as trustees, to secure die United Banking and Building Coinpary. of Bicbmond, Va.. ihe payment nf the bond Hierein described, default having I.n made in Hi,, payment ..f the in? stalments therein prescribed, by the re? quest of the Board of Directors of said company, we shall sell at public auc? tion, to the highest bidder, on the premises, at 12::'.0 o'clock P. M. on SATURDAY, AUGUST l:!TII. ISMS, all those certain lots, pieces or panels of ground situated at Newport Nun's, ill the county of Warwick, and Slate of Virginia, known and designated as lots Nii.<. Ifi. J7 and IS in block No. Ii',;, on a certain map entitled. "Map of a Part of the City of Newport Nens Va.." mad.- by 15. E. McLean, civil en? gineer, a copy of which was tiled in the clerk's office of the County Court ?.f Warwick county on the 20th day of September, 1SS1. TERMS:?One-third cash and Ihr balance of purchase price upon a credit of six and twelve months from day of sale, in equal instalments, to be secured by deed of trust upon said lots. Dated August -Bb. IstiS. E. M. BRAXTON, 11. f.. DEXOON', Trustees. On ?eDttinner l. i?(;?. Will open in Newport News 11 Sil. 11 Kav School for (ibis, i.iber limited. Hal hour oral lesson in Ureneh (Paij.nui ?.??? cent) will be given d?ily to the H indi' srlinol free of charge. Kor particulars upplv to MISS ELIZA BETH H. CLARKE, 12(1 Thirty-fir.Mt Street, New/port rStivrv/s If Von want a line Wire of* Iron l:cnce -CAf.l. ON E. GILDERSLEE VE, 3:23 Tiventy-Elghlh Street Maiiufaoturer ami Agent for all kinds iron wire ami wire goods. Lip|,i forges. julj in Patronize Home Industry Having doubled our force we are now prepared to till all orders promptly for the celebrated EL MARCO CIGARS Factory, No. 2,402 Washington ave? nue, over old Armory. jyl9-(!m NEWPORT NEWS CIGAR Co.. P. O. Box or,. RICHMOND. ? BOOT AND SHOE MA Kill It REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY 2509 Washington avcaae. p I 1 t? ? I m H i 1 s? H m it Which everyone should tak advantage of, to buy high ?rade footwear at the following- exceedingly low prices: \Vill buy any pair of our $3, $3.50 or $4 Men's hand welted, tan and black yici kid or Russia calf sum liier shoes. These "-oocls arc selected from pnr regular stock and arc all the latest stylos, including silk vestin"- lops. There is a positive loss on these o-oods'to us, but we art-determined to dispose of our entire summer stork. For your choice of our $1 50, $2 or $2 50 Ladies1 black and tan vici kid oxfords. In this lot we include all our silk vesting tops in all I 1 cod-; are, without a doubt, the best r nflVred in t is oily lor the money.and ck is now limited on the goods, we ad i call at once. styles. These v:i I lies ev< as our sto vise yon I 1 I* v^uisyasoi IV^/? Un-to-date Sl!08, Hat. anil Gent's Furnisliinij store ? o'.K'ril Washington Ave.. Newport News |sa ?. -Si- AAJ, ?^a, , Dr. R. Lee Robinson t WAshl .jct.m ovunBR )r..! T>v.mty-eightb street, over Ideal Pharmacy. S! Oflle.e. Hours S A. M. to 6 P. ?. Sundays, ? A. :.i t-j 1Z M a i ?|. fivenintrs 7 tu a. j YITAl.IZI'.D AIU t-'O Ii t-AlNU'.ss BXTHACTINOi J ? KT.TCCTIt .6 LOLLARS 5 < "EST SET.i|3 in.8 O. .1.1,A KS f 2 PAUTIAf. SKTS. 1 L-L- 1 ' 1 .IN PROPORTION ^ . No charge for ext raei in? whe? le. lh aie i.r.l.-re.L h. ^ Kxtractiu-.'. . .. <>-?. f i Haruli'ss extiactin? willi local atn..itl.etic.' " r.Oc F J;i!rvr,;!::":;. '? ?vi i . fun np r I Teetll Oleai.c.l. 75,. & ^ lili.liiv woHc ani! cro.viis, karai *E, per too! 1, b g> ALL WOHK liliAI: ? Vi !:i'. 11 P 1 Electric Lights; PU!?E ICE, AKC, A.' ; mnnirn-ir tun nrr?., InCandcSCCnt and WaSOLESiiLE AH9 RETAEI. | Bell Wiring done L , , , & . i \ntii GOLD STORAGE, on short notice, [UtG'LIGHTS Inspection guar/i I11c.1n1lesr.ent Liijlits, anteed i No Dirt, ^~ -|(,GC1fiC0nfl?W011 No M?'urt I iixw 01 Fflci?fy Pfices Rr pt'.td No Matches. -f U VV MlJX. I -PHONE 2SIB. j ? ? ?**?????*?????????<> ?"?>*4> 44?; Peninsula Electric Light a?J Power Co. NEWPOK'T NEWS, VA. (Doiin! ol' Directors meet, third Tuesday In each mouth.) ?5 s i s ! SC H M E LZ 3 ROS.V ""BANIckr""-" NkWPDR I NEWS. VA. Offers Its Customers Itwt-ry Accoiiiinodatlon ?. Consistent \A/it!i ni:e Banking, Accounts ol iiuliviilnals, iiruts tui.l corporalionsf solieite.1. Collection maitti on all pans ,.1 ths. count ry. Forei^ii dral'ls issuetl on all parts ol the rhl IN OUR DIME SAViNCT DEPARTrVIENT Deposits rcc-ived from lit ccni* to ^?.?tKl utul interest all.nvej at the rate of t'UUK I'liU ,0HNT. IsKit A N Mill. SAFETY DEPOSIT E?O^Cli? FOR RENT CJnly rtoUMy Uoxes in n,c ( ~i t \r i-S ecoroct t>y lime lucks W. A. Post, Pr.igident. J. r?. Swlnerton. Vi. e-President. J. A. Wiliett Cashier """ "AlIONAL h? ? < ?10 N LCWPOliT lN EWS. GnrnfiL $30 ooo DI RISC rf>RR : W. A. Post, J. Ft Swlnerton, M. B. CroveH, IS. V. DougbtT, It. O. l?ckford. C. H. Orcutc, 1. Eugene White, J. A. WM?tt. Accums of hanks, carporatlons, merchants, individuala and firms invited. We offer depositors every accomtnodat ion which their balances, business and responsibility warrant. Sell .,ur oww draffs drawn on all principal cities af SAM- DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. ... U WEST. President O i?. JON'ES, Vice-President. W. B. VEST, Cuhier. Citizens and Marine Bank OF NEWPORT NEWS, VA. CAPITAL SfiO.OOo. STJIirLUS $15 OOJ PAID IN DirII)ENDS, $15?S00. A general binUlrig business. Kvery faeilliy ?ffr-red for ?afe and prompt transaction ?f buniuc'ras on favorable ternu. Th? accounts of Corporation^. Sirius and Individuals solicited. Special attention given u collectirina. Draft* irawn ..Ii all parts ,.f the world. A SPECIAL SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. INTEREST ALLOWED ON 1>E POSITS OE 1SD UPWARD. DIREC 'l'OHM ? T *. B. West, H. B. Parker, T. M. B;a son, J. B. Jennlngi, L. P. Ste*rn??, E. T. Ivy, D. C. .Ton*?. A. C. Ga-rrett. J U. OortU.