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HI THE DAILY ? ?at<B Stress C. B. THACKER, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY BY THE Limited. POSTOFFICE BUILDING The Daily Press may be obtained every morning at the following places: Crossley Bros., Washington avenue. X A. Corey, Acre. Chesapeake & Ohio Restaurant. Charles Robinson, No. 7 Ivy avenue. Parties other than, those having ledg? er accounts with the paper, civic so? cieties and military organizations, are required to. pay for transient adver? tisements in advance. An increase of 33 1-3 per cent, will be charged for tran selnt advertisements not paid for In advance and no transient advertise? ment will be bokked for less space than one inch. To illustrate: one-half Inch is 50 cents, one Inch 75 cents for one time, when paid in advance: but they will be $1.00 If charged. Tran? sient advertisers will save money by remembering this notice, which applies In all cases, irrespective of financial responsibility. Advertising rates furnished on appli? cation. Contractors are not allowed to exceed their space or advertise other than their legitimate business, except by paying especially for the same. Ad? vertisements discontinued, before the expiration of contract will be charged tor at transient rates for the time in? serted. SUBSCRIPTIONS. Daflv, twelve months . $4.00 Daily, six months. 2.00 Daily, one month.40 Dally, one week.10 All business, news letters or tele? graphic dispatches should be addressed DAILY PRESS. ""BELL 'PHONE.2514. CITIZENS' 'PHONE. 1* - Entered at the Poatofflce of Newport News, Va., as seoond-class matter. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1898. ONLY LANGUAGE. The deliverance of the Due d'Orleans In reference to the Dreyfus case will scarcely have any perceptible influence upon the final setlement of tlx- affair unless It shall cause the friends of the persecuted captain to pursue their ef? forts for his vindication with greater earnestness and zeal than ever. It is by no means likely that this represen? tative of the old monarchy has a great amount of influence with the French people, who will not unnaturally im? agine that he is making a bid for the support of the army by bis bombastic defence of that branch of the govern? ment service. It would be well for this ambitious young wielder of pic? turesque language to remember that rhetoric is not proof and his mere as? sertion that Dreyfus is guilty does not outweigh the declarations and confes? sions of infamous characters connected With the case who say that the whole affair was a laborously hatched out scheme. Besides if the claims that the re? cords will prove the captain guilty un? der a retrial are well founded It is dif? ficult to understand why his enenies should so strenuously object to a revis? ion. Their insane efforts to balk a re? opening of the case at any cost puts them In a rather suspicuous light. Men of real honor never object to their being placed beneath the search? light of the most minute judicial exam? ination. It is only French and Spanish "honor" that asserts its infallibility and then feels aggrieved because the balance of the world Is too intelligent to be duped into believing the asser? tion. sgs? Secretary Alger'sdetermination tu al? low the privates who served in the Cuban and Porto Riean campaigns to tell their stories of the ireatmcM*W4hey -O received, without having the fear of a courtmarshal before their eyes, de? serves commendation. There is a wide? spread demand for the truth regarding the conduct of these campaigns. Naturally a large majority of the men who served in the ranks have felt a delicacy in making statements which might seem to be intended as a re? flection upon their superior officers. A thorough investigation should be made and this can only be accomplished by taking away the seal of silence whic h fear of courtmartlal has placed upon the tips of many of the soldiers. The \l. Secretary should be congratulated up 5s'..on his action in behalf of an honest in r vestlgatlon into the matter. S;.' Mr. Kid McCoy announces thai he sees no reason for holding further con? ferences with Mr. Cotbett. He will be? stow a great favor upon the world by ? refusing to develop his observing fat - Si ultlcs any further. Senator Hoar thinks of the "bunko" Same which was played on his esteem? ed Ohio contemporary and gently pulls down the corner of his eyelid and asks the administration if it sees anything | green. Now tliat Aguinaldo finds it neces? sary to send out a batch of denials | every morning there can be no doubt that he is a great man. N EW A DVERTISEMENTS. Kolt SALE?A quantity of dirt, forsale cheap. Apply to M. Honan & Sons. I Ivy Hotel. sep-21-Iw WANTED?First class mar., with ? orgy and education, can secure a lib- [ oral contract with one of the leading life companies by addressing R. B. PARKOTT, Department Manager, f.OT 12th strees, N. W.. Wtishington, D. C. sept 22-1 w I.OST ? BETWEEN EPISCOPAL] church and Thirtieth street, gold Watch i'harm, with ruby set; of lit? tle instrinsic value, but highly prized by owner. Suitable reward if left at BACKET STOKE. It. WANTED ? 100 MEN TO WORK ON Hie sewer system. $1.25 per day. M. HONAN & SONS. 21-2t. Ft'KN' IS1 !ED BEDROOMS ON 35TH street suitable for married couple or two gentlemen. Bath room on same floor. Address "C," Klor's Up? town Drug Store. sep 20-3t. FOR RENT?A furnished room with use of bath, suitable for one gentle? man. Apply at 120 29th sti.t. 3 t. FOR SALE?Saloon business: bur fix? tures, stock, etc., complete. First class stand. Enquire of W. T. MUNDEN. se IS 1 w Phoebus. Va. The Dally Press Company has leased its Job Printing Department to Mr. C. H. Iluband. who in the future will run. duct this branch of the business on his own account, under the name of the Dally Press Job Office, C. H. Huband, lessee. Mr. Huband has been connected with the Daily Press in the capacity of fore? man of its Job Olllce for a number of years. He is an artistic printer and a man worthy of the patronage of the public. lie has at bis command all Ihv facilities essential for doing first class work. Mr. Huband takes charge of our Job Printing Department under the most favorable auspices. Tbc business of lis branch has been extensive and is instantly Increasing. In leasing a portion of its plant to Mr. Huband the management of the Daily Press is ac? tuated by a desire to be relieved of the details attendant upon commercial and book printing anil to devote undivided attention to its newspaper interest. The Daily Press Company. I C. IC. Til ACKER. President and Manager. ANNOUNCEMENT! I take pleasure' In announcing to the business men and general public of Newport News that 1 have leased frottfc I he Dally Press Company that bramtf~ of their plant known as the Daily Press Jo!) Office, and will hereafter conduct the same in my own name, as lessee, and feel confident in assuring those who entrust their orders to me that they will be executed In a neat and ar? tistic manner, and at the lowest prices consistent with high class work. C. H. HUBAND, Lessee. DO YOU WISH TO * RENT ANYTHING ? T We perhaps can suit you. Y* We have nice residences in the <fi best section of the city with I modern improvemens. Modern y Hills with bath, gas. range.etc. A Nice cottages in East End, T Orville and New Town. ^ Rooms on Washington ave- ? one. Offices centrally located. ? Stores suitable for small shop- f keepers. We will be glad to have you call or send your address, I,-, that we may mail you this II week printed rent list. Re- A member, we have the largest V rent roll in the city. When (B you deal w ith us you are sure Y you have the largest number w to sei.'et from, therefore the a must apt to be suited. " a MULTORD & EDMUNDS f I a 135 25th Street | -FmeTman AJAX.TABLETS POSITIVE!.!! fiUftr ?**?'?*????<?? ?3 ?'?r?a.*-l-'uUl?ic Mom prj-,;!M[.Ot.mOi. SloBl.iiWHiqwto?, CUUSB.I .11*1 cr oqinr 1 icihmm nutl Indlr. >"l .'{'?'"<:'"' <ni?c Vlmhl?; in r,'J or jonnu.and -?uforH.iitly, biinlu.^^or marring*. .....I (',;.,sua,|.tlan if -uuil olto.jtH 11 i:l,l;|J *|,.-ro oil other full In. -. upon linvin.: <?? i-n,t,ine Ajm Taliluts The' ?j0.uw. t rice &u gts. i4i For sale In Newport News, Vs., by A. E. G. KLOR. Drugjrlst aor lt-ly. ! am Stil! Alive, 5ut Dijeino. Is now ready for work. .Ml work guaranteed to be firstclass in every re? spect. A trial wil convince you that I ?an make your old suit look a new one. My prices are extremely low. A call will be appreciated. Carpets Cleaned without removing (hem from the floor. fll W. FRIEDBERG. Proorietor. 221 Twenty-seventh St., (Old Wllmink stand.) se 18 lyr. Wanted?Boarders, I BY MRS. M, E DOSWELL, No. 10r> 27th Street. First, class table and pleas? ant rooms. Terms reason? able. juljr 3-Gm RICHMOND. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY" t??V Waahtnsrton avaiiim Vi Transportal iun Co W. R. SCULL. Manager. Storage Warehouse Freight, Baggage, Safes a rni ture carefully and promptly moved. AH kinds of hauling done at low rate?. PHONE 2692. . - ?<->. BOX Ml. All 50 cent Shirt Waists from now on, 25c All $1.00 Shirt Waists from now on, for, 48c WMAPRERS We mimt close out all Wrappers regardless of cost. Light Calico Wrappers for 39c Lawn and Percale Wrappers that sold at from $1 to $1.50. from now on, for 59c Navy Blue and White, Black and White Wrappers, for Crash Blazers for White Duck Skirts, 89c 49c 59c CapifaF DryGoods Mouse 2610 Wasninrjton Avenue: Beauty, -Health And Complexion Is the name of a| book containing* val-| uable information re? garding the subjects I upon which it treats,} many valuable house? hold reciepts, etc. Call I and get one while theyj last. t i A new line of Toile 1 Soaps and perfumery. Also Hair Brushes! cheaper than I even sold them before. Im. 6. BirgessJ The Druggist. t's Bread, Not War? the Spaniard Wants, There are many people In Newpor-t News also who can't get bread to suit ihelr taste because they don't know that we make the purest and most de? licious bread stuffs in Newport News. We also make the richest and finest pastry, fancy cakes, wedding cakes, loaf cakes and maccaroons to be found I anywhere. We cater to the most fas? tidious palate and never fall to please i our patrons. A. B. WILH8NK. 217 Twenty-seventh street, near Wash? ington Avenue. Warwick. J. R. SWINERTON. Manager. SPECIAL RATES TO COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. AMERICAN AMD EUROPEAN PLAN ) GJty of Newport News, Ya Opening of the ic You are hereby notified that all the Public Schools of this city are now open for the Fall and Winter term, 1898-'93. Scholars are requested to be in attendance promptly each day Boys are requested to wear strong, serviceable and neat clothing, and parents and guardians are recom? mended to purchase it of THE BANNER CLOTHIER 2606 WASHINGTON AVENUE K If you want a building Sot Buy it of the Lots for sale on easy terms in all sections of the city. Finely located business lots on Washington ave. Farms for sale or rent in Elizabeth C'ty, War? wick and York Counties. ?id Dominion L>and Company? ROOM NO. 11. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUJLDING. OFFICE OPEN UNTIL 8 P. M Will probably want some new things to go to School in. We can do as well, if not better, for them than anyone else, and you can depend on anything we sell you. Don't forget to look at our stock before yotl buy. Our prices are always the lowest. Reliable Clothing House, 3714 Washington Avenue. NEWPORT NEWS, VA. For Family Use our alea, beers, whiskies, brandies, gins; wines and cordials.are the finest on the market. For medicinal purposes they are pure and made by the most reliable distillers of Europe and America. R. J. MAGKEY E. W. JOHNSON CONTKACTOK and BlJILDKK NEWPORT NEWS, VA. Plans and Specifications Prepared \>n Short Notice. HOUSE -VORK \ "PECT A LT Y M. H TUGIC, The Veterinary Horse Shoer If your horse strikes, cliok? er forges, Tuck, the Shoer. will stop it First-class shoeing. I am here to stay. Shop at Twenty-seventh street and Warwick avenue. Phillips .& Bonson's i. old coal yard. 2y2-3m. S0L.D OUT all the $50 and $60 models of Eclipse Bicycles and have reduced the prices of th?.few remaining "98 $75 models to $50 cash, or $60 on time. Thi3 is done to move them to make room for our 1899 Eclipses, which we expect shortly. Come quick if you want a bargain. Newport Hews Cycle Go, Fred tr. Kipper, Manager, So.e Agent for Southeastern Virginia, 231 Twenty-seventh street. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S office, Fort Monroe, Va., Sept. 15, 1898. Sealed proposals In triplieate will be received here until 9 o'clock Sep? tember 21, 1898 and then opened for construction of quarters for nurses and medical officers at Fort Monroe, Va. Information furnished on application. U. S. reserves right to accept or re? ject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes should be indorsed "Proposals for constructing buildings" and addressed to Capt. Jno. W. Mc Harg. A, Q. M., Vols., Fort Monroe. Va. Are now returning. We heartily wel come them home. * Three Ciheers and a tiger forth? boys who went to the front and did so nobly. AFSer war, peace, with peace, bus? iness activity, and we shall, as heretofore, be found in the front ranks of bargain distributers and price cutters. 14-0 pairs Youths' solid leather school shoes, sizes 11 to 2. Regular value $1. 112 pairs Boys' satin calf and Rus~ sia leather school shoes, so'id throughout, sizes 3 to 5. Regu'ar value $1.50. 97 pairs Misses' genuine Dongo patent leather tip, spring heel, lace or button shoes. Regular value $1.50 177 Pairs Men's hand welted Rus? sia calf and vici kid tan and black shoes. These goods are onr regular $3, $3.50 and $1 lines. 9?C 176 Men's black and brown derbys and ferderos. These are all the latest styles. Regular value ?1.50, $2, and $2.50. H ft Un-to-date Slioe, Hat and Gent's Furnishing store 2000 Washington Ave., Mewport News, Va. Dr. R. L66 Robinson* DENTIST. ^ _Waanl n(rto?jayenue and Twenty-eighth street, over Ideal Pharmacy. Office Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. iL Open Evenings 7 to 8. " ~"iNLE? Sundays, 1 A. M. to IS 1? VITALIZED AIR FOR PAINLESS EXTRACTING. f < *> SET.TCCTII.6 DOLLAJRS f TEETH .8 DOLLARS K IN PROPORTION 3> No charge for extracting when teeth are ordered. |> 4 BEST SET ^ PARTIAL. SETS i Extracting.-J. .o5c ,A Painless extracting with local anast lietic. 50c Silver filling.50c up * X,oU\ ~,\.*100 ?P - A Teeth Cleaned_. 75c g> J Bridge work and crowns, 22 karat gold, *h per tootli. k ^ ALL WORK GUARANTEED. f i s?i<>ioi<>:<> pure ice, arc, X Incandescent and Bell Wiring done GOLD STORAGE, jon short notice. ARG LIGHTS I Inspection guar^ Iiicandescent Lights, janteed. UETER OR CONTRACT MOTOR POWER. ?*?????????? ?????>?? ?????? ???????? Peninsula Electric Light and Power Co. NEWPORT NEWS, VA. (Board of Directors meet third Tuesday In each month.) t 'PHONE sets. Electric Lights; No Dirt, No Odor, No Matches. SCHMELZ BROS., BANKERS NtWPORT NEWS. VA. Offe>s-s Their Customers Every Accommocsa tlon Consistent lA/lth Setf& Banking, Accounts of individuals, iinus aud corporations solicited. Collection made on all parts of the country. Foreign drafts issued on all parts of the world ISM OUR DIME SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits received from 10 cent? to $5,000 and interest allowed at the rate of POUR PER CENT. PER ANNUM. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES F*QR RENT Only Safety Boxes In tho City Secured toy Time Locks W. A. Post. President. J. R. Swinerton, Vice-Presidsnt. J. A. Wlllett, C?ushl*r FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NEWPORT NEWS. CAPITAL $100,000- * SURPLUS $30 000 DIRECTORS; j W. A. Post, J. R. Swinerton, M. B. CrowelL M. V. Doughty. R. G. Bickford. C. B. Orcutt, I. Eugene White. J. A. Wlltett. Accounts of banks, earpo/ations, merchants, individuals and Arms invited. We offer depositors every accommodation which their balances, business and responsibility warrant. Sell our owm drafts drawn on all principal cities ?t the world. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR KENT._ O. B. WEST, President. D. S. JONES, Vice-Prealdent. W. B. VEST, Cashier Citizens and Marine Bank OF NEWPORT NEWS, VA. CAPITAL S50.000. SURPLUS $15 OO J PAID IN DIVIDENDS, $15,500. A general bonking business. Every facility offered for safe and prompt transaction of business on favorable terms. -The.accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals solicited. Special attention given o Collections. Draft* drawn on all parts of the world. / A SPECIAL SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. INTEREST ALLOWED OK DEPOSITS OF ?1 iJND UPWARD. B5IES? ? DIRECTORS' t ... B. Weat, H. E. Parker, T. M. Bsnson; .J. B. J innings, L. P. Steaxaaa, E. T. Ivy, Tt, o. Jos-?- iL. C. Qarrati. 3 U. Cnrtia,