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f?h e 33 ails P rcss C. H. THACKER, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY BY THE Palitj Press ffonspattt} Limited. POSTOFFICE BUILDINO The Daily Press may be obtained every morning at the following places: C?-o8Sley Bros.. Washington avenue. J. A. Corey. Acre. Chesapeake & Ohio Restaurant. Charles Robinson, No. 7 Ivy avenue. Parties other than those having ledg? er accounts with the paper, civic so? cieties and military organizations, are required to pay for transient adver? tisements in advance. An increase of 331-3 per cent, will be charged for tran seint advertisements not paid for In advance and no transient advertise? ment will he bokked for less space than one inch. To Illustrate: one-half inch is 50 cents, one inch 75 cents for one time, when paid in advance: but they will be ?1.00 if charged. Tran? sient advertisers will save money by remembering this notice, which applies in all cases, irrespective of financial responsibility. Advertising rates furnished on appli? cation. Contractors are not allowed to exceed their space or advertise other than their legitimate business, except by paying especially for the same. Ad? vertisements discontinued before t lie expiration of contract will be charged for at transient rates for the time in? serted. SUBSCRIPTIONS. Dally, twelve months . J4.00 Daily, six months . 2.00 Dally, one month . .40 Dally, one week.10 All business, news letters or tele? graphic dispatches should be addressed DAILY PRESS. BELL 'PHONE .2514. -v.- CITIZENS' 'PHONE. 14 Entered at the Postofflce of Newport News, Va., as seoond-olass matter. BLANCO IM l'l.ll 'A BLE. Those persons who have been spend? ing the greater portion of their time in studying ways and means by which the distinguished approbation and affection of General Ramony Blanco might be gained for the American people and for American things, will be pained and grieved to read the following harsh and cruel Interview, which that courteous gentleman and bold warrior cheerily "smashed" out of his long-suffering but uncomplaining typewriter a few days ago: "I am naturally inclined to be chari? table, but I must confess to a feeling of deep resentment against the United Stales, whose conduct toward Spain in declaring war against us. without mo? tive or pretext. Just at the time when they were receiving from us the high? est marks of our frieudshlp and respect can never be condemned too severely. "It ought never to be forgotten that Jttst when the United States were an? nouncing their intention of coming to Cuba to establish a firm government they were in reality directing hostili? ties, principally against Porto Rico and the Philippines. "Since the beginning of this war it has always been my heartfelt desire as commander-in-chief of the army for the day to arrive when I could match my armed strength against theirs and die. if necessary, among the ruins of Havana if fortune were not favorable, but I was unable to realize my hope. My government has signed the peace pro? tocol and her decision must be complied with. Nevertheless. T have an eternal confidence In divine justice, and I have, therefore, hope that this arrogant na? tion ?<il! receive its just deserts, and God-knows that the day when this act of national despoliation is accomplished and the stars and stripes float from the walls of Havana, that day w ill per? haps, mark the beginning of the decay of the. American nation." Undoubtedly the brave General was not alone in his desire to go out and face the American "pig" on the field of $lie- is quite probable that a number Of loyal and straight shooting followers of the Stars and Stripes would have welcomed such a consumation with as much delight as they would have muni, fested at the juxtaposition of the pay? master. That, however, is not germane to the principal proposition. Blanco has a feeling <j>f deep resentment against us, and we are drooping and pining away over the dreadful realization of the fact. It is lo be hoped that he has not cast us < ff for all time. If he will only teli his J .merican friends what they can do In or ler to gain his friendship and in he might be surprised at ton. Of course, we can prom nothing. We simply throw a suggestion. love aga their aot| ise him this out Ti?E OYSTER SEASON. The proposition to shorten the ttr seabo j. Vrv'C-!?AjR'ciWrJ eommen/i itself to all intelligent per? sons..'' interested in the preservation of r*?ne luscious bivalve and of the im? portant industry that has grown up in connection with it. Experience has shown that'll is not safe to leave such matters in the hands of irresponsible men, who, for some mysterious and unexplained reason, are perfectly willing to sacrifice the future of tin- industry for the present gain. This being the case tli- legislature ! should take the matter in hand anil en net such laws as will protect the young oysters. It was thought that the ?"culling" law. which mach- it a mis? demeanor to retain oysters below a certain size even after being caught, would give the beds sufficient protec? tion, but if the rep..its of those wie. are in a position to know may be depended upon further action is necessary pr > tecl tie- industry. It is said that the Fisheries (Join mission .if Virginia will bring tie- mat ter before the next session of the Legis lature and will make a vigorous effort 1,. have greater protection extended t" ile- young oysters. Ii is t.i be hoped that all the influential .nmereial bodies in lie- tidewater section will join with tie- commission in its efforts to l,av.- proper legislation enacted in refer? ence t.i iliis very important matter. if tie expense allowance for tie- in? vestigating commissioners is sufficient i.. form a consideration, tin' President might lind enough Ohi.i men to make up a body lare- enough to eonduel Hi.- Inquiry with tin- necessary dignity and eelat. Tie- ftepubllonn majorities in the N> England States have been so much i diieoil, even for "off years, that the is e.1 reason t.i believe that th try is again tending toward Democrat With Vermont ami .Maim- dropping I below their minimum majorities I Democrats have reason to feel disci aged at the outlook. un WANTED.?To rent ihr.-ooms un? furnished. Stale price. Address care of Press. \sep I? "> I LOST.?Between Hampton and New? port News a hunting ease gold watch with initials on lid. Finder will re. ceive liberal reward by returning to Press office. " sepl-llt-31* WANTED.- Physician's office. Ad? dress "Doctor," ear.- ,,f Press ,,trice, sep lfi 3 I WANTED.?Table boarders. F..-st ac? commodations. Apply al 110 Twenty ninth sir.-et. near West avenue, sep 11 2 I WHEN IX NEED Or* FIRST-CLASS Sign Painting call ..n I-:, it. WII IT TON, 311 Twenty-eighth street. sel?-31*. LOST?A small red cow, a springer. Reward will be given to the finder bv 1-:. I,. Park.-r, East End. s.-p i:; ::t pd. Fop SALE?Oood paying business, i'an l.e bought cheap. For particu? lars ap|.lv at 2305 Washington nve. sep 13 :u pd l.oST? Pearl handle, :i2 calibre. Smith ?V- Wesson revolver. Reward of $3 given for its return to H. F. Sinclair, or .onstable's office. sep 13 3 I ?1. Office of the BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES. Newport News, Va.. Sept. 12. I sits. All children entering tin- city public schools for the term ls:lS-!i!i will be re? quired to allen.I fully daily sessions. No exception will lie made for lie- pur? lins.- of carrying dinners as heretofore. By .Uder of th.- Board. Jno. Sheldon Jones, l m Clerk; IWqcIqiti Almaei, The celebrated Spiritual, Trance and Business Medium. Reads life past, present and future with absolute cor? rectness. Gives valuable advice In bus and harmony to tliu family circle. y one In trouble should cal ion her. .11 Virginia Avenue, opposite the El. c ?ic Light Plant. ailg 18 tf Wanted?Boarders, BY MRS, M. E, DOS WELL, No. 100 ".7th Street. First class table and pleas |ant rooms. Terms reason? able, july 3-0m cf ind a saving of time and temper al s accompanies the use of an < Uheltn ;a or Columbian Ruby cook stove Von need not fret or worry about yout 'big or baking when you have an OthTyfij or Columbian Ruby. For econ ? or fuel, perfect operation, and inil all round satisfaction thev an Richter & Brittinoham, |21G Twenty-eighth fctreet, NEWPORT NEWS, VA. Peace, Plenty And Prosperity Th. >f pi ?list. All Hail the Dove of Peace, war is over, nmv comes our day ce, plenty and prosperity. Times ? better than ever, you will buy si.s. It is now that n store like 'ill prosper must. II has been our a to handle only g.?nl grades of shoes ami belter goods have suffered some from the war depression, but now they will lead the van, and we will busier than ever shoeing the well ?ssed iuen and women of the town. Long v"i|lues and shout profits are our 'ds. No matter what price you pay our khoes are equnl to it. and we satisfaction in lit. wear and No gone by shoes at any Our Dewey Toe at $3.50 is a in bl ek box, calf and tan. low price shoes and high class lon'l get it In your head that nly high class shoes. In n with our lim- of shoes we in a lim- of up-to-date Men's rigs. All high class goods at low prices^ We have the most complete line of Men's Hosiery ever displayed in the city. Last, but not least, is out? line of Fall Hats, up to date in every particular. Drop in and examine our goods. We give Free Shines to custo? mers. New Fall goods arriving daily. MUGLETl SHOE & HAT COMPANY, 2701 Washington Avenue. NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA. Strict attention paid to mail orders. gu We havi re hanclh onneetiJ Furriishlli All HO cent Shirt Waists from how on. 25c 48c WKAPRERS We must close out all Wrappers regardless of cost. Light Calico Wrappers for 39c Lawn and Percale Wrappers that sold at from $1 to $l.r,0. from now on, for 59c Navy Blue and White. Black and White Wrappers, for 89c eras It 1". for White Duck Skirts, 49 59 Dry Goods M ouse 2610 Washington Avenue; Beauty, Health And Complaxion Is the name of a book containing val? uable information re? garding the subjects upon which it treats, many valuable house? hold reciepts, etc. Call and iret one while they last. A new line of Toile^ Soaps and perfumery. Also Hair Brushes cheaper than 1 ever sold them before. . G. BurgessJ The Druggist. t's Breed, Not War the Spaniard Wants. There are many people in Newport News also who can't get bread to suit their taste because they don't kaow that we make the purest and most de? licious bread stuffs in Newport News. We also make the richest and finest pastry, fancy cakes, wedding cakes, loaf cakes and maccaroons to be found anywhere. We cater to the most fas tldlous palatr< and never fail to please ittr patrons. A. B. WILfllNK, 21? Twenty-seventh street. nearWash lngton Avenue. H?fel J. R. SWINERTON, Manager. SPECIAL RATES TO COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. AMERICAN AluD EUROPEAN PLAN City o? Newport News, Ya Opening of the ic f Steal f You are hereby notified that all the Public Schools of this city are now open for the Fall and Winter term, 1898-'99. Scholars are requested to be in attendance promptly each day* Boys are requested to wear strong' serviceable and neat clothing, and parents and guardians are recom? mended to purchase it of Hfrshberg, THE BANNER CLOTHIER 2606 WASHINGTON AVENUE ' If you want a building lot Buy it of the Old Dominion Land Gompany Lots for sale on easy terms in all sections of the city. Finely located business lots on "Washington ave. Farms for sale or rent in Elizabeth City, War? wick and York Counties. Old Dominion L?and Company* ROOM NO. 11. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. OFFICE OPEN UNTIL 8 P. M Well we hope It la, but we Know that summer and hot weather will bs with us for some time to coma and if you have not already availed yourself of the chance to get a good Detroit Jewel Gas Range you have missed one of your best friends and more, you have missed the comfort that can only be had from the use of gas fuel, which brings delight and happiness wherever it is in use. Talk Is cheap you may say and a gas man must "gas," and who can blame him. He knows a good lhing?h? wants to push It along, and he is willing that his friends should share in the procession. Generous soul that he Is, he gives his advice free. It Is no trouble to sing the praises of gas for fuel and as for light, its beauty shines so he who runs may be impress ed. Gas for fuel at $1.00 is the cheapest fuel If it is economically used. Are you economical ? You ara*srudent and wise. Therefore get a gas range. We will tell you something next weak about heating that will surprise you. Call No. 34 on either phone if you can not call. But come it you can. Newport News Gas Company* V/. S. BOWEN, Supt. SEALED PROPOSALS. The city of Newport News, Va,, will receive, up to 12 o'clock noon of the 19TH DAY OP SEPTEMBER, 1898, sealed proposals for the construction work and materials of a brick building to be used as a jail and also to contain a police station House and emergency hospital. The proposals must cover all the cost of the building, together with necessary prison cells, steel work and other appliances for a thoroughly equlpped modern jail. The proposals shall be made upon plans and specifica? tions furnished by the bidders at their own expense without any cost to the city, which shall accompany and be submitted with the bid. All such bids will be securely sealed and sent or de? livered to the city clerk of Newport News and must be in his hands by 12 o'clock of the day mentioned. Particulars as to size, expected cost and geiferal nature of the building and equipments will be furnished upon ap? plication by the city clerk. The city reserves thg right to rejaat any or all bids. J. A. MASSIE, au 18-lm. City Clerk. V*a Transportation Co W. R. SCULL, Manager. Storage Warehouse Freight, Baggage, Safes o rnl ture carefully and promptly moved. All kinds of hauling done at low rates. PHONE 2592. 1 ? u- BOX 141. E. W. JOHNSON Contkactok and Builder NEWPORT NEWS, VA. Plans and Specifications Prepared un Short Notice. HOUSE "VOBK \ f PECT ALT i M. H TUGK. The Veterinary Horse Shoer If your horse strikes, clicks or Jorges. Tuok, tqe SnOer, will stop it. First-class shoeing. I ant here to stay. Shop at Twenty-seventh street and Warwick avenue, Phillips & TSenson's old coal yard. Jy2-Sm. For Family Use our ales, beers, whiskies, brandfes, gins, wines and cordials.are the finest on the market. For medicinal purposes they #re pure and made by the most reliable distillers of Europe and America. LR. J. MAGKEY' SEALED PROPOSALS. The city of Newport News, Va., will receive sealed proposals for the con? struction of two iron bridges and the approaches thereto in accordance with plans and specifications to be selected by the bidders and furnished and sub? mitted along with the bids on the same at the expense of the bidders and with? out any cost to the city. Strain sheets must accompany all plans and specifi? cations. Particulars as to the ki?d of bridges and the general character and dimensions of the same will be furnish? ed upon application by the city engi? neer. Such proposals shall be sent or delivered to the city clerk, securely sealed, and must be in his possession at 12 o'clock noon of MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH, 1898. The city reserves the right to reject any or ail bids. J. A. MASSIE, aug 18-lm. City Clerk. Patronize Home Industry Having doubled our force we are now prepared to fill all orders promptly for the celebrated EL MARCO CIGARS Factory, No. 2,482 Washington ave? nue, over old Armory. jyl8-6m NEWPORT NHWS OfGAR CO., w P. O. Box 95. Are now returning, come them home. We heartily wel boyf Three (iheers and a tiger for the who went to the front and did so nobly. After waPi peace, with peace, bus? iness activity, and we shall, as heretofore, be found in the front ranks of bargain distributers and price cutters. 14-0 paips Youths' solid leather school shoes, sizes 11 to 2. Regular value $1. 112 pairs Boys' satin calf and Rus? sia leather school shoes, so'id throughout, sizes 3 to 5. Regu'ar value $1.50. la 97 pairs Misses' genuine Dongo patent leather tip, spring heel, lace or button shoes. Regular value $1.50 177 pairs Men's hand welted Rus? sia calf and vici kid tan and black shoes. These goods are our regular $3, $3.50 and $4 lines. 98C 176 Men's black and brown derbys and ferderos. ' These are all the latest styles. Regular value $1.50, $2, and $2.50. Un-to-(lat6SHo6, Hat and Gent's Furnisnlno store 2006 Washington Ave., Newport News, V"a. s Washington avenue and Twenty-eighth, ertareet, over Ideal Pharmacy i Office Hour* > A. M. to i P. M. Sundays, t A. M. to 11 It | Open Evenings 7 to S. t VITALIZED AIR FOR PAINLESS EXTRACTING. f GOOD SET.TC e Til...5 DOLLARS 5 BEST SET. I rf I ft. ......... ......g DOLLARS PARTIAL SETS.* * ? >.J.W EBoPfSw ! No charge for extracting when teeth are ordered. i Extracting.?? ? ?_]. oge 1 Painless extracting with local anastlietic. .50o i Silver tilling..50c' uw fcrOld. ?t 00 nn Teeth Cleaned... ... . 75c I Bridge work and crowjis, 22 karat ?old, $5 per t??thi ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PU!?E ICE, I ARC, X \ Incandescent and ! Bell Wiring done on short notice. ftKG LIGHTS i Inspection guaiv Incandescent Lirjhts, janteed, METER Of? CONTRACT ' MOTOR POWER. GOLD STORAGE, ?*-?????????????? 'PHONE ZB1E. Electric Lights; No Dirt, No Odor, No Matches. ?????+?????? ????????-???-??????????????? ??????-?-?-? Peninsula Electric Light and Power Co. NEWPORT NEWS, VA. (Board of Directors meet third Tuesday in each month.) SCHMELZ BROS., BANKERS NhWPORT NEWS. VA. Offers Their- Customers Every Accommoaa tlon Consistent \AlI tri Safe Banking, Accounts of individuals, firms aud corporations solicited. Collection made on all parts of the country. Foreign drafts issued on all parts of the world. IN OUR DIME SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits received from 10 cents to $5,000 and interest allowed at the rate of FOUR PER CENT. PER ANNUM. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT I Only Safety Boxes Sri the City Secured by l ima Locks W. A. Post, President. J. R. Swlnerton, Vice-President. 3. A. Wlllett, Caafcler FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NEWPORT NEWS. GfiPITflb $100,000. SURPLUS $30 000 DIREC TORS : W. A. Post, J. R. Swinerton, M. B. Crowell, M. V. Do tiefe ty. R. G. Blckford. C. B. Orcutt, I. Eugene White. J. A, Wlltett, Accounts of banks, carporatlons, merchants, individuals and firms invited. We offer depositors every accommodation which their balances, business end responsibility warrant. Sell our own drafts drawn on all principal clues ?t he world. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. O. B. WEST, President D. 3. JONES, Vice-President. W. B. VEST. Cashier. Citizens and Marine Bank OF NEWPORT NEWS, VA. I CAPITAL $50,000. SURPLUS $15 OO J PAID IN DIVIDENDS, $15,500. A general bunking business. Every facility offered for safe ?od prompt I transaction of business on favorasle terms. The accounts of Corporations, Firms And Individuals solicited. Special attention given < o ooHecMone. Drafta I drawn on all parts of the world. A SPECIAL SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS OF ti iND UPWARD. nKa>: DIRECTORS ? ? _ _4_2 B7 West, H. B. Parier, T. M. B*neon, 3. B. J*jwroe?. j"**?** X. T Ivft D. 0. Jos?*- A. O oorrett. M. Corao.